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8-22-1966 Times (August 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 127) Bakhtar News Agency

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'. !...: ,' '- . , ' .~- .:. ~ •• ~ ". I, ' , , •,• ~r ,; ~ •• PAGE 4' 'THE, kABuL. , TIMES

" ...... / '\, F,urtll.r TroubleAppears To Be ,! :. ; .:VietDam I :.' " Co,tr'nued,;i;~'", 'page' I, I.n Store For Troubled Indonesia tarY personnel,:but wlfh It&H,.m) \ - force," -the Founda.t1on Hid., J,.> ,.~ ~ ;' .'... BANDUNG. AUIust %1, (AP).- "Pr<:iJlier . KosYglJi ',oilers ;', fUll ,~ lD BiuulUIIC. a eonfllct between PresIdent Sukamo and 'support for the 'war',crlmes·,trtbu­ n<4 which Bei'trllnd' Russel' has hla"Mlnfs&tra·UU! lDovement of troops central Java have t .'~. lDto initiated," it !t. ~~ ailded.. ' ',' .VOL. NO, 127. f_ Of widespread disturbances. The Sovi~t Pi'eDiler emphaSised y, ~. :"1\, 1966, (ASAD 31, 1345.,) Price Af, 3 SolTie obse.:Yets· eVen pre

,~ ~;(;l ',' '. ~ I ', ':."'.' " ..... "'''' .... \ ,'" .:1: ,: ..". :', ',.;.. " ",,'- " .< :::',," ',.":"'::',::, . , . , ,. \' , . .. ' . .- .. '. " '1 \ • ~ l 'T~" T()wards::te~jo;t'ess'.:·,;,;i.~;j)~' 'I, 'j \ /' . ',' 't · ht" .' ·U·n·:le:.::.;.:.J .. We'" March ..: t"., ,', .', ,. Food P I' ~ .'. THE KABUL:' TIMES·' AUGUST 22, 1966 4 . or· ~' leU""'"'~" ...::/.~.~ > '"j:~' , '.' . .' , ,.\.' ,., • '1' .• , ,I, • ..'! # •• '. .' ,. • .' : .:.' :: ' .. ,,' " ' .... 'I', f_f..' '.' '," .,' . _'., j \: •• I~ ~}p"\ ~T., S.1'~'llt,"";'j '~' ~ r'''~t , , • 'f) '".I \'. . (.1:' ¢. ',I' II'..', " .... I., # ,J I , •. '" .:.,.lJ I,' ,... ' , ': , . iP~.. '~Oinoirow\ttUi Diiuo.:·:la,~;";i..:.. ~'!Hii:lM-.~e8ti kD~" ·thai,~_~~a~~U¥~!lr'Qiem. hhl~':!"~f~I'.~.:'''' , t " , , ..,' Until '''01 im'lf,ortaJity .'af (the, .:- "'-"; ..~ .,'" .. '. '~~.~~~f' th~ -J.~ ~. ,.. t•. ~J," i. .. ,:~,~,." \ ... '" .\ '.' ':, ., , . :,. .,(., :' ~ .., ,-.\ ....-.r:""be· :"-J~e, ·:·'·Without ·'·ple ,. every. e.... , 0 _ ' .... .' 'i \ , II. ,,' ...... ,." 'j' '( , . I' . . ., L .. Ij¥... ,• • ",._ .0. I no , .,..,. ....1 '''" . "'Pi:" :;.;l '. 'Th' .\ i..ri.J.. _. ' . ... , ,. , '. ,I," individual is ir~Jfultably d"",OlIs• .&:- .. 'tii!!r '.•.. F:Ui\'" .... edilc& oni;-~t\ 'IS .. :w~;,~"llJ'tlat 'DWc!l<.,~US!t. H~·'.s;:ret·at ':."d"- _~:c:" . ;~ ~ ':'.''', " '.;"" .••• ' ~l ~ _,I ~ ,,- , , •I , ,.:., i ' - , ' , ." " . ;'~,¥ .',::'" ", eJi~' '~·1l4c1l!·;'.i-·~~':D'at··;,eiiIPII •• ,Ii~ ....' JatdroD ~_tlllo:. :~hw~:.lin!d,!lllth' De~a ~~ta~~; ," , • .1 Ira"d. /Ii. .lWut: th. ;'m';';osu'r. .<, . 48 yearii" Oiae Can'1WciJy ''&n'tcJ-':{ ..''J'Jie~.he ff$.coimtrl.eil In the (Ian~-..$ alSO'. !"'I" lU'OOltliD /~~ . see_~t ~ la'u --aoite'· world 'where j!dileatlori',.is· ~ . pr,?Jw\, ·~';C.,bUI,!..'1v ';, "1"~et. ably p"cious Ira!" 0/ .nding. ";ith'·i..· .r,:(~ tI\liiiikh"'a ha:rd land ~'. tlJDit· 't1Iro\1lhout., "1ICbOo1 an(l UD1981'- '.S8I,SIl!!I~,. ~ ". '. 1 ,'.;" I... -~oW .~~. ~. ~ .' r tlJi.f life. the ache and languor but·:ta emrecma .. thi b.t.;:sltJ;, MJhailIai8D ··Dot:·oiiJ,y .pro: ' ;' United States 0/ &table'·: cOuntry In the heert\"Of Vldes"tree .llducatlon ft?r illl ~ !'ll rn building roads, lIl11lO'tt$ 'lPd THE kABUL TIMES the 8i'eateat continent t!!d' J!iu.' pIe but' ~ .free. 'mediCal .er- m the .promotion of ' educa~llln. existence remains open ·10 Dllrden:.· cliil;qr,*/P_ .~~t?t-- ,NEWS .. VI"". 'l'hel'l!' was. a time when . RecentlY.-other,·countriell, ·Shortl.Y. ,after Independence ~e ·students ""'re gi-lten ,!Qod, cJotli.. ably ~e . Federill l~epubltc. of "cOjmti7 fell Into ~ ~" ':of. " ing 'Alid' even.·poct~ mone:i..Siy- , Genn~, the ,f:Efles .;~~c PURlISftlNO ~GENC'r civil' war thrQteiied·· dents in the 'colleges 'sfIll ' get ; Cbiria. ~n , ·i'~i~~(:. '-;.',:~:J:"'/.: .'~' WhiCh dMi . ,ot Y....__.... :,.i 1 ..",;;, . "'" nation's ~t.V,'1II1\IIa~-w.a··'80~(;6thhei,!Jenealllptentloned.· France, Japan, .. ~dia .. have ·~ther : .', ".~:". ';•• ••• 1'.. f"J~,t" ;,.~F~,.ll'-::I~! . \. I:A·,["~~:,~·l'j' '. ~ feared t1IlIt'Cptlee ual#:'-die';'fruit ~iill8ftlg t):1at.IIC!Utlcal fnl.edo,m help_e-"ver, ~~~t.. m+m~ '~p- ·His .Majesty tile late KIna Mob- 'f e ..... ve rces and manPo.wer. a naU",,'.!aas beeD reJoiclttg aM .• well by.his reCent tG,.eeDti'aI AfghaDJ8tan ammad Nadir Shah, restori:d the . ~~.r-'~lo10 J!f!lrII 6die T1Ut why the emphasis document which haa. come ll1x?ut built and the foundation: ~~ .• a Was .shlfted from ,qrfculture to .t the ezpllelt wlBh of Bfa Kaj. portablcs. All look good. All sound fine. Anyone is ready to give you lop,quahly ecoAOmiC propess lJOSlilble ue ".1rlDliehed, :At· Under the' guldanc;e 'OI?i1J1a';~i,W;",~a notabl~.:~evementa "J'J;~I':~Y'9.r parliamentary system "'.. f Ia1d the deWlopment of. ComInimlca. esty· the. King. mar1dnl! clearly entcrlainmenl whcrever you feel like laking it. They arc all good value as stay-at· ghanlstlin bas acored In government Whi!lh: in the country_ .Ijr;, ',::. tiona in .'the 'FIrst -Five Year the des.tlllY of ~han\Stan on homc sets 100. Sce for yourself-here are a fcw from the r.ngc. both these fJ~ds III receift:' yem. elected representatives" tIIe<,peojIJe". • PIIIlI the ba.,s of equahty for illl clti. th~lr The national tranquility was . zeDS 'A year ago at fbis time the conntry was istan have increased ell'oris for speedier N~w gettlJ!g readY for Us ,fJrSt genenl·electlons nn- development of their country, Wlth"tIIe eco. once again disrupted and the Da- .4fghaniftan's sound .&JOlley of th.t we celeber.te t!liB MODEL L4X2IT Four wave· tion plunged into mournlJla when no~jgnp1ent.and,J/eacefu} co-- .uspicious occasion We 'Iook for. bands -1 medium. 3 short. der the new constitution promnlgated a year nomic Infrastructure built nnder-the'fJrstrtw'o' e~!lce Sockets for pIck-up end out· Hia .Majesty King Mohammad r-aJaed. 'ita .internatlonal w.rd to a better future not only door aerial. Battory lUning earlier at about the same time. Five Year Plans the way is now. paved 'or'p", N.dir, father of the present KIrig, prestige and both the east and for ourselves but. for tbe world This. year the first properly elected par- gress on other fronts. More liD4 moie biiUtut.- ~Pi\lll Indicator Cabinet covered In to~ Wa. assaasinated. But the cqun. the 1"est offered a ·band at large and hope that countries black leathcrcloth lIament has jnst gone IIlto recess after a bnsy of higher education are being establlsltlld pro- ~r;y waa fortunate tbat ~ aDa&- in ,_~ ··lIJIplelDentatiQD of ils and nations still striving to at­ session, during which some important laws vide the qualified personnel needed for 'biilld. sm.ted King had a capable son de~illl'Pment,pllUlll. The Soviet, their independence will have been passed. The law regnlatlng the ing the country. Researnh projects are lann. t? continue the ~t task of ~- UnIon, !lurrjlll'/lat northern neigh· succeed in their ende.\ltlUfII and establishment aod activities. of,political parties ched so that every step taken would'lie a cer- tlonal recon.truetion. From the hour, UllISted. ~ "Ill building the enjoy the blessings of freedom. as also the engagement and marriage law need tain step. .. MODEL L3X26T Three wave­ spedal mention. The ,tact. that the dialogue More industries are emerging liD4 the out- ---:------,,_------:------bands _, medium. 2 short Socket for earphone and OUI· bl!tween the execntive aJ;Id the legislature has put of electric power is IIlcreasing rapidly At- doOf aerial ~een conducted in an atmosphere of COOpera· tempts are also being made to exploU' the African Bloc May Decide UThanes Successor ~o~et,:::ea:t:::.m'::ghr:~=:~t~~ ~rves As a group. the African member­ country's mineral resources. Large tif states of the United Nations have B, b6e P. " ..... crncy will bear the desired fndt gas have been tapped and steps are they reason that he will not have marskjold. uf Sweden, was elected belne not yet considered an African as a delayed hJs decision so long Jt he F 'ItS '. taken to construct a steel plant. Secretary~General to two five year terms but was kil­ candidate for in. were not willing to allow more s$ahi8~~his :a=n~W,:u:.n::h~ t:~ti~ The future looks bright for the Af&'hans, case U Thant decides not to run led in a plane accident In Atrica ~. than two months for the orlanisa­ In September 1961 dance aod austere e .. but they shonld know that every one of them for re-electJon. tiOll .. Io_lICU<:t .... new ~hief executive INSTANT RECORDING K'~ m~an Thant. of Burma. was chosen to the Th 'Ieadt ersbip of Bis Majesty has a role to play In this stOry of their nation's This .·does not that the ofLicer. He .. mQws there was a g. e presen reforms In the conntry progress 0 It- fnI1 gro~p not feel tbat an African replace him. atter a bitter East­ were initiated by Bis M.'A.... nd th id '1:; ur C lzens are Y conscJons of I""... ~bale .before,be himself was West contest during which the S0­ Moo 01] the 1Il0fT8 wherever you go is worthy of serious uon&id.eration, CHOOSE "'--3 a e rap this and tliey will, we are sure, contlllue to co- "ic\eraI of :.