Arxiv:2006.03086V2 [Quant-Ph] 12 Nov 2020

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Arxiv:2006.03086V2 [Quant-Ph] 12 Nov 2020 Augmented fidelities for single qubit gates Filip Wudarski,1, 2, ∗ Jeffrey Marshall,1, 2, y Andre Petukhov,1, 3 and Eleanor Rieffel1 1QuAIL, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035, USA 2USRA Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, Mountain View, California 94043, USA 3Google Inc., Santa Barbara, California 93117, USAz An average gate fidelity is a standard performance metric to quantify deviation between an ideal unitary gate transformation and its realistic experimental implementation. The average is taken with respect to states uniformly distributed over the full Hilbert space. We analytically (single-qubit) and numerically (two-qubit) show how this average changes if the uniform distribution condition is relaxed, replaced by parametrized distributions – polar cap and von Mises-Fisher distributions – and how the resulting fidelities can differentiate certain noise models. In particular, we demonstrate that Pauli channels with different noise rates along the three axes can be faithfully distinguished using these augmented fidelities. I. INTRODUCTION less, they are all valuable benchmarking tools that allow researchers to capture and quantify some of the most rel- Impressive progress in quantum technologies has taken evant aspects of the behavior of quantum devices and quantum computing from a theoretical framework to an their building blocks - qubits and gates. experimental playground, where basic proof-of-principle Special attention should be given to the average fidelity concepts can be tested and verified. The most promi- - currently the figure of merit of performance metric. It nent recent example of the latter is the demonstration describes an error between an ideal and experimental re- of quantum advantage [1]: that even the imperfect cur- alization of a gate, and is averaged over all possible states rently available quantum hardware can perform tasks in- uniformly distributed in the Hilbert space (according to tractable for the most powerful supercomputers. Further the Haar measure). Unlike the diamond norm and the advances toward more capable and robust quantum hard- min fidelity, the average gate fidelity can be efficiently ware depend on gaining a better understanding of un- estimated through protocols like randomized benchmark- derlying physical effects, including the characterization ing (RB) [9–12], cross-entropy benchmark [1, 13] or di- of noise in actual quantum hardware. rect fidelity estimation [14–16]. However, being only a In theory, quantum process tomography (QPT) [2] can single parameter the metric cannot distinguish various be used to exhaustively benchmark a quantum device, noise models; it reports only a single element of the pro- identifying all of its imperfections. QPT reconstructs cess matrix, the χ element, which is associated with n n 00 the full process matrix χ (of size 2 × 2 , where n is the depolarizing rate. That is, it effectively identifies all the number of qubits), a matrix that encodes complete channels as depolarizing channels. information about underlying quantum transformation (including unwanted effects caused by noise). Unfortu- In this article, we propose to relax the uniform distri- nately, QPT scales exponentially with system size, be- bution condition and introduce augmented fidelity met- coming impractical for systems larger than a few qubits rics via parametrized distributions. In particular, we an- [3]. Intuitively it seems plausible that well-controlled sys- alytically investigate what information about noise pro- tems will have only few dominating error sources - i.e. the cesses can be extracted from average fidelity with respect χ matrix will be sparse up to some accuracy. Therefore, to a von Mises-Fisher distribution (a normal distribu- lower parameter approximations and associated metrics tion in directional statistics) and a polar cap distribu- and protocols that could assess the performance of quan- tion, i.e. a uniform distribution over a subset of states tum devices, and identify the crucial elements of χ, are parametrized by polar angle (colatitude). This approach arXiv:2006.03086v2 [quant-ph] 12 Nov 2020 promising approaches to noise characterization and quan- augments standard uniform-average fidelity by adding tum hardware benchmarking. Currently, the most com- extra tunable parameters to the metric, that depend on mon figures of merit considered are: diamond norm [4], distribution properties. This work provides a partial so- minimum fidelity [5] or average fidelity [6–8]. All three lution to the problem posed by Nielsen in [7] regarding techniques yield a single value that characterizes devia- gate fidelities over non-uniform distributions. Addition- tions from the