Buxhall Broadcast
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Diary Dates for April 2015 1 April Buxhall Table Tennis p 5 2 April Candlestick Club p 11 Buxhall 3 April Procession of Witness & Last Hour p 19 8 April Buxhall Table Tennis p 5 9 April Onehouse Table Tennis p 17 9 April Garden Club p 37 Broadcast 9 April Birdseed order deadline p 36 11 April Men’s Breakfast p 17 14 April Annual Parochial Church Meeting p 11 14 April Buxhall Village Hall AGM p 7 15 April Buxhall Broadcast deadline for May issue 15 April Women’s Institute p 5 16 April Buxhall Table Tennis p 5 18 April Parish Supper 18 April Band Concert p 33 20 April Annual Parish Meeting p 15 20 April Buxhall Village Hall closes for refurbishment p 13 23 April Onehouse Table Tennis p 17 28 April FHOBS Lunch Club Over 60s Lunch Club p 35 30 April Onehouse Table Tennis p 17 Diary Dates for May 2015 1 May Photo competition deadline p 19 7 May Buxhall Village Hall opens p 13 9 May Coffee Morning p 9 10 May Plodders and Ploughman's p 20 15 May Buxhall Broadcast deadline for June issue 19 May Candlestick Club p 11 23 May Little Ernie deadline p 21 23 May Coffee morning & flower demo p 7 April 2015 Diary Dates for June 2015 17 June WI Open Meeting p 5 40 Services for April 2015 Priest in Charge: The Revd Chris Childs, 135 Poplar Hill, Stowmarket IP14 2AY 01449 673280 or [email protected] 2 April: Maundy Thursday Exodus 12, 1 – 4 (5 – 10), 11 – 14; 1 Corinthians 11, 23 – 26; John 13, 1 – 17 & 31b – 35 7.30 pm Holy Communion Chris Buxhall 3 April: Good Friday . Special Readings David Steed Lesley & David Steed Lesley & John Lavinia & Biles Michael Barbara Chatt & GillIvy Friston & Ling David Steed Lesley & 11.00 am Procession of Witness Ray/Derek Onehouse Ch Rm Sidesman 2.00 pm The Last Hour Arlene Harleston 5 April: Easter Sunday Acts 10, 34–33 or Isaiah 25, 6–9; 1 Corinthians 15, 1–11; Mark 20, 1–18 or Mark 16, 1–8 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Chris Buxhall 9.30 am Holy Communion Arlene Harleston 9.30 am Holy Communion Chris Andrews Shelland - Denise & King Delia Golding Angela Pead Lavinia Biles Jill Reed Ivy Friston 11.00 am Family Communion Chris Great Finborough Coffee 11.00 am Family Communion (by ext) Ray Onehouse 12 April: First Sunday after Easter [BCP], Second Sunday of Easter [CW] Acts 4, 32 – 35; Psalm 133; 1 John Ch 1, v1 to Ch 2 v 2; John 20, 19 – 31 no flowers 9.30 am Matins Arlene Buxhall 11.00 am Matins Sally Fogden Harleston — 11.00 am Worshipping at Harleston Shelland service on service Lent Easter: everyone! Easter Lavinia Biles Lavinia Biles Gifty Cove 11.00 am Family Service Richard Stretch Onehouse Ch Rm forFlowers 19 April: Second Sunday after Easter [BCP], Third Sunday of Easter [CW] Acts 3, 12 – 19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3, 1 – 7; Luke 24, 36b – 48 9.30 am Morning Worship David King Buxhall Church rotas 9.30 am Matins Roger Shelland 11.00 am Holy Communion Chris Onehouse 11.00 am Morning Worship Nigel Brown Great Finborough 26 April: St Mark Proverbs 15, 28 – end; Psalm 119, 9 – 16; Ephesians 4, 7 – 16; Mark 13, 5 – 13 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Sally Fogden Buxhall - AnneIvy Friston Hicks & David King Denise & David King Denise & John Lavinia & Biles John Lavinia & Biles 9.30 am Holy Communion Chris Harleston on forCleaning service 11.00 am Holy Communion Chris Great Finborough 11.00 am Holy Communion Arlene Onehouse 3 May: Fourth Sunday after Easter [BCP]; Fifth Sunday of Easter [CW] Acts 8, 26 – 40; Psalm 22, 25 – 31; 1 John 4, 7 – 21; John 15, 1 – 8 If you wish to swap with someone, please arrange it with them directly them with wish swapyou to please it someone, arrange with If 9.30 am Holy Communion Arlene Buxhall 9.30 am Holy Communion Chris Shelland 9.30 am Matins Roger Harleston Maundy ThursdayMaundy Easter Day: Sung Eucharist Matins WorshipMorning Sung Eucharist Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion Sally Fogden Great Finborough Service 4.00 pm George Ward Memorial Service Tiffer Robinson Onehouse We meet for Evening Prayer: 4.30 pm on Thursdays at St Andrew’s, Great Finborough 2.4.15 5.4.15 12.4.15 19.4.15 26.4.15 3.5.15 All welcome! : Whether you are a regular worshipper or a visitor to our churches this Sun- day, you will find a warm welcome2 at any of our services 39 From the Rectory Rather than just receive gifts and gratitude at the recent party in Pettiward hall to mark her departure, the Revd Liz Law gave very thoughtful gifts to each of the parishes. They ranged from