Abolition of Negro Slavery: Advocated By- Amusements: Pleasure Gardens Provide Ur- Progressive Friends, 50; Papers of Pa
INDEX Abolition of Negro slavery: advocated by- Amusements: pleasure gardens provide ur- Progressive Friends, 50; papers of Pa. Soc. ban, 150-174; worldly, condemned in Pa., for Promoting, 286-290; women writers on, SS3' See also Recreation 254-255;*, 262-263 Anburey, Thomas, 312 Academy for Females, 246 Andrews, J. A., 48 Academy of Music, 77 Andrews, Matthew Page (A), Soul of a Na- Actors, evangelistic work among, 82 tion, rev., 434-435 Adams, Abigail. See Smith, Abigail Adams Andrews, Robert, 428W Adams, James Truslow (Ed.), Atlas of Ameri- Anglican church: establishment of, attempted can History, rev., 116 in col. Pa., 367; place of children in, 11-12 Adams, John, letter to Benj. Rush, 93-97 Anglicans, in govt. of col. Pa., 367 Adams, John Quincy, 49; appointed Boylston Animals: bear exhibited in Boston vauxhall, Professor of Rhetoric & Oratory, 94 159; lion exhibited in Baltimore pleasure Adams, John Stokes, Jr. (R), 432-433 garden, 160-161. See also Circuses Adams, Randolph G., 291 Annan, Robert, 41 Addison, Agnes (R), 121-122 Annuals, contributions of women writers to, Advertising, of Phila. evangelistic meetings, 252 77. See also Publicity Anstaett, H. B., 292W Affirmation, permitted in col. Pa., 351 Antes, Anna Catherina, biog. of, by Fries, Africa, colonization of free Negroes in, 287 rev., 329-331 Age of Enterprise, A Social History of Indus- Anti-Semitism, 368 trial America, by Cochran & Miller, rev., Arbitration, of civil causes in col. Pa., 352 118-120 Arbuthnot, John, 977; Agency, law of, 280 Arch Street Methodist Church, 62 Akehurst, Mary, 422, 427 Archdale, John, 354, 378 Akehurst, Ralph, 427?? "Architectural Check List of Historic Build- Alexander, Charles, 76, 83 ings in the Philadelphia Area," by Sims, Alexander, L.
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