Club Directory Contact Information Working Media Guidelines Address (Office and Stadium): Memorial Stadium Credentials are issued only to working media for the purpose of 5600 N. Glenwood Street Street covering the Boise Hawks and are available to any media outlet Boise, ID 83714 on a seasonal or game-by-game, daily basis. Making a request for media credentials is easy. Please call or fax the Boise Phone (208) 322-5000 Hawks, attention Courtney Garner— include your name, media Fax (208) 322-6846 affiliation, a telephone number where you can be reached and your reason for requesting a credential. Once at Memorial Email
[email protected] Hawks on the Web: Stadium, credentials must be worn and visible at all times. Facebook Follow BoiseHawks The press box at Memorial Stadium is for working media only. It Twitter Handle @BoiseHawks is important to remember that the press box is a working environment, thus is not a place for family and friends. Wireless internet access is available for media members, as well as; game notes, rosters and daily statistical packets will be Ownership / Front Office available in the press box Chairman/CEO Neil Leibman Photographers will have access to the field as long as they President/General Manager Todd Rahr VP, Business Operations Dina Rahr don’t interfere with the game. Players are typically available for VP, Development Jinny Giery interviews before workouts (around 1:30 p.m.), after batting Assistant GM/Director of Fun Britt Talbert practice or after the game. Interview requests should be Assistant GM/Sales Manager Bryan Beban directed through the Media Relations department (Courtney Development/Community Relations Manager Courtney Garner Garner).