Our Lady of l^otory Kotbcra oHUon tMd throughout the rtato. Undrt Chib and OortnepoiKan Town Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 at Flowering Trees to Be Put Mrs. Johnston In 1960 she wae u p p d lu t.i dann (3hd> o f Manchertar. the home of Mrs. George Nacs- o f women aft n youth oonfermoa Mr. and Mkv. Johnston Vve on Now Oponl ■rMiHifcini o t 11m atail of Ooa- kowski, 206 Hackmatack S t Mem­ Ht SUver LiUce, N.Y., nnd before Box ML Drive, Veenon. Ihrir LARRABirS '.lAittMTU and .Kmanuel bers are reminded to being articles Along E* Center St. Divider ResignsPost that she w«s a delegate to a na­ son, Hooke Johnrten Jr„ hi mar­ Vaoatlon Bible Schools for a wMte elephant table. tional conference on reHgloue edu­ ried and Uvea ^ Olartcnbuiy. lARBfR SHOP will meet tonlflit at 7:S0 at Oon* cation at PurdiM Unlveraity, La­ Speeken at the testimonial din­ 15 PCrUN 8XRB1IT oordia Church for an orientation S t James' Mothers Circle will The Chamber of Commerce, In^lOO dognwood treea in the median With Church fayette, Ind. ner w ill, be the Rev. Deane L. (Oloaed Wednesdagra) aeaslo(i. Teaching; materials will be meet tomorrow'at 8:15 pm . at the conjunction with the State High­ strip In 1947, in memory of 106 She conducted a weekly telei- Hodgef, aJMoclate superintendent distributed. D«()ortment . beoiiis home o f Mrs. Santo Slpala, 65 way Dept, will plant 70 five-foot Manchester men who died in World visicn program in 1968 called of piuietian Bducatkm o f t h e will confer with teachers, and Walker S t Hosteaees will be Mrs. flowering crab-apple treea in the War n . Since then drought and Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston, direc­ VOL. LXXXn, NO. 198 (TWBNTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SEClIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1963 (daaalfted Adverttotaig aw Page St) tor of eduoaitlon at Center Con- "Your Child’s Faith," under the CkhnedUcut Conference o f Oengre- PRICE SEVEN CENTS dataa for traiaing sessions win be IMward Socha, Mrs. EVlward Mol- median atrip adong E. Center St. naitural attrition has killed about aponsorship of the Greater Hart­ gatlonal Chrlrtfaui Churches: the set ley and Mrs. Pauljg’Nell. Dr. Charlee Jacoheon, chairman half of the trees. gregaitional Church, has resigned from ttM port she has held for ten ford Council of Churches, and han Rev. RuaeeU Peery of Middletown, o f t h e Chamber’s Community The ciabapple is considered a given courses for the Greater formerly associate partor of Cenr FREE DELIVERY H m Golden Age Club win meet Beautification Committee, has ar­ hardier tree more likely to sur­ years. She ^ will be honored w%h The Hathan Hale School PTA a teotimonlal dinner Friday at Hartford Council of Churches. She ter Church, and the Rev. Clifford n nin day at 2 p.m. at tbe Senior will meet and install officers" to­ ranged to buy the trees for the vive along tbe heavily traveled was a member of the State Pil­ O. Simpson, bastor of Omter 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Farmers Reject Wheat Platt; State N ew s CUisen headquarters at the for­ night A potluck will be served at highway department to Install late street. grim Fellowship, and has served Churc^ Atty. Donald Richter wlQ mer technical school. Flans will be 6:30 tn the school cafeteria. this Week. Horace F. Murphey, town su­ on the religious education com­ be towtmorter. ■ for summer trips. The median stripe wdll also be perintendent of parka, wdll work mittee of the Oflhnecticut Coun­ ARTHUR DRVfi cleaned, mowed and reseeded. with the highway department to licketa for the event may be Roundup The Mary Bu^inell Cheney Aux­ cil of Chunsbee, which la Wter- obtained at the church efftoe. “We are proud and pleased at locate trees so as not to block denominatlonal. Severe Setback Seen iliary win assemble Siuiday at 11 Stinging Defeat for Kennedy the cooperation we have received vision along E. Center St Reservuticna will close tomoROW a.m. between St. James S t and St. She ia a member of the Sotop- night. James’ Church to attend memorial fixam the highway department," Chamber President Eugene T. RUMMAGE services. They will assemble at the Dr. Jacobson says. "There have Kelly says of the project: "We are W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) the plan and 696,948 againat.Ato eliminate all wheat acreage Busiii^sgmen Want comer of Main St. Hartford been many unfavorable comments proud to take such an active part Wheat growers have voted The vote In favor was 47.8 per and marketing controls and to re­ on the condition of the median both to enhance the beauty of the cent of the total—far short of that duce price supports—now at |2— NHRR in Merger Rd. at 9 a.m. Memorial Day to strips on E. Center St. for a num­ strongly against stricter con- SALE participate in the parade. community, and to commemorate required. This was the first UiAe to about $1.26. But supports would ber of years. We are glad to be the town's citizen’s who gave l^ ls on their crops, capping in 18 referenda that a vriieat con­ be limited to m w ers making the Sponsored By TFW AmriUaiy able to do something about It." their lives for us during World the biggest campaign ever trol program had been rejected. 10 per cent reduction In plantings. BOSTON The traf­ The Army-Navy Auxiliary well The American Legion planted War n ." fic (iirector of the Chase ’s Illness meet with other organizations at waged In the American farm­ A record outpouring of votes— But there was the possibility particularly In .-tlie non-commer­ Brass & Copper Co. of Water­ THURSDAY St. Jeunes' Church Sunday at 11:15 lands with a stinging defeat Congress would enact a new pro­ am . cial wheat arrias east of the Mis­ gram more satisfactory to farm­ bary, Conn., testified today MAY 2S— 9 A.M. for the Kennedy administra­ sissippi 7-^verwhelmed the favor­ ers. able . vbtes cast in a small portion that the production of that St. Joseph's Mothers Circle will Martin Issues Halt Order tion and its farm policies. The defeat carried many per­ The administration had thrown of the commercial wheat states of sonal and political impllcationa. It firm is absolutely dependent ORANGE HALL meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Great Plains and Pacific .upon continued railroad serv­ T op D octor the home of Mrs. Frank Fazzina, Ita prestige and strength behind gave credence to administration (Downstairs) Iw program in a battle against Northwest. 