Byte Jan 1976
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Introducing . ..the world's lowest cost computer system TM JOLT@) is the new, fully-tested microcomputer with the exclusive on-board DEMON@) debug monitor. You can build it, plug it in and talk to it in three h.ours or less .. for a price of just $249! The basic JOLT@) card includes an 8-bit MOS Technology Model 6502 CPU, which requires no clock, can directly address 65k of memory, has two index registers , 58 instructions with 11 addressing modes , two interrupts and includes both single step and address halt capability. And that's only a part of it. JOL T' s@l CPU card is avail able I MMEDIATEL Y* in either kit form or as sembled ($249 fo r the kit in single quantity and $348 assembled). Either way, the JOLT @l CPU is completely teste d prior to delivery . It comes complete with a termi nal in terface (TTY or EIA) and a unique software DEbugger/MONitor called DEMON@l, for which fu ll documentation is provided. It is ve ry easy to program, and All kits are de livered with a complete instruction manual and packaged for easy visual identifica any JOLT @l delivery inc lu des an easy-to tion of parts to aid you in assembly. fo llow assembly instruction manual, show to any termin al speed from 10-30 CPS. And the quantity of one price is what you in g you exactl y how to pu t everything With it, you can display and alter you r CPU mi g ht expect to pay in quanti ties of together . .. correctly. Complete assem register and memory locations, plus you 100 ... ve ry inexpensive I bly should take you no more th an Ihree can read , write and punch Hex formatted There 's also a JOLT@) I/O card for you, hours if you choose the CPU in kit form. data ... wi th Write/Punch BNPF format Besides the JOLT @l CPU - th e 6502 from data for PROM programmers. It has un li our Peripheral Interface Adapter. You MOS Technology - the basic JOL T@l mited breakpoinl capability along with can't beat the price - single kit 96 card has a fully static memory accom separale non-maskable interrupt entry bucks - or the function. modating 512 bytes of the user RAM . The and id entif ication. External device inter JOLT @l CPU memory also has 64 bytes of rupts can be directed to any location you inlerru p t ve ctor RAM. ROM Program choose, or tlley can be defaulted to memory on the basic card consists of 1k DEMON@l recognition. DEMON@l also bytes of monitor/debugger with an au gives you (1) a completely protected ROM tomatic Po w er-On bootstr ap program resident debug/monitor; (2) the capability - so you can start ta lking to JOLT @l and it to begin execution at any location in mem to you as soon as you plu g it in to your ory; (3) th e capability to bypass DEMON@l terminal. On-board Input/Output devices entirely to permit full control by you over on the JOLT @l CPU ca rd inc lude TTY 20 your system; (4) a high-speed 8-bit parallel mi lliamp current loop and an EI A inter input option ; and (5) it includes user call a Pictured above is the assembled JOL T'fB! CPU face, both fu ll duplex. The card has hig h ble DEMON@l I/O subroutines. MOST IM card with DEMON@!. just plug it in and you 're ready to go. speed reade r interface lines and 16 fully PORTANT, DEMON@l IS INCLUDED AS programmable user I/O lin es with full TTL STANDARD WITH ANY JOLT@l CPU KIT Tile JOLT@l PIA (Periphe ral Interface drive. OR ASSEMBLED BOARD! Adapter) I/O card includes two PI A LSI Nobody, but nobody, except MAl can chips, 32 in put/output lines, two interrupt Obvious ly, the JOLT@) basiC card is a lines , on-board decoding and standard offer you an on-board debugger/monitor computer in and of itself. But you can add TTL drive. It is also fu lly programmable like DEMON @) . It's fully documented, significantly to its capacity and versatil and available IM MED IATE LY' in either kit too . ity by adding 4k RAM JOLT@) memories or assembled form ... at a very attractive The exclusive DEMON@l Debug Moni tor - in one card or a whole bunch. A RAM single un it price ($ 140 assembled). really makes JOLT @l one of the most out card kit is only $265 (S 320 assembled). Considering the function and capacity of standing computer sys tems offered at any the JOLT@) Power Supply Card, you time, at any price. Even without DEMON@l Now. 4096 Bit RAM 4K BYTE and its superior software featu res, JOLT @l Th