and Mudlands of'Langstone Harbour^ or some of for working "arid using the said- Railway them, in the county of Southampton j and terminat- Branches; and-also to authorise junctions with any ing in the said parish of Portsea; Also the follow- Railway or Railways at the commencements or ter- ing Branch Railways, from, and out of the said Main- minations, or in the line or course of the said Line of Railway, viz. a branch commencing- fron* Bailway or Branch Railways as before described- and out pf the said Main Line of Railway/ iff the in the.several parishes, townships, and extra-pa- said parish of Dorking, passing' thence from, in, rochial or other places aforesaid: And Notice is* through, qr intoj the several parishes, townships, hereby also given, that it is intended to apply for apd extra-vparochial or other places of Dorking, power to levy tolls,, r-atesy or duties for the use of Btfotfkfein*,, Betchworth, pthcrwise Beehworth, the said Railway and Branch Railways, and to otherwise, Bfiteehworth, Leigh, Headley, otherwise grant certain?exeeiptions from-such tolls,, rates, or Hedley, Mickjehfcm, Buckland, Walton-on-tfee*- duties? an£also for the powers-usually conferred- Hill, Jtingswoodi; Chipsteady Gatton, Reigate^ for the compulsory purchase of the lands and houses- borough-of Reigate, foreign of Reigate, Nutfield, to be described upon the said Plans; and also for Mersthami Bletchingley, otherwise Blechingley, power to vary or extinguish- all rights and privi- and Charlwood, or some of them,, all-is-the said leges which nrajf in> any manner interfere with- County of Surrey, and terminating in'thtrsaid parish the- objects aforesaid; acd to confer other rights* of Reigate,i by a junction with the and and privileges: And notice is- hereby further Brighton* Railway; and South Eastern Railway,. given, that duplicate plans and sections,- describing, both4 OF one of them: And also another- Branch* the line and levels of the said-intended railway and commencing from and out of the said Main Line branch railways; and t&e works connected there- of Railway, in the said parish of Havant, passing with respectively, and the lands to be taken for the- thence frora>in> though, or in to the Several parishes, purposes thereof, together with books of-reference* townships; and' extra-parochial or other places of to-' such -plan Sj containing the names of the owners™ Bedhannpton, Havant, East Leigh|-.M4dleigh,' West or-reputed Owners, Lessees or reputed Lessees and- Leigh, Brockhampton, Warblington, and Ems-- Occupiers of such lands, will, on or before the' worth, or somfe1 of thtem,'in-the county of Southamp-- thirtieth day of November instant, be deposited for ton;; and. Arlington, East Ashling, West Ashlingj public inspecti on at the respect i ve olfices of the Clerk s^ Westbourne, Prinstead, Nutbourne, Woodman- of the Peace for the several counties following: coity Aldsworth, Hermitage,- Chidhain, Eastown, that is to say,, for- the county of Surrey at Lambeth, Westown, , , West Thorney, for the county" of SbfttHamptOB'at Winchester, and Waltony Gosford, Hunston,- Old Fishbourne, New and for the county of at Lewes; and, on or" Fishbourne, Appledram*- East Hampnett, West- before the thirty-first day of December next, a copy Hampnett, Westerton, tfampnett, , Hal* of so much of the said plans, sections, and books of naker, S.trettington, Oving, Colworth, Portfield, reference, as relates to each of the said parishes in and Rumboldsw-eeky. otherwise Rumbold's Wlnyke, or through which tSe proposed Railway and Branch1 or some "of them, in the" county of Sussex; aiwt St. Railways will pass off be situate,, w-ill be deposited! Petev, St. Peter the Great'or Subdeanery, St. Peter with the Parish Clerk of each sueh parish. the. L.ess, All Saints, St. Andrew St. MaFtin, St. Dated this first day of November-1844.- Glare, Precincts, of the. Cathedral Close Pefctrliary Extra-parochial or New. Town, and the. Extra* Surehell, Rilgour,, and Parson, parochial district of St. James's^ or some of them, 15, Parliament Street, London."^" in: the' ci#y> and borough of , in the sajd; county pf Su.ssex, the county part of? the Su-b- And* whereas the plans, sections and books of deaner-yj. iff tHe. said eoim-ty- of Sussex, and St« reference referred to in- sueh notice were duly de- Pancras, and St.. BartholomeXv, Respectively, paFttl'y posited at the offices of the several clerks of the withitt and partly without t&e walls, in the said peace, and with the parish clerks as therein particu- city and borough of Chichester, and in the said county larly mentioned; and whereas a Bill was-introduced • of Sussex, and terminating- either by a Junction into Parliament in- the last Session- for making the- with the intended Brighton and' Chiehcster Railway^ Railway and some of tie Brancnes- and- works con- or at a distinct terminus, in- the said parishes of Sfcr templated in the before mentioned, notice; and nt Bartholomew and' St. Peter the Great or Sub* accordance with the plansi sections and: books of re- deanery, both or one- of them : And m the said- ference so deposited' as aforesaid, and whereas at Bill or Bills powers will be applied for to deviate the close of the la'st Session- such BHl was depend- from the line or lines laid, down on the plans here-- ing in the Right Honopabfe the House of? Lords* inafI cr mentioned, to the extent thereon defined, and was intituled' "A» Act for maleiEKg a railway and to vary or alter all such turnpike roads, from the Croydon- and Epsom railway at Epsom? aqueducts, canals, navigations, and railways within- to the town of Portsmouth, to be called "The- the parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or direct London and Portsmouth- Railway." other places aforesaid, or some of them, as it may-be And whereas it is the intention- of the promoters necessary to vary or alter for the purposes of such of the said Bill, to'present a petition- for.'.the re-in- Railway,, and Branch Railways.: And it isintendcd : troduction of the same into Parliament!, in the en- to take powers to construct stations, communi- suing Session. Notice is hereby given, (hat it is- cations, works, and other conveniences in tfie the intention of the promoters of the said Bill in several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or the next Session to present a petition forthere-in- other places before mentioned, or some of them, tr-oductio'n-of? depending at the close of