<\hlo .Orlllllisa­ Thant onJy on condition that he tOl'll in· InJUting a cl10ice this time-­ name three key aides, one from housed in a one-piece cassette which is clipped lion ot 'Ilt.ican Wnlty (OAU), told ,did ,not e,UsI,in 196I-is Contin<:n1.1 . Preas. Ihe East, one ftom the Wesl .nd IIUO place for instant recording or plny·back. HOME PRESS ATA tht\..gr0).lA ,now .36, strong. If It votes one neutral JUSl click !-press the solitary control button BATTERIES GLANCE "We ·just· Gaven't gotten, arnund as .a.. Qloc. ft. co\1ld, well determine .,PH.ILISHAVE (only one for playback, record, fast·wind or fast to It." he said. ,And cit isn't likely the oexl ~~""er.1. Yesterday's l.sloh carried an edi­ certainly start paYlOg diVidends to the powerful Atrican bloc will give There is a strong feelmg among re-wlnd)~and there you are. Simple. Revolu­ -Any .candidate Jllust be accept~ the developing nations that the lonal on the latest deyelopments in the advantage of both consumers trying lo engage him in convCTSa- .the matter. serious consideration un­ able" to~aU, fLve of the permanent tionary. What's more, sound quality is very good the Bakhtar news agency. Commen­ and owners. Other problems may tlon dIsappeared. The brick moulder' tiJ U 1'hant says' he wl11 serve no next Secretary General should come with powerful, accurate reproduction of speech for power long~r 'l'lllfllbe!'s 01 Ule l/i,o.tlon Security. from either Atrica or Latin Ame­ lint -on tbe recently completed rise In the field of procuring quah­ at the end of his d.y·s l.bOur found .. ·CORDLES·S. . and music! Council before his name is sub­ plus economy course'on journalism which was con· ned personnel and the. payment of Ihat 100 Afghanis' be' had left in his It ..~s ~ fore!'o?e conclusion 1hat rica, and. of course. be acceptable milltd to the 117-0.tion General to the key Security, Council mem­ dUeled by the agency for the bene. foreign experts that may have to w..~teoat, which he lI.d'put Il8Idc., ~e J obtainable batlcry·operated and weighlDg under five lhe Mlnlslry of Mines and Indust­ "'ow it has a chaotic- whir­ minister has not been h.ppy. lbere recog~ Visit your radio shop. Scc hiS latest \Yords will clear the air ligig of praamat!c expedients. as hopeless to try. As al~ ovcr the globe. So sleek 'and strcam- pound" the AG41 00 plays your kind of music nes In eocouraglDg metal Industries Pral,da strt:sses that . In present bas. been an uncOOlfortable fee~og, o~e the style. Hear the sound. and persuade HanOI, Peking and '{hen the to be lioOI lJJ.ied. oul in desperation. lined, with a hand~omc zip-fastening wherever you go-with friends or In at.'cordance with the government's day conditions. the sOC'lalist com­ no~ helped by the riJid paternallsm even' t"lie imminent coming of the MOSf'O\Y to I econslder the idea of how m.ny terms of olllce the . by yoursclf. Hcar it today! Look for the name Philips. t1edared polICy. the Ministry paved munity IS the most powerful forc!? r egotJatums " of Mr. Bowden. until yesterday I.ea­ last trump would not fall within Irli,velling case ID charcoal-grey Icalhcr- the way for private investors to Lahovr P.rty could befOre der of the House. that. Govern­ c161h complcte with mirror Two colour schemes: red and of SOCial progress and the main the elecloral pendulum swung the sranding order.. take a more aCllve role in the pro­ ment powerless in 50 many. direc­ th~s beige, or blue and beigc. bullwark of people's stru"gle to 0/1 the subject of another term qack. Now there must be serious In practice means that the .nd c1e.ning brush. And B3X46T·. Tropic-proof. 4 motion of the country's economy. ~e('u de~ wavebands; one medium re world peace fUf UN Secretary-General U Thant.. ~oubt tiooa (RhoIIcsia,· Slcrlins. Vietn.m. Commons are quite incapable of incomparable value! The lat~[ result of the Ministry's whether it can survive the B.A.O.R.. & c.) is taking out its J short (two versions). the .SWT hopes he Will say yes. present one, bating matters of the moment; to efforts In thiS direction IS the metal All postwar history shows that PHltlPS admitting the trYing character of spile like .0 .nary child on the one lhe undoubted relier of the Goyem­ 84X36T. Tropic-proof. One Industfles proJect. whieh will be the Soviet Union and other SOCialist And if it doea rctam power for .pl.ce it can. dominalo-tbe House the post, the Scar hopes President ment who have n9 wish to sacrifice BATTERY MODEL AG4100 medium, 3 alJort waves. launched with private capital. AI­ countnes have been marching 10 Johnson's letter to U Thant will five years, how will the House of of Comm""". Members been valuable parliamentary time to such Sockets for outdoor aerial Commons emerac at the end? Thil and earth. lhouilh there may be difficulties in Ithe vanguard of' the anti-imperialist convince him tbat tbe world needs made to Sil aD l,lillbt when they frivolity. It is just one more factor THE LITTLE PLAYER WITH THE BIG QUALITY! procunng raw materials for such an tront and stubbornly upholding ,queation is pefhaps the most eru- lum In his present position and that would r.ther work civilised hours; destroying the relevance of Parlla. The bet· IDdustry 10 lhe beginning, once the peace and Internalional security he should accept what ,amounts to · ci.1 of .U. dividing line to curtail debates when they ur­ • mer\! in the public eye, and no more w~ problem IS solved the industry will The WashHlg[oJi Elleni"o Star . a uOlversal draft of his services " ween • parliamentary democracy senUy_ 10 criticised; .10 hear likely to be reformed than, say, the · aod a party dictatol'llhip bas al­ a decision-.-()n tbe appointment of human practice of all-night slltings. ~""""""""I'"''''''';'''''''':'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''';''''''''''''''''''''''.,,'''""""''''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''":.I::"""""~ w.ys been thio and iII-ddbted. an Ombpdsmao-which it w.s their II is quite Irue. of coUrse, that, PHILIPS Of late it bas becOme so tmuous § ADV ERr ( SIN G KAT I! 8 ~. S. KHALIL., I - § right to make. irrespective of reform. the' present : Display, Column Inch. .4/1. 100': T I h . '4047 E th.t a mere 54 hours ~ad 33 procedures of the Commons pro­ ~ Clawl,~d. ~ ~ for per hne. bolt:l type. At, 20 e ep ooe, .. ·minutes .in a standiJi. committee It is a ripe climate for parliamen­ vide rruit~1 ground for .ny poten: the tary reform. Rerorm~ th.t is. to ~ 'mi""uUln ,t''''~,. Ilnt'j ~, insu/KJn) ~ StJ:\FIE RA~EL. E~(lor ~ up$t.irs separate one from li.1 obtsl:Uclionist who i. .prepared ~ C'~J'P ~ ~ ·olher. Ii is nol e.oougb. take' the executive more responsible 10 study Erskine M.y. lbere wy . ,S UB S T ION .K·KTE'S For other numbers first ·d,.1 switch- 10 the House of Commons. The a classic example in M.y "(I\ep the. ~ ~ the 'eveats of recent stra",lIF thina .is Uiat with -the odd lasting Ye.rly .. " At.' tOOO hoard number 23043, 24028. 24026. .weeks should been foreseen second reading of the Transport ~Hal( ~ exception; like th.t of,Mich.el Foot. Fin.nces Bill w~s lost, if only tem. Yearly At. 600 C,n'ldat;ofl and Advertis;flg: •s the logical' conc)usioa of the little is be-ard of talk on tbese lines. ~ Quarterly At 300 Extensioo 59: ~ Cllrly .ttempts at lOyemmeot by, por.rily. through the enterprise of Members have been more concern­ Sir Douglas Glover, who noti~ :~ ~ite P.per an,d .s",l.ment of io· ed with' Black Rod-surely 00 more ..yalue th.t the Spe.ker w.s not in the ~ tent, Parliament, with its clumsy Ihan th~ I.ce on the cuII of P.,li.· Yearl;''... FOR E IGN 40 .F.dl/()Tla/: EX. 24. 58 '1 pc~,,"" 10 aceepl, the closure. But whether I .nd ,infuriating hallit JI1llnt's' 'black 'velvet such stratagems are the most effl~ I §~a'U/¥~arty-, 2~ 'Jo~C'rnment ~ il4 ~aioll the small print of and with Standing Order No.9, or . . . $ :: PrmtlDg Press # leli~lation. is inimic.1 10 arbilrary cient or mOst seemly way of mating § Qvafterly .\...... "...... $'15 ~ §. mornin. sittlnc.. lbe more 'lmpe­ the Commons' view felt much surely l government and intended to be so. tuow crusaders maYJ have been' ;;:lIIl11l1llllllllllUltllllllllllllll, . llllllllJUlllIlllIlHIIIIIIIlIIIIIlIItIIlIlIlIlIllIlUIIIIl1IIIIItlIIIIIUlIIlIlllJlIlJlltlIlIlttlllJlIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIlIIIIllUlltlllllllllllllllJlIIIllllIUlfllJllllUlHlllIlllUlIlIIlII In the present confusion ml.. be • matter for debate. boupt off .by Mr. Wilson's early . (To be continued) ::: J ~ 11 {. . t' I .j-, t' • ,'i'i ';o... ," ,l . '.. -.;...._...... r.' _"" ' ': , ",.t 1 ,1" \.. , .' I,' \ ..","!', 'I' ,,' "l,. .~, • :.. ' 1'1,1,1/\ J 1 f':-:~.f.l • : ,I.. " ~ ,\.. ,"~:'", I' ,. I.'~~'\\II,.,,~.,", l~,;~:~.:\~:,'\'\ I "l" "I/,:.(llt~~:(~.,.~\.·• I 'I' ~1,',.''II; ~';~.l""'~~'\:'.,.,~.yl~:+'I' • __ ";' ••, , I',' ", ",,'; ..., ....,., .. '. .'! ·,'·f. c"T~-' It,'{II~, .,/i,,1"~,\ •.• ' l:, :'''·~'·''I''.'\' 't,~.. :,IJ\"\\'J,~.';,~.".t ~ ~ ,~'. :.','~".: .~ ~ I"~ ·~Aft ~~ • ' . .~. PAGE 2 . . , ,,":" I. ,', ..":,' 'j" "'f' ..; "t .. t':"""l' :f'/) '.. .' . .. , . ." 'THE 'KAaUL 'TIMES" " .' "" .,:... " ." , '.," " ... ,:.~.,:A.VGUST'.....,.,l_,.. ~": .. '. I.' .