159 Birch St. On Use of Blacktop Patch critics that farmers want less fed­ ice. farm groups demanding less ra­ In only one region—the south­ eral interference rather than George R. Fraser said that last DOUBLE ther than more government In east—did the administration plan more. Freeman had staked his year the New Haven Railroad han­ Spent Night General Manager Richard Mar-^ At present, new work ia con­ agriculture. get a heavy majority. This region prestige on the contention that dled 60 million pounds of material tin has instructed the public works tracted out, and the quality ovef- WORLD GREEN Secretary of Agriculture Orville troduces relatively little wheat farmers were willing to accept from the firm. department to "discontinue use of L. Freeman had predicted that de­ but has become accustomed to more effective controls to halt seen by the town engineering de­ Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston Speaking’ before an Interstate Glass Cutto All Shapes blacktop material for repair of partment. feat of the plan would result In rigid controls on Its cotton, tobac­ over-production and stabilize Commerce Commission hearing on A t Bedside concrete walks or curbs,” and to “ chaotic" wheat market condl- co and peanut crops. prices. j the proposed merger of the Penn­ Samples of Installed concrete 6:30 pm. in Woodruff Hall, Cen­ STAMPS tl&ns. aad Sizes for Table Tops use cement for repairs as much are sometimes taken for analysis, ter Congregational Church. LENOX PHARMACY The national vote turnout among It could mean that President sylvania Railroad and the New as possible during the present fis­ The extent of the defeat In York Central, Fraser said he took VATICAN CITY (AP)— to make sure it meets towm stand­ In addition to her work at Cen­ 299 E. CENTER STREET— MI 9-0896 the farmers was lower than ex­ Kennedy will change his farm You eon do many things cal year. ards. ter Church, Mrs, Johnston has ALL WEEK Tuesday’s referendum was meas­ pected, but the total of more than policies and move now In the no position on that union, nor on Pope John XXIII was reliably Town directors have received been active In the relllgous edu- ured by the fact that the admlnls- 1.13 million was more than double direction of reducing govern­ whether the New Haven should be with gloss table and Woodhouse proposes to meet the tratlon proposal failed to muster reported today to have suf­ frequent complaints, according to problem by checking Manches­ it the number voting In any previous ment’s role in agriculture. Oppo­ included. fered a new and severe set­ Director Richard Woodhouse, a simple majority of the votes. wheat referendum. nents had campaigned on the con­ He said he asked only that rail desk tops and they ore ter’s specificaitiona for such work Approval by at least 66.7 per cent back in his illness. One of about the off-color and the poor against the speclficaitions In The plan would have required,, tention that approval of the wheat service, from whatever company, easy to keep clean. Let performance of the bituminous of those voting was required for farmers to reduce 1964 crop plant­ plan would open the door to quotas continue to his plant. Italy’s leading surgeons was neighboring towns, to see If our adoption. ings 10 per cent from this year. patching material used for side­ requirements are more lax. The hearing examiners have said to have spent the night us help you with sug> walk patches. Complete returns gave 647,151 The effect of the referendum ia (OonUnued on Page Fifteen) heard testimony from more than a Presumably the performance cf at his bedside. - gestions. Woodhouse and Mayor Francis score o f New England business The 81-year-oId ruler of the Ro­ other town’s sidewalks would al­ and Industry spokesmen that they J. Mahoney toured parts of Man­ so be checked, to see if they etand man (Jatholic Church canceled hia Mirrors Cut To AH Sizes chester this week, and found oppose the PRR and NYC merger regular weekly general audience up. Now you goi extra savings during unless the New Haven is made a many instances of sidewalks In The

PA0B TWO MANCHESTE& EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY S2, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 P A S B f l O t Herald correspondent, and trans­ laletag their flocke ot 60 ohUdw. ' W orry ' ■' ■ Hebron Bennet Choirs Rockville-Venion Hebron planted is stm Hvtag and bearing At fair time each member will ex­ Russia Pushes its small spicy fruit, but seems to hibit four mature pullets for each FALSE T Teacher Guides Sheinwold on Bridge be In Ita old ^e, many branches 50 chicks raised. , Slipping or Irritating ^As You Like It have dropped off and others dsfing. Give Concert N-Sub Fear as Town Meeting Don't bs •mbamsMd Of M as WAS' ^ 7 JUDITH MaeKOWN Tour in Jamaica Property Owners Critical A dogwood tree alsp transplant­ 73% Synthetic teeth sllpplnz, dropplnt er wobbling 1lM CBoIra and Choral Bnaam- t r u s t PARTNER i ed as a tiny S h ^ aibout 80 years when you Mt, teiK or toueh. JusI ago looks as if it might continue •prbikle s little P A S T IIT B ra yout blea at Bennet Junior High School TO DEFEND WELL To Consider pistes. This pleasant powder (IVM a Mrs, Charles M. Laroond) of Of Zoners^ Rt. 83 Changes NATO Parleys bearing Its magnlficient blossoms • AKROiN, Ohio — Rubber-Indus­ remarkable aenM of added oomfort Although the Manchester Fine Arts Asso­ Burnt Hill, is on a 10-day tour presented a ebonJ oono^ last By ALFBED SHEINWOLD try researchers estimate that syn­ n ij^ to a capacity audlenoe Inttaa a good many years longer, perhaps and security by boldine t^ tea mors ciation has been around for 10 years, it took of Jamaica, West Indies, accom­ If you saw the president of your (Oonttained from Page On4) to 100 years. This spring it is a thetic rubber—some 1,200,000 tons Ormly, No gummy, gooey, peaty taste panying members of the WiUl- aobool auditoctum. bank walking down the street on Vernon property owners quee-4i)lay. Oo-ohaiirmen of the dance Final Budget ot lit—accoun'ted for 73 per cent of or feelingng.Yt’s elzaJlne (non-aoM).----- a majw art show last fall to push the organi­ The 7th Grade GMrla’ Choir open­ tloned tlhe BUre Dietrict Zohtag tower of beauty, though . some oet FASTS'TKKTIl at any dnur counter. mantlc State College jimlofr olasa hia hands you ml|^t think he had AAKID* are Norma Ludwig and Pat Sulli­ Three Polaris submarines have branches have fallen, whipped off total United Btaites rubber con­ zation to the attention of Manchester area •eteiitt as famdty adviser. The group left ed the program with “When John­ suddenly gone crazy. If you are Board aharply la s t night on van. Tickets are available at the Reeuils of a town meeting to sumption in 1962. This comi>are8 raaldento. Seventy-four persona^ whether the board was proposing been assigned to the Mediterra­ by cyclone or age. on the trip bn May 17. ny Oomea Mardiing Home," ot the material ihat food bridga door, and the public la Invited. take place June 4 may settle the with only 24,000 tons in 1942. "found’' the organization tl^ year "ThM Is Uy Father’s World’’ and too m'uoh power for Itself, If the First Ooinrounlon Class nean to help guard the southern Perhaps biwhes and trees follow Anyone may become a member. Mrs. Lairoomb, the former Mer- partners are m&de of, your reao- $ u>\ y 5 4 5? K • • question of a possible tax increa.se the Biblical "three-score years RANGE flwelUng last year’s memhershlp of "Ity Sbadow." Ths aopebno soloist planned zontag goes Into effect. A otaas of 113 will receive first Meetings are held the third Friday telle Goodwin, began her calling as tkm would be different You would flank of the NATO area. They of seven mills for the already emd 10” age expectation about the IVY ALL-AMERlilA \M> ss“ to 180. was Pameia Jobnaton. Aootmpa- say to 3n>urself: ‘"niere must be h i i w i s Atity. Hethert Hannohury said Holy 'Comniunlon at the Sacred haraased property owners to dig Ih e a rt ahow hi the State of each month, at 8 p.m., in Whi­ a teacher in the Hebron center SOOTH he hae always understood the pow­ are replacing land-based nuclear same as human beings. BUFFALO, N. Y. (N BA)—Don ten Library auditoriiun. sichool, before the present elemen­ nists for ths seleotions were Pa­ a good reason for this, and it’s ^ Heart Church ta Vernon Thurs­ missile Installations in Turkey up out of their jeans, as some put FU E L O IL Armoty last fan, in .conjunction mela Johnson, Diane Griswold and 4 8 5 S er divtslon of town boards allo­ Raising Chicks McKinnon, Dartmouth center, will Coming Up in Manchester tary school had supplanted the up to me to work out that rea­ day, May 80, at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. 