The Chester Standard 1857
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Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The heC ster Standard 1857 The heC ster Standard 11-12-1857 The hesC ter Standard - November 12, 1857 J. Belton Mickle George Pither Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Mickle, J. Belton and Pither, George, "The heC ster Standard - November 12, 1857" (1857). The Chester Standard 1857. 46. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster Standard at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The heC ster Standard 1857 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,Dennteb to (general nnti Inral Sntelligeiire, unit-to tlje political, ilgrirultnral anil iBiuralinual Merefits af tjr> £tnfe. VOLUME VIII. CHESTER; S. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1857. NUMBER 46. which she is thus indirectly callcd upon to PROPHECY FULFILLED. | roust not\, produce on those buman beings PARIS AND NEW YOIIK. nia for dress did not atop, the morality of wo- We agree with tho S?u/Ain the follow- answer, is perfectly incalculable. A man Manner* and Matrimony at Hornf and men will get very low indeed, or tho experi- ing: ( <S)npaI aub Selcridr. One of the roost remarkable instant*. of|^.® j will endure almost any decree of embarrass- Aftroad. * cncc of ages will go for nought. The poor of ••Confiding in the integrity of Mr. Bu- : prophecy fulDilcd, says the Wilmington Ucr> ! "lent before ho will consent that his wife Paris wero she said, the happiest of poor. chanan —satisScd by the orthodoxy of Iiu be found in tbe following extract > [For the Chester Standard ] I shall deny herself an accustomed luxury, d consequent hot bed of fcror | 1-°'* Monta. in her scries of nondescript They will ait ond crack tbeir jokes over a published sentiments that he could never from a speech delivered by Senator Seward ca«i!v within tho power l«turc. in lioston, delivered on Saturday crust of bread. They bavo no religion at all. sanction any improper intervention in the af- THE MILLYTAKY SISTIM. be cxpo-ed to the ridiculo or censure of her particular cliquo. tho U. S. .Senate, so long ago as March Ventilation, cleanliness evening gives the following observation. Not ono in fifty is legitimately married, and fairs of Kausas—wc supposed the recanta- 1850. Despite the obnoxious character of Mr. Edytor:—Hcvin notisl the grate rev- j " Now it is yourplain and a'mplo duty, II, so fir as tho ulwlition of thi. evil I «ho men and women of Pari.: they aro hippy nnimala. In society iu'Paris tions of Walker—a natural unwillingness U> this Senator's opinions on subjects of vital olushon agoin on io the publik pros about: ladies of America, to ftand up by your has- ,.d ventilation and cleanliness ara not "I" Pari.overy one is an arltst, down even it is not ncccssary, nor the custom to intro- abandon an officcr for what might have ap- importance to tho South, his commanding * millyUry sistim and hcvin waid the mat- bands' sides, and help them to bear the heavy miracle.- to prayed for bu: certain results •« l''" »ho prepare, everything accord duce. If you meet a persgn in a friend's peared to bo an error of judgment—of, per- ability must be acknowledged. lie foro-aw ter pro and kon I hev kutu to the konklu. pressure of this great commercial of common . b. Jience to tho laws of God.— '"6 ">tllc l,lc" "cienlifi,c manner.. Ladies ho.use, it is supposed that lhe fact of his be- haps, reasons of state, might have combined over two years ago the commercial revulsion >la shun that-the millytary or no humbug.— is of no use to .'It up in your elegant boudoir, DkhrnJhutehM Words. ",ohtmaing the colors of their dresses, ing there is sufficient to show that lie is wvr-: to continue Waikcr iu ofiicc. Wc never, for • with whieh tho country now labors; and de- Abandon the millytary wucd bo throio dowu claspiog your jeweled hands together, and _ do so artistically; in fact, everything in Pa- thy of your company, a moment doubted that if Walker should ' duced from »!