Saint-Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management Information Technologies in Management Department Knowledge Engineering Workbook for E-portfolio (V. 1) Tatiana A. Gavrilova DSc, PhD, Professor
[email protected] Sofya V. Zhukova PhD, Associate Professor
[email protected] Spring Term 2010 2 Content Introduction Chapter 1. Methodical recommendations and examples for Assignment list 1 Chapter 2. Methodical recommendations and examples for Assignment list 2 Chapter 3. Lists 1 and 2 of personal assignments Chapter 4. Reading for the course Conclusion References Appendices Appendix 1. Mind mapping software Appendix 2. History of Computer science Appendix 3. Information Mapping Software Appendiix 4. Text to create Genealogy 3 Introduction By this workbook students will be shortly introduced to major practical issues of the course on knowledge engineering. By doing the assignments students will gain an understanding in the practical skill of visual business information structuring with the use of special software (mind mapping and concept mapping). The assignments will examine a number of related topics, such as: system analysis and its applications; the relationship among, and roles of, data, information, and knowledge in different applications including marketing and management, and the varying approaches needed to ensure their effective implementation and deployment; characteristics of theoretical and methodological topics of knowledge acquisition, including the principles, visual methods, issues, and programs; defining and identifying of cognitive aspects for knowledge modelling and visual representation (mind mapping and concept mapping techniques). 4 Chapter 1 Methodical recommendations and examples for assignment list 1 1.1. Intensional/extensional A rather large and especially useful portion of our active vocabularies is taken up by general terms, words or phrases that stand for whole groups of individual things sharing a common attribute.