Geography's Importance to Japan's History

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Geography's Importance to Japan's History RESOURCES ESSAYS of the present and become better prepared — Japan has many earth- geography’s for challenges of the future. Space in one quakesgeology because of its position on the Pacific article does not permit a comprehensive plan “Ring of Fire.” The Pacific Plate moves a importance to with all the possible ways to incorporate few inches a year westward into the Philip- Japan’s historical geography into the class- pine and Eurasian Plates. In addition, there Japan’s Historyby Patrick Grant room. This article, instead, offers a few is a complex system of faults on the Japan- ideas for applying these two standards by ese islands. The 1923 earthquake, with the addressing some important geographical resultant fire, destroyed much of Tokyo and apan’s geography has been and is a concepts. most of Yokohama. Some 100,000 people crucial factor in its history. Geology, The article touches upon many specific perished in this disaster. Only twenty sec- location, patterns of settlement, trans- issues that teachers will find interesting for onds of shaking killed 5,480 people in the J port, and economic development are discussions in the classroom. The brief 1995 Hanshin-Awaji quake around K¬be.3 strongly influenced by spatial considera- introduction to geology gives background to The rebuilding of this area is rapidly pro- tions. Our appreciation of any historical the earthquake hazard. Scarcity of space, gressing, but there are still thousands of dis- issue is greatly enhanced by learning how covered in the next section, has helped to located people two years after the quake. geography played an important role. A geo- define characteristics of Japanese life. grapher’s perspective is indispensible to an Japan’s location has also helped to chart the — Japan, with a adequate understanding. This article, while course of its history. The proximity section populationscarcity of of over space 126 million people, is much too short to give complete explana- looks at the relationship between Hokkaid¬ slightly smaller in land area than California, tions of geographical factors, provides ideas and Honsh† to show trade development which has about 31.5 million. Furthermore, for enterprising teachers who wish to aug- between these neighboring islands. The fol- only fifteen percent of Japan’s land area is ment their instruction of Japan’s historical lowing section on the Ainu, an aboriginal considered arable. The result is an excep- geography.1 people of Japan, also looks at one aspect of tional scarcity of space and the need for effi- It would be unfortunate and unimaginative Hokkaid¬. Furthermore, the rivalry between ciency in resource use. During the Toku- if instruction in Japanese geography were Russia and Japan, mentioned in the next gawa Period (1600–1868), the Japanese limited to simply the memorization of major section, concerns islands to the north and used readily movable furniture instead of cities and islands. The National Geography east of Hokkaid¬. heavier Western furniture to allow multiple Standards, published in 1994, describes spe- This article concludes with two interesting uses of limited space. Clothing was cific expectations for geographical under- examples of geographical issues. The silk designed so that one garment could fit a standing.2 The informed person must, for industry’s development is a result of several changing human physical size, thus large example, describe the physical and cultural important spatial factors. Finally, the loca- closets for clothes were unnecessary.4 characteristics of places instead of simply tion of Japan’s capitals, with the historical Public sanitation systems in developing naming a long list of capitals. Knowing background, is an intriguing tale as well. Japanese cities during the Tokugawa period how physical systems affect human compared favorably to those of systems is more important than Western cities. Increasing urban recalling names of rivers. These population densities were, therefore, standards require students to devel- possible and did not prompt the dis- op critical thinking and problem ease that otherwise might have dis- solving skills by examining issues couraged urban growth. The popula- in greater depth. Standards 17 and tion of Japan was about twenty-six 18 address the essential role of million and Edo (now Tokyo) had geography in history: close to one million by the early 17. The geographically eighteenth century. √saka had about informed person knows 400,000, and Ky¬to some 350,000 and understands how to inhabitants. apply geography to The efficient use of space is still interpret the past. an important characteristic of Japan 18. The geographically today. Some urban parking garages informed person knows lift autos by elevators. Suburban and understands how to Japanese homes have small but apply geography to inter- attractive gardens. Rice fields are pret the present and plan immediately adjacent to suburban for the future. development. Japan has successful- The diligent student of Japan’s ly adapted to its limited land area historical geography will not only without compromising physical learn much about the past, but will well-being. recognize causal factors for issues Map, drawn by the author, showing many of the places in the article. 