JUNE 2017

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Suggested citation

Colgan, C. S., M. W. Beck, S. Narayan, 2017. Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Flood Damage Reduction. Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation, London.

Corresponding author

Dr. Michael W. Beck, [email protected], [email protected]


The principal author of this report is Dr. Charles S. Colgan, Director of Research at the Center for the Blue Economy at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, with contributions from Dr. Michael Beck, The Nature Conservancy and Dr. Siddharth Narayan, University of California Santa Cruz.

The Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation provided funding for this study.

We are grateful to the LTRF Project Steering Group for their constructive feedback and to the participants in the Financing Natural Infrastructure roundtable discussion, including Guillermo Franco (Guy Carpenter), Trevor Maynard (Lloyd’s), Ricardo Narvaez and Nicholas Gall (Climate Policy Initiative, Alin Radu (University of Bristol), Justus Raepple (The Nature Conservancy), Kelly Thompson (Dartmouth University), and Dickie Whitaker (Oasis). A special thanks to Jane Carter Ingram (Ernst & Young) for her contributions throughout the project.

First Page Photograph – An example of natural infrastructure: these coastal wetlands help protect the Florida coastline from the impact of severe storms and floods. (Credit: NOAA).


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 1 NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOOD RISK REDUCTION ...... 3 FINANCING FLOOD RISK REDUCTION WITH NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE ...... 6 FUNDING OPTIONS FOR NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE ...... 9 Box 1: Public Financed Sources ...... 9 Pre-Disaster Options ...... 9 Post-Disaster Options ...... 11 Box 2: Public Benefits Provided by Private Investments ...... 12 Box 3: Public Funding of Private Actions through Tax Expenditures ...... 14 Post-Disaster Options ...... 14 Box 4 Private Payments for Private Benefits ...... 14 Special Purpose Districts and Public-Private Partnerships ...... 14 Insurance and Other Post-Disaster Funding ...... 16 Constraints on Post-Disaster Spending on Natural Infrastructure ...... 20 DEVELOPING A FUNDING STRATEGY FOR FLOOD RISK REDUCTION ...... 22 Case Study 1: The Northeastern U.S...... 24 Case Study 2: The Philippines ...... 26 EXPANDING FUNDING FOR FLOOD RISK REDUCTION & NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE...... 29 CONCLUSIONS ...... 32 REFERENCES ...... 33

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Wetland and mangrove habitats in Punta Gorda, Florida protect people and property from hazards. @ Carlton Ward Jr. This paper explores financial tools for investing in opportunities and are not prepared to meet natural infrastructure to reduce current and future increasing risk. risks from flooding. The key conclusions are: 2. There is no single appropriate financing 1. There is a large and growing pool of funding mechanism for natural infrastructure. for natural infrastructure, but the availability Financing should reflect the distribution of is geographically uneven and providing public or private benefits of flood protection sufficient resources will require significant through the payment mechanism as actions by industry, government, scientists, determined by specific local conditions. and communities.  The appropriate funding approach will  There are both public and private sources depend on several factors, including local that can fund natural infrastructure for flood natural conditions (geography, ecosystems), risk reduction. Approaches vary among the local governance (including the U.S., Europe, and international development socioeconomic status of communities), the organizations. For example, funding for condition of national financial systems natural flood control infrastructure is a (including the robustness of public or private byproduct of other purposes in the U.S., but property insurance markets), and public recognized as a specific purpose in Europe policies that explicitly support the use of and by development organizations. natural infrastructure. We identify the key characteristics of these factors that should  The opportunities for investments in natural influence decisions on appropriate funding infrastructure are shaped by various factors, mechanisms. including local geography, type and extent of ecosystems, knowledge about local flood 3. The largest opportunities for funding are in risks, approaches to funding ecosystem the redirection of post-disaster recovery conservation, the capacity of financing funds to pre-disaster investments in risk systems, and the socioeconomic status of reduction.

communities.  Flood risk reduction should be undertaken  The types and amounts of funding for before the flood occurs, but we currently natural infrastructure can be expected to spend much more on recovery efforts than grow because of innovations such as on risk reduction. The greatest opportunities catastrophe bonds, but current institutional to increase resources for risk reduction lie in structures are often ill-suited to take combining funds for risk reduction with funds advantage of existing and emerging for flood recovery. These investments will

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 1 further reduce damages to lives, properties, specific projects- including the location, the and communities over time. ecosystem restoration methods, the expected benefits, and the regulatory  Recent innovations such as catastrophe and feasibility- will often need to be included in resilience bonds offer potential approaches the up-front costs of the development of new to combining recovery and risk reduction, financing vehicles. while green bonds may provide pre-disaster financing under appropriate conditions.  Infrastructure banks are an example of institutions that can be structured to match 4. The largest barriers for securing adequate funders with specific needs. These banks resources are: identifying locations where can pool the funding needs of different natural infrastructure can play a significant natural infrastructure projects to make them role in flood risk reduction; developing the attractive to private capital markets. It will be experience and standards to overcome necessary to create special purpose institutional biases that favor gray organizations that can capture the benefits infrastructure; and developing institutional of risk reduction in ways that support arrangements capable of matching available market-based finance. funding with the needs of individual situations. The funding strategy to be used for any specific project will depend primarily on the geographic,  To develop new financing, it is critical to economic, and institutional circumstances in each develop a body of experience that would location. But it is possible to create a general expand the existing foundation of natural framework to catalogue the different approaches to systems management, risk assessment, and financing, from which locally-determined funding valuation analysis of natural infrastructure, strategies can be formed. This paper proposes such and increase its acceptance and use. The a framework, then outlines and examines the identification of viable projects for nature- options currently available under the framework, and based risk reduction is critical for expanding concludes with an assessment of how funding may pools of available funds. The identification of expand in the future.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 2 NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND FLOOD RISK REDUCTION

Wetlands can protect built infrastructure by reducing flooding and erosion. @ WBCSD Damages from flooding comprise by far the largest exacerbated by human intervention. Upland dams losses from natural hazards. Worldwide, from 1995- starve shorelines of replenishing sediments, while 2015, floods accounted for 46% of all natural hazard efforts to curb erosion such as groins, jetties, and costs; when storm related damage, which can also sea walls reduce erosion in some areas but cause include flooding, is added in, the total rises to 71% of dramatic increases in other areas. Upwards of 40% hazard costs. Floods and storms together affected of the U.S. coastline (Platt, Beatley, and Miller, about 3 billion people and damaged or destroyed 87 1991) and 25% of the European coastline (Gremli et million residences and 130,000 public buildings. al., 2014) (European Environment Agency, 2006) is Floods and storms accounted for over 98% of subject to ongoing erosion. property losses, and these figures do not include Socioeconomic changes alone in the 136 largest commercial properties for which no damage data is cities in the world are expected to account for a rise available globally. There was an average of 171 of global flood losses from $6 billion in 2005 to an flood events per year from 2005 to 2015, a 34% estimated $52 billion in 2050. Given continued land increases over the previous 10-year period (United subsidence, erosion, and increasing , Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2016). investments in flood risk reduction in these cities The threats from flooding, especially in coastal areas must reduce the annual probability of flooding well of the world, have been increasing for several below current levels just to maintain damages in the reasons. More people live and work in coastal areas, $60 billion per year range (Hallegatte et al., 2011). increasing the absolute magnitude of properties and The combination of these social, economic, and values at risk. The coastal regions where population physical trends is summarized by the is growing are highly dynamic in ways that increase Intergovernmental Panel on : “For flooding risks. Sea levels have been rising for more the 21st century, the benefits of protecting against than a century and the pace of sea level rise is increased coastal flooding and land loss due to increasing (Wong et al., 2014). Moreover, in many submergence and erosion at the global scale are coastal areas the shoreline is eroding at a pace

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 3 larger than the social and economic costs of width, followed by plant density. Wider wetlands inaction” (Wong et al., 2014). dampen surge and denser wetlands further reduce waves and surge through friction (Beck and Lange, The risk reduction measures required to adapt to 2016). Field studies have shown that mangrove or increasing flood damages will primarily consist of marsh wetlands can reduce surge heights from 10 to three strategies: 70 centimeters per square kilometer of wetland  Modifications to structures to accommodate (Krauss et al., 2009; Stark et al., 2015). flooding; The use of these ecosystems as natural defenses  Barriers between structures and the water; against flooding has emerged as an alternative or  Retreat, or moving structures away from complement to hard armored structures (Spalding et flooded or potentially flooded areas. al., 2009; Shepard, Crain, and Beck, 2011; Cheong Of these options, the construction of barriers et al., 2013). It is now increasingly possible to presents interesting issues. Building and upgrading compare the costs and benefits of natural structural defenses like levees and seawalls to keep infrastructure with that of conventional artificial or pace with rising sea-levels and higher storminess gray coastal defenses. The economic value of a can prove prohibitively costly in the long-term coastal defense solution will depend on the value (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, 2017; and distribution of at-risk assets that benefit from Jonkman et al., 2013). While individual structures reduced flooding. To estimate this value, we may be protected with sea walls, it is well measure the flood damages that result with and established that such individual “armoring” often without a particular solution: the difference in these increases the risks to nearby structures, causing damages is equivalent to the value of that solution. increased erosion and damage to the surrounding This avoided damages approach is common when shoreline (Griggs, 2005). Poorly designed structures estimating the costs and benefits of artificial on one stretch of the coast could aggravate flood structural defense projects, and it is increasingly risk along adjacent coastlines by interrupting the applied to value the flood reduction services of natural flow of water and sediments and damaging natural infrastructure (Barbier, 2013). coastal ecosystems (Gittman et al., 2016; Hauser, Using the avoided damages approach, an analysis Meixler, and Laba, 2015). of various risk-reduction measures for the U.S. Gulf We now have substantial evidence on the ability of Coast showed that natural infrastructure is very cost- coastal ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangroves, effective in reducing some of the risk (Reguero, and salt marshes to protect the coastline by Bresch, and Beck, 2014). Another recent study in reducing wave heights, building land, and, in some partnership with the insurance sector applied cases, reducing storm surges (Ferrario et al., 2014; industry-standard flood and loss models to estimate Shepard, Crain, and Beck, 2011; McIvor et al., that marsh wetlands in the northeastern U.S. 2012). The key characteristics of reefs and wetlands avoided damages of more than $625 million during that influence flood reduction are well-known. In Hurricane Sandy (Narayan et al., 2016). general, natural ecosystems reduce coastal risk by Natural infrastructure has also been valued in terms acting as physical barriers and reducing the energy of the replacement cost of an artificial structure that and volume of waves and storm surges before they would perform the same function (Sathirathai and enter the floodplain (Duarte et al., 2013). Barbier, 2001). However, this approach is not easily For reefs, the most important characteristic is reef transferable or scalable since it cannot account for height, followed by roughness. Taller reefs under variations in the physical environment. shallower water break more waves and dissipate However, the relative newness of these natural more wave energy. Healthier, more corrugated reefs approaches to flood risk reduction also makes them have greater friction and thus reduce more wave more difficult to fund (Stanford Law School Coastal energy (Beck and Lange, 2016). For wetlands, the Policy Lab, 2015). Financing natural infrastructure is most important characteristic is vegetation band part of the much larger issue of finding funding