squirrel repellent for Harleston, toilet rolls for Great Finborough (in hope) and two beautiful icons of John the Baptist for Onehouse. We were of course surprised that Liz had turned the evening round from one of our gratitude to her, to one of her showing gratitude to us for the help and love and support we had shown her and Stuart over the years. Thank you Liz for those gifts. Not perhaps an earth shattering turning of the tables event, but a reminder that sometimes they are turned in this world and in our lives. They give us a gentle jolt, remind us of ‘humility’ perhaps God did more than that when he raised Jesus from the dead. That was a Services in the Combs and Little Finborough benefice over real surprise and sometimes we see people turn their lives round from Easter self-absorption to humility and a concern for others and community. In 5 April: Easter Sunday our Lent Groups we heard on several occasions from Sister Wendy 9.00 am Holy Communion Jenny Vereker Little Finborough Beckett (the nun with the Art) who reflected on humility by saying, 11.00 am Family Communion / Messy Church Alison Lay Combs ‘People who are naturally timid and people who are naturally bossy can both receive from God the virtue of humility. They just need to stop 12 April thinking of themselves.’ 11.00 am Holy Communion Carl Melville Combs The Easter Event is earth shattering and however you interpret it, the 6.00 pm Evensong Derek Ames Little Finborough way of life that Jesus came to show has been proved time and time 19 April again to be wonderfully fruitful, enlivening and contented. Christians 9.00 am Holy Communion Chris Childs Little Finborough follow a God who became humble, and so to seek humility, which is not the natural way of the world, is a Christian thing to do. We could all do 11.00 am Morning Worship Barbara Bilston Combs with a little more: the world might be a better place, and so might we. 26 April A warm invitation is extended to all of you at any of the churches or 11.00 am Holy Communion Alison Lay Combs events in our group, where we do try… to serve you all by action and 6.00 pm Evensong Barbara Bilston Little Finborough deed with humility. 3 May 9.00 am Holy Communion Michael Eden Little Finborough Fairtrade Stall 11.00 am Worship and Messy Church Chris Childs Combs Sadly, the Fairtrade Stall is no more as we can not now collect the supplies from Bury St Edmunds. Many thanks to Derek Ames and Pat Ling who kept the Buxhall stall supplied. We encourage you to continue to buy Fairtrade products from your super- market. For more information on the Fairtrade Foundation please see www.fairtrade.org.uk. 38 3 St Mary’s Parish Church contacts Great Finborough and District Garden Club Priest-in-Charge The weather this month has been drier, brighter and warmer so that the The Revd Chris Childs Combs Rectory, Stowmarket IP14 2AY 673280 spring flowers are blooming beautifully and it has been warm enough to get out and about in the garden. Churchwarden: Mr David Steed Leffey Hall, Buxhall 737991 Our March meeting was an illustrated talk by Tim Fuller of the “Plantsman’s Preference”. He told us all about the infinite variety in Lay Elders: form and habit of the Grasses that are available and made suggestions Mrs Jill Reed Sorrels, Mill Road, Buxhall 737814 for varieties that will flourish in even the most awkward of sites. Mrs Angela Pead Tiree, High Road, Great Finborough 674754 Mrs Gill Ling 5 Stearn Drive, Onehouse 613523 The next meeting will be held in the Pettiward Hall on Thursday 9 April Mr Tony Bugg 108 Spencer Way, Stowmarket 616865 at 7.30 om when Robert Sherriff of Bewdsley Bloomers will be telling us Mrs Irene Bugg 108 Spencer Way, Stowmarket 616865 all about those bee-friendly, blowsy and infinitely variable beautiful plants, dahlias. All of the ministry team of this benefice are available for pastoral care The 2015 Village Open Gardens will be held on Sunday 5 July in aid of - to offer a space to talk informally, to offer support and prayer. a Charity to be decided at our April meeting. If you would be interested in opening your garden to help us in our efforts we would be delighted to hear from you. For details of how to volunteer to open your garden Advertising please see the separate notice in this magazine (p 32). If you would like to place an advert in the Buxhall Broadcast, please Finally, if you are interested in joining the garden club or would like to contact Lesley Steed by e-mail at [email protected] or join us for any event you will be very welcome.