,~ ~;(;l ',' '. ~ I ', ':."'.' " ..... "'''' .... \ ,'" .:1: ,: ..". :', ',.;.. " ",,'- " .< :::',," ',.":"'::',::, . , . , ,. \' , . .. ' . .- .. '. " '1 \ • ~ l 'T~" T()wards::te~jo;t'ess'.:·,;,;i.~;j)~' 'I, 'j \ /' . ',' 't · ht" .' ·U·n·:le:.::.;.:.J .. We'" March ..: t"., ,', .', ,. Food P I' ~ .'. THE KABUL:' TIMES·' AUGUST 22, 1966 4 . or· ~' leU""'"'~" ...::/.~.~ > '"j:~' , '.' . .' , ,.\.' ,., • '1' .• , ,I, • ..'! # •• '. .' ,. • .' : .:.' :: ' .. ,,' " ' .... 'I', f_f..' '.' '," .,' . _'., j \: •• I~ ~}p"\ ~T., S.1'~'llt,"";'j '~' ~ r'''~t , , • 'f) '".I \'. . (.1:' ¢. ',I' II'..', " .... I., # ,J I , •. '" .:.,.lJ I,' ,... ' , ': , . iP~.. '~Oinoirow\ttUi Diiuo.:·:la,~;";i..:.. ~'!Hii:lM-.~e8ti kD~" ·thai,~_~~a~~U¥~!lr'Qiem. hhl~':!"~f~I'.~.:'''' , t " , , ..,' Until '''01 im'lf,ortaJity .'af (the, .:- "'-"; ..~ .,'" .. '. '~~.~~~f' th~ -J.~ ~. ,.. t•. ~J," i. .. ,:~,~,." \ ... '" .\ '.' ':, ., , . :,. .,(., :' ~ .., ,-.\ ....-.r:""be· :"-J~e, ·:·'·Without ·'·ple ,. every. e.... , 0 _ ' .... .' 'i \ , II. ,,' ...... ,." 'j' '( , . I' . . ., L .. Ij¥... ,• • ",._ .0. I no , .,..,. ....1 '''" . "'Pi:" :;.;l '. 'Th' .\ i..ri.J.. _. ' . ... , ,. , '. ,I," individual is ir~Jfultably d"",OlIs• .&:- .. 'tii!!r '.•.. F:Ui\'" .... edilc& oni;-~t\ 'IS .. :w~;,~"llJ'tlat 'DWc!l<.,~US!t. H~·'.s;:ret·at ':."d"- _~:c:" . ;~ ~ ':'.''', " '.;"" .••• ' ~l ~ _,I ~ ,,- , , •I , ,.:., i ' - , ' , ." " . ;'~,¥ .',::'" ", eJi~' '~·1l4c1l!·;'.i-·~~':D'at··;,eiiIPII •• ,Ii~ ....' JatdroD ~_tlllo:. :~hw~:.lin!d,!lllth' De~a ~~ta~~; ," , • .1 Ira"d. /Ii. .lWut: th. ;'m';';osu'r. .<, . 48 yearii" Oiae Can'1WciJy ''&n'tcJ-':{ ..''J'Jie~.he ff$.coimtrl.eil In the (Ian~-..$ alSO'. !"'I" lU'OOltliD /~~ . see_~t ~ la'u --aoite'· world 'where j!dileatlori',.is· ~ . pr,?Jw\, ·~';C.,bUI,!..'1v ';, "1"~et. ably p"cious Ira!" 0/ .nding. ";ith'·i..· .r,:(~ tI\liiiikh"'a ha:rd land ~'. tlJDit· 't1Iro\1lhout., "1ICbOo1 an(l UD1981'- '.S8I,SIl!!I~,. ~ ". '. 1 ,'.;" I... -~oW .~~. ~. ~ .' r tlJi.f life. the ache and languor but·:ta emrecma .. thi b.t.;:sltJ;, MJhailIai8D ··Dot:·oiiJ,y .pro: ' ;' United States 0/ &table'·: cOuntry In the heert\"Of Vldes"tree .llducatlon ft?r illl ~ !'ll rn building roads, lIl11lO'tt$ 'lPd THE kABUL TIMES the 8i'eateat continent t!!d' J!iu.' pIe but' ~ .free. 'mediCal .er- m the .promotion of ' educa~llln. existence remains open ·10 Dllrden:.· cliil;qr,*/P_ .~~t?t-- ,NEWS .. VI"". 'l'hel'l!' was. a time when . RecentlY.-other,·countriell, ·Shortl.Y. ,after Independence ~e ·students ""'re gi-lten ,!Qod, cJotli.. ably ~e . Federill l~epubltc. of "cOjmti7 fell Into ~ ~" ':of. " ing 'Alid' even.·poct~ mone:i..Siy- , Genn~, the ,f:Efles .;~~c PURlISftlNO ~GENC'r civil' war thrQteiied·· dents in the 'colleges 'sfIll ' get ; Cbiria. ~n , ·i'~i~~(:. '-;.',:~:J:"'/.: .'~' WhiCh dMi . ,ot Y....__.... :,.i 1 ..",;;, . "'" nation's ~t.V,'1II1\IIa~-w.a··'80~(;6thhei,!Jenealllptentloned.· France, Japan, .. ~dia .. have ·~ther : .', ".~:". ';•• ••• 1'.. f"J~,t" ;,.~F~,.ll'-::I~! . \. I:A·,["~~:,~·l'j' '. ~ feared t1IlIt'Cptlee ual#:'-die';'fruit ~iill8ftlg t):1at.IIC!Utlcal fnl.edo,m help_e-"ver, ~~~t.. m+m~ '~p- ·His .Majesty tile late KIna Mob- 'f e ..... ve rces and manPo.wer. a naU",,'.!aas beeD reJoiclttg aM .• well by.his reCent tG,.eeDti'aI AfghaDJ8tan ammad Nadir Shah, restori:d the . ~~.r-'~lo10 J!f!lrII 6die T1Ut why the emphasis document which haa. come ll1x?ut built and the foundation: ~~ .• a Was .shlfted from ,qrfculture to .t the ezpllelt wlBh of Bfa Kaj. portablcs. All look good. All sound fine. Anyone is ready to give you lop,quahly ecoAOmiC propess lJOSlilble ue ".1rlDliehed, :At· Under the' guldanc;e 'OI?i1J1a';~i,W;",~a notabl~.:~evementa "J'J;~I':~Y'9.r parliamentary system "'.. f Ia1d the deWlopment of. ComInimlca. esty· the. King. mar1dnl! clearly entcrlainmenl whcrever you feel like laking it. They arc all good value as stay-at· ghanlstlin bas acored In government Whi!lh: in the country_ .Ijr;, ',::. tiona in .'the 'FIrst -Five Year the des.tlllY of ~han\Stan on homc sets 100. Sce for yourself-here are a fcw from the r.ngc. both these fJ~ds III receift:' yem. elected representatives" tIIe<,peojIJe". • PIIIlI the ba.,s of equahty for illl clti. th~lr The national tranquility was . zeDS 'A year ago at fbis time the conntry was istan have increased ell'oris for speedier N~w gettlJ!g readY for Us ,fJrSt genenl·electlons nn- development of their country, Wlth"tIIe eco. once again disrupted and the Da- .4fghaniftan's sound .&JOlley of th.t we celeber.te t!liB MODEL L4X2IT Four wave· tion plunged into mournlJla when no~jgnp1ent.and,J/eacefu} co-- .uspicious occasion We 'Iook for. bands -1 medium. 3 short. der the new constitution promnlgated a year nomic Infrastructure built nnder-the'fJrstrtw'o' e~!lce Sockets for pIck-up end out· Hia .Majesty King Mohammad r-aJaed. 'ita .internatlonal w.rd to a better future not only door aerial. Battory lUning earlier at about the same time. Five Year Plans the way is now. paved 'or'p", N.dir, father of the present KIrig, prestige and both the east and for ourselves but. for tbe world This. year the first properly elected par- gress on other fronts. More liD4 moie biiUtut.- ~Pi\lll Indicator Cabinet covered In to~ Wa. assaasinated. But the cqun. the 1"est offered a ·band at large and hope that countries black leathcrcloth lIament has jnst gone IIlto recess after a bnsy of higher education are being establlsltlld pro- ~r;y waa fortunate tbat ~ aDa&- in ,_~ ··lIJIplelDentatiQD of ils and nations still striving to at­ session, during which some important laws vide the qualified personnel needed for 'biilld. sm.ted King had a capable son de~illl'Pment,pllUlll. The Soviet, their independence will have been passed. The law regnlatlng the ing the country. Researnh projects are lann. t? continue the ~t task of ~- UnIon, !lurrjlll'/lat northern neigh· succeed in their ende.\ltlUfII and establishment aod activities. of,political parties ched so that every step taken would'lie a cer- tlonal recon.truetion. From the hour, UllISted. ~ "Ill building the enjoy the blessings of freedom. as also the engagement and marriage law need tain step. .. MODEL L3X26T Three wave­ spedal mention. The ,tact. that the dialogue More industries are emerging liD4 the out- ---:------,,_------:------bands _, medium. 2 short Socket for earphone and OUI· bl!tween the execntive aJ;Id the legislature has put of electric power is IIlcreasing rapidly At- doOf aerial ~een conducted in an atmosphere of COOpera· tempts are also being made to exploU' the African Bloc May Decide UThanes Successor ~o~et,:::ea:t:::.m'::ghr:~=:~t~~ ~rves As a group. the African member­ country's mineral resources. Large tif states of the United Nations have B, b6e P. " ..... crncy will bear the desired fndt gas have been tapped and steps are they reason that he will not have marskjold. uf Sweden, was elected belne not yet considered an African as a delayed hJs decision so long Jt he F 'ItS '. taken to construct a steel plant. Secretary~General to two five year terms but was kil­ candidate for in. were not willing to allow more s$ahi8~~his :a=n~W,:u:.n::h~ t:~ti~ The future looks bright for the Af&'hans, case U Thant decides not to run led in a plane accident In Atrica ~. than two months for the orlanisa­ In September 1961 dance aod austere e .. but they shonld know that every one of them for re-electJon. tiOll .. Io_lICU<:t .... new ~hief executive INSTANT RECORDING K'~ m~an Thant. of Burma. was chosen to the Th 'Ieadt ersbip of Bis Majesty has a role to play In this stOry of their nation's This .·does not that the ofLicer. He .. mQws there was a g. e presen reforms In the conntry progress 0 It- fnI1 gro~p not feel tbat an African replace him. atter a bitter East­ were initiated by Bis M.'A.... nd th id '1:; ur C lzens are Y conscJons of I""... ~bale .before,be himself was West contest during which the S0­ Moo 01] the 1Il0fT8 wherever you go is worthy of serious uon&id.eration, CHOOSE "'--3 a e rap this and tliey will, we are sure, contlllue to co- "ic\eraI of :.<\hlo .Orlllllisa­ Thant onJy on condition that he tOl'll in· InJUting a cl10ice this time-­ name three key aides, one from housed in a one-piece cassette which is clipped lion ot 'Ilt.ican Wnlty (OAU), told ,did ,not e,UsI,in 196I-is Contin<:n1.1 . Preas. Ihe East, one ftom the Wesl .nd IIUO place for instant recording or plny·back. HOME PRESS ATA tht\..gr0).lA ,now .36, strong. If It votes one neutral JUSl click !-press the solitary control button BATTERIES GLANCE "We ·just· Gaven't gotten, arnund as .a.. Qloc. ft. co\1ld, well determine .,PH.ILISHAVE (only one for playback, record, fast·wind or fast to It." he said. ,And cit isn't likely the oexl ~~""er.1. Yesterday's l.sloh carried an edi­ certainly start paYlOg diVidends to the powerful Atrican bloc will give There is a strong feelmg among re-wlnd)~and there you are. Simple. Revolu­ -Any .candidate Jllust be accept~ the developing nations that the lonal on the latest deyelopments in the advantage of both consumers trying lo engage him in convCTSa- .the matter. serious consideration un­ able" to~aU, fLve of the permanent tionary. What's more, sound quality is very good the Bakhtar news agency. Commen­ and owners. Other problems may tlon dIsappeared. The brick moulder' tiJ U 1'hant says' he wl11 serve no next Secretary General should come with powerful, accurate reproduction of speech for power long~r 'l'lllfllbe!'s 01 Ule l/i,o.tlon Security. from either Atrica or Latin Ame­ lint -on tbe recently completed rise In the field of procuring quah­ at the end of his d.y·s l.bOur found .. ·CORDLES·S. . and music! Council before his name is sub­ plus economy course'on journalism which was con· ned personnel and the. payment of Ihat 100 Afghanis' be' had left in his It ..~s ~ fore!'o?e conclusion 1hat rica, and. of course. be acceptable milltd to the 117-0.tion General to the key Security, Council mem­ dUeled by the agency for the bene. foreign experts that may have to w..