WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 Release 0.1.0

Josef Novotny

Aug 23, 2017


1 WS2812 driver 3 1.1 Overview...... 3 1.2 Prerequisites...... 3 1.3 Python Dependencies...... 4 1.4 Demo trail...... 4 1.5 Scale thermometer...... 5 1.6 Credits...... 5

2 Installation 7 2.1 Stable release...... 7 2.2 From sources...... 7

3 Usage 9

4 Contributing 11 4.1 Types of Contributions...... 11 4.2 Get Started!...... 12 4.3 Pull Request Guidelines...... 13 4.4 Tips...... 13

5 Credits 15 5.1 Development Lead...... 15 5.2 Contributors...... 15

6 History 17 6.1 0.1.0 (2017-08-17)...... 17

7 Indices and tables 19

i ii WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0


Contents 1 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

2 Contents CHAPTER 1

WS2812 driver

Python driver for controlling WS2812(B) or any comparable RGB adressable LED strip over I2S bus. For all platforms (NanoPi, RPi, etc.) make sure your system is able to compile Python extensions. On your OS (, Raspbian, , etc.) ensure your system is ready by executing: sudo -get update sudo apt-get install gcc python3-dev libasound2-dev

• Free software: BSD license • Documentation:


This repository includes a python code needed to build an LED strip scale thermometer: This code for visualization includes functions: • scale thermometer • demo trail


This project is based on I2S bus, so use DOUT pin of I2S bus on your device. Before you run code, you should make sure that you work with: • Linux embedded platform (recommended Armbian 5.30 stable Ubuntu 16.04.2) • ws2812b addressable led strip (of any size) • 5V power supply (recommended)

3 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

Python Dependencies

Compatible with Python 3.5 (including pyalsaaudio package). • Tested on -based Armbian (Armbian 5.30 stable Ubuntu 16.04.2). • Linux kernel version at least 3.4.113

Installing dependencies

You will need to set up a I2S device with following commands: cd /boot sudo bin2fex script.bin script.fex sudo nano script.fex

In next step change following attributes in script:

[twi1] twi_used=0

[pcm0] daudio_used=1 sample_resolution= 16 slot_width_select= 16 pcm_lrck_period= 16 slot_width= 16

Save your changes and convert file again: sudo fex2bin script.fex script.bin

Reboot your device. After reboot try command: aplay -l

It looks like:

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card0: audiocodec[audiocodec], device0: SUNXI-CODEC sndcodec-0[] Subdevices:1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card1: snddaudio[snddaudio], device0: SUNXI-TDM0 snddaudio-0[] Subdevices:1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card2: sndhdmi[sndhdmi], device0: SUNXI-HDMIAUDIO sndhdmi-0[] Subdevices:1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

“card 1” is the one we want.

Demo trail

• Function show_animation will display fast moving trail.

4 Chapter 1. WS2812 driver WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

Scale thermometer

• Function meas_temperature sets up led string as a thermometer or scale display. • As arguments you have to define number of leds, minimum, maximum and actual temperature. def meas_temperature(num_leds, min_temp, max_temp, temp, bright=100, heatmap=None,


• Optional arguments are brigtness, your own-defined heatmap and reverse mode heatmap=[(0, 100,(0,0, 256)), (400, 500,(0, 256,0)), (900, 1000,(256,0,0))]

• You can define heatmap with fixed limits for each color e.g. (0, 150, (10, 256, 20). Coulours among are set transiently.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

1.5. Scale thermometer 5 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

6 Chapter 1. WS2812 driver CHAPTER 2


Stable release

To install WS2812_driver, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install ws2812_driver

This is the preferred method to install WS2812_driver, as it will always install the most recent stable release. If you don’t have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

From sources

The sources for WS2812_driver can be downloaded from the Github repo. You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

$ curl -OL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ python install

7 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

8 Chapter 2. Installation CHAPTER 3


To use WS2812_driver in a project: import ws2812_driver

9 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

10 Chapter 3. Usage CHAPTER 4


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given. You can contribute in many ways:

Types of Contributions

Report Bugs

Report bugs at If you are reporting a bug, please include: • Your operating system name and version. • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting. • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Fix Bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with “bug” and “help wanted” is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with “enhancement” and “help wanted” is open to whoever wants to implement it.

11 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

Write Documentation

WS2812_driver could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official WS2812_driver docs, in doc- strings, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, and such.

Submit Feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at If you are proposing a feature: • Explain in detail how it would work. • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement. • Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome :)

Get Started!

Ready to contribute? Here’s how to set up ws2812_driver for local development. 1. Fork the ws2812_driver repo on GitHub. 2. Clone your fork locally:

$ git clone [email protected]:your_name_here/ws2812_driver.git

3. Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development:

$ mkvirtualenv ws2812_driver $ cd ws2812_driver/ $ python develop

4. Create a branch for local development:

$ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Now you can make your changes locally. 5. When you’re done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the tests, including testing other Python versions with tox:

$ flake8 ws2812_driver tests $ python test or py.test $ tox

To get flake8 and tox, just pip install them into your virtualenv. 6. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

$ git add . $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes." $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

7. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.

12 Chapter 4. Contributing WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

Pull Request Guidelines

Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines: 1. The pull request should include tests. 2. If the pull request adds functionality, the docs should be updated. Put your new functionality into a function with a docstring, and add the feature to the list in README.rst. 3. The pull request should work for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, and for PyPy. Check phephik/ws2812_driver/pull_requests and make sure that the tests pass for all supported Python versions.


To run a subset of tests:

$ python -m unittest tests.test_ws2812_driver

4.3. Pull Request Guidelines 13 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

14 Chapter 4. Contributing CHAPTER 5


Development Lead

• Josef Novotny


None yet. Why not be the first?

15 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

16 Chapter 5. Credits CHAPTER 6


0.1.0 (2017-08-17)

• First release on PyPI.

17 WS2812푑푟푖푣푒푟퐷표푐푢푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛, 푅푒푙푒푎푠푒0.1.0

18 Chapter 6. History CHAPTER 7

Indices and tables

• genindex • modindex • search