4nd‘ Italy. It. bolster the E ast's line in the All- with the Lions Club drive for eye Kathleen KeUy. The ohohr waa di- cates to a planning commission the Jerry Drew of Hebron Is one-of GASOLINE "Picnic’’ with WUlltun Holden district school system. The party son.” The Ladles of the Sacted Heart President Kennedy has s41d the The board of finance recom­ the 4-H poultry members who are America Game In Buffalo June 29. conservation, made the difference reoted by M^vin Lumpkin. decision of future use of town will serve a breakfast to the ooih- for the art association. and Kim Novak starts today, at on the trip is expected to return North dealer replacement means an Increase in mends a budget of $487,068, arriv­ "AB ’Ibrough the Night" and North-South 'vulnerable ? land, allocates to a zoning board numicants after Mass. Mrs. Wil­ effective firepower since the Po­ Rita Kenway, president of the the State Theater. With it is ‘‘The by Monday next. the decision of present use of land, ed at after all seemingly possible Wackiest Ship in the Army” with “Moon River” were offered by ths Opening lead—Ace of Spcules. liam St. John la ta charge of the laris missiles—16 per submarine cuts had been made. The present BANTLY OIL group, said last night that the Brownies to Fly-up 8th Grade Curts’ Choir. Soloists West opened the ace. of roadee > 4 S ! " and allocates to a zoning board of newcomers liked what they found, Jaxdc Lemmon and Ricky Nelson. ______2 4 Ptoi breakfast. —are more r--dern and less vul­ tax rate Is 59 mills. A tax rate The Hebron Brownies will hold wera JudMfa Snow and Busan Ma- and continued with the deuce. oppeala the reaponatbllitiy of grant­ nerable than the older land-based CO.MI’ANV, INC. whan they began attending meet­ ‘X>klahonia!’’ will be performed Doobto V m . 1 . 6 ing variances to present rules. The children will be privileged of 66 mills is “being faced with a "fly-up’’ ceremony May 29 at Thomas i . M o n n Mrs. Roth MoCttBa gowan. Aoootnpaniat was Baihara E ast won the second spade and to receive Communion with their weapops. ings. by Uie Sock ^nd Buskin of Man­ 3:30 p.m., in the. elementary school Under the proposed planned zon­ dismay. A stormy town meeting TiAiS Koehler. Walter Oryrt) dtreoted. returned the three of hearts. famlllea Sunday, with the permis­ The State Department dis­ Gets Law Degree .i.'ii Among the programs this year chester High School Friday and auditorium. The girls are planning crazy too. Good defense to impos­ ing, said Haimabury, the zoning is anticipated, facing an increase H m 7tt> Grads Ekwendtle per- South won with the jack ot sion of the Rev. Ralph E. Kelley, missed the eight-page Soviet note 'n 'L . .uikiu'ii '.(-i.'.'ir. have been a clay sculptor, a lec­ Satmday at 8 pm. a tea for Oieir parents, and will F F IF Units Install Officers sible unless sach defender trusts board would decide varian<^, and David C. Toomey, son ■ of ‘ Mr. of $72,803 over, the past year’s turer on the history of the nude Worthy of Note fonned "Prayer from Hansel and hearts, led a trump to dummy’s pastor. as a propaganda document de- Charles F. Toomey, 23 budget. furnish and seive their own re­ Officers of the VFW Post and'^ ace and returned the nine of dia- his partner. would be able to ohange zones. kockviiic Ti; In art, a portrait p^ter, a couple Hie Hartford Civic Orchestra aretrt." "CUmb Every Mountain’’ Dally Queattoa "W hat has happened that the Hospital Notes llvered “on the eve of the NATO Lyndale St., graduated Monday Ascension Day will be observed freshments. Auxiliary were Installed In joint mander joined the UB. Anny in and “The WhUfenpoof Bong." Ao- mcmda from dummy. East stepped meeting.” from the University ot Pennsyl­ l E R N I T E S of landscape arti^ and a pastel performs tomorrow night at 8:15 'The Brownies are asked to ap- ceremonies last night at the Post As dealer, you bold: Spades, K- zoning oomanlsslon is ta k in g Admitted yesterday: Richard tomorrow at St. Peter’s by a artist. in the Jewish Cjommurdty Center. Manchester and served overseas nnmpeniet was Nioola RaAinny, up with the king of diamonds and Gessay, 12 Elizabeth St.; Edwin "What the soviets are propos­ vania Law School. peeir in full imiform, and should Home. led the ten of q;>adea. Q-j-10-9 Hearts, 8 : Dtomonds, K- over?” he asked. service of Holy Communion at Twenty-seven of the members Oswald Lehneit, vioUniat, will be with the 126th Signal Radio Intel­ wHh Lumpkhi dkeoting. Stoetzner, 30 Mountain St.; Ed- ing,” the department said in a He will take the Pennsylvania 10 a.m. This is also the day on wear their Girl Scout badge sashes. Thomas J. Moran of 20 Juniper South followed suit with this 8-7 OIuIm, 4-J-8-8. .. Hta Idea was embeUtohed by statement, ”ls that we eliminate are men, a good i«t>pCrtioa for soloist. ligence Co. He was stationed in “Lst’s Taka An CMd Frahionsd Wbat do you say t ward Hamm, 10 Quarry St.; Mrs. bar exams July 25 and 26, then which women of the church pre­ Mrs. Robert Unks is leader, and Dr., South Coventry, nras installed Australia, New Guinea, the third spade, and West discarded Seymour Lavitt, who opposed the our seaborne nuclear capacity In will join the Philadelphia law firm NAT BE ATTACKING this kind of caganization. “Pegasus in the Bahamas" and as poat commander, and Mrs. Ruth Walk,” "Salvation Is Created,” and Answer: n ss or bid ooeqiade tentative new zones as “bad zon­ Retta Firtlon, Crystal L ake; sent their United Thank Offering Other men, the husbands of ‘The Sunken Rommel Fleet” are haa some of these sashes avail­ Phlllppinee and Japan. •Oeiaotlons fhom West Sids Story" the deuce of clube. East stepped 'Ihomas Carty, 84 Ward St.; the Mediterranean which is one of Duaue, Morris and Heckscher. able. They are also a,vailable at McGinn, 125 Spruce 8 t, as preai- up with the king of diamonds and (borderline decision). You count tag” and said the greatest danger of NATO's most effective coun­ envelopes. A meeting of the Altar members, attend the lectures, but two underseas movies to be shown He has been adjutant, quarter­ wera preaentod by the 9th Grade 12 points in Mgh cards and 2 Stephen Hollister, 35 Mountain Toomey was salutatorian of the Guild will be held at 8 p.m. at the G. Fox and Co. The Brownies will dent of the auxiliary. led the ten of spades. was ta “the assumption of power ters to repeated Soviet threats to class of 1956 at Manchester High don’t feel confident of their ability Friday night at the Bushnell Me­ Frank Drake, past commander, master and jrmlor and vice com­ Mixed Choir. Soprano solo waa potato tor the singleton, but should by the zoning oommiaslon.’’ St.; David Wandzy, Jobs Hill, residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. TOUR HONE meet this evening to rehearse for South followed suit with tMa use their own nuclear weapons School and is a 1060 graduate of to become members—yet morial in Hartford at 8:15. mander of the post, and is past aung by Rena Lendera. Beverly deduct 1 point because it to an The zontag commission would ElUngton. Benton Crittenden. This will be The group will put on another their ceremony. was Installing officer for the post. third spade, and West discarded against members of the NATO al­ Yale University. At the University A karate tournament will be at Donald Maymrd, Tolland County president of Inteniatloiml Ma­ Veeoo waa the aooompanist and aceless hand. aMs leaves you be able to ohange the laws as time Births yesterday: A daughter to an important meeting and oil BE S U R E...fo r a complete FREE Inspection art show at the armory this fall, the BudhneU Sunday, Jime 2, at Briefs the deuce of clubs. East continued liance." of Pennsylvania, he was an editor council commander, was officer of chinists No. 350, A F L -d O , a t Un­ OriQib direotor. with another spade, but South with IS potato and an optional passed, he said. Conunlsslon mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Eldward Evans, Old members are ui'ged to attend. in cooperation with the Licais, said 2:30 pm . The Podiiun Players poetp<|ied derwood Oorp., Hartford, where he Ihe fhMia, sung by a« of the opening; bid. Most expecto would Farm Rd., Tolland. The department declared that on the University of Pennsylvania Congregational News of your Home by a Termite Control Expert Mrs. Kenway, and will probably A display on lighting techniques the day. oould not be over-ruffed. Declar­ bers would be able, theoretdoally, Russia has nothing to fear from Law Review and treasurer of the their monthly meeting to May 25, Mrs. F lo re t Btraeter, depart­ la employed. He la also a metnber groupn was BuBtvan*ii ‘^Rm Lort pujM becauoa the hand eontalns Discharged yesterday: Mrs. get more members as a result of and effeoto is at the Wadsworth hi order to avoid oonfllot with the er drew tnimpe and ran tba reet to reject a building on the basis of “any defensive measures of the Sharswood Law Club. Both choirs of the Congrega Supervi$ed by Graduate Entomologists. ment past president, was Instidlfaig of a a h ^ oonunittea and SKeco- Chord,” wtth LumpUn dlreotii«. of the tricks to make the con­ only Qulok Trloks. its ugliness, he said. Helen Boutin, Windsorvllle Rd.; tional Churches, Hebron and Git Ajtbeneum now through June 30. PTSA spring dance Saturday last. Uve board. A wand ot ^qpreoiatian waa eoc- Miss Elsie Mata, RFD TMlend; NATO countries.” It added sharp­ officer for the auxiUary. Mrs. tra c t Samuel Pearl, Box Mt. Dr., said ly that Moscow could contribute ead, will rehearse tomorrow eve­ e t. Peter’s parishioners who George Ecabert, past preeident and Formerly a long time resident of tended bo aU those 'who helped Wrong Beaction Wat Shetawold’s Se-pogs book­ Dawn Muller, Wllshlre Rd., Ver­ have articles which they are will­ if the majority of the board dls- “more to the cause of peace by Rockville'V ern on ning. Also Bible classes for teach Call Ml 9-9240 guard of the third district, was in­ Manchester, he, his wife and two make the concert a realMy: Mr. let, " APooket Guide to Bridge,” Uked him personally, they could non; Mrs. Marie Lanz, Frog Hol­ ers will be held at the Gilead par­ ing to donate to the auction spon­ Weet had the wrong reaction send 50 cento to Bridra Book, low Rd., ElUngton; Mrs, Judith a poslflve attitude In disarma­ stalling conductress. children now Hve In Coventry. Anthony Milano and membeia of when East mede Ms strange heart turn down his application for a sonage, conducted by the Rev. BLISS has been Serving the sored by the Brotherhood of St. the Onqphic Arta Department for Manchester Eve. Herald, Box 8818, Otero and dav^ter, Blast' Hart­ ment talks than by propaganda Other post officers an George Mrs. McGinn, presldenit of the play at the second trick. Instead buUdtag petmlt. notes and threats against its Delegates Chosen John N. Cross, pastor. Andrew on Junp 29, are asked to Edwards, senior vice commander; program, the Art Department for Grand O n tral Station, New York ford. get in touch with any one of the auxiliary. Is peirt. president of the of thinking that Bast had gone Pearl and Lavitt held that per­ peaceful neighbors.” And don’t forget that .’unorgas- Home Owner in Conn, for over Edwin M. Edwards, junior vice Army Navy AuxiUary. She is a poatera and the following teacfa- crazy, W ^ should have said to 17. N.Y. mits should be iesued in aoccwd- For Girls’ State bord, to be held at the Hebron following people: Jam es Kennedy, comsumder; Patrick J . Hiunidurey, era who prootorad the choire—Mra. Copyright IMS Vernon news la handled by The 81 Roy Darwin, George BetUnger, member of St. James’ Church, and hlmoelf: "That’s a weird play. snce with set regulations, and First Congregational Church, Sat­ years quartermaster; John J. Mahon, Rosalie Johnson, MMa Ehaabeth GeneiBral Features Ootp. Herald’s Rockville Bureau, 6 W. urday, sponsored by, the Women’s the Rev. Gordon W. Weeman, D. was formerly employed ait New Why to my partner leading a should be under the charge of a Main BL, telephone 876-3186 or Two juniors at Rockville High post advocate; Robert J. McKin­ Model Laundry. Daly, Mra Roberta Rohb, Mdse heart? He must have a good rea buUdtag Inspector. Dewey-Richman Fellowship. Servings will be from Benton Crittenden, or Robert ney, chaplain; James P. Futrlong, Gladys Rloa Mrs. Helen New­ 649-6797. School have been rfiosen for Lau­ Bartlett. Phone numbers will be Arthur Felber, past oommandar, son, and I must 'work It out so Regional Firms GainT Oharles Brown, oaJiaed buolneease oom- Erwin Kluck, 16 Fox IRll Dr., On lif e Cycles revitalization. Our latest Farley’s Country Store, Marlbor­ junior vice presldeDt; Mik. walocantag address to the newly mum for buildings ta the CAX worth of household and personal said that the foot traffic has DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR COMPANY, Inc. ough, or at the Andover Library. E ast would get his heart ruff, peto with national fixmA IrnMnees Rockville. How long do bushes live? Chaiiies Hirth, secretary; Mrs. installed o ffic e r s . Mias Carol and South would go down. area. Many of the lots now owned jewelry Items, plus an unesUmated dwindled greatly during the past The girls will be delegates of research report is now Members of the American Le­ Sprague of Manchester was pia­ HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)—Bfil R. obeervera believe. by persoiu ta this proposed area year. "Our Thursday night and A spice bush dug up from the THE OLDEST & LARGEST PEST CONTROL CO. IN CONN. Gertruda Buchanan, treasurer; Caimon rays be may rep< Please don’t 'write in to say that amount of property damage, waa the Rockville American Legion available and is yours gion, Jones-Keefe Post, were busy Mrs. Helen Skickson, chaplain; nist for the ceremony. Members are undesized, and owners would reported yesterday In a house Saturday momtag; trade, which woods about 60 years ago by The Sunday making prepoKtions for shortiy — with new emphasis—the your peuiner really is crazy and Auxiliary. Mrs. Arthur Bell, guard; Mrs. and officers from througout the that if you