Syllabus Tosefta Kodashim and Tohorot - 7140 Last update 30-08-2017 HU Credits: 2 Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor) Responsible Department: talmud & halacha Academic year: 0 Semester: 1st Semester Teaching Languages: Hebrew Campus: Mt. Scopus Course/Module Coordinator: Yoav Rosenthal Coordinator Email:
[email protected] Coordinator Office Hours: Wednesday 12:00-13:00, By appointment Teaching Staff: Dr. Yoav Rosenthal page 1 / 3 Course/Module description: We will examine a variety of data and phenomena that are characteristic of Tosefta Kodashim and Tohorot. We wll discuss their significance to the understanding of the Tosefta, its history and its relationship to the Mishna and other Talmudic texts. Course/Module aims: Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: Examine the question of the absence of some Mishnaic tractates from the Tosefta. Examine the textual version of the Tosefta in the orders of Kodashim and Tohorot, regarding which there is a minimum of textual testimonia. Examine the relationship between the Tosefta and the Mishna in the orders of Kodashim and Tohorot. Examine the relationship between Tosefta Kodashim and Tohorot and other Talmudic texts. Attendance requirements(%): 90 Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Course/Module Content: The absence of tractates Tamid, Midot and Kinim from the Tosefta. The textual traditions of the Tosefta in Kodashim and Tohorot. The relationship between the Mishna and Tosefta in Kodashim and Tohorot. The relationship between Tosefta Kodashim and Tohorot to other Talmudic texts. Required Reading: Will be assigned during the course. Additional Reading Material: Course/Module evaluation: page 2 / 3 End of year written/oral examination 0 % Presentation 0 % Participation in Tutorials 15 % Project work 85 % Assignments 0 % Reports 0 % Research project 0 % Quizzes 0 % Other 0 % Additional information: page 3 / 3 Powered by TCPDF (