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 4 resources to reduce flood damages. The stakes are Bringing the full range of options to bear will require high, and the financial resources needed are institutional change and evolved perspectives on substantial. Fortunately, there are many existing what constitutes an effective investment in risk options and promising innovations for financing reduction. natural infrastructure to reduce flooding risks.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 5 FINANCING FLOOD RISK REDUCTION WITH NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE

Wetlands like these in Portersville Bay, Alabama protect coastlines from flooding and erosion. @ Hunter Nichols

Although both historical and possible future The path to taking effective action has two major damages from flooding are widely known, it remains steps. The first is to identify the magnitude of risks of difficult to amass the resources of both will and a particular area, and the possible alternatives to wallet to take the needed steps to reduce flooding reduce the risk. Once this assessment is complete, risks. Flooding, like other natural hazards, inflicts the search for funding resources will be shaped by both damages on specific individuals and cumulative the distribution of the benefits of, and responsibility damages on communities and regions. Individual for paying for, risk reduction and the choices risk-reducing actions may be insufficient to protect regarding the most appropriate mix of possible some communities and may just transfer risk from sources. one place to another. The responsibility for addressing flood risks and Moreover, both individuals and communities are damages is divided between public and private poor judges of risk and often take few or no steps to entities, but the boundaries are not clear. This protect their property and assets when faced with division of public and private roles for flood risk risks they have determined to be unlikely and reduction echoes a long-standing distinction in remote (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). Community economics between public and private goods, which decision-makers may be even more reluctant to act provides a way to describe funding possibilities to reduce risks than individuals because it is often based on the intersection between who pays for easier for groups to gravitate to the most risk-averse adaptation and who benefits from it. options. As a result, both individuals and Public goods are non-excludable in production and communities are likely to under-invest in adaptive non-rival in consumption. Once the public good is measures under most circumstances. This tendency produced, anyone can take advantage of it, and no to avoid acting to reduce risks is reinforced when one person’s consumption diminishes the ability of combined with the daunting task of finding the anyone else to consume the good. Public goods are financial resources to take action.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 6 consumption and any one person’s consumption The factors that shape each at-risk region’s diminishes the amount available to others by the approach to flood risk reduction projects: exact amount consumed. Markets are the most  Geography: the spatial relationship appropriate way to organize the production and between development and ecosystems; distribution of private goods because the amount  Ecosystems: the types and conditions of that people pay can be matched to what they ecosystems present; consume and the costs of production. Table 1  Known flood risks: historical information identifies four possible general arrangements for about the frequency and severity of floods; financing based on this framework.  Existing approaches for funding In Table 1, Box 1 describes the classic public goods natural infrastructure; funding, with broad use and broad funding from  Financing system capabilities: Well- general taxation. Funding may be through annual developed and functioning banking, public expenditures or may be in the form of general finance, and insurance systems; obligation debt (bonds). In Box 2, private funds are  Socioeconomic status of communities: used but the beneficiaries extend beyond those who the financial ability of the community to receive the funding. This describes the growing field contribute towards funding risk-reduction of impact investing, and in the current context, the measures. subfield of green bonds. Box 3 is like Box 1 except that tax expenditures (tax subsidies which only eligible individuals/organizations may access) are the fundamental reason that government provides used in place of direct expenditures. Box 4 contains many of the services it does. National defense is the two different approaches. One is “semi-public most often cited example, but public goods can infrastructure” where a specific area imposes taxes describe any situation where the benefits are or fees on residents to pay for specific services that broadly distributed and it is difficult or impossible to directly benefit them, such as water and sewer match anyone’s share of the benefits to the costs districts. Also in box 4 is insurance-related funding that they should pay. Private goods, on the other where the pool of premiums funds the payouts in the hand, are both excludable and rival; they can be event of covered events. Substantial change is produced in the exact proportion needed to satisfy occurring in insurance through the development of market risk instruments such as catastrophe bonds.

Who Pays? Public Private Box 1 Box 2 Projects have broad benefits that cannot be Private funds provide benefits that are greater than assigned to any specific beneficiary and are the usual return on investment and thus decisions

Public funded from broad general taxes. about what to fund mix both expectations of private return and broader benefits. Box 3 Box 4

Who Benefits? Benefits accrue to a narrow group but are Infrastructure-based: Private organization created to supported by public expenditures, either share benefits among organization members/ directly or through tax subsidies. funders.

Private Private Insurance-based: Private charges for service in

proportion to private benefits.

Table 1. Financial arrangements based on potential beneficiaries and payees.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 7 There are several factors noted above that affect benefits, and this will be influenced by geographic decisions about what funding sources to use for characteristics, the relative costs of natural flood risk reduction. But the choice of the specific infrastructure, and socio-economic and institutional funding ultimately depends on who pays and who capacities.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 8 FUNDING OPTIONS FOR NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE

Reef blocks (background) used to restore the structure and benefits from coral reefs. @ Curt Storlazzi

This section provides an overview of funding options constraints and in others because of limitations on for natural infrastructure in the United States and the eligible uses of Army Corps funds. Europe, as well as options employed by international Natural infrastructure in the form of wetlands can be development organizations globally. Funding funded by the Coastal Wetlands Trust Fund 2 sources in Asia are not included. The descriptions managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and are meant to provide general information only, and programs under the Estuary Habitat Restoration do not constitute specific advice for any one Act of 2000 3 , which is administered by the U.S. situation. The catalog is incomplete, and virtually all Army Corps of Engineers. A special fund is available the funding sources discussed are undergoing for Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Restoration 4 constant evolution in funding targets and amounts. under a federal act of 1990 directed at addressing Box 1: Public Financed Sources the special needs of the lower Mississippi delta. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Pre-Disaster Options administers a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant 5 In the United States, engineered structures for Program for areas covered by the National Flood coastal protection are generally the responsibility of Insurance Program. Funding levels for these the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has programs can be volatile from year to year. For broad responsibilities for flood control, though most of this effort is directed at riverine flooding.1 State 2 https://wsfrprograms.fws.gov/subpages/grantprograms and local governments sometimes contribute to /CW/CW.htm funding, in some cases because of budget 3 http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Environmental/ Estuary-Restoration/ 4 https://lacoast.gov/new/ 1 http://www.iwr.usace.army.mil/Missions/Flood-Risk- 5 https://www.fema.gov/pre-disaster-mitigation-grant- Management/Flood-Risk-Management-Program/ program

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 9 example, the funding for the FEMA Pre-Disaster projects in 2013 in Washington State found that an grant program in 2016 was $90 million, a significant average of 13.4% of total costs of projects affected increase from previous years. by the Clean Water Act went to wetlands mitigation of one type or another (Washington State At the state and local levels, governments typically Department of Transportation, 2013). The U.S. use bonds to finance infrastructure projects. These Federal Highway Administration is developing new bonds, termed “municipal bonds” when issued by pilot green infrastructure programs that will expand any unit of government other than the federal opportunities throughout the U.S.6 government, are a special type of public finance in the United States, as the interest from these bonds A key innovation in public sector finance is the is exempt from income tax at the federal and usually infrastructure bank. Thirty-two states currently state and local levels as well (when the bond buyer have some version of an infrastructure bank has taxes owed to the issuing government). (Sloane, 2010). These are a recent innovation established primarily to issue bonds for Another potential source of funds in the U.S., though transportation improvements like roads and ports, unrelated directly to flood risk reduction, are those but they can also be used to procure funding for available for wetlands restoration as a result of oil many types of infrastructure if given the appropriate spills, such as the funding that followed the legal authority. The scope of activities of Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010. This funding was infrastructure banks varies significantly from state to primarily directed at removing oil contamination from state, but most can provide a flexible vehicle that wetlands, including beaches, but the process of combines public and private funds for infrastructure restoring these wetlands also offered an opportunity projects. A proposal has been made for a federal to enhance flood risk benefits, though the precise infrastructure bank, but it has not advanced beyond extent of flood risk reduction has not been assessed. the proposal stage (Congressional Budget Office, Louisiana is taking advantage of these funds to 2012). The flexibility of creating financing packages supplement existing wetlands restoration funds for a project from both public and private sources is (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, an important recent innovation in public finance in 2017). the U.S., and while there are not any known projects Under the Clean Water Act, the United States has a related to natural infrastructure finance yet, policy of “no net loss” of wetlands. This policy infrastructure banks may play an important role in requires that development that resulting in the loss the future. or degradation of wetlands must be accompanied by In Europe, infrastructure finance arrangements vary compensation through the restoration or protection from country to country, but are generally the of other wetlands (U.S. EPA, 2008). The largest type responsibility of national governments and the of development affected by the no-net-loss or European Union. There is some specific financing mandatory compensation policy is transportation for natural infrastructure in Europe, as opposed to facilities, particularly highways. Highways are the United States, where financing comes from a particularly likely to confront wetland issues because variety of programs designed for other purposes. wetlands offer flat land to build on. Highway Under the LIFE program, the European Investment construction usually includes several types of Bank (EIB) administers the Natural Capital wetlands mitigation funding, often including the Financing Facility, which is designed to provide a “banking” of conserved wetlands, which can be used “pipeline of bankable projects” involving natural to offset losses from multiple projects. Fees are also capital, including natural infrastructure as adaptation paid into funds for wetlands conservation in lieu of to climate change. Funding comes from the EIB, the specific offsetting wetlands purchases (The Environmental Law Institute, 2002). Estimates of the size of wetlands mitigation funds that could be 6 https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/sustainability/ available for natural infrastructure purposes are not resilience/ongoing_and_current_research/green_infrastruc available, but as a rough guide, a study of highway ture/index.cfm#Project_information

