Nina's Bio by Stylistic86

Nina Williams "Cold Blooded Assassin"

Country of Origin: Ireland Fighting Style: Koppo (Bone Martial Arts), Aikido, and Assassination Arts Birthday: January 27 Age: 44 Height: 5'3" Weight: 108 lbs Blood Type: A (changed during cryosleep) Occupation: Assassin, 's bodyguard Likes: Her father, "Tom" from "Tom and Jerry", Tea with milk & Scotch, The Fists of Raijin Dislikes: Her sister & Losing

1P Outfit: 6 1P 2P Outfit: 2P 3P Outfit: 2P 4P Outfit: 2P

Bio: Ever since she was recruited by Jin Kazama to be her bodyguard, she has greatly served him, taking out anyone who stood in his way of achieving his goals. Nina was not sure as to what Jin's goals were but she had a duty to uphold. At the of the Iron Fist Tournament 6, Jin was soundly defeated at the hands of . Nina had felt depressed, knowing that she could not interfere in the match but was given instructions by Jin to relocate to New Zealand, being incognito. Years had passed after the events surrounding the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 6 and Nina started to question herself. She debated with herself about whether or not it was time for her to no longer serve under anyone and that she would lead on her own? One day, she received a phone call from Jin Kazama. He had been in hiding in Sydney as he was forming an underground resistance faction, aimed clearly at the Mishima Zaibatsu named The Fists of Raijin. Nina had been waiting for Jin to call her and was willing to lend a hand. Without a moment's notice, she would join The Fists of Raijin as right hand to Jin. But as the Warrior of the Iron Soul Tournament draws nearer, time could only when it was time for Nina to step out of Jin's shadow. Stage: Sydney (Night)

Theme Music: "No Church In The Wild" by Jay-Z and Kanye West feat. Frank Ocean


Stage 4 Rival/Stage: /Yokohama Nina is wandering the streets of Yokohama. She stops for a moment and starts looking around, believing that she is being followed. Her intuitions are correct when she is nearly attacked by Taki, who identifies herself as a secret service agent. She tells Nina that she is after Jin Kazama and that she has the closest ties to him. Nina tells her that she is not going to allow anyone to get near Jin. Taki then tells her that she has no choice but to use force against, to which Nina gets into her fighting stance. After defeating Taki, Nina tells her that her only concern should be calling the nearest ambulance and that if she ever crosses her path again, she will take her out.

Stage 7 Rival/Stage: Jin Kazama/Sydney As Nina returns back to the Fists of Raijin, she is confronted by Jin, who tells her that he is starting to grow suspicious of her loyalty. Nina tells Jin that he has been at his side and has been loyal to him. Not convinced at Nina's words, Jin takes it upon himself to put Nina through the test as he tells her "we'll see" as he gets into his fighting stance. After defeating Jin, Nina offers a hand to help him up but he knocks it away. Jin tells her to that he no longer needs her and that she is on her own from now on. As she is about to leave, Jin tells her to assassinate a man named Cervantes

Sub-Boss (Stage 9): Cervantes/Valencia Cervantes is walking out of a building with a few Mishima Zaibatsu associates when a flying rocket heading towards their direction blows up Cervantes' car. Cervantes looks up and sees that Nina is loading yet another rocket while Cervantes and his associates start shooting at Nina. Nina manages to dodge the bullets and returns fire back on them, sending the men to the ground. Nina throws away her rocket launcher and looks to engage Cervantes in a fight. Cervantes tells her that she is foolish to even think she can kill off a former arms dealer. Nina then says that she likes her chances of defeating him. After defeating Cervantes, Nina shakes her head at Cervantes, who is writhing in pain. As Cervantes struggles to get up, Nina places her foot on his chest, and stomping on his face, leaving him unconscious.

Final Stage: Nightmare or Night Terror/ Mishima Zaibatsu Laboratory As Nina arrives at the laboratory, he hears screams from scientists as well as blaring alarms and sirens. A large figured, cloaked in azure armor, reveals itself to be either Nightmare or Night Terror. The azure armor glows laser red eyes as it bellows. "Prepare for your demise!" as it sprouts a deformed arm (as Nightmare) or golden wings (as Night Terror).

Ending: After defeating Nightmare or Night Terror, A raid on Mishima Zaibatsu headquarters takes place as members of the Fists of Raijin attack Mishima Zaibatsu operatives. Explosions and shots are heard all around. We then see Jin Kazama overlooking the assault. After the dust settled and the melee ceased, We later see Fists of Raijin members drag Heihachi Mishima to the feet of Jin. Heihachi growls in anger at Jin, cursing at him. Jin smirks for a moment but delivers as he is about to deliver the killing blow to Heihachi, a female voice calls out to the Fists of Raijin telling them to hold Jin down. The camera pans, revealing Nina. The Fists of Raijin hold Jin down next to Heihachi as Nina makes her way towards both men. Nina smirks at Jin, telling him that he shouldn't have tested her loyalty and because of Jin's paranoia, she not only controls the Fists of Raijin but also the Mishima Zaibatsu. The camera pans up as the yells of Jin and Heihachi are heard along with thuds and broken bones. We then see Nina, sitting on a throne as she now claims the Mishima Zaibatsu for herself.