~teoat, which he lI.d'put Il8Idc., ~e J obtainable batlcry·operated and weighlDg under five lhe Mlnlslry of Mines and Indust­ "'ow it has a chaotic- whir­ minister has not been h.ppy. lbere recog~ Visit your radio shop. Scc hiS latest \Yords will clear the air ligig of praamat!c expedients. as hopeless to try. As al~ ovcr the globe. So sleek 'and strcam- pound" the AG41 00 plays your kind of music nes In eocouraglDg metal Industries Pral,da strt:sses that . In present bas. been an uncOOlfortable fee~og, o~e the style. Hear the sound. and persuade HanOI, Peking and '{hen the to be lioOI lJJ.ied. oul in desperation. lined, with a hand~omc zip-fastening wherever you go-with friends or In at.'cordance with the government's day conditions. the sOC'lalist com­ no~ helped by the riJid paternallsm even' t"lie imminent coming of the MOSf'O\Y to I econslder the idea of how m.ny terms of olllce the . by yoursclf. Hcar it today! Look for the name Philips. t1edared polICy. the Ministry paved munity IS the most powerful forc!? r egotJatums " of Mr. Bowden. until yesterday I.ea­ last trump would not fall within Irli,velling case ID charcoal-grey Icalhcr- the way for private investors to Lahovr P.rty could befOre der of the House. that. Govern­ c161h complcte with mirror Two colour schemes: red and of SOCial progress and the main the elecloral pendulum swung the sranding order.. take a more aCllve role in the pro­ ment powerless in 50 many. direc­ th~s beige, or blue and beigc. bullwark of people's stru"gle to 0/1 the subject of another term qack. Now there must be serious In practice means that the .nd c1e.ning brush. And B3X46T·. Tropic-proof. 4 motion of the country's economy. ~e('u de~ wavebands; one medium re world peace fUf UN Secretary-General U Thant.. ~oubt tiooa (RhoIIcsia,· Slcrlins. Vietn.m. Commons are quite incapable of incomparable value! The lat~[ result of the Ministry's whether it can survive the B.A.O.R.. & c.) is taking out its J short (two versions). the .SWT hopes he Will say yes. present one, bating matters of the moment; to efforts In thiS direction IS the metal All postwar history shows that PHltlPS admitting the trYing character of spile like .0 .nary child on the one lhe undoubted relier of the Goyem­ 84X36T. Tropic-proof. One Industfles proJect. whieh will be the Soviet Union and other SOCialist And if it doea rctam power for .pl.ce it can. dominalo-tbe House the post, the Scar hopes President ment who have n9 wish to sacrifice BATTERY MODEL AG4100 medium, 3 alJort waves. launched with private capital. AI­ countnes have been marching 10 Johnson's letter to U Thant will five years, how will the House of of Comm""". Members been valuable parliamentary time to such Sockets for outdoor aerial Commons emerac at the end? Thil and earth. lhouilh there may be difficulties in Ithe vanguard of' the anti-imperialist convince him tbat tbe world needs made to Sil aD l,lillbt when they frivolity. It is just one more factor THE LITTLE PLAYER WITH THE BIG QUALITY! procunng raw materials for such an tront and stubbornly upholding ,queation is pefhaps the most eru- lum In his present position and that would r.ther work civilised hours; destroying the relevance of Parlla. The bet· IDdustry 10 lhe beginning, once the peace and Internalional security he should accept what ,amounts to · ci.1 of .U. dividing line to curtail debates when they ur­ • mer\! in the public eye, and no more w~ problem IS solved the industry will The WashHlg[oJi Elleni"o Star . a uOlversal draft of his services " ween • parliamentary democracy senUy_ 10 criticised; .10 hear likely to be reformed than, say, the · aod a party dictatol'llhip bas al­ a decision-.-()n tbe appointment of human practice of all-night slltings. ~""""""""I'"''''''';'''''''':'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''';''''''''''''''''''''''.,,'''""""''''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''":.I::"""""~ w.ys been thio and iII-ddbted. an Ombpdsmao-which it w.s their II is quite Irue. of coUrse, that, PHILIPS Of late it bas becOme so tmuous § ADV ERr ( SIN G KAT I! 8 ~. S. KHALIL., I - § right to make. irrespective of reform. the' present : Display, Column Inch. .4/1. 100': T I h . '4047 E th.t a mere 54 hours ~ad 33 procedures of the Commons pro­ ~ Clawl,~d. ~ ~ for per hne. bolt:l type. At, 20 e ep ooe, .. ·minutes .in a standiJi. committee It is a ripe climate for parliamen­ vide rruit~1 ground for .ny poten: the tary reform. Rerorm~ th.t is. to ~ 'mi""uUln ,t''''~,. Ilnt'j ~, insu/KJn) ~ StJ:\FIE RA~EL. E~(lor ~ up$t.irs separate one from li.1 obtsl:Uclionist who i. .prepared ~ C'~J'P ~ ~ ·olher. Ii is nol e.oougb. take' the executive more responsible 10 study Erskine M.y. lbere wy . ,S UB S T ION .K·KTE'S For other numbers first ·d,.1 switch- 10 the House of Commons. The a classic example in M.y "(I\ep the. ~ ~ the 'eveats of recent stra",lIF thina .is Uiat with -the odd lasting Ye.rly .. " At.' tOOO hoard number 23043, 24028. 24026. .weeks should been foreseen second reading of the Transport ~Hal( ~ exception; like th.t of,Mich.el Foot. Fin.nces Bill w~s lost, if only tem. Yearly At. 600 C,n'ldat;ofl and Advertis;flg: •s the logical' conc)usioa of the little is be-ard of talk on tbese lines. ~ Quarterly At 300 Extensioo 59: ~ Cllrly .ttempts at lOyemmeot by, por.rily. through the enterprise of Members have been more concern­ Sir Douglas Glover, who noti~ :~ ~ite P.per an,d .s",l.ment of io· ed with' Black Rod-surely 00 more ..yalue th.t the Spe.ker w.s not in the ~ tent, Parliament, with its clumsy Ihan th~ I.ce on the cuII of P.,li.· Yearl;''... FOR E IGN 40 .F.dl/()Tla/: EX. 24. 58 '1 pc~,,"" 10 aceepl, the closure. But whether I .nd ,infuriating hallit JI1llnt's' 'black 'velvet such stratagems are the most effl~ I §~a'U/¥~arty-, 2~ 'Jo~C'rnment ~ il4 ~aioll the small print of and with Standing Order No.9, or . . . $ :: PrmtlDg Press # leli~lation. is inimic.1 10 arbilrary cient or mOst seemly way of mating § Qvafterly .\...... "...... $'15 ~ §. mornin. sittlnc.. lbe more 'lmpe­ the Commons' view felt much surely l government and intended to be so. tuow crusaders maYJ have been' ;;:lIIl11l1llllllllllUltllllllllllllll, . llllllllJUlllIlllIlHIIIIIIIlIIIIIlIItIIlIlIlIlIllIlUIIIIl1IIIIItlIIIIIUlIIlIlllJlIlJlltlIlIlttlllJlIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIlIIIIllUlltlllllllllllllllJlIIIllllIUlfllJllllUlHlllIlllUlIlIIlII In the present confusion ml.. be • matter for debate. boupt off .by Mr. Wilson's early . (To be continued) -...,.;,""-.~---.... ----.- " \ ., , . \' I "..... " ~ I ','f' . ._....--~ .. _r--'"__', ~ " ~...... , : .'":"'_ " \.l:;__ ,'!' , • .....:..' ".1' .'.:.:..:~....::. t..'~ .' .1 -:'-. 'I ~...... ' ', •. .. , . .. . : ,. ~ ~ ~.~.~; ':t~ ~: :,~~'~.~~ '(~~.':.' 'I"'>~' ~ ~." ~;I'\:' ~ ~>~'~ • " 1 ~ "I ", .' f~ I':." .' :'·:._i."' :'1.,."", d.' ' If .' . ..>...' \< \';\,' ,.'.. :,.' ...... " ... . . + : .r,. I 'f.. 'f " 1',' •,'" ". ,.' : '~.,'" ',' ,. " ~,,\. , '.' "/ . " " ~ • \ ' " ." \ I. "'1 "~ I." ", < .\ •• : • .j ;. ~ , t ', ; I' ~ ~ .~ " .: ~ " " :''', ,' )' , •. " f. ' .' •" ';' I.'. ,. l ' '.' . • ':', ...d '. .. ~ j., .', • .' ., •-.I • :!' "" J,'.' .• ' .";" < .' I' I " ,", . \" I. <; I. , 'I t '.. THE KABUL TIMElS! .. . ::,P ..;~' ',. ". ":.. ;" .7 :AijqUs't~'h;;~"')'~., ~M~~~;7'· -FL;;,.~.,..:,,,",,,_._\.;-,-,,.,. 'TH~'~UL tLMr.s .·UO·UST·' . PAGE 4 .;....:,."",;.,\ ,", :;:,~~~.,. .. \ ~'.'':', ';',~~ ~;;.,.;"·'------:..-----T~~---:..------.:..-"-"~~~ • ,'. '. ' !". " .' ',., ,. "'. I: ". " . ': I' '>. '.' '", . •• ,.,....:---i-:, -+:' __.;.:.;.'•...... , ...... n . 12, 1- " \' ., ':1;" '...... 'I": ",,'L .:0:'.' t,.. ,.:" ~:_j: ... '.... "If .. ~" \'') ,~ :l~,:,I J;;~ ~.-!l,,-r I,. ". . I'." .. ',". ," .... :. I .:'.... .' '.,' ',1, '. '::::\r""l'."" \ .j.,' ,.0' . '. "'j. ( ".!,:" I, : ..'\';:' '. .... I .' , . p-': t;;· .... " CLOTHES'MARKET\F,OR,~HE'OIJJ; • ' . .j. ',.,'rhe~ghanWeek ,:)1,., .:~ "1 Room' For Children. THE'PXPANDING SIZED.:WOMEN.. · " • , !Iil,Review . ; " . '.' . . .\. ·:.'··:·::~·<··t ',' :.""" .I.: ... ~ ," ,.. ~:_"... ,. '~" " t~ ·.Clifj~~:.Sllip"." wiu~ .~JiitJ ~.,eg.."prciiY "~.tI~'llld'!baadS ;:\.~ ··JuJj~iilry'l The other morning I went to visit 'RecenUy a good deal· of atteDtioo ,After all. sbo,," are iD business t?oth .libing aDd scar.(. the., fa;!llo"ab!e i9iorii,: '. ,are " ! . ;i.i:, ,;.4 Tax, ,A Tanneiy, And"A',;P•.· .::;;: Kudsia, a friend of minco It was and criticism bas been focussed. on ..make. money by selliDi!:,.cloth.... a.nd ..Ime·.have made a real effort to break· ad~pted teehmcaUy 10 fit ibc,speciat . are· llet' ofhby ,Clift:, 'CIetIlillJ\ialldllthe .'.... <;.j' '.. . ST' WakeebeeD .. ,'.' . .t holiday Trom school and her three the c10lhes available for Ibe ....above customer pressure soon makes itself tIIro"gb, the '~Dfashiooable image of '. needs of the big< figuie. I f wide';"'.·women· b.te·tvery~·iIti" ,JiikiDa;\,jllld' 1,1<'::;!n'-ifup1eJrieritinjJ ·the:"''pliilclpleil. jU~:e'q,i:wncatiOD~ are: a man sal~. that the ·1IOft'T-",r,'''-, ..:arpct with story'~bo'~kSt colours and this ,ad-and very eonsiderablc- A sustained campai~n, by the lar·· salesdi~cet6r;.Harvey Silver. "oply o~ :~a8h 'side :tfl'bala~ce ; \he :~p~.. " gopd'.~~Pf~OIl•. \~'i;;ab~jl\'!i!,~~': "!..'·:Ofiithe; :'COIIJIUfuttOn ~When .. '..... ~.. '.0 deCIded. ·to .drop the •.~D·( ,_ drawing-paper', ". As she picked up expanse of non·design may be finally gel-sized, womeo of '!he country fasbion 10 .larfOr S!us:',.. Sld.~ ~~~ms ~1I: "'0 ,~kltt' are .l'~Old~ : lieD f~~rlOf\Ii~~d:'~'~ofli1,"",r, , , .. , {iot, ·yaa.vetnment.ia\moimced the ,.;;;;. must '»e. 3li',yePllJ old; shlluld' he taxes cha·rged. by D·..u...... ~l\l'p.':wiIiIIe!l' do\,llke~,llto . ~ , . ..':<, ';ma'..~..~. ,.·o·t 'II ""~p·rem··"e' judi....