MARCH 1969 75 Cents vector Outside of California In this issue; SEX LAW CHANGES - PAGE 28 CHARLES PIERCE RETURNS - PAGE 12 EQUAL RIGHTS FOR HOMOSEXUALS - PAGE 16 SIR FIGHTS P T & T - PAGE 6 PLUS POETRY, COLUMNS AND FEATURES Homosexual J^ove 60tOf=^ A VOICE FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY VECTOR is the official publication of the SOCIETY FOR VOL. 5 NO. 4 INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, an organization dedicated to the education of aU people who may be interested in better under­ MARCH 1969 standing the homosexual community. Articles represent the viewpoint of the necessarily the opinion of the SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. WHAT IS S.I.R-? “Believing in our democratic heritage and that ethical values are self-determined and limited only by every person’s right to decide his own, we organize for; the reaffirming of indiridual VECTOR STAFF pride and dignity regardless of orientation; the elindnation of Editor the public stigma atuched to human self-expression; the ac- Leo E. Laurence compUshing of effecüve changes in unjust laws concerning private relationships among consenting adults; the giving of Business Management real and substantial aid to members in difficulties; the promo­ J. Graham ting of better physical, mental and emotional health; the Dale Switzer creating of a sense of community; and the establishing of an attractive social atmosphere and constractive outlets for mem­ Artist bers and their friends.” Bob Berner Preamble. S.l.R. Consititution Printing IS S.I.R. A SUCCESS? Blueprint Service & Supply In three years S.l.R. has become the largest active homophile —San Francisco organization in the United States. S.l.R. continues to expand and is favorably recognized by the broader community for its Grculation mature and intelligent approach. R. Lasker NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS VECTOR is produced by unpaid staff and volunteer worken Contributors who donate their time towards the attainment of S.I.R.’s ex­ P. George pressed goals. AdvertUing is solicited from such firms as wish B. Plath to support these aims, and can be accepted with no condition J. O.Connell other than that copy shall be correct as ordered and that the F. Howell magazine shall issue before the end of the month of pub­ C. Reynolds lication. Copy should be worded to avoid dated material, and J. Soriano should be submitted accompanied by check in full payment G. Moore before the 10th of the month proceeding pubUcation. S. Chiarello M. Montezuma ADVERTISING RATES_______________________________ J. Nichols 1 / 1 2 .................................................................................. $15.00 ........................................................................ 25.00 ........................................................................ 45.00 Cover Photography ........................................................................ 65.00 Ruben Collazo Full P ag e................................................................. 11 5.00 Inside front or back cover....................................... 150.00 Published Monthly by: Graphic charges for the preparation of ad copy will be SOCIETY based on time and cost of materials. Estimates will be FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS furnished on request. 83 Sixth Street San Francisco. California 94103 Classified ads are $1.00 per line. Please mail your advertising copy and check to: Contents may not be reproduced without written VECTOR-SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS permission from the editor. 83 Sixth Street-San Francisco, California 94103 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Enclored Fleise Find: I 1 Money Order | | Other SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS In The Amount Of; 83 Sixth Street-San Francisco, California 94103 Telephone: (415) 78TI570 I ) S100 Lifetime Member ( ) $10 1 Yr. Voting Member i l ^ II mil ) $5 1 Yr. VECTOR Sub. A TTENTION: MEMBERSHIP COMMIETTEE ) New [ I Renewal 1 1 ^ II am i Name: 1 ™ II Address: a ty :. State: . Zip: I Certify that I am twefhy-one years of age or older. M A RCH 1 S.l.R. CENTER SIGNED:_______________ _______________ PAGE 2 The I-DO-NO on 18th Street near Castro the opening of JACKSON’S new pent­ first board meeting is now closed as is the VOLUMN ONE house that Eddie West so brilliantly hosts in Berkeley. on Sundays. Caterer Peter Kings birth­ S O Q S IT SEEMS that one bar closing war­ day party at the MISTAKE attests to an excedrin experience rants two bars opening. The PARADOX the fact that the only mistake at the on Geary, about four blocks west of Mistake is the name. It should be called “ All were raving and ranting about Sears is an attractive, intimate bar in the Sardine Can with such crowds. The Ediforíol how all were raving and ranting front with dining and dancing in the western parties at the OPERA CLUB