THE LIFEBOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution
THE LIFEBOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. VOL. XXV.—No. 281.] JUNE, 1924. [PRICE Gd. The Centenary. By GEORGE F. SHEE, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. THE Centenary celebrations began with invention, that not even Lord Chelms- the meeting, in the Guildhall, described ford would wish to convert it into a on another page, on the Institution's Government service, or would not hail hundredth birthday—4th March. They this great Institution as the best means are being continued throughout the year by which the Life-boat Service could be all over the country, and when the year continued in the future as it was ends we shall be able to look back on a originated, and as it has been carried on series of events which will have shown in the past." more notably than any event of the past And we are fortunate in having had how secure is the Life-boat Service in definite statements in the House of the affection of the whole British people, Commons, showing that even a Govern- and the active and generous interest of ment which believes in a wide exten- thousands of voluntary workers. sion of State control is satisfied that ' One can go further, and say how the Life-boats, great national service secure, in spite of the enormous changes though they are, are best left to be of recent years and the growth of the voluntarily manned and maintained. idea of State control, remains the In replying to a question in the House voluntary principle as the basis of the of Commons, asking if the Government Service.
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