All India Muslim League
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108 RESOLUTIONS OF THE ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE From October 1937 to December 1938. \"\rruralJ .?r!(lo ' Liaquat Ali Kha n, :\f • .\ .. lh:un \, \1. r.. .1., \1'. L>. B .IJ :Hhn:r:-\T-L\w. Ho~OJ: . \J:I ~f : 1 · 1~f . T.\Jn: All India Muslim League. 8 To advance. compulsory primary educa,tion. ' . To recognise secondary, university education speci- ally scientific and technical. · To establish rifM clubs and a military College. To enforce prohibjtion. · To abolish and remove un-Islamic customs and us- ages from Muslim Society. ·. .· 4 To organise .a. volunteer corps for socialservice; and To devise measur~s for attainment of full indepen dence and jnvite the co-operation of all political bodies working to that end~ . · . Proposed by-Raja Am1r Ahmad Khan Saheb, Mah- . · .muqabad, Seconded by-Ali'Bahadur ·nabibullah Saheb, U.P. Suppor:ted b~Mau'JA.p.a :Zafar Ali Khan Saheb, Punl_ab. :. .· ·. , Naqt ~mam Saheb, Bihar. .. ·· , Maulana Qutubuddin Abdul W ali Saheb, U.P. , · Aziz Laljee Saheb, Bombay. , , . Choudhari Khaliquzzaman Saheb,U.P, Resolution No. 15. · . Resolved(a)that this session of the All.India Muslim 1 League approves and adopts the Constitution amended by the Subject Commitee'. on the report of the Special Committee appointed by the Council of the All India Muslim League bya resolution passed at a meeting held in Delhi on the 21st March 1937, (b) that the amended constitution shall oome into effect on the 1st February 1938, (c) that the President be authorised to appoint from amongst the members of the Council of the All India Muslim League. Committees in· every Province to Organise ProVinQial District and Primary leagues according to the amended constitution by the 3.1st December .1937 a'nd (d) that all elections of dele gates and members of the CounQil of the All l:t;ldia ~uslim League shall be' held in accordance with the provisions of the new constitution and shall be intimat ed to the office of the All India Muslim League by the 20th January 1938. ··(Passed unanimously) · LIAQUAT ALI KHAN (Nawabzada), M.r•• A., (U!P.) Honorary Secretarth All India Muslim League. I ' 109 CONTENTS PAGE, Lucknow Annual Session Resolutions 1937. 1 Council Meeting Resolutions dated 30th a!}d 31st of January 1938 • • 9 Council Meeting Resolutions dated 20th of M~uch 1938 • • 11 Council Meeting Resolutions dated 5rd of April 1958 . ·15 .. Council Meeting Resolutions dated 17th of April ffi~ fl Calcutta Special Session Resolutions 19 Working Committee Proceedings dated 4th and 5th of June 1958 21 Council Meeting RE;~solutions dated 30th and 31st of July 1938 . 27 vV orking Committee Meeting Resolutions dated 30th and 31st of July 1938 31 Working Committee Meeting Resolutions dated 8th, 9th & lOth October 1938 . • . 37 Council Meeting Resolutions dated 4th of Dec. 1938 41 \V or king Committee Meeting Resolutions dated 5th of December 1938. 49 Council Meeting Resolutions dated 25th. of . Dec. 1938 . 51 Working Committee Meeting Resolution,s dated 27th of December 1938 . 53 Patna Annual Session Resolutions 1938. 55 ANNEXURE:- Karachi Resolution 65 10 Reselution No.6. The Council of .the All India Muslim League requests the following gentlemen to , go as soon as possible. to the North West Frontier Province with a view to orga nise t~e Mussalmans in that province :- . (1) Maulana Shaukat Ali Saheb, (2) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan Saheb, (3) Maulana Enayatullah Saheb (4) Prof. Enayatullah Saheb, (5) M. Ali Bahadur Habib ullah Saheb, (6) Mulla Jan Mohammad Saheb,(7)Jamal Mian Saheb (8) Mohammad Ali Manayar; (9) Haji Anis uddin Saheb Sahrai. · , LIAQUAT ALI KHAN (Nawabzada), M.L.A., (U.P.) Honorary Secretary, All ~ndia Muslim League, 110 Text of Resolutions Passed at the Twenty-fifth Annual Session of The All-India Muslim League on the l!!th. 16th, 17th and 18th of October. 1937 at Lucknow with Mr. M.A. Jinnah in the Chair. Resolution No. 1. Resoh·ed that this meeting of the All India Muslim League places on record its deep sense of sorrow and grief at the sad and sudden demise of Dr. M. A. Ansari, Sir Fazle Husain, Sir Ross ~fasood, Sheikh Mahmood Ali and K. B. Masoodul Hasan. The League conveys its heartfelt condolence to the members of their bereav· ed families. (Chair) Resolution No 2. Resolved that the Report of the Secretarv be adopted. (Chair) Resolution No. 3. That the ~-\_11 India ~Iuslim League declares in the name of the 1Iussalmans of India that recommenda tions of the Ro\al Palestine Commission and the subse quent statement of policy presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament conflict with their religious sentiments and in the interests of world peace demands its rescission