Haisai OAA News 北米沖縄県人会四季報 March 2013 ● No
Haisai OAA News 北米沖縄県人会四季報 March 2013 ● No. 78 2013年3月 ● No. 78 In This Issue: OAA New Years Party President’s Corner 2 by Joseph Kamiya Martial Arts Committee 3 The Okinawa Association of America hiro. Edward and Joan were both selected celebrated the New Year with our annual for their contributions as 2012 OAA Board Natsukashi no Kohakuˉ Uta 3 Shinnen Enkai (New Year’s Party) at the Members, their volunteerism at all of our Gassen beautiful Quiet Cannon Banquet Room in events, and their dedication to our Com- The Legend of Hagoromo 3 Montebello. Nearly 670 OAA members, puter Class (Joan is the chairperson and relatives, and friends gathered to enjoy Edward acts as the technical advisor). 語やびらウチナーグチ 4 a delicious lunch and welcome our new They received Certificates of Recognition 国吉信義さんを選出 4 board members, officers, chairpersons, by Gardena Councilman Ronald K. Ikejiri and president. As always, talented per- and special volunteer awards were given 次期北米沖縄県人会会長 formers from the Geino-bu (Performing to Haruo Ishihara, Joseph Yoshimasu 国吉体制がスタート 北米沖縄県 5 Arts Committee), Martial Arts Committee Kamiya, and Richiko Nakashima. (MAC), and independent groups provided Steve Awakuni, the OAA’s Legal Advi- 人会新役員就任式 a rich showcase of Okinawan, Japanese, sor, led the official installation of our 2013 忘年会・カラオケ ナイトで会員 6 and Hawai’ian cultural arts. To add icing on board members, officers, chairpersons, の親睦と融和を図る the cake, we had a number of raffle prizes and president (see pages 2~3). 15 board to give away including the coveted round- members and 23 officers and chairper- Bunka-bu Lecture 7 trip tickets to Tokyo (each donated by IACE sons were introduced and welcomed, fol- Travel and Uyehara Travel) and an Apple lowed by an acceptance speech by our iPad Mini (donated by Kamiya Insurance 2013 President Shingi Kuniyoshi, who Agency).
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