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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-15-1904 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-15-1904 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-15-1904." (1904).

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ODD WORK op Ihiac tm night with of IH TIM ATI HJ PDflil iarga rrowd of awatc loving ungja M ANCIENT SKELFTON u llradlng h at an heartily f a i ha Mka' Oawra lluaaa laat nWkt. being 1 ) loin of awot id h done Oeatry Prenhara brought tor:.Aftuoeer-- YOUNG WOMtN href that the VALLEY FARMERS Tha jadgaa daoldad their awMKa on IS UNEARTH BP qua such a greed display of toar-fovte- d would give marka for Wa a nttgcfc, latuaatina. eipwalon. wmrrb tong. aort hemearty. tomarh. "Done!" aald tko A rtHitoatMiU u!. the New MexlOO MtMtMir t. net 11 rmmm Mlah. CITY COUNCIL HtUI MOtT anaonrMoa." and the Wkile expiorlag; taa m in iMMilim r -- !. the At the mill night !1-- - - tb . Ilt llil a' t!owell tins been open prterlat olM B1WIN, owter to TOW1loril k!" ,":r,!L.",Z!: !.V outa-t this at- r- li v,T.",,.m7 "V" tba rttff Daelhwa, r--u miti. HoglBMal hood . Old Albwawer III I awe rim of i. n r wik thin mm on, kll d toe teoa m emiinieei MwMhnaatani province of beef. High living kad hwagked TgHWOOrt. p Baata Clara naaiwa ffi. -" -1- ""T tha. gaa. and tha Itailaa of UHo city. nr.' thoroughly organised, T- "T- j" Ruesla they must hud ola n few 4aya gnm. A. B-- iVtrirkaafi - hm that rtotnarh out. and a portod at abataav At opera Rog1 T mm a renewroe a aaw the htinae tha First v nr academic Bad military cert paa r pot an d to the dlseraeefal Ml louaaaaa In tba tnwar It At a meetlag of tke eJty and two tu4eat at nltaalni fraft rogulnr-n.t- vlmni anlal aMot hnad aopMred rat played lit!' nrc with m menu i' der the turn Mora the regular Jtmm womtn wktah has Hmmi Iroancil tbla aJlafnona. Jadgv T. C. and Bnetna. naearthed a aaawMaa d ) v-- i I the ovwrtnre "Pbot and Pwaanat." tka - had never been bow hwfM. while Kpa pmyr. rnRIMOB ,tno the beginning of W I rbolrniaa of tka board of of the former laBakHgBnl at th-- sow- tke T. C Detnian. a nrnaiin riUaon Ontlorra. I M aa- - - aa Vagaa band played tke ovartara t'l law number of oM with Ma octaves af stewm wktetle. wa. Owt to tha deereesioa hi la of la la the cltv to aaawnd tha ooejralMione of BemalWo cwawty. la- ta Tfcnnley." i - I CHrl." and tka Itattaa seal-denta- ino reported ripped of "WwMo." "Mr. ,llrtrT and aommerce canned by the - i mt . .u. hmS m nil Mum to Mte uennle af hand Taa dleeovery waa aeAlraw l. 11' t for tkla w-w- e iteve tnej aaa inouiMioeB. war. father anl huabend have oeea i rt .ti . - umu, AMiuauwrane. Ha aald that tt woa tha P1"11 Naraas." All haada played a Mr Partridge ami eawd tha Bro t Mi., parent brought t to aatecttea. gan art Mtlfld md other familiar air tkat aot.iem.ilr dnuamter and wive to convention, which will ha MM In tkla antlmont of tka people living north of . WJejf atadeat to tke anuadg anal WM I i by . Ri-- overt got I'll invrtwii made tfcetr me people to tee Boors IB perron, gnv-nt- Who have ax portnit them I eltv nest Mok. Hty that tka Powell and OMy tka tka Jadowe h ging in tke bottom af a , i present ara, -- gather aa oflrk-- ly thotr tkre at reams. Booth American aorta. Tka ula of i, i, (glnrer Pitt Hoaa leav. thetr dltefeea he suddenly at aaa ta kaar Jkr Itx.u Kr cent of Imi araaloa'a Tba bla tMta ara Illuminated both fkee women haa been carried on Hi deelalon, ar fotlowa era of aa oeatretaBed hewi. v with to' -- nit several otkara hy electric aad gasoline light, and tka nrhet, wlthowt any attempt at A thne m mediately at to warn BBC IX' br'lllaat rayi abuwa down upon a aa ewtraailtjaiit. Tha araara artoa paJd laa Vagn Attach b, lot half aa hoar had exeavoted tke Wtm ti,w t, nr 4 t now aambara over M. an old hlghty I who "Under tka ctrcirB taocae ori .f haoay ram. Tka Mg avwot of tha bol Jnm Oknvac. aald. eirw8oton a. narrh and a. plete akeletoa, mtatt i. H 'i and la composed of a hawa anomoaaty - wportad rltbwa of aVirorlli pntarad It la up to tha city to attend Ita llmlta fair na. aaiTall wm haony aspawt--. t4a kaa aroflt- rt rtrai Reginmit --Attack h, latooa- - hi, ' i. ,.r young bmo aM bora. til a pnrnlyala Wnawgwfl) a IH4lt farther north or not end anry. i raw in mwm , an wa Huaaiu eowawni atrofce of had .it tlon a, etproMlovt b. njnwk and ap The aaynaw, aaw) ar f ii nil pan i of the aomtry. , I at Mo dp Janalm and ftawaoa Ayraa ..Kplred Tknmdnv evening reel- - nnd hoJM a dyke from the annd atU tha. H pwavwae . wataari. had been buried m IV .. "urj mwi almoat avar toww mwaj iwrw riwr w a m i i h nmit.,1 mti- .- mm l on atroat age!ollla to the rtver tn ih. dear California itrthe Itallna Band-AM- Mh lotnaaAtM e, unit nnaMioa. aa akewa timm haa . wttfc orator rUl ky forty proad i nno c m& baa ramtakoi froai MfM hy tht of dtaoraorlr .f 71 yearn. I Month and M ddwa The Itaporta rron Alderman Haniey 1t$MS t..i. DOBtOa. Mrah aad aanaaraaa a. ner in wklek tke heaae were ri'prnMntativM. Tka tar-- aM rroa tkOt tl -- -. tatmtm - "ty Knglneer Rom. who have been c fi,. UM In iinnral eaerrlaea rondoetad ttn nnrn- "l.rJoa On hand waa raised towafd ta jBA i ajaJto thara woa aot a doM I hnBrtntndtng the flood ttwatlon. triioaa kaa fwraiokwi Mont. omm found aratlty of bnylaa or aaNt irk from the family raldMa the owttretched akove tke ekafl. wftWi u i moat tkata kM lair Whr receiveq t- n I vagaa it mi'l of Brlckt. hitalHcont kioklag dn did a woman will ha hantahed to th church of aaa Miguel weffa Htended ine aiiue.i- n a Attar h. intoaMlon b, mrnte tka Ibid yvMefbte. Tke , i can-- Tka othat In ibay did j Ufa. rwo. out a naawier o pninini cxpreMlan , appearance a. ..,( iidtat. bat talk fort, bortaw nlnaa for hy a large eoacours of am) were fnnd ha kg nearly perfeet, na t, , ik. w m Pnpf awtarod R troverne nave anaen oeiween iae, Ptret Baglmaat -- h, - talk to one aaother and to their friend of the AtUtk latoaa- era I hehtf Mat wken tka atatn wi .m ' .! a maa from -- Hon a, egnreaalon h, hi. in hio ter. A herd of alopkanta walked iP.LKS IN EVIDW.B were laid to rest la the ChenieBc cem-- - appearaace s. picked up. pp whom ha la -- a w VlanrfBTI.J - i. if ixinnit. hott'e. rolled bariw! and atood ' Itailaa Band Attach a, intonation a. Msasl W " ta sWmt Ota - Tboav war have raapeeted the I'lOlt I. eeahvny ewlaUati i. w Ragl- their maoatroos hoada, hot tha cllmai LAST EVBPflWG n in r ii expreaaloa , appearance r. laeaaB-gea- Mr. Chaves was a cttlaee af ajocorro nr and Alderman Hanlev have ute that it ha a remarkably t t Kaa aiwaya received of ridlcnlonanaaa waa ranrkad whom Bm. The Laa Vegaa aad First Baglnjant ahape, gvgna nearly all hi life and rnmaayjhncd an i differing la fta aeaaitd athtaUe lubberly laugh held hee-- puttina la aome good han! Ileka hand tied on the point aa oagefdered r. the liberator tkeir n ales frdwi that of the modem ayahw nroa-iiurhi- HOYAUUY nrlabla degree of the and neat eoapie of weeka. aad hay iihI from the Dfvaent Mepllttlng bangnot acen wltk hko VtWTOM INTIRTAIN. the aad marked by the judge. Tke Itai prrMrgdfagJ, teem of hw fellow ritlsaaa. e The forehead Is low aad thla aoaaloo. far ring dictator. Tka elepaaaU foriaJd AT HAUL BY A wa. abould receive eredtt due them laa hand wa marked klgher on rtaTtON coaaty olerk of Bocorro ty for tke aad the rack line deao i reoord Tka rea-'Wro-d AMCt evening' i.ruvioua tbomaelvv Into an orcweatra aad BAMOH. eighteen year work than their competitor, poia of character. Th . . n u-c- aad tke RBI) ittii h organlxed aad aeveral eleetloaa from the bat-a- t THE but fell behind In tbelr showing In th s trlfb mnllor than tkaee of leMMf, ' oaaty In tke lowar houae af the m " i aM uumera. Savon of Navajo operaa. afternoor marching, playing while ..ii legislature three HI Imt menaurrmenta of tke . ..i (;in,iw are again In their irrom I'rlday'a Dally Mrtlaea.) march lag aad appearance, reretvMg. how peraea The famou Ketamarae tha royal , wife, LuccaMa T. ta. PMIMOeAIMAl. BftOWTH OF THI3 that the must have H, j ,i- - my now ara TeflMTday waa Mka' day aM tka ikma de Okaeai. and in cadet - a Mm aeor thetr grade Ig vera of aaunl heajln. Jannaaoe foot Jwgalara mad midair art- ambora two Hon K. V. AHhi- - FBATtP-rfA- tHaAMIXATIOfl. ahow. ii i ( vacant ploe of the loeal Inrtn nf thai oa. rhavaa. at v lata ware In Wklrl-- tke four itotnt considered Tke It la poMlble taat a. marvalooa their Aatlorod Obm." aa well aa a terse tuerquc. and Joaquin rhavaa, of thla '.i"i l.ihn Kl ttallaa band also received grade c in may he made to aead tka ahrietoa b feat, and proved to bo a Wg nnmber of t letting hrotheri from nil Ity. Hiirvlve him. -- Socorro" Chieftain. iH tiend enow. (From Ftiday't Daily rttlaeni appearance at h evening' contest. one of the truaeum of the eaat. TBa the Their oqtialB have v tBP aouthweat celebrated the oc- - t.. u vvatto The three band are to be congrat students wim were prMent waea tke bb aw, la AmoHca. and thaylcaalon In fitting atylo. Yeaterday The Cltisea baa received a marked ii bSIrADPS i.irivall rafiw THE 1 t'lated on the splendid allowing, la aaeieaa boaea were unaartaed ar each performaace. morning the Mb partMnated In the ,..i.y of the Chteago American contain-- aad t mhi the Interest they mak- piaaalag it a removal Mr. Fartrldar ll The Oallettl family of trained mon- parade nd Juat at the nnlah a large In eome poiatera about the Med Man have taken la in- - DISPLAY PAKAlIf: cadot jMRawra kavd water-laiun- ing the Brat band held In brought the akull to thla oily. "i key and baboon, tha moat highly pie are waa taken m' the lodge and lodge The marked copy waa tournament ,ou,i naaao the aouth eat wiuoh a big ti wa Inspected with great WMki trained representative from i mplcal building and of eaarae ta out of data. auccea. i iiAna. falk'fMtIng by In utronolaBjaM in luivt. TBdJK rUACB THIS MBHrfllfB AMB tot-- 1 Their mualr waa aoervclated aad one those intereatnd lunglaa. kafoya the nahllc, gave aa In the afternoon they formed However. The Ottlaea takee the n a.K to tamHhetV' piaoao --A . M . . tha the feature of yeaterday afWanon'a subject New Mexican. -i- . .aar wtocb ome aevea hnn-- , Ity NYA AMAMMOTH ttmMH. ' owing extracts: i i" cr maoi of the aadloiMe at the fair mini' n- AamaVaBB aaef BBAshbBBaBBBMAl program at tke fair group hi n- neoamj. it waa Tier W r'TffeWwBrW' aaatanare i iihII which waa open Twaunao. Rrounda, accompanied by tbelr lady WrfJRT in. I; t (From Thuraday' kaB i TRAVf LrWfi MEN PCUIVLE fhat atoajtavolo." (ha loop rider, made clegaatly-atte- d OMlan The growth of tke Improved Urdv r i ' tiin at the beginning friend. The reception hl t room waa kept open With flentry nooy ol MmI Mea a ... tt KI,.B luiary. It haa a ceatrWafnl rkt. laat night aad Brother M aad a frateraal aad social uurcriiirs mn luc UP FROM SOCCRfiO The Qentryi a ahow to-da-y at many were organiiatkia Bt aarprtsiag. In It ;i.. i' i of S00. baaldoa a J! visitor royally entertain how, three bras lBgiliawali thirty U7 I0.S0, be- - - i and tke ajat perforaMtrc ed. had earn- rii. n tiake ahon and attira iloata, the elty roenell anma aonre of 4l aM la laau it Thl odflce la la receipt of the fol- n l Ii'.' i.iiiidlng la of praaaad jp at a fee band ptogram will Aa a fltting celebration in the ve ered fjj3 eaaM the civil war. lowing postal card from M. M. B. W. Halpln. of tke Western given iplendld rayanut. the traaas dlaplay .ii. lag raaepany. Henry Davie, ii n. ti riiiiKbfd, aad praaanta a bewaam 74 aad g swell hall wa atven at their which IntarrufbH lis praaree. Aeter tke elty circulator of The Ottlaea: aad ikeJnf regular amaw m' mrade. wM onanrrai thmaaar i tftlvlt wee tt mmm Hit kv saaeklaa maa. arrived at "i. :iin ..anre. tke jalnt an la Albttgaerqu waa aiiio. ik aeale lekaa Tex.. Oct. n, nft4.4t tore htat Two nerfoi niminji jam aaa) mma- - o'eleek thla nmrnia f4m g eajga IV' aa mViWtf paaMd by Ma wtfa. waa wliamrt donnf tBMaciiaMa, ta ltTO it morrow at ft n m II p. m. , MrMaaaJt frip over Idmvoad mm i - and Door daaik-ter- great eat ii.crablp waa M.T04. I th I. i' ihon- baa only been weetkeart, mother, atater or r nnd ahow of the bind the not tke money, hut fate agalaat ua. one ' sViewrro. They rode tke of alcknca In 'lien hour earlier a the rase may have been. Tke merchant of Albuquerque ever made Cauiii Hrea" of the order then coav It ahould have arrived Friday. Nearly from rnta city Man Aceclo on a ho rngonia decided ball waa perfectly appointed and no effort to produce. For more than an iii )neii to glow all over the United all the crowd went down to the wash- to Baal F a' wMk nip a more elaborate arrangement a could 'tour It wound about the main a out yeaterday morning nnd train, inere a native a hoapltal for the AT COMMHRCML CLUI. wate. aad from that Km oa It must krv aaagg. - brought i have been made for wa, in to aarvlas. to a i n might hanoon to the entertainment of the city aad thousand urowfi waa pheejameaal. crossed, for they did not return. I triad v of Jest shore Im Joys aad from tkaea iin therefore foratak- - the guest. of eager people wltaaaaed It Hy to get away this morning, hut It rained irVom deeadea Ita nanaherehlp oa. rldlag bicycle, wttk "i iiath and lavatorle. rhureday' Unity Cltlaan.l Although 0rand Kialted Ruler Wil- The Rika' lodge, many all day yesterday and alt night, traek of them la from ITJit 4 g inao to loa,iM aad w t . koaao, lAt night the Commercial crab cyjtrten meat Hek Helen, .in houae. Tkla liam J. failed to reaeh tke irofeealonnl resell, mad a vary pre-Mio- in I nag, and then wok a prodtfltou the river waa again peat fording I waa nave tbelr regular monthly nop In the laekment gave t aad from Belea k i. Htidor the. care of city In time to take part In tka dedi- appearance. Beveral head- from that agure never up agalaat nch a ban I prnpnel aparton room of club. hop iap to IM.TtJ la laleta. the tw saeo rode oa oaa waaalt - Known a tha InatMute the The catory raerelaea, It la expected tkat ed of the aatlered tribe. Including a I MX) Hob. They now ny we can't erase be- waa well attendee, but unfortunately taking lure-- about at tka waeei, BM in id in readlnoa for too he and Mr. O'Brien will arrive In the 'urge nuntber of vlaltor. were in line. fore Tuesday. If I was amoe I would ood-boan- d The eettmated meeeberahlp nrea-n- ml. 'In the paMenger woo were rlty toalgat. at t out, nay other riding n th kaadie hara. M The bead dlaoouraed mu-l- e. atari but wtfa eaat wlm kaa enpectod to participate In tka dance martial i SU,avo. with a orobaMHly of leleta Mr Halpia bearded g emfk la tke event of Mr. O'Brien arrivlag eaeh In turn, aa pmnaaaloa tieam nor ataad ta hardship of earn were aont out of town early yeaterday tke raachtag eM.OM before the cwaa of train and ilavl pumped the rant af tonight It Is expected tkat tke dedte-tlo- n proajraaead. a trip. Our tickets oa tke Beata ftW OF morning Had and the street pruaamd '.ie year, aa tke cetahratlon at the F way atone. the nlrcumeUace aot service will he held aaaaay. very expire (Oct. 10) If you the occurred tha animated aeon. vurld'a fate eaeewtle rt mim.. Mr. Halpln ay THE DISPLAYS Attendance would have Howovar.natklng detnlte has yet The Itailaa Regltaeat think we will have any trouble then that about a aoaan been a record ttowever, aad First ,arlty of the order aad vaetly Increased traveling men ag breaki. all bean arm aaad. Plenae aee about having them extend- have been tied Hi who attended enjoyed a picaaaat Bomrro and have very little to The committo of In charge of .rd"u.T.ui i ed Will get there Just a aooo na aaa-Hlbi- M 1 in in m auparlntoadoat of e 0k si: pias z uz.:irtbmr town practically Mrs. D. I The la - ooina, (ha day ara to be com oilmented on iu min toe pmuuwjiOB. sick In bed tavdey. h ilui' eolloeUoa of wjl lNaTJwarw'l rMlawJW grorerte r,ch aa Boar, their aaeeeaa. following PPfpa r.1', h'-- and b.i'ebn In eshint llwyMon. The member The float wore the beat ever aeaa n. &, Thl rapid lacreae la membership Dan Bcrugg. one rice aad cotee. aad taa l inn ,'ctloo la valnad at of I. 0. No 41. pat hi every In Albuquerque. The United State nf the outatde Laat ntgt at the paiwoaage of the within the are subaiatinx on prodacu of tka i effort In making tke work of bis re- ''avalry New laat two deeadea ladleatee repreeentaUvM of tke Mutual i, - i'h' of nutny year Coaayaajatioaal and Mexico uatJaael Ufa ty. which many aknrok lav. W. J. committee--wha- mat it will ha kmg are aot waea r .ti ii. ring ivina. knich ot spective t It wa-a- the guard BMlated greatly In making tke not before the or- laauraaee company, who waa water Mara ohVlntlng. Mr Nobert T. l.AOOjMe couated People from tke laid hi a velvet oBvered graadeat iHoeaa ever aeoomallehed parade a auoocee, aad Cot. der numbers member Aa hound up la the Baa Juan country, Mnaa waa ' Joined m tka bond of mat by In city. It history, haa country ar coating mrough oa ' ii.... i ut out ao aa to Jual the Blka tkla Indiana were an Interesting f. Mure aareetral tha improved returned to the elty. Mr. BnnaM rtmoay with Okarleti . Halley. Both back and Mr. haUpin mwi Mr. Ainu in one end of tha Krrealng receptlou O. N. Marron. order of Red Man lay claim to bein la proving oa of the very beat laeur-aa- o of the eontraetlng part lea are resi- thivia crtNwed the Bio ntsfeo hrtaaV i iu-n- t B. 'b oldeet fraternal orgaaiaatloa bustler oa the road aad oa in rolleetloa of dent of Vagaa. new chairman; No llfeld. B. Baker. of taa Im The oame origin, Hs preeeat trip wrote many above i4 Joy aad it in aade. la a ui.i Hiaintiod envwlogo. Theee aa quite a Iral tlfeld, K. W. D. Bryan, Alfred FLOOD SITUATION merian la preaenl form thousand of aurprlM to tbelr many it in policies number of aharee la rallraetd aaaaj) H ii ii of atampa nod Ornnafeld. Frnak MeKae. Franh came iato Mteteaee in 1M7 from dollar for hla compear He friend In laa Vegaa aad thl city. la waeaed away kamji n ioM rron the time they Btroag, Harry Oeorge braaehas wklek had been in will remain at home for a ehort time aad the ramr Mr Mann waa formerly proertetra Mltekner. W m g (eJnre suspended tke ti i,,ii..,i ii the United ttataa Rtttbha. H. B. mot, of 'XlMtcnce frog a trme ante-datla- the again golan on the mad. aad air. wttk tka rhJ of a drug company In thl city, and and the officer AT SAN MARCIAL daagllng ' ni nn t (ho preeent lime. lodge. revolutionary war. Indeed. It wa of course wtli take la tke fair. beneath. 1 la now proprletrea a the "the the of drug at ore ih ii. . i id, architect, haa a houae ed mea who now) pea 1 In La Vega. Opera aad entertainment the Boston v ii .n i - hall, oonalatlng of committee J. J Bherldan, chairman: ta party" aad waoea member rant The wedding of ttlw Oraee Hougb WJSrfTT Tt BAT i p. on, m id plana of Mveral T. . Hubbell, Oeorge W. Btubbs, D. A. S epeclal to The CiUaea. V into the aea Ml aheata of tea. They of tWa eky. aad Barnard Ounaul. At one stroke of bis pen Abraham ii. hi i. b and aeveral now In Maepheraon, r. A. Hubbell, C. T. My- were known tkaa the Boas Ub-- ttow 0 "aawall. hut formerly of thl Lincoln 1,000.060 S Baa MarclaJ, Oat. II. Tke V M of ' AkWdUIBUI MBfeeMAMTf tatrV i ..iiHt riK'l tun. freed black men. ers. William Molntosh, Briward Oruas V flood sltuatloa oore eoaid not he N "rty. From skat orgaaiMttoa taa Or- - r"Tl nnnounoed to oneur Juat WITH I Wltk on UIB FOTATOfja, rMMIrt( I' rarnard. "The aare stroke of hi pen Roosevelt W H O B. nana a Mr. Ouasul I able to get fald. Oreer. If. Marron. B. meek wore la tka rsaldeaee par- - ler of Red Maa gets tke lest ward of . BIMsAR, CAetetlreB r. r ha a platform baa made It poeelbie to reclaim more nere rrom wen. MsBRf mM erected Baker, T. N. Wllkeraoa, T W. Cook. tkm of tke towa. At Midway N it motto. "Freedom, Frfeadakip gad an bum Hough toa BUTTBR. hall than li,ooo,00" acres of land to ag- ) very i.'.i .r eihlbttloa and . V. Bennett, Harry Weller, FYank K every aoase but two. aad tka N Charity." a popular young mueMaa faawraa riculture, adding mllllona of American of elty Mr. '..mi i'Ihiiok and tha MeKee, 0. A. Mataon, Prank Btroag. V little) Methodist church have S The aacoad word la tha motto, tkla and Ounaul. a brotaer in hi ilttilay farm home with their vast volume of of MayaaH rjomeul Tke famine which tl here. Ivan OrnnafeM. fala lllwld, Alfred S gone oat af existence. In all V "rrieaawalp," ame from the Boa of thl oity, la I of elty thu few daea. wee ll M'.iihii Ii Orocory eoaanaay la agTiraHnral product which will tow Orunafeld. a promtaant young iectiietaa of Roe-wel- It I Mtlntated that between U-- S Batat Tamlaa, a aoclety named alter laeted laat night by III ' i nn it with a bootl. dlaplay from thl rich area of land redeemed Day refraahment f. H. N. M tka timetv committee ty aad seventy dwelling have S a celebrated Indian chief of the Dela-ware- i Murd.Hk A Oo.'a Monarch from the - of a freigkt train from the seat deaer. Orajkam. C. f. Myera, D. A. Maaahar- censed to exist. Tke lodge room whoa narnoaaa were mini'. i Kuod. Thay frateraal. foot bearing train oasaaated af ftsRe-car- s bob, D, Welller. N and the have been When It waa decided J 0. Walker. repreMntlng tke Mow ofTar Monarch brand. all theatre at tha union of aad among tka mmtf, Floor and nroajram committee T, - York Inaaraae ot.maaay, who eataalM oa TUP. AUSTIN SISTERS V thrown open, where the home- N theae societies la IMT Into tke lav life were N. WUkeraoa, Roy McDonald, r H waa dowa oauth oa haetaaaa. aad of potato, hatter. Bout, segar asm i lee ar fed aad lodged. Mud S proved Order Red Men or- "I, ' iHi company have two of tkat tke ma aed anode, tt did aot ELICIT MUCH ADMIRATION Oreer, I.. 0. Bennett, Lena Hertaog, V and water ataad In the way of N gan Isatloa course waa water hound, haa return- arrive la taa ,ii . - of ii i' on dleolay. should also be leeacieJ afternooa a wa Herbert Brooks. V poaeeaaloaa bur- - V ed to th elty. coming la "arouad tke raperted on saiunat i. i, .!,. and Man JNlM aavlag personal nd charitable, the word "charity" wee ti. wwntlaa oua-tr- y of aa HB aaing dead OerrUeaa. One of the notable feature of the Daaoratlon aommMtae John H. V led beneath adobe well. The added to the motto, Arlaona bora." He report bha at i. ii. v 'ii rcprcacnted la tba fruit aad toe trinity of An eagiae wa aeat to territorial I Btlagle. Will B. Moora. J. W. Preatel. lose must be S tooth of Baa Mareial la aa awful tke reaaeja ll u fair tha Auatln slaters atnaethiaii like emblematic word pertaining to the Bvealng reosptiea 4ler-ma- a water-aoake-d coadltioa. from here aad earl thai anre- -e a la their trnpane sets at tke stadium. oommlUee S M.M0. figuring eask home 100. purposes of tha was w. B. order complete. returaeo with taa load. Tkaee young ladles are without a Bwitser, Moore, Harry V Something should be done by N Cfcl. Tkla VERV BEST OF ITS KIND. AJhrtewt m the pacH. befor people were mmm doubt the greatest aerial performers Welller S the town I New Mexico that YELLOWSTONE STAKE RACE. On of tka organ iaere of tke ardor la for ooaapaniM that have ever oome to Albaqaerqae. Invitation committee,--A. B. MeOei N sight I oaa aever to be for-- J were packlag 0 Albright, of Bait Lake City. He potato la One of them has become famoo fey, May eard Ouaaal, Darky A. Day, S people here. Your oorreapoad- - front of every MEAT GENTRY HO,' PONY AND aien bold tke pawHJoa of deputy great BIB lijm KA01 WH.U M tkroughout the oauatry aa aamen B. U Madler. J. H. OTlielly, Hon II S eat J net from a V r9V tor la the city. Ti SHOW RKADY FOU lUM the baa returned iBookonee for Utah aad Wyomiag. The eiTIMdj FtATOBB TfiwiOletfvV IOOC. y, aa an aot which Is ky fald, W. B. Btrlckled V to V ear on tue traia aad kaowa thai visit th district that have emxeawMi Increase la the memberehlp ArTBHMOOM. Oaaamlttee on masio B U Waab V bee the greatest given from Oftaea to tweaty ufferer Th a rae order during the laat tea year oeorge r. F. W. I fee- - ' Tbla la oalr oaa of a larae aaaakar MM. Learaftrd. N sight oa never to he X l V - i mi. i i.'iit r Brother over two due to blr extraordinary exertion Tomorrow (Baturday) after- V of very command bte famurea of tha gotten. Tke aeoete who have V - i cold doilare to roach and general executive ability. aoon the great !,gM Tel- V elks Mtmmm. "um tadlum V mean pre coming to the rescue M well i I., ' 1. ., i ten at tha belated hour Bajhjeaaer Loot at nee. to hi faculty for making frtead. lowatoae atake karaaas rae will V S aad none of the sufferers are V pteee I. V.'.lnaday Bight Tka take at tke fair S The elegant recenttoe rote of haw Among tka vlaltara to tke fair are Chatham, Mae.. Oct. I4.0rtvea V hungry, kut there must be a Urn-- N S aad aame k - iti'i ioiiIih hail lieea eagaged by of tke bet la S lb' ode were tkfwwa aame h W. K. Morrow father, L-- B. down tke coast ky a northwest atoa N U to i hie swaemeity. aad tt V um comm. V swgakwist Km iikk h tatlon to opao here aad tka will eoateet V night to tha vtaltlng Rlhs aajd thuja row, of Oreeaoaatle. lad. Mr. th Nova Beatlna aeaooaer Wentarerth N may he UMHBtbe before the nead The for teusugvuw la V .ii.iii' -f imi thu main obataow ladlo. The jrnenglna eommlllaa af row, Jr.. waa kaowa In newspaper elr-cl-e waa throwa epos Okntkam bar last V of immediate hehy can b dm N THB kWBVkT MIsJImmi 5C i i canyon, hand- - OdMfTItT A4 the Blki have doae fine work si..t luak. and tha to-da-y N" la sav here lea years ago. having dace algbt. aad waa inmiiknl to penned wHh. II m-- . parade af ii i urn of twelve car waa FIOJVrtM BvT Br Tklt JUfHMUL a S oratiag aad reralafclag the reportorial work on local paper Tka piece by the urf. It In believed that V Bunt hwNaily reached here V 1:M p. m.. Meyal room . i . n"--i bu. k only la th bast of style. A northward aad I night from gentlemen had coma around by aot a sou on hoard earvlved. The laat the aouth. There S raeea. $ been nut mm i .i haa Into the roes, in iiiu city a moot etreau s big trrem Frnaara Datty cttiaea.) Ar Paeo and Phoenix In order to get here, bodies f a maa aad woman were re- S a washout enuth of the V I n. m.. bammall. JC floor with Mavalo , wmj The bead m, rovred II....U.V w, pror-- d I S Nan Marclal twldgn and aaataat the fair la a to Socorro. Inteadlag covered It believed tkat tke arhoon-- r the t:tw p. m. kawaa raae laeledlng the walls wttk mm Hill. ,. Mania Fe a. 4 the narrow L , lowling auccess, aa Is deeoretad ulat Anf hu,ncM aleo carried down a cr.w of at N point of the meea Here McNal evidenced by Trtliieteg gaake N fuiiH-ii- laat tka rae for several new Idaaa la e!eetag Mgln I at.'. ' When thu family lB ,.,,lv -- ,,, Iv'k engine blao a V 'he xrwai Interest mantfMted be the im,iu h.M eight ni ti l.caldee the iklpper. na tied up' have beee laetalled In wag f.. if did arrive they i.h si ple maey lac the at adore Mr Morrow cnllatcd for aervlec In the penr train that left Kl Paso sad the via Horn aham battle and res V colored lampa. - a Oa room beeu ..t the etMlon by three Th- official drilling end Hip ha '.i Bean tab American war au.i Imu 4e Hew a King Oaeed Dyeaesei. thl moral! Toaaorrow aome marokiag cue of stage eoaek from Navajo N eepeetally fitted up to. the ladtea, ' ii. i yelling throat Ave year In hoapltal at Waahlng Henry the VII could git our mod- kind of train ervlee may be In- - took plate yeaterday afternoon oa hi, the Indlaa. aad the commHtee la on head to vei-com-e i yeaterday It .i.. i' trade ton an a rcault of wounda ern liewfatcali eat. ra card, apad.-- and S augiiratnd hut will be nee ltllr.l avenue between nWoud and V I p. m lt.'llan foot and bone V the Blka aad their ladle tad n 1 tt I rarie dl It. arlly mea r day the an .I' Hm limit not for aome Third ireta, while th ' ovrturea and rHce help to make them feel perfectly at . i .i'l half link' of dofi it. il 'Ii.' lm- in in Tin Cuiiku and. r m ut u i.ouuda a a nitilng. '! tliana were rendered l.efore a home con-satl- o the city sod of tba whols tarrttory aas proven acted dishonorably ta and Military sanitarium nt Fort Bayard, iu saiiles rainfall 4 4 4' a-- 4 4 "if that tho mnn ho tarsty aMsndad .4.a44 with tho RbshvsH proates aad hot has bees dtoahargwd from that in- I,) represeatatlve dim. Lm Vsapta, BBfTORIAl. MOTsm. N to aaamod that ha aold tho two stitution, arrived la Silver CMy Vat-srde- y IMPLUUm OF OAMHONAOIrM Off 7 with hr groat Irrigation possibilities avealng from Cmtrat, aad -- RAIWAUL IN OR BAT ftATTLM. BmOsOrvBSpBC Rosso t.ould no wall rprsssotd at Um Tba New Mailcaa aaowa Ita patty shortly altar his arrival, dtod, Ho f THE HOME OeSBl -, f JfMt rltortal aoasrlM. Thla atty, atsc aaan by Mbliahlni a Hat of on was ta th last stags of consump-tto- u, T ItHam m mwmmW Bah ,. i.mI n per hould ssad a hit crowd to too Alb ll Ever siace hostllMioa In the far east but apparsatly had no Ids, of t a. a. a. aa itr. . is.PO All for SlSHlaSi t tutrqu fair. H win. of ooure, aot are oowiU'ta dar)M taa bav reached the stage where groat his true condition. Dr. Waotlaho at- .aB T tao twewtj fwatth MP() 9Umn TTTf 1 CAM Nt VffiT"" t forgottea that the Duke city Beat two yaar which amount od to bond-raa- a suae aad heavy ordnaari play a lead- tended the man upon his arrival her f TTttf Oil. Aadraws hag 0sifarhrl that huadrwds of atopic her to wltas au of tbouaaada of aah aad apawn ing part of th game, th laformathm aad did what he could to alleviate Tba palltlml altoaxtaa la thla i MS mt.ui.a in preclBst at, city, mdrffsrent eatertalnmeiit la Aacast. aad areditu It to tha good work of that the operations of th Rsoslsn aad bla suffering. Deceased was about Peaoh ahortaake in mn i. u thu ty la emlaaatly to ra rssjhPMsW. H A baas ball team, a firemen's team tallaawaliiri tha Otero, game and Hah wafvoa. It Japanaoe armies bav pract really coca If years of age. aad had ao relative enpfula of flour, thr,. Mil bt thr. Bahltoaaa. aba TrrtAt la fjsfg frtn ' m hit aad many supporter were coming be credltad to Delegate RoaVy. to a staadstllt owin 'a the "heavy ao far aa hnowa. Interment was of baking powder, tin l- Tba mob from flooaa la tbla terri- aSBBSVBtl that b tat-m- ' reald thla Law Vogaa' baud aad La He faranhfd Mr Otero with tao Hat rainfalls" and tl imost imaaaaaltt mad by th couty Stiver city la- - spoonfuls of butt r, h in ,t Bill-Ito- a to ' . ft Voter'' Mia PAIR WILL BROIM TOMORROW. tory thta atoatk at laaM oaa for taa latter' informal Ion rowdltloa tr mada in coaaequear of salt: add etmuifi : VMtl ki- -i dolter arm Oeaaaa la it thereof r a soft dough, tn i probably bo JaWicn u Tho Parr aaaovlattoa aoclaad that It Itaia II hat aaarrti e .ularly maklag Ita oil . ay . iBIiriSllBK tl..n "III be test-J- waa n la impaBnma n aa pomica. t of Vaaaar, which may at n the dally paper at short A yowag man Ilk to have a girl ter betwees the tw lSi boat aot to oaaa tho Tamtorlal excl'euteet dartag a mlay period 'n m, Col. Aa hs resided toll thla awralBg. aunt tar the fact that h appeera to iatervais aft ao with him till midnight daring thoy oaa ho awparn'i.i hs- - - oppcd fow New Mailm. twa. AJmos- - ev ry dispatch from gulek li thla elly. lm Tba Ma aablbltlon will hoartn toaaor know a thing or the soot onoitohlp. hot after marriage ho la a oven ami inn. m latanajb at m Vlvatado ho-M- l. All 'he pollttctaae of the ten Itory howl c ampaign la gotag oa of war t earing newa of this character up for paaebee, o Oat row atomlas proaiatljr at 10 oolooh. a stati ta doesn't want her to sit him awaatsned wake him a rsol-do- will be here neat weak baildtat their la In Mew aperlhra this "heavy rainponr" dm tata.