Alumni Catalog (1917) Jefferson Alumni and Faculty

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Alumni Catalog (1917) Jefferson Alumni and Faculty Thomas Jefferson University Jefferson Digital Commons JMC General Alumni Catalog (1917) Jefferson Alumni and Faculty March 2009 Alumni - 1911 to 1916, pp. 253-282 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Recommended Citation "Alumni - 1911 to 1916, pp. 253-282" (2009). JMC General Alumni Catalog (1917). Paper 10. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Jefferson Digital Commons. The Jefferson Digital Commons is a service of Thomas Jefferson University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). The Commons is a showcase for Jefferson books and journals, peer-reviewed scholarly publications, unique historical collections from the University archives, and teaching tools. The Jefferson Digital Commons allows researchers and interested readers anywhere in the world to learn about and keep up to date with Jefferson scholarship. This article has been accepted for inclusion in JMC General Alumni Catalog (1917) by an authorized administrator of the Jefferson Digital Commons. For more information, please contact: [email protected]. Graduates---Cont'd. Jt «;11 b. ftol,d 110M 0"",,,,,,,,,,,11)1 aecctJud A h",,,i al'l''''~ lined "''''''''g II,. m "" 11 grtul",,'u. lrt $H(1o "lJ$U bicQTol'Jokal doto h<u ~.... t..n,ishJ 8 inu the ccml'iJ<ffS btlg"tI .....rk "" ,It. Cota/ogu ,. For c'h"" due...,uJ <W loll AI"",,,, f ro... 1{}1I '0 19/6 su /'dg e "Ii]. 1911 William T. Brinton M. D.• II : B. S .. OS l ow. St.te Uni".: Pbi Q uo W. A ichele Rho S'gma: Phi Be la P i : P bys ician a nd Sur­ g.een; on •.taff St. Nicholas Hosp.; pr ca. Teller M. D., II . T heta !'in Epsilon; Physicia n ; {len. Co. ~ Ie d. Soe.: memo Teller Co. Med ••nd Co l~ N al pra ctice ; luff Frankford and St. ChnOlo­ <ado St.te Med. Soe a. 20Z E. Bennett an d pher'. H "8!".: eurn. ~1"tropoHtan I ns . C", 313 E. Golden Su.• Cripple Creek, Colo. 2~JZ N. 6Ih SI., P hil• ., P a. Charles J. Brockway Oec rze E. Alleman M. D., u, I'by.ician. ( Brookoton. I nd.) ~ {. "D•. II; Phy.;c ia,,; akin; phy•. skin A lumna Cit y Hosp.; akin and X-ra y. Mucy Hosp.; Walter E. Brown m" .... Hlair Co. Med. a nd Pa. State ~I e d . S""•. ; ~1. D" II; A. B.• 07 We .tmin.te r ; Pbi Bet l PI; Am. Med. AM". 2J H TIroad ,\vc., Altoona, Academy .nd Hare ~Ied . 5""0.; P b,.. i. ian ; P•. ear, no'e and thou; memo AllelJbeny Co. Me d. and Pa. Stat e Med . S""a.; Am. Med. Alln. 632· Harrv \ \'.A llison 6JJ Union Arcade Bldll:.. Pilllburih .nd 314 ;\I , ·D.• II ;Rela Theta Pi : P hi Rho Sigma ; W. Ninth Ave.• H omeltead, P a. W . K« n Sur, iea! Soc. ; Phy. ician : geneul prac tice ' memo J eff..uan Co. Med . • nd P• . John Hen ry Burkartmaier St.te ~ied . S""8.: Am. Me d. Ason. ~b in St., M. D" 11; Alpha Omega Alpba; Pbysician; Timblin . r •. memo Am. Med. Assn.: pa. Med . Soe. 223 Cbat hl '" St., A"ond.le, Chelter Co., P •. Willi am H. Annesley Charles Perry Burke M. D.• 11; Sp itz ka An at om ical (.,,"8Ue: P hy. i· M. D.• 11: P hy. ic'a n. (~II. Morril . P •• ) cian; genera l prac t ice; on staff Ger ma n an d No rt hea oU rn H osps. ; memo Phil • . Co. ~f ed. and Ar-turo Carbondl Pa. State Me d. 5""•. 261)1 E. Lehig h and J «5 ll. D.• 11; Ka ppa p . i ; SUrleOn, U. S. Anny F rankford Av el .• P hil•. , r a. (rank of h t Lieut.); on I t. ff ~ lihtary Hoop .• San J uan, P . R.; P~ t Ho sp., Coroul, Ca n.l John L. Arnold Zone: Po.t Grad. 110.1'.; memo Med. Soe. of M. D., ll: P h ysician . ( H.rri.burl, P •. ) Porto Rico .nd Io tbmul of Panam.. Coronl. T. H enr y Becke r Canal Zone. :\!. 0 ., 11; Registe red in P h.rm.