Abolition of Negro Slavery: Advocated By- Amusements: Pleasure Gardens Provide Ur- Progressive Friends, 50; Papers of Pa
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INDEX Abolition of Negro slavery: advocated by- Amusements: pleasure gardens provide ur- Progressive Friends, 50; papers of Pa. Soc. ban, 150-174; worldly, condemned in Pa., for Promoting, 286-290; women writers on, SS3' See also Recreation 254-255;*, 262-263 Anburey, Thomas, 312 Academy for Females, 246 Andrews, J. A., 48 Academy of Music, 77 Andrews, Matthew Page (A), Soul of a Na- Actors, evangelistic work among, 82 tion, rev., 434-435 Adams, Abigail. See Smith, Abigail Adams Andrews, Robert, 428W Adams, James Truslow (Ed.), Atlas of Ameri- Anglican church: establishment of, attempted can History, rev., 116 in col. Pa., 367; place of children in, 11-12 Adams, John, letter to Benj. Rush, 93-97 Anglicans, in govt. of col. Pa., 367 Adams, John Quincy, 49; appointed Boylston Animals: bear exhibited in Boston vauxhall, Professor of Rhetoric & Oratory, 94 159; lion exhibited in Baltimore pleasure Adams, John Stokes, Jr. (R), 432-433 garden, 160-161. See also Circuses Adams, Randolph G., 291 Annan, Robert, 41 Addison, Agnes (R), 121-122 Annuals, contributions of women writers to, Advertising, of Phila. evangelistic meetings, 252 77. See also Publicity Anstaett, H. B., 292W Affirmation, permitted in col. Pa., 351 Antes, Anna Catherina, biog. of, by Fries, Africa, colonization of free Negroes in, 287 rev., 329-331 Age of Enterprise, A Social History of Indus- Anti-Semitism, 368 trial America, by Cochran & Miller, rev., Arbitration, of civil causes in col. Pa., 352 118-120 Arbuthnot, John, 977; Agency, law of, 280 Arch Street Methodist Church, 62 Akehurst, Mary, 422, 427 Archdale, John, 354, 378 Akehurst, Ralph, 427?? "Architectural Check List of Historic Build- Alexander, Charles, 76, 83 ings in the Philadelphia Area," by Sims, Alexander, L. T., 210 194-206 Allen, Daniel S. (R), 126-128 Architecture: exhibition of American in Allen, Ethan, 180 Stockholm, 418; Louisa C. Tuthill's history Allen, Nathaniel, 400, 401 of, 253; writings on early American, 331- Allen, William, 2>9 332 Allen Lucas; the Self-Made Man, by Emily Armaments, limitation of, anticipated by Judson, 258-259 Penn, 393 American Girl's Book: or Occupation for Play Armories: Second Regiment, 76, 77, 80; Hours, by EJiza Leslie, 258 Third Regiment, 76 American Institute of Architects, 195; work Art: American, John NeaPs observations on, of Philadelphia chapter, 196, 409W 121-122; training for women in, 249 American Philosophical Society: Holme's Asford, John, 426 map of Pa., 1687, in, 4077?; Penn material Asher, William, 83 in, 408^ Asher, Mrs. William, 83 American Political Parties, Their Natural Ashford, Eng., W. Penn in, 426 History, by Binkley, rev., 315-316 Ashley family, 184 American Revolution, Maryland during, Ashton, John Jr., 49 324-325 American Society for the Abolition of Capital Astley family, 184 Punishment, 49-50 Asylum Co., 181, 183-184, 187 American Spirit. A Study of the Idea of Civ- Athens, 180 ilization in the United States, by Charles Athens, Greece, 410 and Mary Beard, rev., 112-116 Atlas of American History, ed. by Adams, American Sunday School Union, 13, 14 rev., 116 "American 'Vauxhalls' of the Federal Era," Atlee, Edwin P., 290 by Eberlein & Hubbard, 150-174 Automobiles, 71 