Opens Wednesday Shea for Frozen Fingers
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All Oio Nona o* . WE DO BED BAKU mid Surrounding Towns OUR PART Told FtitrlesBly anil Wllltuut Blnn. limsd Wcolly, Entered aa Eccond-Claisa Matter at tho Poet- Subscription Pricei One ^cst 81.60 VOLUME-LVI, NO. 34. ofneo at tied Baiil'.. H. J., under the Act of March 2. 1870. RED BANK, N. J.,-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1934. Six Months 31.00. Single Copy 4c PAGKR ! TO JA TIIIUSE JSAHHETBAIJ, GAMKB. ten acres of cine part of the estate at Bootleg Brandy the rate of $000 per ncre and ten Exiled Professor iliey Will H« riayed (or tho Benefit cy of another part of the uatate Of Klvervicw Hospital. for $1,000 per acre. To Investigate A letter wan read from Howard \V. To Address Forum; Tin; Dorcas branch of Klvervicw Roberts, counsel for the board, to hospital of Red Bunlc ii uponsorlng John E. Laird Soys That Forty the effect .that William J. Leonard Varied Matters Before the Town- three basketball names to be played Liquor License Issued to Fred- Three Appointed to Look Into Dr. Lederer, Former Professor Riunson Building Reduced to had started a suit in chancery Per Cent of the Applejack Sold at tile ltiver st reet tichooihouse next erick J. Finnerty—Ordinance Allegations Made Against F. of Economics at the Univer- ship Committee Thursday— against the board of education and Ashes, Causing Loss of $40,* Hereabouts is Mado at Illicit Wednesday night for tho benefit of Establishing Another Election Howard Lloyd, Supervising Mrs, Harriet Rice, widow of Mclvin sity of Heidelberg Will Speak I —One Liquor Permit Granted tho hospital. Tho first game will be- 000-—Firemen Frostbitten— Distilleries. A. Rice. The township high Hchool and Action on Three Deferred gin at half-pa.-,t seven o'clock and It District—Other Matters. Mlddletown School Principal. at the Molly Pitcher Hotel. '•• property at Leonardo waa procured Firm Eo Rebuild on Site* CliurgOB that date imipeelorH re- will be between the Bordcntown girls At thfi meeting of the townahlp An ordlannce establishing a third A committee consisting of William from Mr. and Mra. Rice. It adjoins Dr. K, Lederer, who is onf; of the imd tile dlrls' Activity club of Bed Fire Friday afternoon destroyed * imirnltUo of MttlUlctown iownahtp fund! to i-o-upci'Utc In abollulilne election dlKtrlct wna Introduced and K. Foster, Mrs. Lew it} H, Thompson Mr, Luunuid^ property. Mr. Leon- crniMi:. Intcileetunl.s banirlHid by Bank. The second game will be be- he inrat; market and grocery Htorn 'i'liiiiiiday afternoon uctfon WUH falten bootli'i; Uiatlllcra from tho state of passed on ita first reading at a meet- and Allan Beagle has been appointed ard claims that the hoard of educa- tile Na/.i CJuvernment. in Germany, tween tlic Wcstsidc Young Men's >t John Hintdnmnn, Incorporated, at. iu apply to the Civil Worlw udminlfi- New Jen-xy were reveiiletl lant, week ing of the Rumson commissioners to investigate allegations that F. tion and Mrs. Rice agreed to do cer- will apeak on thu mibject of "The Christian association junior boys and 'lum.'ion, caufiing a Ivan estimated g.t limiou (o Improve £jtrcctu on the Oak hy John 13. Lulrd, prealJcnt of Laird Thursday night. Lewis T. Wilson, Howard Lloyd, .superivising principal tain things for the maintenance of esi.'iif, Kcunornii: ^ituiiUuri in Eur- the Princeton hoys. The third game $-10,000, The building wau a two- KnullH development owned by Charlc» & Coinpimy. president of the council, presided In of schools of Midletown township, his property which they failed to ope," at ilif, next meet ing ot the Red will bo between tho Wcatslde Young story frame structure, built in 1900, Htcuerwaltl. A representative of Mr. Mr. Latrd, nppeurlng before Jos- the absence of Mayor Van R. Halsey. has improperly used school money perform. It is for this reason that Bank Public Question,; Forum, Sun- Men's Christian association big five after lire had destroyed the original ttlcuenvulrt wan at the meeting. Tho eph Choate, Jr., and the l<'edenil Al- The first election district will be entrunted in his care. This action he has started the suit. The board day afternoon at threo o'clock. Dr, building cohol control bouvd auid that hi eer- boys and tlic Plainlleld Y boys. Fol- bounded on the west by Buena Vista was taken at a meeting of the town- Lcdercr wa:* formerly profci^or of (lovelupmcitL is near MlUdlotown vll- passed a motion requesting Mr, Rob- The tire, which started from sin. ^nc. The vtawnHlilp committee in tulii acclioiiH, the bootletf evil had lowing tlic games there will bo danc- avenue, on the south by Ridgo road, ship board of