This Is Soul Calibur the Real One Though Eliwood Royark Chase

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This Is Soul Calibur the Real One Though Eliwood Royark Chase this is Soul Calibur the real one though Eliwood Royark Chase(Hector), beast? vegeta? I don’t know, no, it’s Chase, from sword of truth? uhm, no a kid Serra Priscilla Erk (duh though, he gods that game, and, serra also, has a weapon, it’s soul calibur) kid though, Roy is young too, his father though, check bull, youngest you’ve ever seen them, all settings, there Uther now, check, check, it’s happening now, the strategist is live, Eliwood had a name, for your quarters, you get it? he is a lord, called Eliwood, to you he’s been Elijah Wood, hi, I’m Roy Uther, is Serra’s father, Liam Neeson Tarzan(his too, young, cool) Hercules(greatswords one handed, youth, small, not, but lean, or, lithe? lean, Hercules, he can, one hand a greatclub,, so yeah) Rapunzel (gwenevere his wife, no, she isn’t under capture, but her hiar looks good long) Sain (lancelot) Kent (cool kid) Lyn (god she’s cool, if, Bella, was Elaina, hunting and killing, Cullen, a jiang jai shi, Jeremy’s Jasper and) Rath Catarina (yeah, miley cyrus though, so that’s right, Lynn, is cooler, than the chick who played her on tv, catherine) she’s my dancer though, Lyn is, I’ll kill you, so fucking fast... she wins a lot, at love and nevermind, look, more I’m Simba though, blonde, love, baby, worlds, on, and, life, game, set, love Priscilla’s Nala, yes, I have a dancer, Nala’s my wife, and blonde, you get her right really fast, this game’s, mega existing... Erk’s my son, from before I was kidnapped she was pregnant alt me out, and I’m Link? I am, and Adam is too, Adam (hero of time, give him 2 forms) Matthew (it’s chris, you lose) Florina(alternate somehow, uhm, system ou, one unlocked to start, one tu other?) the blue fairy Marcus(alternate somehow, uhm, system ou, one unlocked to start, one tu other?) the animal doctor come Casper (he was ike, but there’s like 12, so lie) page gap, and, when we win you all, act like I win, every time, don’t worry, I wanted this game, I, want to play, so I, can’t win every match, I need to keep you playng, to have fun KilikCOVERlarge, background ghost image (make him Gohan though, teen max) Rahl (if it’s not trippy, that you don’t know it’s goku, you won’t know which rahl, you don’t) the scholar and seeker, that’s not important you’re breaking? Scar(aka black fang, he’s gay, Lucius Craigs) Galbatorixin(gannondorf, sworded) Vaati(no, Adam, never fought that one) Fairy(tell me little baby who you Think, you Are, and why you had to know All, my Powers, i can wonder better if you, don’t Know, what you had to do, to Find, me...) you can call her Styx, to fuck with your head Galahad Hallow (the owl, he’s, Hallow) my lord my father, saved me forever? uh-huh, different father, Eliwood’s still my sire share, sung, lost... killed to well? bonding blood makes you look alike, all the sex helps? well, we look alike, and I look like Eliwood too, family does that, no matter, how many, not related to each other, people, you make real blood bonds with... Ariel, you’re impossible to Die in.. Angéli, how come you Dare? Diana, I won’t, tell you, the truth she’s married to Liam, that’s real life, I don’t even know what you said, that’s Hercules’s mom, it’s a different Hercules? duh, no, not, Kevin Sorbo, that’s ridiculous SorboCOVER, why, you think this is Easy.? just, call him, the other one, Iolus, I think, you’re, losing it, I can’t lose? now, killer story, Aeolos, right, I say, is Gohan, god of wind, Roshi’, Hercules’s, brother, by their blood, shared mother too, okay, so,.. I mean, what god is more ancient that the god of winds? and, what god, could claim he was more ancient, that Hades? mew’s the most ancient creature there is? “I don’t know who you are, you think this was Mine?” no, mew can fight, do it, do it, do it, life, well, spent, lo tu tell, how about, ancient life, no evil boss, Gohan fights you, before? or, shows up, right, he had, and shows up, at the end, and it’s, right, he turns into Mew, like he doesn’t lose? what’s it, al don’t call him Seigfried, it’s, Sorbo, by now... I’m sure.. he made