Just For Openers Oct 2012-Jan 2013 Issue #136 Copyright 2013 John Stanley PO Box 51008 Durham NC 27717 (919) 824-3046 Web Site: www.just-for-openers.org Past Editors Don Bull (1979-1983) Ed Kaye (1984-1988) Art Santen (1989-1993) Annual Dues $20.00 or View Free on the Web Site Use PayPal at
[email protected] Renewal Dues Dates: 9/30/12,12/31/12 Opener & Corkscrew Books P-63-1 Gerst Corkscrew/Opener (Details in Sale Ads & On Website) A fairly rare (4 or 5 known) corkscrew from Gerst Brewing of Nashville, Tn. The case comes in two colors, black and bur- gundy. The burgundy case is the easier color to find. Collections Besides selling Verne Vollrath’s col- lection, I have also been selling the JFO Newsletter Update Combining Issues collection of former JFO member Besides being behind and to make it easier for your editor, the October and Marc Benjamin. He collected types January issues and then for July the April and July JFO issues will be com- and anyone interested in a list can bined. It will also allow me to spend more time on the Just For Openers II email me at the above address. book for 2013. Your comments are appreciated. ——–—–—2013 JFO Convention #35 April10-14 Holiday Inn Opryland Nashville TN-———-– The convention is fast approaching and I have included a registration form for any last minute attendees. We have another nice group planning to attend. Nashville is a really fun town. Bring lots of openers and corkscrews for room- to-room trading and selling.