--Chtca- go ready, servo This VMM ni Taa w other la now claar an ' tho Artaasa The leeae dead to Newa with a pit. sasjgsty potttleal feaees. MeahM, prvvB't rsiay season, predicts 1 arnaada will bo in asaolloat ooodltloa and au one really aaaaata nt aad The Mg carnlvBl company will reach that at :t close campaign MfBT, rwtMMV mf Mj latlM at tho oaoalag. 'tatahariil for the terrttortofl tor maay the will be flilFlws hare on Moaday and will atart the fan come. continued with renewed vigor. Mrs. Pllmer, of Cordova, lows, Picking tomauiws u WWsjs VOTI FOR WORK. Tao aaaroeedoalod floooa roars to dartaa Moaday eu-rtrt- r aoys: I.. . ' Hon which o making on evealag. Tha light oompaay will do Off'cial record ehow almoot "One of my children waa sub- able work. Oaa ms rg ijto bar tba paat two wewka baa aartoaaly la - tht r in oregoa. Arkaa-- All the Colorado trotting aad run- tta fail ahare toward auUlag taa fair cv ictiim since gna, reason aad ject ta croup of a sever typa, sad ful, yet tho hnadH an l ' Minn totfarad with tho twaarty foarta Torrl-torta- l mm ning horaaa will be bare la time for montr have become factors in war- th giving of Ctwmbsr1ara Oasajh sure to be stain e I n.i'hi,. in mum um fair. Maay of tho b aaamta ThoaaajMia of eleetrtc bjghta aaawmtta m . hi I an iUBUgrs Bad hoi the raeaa neat Moaday aflaraaoa. r bafnx atrwag acroaa prtaclpal fare, so com panted ur followvd hy Rsmaity promptly, always brought ro ao aattofaetsry as the jni bare aot arrlvod oa aoeomt -- tha tmiwiiaiioa. It la vory 1det Into all Urea aomo rata muet fall." atraam taaaoer t rros or heavy ilatwlla: ta. Maay mother la this trsaato to erradlcste th of tba waaaowta oa tha railroad, aad 1 ....iy of the cooa- - However, juat now the people of Mew Hy that, in fait, the ooatlauoos dtonhaiw horhood thlah th asm as do tke handa fMe c.u. . . nt ibs farBasra tha baavy rata oa Saturday maa tha Tim never yet failed whoa It hot th laboring classsi aa wall Metloo are gattlag atora taaa teetr taehJMI an enterprise, and it la da of flrt irm aad heavy nrdnaaee waa ohla remedy aad waat ao other overripe oaes not fit too aoft raeaa today. l'-'- track for or pae-ao- n U,etr T, i going to vol pretty solidly for aaara. taatjari to make the territorial fair the cause this aataral for ehldraa. For sal by all purpose. Wssh tin h i It la axoaetod that itTarythlna will n n seven ana rsroeass. tbob ami The remarkable aad anwaaal weath- hby eticreae. aad that th than or aaasoa thro IIsms with pi. nn be la flrai elaaa ooodltloa toaaorrow . fff considering their bank ecooonts er eondltlona In thla territory jeat Or BpSBfl of th. ar had no. or at least little, Juice, riase well m Oat eer daeervee oraatt - for tho ul fair. Tba horaaa arc arrlv boarin- in matter, sspeti-maa- YOUR NRrOHOOR. - Mil their earn lags, which they prefer hiet now la enough to make a maa for the pxrelleat way he haa tejaam. the slace AK Um aula will ha- n- - vp lac aad a better field of ruealni, trot-tla- a aoelaltot. ar..l obacrvatloas eatahllshed the In ha roatlnued oa tt praaaat become a d BSd ! graadetaad not wet 'he hand in aad pacing race wer never ha autiSed the at ta fact hiavy taut rather than take any chsncos Mo mall has reach d thla elty from fair that bombardment bav Huodraos of Albaasr)a Ottseen washing them with ti. which fore aaaambtad In the territory F or Lata Vegaa right days, frnnda. traaaforti.i t dri aeasons Into verMav 0n It of returning to the conditions Santa for TMi la the year who a maa la rich Tell Y4i Ail About It, a sets ta oolor. prevailed (torn to IW. Tba baa hall field will be la eaoel the loegeet break la mall aarrwe oa hlas seas n rale aad mud. list aad gffo.Broaa or poor aad oppressed, Horn i pohti a-- lent ahape by tooanrt w. There la no road Bin It waa The battle uf Mooaa Vista, Mestcr,. adoramoaB. A delicloua wu the Santa Fa re flret to which campaign speaker prwaaton peed, word aa fall la tha vocabulary cafiin In of Albaorjo i I THR AMKRIOAN ARMY. each built Into the terrhory. aocordlas to record th war de- In thla way Fill a p'i of Albuquerque, a facr he heart part m be evidence beyond dispute tor every It will probably aatonlab maay pao aad aaaeaafal Silver City la getting mueh mora meat, took place February It whole peeled pea In n. wlll bald maay An th. waahoata will he repaired 1M7. Atbnqusrqa roadar. Saroly ths eapa-rlenc- e pn-w- be la aplte of tao dta of loea aad It, Thla waa In the dry them two cup of i fJo to laarn that the army of thanl ti ahare from flooda. v aday wiii. aMtw. - a i .aaa a Stn and the Santa w will ; of friends son nnlgsbors, cheer- a ootirajtlnc clreumataaeaa connected Itaal ia.. tenon In that country there had been i bja) Vtlted State u amaller In pro-Ptto- ly and bake until the " no fully glvra by them, will carry mora d-- with tba opaalaa. every flood In vicinity on i " ' " rain for several mooths before the ' to the national population that account "1 ""'"""" J then drain oir ball taam goaa to j battle, and there was none for sev- weight thaa th utterance of straa I In- - waa the army under Waab. lag-an- Veaaa' Albuauer of Ha location In a gulch ?? peaehe aad let " r I r"P,r'M gers In fa. sway place. Read PI A ilami Jefferaon. atadlaon aad que neat week. Thla elty ahmild ha It might ba wall for tha member """'T'''"Ww eral months after. Three showers, iwsMlas Add to the Inlc ' I AtrltAttAA wmmm Amw i iJ? however, followed flrst day'a th foltowiag : ran. tha interaattag ana " .. - of the Commercial club to hear In th milk, four well ii 'Hi. n 1?" .k. 1ar"iLS C. r 'I two especial- A, Mali, i'-- by nnraaay, taa Mgarat asraraioa taat mhid that tha, are not by the of which were merbiBiat la tho ful of baking pow v 2at. noted Rutherford leeta. I- prftlalug 2".- ly On boas Santa Fa derMa la au Informing article la the eror travalad In New htotleo, ahoatd paople to look after city affair. Tha IIZL remarkable. the ltd, about of th shop, one cup of atlgsr on, rannonad-la- g MM . aawraat Marpar'a Waahly. entitled. go to Albaqvarqve. Tba Optic Bag membera of the oouacll are elected j two hour after the severe sac Atlantic avenae, says: "I rf melted hweter and h M'-i- JgJl g T "STl place on took place bet weea and 10 a. m.. pain "Wbat 1b a Safe aad Rwfflrlrnt Ar treated aoase time ago that It would far that purpose l"1irad have had attasks of Jast a roes well and then pour 't - afternaoB. Mrerythlng will was moat vKlT If the proportion of tha M.oftO he proper that every organisation aad natiewate Rntmi i. in nt . there a violent rainfall for thaa part of my back Immediately the peaches Rak.' tiii rw enm-mllla- e rdvIgggl t iiyv, or Agala. Met-s- d MMRt be taken to tha nation a popula order aaoald appoint a apec'al mr. lest Ion from H A. Taylor, act about taa flfteoa minutes over th kidseys, ioms of which and serve with ercsm tgaa, aa determined by tha cenaua of to work up tha matter. A few ing secretary of the treasury, showing Tha i'ity ahould be baadaomely dec- - In the afternoon, at about th same In- - aa sntiro week. When they oaonr tlnerel eStev eanthaw nmrim lMv taken bat twenty rooatbt later, octet lea bar dona thla Rut tba that the treasury is going to mahe There will be so more rata. if knew red there was no let ap to th aebtag, .lam made fmm diin.,e k will be aaaa. be point out. that Mr. elty haa had maay grave tblajB to HIimIm fn nMkllo KuIUIhm aJ 11. It will ha oaa of taa beat fairs ever another violent shower aad naturally I was oa th outlook for great favorite wlih . m . MBrUaley, at the outbreak M the war think about during tha laat weak aad huqueroue aad Vegaa to submit to j 5 "J ,w,,'w,rt :f rain fll. something to riieck the trouble, If aot the fruit free from ilitt mi laa foot no wHk pata, had tha taalleat regular two ecurekm matter ttaa been allow- the coming short aesaton of congress The relay season la over for tbto Th before stated, that rain radically dispose of R. Tha pvst mdl-cin- e Jar aet Inside a pan of .i' nraay ta proportion to tha population ed to lag. A week from today the Things may be dearer la th In New Motion. had fallen for months before the bat I tried waa Toner tttdaoy Fill When perfeetty pulpv rui Laa Vegaa waa asm plot He, aad that none foil for months af- In tha Watwir of the country, rap. amwralM wilt atart. Taa fare la United than In some other aly cat off procured at th Alrarndw latasaay. eleve to remove tin i sute ter at that ptare, to nooltlv proof, rpjaatlat oaly 1.7 aoldlers for each down bafftw tha loweet former llmlta. sountiies, but there Is one thing to lie for ton days from the World by the To aay that they at worth rscorn to the preaervlng Vetii. pssmnt aot only that ta caawoaadlng emmv--d IMM tawaWtanti Tharaday will he Iab Vega day aad rememlereil In Ibis country the rioods. meadlag feebly esprsasas my aptaioa In proportion of "it. n - a the rain, but that saoaoaadlag will . tba' day. It will ha tha big day of worhlngman aaeceeds In gettlag more Ohrn'- aad forto Rtcaa immigra-tta- of them, and to show In what estima- pound to each pint of ! being rala at a time when the atnwa 1 u . .. 00NVBNTIOM CITY. tba fair.' tad better things thaa the tollers of Im.i Mexico la lacreaatng every tion I hold the remedy let me add I until of thick JelU i "Tha from towaa north phrir eondltlona sre apparently la the stirring almost Independent aays attendance other landa eucooed In getting. keep the pills constantly In the house Ta Silver rity of will ha neeeeeartly limited, Oklahoma baa aa exhibit train of highest degree unfavorable to the will not aeoreh. Pack in be eeaeattally thla There apriara to ha a question of for fear of a recurrence tahiag pme. Uiat AlbuqnerquF will n. ah prod vet Ion of that phenomenon i owing to tha dlffteultlea of tmaepor-tatlo- Mr. anMlucta of that territory at the fully convinced that I can depend up- or tumblers, rover h a aoavent Ion city from the loth to the vcraelly between Acherman, tba World', through the ordinary operations of na- Laa Vegaa eoate In the fair. trass, mi re- snd set In a cool, darN October, week of th Iat prosy holder of Roosevelt county, on the aut to bring speedy IWh of the ture. gage Hi. v I help of her proarrlbalve aoathern and Delegate Rodey. Acksrman da-- Jam la made in twenty-fourt- h annual New Mesleo The battle of Palo Alto. Mesleo, on lief neighbor aad aaad a frteadty aad Per by a Bd though not so rich nx JMr. Flrat come the Mg Irrigation nlea the tnith of the assert ioa made 'THE TRAINS May a, UM, also fought In the dry sol all dealers. Prio crowd to taa fair." oy noaey conu. Footer MIMraru MaSolo. son. It Boaaosos a suiieri r .i I Hoareatlon. which will coavea for mr in nia recent statement eoann. was also followed hy rata. Th Co.. AND THE RAINS N. T., sots agents for Uatted flavor. two days, aad whieh will be addraaa-M- l regarding th causes of his defeat in or alege of Moatorey waa fought th th recent territorial republican httle States. by soma of the leaders In th HwWs TWsT September It to 11. which. Ilhe Few honaaheepera i ti. . It, Remember nam-- - Doan's He-wat- Muuday'a CMIsen. the aad grant national movement for tho 'AV offer On Hundred Dollars d rom Daily he dates before mentioned, waa la tempt to caa sweet com Thla is a when It an as- - i tahe no of arid lands. The Odd any case time takes Thai i louda eleaumi anarav atwtul 10 the dry reason. The morning of th substitute. stnff la plentiful in th. i. fr of Catarrh that tr haekhone to keep a at Iff tut YWIowb, several hundred strong, will cant, t tc by Catarrh upparwctottk j,,luMv nlgllt ln, M. 1st waa bright aad beautiful, bat lowlag method will cured Halt's Hp. - 1 The people of this elty have ar- ,,r i gather here for their annual conven-- pure P J CHMNRY. Toledo. O. Mntim, th.. i.rHt.-i.- r.t, mmmM. "soon after the storming of th two a appeal right. Pluck the h m ranged on of th host ashlhltlo mmm Uoa: the annual meeting of iew w the undersigned, known era rose Sunday broke clear aad ita, Pcdaraclon aad flotado, a vlo-- h harden the least cur fr . have In KOOSEVMJ tn Masons, uaual a ever held the west, aad have spent nt up." n ... Mtioo with the K. J Cheny. for the paat It years and , bright and for two days the glorious storm esme and to Its "u.v m and fill alass cn Bat-mt- thousands of dollars In th prapara-tloaa- I ' of the Mystic Shrtn nn believe him pcreetlr honorable In sun ah me haa flooded th country- - A rokan peKlnga. fteaeral Worth and time, peeking soliitu s aad right oa th v of the ex- Prom Mcmday'a Daily Cttlaea. will be held, and the Knights all hualaeaa traaaaetioaa, aad fiaaa-- c breese assisted taa ana In the drying the Beviond dlvlatoa were espoaed er whittled down to (r hibition flooda and washouts My Newton M. ChatteodM. a Oalambua will bold their flrat tally to carry out aay obliga- Inter proeeaa with Increased etect. throwBhout the alghl. The battle of haady for this pun ) able fere with the welt told plans. convention dnrlng the weak. tions made by him. Another day of such weather aad Confreres was fought oa Aogust 11, th corn la coven a n ' The Hal tana of this city will do A democrat waa preetdeat TSa fair city will be headquarters for K INN AX A MARVIN. the drying Mislaesa, aa far aa thla I St7, at a aaasoa whea rales war put the rubber an l . WALDINa. their fall share la helping to moke th When forty year ago Kww Mesleo Rika during th week. Whohraalk DniggtaU. Toledo, 0 city la concerned, will hove been com- very infrequent "Th Nat tie raged screw down loosrh In " Territorial fair a success. This hand Great civil war our country rest Aside from the attraction of the fair Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken In- pleted However, the flood situation furiously and for more than thro th wash boiler lav nn m II will he on hand early and late, with With years of blood woo. tataae eoaraatlona will man Alba-ti- j ternally, acting directly upon along the river la this Immediate vi- hours the entire force was under a aad hssard with aome hoi"" t..... the muatc. The C Colombo sortety will aa In t creating place to a in blood and mueoua surfaces of th cinity la quite serious At o'clock heavy fire Night at length pat nn est th cons on thi- - riH. i .. he In the big parade m Thursday, t Republicans with Lincoln came taw asBead work of October. syatm. Tawtimonlals Ira. Frtae this morals the water waa consider-lil- y end to the conflict, aad a sold rain ths hollor with water toti, r t'l tt and every on of colony Th Union cause to aava, ' Tie par Sold byirtall rtragglsll th Italian higher than a weak ago. At a anon afterward began to fall la top of th can, then u.n f.. ..ur boat. in thla city will aee to it that v lett- When Freedom's son of every aam ILLINOIS A RRPUBLICAN STATR. Take Hall's Family (or point three miles north of the city It The battle of Cherubaaoo waa Remove from ihe fire iirM. nils ing Italian have a good time totr The star aad Strips did wavo. rta foarteea racko last night. fought the nest day. whleb waa bright and th work Is donr Sn. ' 'Ml Mteoto is a reliably repuhlioaa week. At o Corrals the condition la more find clear The day after It raised mueh nicer than cann. . n. it amsta, 1WM. strong-- ( la With fearful struggles waged war aad It ha, la tha 'Iww He Riaaad. The brain one of the moat patient heavily The battle of Molina del Roy. the bought from the grocery poaatble Incentive far going re I aad Industrious organs la the body. 17, 'Till bleediBC country's cans was Seatlmanlal He Ah, wtd askjht The Oarrahw bridge Is submerged fought on September . Ik was also wahllaaa ay a Urge majority. Hooss I It caa he Indnoed. by good treatment, at your aide la this beautiful on Is- followed In the afternoon and evonlag thlag about wimiim I either ld and staads tike aa Triumphantly YH parttenlarly popular In that to perform prodigies of that banner nor t I moonlight forever!" aadaraaoa. land la of by a hard rain, aa was tha battle of whieh com In contact v II the middle tba river. It O'er weej, to aettlag aisM. aft a Is all over the wast MM la sensitive It will not long south and sua. ! II Practical he Wll. you might will awim a horse on either approach nhapullepec, which waa fought oa should ba thoronahly nn ChartoB S. publicsas ... M , la tnen th r marry me. brook abuse. The most essential thlac of the straetara. September IS, 1MT. diah eMb. as found in tin )m governor To victors thoa the ruJe Ood govs . a candidate for who atoatlmeatal He Ye-a- er of for the man who worha bis brain Is ta civil war oeearreaoe of kitehrn, shoal 1 never w The dyke la hoMiag good A soore the the And proaperci well our land; sjaaas np to the beat tradltloaa of the conree; but I'm afraid th moonlight plenty of aleep. Only In sleep does phenomenon was dairy utensils It i th . i'IO of workmen under City Bog! near Roea the under dtaensaioa nop hi!en n the oqatry gave. party la that state. The resolutions the brain find the reel end refresh- be i t i -- me won't laat. are patrolHag the dyke, seeing all frequent. The battle of Big Bethel whore one will foun Baaaad by the Illlaoia republtoaa ment that are nrceaaary to maintain that From trcsaoa's Mighttng hand. it turn .. .e break are promptly repaired. Down may be mentioned aa an early sweet an hoar nfter RBMPJB raefte that la Dr. Dinem "we aavs Tv Prm OswtH. Its vigor and Integrity. fought In aad yet milk - m. on the river the water ia reported fall-In- , This battle, eastern money a oaadldata who will make good "Our little daogater had ao slmoot The Journal makes the false Inti- Sound made aad It wiped aaa alihoagh ft Is re- Virginia m June 10. 1M1. waa soon sd with and uiu i of a clean, fatal attack of whooping ooagh republicans of hotivd that this Wftb equal rlajhto for all, li. th fredlctlon able and aad mation that the this port was follow d by a copious rain. Inose-aan- t that hss done duty on till hill Hl-land- , circulated before th high Protection for home Industry. ' aanaiructlva admlnlatratloo of state braaehltla." write Mrs. W. K. oounty have formed combination Model-lan'- a aed gtasawara of the h i. nn water from the reeeat mine reached rains attended General The same great small? iABlrfl." haa en of whoa with Why for and h . a ti The oaadidate the Armoak. NY. "but all the democrats should the there. campaign In Western Virginia In sosslbly on th pots nnd MwwtoaHe aapport of the republloana other remedlaa failed, we saved republloana do anything like this? I sep- for th I In ware of tin. -- hr At Joya, July. Ml His troop "had four With mighty Btrtdos Bating rose, i.t af the stale, aad, aa a reformer, wilt life with Dr King's Now Wscovary They have 1,800 majority, aad do not Ia where th water was ths touched. Dtaeard the di K . arate engagements on four days, aad Republicans in power. tlon-Oo-o ruanlng over the . i I poll tbouaaada of votes of liamoerata , Our niece who had conaumptlon In need any combinations. It la the railroad tracks on ths dlah towel while tin tin Sunday before the close of each violent rains When stage, tba river haa democrats their Cleveland i SBd Independents. aa advanced alao uaed thla crowd, headed by the Journal, moralat fallea fell " The battle of Rleh Mountain, are being washed w.ii afoKlBley carried Illinois by 1 11,000 wonderful medicine aad today aha is who would Ilk to form a oombtaatlon axtenalvoty. warm water flrat, wiih pi. nt .illl fought on July 10, was one of Utoae, The money kings to dower. IB IhN). perfectly wall." Oesparat ! u- . UN, aad by M.000 ta Oa throat aad with the democrats, but the latter, It night A. Kempontch, of Peral and waa followed by one or two rainy washing onmpound, ami - it of loaal Issues, pthrall- - lung dlaaaaaa yield to Dr. Kiag's Mow Is understood, to go Is. a pohri twenty work, f iooonat Tata' refuse Into the nHs soatfa of her, daya. The following ngmnjts. program graaa do the hut never h It.'i governor In taoo was Dtoeovory aa to no other medicine deal. telephoned The wheels of aad tor mor that the water bad reach- which took plao In that part of th stop, with clean, warm un er im earth, m Ifcftf laea than McKlaley's. bat mtallible for OOswha aad The Mutual Protection eoolety of ed a there high- either put In ' t Mat svenl laches country later In the earn year, wars Whit party greod divktos apoil. them tunHim to nothing In night this year Ooido. bob and M M bottles gaarna-toa- d Old Alliuuqerque will do mora than er than the previous record of maay ths pour boiling water over th. n each qtiulrkly followed by rain: Mo- Aad hungry oitso taakors aMO, tha load fur governor below by all dntSBtoU- - Trial h auto their ahare neat week to help the Ter- years The very the parts up so inhabitants were much ttle of Csrnlfsi Perry, August 10, lisl; With wtokod bribes their knass to that tiny tor preetdeat. ritorial fair. wo-hfe- a ih. n The First ftjafewt esclted ovr the situation and battle of ( Mountain, aoptasabor SOU. and as ao cloth to v,ip.i bead la a part of thla esoeHoat or- and men were at work with Rwlittoal Faot. II and II. 1MI. battle of Oreea Briar, RARTY MTTBRNRSo. ganisation, aad It la oa of th host apadaa and Shovel building dykes In ed by a downpour. Bottf With BarjlU. Is Dtotroaa sod rain o'er th toad, , It aot the rhap who awasaea the Ml Paso, Oct H A r i . , ,., bsmda In the territory. Upon all or aa endeavor to save property. The Summit, December 1161. reHU every free country government dollar woo makes the host aar- - II, Tilt svob democrats thsy prayed, jtnosi eaatons, day or night, this hand ia at water la rportd lowar there today, groat from Cos Grande. Mi xu.. .m tta powers from the consent of the people. The wolf is quite None of these are classed aa (toad Lord forgive nod stay thy hand, the service of the people The society the river bavtag fallen Ineh- - Of In several hut the firing was apparently Our leader have us all betrayed. to Bteraed. The esprsaaloa of !a suecesarui gatherer of sheep, but which Hon btts. enm a nun . nn of Jesus Romero Is tho sufficient :eng rain. The flrst hot-ti- e rnusni ueanernie m can be evidenced only ot h best poasHd goardlao to Bo a In M worthy president, will le In force In Aa the rsgait of th rain of Saturday of Hull Run was taocht oa Jnlr The great McKlslay, than ha earn, hand of robbers the tilcrrn .r hr ft pat of tba eltlsens. and. as the for the Prescott Courier. wost .,. - the big parade nest Thursday. svealas several hou In smjth-r- n of there, and that ii tin OaOttag of each Individual vote meaas th II, Is!. The day was bright aad My rapubltcaas elected; The superintendent of th commis- portion of the city, Swards were killed Two tin in' t or nay for or platforms Oauas f located saar clear all through, but the nest day His wisdom sash we btsss his name, caadldate Lakkw. sary department la the Ohloago sys- the mouth Ihe arroya coming mid nana were wimnueu mm i'.ii"'ii HBpllea two or mor polii lxickjaw. or tetanus, is by af down was oa of drenching rain. Our greatness he perfected. sals saaaad tem of education dee! ares that divorce from the meaa. were sd. Th guard attempted tn mi. S y badly daauapsd. In every iaaai paWMM a or germ plea-tlfull- short, almost battle of tha bacillus which evlsts Is rosponslbls for most of Houses la bandits, but the latter r. "Uini Jharttos, M ths Juvenile between Broadway and th civil war was followed by rata; or To star! mis heights hs isd us oa thowror. ia th potltlca of la street dirt hi InaoUve 1 fight MllHllI'd tooaaey and crime In thnt city. He Santa Fa tracks a Mock Mall-roa- d a Ira psspls, or 14tIUbm ageaU. so long aa aspoaad to the air, hat sooth of talaly avery great battle was fottow- Uatted land for Cubans fought, has found that there are about 16,000 avnon were also flooded Hy th ed by dowa- - poor. Astd gave at Thoy aaasot ha dlapaaaad with. when eat tad beneath the akla. aa In s thm freedom has Jwa, Hi 3 .i. M., divorced persons In Chloago, and they water, which P. B. Sheridan, of hhta dlftar la their political vlwa, the wounds caused hy v reuaaloa cap came down from the By patriots' blood so nobly soasjat. ta or or by rusty nails, are tba parents of about 40,000 chil- Highlands la sheets. awMen Death. as other matter, because their ind whan the air J. J. Bhertdaa and i kiihi.iih. i - dren. Inquiries show that a majority Prank (iilllgan. who sasa ser- aweop BTtaBiag up, their iradltloa, their la eicluded the ger- reused to ac- He Train Talhf. has Vlctorloua acroaa tho mala. of tha hoya girls to vice g BOBsatlBBi aad their tat rests. Of tivity aad produces he moat virulent aad committed in the Philippines, sad who had Wh Dewey's guns with aoaqaor-la- Washout hareagusred paaasngsrs Keen a anrrestlva Institutions there com a patient at Halted States roar, aoars. th theory la that every oltl-aa- poison known. Th a germs may may have no tear of being In tha li from th rsaka of W.000 chil- left the w MOW abouui weigh and study every dsativyad aad aft du injur of lockjaw those elty tonight hy putting Th Pollippiass wrest from Spain, TO CAIN dren of divorced parents. their trlr Sag ever soar, nrapusltloa on it merits and vot u avotdad by applying OfaamberUla's out unexpectedly. The only to O'er them oar shall The Journal this morning Mild that train Tho IKe of food is the fat flgtfdlag to th dictates of his Pain Raim freely as anon as th In- move In or oai of Albuquerque tonight jury Ackarman. ihe cemen' block man had Ood ruts ths world and wall doth This Is tha theory, and reoalved Pain Ralm Is aa will he a stab train, which left Wins-low- . Within it the more fat the CHI-se- Sour anmbtlaas a goodly pun um age of s aattoeptlo aad causes such .Injuries to a statement regarding what The a chnngs, Arlsoaa. at noon iodav. and will great real got pat with BMSWratloa oao-thlr- d had aald about him. An Inspec- Th Instruments for His eado; more benefit from the oa vhls principle, the heal and la arrive here about o'clock tonight, ST awsn-- d by treat-moa- t tion of I he Journal snows that no With democrat we always loss; alar aomber are aaaf the time the usual StomachNo s, is inr-nsa- food; 7 raaird carrying only local passenger appetite, leas el stranets. repuhlioaa Nto blaaeiag that why livei oanalatlen aad habit. It ta for sal by all druggists statement appeared. Tha CI t; sen has caastipstian. Through (! flood nw cornea from th rth head, had arsMi, ff41 is of fttac, all men cannot ha es- - - o-- sever nal.l an) thins about Ackermnn. Mneral aablllty. rtainfn f send. a powerful builder tha, Th Shoemaker washout will be mend- nuf utd eakrih u aea things in ttiu soma light Wmn and fftlldeon Deswoea, He la the man bntn Delegate Rodey ths lesmach srs all dus to indigwUBB. KmM eMhlK. ed hv Wedavaemr. This nsw Most noble son Freedom's load, In the uuure of tbiags there A repcrt reached rt tha) morn I us eumladlaweiion. dtsoevary rsr of Train will b running between Bsots tha natural juleaa ol loyal right, dIBerent political parti ea, we from Chapertto that the wife and dipstlon ss may Pure, iirav aad to the Scott's ISmulhion of pure Vegaa snd ABmouerqus tomorrow. ss'st la s healthy stomach. oemM 4m svsry I Warn to be tolerant toward three caltdre of Nasui III able work oa aaad, Fraaclacu l.uiero Ar Thuradoy th Bants aspects Ma greatest knawn Ionic snd rsasnsirusSlv cod liver oil solves the Sho or fellow citlBwn who attar were drowaed at their horn during P Will all trus patriots Might. l train running raparttes. Kedol rapspsis Cure ess nst wMl OJh tOhogl their rights alghl flood He waa not bare from east to snly problem of how to take cod th of the at lb r no our IndlMstlan and dyapspsU, bat Ihsi eveu t4tt. west on tho main line with regulari- Ismens rentedy Who dared to face corruption's powsr? alsJat Wtm motives aa a woaM at th time but waa at hts ty outaa all stemaah Itauhhn liver oil. That is one reason aaM tftom sat toward us. whieh la eouie distance from Ely S CriM Bill by hNUHlat. purifying, svrssteglsg sad That eltiss, ststee sod aattoa "'"he Rig anMMde dlvtoMa Is In hod n,MOu "Manbf Who charged Jwaa np to - thoy. AH four of the bodies wer tlirpaiHl In thTLIames? toss hntof ftoa th why doctors have been pre- ii louditon sad serious trouble msv be f found la the boum and It la a tower ay--rt OOMIMO TO THR FAIR. surmised it-- . Mr hi mr I'rriiilviiin fur i iii. I when the flood puss SvJjM Ktar4 W. Vt . m - Rooaevelt. president timllV water oanie m ho qul-k- l it waa It rnr. thst n 'Twa mir huH "' 1,1 Tho Vogas Optic done lm i r reai'hen xonie of Mi. "J N ixugli-- 1 Ias iiiiII'Im fur fo in to ii-ni- Mr ek M NbT 'all wasting dicist, I i -- ii v ' I In promoting rituriui - - m In tin- it, H IM' ll Mi- l- Ii full share ui i ro wax s on,- inn'- n s it II h'I lllllll I - Kodel Digvit tol(K lifdiH num r h,,- - i. H.i in i Ch .i ' a What Yon Eat. v , !. ' .1 and 1iti fif fair and In recent ' ' ill i a i mid i.r ill ell of inniiu .nut a BVciaiJftlr Si ,. I . 2 , feui V r, Ha! I I It.-,- "Tiieaday New In u.t - I . I'Mliiatil- , , . An f. " ,ii. M , t 11 s the Me'i ,i li litlHi- of H iiiihil'i r of rr m. ft. ,i.l. itlimt tint t i f O .( t - - i tlon conwr'-- and the l v i .ii .il i,i y. frtfMLraJ ar t I'.wi IT OO . OHtOAOO .' open at All'iiiu rqiit- It la if iim Um t. .i '. ' mu tv it ii Km ft and W 'l.i i' H i i" s l t.t . H A niportaiii tu tlm future welfar. mi ! rill- '.mi,. to hull li ar.n I - i . . II ti I Jmi fi'i ' Mi. fit.-- ' Mill 'ii mi !'' in il Mi' iiTlr." and I'd. how thi- derOM LETTER LIST n a tt'ir. ktt i I . ' ti M- .11 iil-- I .1 "nly ,. t .'. tin ..I h lit. '.ri'ii Mln '''it can, '.I ri'lien hlnm. ll in Hi. and iin Inr ii nn hm if n r lx monllm an' wliicti ' tit. In lie - had II" II In ! n i" ii i I. .t V II r. 1 THE VETERINARIAN r.i' 'r Htry a' IVm. n railing t aending far t' "r 111" . VI. x . .. r pi'ha - itm of i. in mm; im an I nl-th- Hime a mi'ini.r of ih. c'niiCi. Mm '' III' UlL' ..f thr .hlun Hum' i. plaaai where taey ' - Kliotip, N K Kd. ner .late ' i i ha If !. I d i" ho fm nr few i .ii" tm I'oniirm- feminities Itv mnrrinui' had a fen liushela ira. Joaep.i SIim iif - ! tn- nemainiDe iMiatoNtce at At I . 