60 Westminster Rd Oromia Malvern, WR14 4ES, UK upport +44 (0)1684 573722 S
[email protected] Group website: oromiasupport.org REPORT 57 1 September 2021 If you want to completely get rid of the fish, you need to dry up the ocean. Fekadu Tessema, Prosperity Party, Oromia branch. Oromia Regional Parliament meeting, Adama, 27 February 2021. This catchphrase of dictators and perpetrators of abuse was used by the Oromia Prosperity Party head to justify ongoing, systematic elimination of Qeerroo, OLA and OLF supporters - to ‘overcome resistance in East and West Wallega, Guji and Borana zones of Oromia’.1 Human rights defenders throughout Oromia, using Qeerroo connections and reporting through the Gadado network, listed over 500 killings between 30 June 2020 and 11 May 2021. Many were previously unrecorded by OSG. The authors report that local kebele and woreda level government officials, working with government soldiers and militias, are ‘assigned to kill innocent Oromo people’. Photographs with the report show bound captives, believed to be relatives of Amanuel Wondimu taken nine days after his public execution on 11 May (OSG Report 56, p.19) and soldiers beating and intimidating young Oromo. Including this report, OSG has recorded 2393 extra-judicial killings of civilians by forces loyal to the Ethiopian government, since October 2018 (excluding Tigray and Afar Regions). 1612 were Oromo and 924 of them were killed in West Oromia. Killings in this report were particularly prevalent September to December 2020. When Federal forces, Eritrean soldiers and Amhara Region militia became more engaged in Tigray, the rate of killings in Oromia dropped.