The Physics of Consciousness the Biology of Consciousness the Sexuality of Consciousness the Cosmogony of Consciousness
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Scientific Illuminism Paul Joseph Rovelli We place no reliance on virgin nor pigeon; Our method is science, our aim is religion. Table of Contents Preface – by Ryan Higgins Introduction Physics Testing the Night of Pan Scientific Proof of Levi’s Aethyr The Physics of Consciousness The Biology of Consciousness The Sexuality of Consciousness The Cosmogony of Consciousness Biology The Science of Religion Liber Vox Viva Voce vel Video Liber Immortalitas vel Luciform The Body of Light & the Magick Lamp Phosphorescence & the Magick Lamp Appendices Achad’s Physics Congealing the Soul Bibliography Editor’s Preface Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The universe, as it turns out is a hologram generated in the mind of God that is Not, emanating as infinite points of light, each projecting the entire universe from it's own particular point of view as determined by it's vibrational wavelength. This point of view along with all others is projected onto the screen of infinite possibility as Brahmin or Nuit so to speak. It seems that this is a natural and unconscious occurrence in which one's perception is intimately entwined with the primordial matter, partially determining it's behavior as seen in the |Heisenberg principle found in modern physics. Briefly and superficially: this principle states that observation determines the behavior of the subtle matter that we call sub atomic particles. The problem is that every other perceiving being also has an influence on how matter manifests, which makes the universe a collective creation of the Elohim, the infinite points of light, or stars that are US. (CF: refer to Crowley's Star Sponge vision) The modification, or movements within the limitless ether as infinite space is according to Tesla, an electrical phenomenon identical to the cosmology described in both Yoga and Samkhya schools of Hindu philosophy. Both schools postulate a black etheric egg called Akasha as the primal matter which interacts with the cosmic Prana as energy and force. This energy is equated with electrical force in Swami Vivikenanda's discussion of pranayama in his book: Raja Yoga. This creation seems to be wholly spontaneous as the potential of infinite space has no limit in the forms it inspires from the heart of light which extends itself through this infinite web of mind, appearing both material and ephemeral, and at other times beyond any category of apprehension expressible in conventional language. The investigation of the material world as well as the mystical journey of the sage must ultimately lead into this heart which is the quintessence of our being. It is this level of apprehension which constitutes prophecy, which is needed in order to maintain balance and harmony between the various planes and worlds which are a condition of our existence. True prophecy involves a mystical journey into the heart of the universal mind via the manipulation of the microcosmic mind as found in a fully conscious human being. Such processes allow the individual to penetrate the mysteries of the universe through the use of symbols and images that are communicated through the various levels of the psyche allowing the center of ontological being to be accessed through a concentrated and prolonged self introversion as found in most shamanic practices. The famous dictum: 'Tat vam asi' or 'Thou art That' taken from the Upanisads (and found in the Gnostic Mass) comes to mind in this regard. This also reminds one of the alchemical axiom: 'as a above, so below' and should remind most Thelemites of Crowley's qabalistic rendering of ABRAHADABRA in which the letter 'A' being a glyph for the pentagram and microcosm is shown to contain the whole of the ontological universe as the macrocosm. Readers of Liber 777 will recall that this occurs by the six letters of the hexagram as macrocosm being contained within the five letters of the pentagram as microcosm. This key is a motif which came up again and again in the Enlightenment philosophy that was the legacy of our 'modern world'. Such concepts were put forward in a novel manner such as in the works of the early German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz with his concept of monadology, in which each person and thing is a perfect mirror of the entire universe limited to a particular perspective. Such a work paved the way for a whole German school of thought culminating in the will to power of Nietzsche, as well as the phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger which would create a fertile ground in western culture upon which the gnosis of the crowned and conquering child could take root. This exploration is taken up further in my own upcoming and complimentary work: Thelemic Philosophy in Context. This same view of the interconnection of the microcosm and the macrocosm is now being expressed again in physics with many other occult truths being revealed in the fields of Biology, Cosmology, and sexual studies as will be seen in this present work. The most relevant of these truths are the reality of ideas and archetypes as real and potent, yet abstract entities capable of transforming both the matter of the physical world in addition to the molecular structure of our DNA. The connection between our biology and our mental and emotional makeup in relation to the use of language, stimulation of the senses, and physical actions not only validates the teachings of ceremonial and sexual Magick: the subtleties being discovered in each field of study are opening doors to endless new possibilities in Magick waiting for those who are willing to tread the unbeaten path of experimentation. The key factor here for us Scientific Illuminists is the vital importance of language and emotion (Hod and Netzach) as factors which influence action, and action as an expression of will as a vital means by which the tendencies of our being as physical DNA can be transformed. If the world truly is a mirror image of the soul as now suggested by physics, then we are now getting a grasp on the occult keys necessary for producing subtle, yet potentially radical transformations in the 'world' as we know it. Now, thanks to the developments of mundane science we are now able to grab onto these potent occult truths in a language that inspires certainty and confidence. It is through genuine confidence based on certainty that the energized enthusiasm of today's thaumaturge must rest in order to make a sustainable manifestation in this world of contending forces. This practice of prophecy: exploiting our mirror image of the macrocosm for transformational insight has been the practice of shamans, prophets, and seers from time immemorial. However, it is also manifests in any exceptional expression of genius, whether it be artistic, philosophical, scientific, or the work of a revolutionary inventor. In all cases, true prophecy shakes up the culture, challenges it and leaves a wake of new social and/or technological patterns in the upcoming generations. Today's discoveries in physics and the exceptional revolutionary insights of scientific visionaries such as Nicola Tesla have blurred the boundaries of science, prophecy, and Magick as they are usually understood, bringing the manifestation of all such phenomenon under the banner of 'individual genius': the mandate and goal of the A.'. A.'. This is a goal that is all too often forgotten as many A.'. A.'. Aspirants become more concerned with the outward appearance, of being in a 'magickal order' getting lost in petty games of power politics. Such folly is usually triggered by a vain 'Sorcerer and Stone' motif in which the tools of ritual Magick and meditation become more of a personal fetish: a means of maintaining vain and seductive self-image. The production of new gnosis in the form creative and provocative personal work made available to the public is the true test of spiritual attainment which cannot be replaced with the 'lineal proofs and dodgy paper work' that are so often relied upon. It is this manifestation of genius that moves the soul of the individual and the collective soul of society, shaking up the world and transforming it in various ways on all planes. This work: The Reunion of Science and Religion, demonstrates the unity behind the various disciplines as a common means to attain that one end which occurs when our human endeavors are pushed to their uttermost limits via the application of a trained mind and a fortified will. “Strive ever to more!” we are told in AL:II.72. It is through such endeavors and these endeavors alone that we can see that all paths lead to the summit of that sacred and holy mountain. This following work does just that: it presents us with the union of science and religion, a union which occurs when human abilities are pushed to the level of genius: the essence of all true prophecy. To this effect I will conclude this preface with a quote from one of my favorite Holy Books: 10. Only they who know IT may be known. 11. For they have the genius of the mighty sword 418. 12. And they are not deceived by any of these things; for by their subtlety do they expand them all into the twelve rays of the Crown. 13. And these twelve rays are One. Love is the law, love under will. Introduction Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The physics of consciousness has taken science full circle back to the antediluvian Gnosis; and with what may be a more sophisticated science and technology than even the ancients knew. The ancient and Universal religion was openly inculcated into the myths of the several Western sub-cultures throughout the antient world.