'llt-v- r - . . of what he thought wan mm and we Jobnaoa. W H l.nmhkln. John Wil- il i t rr i i.i it i Im'iT. hi- vti.ik M 'if ilne haa bei't I. .. M , o. r IHIM pit which ey R. W. Hopklna warn tha nu., waa doing good work. I would reciNn nii n i..4i kl.le dllloeacv. had u of Milve lumber the and a-- aaa oewa raaeiving nwui. mwmmrn , bad Bo wo lurlal took plana la Pair mnA BBJ ,n dleai who waated hut It I aanounead that owhaf M Mta Hetty Talt. A irmtoHM everlonked.. data af ndTcrtlalat. , strwak ap a trade. He waated name view eonwtary under tha direction b,M , turtd blai I woaM rough character of tha casta! ry R fMH niiallv rnbblag Maaaat taa aMai 11) M.iim.iiin, of Oxfordshire, Praa dallvery ef at tea raat- - I thought ew buaheta of tindnrtahara Kdwarda A Jatter m ttkm tKM M Mr f hi nr many mnntha before rail aawMaV An r. n,.r from ttciraa, White ran lumber, nil daaea of may be aaeurad thf might adaraaaaa ,lmp that I would 'phone him tlon between nhtreka aad WWMfl at ac it - .110 from Mra iraaMa aaV 'i n uilv pun of the Imitation in1 to brae whitr cattle arc y aMerviag tha foltowla rule , Ion when waa i up w provided NAP) HOW DEATH. from the mn vent be come a realisation Tha iWMa at cau f coadMbTta ami t )Mfft the only hoc had. the IMArl rMM in of WBloh M9 aa . ftTt wrltar'i atuaa. aM raouaat wanted. Ha rourteoudy agreed ta the toad through the the .i .'umid e tab fa rn war to ba directed uaearalngly. I - I corn, not A waa narrowly ,.,m,. Md thaaked him. told hint Humboldt aad Mearineiao hump- tail wall with urination. wai altar the fatal acrlaat - having aperiritd aa to wwtgal and averted at thf Don Oaa par avenue Direri tettara piaiahj t atreat aunt- that the ptmtm had not arrived yet. will be marked by a tar aai anap. mm mm at ( nf-1- 1 dc (Mix, won had been lr K would bridge evealag when little bar tun they amaM be here In the aeat tunnel of varylag leaatba. tba Iwbi . intineat lata laamt m rvip among meaauraniani Ha eontaadad tne other - int tM nnr Advert taea ntattur la irevtawetg- mill aad that I would leave them ta ha ,. h day aaW tha . not pay to weigh aorn that year,' aa Pauline Klnaell. tha twelvyearokl Tha anw.'tneement of taa ik fan m a profaasloBal MM truly dawt'-ry- . 1 hetd oaa weak awalUag with Harry Owen, the deputy Herk. - I oorn h of Klnaell. waa ear the aanta Pa will not give Mu at orntajeat aaa lllanthroptr way. t- ton the maaeure told daughter Sheriff direct Advertlead aaawar la htM twa of repuMlran tsawtrat eoaamlttee. .1 tu that bog for IA tumm a pound, aad H rled Into the awlrtlng atream by a the thought to the qneat Inn of a oa ran the patkars' strike let-- pouada. I paid W paaaed aeaha hafora It aaa ta the dead for htm. from Wllllta to the bay itf taa Praa i Hiir perinaaily appealed wetghad IIS oanta falling eavbaakment and under rhi' en bridge tar afjc at B. C. The prente came neat nvornlng aad etaeo for the preaeat. Tha i l a pound for baaoa. mn not n ear one of the (tone a of the ' la .ti.eli okiIcr Armour aad Arthur 0. it I gave Harry Owen. My ran lota, nouraa. - In a Ortllo lira FUtahv an them to will devote all Ita eaaraiea for Of afaaawm eonard and was able to BO MMNt of It must ba raaumbar- before belag anally reamed ti" t'ter rall-road- C Mr oltectWm la they ware made oat tnnae daya wa had no condition by aa lewywr P 0 that Hum to come to the buildlag of tha a) war a fatal. Tn- - era twa alamaa an.?- - i thi-- aa well aa to tfca hv ad that la nearly uaraaacloua ' I Carlton Mlaa Irani tbafflaM Mr Wn dlraetly tn ba votea for ma. hat Una between WlllMa Bwreka. I aft- . r l no alfalfa, no vrlat atllla, or Pilaris Cloaaon and of the malady tn .ita ir ndr that the Struggle tH; Xkaaajaadova by me know TTi i Oawaoa Mlaa A haven't them to that fact. er. abouM It ba unnbte to effecd any till-I- any of the otbar luiuiiea of aiodara itttte atri waa ataadtan ahnv degenrratlaa. The " la in a close I However, dnea not maaw aay alvllltatloN aad in moat laatuntua It the bridge with aoaia playniatea I that arrangement with the raJllarnm to be iadlawagthM or i' Mag too pva-r- a mwm o Dalan dlffereae ; they war Intended for for uae Til.' f'hlni'St' queen of Arlsonu waa a oaaa of root hog or dta. with an when the baak auddenly gave tforthweatern the of tha lat fattv moti. mra a i'i lowful af rattle Mlaa Maria of It Ii coroner to alt on tha riaialaa." ' nrerlpltatad her Into the Oarei. laa ter' tracha thl aide Wllllta, mamaaia. illamaiai hi it aaffci, and 'in thin hove to be endured and I etamMag Hotlbsgwortb MraMtanton Mm J B On Monday amwrag waa will parallel tba road of tba latter ' , ih. .iio journal, at leant--l- a a The current Miatchud her up and car- M, in taa naajraeag fail' h aaav Kailla tfajidovai Renaro , In the lohUy of the Alvarado botat, compaay In Pull-- 1 . vi .id Kua. (Noti ilnee tboaa ried her rapidly toward the bridge the meaatlme tba tHmnful of cantor oil. MaaMM tin win named - I Me-Rd- a - KaMp Oar- Joaaphlaa , to my eurprtae aw n. A. I oae-fwnr- ti r -- daya. wbleh not only areralled In Kan- Doaa aad fornla Northweetern perfecting itn vomica, a ta nr In' ha IUM1 mil nuw Of 100 yard away. The etiea of tboaa of nui IPaaraotri of thai county take Mr. turvey for nn of Haa i ranch, which bring an i. In ratarado. but alao throng tioat nnar whan- - the accident occurred eitenaton lu ta a quart of " ham it fn'i.T 1 op- - , tnfnl person-- all aaatloiia of Naw ataalro, Oat. Dteb con- KlBtfta Julia tltraat Mr J Ackerman uantalra to the northward from WIIHta toward hrre-- coaataatly tierore taaaa. Pct.i ..aiaV nmi'i ihoiih or lin.MW. She called attention to tha prerarloua I rata-- ttapaaW Mlaa Haa-atan- Mr poaltlon headquaHara I Mhtwad ka. aad aernrdtng to preaeat Indica Mi rintcndK thf branding anil the Hndaon baa eagagad la tha oattla dition of the aaaall victim to tboaa luia on braa maahee. amllaal - la oaa aa Torraa Mr (Tandot- - j tneea npntdlra aad watched tion, It la bant on having a line of Ita food mil n k it he rawtto. noes tne ir- lag bualnaaa. aad onaaldarad furtht r down the river. ettaer aa or I Aek-rmn- I of aoath-er- n Kehjoa Mra rata until aaw him go down own to taa Humboldt county tallnv I ho vegetables and nf the autanantlal atottkmna Maay daahed lata the it ream a'tove rnlr Mart hallway aad Into tha room In Ha. rt Mi. 'in off io market, ho la Just Naw Meleo Tha fatnoua Hwanaa rno brldga but ware uaalda to reach Uat. the of tn . maay Allen Mr A Maroalaaa ten nr fifteen mlautea ha name bach n i ii niti i China with to aahe hot aprlaga, whera he realdad the float lag girl bettor aha whirled I Oal attlna rnllaea often w Mr Qaarlai aaam aad I mat him oa tha aama-- . r i i r vaara. waa a few yaara ago aoM to : , Analio- downauira. poet meater at (tu. a in' iu who died recently. past, none o tow wr I km kMlam a ayndloata napltallaia tha ere " . .. u...u, . n t tn. lnv.. .n.e. I wwa la la city, . of aad -- taa arnnmaantod ,w. mam. rifled w w m a w I aaM hjter-lnda-v i am changed Hadaoa tn new watching for htm. and to him: his wife Mlaa Ida I Mr r, of Wright county. rron Py. the arohea and all believed that the Z'-.- tad L.Ki.trfn a Col. T. C. Zl ' 1, "I are you warn np at the quarters Dow Mrs. will I IIiiimi i m fruit buyer vrho haa wood bat aprlaga. and IMtle girl would never be recovered bar Laad Rata aad her aletor ,iH lwo ounce. Mix t.aad rub of th.' oapnaKloa. I hope yon are in.' .u at the bnalnees. after la now oaa of tha owaara aad alive. Jaaa bar 0a remain in ine city ana taac ia ine,r tn!, wn , wlth tlw v maaaga Mr W not going to do earthing except oaat re- - ii .'iii year In oBlee tha ruldaat t.) Thirty feet below th bridge Char-le- Buaaa I Oftaga Cecelia rnir. wniie root master aniaa will iwcolM i,. H ,hsy m a Mr proalaa for ma. You have ao urk i iito work require a good deal Clark Wat. JaaOaha Oaa W those inrn to intiin tonigni lhfl a An opening ta Roe Ooaaon jumped Into the atream an- or-a- Cullar aerwedon Payna L. dtacrethm about ii at all." Ha f i'. inn much driving from OPPKMAl. INVITATION aad managed to graap the clothe of Walter of the lump aad when It Mope hlsaallit i . swered that ha waa eoualdertng the .t r ii.inl. walking through TO pajIMOBNT DIAZ. roe child aa aha paaaed aad roleed her Availaa Qulntarrialla APPOINTMENTS 8Y BISHOI VflLSOJi roll bichloride of mercury two buy-i- f - matter, aad I aaM: "You have noth- tt-- - nnaiiim rropa. Judging In Cbavaa Ir Predtc- via a assail piece of t laaae papar BMd from the water. Aa examination wore to 'in :iu :i.tix rtiTu and packers aad ando Hollo Albtao ing tn cmtalder. Tboaa sent aavrt by ahowed that although badly brained U yon FOR THR NRW RPANiOH ii- peelel Maaaawtar the Oolltatar Mr I me and have promlaed tn eaet MRX.00 j'thiB U."ivery nix i tiiac iMTnonaiiy every at aii Romero Joa Maria klad Ird if. a! ut tha lower limb that otherwtee I for me You mere ma-- j f it,, .i .rii it Ik within reach of Matwl IrelpaUee AaMeletien ta rrampton Ftaakiia Baca y them are a Mtootofta Fon tmr yranr rmja wlll oaase ,h center to ataaBjb i.i he had (uffnred ao material Injury It n u. w 4 ..ii. Mm woman aad la prof' MuMtaa, chine and have no discretion about ANO Oawvey Dwaatwnt ta Throughout the entire enurae of her! . ."T" II out aa wait as absorption of Ita . i Meear Mndeey ai l. i :. fall aha packed teach aad Intend that will i naaaage aad the laaap dlaappsar HI Oct --A rapid down the atream the i I':, of !.' Paao. Tea, 1 vmt shall can them for me aad thay 's apple. , Thomas tlarwond, uperlfltendent. haa been appointed by the tittle girl never cried out or protented " UJri..a, I J wired ma. aad will revoke thorn MtHt-Ol- ve twice i m - Albuquerque. N. M. a i city nuinoniien ana ine Bnuinwaaiern ar " hm if you going to play or aad Tii in no. 1. 1) bell la applied to . .w aenorBecurlty Oompaay are trait maah a taaaponaful of catctum .... y rtmm - k. nMM.i urimu te.i " Hi .r woil formad laaap of irripviitfn otiubihiiuii vw ',' ' Don Pablo laaae do auch n daatardly trick Ida. Rub the Inflamed quarter twtaa i.'i of Mexico, official la-- Jury canned by contact with atone OLA T. M. Norwood, h hollow hoatl. a dtatort Idaat IXaa. the rjooaia Mr Marry Rperlnafll Pellx Prom hla manner I aaw right away day with the foilowlag PwM .' eon-are- while of current Albuquerque- - M. siwt - of tan National Irrigatloa the awlrtaeee thr T. rar-pe-at i n .tn. i it xlioa iioraa for a droaa- viuttam Haatar Mra C Kabedroa Perdono that he had been "Induced" upetalru belladoann one ounce, aatrtta of to the twelfth aaattal kept her head above water ar t pre 1 0. nak' i S'ii. Kilo lutjvltaiila product of attend Hampton Mr W I.Rannhe Antonio to vote them againat me. ao went Albuaueraua 0HwattA. Ine three onncae nad olive oH aeaaion vented etraagalatlaa. Naw Mexican. m. mi 1.1 .th.ri' mn are wwak hero November II. JOhna teott flarallkt y out nnd sent the following telegram: oaongh to make on pint. Infect bM - la by ' Valea aad Laa l.uaas B. B. II .. inlniu.' dvroratlrti bllloaa- The Inrltatioa alaaad Lyon Nov W N (I) flelva liBWrenaa Albuquerque. N. M.. Rent. 11 tM. the teat with a email aytinge thenaaa Clark, of NIW MIX MM) OAMK LAW. Baraalltw aad OarrUlaa i. P. ami- - I. h I !l M iy girl netrvr iraoira of Montana. prealdat Laeng Maraarlto Reaa Doa Pedro "C. 0 iMak or W. B Mndeey, Por 'a milk tab if aeeaaaary a 'ahleapeou iiu Ml ii. If Hhf lid aha would not Uueora aoeor Don Rklnner W W tnlae, N. M. ful of one third peroxide of 'ayaroaau Por the galdaac of local apart- - Obllili, ' II It'll . im She la raat a languid Perfectn Taylor W M Arhermaa la trying to aide againat i aad two-thir-d of water, morning aad ALaHJOUIMUg KUKS. Now Mexico game lawa are Ill III II... Hindi can laugh, bun aad Lawla Hoary (I) Wit aay Jaaaph be have not delivered proxlea. Bo 'algat Thia abould tm worked up h pubHahed: i W Oartaaaa aad Baa Padre Buppltad. Mllll HI aIiiik Mhe ta being lied up. I4M Joaeph Moody U P you kaow aay other rUwaevelt oaaaty j to the aland by nloolag the end of the . - ayaopal of game and flab lawa of Mstaacla, Moriarty aad Toiiaaua h'llCII .Ii-- they bury her aa (bey Atbwauarque MHra in goodly nuas- Laoaro Oaa D W man here? If not wire me revoking teat and upward. . Territory of New Mexico, rtoneeu RupplbMl. toil' : t kitu-n- aomc oaa la puah-- cfiograajnmd la the big lodge taa uat Ackermaa'a aatbortty, or that ba haa Waacara W M. by the legislature on Mar.h IS. IPOS: Joy aad Rahtaal Caitiev--WI,- Id i r p. Kt' and eoelety travel of the Elk' opera houae build- Mayhorn R P Wllaon Wwt no right to vote them aave for me for U Conab. Ryaawtary in eu Magdalene and Kelly M Chav- II i ..f,.r.' ing aaturday night, aad there waa Maraa Aatoalo W delegate. a y mpttNoe nre oheerved a pound at gua only Wllliama L es. much "Htg dola'a." Dear with borne with Maroptacki Oria-Watao- n "B. R. ROOMY." urpbate of magnesia abould ba miged Albert R P. Cbavaa, Tin ....nm KirU in tba world are The dedication of the opera houaa, November aad Deeraiber. each year. Whan I aald la that telegram that t IHrralta E with four qunru of tapM water aad Wooda Mr J II an Mardal and Baa Antonio Bap Ill 'Ml . at. taught to work, and whlr'i will occur Thuraday. waa dl- - Umtt. oaa deer. had not delivered tha protles, I real- than two dram of aipaarlr acid !'' John W Wltaoa Ua plied. tl.T" Miiii-an- of them. Hch ruaaed at length Ik. antelope aad mountain iheep, ly had not delivered them Into Acher-ma- n' abould be gradually added to thto tata-- Maaaa Tip Weill Mr Roy Bacoadtda-B- . i i WHHng prohibited Socorro aad Ohare. wr. it. ..'ii.-.- them aad they Orand Mialted Ruler fVBrlen will he , aheolutcly Man Mr Pred Weeeal awn hnndo, but had filed them with grouee Valvarda aad l- - Maaa B. Oatler- - , at ...unlit to deaptae habor aad present for the occaaion and It will Wild turkey aad mountain Morton M later Wood Clarence Harry nven, clerk of the committee, m(i at tB(, rleet i ! iii-i- oilier for a living, one moat distinguished with gun only October, November and that Is whera oppnaltloa got dlaoaar tn remove all Irritating ma he of the K. W. HOnCINR the helpler The event la the history of askdom in and Decamtier. Chapter 34, lawa of their information that auch a man aa terial from the bow eta. Taa mlatare fwattiaater Thomas Hanrood. preaMlac eluer. .. -- i i ' wtitnt-- belong to thin N a Mexico, lavltatloa have been intt. Mr. Ackerman had the proxies, ar alao aaa aa aatrtagewt ad sedative -- -- Oaaann (Mea l Ru pelted, i daughter abould learn telegraphed to every Mlk In the ter- Quail with gun only October, No that the prmtlea ware here at all At eftWt on the mucous , surfaeea aad M. Kti Metcalf aad Morenel (Arts) .nrn in r wn living, the rich aa wall ritory. A grand hall will be the rloe-in- a vember, December, January aad Feb ACKERWAN'S TREACHCRV. time too late to be available, thai IO tllftoa. the congest km. The --B potted. Hi. r wheel of fortune ruary year. Chapter 34, law : ma, I abould be aoft aad easy of dlgeatloa. K' The feature of the day each after Ackerman had betrayed - -- - Douglaa (Arts.) Nacoiar- J. R. Mar- i. -- m'i ttr.iunil the rich are like- got a reply from Mr. I my l- together with nutritive drraka "Jame IweOarfieiac la Uway maa of 101. HIR PRRPIOY AT TRRRITOAIAU .each to y ..nn- - piiir and the poor rich. ( every aperlee) kitting last telegram, which itnex. aa Maaeed tea or hay taa. i" taffMHI IS H Saanjaye Pheaaaata COMVRNTIOH PWUI.Y RXPUAIN-R- elated: --Ruppiiad n: to la nu dkMdvaa-i.- i primlMtad. M.. 13, Haahlta aad ladaburr purgative baa acted give the labor m absolutely BY MR. ROORY. "Portalaa, N. Beat. IMi. He bald the lucky number tha g9naman kggbfsufhpnB. nVaaBBaW Naco aad Btshas Baaallad. L'l iich aad la Indlapenaahle faTVwajjWtl B. S. Rodey, Albwqnerqne, N. M, tag powder three a dap la a "rwfl f"T 1W "Hoa. B. tlatta Well-to-d- plana nswle. and on tenderiag It to Rolomoavllt aad amaeaaa Par - 11.. ,Hir atria aaoald Mouataln trout (every apeolealwltb "Mold proxies Authority of quart of Maaeed taa: Powdored lao- the lodge waa voted a life member. To The Dally Cltlsen: Acker re. n.irK rod, hook Uae only May man revoked. Know no olt-- I cacnaaha, m oaace. powdafad pi- - aad is to Mr J. M. Ackerman, the of other R. The Instrument la a Moo electric Tucsoa aad Magdaieaa Piorra. one-hal- October IS. Rice limit not laaa than block man who ten of our county there. urn f ounce lis and d! woman o, aad waa purchased from Oeorge raat the Learh and Ri amtrista da Hi Paao aod eRRMta. II. n tb rickeat la lachea. Weight limit pound Mndeey proxies againat ma "C. O. LMACH " Into twelve powder. poor. P. Uaaraard. Two hundred chance It la the An i. ,t mt. advice to a par day. iat rcpuhllcoa mnvwattaa, noatrary I will venture to aay that Mr. Ack- (oral g per L. -- i . , were sold to member at Peraaadea. preetdtag elder W . mi. urn of Hit- New York alitma (large aaaall pe-- er received a diapatch direct to Paratyet in Wge boar fraquaat chance. Taa luoky naan to draw tha Baas aad mouth io bin Inetructloaa. coaa out in thia him Darning. Dwyer aad OnohD. Ooa- - lCIl. i.. i in. not drink coffae. You elf from Mr. Laanh. revoking au- compbMnia rrom thia trouble, whioh piano waa It to lodge elaa) May II to October la wH rod, mornlng'a Journal aad ladlcataa that hla i not eat caady. I to doaate the ha become quite commoa dating the lo hook and Haa only. Weight limit ta i slander him whim I lattmatt ba thority to eaet the proxies at nil. but C. Obav- - . and In be that Doaa Maallla Valley f. i ,i I waa child. return voted a life aad eight or ten year. Wa kaow of t. iMi'it when a pouada par day van "Induced" to coat them againat whether he did or not. the one to ma i laat i . . -- it i It. Try aoaae oaaea where aimoat taa entire ii. int for Oama or lah killed or caught with ma by the opaoaMioa. waa aufflclent : but he had voted them Thomaa J. Mcfllnn. of dull up, waa Bl Paao aad Towae L. pig crop tost 1 SSBBRB of anr- - fl mn itithoui niiw aad puttlag the I againat ma baaare I had haa been in the Territory of New Mexico, muat Here tha record aa to the matter. received tha Baa Dteo--J. TruMw. Bax-iiiii- Hv- - way in tha Initiated. Hatch aad alysia of the bind quartara. It tuU not ie sold at aay time. aad I will lot tha pontic judge of the diapatch. I have all these telegraaM Aatssas M. RlMnk d.M ii If It la only HHIaboro aad Laa to he a very dtflruH matter to ii not matter Where water la taken by dlttth tmr case by teihng the enact facta ban n my poaaeaelon now, aad .each aad wvek. I had only dfty Puree. nad up to the preaeat Ubm at mw.i niiu a PEARL SKINNER irrigatloa or other purpoaea from below: Mndoey'e letter, nnd will ahow thorn am - La Cruose and Meal no polled. nut .tiK ti t niarteo to aava aaoaey In aevVmrfv ' - - ta voteriaariana have not aaM oat treams wherein are llvlag A ah, aa Meear. C. O. Leech aad W B. I.iod Rltver City aad RiURatHdlad. I pin it n Mn hank, ue careful of your SHOT TOO HIGH a groat deal of hope. The foikialna mentioned la the act, wire ereeaa 'y, oaa a banker and the other a I will anhmlt tha fact to any Jury In aad BaaU rtoaaila Bwp- - 'k'hiiIi Id it llablc--tha- t la the golden nay Juaraa traataxeat Is worth try lag, bowsvor, muat be placed at the Intake of aaab lawyer of Portalc. N. M . are friaads Christendom to whether or not plled. rui- - i itKiiii'MH. flave your pennlea. aad la aoaaa cases it will work euro: '' THK BULLtT DID NOT PIIRCR dltchoa. of mine. Thar were elected delegates Mr. Ackerman waa "Induced" to rota Patomas aad Baa JoaeM. Barom. not li.xt you can apaad tba proxlaa againat ma To eacb ptg three maahhs aM It la unlawful for any railway, a to come here to Albuqurque to help the What did ba B. Candolar- - la .mi how you HIANT AND HK WIUL LIVK. Riacoa aad Oaroeld oae-ha- if ounca hf eaaaor oil nioi.. hat. named, but vomlnatc ma. Thy me an to the room of the opposition for? taaH aad - company or aay of their aaoam wrote several iriMKf nnr- aveep uu la. glycerine once day all a can wwee letter that they were for mo hut that Ha waa a mere machine naked by hla a until taa if you tou earning your par- - or employee to receive nr have la Ua V aa a phyelo, then saatnaMMma .inn Bcoeuae he aould not gat work, aad poeaeaaloa traaaportatloa aay t would coat about 1100 apiece to friend to do a friendly act for me, bun' :ii .iiritiK. (uat aa your arm doe for at Juaa aVMdovai tha cantor oil aad alyoeribe aaM grre ho had been told that hla tha above mentioned game or nak. "ui, and aa there waa ao opaoaitton and ha promised to do R. Ha haoety 1 hen ii not ii. Baraev aad Paaamoate a doae twtaa a day of two aroaa Baal reie could not live to be muck Uao dynamite, to me thay did not khlak they would betrayed me aad hit friends. I hare mmm-- lm- - a our t'U.l l not lame It of drug, aawduat, Btaok Idrina aad 4 i. aalraot of aaa voaniaa. tea droaa of I'aarl A. Ikianer, a printer, atony. ome luite Priday aitfht I had n a number of letter from Meaara. A'latu'i itiKiut your lega. teara to etc., la a f cero. aauHberia aad a aeeirtpooafwl af yaara, attempted waa IJndaey ahowlng V- -d . U auleide thai there going to be taach and all about A. 1 bad Ctaytoa, Potaom aad Mr now od people from - ead liver oil. shortly after I o'oJoek yeatarday af- UNIVRR4ITY NOTRfl. opposition to me, aad out of aa abuad-an- t the trananetlon. There are all aorta a. Uraooa at th bote of hie' Hater, e of cnutlon I wired Mr. Loach aa of rumor bare on tha atreota. aad H LTHK timi TAT uallin-a- awpplled. MaMI 04IT-OPP- R ANO MMJMHM Mra, Harmon M. Wrakoop, of 104 At aaaembly , OaptaJa Chlttaa-de- n tottowa: wa eurroatly reported all over tha B. TRIKO MKN'f aOUUt I a Vegas aad Autoa Ohmo P Mart aveana, by ahooting him oa "Albuquerque. M. M . 10. convention aad around tha hotel on sjsVjwtsjBl Bilver addreaaed the aludeata Raat dllla. alt P Rlplflf p 99 wM io left auhjoet c. o. Portalee, N. M.: tha day of the convention aa to how 11 "Tlo- - "Id Umera will never forget aalf the hreaai. tha of "Arckeology," la whioh Uach. (teste, liucaro aad fJggiilRls J. P waa apent yaara of HM ani- - "Aa urgent peraoual favor to ma I Mr. Aokermaa N "Indaaod" to oaat if t ti- - Kiuiohoppcr auaaog thirty yaara The ball, which from a ha haa work. iater-ea- t. you to noma those proxlea again t ma. ago,'1 Mild a It In Oraade valley old aallbra platol, went too high to nf. leetioa of curiae waa of great reuueat oome or scad Raton Juaa Baadoval. M .P Rtpler president of the Reata - Maay friend with proxlaa your oaaaty. Mr Ackerman can thank hla stare .1 HnuT '!ni morning. feet the heart, aad Shlnne.- will like would have liked to hear from Tipton vtHe aad Watroua B P. Pe ayat em quoted by the New B. Roday." flat there I no law in Naw Mexloo Th. Kutiitncr waa hot aad dry ly recover. him again, I. York Commercial aa aaylaa that the Immediately the ahooting ha at udents are mt lit being enrolled Por reply to that maaaaga taa next which District Attorney Olaaey can Monad A. A. Maaa. bolld i l nny dtwrfe of oompariaon with after Waaoa Raata Pe system would have to boa-- both on Reboot day, oa aaturday. I reelved laa g: find, nor that I caa find, nor that the (auitiu. ut year. Tba little runty waa moved to the at. Joaeph'a tha hill aad at tha aaoi fr WatHaL cut-of- f aad feeder aad what la Iran Hon waa of Mualc. Prof. Kreba roaorta Hatted tatee attorney can find, or ha Balaaar, praaidrag alder. I every i M nK'Hii com we grew tauae daya pltal, aad Dr. called. apt' K c of hie road la alao raw of other that 'Hurt N. M.. Rapt 10. 1W4. would have by ' acre, When aeon by hla brother, Arthur did attendance at both the choral eo ale, bean Indicted the laat western road. To thia the Dearer did not yield a pack to tha aad M A. elety OMf club, A H. Rodey, Albuquerque, N. M.: grand jury for hla act of perfidy. Mooto VleU-wuppl- led. Mi toult twenty four pock to weigh a Rklnner, who work for J, thinner and tha Trohlo Oonljoa and Rsptrtillsaa adda a revival of taa aM "Rant proalaa to you apecial dallvary Wa have no law referring to nominat- Apache--- C. cut-of- tlme-nonora- grocery man, tha wounded print mandolin and guitar club la doing Dulcl and Martin f of n.uhIi.'I wlill.' the d frijolaa the arajaat to build a tha Baato good work Prof, today mail lor J. M. AcfcerHaaa, clU-se- n ing eoaveatloas aa thay have la tha lao-pphe- d. r.- ar amllad aad aald that he had ahot under de Cbandren Paaaaoo aad Pa aystem from noma pant la wt a iicarcc aa ham aandwhsnaa, our county, ArtlRcial u -l. . I tttm ton high. He gave no reason for Prof. Repan oa occupied tha BMaascr state. Rio Yarns. thtllup. New Mental a Ml - uinui'i-ll- j ti.tJiii-;- . owauvaM.u tvic ' HondotClrcuttC aaa to die, hla be- hly period on Priday with aa Rtone Mfg. Co. your city. 0. 0. Mr. Ackerman nays that ha oaat tha Pc and hwiMutoiaM. C. Bal- - B r part of September, whan fod wanting to aad brother Raata Pvowase aad Bae oountlei kt lattt to Oaatalar, Iiaeh." proxies against ma because 1 waa too I n.tarliiK maturity aad noma lieve that hk Inability o aceure qnnt tribute Ikalllo do aad to a connection wMh tha itr n waa eauae. the great Rpanlak orator. Under tba rule nobody but eltlaea close to Hubbell. Ho wanta noma aort Tans and BaaehttoH. Moatoya. want of Howovar, Bs fall win-a- i iad bean aown aad waa work tha Haa Raton. taa Tha Rat rail eoelety held a meeting nf Rooaavelt county, where portalaa of an exeuae to juetlfy hla perfidy. expreas MM nhowltiK nii'idt an en over the field puMlcan dnea not maaa TO Hl AOHae. on Friday to elect officer Wleabath Is, could cast Mta proxlaa bora, aad It waa simply none of bis bualasa oaaaamaaMamj dot I nn on our proapaata one fAC la the Immediate f wit.- Heald waa mada prealdent for Mr. leaoh knew there waa aa etttten how close to or how far away I waa IVULWXl --lW when the beautiful whlte- - taa 17 uch a project afternoon Yesterday afternoon at I o'clock enaulag yaar. f that couaty bare ia Albuquerque from Mr. Hubbell. He waa not veat-a- d wIiiki") 1'Mlo uraithopptr In Inntim tha funeral of Charles Benjamin Haw Tha rub football team la praotlo hut thl n an Aekerroan. with aay discretion about those Work t ralih iiumtiera began to alight- - re-- - lay occurred at tha Ooagregatlaaal lag for a game with tha 'varalty. On that aama day Mr. Prank A. Hua- proalaa at all. Allen a Kennedy, of taa Miambraa inlndlnK one of tba gently falltai miII, ebuaeh on aou.h Broadway, aad waa Tba latter haa triad hard to gat taa chairmaa of tha ropubnaaa aaa B. a RODR7Y River Water com near., sweat several Mtiow whori the flake coma thick and committee, alao received taa fol mrgcly attended Momtiera of the Maallla Parh team up here for a gams ml g i day in our town laat farn When the aun want down not lowing diapatch from Mr. )4 Anrlent Order of United Workmen durtai fair weak, hut have bean un Iaach: WAROR TUMMIt OOfRPUITRO t T after the iniareata or too a p.'tii i d wheat remained, and much "Ho N. M.. Bapt 10. 1MM. and Degree of Honor attended in able to do so. Rut there la atill m rule, is Mr Itenneny inrwasa ae taan hot wwii of tli. fodder and other vegetation Hubbell. Albuauarque, N. M i limly The flornl offering were prospeel a game with tha Meaaul Mia-- Prank k Um .M...I m Ilia Shin tnini arhich ibev are sumstaa with a IimiI .llKAupcared army nf In tilh and tha "Ree Hoday. Proalaa aeat aim for 7? oa- - beautiful Mesxrs Washburn and sion school. The manager of that I work mono TJBA Rtgeh sni K sv. sr. hitnte nower eratae la arortag tailcrF wire at Ihelr post whore they our oounty your city. Yen Pe haa beea at la the j i 1 Nettlcton. Mrs. Washburn and Mlaa haa promised a gam, and Mr. Hoaa- - itisen la HumboMt couaty, IWoljj tireiy iiafactory, aad that there doaa 'd on till Httlo but prairie tains of California jj 48 r main duty sang lieautt-fil- l it can pullet and Rodey arrange to suit 0. O. enough Maud Hummer luvernl ton think he off oa iur nanny bsobmb awn nee nroi Hi (A & f 4 not appear to oe aay iimn to ins hay wan left, but that waa t t" ami appropriate song. Marsh, Friday Ho the 'Vat-al- y will have to Leach." with amount nf water It would aappiy Ho r. n thing In the ntmoa Ir pteted, and It is annouaeed that Th. omi panlnr of the church, conducti'd got down to work. (in receivlag the wire to myeeU aa mg now have moa - the the compiotion soma track lay also tells us that they wiit-rt- that dlapnla dlaoouragement hove recotiectad I uat aow In procreaa tha oompaay win. XL at w.rk breaklBg up taa ground Msd Mid to iluNcrllie the aenantion of tha Mr. Aikermaa about ah re tS , fifty-tw- mii nonmrueting dttahaa ror ine nff.T. r we will repeat the atory which fom while ha waa erecting tha aaw wltbla a few days, have In of Kureka doing extenalva larmlBg tell, I of 'rack operation aouth Ji of roi nick HudMin uaad to fur water works building, which bad )uat la I.too r.H.i next enr. It la evUeat from the hi' wa then a aettler oa the M! robre n shown hv the compaay, aad. The tuaael flaiahod I belag by IMa x I length penetrate a high bluff work that doae ni'ar the praaant town of Dam-lu- nW therefore, I keew who be waa. I la aad river Pepptrwomi, n the i company that their oparatkaas will ha in oounty: 'When tha my bicycle up Recond street , M aad rode l" III most eateaatvu aad taa avoat Ms tioitlilf came we bad nothing. Our and turned la toward the railroad ami silver aaa fjuureaa roaa. uranniK tha n i.i" port an of aay ever atlaaaatid la oar crop waa gone aad wlater wa ap- I iraik. where I heard Mr Ackerman is In progress along considers r way In county aad w saaitdamtty balleve M atretcb of tight of the rontrh wa thought sm wan tag. Well, Juat working Baadoval build proaching m oa the - ms ih- ragad win the tvagiaalag af get even. We borrowed tlw o or behind It. I met him there aad ami atry thia aide of th tuaael nt w'd work la progrsala meat of the alalas carry ita through tba winter, bouahi in- at oae aocoatrd me aad aaM ha aoastraetloa I dMBerlt eaaraoter f li- Ins Into a faiwMsj n mnwlng machine oa time for fltTi. mm mm V'aVeW knew what I waaytad Rvldeatay he rapidly aa taa ftl wtil Oraphta went onto the upland, near the Hud-an- alao had reoaived a wire from Mr. taa work permit. of poRtely of the The work w laag dona ay taa Ran hot spring, aad cut laa acre uild arm wife I RRBatajjW lsaajMK larh. The BUM wB M pat ataek for half. l bad raeatved. mad ho noM Praartass aad Morthweetera Ballroad ! hay, getting la 1 kotd lt aat Patattl 4aaaMil aompaay, aujloh laaiifprirathmj was OlM ftl During the winter 1 dlapoeed of the stiare tlaae from hla work io oaat taa at g Mm par-pos- e n of hay at $15 a ton, tha proceed of proaiua for ma He aood naauradly htoaaTat laao eaietaaoa for of establishing ooa neat ton pictare which iiihiIi' iih Indetiendent and di'in Mnurred a little aUnii waatlag his rail frtrnrrrrviTtrnrnrnrrn nf t'n ' MO.XRZUMA ta-ta- w "f 'i"1 Prophet Mohammed, tb nhnen the lglits by thai enterpnmnr ILL ' Of Mrt of the week, aad the neuven necauee wa whsia solar as yt-a-i U Be, That period was irnHfmwi RAILROAD 'lould people aa KNKIHTS UP C0LUM8l. NOTES am now tcm was not Hi - ' ir'irln fttrown wRk It. fw- lawlessness In the Orl well-baow- tT WILL M GROCOUR AM V Townsend, tbe ommnnce worr oa the eaten xHn. The hapa nothing enn be doa to tut mid ?hr order started tint) nnd M1LO AT THt ALYRA Hf af i..piiir southsraatarn traveler for new acQulsltloa ami the proponed new peculiar form of mental nr CMMITTRgB APPOINTED TO AT nc committee to dlBBSBSg Justice Of Ky MlwMT: Ttlor WltllMM. Ualsvllle. R M. ageat at Ooffs, baa of tha gap In queetlon la aberration, hut oa should osrtaHtly TtU PftfMY smi Himit apaa tboee 1.1 - Ham, rmlshment here today-- Ma arm sells the fa a rati-oa- been temi-niwii- matter of great moment la the take cam lo avoid who eecaped their Just BssRwrts hy appointed agaat at 'he ooLtaffkm of SUMRAY. OtSTOBBR 1 moiix Yeltosroasaa" whiskies sad the world. Taa Ooatda own so f. al a of ' th ittssaas. (Prom Wwdaemtay'a Dally ONtawn-- i rcflunn the tsrdlaoss of the Marti. Yellowstone" etahe for a para rMr O. ORariel. road aaaster weet, Texna PaciRr nyatam from M Paso MuHttudos albjsMd ml to promote rolWioae toleration i (too oat of Sanaa be. foltowlag , frw. y ubjbt at tbe AlvatwM hotel f will taka piaee at the fair gmm throng Tenua up through The bull 'in among th men aa- - has to Los fcagehw oa a vtett Arkansas Iiigs go to a World's fair with no Um Mnntexuutt Ml of ftfritur- - eultumi of all ground tomorrow (amtardavi after laat night by the AHiii.u.t,i.i. tit for law weeka. and over the Iron Mountain read to St. tham-elve- s tkwii, Tbey perfected I laa- - j s otaar notion thaa tn samMt wtti hair noon. Mr. Towaesad la aw to taka IxHtls, aa well aa throng Lonisiaaa to to a sucssaaloa of aovwl aad of the Knights of rniumtnw Mrs. M J. Orary ha retnrned to New Orleans fftare the Rock Island hcwUderlng Impmsalons and aapaa Knight of Colnmtin ',,,. tataaan throagh la th nrrlted la the hearts of alt evil door la all wtmRsv from a mawth'a vtart with ballt Dnlher' Ten., from Kan- tmnn. They do not eak to tasra eouarll No. HI. least, Olty T. h.