without further delay. The .AJl India :Muslim League calls upon the Government of India to issue instructions to the repre sentati,·es of India at the Assembly of the League of Xations that in view of the failure of the present man datory to carry out the terms of the mandate which was never accepted by Arabs and the rest of the Islamic world and in order not to prejudice the civil and reli gious rights of the Arabs they shall demand the annul ment of the mandate and disassociate themselves from any decision tending to perpetuat-e it and thus to violate the fundamental right of the Arab inhabitants of Pales tine to choose the form of Government best suited to their needs and requirements as guaranteed to them under international treaties. 12 which, Oounci~ are glad, they are already applying themselves ; and that, while the final decision as to the policy and the line of action.can only be deciderl; by the All India Muslim League, the Council, in the mean time, are willing and ready to render all the assistance and help they can towards the solution of the matter. Resolulion No. 3. This Council recommends to the Session of the . League to be held at Calcutta on the 18th and 19th of April1938 that the following new rule be added to the Constitution as Rule 40 A. , . "Every l\fuslim Member of a Provincial Legislature shall be Ex-officio Delegate at the Annual or Special Session of the League provided he, or she is already a member of some branch of the All India Muslim League and also is a Member of the Muslim League Party in the Provincial Legislature. Resolution No ·4. Resolved that a committee of the following mem bers be formed to consider and decide the applications for affiliation that have already been received or that may be received hereafter from various provinces:- 1. Nawab Ismail Khan Saheh (Chairman) 2. Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan Saheb, 3. K. B. S. M. Abdullah Saheb, 4. Hussain M. Malik Saheb, 5. CoL A. Rahman. (Quorum 3). The decision of the Committee will be subject to confirmation by the Council. Resolution No 5. 'Vhereas numerous complaints have reached the Central Office of the hardship, ill-treatment and injus tice that is meted out to the Muslims in various Cong ress Government Provinces and partkularly to those who are workers and members of the Muslim League, the Council resolves that a special Committee be ap pointed consisting of the following members to collect all informations, make all necessary enquiries and take such steps as may be considered proper and ·to submit their report to the President and the Council from time to time. 1. Raja Syed Mohammad Mehdi Saheb (Ohair~ man) 2. Mr. Ali B. Habibullah (Secretary) 3. K. B. Haji Rashid f\.hmad Saheb, 4. ,Syed Ashraf Ahmad,5. Moulvi ' . 111 3 Resolution No. 4. This Session of the All India Muslim League con demns the present policy of Government of India with regard to "'\Yaziristan and is of opinion that the forward policy is against the best economic and political interest of India and calls upon the Government and people of India to change and come back to the close border policy. Proposed oy-The Hon. Husain Imam, Gaya. Seconded by-Syed :Murtaza Bahadur, 1\I.L.A.,Madras. Supported by-Maulana Shaukat Ali Saheb, M.L.A. , Sh. Sajjad Ahmad Saheb, Abbottabad. , Mulla Jan Mohammad Saheb, N.\V.F.P. , K. B. Quli Khan Saheb, N."'\V.F.P. Maulana Abdul '\Vaheed Saheb. " 1\Iaqbool Mahn:10od Saheb, Punjab. K. B. Rashiduddin Saheb, U.P. Resolution No.5. This Session of the All India Muslim League con demns the wanton demolition of the Shahidganj Mosque at Lahore as a most intolerable interference with the Law of Islam and in view of the fact that this demoli tion was carried out in broad daylight under the pro tection of British troops ana British guns ralls upon the British Government to restore the mosque to its original condition and thus avoid an invitable conflict between the Muslims of India and the British Government whose representative in the Province failed to perform his elementary duty of protecting an admittedly Muslims mosque. Proposed by-:Maulana Zafar Ali Khan Punjab. Seconded by-Prof. Malik Enayatulla Saheb, Pun)ab. Supported by-Begum Saheba Habibulla, U.P. , :Malik Barkat Ali Saheb, Punjab. , :Muuhna Omar Daruz Beg 8aheb) U.P. 112 5 Proposed by-Maulana Hasrat Mohni Saheb, U.P. Seconded .by-Maulanana Zafar Ali Khan, Puujab. Sztpported by-Shamsul Hasan Saheb, Bengal. , Maulana Mazharuddin Saheb, Delhi. , Abdul Waheed Saheb, N.W.F.P· , hlaulanaSyedMurtaza Bahadur,M.L.A., Madras. , Syed Abdur Rauf Saheb, C.P. The Hon. Hosain Imam, Behar. M. Ghiasuddin Saheb, M.L.A., Punjab. " Abdurrahman Saheb Siddiqi, Bengal. I. I. Chundrigar Saheb, Bombay. " Munshi Azhar Ali Saheb, M.L.A., " Choudhari Khaliquzzaman Saheb, U.P.