Name of Deceased
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claims $ (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given McDERMOTT, Adelaide 26 Oakdale Road, Herne Bay, Kent, Widow. 2nd Girling, Wilson & Harvie, 113 High Street, Herne Bay, Kent, Solicitors. (Westminster 28th June 1969 Eliza. April 1969. Bank Limited.) (138) WYKES, Frederick Edgar 252 Lange Lozanastraat, Antwerp, Belgium. 30th Pritchard Englefield Leader Henderson, 5 Queen Street, London E.C.4, Solicitors 25th June 1969 March 1966. (139) SCHOLEFIELD, Violet Hillway, 45 Weald Road, Sevcnoaks, Kent. 6th .Knocker & Foskett, The Red House, Sevenoaks, Kent, Solicitors 28tih June 1969 Kathleen. April 1969. (140) BAKER, Commander Rockwells House, Batcombe, Shepton Mallet, Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 30 Fore Street, Taunton, 28th June 1969 Edward Volant Balfouir. Somerset. 29th March 1969. Somerset. DELLOW, Christina Agnes Flat 114. Enterprise House, Kings Head Hill, Ching- Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 78 Broomfield Road, Chelms- 27th June 1969 Annie. ford, London E.4, Widow. 8th March 1969. ! ford, Essex, or Marks Shavin & Company, Bank Chambers, 45-47 Old Church Road, (142) • Chingford, London E.4, Solicitors. MARTIN, Lydk Isabel ... 49 Canberra Road, Charlton, London S.E.7, Spinster. |Hudgell Yeates & Co., 1 Charlton Road, Blackheath, London S.E.3, Solicitors. (Barclays 27th June 1969 26th March 1969. ! Bank Limited.) (143) WEST, Charles Albert Newington Lodge, Westmoreland Road, London J. J. Saunders & Co., 478 Harrow Road, London W.9, Solicitors 14th July 1969 Nathaniel.
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