- muraia the - nor ana m Tibaroa, est. sas the Pacific has -i anything, aad will ., tbe foaatri wader the Star Bad Cms- aat evea rami a Worthy fllr Knlaht'. I IV tkwy ata aaraoaaa. shora of mat h r the vaat baslness to label as big as tb side a hoaaa owteiae MM of 1. 1IKt. I.ik im t Al rwmswtng Be nr tn !aie. RRgMMer S. T. OhMft, of the NeedbM aad from that Teas If they happen to be aooao- - in m w The growth In power of the order Bandy Tbeawen haw a wife whoae border city aad given to COUnCll Klllsh'a f I'-- , Mr- - wolomna ttetstoa, who waa badly gateway to Merlon. 'tin waa rary rapti and anon N had among oai wa awtU aaaal tn the tah banted aad mtstng. either through sense It y or has. wtn give a Joint ,,'"fr Loaa, Mra. P. A aswhbel!. Mr. R. U ' hi aiawa, m ante to want agam. soon lie membera eeteet few of the beat "dtaviwa; a milltr." Oar very we The Ooatds bare baaa trytog to aa-ea- "nearness." thev reader thee. the three degree ,.f n . Medler W. Mm W. T. Mr. B. laW edoeated aad en I tared elaaaea of vlndy night, aa the oh aim. r p an offset to this mm rives Incapable of fresh Impression larg of WMtoa, Mra. D. the j of advant- number condi'im, Mra. IRL Rcme tt. fjfb-ea- a go away a. old world, tie aretanee waa faN all ' the J..nert hoaet he wnt ararled WvwRaa ouperlateadeat I. J. age, and to encompass tbla the rival nan dissatisfied. femBt parts of New M. A. M w Houraoy, ' tn wife mgtetered Matlea- - itanmaaa In. over the Orteat daring the tmxriaoval "tending the mtdet of aat at tha road ha aruulred tho Baata. m j, an No oae criticise the ex position ad- he one of the moat ciii-m- ' Mra. Noa qpWL Mr- - imtlii Wetu-Rek.-- r, il. period an-- 1 ,nr Una aagelas. of the world'a hlatorv aad r"'n tta otber Blinri Line for th purpose of ea- - versely who haa given any reeaoaable .he history of our nr'1r 'n num. Mra. t. ft Mra. A. R. me." abM the gilalatrr. allv la ma the netoeiMt h. ... "what tenmns it. By extending It to Rl degree of attention to a hundredth lory, nnd nil membera r. ix lister, Mra. Paso auk dor same to be promoted Baroae "ri,y fht like aot oaly part of wbnt It requeated to I la Is s direct line tn contain The "knock- he present in u. n. anarraa, Ir-- iavnard aaaaui, V made the i The aaa.e nf the man who dM Ore Ttorfcy Mwnntnla country, nil ers" am onlv knoeklaa male owe In tha program of the itnv v r mi i ma Rosea- - - - tha re at Ohwihrndnr, a with tu a anat tn muhImii lla $m sawat vsrt heads against tha walla of tbe Ivory lavltatlon la nlao , wakt, Maj Mall Mniiniay. ?"w Handy. aeaaewmM aadly "Una my MHR week M WlUlama oa rcttourrm. bat also oae to th Profmmor Aden Weiahanft nf the bw sast over city; they may etnu themeelvea, hut vlstthut night i committee la rtL the fwatd system. Aa agree- tla anr thoy cannot dim It gloria T m.-- I ment had Seen lo tb At tn nil at Maaati. K A lajfr. entered lata before tha o'emoh. s. purchase eyes of any Intelligent visitor. It Is get Alfred (InHMttld. Wt. R R Buraa. chief cagineer of the of the Bhort line by the her with nil the run.l'ii.i. ft heeame great all over Rarope before He wettt rev it. safe to any that so oae who haa, in ,f Bavt.i W. Y. whre ante, pa roaat itaw, apaat a gay or Otmlii sod the Ranta Pe people Hmt sttend mnae nt the r'hurc, t. Weinman. WaJtoa. and daring the Praaeh revofwttoa. Albert waa etnt dowwtnwn by a quiet, leisurely syateamtlc way. O. .wo at Williams wall ea fhi Hne bouid not be extended ream aad maculate roaeeptlnn k Medler. A Mauoa, Uoa Rraaehea to get pasasd In of the order apread all over "Vaor nae hreraMab AHniqtteraae. Ranta Pe break-la- review, he it saver an cas- i A M. RajmoMa. ' root And In order to avoid At I M p ra the c(i,nu,l ' Omnt. r. aroae. aad maay of the famoaa men needed for bee pteklee. ually, tbe whole body public Nichols, Dava WaNter, Melville thh agreemeat the Oould will of aad delegate will begin nt fik of tke day Joined Ha ,n" abaenev be private c-- l lection every raaka Amoaa Anr I""" Hart Kitlnabarv. a bnlld the extension from Rl Paeo of Mad the Ribs' t Serf., hont- - to bulldlns ti,. them were fraderlek tke Oreat Mira-- ! b,, emrt handH tent of Placet a aad now a Tormnrc, In thla vast palace dotted The met of ekametara for Ika pc- - "Well, where la the White the atove la a clever Oold avenue snd pi Mi baaa. Ooethe. lnoaa. Kant aad radiant" pleasure gardea. haa ever failed ta ' isi'lnix kae already lwd aeher) brr loroaaatlvi eagtaaer. apaat a few piece of work. It does aot violate the doom Wfll he closed tinm bees Raooa. haaldea many roy--, hi mother. realltc that thla membera of tat weak ai Flagstaff stlpnbMWn haa beea the most i rwhiinhod in Tho CtUaaa. "Why. U- in question. o'clock. All nm al famlllea. mother. I weat to every - broadening, enlightening nnd delight reuNii 7 "We In town, end they dtda't With thi dm- - line Denver will time v ...wnmm RbMomb. or the Wtukw he fui experience In his whole life. .. EAHLY OCTOttH AT TH PAIR. wmw. Van a hit ilk. .. tiroagbt m.mA After i r ' llvlabRI, tth hla wife aad ebildrea, CNMcr to Mm Mew hteb the Inltintlon riTPnun apreaa - Tit-M- e, The greater the of people tbo ot tne oroar to tarn con- weary algh. Terns fleids. it asanas a boat. number Rlr Knights and vUitins ir"., AIM nas gmpf to waawrr. rai wbar thwy wider who man I Many ImaartaM Ivanta MlawMtd tiaaat waa almoat aeoMaatal aad waa ; - nans won for feat. In s practical manner, repair to the Atvarado t,i-- atamal I ' 'ttlglH Nh 9Im w jrm waft relatives aad friends far a Denver aad a greater Bay. OHlaafa Aaat Day mI tn tka taW t their appreciation of the splendid v By. ew market for tbe mnnafheturad aani. sumptuous stag haniinc ell-kw- I yoa the a otter Te rru" "J aoiw Mtm opportunities or tbla cmah making ea. A vary In amma mrnvTw rnttuml and mineral product of Cat-- latere' tir,,m popular atory la that while la a town year, tbe mom encouragement will hi trraagad. The Taa Aral part of October at tka Pulieemnn Year eart U not m kbe ior Theme Ramaa aad R. ornno Another thins It means I that rKt of the old world In Ufa ha ataae given to those who am s(ready d will he made bv now WorWTa fair iHM a markad by ajaay taa way there. and aaiaeor Qurae Otha. at the Mexican ores will he brought dl "n,taintania of the faaioaa orwatal-let- . (JsMMn ta devlslna the nlana fnr return enassneat memier nf t. f iBltfairttBr; and Important avaata. Tho I i be Wlnalow dlvtaleei. aaeMe reel m Denver HJ Pratt VenderDen aat ta ta via Paso for smalt exposition nnd every Ynaef Churl, won hla I elsewhere: s ta tbe weat. All aiewbor. ,,t ll alaaaaat waatkar baa Rrratly inaraaa rioieaea way. and I waata yea telle me and have anat' Into the wild In It estimated that this Isdnete by great world' fair hastens, to sn In nvnacll wtw -- ,t ! taa attaaoaar. and prowtta eateem bla cood fellowahlp, aad move on. r i bo Ariaoaa awttawiaa after Mg alone will he heuegted Intend heinr f larar double h the oalcuahie degree, every na- - y- i are now xajoyfaa helag a Maeoa he waa ladaetad by tka form of the hnnquet will ptcn,- th uniNiial atMa Polleemar. What fart Dew line. tional aad International Mail aaaelal aaraaamenta which tka orlentallat Into the mraterlee of aa Prult Vernier Hat maba Mg erowd nnmai names to the entinli ha1 those wry mouthed moas-baok-s who RiscV T aaparttloa offara. ayptlaa temple at Cairo. Here aad 1 eella banan. Jl. V. Weekly. The Wtimlow Mail ava lie a. mlttee It discourage fellow tu tka aeeared a onpy of the order' ritual, uumpf leavoa for Albaaaeraaa where mm school notes their ottiaen from 3. R. Scott Rujrene Onnr.i . f aaaelal attrnettoaa. A INmm Mote. Bte, HN-- netting at. am A by the moat fMaoaa wbleh he had traaalatad from Arab ahe wBI Mm atwaaat la tmm nt irala the wont Oaana. William P rmian Mr. Roernin Willie, yea ahoald mm of their ran praosa. R. In the world, lato Preoeh. nnd then from the aot winaMar nmt taxpayer aad her Navnin Chief "Vicente" aad aad country J MoManu n tka Oreaadlor eo marh between mealat It will ua.i Oaanto hand of Loaaea a4 La Oaraa fVeneh Into Bngllah On bin Mtiirn i many m. ni regret her doetoloa to other Nevajee who are attondtng th rmeraon. Nestor Montov irt take away yaw apartite at meal THB BRBRRT FLOOR. W. ItaaabUealae band of Parti; the great New York be uaed k.i I. 'rave wtniow nair vnitea OM nenno to aa hoar thai Whits. J. Praatctl t time Rang - Mra etoek aaow, by foundlr-- Maeoa temale. the tret ehlhtrea am getting along. net committee- Tr aartlelimtad la Willie Rnernm (eameetly) I Tbey Tax Indian Rain Prayer T. ahrlne In I hla nwotry, la 171. dea't inn Charlea Hawk lea haa ea Awjroa. TtTOMette, J. R. Resvcn T aetaaaa (rata an orar the worM: ee why it ahonldt atlag at meal Brought several new puptla with tham. rhlp Meroa temple waa begaa wltk thir- .y lumad to Wlnalow from aumIm In i hat thirsty deaert land, ry, Alexis With. taa air mean, aad the rawalar timea never tab away my la Tbe school turned out en yas- - teen charter member aad for aeveral aaaetlte Wham he haa been In the hnanltal fnr Of tbe Upper Rm (tread. wary day faaUtfaa. the battaalHg of far eating betwee a meal I -- terday to attead the parade yeara waa only roan-try- . BrooUa tver two month. Ht leg which wa Where LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Ootober will flad every day a apodal the me la thla Kagie tb moustslas rim so high, I well Waiter Allen, who has i.a flltew wltk notable oveata. Then Rorhenter followed aalt by injur, almoat and be la ex been atteed. And great barren mean It. All the imetag bh return before maay lag tbe fair at Si I .oat tor Month Mr. Mm. B. K , r r iiv Chleaao will eelebratn her day al Inatltutlng Dnmaattua temale, aad la ee, week. the past after stoats of ssmsbins bright, aad Wo,t 1T the Imperial oouaoll waa formed "Hoy will be hoy," onoterf the wo weea. returned laat eeewtea ta No cloud or sign nf storm are ia th city, visit inir Mr- - T,.t,ii taa fair Oetober a and It la eatlmatod DwrtaB la eight. Mere grown for tne rowagatara. the laat bun was greatly deNghted with big Till all tha i Booth at leaat Kt.non peraona will that 'dale the order baa r -- the fair laad brown ami ham tehltt. ttl Itrosdn that rom ... Roy will Ue aaiaanrea, you lores wi t imnnd Bants Pe overland until mere are ninety-on- tew plea meee." A telearam haa tnat ! mtmt And eorely herds of eattle mra. H. O. Rarsum. the chslrnmn ,f !, from th WorWa fair pity of lvoa the man trains anm in from Ml 1 with Rfi.noo retorted wboar garden bed Paso via the , year par'.-lna- cere-Moai- e flhrlnera on the eoatlaaat. fram Superlatendeot Allen, territorial republican ii'tiit io In the been wrecked. Southern PerlNe. have naiaril tlnwuivh who hi eenrni Mayor now in Wnablagtoa. Rotter grows tha summer sua. taa, Is bam. atteadln the r.t UU1 Hnrrbmn baa named "Same thing." waa the reply. Phoeam t. Aah Pork, whom tUey take statins that them is oanaer or ram - Wave tha air with quivering talking parities. a oonimitten of mutt than 40 oltlaea rig "Wording (lightly ahaaNert. the me mnt line again mom school loetat tbalrap- heat. mm. bat Three are pronrmuon uaums many ekmd duet whirl wtosM run U lake rfcatar nf tlio arraageaeau. waderijrlng Idea la the aame." CMev xpx-te-d ai Phoenix today aotaetbam la dnaut - Omgory Page, a promim nt Many .perlal will he he ctt'ten alioct OT.wnlna un . a Aad deaert saad burn th risen. ran poHtMaa faiaa ran. aad OPFBKK0 BY ANTA Ft RAILWAY C aad pminei,,i well-know- 'mm rarioaa rlulta will eome In bodtea. I. A. Carroll, ike n travel Fourth street to tbe Indian Page fcotel la tn the it tn i FOR ARgT OF TRAIN WftRCK Mure Hterelap Ihnl Wl:h bis rata god ta Ms Mow Joraey day will he Ortober mg enghwr. I tn the city thla week, hand. to take la tke fair Uoalor Yn need more eaeratte. B"tn' Praying at a Mogul spring. . aad m.ooft of tke aUt aaoroprla-tlor- . IN, 'aklng In the fair with Mr naeenii minor repair am heiea DeeMerto Baadnvsl. r i ratieat Why, I'm a Journey) Baw I Ib oele-Itrailo- n He pendin that deasrt laad, haa been bet aald for tke g haa Jtit returned from a trip over the decialon of tbe Indian M.. - Mtlater. I'm teadily la pstat-ia- of Aa prleet is In tha city iiunha- jn Angeioa tne const line aa r"' hnlldlng. Indies obaai aad stag - Tbla la the laneat anm aat aoat. St. houe now. ead far weat aa Noodle and Improve af goods for s n.-- inrt Tli- - any t e -- aalo hy any of the atatea at the Airiiiaon. Topeka A ti-eet- tad the motive nower in el wrs. -- Doctor Worrlat; by the 4y, I ? o Spirit good, wtll open In Cabolleta h i for oae day'a Railway company hereby offara a re- leat condition. iv us rata, eatertalaaieat. To grow oar Regular Sabbath sen,,,,. (torernor VraakllB Murphy hla ward of tweuty-Hv- hundred dollar -- Aside of asm and Hat lent Yei. Temple . Hake oar earing . hld at Allien ataft and all the atate offldala will for the arreet aad oonvletlon or In Doctor Well, Rerl Vaughn, who ban been day PrlCBd You've eevae overflow again we'd batter work to operator miia We pray from Bight aad Wast Oold svenue Kr itm coaae in a Batareia-- a formation leadtag to awhile.-Str- ay at the Williams depot for coaanlttloa. hava m. till mora. aaaelal train. will the wrreai aad im aire for Rtarl. at 7;gg. Tha public u e,, Ha several ajtrnths pant, has baaa traaa-rerre- d Tmmg JaVt ms .i. bald darta tka day. aad a largo eoavletloa of aaek aad every Doctor wwvim e wi ibegapmr nay b Wlnalow Thaa gather Bargesnt H. W n i rwaapttaa will he taa dared tbr govfra-- who tampered with or removed aafkoa His place ha n awe to cttarge bra ttmas ohaods mismt motiatalae tHiumi Rev. Kourthly- - MIm Melleeat, been aa C. la Km. from taken by I R. Ward, wfto has nsach as tbe dnetoe - W. Bales, who left Dent, the even aad hoba the nomaaay'a traok - other have- - er- eomplaiaed that beea kceolnw tlaae for yoa la dark tlkraatsmtag tor cycle. Oct . an- - . ., Oetober I will Apple day. Mil-lioa- on the night of Septemnor 171 h, MM, yien nallaadu1 that don't baow ear aad swells. be the end of my aenaoaa am- - too gang Afaajo. M. M., (about er durlac the repair work oa the he cam thaa does. Aad llghtnhsg fmahaa hrough the rim bars Friday aft erim. n of apple will be alren away to aear four mile leag draMii out, he Pack. canyon ime. any tl 1. ,, vteltora oa that date. The arrange-Meat- a eouth of the city of Albuqaargaa) by Mellcent (eametly) They barat Prank iini.Ut at a reaaoa of which Don't lot s man tell ou When peals of tbmxBer rati. hi are ttader the auaphwa of the paaaeager trala Mn. . I IU- Uautaaaat Drary, m,i. Wht doctor. aauryu, I elwaea - PranV Marrla. aoa of Mm M w staple sav ml. 7 waa ahoet mm i.m i Aaale CoamaMra' laagae. The ab dandled aad wrecked abort eagerly tor the ead Jerooii- - Harrla. left Drover teat nlabt un imn 1 : has returned to the city from him what Boon roarlag flooda swswp Jaet la to pramote the ua of aaalea to a. m aeptemher ttth. 1H4. Kagle other people aay about him. of wnt en cldeats, will reach her m. jn awn Rcrnardlao, Pal., where the past Wild waste of aa a food. On that day applea will be Aiewrawa, i uuoaa ana aoara re iadtea laad. Mm. T. A. imi I Hm conte of mar he waa chief Naass warrlnu. if. Wtrea every way Oa. AtHtcHt, Wnll Heweeaeiataxl, iinnm Oteer Than tbe WerM. Oa ruahlag through th canyons deap free to vial tor. I vellag In tb m . "You mie yea dear huabwMH waple of years he waa chief atenorra Rose cultum's beaianlM eo hauta Ovr the plain of deceit aaada. smtteo Mlaaourl. Ry A - the World'a Fair atata. 0. WlfUA, Jreadfully. Mm. cnanu- prank take a beyond records, aava which arrived last uiKir will Stmpann?" similar noal ili. aalebrate Oatober II. A btrga i "Ye, of roorae; hut our ymagerRt tloa hem under Master Mechanic Journal The Bower Is men Hosedcul. Hto tbey grow amtber aad daaghter ,m tae-4a- la ebiktren red. their earn attaadaaee la eapeeled aad man l i t lotng well. daughter eaaitl.v like Mm. She mck tha local abapa the earlleet Cootie Aad pale race weH faatnraa. laetadlag a grand Mil- LOOAL fARARRAFHJ. herds of ratten trie to reirtiiHte the rammer ead dla's tradition take the rose to Rut villages Mrs. Alice Mc a itary parade, eaereteea la wblel. maay f year th aad railways torn, Dnie manner of the whole family the railroads of Amertce time of the soda on Pher of i i .IW earth Smui And travelers and atorles tetl Baata Pe. ih. Motabla aoaakera will partlelpate, d From rrtday'e Bally rttltan) carriedlt aelJftA.aM Basaeaaeraa. a had trott free maes. wild snd tsmc, before the NavWTOrf H. youag lady holding a a awhile reeeptloa la tke evaaiag, are The Ranta re and Southern Pariac l'rr. number ameter than all OHtTThWDMf. r ''' the nhtaau Roman ocunatloo made it ta a i Ht ' (Written at Albuquerque. ,V M.. Oato-b- r wast ofBos of the RqiiH!,'. w taa program. MaHroad romaaalaa will build jointly a tier NM aad nearly owe-ha-lf vrry'tr.youag aa great aa the Rome' commercial roae aanten sitraace ofpee. Alabama will bold away Oetober to. new fretamt daant at Demlag "Wiat." iurricd the ma. ann . population, aaye ll. lt4.) " with-a- ntire Mlalag curloualy enough, there la no refer be than taking a kle t Attorney ! The feature of taa eatebratioa will Agent Perry, of Port Downer e aad wre aad Rnxlneer' Review The of to nnd Mra A It it, llUH for It?" toaa oee the Bower In painting, seulp-ur- e Came Swertoah Holme (rope. laolaae'a mediaeval toartiHment b Profeaaor iemoa oami la front tho eahlnv freitht moved were srrtved last night on the tinm ffulU to a l.iat.lM.ftin. or or hleroRlyphle. Japan. In oar Holme III I "Aaklng kUa without taVta It." Sherlock was st ease. Baata Mr. ll- tMrtd la the Madlara ; a Mgeant of weat laat night. fr more thaa Ive tlsMa tha nf time, parallel. Rgypt P. Reneimi u replied tke youag woama who n Mthi Rose gourlab could see tbnt aomethlng was bother-la- s knlgMa Mra 1.. R. Putney, who all Iron, trlet deputy of tha B. . n j. itll'l and lad tee la eietrlae at tho the coal. steel, rot ton. wool there, bm do not ervc as n motive for him, but eay ' " disliked to aaytblag. rome down to m I, ttnbjhta Palai-- x Pending me put few week WwtK Bad Produced In the tTnltad I take part in ll aad ladle la tbt o' at xT ' coitnar rtlta There thl further llkmaaa The great detective paced up and Mlaea aid Metallurgy, aad a reoep kcbwo. win., win return noma m a Rfeynt nor cation exerclsas tonight at Kik . In In, Janan baa mm. down raatleaaty. room, as Unn aad' hall in the evealag. few daya. th!. sons or s hive song proper. wall aa to nee the f i' iaAe. in the mmd ef tke "Wat," be gaaily remarked, "for Maw Vorh City day will he Oeto- William Hornbin. a well known mar-cha- Batnn. The Klnaaaan Minor aav oeiteea Ruwsrd Wild, of Wlnnl-- ,, ot the form of woman wae-i-er ike Brat time la my life I am pussied ber I. A of Thareau. la In have been to effect WHY KOCKKRB KNOCK, "Ian, died in that town feature of the eteretaea will the ettr to only wemaa. my cUtdraa, received taa that THI I waa about to reply ween be the niii. r h, be an addreaa by Hob. Onorge B. a. attend the ramaialag lay of taa big can dn thinaa, etmtuy work on repairs to the Washed --cut sec- H. with bla brother John Vi run beaai checked ate with aa angry warn of his mayor fair. tion of tha Arteona A Utah railroad amivas of Rlpon, ,. . of Oraatet New York. aawHj Uwrassaimbss Hesmws far A- - haad, "Keep still!" h cried "and let Wl. The i many ; Mow York Mate day hi! Iowa oa the Uagular Sabbath Krvleea mill ha will be tieffm very shortly. The tWv verns Crltteleew ef tb WerW aw thtak." haa friends In this ritv m. I ,i bwv-eat- ii very I lup, who I, 4th, with earemontoa part let paled la held at Temple Albert, ooraer of P 'if thla road haa baaa noon Fair. Reeumlng hla walk up aad down tb will be pslned (., lean, ,,f K venlem to of dwath. by Oovaraor Odell and ha ataff. and Waat Ootd at'eaae, thla area aaaale the north diatrtet Maay peraoas have lieen held haeh room, be waa illeet for perhaps half U lag at 1 ift a they hail Jaet heeome Oataber ttb alaa Advertlalng o'clock The public la we aruMoamd fmm taking advaa'ane of tbe unktue an hour Then he brightened up. "I J. W. Rpellary, former It dm h ,, Mon'a day, army rxiBMKt. to ualna It for all numnaaa And tt Ivjoal aad the af "ad" man and never to be roneated oaoortuei. have It!' be Shouted, "It was tbe kit tbe Baata Pe iMiiier Mu,, i . ,i la tka country will Charlae Platero, Iteftmei wa hard far them to agarn take up Ib bold n largo meet a Navajo all tie for plmaure and profit, for ob- obea key." Rl Haeo Monday adeinooii i i, ,, tpc mule team as a means moving lag la raatlval hall. Ilia lateraa vramilh. ttaldlng at roraan. la bam of servation nnd aiudy and experience "What do you mean, Hoi mm T" I short siege of typhoid few, t, AdVartiatag to arm freight and paaaenRers between the tkmal aaoaiathm win attend the fair aad to vlatt hla aad SMthetls culture that tha Loula-an- a queried. Cotemaa, of Booth Hroa.iwat who la a mlnlna raaaaa aad the main Beat Pe hold it ftrat meeting on that atadoat at tie government Purchase exposition nfforda, by 'Just this,'' he replied. "They en- v t tae oaceased No ' n Other apeaml day followlag aohool. line by way i. Mhta tne unfavorable report of a certain tered of tha kitchen, atom tha can be obtain. il ,i another am tatHaa Territory. Oetober Mr. nnd Mra. w R. Whitney, of nf those cookie aad eacapad througi th dtp-ta- g ReaaHwg Ha am Interta Inert fs'tlon whit hsve visited maawassat lat: Rhode Felaad. gth; Ohm Whitney Co., Mg haelwam mer-ehani- It. Which. room." aad - thouch Inrialteetlaaall H. Tin- entertainment at the Vm Aateraey R. PergiiMmni i, Maiae, fth: UaRed tmugbtem of bare returned to tho city from But small both - "You am a woadarful man," I said, numerically aad psyabo- w waablngton. D. wi.. r ll, Ttb. Knight their anmmer camp naillns mom Taeadav evening, was for perhaps "A c. of Ordambna. la Rear oasyon of logieaity, la aometimea megaphoalo th tha sixtieth time. two CSS , i, program was ncndlnv lief..r.. I Italian, Mlehlgaa. 18th; Conneetlmtt. the Sal rdtm mountain attendad and the the It makes. wonderful mas." that Rtatrs Supreme (?ourt Mi I , I8ih. Hnhbi M rendemd, any the Needle Rye He taught lightly. Mahamm, of Philadelphia, Their is a mason for everything, "Not at all." ha son win men proceed rneaiinre RrowB. a Chinese youth, de- - said. Merely to v ' arrived laat night aad la the gaeat of for lu which Is a simple deduction, York , luntiii the oudtence viti that there no to attend a .neetin ,,r i op hla eon, K M aharam, the Waat Rail with bis salos resMin. Visitors who try that is ail. You sea, whan I was rolled noilos MViTic smm. lie haa a romarkably awect voice to "do ths erotic national committee win, i, road avenue aerobaat. He eaaaota fair" In two or dava to the bouse the occupants showed ate Mr itrown aad Mm. Oslo rendered three often wnt. headquarters al the Hoffman to ramaia aeveral week Rabbi Ma Sr? shout blindly the empty cookie Jar. Therefor. I tr. PergussoB two duet Tha reading Imper-- dr until they am half expert i ,,i HUrMIRIM RF SHRiftRRg. WILL haram ia aa orthodox Jew. and wltk reaauaeJ. The cookie had dleap-twaro- Nonatloe of Mrs. P. J. ded fatigue, and Whatever pow- from tbe city a couple of week W. c. nampoell, Vti Hardlaoa Noa of the occupant of PARARS m THMi RITY TwMwR. national orgnalaor Harold nkllng ud after ISe N plensed er of appreciation they may have tbr Jobr Butler, who the audience. The evaeeaaa ' , ism here tew Wa of tha National irriguiion aaaoelatloa. lervlewett started nut with hoaslessly house kaew about ll o it must bar Hr yiur mother must I ak cloeed with description won-- haa been days ago from Flagstaff, u r a of that bean by with 'UU' arrived from Ixm Hal . fath-- or your benumbed. done outsider, without tb tnaclee. and rur hand? valley. Thea tbey rush off. with winded atory about aaaauiiinu . ,i,lt will - oerrui "Two Yoaemlte," by consent of tbe owners I. .. by ramaia aeveral daya. working In Kthel Mtn ii),ina- Ii yon out havlug tb , (Prom Priday'a DbMly Ye, or Dr. Qeorae L. Onla thta araa Ulna. seen part mashrr. oa tha train i nm .,, OMIaaa.) the Intereet of Irr Hva stanlth. In the morning the kitchen gMafdmy wUI aatloa with local mother. Chicago Dally New. large of the wonders tham aaeemhled, and lty. aad is still be the big day of tratd with a painting showing door wna found open, foot-pri- drunk. Thm morn membera of the aaaoctatloa. only a snd aomo iPaT ,,....,. tha year tor Or- mr wnnie maranntreoM i al'b eoafusod Imprssslos of he made a nomniata r i. the memhata of the n. W. The ttnf lieeelver, run.T inn I & A J on the freshly paiated dialog Lane, the letter carrier, glad r nt L.I.IJ 01 by foilowing der af the NoMee at the Myatlc Uttt sraia af powder. view of ar tha bmI mmmm ' Mimiouni eMuse room door led the band nrounil. Hint in laat night alimii 10 n'olock. at hja drop TI aeanii iiul mmv ikal im lo the window, alao terfsring In aaath-wst- . utu ef aamt. v ' point Theaa entertainment nrovlded with their Miir-t- ui Rhrme thla aaotloa of tha home og Make the utdtea' open. It la nil very simple.' muir oath Rdtth atmet. altar rwblaa for wortti tbe candle. Othera who are MCMIUln abould sec It Leah tbeugb they ate'L the omptnyss of tb Bnnia Pe rail- Just then tbe doorbell rang aad a that Un: .r abort llhteaa from typhoid fever Mr. In the habit of eating at fifteen --cent Is kept off tbe Th Arbwbaargae H TUM. road sad thaw friend am proving a atraola ' will have the honor of t portly geatlaaum was shown in. - tae'a oM home la la Kentucky aad groat piacea, stumbis into restaurants hav (tlaae fo.- Ruder, at Mm, HntertaJalag them aad the town will 'retMHtr success aad are appreciated by "Ha!" said Sherlock Holmes, "you ihu ti. thu remain will be skipped them for tieen, the public tnu tns eiegaBoe, artlsUc cuisine and city Jail. iw taraad over to thom. Mra. -- I o wa am also made wel are the party who rang that bell!" I'lirtnJ. Cawker am gUd that high prices of Delmonlao's a aiaeoBte temple will be boy went come. or "Yes." admitted "I am. the W J Ootfla, of ! Mo would to the bead ot the Welehrr'a. aad beeomae an at the visitor uuartera, aad from It at 10 sg lula. mas tbi morning. Mow dM you Rat how In the world did you know WILL DRILL ARTESIAN WEI L like to know e tha whereaboat of oae BAMTA PR ORMTRAl- - the "exorblUnt price" that tbey row there will umue a aaeotaeaJar aa- tome to do it, Tummy T Samuel R. Oofln. who la a linotype to ee sood in tb itr gaaat. nay and rlehly featooaad ban Tammy The rent of the Mliowe bed aarthlns Holme smiled. "I hoard you," said morator He la upanaed left I OITIZRMS OP POgTALIB HAVE nan. onmela with ta have gueaeed all the way Reaert that aba Raaatat um. hota affair. Other, aot ooateat he, roiling up hi shooting bttrniahad tmaatag Vega several weaka.ago other af aolhaf aaiaaa. wRh aaceaa. sleeve aad RAiBCB far thla Y . havlag at a enat ot fifty foro-"Wwll- BUPPICIgNT PUNOB a groat praoeaaioa awe-Mrlkta- Ihe word. Weekly. , dope ." aad of city. Hia U.tie'a a little Into his monwatar grandeur father ia aanioaa to hear , I ti"ia, up aimbRBPRI W firUflUr Mfl IRIS Ae OPRRATIOMb WILL BCQIN will parade the city ia a "lilrwftlte The purchased the said th caller, "have you from him. t tera liry Smuty snd aa l.flalte va- - ooaaplcuoua manner. Marital lb A IH RBMkaasa mB aat I .! aala.t.k I ud any trace of tham coaklasf" AT W 8). Ogia. the l Vihpm BMWagor "Ra Hpuer heard from Mi itwRb liver rtcty or wonder sad novelties, sash rill All the air. run from N. I ... "Not yet." aald HMtatsa. "bat I f tha Mutual Ufa inauraaae mm tar Mare hr eloped Pn to Torrance. a may mujat go around tha world Bmriag day r u have them located by a. Two i the aeeret work will be The yauag M . lid miles, will i.ulld la thv lo:M thousand Ave hundred .'i,n. Peny, Is la the elty and will remain "h. eaapk tale tan I a ilosen times without sastaa. am m In jamRfeea at the Maatmte t aw-- tomorrow You were shaved at bars been subscribed by . .,' hall aad couple of days. While hem Darby A " ne they war of l6 miles bMtvwre Torraaee antl RJ profoundly aggrieved ilii.n-- aarnnt baoaaaa athar -- , baa-que- Willi Whittiastna's hop this auwntag by a to i w.-i- i la tt fanlitg thom will oeeur a Day. the Now Maaico me home ad bewrflvaV use uenrvr nmpunui au. Ptirtales start an vxpeiiwi, mssajst of tbo ' ""r delights of tbe Intellect snd taats d look-in- s ffe vUltor will --Chi it- - M barber." be declared, from Amnrtllo. T XH .It be wined aad rompaay. will show the gentleman Thl will pat Denver in s direct line ernte prepared t.y private 'mr Ilium i coaeea hi man keenly In eve i dined aad ati" the nn rte.ln belt ni i i,. ntenaliiii rotirtealea. Lew Puttee.' wltii Ki I'uko via AlMiiuMa hihI MhI 11 liinlr omtlmr ui coat 'Wonderful kmIiI tin- fin man tins w Ii ii In thu f, , , p H y of th I 7. TV I VV iU. fil..-r- t later O'der. K of lNi- - n N M l 'n tu ii r inn't a It lll i,U.i m can "lily be t.y an I, iu'i in bad lv cn)n., paying ad IT t In lilt u.iiiil ,M am ,if ' III ,i . , , - ' ' I'.ilUl. i in. Tin lilatory ot 'in i, i, i u mi iii in i IM ulul ll n Mi H Hi Hi- an ii l' i lu flirurv ' ' ' iimt'Cl Kill Willi li-- l HI, I Mti' il" n r ,,i nil inl halt iinnrtcr or itlim rat . ii:- i,i . , , t i -- i . .l , . i ,, Ii. I i i ' i i,. .i ,,r in In,. IHU Nil. ami i I' ii. i. i ' . ' ti ii kiIiik The ii,,, .mi i'.' lie unit nr ,,,!, In, If Mm M ml - i , . ' f t I ' an iik- .i , i, ' Mlirllii- i, M HI' .III II - ll ll ll III I A M i i i ' Kl i Mii-- 'In Matl lt iio )iir ,,f rid " i r si rili. n l Ii II I , ,if i . H M ' IV' M"hinmi"ln Kit1 Diul In III!' rl ll s till f i il! ili tl he I row, Pettns, e II t; TRANS -MISSISSIPPI cm 're, t?VHTI; inwthrrn Anderson, lb 1 4 i UliT6. natlva eowa aad hrifrm. Farrow, lb .. l.04.M; atairkan add fwadira, ti n CONGRESS Andrews, ft . COMMERCIAL 4H.M; bulla. tl.TIt.M: calfva. ItJ TOWNS n ARIZONA New Mexico Towns H. Amrtd. aa .M: waatara ftiwra, t4.IO; wrat-ar- WP'W)WBBsT J. AlarM. cf. owa, 9l.ft9M.So. Jaawaajajo liCMphe, p .. Miaap MRtoaa, II.M PUA4MTAPP. WILLIAMS. CAPITAN. The following la the Una tip of the Splendid Seswion Prombtd for aauitat atroac; 'varsity S.t; laajba, I.Mi raaaw wath team: Totals .. .. M IB M Prom I f tt ra. H.M4H; wwaa, Prom the Ban. ih,. News. the New. Mar tite Lat Week in tl.Tt.M Mr Mid Mrs. Ira Wetmore arc en atn awca, tlJw94. Miss Utta Heal, who in t snd Mrs. Mat nroa asxste home Rtsht-aMar- by HaM . Bears (a town fjpuci ported home from M. Ixiule this week 1 1- at Rhodes, la i wewh's beat la tka MtKre CHawford . . Left-sabr- lae Vama I I I I I -4 Ocuilwr. Nov R I" Pope wm up from Hon- N. J Oaasaraa of the Bright Tke of tke party la anpeeted tesfrtc Bants Pa w- - i.i Riatt to M?