- eligible' fcir.electlon to Parlia· on. several·comnioditll!S·~ I the thing Kudsia apolugised for the cngulfed by ihe prevailing trends of would do much .to improve'ibe sil- But ·the· ·llomg·.has 'DOt..been all . wherever .posslble-,-slightly· ',Oated . 'aDd •. ., ...... t· 0" ~J ment.· arid should have suJllcllll1t t b rt .... , ... t'lle the room was in. Then she fashion. ing and the general attractivenesS that .easy.. MaDy"bu'yers::stUl view .A-line skirts.which are very"f1attl.r·' ." bel.comfd~~;,'iD :1~:th'efr:, :oiCl_ , . ~.,:.: \'ci!iiuniUee'.to JlerYe P8 a .nucleus .kn~wledge of jurisprudence, the " a er·area• ",Id the children to enD along and The basic problem with outsize of the departmenl$ ·which cater for' with ~u8picion' aoY'.attempt'to iDtro,. '·ing. have just a .. dari oD'the hips 'and ':'(don't 'W."~IlI)·.but'ilot,.tlth.'.;o~;tlf" )~\ ,~r..,;m 'indePas beeIn proclaimedD1llllY the city shotlld adhere to .... _ . at all to whal is being worn by breaderulDb. to .Iead you back 10 ,able. and worth-while chaUeDge.. longer. ... Court and' lower courts whose steps have been taken to lay the ­ \:hildrcn do not have a room to . everyone else in the average size. the escalators, .... .ratJ1er .than a frustrating .cbore Courtney Jon.. also mak.. a del,'.. rice" Re'buck".·,..;ttiba·~r:1inOre1~tOrmal ~ Dllffi/>er will b dete . ed b ground work for creating an in~ year development lIcl1edule It·. the mselves where they can relax, en- Th h ., . 1"diD~ '_1otbe&\lfcjrjvUth·I.~• (. II:....:. • ike groups. us t e large. size customer, al- which is the· lillitude of some de-. berate attempt to place detsib so rallge"IDC u '... ·law. e rmm y . depeDdent judiclari and the for- esse.Dtahial tdo ~ that Iill wock !\») and do as they please. ,And Il . Instead. IhC;y chug along in the ready a little :apprehensive about signers one meets· in this field,' that the.y draw.attebtj·oD .to· .the' good. ' b.ride and·~ th·e'}bride'l~fmO. diet; HwHI l-.>.. las goes ea according to ~.. t-:.udsia many .parents don t rea Ise fi d' tho . k' . "~A: , The announcement made by matIon 0f t he' Dew . """"'" t Other cities In Afghanistan In . f th b'ld same groove which they have occu: .... n 109 some lQg to fit her On nc' Jones has what must be the righi figure poin'" whicb'maDy larger w~.. ,rna e up to a 1';,lVln.~~hip!lon·:)Specaii Afrhan ~erB'are llCb~ul~d W "boId;:se"eral mittciles" with '. _ 'j' -.'. il\l~~ important it IS or e c 1 ren r f h d' I .. ~ d >' the Justice'.Ministry last. week week m"¥ be l'ODBid4!red IIlI ODe which Dew hulld,iDp are _-UO­ . pied for years. impervious to the count 0 cr tsgraccful y large mea- approach. He designs dothes in ·men have, Flared sklOrts. f1atte· r or ers.· ." '.' . Sovle~ J~eD .~Ien II I . UniOD aud india d''''"; tbe 'eelebrailons H" t .. q'lIm U.e said that the supreme' body. has of the mOst Important yet taken. . . uld also' &_L ad'---" ha ve a place or their own. parlt- , ses8fOD. -I'f' '. ere wo seeD' In a ,. '~ce '-·---~----'------_':':'_""'-----r~-';"'~":"----..;..---_",,_--- are. .beeD set up in ·aCco~ance with Judicial reform ·In· illi! 'counlry nsmg co ..ae_.... ~ ularly when children get out 0 (ht e fashionthem. changes. going on 'aU around surementsIt) has the(asfurtberthough shehumiliationcould helpof . ,.. AU of supervisory ~ • the provlsiollp of article 127 of is Part of an ambitioWa develop- k ha hlduling :lge and enter the school- having to inquire where she can -. the ConstitUtiOD. The announce- meDt programnle' .b1e- rna e ,sure' t t d~lop! I !!11Ing age. geL a dress for herself from a series plans are. followed and dial> I.,ke 'the grown-ups, wilb a room SEGREGATION of size 8 assistants who stare 31 her. ment added that until the ~- meDted In Afghanistan. . future problems are avoided. to! lheir own, children can have in disbelief as though she were from matioD of aD Independent jlJdi· Ten years ago AfgbaDis- This week also wimelled a ,hl.' of freedom. They know rhis segregation from the ordi· _Anti-AirPoUution iSu,ivey,:Gefs'filntler ;'Way clary the suprem j di . body tan embarked OD aystematic nary fashion stream means that the another planet. . • e u Clary commemoration seminar maB- ih<:11 where they be Iong and can Euphemistic names for the depart- Air pollutioD scientists say W1ll perform its duties In accor- development. Many changes have ing the 286th aDDiversary ot· reo C Ihe,·r best c'onve specialized garmenl. far from blend· concentrate, carry and dilute dance with instructiollS wued to takeD place iD economic and so- nowned Pashto poet' Khuhlral IJ"C tl\cpaI e 10 .. ments aren't much consolation to America is now producing 200 smoky utility stacks OD the left "e 'hey arc allover ,ng ,'nlo Ihe general scene. positively them. The m~. IlIc.'nl.·C. O.herWlS... her either. How on earth is she to mil1IOD ton of air pollutants a and a murky public incinerator it by Royal Decree. cial spheres since then, and Khan Khatak's death. . th Y of other people shr,·eks Its origins and draws allen· In New York where the· aver­ The secoDd cia f ~._, I lost week was a Dormal =v d\nllng 10 e wa know that the Little Green Room yeu-fllugh!y a ton per pers6D. on the right, two of the citY', . use 0 ..c e ing Was opeoed by a meaace ·' ·t fr ue tly not to tion 11). the imperfeci figure by very age level of sulphur.dioxide far 127. of the ConstitutiOD saya that week duriDg which tl;1e gov- from His Majesty the.~, who .Il\~ I 'III u qUI e eq n is where she should head for un- worst offeDder&-is a team of Ihls reason of Its unfashionableness. The ··estlmate comes from Aus­ e?,ceeds .that of any other Ame­ durmg the period between tbe emment announced several called OD Pasbto 1Icl10I8n to _ 1\I.1) here an dt here or dIr ty . waveringly if her hips are over 48 lin,N_ Heller. deputy chief of the ncan CIty-half again as high meteorologists, ' aerodynamiclsta, ,.r IhM place. In f people. And it can maintaiDed hy schools. hospitals, wIIicS , b tt r S,'n 'e .oday most dasslc~. rhey were, dearly and be daDgerous. CODducted by New York Uni­ Supreme Court. establishiDg a tannery Dear ended Sundsy. Khushhal'a WIll'Ir I 1'1 t:\c.'n e c . c , fOr1ingly huge models and the racks versity's School of EDgineering mdustries and prisons; 15 sample retlpIIe lave very .Smi'all I·v,·ng quar- unnllstakably.;:ize-Clothes.,.. with clearly labelled with the starting and statm!'s which measure tJie am­ The Justice Ministry's announ- Kabul. This will be the aecoDd has always 'Dspired the p-. , , .• be po,stble uu. a capital O. with all the dr,abncss. Our representative. and .Sclence under a four-year cement additioD to such factory in tbe country. toons. His work Is not l'h I D At times, when the weather is tamou. may no . A'inishing '\izes of the clothes they PublIc Health Service grant the ount of sulphur dioxide in the ~\ hlchcvcr way you set up your the ageing details. and tbe antedilu- hold. iust. right, these poisons lay siege the presideDts of three high To increase Afghanistan'a ex- for its literary excelleDce a1aoe. jn Agcha study spans 2,500 square miles air ·three roving ground cars and '-'-~- hume a room for the children IS a vian ~hapcs which one now associ· to . entire cities, causing deaths an mstrument-elJuipped helicop­ courts those' who have the quali- port, introducing various His writiDgs 0 th _ ;tle~ CovenDg New York City. indus­ ficatioDs meDtioDed m' artl'cle 105 IUllW> n e P-...... nll/Sl. With Ihis type of merchandise. and in.flamed eyes and leaving ter whIch cruISes at different of incentives for exporters and of life and statesmanship DOW In the room you must also give Yet there IS surely no reason why FRONTIER tnal New Jersey and Westches­ levels. ' of the Constitution will also' be producers has been a consisteDt rank among Pashto ciaMiCll. the inhabitants gaspi.qg for ~ualified Ihclll some light furniture. A small uous record of air circula­ dlehurst of the University of Mrs. Burley and Miss l\04dl.. draped cross·over bodices. and do­ ~ manded instead the sarI or'simple maiket. tioD. AnWDa undertook a journey hurst in their historic.tl1' .., NO NAGGING well-cut shifts in stunning colours The Clifton Slimline. range is the back in history to search our ear. concluded that there was a re­ most fashion-cons.cious. with some e~ whjc~ everyone else is currently It's a t:omplicated formula lier reports of "appareDt lunar lation betweeD lunar th~ activity." II will e children '-lIsa need a little nighl. striped linen shift with a long car· cIty. ~IlDYODS, has a helter-ilkelter To their surprise, they foundo mooD's crust caused by the Ira. privacy, a small I.'orner of their own digan jacket and a sherry linen suil air pattern. The coDcentratiOD records of more than 200 sight­ vit.atiooal pull of the earth. with a black and white hounds- of suliUluric acid droplets may lOgS datIDg back to Marcl1, 1587 The moon has a atrong tidal where they can be happy and take r~ e~ lhrir fflends and "here they can vary l!til,atically frOm the first to They decided that 159 were influence on the earth, u liable.. The large number of 0b­ beach visitor knows. But tile play. rC'-ld. paint ~nd quarrel even. 21st floor of a single apartment "HERE AND THERE IN AFGHANISTAN" building, servatIOns, to which scientists earth's tidal pull OD the IIlOOII And ...... far .... , k.eeplng II dean is generally had paid .little atten. is 81 times stronger. At pe~ ~on(,'erncJ you will be s:urprised how AN ILLUSTRATED BOOK tIOn, came "as a revelation," says 10 the lunar orbit, when the I; To ,make it worse, the dozens well Ihey will ll\l II when they feel Mrs. Burley. mOOD is closest to the ~ BY PRITA SHALIZI i of contaminants in he air inter~ III LTD. the room helong!'