EMWG - Long Wave Latest Update: 6 November 2015 Version

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EMWG - Long Wave Latest Update: 6 November 2015 Version Herman Boel EMWG - Long Wave latest update: 6 November 2015 version FREQ ITU - Station , Location (kW) - Details (programme details in italic) Entries in blue are DRM transmissions All times in European winter time! 153 kHz ALG - Alger Chaîne 1/Radio Algérie Int , Béchar (2000) - Chaîne 1: 0200-0100 in Arabic; Radio Algérie Int: 0100-0200 in Arabic 21 Blvd. des Martyrs, Alger - w NOR - NRK P1/NRK P2/NRK Finnmark , Ingøy (100) - 24h; Regional px from NRK Finnmark: Mon-Fri 0503-0530, 0540- 0600, 0603-0630, 0640-0650, 0654-0700, 0705-0718, 0725-0730, 0737-0800, 0803-0805, 0903-0905, 1103-1106, 1203-1205, 1303-1305, 1403-1405, 1503-1530, 1533-1600, 1603-1630, 1703-1705, Sat. 0705-0707, 0803-0805, 0903-0905, 1003-1008, 1103-1108; "Nordafør" (shared prgr with NRK Finnmark, Troms and Nordland - //153, 657, 1485 kHz): Mon-Fri 1003-1100, 1106-1130; National Programme 1: Mon-Fri 0000-0503, 0530-0540, 0600-0603, 0630-0640, 0650-0654, 0700-0705, 0718- 0725, 0730-0737, 0800-0803, 0805-0903, 0905-1003, 1100-1103, 1130-1203, 1205-1303, 1305-1350, 1400-1403, 1405-1503, 1530-1533, 1600-1603, 1700-1703, 1825-1900, 1951-2105, 2115-2400, Sat. 0000-0630, 0700-0705, 0707-0803, 0805-0903, 0905-1003, 1230-1350, 1700-2105, 2115-2400, Sun 0000-0703, 0800-1002, 1100-1203, 1300-1350, 1400-1530, 1600-1903, 2000-2105, 2115-2400; National Programme 2: Mon-Fri 1630-1650, 1705-1800, Sat 0630-0700, 1003-1103, 1110-1230, 1400-1700, Sun 0703-0800, 1002-1100, 1203-1300, 1530-1600, 1903-2000 ; Special weather forecast: Mon-Fri 1350-1400, 1650-1700, 2105-2115; Sat 1103-1110, 1350-1400, 2105-2115; Sun 1350-1400, 2105-2115 NRK 1/2: N-0340 Osla - w nrk 1 - w nrk 2 - Finnmark: Grensen 5, 9811 Vadsø - w ROU - Antena Satelor , Brasov Bod (200) P.O. Box 111, 70749 Bucureşti - w 162 kHz F - France Inter , Allouis (2000*) - 24h except Tuesday 0005-0358; news and information; * 1700-0400 only 1000 kW 116, Av. Du Président Kenedy, F-75786 Paris Cédex 16 - w 171 kHz MRC - Medi 1 , Nador (2000) - 0500-0400: Arabic and French transmissions B.P. 2055, Tanger - w 183 kHz D - Europe 1 , Felsberg (Saarlouis) (2000) - 24h in French ; news and information, and entertainment w 189 kHz ISL - RÚV Rás 1/RÚV Rás 2 , Gufuskálar (300) - 24h; mast 412 mts high; 2x150 kW Harris tx Efstaleiti 1, 150 Reykjavík - w S - Sveriges Radio , Motala (0.020) - broadcasts are tied with broadcasting museum in Motala; no regular broadcasts 198 kHz ALG - Alger Chaîne 1/ Radio Algérie Int , Ouargla (2000) - Chaîne 1: 0200-0100 in Arabic; Radio Algérie Int: 0100-0200 in Arabic 21 Blvd. des Martyrs, Alger G - BBC Radio 4 , various (0.004-500) - 24h; 0100-0600 relay of BBC World Service txs in Dartford Tunnel (0.004), Burghead (50), Westerglen (50) and Droitwich (500 kW) ; news, documentaries, drama, entertainment, cricket Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA - w 207 kHz ISL - RÚV Rás 1/RÚV Rás 2 , Eiðar (100) - 24h Efstaleiti 1, 150 Reykjavík - w MRC - SNRT Al-Idaâ al-Watania , Azilal Demnate (400) - 24h: Arabic transmissions B.P. 1042, Rabat - w 216 kHz F - RMC Info, Roumoules (1400*) - 0330-2305: *900 kW at night; news, talk and sport 12, rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane, F-75740 Paris Cedex 15 - w 225 kHz POL - Polskie Radio Jedynka , Solec Kujawski (1000) - 24h; antenna heights: 289m & 330m - off air until 22 November 2015 Al. Niepodlegosci 77/85, 00-977 Warszawa - w 234 kHz LUX - RTL, Beidweiler (1500) - 24h: French programmes; directed towards Paris - 227 degrees 45 blvd. Pierre Frieden, L-2850 Luxembourg - w 243 kHz DNK - DR Langbølge, Kalundborg (50) - 0445 weather, 0500 news, 0530 news, 0600 news, 0630, 0700 news, 0703 (Mo-Sa), 0730 gymnastisc, 0745 weather, 0800-0807, 1045 weather, 1100-1135, 1645 weather, 1700, 1703-1716 ship news BSD, Banestrøget 21, DK-2630 Høje Tåstrup - w - e - Reception reports are welcomed by Jens Christian Seeberg, Teracom, Banestroget 19-21, DK 2630 Taastrup, Denmark, or jens.seeberg -at- teracom.dk and verified by a beautiful QSL- card. 252 kHz ALG - Chaîne 1/Chaîne 3/Radio Algérie Int. , Tipaza (1500*) - 0500-0200: Chaîne 1/Chaîne 3: Arabic and French transmissions; Radio Algérie Int.: 0600-0630 French, 0630-0638 English, 0638-0725 French, 0725-0734 Spanish, 0734- 1900 French, 1900-2000 Spanish, 2000-2100 English, 2100-0100 French; *: 0600-1800: 1500 kW, 1800-0200 & 0500-0600: 750 kW; also observed on 253 kHz 21 Blvd. des Martyrs, Alger IRL - RTÉ Radio 1 , Clarkstown (300*) - 24h; separate sports px on Sa/Su afternoons; *: 100 kW nighttime Reception Investigation Dept., Donnybrook, Dublin 4 - w 270 kHz CZE - ČRo Radiožurnál, Topolná (50) - Mo-Fr 0400-2300, Sa/Su 0500-2300; regular maintenance break one Thursday/month at 2300(We)-1100 Ceský rozhlas, 120 99 Praha 2, Vinohradská 12 - w 279 kHz BLR - BR Pershy Kanal/BR Radyjo Stalitsa , Sasnovy (500) - -2204; reg. px by Radio Stalitsa (= R. Capital) at 0440-0500 (Mo-Sa) and 1600-1700 daily vul. Makajonka 9, 220807 Minsk Herman Boel EMWG - Medium Wave 531-1098 kHz latest update: 21 October 2015 Thanks to Björn Tryba for his superb help! FREQ ITU - Station , Location (kW) - Details (programme details in italic) Entries in blue are DRM transmissions All times in European winter time! 531 kHz ALG- Jil FM, F'kirina Wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi (600*) - 24h: Arabic transmissions (*: 0600-1800: 600 kW, 1800-0600: 300 kW) 12 rue Shakespeare, El Mouradia-Alger - w - e ARS - SBC Al-Quran al-Karim , Bisha (10) Frequency Manager, Ministry of Information, Riyadh BOT - Radio Botswana , Maun (50) - 24h in English and Setswana (National Service) E - RNE Radio 5 , various (10-25) - 0800-2300; other times relay of Radio Nacional; local/regional px: Mo-Fr: 0625-0630, 0650-0700, 0745-0800, 0805-0810, 0830-0845, 1125-1130, 1410-1500, 1830-1900 & Sa/Su: 0805-0815, 1230-1300; txs in Berrioplano (Pamplona - 10), Pontevedra Pastoriza (25), Córdoba and EL Naranco (Oviedo - 20) news programmes Casa de la Radio, Prado del Rey, 28023 Madrid - w - Pamplona: Emilio Arrieta 8-8°, 31002 Pamplona - Oviedo: Melquíades Alvarez 7-5°, 33002 Oviedo - Pontevedra: García Barbón, 36201 Vigo - Córdoba: Góngora 3, 14002 Córdoba FAR - Kringvarp Føroya , Akraberg (100*) - 24h; * can be limited to 25 kW P.O. Box 328, FR-110 Tórshavn - w IRN - IRIB Radio Iran, various (500-600) - 24h in Farsi; txs in Iranshahr (600) and Azarshar (500) P.O. Box 15875-4344, Tehran ISR - IBA Reshet