Exhibit 3D American Petroleum Institute Administrative Budget 1969

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Exhibit 3D American Petroleum Institute Administrative Budget 1969 ANERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE | re ee Administrative Budget - 1969 ‘semen"1969 = Brock Engineering Manufacturing Company, Ltd. Broderick & Bascom Rope .Company Buckeye Pipe Line -Company Butte Pipe Line Company Byron & Jackson, Inc. Alcorn Combustion Amarillo O11 Company AMERADA PETROLEUM CORPORZT TON American Cyanamid Compeny Canada Cement Company American Flange & Manufacturing Company, I Carter Foundation Producing Company | AMERICAN FETROFINA, INC. CRJA Corporation AMF Tuboscope, Inc. Central Petroleum Company ABPCO O11 Corporaticn CHAMPLIN PETROLEUM COMPANY rablan American Oil Comvany Chandler-Associates, inc. Arkansas-Louislana Gas Company Chanslor-Western Oil & Developmen: Company ASHLAND OIL & REFINING Chesebrough-Pona's, Inc. Asiatic Fetrcleum Corporation Christensen Diamond Products Company ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY (Incluées Sinctlai: CITIES SERVICE COMPANY Atlas Processing Company C.F. & I. Steel Corporation Clark Brothers Company Columbia Gas System Service Corporation Commonwealth O11 Refining Company, Inc. Baash-Ross Division - Joy Manufacturing Compar Consolidated Natural Gas Company Baker O11 Tools, Inc. Consolidated Gas Supply Corporation Barber Oil Corporation Fast Onio Gas Company Barolid Division ~ Naticnai Lead Company People's Natural Gas Company Bass & Sons, H.W. Continental Can Company Bass inec., Perry R. Continental Emsco Company Bay Refining Company CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY belli Brothers Cooper Bessemer Corporation Bentex O11 Corporation Core Laboratories, Inc. Bethlehem Steel Corporation Creole Petroleum Corporation Big Chief Drilling Company Creslenn Oi] Company ~~ Black, Sivalls & Bryson, Inc. Crosby Valve & Gage Company Bond, Rolend s. Crown Central Petroleum Corporation Bovaird Supply Company BP Canada Limited BP (North America} Ltd. BP O11 Corporation Delta Drilling Company Bradford Motor Works Diamond@ Shamrock Corporation Bradley Producing Corporaticn Dowell Division - Dow Chemical Company Braun & Co., C.F. du Pont Ge Nemours & Company, Inc.,b.4- Bradwell Oil Company O12272 administrative Budget - 1969 administrative Budget — 1969 james & Company, Inc., T.-L. .-Bastman Chemical Preducts, inc. Johnson & Company, inc. Flk Refining Company jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation Ethyl Corpor ation Kaiser Steel Corporation Falcon Seaborad Drilling Company Kaneb Pipe Line Company Felmont Oil Corporation Kendall Company Fiske Brothers Refining Company Gee Corporation Fluor Corporation Kewanee Oil Compahy Forest Oil Corporation Kingwood Oil Company Fort Worth Refining Company Four Corners Pipe Line Company eran Corporation - Industrial Filter Division Pranklin Supply Company Lakehead Pipe Line Compeny Laurel Pipe Line Company Frontier Division -— Husky Oil Company Leonard Refineries, inc. Lloyd Corporat ion itd. Lone Star Producting Company Lone Star Steel Company General american Transportation Corporation pand & Exploration Compeny GETTY OIL COMPANY Great Expectations Oil Corporation Lubrizol Corporation Great Western Drilling Company Lummus Corporation Lunkenheimer Company GULF OIL CORPORATION