• W. Va •• 09 : Francis Albion Carmelia Si gma :-ru and Theta Nu Epsilon (Vnlv. of W . M. D., II; P hi Cbi: athl. bonorl; Pa l t A... in­ Va.) : P hi Rho Sillma .nd Gamm a Gamma (Jef. an t Su rlJeon U. S. Public He. lt b : epidermato-­ fer"" n Med. Colt.) ; F ran cis X Dere um Ne u rol. logy and Il bo' . tor y re""arch; interne Reading . nd O rv ille Horwilz Sur,. Soc.. ; lrea. d a.. Hosp., out patient dept., 11·12 ; Will. Eye lI""r,.' ( I). Univ. o f W. Va. ; Physician.n S u rgeon; P bi la.. 12·14; .ommil.ionffi corp£ U. S. Hea tb general p rac tice : a"""". Blu efiold S anat orium Se n i.,..: memo Am. Med . AMn.; C1in. Cong. l ince 11; memo Mercer Co. Med .•nd W . Va. Surg•. ; A""n. o f ~ llI it. Surg•• Hygienie Labora- Stale ~ Ie d. S",,".: Sta te . nd A",. Med. A. onlh lory U. S. Public Hea lt h Servi.e. W..binlton. R1uefiold Sanato riu m, Ramle y S t. an d cor. Su m' D and Royers ford. P a. ner . nd Monroe St l .• Bluefield, W. Va . Dale Emerson Cary Daniel E. Berney M. D., 11; Cb i Ze ta Chi: J . E. Wi l..,n Med .• M. D., 11; Omel a Upsilon P hi; T het a Nu Ep. Spilzka Anat . an d Cop lin "Path. S 0C5.; I'b,..I· l ilon; pres. J omea c. \\11son Mcd.•nd cian; general medicine: vi I. phy l . La ncas ler Francio De rcu m Neu rolog ica l Sou.; mem. duo General Hoop.; feltow Am. Med. Alan.; mem. el<rt ut ive comm.; P hYl icia n ; chief med. di op., Lanca.ter City, Co. and pa. St.le Me d. Slale H osp., Scranton. Pa. : Irtt ure r 10 nuroes Soe• .; Am. Med. Ason. 204 E. Kinl 51.• Lan· ~lary Kelle r H"s".: memo nicyde Club : Co un ty . c.oter, I' a. S tate .nd Am. ~ Ied. Assno. 616 Spruce St .. Austill H offman Coleman Scr.nton. P a. M. D., 11; Ph i Rbo Si,ma; Gamma Gamm.; Physician; gen eral pr.cttce; pbyo. N. J. Slate Georg-e H . Borrowes Reform.tory for \ Vomen ; memo H unt e rdon Co. M. D., 11: Physicia n. (160 :.1. 20th St .. P ilil a., Med.•nd :.I. J. State Med. Soea.; Am. Med. Pa.) A"'n. C..nt..r 5 1., Clinton, N. J. Cha rles Tohn Bowen :\rartin 1-1. Colli er M. D., '11; P hi Alpb. Sigma; cd. Jeffrrle"i4", ~1. D.• 11 ;Alpha Ka ppa Kappa; Al pha Omeg. 10·11; pres . da.... 11; P bysicia n ; in te rne P ilt.. Al ph. (hon.): H a Surl. and Coplin bu r l h Hoo". : m..", . Allegbe ny Co. ~fed . Soc.; Soes.; Pbysician: genersl practice; preo. med. Am. ~I ed. A... n. 4526 P en n Ave.. P itt. bu r gb, bd. Simon H. Barnca Hosp. ; mem . Suoqueb.nna P•. Co. Med. and Pa. State ~Ied. Socs. ; Am. Med. AMn. ~ I"in 51. .nd 405 Bro.d Av..., S U8quc< Cha rles G. Boyer hanna. P • . ~ 1. D.. II ; P bYlicia n. (Annand.le. N. J.) j . Elmer Creep Edwin C. Ba ver M. D.. 11: Ch i Zet. Cbi; Ka ppa Sigma; Daria M. D.• 11 ; P b. G.. 07 else wbere ; Phi Chi ; O""tet .• Coplin Palh••nd Keen Surlical Soel.; Hare M..d. an d P tolemy Soea.; I'by. ician anl1 P h, . id a n an d S ur geon ; phy • . H ome for th e Surlleon: l urj". staff J ohn l t own City 11001'. 21S F roend le... ; Old L.di...• Home : memo Erie Mark et St.. J oh noto..n. Pa . Co. ~I ..d. Soe. 62g E. 6tb S t., Erie. Pa. 254 A LU~I:\ I CATA LOGUE M ichael Penn Cummings Edward J. Flanagan )I. D., II: Ph B.• 07 lTni.... of X. C. : Om,... :'01. D., 11; PhY""LlII: .....eral pract ice. 1I24 Upsilon Phi: P,ol~m,. W iholl Mt d. and Aud. :\Iaill $I. • Du r , ~a, P a. Sou.: I'b-"NCian: ~ I,,':ral pra<:ti~ : ..... yo r ; i,, _ lune J elfe r_ H""p., 12 ; m"",. RockiD,,".... \\'. Sturgi s Frankenburg'er Co. Med . and S . C. Slate loIed. ~. G.lmn Y . D.• II: Phi Alpha Si......: T1:I~la S u EpQ' .nd 476 S. lla;1I SI ... Reid...m c, S . c. 10.. : Ho.-wi'" S"r• ., Spitdla A ....I. a nd ~m ~C"U...,1. Soca. : fOOlbloU, 07-48 : Phy_: E. T . Davies .....eral practice : alaff P lll e ~ Gen eral H OIlJl.: M. D., II; Old Forie. Pa. ~ . }.: P otu rillc lI..p.•P .. : pbi", Hoop. fo r I; Phy. and our •• "It. J. Rai...,,. Coke Alfred Dean Co.; mcm. F a, <'Ite Co. ...d P L SUle Y ed . M. D. , II: Pn Grad.. Lit. Soc.: Alpha Kappa Soca.: Am. :'oled. A..... All iIoa, Fa., Co., Uta : H a'l< JoI N. Soc.; Phi Chi: PtokmJ': P,.
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