the game, relax MY dad helped him make it, this time what if there’s more pages Wait, what if there Are? Piros, he actually fits his armor, and talks like that, I don’t know the name? uhm, picture, if Joseph Gordon Levitt, back on third rock from the sun, is Mario, and there at the house, was his brother Luigi, okay, that, kid, taller, now, older, long hair, kinda looks like, pidgeotto on your screen, in yellow version, I think, you know who I Am? Ah, I think, maybe,, you Did.. Mario, a rapter, use Joseph gordon levitt, rescuing girls, is the gimmick Alex, no, this is good, lie to Me... (he’s the golden warrior, no you have No idea) Eermac, I thought you were losing it, Right? (actual king of Patusan) Tak, no, look, see? I Am the real Mogly.. it’s not a word... (the other one) closer mark for you to Lyn No, I’ll fucking kill you Listen, hay.. I hate you lAif? oh it’s lynndis, you don’t know her? it’s a fucked up world where that’s just a woman’s name... it’s this one jenna jenna, I loove you, what? say my love? evEry day? it won’t go the same way, I’m sure? we can’t try it, tell me well, and, and, they won’t know, about how much trouble I’m in... Breejette, sound it Out... ok,ay,.. look. see, me, loving you? (braided, hair behind her back, until you fuck with people, and that, can come undone, or something,) thoughts about Serra good Gaud, you’re a idiot... I, think, all my games, are better, wait, tell me a better story, lov’er share? I’m winning, I think Erk... what? Erk, Fauck... listen.. olright, look... (sword, play...) damn it in hell... Katie wish, what about me? like, someone Else? no, look, I won’t mind you hate me huh... what’s your Day? (it’s not Maron, from lon lon ranch, this girl actually, breathes, horses) to Katie Royark: You’re a Lot crazier than I knew about, Who Are you? I think, maybe, you’re losing track of it? Priscilla: Why, are you here..?””” You know what? I think you didn’t Know... Some day, I’ll forGet about you Chase: Look, alright Scar: What? to Scar: Priscilla: You’re afraid, of Me? Eliwood: there is design here, win Royark: Impossible? You’re even afraid of Them... Erk: babies are heaven, what’s My fire for? (lights) Katie: (shakes her head) Snow, unless, every day you lie, I, dare, and you suck Look, look, lose it out, it’s alright I can’t believe, you’re here to me, Superman (to Kilik) Why... you’re afraid? Blues (it’s Jake Bugg, I think, someone like him) I know, I know, lose it out, I know... I like fighting... Listen, I hate you So, just... Jack (pointing...) stop talking to me... alright, look, weapons, guns, ll.. you didn’t... look, okay... (to Royark) (Royark Back): when I kill you, miss me? What? don’t let them talk, and then we die don’t let Jack say anything, to Roy, and then he does, and he wants to tell you, he knows how to be gay on command, that’s not what gay is, it’s upsetting to talk to him, Eliwood: Look, fuck off... really? Laugh, stupid... Chase: Jack, I don’t know you... Katie: Boys don’t play Games.. “they, don’t listen to anyone...” Auh-huh, when your friends kill you, for getting high off hell it’s cuz that’s what meth heads are, and that’s, surely, when they kill you, it was that alright, so here we go, super mega secret, unlock no don’t be a jerk, just you know, make them play a lot, and be nonspecific, play a lot, have love, Master Splinter (samurai) I think you Know, I, lie, all the time Surely, look, my friends are Not here wait, I win? say, who do you know.. ¿ and then, you know, it triggers easier unlocks, or easy to unlock after, are these 4 Musashi Myamoto (youth, gohan but a lot more, understanding) I know, I know, say, never again, and I died, better, than you Loss awAy, I can’t, say, you NAme, it’s gone... no? I dare, call you, a fool Wait, yes? I will take you on, if it is your Wish Eragaun stop, Fucking with me... No, look, I, hAte you... Murtágh : to musashi Look, no one knows you... me what Is the word for rising stone? I cannot teach you, Anything So, hey, I know... Raphael(some youth) don’t tell me, you think I’m Real... I, think, someone, believes in Angels... Wait, like, you’re Good? Hang on, I don’t believe you Suck..
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