- - m tw-c- . trait, sptndtng tha do ani he brings a dreadful tale of IM1MHM ' baa heea i' snv time aaw. Will Sterling w tit; H : te t ii'i'r by I r' U itnimaik the loads la the lower Right-en- awaaarr: Bnana oa halts, off Kinanr had sash eucwdci Lag ... d hRRSIDBrfT MAI IS WrVITBD as aba ! t the otrkr f. f . magwr country. Two-b- a W. N. Reed, chief at tttt In ktttlnr deer, so tka party did n LafVead l.epk. .4 htta. tMekaraoa. T. M Bel-lom- y to atrta and ''. in t ( Rimer l.lndsey MM Judge H 4aartr-bae- rwas, Pat--. srwfc. k taaoa and hwhcd it, t run ami .. ' Hm at intti it, M passed throagh Capites oa tlMlr ajafct-ha- stays, Plood to tMs r. pnMtk eajnyias me lf tna. Double hsaaan to arid: "S hi . aMdam, H aaadt ntlw : atj. wer m Lincoln, They expect to re-tur-.i Tho Iftaaat baeaatea of tba Tnuw rwenhitea candidates JtlB wtwS IS tke snest af Ms. 0. II H' Left --half Randall. Mrwok owl, by lmpka, I: that', all." m White Ohm with nf Mlaaliilppl Ormiaralal I'nagraw wilt ajwak vtatrad the loggtag camps lowar at the ranch af town Pwll-hne- k hy S. Paaaad halla. Pattaa. asJtk kd Kelts Pannhw. oii.tiu'.'" Mituvd tba Niami ,.. frill! M. to W. , ; of town, aad the uvs were well rs had raton eWBWMTltflfcj( S Wild attehaa, Iraipka. 1. Utoma mfm at Ixmla Oetnbrr II Wtt a 4twt f Pted aotnc but a rush (Jun- taKilaaltrc. to ta,t., mi ostved eamps visited. nnsrasjga pre William Hon baa returned to baaea. DlPkeraofi, : . Pteod, 1; l.iaaua, tba noaraaa imavaM la lbf. wkute aj , at th of in 'ho post offtee M in )Mf rv.f oa iors Mr Hm has been oa the Pa- Tke sYtes, pktyad will I. I'mplw OoMaailth. eonvaatlnn hall, oa th world'a f" I'm But fotug io 'tt'i'.n no." "Kmc fMe" at the school hall vetitad. fttttt '- cific roast the paat tare, meatba aad tba ground, Tanadar, at 10 a T. Ttees. Satwrday akjfct drew a good hones IdMt SBtlltSny ng WkeB No - In baseball game. played oa 171 was to the plsao fund Maine vonag enthusiastic over tlio frntts aad If Thla orgaalaMloa baa brwn a grant tiEimMasstSAtl aad added palled Utta ipm iv wtrawaar O. Wan HM Paaa. P wet jMMMTwaB V flower nf thai land. It will bo tha (nmn of Hat afltor at Ike school. The teachers and tka the C, isms, who Tba faaiura of yaatanlay'a racing factor la lb rowwarstal adtaaaaaiaat Teas I never Mi Bptnner nut naaM U hsi Turner, foreman of M pupils of the public school appre-eurt- e bee Kt taw iSsflsj ' aiIhti th t-- nt tb waatara atatai and tarrttortaa, the Dennis praaxaat waa tba Mm. wkeellag tbt.i Mr. YVh.vier snd Mr. public capitan Bheep compaa y, la la Captlaa nKMr-m- - rhe lllemHty of tha la lllgigSBy, hui a gqHM to Tha antrlaa wara wtraaaor 0 . balm a ayatimMMa to la- Sprockrtt sre not wltbhtr. Lumbar endeavoring in Ia4 akeap At their patriiaage of the entertainment Plaastaff to aggsjeg g aoai btau-- .t Mml La4y Main, AaMa W.. aad tba-ca- aaaM national uatalation Jees hr' gel both nn h. unwrlutead tfcetf ssaSMaY V. the. Oanrge Martini returned Wednes t tt In Then bom rveet talp and a sharp aad taay lalabad ta thia ardor laalalatlon waa raajnlrad In tba krr string. The girl are calling the rata Ma atStwi m crH nenerat Iseund hp (bp br day from a visit to Milwaukee. fThl kgSSSS ' mill and under the order nraab tang lor tba money, ttraasar 0. waa irat alng and Improving of harbora, tba "Miss Tsndem." lag the swMk UmM of territory at Haw aad tke m. UmIs Mr He waa asMfe ke i i sanitary tb Than where tha aoa oa sank rod parb Halabad aolait aaay. aqoalltatlon of traaaaoriatlon rataa In Tees-- But she rides an Individual main line, ta tka 'turn Mexico la hwt and In the flood In Colorado, aad kia a Malta saiae: Ttaaw, lateral ate ooamMrea, rerlamatloa wheel. saaffht bmd nasi falrea. laiBrksS on t:ll. b' de-- t:H. ooa-tra-ct Jess--Ye- s, Maw Mexico and his train waa who MMNsaBad to m Tkara'a lispllng touch to tka kmc fha track:.waa vm alow, eaaaetally of tha mlrld region and tha but she has a "btcyslv physician AH aaeoar-anemen- toured through Oklahoma, aad Tesaa aasjgakjMh'' MANOIAC. drawn breath at tha wMt rarva Ion of auntie work tha t maid fur two." Pbilsdrkshis Ptvm. the train mad aa And th air li sweet with tba of rwlproelty in oom-- to Paso, giving Mm a chance to eoverlna that th wrtet bJM Tha half mil runnlar daah waa won th Hem trust new V.cj , Prom lh Hec of pine aoaatry aee tke cotton fields of tha south. hieated and oae of MM taWes by ntrl waa aaeoad, metrial relation! Ittwan thla Hhe-l- s some -- nlladonna. pert nf Australia lsgaBviBMRel Mr i Mm. Crrawaaaa Henry Wurmut'k llOwMNI. UllOfc Mml Chsrls with Hoary II. third. Tim. O BI. aad Canada, Maslao. the Central and when s mm. iiiiirrlraeach f th hrids't .lajrn warn. I HOCMeMMK. hnnd was need fwr smtksM spent " "ml la town hl oath A me Moan raw b lei; th ma Mlilltm Irlkoa klw milk at ink h Md 1 from cop- - Ob kw M' P tielsnn haa returned YESTERDAY'S SPORTS struetlon of the Isthmian onaal. nay u wrl,.onw th, fansll. fraatare reduced. arrival Mr M i" i th W J. Hmum of the PaelRc cable. Improv- - j Prom tke Argus. Plagatafl Williams had tka ank tssed af- strnctloa and In many psrtsof Amee- - mi ' - With both rMera well esbaueted bind Ahirh to conduct a restaur- ed eonaalar service, fostering of marl- - ,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morgan arrived property atleaded to. It wM be some Til f -- mkta . maH ntarrlsa ach if the at nrmis ter pedal lag around tka half mile op ksofc nnt time trade; In fact, everv plan for bride's rrlatlws sir Ikes Mm with a this aft era ana. They an their time, however, bsibr ha asB for X track four Hajea. yet at raining every AfhsMrsjefque It II.. li. .lain laat 1t.iiraita. I. the iMdtermem of comm-rci- a! crmdl-- ' loan by of wch-omi- n way to to nttaad the fair wnrk again. TWMIKOOUI CROWD, INMYH mttacle at the cloae the Mailt) of the n.iuntntb It met with an nec.dent ..y W. Hons in the Trans-Miasi- s ppi region tswlly. n' V. Times. Mat Schuster hoarded No. I Saa MO two and a half mile handicap bicycle mtommmml MmM 'tiL ''in a atoiw anal t THI Baa RAOU, Tna tAWO rt reived nt Its bands cordial endorse- - - day for Albnqnrmu attend the wvsesjajarw l ace yesterday, which waa hotly con mtally M' .t Martin, who waa Jaat aurt MARCH AMO BASKBALL SAhtt. meat and 'effective lesrlslstlvc aid. . M.J.fN!StJ . . Mr and visit with his tented by Helvley nnd eHarnm waa ! ny t Han Mareiai wnen tna taianap Among IU many aehlovemeats for .""''":1 Mrr. Anal rtar in waa called to Ptom the Mall. - oa of the prottleet aad moat exoitlag rrn- '. wanted to annd out a doctor. (V lially t the past Rfteen year may I men- - TT rtalhtp last week to sttend tka fun Oaofffs) S. Brlgas. tat Nei-di's- . mi Prlday Cltlaen raeea ever wl leaaed at the athletic --7 i tke V Hf later demttrret ballevlna tloned the passage of the Irrlgatloo era I nf bar mother, Mrs. Osbonme. was week, Regarding the wenther. Thnraday won. but only by a JKJT in town several days laat that h- i alon eonatltiited tha track. Mamm creating of n rtepartmenl The ticket sales at thla atatioa plotted aa bright aad ealm It open- act. the of -- f see the guest of PrssMaa StawBK. very amall margin. Helvley waa sec on. c'Ratliw fas look li Injnrie. commerce, deep water for oai-est- . t'r reached the tt.neo mark Satnrday ed, and today la fully aa no. away opt fkait h. w ak.i 'Mrs. A. W. (MlpM, WW has heel. Martin, man aver of the W. favort. ond, with Blttnsr third far Houston, Mew Orleans, and Improved The caase of this large sale waa due Ro' The crowd at the fair ground waa Helvley and mwmi artist Mr Dastber in Yowr paw th guest of Mr and Mrs. Jean No Mr .i irapanr at Rowdale, ram The Aalah between large nit- - tn the nay Batata' eon fen nee aa large. If not larger, than on th very hnrbor fsell Hie. for othw t for th tmrm ,n Allt1wt, yj lattr Me for tke past Hree nsaalhs ro ii hnalnaaa Mamm waa en cloae that the - whteh began In Ball on Thurs o tov nttrnd to dome blu day of the twenty tlilrd territorial lea In th Mississippi valley, tha ooa- v. Wveklv. lake to her boasa Mi Pkoaais im - pectatora in the graad atand were . muttrr- Ar ong othr matter year, laat night Mmeiion oi irngauoa resermrrs ano . day fair laat aad tba nnv able to Judge the wlanrr. When the ootpttt of th mla Mr canals, more equable transportation ,,H,,r" H"h ' Titer are nve cases on me nrn . - mmm Mbmi & in atreeta wara thronged with plena am m mm In ponada of two the announcement came that lit - Th Nrr' - Martin t.ronaht t40 people, evea la tba faea of tha rnten on mllronds. and numeroas oth- " " einn onenei mere are nve nnna- mi Im ntnm'm mum tn m - t W had woa the grand atand went wild rw-- tnt enaraaaad It to tba fart that eaveral Indoor attraetloaa er enterprises hnve been fostered la P" P ern in tne oowevy sbii, owe owiiw il wnrk wfclle laUiaur for r-- .- -- Hla manterty and 'Joely epurt bad . m ii.t. PYaanjaat ahlpatanU of going on were largelr attended. vnrions parts of the western country, iC"." . .... held aa a wltasas, four are bound ,. , lkM , . met with favor with the apeetatnra 1 of ora la bina nuaa, moat The aaw (Mr grooadt grand atnnd where the reputation of the cmgrese ."" B" over from tke Jsjatkie court at Win-- stfU. Johaaie Hoffmsii icolngir to Denver. It la too la and the reception which followed waa ...... rsiln enough, plea Mil de rsin tsr stow of grand i.. it rlh waa a aaa of faeaa. the etrateh bald an mill a.M wi.lltBjfl lis ise i... i it v sen I to awatt tha action tka u, KlB yyui, wnllace. M.-- mfll. etmug evidence of approval. 1T 1"" II lua lBl Jo. W hn.tied at tho Hoaaaal to public Interest llT tnr hi. tU MM animated throng and the bleaebera. Helvley were aerntch pes. forgive u. fet . era aad Bargeman ftotsfcad their Mamm aad son eon- - c. ranfoy and amis, Bart aad both eaat aad weat of the graad thnt snnunl eMona oi tne grt,wlln't"-AU- nn r Mn nt hi in tha nhv., men nnd result of the contest "".rtt - ,,j LOP.MaUR. the are Svlway well attended, nnd I4M. arrived her Tnseday fr jm Pine- ataad. ware lined with hundred of be very evenly match r.,.,u,, OD lMt a)nilsy They r. ahowa them to lop. They Inteodlag to go to St. - thnt Ita delegatea comprise the very , . are ta Mieellent shsiM- ed. The aerateeh men eaaily overtook tu th- - moat men t- Intuit, bat tke sgeat refwasd ta aall K' ml. The aporta were ranetteat anil them, and Inlluentlsl from Hmai - tke hmmii, l fact, they am better th they the advantage men nnd passed Trans-Mississip- I Alba- - H P Hunt, en route from tba hi. Although Intf-ea- t tiiie valley country. Miss Jones Professor, do you dsr them tickets further than years past. amunlaa. excepting Rlttaer. la the --el mile. have been far several fair. Mopped over between on ball game, The tmmlng session at St. wilt look m In the fas, and tkea say eswrsjue. air. ssh js e Kelt adTlaes an thnt centered the the hung on until the anlah tr iwiw WO the train to viait hta atater, Mra. tt. U. ring areata wara given welt deaerved The latter be no exception to this rule The la- - si I originally tprsng from He) amy be ready to ivteeu i..iut coming down tho stretch, before - ha kii ma 'V'-- month. tnnala aad dlcntlons sre that there will he up-- inoakey'.' bowe by the time be gets to Alba- gunday. attention, aad tboae who lore 1 te R atamm'a Innl port, coked like a - (a naek, n I. nerker waa la tba etty tSto and earn to th territorial fnlr to wnrds of 1.000 delegates In attend- little takes but qnerque. naywny. tke with tke hoys frojn Port second The time waa S:IS. Pur rm.ualioiheoccaalonl- - ttrd. wot'k lotiklnn after the ealpaaeet of aee wild weat feature, wer not with- - ance The congress will present a A peek. The boys from tka fort ex - tM. fS.BO. ssuirsMwr th.- remnanta of the ataatlard mill at oat their favorite paatlmea tin. urogram In which tha whole oonatry "' 1b"" w KINBAtAN, press a wlltlngasss to eom down nnd c..!.t which la tairrag to m, win take Interest, as mtwh beeaos of "Bky to inn. he RAND PARABK ptay Wlnstow at any date asreeatle BmI Ixhlatttefi. I B1PPCAY. thr topics to lie discussed as from the wea ami H wee. Prom the Miner tka loos hi. I TRABM ' Tho pttbllr xrhonl haa now been run to the hall game the exblbl-t.itit- r high character of th men who will Minh. My wife no sooner reaebrs Ms or seven car loads of Bemoan The firm of rtabhltt Hroa. la Win-slo- n month and la well attended. ,lonjtRtvnn n front of the grand atand participate In the program. JWWIs than th doctor ihers ore la aow piled up at tha station at is now Incorporated under the i Prom Prlday'a Dally Rttiaan.) Thr,. are fortym enrolled In Ml ,y ,h IBf vagaa. Plrat regiment aad Among those who sre expected to Utr north, snd ss quick ss she gets ChtorMe swatting sMasaeat to tB" name of Babbitt Brothers Mercantile Swttn k ilepnrtment. and flny-on- e in Italian handa elicited YeaUerdar morning occurred one of be present are President Dlax. of Met- - ttontr our doctor her orders her bsek smelter. company, aad tka list of laaarpnrat- - h trlmnry departataat pteatded over than nay other event of the afternoon. the moat creditable parades that has I co, who will make his first tonr of w Pkrlda. Mea H. P. sasxartsai far nsa ahowa two aaw stockholder C liv Mimt Taney. On the cloae of tha halt game the ever bean wltarssed la thin city. Tba the United Statea la the Interest nf Jinks--Hu- m! 1 see It Is. The Prtsewtt, where aha wftl vleh fwr a i J Bpetimirg m4 i. A. t.roas are the 1'etnr Jophem recently brought In a Vega hand marched out In theirla psrsde led off alwut o'clock from a closer nommerdsl nrllon between rnHroadcomblhsci.niilldstrd th time her hneband, who Is ssjgagad new maa aad tba business will be hiir rhiink of fine ore from a proapart nobby nnlrorma of white trouaere, the circus grounds wlah Col. John Hor-- the two republics. President Noose doctors' trust. S. Y. Weekly. there for tha prsssat. under their direct maaagsmmt la high-to- p arrass- - may ho ha" aouth of town. Tha ahuak green conta and hoota to rhy radalle. marshal of the parade, veil haa been Invited and attend I, Tke Santa Pe haa made complete Messrs Baellmire aad Lvoaa have nhoti' a root and n half eauare aad two-fou- r great by aides, at the head. nnd In the event of his not being pres week thm time, and made a uaaled bis Mf hop to ru t k Mm W repair nf all dsmsge dens by the keen In Wtassow mr itirheii thick. It oemiptee a prom-I- enc rt- m - hn lktt x'r hit with the grand ttnnd In a number The Italian hand, to return the cour m twrowin. me arvsn- I n.,l(tlM ' uid Ik. u mtkm m I floods of Jnly aad August ra tka aad have already friends. nt place In of hi .plane of meat of commerce, will he present as front nf very pretty maneuver. They en tesy stended to then while In Las canyon south of town. litmlneei personsl representative. compnaeed the victorious Meadow Vegas, gave the "Meaoow City" boys his 'We'll," snewered lUnaior Hotwbum. Court meets la Kingman oa tka ST. JdrHNS. IMnytta waa 1 John Hnyes Hammond, the eminent Cuiin'v CotnmiaalnuKr City baaeball boy, and thla. too. the Dreoeoence. ' r ther followed prevely, "when thst tlmr comes well ITtk of this anok'h. There M aot II weak, mining engineer, haa been Invited tt. in siiwr city the rat of the brought down hearty applauee nest In order ...... v mersbsl aad amply have to g. Into ansae etkrr mueh Important business, aad the rom the Maws. address the congress upon the neiws- - mi. ikIIiik the regular meeting of the The Italian and Plrat regiment bis sides. tasslness." Ws.hington Rtar. term Is expected tn be short. : V Btnugttter one of the tionr.i .it oiimnilaamaera He aald that baada gave tike eshlhltlooa and the In sity of governments! supervision of fre Nest oasns tka city council car ' Nearly s ear load of ore from tba ntost men nf tke oonnty snd H u r. a bllla alxty-nlu- e the mining Industry and tha creation " M;u" " cattle hut little baalneaa. tba the three handa, plo af riages aad tka magskaro of tbc Pair ' . . Om Plata mla te piled up at tba iw I a department of You1, bis son Paschal, who la also inter nil. o.i ninoitntlng to aa tbnn 1900. mtiale nit told. Joined together and of nines aad mln'ns. k. old association. - debt, rhst h ksl Arisoaa samnHrut works ready were in Tii. ion officer were Appointed. played and drilled, led by the drum with Its head a member of the cabl- Wt. eeted In the aattle hnslnees .ion Th R. P. o. I. m aad all vUlilag for shipment to the smelter town dnrlag omtrt this week. I' m th. Lordtliurg precinct they are major of tha Plrat regiment orgnnlaa district Iks followed dressed In tha osRclal On the 100 level of the floldeu Oem J. W. Bennett, eaterprlalag mer i H M Cbaaeaad U C. Me-t- ; tlon Mat that whleh made the deep Amons other speakers may be men tke regalia of Prince Aiber coats and silk mine. In Cobra! , i.lg ore has been cbaat of Houeh. with prtnetaal bust i mil Tho polling phase m at the est Impreaalon In the throbbing hats. hp eh.;;; TTkrtZruZSZ. opeaed up la the drift to the north. waa ov. r i iiuiiiiing. preeldent of the Matloaal Municipal i iL. noes house la lbuajuejw. o. braasta of thla great audience of Am "I, The me Is same grade as de- Ohief Hurtleas and the Plre Depart Reform ansorlatloa P. H. Newell, tka that la our Inland town attending court erlcwaa who thronged the grand ataad the ' veloped in tke opening meat, followed by the Plrat Regiment chief of the recinmntlon sarvlee nf i akove this wees. Re Is oae of tke "old eoORRO. ji'! waa the rendition of "America" hy Thr ntiriora, H, U ' The work of pumping on the low- band aad Company a aad Troop -- OU A rti timers" aad counts kls friends here thla ehorua of alsty-uln- e mualolnua the department of the Interior: nnrnetonnec Are you aasAfteV R er levela of the c 0 D mla la now county Kwmh the Chieftain. Tba graad ataad nroee aa one at the cavalry, under Captain Vnlsntlns. ford Plnehot, chief of the bureau of tlousf from the first days of tke - well under way tt Is expected that Mi M. J Martin la vlaltlng m At- Th soat of the South weateru Brew- forestry and tba most distinguished Maaager Poottighis Ma, bat 1 I .net week we overlooked the fsci rat chord and remained alandlng the Mla will nana b taken liiiiiiMntie thla weak. ery conipaay followed nut. Thla iont ex peri In forestry In America, and nl- - taow It's bed hsstt waea there thst Anton In Onnsales has been srsnt throughout the piece, then broke Into parlies who roeeatly eaaalaed tha Kro.i Kataeuatetn la thraataaed with roar of applauae. It waa a coaslatel of a large battle made of though a rich man devoting Ms satire test is persona la ths ihenesr. M. Y. ed a five years' leans oa ths salt typhoid arnaarty, In which It will be vtg Megfao. aow tin ntiark of fever. triumph aad the laatad sev- hundreds of smaller bottles, aad hack time to the pursuit; W. . Perils. Blmse. lahe la New aad hat w. Mary oTously storked. which Mux Anne Pitch and Mlaa eral mlnoten, of the bottle, la a klad of throne, rode dean of thi Washington corres pond . siclaalve control of all the aalt i I,-- i. M. W. Moare, reeelvwr of the ci oh returned to tha city from their real-me- a atnnll child hoMiag will "Irrigation the taken aaa produce, Ra sails salt Whiter Im lioade led the Plrat at white ribboas ents discuss la India The man who lulu thnt ha la we office, In canyon. Preeeott land m es peer leg aa pi per ton, or M) par 1 noo hum iav the Water band nnd then tha ooaaotlaeted which were tied to the neck of tha Hon. Oharlea Arthur Carllal will de Or CI thla sarthlr etsa there at T. vaca- mmm mtwmm mm, Me m meet ay order from WBaklastoa ragnlrlag tka waa by K Price left for a moath'a' In kMtlM m, I. Sn.1 tka ivmr mm utkJtmr Ika tUim nt "Tliw th pounds This leans assisted bands a very masterly manner. " I wtly aed Ml, I o" " survey m- - ". I . . ..-- .J..- . ... --I...' 'L.. The bunco man of shout 600 acres of land New tion o ported to apead the time onu pnse . r ' - tke territorial aatkorltlee of oi few. mrenwn "7 Trssbtoslnn star la Mohave valley, near Port Mohave, uiih rriomu In ta. Idoula aad New a band, playing n lively wnich the American n.v mayiricitie Mas too. Uss Vsass Bfeec In Pelnt. The Italian traa aad the opening of that section toueaev a by of pleated from fhe city to the farm ruti'i M Tsmm Anv. ta H. Perry, see,., superintendent of The baaeball adveaeed march, followed the boat H.; settlement The Innds lie to V.r and Mra n. H Harroun the - the Navajo agwacy at Port D itp ymitritiy when the I na Vegai Weeterfeld, maaufacturer of the "Af- The Lewi and flnrk ctotennlnl espo the Indian - south of the old military cii f Mexico, who have bene vlatt- gave good ltlon snd ortaaUl fair management reeervatlo. finner, waa at loading tnmr here Rlues PaaU Pe a llcktig, Sdavlt" cigar, cleverly gotten up la snd Include some of the best tni; Now Mexico relatlvee aad frlenda . aad this week, tasking after amae of th,r the core being to 5. It waa not yeliuw. will end tho ery best speakur oh f rlchevt i line, n via-I- t f sections of iho Colorado river been for ninio loft loeorro fcr what one would call good ball, but on Nest followed, tn order named, tke to dlarnaa eapoeltioaa and goverameat's wards, who have fair. ttble hotiom as wttaea in nl the world'a account of the prise at atake It was Boats of J. P. Palmer. Maaa Saddlery ,h,f he oonatry s ad Into some trouble and Mr ami Mm Oallegoa. of 'Pi Mr. Perrv has Prank It. not entirely devoid of Interest San- Cxi. Oa.. vaaeemeat. a case la tha aaart vlalt-- lmnertal Lanndrv. MraraAatl .! IoIhih Ariiona, who have been i .f M Uen la the serriee shoot tea years ta Pe may charge Its defeat to tba I. Washburn Topnam's Coyote Wa Hn Hagenbarth. nresidcnt -- in: toiativea aad frlanda In ooorro hxT snd has tke confidence of all hoe Ineffective pitching of Itnpke, and ter. Rio rireade Woolen Mllla, Monarch ,h rri",B lMt ""t'M ft. Jsl ITrHINC for day, have returned home. no who nre his wards, gained hy his hard xooral loose Infield playing Anderson play- Grocery Co., W. T. Thornton, Oentry'a win oiscues las rnngn mierests Mr tinllegoa holda a reaponalble poal-Ho- n v orb gaad Jadavneat la mat-- ed a very poor game at second base, ftog Pony fore the congress "Road Improve and raw with a mercantile arm la aad Show, Beats Pe Shops, nrask skin It. ttls eagerness to make grand stand rWtla A Or. flnarfA. mem" will be considered hy Hon reiuirtaff taet aad .Iohn plays were very mueh to his dlsersd-lt- . - i" looted K Navajo Bill and Jim Wder lending tka czEMA xioaaor Renjaala lanebea waa out Nts fielding waa very good, but his lee, United department 'Tilax E aaya band of Navajos, ths carrier beys of LJ1!Z hi l'oivailcra (ta thai nineteen H. Revel I, vice i wing was vary erratic The Bines g rleulture. Alasander )m.iioh now been raduoad to The Dally Ottlsen mounted aad carry-la- MM I t imtc played steady ball all through tha president nf tke National Ruslnet" lu July, t. 1K" hrralt out with Imaso, Oct. 11. -- The greatest an of recent good. banners. Kcscsna on mv hr-o- l IfK-- i and anno, and rniiiK the reault the nine Innings, and but for th last half league, will addrsaa the congress upon is ta DeesMBher, which is rlv- - Rao Woolen bsgan with .n ul il.Ktots. hut x'reiisth sitll A a mo volume of water from tha Tha 0mode Mills had Sis-Yea- r Irrmu.cnt of th ninth Inning Panning pitched tke subjeet. "A Single Pres 1 now preasinm. CaMes were It ear-- n the largest Boat dia not much rvlirf hev asiti lh di sat r direction of gllt-edge- la tha parade Thla chanaed the tr ball. la this Inning Ideatlal Term." A number of other sl town. taata was a largs wagon Mr. Boerum (dyspeptically) My ssss hsrlWom cbronir I lbn quit them lower. Tba market showed a little ni and endangered the whole tin- transfer cleverly slgnlSad la- - Ps connected with him for three notable mea have their Ji m la .V.,... sad trisd various otutmcnts and suaua fm early, hat was without much A ii famlllea gotten up H.n Iks. ..I easiness I, thirteen have bean two-bagge-r, aad decorated with btaakets two rears, but as as gles aad a whleh resulted ' r; ' we yesterday, saatksr scan sold selling pressure Later there was hnnirteaa. and are aow houeed sad leather gooaa, etc., all of wktek T tkat had at dinner snthsr cam I was a bad oaT as ever, so I In Rants Fs scoring two earned runs. In the deliberations of the congress. , heerum 1 sgsin good covertag of shorts snd a ti iho'.r nelghliora and frlenda. were produced at the mills nndsr the willm (longingly) 41s, smtly decided to 1st mullets alon aad However, he recovered end retired yrtsh 1 eouldl Brook Kngls. good leal nf buying af loag wheat by supervision of J. C. Perger. Thla Boat Per Over Btxty Yeses. li. far twelve or thirteen years did nothing the side aad the game by strlklBK towards oaring lbs Kcsrms, rxcer t beta roniurissiou hnaaea. Cask markets was awarded the Rrst prise, . FOOTBALL GAME out three men An old sad wetl trled reused y Mrs I Tke llnkel VhmIb. teg. This sismsd to do shout as much I hlgh-prtua- d auKtmsWI were sil higher. Tka aayjoa of the Pettus, hanky for Pan- The Maan Saddlery Co. got third Syrup Th ss anything ( bad tried tha cstchsr Wlalows sVtotalnf aa haaa Now occupies lb lrab. Warn msrket si urns to be a revival of the IS SCHEDULED prise, lift, on s Boat drawn hy tour Daring tke time I lost sboul oae-ka- lf of ts Pe, draw down the 10 la gold used for over sixty year by allttnas But O Washteglon waa aalladsd retoBtly doramat bulllak speeulattve prlss for the first home run of the large black horses. whit Wilb a sjedeat Httl kessw my hair I begsn BBS doubtful of a of mothers for their children -- Daily neesuss disease It same In The Judges H. B. Campbell. J. A. Chieegn Msw. suss, the bad run so long, srstlmsat. TO RK TOMORnOW tournament. the fourth teething, with perfect saseMi. It anon discovered your medicine wss Is aacouragemsnt in waa long, Johnston aad Oreajory Pag reviewed Nt There ao the AY. and a hard drive ta soothes tba child, softens tka gams, 'Itt H'nr ef tt. doing we good, snd continued to tabs it OR NRXT TURBO rests M. rsiiles. aad Rrnnashall cables thst the ths left iaM. Dtekerson ftelaad tka the ns from J. O'Reilly's office wiad Mrs. Smith Kails- - Katie, UUi w. 1 used seven bottles, when I was - allays all pala, cures soli, aad coat- Argeatlaa pres pests are report sd fa- hall by wadtag la a paddle af water, in the Baraett building. ta tka best remedy tor diarrheas kt termelon Un't M st all not having a alngl spot on no waa cosn vorable. Tha nsniatlna of tke day wss ii.iitn-ri- i will see the nrst foot-- i hut recovered too lata to cat Pattaa The fnlkrwiag ladies aad geatlamea, plsnsnnt to taste. BoM by erag Rati Wll, tslut fauM o' mias. SyswrerV leforc almost gayty us Mr Hmith got s sd. P C No the report, which seems authentic, nn uhiiio of the aeaaon tomorrow off at atttrad la faatrles ssannfactured flsU la every part af Iw wasm Maa; ks slb Mf rout by one thst when I put it in th isnshstt Mwy atoakhssiy St., ottsaaws, la. thst 10,000 kasasls of ktaatttiba wheat or nest Tueeday. The data The etclulvly the mills, rode o the Tweaty-dr- s eeau a bottle. Ma rata tV ! cur -- A kteags f been said Dniwtk with duty of com-nun.- - Boat of tke Qraade MtH I kad tik hss la is i,'i definitely settled by ths VTstUl. Mo Woolen is lacaJeaktUa. Bo tare aad MMMS MMB tr The heed, fset snd heads are aeuAtty lAt ao-riraiu- . M cents paid. This gars a little mur aad distributed Interesting , sSsoted, thoiigk in charge of athletics. After literature: Mrs Wtaatow's Soothing Syrun. sad a tka parts tke dissass ap Wktleea-laraalspplirstl- ag to kattkw asatlmsat of the .i i, m in to brlag tha MaaUla Park I 1 Tke Misses Makl. Helen Bearrup. Mean er taewtsBeasiee. aamoaettier parts uftliatiudy tka nhalts. m t t take ao atbar Mad. good i nWhst allay th itrbtng sad market. We laak far a acalidng ! in io the fair failed, arrangements Ratkawarme. Rb .. 0 I I o Oatlla. AIbm Horn, Lacy Sjdie, "Arr tht your clothe ur ntin?" awraiae teesuumnl v it UlkescitUtfctowa market, la wo msde for a gam between tka pttiksesaa. If 1 Oarrie Nefcer, Beetle Telfer, Anna Asssntlsii. sab" i) u.bietic mss ..r hia wife. bat rkiak Ikere sides J I I I t t t lib. e Sy the bi.4d that cause the irritation to tt. uiiiv. and the ateaanl Mission Plomt. 1b I MJ Hahn. Maude Kale. Mrs J. H Rams. By order of tke grand enaltad ruler ' "U ik is th hip pebi." was ths sad eru)ti.ia upon th akin. Th scid m tiooi The latter team, while last-ion- . Oaaa, af rap. aad Messrs. J. H. He iron. J. c tail Blk lodges are called uaaa to bedd rsplj "If i mllli. salt. ih, r wnst be neutrsllxed snd ths system sienna ,iood faithfully o Serger, B. I Osv r you..." ad si I humor au I poiMtna tnr hss practiced rt t n Bearrup aad (Ilea Bearrup. memorial services oa Saturday, ' .,'rw,"Jr af brfats mim. i ho opening of school. Ths 'var lie,Rawlftit, .1 I 1 I tahar 11. Ton are therefore sumimm testts't W'bl. cure tsprrsssnsmt ixHidus. Oat. lb ... I t H it H Is raird iniH winii- - of Its old players la the e 1 S Rsllat A brad Temple A. A O N Blk suarsn a lagggloa say hiu heason. I I I ed to attead aseatorUI isrvlsM at Me Psnlllee. tsed vntissly Ire 'be Jsimasss that tha i I llll M. S will hold - ii, moat of the know the Paanlng. p 0 ae,emonlsl session sr hall 7 II Baturday svealas. to do "Ilrnrlrila aM Mr Mrvklnti l,n-- of Hotaab, Arssnir ro. ,rt of Marshal Oyaais. " sg de- m .11116 ithe temple Neturds oom.noro me hrother, M t) rt-r- t h- - if tod.., V. honor io our departed tlmtntit' t H" ton snd other miner-- ! is the oueralltMSf SI III B n. n rin ...iuM hoili aro ovi nl) mstchod Ti au t i will he rrrclt lotwetller Hy order of K It It Me tntr n i n. .i mm " Hook un thr i ! j ati'l W.tlneadi III 'll ii i ' , ini il I 1, 'In v III h. o . n nlnl d lt 'ii itiol ho i,,-1- ronferrod l'nl,.i. h. v, mry "ll. tut ,i D(,i,.i.i not akin and It di in Io '.rtAi of KUnSISli a - i iw lilt,' till fin i I hut HA NT A PK All i,.ii s nr. l h,. ' s ssnl free ini.- to o' to priw notii. it ...tun stay. tun U .110 KIlMllllllltl.Hl 1 K I i sss dvln ' i i d thin f th. A It H 11 H M V. enl lit mi nf W Until, City I ' ,u,i has lt I'D a, Kansas tol a i in ) i i Ii ted null I H ' , I ' . . fuiiiuhril frr int. , Hint'. I to 'win linn I' Mitn.l If 5 0 n fi t Hllol,IHI MeKsv Wl.liooinl. K iimar Ci, iki Cat inui , f. 1 o I J i i Ths twlft Spsslls Centpssy. Atlasu. Ss u - tin tn lit ut rifi mlnii 1'Kmunx lh 0 ti outer ..Hit i.i'..' I.- 14 Sj t Jfi mnuli Try a Cltlse want ad for result. Ti) s Citlsea want ad f rvaiilts , f ! dhiif '! ! runt for tho tlro' It ron.ii xll be f.iunil v'ilnK In H'ri.n Mirrv M lirn-r- tier c W THE REPUBLICANS ()F ' r " NEW INCORPORATIOKS ii no founiln '''' the a n Mail.nn: flnlati to a thrilling LOCAL NEWS the romalnlng connH.m of Mir tate Hiiil.iia. H K Kox ami the officera of r -- I.a V- - niitir KiruKKl' wtilrh ha hccn going on for the loditc A - - TORRANCE COUNTY v ura timnthH In order to win the Vary Remarkable Ramady. t)ien homo- and cntnrtatnmont am-mlttee- Better Thrt PHI. pennant Orlfftth'a New York team "It Is with a good deal of pleasure J. J. Mierldsn. ckalrmaa: T. Dally Two Big Mining Companies TIM anestlon haa bsn naked In required two vlctorlea today, while rmm fwturdar'x Cltlsea and satisfaction that I recommend 8. Hubhell. Oeorge W. Btabb. D. A. Wnf rhambertaln' Btenmek Boaion n. I only one At the and Oaaini.