VENTING SANITARY INBOARD Issue 279, October 2017 OUR CREED: FORWARD BATTERY “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in BASE COMMANDER pursuit of their duties Bill Long while serving their 503.939.4134 country. That their
[email protected] dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a VICE COMMANDER constant source of Jay Agler motivation toward 503.771.1774 greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and SECRETARY patriotism to the United Alan Brodie States of America and 360.369.6400 its Constitution.” TREASURER Scott Duncan 503.667.0728 CCOOMMMMAANNDDEERR’’SS LLOOGG CHAPLAIN Scott Duncan Hello All, 503.667.0728 Summer is over and it’s time to get the rake out. I raked my yard once already CHIEF OF THE BOAT and it needs it again. I remember there was no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than listening to MSU Spartans Football on the radio while raking Arlo Gatchel leaves. Then, after dinner I’d burn the pile of leaves I’d raked up. Try doing that 503.771.0540 now and you will get a visit from the local authorities! WAYS & MEANS OFFICER Fall also means it’s election time once again. By now you should have received an Vacant email from this year’s Nominations Committee. I encourage anyone interested in serving on the E-Board as Treasurer, Secretary, or Trustee to submit their names MEMBERSHIP CHAIR to be placed on 2018-2019 ballot. Nominations may be submitted to George Dave Vrooman Hudson (
[email protected]) or Tom Lindberg (
[email protected]). 503.466.0379 We also have two appointed positions that will become vacant at the end of this year.