ae oil (canada) Ltd. (Formerly British American Oil ¢ McRride Inc., W.C- Halliburton Company McClure O1l Compahy Hemon, Jake lL. Harper O11 Company Hassie Hunt- Trust - ~- Holly Resources Corporation Mapco, anc. Houston Chemical Corporation MARATHON OIL COMPANY Houston Contracting Compahy Mid~Hudson Oil Company Huber, Jg.M. Corporation Mid-Valley Pipe Line Company Midwest Oil Corporation Hughes Tool Company Hunt O11 Company Minard Run O1i Compahy Mine Safety Appliances Company Husky O11 Company Mitchell & Associates, George MOBIL OIL CORPORATION MONSANTO COMPANY IMC Drilling Mud - international Minerals & Chemical C Moore Corporation, Lee C.- Ingersoll-Rand Company international Business Machines Corporation International Harvester Company — - O122?74 Interprovincial Pipe Line Company Administrative Budget — i969 Administrative Budget —- 1969 QUAKER STATE OIL REFINING CORPORATION Morrison Brothers Company Mountain Fuel Supply Company Mule Creek O11 Company MURPHY OIL CORPORATION Republic Steel Corporation Murphy Industries, Inc., G.W. Republic Supply Company Reserve O11 & Gas Company Rock Island Refining Corporation Rockwell Manufacturing Company Nalco Chemical Company Naph-Sol Refining Company NATTONAT COOPERATIVE REFINERY ASSOCIATION National Distillers & Chemical Corporation Saybolt & Company, iInc., E.W. Scurlock Oil Company National Oil Company os National Supply Division - Armco Steel Corporation Sewell, James L. National Transit Company Sharp Drilling Company Neptune Meter Company Sharples, Philip T. SHELL OIL COMPANY Shield Oil Company, Fred W. Shippers Car Line Div. ACF Industries, inc. Okmulgee Refining Corispany, Inc. STGNAL COMPANIES Gisan Erotihers, Imc. Skelly O21 Company Smith Corporation, A. O. Smith Oil Corporation Southeastern Drilling, Inc. Pacific Lignt Service & Supply Company Southern Minerals Corporation Pacific Valves, Inc. Southern Pacific Pipe Lines, Inc. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company Southern Pipe Line Corporation Parish Oil Company, Inc. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Parker Drilling Company Chevron Research Company PENNZOIL UNITED, INC. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF INDIANA Petrofina Canada, Ltd. (Formerly Canadian Petrofina) Service Pipe Line Company Petroleum Exploration ° STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) Petrolite Cerporation Esso Research & Engineering Company Ssso Production Research Company . PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company Humble O11 & Refining Company Humble Pipe Line Company Placid 011 Company Planatation Pipe Line Company STANDARD OTL COMPANY (OHIO) Platte Pipe Line Company Stone & Webster Enginéering Corporation Portland Pipe Line Corporation Stupp Corporation Premier Steel Mills SUN OIL COMPANY Prudential Steel Ltd. Sunland Refining Corporation Pyle, Howard C. SUNRAY DX OIL COMPANY Superior Iron Works SUPERIOR OIL COMPANY Administrative Budget - 196% Administrat ive “Budget — 1969 TENNECO OIL COMPANY Tennessee Eastman Company Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company Texaco Canada Ltd. TEXACO INC. Texas City Refining Company, inc. esse Eastern Transmission Corporation Zapata Off-Shore Company Texas Gas Exploration Corporation Texas Pacific Oil Company TOYAL —- DOMESTIC Toronto Iron works, Ltd. Trans~-Mountain Oil Pipe Line Company Triangle Refineries, inc. True Drilling Company mibular Operations ~ U.S. Steel Corporation mwin Dise ClutchCompany Union Carbide Corporation UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Union Tank Car Company Union: Texas Petroleum United Refining Company’ .