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 10 European Commission, and national governments the majority of “natural infrastructure”, although only (European Commission, 2016; European Investment a small portion of publicly conserved lands are likely Bank, 2016). to have been purchased and maintained for that purpose alone. But flood risk reduction is likely to For low-income countries, the World Bank, along play a more visible role in the future of public (and with other regional development banks, is a major private) land conservation investments due to the source of assistance for infrastructure development. increased attention to flood risks. The World Bank administers the Green Climate Fund, a pilot program for investments in climate Post-Disaster Options resilience (The World Bank, 2012). The Global Environment Facility also runs a Small Grants In both the U.S. and Europe, post-disaster funds are Program.7 generally special outlays from national budgets enacted on an event to event basis (Jackson, 2013). Some middle-income countries have their own The terms and conditions of this assistance are resources for climate adaptation, such as Mexico, usually set for the specific situation, and may or may which administers FOPRDEN, the Fund for Disaster not permit use of the funds for flood risk reduction. Prevention (The World Bank, 2013). For example, the responses of the U.S. and state This discussion focuses on funding directed towards governments to the 2012 Hurricane Sandy disaster flood-related projects. Globally, there is significant provided some flexibility for risk-reducing measures. spending that occurs on a regular basis for The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants Program development, redevelopment, and maintenance of received about $1.86 billion in additional funding public facilities. While the costs of flood protection after Hurricane Katrina 8 and $822 million after are rarely in the budget for routine maintenance, Hurricane Sandy.9 there are opportunities to address flood risks in new The funding from these two disasters point to the construction and redevelopment that may be large difference between funds available before and appropriate for natural infrastructure projects. after disasters. In these two cases, the Federal Among the public expenditures which could be high Government provided nearly $2.7 billion in funding priorities for incorporating natural infrastructure are for risk reduction, most of it in six states (New York, transportation, public facilities, and water and sewer New Jersey, and Connecticut for Sandy; Louisiana, infrastructure. Opportunities arise from new Mississippi, and Alabama for Katrina). In contrast, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance the FEMA hazard mitigation program had $90 million activities. Taking steps to decrease flood risk during available for one year, which represented the total these regular activities presents one of the largest funding in that program for the entire United States. potential opportunities (Colgan, Kartez, and Sheils, Beyond these event-specific funding packages, the 2016). Nonetheless, the incremental costs for flood U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency risk reduction may be difficult to incorporate into provides grants under the Flood Mitigation budgets unless the threat of flooding is specifically Assistance Program to communities that have assessed. been designated as federal disaster sites, but for which no special appropriations have been Public expenditures for land conservation are 10 another significant opportunity. Such expenditures authorized. FEMA also provides other assistance may be made to make lands available for recreation (parks), for wildlife habitat (wildlife refuges), or for 8 ecosystem preservation (estuarine reserves). It is https://www.fema.gov/news-release/2013/08/28/ louisiana-recovery-eight-years-after-hurricanes-katrina- possible that conserved lands, together with and-rita privately-funded conserved lands, currently comprise 9 https://www.fema.gov/sandy-recovery-office 10 https://www.fema.gov/flood-mitigation-assistance- 7 https://sgp.undp.org/ grant-program

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 11 specifically related to the National Flood Insurance The extensive holdings of privately conserved lands Program discussed below. may form the basis for expansion of flood risk reduction in the future. The World Bank administers the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery, a multi- Impact investing is at the forefront of the growing donor partnership to provide grants to low-income trend towards attracting private investment to countries for disaster recovery and risk reduction conservation and other social benefit purposes. (The World Bank, 2013). The World Bank’s Crisis Such investments are expected to yield both a Response Window provides immediate funding for financial return and a social impact (J.P. Morgan emergency responses to disasters, including repair Global Research & The Rockefeller Foundation, of infrastructure.11 A similar World Bank program is 2010) These private investments work on their own the Catastrophe Draw Down Option (CAT-DDO), a or as supplements to philanthropy. Land loan for post-disaster recovery/resilience projects, conservation impact investment requires developing made available contingent on the existence of a revenue streams from conserved lands to make disaster management plan (The World Bank, 2011). conservation “investable” (Credit Suisse, McKinsey Mexico also provides an example of a low-middle- and Company & World Wildlife Fund, 2014). income country with a specific funding arrangement The term that is often applied to environmentally for post-disaster recovery: FONDEN, the Fund for related impact investing is green bonds. The Reconstruction (The World Bank, 2013). largest type of green bonds is funding related to climate change, predominantly for projects designed Box 2: Public Benefits Provided by Private to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (World Investments Economic Forum, 2013; The World Bank, n.d.; Credit Suisse and McKinsey Center for Business This class of financing comprises two major areas: and Environment, 2016). traditional land conservation through philanthropy and the emerging impact investment markets. In this To access the green bond market, natural box, there is really no distinction based on disasters, infrastructure projects need to meet two conditions: as the projects undertaken through this funding can (1) a revenue source to repay the bond buyers; and be pre- or post-disaster. (2) a set of performance standards to demonstrate attainment of flood risk reduction goals. Repayment Land conservation has traditionally been funded of the bonds can come from funding in either box 1 through philanthropic actions, either by individuals or or box 4. Green bonds may be repaid either by by organizations which cumulate small gifts from general tax revenues (box 1) or by revenues from private individuals and corporate donors to purchase special purpose districts (box 4), which are land. Such purchases are sometimes mixed with described in more detail in the next section. public funds (Clark, 2007). International organizations such as the Nature Conservancy or Green bonds, and impact bonds in general, have the World Land Trust, national organizations such as been able to create significant pools of capital the Conservation Trust in the UK, and because they are well-suited to the needs of certain state/provincial and local conservation organizations types of investors who are looking for long-term, and land trusts comprise a large network of potential steady, and relatively low-risk investments (The funding sources for natural infrastructure, but little is Economist, 2013; Credit Suisse and McKinsey done for that purpose. Private conservation Center for Business and Environment, 2016). investments have historically been undertaken for Pension funds are a good example of such general purposes of preserving natural systems, investors, particularly in countries such as Canada although flood risk reduction can be a co-benefit. and Australia where public pensions funds have been converted in part to privately-financed funds. (Inderst, 2014) 11 https://ida.worldbank.org/financing/crisis-response- window

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 12 What distinguishes “green bonds” and “impact The Climate Bonds Initiative identifies a “Water investments” from other types of debt instruments is Climate Bonds” category, which totaled $18 billion in the expectation of realizing both a market rate of outstanding bonds in 2016 and included bonds return on the bond and specific environmentally- related to flood protection ($4.7 billion), climate oriented outcomes. The environmental outcomes resilience ($10.3 billion), conservation ($0.5 billion), are generally defined by standards published by and water quality ($2.5 billion). U.S. state and local different groups, such as the Climate Bonds water agencies are among the largest issuers in this Initiative12, and the bonds’ performance in meeting category, although water boards in the U.K. were the the standards is monitored during the life of the top two issuers. funded projects, usually by third party “certifiers”, to In the U.S., green bonds are not issued by the assure bond buyers that the impact objectives they federal government but have been issued by various expect are being accomplished. Such performance state and local governments. The Commonwealth expectations, or impacts, are quite different than of Massachusetts has issued two series of green standard bonds, where only financial performance is bonds for which land acquisition, preservation of of interest. open space, and restoration are eligible uses (Office The International Capital Management Association’s of the State Treasurer, 2015). Green bonds have widely cited “Green Bond Principles” define the also been issued by California state and local elements of the process to be used in issuing green governments (Chiang, 2017) and by the New York bonds, as well as a scope for green bonds, which Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA, 2016). includes renewable energy, energy efficiency, However, the tax-exempt status of bonds issued by pollution prevention, biodiversity, and several other state and local governments in the U.S. reduces the environmental areas. Climate change adaptation is pool of capital for U.S. municipal green bonds. The one of the enumerated purposes, though the most tax exemption reduces the interest rates borrowing recent edition of the principles refers to adaptation governments must pay, which reduces the market as “information support systems such as climate for such bonds to U.S. residents or anyone subject observation and early warning systems” to U.S. income taxes. (International Capital Market Association (ICMA), Europe has been a very active market for green 2016). This indicates that flood risk reduction and bonds with a diversity of issuers including the natural infrastructure are still in the early stages of European Investment Bank. However, climate becoming uses for green bonds. adaptation has only been a small part of the The green bond market has been steadily growing, purposes for which European green bonds are to the point where bonds issued just for climate- issued (Inderst, 2013). related uses in 2015 are estimated to total $694 The World Bank has also been a major issuer of billion (The Climate Bonds Initiative, 2016). Of this green bonds for climate change adaptation, both on total, $118 billion are explicitly identified as climate its own and through the regional development bonds, while the remaining $576 billion is described banks (World Economic Forum, 2013). as “climate aligned”. The largest use of the bonds is for transportation (e.g. high-speed rail) and There are some important limitations on the uses of renewable energy-related projects. The bonds are green bonds for natural infrastructure used in flood generally quite large; the specifically climate- protection. One is the lack of performance standards purpose bonds are often between $10 million and for such purposes, further detailed below. But green $100 million, while the climate “aligned” bonds are bonds may be used for other purposes which could between $100 million and $500 million. Chinese and have the same effect as using natural infrastructure U.S. public and private institutions (excluding the for flood control. For example, an area of increased federal government) are the largest issuers. attention in the U.S. is the management of stormwater flows, which most sewer systems are not 12 https://www.climatebonds.net/ designed to accommodate (Kartez and Merrill, 2016). Stormwater projects that incorporate