ideal transformation. A parameter count ally, we derive the maximal spread in fidelity the value shows that all three methods provide only limited infor- (the difference between minimum and maximum attain- mation about the process matrix for a device. Neverthe- able values) and provide error bars (based on the stan- dard deviation derived from the considered distributions) for processes that share the same depolarizing rate. In particular, we show how to identify noise biases [17, 18] ∗ fi[email protected] in Pauli channels. Our analysis focuses mainly on sin- y jeff[email protected] gle qubit gates, where analytical formulas are derived, z Permanent address but we also open the discussion for similar approaches 2 for multi-qubit gates, in particular we numerically show A. Polar Cap Distribution local distribution for two-qubit gates and how they differ from the uniform-average fidelity. First let us define a single state gate fidelity as y Fj ih j(U; EU ) = Tr Uj ih jU EU (j ih j) ; (4) II. AVERAGE GATE FIDELITY where U is the investigated gate, EU its CPTP (imper- Consider the fidelity between a state transformed ac- fect) realization and j i is a state upon which the gate cording to a given unitary (gate) transformation (ideal acts. Since measuring and computing Eq. (4) for all pos- action) U and the same state transformed with noisy re- sible states is infeasible, one usually reports the average alization of U, which is a completely positive and trace fidelity value, which is taken over j i distributed uni- preserving (CPTP) map EU . The average fidelity of the formly in the entire Hilbert space. noisy realization is the average of this fidelity over all Following derivation from [6] we define the restricted initial (pure) states distributed uniformly in the entire ¯ ¯ Hilbert space. Bowdrey et al. [6] introduced a simple for- average gate fidelity FΘ(U; EU ) ≡ FΘ as mula for calculating average gate fidelity for single qubit Z ¯ gate, which was later generalized to multi-qubit gates and FΘ = Fj ih j(U; EU )dΩ = connected with entanglement fidelity [7,8]. The average gate fidelity (from now on referred as “uniform-average Z Θ Z 2π 3 1 X σj fidelity”) for n-qubit gates is therefore given by = Tr U c (θ; φ) U y × S(Θ) j 2 θ=0 φ=0 j=0 P22n−1 y y 2n Tr UV U EU (Vk) + 2 3 ¯ ¯ y k=0 k X σk F (U; EU ) = F (U ◦ EU ) = ; × E c (θ; φ) sin θdφdθ; (5) 22n(2n + 1) U k 2 (1) k=0 where Vk are traceless unitary matrices forming an or- where S(Θ) := 2π(1 − cos Θ) is the solid angle for thonormal basis with respect to Hilbert-Schmidt inner normalization of the distribution, and cj(θ; φ) are pure y n product (Tr(VkVj ) = 2 δkj, Tr(Vk) = 0 for k = state’s Bloch vector coefficients: c0(θ; φ) = 1; c1(θ; φ) = 2n 1;:::; 2 − 1 and V0 = 1). By writing the composed sin θ cos φ, c2(θ; φ) = sin θ sin φ and c3(θ; φ) = cos θ. map These correspond respectively to the identity matrix σ0, and the three x; y; z Pauli matrices σ1;2;3. Note that 22n−1 Eq. (4) assumes coordinate system where θ = 0 corre- y X y E(ρ) ≡ U ◦ EU (ρ) = χklVkρVl ; (2) sponds to j0i state, and the polar cap distribution is cen- k;l=0 tered around it. However, transformation to an arbitrary ~ central state is straightforward via rotation j i = UR j i. where the χ matrix is called the process matrix for E, it Now performing the integration leaves us with can be demonstrated that the average fidelity only de- 2 Θ 2 pends on the χ00 element corresponding to a “depolariz- 1 (2 + cos Θ) sin X F¯ = + 2 Tr Uσ U yE σ + ing” rate, a unitary invariant element, i.e. Θ 2 12 k U k k=1 2nχ + 1 1 + cos Θ + cos2 Θ F¯(U y ◦ E ) = 00 : (3) + Tr Uσ U yE σ + U 2n + 1 12 3 U 3 1 + cos Θ + Tr Uσ U yE σ : (6) The above formula demonstrates inability to distinguish 8 3 U 0 different noise processes that differ in other χ parameters, and this limitation stems from the averaging procedure It is transparent that for Θ = π one recovers result and properties of the Haar measure. In order to have a Eq. (1) for uniform distribution over the entire Hilbert more sensitive metric, we propose to use several differ- space. Expressing the composed gate-noisy-gate map y ent initial state distributions. In addition to averaging E = U ◦ EU in the form Eq. (2), one can show that over all pure states distributed uniformly, we explore two 2 models: i) uniform distribution parametrized by a po- 1 X Tr σkE σk = χ0;0 − χ3;3; (7) lar angle Θ 2 [0; π], which we call polar cap distribution 4 k=1 (e.g. for Θ = π=2 we have a distribution over the north- 1 ern hemisphere, while for Θ = π we recover the entire Tr σ Eσ = χ − χ − χ + χ ; (8) 2 3 3 0;0 1;1 2;2 3;3 space distribution), and ii) von Mises-Fisher distribution 1 around a state j i (without loss of generality we can fix Tr σ3E σ0 = Re(χ0;3); (9) it to j0i) parametrized by “variance” parameter κ.
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