Forward Plan reference number: Not applicable Report title: Surplus Property Schedule: Upminster - : Broadfields Farm Gate House, Pike Lane, Cranham, RM14 3NS. Report to: Mark Carroll, Executive Director for Economy, Localities and Public Health Report author: Leslie Pilkington, Head of Property and Facilities Date: 2nd June 2018 For: Decision Enquiries to: Stuart Moulder – Property and Facilities Tel : 03330 133338. Email:
[email protected] County Divisions affected: N/A London Borough of Havering This report includes a confidential appendix which is not for publication because it includes exempt information falling within paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended. 1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of this report is to approve the declaration as surplus and open market disposal of The Gate House, Broadfields Farm, Pike Lane, Cranham (as shown outlined in red on the attached plan) (the property). 2. Recommendations 2.2.1 Agree to declare the property surplus and dispose of it on the open market, at a figure not less than the price shown in the attached Confidential Appendix. 2.2.2 Authorise Essex County Council (the Council) to enter into such legal agreements as may be required to facilitate the transaction at best value for the property, on terms and conditions to be agreed by the Head of Property and Facilities. 3. Summary of issues 3.1 The whole of Broadfields Farm, was acquired by the Council in 1939, when Cranham was still part of the Essex County area. After its acquisition, in 1965, the County Boundary was changed, and Cranham fell within the London Borough of Havering.