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 13 elements such as wetlands may also serve flood These may be adapted for the performance of control purposes. wetlands and other ecosystems in flood risk reduction (S. Narayan et al., 2016; Beck and Lange, Another issue with green bonds is that investors 2016). Efforts to create such standards are looking to purchase such bonds are usually looking underway, but will take time to reach maturity (The for bonds in fairly large amounts. The ability to fund Climate Bonds Initiative, 2016). groups of projects rather than single projects will be key to fully tapping the growing pool of capital that is Box 3: Public Funding of Private Actions through looking for opportunities to invest in environmentally Tax Expenditures productive projects (Chiang, 2017). Such pooling may be most difficult in the U.S. because borrowing Post-Disaster Options by state and local governments is affected by the federal tax exemption on municipal bonds. Such In both the U.S. and Europe, national income tax bonds generally command lower interest rates than laws generally permit deductions of disaster losses other bonds and are attractive only to buyers who in excess of insurance reimbursements in can take advantage of the special tax treatment. determining taxable income. This reduction in taxes due provides some funding for recovery, the use of The green bond market is well established but also funds being left to the taxpayer’s discretion(Internal still evolving. There are some expectations that a Revenue Service, n.d.). price premium for such bonds will emerge; that is, a higher price for bonds that yield environmental Another example of such funding is the tax gains, which would result in lower interest rates for treatment of private organizations’ charitable borrowers. But such premiums have not emerged; contributions that fund conservation actions. this may be because the concept of green bonds is Contributions to eligible NGOs for the conservation still too new. Until such a price premium does occur, of natural features that could provide flood risk green bonds will have to compete with all other reduction are generally tax-deductible, meaning the bonds of similar amount, maturity, and risk, which in public is partially supporting such private decisions. turn means green bonds will be priced based more on the borrower than the purpose. Box 4 Private Payments for Private Benefits

The other major evolving issue is the need for the Funding opportunities in this group are potentially development of standards for the risk-reduction the most relevant to natural infrastructure funding benefits of natural infrastructure. Green or “climate” and the most difficult to work with because of the bonds that result in reductions in greenhouse gas need to reorganize institutions and financing emissions associated with renewable energy or arrangements. These sources can be divided into energy efficiency are relatively straightforward two groups. One is financing of infrastructure with calculations where the expected results are payment for the infrastructure made by the users, achieved upon executing the project. But adaptation while the other group comprises insurance. What as barriers against flooding is much more complex unites these two approaches to funding in Box 4 of from the perspective of bond buyers, since it is the current framework is that there is generally a difficult to determine the timing of flooding and the direct connection between who pays and who exact effectiveness of natural infrastructure at the benefits. time of investment. Performance measures for most green bonds are built around annual effects such as Special Purpose Districts and Public-Private tons of carbon removed. The effectiveness of such Partnerships bond-financed projects will require new approaches Special purpose districts manage “semi-public” to the setting of performance standards. The risk infrastructure. Special purpose districts are common industry has significant experience in identifying in the U.S. and to a lesser extent in Europe. There is annual expected risks and loss costs and the a wide variety of options for the structure, financing, benefits from many types of risk-reduction actions. and governance of such districts. Because they

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 14 directly link the beneficiaries of infrastructure to the Typical investments supported by TIF revenues financing of the infrastructure, special purpose include convention centers or downtown districts are likely to be a key strategy for financing revitalization efforts, but improvements in flood flood control infrastructure, for example by providing defenses could be used as the basis for increased the revenue flows that would back green bonds. property values and thus TIFs. In the U.S., the overwhelming majority of special This provides a possible analogy to the financing of purpose districts are at the state and local level and flood control infrastructure, including nature-based are typically used for (toll) roads, water, and sewer infrastructure. In order to use tax increment systems. They may also be used for some functions financing for this purpose, there must be a rigorous normally funded through general revenues such as approach for assessing the improved property fire protection. Flood-related districts include values resulting from expected flood risk reduction Stormwater Districts (Colgan, Kartez, and Sheils, as the basis for identifying the tax revenues 2016), which manage the non-point pollution from committed to the TIF district. The models and values rainwater runoff, and Levee Districts, which use provided by the risk and insurance industry provide locally raised funds to pay the maintenance costs of a basis for these assessments, which would need to levees in the southeastern U.S. Levees are flood be transferred into property value assessing. control structures built along rivers. Some states, Special purpose districts also exist in Europe for such as California, allow local governments a great purposes similar to most common uses in the U.S. deal of flexibility in shaping special purpose districts such as water and sewer facilities and (in some (California Tax Data, 2016). instances) roads, though the more unitary tax The funding for levees varies by state, with different system13 in most of Europe mean local governments combinations of federal, state, and local resources may have fewer incentives or authorities to create being used. Federal and state funds often pay for such districts (Slack and Côté, 2014). the capital costs of constructing, reconstructing, or The “private goods” nature of Box 4 blurs the line expanding levees, while regular operations and between public and private ownership of maintenance funds come from all levels of infrastructure. Being able to link payments for government. Local levee boards in Mississippi and benefits opens the door not only for “special Louisiana may, depending on their authorizing purpose” public districts but also for private legislation, raise funds for operations and ownership of infrastructure. Transportation provides maintenance from surcharges on property taxes or numerous examples from privately financed toll from fees (Miller, 2012). roads (Poole and Samuel, 2006) to private Tax increment financing (TIF) districts are used administration of parking meters (Fisher, 2010). In throughout the United States (Greifer, 2005). In fact, complex new arrangements between the public TIFs, the property tax revenues from a new (or and private sectors, known as public-private expanded) development are diverted from the partnerships (P3s), are growing significantly general revenue pool of the taxing authority to a worldwide as an infrastructure financing option. special fund whose eligible uses vary significantly Public-private partnerships are very diverse and from state to state. In its earlier forms, TIFs were common in both Europe and the U.S. The World used to fund infrastructure such as new roads or Bank also encourages the creation of public-private water and sewer lines. As the concept has evolved partnerships in its projects (World Bank, 2012; over the years, TIF funds have been used to rebate Dinapoli, 2013; Boothe et al., 2015; McNichol , taxes directly to the developed property owners, or 2013). for other unrelated public investments (Peterson, 2014).

TIF revenues can be used to support a revenue 13 In unitary systems, tax laws are determined solely or bond and thus support capital investments. Such predominantly at the national level. bonds are used in almost all states (Provus, n.d.).

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 15 The expanding use of mixed financing structures options for reducing risks, both through pricing has implications for using this approach to finance signals and through the interactions between flood protection and natural infrastructure. On the insurance providers, policymakers, and consumers positive side, financial institutions and governments (Warner et al., n.d.). are gaining valuable experience in the structuring of The role of disaster insurance in funding the such arrangements. That experience will be an reduction of flood risk is shaped by the basic important foundation for the use of such approaches structure of the insurance enterprise. This includes as the need grows. At the same time, the choice the forms of insurance, the relative roles of the between traditional public finance (box 1) and the public and private sectors, and differences in the special purpose districts, and public-private structure of insurance in different parts of the world. partnerships of box 4 is not an easy one. Complex There are three principal components to the flood evaluation systems have evolved to compare the insurance system: alternatives (Boothe et al., 2015), including methodologies to determine the “value for money” to  The frontline property and casualty insurers from be gained from incorporating private finance (Martin whom policyholders purchase their insurance. ,2013; Weaver, Portabales, and Flor, 2015). For flooding, these insurers are both private Nonetheless, the emergence of different and more (especially in Europe) and public (in the United flexible approaches to combining public and private States). Their role is to cover “normal” losses, funds, as evidenced by green bonds, special defined as losses expected based on historical purpose districts, and P3 arrangements, indicates levels of risk. For example, in the U.S. the that the pool of funds for natural infrastructure is “normal” expected flood is that which has a 1% likely to be much larger than the specific programs chance of occurring each year based on discussed in box 1 would indicate. But tapping this historical records (also known as the “100-year pool of resources will require the evolution of flood”). The purchase of property and casualty institutional capacities to collect the benefits of insurance may be mandatory (generally so in adaptation and use them to attract investment. This Europe and under certain circumstances in the will be a complex task because current infrastructure U.S) or voluntary (in many countries and and infrastructure finance institutions tend to be sometimes in the U.S.). Property and casualty highly specialized with substantial organizational flood insurance is common in developed frictions that impede innovative and creative countries, but rare in lower-income countries approaches. New organization forms like the (Michel-Kerjan, 2010; Bernstein et al., 2006; infrastructure banks discussed above may be Surminski, 2014). In very low-income countries, essential in breaking through the silos of current all levels of insurance are essentially provided finance. by international aid donors.  Reinsurance, the second tier, is provided by a Insurance and Other Post-Disaster Funding separate industry from property and casualty Insurance is the linchpin around which financing for insurance. Reinsurance is insurance for the flood risk reduction must be organized. This is partly extreme events (above the “normal” risks). It is a because of the magnitude of resources involved in highly specialized industry because it deals with insurance and partly because decisions about what the risks that are, by definition, beyond usual will or can be insured, and at what level, shape expectations. Reinsurance has primarily been individual choices about what to invest in risk- provided by private firms who develop the reducing adaptation. It is also because disaster expertise to cover tranches (segments) of the insurance is undergoing important transformations higher risk levels. There are two types of that can increase the role of insurance in risk reinsurance: facultative reinsurance which is reduction investments. Insurance also plays a applied to a specific property or properties and number of important roles in disseminating treaty reinsurance that covers the entire portfolio knowledge and awareness of risks, costs, and (book) of a primary insurer. (Munich Re, 2010).