44 EDUCATION ABOUT ASIA Volume 3, Number 1 Spring 1998 RESOURCES ESSAYS — Japan has long spawning season.10 The Ainu were benefitedlocation from its location near an important source of exploited other lands. The Japanese have labor for this industry. traded with peoples on the Asian mainland since at least the fifth — The aboriginal people century A.D. Such trade probably Ainu have histories and cultures existed long before then, but it is well worth further study. These difficult to determine when it diverse peoples lived not only on began. Chinese and Korean cul- Hokkaid¬, but on northern Honsh†, ture deeply influenced Japan for Sakhalin Island, and the Kuriles as many hundreds of years. Reli- well. During the Tokugawa period, gion and writing are often many Ainu became increasingly thought of as key examples of dependent upon Japanese com- acculturation from both China modities. They became closely inte- and the Korean peninsula. Japanese writing Ainu women, Hokkaid¯o, Japan. grated into the Japanese economy through was developed from the Chinese, and most Photo from Indigenous Peoples of Asia edited by R. their labor in the fisheries and their increas- of the principal Japanese Buddhist sects, H. Barnes, Andrew Gray, and Benedict Kingsbury. ing taste for Japanese material goods.11 including Zen, Tendai, Shingon, and Photographer: Katarina Sjöberga. Used here with Their numbers, however, decreased because Amidism, originated in China.5 permission of the publisher, the Association for of smallpox and measles. That Japan is an island nation proved very Asian Studies, Inc. Kayano Shigeru’s memoir, Our Land Was useful during the thirteenth century in pre- a Forest, offers an informative perspective. venting Mongol occupation. The Khan, furi- ulated trade through the small island of He writes of Japan’s increasing interest in ous at Japan’s temerity to resist his demands Deshima in Nagasaki Harbor. Japan actively Hokkaid¬: for subservience, tried twice to seize Japan, kept informed of European technology Mainland Japanese had crossed the in 1274 and again in 1281. Typhoons con- through this Dutch contact. strait to our national land hundreds veniently arrived on both occasions to of years earlier, but it was in the defeat the attackers.6 The Japanese rejoiced — Many medieval maps of early Meiji era that they began a for their “divine winds” that saved them Japanproximity by the Japanese excluded all or most concerted, all-out invasion. Laws from Mongol domination. Japan was not of Hokkaid¬, now Japan’s northernmost like the Former Hokkaid¬ Aborigine invaded again until 1945. major island. The Japanese government took Protection Act restricted our free- The arrival of a Portuguese ship in 1543 a much greater interest in Hokkaid¬ during dom first by ignoring our basic began an important period of European the Meiji period (1868–1912), yet there rights, as a hunting people, to hunt interest in Japan. Portuguese missionaries were already significant economic links bear and deer or catch salmon and gained a significant presence in Nagasaki. between Hokkaid¬ and Honsh† during the trout freely, anywhere and at any Trade came with Portuguese and Spanish preceding Tokugawa period. Even earlier, time, and then compelling us to farm missionary efforts. Nagasaki became the Japanese “armed merchants” visited on the inferior land the Japanese main port for a rapidly developing trade Hokkaid¬ by the twelfth century. By the fif- “provided.”12 between Japan and Europe. The English teenth century, Japanese were establishing Kayano Shigeru describes, in his memoir, East India Company, for example, eventual- forts in southern Hokkaid¬.8 a journey that reminds one of the Cherokee ly established itself through William One Noto Peninsula family revealed in Trail of Tears.13 One can draw some paral- Adams, who won the favor of the Toku- documents from 1619 their trade with Mat- lels from the Ainu experience to that of gawa shogunate in the early seventeenth sumae in southwestern Hokkaid¬. The fami- Native North Americans, the Maori in New century and alerted the English to the lucra- ly sold salt and charcoal in exchange for Zealand, or the Aboriginals in Australia. tive possibilities of a triangle trade: English konbu (a sea vegetable) destined for √saka. Indigenous peoples were forcibly moved to broadcloth to Japan, Japanese silver to the While this family was also engaged in farm- less desirable land in each of these places. Spice Islands, spices back to England.7 The ing, it was part of a complex network of Japan certainly had increasing economic Tokugawa shogunate, however, subsequent- trade.9 The Tokugawa government estab- interests in Hokkaid¬ during the Meiji ly became concerned about European rival- lished the Matsumae lord’s role as a trade period; the aforementioned herring indus- ries and intervention and sought to isolate intermediary between the Japanese and the tries prospered during this time.
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