Aleph , Tel Aviv (100/50) - 0400-2310 in Hebrew (Sa from 0500) Heleni Hamalka 21, P.O. Box 1082, Jerusalem 91010 - w POL - Radio AM/Twoje Radio Włodawa, Włodawa (0.8) - 0700-0800 & 1700-1800, other times rebroadcast of national Twoje Radio AM Al. Pi�‚sudskiego 10 22-200 Wlodawa - w - e POL - Radio AM/ Twoje Radio Żywiec, Żywiec (0.8) - 24h: local 0700-0800, 1700-1800, 2300-2400; other times rebroadcast of national Twoje Radio AM ROU - SRR Antena Satelor , Urziceni (14) - 24h in Romanian P.O. Box 111, 70749 Bucurestti - w ROU - SRR Radio România Actualităţi, Petroşani (14) - 24h in Romanian P.O. Box 111, 70749 Bucurestti 540 kHz E - Onda Cero Catalunya , Barcelona (50) Diagonal 441, 08037 Barcelona HNG - MR1-Kossuth Rádió , Solt (2000) - 0330-2330 (Sa/Su 0400-2330), sometimes 24h; non-directional 298 meter antenna mast Bródy Sándor u. 5-7, H-1800 Budapest - w IRN - IRIB Radio Iran, Mashhad (200) - 24h in Farsi P.O. Box 15875-4344, Tehran KWT - Radio Kuwait Main Arabic , Sulaibiyah (600) - 24h in Arabic Ministry of Information, Engineering Affairs, Dept. of Frequencies, PO Box 967, Safat 13010 - w - e MRC - SNRT Al-Idaâ al-Watania (Marrakech) , Sidi Bennour (300) - 24h in Arabic B.P. 1042, Rabat MWI - MBC Radio 1 , Mangochi (10) - 0255-2200 in English/Chichewa Private Bag 30133, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi - w NIG - Rima Radio , Sokoto (50) - Px1: 0430-2300 in English and Hausa; Px2: 0500-1700 in English/Hausa Radio & Television, P.M.B. 2156, Sokoto SDN - SRTC Sudan Radio , Nyala (50) 549 kHz ALG - Jil FM, Les Trembles (S Hamadouche) (600*) - 24h (*: 0600-1800: 600 kW, 1800-0600: 300 kW) 12 rue Shakespeare, El Mouradia�€“Alger - w - e ARS - SBC Radio Riyadh , Qurayyat (2000) - 0300-1500 in Arabic, general program Frequency Manager, Ministry of Information, Riyadh ARS - SBC Radio Riyadh , Rafha (20) - 0300-2300 in Arabic, general program Frequency Manager, Ministry of Information, Riyadh - w ARS - SBC Radio Riyadh , Ar Rass (10) - 0300-2300 in Arabic, general program Frequency Manager, Ministry of Information, Riyadh - w ARS - SBC Radio Riyadh , Jizan (1) - 0300-2300 in Arabic, general program Frequency Manager, Ministry of Information, Riyadh - w AZE - Azerbaycan Radio , Gäncä (70*) - 0200-2000 in Azeri; * directional east, max 170 kW Mehdi Hüseyin küçäsi 1, 370011 Baku - w D - Deutschlandfunk , various (100) - 24h; txs in Nordkirchen and Thurnau; news and political px Raderberggürtel 40, D-50968 Köln - w GAB - RTG Chaîne 2 , Oyem (20) - 0430-0630, 1030-1430, 1600-2230 in French and ethnic languages IRL - Spirit Radio , Carrickroe (25) w - e IRN - IRIB Radio Iran, Sirjan (400) - 24h in Farsi //531, 540 P.O. Box 15875-4344, Tehran KOS - RTK Radio Kosova , Obiliq (Prishtinë) (10) - in Albanian Sheshi "Nëna Terezë", 38000 Prishtinë - w NIG - Kano Broadcasting Corporation , Tukan Tawa (50) - 0430-2320 in English and Hausa Broadcasting House , Maiduguri Road, P.O. Box 1009, Kano SVN - Radio Koper/Radio Slovenija 1 , Beli Križ (15) - Radio Koper: 0500-2300, Radio Slovenija 1: 2300-0500; 130 m antenna mast P.O. Box 117, SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria - w UKR - UR 1 Persha Programa , Mykolaiv Luch (550/55) - 0400-2200 in Ukrainian vul.
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