Package ‘Directional’ May 26, 2021 Type Package Title A Collection of R Functions for Directional Data Analysis Version 5.0 URL Date 2021-05-26 Author Michail Tsagris, Giorgos Athineou, Anamul Sajib, Eli Amson, Micah J. Waldstein Maintainer Michail Tsagris <
[email protected]> Description A collection of functions for directional data (including massive data, with millions of ob- servations) analysis. Hypothesis testing, discriminant and regression analysis, MLE of distribu- tions and more are included. The standard textbook for such data is the ``Directional Statis- tics'' by Mardia, K. V. and Jupp, P. E. (2000). Other references include a) Phillip J. Paine, Si- mon P. Preston Michail Tsagris and Andrew T. A. Wood (2018). An elliptically symmetric angu- lar Gaussian distribution. Statistics and Computing 28(3): 689-697. <doi:10.1007/s11222-017- 9756-4>. b) Tsagris M. and Alenazi A. (2019). Comparison of discriminant analysis meth- ods on the sphere. Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applica- tions 5(4):467--491. <doi:10.1080/23737484.2019.1684854>. c) P. J. Paine, S. P. Pre- ston, M. Tsagris and Andrew T. A. Wood (2020). Spherical regression models with general co- variates and anisotropic errors. Statistics and Computing 30(1): 153--165. <doi:10.1007/s11222- 019-09872-2>. License GPL-2 Imports bigstatsr, parallel, doParallel, foreach, RANN, Rfast, Rfast2, rgl RoxygenNote 6.1.1 NeedsCompilation no Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-05-26 15:20:02 UTC R topics documented: Directional-package . .4 A test for testing the equality of the concentration parameters for ciruclar data . .5 1 2 R topics documented: Angular central Gaussian random values simulation .