-rmin- 'i. folic. Cholera and V A Jliil.beil. 0. F. My- - wnat are el. la waaharlaal Petn , superior to Mm era. William Mcintosh, Batward Pile Papers to Do Business The Platform and Resolutions MM Liter T.iblets of the fifth inning the local rooa McCoy, of TlMraat.. Oruaa p4Ul1 HwatWe.. -- feid. vv. o. N. Marrow, B. HtH i) cathartic and liver seemed to have tha first game wall ' .7LE: 'rT u. ii ttreer. in who beanaa a patieat at Joseph's H. the Territory. Adopted at Recent Con- OS answer are SMler Mid In hand, aa thay had scored two rang. ft giy B xentlsmaii name Into my Iiaker. T. N. Wllkeraon. F. W. Cook, gnBr pleaSBBt to tan, ami atr a ta the seventh laalag a had throw hoapMal a oonplr of moataa ago, whan store an overcome with colic palna U C. Bennett, Harry Wei tier, L. W. vention. net l so geaUs aad M nffWiMl to tha plate by Williams allowed La he waa anal ta the leg by a bey, baa that he sank at oace to tha floor. I fjaltes. D. Weiller. Fraak MeKee. 0. hi A. Mataoa, Strang, Oraaa-fM- . TO that mr hardly mail then It ahaaee and irarrls to eroaa the plate Tha btUle. amae remady, rrank ivna hUll.U BRANCH LINE. bjr a medloine. Then they i repeaaam Ixml llfeld. Alfred aruaafeld. produced and tie the snore for Boston. In tha bane, ana although tha beat wnicn oeipwu nim. uie no- - only n.iv the bowels, but ln l doae, and In fifteen minutes be left Day iwfreebmeat committee J. H. TUG TICKET REPRODUCED In he first half of the ninth In surgical atteatlm'. waa given 11. blood prove For MM Ml my More smilingly Informing ma that Oraham. C. F. Myere. D. A. Ma asm - the iwrtHt N ning rrtgwr reached first safely on poisoning set iu and amputation waa it The following aaMBded am.- r rent per bottle by all druggist ha felt aa welt aa ever." For by sen, D. Wetller. nu-.- an Infield bit Dtaeen advaaead him found neoaaanry tale Igeorporation have been i iu u,. Floor aad proa ram coMjtfttai--- T. to second by a sacrifice aad Cbeebro all affile of J. W. Bnynetda of Monday' Dally OMMft. N. Wllkersoa. Boy McDonald, W. R. From Meswwtlw Petwt ef View. at this critical stage mado a wild Andrew Realstara In tha eity the Territory: AN OANBIBATK. Oret-r- . L. C. Bennett, Leon Hertasg, h- - " ra-- lftlULAR OHMSB JNay or)t believe tbe woman who pltnh the ball hitting the preen staad. Hon. W. H. An ir the repnhllraa j Bigmaa Townalte company TIm JSUlfu vi Herbert Brook a :ul -- rontly axoved Into tbe Rat arroaa Um while Orlgar waa running In with tha candidate far to loagraaa. mg nam to Lake Arthur n.Ahit. fotiowmg j .. duate I any. old pard, hew shall wa vote? Daeoratioa in Btee John H. em hall la better tlwn aba should be." winning ma. tiUegraphad yesterdays alteram to company, making !, J"'" ranee mt tingle, Will B. Moore. W. capital $i resetattont ) Oa aeat ateetwa any. J. Ptneiit. mm Bf ft T: lwarlM im Naggaby Tha game and tha pennant went to Sheriff Thonma Hnhball to see that 000 and the ptaee of buatn...... , -- I've Bodey wrete, vealng reeeptlon commttte Her county repulkRoaaa, g convention. or eonr, aot. my dear," rejoined the New trngmad team by a seore of hi name la an the registration hook read tb letter Bddy county, New Mexico Tii m. Aad amy. man Sweltaer, W. B. Moore, Harry o em ton- - WBO aver neeru a waw requeat be didn't get fair held at BBrilat Or mMH. ot three to two. of precinct M, thta city. The of existence under the amended ... i lag -- Weiller 1. that was" Over twenty eight thousand people aa compiled win this mornlag by earn will he twenty year cr I Invitation committee A. B. MeOaf-fey- . whan the sheriff. Andrew at area doaH know much 'boat pottttea, Tb" r , welkaa mmr " Torwnes were within tha aneloaure tha Senator Ouaaui, Dar'.i,- - A. Day, Art! BapMat Church. ta But gwaaa you are quite tight, Maynard !or Um Smt time meeilag as Onty om ramady la tha world thai vmtory waa wan. The eeeae whleh m a rampttga tour of the The Flrat Baptlat church V . , fount That aarUnly waa trieka, & I. Medter. J. H O'ltolly. Noa INwM. of a political. BBSBeja4rrii body. MM will at onea atop Itohraaga of tha eaaned will not ha forgotten easily by aorvhweet conatle meaaeet of Bled laeorooratlon papers How proxied fight. W. S. Btrlhlr. r heariily platform of Um ahla la any part of tha body. Doaa'a those who were present auVaar that corporatnra are A. Bruce t u Senffff the ragtatrntton Jf. H. C. CommHtee on maair B. U Waah-bar- in.r At any drug K Hew. The , national resayaajnan uinwniloa, held Otetmant. atoro. Putmana and Winter were the op Oeorge P. Umrnerd, F W. fHlllloud. H J. Allison, of ewata. game, hooka far Is aporoaehtag general Btoat me. if I see the regalar in Ml Jm ... . wot. rdedgtag posing pitchers In the final The objet of tbe nw cone m ,v Chios, In Nttvrmber ar aow oaea, la aneh sharp game aa that. Cook luraalvaa aa Hit must earaeat and wbleh want the fall nine Malaga with election to promote cbrtattanlty and e.t.icit aad all wan Intend ta vat should per- - I'll stand by Rodey. Pard, I awaa, loyal a mum of i.rtBeloioo eaa bill out a ran being scored A wild throw of the' people la Christ inn ... n mm anaally tit aea name are en. Yoar head, Joaaphat. IKRin.UION WORK . by M .ongmuletlag that by Laahaaee gave Ooaroy tha looked that their and daty. The term of cm-- .nr. - dated an" iwgtatration book for preamat n for opportunity to tally the tenth The i I convene at it wiae aeiactloa la over pnln. year aad the prior pa pl.t. .f inning. game . that aeetion aouth of Ral tread Noaareh for pftlMMt and tiro preetdeat of tn The attendaaae at lata Dr. TSN ktlUUHPN AON SB 9f UANB hnalaaaa. Arteala. The mi mi., i ' AM4V avenne, la at tha Newcomer bonk aprala. stlnga laetaat reBet Stat. - The admialetrattoa or OAMI ALOf WITH Plftl waa M.mV. famraa: ANS WATBRBB BY ARTIFIBIAL truateea It three, aad thoa. win. a ii t'nited More, and tor precinct is. that seettoa aweetne on. At T Booaevett and Ma At Boston first game K. R. eat la that capacity during ih. er- -' PraaMit .....lov of the elty of Railroad avenue. a) SANS, dorms, ic forvkja. mton I I north three A. Bruce t ported, and and or H At-- month are liter New York at the offtee r la the - Ma answer in fidelity to the Assert Dr. Wallaoa, familiarly known I I Leaves far Heme. 8. Ixntls, Mo.. Oct. 10. At B. Ollllloud aad H. J. AllUon if Orhjar; mUo liiiilrrlng he mm people oil ihalr lataraaU. hla throughout the eouatry as "Navajo Batteriea Ptuaau aad Daalavy. who ?. ta bean here ...... , , . ttxi fraaknesa on all public Rill." from Juan Chaahro and Klataow. visiting gad cmlni arrived tba faa aafftes Will Intsrtaln the laetea. relative aad friends at per by Blwood Mead, chief of lirtga- - re-- country by Al Tb tow tag artknwa of m. m qeeai have ommaadd tba ! ytntrrday, accompanied The Baghw of thla city wilt loyal tending to business affair the past Hon aad dralaage investigations, of M .n . , . rat Ion, atao wall H.N. weeks, will Una bee In th. orn. ,,r t mil love and eat mm of Daatln, a known charaettr ly natertata all vlaHlng Bnglea dnr-- two leave this morning the United State department of com- bar tied - 1 N. M. W. Raynolda. sseratary all h fellow otttsaai, irroaoactlva of of tha aouthwaat Indian conniry. lag fair weak, aad a committee of for his home it Bstaacia, When merce, on "Irrigation in of th.. .i Naw I 1 the United i Ho baa rleUy aoraMt the ro-fio-- They ram a fww houra ahead of Tot Mr. Danlavy sold hla herd of horaaa rttory: - tan to leak after the visitor ha etatea." elated that according to the - BaMsrlaa Wlntet aad Fat- re- - of tba immmm of tka Daltai the Navajo Indiana, and made prnv- Thla committee will on his ranch near Thatcher he report of the United State ceneaa The ToHec Mining and i... ra-- maa and iaanslsw company . ana la aatltlad to (be follati arailna for tba red own. They meet at the office of Attorney Prank lf!S2? "U,,B made in tat, about 10.006,000 aerea meat The inci.ri..rnior-- p. ' t wet usually y he-la- g are H Joyce. P P Schenf.-- n. nn.ieaea of tb rooaMImn rary. port a trip over the dry Aekermaa la the Great bonding. Sua-da- f lead la the United States la aow w Ueorfitlbjr a4-- ware where he baa a number of horses. Charles Barton, of New Mi i eaooraa kla whole and dusty daarrt Tha streams afteracan. imtaber , at 4 o'etoek. Irrigated. Of thla atm.dM aerea are i At Mr. Daalavy saw more -- t rattan U4 )M avopnrt In tba swollen, aad great difficulty waa ex to make definite plana. Members of said he rain in the '.re SaMa along the Atlantic objects of the new conc. ru .ir. , rieveland. here yesterday afternoon than he ha i -- i. I nt of Ma which ap-- perienced In fording some of the oommlUee have been i. td by and gulf states, twi.tmo In the semi-ari- cate and acquire title to ..i nttrintyg. seen at RRtanrta In the fifteen nM ;.r to he avawred. even for these hardened plalnai tetter of thla meeting. nat rwgion aad ft.uoo acres la the hu- placer claims aad to build WV r(W MMt baortlly Iba Dr Wallace and Mr Duatla will lie months Trinidad Advertiser. mid states. The remainder la la the saeh a telephone, rnilr.m i of the ter.nor.- - o Oo. remain ibroogbont tha fair aad aa- - Back frem Paeh Mr mid region of tb eat and the necessary to aay bualae of th. At Oesn 04. The people of this city are sign-la- Miauei k Otaro aa iwtrtatlr. pt-c- i to take la everything that's ajo-- Waahlaoalrlrat rd Mrs. ihnnk B 8t urges aad eon, oath went. paay. The capital atoca off ih wle. Waahtagtoa a paper endorsing the actio of " momteal aad lawblitlng. ran- - Ing on They were Introduced at ...I I loyd. retamed this morning from ny Is 1100.000. divided Int.. ani Phlladelphw the elty council In refusing o modify To water this area U.I4I mile of vrnliilata Oov. Otero upon the The Cttlien office by Col. Bailers. Ocean Park, Csl.. where they sojourn- - main canals aad ditches have been re of It each. The Mori the terms of the atreet car franchise. , -I of tba territorial government during ah- - summer month, aad oonatructed, while the laterala leading aad th term of i Ckereswrlalit's Quiafh Remeity. to year. Th prlnciiHi i i. n r hla aowtlnlatratloo durtna tba :'V regalar rmwrtng baths In the af a Prteat. from these cans I to the fields rvpre-- waahington. Cenfasstaiu - lam Kevaa ream, whk'b tontjtvi to No .me who la aoqaalntad with Its ...I limed ocean. Mrs. sturgeti many bitalne will be Toiler i;.n- baa taaie Bev. Jno 8. Ooa, of Wahe, Ark . aat aa aggregate length time good eaa be surprised the Philadelphia . ...I to the city feeling in splendid Arrlli county, and tbe nnm1. .r i. iKivanna ait the matarlal Intoreaia of nualttlea at "For years I suffered from thl dmtaac. Mr. Mead stated that it great popularity of Chamberlain's health, altfag'ii not so lleohy as when write: it rector to handle the affn r- - .f thf lerHtorv la Matarlal wealth, la Yellow I num- la a conservative estimate to say that Wtoa In Jaundice. consulted a . Oout.h Remedy, tt not only euraa National at. went rugged irrl-gntt- ooaoarn will be three. ih..a. r i iarfal and laaMdta mathodt. la he to California. The ber of physicians aad tried an aorta t9M,uMa baa been expended la cold grip ually par. St. Louts, ma.. Oat. it. tppeamnoa Mr Btnrgea IJoyd trat three moatha being I' n i." tinomlt; aovavnnaat., mora eaperlal aad effect and of and of medicines, but got no relief The development in the United ly not prevanta Orady's National team In the tealh la in words P. P Sehenfeld and Cbarl. x tt ri n in the areat advaaee In ettifRtloaal manently. these dlaaaaaa tell Strang tkat their summer 1 dtatea. gar-le- a began tha ore of Blectrle Hitters and from reaultlag la pneumonia. It la nlng today won tha first of tha out Ing oa ah mii hern canst did them Th Rngtewood Oold MIiiIhl- - facllltlea dmrtat th wnole tnrm of feel that 1 am now cured of a dlaaaae .n.. also cure croup. Whoop of seven games to be played by Iota of good. Thay on ay. The laeorperator nr.- r. o hi ttmlatatration certain for feasted 8h. that had me In Ita graap for twelve StLVSR SITY. ti. ing cough la not dangerona when Ala the M. Louts National and Aaterloan fresh every day from the ocean, aad flBmer Bishop. i t ' : we haartny apirove " medt-ein- e Pulton. 'h andran aad leagwe teama for tha championship year If you waat n reliable t ih ton rcngraaa tho Hnlt- - remedy Is g'ven It contain no opt among the pc'idr of Oeean Park Prom the kBdsgniint Chicago, aad Ouy.r - r art of the of snore: for Liver aad Kidney trouble, I um or of the city. Tha eWlnctmri being expert i ,v Stataa in paaala tka Irrigation other harmful rabeteaee and mined the of stomach disorder or general debllKy. Mrs. W. B. Patera returned mat Las Crucss. The obje. may ! given confidently X.M.N. if law. which wa know will be of atteh as to a baby xvan iwlaam. r and divers. get Bleetrle (titters It' guaranteed week from the east, havhsg agent concern are to, aaqulro In ant v. National ) haaeflt to tbla aantl- - aa t't mi adult It la also pteaaant mining claim, timber, wt. r hh h uri'ti arid and 1 I by all draggtata. Only Hoc the grsntsi pertloa of the saanmer to tahe When all of theaa foot are American Lit Offtaera. J. N. essary adjuanta. mine, 1 n rid aartton of nnr noontry. and we 0irvaUvs o wlth relative ta Beanaa. Mra. Pet-er- a lo qium c taken Into It sur- Buaaell, jr., aaalaumt supartatendent t i. ! Hon. H. R. Hnday. dato- - nflderatkw la not saw smelt ores and minerals. ommaad our 1 the atghta of the St. Umie prising people In foreign lands, Own e( Many. of agenajea of the Conservative 1'e i unte In coairraaa. for tho larm part that exposition oa her way. bonds, mortgage, etc., ami in d.t aa wall Insurance aampaay of Angelea, com-i-..- -. h- - aa at home, esteem tali ram H. A. Tledale, of SnaMaarton. S. C, Im carry on alt business i la brtntina about the panaa The house-grow- n fruit sensor., edy very hlrhly and very few will accompanied bv Mrs. Buaaell. arrived Dor-ha- f th itama. We urge upnn re-- are iffered for twenty years with the The many friend of Ijoala the primary nhect of the mr(.- -i him Ing to any en thl which has been excellent this year. take other after having .ilea. Speclaliata were employed aad la the elty the limited train la thl city wlah to thank Uader The capital atock of ' ic com pie. , tifwni efforta la the atiwatthenlait of t I now narrowing down once need It. For sale by all drug morning, fear, o Angelea, aad will no to tha apple be 14100,000, taw ta aneh partllara aa pnrt- - mn remedies uaed but relief aad per taker Border and all those who divided Into '.non.i.. gists to ea.t on the flrct train to Indlaaap- - crop Some fine apple are coming , er,'' , may hava daamnatrated amend maaeat good waa found only in the kindly aalated them In defraying the oa of a par value of ti cu-i- n lad., Where neat week Mr. Bus in. and more will fellow. . ii use of DeWltta Witch Hasel Salve .It, expenses of the funeral. principal place of hualn. . to be aaraaaary la It rf'ae'iNsamnMsrt)wll aar'at ekNiNt4 sell will attend a meotlng 'if the Na- Typhoid haa made Its appearance HI. i final raantta to oar tarrttory and rni is only one of the many Durham died laat Tuesday evening Chicago, The term of e Magistrate yon tional Underwriter association. F. B in City, eaa- - ' Police How did 'urea that have been effected by this at the Bt. Joseph 'a sanitarium after Silver aad the atrieteat I K0 year The number o ir' 'imataaow. Boh meaager of in. menage to extract that man's watch wonderful remedy. In buying Witch went her, the acting the quite a loag lllneaa Hla mother itary precaution are aeeeeanry. All will be at., and thoae who " w. moat baartily endnrte the ar Alhuquerqna of the Conserva- dtd from his pocket when tt waa pro- Keael talve it i only necessary to branch at Bt. Joaeph, Mo. about aam drinking water, no matter from what age the affair of th rompmn 'ion .if the twawMloan ferrHorlal con-- company, who tbe ' vided with a eefety oaten? you tive Life laaarance source obtained, should be boiled. ) venttom of Aantanibar 1KM, tea that gat tha genuine D Witt's, time and hla friends here got together Mrs three moatha will he li.ii. It, hi -- tka Pickpocket- - Warm e me, your boa-o- r. wa at toa Angela oa iMMtaeaa, atao County School Superintendent At-va- n Hon. W. M. mad by K. C. DeWHt S Oo , ta Chi and defrayed the expense of the bur- Paltoa. Rimer Bishop, Carl l. inti.. tioniinauoa of la a professional esoret, returned to the city this morning, and N republican but that cago, aad a cure ta certain DeWttt'a ial, with the help of Undertaker Bor- White returned Saturday after Philip MeOulre. of Chicspo rnadldate for bow-eve- ClU-te- n delate I am wllltag to teach you, Witch Haiel introduced Mr. Bussell at The a month' absence In California dur- Jenkins, ' ' any-aiat- h rnnaraaa of tba Unit Salve cure all kiada of der and several other. of lna Cruce. ami siinm for no. idlea, office. ing whtah time he attended the Bulgar. .1 Htata for Naw Meileo. aad pladaw rata. barn, bralsea, oenema, tet of Organ. ter. ringworm, skla dlaeaaes. etc. fMd SRANB SXALTBB RULBR Knights Templar conclave n Saa him onr every honorable eCbrt to aa. A tew dnye A boon to travelers. Dr Fowler's by B. W. Brings Co. Had a Plea Time. W. J. O'BRIBN Francisco. Declaration ta BwIM Branch Line nre bla triumphant elactlon by aa and 8. Vaan ago. Rstraot of Wild Strawberry, furea on. Jacob Rarher aad Herman According to the monthly report o( Tbe Santa Pe railway hm tt .. ovfrwholMhhf awJorHy. Wa roog to the elty. a nottea dysentery, diarrhoea, aeeelekaeaa, ii- - Rlueher returned Slace the of Mayor the New Mexico weather butwaa, . nize In Mr. Andrews an unflinching w return MoKee the offtee of J. W. Raynoi.ia i nausea. Pl.aaaat to take. A eta to that effect being publiahed In The from Baltimore, where visited more than four Inches of rain haa ry of the Territory, a dprlsruM.m f rei.ttblttwa, a ettlaan. aa NEW MFXICANS he Iratlaaa promptly citleen. Yesterday afternoon, on mak- (Nwad awaited Ruler William J. fallen at Port Bayard, aad for twenty-f- It Intention to build KTprlalng man of hnataaaa one a branch lie aad ing a plemsaad oail at The Cttlgea O'Brien, aad tendered the Mg an ive miles around that point, dur- in MeKlaley county won baa alraady had lavaatad AT WORLD'S PAIR Bk roniiw!hUr within Ut Vegaa Sand Oemlng. office. Mr. Rerher stated that he invitation to attend the New Mexico ing the month of Auffnat. with the main Una of tin our territory aareral mtlllona of dol-lar- a Hugene McBlroy Mr. he niaoagor of the ljut office Berber auted that Territorial fair, which was accepted, Oovcrnor Otero haa appointed Dr. R. description of the t rnni li of capita! la the con atroot ton Vogaa of Military band, this morning VUlTORt PBOM THI never had aa much fun before In hla the local Btks have been formulating I.. Wood of thl city and Major P. given In the C n. raimiada. la tha working TSrtllTOlY declaration imm, and aantoit. the following maaaage from AMI V1BY life aa be did during September at plan for the Bike' day at the fair A. Bush nel I of Port Bayard, delegate Ing nt a point on the Thatcher i um mora MUCH IN KVIDBNOK M"i" of atlaaa and eaperlally in Ueorge P. Leamard, of Bt Louta He waa greatly pleased with Mili- - Albuquerque, and the big reception for Mr. O'Brien. to the International Congress of track, tbe same bring a spur mn. . r the imrrhaamg and working of coal of AT IT. LOUIg, chairman tha band committee for the exhibits at the World's fair and Thuraday has been chosen aa the day tary Burgeon to he held In Bt. Louis. ad with the mala line of the A' in mi and Iron mlaaa, whleh will raault the band con egpoaltlon considerably la territorial fair: The considers the and hordes of Blk from al! over the October i Oth to 1Mb. Topeka and Santa Pe raiUav i,. ,n the opening up of our tarrttory de-vel- teat will be held Thursday Fri- larger every reaped aad aad The following visitors from thla in aad detail than territory ar expected to be preaent. Hyman Abraham haa displayed in Oallup. Ir the NW of I'mi II Mnt of Ita vaat day The band will ptay Chicago He Btka' new rtrha whleh Jooaa'a II territory have registered at the New the World's fair. aad Tbe opera bouse will be the window of tbe Abraham Brothers' T U N. R II W. designated n Htn ill capital within our mid Capitaa March la unison. Have you Mr Blueher met many old frleadt, formally dedicated attrat it, Mexico building at the World fair and the visitor bather shop a handsome collection of thm 6, and running thence In a north clvina emptor meat to our people and this music? We are prepared to give slflee the laat report publiahed and formed many new aoqualmaneaa. will be wined aad dined, the very Knights Templar trophies whleh he ' Lag la erly direction aero section it ); 1 a noma marbat to our products Vegaa a big time. aad they all vied wltu each other eventful day ctoalag with a grand ball Fren-emc- o The OtUatm. gathered together whan la Saa Section 11, and H Beet Ion 2 T 1" We batwfcy pledge our moat narneat Mr. Mofaroy aaawered that the Fe-- toward making them have a jolly good aad reeepUoa given tke opera Santa S. Splta, Vs Florenaa at attending tb eoaelave. N, R 1 W, and dlagonnll nun", xiipport to em-mtlo- n plan of tke Vegaa band had not Mr. pur- house. tha aomlaoaa of this lta SeBa. Allan Fletoaer. Hon T. B, Oat-ra- time Vh'i.. abeent Berber The Silver City Rjfl elub hen In SW I t NW I I :ifi been changed organisa- 8. T IU N for ka varlona county offload aad that the chased a car load of fine carriages, The committee appointed for tbe contemplation the giving of another R IS W, would lie Albuquerque terminating at Siailnu 171, ti whleh thay will ha nominated, tion neat to to haggle and oaring wagons, and they oecaalon are aa follows: big Thaaks-givin- g and well-Pal- mer turkey on Bo Bradley, Mlas Joa-rphl- annual ahoot pllta 1ft, In the NW 1 t of He. I ..t( to caaaa our moat participate in the content. Tha local arc expected soon aa Bvening reception O. N. Marron, nt boaorabla af. aar aa the day, aad will soon start gettlrg N, ) hand haa arranged and la practising a Chlaum. Mr. Robert Bradley, T Id R ih W. hnviiiK a to'ni forta to raturn them triumphantly to Banta Pe mad la ready to move chairman; Noa llfeld, B. S. Baker, their range In good shape for the ac- a 21 good urogram. city will W. J. Ckisum. Mlaa Blais M Sher- of milea, mom nt Ion ihflr offices by large majorltlra, gad The have a freight trains liouls llfeld, R. W D. Bryan, Alfred commodation of enrhuaiaata of In man, Oeorge W. Smith, Jr., B. M Oaa-(Be- . thla when ataetad aad qualified to support big crowd In the Duke City during the Orunafeld, Prank McKwe. Fraak sport. Optic. Mlaa Nora Shields. A Ion to tertlag iheiu la svary honorable mannar In contest day. Terranee County InawpaneetH Reeuk. Mrs. R. C. McClure Shields. Mrs A. 8. Kel-I- ) aad daughter, he Browu. L J I lean luor-- discharta ot thatr onerous dutiaa, lm! Meyer, Saturlao ' tr ii Miss Jean, returned laat week from which wa deal re may far fMtlieVeft. Charles Mchiilt. Miss Mary Holt. aa. Antonio rtataaar, Criaptno raault to tka M Chaves. teniae. Ky.. to nhlok plane they ar J Olarkaon Mum Dora Klttlager. A Agffs ( iienetlt of tha great majority of The pleasant to take aad harmleaa Pablo Lueero aad Pranrisco 0, Chaw-e- a irtim HtilSt let Pi rv m a, tha Vega- a- Mrs. W. J. Luoaa, L. compaaled the remain of Mr R 8 na'. iHopie of Torrance county and Ita ar. One Mlauta Cough Cure glvea laetaat U of Torrance county were In the city Manger, whose In . M , , T Uidley. R o White, Mrs L. Turk sudden death Ban fc, l 10 k .,, , , "riaatng ftory. rollef la all caaes of cough, croup today, conferring ih Hon. Solomon WD .. MM. , w ta Pa haa r.l ... II i Ingtoa. Mr. been heretofore noted. Mr riA , . 11 Th OHIaan has baaa to and la grippe because It does not paas and Mr. H. (livens, P. J. Luna, the uMtaaal republican central ih4 raonaatad McClure brought . Kaaley. Misa Virginia Raaley. Mr. B the little Maimer l.oy uwiTio wtnicai. co t f. tba Hat of candidates nomln-te- d Immediately Into the stomach, bat committee member from New Mexico with her. utcn. at tabes right nenhinger. Miss Daaalagar. The delegation are thoae who lck that eonvantloa. affect at the seat of tha Jele bolted Bold tt t.y j i Knr Mlaa Mlth Klngaley. Mlaa Orace tuuqiif.iie j j(eil tarrltarlal ifmwotl. Ool. J Prwn. trouble. It draws out the laflamma tbe republican convention of Torrance BdlMINB, ly Co 'isro Oanrca, of lagraaa. tton, heals and sootha and ouren Klagaley. Mlaa Nellie Bona km, j. jf. county at Hatnacta held Batuday, Oc Vnr roat4y oamagNWlanwra. by Ft. tutier 1, and gave aa reason for ftsbi permanently enabling tha luaga to their l iora tbe Argus . palmer . av naidoaado. of Torraaaa. for drat dla-n- . pur llfeglviag Baton MeAbea, aad "walking out" that they were opposed YEARS contribute aad Tbomaa Hudson we. k Man-'hik- Mr Mr. Mr C. P. "one-ma- n eepc-clall- returned lai ,r.tXPIRieNt. t. VntontkM Oaadalarla, of i. ogygea to tha blood and Dronilett. and to rfto aad boss" and Oil-lu- n ftom a trip t th easat and looka aa f ir second dtatrlet: Tomoa BaCa. tiaeuoa. Hold by B. Brtgga RcBaberg aad family, Mr. B. J. the arMttmry ruling of Ool. .1. W. Oa. hrlKht and lively as a hoy returning phi f Hnos Walla, for tha third and 8. Vann Son. , Cluy Thomas, Ray Thomas, Mrs. Francisco Chaves, who waa the chair- STORK M from the' awlmmlng hole. 'UnlrlOt. o tv Taylor, Mlaa Ploreaoa K Bean man The delegate aay that tb In- Master Mechanic A. or Kor ahartff. Maaual Saaehei y aan. on, Matthew Senatea, J. R. Howell, dependents will hold a convention at TIME Thoa. Carr, ' RA5H BALL the Banta Pe, la enjoying a little pic af fajawa. Mlsa Mia MaekweU. ataaria on Wedaeadav. October 12. t I '. to moat women a term of nlc wRh Superintendent MoNally for CmaMar aad traaattrar. Win gooorro -- Mr aad Mr. Daalel M when they will nominate a legislative anxiety, tboubt I oroewhere in Kansas. "It must ho Milnioah. Kg McMillan. aad county ticket. The Independents and sweet sutu irntu.u THS NSW YOB BtPKATSB POB With rmiMtioti of very wet. tor they haven't found hint COf VHIOH '"r fNHaana Alliuqumque W Meek, M. Colonel Andrew del the pain I t Maapr. JhuwajWa. of J. Mr. will endorse for " Anrnao smi'ttiitf it 'l Mil tit at THS BBNaiANT BY THS BOS. UeresMry to i bildbirth, yet C ' ie. ' tlx tir Mil.. ' I'alnta. Isekley. Mlaa !ieklay, Wil- gate rongreag. la uaderetood fti-- Owtrna to it is i f..ltl f fai there eomu calm nerve, of Doming I. I . Par probaa Wmm, Of TONS IN THS AMBBIOAN bur 0. Leekley, Horace Hollngbury, that Angus MoOIIHvray will make the The cltlsea who were thwtBNtttt't.r ftil1(1tuiul 4f, tmm tleep aad Huprtioa. summoned as at faifll rrtsft (I JvMll MiftlM lil ' Manraao. USASUI. Charles Ntehola, Jacob Htgde. Mr. race for collecor aad treeau rr on the Jurors aad wltnraaoa rsjIBMIS fmBttt tltn Hath Mulllt .V ' Kor twohita nlark. John W. Oorhott. and Mra. O. W. Wrong. Independent ticket against Col. Wm. th term of court whleh opened In "t City g. B. for the aam e Oruoes Monday war detained by the MiiuaMHitir. New York. Oct lo. Boston van Sllvar Pollock, 8. W Mclatoah, nominated Scientific America Ool. flood, aa they eoald not secure an handf-moi- w . aupgrtoMmlam of aahoala. Klaer, . R. Coagrove, B. B. on tho ticket nominated by -- air A r I .1 . .1 Fr Ml Mulshed New York on tke American FRIEND ship. niiatiiiii f anr .'iviiiiU' j.' '1., laraatlHo, f TiDrraan Mr, 0. D. Warren. V. U Mart J. Franco Chaves. ' m. l Mel. I l ll In , iragttc baaa bail field here today, win- diminish the twin 4KacccMinaavhM C. Kelly A V Word from J. and For roHnty aurvayor, M. . Tharna, ing tongue Clayton Mr and Mra W. J the Aawrlann champion Bur-doc- maternity With It aid mother can anc they prr-- nt ' I'sltaa, - "It waa almost a mlrael Pollard states that are at tai-- h V Mlaa Madge Char ton, Mra. D. Obars- do bring healthy, sweat dki position at Hm m - WMfciMiiu.. it Blood Bitters oared ma of a In the state of Texas and haw i n BB Fm Oriuilianawt.fJpliHn, loa. and tdeul r iuto tbe world. W eeejfca ail ever the for com lime. It la supposed that they u Inak Hla Henae Mttsg1 Pf B quiekly ylaMs to treat, Im Craces - H Freudaatfcal. terrible hreaktaff est Morning bit kites, ante breaaUand is MsrtklM sad 0M body I am vary '' Ml. Mtiu wilt soon If I a way ' qaiM af Oaveedtah, Yt . wag cut by Ely's ( ream Balm, wham Is agree- Ran MarBNtlJaaah f3mwferd. aratefal crucial ing rained by the gradually arrive there of siaerhruaUtrlaf. mmugli Oarnwell, Conn, capanditiK thfi surrounding i.iMd of hla anatstMry haalth ky ably amaastie. It la veaejvai Um Pol.aB-4- wr R. B. Drew, Julia Pllhrtdge. Went otk in, are mtutved by tha flood. mm llwTaeseMHleR . la tiuaaton of Ohroate Oggatinatloa. Bwirile, aJaauss and heaia she wbols aar Margaret Drew, panetrallng ami relaxing liniment. The board of registration, eonalatlng sad NMHUMMia. over It dilmaes Itaalf. DruggW Among t'ie man i fold i.U to childbu-t- l Dr tar Kaaaaa amrrwatlan. of W. R. Merrill, Capt. Know lea and KEELEY x.'hea King's New Ufa Mils broke 1U Arteale Barl Oobh. I lu THE ell the aOc. Trial simi by ma" r Mether' s riend lm. grown popularit Topeka. Oat. 1 1 . Oov.-ruo- Oeo. L. Shake peare, have been (may into hie bonaa. hla trouble waa smiu. Tuat it aul!;you are sura to eonttaae (ham A c. ftoreta Ka.. aad gaincU a pmtige rich worn turn'" I lfB. peat few day getting ar- acd new ha'a esWtrely cured. taetrvatawni Banta Bona c. W. Bailey today .are eat aa official re a will as (nor; It is found and welcome! the tha list n get, H. Ceranea ranged registering They're guaraatead to cure He. at Al rMIMM Ce Mtti. Central Clty-- T. N port, covering Sat SSaUatnatton of la tba muimion aa well aa in the cabin. and preparing for By gonv voters any .Inu rtora To aaaaniuHeiata tu.. who ra partial Hemlng Arthur C. Batthel the state aad the school learn.uK tb mother' of mlaf for ths seating sleetion. L5UKLINGAMI: & CO. tka uaa of toiuiar in hi'i'lytag luitdda tend are, lrenf report says In aaadiminUliTug p.iin a heuutiful inflnaact Th county eommla loner were In E.l:. .tint. tM U l, m a ansal r, wrotiKlit 'ipon th chil aad Inataad KlUlaf tb fr Ire. MlggUffalU's ammrtoua mav.-a- session Monday and Tuesday settling ASSAY OFFICE 6 iha lamarii'tomtjea t ream Balm naavlib. ill temprrr. and alcklv forau yet laboratorx ...... urvtiara la. up atnvy Bbi-ri- . l . . V . I u. "noaM ABM has been The eumtna4JSB has develened a the aeeewnts of the county for tho t. ..r The of the kttltag of td lurm, wbi.-- a wiu known aa my a defeated la hla bavehealiLi) . lauUtug htwinnhy, remain KautiliHrd la Colerado.iaM. aamclr. mail aMarep-amouatla- s past quarter. will aitcai Tito kiatendes la dealad. All anrts of ait hi lead a aoanreiatBaal aoa m. liisgMlSStllsi and utff ble . . g ever to you and it country. Ooaeidereb! bosinaea ttpo tcclf srsetlrt 4 cart ll iid vmm oaua vnm taotmiusg wa anal 1 laataa awand. Mm aa am? wild Mpata were anuat. It was said teg totem Hsaae. IHigglametby laatatm me aacaaad Mm pealtea. IB Many mimaged was traasaeted, aad as aaual, the af- a. ewtHtSr , aa fWRSHASta. that a Bgwt In a saw mill at Ouad . Tha lluuld larm i mladtea the n.ea. tlary only by a technicality, but of dollsr iu th twelve counties ex fairs of tha county found to b 'n Tattt - tlx. or ' M of im aaanruts gsnuttiog es . a eeaewHawea leaia If wr'.i lor l''t ih- (deal rUea ut tb win! ri.paratiun good condition. lrm aluplta ire men. iikIiiiIIiik - her irun couraa he ti""l to lie "vindicated" amlned In my jangment the aaina IT3S-I73- Laereaca St., ftaevar, Cola.