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 16 Reinsurance is also undergoing rapid changes “special flood hazard areas”, which are the highest because of the advent of catastrophe bonds, risk areas.14 which create a securitized and standardized An estimated 1,095 communities participate in the approach to the sector (Jarzabkowski, CRS, which represents approximately 5% of the Bednarek, and Spee, 2015). more than 20,000 communities covered by the  Retrocession, the third tier, is reinsurance for the National Flood Insurance Program. 15 One of the reinsurers. Because this type of insurance is reasons CRS may not be widely used is that it furthest from the property owners, it will likely requires public actions (with sometimes high play only a minor role in risk reduction transaction costs) in order to create private benefits infrastructure, at least in the near future, and will for property owners. Nonetheless, the CRS provides not be addressed further here. a clear structure for the evaluation of anticipated benefits from flood risk reduction actions. Natural There is one other special case of insurance: self- infrastructure could clearly be part of these steps, insurance, which applies to most publicly owned though specific examples are not known. With property and small amounts of private property. The appropriate agreement by communities and FEMA, it choice to self-insure for public property means that might be possible to accumulate a portion of the public resources (box 1) will be the exclusive source premium savings resulting from a natural of recovery and future risk reduction. infrastructure project to contribute to the funding of a Within this framework, the opportunities to access natural infrastructure project, perhaps through a insurance-related resources can be identified in special purpose district. Under the right separate discussions of pre- and post-disaster roles. circumstances, the premium savings capitalized as a There are two types of pre-disaster insurance- funding stream for a green bond could fund a natural related investments: direct investments by insurance infrastructure project. companies in damage-reducing actions and The concept of Resilience Bonds captures this incentives to policyholders to take risk-reducing latter concept and represents another potential actions in return for reduced premiums. Public flood funding opportunity for natural infrastructure. The insurance schemes are more likely to make pre- idea behind resilience bonds is to use the disaster investments, as in the FEMA pre-disaster differences in bond prices between catastrophe Hazard Mitigation Program discussed in box 1. bonds (see below) priced with and without taking An example of an incentive-oriented approach is the into account specific risk-mitigating actions. These FEMA Community Rating System (Landry and Li, savings bring the CRS premium incentive concept 2010; National Flood Insurance Program, 2006). into the reinsurance pool. The savings from risk CRS provides discounts on insurance premiums on reduction would be reflected in the prices of properties insured by the National Flood Insurance catastrophe bonds, and those savings can then be Program in communities that take some combination diverted into risk-reducing projects (Vajhala and of risk-reducing actions specified by FEMA. The Rhodes, 2015). Resilience bonds are an innovation discounts range from 5% to 45% depending on that taps into the pool of funds used for recovery which combination of eighteen specified actions are from disasters to reduce the economic implemented by the community. The actions are consequences of those disasters. But resilience assigned points, with the highest points awarded for bonds are a complex reorganization of insurance construction of flood barriers and for adoption of markets that has yet to be deployed. local policies encouraging retreat from the flood Resilience bonds do, however, point to what is zone. Using natural areas and open space for possibly the most significant opportunity for reducing flood risks are relatively high-scoring actions. The maximum discounts are available in 14 https://www.fema.gov/special-flood-hazard-area 15 http://www.msdlouky.org/programs/crssite/crsprog.html

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 17 financing natural infrastructure, which lies in RLP’s may include natural infrastructure, though the enabling the use of flood recovery funding for extent to which this is a solution is dependent on resilience building initiatives. Financing for recovery local circumstances. (post-disaster) is substantially greater than funding (2) Catastrophe bonds (or “cat” bonds) are a new for building resilience (pre-recovery) despite the and rapidly growing class of insurance that can cost-effectiveness of pre-disaster financing. Post flexibly combine the functions of both primary disaster, the major question is how payments that insurance and reinsurance for certain extreme have traditionally been meant only for recovery to events such as hurricanes. Cat bonds may be the pre-disaster status quo can be used to expand particularly useful in countries without developed or reinforce risk mitigation for the future, including property and casualty insurance markets. A the deployment of natural infrastructure protection. catastrophe bond is essentially an instant insurance This approach is not new. The expanded funding for company created for one particular situation facing a the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program that was well-defined set of risks over a specific period. The part of the recovery from Hurricane Sandy is an bond can be issued by any entity including example, and Europe is also considering ways to governments or private organizations. The bond better merge recovery and risk reduction (Gremli et buyer is paid a defined sum over the period of the al., 2014). bond; the interest payments on the bond are the Currently, there are five pools of funds for post equivalent of insurance premiums. The bond’s disaster insurance resources that could play a role in proceeds are put in escrow for the term of the bond supporting flood risk reduction: (usually three years) and should defined events or specific damages occur, the bond’s escrow is (1) Primary property & casualty payments. liquidated and used to pay for damages. If the Recovery is the purpose of this insurance so its use defined events do not occur, the bond proceeds are for risk reduction may be limited. But there are many returned at the end of the term to the buyer (Alvarez, possible variations on the flood insurance “product” 2015; Jarzabkowski et al., 2015). that people purchase. Insurance policies could be configured and priced to provide funds to reduce Catastrophe bonds are an important innovation in future risks as part of payouts, like automobile insurance for at least two reasons. First, at a time policies that offer “new car replacement” coverage when the demand for insurance against the “beyond that ignores depreciation of vehicle value. Such normal” events is expected to greatly increase, policies could be offered on an optional basis. catastrophe bonds will bring significant new capital into the insurance market. Second, catastrophe A special issue is the problem, at least in the in the bonds are highly flexible in their terms and uses. As public insurance system used by the United States, an insurance policy customized for specific of the over-insured. The National Flood Insurance situations (e.g., hurricane and earthquake risk in Program covers many so-called “repetitive loss Mexico), there is no need to tailor the terms of the properties” (RLPs). These are properties that have insurance for a broad market where minimizing risks two or more claims exceeding $5,000 within a ten and payouts are the critical factors in determining year period or that have two or more claims in return on capital. Most importantly, the bond can be excess of the value of the property (King, 2005). sized to cover both recovery and resilience Both legislation and FEMA policies have been investments in the wake of disasters. directed at reducing the program’s exposure to these properties with special resources available to Catastrophe bond buyers have an incentive to support changes in these repetitive losses such as reduce risk in order to reduce the price paid for the flood proofing or relocation. bonds, but the relationship between risk reducing actions and bond prices is not yet clear as the Repetitive losses decrease resources that could be market is still in early stages. The resilience bond more broadly used, and the successful reduction in concept discussed above encourages catastrophe repetitive loss properties is itself a form of risk bond buyers to divert a portion of the proceeds to reduction. Strategies for dealing with clusters of

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 18 risk reduction but resilience bonds have not yet been of insurance products for damages from hurricanes, market tested. An open question is whether excess rainfall, and earthquakes. CCRIF has sixteen investments in risk reducing infrastructure will be the member nations in the Caribbean basin and one first choice of catastrophe bond buyers, who have member in Central America. The CCRIF addresses the alternative of simply reducing the share of risk resilience and flood risk reduction through a small for which they offer coverage (that is they buy a grants program and through special post-disaster smaller bond, leaving other shares of risk to other grants. buyers). An example of a risk pool in a developed country is (3) Self-insurance, primarily used by public facilities Flood Re, a risk pool specifically designed for (box 1). Such expenditures allow for recovery and flooding in the United Kingdom. Flood Re is a risk reduction and can be easily packaged together. reinsurance policy on flooding funded by a Nonetheless, the availability of catastrophe bonds combination of premiums paid by homeowners and has opened a new approach for insuring public a pool of contributions from all property insurers.16 facilities. For these facilities, the bond-based The Flood Re organization currently addresses risk insurance could substitute for general tax funded reduction by providing information about flood disaster relief. A cat bond could finance recovery proofing and risk reduction to policyholders and by and perhaps some share of risk reduction, leaving holding out the prospect of a significant increase in publicly funded disaster funds to focus on rates in the future if risks are not reduced. investments in risk reduction. Flood Re is only authorized for 25 years, after which (4) Disaster relief of the types described in box 1 flood insurance is intended to fully reflect the risk on comprises the fourth pool of post-disaster funding each property. Property owners are thus provided an and goes beyond the self-insurance for public incentive to take risk reducing steps so that when facilities. As noted above, these funds are usually exposed to premiums that reflect actual risks, the thought of as extraordinary budget outlays rather property owner will in theory be able to keep than as reinsurance for primary property and premiums level as a result of their actions. Flood Re casualty insurance. The terms and conditions set in recognizes the resilience concept, but places the each iteration of disaster funding can accommodate burden on individuals to take appropriate actions. both recovery and resilience if the appropriate policy Solutions like natural infrastructure could be used choices are made. The use of post-disaster public under this arrangement. There is a review of the funding to reduce future risks comprises a very large Flood Re program every five years and at some pool of resources. The nearly $2.9 billion in Federal point in the program lifespan, insurers and the Hazard Mitigation Funds appropriated for risk government will have to consider whether more reduction in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and direct support for risk reduction will be needed and Sandy is much more money than these jurisdictions whether such support should include measures such are likely to see in the near future through normal as natural infrastructure. appropriations to this fund. A final example of risk pools are the FAIR and (5) Risk pools, or residual markets, are a hybrid of beach/wind pools operated by thirty-five states in the primary insurance and reinsurance in which U.S. These risk pools were originally established in insurance companies pool a share of premiums from the 1960s to reduce costs of property insurance for policy holders with their own resources to pay claims low income communities in urban centers, but the that exceed normal levels. Risk pools may be concept was gradually extended to cover losses backed by reinsurance and/or catastrophe bonds for from storms in coastal areas related to wind and extreme risks. There are two broad types of risk beach loss (as flooding was covered elsewhere). pools. One is the recent development of Insurance for coastal properties has become the international risk pools for developing countries. The forerunner of this is the Caribbean Catastrophic Risk 16 Insurance Facility (CCRIF), which provides an array http://www.floodre.co.uk/

