University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-22-1966 Kabul Times (August 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 127) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 22, 1966, vol. 5, no. 127)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1270. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1270 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - --. ... - , ' .~ , ,, . " '. !...: ,' '- . , ' .~- .:. ~ •• ~ ". I, ' , , •,• ~r ,; ~ •• PAGE 4' 'THE, kABuL. , TIMES " . ..... / '\, F,urtll.r TroubleAppears To Be ,! :. ; .:VietDam I :.' " Co,tr'nued,;i;~'", 'page' I, I.n Store For Troubled Indonesia tarY personnel,:but wlfh It&H,.m) \ - force," -the Founda.t1on Hid., J,.> ,.~ ~ ;' .'... BANDUNG. AUIust %1, (AP).- "Pr<:iJlier . KosYglJi ',oilers ;', fUll ,~ lD BiuulUIIC. a eonfllct between PresIdent Sukamo and 'support for the 'war',crlmes·,trtbu­ n<4 which Bei'trllnd' Russel' has hla"Mlnfs&tra·UU! lDovement of troops central Java have t .'~. lDto initiated," it !t. ~~ ailded.. ' ',' .VOL. NO, 127. f_ Of widespread disturbances. The Sovi~t Pi'eDiler emphaSised y, ~. :"1\, 1966, (ASAD 31, 1345. S.li,) Price Af, 3 SolTie obse.:Yets· eVen pre<tict iliat thll Soviet Unlon '."would 'render, , ~, ' ,~, .I 'J a civil war wOlud come to Indonesia A new twist to the rising feel· allrbund materiaf, assistance 1 ,. untess the llshls between religious the Democratic Republic of Viet-' ingS m thiS troubled country also nam, 'ineaiis of diifel1C:e ond provi· ~ and political groups are brought to came earlier in the week when a halt . ~ sion of "experts inl:Iiided,:,' to· re­ Foreign , Minister Adam peal.Ahierlcan "~ion:' the 1 The movemenl Q:f troops into cen­ threw himself into direct conllict tral J.va. a sttdb8J;old of support FoundatiOn's atatenlent,wd, ' with Sukarno. He deolared that A Tass mess8g~, from Prague for PreSident SUkamo. was .Iso be· efforts to hold a Conference of said the General '~tary of the, ing made in this connection, sources New Emerging Nations (Conefo) World Federation of "Trade said. \ are finishl!d. Unions, LOuis 'SaiiaJJt, haa sent a But a riot on Friday in thiS nor­ Malik made the slatement on a telegram to President Jolm/lon mally plaCid unIversity city .ppear­ tour of West Inan Sukamo protesting against the extension, ~ to be one of the olost dangerous has declared he· wants of military operations in Vietliam. , developments In the country Conefo held before Indonesia re­ The telegram' stresses that U.S, " . Sukarno, 10 bls speech to the na­ turns to the Umted Nabons. actIOns 'in Vietnam are lIo:»nttary " lIon on August 17. laid he.vy em· Mahk told cheermg West Inans to all standai'ds of international phaslS on a call for the peOple to that Indonesia planned to return law and the most elementary rally to his support. The appear­ soon to the UN "Our policy is to principles of, humanity". The ance of some 2.000'persons doing return to the Umted Nations. Do telegram describes these actions Just this on Bandung appear~ to be you want to return? What If Pre­ as genocide. Sident Sukarno does not agree?" an org.nlsed response to tbe call. "The World F.ederatlo~ of Student leaders. organisers of the And the crowd shouted: "Put pressure on him" Trade Umons, voicing the indi. Siudent ActIOn Front (KAMI). said gnatIon of its 140 million mem­ • they bebeved the 'ieaders of the Conefo was ' proposed by Su­ bers throughout the world, em­ rIOllng group had been brousht In kama as an answer to "lmper1a­ ph.tlcally condemns the contin­ from central Java to stlt up emo­ hst-dommated" Umted Nations, uatIOn of thiS reckless policy tion&. Several in the crowd wore the project has been a flop Build­ whIch may spark 011 a frightful ~ -rei:! bandanas, a sign of the Indone­ mgs begun WI th Chmese aId and world conflagration, "the tele­ SI.n !',jallonalist Party (PNI). which technical assistance now stand Members of the commemorative semlDar talk to Prime Minister MalwandwaJ' at a recep- gram says tion he rave lD the Chel Sotoon Palace. was vowed to support Sukarno Iwlly half finished Work on them has 'The US Government's mllt­ Thc "mob clashed with students In stopped lary actIons cannot break the ,Ch~/era (he city In front of KAMI headquar­ Sukarno saId he conSidered Will of a whole people to free­ Reported Khushhal Seminar Plans ters holdmg Conefo was one of hiS hfe dom," In Iraqi Syria M ountcd pollcemcn and troops In proJects Mahk said. "Like II or not we have to drop Conefo" He The telegram demands an 1111­ New Meeting In 4 Years armoured cars charged Into the medlale end to the bomb1n8 of Closes Bordei' melee. firing as they went A stu­ returned from hiS West Inan tnp North Vietnam and withdrawal DAMASCUS, Aug 22 (r.euter)­ KABUL, August 22, (Bakhtar).