MLnntttftBgg Alan-onerqa- e psalMon am sum. . tilt arataauowMMM at thinlag ase-tallt- e Tka nerty will rimala kere I we tow of iltatrirt No II, old town f lailur. and kia WILL mj6 (WW iUiMrViS FIRST DAY tMMtalj bear!ag tali lae1pttoa: and on tha flrat train thereafter, pro-aaa- d PROMPT RELIEF and Uaraaaa, Una. Meetor try leg Witt tka ar w which h i pas Baa Montoya, on mgmkart wm notod ka atortod IB M nnri.i "With keartfelt grsi nd nf tka to their komss at Antonio. of tka of tat AMTIOktt 0f IfaMftpoiiAttoN sengers No. A. T. R. N. M. I mm 'he effort of ovir.-etin- la board, on tka part of tke oblldrea. in aw Una of bwaiaeea aaa wHb tke of train I. ., ) Hostot-w- well-ckoav- B Wall atansstotod FOR TMIM MlUafMM FlklD OF BIG FAIR r. R. R.. bit. St. lto4." Than Tka local lodge No. tat. rmtarnal ii taking il tt ' a few ramarka. la wfclck MrJeenttt became aadnla ware tendered tnoar traraasen tUwlhernood will give n due to- Htomaih Mil tera Feins In she be remladed tk cblhffaa of tka aaorf tke insurance baainaaa. Meal-ra- . It waa a WkJnk k' by tha pesssaawr for bravery In aafa- - night at Hk' ball Thau deaest ttomaoh. Heartburn, BeishiM sod Area of tbetr forefatlwfa of Maw at lis teas la baranja wealthy, bat ka Uvea ami flax Mon-lsy'- a ksraw st- quickly before It hn an valtMtlv aahoid aav ' m I s hnlly 1y piloting train No I from Law Vrm ar quit popular and Nausea vanish and tka a Thninday tkara tiad 'om OIlM. At earn fla wfa la aapected. when It u regu-larlj- r blem i.f liberty, fltar " tke time ka Th tweaty-fowrt- k Ml New Mus- over a dugerou track on tka night toadeace furthermore, taken tke timaRled tii. .rrtce of taw Ma remablwan onlltlca, Md Ma tfltl aaiiaanji at Tm or kt . M. MnaanMrffjald. Mr. and Mra. roraat return alwava cur InSleewtlen, By- - auwr li. trouiaoaa Uaaaa of 1MI ic Territorial la bow la tall blast, aentember it. rafter il. I Mr mm Aral mm to the front tor. W WajejaJtm mtWtaa of In All-wi- taaa it,., . M la m er, old railroad man of Loa A alaa. ;ad estorday froni an sstoaded vtstt swam. CaaHvanaaa. Terpid Live, In. imim and weather tb a. Uraat-Oroala- y th' frovlea, ; It waa daring tit aamv for two aaw in - Ha who waa a naaeetmwr on tka tram. in Artaoan. Tka majority or wair eetlv Nktnayn. i or, aori 'tun atlad hnpi thlagg all riant. nr lrvuses, oH-im-e aany Urn waa spent J. L. m At tke name -- r. Montoya took Mi ii ni rf m rain, with a r cloweV waa instrumental In seeing Iknt tka at Habbell'a and Malaria, Fever and time w- In- - mTm foT y' i.iir-t- K 41(1 at Oaaado. - you to give it a occaalon to eikort tkv aklMrwa to ami WMkouta, but II ft brave trainmen war rewarded, raark urs trial. For waa " !' nroaajaad ratlraada will I for Oraat. raraa waa a On nant Wednesday, Octokar 11. will ; sale by all and cutcate la tkdr lander mlada the ra ,,. jni fii the purpose nf wettlaa New trulBi Malar. young maa, aot yat tkirty. aad ke eat be known tke Art nana 4 Cotocai.. BaWCf occur Ik weddlag of MtM Wanda Hill, apert, veneration, lore aad aanwort -- M'ii thoroughly before the tret day OiMft Yflm oat to oraaaiae taa yowag rewafcllaaa Itollraaii mnr of Maw Mic k i r of tkla rity. aad d. Orooa, of raa-- 1 Itkay owe to tke glorkMa emkltim of 'I.. iair. and to assure tka stoei J. R. Taylor, a nromlnant BarekMt HOSTETTER'S rotera into tke Tonng Man' Keoub tke nwar ui..ra are nkma Haadoiitii. cott. Arloonn. Mr. and Mra. Orona lv.-- ri-- T, rnchms and ranchmen prop-i-r of ChritaniM, Taa, aya: "I eoald A. ktarw.. .n.i aad Mnawa of will raaM at Praaeett. At the etoac of Mr. Moaiova ad- - , ., Hint the winter ud coming aprieg not ant baeanaa of a wank atamnk, I STOMACH BITTERS .Tr""'w"rh -, Tatiaaa, m -t-a. aad atagwae w Tkoaiaa WVrnarand family are la tka the sag waa hciatod to taa paak "'- B-- (iui.i prove the must profitable la tha laat all atrangsu and ran down In dre. a. a ncceaarui camiwiga man ntna mi ntna, nf city Mr. Wornwr la amid the atraineof tba "Star paailad . ,M"" "f Npw klaHN. from wry I walgfct Alt that m.jnay roald do wm from lie rorralaa. Taa tarn of nee will be fifty v. . a donaty afcrlff of flandoval county. aaaer." by lb bead of tk Flrat raa H'D i matinabla. for tbrm nnd tkolr ran-'n'- "' a 'apltal dona, but nil kopo of racovary , ..'T.' Montoy-aa- Nww Me atatee that tn rlllaa of immit. National Oaard of Monlco. . llakad. Haartni of aona woodarfal PLAG RAISING h2XTofJt l aaVa? M lot of a i .,. . Ixw area tmmplotaly wm followed a aalate flred . v, iitw commute kald a Dya-r-. near t'orralaa. Thl. br " par of t, T capital ran tctd hr th ua of Kodol AT OLD TOWN orgaaner wm recogniaaa by ue oMer ralaa liao i., wiped out by recent floods. yaatardny mornlai at)ppata I concluded to try T... tkr olmauJ h0mAm ,Bt b" atoaft aliamty aad "'iwi a.o. milu Car, It H. M. InZ fV " "u th. ..ffiro of J, H. rrMally. In Tka! flrat kottta banaflttad mo. and aftar Aahton. of Oacaom, Wta., Z write to frlenda here tkat ka will van Baca followed the addreaa . iia iKtt iiutldlng. and aftar randtni taking four kottlar. I am tally ATIOH Tbn Tk parsons at tk i.iporaior i" raatorad - ft IMMT MNWIM . likely In Alknajnwr- "JJ uiS s. mry I apend the winter ! i. Ounaal'a attar to PraaMvnt to my ueital atraniith, wvltht and MA40)ft M. - ThtW'" T'lT! poataMMor of Milwaukee. Prealdanu to construct, tiip aad will b along jnat UVKRIB W R. WMIT- f' M.laff. y. that It would b wloa. owing iaejh " Knani p.... ad . " Hayaa Arthur reappointed kirn crate a railroad. atl. and tele nMMi 1.tralaa are rnnnlng regnlarly. ud "niiin-.- to poMpm tn rmr wbat yu dind mroa..' Hold b A poatmaatcr. Fayne aad plenty of phone line la tka - if Ran rV!a - tin i .i daeMad unanlmoaaly w m a, m Prof. Mwood Mono, of tke gorera- McKlnloy, t )nrir Rnt c ..h a ' tlm to d. votc to poHttca, both atnt Juaa. wMely . FvaoFOWg BY WfJflTOR atOMTwYA uin h raw on tka adtrertlaad meat reclamation aervlc aad a aad local, m! be mad good mm of K . ro to carry fr. ihi fi.i ut, m in Drtobar lo. and la ae- - Muwa Irritation eaiiert. Ima d I daelre in kla manner to Ha became a memlter of tk ataiej h're over said ad u.i ROVhTWN KURIAL MiUCS tkai ke will be in tUbwoaer h that daelalon the Flrat From Monday' Oatly CMImu. tkaaka to Hon. A. Mnvwr, taa A . oeatrni oommitt later It nonatruct operate aasl qa I. ud Id i t. .mi tbla appeared to attend the New Maslao IrH toamilc and Ooloradn aa ita Hm Bill' mtnlB A nag railing took place tkla ajorn-la- g tlawoaa iwury, and tbn chairman tlon buildings and "i ''m i paatea, Noa. Romero, Hob. Man. mi Jeaua wan g ornr of Hroond at reel and at the public achool on Mala etrwet rlae rapid aad tke auraw he bad er matter pertarnlafl sasj U'!r,,.,, m hp played aonl-- - . N. H. Wllaon, apectal eommJaotonar to tor Montoya, George F. Blank, Wm., tonal a law aim wham Mm x of tk old town of AlhMuaraa be- achieved w a leader aaat klm a est with tb ope ratton of aaatt a -- tke world' fair from Mercer roaaty. Oapt. nana company htgfcar, ''Mink aad tka people In tkat fore a large aaaambmgc of ckltdran. aad tka maa of notch and aa etat chairman H.iiM. ' n. Freal- - FftaMlftVIB. California, I in tke city today, a water-- R. Flrat regiment. of wm regarded '.vMnitr. Incfadlna The meet wm To order by National Oaard ke M th bead of tk Tb prlaelpal piss at bound lax oaiad uaaaonaer. Ha la on kia New Meslco . .Li.' !.::.ffr. commenced "jollying" Hon. H.imero, pn aldent of tba aad tke baad of taa party. He wm a laa oraaalMr aad tk eompuy win be Tarawa. Art Tke which warn bagaa way candl-wboa- a' n' ekcavatkme to flt. ixula. and kaa a lot of Mm regiment, under Jamea Devtaa. kla couaaal wm by aM e own at the adwolJa board of dlatrtct wker a majority of taa saaak ht . Baaleaan, m the eaat bank at tka Uteratnre about . i tiuneul la at III at m Mercer county. klndnea contributed o mnrii dates, nnd tbaswufurward he Imrnme cd wilt ba main Nile, aoon son mtlea Cairo, Nn. it. when Major K R. Wr.KIng and a branch office I'M i i above la The Ladle' Aid aoclety of tke 1 ii. may ant awl aara nntl I nf laad - toward rnnking the flag mlina at a iowft, nut only In the county ami at 4irdborg. Nww atMlwa ! made thi' following pr ntailim ad- talned i i waah-"H- ! tkwamber. IUS. have now bean oom Avenne Metnodlat church will aerva ii ma. If the mini ud drew: tke old Albuquerque uMl achool thla Mate but national politic, bavin Tbe termlnas of th laJIroad Will be Plated There nave been dleooverad flrat-ctaa- a Oreen-na- d I' ltiiinue down aaaan, a lunch In th new Imornlna uccea. x i Mil m cknlrman or the republican near the boundary (In ot Maw Met aamrahed In - - r "Mr. chairman, ladle and gentle- i '. tka necronolla eiieod- leaf bulldln- on Bllv.-- avenne. be H R WMITtNO coasmltte.'. ami also raureaented I ih.iiiivh committee, at the public : ataic lew and Citlorado. near where tk j ... m men nnd children nf tk arknol iMilnrAiir .t. -- . ing along the fa of tk lllaaatoae tween Flrat nnd Second atree nil Viti atsto the republwaa aatlenal t. I am requeetod by Alexander Ham- la AnlajM river crosses tk Ha with t memmog we- - taa iMwtpoae the fair oaUl " ini or afternoon. Tuesday. Wedaeeday, iVimmittee for more than ton years. the ntkar terminus wker the Ban H ilton Woman' Relief mru. of Nan I ,b Hetepn. Jatw c.. Umetker wHk Thuraday nnd Friday holding poaltloa of pust n.l today. Tke ('It mm aad York rity. to preaeat thi America N'hen tba Francisco river crosses tk hnnndarv maa Joan Apodaea, an old real-de- nt In .t.. r who wlah tke fair to ""J" "rBm Rafael flag martcr P) nc became Interested line New Meslco aad Arisn "" of died yeeterday after- to thla achool Tl orgaalaatlon atjeea4NUL CAR MR TH Ha fctwn iii r ir.nng to advert tem nate. in- - " "-- Bnrem. or vari iua Isrsti corporate Interest. In Oraat county. A branch line win rmmm ixmipoaeii or painoue woman, in, aa : ! inwuH mi ini' w a eqajaire noon of heart failure. Tba deceaaed LATA ta i r.ir1 lent of Milwaukee thiruaflvoa. with th reeult anaii, many of yon are aware, an adjunct to FOtTMAflTRR MrtRNAk hail tbe h coast met d with s tarmlnu at onaaatunnlly a r i twiDty-foan- h at depth of thirty feet. waa 6 year of ago at tke time of kla Rl Hall wit) A Light tllXI in nnnnal Now th Orand Army of the Republic, FATN. or near Furmlngton. la tan Jaan conn . .. wamniiy death. The funeral tkla - prealduni uf tke Wisconsin t. TVrrltortal fair la now on In " occurred which organisation sin latk. tv with the other termtaM on the By hitter coaslata of pros-Id- er r,, ailed In. thl careful maana tka morning from Bar red Heart church. Tele ;.tse iiimpauy lace lost'., tn !,!, tk aurvlvort of the aotdler aad aall- - C came Puerao river, west of Muaellto tr, y rteeeaaed waa oarafnlly Interment at Ran Joae cemetery. Honrr Pum from old Fa. nf tbe American flJtrowt Railway thla afternoon the fnmoua ora of tbe great araty navy of KsKlawy county Tke main line win ud itan stock aad his Mceaiors saw back : 1. of Nm firt. following Nallraed at Ion, lUl aad receivrr 1 iI.. daaeora, tba V" Mle Fragraa. our country In the terrible civil war aa' , cover a dlatanc of 3d mftsa snd to the early colonial Ha wm - 1'n- uliiii-n- t Tkla type of bnrlal natoaatea tke given . dart. tk)- Northern PMltb railro.l. tt-II- -' Hi hand arrived here. Frealdent Forflrto mat tk IIMJI kink .a kla ... u . - . ..II . . a mt i. will raaefc lb estimalve anal bed tn mnmmlflentloa period; bat H wa follow I review of const rue-- which he kad manv other llll iiarit tkroagk tke prlnai' us railroad nation, toundoi la tk blood of oar IIn oonatv. Maaaachuaett naNoveml taiils watora Ran Jm. VaMacta. MeKin oaw - tsurin latsreats. mr. i t a of tke arty, and M Col-- ! in iwu mna, mai tion pograa in nis miiaaaa to mm- revolutionary As ao eloquent my. tsienrrn and Orul countlea A by wraa- - sire. bar M. list. His wm spent Payae became s. il. r- - ' ad bven nrreatad tke tuieember, ami Rear maa." tka tadiaa ' y Owwrni Rlark. Into m village of belbaraa Falln, hraaeti Itn to connect wltk tb main Iilngs, wblob were found atlll Intact, !!?' , symem tk gsaaral upon tka retire wwrnor. iaaid Tke Cltlaan office iscrease in tn raiiraua iasmandr-ln-ckl- f of tho drand Ar- - k line leading to Farmtngton aad run re- aku. mmi.i k.i m- -f OlsaTMS Smith 1 amok of Bmorr . i r wiii. nf approval that the big tomb contained tk line of daring the mon'h" w aty. nlng to MunwHto. covering a dt ligious J at lu national encampment In education and later an academic edu f i formulae and test Inscribed ormtriMiti by uhh rent on tke atmosphere. Kilometer. chiefly tae Roaton, last, no man ba ever oom-- eat ton He wm studtoaa aad a work-- . tanc of 1K mtlea, will alao b con upon It In the orthodox hieroglyphics, MaHMtail rW Umiarlsan t laa ITMltaM aatssastan a . . A Uava Usator. ri xiciitlv committor, at tke " v" ' pieieiy oeeerinM.....rn nag. m it snows er and at tke age of flftoaa bagaa to structed This Iras will reach the sad with the heart pointing to tba of Yucatan, "I Nnconnrl, - not you If ywa'ri-loakin- Run tiKi'Mnit Mati'rda moraine wiuled the tbe la- m the baa of him w1 has be- - look ft.r a position to help pay tar Would Intersat stensive anal bade la weetrrn "" " nalntad "ayea of Oal fotut for a guarantee! lv fnt much bnalneaa. and nil tba',N,rt" American the Oassca to Slut la aad Mri B0 ew How bis livelihood, it wm then tkat k Juan ud ncstVwaatora MeKlnlev .1. I rt to IBe m Pltaw. Dona, ot '. ii! ar holnv Mrvlarf nut I rata tbe Hidalgo. Th railways of tb In kettle .when u. .ftad above eatered Untie gam's postal service, Moms. Raraa or Otto noaattos. Th sarcophagus was surrounded kilo--j "1 wltk i in. if the dntlaa of tke eommlttae republic now agsgnto 1.IM of tht) mvotad; When H told the vlllnaje peat master that Fondar, Mo. writ as: aaffarad Tkla mad warn Mantelet d will open w - m with Inrg number of wooden mod meters, miles. On Na- ugly ears tor a year, bam a kaa of c that th soldiers of Fort or lo.HI tk wreathed In amok aad rushing for-- for l a week be would bs st tke post m up a new country hi aortkwswtern - Is representing a river end sailing cured me. It's WinuMi- wi'ro here on time. nnd tlonsl Tehaunt..pec. the laying o( tk W,M w(,k fln d the lightning' onTlc esrly every morula, would RunkJon's Amlea lalv New Mtlcn ud wltl pro of vast bonts. a grnaary, a group nf neraoas to-kll-o oa earUi nt nay Mw'tn. noting on advice from new rail In lieu of tbe for (iMm of g,,n Mg bayonc amid th sweep aad duet tke pteee aad do aucfc tka best Ralve lie beaofR to tkat seat loa of tka terrl baking, a mas btwwlns, a man leading . tii.. cnmmltte. sent out a train to mr on bM Iman kiH up aad sank an hussa of tkaaa who love It and errnada aa be bad time for oatotae drug store. tory. M will sarv m u outlet for Id I'ucrco for them. They arrived nn os. n girl carrying a brace of birds rails have now been laid tor 10 kite-- ,u for , How gwrlnu afar upon tb of his school hours, tk coal production aad wilt also open 'n-- .' nik-ht-. In baada aad a basket on bar and wilt gtv some Inter-- her meters. Tbe progress of tk bridge ( or on tbe mountain top, or In Aftvr being errand hoy for about n DISTRICT COURT pu ibis section for sett lament, "inn .irtlia and hurdle rams during band work kM been grant, having bean the winding wnys where tbe long year n loft achool aad btcame a clerk Th promoters of this proposed riavi sed tin Notwithstanding tk ratrame completed for a oonstderable distance. - ptaaaing ' H.i'k. .inva irad! How magnificent when in the dry goods store of John her- tDOIMOTOrt, AN BOX have for some time hn 1.000 years of - ! i;.iif Myers ceu-cnmmltt- e to be these Trafflc has Increased. epeclally una upon sklpg In Mr. anal beda In tkla section of Informed the borne tke that rellve tb win. belburne Falm. Later 10 RAY FOR OBTAIN I NO MM reach tka - they ware fotwd to - , that Oeneral FsMman- curious reltca, senger traffic, aad Income nnd as atiwertng of kamaalfy. carry tld- - raerwln moved to Nortkamntoa. aad tk Territory, aad m a reeelt.A K of preserve ud UNB)RR FAUBR FRRTRNORB. i ci nt riiaea. of tn aunts pa. b in a remarkable state praoitara nay almost oen eq sails ins nf goad will to all maaktad; sow young Payne went wltk klm. MeFariud. of Tasaoa. kaa beea tak ,.i amhoriied the running of a aps " wwumen In tbe galleys lean slad when waving above the school Rbrrwln moved to Milwaukee aad ' Inr up considerable coal laada In the lag upon paint 1 BntUrany, ID h'. iiH'''ner train irom uts vegns their oars aad tbe hnilu, kiln tk. kMM m ,..n...l a laraa r.lall anil aiknlMaala 1 in Ca iw four cnuatles through wblob tke rosd still bright eleaa. Tb ceremon- THR more Fayne went with r,t"', aWdlngtoo. rliarged rMn tn thi city iivery day during tk ud BBBT ROOTOR. , Its Its lesson of love and law. nnd thre him ud will tnd. ies attending the Interment of a wo- forgln an rmr Tiiia train will bring pan sugars Itov. H. O. Norton. Bulphur Bprlnga, j over the great civic procossloas gre. cniored th empko of Hkwrwln. Now rarJ' Arlaans sua Raetorn FRraaa. man ware slightly tk de- -- n-st-t i not nnlv from Vegaa, but from dlsslmllsr. TesM, writes, July llth, 1000: 1 en witn hosannas tbankaalvlng; " a aa nooaseopsr. mor u "urTt1 J. 1 Tit other railroad will bs tbe An Ia ud 40 "It developed Hnnu Ke and nil latrmedlst polata. parted lady balaa nrovidad wltk a have used in my family Rallard'a mow how desr In tk hand of the women that time be had. on tb outbreak of ' nnd on whose trial tona Rasters Railroad company f .una urc tka train rvlce bashet of toilet roqatattoa. Byrup, children whose peace It hM kept the civil war. tried to enlist wltk tk , kal botk tka prosecuting wltns an" New Meslco. will be built a dl that Unlmnnt Horekound aad ud - ud - ud are tka dls- i. nt . nt wa In bad order. O. X. Mar- - they have proved certainly aatlafacto-ry- . nnd whise security It ben; how Meaaarhusatts volubtaara. laa asfuaut asoavlcu. of fifty mile wttb UordaburK hu Tk attorney tk iwoeosd- - tuce iiinrHied himself, and wired to FWI Was sura. Tk liniment is th best we bar fsr !t !esmi of glory go when lam faithfully did Faya work that 'Wet dlamlsssd na one terminus ud s point where - ng tbe Indictment, and Pled aa Cti-r- ni M.inerlntendent Rbaanrd rala-- j if you ever took IMWItt's ever used for hes.'" nd pslna. Tb hen. with a lov of hnmutty nnd all- b aoon became a partner of th adr the Oils river crosses rb houn.1sr - - - I with tn iiaAit nr houao auiiaeaiieutiv with tka Bur Information chargtag tka dafMdaat ns. ' a annrlal train to bring Oal- f Marly Risers for btltouauaM or eonatl- sough syrup has u.n nur doctor or vrii B4aot naaM and between New Mexico aad Ariaons ' " How cuasor Brm. With- - wrtn ooiwniug wwowr tui. bsll player and cltlteaa to mi ion you know what pill plauars la. the last eight year lac, 10c. 11.00. , much greator when there will he of the Rherwln fi.w Colorado Railroad oompuy The pleaded gull-i- " t.n Mr flkepard answered s These famous little pill cleanss tbe Bold by J. H. O'rt'nlly Co. no eye that will not rsgard It com-- drew ud wnt to New York aad opes tsnass. snd tbs defsndant prtnetpal places of bsslassa of thu I mm ty wm Mntsnred to tkirty days f..i '.. liver aad rid tka system of all bUe' with i.v kaii it. .. aS a tan witohmsJ bouM. wklob ud mad ar at Tscwon Art sou. snd security aona proved faUare. Rfcer- - in isll, ke having already bsu In Jail W. G. .WILL the token of snd Justice. s flnuolal lrdshurg. New Meslco DR. TIGHT . r- - on this charge alnre July mat m "Tskc thl itsnnc-- air. and wlah win went d iwn with a crash aad capital Is ll.eea.dtvi di iwwiv nn; w39 ' "VJ him rii, ""I'Jf!?"miuvd iw wiaiva. adjourned Tbe stock -- "a'fJiL:1!!,?!" The district court then ii i. m HiicrM of fair. Including ra but pleasantly gtvs tone and etreugtfc DEDICATE OPERA HOUSE1 ;hm '"- - :!r' wMk"!!? vlded Into 10.000 skarsa wttk s par achiMil u ,b:.M.:,lL11 until neat month Th wupreme court i ii- -- nf baa ball team at Onllup. to the tlatuei aad organa of tk atom. tic will he ," value of lino each. Tk eaafta! itock " It In mm- - wound In y wsa tit meet today st fants Fe, but Wi' c. rtslnly lund thm nt Albssjuar-mi- . aeh, liver and iiowels. H. Rrlgga leVHii'iire the iitiirliMia 'inlil.'iii The ni linkruiti atihscrlbed I I.OOA ekarwa. The term new l owlnu to thi cnnditliiiia if trsve! the Tueaiiay morning, nnd peaalfcly On. and R. Vann A floa. The dedication of the Rika', that ahs'l ver itan fur union liii- llinnm u.i he IimI I'mm niar' of exlatcnc la 0fty years. opera will occur on Thursday, , . i a m iit in. ml" r .if 'in .nun an ima'nl. to i..nik'hi Iwrrtng further water troo-!- . a-- bouse ,.r. ,,r,, ;rl ).i.,, ..m mil. 'i .' un i .1 Dr. W. 0 Tight, president of the (Mi I il j i,. FlliM h Itcsret esfrsedlngly that con- - OMf sf MM Miles. 'In I'll Ik. 'In. Bvfi re-- AINTWQNTS t University of New Nlco, who ii have operated aajalMt you, A gap only of aa even 100 miles cent I y beeame member nf th an-- ' i ni . ..n mi am certain of your sue-i- n a noa remains batwMn tk two nsar- tiered tribe, has consented to dellv fsct, opposition of element in extremities of tk Bail Lake RBOCNT FOR AOMOWVTURAL hi er lb dedication address. A feature mil,) Kttmiilata attendnuce." a -A- road. It oomnriaas tke dlataawa preasnc on COLLIOI CORetajBATION The coming of the horse, tk Car- of th affair will he tb Kasslsr Bummr., In Rnatnrn lb stag of W J. O'Brien of Haiti ORNTR. nival ciimiuiny. tke dog aad pony rallfornta. and I4W Vaaaa, Nevada. hn anil other attrnctlona were st' mor. the Orand Rsalted Ruler More than half of lhl distance kaa SENATOR MARTIN SAYS i inventor Otero has aaaolatsl John .iiti'iixHi-i- t st th madlng of tk ese-n-n already bsen graded, aad R nary re Wlator Oauab. M Weiiatnr. of fjarra nwaafy, a mem I'limmHtej, nnd It wm given Curse to lay Mar ii.-- r malns tha ralla or lass . of board cf regents af out enough will ba to J. R. Oover. 101 N. Main Rt.. tMUwa. Unltsd State Sanstr, Waahlagtoo, D. C. the 'tint here make has been accomplished toward tk Poiieg,. of Agriculture and Menhsni. a nmainK program of avanta for to- Kst., write: "Overy fail It ha been I have ncd HAYNRR WHISKEY for medics! purpo.aa in my family and have trading of tka remaining portion. y fnntvt it rrv aatiafactorv. I bsbsvs to b a number on Art of Mesltm via Rev w morrow Mayor MeRe la snnounosd wtfe's trouble to Mtofc a avr it Fan, win-- i meditinal whiaksy. , jgf . A f.M.per of Fa. whose term i.. make hi how to tka multitude at cold, aad therefor to cough all Rut OA VKO HIB LIPB. ! i xptred Mr. Is one i the fair grotinde tomorrow (Tanadar) tsr long. l4tot fall got for her a I' s SMiawr Iruau Vlrglnka. ha. Webster J bottle of Byrup. Hl.c used tin. oldeat resldssts snd Isadlns cit dfi.Tiionn st I o'ctock, aftar wklak W. imveanurt, Wlngo. Ky . writes Horekound - It been to tpna of Rwrra eounty. Me Is s r. Track RtipcrlntMdaat Dr. J. F. June 11, lout- "I wut to tell you I Md kas able len nundlv THE ONLY WWSKEY WITH A NATMNAL RBNTATrfN Ft all night long. Ot cough pnblicsn In puMtlea but Is so popular l,.arce will b randy to anaoase tka believe Ballard's Know Unlment saved Whenever troubles her, two or tkfwe dose at IVALfTY AMI PCTfBIT MMiTY. m Ma oiuaty be bM been el- h my life. I wu under the treatment of or' mmST that -' ri the cough, and she Is able to be mi' . d time m county clerk .v after-lHMi-n two doctors, and thoy told ma one of W-- s vrsl The bicycle race tomorrow " OO. We have OM of tk largeat diatitkvriea in the world. are the largest bottler of - my I entirely gone, and well Me, Me. tl Bold by 'arse mntoritMs In tkat dmaocraii.- are as follows: dag wm aad tba wliiulo y in the world. Weliave mors whiakey in our eluli! Bonded WsrrhoiiM than I J. N. CTRIatty Oa. imattid mty Tba fact shows eaaaluaiveir Mile Open fUalor No I, Htvetoy; other badly affected. alao had a miv "tlicr iltatllter In the world There l more RAYNfR WRtOWfT aolil than uny other lump In my I I "At year capital mat t.v Is la grsat and No !. Moftett: Mo. I, Raymond aid. don't tklnk tkat lirii'i'l d whiakey in the world. Wc have lieen tn buaineaa for snd have j b!d saem lon- raCl) . ( in full, you run no nak when you ileal with an Your money Geik r.apeet by kra fsftow sKtfti" Htnmm, No. Ray 1. could knv lived ovnr two months DANCED ANDMAUE MERRY. Vl.0in,00 paid tied I, Rtamm; No. WATNM WHI0KIT goes l ger. I wm Induced by a friend to try nt if vu are not astlafloo Don't iorget that ilirett from our r. ksHUhm of aalRlcs ud tkat he I'liilllla. distillery to you, with all Ita original strength, rii bnsse and flavor, tliua aaaumiK ( ' Ballard' Rnow Mnlmeat. Tbe ret yt , an erricieat md snmpsteat eountv of tne Half Mlla Omw Junior I . t you the enormou profit uf the 'Utsler You latiimt buy sppllosiion me great relief; two THR FRATRRHAU RROTHIRHOOD purity and saving flrlal No t. Marry U Itodaoa: Mo. T. tare tuistliinv; purer, better or more satisfactory than HAYNM VVwN)KY, no matter how fifty eaat bourns cured me RAUL WAR A OR RAT BOCCKBa t lay ton Hlttner; No. 10. 0. M. Me- - sound aad tuui li you my. (irii'ter. wall. It Is a wonderful msdlcln ud I reoomnmnd It to sugaring kaauia-ity.- " The foilowlag aorworetioM hv-ni-- d Two Mile HaadlMp. --No. I, Htve-Ic-v A very delightful affair waa tin DIRECT FROM OUR DISTILLERY TO YOU ate, Mm, 11.00. RoM by J. H. the offtos of J W Ray 'ratck; No. Moffatt daaM given by tb Fraternal Hrotii tavern tiewlwra' Pray ante iianer la I. N O'Rlally Co. nrsflts. Htltiltarattor. noida secretary of Territory yarilH. No. I. Raywoad fltamm vrkood but sight at tke Rika' opera tk ' iixwing appointments of asjeo' " vsrda: No. . Ray Mamm- -a yards; Tk Ma ball room presented hints. New Mexico No l. Padllla TO yarda; Ma. I. BR. UOOAL FARARRAFHB.- - a very gay seen, ami ud ulsaated The Treasura Mining aad Redn. R5 yards; No. 10, 0. H. Norma-ei- t tke ravelry basted uaUl tke early inr Monday company, nt a maatlns an MS yards. No. 4. Marry L. Dod From naily ORlam. BMtralag. Tka muale wm decided i raaat , ihiI iih.i K fl. MePmrmttk. of Oraham nun I (xi yarda Mrs. J. J. - goad Mora seventy five con awsridaa ratarned lat- than HAYNER m New k urdsy from a rmtt wltk frtaat at pies war preaeat. ok. for atanlea, to eaaased Bsnts F Train Cew Reaslw Mswals Buta F. ii 'iiiiom, of Orseam. who ban r. sag in.... d hi residence from the Tir. far Rwvry. J. B. Maaley lut weak purckaaed Ours OMR Fever. stVCNYLAROlw iVmductiir A. U Falkner, ngiaeer kaa of wd lamas from 0. Wrirt. Naaavodochas, Texan, aku Ti.. Mimero Ooal eompuy, at a "ii Hymn Archibald Fireman W. tk sheepmen of Rerasillw aad Vsj. says: -- His daugbtsr bad ehlll and ud inetla kM tal Colorado lloltnei. of the New Mesloo dlvlaloU enclt coaatlM. fever for thr ysar; be could WHISKEY -- nt ..iinaa choM Ifatssro, MW Mwilco. bm i if tin-- Hants rY arc strutting sround M. T Morlarty aad Uoula MnRaa, to help her till be used ad uythlag . principal place of buakuss ot the .!. iiik nut fheir check with a grent two well-kaow- n cIUbsm of tk awtai Herat ns. His wife will set kMp hou ii imtij sad spaolated Fatrick Ftah allow of pride snd sre creating a i t plain, ar in tk mty today to without it, aad any too much FULL cunot QUARTS ..f Morn ro, agaat tar tke Territory Kreat .leal of envy ainnnir their broth iane In tka fair. for It." 10c. Sold ky J. H. 'HiHiiy( s4. r n u me Kegular meeting of Dottonwood Co. iiiilroa'l lin Th.. of all EXfUEtt mum paw iy H if troubled Wttk g weak eXawatlon drove Wfiodmea Orel will ka held LHDI5TIUJN tt rv t'bsmbsrtaM'S st Fellows tomorrow WIN - . OUART el HAYkIR ibid kail af r i flCCssD W- w II .ou FOUR FUU BOniil Tablets. TRay WRl do ywa good II.-Fo- mill rmal oi .... n icrniNwi at l:Su o'ukmk. t. Fetersburg, Oat. stili UUn nnn yiak oui ryi nk 4 oo. au.i we pw sale by aU KILL the COUCH Urmn s Ksbbi KagUa Mstosw class will tkat Kuiwgatkln i at H,i.-- - . ti I rv il dnd il i don Imd it ail rtj(ht and T'"I a ..u AND THK uanuaaaesut t LUNGS , .! i I, , inyl-M- ls at .my prnc, then en. it ta. our CURE meet st 7:00 tkla svulag. aad tb of n, ...i ti..m l't.-li!i- it I Inat strong eaougli to aatum the I Rjuossvelt pr and ! .Hid o Vt UU will lie 1.. i I, luull. lliinktlisl In rellgtoa at OO, bom la tbs u -- ci,.'i.. ir let in. net Jut l fenslvs, tasmtkar with tbe official ! II you lly larrel of the west Wkll In wen' WITH i.rti i How. in. Id it lair, i " perie. ulitil "i s.e vestry rooms of Tamnis Albert reports (rffwasive n l Dr. King's of mvment liot on' a taut Wr .liiu lu a plaiu si ic! aa ik. mark t. how what'a iiimiI he tke value of Irrlsat The coRm for tka luaofc to b sarvsd agalnet tk tkra armies uf Ki.i t laMiii.tiittee aad taa A BEAUTIFUL RCB-TIFFB- OUASR AMR eanimon si i. AM of b- -n the ladles' society taa Lead Marskal rinjat tkat Um ii ir. sT BENT WITH YRUK OHerBH ETRPP vaniMs to asm from ii had A OMRSRHCW f r New Discovery M ime Methodlat RsriacoMl church . r. "ini! t Kllll i he 4iitijeei of pen In ar-iel- fin' iiriii 10 ua kls onlv ii.... r trtw III twf a Hiy.'r auafl la n t.fieal tue" of l ma gonon hy li ! kn-i- a . .;. I 0NIUMPTI0N Pries ' donstml the Mnnsn fimcery of joy throughirtii Ti.. UiSli " f.'i.efui ..aa. I.. ':.Liu fTU ' ' t I our. HI snd 50c 4 51 00 " iiniini iim.-n- ahich hai n u ylil nu "V ' ii d. .ill inirtatii m'imi M .1. I .L.tin Mi o 01 US trr Trial, Mi" l'ii '. Mm ,n. i,'U ilir..iiuli.i.f t lulu' i THE HAYNER DI8TILLIN8 OOMPANY tau ' v Wti.t.i ,., ,,r RA, i.i.l ira.-n-li- ' i.i tOUIB, RT. FAUU, MINM UAYTOR. 