••: signs of the times at that pe- r, T the glotyus institoahuns or our forefathers bemoaning your incapacity to act. Help to ris is art. There are artists in everything; socicty converse for hours with pcisom wh^o j P > c treacherous beyond dispute, Mr. Buck- riod the happening of the financial crisis SENATOR DOUGLAS. unan hoo fit bled and dido to sccuro the patient institute a reform in tho dress quest' artist tailors, artists in cutting nails, and names you do not know. VOL- . ro not ob- promptly rebuke and rceall bias. " which has burst upon us. He predicted that c rite or iodypondcnce. Abandon he miijy- your husband will have some substantial BT AN OPPOSITION PAPER. j once she saw on a sign 'Artist io Blacking liged to recognitc them after. A pt-r-pn with-11^ determination attributed to tho,A'dm\n«- we should havo a crushing pressure in 18.57, taryprcpostcrus idy! What Wood our kan- proof of your sympathy and affection. Lay out tolerably good coat, varnished boots and j '"ration vindicates at once our distrust Of nnd we have it suro enough. He contended The following sketch of Hon. Stephen A. S ^ ^ kydates do 7 What wood our aspircnts after aside your costly velvet and brocades—deny & now tho most rcmarka- white kids, will bavo much difficulty in get- Walker and our confidcnco in the'Demo- • that the general financial system of thccoun- Doug! is, by the editor of a paper, the New-1,, ^ . millytary onucrs do? How kood all this yourself that coveted winter bonnet—turn 0 Wo, u,, ,M ; shc is now about sixty tiug into socicty in Paris. It is a fact, that enrtm President." try was much deranged by excessive impor- buryport (Mass.) Herald, is graphic and amu-1 ' pride and pomp of war be dun without? your back resolutely u^on every extravagance. a rs a IC large muscular female, tations, stimulated by a low tariff of duties, sing. 'Accordiug to our poliey of giving ev-1 J^ . [' ' there you hear but little.caodal; they aro too BPKCfAt, M.N.STKB moM KNOLAND—Tho What wood the hull komiuunyty do without A true woman never looks lovelier than when I with large eyes. Any ono who reads her and by an unexampled enlargement of cred- cry shade of opinion a fair hearing, we let busy to attend to it, and they do not wish to-| y„rk Timet learn, through it. I^ndon tbar nashunal pastimes and .rekreashuna ? arrayod in a simple calico.or gingham dress writings will get a good idea of the woman. its, as these must poccssarily lead to great this writer speak for himself. It appears ho make other, unhappy. She continued by j corre,po„de'nt, that tl.e Uriti.h Government Let thoso who wish the millytary abandoned and a straw bonnet worth seventyfive cents You meet her in every place in Paris, dress-, financial embarrassments. was a passenger with Judge Douglas on a saying that, with all iu faulu, shc loved I'a- ha, decided to appoint a special Mini.tor to •Mir these.nakid fakts. What if the Mrs. Potiphars of your acquaint- cd up in men's clothes. This she does, not "Mr. President," said he, "we Were told trip in .the cars from fy. Louis to Chicago, ru—tlie gaycft, the most intellectual, the negotiate, a settlement of the romaining dif- The question hcvin agytatcd the publik j «ncc pass by you with averted eyes! haven't out of curiosity, but so that shc uiay go every most social oity in the world - fcrenceUetween England and tl,U oountrr v by the honorable Senator from Nurth Caro- mind for sum time I thot Ide attend a milly- J -'- the Snoral courage to value their friend where unnoticed and unknown and in this lina, Mr. ILducr, tint we must advpt cithnr DANDIES. in regard to Central American affair.. Tha •tary revu foro givin mi adys to the publi! ship ci its proper worth ? We respect tho way collcct facts for works. Through her the tarl.'f before tscr his amendment, j - i ' ' I appointment will early ucxt year, and cf I had any 3kro<>pils afurc-thut there I woman who, in these hard times, dare ap- friends, wlien j oung, shc was married to a , with : and wi bl Sir 0eor a ranisht like du afore the risin sun. IIev::i! pear in public dressed in no expensive rai- fool. She will talk upon serious mattors— Now girls don't turn up your precious lit-! P . / . K " This bring* me bae'e 10 the precise Ou«oloy, it is believed, ha? bfeen eclected for tuk sum Lager (kankyiatca !«e\in*i;ilr<.\W-( j mont. * that r*'l!s iiii Jcr the heav ! as philosophy and theology, but it is tie pug noses in deriaion of what you may or tion which I di>crf«sod here] n'fcvr day: I nctix peet under this head, for wh this important Mrvi«:e. If eo, the Times this delishui beverage) I marched to thcw«fc*a^^Oh, for tho good old times when one ,' «atvl.i„K ovcrv other man! utterly ;,"fusible to get her to converse up- I think, »iir that the restoration cf the [.projecting I 1 un 8 ia thinks the choice indicates, on the part of field as the.taktiks sed whar tho troops were ! 'best filk dress' Wiis the stand-by fjr years ! » a uirii n u - .