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 19 primary use of such insurance. Many of these risk relief) where the pressure on government budgets pools are underfunded relative to the growing risks may encourage focusing resources only on to coastal properties. This could be a significant recovery. This bias could be reduced if governments problem because it is ultimately state governments budget for disasters over longer terms that consider and taxpayers that are backing these risk pools the likely costs of multiple disasters. Such viewpoints (Hartwig & Wilkinson, 2016). would encourage investment in cost-effective risk reduction measures. Natural infrastructure is not well suited to minimizing wind damages in most cases, although managing The second source of the anti-resilience bias is that, beach erosion is one use of the residual pools in following a disaster, all organizations want to repair many states (including all U.S. states south of the damage and put things back “as they were” Virginia and on the Gulf of Mexico, the states quickly. This is a general problem in supporting primarily at risk from hurricanes). But strategies for rebuilding in the same high-risk areas and following reducing risks from coastal flooding will include the same approaches. Environmental reviews of replacement of developed shorelines with natural structure repairs may be expedited to meet these shorelines (retreat), which is something that demands for a quick recovery. Further use of new overextended state residual pools are likely to approaches such as building natural infrastructure encourage in some cases. The complex mix of projects may be difficult under these time insurance in the U.S. for coastal properties will constraints. interact in unpredictable ways to shape individual There are two means of addressing this bias. One is and public decisions about flood risk reduction. to gain experience with natural infrastructure so that its impacts can be evaluated more quickly. This Constraints on Post-Disaster Spending on need for experience has been emphasized by a Natural Infrastructure number of studies (Huwyler et al., 2014; Gremli et No matter which post-disaster funding opportunity is al., 2014). Another is for jurisdictions intending to selected, there is a consistent anti-resilience bias in rely on post-disaster funding to support risk-reducing current policies that must be addressed. This bias projects to design, evaluate, and perhaps “pre- has two sources. The first is budgetary pressure. permit” specific actions so that they can be Incorporating risk-reducing actions in recovery implemented quickly as part of the “recovery to pre- funding raises the size (and cost) of catastrophe disaster” process. bonds, traditional insurance, and public post-disaster Table 2 presents a summary of the various funding funding. This becomes particularly visible in the case sources discussed in this section. of Box 1 (public funds appropriated for disaster

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 20 Table 2. Summary of funding sources. Who pays? Public Private Box 1 Box 3 General Infrastructure Spending that Could Pre and Post Disaster Funding Incorporate Flood Protection Green Bonds Transportation U.S. State and Local Governments Water related infrastructure National Governments Energy European Investment Bank Pre-Disaster Flood/Natural Features World Bank United States Regional Development Banks Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Wetlands Restoration Fund Estuary Habitat Restoration Act Funds Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Restoration FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grants Oil Spill Wetlands Restoration Funds State Infrastructure Banks Europe Public Natural Capital Financing Facility

Who Benefits? Who Benefits? Developing Countries World Bank Green Climate Fund Global Environmental Facility Small Grants Mexico Fund for Disaster Prevention Post-Disaster Funding United States FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance Program World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery Crisis Response Window Catastrophe Draw Down Option (CAT-DDO) Mexico Fund for Reconstruction Box 2 Box 4 Infrastructure Finance Tax Expenditures United States Disaster Recovery Deductions Special Purpose Districts: Flood Control Districts Deductions for Contributions to Conservation Storm water Districts, Tax Increment Financing Districts All Areas Public-Private Infrastructure Partnerships Insurance – Pre-Disaster

Private Private United States FEMA Community Rating System Insurance – Post-Disaster All Areas Insurance and Reinsurance Payouts Catastrophe Bonds, Resilience Bonds Developing Countries Risk Pools (e.g. Caribbean Catastrophic Insurance Facility)

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 21 DEVELOPING A FUNDING STRATEGY FOR FLOOD RISK REDUCTION

This artificial reef section in Grenada is part of a pilot project to deliver risk reduction and conservation benefits. @ Tim Calver

The catalog of available funding sources for flood between urban and rural areas. Urban areas risk reduction (Table 2) shows that there is a very typically have very high levels of property values at large array of choices from which those seeking to risk. Rural areas may have shoreline property but it reduce risks can assemble resources and from is likely to be much less dense and lower in total which those seeking to deploy capital for risk value. The second geographic feature is shoreline reduction can devise viable strategies. But, as noted characteristics such as being composed of enclosed above, there are many factors that shape the features such as embayments, the composition of circumstances in which risk reduction and funding the shoreline, and its elevation relative to sea level. decisions will be made. We briefly discuss a few key Shorelines may also be eroding or accreting. factors and elaborate on these using case-studies from two distinct at-risk geographies: The Ecosystems Northeastern U.S. and The Philippines. Depending on the local configuration of these factors, some The type, location, and extent of ecosystems in an types of funding are more or less likely to be usable. area are major factors in determining what role Also as noted, these factors are complex and natural infrastructure could play in flood risk multidimensional, and thus require specific local reduction. The key characteristics of living analysis. Nonetheless, it is possible to examine each ecosystems that most influence erosion and flood of the factors and some of their principal elements reduction are known. Reef height and roughness are as they relate to the general funding strategies critical, as are the width and vegetative density of discussed. wetlands. Overall, coral reefs are likely to provide the most protection, followed by mangroves and Geography marshes. Oyster reefs can provide erosion reduction and protection of shorelines but will have limited There are two principal dimensions to the influence on flood reduction. geographic factor. The first is location of property at risk relative to shoreline and shoreline ecosystems. This is most easily visualized as the difference

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 22 Known flood risks development organizations related to ecosystems that are targeted for other purposes, such as habitat Data on past floods, including their periodicity, preservation, that could be coupled with risk extent, and damages are essential to the risk reduction. modeling that underlies flood insurance. This ranges from the accurate mapping of the 100-year flood (the Financing system capabilities standard for the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program) to the sophisticated risk models used to Many of the possible funding sources for natural price catastrophe bonds and reinsurance. Such data infrastructure require relatively sophisticated finance is also important in helping communities understand and insurance systems. These include governmental the risks they face and the importance of actions to grant systems, a well-functioning local government reduce them, though rising sea levels and changing borrowing system, and a property and casualty weather patterns mean that the past is an imperfect insurance system capable of handling flood and guide to the future. Such data is also more likely to natural disaster risks. Such systems characterize be available in developed than in developing almost all developed economies, but are unevenly countries. distributed among developing countries, though these capacities may evolve in the future. Existing approaches for funding natural infrastructure Socioeconomic status of communities

Where public funds are available to acquire or Flood risk reduction may be funded by many restore ecosystems for flood risk reduction, a key different local and international sources, but the question is whether such funds are specifically responsibility for taking steps to reduce risks often designated for flood risks or are designated for other rests with local communities and governments. purposes. In Europe and some U.S. states, public Higher-income communities have more resources to money for wetlands and other ecosystems is contribute to funding risk reduction and are also specifically authorized for flood risk reduction. more likely to have the capacity to manage the International development organizations increasingly process of investing to reduce risks. Lower-income have dedicated risk reduction funds. But there are communities will have to rely more on outside also many funding programs related to wetlands and resources and may lack the organizational capacity related resources in the U.S., Europe, and among to plan and execute risk reduction strategies.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 23 Case Study 1: The Northeastern U.S.

Overview Kolker, Mushacke, & Fallon, 2002). Today, the total area of coastal and estuarine wetlands in this region The coastline of the northeastern U.S., from Cape is approximately 300,000 hectares. The shorelines Elizabeth, Maine to Virginia Beach, Virginia, is a flat, of Delaware Bay and Chesapeake Bay have seen low-lying, heavily developed area with many rivers, rapid loss of marsh land over the past century due to beaches and marshes. With more than 28,000 linear local shoreline submergence driven by sea-level kilometers, this coastline is home to one-third of the rise, and to subsidence due to groundwater coastal population of the U.S., with twice the withdrawal (Kennish, 2001). However given space population density of any other coastal region. This and adequate sediment supply, marshes can keep highly urbanized coastline includes the cities of pace with increases in sea level (Kirwan & Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk- Megonigal, 2013). Newport News, but also has significant amounts of natural areas, mostly in federal, state, and local Interaction between Ecosystems and Flood reserves (Nickerson et al., 2011; NOAA, 2013; Titus Risks et al., 2009). In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, Known Flood Risks there has been growing attention to the role of natural and nature-based solutions for reducing The northeastern U.S. coastline is highly prone to coastal risk and enhancing resilience. Across the flooding and flood damage from storms, hurricanes northeastern U.S., government agencies and NGOs and extra-tropical cyclones (Lin, Emanuel, are assessing and using natural infrastructure to Oppenheimer, & Vanmarcke, 2012). Estimated increase coastal resilience. Activities range from annual flood damages from hurricane and storm assessments of vulnerability and risk reduction surges vary from $59 to $129 million in New York value, to outreach and education, to on-the-ground City alone (Aerts, Lin, Botzen, Emanuel, & de Moel, restoration projects (Bridges et al., 2015; Canick, 2013; Neumann et al., 2014). Hurricane Sandy – the Carlozo, & Foster, 2016; Hardaway C.S. & Duhring, second costliest hurricane in U.S. history – caused 2010; The Nature Conservancy, 2013). Numerous over $50 billion in damages in the U.S., spread studies have shown that natural coastal defenses across 12 coastal states. (Blake, Kimberlain, Berg, can reduce wave heights and storm surges (Moller Cangialosi, & Beven II, 2013). This risk will increase et al., 2014; Wamsley, Cialone, Smith, Atkinson, & in the next 30 – 100 years as sea levels rise, Rosati, 2010; Zhang et al., 2012). Under the right especially for major cities like Washington D.C., conditions coastal ecosystems can also provide New York City, and Boston with dense development cost-effective coastal protection (Narayan et al., within one meter of current sea levels (Folger & 2016a; Reguero et al., 2014). A few studies have Carter, 2016). looked specifically at the reduction of economic State of Ecosystems damages by these natural defenses. Coastal wetlands in the northeastern U.S. are estimated to The coastline of the northeastern U.S. has extensive have reduced property damages from Hurricane areas of salt marsh and other temperate coastal Sandy by 10%, totaling more than $625 million in wetlands. These wetlands have declined drastically avoided damages. These wetlands also reduced over the past century due to human impacts, damages from annual flooding. For example including conversion to agricultural or urban land- marshes in Ocean County, New Jersey have uses, construction of ditches and dykes, pollution, reduced average annual losses by 20% (Narayan et and canal dredging. Regional and global forces such al., 2016b). reduced sediment supplies and rising sea levels are also reducing the extent of wetlands (Hartig, Gornitz,