¢. Industries - Axelson Division U.S. Natural Resources, inc. U.S. Oil of Louisiana Universal Oi1 Products Company Procon, inc. Vaughey & Vaughey Vickers Petroleum Company, inc. 73 sco Division - Nalco Chemical Company FOREIGN CONTRIBUTORS Canada Aeus Manufacturing Ltd. Waukesha Motor Company Canadian Erectors Ltd. Wenner Petroleum Corporation McNamara Industries Ltd. west Texas Gulf Pipe Line Company Yarrows Ltd. ws a Williams Brothers Pipe Line Company Mexico ttilson Industries, Inc. Cables Mexicanos S.R. > Wiser Oil Company Productos Tubulares Monclova $.2. Witco Chemical Company, inc. Tubos de Acero de Mexico S.A. Wolf's Head Oil Refining Company. anc. Wyatt Industries, Anc. 012277 strative. Budget ~— 1969 Administrative Budget - 1969 FOREIGN CONTRIBUTORS FOREIGN CONTRIBUTORS Africa African Wire Ropes Ltd. Englana “British Ropes Ltda. Rall, Longmore & Company Ltd. Crawhill & Sons ttd. Hume Pipe Company Dunlop Belting Div. Steel Construction Petroleum Eng. Ltd. Fenner & Company Ltd. Stewarts & Lloyds Greengate & Irwell Rubber Co. Ltd. Halls Barton Ropery Co. Ltd. Cometarsa Argentina 9 John Shaw Ltd. Daimine Siderca Frat- Concord Siam di Tella Ltda. (Siat Div.) France Ets. Thevignot Trefilerie ~ Cablerie J. wurth Co. Australia Australian Wire Rope Wks. Pty. Tubes de la Providence Hume Ltd. - Steel Tank & Pipe Const. Pty. Ltda. Germany Drahtswilwerk Saar G.m.b.B. J. F. Thomson Pty. Ltd. DyKerhoff Zementwerke. A~G Elsen wu Metallwerke Ferndorf Gebr. Bende: Austria. E1senwerk Wuelfel _ Hubner—Vamag a2 Schoelier Bleckmann Steel. Lta. Neunkircher Eiisernwerk A.C. Gebr. Bohler & Co. A.G. Gebr. Vetter Fittings Alfred Wirth & Co., K.G. Belgium Compagnie des Ciments Belges Herman van Rautenkranz © S. A. Ateliers Belges Reunis Arbed-Felten & Guilleaume Foesch A.G. Rohrenwerk Brazil Indus. Mercantil de Artefatos de Fe (reece Blokat Corporation buoW. tL. Trinidad Cement Ltda. Holland Den Haan Staalkabelfabriek Nv Chile Productos de Acero S.A. Prodinsa De Vries Robbe & Co., N.V. N.V. Veerinigde Nederlandsche Rubber- Cotombia Empress-Colombiana de Cables SA _- -fabrieken (Hevea) Furesa~Fundiciones y Repuestos SA United Ropeworks Crechosliovakia Ferromet Trade Corporation “tndia J. K. Steel Industries Ltd. Ferromet Trade Corporation for Nova Hut Fort William Co. Ltda. Klementa Gott Ferromet Trade Corporation for Vitkovick iran Tehran Cement Co. Ltd. Zelezarny Klementa Gottwalda, Ostraveé Lsrael Joint Pipe Indus. Ltd. El Salvador COMSA - Carlos Trujillo Cc. 012??80 Administrative Budget -— 1969 Administrative Budget ~- 1969 FOREIGN CONTRIBUTORS FOREIGN CONTRIBUTORS Spain Trenzas-y Cables de Acero S.A. Ttaly Calobri. S.r.h. Walthon-Weir Pacific, S.A. Dalmine S$.p.A. Italcementi S.p.A. Sweden Italsider S.p.A. | A.B. Alvenius industries Mario Maraldi, S.p.A. Switzerland Arfa Tube Mill Ltd. Nuovo Pignone . Pignone Sud S.p.A. Uruquay Cinoca S.A. Maroni Sebastiano, S.p.A. Perni S.p.A. Venezuela Formiconi & Lei, C.A. Valvometal S.p.A. Industria Mecanica Orion S.A. Japan Arai Tron Works Co. Ltd. Incustrias Metalurgicas
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