tried to find a reason have to sell ta groups to prospec­ break on E. Middle Tpke. were formerly good buetaess per­ Paula !s a member of the stu­ with no obligation. Memorial I>ay, p u ttt^ the veter­ state attended the installation. talk he gave last Sunday at a tive commercial builders. iods, have dropped off to almost Matthew McGuire, assistant; Mrs. church meeting. for Ms strange plays you’d go Police said that someone enter­ dent council, and has served on ans park and L^on Hall in fine Mrs. Mary LeDuc and Mrs. Brown agreed the square foot no business,” he said. Jdhn Vince, trustee for three He spoke ora the pm ble of the ed the home of Mrs. Charles Mlnl- the executive council of her dass. fettle for the coming observance. yean, and Mrs. Mary LeiDuc, George Eoabert, auxiliary mem­ E>4AIN\T»4IIT flS T U • JO O D minimum might be too high, and The store will officially close /VOM^ *M f OrMiH/SOS/KWib^Qt Others are designated to place Good Samaritan. cuccl at 443 E. Middle Tpke. yes­ She Is also on the staff of the trustee for one year. bers, were oo-chairmen of a re­ promised the board would study terday between 8:30 a.m. and Its doors by the eixl of June, It school newspaper, and has been OPEN 6 DAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE flags on veterans’ graves In local freshment conunltee. While drl'vlng home from the Two Academy Wtanera The newly installed' post oom- church with his wife and daugh­ STARTS TONIGHTS ^ problem. about 8:16 p.m., ransacked the liv­ was reported. In the girl’s athletic club, tennis cemeteries later this week. In Beet Aotreas Other persons questioned the in­ Seiler purchased the business ness for the day. ter, Cindy, 10, Cannon stopped the ing room, kitchen, sitting room club and folk dance group. MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9:00 to 5:30— mURSDAYS 'ntL 9:00 P.M. Best Supporting Aetreaa crease ta minimum footage re­ and master bedroom and took a 17- in the summer of 1961 and took Judith is a member of the h'igh mal temperatures. The 08 in Se­ car to show Cindy an o’possum Ann i P U T N A M C O . I Horse Workshops Lubbock Flooded, attle Tuesday was a record high in the road. Bancroft, Patty Dnha quired for property wMch may hich portable television set, valued over the store’s actual manage­ school choir, known as the Star- & Two twilight h o r se Judging for May 21. The mercury aoared As he tried to catch the ani­ “The Miracle Worker* be changed from C-2 zone to CB at $250; a ruby ring, $20; a man’s ment on Nov. 4, 1961. The bowdness ettes, and secretary of the future 74 East Center Street workshope for 4-H riding cliib Hail Covers Area to 104 in Phoenix, Arlz.' mal, Cannon fell Into a ditch, 9:86 zone, from 200 to 400 foot front­ and a woman’s wrist 'watOh, total was formerly owned by the late teacher’s club. 643-2151 members are scheduled by the breaking Ms right leg. Burt Lanoaator — to age. Brown said this was done to 'value $45, and $1.30 set aside for Sam Ginsberg. Both girls are honor Students. Tolland County Ebctenslan Servlcow His wife tried to flag motorists, attract a higher type of com­ the paper boys. The first will be held May 31 at By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Blacklists Favored “Bird Man Of Alcatraz^ but none stopped. 7:00 mercial company. Patrolman Ronald Roberts re­ Bodleau's riding ring at 7:30 p.m., A cloudburst caused flash flood­ At length, Mrs. Cannon dragged Ralph Gaston, Box Mt. Rd., ported that someone broke a 10- Carol Boileau in charge, at West CHICAGO—Blackllsttag of aub- One Complete Show ing In Lubbock, Tex. and hail­ her 170-pound husband up the 7 O’clock 'thought the proposed plan should Inch square pane of glass In a rear Stafford on R t 190, formerly sbandard school aystema rather include industrial land next to the stones laid an 18-ineh deep cover bank and into ttie car and drove 8:06 e:S&-8:40 Doors Open 6:80 cellar door and reached in to open Rt. 20. than teacher abnlkes wan advocat­ to a hospltaL railroad. the door from the inside. Another ONCE A YEAR SPECIAL! OPKN DAILY 9 to 5—OPEN 6:30 to 9 THURSDAY EVENING The second workshop will be on part of the Texas Panhandle ed by 82 per sent of acihool admin­ Aitty. Robert Kahan, Summit door, leading to the first floor SPRING SALE * held June 24 ait Thompson’s riding At least 6 inches of rain in 2H istrators in a recent poiU of how Rd., call^ the Industrial zoning kitchen, w m then forced open to CHRISTIAN DIOR DIORISSIMO OPEN SATURDAYS 9 to 12 ring, back of Thompson’s store hours drenched Lubbock filling teadhesB etiould seek better 'wages of an Emo Station on Rt. 83 get into t^e upstairs rooms. BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE! BIG SAVINGS! at 7:30 p.m. on Rt. 44A, Terry one main thoughfare with muddy end working condiitlons. "spot zontag.” Brown countered Cologne and Atomiier Thompson director. Don Gaylord, water up to automobile head­ naa ot that the present the prop­ ^3 00 Coupon extension animal htisbandman of lights. erty is of an Indiutrial nature. Correction the University of Connecticut, will Streets in the Lubbock business Herman Olson of the chamber We Give Green Stamps With Every Dime You Spend! | be Inatructor and offloiaJ judge, district ran knee deep, water Miss Holly Hooker, daughter of STANLEY WARNER of oommerce thought the land al­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hooker, 77 WELDON DRUG COMPANY dub members wUl learn bow to seeped Into an luidetermined located for industrial use is not 901 MAIN ST. — 643-6321 select a sound horse and each will number of business places and Brie St., will attend Laurel Girls’ The atmosphere is one good enough. He called it a State, not Miss Pauline Hooker as hook have the opportunity to judge and firemen helped occupants flee at "swamp.” S STATECE] erroneously reported last night in place a class of four horsea least a few homes. Damage was R eco m m e n d s Atty. John D. LaBelle of Man­ The Herald. Patio Cooking heavy. Today and Tomorrow chester filed a protest on behalf Don't settle for a ''seconaiticipant8 in the tournament. This complete 3 piece group (above) is a perfect design on all the ballots for a legislative There will be a mystery driver match for the sectional below. You get d handsomely tailored election. The Haitlein constitution coiitest, a hol^ln-one, the pitch 80" sofa and matching diair, plus a swivel rocker "with a prohibits a president serving two closest to the pin, hit tlie sign, terms, but he said the. people had STARTS FRIDAY^ DON’T M ISS THIS memory!" Swivels easily to left or to right, swings back auto­ pitch ta the water bucket and matically to CHiginal position. This group also has the luxury showed they wanted him to stay Coattnuons From 4 PJtf. 2 EXPLOSIVE MOTIPH P|CTUlteS-1 BIB other games. in office. THEYHUADARINS PUR Rew. Mr. Bowman Elected advantages of Nylon-face covers, Fexam reversible cushioM. The daUy round of heavily The Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pas­ guarded ceremonies continued de­ tor of Union Coiigregatlonal spite the renewal of violence, Consum ing Vsngt tancsl - Unparallsisd PasslonI Church, ta Rockville, is the new which was attributed to the forces STARTS TONITE moderator of the Tolland Associa- of underground leader Clement WALT DISNEY'S