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 24 Existing approaches for funding natural properties that are very highly valued. These infrastructure communities should have the resources and the capacity to identify and implement financial tools that Coastal marshes in the heavily developed could improve the risk reduction benefits provided by northeastern U.S. are conserved primarily through natural infrastructure. But there are also many lower public ownership. Restoration activities to repair income communities with fewer resources and and extend coastal marshes are primarily options that will rely on higher levels of government undertaken through public programs for wetlands or, for funding for flood risk reduction. more commonly, as offsetting actions for development of wetlands under the “no net loss” Summary: The Northeastern U.S. policy. Such offset restoration is funded by both public and private sources. Beach restoration and The northeastern U.S. is highly vulnerable to nourishment is common in some states, primarily flooding, but annual flood risks are not yet as high as paid for by local assessments on property or by in the southeastern U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico, sales taxes, but the complex ownership patterns in which is impacted more frequently by tropical the region make nourishment difficult. Post disaster storms. Natural infrastructure in the northeastern funds have supported habitat restoration for risk U.S. consists primarily of coastal marshes, many of reduction, specifically targeted funds for coastal which are in public ownership and dune systems, restoration after Hurricane Sandy. Flood insurance which are heavily developed and usually privately has generally not played a role in supporting natural owned. Much of these ecosystems have been lost or infrastructure except in some local jurisdictions that are highly disturbed. The region generally has have taken advantage of the incentives in the access to significant funding resources and strong Community Rating System. governance, but the public and private financial institutions are not optimized for addressing flood Financing system capabilities risk reduction in general and natural infrastructure in particular. The U.S. has sophisticated tax, expenditure, philanthropic, and insurance systems that are Expanding natural infrastructure in the northeastern capable of assembling funds for natural U.S. will require a focus on wetland restoration and infrastructure through many approaches. But there expansion and preserving beach systems, coupled are weaknesses in the systems. The National Flood with hybrid solutions. State and local governments Insurance Program (NFIP), the primary source of will play a leading role in identifying and organizing post-disaster funding, is significantly under-funded. investments, but finance will have to come from The NFIP is in the early stages of expanding improvements in capturing the value of risk investments in risk reduction, but current activity is reduction through mechanisms such as green bonds too small for both individual regions and the nation. and catastrophe bonds, structured to allow risk State and local governments are highly constrained reducing investments either before or after disaster. in making investments and rely on federal spending, Special purpose districts, such as those being used which is currently declining. State and local to finance stormwater infrastructure, could be governments have substantial flexibility to create expanded in both geography and purpose. Improved special purpose districts to finance natural flows of resources from the National Flood Insurance infrastructure, but flood risk reduction has not been a Program would accelerate the use of natural significant use of these funds. infrastructure significantly.

Socioeconomic status of communities Northeastern U.S. coastal communities are predominantly wealthy; many are among the wealthiest communities in the nation, with shorefront

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 25 Case Study 2: The Philippines

Overview dependent on these services and resources. However, land-use conversion and other human The Philippines consists of over 7,500 islands in the activity on the coastline have resulted in widespread western Pacific Ocean, with a coastline over 30,000 degradation of coastal ecosystems like coral reefs kilometers long and a population of nearly 101 and mangroves (Burke, Reytar, & Spalding, 2011; million, of which 60% lives on the coast. The Samonte-Tan et al., 2007). The Philippines has lost Philippine coastline is characterized by significant approximately half of the mangrove habitat over the typhoon and storm activity with heavy rainfall, storm past century. Major causes of mangrove loss in the surges and high waves. Coastal populations are region include: (i) conversion to other land use such heavily dependent on coastal resources for their as oil palm plantations, mining, shrimp farms, livelihoods and income (Combest-Friedman, infrastructure, and human settlements; (ii) over- Christie, & Miles, 2012; The World Bank, 2005). The harvesting for timber; (iii) pollution; (iv) decline in coastlines of the Philippines are also undergoing freshwater availability; (vi) reduction of silt rapid urbanization; 25 major cities in the country are deposition; (vii) coastal erosion due to subsidence located on the coastline. and sea level rise; and (viii) disturbances due to Known Flood Risks cyclones and hurricanes (Giri et al., 2015).

The Philippines is among the most at-risk countries Interaction between Ecosystems and Flood in the world (Beck, 2014a; UNU-EHS & Budnis Risks Entwicklung Hilft, 2016). Typhoons, storms and The proximity of populations and coastal floods account for around 80% of the total losses ecosystems throughout the Philippines means that from disasters, with estimates of annual average there is broad interest in natural capital accounting losses totaling nearly $3 billion (National Economic and in green investments for risk reduction. Coastal Development Authority, 2017a; UNISDR, 2015). The ecosystems like coral reefs and mangroves have Typhoons take a heavy toll on coastal populations been shown to provide critical risk reduction services and economies: super typhoon Haiyan in November to coastal populations in the Philippines (Filippo 2013 killed over 6,000 people and displaced Ferrario et al., 2014; Anna L McIvor, Spencer, approximately 4 million people (UN ESCAP, 2015). Möller, & Spalding, 2012). In addition to reducing the Climate change impacts such as sea level rise and risk of flooding, these ecosystems also help reduce higher storm frequency, coupled with greater social vulnerability through the provision of a host of populations and development at the coastline, and other ecosystem services (Barbier, 2013; Bosire et degradation of ecosystems will greatly increase the al., 2008; Das, Vincent, & Daily, 2009; Hutchison, vulnerability of these populations to coastal hazards Spalding, & Zu Ermgassen, 2014; Walters et al., (Kreft, Eckstein, Junghans, Kerestan, & Hagen, 2008). Coral reefs in the Philippines help reduce 2014; National Economic Development Authority, annual flood damages by $590M/year (Beck et al., 2017b; Yusuf & Francisco, 2009). 2016 and in review). At the same time however, State of Ecosystems ecosystems in this region are facing severe threats due to global and local pressures from human The Philippines have a rich diversity of coastal activity (Strong & Minnemeyer, 2015). In the ecosystems, including coral reefs, seagrasses, Philippines, mangroves annually reduce flooding for mangroves, estuarine wetlands, sandy beaches and more than 613,000 people of which 23% are below rocky headlands. These ecosystems provide poverty. They also provide annual benefits greater invaluable ecosystem services, including fisheries, than U.S. $1 billion in averted damages to tourism and coastal protection services. The residential and industrial stock. Additionally, Philippines’ coastal populations are heavily

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 26 mangroves annually reduce flooding to more than requiring that most resources will need to come the 766 km of roads (World Bank 2017). national government or international sources.

Existing approaches for funding natural Summary: The Philippines infrastructure The Philippines exhibits both extreme vulnerabilities The highly risk prone geography of the Philippines and very high annual risks. Natural infrastructure is requires greater attention to flood risk reduction than recognized as an important investment, but as a in most countries, but as a lower income country, its lower middle income country the resources to make internal resources are well short of meeting the substantial commitments to natural infrastructure are needs. The Government of the Philippines has very limited, particularly in comparison with the committed to restoring mangroves as part of its needs. Large disparities in incomes across the coastal protection strategy under the National nation lead to reliance primarily on national and Greening Program. A recently issued Executive international funding for flood risk reduction. At the Order “Expanding the Coverage of the National same time, the geography of the Philippines Greening Program” identified the critical role of provides a relative abundance of opportunities to forests including mangroves (National Economic use natural infrastructure. The result is a large Development Authority, 2017c). Many countries and amount of unrealized gains in flood risk reduction. multi-lateral institutions as well as NGOs (conservation and aid groups) provide support to the There is huge value in the existing natural Philippines for disaster recovery; as in other infrastructure for risk reduction. This infrastructure – countries there is also some limited support for pre- in reefs and mangroves – is potentially more disaster mitigation. valuable for risk reduction in the Philippines than in most (and possibly all) other countries. The country Financing system capabilities has some recognition of this value in mangroves (e.g., in the Greening Program) and a lot of The Philippines has a diverse tax system experience in mangrove restoration – some of it administered primarily at the national level, with explicitly for risk reduction purposes. At the same funding passed through to provincial and local time, the Philippines (as with most countries) does governments. Flood insurance is privately provided not systematically measure the value of coral reefs and is generally only included in the most for risk reduction and thus lags in efforts for reef comprehensive (and expensive) property insurance conservation and restoration (Beck and Lange policies. These polices are designed exclusively for 2016). damage recovery; the reinsurance provided for these policies might become a source of risk In the near term, expansion of natural infrastructure reducing funding, but flood insurance coverage in will rely on national commitments to programs such the Philippines is overall very low and primarily in as that for mangrove restoration and a small number urban areas. The majority of post-disaster recovery of local initiatives addressing specific situations. In currently comes from publicly funded sources, either the longer term, the Philippines will need to become the national government or international sources. much more focused on converting damage-related expenditures for risk reduction purposes. Insurance Socioeconomic status of communities through new vehicles such as catastrophe bonds, The Philippines is a classified as a lower middle combined with assistance from international income country by the World Bank. The country is development organizations, would significantly characterized by significant extremes from high expand the funding resources available to take income urbanized areas to extremely poor rural advantage of the abundance of natural infrastructure regions scattered among the thousands of islands opportunities throughout the Philippines. that comprise the nation. Local resources are likely to be meager to non-existent in most of the country, Significant investment from multi-laterals and interest from the private sector in insurance could

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 27 create possibilities for the development of coastal tourism infrastructure (which is often public/private funding for risk reduction using centered around significant reef systems). Higher catastrophe bonds and resilience bonds. There may income urban areas will be best placed to take also be opportunities for facultative reinsurance to advantage of insurance-related funding; extending support resilience building in reefs and mangroves those resources to lower income rural areas will be particularly where there is significant investment in the largest challenge for the Philippines.