0- - ATLANT. bur, ft, t Q i U. nx. ( .IP f.,r all ii. 0T HO lilhOAi' n. l i I Nit XRODU. XlkH - ICON FV HACK rti-n'i- and a rnnneiiucnre th roil MORA COUNTY'S UNTLRRIFIED 'vr mr another herk I see you iftDIAN FIGHT IN 'he Albu-uuerqu- fi'(i' be- - 1864 htrn platform and the hard fall end near have a whftln i GRAND book mil platform were adopted, VMK KKnii.rVnblieher. ,rPl'd '" '" ofthcliMtglng Mr Kidder That doent Ignlfy. I aad I THRY PUT UP A TICKET POR also a rewilution endorsing noml-aatio- n1 lane TH. I : the rulers. Hi bn"her did not dear. have up my balance at IN WMIQM CAPT. TO RK or PAUL RLRCTION AT THRIR IMMI PRTTIS, of Senator W H. Andrews as a HRLB ON THURSDAY, OC Hate think Men the accident, hat the iswr nit n i OP THE rtlW MRXIOAN VOUUN- - pcaadldntc tor delegate. TORRR 1a, HHH. t;i,ttma, nwr year.. . red, who happened he the AT OOUNTY Mrs. i Mklr Ml wrestler. THR SKAT Kidder-- Thn why dldnt you The following oui v?itiw per your .MM Julian Rltsue hi 111k Frank, aa he Is ivc tip your check book? Now no Ttina, mil ixakuuint nominations were it's sir. made For renrenentatlve, Manuel known among the. white, wan badly von to t.M nortee. Jagepb VIOC The column will form oa Ctreua The demoti-at- of Mora rounty, at fr C de Bars, of Cuervo; for aeseaeor. park, right UK) WILD HOOD hart and it took him some time to re-- 1 reatlag oa Toath street. THE GRAME Itt their convention Md Mora thoLK''' " " ""! ,iVl H. M. oallegns, of Ralado. for treas- sorer sny why don't yoa any A other day, noaiteatad the following bv oa. contributor to tha Provldanoa urer. Casnllo Rnnrbes. of Colomlee; so right 111. for Rewdscveus. . . oat, a maaTBoatoa Joarnal, In a UP A ...... mm i m. reaant leans given tha shertg, Jose y Armlio. of Rants Ross. AN MARCIAk PUT aaaMUaMi MaaojaJklaaiM mrancii. offirrriDD flrat Division. rorm on wast aide Uartlnea; for tha Ra-- ftdlowlng aeeoant of a fight netwaaa for Arngon. PIOHT ASAIN8T LOrcS (MNI hoaaa. Rafael commissioners, Pablo of of park, right reettae; at aonthwaat tn the north awadow warn elnatarad mero; for coonty eoauataaloners. flrat rha New Matrteo Volaiitaar "tertn de Luna, first district; Oeorge corner. AMD COM lit OUT Of a Hnarh of Indiana mounted and ap Maoarlo Oalleg.M; dia- - OPPIGIAL MATTERS of II. Smith, ftti dlatrlrt. third and aevera! bands Indiana. of Ranta Rosa, second dis Reeoad Division Porm on SCMITfUY parently awaiting tha approach of Harrwmento Baca, an tha Oaaadtan river, trict; eaat STRUOOLl ONLY tha trlct. tor treaaurer oa November 'one Pablo Sandoval, third d: side oT Flrat Drvlstoa, parallel, right itag. Thajr PUtad rlgara and ex officio Roy; uayuuw-ss- IM4. la which Captain H trlct, probate Judge. Smi DISPIOURSO AMO RRASV fwK thalr aad collaotor, Praak KiaM mui mow u. n Oaoraa for Joee resting at south side of park. tha ehMM of aaaoha rouM ba plainly frr aaaaaaor, Padre Pachae; for pro- : I Pattla, who forty years ago, aarved y Bedltlo. of Puerto ANOTHER TURN. mmmm HiOTaa MIM, iea de loaa: for Third Divlskm. Porm on east side awa - oa atlll I probate J. rtanc tha air. Tha tan wiivw in inp rim new Jtex- clerk. Juan Claacy. of Peer of tha second Division, parallel, right NNtgar parlatandant of aehoow, f rnirrtdi RaUMIVIO. iwo car- to de for aa taa aUKMt Ndro Ortlt. iwiaairy aaaer coionai UK Loan: soperinteadeat of raaUag-o- sooth side of park. from MM Bee, Ort. I. uaiegote . Rodey haa i am, participated, hoofs, aad ratlad down taa baa t. uadwaad aad did mttawt aad f Patricio Qulntana. of Cuervo Fwarta Divistoa atratah. tmt request of v., Territorial game marftnrtoaa Porm parallel Once mora MarraM has up servloe The with tha Third Division, ft )o far aaya: wtiyeteierM VYewNm. right reel again, the rani tbtag Ml tt way of Pata narlHMR, froai tha Ban Jaaa. aarden IMmu rainbow troat far eat Oamtot Waken lag at What haa beaoat of tha raa pacoa rtvar, of tha sooth alaa of park. a good. I set Sunday, Jgflowlng aa ava an ahtbHtoa of broaeo boatlag. bride who "la the ITth annual report of tha Iowa. City. Out. it. Mra. Charles eapacted, of ooaraa. to ao anoMaa for tha Chama and anxious Seturc'iv, Mm waa ever waiea aitaoaah It waa not ao do bar own WMhlBg? bureau of aatmal sthnoiogy may ha 'trteh haa slept without waking ror Lie ef Meeeh. atraaaoaa. aa rlvtii and MM f.M the Santa Fe fonad an latereatlag nve day The ease haa reason to .wlteva tfctft the wore of tha nana waa a gnatM Paople way aajoy hatag marrlad nccouat of an created Irrom place of formation, south on the man ad rxpwnaace eaa only hweha whaa hla with the Indians in New profound sensation la the medical cir Tenth street to tat whoa oa taair haaayasoon. hat tha far Violation ef Re me Railroad avenue, eaat tad ".) Mm Bio Grgade was In w. aaaaatga; uw. Mealeo. In which rapt nln Oeorge H. cles of the State university, and vari oa Railroad avenue mat amir waaa doaH look H. B. Otaaa, game - to Flrat street, - territorial war- Pattla, then oaa experlmeeta bean to lor ' town, Mi the result proved tha lieutenant, showed oaa. here tried south oa PIret street to Gold ave-au- a Mg aoaaa Baaiiy baeoawa a dan, reporta three arreata for vtolailag waken her. hie Cot Oar-'iraw-n apicuoas bravery, while la eharge of Needles hare bt weet on Oold avenue that eahmMlM fM hoafdta hoaaa, and a nana bnlld-la- g tha game law referrlag to the pneeaa to Sixth bast two howltaera. and whlrh bad It not thrust in her muscles la rata, aad to nay gfsti extent. HaM Ua. aaaa Ha Mlah la a blaehsmtth sloa of door of season Two of atreat, north oa Stata street to Kail mi havr for his coolness of action, would as a hurt expedient Dr. Lttttg applied avenue, Hamrrtay BaftSt prospect WBB Tha hoMiag of tha provad shop the y Deputy road east on Railroad avenue the at atof arreata Ware made It have resulted probably the current of a powerful battery. Mm - in tha whew to Second street on Krav- enough, although the rail-r-d to ba taw Mgaat faatara of tha day. r. Bailey at Victoria, Doaa Ann north Second tail About all batag cradRabla bobm men aompaay of troops hatag extermlaet-ed-. rammd slightly, answering questtoes (oaaMaW Into ooaoh catrtad with It tha gator of ty. aad the one oy Deewty I,. M. street to City hall. PT' service a data la tha prlvltaga of patting ap tor ether appears - aa oaa In a hypnotic re- It that Coioael Ohrteto- tranee. She Aftar aaaaing City park dl- - Taa nuaagor Oilma at Ctamm. RJo county. -- L - e. each ureal ajaggr Work men and roaiaaea. the sig- BMrnhara of tha family who art not Arriba t mTamh tk. ..aa o. mained hi thla condition while the re aumeroe amoon taa nal and tha orartaad throoah wlll be dtemlseed oaM Whan gtrls waat ta lira a wadddlag I dma aaoMt of the Flrat New Mexican entreat waa applied, aad whaa R m ii", atniKtri- - to keep earn and tha susrwoaa. WL!l.fV.imw nMcvewn ri inv nvw (HWB r "wj gg taa taa river aarr nrcteat In rut glaat, there la much ?JT' lataatry, started out from Port Bm ed aha dropped again to sleep, nad H Ptrat Bfvtelan. ane l Vegas, m which had fallaa nvar tha whola asylum at a have called i within mntnii u the hataam now iranr ui plaint because they eaa'. bay a eaat, Hew Mexico, with Ml volunteers now baaed hypnotic suggwettou wtN wity rwneo waa vary notu-aabt-a for bids tar taa furnishing of supplies artar itoar, hui whn tn round teoaaa daathltlia aad ittece ttiaa a aalt cellar. and TS Ute. In- break her coma. for the matanmianct. of the asylum Jacarllla and Apachr Marahal gad Aides. whlatte aonndtd an alarm a IHtlt aftar tin down tha waat eurva tha ovat land It diana purpose la terribly hard to ba cbaaifal pen-mea- for the of driving oat Plrat Regiment Infantry during the cowilni vear. Sealed ls Rand. Nat mlttlMBhi it IwMavad cant. As It cam aaarar tha Indiana - wi amafwflx when oaa la awaka at mldnlabt, aad wilt the Klown trihea. Including Conua- RebcJ of Art Treasures, loaal Guard of Maw Mexico ttt drlvar laahad hla ha rcrelved until Nov. I, that tMal wave of wator had ta horaaa lato evory oaa alaa la tha hoaaa la aataaa. IM4 h s and Apaches from the vicinity New York. October II. Venice la Baaaad BafaUtoa, Flrat Regiment In cantar aad galiup. -- ataM i' aarwaaaacy. tarn lato a Tha Tha man kin do not like to go to a of the Ca indian river, and KM Carson being robbed n cry dny of art treas- faatry, Nettoaal Oaard of New tha drlvar laahad hla horaaa Into a eaa-tt-ar ures, with P ruaaad froaa taatr boam waddtag, but it aaam the oaa family Mlaa Adsjgme Nlele la eajoyiag a creek In Hutchinson county, Texas. the complicity, It la said, Meaieo, Major J. B. Rider aad lato a irailap Tha hoard The engagement plane of bribed government Day pan 'rmMMi to 3nd that taa aiana tha raakm whaa thay are afraid to ra- visit from ImT slater, alse Olemmrtlas took aaoa af- officials. Commanding. w- - , of rods aiada a daah lor It aad dawn daybreak. after day barges tnsed-a- p !itii ptaawtara, attaooch taa tal. Nlale. who mm just arrived from her tar November M. 1M4. aad laden with United State Squadron of cavalry. -- H the atratch they came la a whirlwind tha vtlbage of ITS tepees was marble ornaments moa ih ion proMtKMl taa cravar proa- -' Wbaaever tha average wemaa gata la MMhfcran thrown nad Captain Valentine Oommandlna or duat. A .mairtaaMa. T1 tgat hunrb of th raagara aa ready to go aaywbara, lato n etate of wild excitement, the all for unknown deatlnattoae. Maay City PIre Department. want oa pMrad icept to niiraay alglit, taa naagar polata on tha scaba at thla Jaaotarr sbureh, the eteltemet; gives her a troops driving the Indian down the beautiful marble wlndowa whleh and the po;pinn r pistol raag a TUB RAND COrfTilST Caaasllan river, onea mi ihB aevjuia ooaaartloa with tha thick headache. Atcb'u.-- Olobe. where they Joined ornamented historical palaces, aad faat The reds left ataga three more other Indian stattttee taken from now i nboat a mlla north of town and tha aad tribes la churches Italian Baad. away cowttoys. l Prom Dally camp Reinforced, they closed to wall In-- --n atnttch of arada aaove taa or fallaawd after the HMII5ATI0U vVaeme.l.v'i. citltea.) returned aad worshiper, marble OMy Council driving them to the gata RNTEtfWSC The by gave the troops such a fight closures of Bysun origin, iru raaob. aaat hand antct, ns announced stiff that tine Preetaeat aad Officers Pair Aocia A troop of Uncle Sam s aavalry leorge P. Uaamard. chairman of the the latter were glad to retire, burn- lions, eoats of arm nnd columns ikoUkM luBdy awrataa broagbt up ing the Indian recently 'laahad from tha aaat aad waat ta r.RCINT RAIMA IN VICINITY fair baad aaawiittee. will take pmoe rltlaae and capturing disappeared, and It hi sajg of Mka aad Display nohtne, aad th rttrar atlll on one of T Of not nmault Ka DuIb tmAimm, nt the BUta onera house tomoriow or deatroying moat of their wnter sup they have been ahlppel to Mejtsa! Proteottoa Boeiety. awvaa. All day tha' TRR PtROflAA rOW PI.RNTY old Town. ildat that Vullaf aftar roll wera arnau anJ thii night at t aclock There will ha plies. Including severni hundred hnf to adorn the palaces of mllllonalraa. Lsmal Boatatlea DlspUy wm OF WATRR PON -- in nrmaianini wm pwcn battle . last aad fun jus. The la RUOH PUR three bands an couteetaats the Lata fnlo xiT.s The troop lost two killed Raima Society Display n il railway grade Xr. on- coattaed, wore drtvea aad tha overland Vega baad and the two bands of - lit" Indian nnd four wounded RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. r stability waa gtvav ?'' ot POs. amount of a safe clreuK of tha ai his city, raw Piret Reglmtat nnd the The Fndlens tost M killed and about TMrw Btvieien. " iin threatened placea la the grada ttallan bnada. A IM woaade.' or miasma, besides Vegas The heavy of the aaat week smalt admission fa Una Baad. Mi., river coatitijed to rlaa, aad aa day-- ralas vlli be cl buggy aad spring wagon heloagiag SANTA PR LOOOR NO. I. 0,F, desnoaeirated the taaslblltty of to I, 0. Paaay Ptoata. Kht nave place to twtliglM It waa a bare the Apachr ohtef. The fought reclaiming a atrip ef land beginning Indiana IN MRMOftlAM OP THR UATR Meeahaata' Dtsplsy ioiin r poaatble to deny tha battle :raveiy. aaen paaaad a that The cavalry gave bout tea mlkm aorta of Tree Pledrae LOCAL PARAORAPHS. a through WIULIAM OH.LRTT RITOH, PAST Tradaa Dtaplay Miib the torrent was a dreaa parnda horse on fall ran nad exploded two dlrtmaen aea drill. and extending south lor forty mlkm, MASTIR Or THR OftBtR. Ooatry's Dog aad Pony Show hiki a toaiag oaa. Mr MM. H. In or three hundred yards beyond, thence earn aa far aa the Rio Oraade aad Yeoaanas are while Deeoreted Carriage A ee,uaw race la. which dark aad the Oily :he rider waa M vi this time ajvlte a number of fasa-- sit distance of tweaty land fratt Hernallllo. thrown feet lato Otthmaa awartby maidens of aha nlMas aav utile. This The Wlow lag reaolutloaa ta i " ' iiml aafety in foot-li-t In many Messrs Whjori aad atone, of Seat the air. Two Indians caught aa aoattH tie waa has nieces immense morlnm nnd respect to the late Wil ii aa event of much oame mva-- arm of the rider aad rode away amid Pawrwi atvtwien. otbera had made prc;ioraUoaa ami capable of holding an almot Pe. la from the territorial llam Mlaate Haha woa on a bark a volley from the aklrmlshers. Thla Olllett Rltch, who died at Sm Fe Band. iave whew the signal would ba adices supply ef water. Raough wat' itai mat nlajht. Bogle, Saau ah pony. instant waa repeated at least M hoaie st New Mtxtoo. Sept. 14 Mannfnetary xiwn that taa water had gained oaa- - er haa fallen over that section of lead J W. Ahaaja and W D. Arrighl, Of 1M4, run'v Aad the cowboys raoad for a quarter times daring (he dny The Indian have haa adopted by Saata Pe dtmtaoa, Topeka S P"n' m.i of the sttaatloa About I o'rtoek la the past few weeks to Irrigate the saata Pe, are amoag the fair visit UMge No. S. I. O. O. whleh of a mile bogler won! I bugle P. of b way Dtaplay hp hampered current that had strip for aa entire season, If plane are imitate the calls was baea A foot by tn by op a charter meatber aad la which Navajo ' race seven buaka waa the were It. advance retreat and halt the ladtaa Aggregation. rinsing the railway tracks in tha made to store r. A. Memaaiiart. , nad Baattc order he held a moat honorable next event It waa a kindred yard jr posite calls with wonderful eaeotanes, and Cowboys and Mounted Horsemen nnl north of the depot for several Rat few people reality the Immeaae Baca, well kaown elttaeaa of baa Ye- - high position, at the laat regular meot print aad the way thoaa reds swept ben be Thl waa peohably oaa ef tha chiefs Hour gained greater headway, aad cite to derived by the reclaim aas, are la taa nty lag of the lodge la this city . over the apace would put many eat-leg- e of the Apaches, who waa kaown aa a Aastetaat marshals are h rci.y ns Jm a large body of water a foot In a lag of that tract. It reclaimed, that "The mearhers of Saata Pe to A very smjaynblo daace waa gtvea noted bugler ' ldge signed to their respective dlvUiouH waa athlete shame. The time waa body of lead would sapiort at leant No. I, I, o. O. , do la sincerity ex 'ii'iitti mania around the drag laat night N W by r Mvktieo-Mars- hal W second gimd-iiliep- d at tO. hall Third nnd Able - lirec towns in which could lead to wife iot. past lir. MrCrory'a real- the Bpanieh American club. his aad children their N. W. A. Negus. Aaaistnnt Marshal. aad spreading out all over me afternoon uerwrmancea closed located hotels, Souring mills, beet sfrismathy In the fsmlly bereavemeat 'i the with xugur Mr. nnd dale lay A. Habba, aad A woman Baeend Rdvmlaw Alfred Grunfr!d. ' Indians roping horeei on foot It factories, etc., aad give a food likes to be truly loved aad over the lose of a m part of town. daughter, husband aad fetaer. Dr. L. H. Ofeamharlla. waa well worth aeelag, for on catch living to hundreds of facnlilea. A Mlas Jean, returned to tha to be told ao. No more can we have his genial com n there waa eaeltamaat elty Right TMrd BlvWeo-D- r. j. n Kraft aaouah lag hla horse, the red woald alt oa effort should made by the but from Ranta Pa. She likes some noble, boaorahta imntonshlp. the beaett of hla wise i it- - waa Captain P. H. Strong, U Gradi .lcxus iitani unuausuiy ttars. in a hla troaaera and scoot over the ground iKopl of that section and the terri Mrs RUaa vJmlontt. Mra man to be thoughtful of her, hiad and couaaef, the encouragment from lnd ! reinwtaa Romero. hundraia of lanterna at the end of the ropa aa the fright tory at large to ladut-- pital of the niaa aad Mafc Oeorge Laaa of Wm-sto- coaaiderate of her welfare fntlajable labors ia every branch of the iia-i- i. il tueir rays over Uha Paurth Sivieiee. W H. Hahn Hot. troubled eaed animal endaavored to get svejr. government to look over that pari of were aMaag the fair vial tors When well and becomingly dressed, order, nor the inept ret Ion from bis Mwn atont. man oa now ert Maesey. Capt. B. M. Otero horaaa aad The sensation to the Indlaa moat baea Mexico with a view to putting lul week a quiet It Is always aoare-- commanding presence m. notice of Asalatant matwhala will see h in all Made of vehlclee rushed been reel warm. taa land uaaer cuttlvstlon. Hon. W. 'There Is lef to us, however, the that H. WRRomaa, the adjutant eiated. respect I ve non hoaaa to hoaaa aad volunteered foad recollection of his many virtues their drrtatoae are ready to general of the territory, is among the A word of praise fir a nice dinner march oa time. "i,i to the nervous ocenpanta. The Mtaw ROROIA KCCUOdka. I aad la rhat reflection, we receive screw nundred people here from the or tapper often more oompea-sate- s By n nnd chltdren were ruahed to taaa forceful inRuence from the life aad Order. J. RORJtAIMIf.K The one-mll- e aaaa race waa woa territorial capital. her for the worry aad work of Marshsl iiia. r safety with all aoaelhle dh rhaw ef Cos Angeles, character of one who waa honored aad by Helvley mmm 1 hut Paw warty The Optw says that Lea Vegaa pre parat ion. iMH h Beaaoal In the nothllla served beloved throughout the entire length Wttaer antra. Time, 1 Ai'iwldfwMlt,aa,,B wants two grata in the She t in' double purpose o comfort to thoaa tatahed it Albuauertrue wants her buebaad not to he aad breadth of hla jurlaatcttoa. Spsalal Order No. th. Paraa. $10: IT MM. A recent issue of Los Aagalea ratr contest one for her supporter otMBpaatoo. re-- w h wi re la safety aad brightened Una I; There wera the her base ball hot her "Ms was fnKhful In everything InvHatloa having been received ga entries. Herald a moat team aad masMonag it wni.T bound routes of tboae geelug contained comoll the other for her band that is taa klad word throughout hla Ufa. from the Territorial Fair aocUtion The three-mil- e meatary write-u-p Miss Kal that brtags f o.n danger. haadkmii waa if Oeoraia Quite a large namher of paople often her greater haamt' Resolved. That a copy of the Me- - for the Nattoaal Oaard to take part woa by Helvley. Rtamm wm logg, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Mania yesterday vuibjd ptar.t of uas tbnn a new sot of dlakes, theosjh avorhvm he aeat to family, In the parade Thursday, October 13th. a unit to o'clock the country rrosn the taa his aad aad mtiaer Anlsbed third, Time Kellogg, who resided In this city many American Lumbar eomaaay, aeeeatlag preaeats like the latter are always copy be spread aaoa of !M4. the and staff. iielow Old Town to the records the north end Parae, $10: T.M; t.M years. Tha young bvy la alao a sla the unique by welcome. the ledge, too pabtiehed In Plrat Regiment baad, Company K f tilt. invitations ettaadad aad a the and the railway yards waa two-mil- R, -- covered with The e motorcycle rare was ter of Mrs. j, Blder. of this city. that company She likes to be made to realise that Saata Pe Daily Mow Mexican. Company a. First egtment Infantry, th filthy, mud iadea water to a depth When tha Ottleea representative was 'be is good for something woo by Dodaoa. with Mamtn secoad The business nseettng of the Baptlat besides a prao mvum. aader command of Major J. K Rider, "t rum two to four feet. Having aad Tott third in Urn Aagelee he met Prof. J. P. Du-- mere household drudge. "Noble Oraad will aaaamble at the place of rendet Time. t:M. Puraa, puy. Ladles' Aid Hwtl, inoolnld for thla roumi various outlets, the water T.M. Who is the leader of the choir She likes to he petted occasionally, ".'). L. MIUMt, roaa aad take part. m; I1I.M: Thla la the flrat afternoon, at Mra. Mataoa's' will I the town, they grew no deep. In the Jewtafc synagogue, aad he sta- but not m public The little prleate "Vice By order, BORJtADAILR, rare of tha klad ever run on the fair puatponed until 'Tauraday of Oraad. j. r through the night. Monday mora- - ted that Mlaa Kellogg was the organist neat net names are vary dear to a weasaae "A. P. Ootoaal Commanding Regiment. rounds track. week, on account of fni HOMA the aeaae waa a cheerless one. at that church. ft. neart imisville Ttmec. "anaratary." T. U KJMEBS, Adjutant Thomas (nb a very swell portion of our pone-i- c The Herald's article reads aa fol Jenka at this elty Is tha Oommlttee Adjutaai. New Mwatee ta Itself ajrala. Old only i urn person who haa reached the elty He CooW ventured out for several hours, Rot reigns ktart Than BUhm. tuprame aaoa Me nroae la from BSa m,ff sa dls-inu- Oaa of the haaaaumsm aad tha south ataoe the weatauta on. esrm ssaaiaurjT'mnswawsB) Ma lsalm ri'i all but the old timers ware ) any. well, how do you Ilka It Wf mttwrWTk a TICKT. the young women cut red bet wen elty - mom vil as the sltuatiim unoided itaaif talented who haa come this aad Pane. herer- aaked hla sataaic A mm tiaaalatloa of King Ham- - Thursday, the day to const many Mr. Jenks over -- in water, mud and debris. That the fourth of Ue the for seasons is Mtaa drove lead from the H nmght be worst," mraMt code, written about ISM n o. tha Tweaty-fourt- Aaaaal Territorial tleorgla Kellogg, formerly of New Moanllon count i y. NOMtNATRB BY THR RBPUBLI- - own kiiawred leas on Him oseaaloa Fair itiaeet lauaottant. who had nr-- years before Cmrlat, gives aa Inshjht broke clear aa a hall. aad Lelpale. Mhw Kettogg Jaat t lis ii in former years when rork la a Mrs. P Morris aad her daughter, rivea. lato tha life of the great city of Baby OANS OP BAH JUAN OOUNTY AT the rlrar K-- Not cousin of the great Clara Ixiulse Mes. B koi iMimteroua la owing to the batter a cloud waa visible above tha Llndn gpaaidmg, noted artlet "I remember one summer we had toa at that remote time, aad of the THRIR CONVENTION THR OTH-R- log sna nas laheritod the musical way 1b ia or - horlaon to marr a deep blue aky. Nee York city, are spendiag a law bark ta " which the exciaa question waa buildings erected aad the gen- many BAY. taleat which has dietlagulshed daya Mayo, Bonfh-no- r by nm-otlo- given to placing adobes The weather la superb aad tha Mg Hth Mm their old "Help! help!" cried hla royal alba kaadied lie legislators. i! of the member of the Kellogg family, n n rock At no geat day of the la going of that city, bow on their way alarm. "Bring aa asbestos mm. Nearly all the dealers In wines and The republican county foundations stage of fair of under At a very early age young must- - convention tt tha home after spending the summer la wick!" liquors at that time were women, as Hood waa the volume of water par the most favorable conditions clan displayed great ability as a pian of San Juan county waa held In Axtec, ii. ularly heavy California Smay of the laws translated from the the county aeat. the other day. Hvery The river channel la The cHy is crowded aad notwlth- - ist and ahe was subsequently placed code speak only Kenerally up Charles W Ward, of the V Jaatt Sutler Tells a Stary. of women as sellers precinct in the county was repre tiled with tha drifting tandlag that no trains have arrived uader the beat mnstra. This waa not la of drink Severe measures were -- and that Bowed Optic, Is In the elty to attead While In Albuquerque ta sented and the delegates were eu the water with little from the south for many days, the at. uMrleat. howevnr, for she the other da ken against those who triMMiom, aa Irrigation rongreaa la hla official Jack Butler gave Dally adulterated the thueiaetlr aad harmonious. aad the river bed haa a tendance at the fair grounds this af- evinced a desire to study abroad, aad the CHleen a wtnes or mlaed them with ao xyster pecHy ns secretary. Train HtUe story to perhaps water, The following ticket was plat ed in than the town, the ternoon la a record breaker. her iereata seat her to the Lelpelc eaplala away aa safeg-tar- d permitting, Mr. will go to the purity of the ar the held; For Ket-logg- 's Ward to ft. the black aad blue spots on the legislative council, natural order of thlaga waa that the Conserraiary of Mualr Miss his big ticle lor the use of the nubile. Louts tomorrow Mi Join Mra. Ward, round face. In Plagatag subject to the action of the republican i'v..r country should be made a reeer-ui- r Teste-- i Pair Program. brilllaat career in Uelpalc was When and The barmaid was held responsible for the surplus tne subject of much who la taking la taw World's fair. sober enough to wqrk Jank hi either a district convention, OraavilUi I'endle water, K:M a. m.- - praise from hat snr disorderly scenes or .druntmnnees Trades dtaalay parade, H W. Gardner P. W. waiter in a reataaraat or a eager a. all Instructors Her technique Is perfect. aad TlmaMa. hart la her premises and death was tha fair attraetlona la llae - of and It Is hoped that will For the bouse of representative. her phrasing sncelaat and her Inter- Topeka. and J, N. MarrHleld. ot Lon he prolong penalty for - YESTEWrS PAIR I M p. m -T- wooalle haadioap bley bis -- those who did not de- subject to the action of the republican enatara cities, aad Anally came to Los Angeles, former eleotrioal engineers vacation ladeSaately Plaamtat noun, e nil rases cm race. Baa. of drunkenness to district convention, C. V. Bafford. OROUND EVENTS Aageles. Or. f. p. Partallo, of Ran of the Hants Pe. ami Mm latter oaa af the police. Those women J oo Haas ball Mme, Las V re. who ware For county comrnteslouer, first dis Pranclscn beard her play recently. the traveling auditors of the const employed lb the l empie were gjaau Pe. forbid trict, Monclovlo Archuleta; coun- aad under kls management she will llaes, are in the cRy, and will take la Saline Properties. den to enter public for INDIAN RRUAY RACK ITAOK 2 -- Horse raeaa. hosteleries under ty commissioner, J. 11. - leave soon to piny la concert In Mex the fair for a few sjays. Government ohemlata are aettina at penalty of third district, i death and even drinking In Stel worthy, hii.0 UPoROMoo o- "0 Navajo ladtaa loo, the Waat ladles anil I .on dun he matter as to saline properties In for aheria. J. K Blmer; auariN- 0. O. Pranclsco. the popular aahta- - private was forbidden to them. INOIAN 7'itBHynln Hi oowb tosra which trip will the streams which are to for aaaeasor, Fraak Hoflt; for ireaa-ure- r. PRANK INJURIR. consume sbout eight man for th Oudaay Peeking ouMoaar, teed tha Special police officers were detailed months, oa return will Toato basin reearvolr la Artaoaa. It aad oollector. W. B. her ahe of Chicago, came la on a late train for the enforcement of the excise laws Wlillama; T'SSL e Urn Aageles baa thereby been discovered alue-t-y for probata Judge, Manuel rrom Thursday CI oar mora to to en mat nlgfat. He thai IB the city of Babyloa, but then, aa s Daily linen.) joy la returning to hla per cent of the Prado, for probate clerk, ft. B. Scott, I in- a rest aalt of the BaH river well aa now, th charged amuemata at the fair grouads western headquarter la this city, af officers with for superintendent of H II Whs' theatre, mia KWiogg is aa artlate and a it derived from Carrlso creek, aad the duty were, If we are to believe school. Mmerday aitrnaon, varied aa ter spending several weeks with hla the for aurveyor, George K. fm to-o- Indication of hadMlag. beauty Ohe is tall, exoeptloaaly that Ire per coat thereof has Its ori code In queatton. auiocyiie race to the notd-n- p family Ohirago. either naarttaeat In of the ha' graceful ptmaaaaes color- - la gin in Olbteu creek. ' ii ba. a' aad the rare rha performance of their or too rable overland stage coach. Miss daughter H. duties Oeorge A. waa o-o- Wks' bat,, tn lag of dear complexion, brown Bretoertoa. of 8 willing Tinkler elected cLelr Tin atteodaaee waa not as large Bibs' building mrotnertoB, manager to aocept bribes from the bar-- man of aa hair, blue ayes black of the Vai Verde LEONARD WOOD the county rentml committee. but sufficiently aad lashes. RBPURUCANS. laatde in the shape of driaka or area '''"lay. large to With these Is Iter company, of Praecott. siooeed and Dr. B 0 Oondit, secretary if the ""w,t MsMtMy It esmrt ef the N. R. . charms she the happy money. '! graad stand, aad a lew late poeeeaaor - of In the ilty hntweaa tralaa laat commRtee. Well posted republicans The Benevolent so. of much personal magae- MraKuii re Nawd taa Waaehera. H Wu - HAVR PCAORD UBSISLA-TIV- R are of the opinion thrni a oaptlvatlng aiaat. Cramor, alao of prce- THRIR AHghmRamteSaBB PffVinmtAaxsBW that a pari of this ciety ar and manner. rmsyaammyf two - at a buataaaa meeting held yea-terd- 4 it" tad a half mile reus- race, cott, accompanied aftaa Brethertoa AN COUNTY IN ticket will be anceeeaful. althouah Oro-earle- TI6KRT Somewhere oa thai earthly ptaaet which Ave Mavajaa were entered, allowed Mlla aa follows: on Baa Jaaa couoty JOHN OOhRfTT ANO PARTY HRRR quite aa extended trip through the THR PIILD. la taa duat that Bowers that he, has heretofore Iwea 1'iovi i vary amusing and aacitiag fM.M; coal, rent. U.M; strongly democratic lit: TO IH st. la dew-dro- p HIM. eoRveyeaeea for atak. The; total, t4 TAKE PAIR. taa la the sunshine, Ust alght at taa noma of tae Steeps a soiema day for me. e.0k1ilng dlitrlhatod. forty pieces. bride's The republican county ooaventloa TH Rqg)y t rivi ircutta of the (rack were made John W. Oorbett family mother. Mlaa Mauds Hill, a ff mid UMTeoce Laa wm elaeted eaUaetor of aad nnd aoptilnr young last why," aahad a gympathatlc horses we?e changed eaoh circuit. Mas K. l.dy f this eity. waa .rTaoum. othZr At this wakeful hour of sMdaight rel Jnssaalae Oorbett. of Moun I the " chaaga of saddle waa madv united In wrth Bdwiu I behold tn mint, tlve "do you caae the hoy so?" ta uiaalr. Tawraaee county, aad Mrs mnrrlasa l. dny. Bvery precinct.IBJr..waa represented it dawn troni of the grand Oroae. of Preseott, Zl ?' Aad I hear a aBtMsg tm maKe him smart," replied the suud, where all Dulavey, of BntaRcU. Arisoaa. The Joee P. Sandoval, of Ohtoo, eouad of on Id arrived laat groom Is Aatoa Through father. "What do you suppose?" -- see aad the spectators cheered a will kaowa aadneer of was temporary the darkaaM THkR! oh, - bight via of the Ranta Pe Central, to elected cheJrwaa. The m- Indlaa M they hurriedly awRehed A a recent Rre some one seat a Preaeott, and the yaamg senate will hint! I'oadaa Judy. telegram to Kennedy, aad Rants ff. this morning various committees were then ap- Kpidemia ioir sdlee and bridles. The finish tha owner, who wm awmy, make their home la bgat dty pointed ana ef Mvorae. to take taa closing days of the conveatUm adjuuraad - ' very aaattlag. oa are; what aRaJl la the fair Miss Mary Wagaar of Mansfield, Ih a dim aad musky chamber, Austin, Texaa, Oct H An eat- "rMJmi (xu-be-tt until I wa got" Mr. la republican candidate for Ohio, o'clock. 1 am breethlag life way; demle of divorce Is sweeping through who has beaa kaot In the eltv rsiassesshllBg a aaawer came probate eterk of Torraace county A by lHn the totlowlag Bemsrme draws a curtain eofUy, 'he aaurta la thla slate, in Ma-Irl- the promiX: "Pat tt ho recent wishaati. was driven were the TM-Mt- peroMaaat ofaeara elected: X e out." lndoa large Bwmaar r panpls arrived laat to Morlarty yestcreay, Aad l watch tha broadeatajg day. court here twenty-on- dlvoraaa a rcatafg marrad of the vhers aha will Chares, of Saata Roaa, pragf wMh aat alght frags the country aaat of tha take the Santa ft, go 'ru. were granted this week, aad la the - Cairtral nad via r. D. Moras, of thla eread ama m ancl- Mrs PrH Lewis, of aaat Pe. ia la Mansaao amantnlne. ilnt, of aRU Roaa, Aa It purples la the aenlth. tittle town of Bryaa the tne Hock island ta Paso, .1 record for i where president Clancy, It in wnu-- dvum one at me swerj. the city taking In v In- Juan of As brightens on the lawn, he was thirty-thre- the fair and he lu-- r r wHk divorces. will meet mother and from I a(Hi-iia- l'i tmliiMi In bis I'lHTIo de una, and Han. Ther-- ' 14 his hurry mounted tuitu h"r mother, Mrs L J Hummell r-- - inuii of ,eih Im,i me. HlmHsr reports of hie cases Poor Kidder. t . divorce ine ti they will proceed to naxo KH. Anton i hii-o- Ami ' ' ixfore ihf Middle wee serurclv f 222 W. m Riiver avenue. r ia a Khinpei II, u "n the dorliet come from other Mr. 'hrii. can't ou Noiitherii lel,,, i,( Spend tile winter. n ui'Mmt mlorslng - Iletirv TiiiiioiI ,iiih ihroii),,iif i),e stall