1 COMPARISON of 3 STAGES in the DEVELOPMENT of the BORNLESS RITUAL {LEGEND: G = Goodwin, P = Preliminary Invocation to the Goeti
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COMPARISON OF 3 STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BORNLESS RITUAL {LEGEND: G = Goodwin, P = Preliminary Invocation to the Goetia, S = Samekh} G An address to the god drawn upon the letter. P/S none G I call thee, the headless one (akefalon: Akephalon), P/S Thee I invoke, the Bornless One G that didst create earth and heaven, P/S Thee, that didst create the Earth and the Heavens. G that didst create night and day, P/S Thee, that didst create the Night and the day. G thee the creator of light and darkness. P/S Thee, that didst create the darkness and the Light. G Thou art Osoronnophris (‘Osoronnwfriz), whom no man hath seen at any time; P Thou art Osoronnophris, Whom no man hath seen at any time. S Thou art ASAR UN-NEFER (“Myself Made Perfect”) {Var: Ra Hoor Khuit} Whom no man hath seen at any time. G thou art ‘Iabas (‘Iabaz), P Thou art Iabas: S Thou art IA-BESZ (“the Truth in Matter”) G thou art ‘Iapos (‘Iapwz), P Thou art Iapos: S Thou art IA-APOPHRASZ (“the Truth in Motion”) G thou hast distinguished the just and the unjust, P Thou hast distinguished the just and the Unjust. S Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust. G thou didst make female and male, P Thou didst make the female and (the) Male. S Thou didst make the Female and the Male. G thou didst produce seeds and fruits, P Thou didst produce the Seed and the Fruit. S Thou didst produce the Seeds and the Fruit. 1 G thou didst make men to love one another and to hate one another. P Thou didst form Men to love one another, and to hate one another. S Thou didst form Men to love one another, and to hate one another. G I am Moses (Moushz: Mouses) thy prophet, to whom thou didst commit thy mysteries, the ceremonies of Israel (‘Istrahl: Istrael); P I am ____ thy prophet, unto Whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the Ceremonies of ____; {Insert personal Name/Formula} S I am ANKH-F-N-KHONSU thy Prophet, unto Whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the Ceremonies of KHEM; {Insert personal Name/Formula} G thou didst produce the moist and the dry and all manner of food. P Thou didst produce the moist and the dry, and that which nourisheth all created Life. S Thou didst produce the moist and the dry, and that which nourisheth all created Life. G Listen to me: I am an angel of Phapro Osoronnophris; this is thy true name, handed down to the prophets of Israel (as above). P Hear Thou Me, for I am the Angel of (Apophrasz) Osoronnophris {Var: Apophi-Asar-un-nefer]; this is Thy True Name, handed down to the Prophets of _____. {Insert personal Formula} S Hear Thou Me, for I am the Angel of PTAH-APOPHRASZ-RA; this is Thy True Name, handed down to the Prophets of KHEM. G Listen to me, P [): Air Symbol, East, Golden Glory, Tahaoeloj, Sigil of Great King of Air, Inv. Pentagram of Air, hwhy,,, Shu supporting the sky 2 = 9] Hear Me: S [Air] Hear Me: GREEK ORIGINAL (Eng Trans) PRELIM. SAMEKH [lacuna #1] INVOC. [)] [Section B: Air] 1 ar. (AR) Ar AR 2 Qiaw (ThIAO) Thiao ThIAF 3 reibet (REIBET) Reibet RhEIBET 4 aqelebershq Atheleberseth A-ThELE-BER-SET (AThELEBERSETh) 5 a . (A) A A 6 blaqa (BLAThA) Blatha BELAThA 7 abeu (ABEU) Abeu ABEU 8 eben (EBEN) Eben EBEU 9 fi (PhI) Phi PhI(-ThETA-SOE) 10 citasoh (ChITASOE) Chitasoe (PhI-)ThETA-SOE 11 ib . (IB) Ib IB 12 qiaw (ThIAO) Thiao ThIAF 2 G hear me and drive away this spirit. P/S Hear me and make all Spirits subject unto me; so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the water; of Whiling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me. G I call thee the terrible and invisible god residing in the empty wind, P [#: Fire Symbol, South, Red are the Rays, Ohooohaatan, Sigil of Great King of Fire, Inv. Pentagram of Fire,,,, myhl), Thoum aesh neith 4 = 7] I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit: -- S [Fire] I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit: -- GREEK ORIGINAL PRELIM. SAMEKH [lacuna #2] INVOC. [#] [Section C: Fire] 1 arogogorobraw Arogogorobrao: AR-O-GO-GO- (AROGOGOROBRAO) RU-ABRAO 2 socou (SOChOU) Sochou: SOTOU 3 modoriw (MODORIO) Modorio: MUDORIO 4 falarcaw (PhALARChAO) Phalarchao: PhALARTThAO 5 ooo (OOO) Oooo: OOO 6 ape (APE) Ape: AEPE 7 thou headless one, The Bornless One: The Bornless One G deliver such an one from the spirit that possesses him. P [m: Water Symbol, West, Blue Radiance, Thahebyobeeatan, Sigil of Great King of Water, Inv. Pentagram of Water,,, l), Auramoth 3 = 8] S [Air] Hear Me: etc. GREEK ORIGINAL. PRELIM. INVOC. SAMEKH [lacuna #3] (m) (Section D: Water) 1 Roubriaw (ROUBRIAO) Roubriao RU-ABRA-IAF 2 mariwdam (MARIODAM) Mriodam MRIODOM 3 balbnabawq Balbnabaoth BABALON-BAL- (BALBNABAOTh) BIN-ABAFT 4 assalwnai (ASSALONAI) Assalonai ASAL-ON-AI 5 afniaw (APhNIAO) Aphniao APhEN-IAF 6 i (I) I I 7 qwlhq (ThOLETh) Tholeth PhOTETh 8 abrasax (ABRASAX) Abrasax ABRASAX 9 ahowu (AEOOU) Aeoou AEOOU 10 iscure (ISChURE) Ischure ISChURE 3 G strong one, headless one, P/S Mighty and Bornless One! Hear Me: etc. G deliver such an one from the spirit that possesses him P [t: Earth Symbol, North, Green Flame, Thahaaotahe, Sigil of Great King of Earth, Inv. Pentagram of Earth,,,, ynd), Set fighting 1 = 10] S [Earth] I invoke Thee: GREEK ORIGINAL PRELIM. SAMEKH [lacuna #4] INVOC. (t) (Section E: Earth) 1 Ma (MA) Ma MA 2 barraiw (BARRAIO) Barraio BARRAIO 3 iwhl (IOEL) Ioel IOEL 4 koqa (KOThA) Kotha KOThA 5 aqorhbalw (AThOREBALO) Athorebalo AThOR-e-BAL-O 6 abrawq (ABRAOTh) Abraoth ABRAFT P/S Hear Me: etc. G deliver such an one P [Nm): Spirit Symbol, Mark of the Beast, Inv. Pentram of Active Spirit,,,, hyh), +. Osiris Slain, L. Isis Mourning, V. Typhon, X. Osiris Risen] Hear Me! S Hear Me! GREEK ORIGINAL PRELIM. SAMEKH [lacuna #5] INVOC. (Nm):) (Section F: Spirit) 1 Awq (AOTh) Aoth AFT 2 abawq (ABAOTh) Abaoth ABAFT 3 basum (BASUM) Basum BAS-AUMGN 4 isak (ISAK) Isak ISAK 5 sabawq (SABAOTh) Sabaoth SA-BA-FT 6 iao (IAO) Iao (none) G This is the lord of the gods, this is the lord of the world, this is he whom the winds fear, this is he who made voice by his commandment, lord of all things, king, ruler, helper, P/S This is the Lord of the Gods: This is the Lord of the Universe: This is He Whom the Winds fear! This is He, Who having made Voice by His Commandment, is Lord of All Things; King, Ruler and Helper. Hear Me: etc. 4 G save this soul P/S Hear Me: GREEK ORIGINAL PRELIM. SAMEKH [lacuna #6] INVOC. (Nm)) (Section G: Spirit) 1 ieou (IEOU) Ieou IEOU 2 pur (PUR) Pur PUR 3 iou (IOU) Iou IOU 4 pur (PUR) Pur PUR 5 iawt (IAOT) Iaot IAFTh 6 iahw (IAEO) Iaeo IAEO 7 ioou (IOOU) Ioou IOOU 8 abrasax (ABRASAX) Abrasax ABRASAX 9 sabriam (SABRIAM) Sabriam SABRIAM 10 oo (OO) Oo Oo 11 uu (UU) Uu FF 12 eu (EU) Eu (none) 13 oo (OO) Oo (none) 14 uu (UU) Uu (none) 15 adwnaie (ADONAIE) Adonai AD-ON-AI 16 hde (EDE) Ede EDE 17 edu (EDU) Edu EDU 18 aggelox tou qeou (AGGELOS Angelos tou theou ANGELOS TON TOU ThEOU) ThEON 19 anlala (ANLALA) (Anlala) Lai ANLALA 20 lai (LAI) (Anlala) Lai LAI 21 gaia (GAIA) Gaia GAIA 22 apa (APA) Apa AEPE 23 diacanna (DIAChANNA) Diachanna DIATHARNA THORON 24 corun (ChORUN) Chorun DIATHARNA THORON 5 G I am the headless spirit, having sight in my feet, strong the immortal fire; I am the truth; I am he that hateth that ill-deeds should be done in the world; I am he that lighteneth and thundereth; I am he whose sweat is the shower that falleth upon the earth that it may teem; I am he whose mouth ever burneth; I am the begetter and bringer forth (?); I am the Grace of the World; my name is the heart girt with a serpent. Come forth and follow. P/S I am He! the Bornless Spirit! having sight in the feet: Strong and the Immortal Fire! I am He! the Truth! I am He! Who hate that evil should be wrought in the World! I am He! that lighteneth and thundereth! I am He, from whom is the Shower of the Life of Earth! I am He, whose mouth ever flameth! I am He, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light! I am He, The Grace of the Worlds! ‘The Heart Girt with a Serpent’ is my name! G The celebration of the preceding ceremony. – Write the names upon a piece of new paper, and having extended it over your forehead from one temple to the other, address yourself turning towards the north to the six names, saying: -- Make all the spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of heaven and of the air, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, and every spell and scourge of God, may be obedient to me.