e JOLT @l memory card is a fu lly static probably th ink the quantity of one price is the lowest cost computer system in ex is 4,096-bit Random Access Memory (RAM) - $145 - is a misprint. It isn't. tence. And DEMON@l is a bonus you'll with 1 microsecond access time and on The JOLT @l fam il y also in c ludes a power have to use to believe. First, it se lf-adapts board decoding. It is also available now.' supply card, which operates at any of three vo ltages - +5, + 12 and - 10. The Th e JOLT @J Universal card is completely •••••••••••••••••••••• •• • power supply supports the basic JOLT@J nude. It' s a bl ank you can use any way • CPU card, plus 4,096 bytes of RAM and you wish, for control panels, T.V. inter • 1/0. The only two words for the price are faces, keyboards, LEO 's, or any other in • THE JOLT PLAIN ENGLISH WARRANTY " di rt cheap. " It is available for delivery • terface logic, because the card's holes • All componenls in the JOLT@> family are immediately with a single unit kit price of • are drill ed to accept 14, 16,24, or 40 pin • new and ful ly tested prior to shipmen t. Kit $145 ($190 assembled). sockets and has the same form factor as • components are fully warranted during the the other JOL T@J cards. Th e single unit • first 60 days of owne rsh ip . Assembled price is just $25. • parts are fully warranted during the fi rst 6 • months of ownership. If you r properly as If you think you need extra cables, wires • sembled kit does not work. just ship you r • order back to Microcomputer Associates and the like, choose a Super Value • Inc . and we'll rep air. replace . or refund JOLT@) Accessory Bag. A $55 Value for • you r money. • just $40 . • • • • Th e JOLT @J Accessory Bag in cludes 25 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• separate parts , enough hardware to con nect one JOL T@J card to another. Order an 20% BONUS The assembled power supply card shown above powers the JOLT@! CPU, I/O, and RAM Accessory Bag for each additi onal JOL T@J NOW! Special ONE TIME BONUS DISCOUNT. Memory cards. card. Th e Bag contains such necessary Order one CPU before November 10,1975 and You can also choose a blank JOLT@) uni items as flat cable, connectors , cord deduct 20% off of all additional cards and ac spacers, hardware, wire , etc. cessories. (Note: Discount does not apply to versal card. Or several. CPU cards, assembled or unassembled.) We told you JOLT@) was the world's lowest priced computer system. These prices prove it. JOLT KITS JOll'@' ASSEMBLED PRICES (All PAYMENTS MUST BE IN U.S . DOllARS) (All PAYMENTS MUST BE IN U.S. DOllARS) QUANTITY PRICING QUANTITY PRICING 1-4 5-19 20-49 50-99 100 u~ 1-4 5-19 20-49 50-99 100 uQ JOLT@> CPU $249 $235 $230 $225 $215 JOLT@> CPU $348 $325 $320 $3 15 $305 JOLT@> RAM 265 255 250 245 235 JOLT@> RAM 320 305 300 295 280 JOLT@> I/O 96 90 88 82 75 JOLT@> 110 140 125 120 11 5 105 JOLT@> POWER JOLT@> POWER SU PPLY 145 135 130 128 115 SUPPLY 190 175 170 165 150 JOLT@> UNIVER SAL CARD 25 20 18 16 14 THE NEW JOll'@' FROM MAilS AVAilABLE ONLY ON A DIRECT BASIS. JOLT@> ACC ES SORY USE THIS COUPON TODAY TO ORDER FROM __ BAG 40 36 34 32 30 All JOLT@> KITS ARE DELIVERED COMPLETE WITH A DETAilED ~;\'~~fom,!;~'6',~:,:~~c:.'~ loe. AND ILLUSTRATED ASSEMBLY MANUAL &\ Los Altos, Calif. 94022 I ( Phon e (415) 941-1977 \ r ' Order will be shipped within 15 days. ©1975 Pehaco Corporation , This coupon wi" bring you a JOLT@) ! Complete and return it. I Here is my check, money order or credit card payment for the NOW! Special ONE TIME BONUS DISCOUNT. I following JOll'@' products. If a U.S. or Canadian order, please add 200/0 Order one CPU before November 10, 1975 and 20% $4.86 for shipping, handling and insurance. (Orders to all other BONUS deduct 20% off of all additional cards and ac- BONUS I countries are priced F.O.B. los Alios and will be shipped FREIGHT cessories. (Note: Discount does not apply to COllECT.) CPU cards, assembled or unassembled.) I Send me immediately: PLEASE CHARGE THE TOTA L TO MY CREDIT CARD QUANTITY PRODUCT PRICE BANKAMERICARD # --- --- ------- - I JOLT@> CP U KIT $ _ _ _ _ MASTER CHARGE # JOLT@>RAM MEMORY KIT (include 4-digit #) JOLT@> I/O KIT My cred it card exp ires on JOLT@> POWE R SU PPLY KIT SIGNATURE I JOLT@> UNIVERSAL CARD Al l credit ca rd orders must be signed l ) ___ JOLT@> ACC ESSORY BAG I UNDERSTAND THAT ALL U.S .