? them. So do This new Introduction to Afghanistan Is available In the JURA AD additioDal 30 sightings have (221.000 miles) the greatest .Cl'ack­ give your chilurc:n the righl and pri­ act .with each oath. Smoke. gases ing effect is exerted on the IWiar Carpet and Karakul Exporters a~d pollutants e'!ter the swirling been reported in the past two vaq (If a rool11 tu fhcmsclves in thc KABUL HOTEL, SPINZAR HOTEL. EDUCATION PRESS years, according to' Mrs. Wini~ crust. BOOK SHOP alratreams from thoWlPl1dii Of in­ house. Ihe) neetl II like any other Address: Apt No.3. Chaman. Huzuri. Kabul, Afghanistan fred CameroD, also of Gaddard AND OTHER BOOKSHOPS dWltJial I\Ild power and smoke­ At apogee, when the IDOOII persop In the f'IITllly. sts~ks who is collating such observa. Telephone 22738. Telegraph JURA, Ltd. Kabul of ap,artmeDt house boill!lll tlons soars farthest from Itil plazalt Price Als. 150 and incinerators. . a by astronomen; aDd volun. '-teer moonwatchers in this and (253.000 miles) the lunar cruat EXQUISITE PRIVATE OINI'NG CAN BE YOURS other countrieS. presumably relaxes and exert. a At certtain times of the year , All of these "IUllar eveDts" are squeezing effect OD forces. poDt the .concrete. bricks an,f asphalt beDeath it. RePOrted ol»erutlona of the oity further 'compIlcate the evanesceDt, most of them lasting a matter of miDutes oDly. They of iunar activity reached. pedaa disajPlltlng effect of the breezes IN KABUL'S MOST 'LUXURIOUS RESTAURANT at both apogee and penaee a'" by ,slorlng .the city's heat. l1lld • Ine!ude spots 01 colour where BUrleY.~ddle­ there Was no colour before veils cordIng to the Ilcap" of poisons fotJ;na over the hurst survey. city. High Pre&!lure air masses EVERY EVENING DURING THE JASHEN FESTIVAL' of something or other t"':'pora. 15 AEROFLOT , (Con/d... on pa,e (j( ·AEROFLTIT aweeplng In from other Plll'ta of " ,~ tlie.-country can coDcentrate' pol_ ~ SOIlS in a witches" blanket whicli may, hang ·overhead several days. ENJOY TABLE IYHOTE AND Says D..,. BeD Davidson, direc­ ~ tor· of. the project. "Some day we wl..J-!I·: .... will .be able to feed materologi­ every Thursday morning AEROFLOT whisks you FroJn Kabul to Moscow via Tashken1,1jnt6tltmurs. cal·'data .into a computer and SPECIAL CUISINE ~RVED A' LA CARTE. C$tAZAR 10:20 soUlld'. wlirmings of 'killer ·&mop· RESTAURANT ·several daYs ~ead And' we will be able t9 IdeDtify the .worst off­ J> • M I... I. r' . eDdel'S accurately. so· that politi. ~F• cians and 'regiqnal planDel'S .can Arrives from Moscow and Tashkent every Wednesday morning at "9:20 a.m~ crack.. down OD them." . . NAZAR RESTAURANT has the best food 10 to.. WES~ Ml!l\Ilti!ne the big. map 9D ·Dr, AND AFGHAN DISIlES-A BAKERY PO••.u. TRIES, CAKES.· ~D BREAD, EXPE1UENCIID PQ80NXD. Da1fjPlion's .df;Sk.. which· records SERVIC~, the·'''droll'' oJ! evelY' square .nne. AND QIDCK. FRIENDLY . . .( In ,the 5!l:J:Qile square regiOD ie-. TOE' ;F>AMOUS SQJlACHTNER. OiWHESTRA Sanitary· rules obRrved.· In J , , .- , the. p.reparatfoD and beDdI/Dr ( Qjl~ mODthly soot falls from 80 y. ? of aU fOOd aU .. cIrIDklaa' _tor ,I ;1 loils a square mile in the sum-' t mer,to 130 \WlS. iD ··th winter, boned, IIJI fruita aud venta. bles ~te treated: WlIere Is the safest place to· OF J,tADIOCOLOGNE. ~ter ,! iive Jnt:New..York G:lty?· We Wedtllqp lUId tarre ~ . parties, EDrLlsb and German . '" ). ''In· a h~licoJlter.. 2,000. feet spoken. . abolfe it;'l "IIYii lOr. Davidson,­ ~ lesS' thlpl" 5l!O: feet 8!ld look like FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 21571. pa~terns' CO/l~tioDjl MOVES TODAY ., arid weathor' J• '. 1'0 larpr quarters at Charahi• '. I\IlSPI'I, Shal'1.N.... . -...,.;,""-.~---.... ----.- " \ ., , . \' I "..... " ~ I ','f' . ._....--~ .. _r--'"__', ~ " ~...... , : .'":"'_ " \.l:;__ ,'!' , • .....:..' ".1' .'.:.:..:~....::. t..'~ .' .1 -:'-. 'I ~...... ' ', •. .. , . .. . : ,. ~ ~ ~.~.~; ':t~ ~: :,~~'~.~~ '(~~.':.' 'I"'>~' ~ ~." ~;I'\:' ~ ~>~'~ • " 1 ~ "I ", .' f~ I':." .' :'·:._i."' :'1.,."", d.' ' If .' . ..>...' \< \';\,' ,.'.. :,.' ...... " ... . . + : .r,. I 'f.. 'f " 1',' •,'" ". ,.' : '~.,'" ',' ,. " ~,,\. , '.' "/ . " " ~ • \ ' " ." \ I. "'1 "~ I." ", < .\ •• : • .j ;. ~ , t ', ; I' ~ ~ .~ " .: ~ " " :''', ,' )' , •. " f. ' .' •" ';' I.'. ,. l ' '.' . • ':', ...d '. .. ~ j., .', • .' ., •-.I • :!' "" J,'.' .• ' .";" < .' I' I " ,", . \" I. <; I. , 'I t '.. THE KABUL TIMElS! .. . ::,P ..;~' ',. ". ":.. ;" .7 :AijqUs't~'h;;~"')'~., ~M~~~;7'· -FL;;,.~.,..:,,,",,,_._\.;-,-,,.,. 'TH~'~UL tLMr.s .·UO·UST·' . PAGE 4 .;....:,."",;.,\ ,", :;:,~~~.,. .. \ ~'.'':', ';',~~ ~;;.,.;"·'------:..-----T~~---:..------.:..-"-"~~~ • ,'. '. ' !". " .' ',., ,. "'. I: ". " . ': I' '>. '.' '", . •• ,.,....:---i-:, -+:' __.;.:.;.'•...... , ...... n . 12, 1- " \' ., ':1;" '...... 'I": ",,'L .:0:'.' t,.. ,.:" ~:_j: ... '.... "If .. ~" \'') ,~ :l~,:,I J;;~ ~.-!l,,-r I,. ". . I'." .. ',". ," .... :. I .:'.... .' '.,' ',1, '. '::::\r""l'."" \ .j.,' ,.0' . '. "'j. ( ".!,:" I, : ..'\';:' '. .... I .' , . p-': t;;· .... " CLOTHES'MARKET\F,OR,~HE'OIJJ; • ' . .j. ',.,'rhe~ghanWeek ,:)1,., .:~ "1 Room' For Children. THE'PXPANDING SIZED.:WOMEN.. · " • , !Iil,Review . ; " . '.' . . .\. ·:.'··:·::~·<··t ',' :.""" .I.: ... ~ ," ,.. ~:_"... ,. '~" " t~ ·.Clifj~~:.Sllip"." wiu~ .~JiitJ ~.,eg.."prciiY "~.tI~'llld'!baadS ;:\.~ ··JuJj~iilry'l The other morning I went to visit 'RecenUy a good deal· of atteDtioo ,After all. sbo,," are iD business t?oth .libing aDd scar.(. the., fa;!llo"ab!e i9iorii,: '. ,are " ! . ;i.i:, ,;.4 Tax, ,A Tanneiy, And"A',;P•.· .::;;: Kudsia, a friend of minco It was and criticism bas been focussed. on ..make. money by selliDi!:,.cloth.... a.nd ..Ime·.have made a real effort to break· ad~pted teehmcaUy 10 fit ibc,speciat . are· llet' ofhby ,Clift:, 'CIetIlillJ\ialldllthe .'.... <;.j' '.. . ST' WakeebeeD .. ,'.' . .t holiday Trom school and her three the c10lhes available for Ibe ....above customer pressure soon makes itself tIIro"gb, the '~Dfashiooable image of '. needs of the big< figuie. I f wide';"'.·women· b.te·tvery~·iIti" ,JiikiDa;\,jllld' 1,1<'::;!n'-ifup1eJrieritinjJ ·the:"''pliilclpleil. jU~:e'q,i:wncatiOD~ are: a man sal~. that the ·1IOft'T-",r,'''-, ..:arpct with story'~bo'~kSt colours and this ,ad-and very eonsiderablc- A sustained campai~n, by the lar·· salesdi~cet6r;.Harvey Silver. "oply o~ :~a8h 'side :tfl'bala~ce ; \he :~p~.. " gopd'.~~Pf~OIl•. \~'i;;ab~jl\'!i!,~~': "!..'·:Ofiithe; :'COIIJIUfuttOn ~When .. '..... ~.. '.0 deCIded. ·to .drop the •.~D·( ,_ drawing-paper', ". As she picked up expanse of non·design may be finally gel-sized, womeo of '!he country fasbion 10 .larfOr S!us:',.. Sld.~ ~~~ms ~1I: "'0 ,~kltt' are .l'~Old~ : lieD f~~rlOf\Ii~~d:'~'~ofli1,"",r, , , .. , {iot, ·yaa.vetnment.ia\moimced the ,.;;;;. must '»e. 3li',yePllJ old; shlluld' he taxes cha·rged. by D·..u...... ~l\l'p.':wiIiIIe!l' do\,llke~,llto . ~ , . ..':<, ';ma'..~..~. ,.·o·t 'II ""~p·rem··"e' judi....- eligible' fcir.electlon to Parlia· on. several·comnioditll!S·~ I the thing Kudsia apolugised for the cngulfed by ihe prevailing trends of would do much .to improve'ibe sil- But ·the· ·llomg·.has 'DOt..been all . wherever .posslble-,-slightly· ',Oated . 'aDd •. ., ...... t· 0" ~J ment.· arid should have suJllcllll1t t b rt .... , ... t'lle the room was in. Then she fashion. ing and the general attractivenesS that .easy.. MaDy"bu'yers::stUl view .A-line skirts.which are very"f1attl.r·' ." bel.comfd~~;,'iD :1~:th'efr:, :oiCl_ , . ~.,:.: \'ci!iiuniUee'.to JlerYe P8 a .nucleus .kn~wledge of jurisprudence, the " a er·area• ",Id the children to enD along and The basic problem with outsize of the departmenl$ ·which cater for' with ~u8picion' aoY'.attempt'to iDtro,. '·ing. have just a .. dari oD'the hips 'and ':'(don't 'W."~IlI)·.but'ilot,.tlth.'.;o~;tlf" )~\ ,~r..,;m 'indePas beeIn proclaimedD1llllY the city shotlld adhere to .... _ . at all to whal is being worn by breaderulDb. to .Iead you back 10 ,able. and worth-while chaUeDge.. longer. ... Court and' lower courts whose steps have been taken to lay the ­ \:hildrcn do not have a room to . everyone else in the average size. the escalators, .... .ratJ1er .than a frustrating .cbore Courtney Jon.. also mak.. a del,'.. rice" Re'buck".·,..;ttiba·~r:1inOre1~tOrmal ~ Dllffi/>er will b dete . ed b ground work for creating an in~ year development lIcl1edule It·. the mselves where they can relax, en- Th h ., . 1"diD~ '_1otbe&\lfcjrjvUth·I.~• (. II:....:. • ike groups. us t e large. size customer, al- which is the· lillitude of some de-. berate attempt to place detsib so rallge"IDC u '... ·law. e rmm y . depeDdent judiclari and the for- esse.Dtahial tdo ~ that Iill wock !\») and do as they please. ,And Il . Instead. IhC;y chug along in the ready a little :apprehensive about signers one meets· in this field,' that the.y draw.attebtj·oD .to· .the' good. ' b.ride and·~ th·e'}bride'l~fmO. diet; HwHI l-.>.. las goes ea according to ~.. t-:.udsia many .parents don t rea Ise fi d' tho . k' . "~A: , The announcement made by matIon 0f t he' Dew . """"'" t Other cities In Afghanistan In . f th b'ld same groove which they have occu: .... n 109 some lQg to fit her On nc' Jones has what must be the righi figure poin'" whicb'maDy larger w~.. ,rna e up to a 1';,lVln.~~hip!lon·:)Specaii Afrhan ~erB'are llCb~ul~d W "boId;:se"eral mittciles" with '. _ 'j' -.'. il\l~~ important it IS or e c 1 ren r f h d' I .. ~ d >' the Justice'.Ministry last. week week m"¥ be l'ODBid4!red IIlI ODe which Dew hulld,iDp are _-UO­ . pied for years. impervious to the count 0 cr tsgraccful y large mea- approach. He designs dothes in ·men have, Flared sklOrts. f1atte· r or ers.· ." '.' . Sovle~ J~eD .~Ien II I . UniOD aud india d''''"; tbe 'eelebrailons H" t .. q'lIm U.e said that the supreme' body. has of the mOst Important yet taken. . . uld also' &_L ad'---" ha ve a place or their own. parlt- , ses8fOD. -I'f' '. ere wo seeD' In a ,. '~ce '-·---~----'------_':':'_""'-----r~-';"'~":"----..;..---_",,_--- are. .beeD set up in ·aCco~ance with Judicial reform ·In· illi! 