Uon. of Congregational Christian Barbot. "MIRACLE OF THE Churches and ministers. There' are WHITE STALLIONS” Barbot, once DuvaUer’s chief with BOD TAYLOR 19 churches and 25 ministers ta the UCUTION “2M” ACCUnON "Mt" aide, had sworn to assassinate the du t r jy e d 3 organizatloiL Yellow, electronic timepiece, 14 keret pliu Bock HadioB ia White, electronic timepiece, iteinleee president by May IS. He was "THE LAWLESS Water Sid Club Dance fteel, luminous diel end hendt, eweep told eweep eecond hend, ellliets etrep wounded recently in escaping a BREED" The Crystal Ski Club Ihc., of etcond hend, ctelnleee etHl edluitebln witli 14 keret buckle. - flHJd A LL COLOR tend. fiMJO military dragnet but told two BUtagtbn, wilU open its season newsnien. who Interviewed him In SHOW AT DESK with a dance Saturday night at his hideout this week that he was the Polish American Club ball­ confident he would overthrow Du- room on Village St., Rockville, vaUer. THE BEST AHEAD OF THE REST ACCUTRON- ^nni from 9 to 1. LOW OR HWH STYLE W E GIVE Jim m y Waye’a orcheetra wBl World’s Only Electronic Wrist Timepiece took hen YVhbe «te* a w 11 Yueths’ le 11 Mw’s A NEW KROEHLER idea! So many werys .Guaranteed 99.9977% accurate on your wristt ^ to use the k>unge-around . . . as you see it here — a big W E GIVE comer group, jot ob a compact comer group plus armless a Keeps time by the constant vibrations of an Roger$ and Hamtner»t^n*» W ALT DISNEY ch air. . . or as tiiree distinct seating units. The 100 % Nylon- electronically activated tuning fork, face cover is a bear for wear and has a lustrous beauty un­ e Does away with the hairspring and balance wheel, lOto matched by any other fabric. Deep Foam in cushions that ^^OKLAHOM A” vnaaas parts which limit the accuracy of all conventional watches. are reversible for double wear. Kck your favorite color. Com pUt* $248 • Just 12 moving parts. So rugged it’^s virtually PRESENTED BY ’ trouble-free. ... ELSk With Either Set— YOU GET 2480 GREEN STAMPS! • Never, never needs winding — even off your wrist Sock and Buskin FREE MAIN STREET PARKING OR IN OUR LOT NEXT TO STORE # BAILEY AUDITORIUM MAItliNELLf See our complete selection of Accutron IN Timepieces. From $1^.00 FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1943— 8KW P.M. YOU HAVE CHOICE OF BUDGET TERMS SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1963— 8:00 P.M. □ DOUBLE 4 CREDIT PLANS . . . eith F 'u ritiiu n I M A N C H IS m PARKADE (1) 90-Day Regular Charge ADMISSION 81.00 aoa&r u u i etiar WORLD GREEN Saturday Matinee 2:00 P.M. WrUUI PALNER JUR8QB (2) 30-60-90-Day 4rPaymemt Charge For Elementary and Junior High Studenta OPEN W ED h THURS. and PR»AY Plan. M ANCHESTF R SHOOR PLUS DISNEY CABTOONS inf) MAIN ST STUDENT ADMISSION — 20e .(8) Up To Two Y muts To Pay ----- M f MAIN STv MANUHESTEB Ad u l t a d m i s s i o n — so« . A GAfiU) PQNrt-tXCafih HCDUCTIGW STAMPS NIGHTS TO 740 PAL ...... - fWeee p^ee Wie (4) Young HomMoakera Lay-Away ^W*aWlwwn»e»m mniY.4i»n«HlMiiitwl>li«nnfH»«ranm«lp«mww> A-/ — ar _____ I Op|K>«ltGOpposlto VhGtbo atBaiMMM • I aaDowrwr (fl R ead H erald AdvD. ALL WEEK SsmUMBOHnRMWilBBUlBIUBnHEUrai^^ . 521 PHNAAuction Slated June 8

A mAdle puctioa womored ‘faiy ard Oou^tMin for pickup aervice. Ib a . OoughUn baa been named ganenu ohaiiman with Trask as cliaiiinan for ooUecting the Itetne. SMILINO SERVICE Mbs. Robert L. Helms will have cliaiga of ndaoellaneous and 5c MAIN ST., MANCHESTER and 10c Hems, Mrs. Thomas OiEMen a t the snack table. The r m nibUctty will be hanUed by Mrs. Henry Sherman, posters; Donald Magee, radio and Mrs. Bme6t G. LaeDoyt, newspaper. LeRoy M. Roberta will be the ancUoneer. He has served in this aapaclty for public auctions held ^ the North Coventry Volunteer Sire Department chi numerous occasions. Proceeds will go toward meeting the budget for the present year. The PHNA will have a plant aale at 10 a.m. Saturday at the parking_arm ^ the shopping cen- I tr be given a t 8 pjn. Friday at Second Con­ ONLY ..41 gregational ChiBch by the Oleen- Sylvian Photo ' «M Girdle of the church. MRS. JOSEPH N. BROWN III The gowns include an 1887 bri­ Roxanne dal gown, bridesmaids and flower $g .99 g « gowns, in th^ collection of 39 TIm marriage pf Miss ElalneOcap sleeves and pleated skirts. wtalcta will be shown. Mary Lavoie of Manchester to Their flower hats with circular Oo-chaitmen of the affair are Joseidi N. Brown i n of Storrs veils matched toe color of their Mm. Clarence Fdmondson and Mrs. was solemnized Saturday morning dresses, and they carried cascade The Long, Slim, St St. James’ Church. bouquets of yellow roses. ’The Alton Taylor. Mrs. Eabert L Carl- flower girl wore a dress which acn wW be the organist. The bride la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lavoie, 74 matched the adult attendants, a Refresmenits will be served at headband of blue and yellow flow­ ttie Chtirch Community House Sleek Stem Look Durant St. The bridegroom Is the son of Mrs. Joseph N. Brown, ers, and she carried a basket of after the program in the sanct­ yellow daffodils. uary. The public is invited. Dona­ Storrs, and the late Prof. Joseph Of stretch pants that everyone aw!- N. Brown. John Merritt Brown of Storrs tions will accepted at the door. served as his brother’s best man. The PagTim Fellowship of the If: f- tnires and every gal wants in Royal TTie Rev. Joseph H. McCann of St. James’ Church performed the Ushers were Robert Brown of church will have a car wash from Adagio, Denim and Hop Sacking. ALL Storrs, brother of the bridegroom; 10 ajn. to 4 p.m. May 26 at Cov­ ceremony. ' ^ Choose from Black, Green, Blue, Tur­ TTie bride, given In marriage Emil Lavoie of Sacramento, Calif- entry High School. quoise, Pink, Denim Blue, Navy, brother of the bride, and Reynold A Bible study program on First THE ’ by her father, wore a fUl-lengto Beige, Brown, Loden and White. Sizes gown of peau de sole and lace, Brown of Weston, Mass., nephew i Corinthiana will conducted at 8 ■'m of the bridegroom. Gary Manlon pjn. today a t the Church Com­ 8 to 18. designed with a scalloped square of Ashland, Mass., a nephew of munity House by the Rev. James NEWEST neckUne and long tapered sleeves toe bride, was ring bearer. n . Amdling, pastor of Second with points at toe wrist. The The mother of the bride wore a Oongregieutional Church. pleated bell-tdutped skirt termin­ tangerine colored embroidered Rotary News Others iip to $12.99 COVERAGES ated in a cathedral train. Her dress and white accessories ’The Andrew Fisher, president of the veil of silk Uluslon was attached mother of the bridegroom wore a Rotary Club, is planning an eve­ to a crown of seed pearls and blue lace sheath and white acces­ ning of discussion on Civil De­ FOR GAY ..W JTv*, lace, and she carried a prajrerbook sories. fense a t the 8:45 p.m. dinner marked with an orchid and A reception was held at toe meeting of the Rotarians today ■treamers. KofC Home. For a motor trip a t First Oongregiaittonal Church. TIMES 1. Mrs. Edward BiUer of Reading, south Mrs. Brown wore an apricot Wear them all summer! The Rotarians on. June 8 will go Pa., a aister of the bride, was and beige silk print dress with ap­ to the Coventry High School matron of honor. Mrs. Harold ricot hat and beige patent bag and grounds. Clufb members and Ro­ THIS SUMMER! Manlon