about ..... ” Would you care to read that back room. VI’S CLUB DRAKE on Sir on Gough Street prove that the best sentence again? It’s not a misprint; it’s Francis Drake Blvd. in Fairfax is a parties are stomping parties. The ever part of an article by G. Waltham, a non- large, pleasantly decorated bar with popular Voo Doo is alive and well and Nearly five years ago, visionaries of SIR member who sat in on the first piano and organ. It will probably get a back at THE WEB. The crowd at the SIR listed the following among its “Pro­ meeting of the newly elected Board of lot of the after brunch business from the SCOREBOARD celebrating Uncle Billys ject List:” “The development of a legit­ Directors, held February 11. HOUNDSTOOTH INN in San Rafael birthday has a ball with the wall behind imate homosexual publication encompas­ The article, as originally written, will and the CHAMPAGNE HUT in Mill the bar. A listing of now defunct bars sing all aspects of gay life, the news, appear in the March Gold Sheet, the Valley. The GUILDED CAGE, after an in San Francisco History. Brings back the arts, the social events, and the house organ for members of SIR. extensive redecorating job had reopened many memories. Jose and Shirley pre­ people doing things for us and against Apparently, the new Board left Wal­ with Charles Pierce and Rio Dante up siding over the anniversary waltz at us.” (SIR Directional Report, published by Magdalena Montezuma tham somewhat confused. For instance: HOORAY. HOORAY! Here it is the to their old tricks, and some new ones. the LIBRA. Food at the Libra now is late ’64) That development I consider to JUST LEAVE IT to that fun-group. “ ...the Community Center Committee first of March and Vector is out on time! The famous singer and pianist. Hadda prepared and served by the Humpers. be my job as Editor. The Production Committee, to enhance plans to finish the painting and remodel­ Now that Vector’s growing pains and Brooks, is appearing at the Cage in “ A BIT OF SAN FRANCISCO” at Vector will be legitimate, standing the merriment in our lovely land of ing of the SIR Center, and the, for some we are all getting back to abnormal, addition to Charles and Rio. California Hall on March 1st is a one proudly beside other major magazines, rice-o-roni by adding a^ touch of show reason, they will try to find a new loca­ the “Bar Tour” will be more up to date FUND RAISING events at the man show with a cast of 55 counting and hopefully, will eventually increase biz tinsel and glamour to the goings-on. tion for the center.” and read less like a chapter in history. SPEAKEASY at 17th St. and Florida band and stage hands and supporting to 10,000 circulation and sold in every This year the bawdy, musical burlesque . The Board did have an extended agen­ So many things happened in January and the FROLIC on Mason Street raised cast. It stars JOSE and will benefit the major U.S. city. romp, “ A Funny Thing Happened On da to wade through, the article points and February that this issue will, of money for members of our community Drug Treatment Center in the Tender­ Vector will be homosexual, with a The Way To The Forum”, has been out. Included in the objectives was the necessity, be limited to one or two sen­ that were in need of medical care. Em­ loin. TAVERN GUILD bartenders are positive Gay-is-Good philosophy. It will selected as the show of the year. setting of “ ...adjournment for 11 p.m.,” tences on each bar. presses, past, present and future were donating their time and talent for this throw its support behind those who sup­ Bob Cramer was elected Producer and says Waltham, but later, “after two FIRST OFF, Let’s mourn the closed prominent at these events. Empresses of fund raising event. port the aims and activities of the So­ Joe Vigil Director. Also assisting on the Excedrin...,” a presentation by each bars, nice places all, but no longer with the past and present also launched the DICTIONARY definition of Vector: A ciety For Individual Rights. Production staff are Chuck Gammon as committee chairman and some long-wind- us. The TORTUGA on Jones Street cashews on another successful run at the quantity having direction as well as Vector will reach out into the com­ Musical Director; Doug Kitchel, chore­ éd discussion on common bonds, the closed right after the first of the year. FANTASY on Mason St. and attended magnitude. Amen! munity. gay, straight, or bi, to cover ography; Set design and art direction “meeting was adjourned at...” Well, the action when it involves homosexuals by Gene Pelligrini; Costumes by Bob they tried, anyhow. or the homosexual community. Dattola; Wigs and Hair styles by Tommy This is only a preview to an article There will be times when our readers Kohl, and Set construction by Jim Richey ^ o r ^ u n i n which is highly amusing and perhaps will not like this open approach to gay and anyone who will help.
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