Amish, of Lancaster County, 211-212 Azilum, 181-183, 187 445 446 INDEX October Bachman, Calvin George (A), Old Order Beard, Nicholas, 420, 427 Amish of Lancaster County, rev., 211-212 Beard, Susanna (Mrs. Nicholas), 4277; Bacon, Sir Francis, 345 Beaujour, Felix de, 159, 161 Bacon, Walter W., 339 Beccaria, Cesare, 38, 39, 40, 41, 51 Bagnigge Wells, 153 Beissel, Conrad: and Morgan Edwards, 311; Bailey, Joshua A., 57 and Ephrata Cloister, 294, 295; and Bailey, Margaret L. (Ed.), "John Adams to Ezechiel Sangmeister, 296-313 passim Dr. Benjamin Rush," 93-97 Bellers, John, 39, 370 Baker, George D., 71 Benezet, Anthony, 9, 16, 20, 21; school of, Balch, William S., 48 admits girls, 246 Balloon ascensions, from Vauxhalls, 151, 168, Benjamin Franklin Parkway, 414, 418 173 Bennett, John, 426, 427 Baltimore, Lord; 346, 374-375 Bentham, Jeremy, 38 Baltimore, Md., pleasure gardens in, 160-161 Besse, Joseph, 365; summarizes Penn's Bancroft, George, 312, 345 journal, Kent and Sussex, 1672, 421 Bank of the United States, First, 2697* Bethesda Presbyterian Church, 6$ Bank of the United States, Second: and Beveridge, Albert J., 14077 House of Baring, 269-285 Bezar, John, 400, 401 Bankers, European, invest in Pa. lands, 184- Bible classes, 87 185 Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 78 Bankers' bills, 270 Bibliography, of writings on early American Banking: Baring Bros. & 2d. U. S. Bank, architecture, by Roos, rev., 331-332 269-285; Biddle's use of 180 days sight Bicknall, John, 42977 drafts, 270, 271, 275, 283; commissions Biddle, Nicholas, and 2d. U. S. Bank, 269- charged by Barings to 2d. U. S. Bank, 270, 285 passim 271, 275-276, 277, 280, 28377; interest Bills of exchange, 272 rates charged 2d U. S. Bank by Barings, Bingham, William: and Alexander Baring, 270, 271, 273, 277, 279-280. See also Bills 26977; lands of, in N. Pa., 184 of Exchange; Credit; Foreign exchange Bining, Arthur C. (A), "Margaret C. Buck- Baptism, 11 ingham Collection and Other Business Baptist church, 54, 77 Records," 189-193; (R), 120-121 Baring, Alexander, 26977, 276 Binkley, Wilfred E. (A), American Political Baring, Thomas, 273, 275, 276 Parties, Their Natural History, rev., 315- Baring Bros. & Co., and 2d. U. S. Bank, 269- 316 285 Biography of a Business, 1792-1942. Insur- Barlow, Scott & Uthwatt Committees, 412 ance Company of North America, by James, Barnhart, John D. (R), 123-124 rev., 120-121 Barton, Bruce, 86 Bird, William, 190 Bartram's Garden, 164 Blackburn, Glen A., compiler of John Tipton Bates, Rebecca, 252 Papers, 123-124 Baths, public, and pleasure gardens, 166, 170 Blackfan, Widow, 428 Bathsheba's Bath and Bower, 162 Blackfan, John, 42877 Bath town, 162 Blacon, Lucretius de, 182 Battledores. See Hornbooks Blatchington, Eng., 427 Bauman, Christian, 297 Blatt, John, 42977 Bauman, Johannes, 297 Blatt, Thomas, 42977 Bauman, Joseph: printer, of Cocalico, 297; Blechington. See Blatchington and Sangmeister diary, 296-313 Blossoms of Morality, by Cooper, 6 Bauman, Joseph (d. 1859), 297 Bolton, J. Gray, 85 Bauman, Joseph (1796-1872), 297 Bonaparte, Charles J., biog. of, by Goldman, Bauman, Sarah Fahnestock (Mrs. Christian), rev., 335-336 297 Bonner, Edmund, 360 Bauman family, 297 Books, children's: on amusements, 33-34; Baumann, Johann, 297 council correct behavior, 15—17; seculariza- Baumgartner, Leona (R), 208-209 tion of, 21—22; spirit of