of Ashland, Mass., a sister shoes. ’The couple will live at 74 ALL PURPOSE SHIFT GOWNS land Stoodley of the school fa­ of the bride; Miss Theresa Bltler Durant St. culty are cooperating in putting of Reading, niece of toe bride, and Mrs. Brown attended the Uni­ We call them “Belindies,” an all purpose On a safe-driver training field day h '-I Miss Carol Mllicl of Hamden were versity of Connecticut, and is em­ with entries from Rham High a 'C f ■ ■ , ’vc bridesmaids. Mi.ss Darlene Lavoie ployed in toe engineering depart­ shift gown which can be used for sleep- ^ School, Rockvill^ Windham and of Wapplng, a niece of toe bride, ment of P ratt and Whitney, divi­ ing, at breakfast, around the house, in ^ Stafford Springs'. ------was flower girl. sion of United Aircraft Corp., 3- According to Winthrop Mer- The matron of honor and brides­ East Hartford. Mr. Brown atteiid- the garden or at the beach. Assorted ftaan of the cluh,^ this activity is maids wore street-length dresses ed the University of Hartford the first time anything of this of blue silk organza embroidered School of Engineering. He is also prints or pretty stripes. Sizes S, M, L. ^ nature has been put on in the There’ll be a NEW horizon in To Make A with sprays of yellow flowers, employed in toe engineering de­ state. Prizes will be given and designed with scooped necklines. partment at Pratt and 'WWitney.- food will be available at food booths. NEW YOU GOP Names Shanahan active living when you sail away in Joseph Shanahan has been ; from alectod a member of the Republl- > * - V i ONCE-A-YEAR ean Town Committee, replacing Peter Pan Roland DeChamplaln, who re­ BREEZE EASY NAUTICALS signed because of moving out of SAVINGS SALE town. The Republican party will cau­ COLE CONTINUES! cus on July 16 to endorse candi­ fT* o ^ dates for the town election Oct. 7. by of California \ Buis Enacted State Rep. 'Walter L. Thorp Sr. has advised that House Bill 3422 ROXANNE concerning toe limitation of moto BREEZEWAY boat operation on certain sindll lakes In toe state has been prosed JANTZEN in the House. Also passed by the i^use was a bill providing for copies of the PETTI General Statutes be/^ven persons elected to .a ^ e iA the legislature withiii SO day^/^ter election. The PETER4 PAN ijk f, bill directs jinat toe secretary of lOMEEr < m sUte musjKsupply toe copies for toe n e ^ members, and supple- DARLENE mentp^since they last served for S'® LEGSIZE STOCKINGS ''persons who have alreadi’ This will probably begin in red In the legislature. your life with this weekend, 4rH New* Regular $1.35 styles The 4-H Designs and Desserts or on Memorial Day week­ Club, Mrs. William Kelleher, lead­ end. Be equipped with Nau- Roxanne is a flatterer er, has presented, its second an­ ticals. We have a big group NOW $1.17 a pair nual skit at Coventry Grammar TOP vh School’s annual concert. The girls with LOOKS. — have an act entitld. ' V : Cabin Boy ...... $6.99 WITH ITS SELF-ADJUSITNG BACK man. ■ w 1.65 pr. 1.41 4.20 Hooded Jacket .... .$10.99 Peter Pan by Oleg Cassini FOR “GENTLER SHAPING, FREEDOM Manchester Evening Herald, 1.95 pr. 1.66 4.95 Ooventry correspondent, F. Pan- t4‘-- i |V P e r t ...... ,$10.99 CENTER WITH A UFE-INSURED Hne Uttle, telephone 742-6231. Glamorously designed in crinkle stitch PAYMENT PLAN Culotte ...... $8.99 k cotton sateen, maillot style. Has scoop Note the tenderly elasticized" criss-crOss back that neck, graceful plunge back, custom cup Front wrap skirt .. ..$7.99 adjusts to you, to every turn your active life takes & swim bra and a dashing belt. In cerise Pazeats of ooDege-age yoongrten axe finding help in meeting rising edocatiain ooete with Hutfhrd . . . with no bulge, no bind, ever. Of sheer-but-firm, FREE DELIVERY Slim Skirt ...... $6.99 and turquoise souffle. Sizes 10 to 16. Natkoal’e Education Pa3nnent Plan, a low-oost, spandex, witli reinforced hip control, down-stretch 4 A.M. fe 4 P.M. Hi-Kick Skirt ...... $7.99 ■ IRh^oeaied means of spreading thoee ezpensee over ^ tin baefe panel.^firm nylon lace and satin applique > ' , . * - ♦23.95 a lo n ^ peiM of time—up to eight yean—in ARTHUR DRUe BREV for short, slender legl,^ tummy panel. All in white or black. i! ata. And the plan guaran- sizes 8-lQi/^ tem flmda tor college or secondary school even in Darlene— A bit daring MODITE for average legs, ^ event of the parent’s death or total disability. sizes 8V^-11V^ A. Corselette, 34-38 B ...... 1 8 .^ 0 LOWER Pick iq> a copy of "How To M bbo* Goars O r DUCHESS for long, ample The finest fully fashioned swim suit. E dooaxion” B. *Long leg panty girdle; S, M, L ...... • 1 3 .S 0 at your neereet Hartford Natimal legs, Sizes 91/ 2-I2 R. E. WANDELL Daring, disarming, but quite discreet— Ofike. No obli^tion, of ooune. C. Girdle; S, M, L 1 0 .8 5 \ openly detailed that dips in front, dives Building low in back—keeps you in sylph-Iike Lightly contoured strapless bra of nylon lace and shape-fully fashioned seamless curves spandex;' 32-36 A, 32-38 B and C ...... 5 .0 0 Contractor OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT TILL 9 and built-in bra. Sizes 8 to 16. MMoiis m i e a or HI KerideiiHal Commercid Darlene ■e ***’«*WA"'...... tvwMfWF- 'W . - . - AllywalPiU'Remodeliiig ■ ~ *<)3llline8s Built On jChneMUier Satisfaction” A m Tmtrav ooaavAirr StaArF.O./.C n A Insurance Coverage T^' ^eL an 4-0450 After 6:00 P.M. MS ICAIN STREET-JiANCHESTER 91 BALDWIN ROAD

LA/ii'fa « ^ .V •-,* --«»» m’ > - ;✓ « •% - - . - I '



LcidlM Vs SOLES Mnn't Vs SOLES EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! and HEELS and HEELS IRONING BOARD uiarLOW R«9. $2.75 Rt9. $3.50.$3.75 COVER and PAD SET $1.98 Value (With Coupon) Co"+ed with TEFLON Leather or Neolite


0 Coupon Good .Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 2-SPEED ELECTRIC 956 Main facing Oak FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL! THURSDAY ONLY COUPON SPECIAL! Coupon Good Itiursday Only E.\TBA SPECIAL GIRLS' DEPT. MEN’S BROADCLOTH ntiarLOW — GOOD AT BOTH STORES — ASSORTED JELLY BEANS H CAMPUS DACROX-COTTON MARBLE TOP 2-PIECE ft I AND CIGARETTE TABLE HAIR DRYER Coupon Special Thursday Only CHILDREN'S. MEN'S, YOUR CHOICE T o n v . H J u n io rs JUNIOR SKIRTS ■ $ ^ 2 « 8 8 Compare at $24.95 COORDINATES ^ $ 0 . 9 8 LADIES' (Thongs) IN HANDY TRAVEL CASE SHORTY DEIICIMS FUDtE 960 Main St. In linen, seersucker, 1 REG. 7.98 H Exquisite cigarette ta­ ble with heavy import- —„ or dark cotton print. Orig. 12.98-14.98 Reg. $9.99. QQ Coupon 'lEENi Middy and coat styles. All facing Oak . . . PAJAMAS (With Coupon) ZORIES ■ ^ With Coupon ed marble top. Provin- I 'H C ^ sizes. Reg. 3.98. clal style in warm fruit- WITH COUPON wood. 14” round, 21” LIMITED Ql'ANTITY All colors LIMIT 2 Open Thurs. nlte l b . 1 9 ® high. Naturally, we Hll 0 _____976 MAIN ST. _ ^ 1 1 could get only a limited quantity to sell at this W. T. GRANT CO. 706 MIDDLE TPKE. E. price. Better be early! Sizes,4 to 14 “TURNPIKE PLAZA” W. T. GRANT CO. ■ $2.00 OFF on any 7.98 SKIRT ■ 883 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER WITH COUPON “ THE S'TORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING!" 1116 6IAIN ST. MAIN STREET STORE Reg. 3.00 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—649-6221 FAIRWAY MAIN STREET STORE Next to Popular Market H WITH COUPON ... H FREE PARKING .