'counlry nsmg co ..ae_.... ~ ularly when children get out 0 (ht e fashionthem. changes. going on 'aU around surementsIt) has the(asfurtberthough shehumiliationcould helpof . ,.. AU of supervisory ~ • the provlsiollp of article 127 of is Part of an ambitioWa develop- k ha hlduling :lge and enter the school- having to inquire where she can -. the ConstitUtiOD. The announce- meDt programnle' .b1e- rna e ,sure' t t d~lop! I !!11Ing age. geL a dress for herself from a series plans are. followed and dial> I.,ke 'the grown-ups, wilb a room SEGREGATION of size 8 assistants who stare 31 her. ment added that until the ~- meDted In Afghanistan. . future problems are avoided. to! lheir own, children can have in disbelief as though she were from matioD of aD Independent jlJdi· Ten years ago AfgbaDis- This week also wimelled a ,hl.' of freedom. They know rhis segregation from the ordi· _Anti-AirPoUution iSu,ivey,:Gefs'filntler ;'Way clary the suprem j di . body tan embarked OD aystematic nary fashion stream means that the another planet. . • e u Clary commemoration seminar maB- ih<:11 where they be Iong and can Euphemistic names for the depart- Air pollutioD scientists say W1ll perform its duties In accor- development. Many changes have ing the 286th aDDiversary ot· reo C Ihe,·r best c'onve specialized garmenl. far from blend· concentrate, carry and dilute dance with instructiollS wued to takeD place iD economic and so- nowned Pashto poet' Khuhlral IJ"C tl\cpaI e 10 .. ments aren't much consolation to America is now producing 200 smoky utility stacks OD the left "e 'hey arc allover ,ng ,'nlo Ihe general scene. positively them. The m~. IlIc.'nl.·C. O.herWlS... her either. How on earth is she to mil1IOD ton of air pollutants a and a murky public incinerator it by Royal Decree. cial spheres since then, and Khan Khatak's death. . th Y of other people shr,·eks Its origins and draws allen· In New York where the· aver­ The secoDd cia f ~._, I lost week was a Dormal =v d\nllng 10 e wa know that the Little Green Room yeu-fllugh!y a ton per pers6D. on the right, two of the citY', . use 0 ..c e ing Was opeoed by a meaace ·' ·t fr ue tly not to tion 11). the imperfeci figure by very age level of sulphur.dioxide far 127. of the ConstitutiOD saya that week duriDg which tl;1e gov- from His Majesty the.~, who .Il\~ I 'III u qUI e eq n is where she should head for un- worst offeDder&-is a team of Ihls reason of Its unfashionableness. The ··estlmate comes from Aus­ e?,ceeds .that of any other Ame­ durmg the period between tbe emment announced several called OD Pasbto 1Icl10I8n to _ 1\I.1) here an dt here or dIr ty . waveringly if her hips are over 48 lin,N_ Heller. deputy chief of the ncan CIty-half again as high meteorologists, ' aerodynamiclsta, ,.r IhM place. In f people. And it can maintaiDed hy schools. hospitals, wIIicS , b tt r S,'n 'e .oday most dasslc~. rhey were, dearly and be daDgerous. CODducted by New York Uni­ Supreme Court. establishiDg a tannery Dear ended Sundsy. Khushhal'a WIll'Ir I 1'1 t:\c.'n e c . c , fOr1ingly huge models and the racks versity's School of EDgineering mdustries and prisons; 15 sample retlpIIe lave very .Smi'all I·v,·ng quar- unnllstakably.;:ize-Clothes.,.. with clearly labelled with the starting and statm!'s which measure tJie am­ The Justice Ministry's announ- Kabul. This will be the aecoDd has always 'Dspired the p-. , , .• be po,stble uu. a capital O. with all the dr,abncss. Our representative. and .Sclence under a four-year cement additioD to such factory in tbe country. toons. His work Is not l'h I D At times, when the weather is tamou. may no . A'inishing '\izes of the clothes they PublIc Health Service grant the ount of sulphur dioxide in the ~\ hlchcvcr way you set up your the ageing details. and tbe antedilu- hold. iust. right, these poisons lay siege the presideDts of three high To increase Afghanistan'a ex- for its literary excelleDce a1aoe. jn Agcha study spans 2,500 square miles air ·three roving ground cars and '-'-~- hume a room for the children IS a vian ~hapcs which one now associ· to . entire cities, causing deaths an mstrument-elJuipped helicop­ courts those' who have the quali- port, introducing various His writiDgs 0 th _ ;tle~ CovenDg New York City. indus­ ficatioDs meDtioDed m' artl'cle 105 IUllW> n e P-...... nll/Sl. With Ihis type of merchandise. and in.flamed eyes and leaving ter whIch cruISes at different of incentives for exporters and of life and statesmanship DOW In the room you must also give Yet there IS surely no reason why FRONTIER tnal New Jersey and Westches­ levels. ' of the Constitution will also' be producers has been a consisteDt rank among Pashto ciaMiCll. the inhabitants gaspi.qg for ~ualified Ihclll some light furniture. A small uous record of air circula­ dlehurst of the University of Mrs. Burley and Miss l\04dl.. draped cross·over bodices. and do­ ~ manded instead the sarI or'simple maiket. tioD. AnWDa undertook a journey hurst in their historic.tl1' .., NO NAGGING well-cut shifts in stunning colours The Clifton Slimline. range is the back in history to search our ear. concluded that there was a re­ most fashion-cons.cious. with some e~ whjc~ everyone else is currently It's a t:omplicated formula lier reports of "appareDt lunar lation betweeD lunar th~ activity." II will e children '-lIsa need a little nighl. striped linen shift with a long car· cIty. ~IlDYODS, has a helter-ilkelter To their surprise, they foundo mooD's crust caused by the Ira. privacy, a small I.'orner of their own digan jacket and a sherry linen suil air pattern. The coDcentratiOD records of more than 200 sight­ vit.atiooal pull of the earth. with a black and white hounds- of suliUluric acid droplets may lOgS datIDg back to Marcl1, 1587 The moon has a atrong tidal where they can be happy and take r~ e~ lhrir fflends and "here they can vary l!til,atically frOm the first to They decided that 159 were influence on the earth, u liable.. The large number of 0b­ beach visitor knows. But tile play. rC'-ld. paint ~nd quarrel even. 21st floor of a single apartment "HERE AND THERE IN AFGHANISTAN" building, servatIOns, to which scientists earth's tidal pull OD the IIlOOII And ...... far .... , k.eeplng II dean is generally had paid .little atten. is 81 times stronger. At pe~ ~on(,'erncJ you will be s:urprised how AN ILLUSTRATED BOOK tIOn, came "as a revelation," says 10 the lunar orbit, when the I; To ,make it worse, the dozens well Ihey will ll\l II when they feel Mrs. Burley. mOOD is closest to the ~ BY PRITA SHALIZI i of contaminants in he air inter~ III LTD. the room helong!'? them. So do This new Introduction to Afghanistan Is available In the JURA AD additioDal 30 sightings have (221.000 miles) the greatest .Cl'ack­ give your chilurc:n the righl and pri­ act .with each oath. Smoke. gases ing effect is exerted on the IWiar Carpet and Karakul Exporters a~d pollutants e'!ter the swirling been reported in the past two vaq (If a rool11 tu fhcmsclves in thc KABUL HOTEL, SPINZAR HOTEL. EDUCATION PRESS years, according to' Mrs. Wini~ crust. BOOK SHOP alratreams from thoWlPl1dii Of in­ house. Ihe) neetl II like any other Address: Apt No.3. Chaman. Huzuri. Kabul, Afghanistan fred CameroD, also of Gaddard AND OTHER BOOKSHOPS dWltJial I\Ild power and smoke­ At apogee, when the IDOOII persop In the f'IITllly. sts~ks who is collating such observa. Telephone 22738. Telegraph JURA, Ltd. Kabul of ap,artmeDt house boill!lll tlons soars farthest from Itil plazalt Price Als. 150 and incinerators. . a by astronomen; aDd volun. '-teer moonwatchers in this and (253.000 miles) the lunar cruat EXQUISITE PRIVATE OINI'NG CAN BE YOURS other countrieS. presumably relaxes and exert. a At certtain times of the year , All of these "IUllar eveDts" are squeezing effect OD forces. poDt the .concrete. bricks an,f asphalt beDeath it. RePOrted ol»erutlona of the oity further 'compIlcate the evanesceDt, most of them lasting a matter of miDutes oDly. They of iunar activity reached. pedaa disajPlltlng effect of the breezes IN KABUL'S MOST 'LUXURIOUS RESTAURANT at both apogee and penaee a'" by ,slorlng .the city's heat. l1lld • Ine!ude spots 01 colour where BUrleY.~ddle­ there Was no colour before veils cordIng to the Ilcap" of poisons fotJ;na over the hurst survey. city. High Pre&!lure air masses EVERY EVENING DURING THE JASHEN FESTIVAL' of something or other t"':'pora. 15 AEROFLOT , (Con/d... on pa,e (j( ·AEROFLTIT aweeplng In from other Plll'ta of " ,~ tlie.-country can coDcentrate' pol_ ~ SOIlS in a witches" blanket whicli may, hang ·overhead several days. ENJOY TABLE IYHOTE AND Says D..,. BeD Davidson, direc­ ~ tor· of. the project. "Some day we wl..J-!I·: .... will .be able to feed materologi­ every Thursday morning AEROFLOT whisks you FroJn Kabul to Moscow via Tashken1,1jnt6tltmurs. cal·'data .into a computer and SPECIAL CUISINE ~RVED A' LA CARTE. C$tAZAR 10:20 soUlld'. wlirmings of 'killer ·&mop· RESTAURANT ·several daYs ~ead And' we will be able t9 IdeDtify the .worst off­ J> • M I... I. r' . eDdel'S accurately. so· that politi. ~F• cians and 'regiqnal planDel'S .can Arrives from Moscow and Tashkent every Wednesday morning at "9:20 a.m~ crack.. down OD them." . . NAZAR RESTAURANT has the best food 10 to.. WES~ Ml!l\Ilti!ne the big. map 9D ·Dr, AND AFGHAN DISIlES-A BAKERY PO••.u. TRIES, CAKES.· ~D BREAD, EXPE1UENCIID PQ80NXD. Da1fjPlion's .df;Sk.. which· records SERVIC~, the·'''droll'' oJ! evelY' square .nne. AND QIDCK. FRIENDLY . . .( In ,the 5!l:J:Qile square regiOD ie-. TOE' ;F>AMOUS SQJlACHTNER. OiWHESTRA Sanitary· rules obRrved.· In J , , .- , the. p.reparatfoD and beDdI/Dr ( Qjl~ mODthly soot falls from 80 y. ? of aU fOOd aU .. cIrIDklaa' _tor ,I ;1 loils a square mile in the sum-' t mer,to 130 \WlS. iD ··th winter, boned, IIJI fruita aud venta. bles ~te treated: WlIere Is the safest place to· OF J,tADIOCOLOGNE. ~ter ,! iive Jnt:New..York G:lty?· We Wedtllqp lUId tarre ~ . parties, EDrLlsb and German . '" ). ''In· a h~licoJlter.. 2,000. feet spoken. . abolfe it;'l "IIYii lOr. Davidson,­ ~ lesS' thlpl" 5l!O: feet 8!ld look like FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 21571. pa~terns' CO/l~tioDjl MOVES TODAY ., arid weathor' J• '. 1'0 larpr quarters at Charahi• '. I\IlSPI'I, Shal'1.N...... ' .

