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BARE FATHURSDAY_26t CTSh MAR^H BF WISH VOU A MEHHV EASTER WITH THE PRESIDENT EDUCATinS ATO TRATBTWr, Thls was one of the aost in^xjrtaat pollcy stateoents of the conference concentrating on the INCLUDING need for BUS to canpaign for nlnlioun standards of training to be avallable for ali students froa YTS up to Phds. In addltlon to thls the need for CONFERENCE REPORT adequate flnanclal support (not loans) was stressed as one of the nost laportant factors In PART 2 guarenteelng access to educatlon and trlanlng. The proposai by the governaent to set up City Colleges of Technology (C.T.C.s) for 16-19 year Its good to be back at (realatlvely) sunny Surrey olds educatlon was condemned as an attack on the after suf f ering the eleaients up In the arctlc princlple of comprehensive educatlon and a nove wasteland of Blackpool. l'n cirtainly glad its the away from the denocratic control of eduactlon by end of term, it should give ae a chance to get Locai Authorltles towards control by Industriai som of the vrork done that was held up by my jaunt enterprlses. up north. Anyway down to bulsness with the second halfof the conference report.. • • •n the acre general Issues affecting hlgher educatlon, support was glven to proposals whlch CHILOCARE guarenteed access for sature students (agaln with The debate on provlslon of childcare passed Mlthout too nuch controversy. Hotions stressing the need for colieges to provide childcare CONTENTS facilitles and condennlng the UGC for not allowing PAGE its funds to be used for thls purpose were ali Letters 6 The president 1.2,3, passed without nuch oppositlon and of course with Recipe corner T AecoBBodatiooi 5 our support. T.V. Guide 10 Ents 7 Crew bit 9 Personals 9 PRINTED BY UNIVERSHT OF SURREY STUDENTS* UNION íor the future is that the total domination of CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 party political organisations at HUS conference is adequate funding as a priority and coadenning the moving it continually away from the issues that proposai to base access to tlie oature students' effect ordinary students. lUS confernce is the eleaent dépendent on prevlous earnings) as was biggest meeting of its type in the ÜK and the only policy recognlslng the rights and probìeos oí one of anywhere near i ts si ze to aeet twice a students on sandwich courses (like usi). year. Vith Conference costing Í1/4 million a year it is a drain on the national union that is alnost literaîly straining its resources to the piont where it is almost ail talk! To this end HUS needs urgent reform of its structures and I would The main issue at stake in the debate on racism recommend that future délégations fron Surrey give was that of 'no olatform' for declared racist and this a high priority in the list of things that we fascist speakers and organisations. This policy is spend ail this money to discuss. in direct contravention of the provisions in the Education act vriiich places on the Oniversity authorities the responsibility of upholding How down to the nore normal stuff freedoD of speach on cantuses. This policy of was upheld by confernence and the Î0S and college SEiAIl authorities look set for a collision course when the bill becoaes law in Septesber- Senate met on Tuesday and like everything else this term was dominated by the Issues connected A further contoversial proposai (which we voted with the Universities planning excercise. against> was the cal 1 for the aboi ition of all imigration controls on the grounds that they are The latest problem to be fed into the process is inherently racist in nature. Despite our the pay award recently granted to university opposition this was passed. In ny opinion this academic staff. Of this awrd 30% will receive no will be a policy which will cause FUS a great deal support frou the UOC. this will further compound of eabarrasaent. the university's financial position and has led to real worries that Surrey will be virtually In addition to this, conférence also passed policy bankrupt by 1990. In the neantizoe the University's in support of autonosous black organisation <a la reserves and investments will be used up sinply Labour Party Black Sections) and expressed support because of insufficient funding to finance its for organisations such as Anti Fascist Action and normal activity. Vithin this senario there is also the Joint Council for the Velfare of Iimigrants. the possibility that we will not be able to conform to our plan even for as long as this EWCTGEgCY DEBATES initial forcast. For this reason the University, in an attempt to remain 'flexible' in the light of this situation has proposed that ail new staff The conférence also had time to discuss a nunber posts be filled on the basis that they are subject of pressing issues concerning its sembers. to 3 months notice dépendent on the health of the University's finances. After the meeting of the It was decided to give support to Susses in their Senate this period looks as though it will be fight to stave off the threat of the University increased to twelve months, but even so it ie authorities taking over their Students' Union, still a worrying sign. rewriting its constitution and reœoving its ability to become involved in politicai activity. There was also a proposai to get HUS to support Senate also discussed a paper on disclosure of ail independent acts of direct action taken by examinât i on marks prometed by the Freedom of students. In the words of Vicky Phillips <yus Information Act. It was decided that first and President) 'this would be the green light for second year students should have access to their total anarchy on cantuses! ' It was argued that exam marks but that finals should remain a dark such action should only be supported if approved secret. by union's deaocratic bodies and this radical proposai was defeated. In addition, and after discussion at the faculty boards, the Senate approvad a paper froa the Throughout the conférence menbers of the Pro-Life Students' Union outlining the case againet loans. Anti Abortion organisation used the platfora given This document was put forward as part of a to them by standing in the HUS Executive élections national caapaign prompted by the CVCP's décision to critisise lUS's stand on abortion (based in a to support a aixed loans/grant scheoe. Ve are are woaan's right to choose) and to nake a case for glad to have done our bit to help reverse this the repeal of the 1967 Abortion Act, These décision end help avoid the dissaster that loans speakers got a very hostile reception by the would mean for the future of higher éducation in conférence, with nost delegates turning their this country. backs on these speakers. At the end of the conférence an Eoergency motion was tabled reasserting lUSs pro-abortion policy, expressing support for the can^ign to nake abortion legal in Because of a recent change in the licencing laws froB May Ist the Students' Union bars will be the Irish Sepublic and also support ing the décision to allow an Oxford student to have an opeing until llpa on weekdays ail year round. l'm abortion despite the wishes of her ex-boyfriend. sure you can all cope with the inconvenience!•! These motions were ail passed by the conférence although the Surrey délégation was divided in its opinions on the motion. These must be ratifíed at a double quorate GH which will now have to take place next term. At Finally the HUS lent its support to the cause of this meeting you have to ratify the results of the the teachers' unions in their struggle to retain ballot élections and decide whether or not you their rights to negotiate over their pay want to elect the only candidates standing for (unilaterally removed by the government) and in Sports Sabbatical, Internai and Bxternal Affairs. their fight to resist an imposed pay deal. Because of the Returning Of licer's exams this will All in all the conférence was one of the better ones I have attended, for the first time in ny 7 hl. «t a special GX nn Thursday of Veek 2 next term trips to conference ali the buisness tabled was and not in week one as I announced at the CH discussed -a minor miracle on its own. Hy worry please turn up and vote on these essentiel posts. conférences then these will have to be paid for by the revenue generated by thls activlty. At the Club Caœnittee thls Vednesday I Kill bave Hopefully thlngs will now nove quickly enough for tabied the document outllning the strategy for the these new residences to be available for the start union's trading and entertalnaent services Into of the 198Ô session. Dníortunately though thls is the 1990s and a complete restructurlng of the bound to lead to more noisy building- work in the union' s management. Thls docustent Is proposlng Stag Hill Area. Wide ranging changes that will completely revise the appearance and runnlng of the Union. If you RUGBY Cl^yg would llke a copy please come and see se and watch out for détails of further discussions on thls document. As will know If you have read the letters in Bare Facts this week, or indeed if you were around on campus on Saturday night there were .several Snr.TFTTSS RfìOM disturbances caused on campus this weekend by people associated wlth the Itugby club dlnner.