­ denl was shol dead, but II was nor Fnday of all Amencan forces from SyrJa dosed her frontiers With Iraq Xhe last meeting of the seminar comme,moratlDg the great Pashto dear whether 11 was the troops or Tbe MtnJatry of Commerce Is provtd1njr the Kabul MWJJelpaJ Sources travellmg wIth the South Vietnam The UnIted yesterday and slopped l1Ir II afflc poet Khushhal Khatak Sunday decided to hold a slmOar seminar Ihe noters who shot him Foreign Minister Said Mahk also States, the telegram Says, must between Baghdad and Damatus to four years from now In Kabul .nd named an avenue In the e1ty 1 he mob broke. then surged ~romlsed Corporation with 300 sets of welPb to distribute to e1ty '1IakerB. that the indonesian cen­ recognIse the South Vietnam Na· t y to prevenl the spread of cho­ after the poet. Ihrough the city ordering shop­ tral government would honour a tlOnal LIberation Front as the lera, reporte<1 In pariS of Iraq keepers to take down anu-Sukarno A M1D1stry SOIU'lle said this Is part of a move to ehange the varl, pledge to hold a referendum m only lawful representative of the The Synan MlOlster of Health. Sldlkullah Rlshteen, President cal, SOCial and political instruc­ :-.Iogans painted on wall West Inan m 1969 as stipulated m South Vietnamese people and Dr Abdel-Rahman AI-Akta. an­ of the Pashto Academy after an­ rendered great servICes for the SoldIers In armoured cars follow­ ed welchlq SystelDB here to the lDetrIc: system. The sets, eaeh lhe Umted Nations agreement. observe the 1954 Geneva agree­ nounclOg thls. sald a meeung of nounCIng the meeting's dec.i,sjon further adv.nced of contempor­ ed the noters. finng over Ihelr Mahk also launched a bllSter­ ments said that the papers read out by ary Pashto literature. Three coD8lsUll&. - of 9 pieces, are produeed lD JanpJak Factories. The :1,;rcemenl was Signed on be.·lth officials from Lebanon, Jor­ keads 10 keep Ihem movmg Ing attack on corruption 10 pnnu­ dan and S,yna would be held here participants 10 the seminar will lIons He SaJd Khushhal may be The Violent mob supportmg behalf of AfghanIstan by Osman live West Inan and promised im­ 10 dls.... l1sS JOint J)rec<Jutlon3 ., me-­ be pubhshed conSidered the father of Pashtp Sukarno came out after the stu­ medIate economIC aSsIstance. He Anwan, Educ.tion MInlater and EducatIOn MmlSter Mohammad In the s,lme way as Rodakl IS Strong Earthquakes"'- by Georges Caltand French Am· lhbds dents had pamted the city walls With s;l1d 8. new form of currency Jordan. Lebanon and KUWOlt Osman Anwan called the sernmar Ihe father of Persian 'Literature. would be prepared for West Irian Japan ul.:cessful and said It bad re­ \Igns saymg "Sukamo old enough Rock Central bassador 10 Kabul on behalf of have alreadY banned tounsts com~ He said Khushhal preferred to counter mflatIOn, but declined TOKYO August, 21. (APl.-Two to die". Suk.arno go 10 bell" World .Hrlefs Fugitive Arrested, France ing from Iraq unless they hold va­ Vived the profound Ideas of mor.l to phYSical courage and The ann-Sukarno sentiment was to give details fairly strong earthquakes d'look the ~I\r) Khushhal Khatak He 881d the commented on his realism and b1UJJ..:)bUnx., J\U¥ .tOa, r\. COll­ The P CSloent of Kabul UOlverSl· lid Inlernauonal anti-cholera vac­ sparked. student leaders m Bandung On Tuesday President Sukamo quake-ridden town of Matsushiro in government was trying to take depth of VISIOn in philosophy. He ~rllum O[ compawcs, maJl¥ ot lbem • l'&n~ CInation certificates Iran IS also ~ld. central Japan Saturday night but ty ·high oflidala of the by President Sukamo's Inde­ told Parliament that Conefo should :>cull> 1Uri<&D, plans lo eotablisb a Search Continues 1 npO'T"'lg quar::mtme controls on her effectlvl\ steps to revive thoughts added that Tehran UnIversity pendence Day speecb of August 17 stili be held "if necessary In a no casualties were reported Mmlstry of Education, ofIiciala of and ide.s of the country's great holds this great man of letters m OILr0leo fcrt1.1izcr lactory at Que Que the ForeIgn Ministry. and mem­ weste"n border while travellers The sludents rejected It and dec­ paddy field or 10 bamboo houses". At least seven houses were dama­ LONDON, Aug., 21. (Rejlter).­ thmkers high esteem. In the fDJdlands of Rhodeua, It was bers of the French Emhalsy In (rom Iraq to Cairo are also bemg lared they no longer had any con­ But Sukarno.
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