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 28 EXPANDING FUNDING FOR FLOOD RISK REDUCTION & NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE

Grand Isle, Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Oyster reefs offshore prevent erosion on the barrier island. @ Erika Nortemann

Both public and private funds are available for amount of private funding is unknown, but may grow natural infrastructure investment. But many of these as more people appreciate the advantages of options have yet to be applied to natural natural infrastructure. Although current disaster infrastructure investments, or require additional recovery funds are substantial and offer institutional and policy development before they opportunities for investing in resilience, the anti- could be widely employed. The funding options can resilience bias limits their use. be organized into three groups: Currently available funding may be quite diverse and  Currently Available Funding large, but utilizing it for natural infrastructure will require work to adapt it to the specific requirements  Emerging Funding of natural infrastructure for flood risk reduction.  Future Funding Emerging funding options are those that are Currently available funding options are primarily already established but have been applied to a grouped under Box 1 and Box 4 in Table 1 above. limited extent to coastal flood protection and natural There are public funding programs that could infrastructure. The most important funding source in support natural infrastructure, including funds this category is green bonds, a rapidly growing, primarily directed at building or rebuilding flexible, direct source of capital that has broadly infrastructure, and programs for wetland restoration intended purposes, such as flood risk reduction. either directly for habitat protection purposes or Green bonds are tied to specific environmental indirectly as part of compensation for wetland lost to performance measures, thus the outcomes of development. In the U.S. such wetland funding is not natural infrastructure in terms of flood and erosion usually for the specific purpose of flood risk reduction must be apparent or measurable within the reduction, while in Europe many funding programs life of the bond. Establishing performance standards explicitly fund natural infrastructure for flood for natural infrastructure green bonds may take time. protection. Private funds for specific natural The widespread use of green bonds may depend on infrastructure projects are largely untapped. The the creation of special purpose districts that can

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 29 repay the bond through capture of the benefits of specific measures to deal with “climate change risk flood protection. Special purpose districts have long reduction strategies”, specifically including “risk been used, particularly in the U.S., to match the assessment and management actions… including beneficiaries of infrastructure to the revenues to pay insurance” (UNFCCC, 2011). In 2013, the Warsaw for them. There is an emerging role for such districts International Mechanism for Loss and Damage for climate-related activities that offer flood Associated with Climate Change Impacts 17 was protection, such as stormwater management. established for “Enhancing action and support, including finance, technology and capacity building, Catastrophe bonds are another type of emerging to address loss and damage associated with the funding. Although well-established as a vehicle for adverse effects of climate change”. In Paris in 2015, providing additional capital to the reinsurance the COP agreed that the Warsaw Mechanism and market, their role in investing in flood risk reduction the issue of addressing losses and damages, has yet to be established. The “resilience bond” including risk reduction, would become a permanent concept suggests such a role is possible. part of the Framework Convention, thus the issue of Catastrophe bonds offer an important opportunity for adaptation was transformed from a set of side self-insured public infrastructure to take more control discussions into the core work of the Convention over the funding of post-disaster responses, (United Nations Framework on Climate Change, including both recovery and risk reduction. 2016; Darragh, 2015). The “Mechanism” required by Future funding options consist of sources that the COP in Warsaw is still under development with a either do not currently exist or are at levels too report due in 2017. Flood risk reduction investments, limited to be considered emerging. The most including natural infrastructure, are likely to be important category here would be a significant shift included in such eligible uses, but detailed terms in the use of disaster recovery funds towards and conditions will probably take several years. investments in risk reduction against future Nonetheless, funding options in the billions of disasters. This large pool of funds becomes more dollars, such as financial transaction, airline attractive as awareness of the risks and passenger, and bunker fuels taxes, have been vulnerabilities of coastal flooding grows. Expanding proposed (Durand et al., 2016). the use of these funds will require significant Based on the current, emerging, and future funding changes in current policies and programs. An categories, the development of funding options for example includes reorienting the U.S. Community natural infrastructure should follow a three-part Rating System to support risk-reducing investments. strategy: First, make maximum use of existing The international community is also devoting more programs, such as wetland restoration programs that attention to finding ways to reduce the damages of are well-suited for the purpose of risk reduction. climate change or compensate for losses, Second, focus efforts on expanding and refining the particularly in less developed countries. Funding for emerging categories of funding, including green damage reduction and compensation has been a bonds, catastrophe bonds, and special purpose contentious issue between developed and less financing institutions. Third, engage in reform of developed countries. However, in recent meetings of post-disaster funding, particularly government the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United investment for risk reduction. This would include Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change changing policies on the use of recovery funds (UNFCCC), there have been commitments to where needed, as well as planning for the use of specific actions surrounding the loss and damage natural infrastructure projects to be rapidly issue. implemented during the recovery process. In 2007, the Bali Action Plan first mentioned the need for disaster risk reduction strategies to address 17 loss and damage, particularly in vulnerable http://unfccc.int/adaptation/workstreams/loss_and_d countries. In 2011, the Parties established the amage/items/8134.php “Cancun Adaptation Framework”, which identified

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 30 The key to expanding the availability of funding in focused on recovery from flood disasters, but the future lies in addressing some of the identified the growing magnitude of flooding risk is forcing barriers, including: greater attention on reducing risks as well as compensating for them. The relatively large  The need for more experience with natural upfront costs of natural infrastructure mean that infrastructure projects to normalize this the values to insurers and insured can be approach for property owners, funders, and captured and cumulated to provide pools of regulators. investment capital. In the U.S., this might be  Public and private insurance systems that are done through changes in community-based risk insufficiently focused on reducing future risks. programs, such as the FEMA-administered CRS  Funding organizations that are unaware of program, or through innovations in catastrophe potential natural infrastructure opportunities bonds, such as the “resilience bond” concept. and/or lack the flexibility to support the kind of Such approaches could also reduce the creative financing approaches needed. problems of over-insurance of repetitive loss properties. Catastrophe bonds could also serve Strategies for overcoming these include: as a partial substitute for the self-insurance that typically covers publicly owned properties, 1. Gaining Experience Investment in natural freeing up funds to be used for flood protection infrastructure for flood protection remains investments. relatively rare, although there is a growing body

of evidence attesting to both its effectiveness (Narayan et al., 2016a; Shepard, Crain, and 3. Enabling Connecting Organizations A major Beck, 2011; Beck, 2014) and its cost- challenge for expanding the use of natural effectiveness (Narayan et al., 2016b, Newkirk et infrastructure for flood protection lies in al., 2016; ENVIRON International Corporation, connecting the many different types of funding 2015). But people considering investing and funding institutions with the many different substantial amounts of public or private funds places around the world where natural will tend to be skeptical of an uncommon infrastructure could play a key role in reducing technical approach. More projects are needed to flood risks. Funders look for opportunities that demonstrate this approach and to develop a are well-defined and ready for implementation, database of performance standards (including while those concerned with flooding threats try cost performance standards). A growing body of to navigate their way through the many possible infrastructure projects looking for funding will funding sources. Long-term success for both need to be matched with a growing pool of funds can be enhanced through the evolution of looking for projects. Some funding programs, intermediary organizations that identify potential such as the European Natural Capital Finance projects and can provide links to potential Facility, were created mostly to fund projects funders. These could include conservation that could provide the needed experience with organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy, natural infrastructure, but there are few other various iterations of the infrastructure bank specific funding sources. concept evolving in both the U.S. and Europe, or possibly the Warsaw International Mechanism. 2. Flood Insurance Reform The flood insurance system, whether publicly or privately operated, is

Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Risk Reduction 31 CONCLUSIONS

Port Fourchon, Louisiana, benefits from the protection provided by adjacent wetlands. @ Carlton Ward Jr. This review of funding options for natural policies in flood insurance have created a solid base infrastructure for risk reduction from flooding finds for a future set of funding sources that can meet the that there is a large and growing pool of possible needs for coastal adaptation to a much greater funds for this purpose. However, there are extent than today’s array can. significant mismatches and limitations to making The course to that future funding for natural effective use of available funds. The largest amount infrastructure lies primarily in the increasing use of of funding is connected to flood disaster recovery, what is available today, in both established and new but few of these funds are used to reduce future approaches, to implement emerging natural flood risks. New forms of finance such as green infrastructure projects. The most important bonds and catastrophe bonds can provide significant innovations in finance are ones that now address resources, but the use of these funds for natural responses to reducing flood risks by reducing the infrastructure is nascent, in large part because the likelihood or magnitude of climate change, and have number of natural infrastructure projects that could yet to be widely used for coastal adaptation in use such funding remains relatively small. general and natural infrastructure in particular. The Expected increases in future flooding risks will likely future pool of financing for natural capital will evolve greatly increase the demand for risk-reducing primarily thanks to the knowledge we gain from the natural infrastructure. Fortunately, innovations such people who undertake natural infrastructure projects as green bonds, catastrophe bonds, and evolving funded by creative combinations of resources.

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