education * Thursday economics at the university ofjleid- ing until one o'clock with music by ts to attend the next meeting and >ver-houled chimney, spread ao rapid-- •willing to tjike the fHrect.4 over if reached Intolerable proportions und and on the cast by Blngham avenue. night. give detailed information about the elberg in G( - [ninny and Ui now a that to protect tho good name of lt:i Vamlerveer'n society orchestra. The second district comprises that The allegations were made about member of tlic faculty of the "uni- hat only a small part of the coit- they urc improved and it endorsed suit. piits wns saved. The Hquox* stock, Hit; propouecl^preject. Tho mutter oC product the company bun been forced territory bounded on the west by a month ago at a, niacting of the An invitation wan accepted to at- versity in Kxlle" in .Nev/ Yurk city. to withdraw till Luh'd products; from Bingham avenue, on the south hy board of education hi the form of Previous; to his connection with the with the exception of n. few bottle;?! '•'Pl'iyln^ to the Civil WorkH ndmln- tend a meeting which will bo held taken from the ahelvcn, waa de- i>>(i'iitiun to huvo tho work undertult- Halo in New Jcrtitiy. Ridge road and on tho east by Nave- preambles and resolutions. The doc- tonight at'eight o'clock at the Free- university of Hciik-lber^ lie was a Jn his olllco Mr. Laird said: "It ir, sink avenue. Tho third district will ument called for un investigation by lecturer on economic:-; a I the u;u- stroyed. The liquor wns valued at '•n win* referred to Cnity Flnnegnn, hold high school to discuss the re- $20,000. Ihf (uwniihip director of unemploy- Impossible for me to do buuine:-;.s in consist of all the territory cast of the .state commissioner of education. port of Governor A. Harry Moore's ver.sity uf Tokio, Japan. Hance rnail, south of Tlidgc rOH'I. nnrl James Woulley, an employee in tho ment i-i'llcf. thl.-i atute IjecilliBC of the ilnllfftili ntc The borii'l vn«M g iiHt pap r ing the w Jersey .school survey commis- Tho llcl K'ink Pubii'- Qnr- -nonri and lack of co-opi"i"ilkni of Hie SIJIIP For Clammers east of Navcsink avenue. A public mi', (Ihruvrreit thu fit"*:. Ha foUml iiiiiiin fi.jn*s /tgo the Hollo bun isuni- preambles and resolutions fi to 2. sion. The board adopted a ^uggea- Foi'iini in hctn^ conclurt^d under the in^pcetor.s. We havo taken in^pec- hearing on the ordinance will be held Rev. Ernest W. Mandnvillc, one of the second iloor tilled with* smoko lfjuy dec leased UB ucrvicc between 1 tion made by- Mr. Williams that <T sjjii-'fifS of a cuinmiuni; reprint*riling (•.iinplii'll';) Junction and KeniiHburg. torsi to these bootleg dlstlHcrlea. They State Board of Health Amends Friday night, February 23. the member. "-*, was absent, Kubse- and ho called John Hintelmann, one meeting be held at the Leonardo high the Chamber ot" Commerce, Rotary the partners in the firm, vrha .'levt-rul residents oC the townuhlp know where they arc- We have Condemnation Order to Bene- An ordinance to amend tiie zoning ;qucntly.Mi\s. Adeline Moffat and Oli- school to discuss the report. Mr. Club, Lions Chili, K:>rhan^ Club and ordinance in order to permit the con- turned in the alarm. uiiiiic ctMujihiinti-J to the township frhown them bottler of Laird'9 apple ver W. Williams, two of the mem- Lloyd was authorized to iix the the Y. M. C. A. The meetings arc fit Unemployed So That Shell-struction oE bulldlnga hi zone "C," The firemen responded promptly, commit lee, and un a eonseqnence a brandy containing low Kraile ixjotlej; born of the board, signed their names time nnd to select the speakers for hcM at the Molly pitcher h'jtel on read, but it was decided to defer but. the extreme cold weather had conference wan held by Home of the distillates purehaaed by invcstlgatois fish Can be Retaken. at tiie end of the document and the meeting. alternate Sunday afUTiioonis, The action until the next meeting. frozen the hydrants and before they member;; "of the committee and the employed and paid for by ourselves. JaniOij C HcndricUson, the president The Citizens' league sent a letter previous meetings o£ the fotum have Tile New Jersey department of A letter was received from Mrs. could bo thawed out tho flarnea had uwin-'iiv of the bun company. At thin "Of twenty pints of su-ealled of the board, promised that an in- thanking the board of education for indicated that there is keen interest health passed resolutions last week George M. Bodman, county relief di- vestigation would be made. ;;wept through the building and had eniiferonee the company showed Laird's apple brandy purchased in the use of schoolhouses for its meet- in di.sen as ions of this kind.