toleration in, 9; Beall, M. Lilly, 190 utilitarian philosophy in, 14; women writers Beard, Charles R., 131, 13577, 139; (A), of, *S3> 257-259 American Spirit. A Study of the Idea of on domestic economy, 19th cent., 253 Civilization in the United States, rev.,112-116 educational, women writers of, 258 Beard, Mary (A), American Spirit. A Study textbooks, of early national period, 22 of the Idea of Civilization in the United Boston, Mass.: pleasure gardens in, 157-159; States, rev., 112-116 population of, 1810, 161 1944 INDEX 447 Boswell, James, 153 ties for promoting the abolition of, 39, 48, Boulogne, Charles Felix Bu6, 178 49 Bouvier, John, 49 Cares about the Nurserie, 15 Bowles, Elizabeth (Mrs. Valentine), 42572 Carey, Mathew, 41 Bowles, Valentine, 425W Carolinas, Indian hostilities in, 375 Bowling Green Garden. See Vauxhall Garden, Carroll, Charles, 366 N.Y. Carter, Clarence Edwin (Ed.), Territorial Boyd, Julian P., editor of Jefferson papers, Papers of the United States . Michigan, 291 1805-1820, rev., 213-214; Territorial Pa- Bradford, Gamaliel, 60 pers of the United States . Michigan, Bradford, William (1755-1795), opposes 1820^1829, rev., 332-333 capital punishment, 40-41 Castellio, 343 Brakeley, George A., 291 Castiglione, Baldassare, 149 Brandeis, Louis D., 139 Castle Clinton. See Castle Garden Bread, staple article of children's diet, 27, 28 Castle Garden, N. Y., 174 Breed, W. P., 58, 63 Catholicism, fear of, in 17th cent. Eng., 362 Breslauer, Martin, 292^ Catholics: in col. Pa., 366; W. Penn and, 367 Brevost, John, 186 Catlin, George, 183 Bridenbaugh, Carl (R), 314-315 Cawley, James and Margaret (A)., Exploring Bridesburg Presbyterian Church, 66 the Little Rivers of New Jersey, rev., 443 Brinton, Ellen Starr, 373 Cedar Grove, \66n Bronson, Dr., 72, 85 Centennial Exhibition, 66 Brooks, Valentine. See Bowles, Valentine Centre House Garden, 167 Brother Gabriel, 307 Centre Square, 403, 405, 407, 414, 416 Brother Jotham, 306 Ceres, 186 Brown, Kenneth L. (R), 217-218 Ceres Co., 184W, 185, 186 Browne, Peter A., 169 Certain Conditions and Concessions, by Penn, Bruckner, Henry, 128 400 Bryan-McKinley campaign, 74 Chafee, Zechariah, 136 Buck, Solon J., 291 Chalybeate waters, 152 Buckingham, Margaret C, collection of Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret, 261, 263, 265; furnace records, 189-193 on education for women, 249-250; feminist Bull baiting, 156 writings of, 263» Burder, George, 13 Chapman, J. Wilbur, 5$, 73, 75, 7&, 81-85, Burleigh, Cyrus M., 50 86,91 Burney, Frances, 244 Chapter of Accidents and Remarkable Events: Bush Hill, 167 Containing Caution and Instruction for Business history, Great American Customer, Children, by Darton, 29 by Crow, rev., 442-443 Charcoal, and early iron industry, 189-193 Business records, forge and furnace records Charity, emphasized by pietistic sects of Pa., inHSP, 189-193 10 Butler, Pierce, 25972, 263 Charles I, 293 Charles II, 293, 342, 343, 346, 376, 408; issues Declaration of Indulgence, 420 Cadbury, Henry J. (A), "Persecution and Charles IV, 293 Religious Liberty, Then and Now," 359— Charles J. Bonaparte, Patrician Reformer, His 371; (Ed.), "William Penn's Journal: Kent Earlier Career, by Goldman, rev., 33S~33^> and Sussex, 1672," 419-429 Charleston, S. C, Vauxhall in, 159-160 Cadman, S. Parkes, 78-79 Charlwood, Eng., W. Penn in, 428 Cadwalader, Thomas, agent of U.