;:.1-.....", t.::,., . , , .. , . ."'" '"..,"- ... "", I, ',.., ~l ') '", ~t ~~i I I,. _. :~ Sp9ttep. a ,mlssl~g amp~~bious ~i~. ~,~ l~·''-- . PEKIN~ ~~citcka)''''''' .,' I, :, :'!' '. . .~II'.r.·l '''~'''l . ~i;~R'pUlii~ Iinh Carrying e,ght pasoengers and •\.':"'!1" ,':1 ,J. Chinese ''c!lk''lrmliil' . • .,~·t"".; ::;1~"'-" ~. a pilot on Eagle River Glacie~ 30. :, ":. .. , ,I I Moo 'Tsc-Tung Sunday received , "" • ", ",:Ji" 1'1. ,. ,. " f • 'Zari\1!~~\lic..Presldent Reuben miles (48kms) north of here, : , '1 ••,1 .:J'~ ..' 1~~~1JL!'#"~ U w, .'.,' .\;. ~" He did not say whether the twm­ .. I, '-~v:';-J1f·l~I:.,w";"; 'd() ; 1".~L:,..:"·I~ .~. .',": Ka.a'.ihil""".mbe.... Of the gov- WI,·1 ' ~,~ s; •• , '~\'l1r ...1#: •• \#I.l¥ ... . '." "7 'i-: ..',/'i "I 'rt.."l<.O- ~:~ 'j-'1 If'' ~""-"_,,,, w· o,J ... r. • 'I,. _ .,.j"•• _\~. '.' • • er ... , ~,atio:n which he is. engined Alaska coastal. airlines .II~ .l~1 ~!\:, .~.' ~ ~ ,~ _~ ..... ~~. ~ ~~;. J j' ..... ' i """l~'" . ,', ..:-,,< ."7/ ,•...... \". J):'1 "'t) .:. •• _,' ,l••_" :..·.111...;:.'.'.::.,,\''''' .... ':. ••• t. ~'. . "' 3 he .,'" . '" plane. which had been flYlOg here . '. ',. ~.: ':J:-' "";'~" :.. 't.'{':~'. '. ,~._ ' .....', ~,. • .. .I.. ~_ ...... I'~.j+'i" 'Jil} t"~\ ,." \' ". ~i.ijJ ...,, ,• ''''././'1' ~"·'r'·· ~J,_.l ~ .~- ~I:" ~ ~.$AWRDX'y '. '. ,,\~, .. l.~ 'J, . biah':'·lloodwill delegation from Skagway. was wFecked, 8~t .,..J... •• - -. "1" ····<'..... r r .• ': ', ..... ,' ... -,' AUGUST27 ,';~"Price 1 ',," • 'I' r,· ~;.> ". ". Ij I)· II' , "'j I, '" I.. :J" _ ~"'. ~ ,'#' ~ _ ) \. \. I ' 9 UNB· Tn'" 5' I·AC SH' _ ",,_ 'M. 3 he said he saw no pedple round It. VOLr,'I; INO'.129 ::"~~.:'rJ':'')..':~~·'·'~·;J''''I:r-_' ~"".,;~,:. f~ ~ ,'!\ft~"i" 1 66, S ULU1,...... '\ ',' ,,1 .. IS presently Visitiog China and ·is • 'r'!:e;.l"·:.-ll ':',' ;0 ...... ::: l' •• , •• ';'" 'I-'L 1-'·.. · '~'-'.'~'I"-" ., to~J-" ':::..'·

,"""(." .. -," .. , 4-t'" , Off «.£.:c • •. PROGRAMME FOR JASHEN Sukarrw Speech Sets ".r~ New Book Gives on the occasion of the 48th Anniversary of the Student Unrest, ·Rioting JAKARTA. August 22, (ComblDed Wire Servlces).­ ~~~ Feminine., V , . Blood baa beeJi &pUled over &he weekend lUicJ &en,!OIl sUIJ prevails ~ 'f Independence of Afghanistan ." . , -. .., r_., r . In Jakarta foliowiil&' a cOntroversial speech dellevered by indo­ 'Of Afghanistan t ...~. , . 11111111111111111111111111111I11I111I1.111111111 nesian President Sukarno on August 17. By A Stalf Writer , .' Tbe speech, on -Independence with Foreign Minister Adam PARLiAMENT 11i1 ... Z' ;. '1.:" •• DaY. bas spurred new confiict Malik and said Indonesia would "Here and there m Afghpnis­ ~'$~y-u. X 10 I' M (hIOCSC artists' show. between pro and anti-8ukamo be welcomed' to join the Asian Ghazi Stadium elements. and Pacific Council (ASPAC). tan" by Prlta K. Sha!izi, wife 'If During the past year Afghanis­ the Minister of Interior Is a .Uve­ la1> experienced new and valuable • Majesty the King's opening s~ech The blows were exchanged In was necessary for Indonesia to be The book, a collection of arti­ Parliament, Qneen A~~ fihamBn Hozoon Bandung. West Java. where at Included In aoy regional pacts cles that formerly appeared In Prime Mi!Ps.ter Mohammad t.,... _. ~ . M ililary Parade August 27 least one student was killed designed to bnng stability in magazines and newspapers. 15 Hashim Maiwandwal formed a , , Akbar Khan Wal and more than ten injured. In AsIa. more than a travelogue or his­ constitutional government which ...... _,,1<36 .P.M. Tent pegging compelitlOn bpI ween IJ AM 1-l.lOdb' -tit'Jle-'l'his phi-­ quested Sukarno's resignation them her excitement, experi­ pr6ductivity, Ground will also be,' agen~. ... relay teletype and telephone R 10 PM Chmese artists' show Kabul today on the invitation of , ~". Tlie,pWi, following .the govern­ losopby, be .said is ajmed at ,,",\,t­ pany. Afghan WooUens, Omid but military leaders are resolved ences, ol>ser.vations, and surprises. paved for the creating farm CO?~- Pnme MinISter M9.1"'!'andwal messages and. can also be used Textiles. Aho Shoes, Samoun and ~ P.M Pakistani artists' show to continue the policy of keep­ Culture and Information Mimster She gives a concise but interest­ - ment's policy, of b~ced ~~ iog a free, progressive aoct, prospe~ A-!,pst 24 Kabul Theatre Mohammad Osman Sidqi. rativeS in order· to raise produetoVlty in his speech at the OpeDlDg cer- for broad<;astlng. 'tt other industnal companies thiS year .- · . ~ thi'oughoat the· country' ...... rous society in which respect for . Ing him in office. mg accoullt of the more coIo,ur­ ail4 the liVing standard of f~ers. ~mony sai~ the installati?n of ThE; news agency traDSlDl er are displaying better quality aod ":··~AM Opening of the Industnal Exhibi­ This was clearly reflected from ful histOrical events surrounding launeb lIhon-term projects ,for buman magnanimity, lIIe rule <)f I KABUL. Aug. 22. (Bakhtarj.- quick results and set up projects A syslematic programme of agncw- the tranSlnttters would gIve M- ,was InStalled through a grant more varied types of goods. These tion by HIS Majesty the King. Sunday tbe words of Major General names and places which hold law, equality. social cooperation tural credits with a view to assist- ghan citizens greater opportunity from the Federal Republic of Ger­ . -lj The Greek in Ambassador in Afgha­ to develop Isolated; 'areas of: ~e and balanced. development in ~Il growing companies fulfill the heeds Exhibition Park Dharsono, commander of the fascinatton .for her and inVariably ing smaU farmers wiU be . under- to be entertained and informed. many; . the RadIO Afghanistan of the country and strengthen the Siliwangi division in West Java, nistan. Alexandre Demetropulos. at provides enlight~ informs-. country. Public as well as. pnvate walks of life are the major objec- ~' 3 P.M Atbletes' march past. followed by laken. the ""ime Minister said. Referring to the BalU Afghanistan in terms ot its wo­ told officiuls that beSides setting up 1I5: neslan goveniment. Busia, who led the oPPOSitIOn to tion belween the three brancbes of President of the Department the Afghan and Polish officials. vices to students through educa­ f~" "' men, tbelr progress since the re­ His Majesty the King hoped tional programmes and program­ a carpentry shop 10 Chagha Saral. Monday A statement criticising Presi. Dr. Nkrumah 10 eXile who now IS the government is needed to attain of Planning in the Planning Min­ they should take further steps to Atan (Afghan national dance) dent Sukarno was issued Satur­ moval of the veil, their hopes that the Pakhtunisla1> issue will mes on art and culture. Vice-Chairman of Ghana's political democracy and continue the parHa. istry Ali Ahmad Khuram said Reference is made to these p'ro­ encourage \\ ood handicrafts In da,)( by the influential Moslem and aspirations, and their BUCce&­ be solved in accordance with the August 29 commlltee. ses in assuming a responsible role mcntary system. the aid was under a protocol jects In the protocol; whlch Information and Culture Min­ Nooflstan Chaman Hozoon intellectuals' party Nahdatul wiShes of the Pakhunistanl people, On foreign policy the Prime Mi­ signed here by Afghanistan and states that if changes are made ; I, '!'-lli 10 U1ama. criticized in parti­ m socIety. She ends her chap­ who have not yet achieved their Ister Mohammad Osman Sidki Gymnast,,; exerCises by the PolH...e '\ ltl PM Jt nister reafflrmed Mghanlstan', a Polish delegation which arriv­ in the draft the aid proposals for AM Academy -I cnl rcgging competition between cular the President's speech on ter on an oplimlstlc note with a nght to self-determination. said as in all other countries .... "' , ., Pak lIa and Gbazni teams. pIcture of the modern Mghan policy of active neutrality and non­ ed in Kabul some time ago. them ;will be reviewed. broadcasting was considered of ... Ghazi Stadium tbe occasion of the independence His Majesty delivered his spe­ alignment, empbasising the need for :~. ,0 AM Wrestling match between th~ Thun­ women. "modern rrom the tips of special importance in Mgban;s­ Students Parade Hockey match between Kabul Uni­ dq. wbich, ~ ~ If..... ech after reviewing a guard of maintaining and expanding friendly Projects included in the pt\?lo- Khuram saId 10 this category I i 'I... •• • I. their spIked-heeled shoes to the tan, which planned to set up a versity and Indian learns der and Indian teams tul UWna, clin lWiip.,r mtiirls honour and military units assem­ are plants for production of liine­ ~ .... , i ,. Ghazi Stadium tops of their neatly coiffured lies with all nations of the world col for imuiediate cooperation network of radio transmitters. " GhD.Zl StadIum for a peaceful settlement with bled for the parade. The Defence especially the neighbouriQg coun- are three aalughter-houses with Continued on Page 4 Before their Majestie.;;,.. the " PM Hockey match between the com­ Malaysia, - Despite this. Nahda­ heads, readY to assume their Minister and all the units parti­ , tric., During tbe First Plan period two King and Queen, Prtme l'/lllllSter Tent pegging competltlon between true place in society and to help 1cooling rooms; a plant to produce shori-wave transtn.ittters were Paklia and Ghazni teams. bmed team of Kabul Lycees and tul U1ama officially does not back cipating in the parade, saluted the Maiwandwal hIgh ranking offi­ 'he Indian teams their country in Its future march In regard to national defence, he synthetic 8iJk. p10ther to make ' installed. In the 2nd Five Year , " Chaman Hozoon the demand of itll flve affiliated memory of the late King Moitapl­ cials and guests, and a crowd of GhaZl Stadium·' , to progress.II urged the moral and material ad­ bottles for edibilll oil, a carpen­ Premier To Visit Plan period Ab. 12,460,000 and Wrestlmg match between the First .MOslem organisations which in­ mad Nadir Shah. A 21-gun salute try plant and a programme to 24,000 spectators 10,000 Univer­ ... t .... - 1\1.0 ' S PM Soviet RUSSian artlsls' show The book also contains inter­ vancement of the Afghan aJmy. dm 6,219,819 was spent on ex­ sity and high school students " .: Ariana and rhe Imdlan team!ii sist that tbe provisional people's was. flred. Of administration proCedures the expand the spinning sections of UAR, Turkey r"":· , Chama" Bahan Stage consultative assembly make Pre­ estmg and informative accounts panding broadcasting facilities. paraded and performed gymastic ,. .... I .;... ' Ghazi Stadium Prime Minister said we shall move Kabul and woollen KABUL, August 27, (Bakbtar). :,~~Ci 5 I'M ?akistaOi arwils' show of typical Afghan borne life in His Royal Highness, Prince Twenty-five per cent of ti}e' exercises m Ghazi stadium m I?M. Football match between the com­ indent Sukarno resign from all towards simplicity and speed, cut­ mills. These projects will be Prime Minister Mohammad Has­ Kabul Theatr~ official functions. the different classes of society. Ahmad Shah and Prime MinIster expenditure on the project was the afternoon of the second daY .. , ' .., bined team of Kabul lycees and completed by the end of the 3rd him Mlliwandwal will visit the . " 9 PM Indian MtISI:s' show Sukarno's speech was also de­ ,Told from the women's point 'of Maiwandwal were also present. tios down administrative costs and provided by the state budget and of Jasben. , the Soviet Shakhtor Karaganda view, it has a true Insider's au­ ensuring better ~oordination of gov­ Five Year Plan. Umted Arab Republic and Tur­ . tearn. Kabul Then1rc nounced by the Uninn of indo­ The parade of students .of the the rest, including the required HIS Majesty and tbe Queen ". thority and immediateness abou.t ernment ~'~:M' Tuesday representlnl:' all major the dynamics of Afghan family In tbe area of justice, the Prime' AsSistance Is a40 promised In According to a Foreign MInis­ ted from credit·. given by the Indian anlsts' show that the President has incorrect­ and varioWl units of the army last­ a supplement to the protocol for tbey entered the stadium bal, ly interpreted historical facta, AIR--and SHIPPING-LINES life and tbe relationshipS bet­ Mini,ter empb..isec,I tho need to try announcement, the Prime Federal Republic of Germany. cony. Kabul Theatre ed fur more than an hour. some projects which are Includ­ Minister's visit to the United PbilipPlne Foreign Secretary Contaet us lor Information ween the various members of Radio Afghaniala1>- bJ;Osdcast' a bring about far' reacbing 'and pro­ Gerhard Multmann, Ambassa­ Prince Mohammad Nadir and RPM Fireworks display August 30 ed in the Plan I>ut bave not yet Arab RepUblic will start Septem­ Narcisco Ramos returned Sunday a.nd all reservations the Afghan fan'llly. running commentary of the found changes in the mentalily of dor of West Germany in Kabul Prmce MolJammad Daud Pash' Chaman Lake ASTCO TEAVEL OFFICE people so tbat the rule of law may been flnalised. These include ber 17 and to Turkey SeptelXlber said tbe new transmitters were 1 tonnyoT carried olympiCS and H P.M Acroballc show by Wesl German , P_M Fuotball malch between MIlitary from two daYs of talks in Bali parade. two textile mills, a plant to Shar e Nou near Amerlca.n Mrs. Shalizi also has included be substituted for the law of coer­ 22. certain to serve the caU$e of know­ education flags. artists At:ademy and Soviet Shakh10r Ks­ After the parade. memberB _of make processed wood for furni­ and 1l'lUl Embassy mteresting chaptelli on Afghan tbe cabinet, beads of the diplo­ cion. He also spoke about the As it Was announced earlier, ledge In the country. Werner Members of the OlympIC JIlsso- l! 32 P.M Chinese artJsts shu" r.,sanda learns cuisine, whlcb she considers epi_ ture, a plant for producing glass UAR Prime Minister Zakaria !t.!f .....,.. I matic corps cOngratuJat£d lbeil' necessMt.y of establishing an inde­ KrUger, assistant chief of the dation, Foreign Teams visiting Gbazi StadIum Ghazl Stadium curean since as she says uno pendeot judiciary.' • for windows, a wool clll"ansing Mubaluddin and Turkish Prime , PM Majesties the King .and the Queen West German Office of Informa­ Kabul, the Military and police Chaman Bahan Stage Sovlel RUSSian arllsts' show other descriptive tenn could be On financial aod economic affairs, plant, a paint plant, and a sche­ Minister Sulaiman Dimiryl had tion, said the transmitted pre­ ,.W~P~.• on !be occaslO\l


' •• , "'I< - '_