® • 0 K v i i h %

1 FULL BALE SPINNING REEL 4'. No. 1500 anti-reverse drag. i| A Anodized spool. With this ^ coupon. Only NASSIFF ARMS OF MANCHESTER t “THE HOUSE OF SPORTS” 991 MAIN STREET—649-1647


956 Main facing Oak TERRIFIC COUPON SPECIAL! GIRLS' DEPT. This Coupon Worth $5JI0 T o t u AUTOMATIC JAMAICA and TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY 'T een) ELECTRIC SPORT CO AT I c ^ S H O R T SETS SKILLET THURSDAY ONLY ___ Sizes 3 to 6x, S12.9S Value 7 to 12 and Group Originally ARTHUR DRUG STORE GLENNEY'S SHOP L 3.98 and 4.98 With C^u^on Thursday Only 942 MAIN C.'.— MANCHESTER 789 MAIN STREET

ALL THIS COUPON S THIS COUPON $ 4 DISSTON KINGSTON TRIO LPs LAWN RAKE IS WORTH ^ IS w o r t h i Hi-Fi 1.93 Reg. .3.98. All around rake with 2_4 « _ h spring steel teeth formed Stereo 2 l 9 0 ‘Heg. 4.98. TOWARD PURCHASE OF . TOWARD PURCHASE Ol^ I by 12 hairpin tines, ITALIAN OR CONVENTIONAL f Rakes without damaging WITH THIS COUPON • / ^ POLL PARRpT OR SCAMPS I lawn. 54” handle. Limit HAND SEWN LOAFERS one per customer. ALL LPs IN STOCK AT DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIES TO SNEAKERS FORCHILDREN ENTIRE STOCK J Reg. $4.10. MEN’S — WOMEN’S — CHILDREN’S *2.59 WITH THIS COUPON ONLY Ra, B.U,r . M u s i c S h o p LEONARD'S SHOES LEONARD'S SHOES 1013 MAIN s t r e e t .^-MANCHESTER W . G. GLENNEY CO. 881 MAIN s t r e e t — MANCHESTER 881 M AIN St r e e t - r-MANCHESTER 336 N. MAIN ST.— ’TEL. 649-5253

0 ^ 1 ®

SAVE 50e WITH THIS COUPON! THIS COUPON A A ALLING RUBBER CO. “ ’THE FINEST IN SPORTS!” IS WORTH X b \I w '7 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTE 5 LBS. THIS COUPON WORTH ’TOWARD ’THiU PURCHASE OF GRASS SNEAKERS - CAMPUS SHOES 25 Reg. $1.49 PIGSKIN SHOES O ff the original purchase price% on merchandise not m ark ^ down toiyard the purchase price of Solidxolors 946 additional merchandise. ARTHUR DRUG STORE SIiesBto 18 HARMAC M AIN ST. NOT INCLUDED ARE SALE PRICE ITEMS 942 MAIN ST.r^ANCHESTCR Reg. 2.98 WlUi Coupon liiurMlny Only MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING JERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 PAGE IHNB i j t o ars, aven thoug-h some axperta anger, Mit above ah by those pe­ thought President Elsenhower Wallace Vows A Thoaght for Today culiar graces and powers which Bolton Bundav, but ttaay ratumad home come and go as' he pleases. As himself had helped start It all by accompany the man of God.” t 6:80 Saturday, thoroughly aoak- with some other peoples, what Sii^inQ. li^ralin Greensboro Arrests Sponsored b j the Blnnoheelir " . ... . ■ ^ # Red China^s Industrial Gains Mrs. Oliver Feted ‘ "mmBHUiP BY n u i his -own sharp comm'ents to the CHundl of Ohnrehes A trust in God bom of a vital they tell themselves three times u m a rnu w l R m ^ o c». o ia effect that ' prices . were so high To Bar Negro rell|toua expSrlenoe such as came At Tuesday’s meeting the boys is true. At Baby Shower If BtaMll Street to John Wesley 236 years ago will FinanceVnit had phyrical fttnesa tosU. Next 1 treasure the memory of our KODAK STARFLEX CAMERA IP., Conn. Americans ought to start hesitat­ Aa a young AngMcan rector, ohable UB to wsatoer all the JOHN ro i week, there wtU be a board of re­ Rated Impressive Since 1949 TROf raROUSON (Continued from Page One) visit to the Wuhan steel works RFOVLAR $17.50 __ LiTER R I ______ing and shopping around before Total 1,200 in Week John Weeley oome to Ogleithorpe’s storms of life. view. not only because it gave me a Mrs. William Oliver of 87 Birch WALT FERGUSON Watch and Clock Kepalring _ Fublleliere colony iii Oeoigla. When be had St., was feted at a baby shower paying them. Mississippi. Meredith later en­ Rev. H. Osgood BenneM, Votes Funds _^Bomaroo, Bolton married couples (Oontinned from Page One) the form of parts for agricultural glimpse 4nto a fascinating aspect Bbunded October 1. 1881______preached a sermon on overcoming Pastor 810 Main Bt, Manohestar of the Chinese mind but also be­ Monday evening by Mrs. George ^ 1 3 9 5 In the Eisenhower recession, rolled behind federal forces. (Continued from Page Cne) have a cooktaUs and color machinery. Schwedzer at Naomi Dr., Ekist PublUhed Beery Breaing Bzoept the world, a Haterwr sacclalme^ North Methodist Church, •lidea party on Saturday at 8:30 All the same, the Chinese are cause it greatly increased my per­ kndaye and Holidays.Hollda Entered...... at tbe prices di'^n’t go down, the whole Atty. Gen. Richmond Flowers, "Why. if this be Chrlatianlty, a Still, they do produce steel, Hartford. than 800 demonstrators, mostly Manchester For Trailers P-m. at the home of Mr. and iS rt. not content. The planned output, bar, rod and strip. And since sonal prestige. WELDON DRUG COMPANY Poet Off!Ice at Uanctaeiter Conn., aa cost of living never adjusted to a political foe of Wallace, warned Presbyterians Ohristlan must have more courage WILL IE CLOSED At Wuhan, hobnobbing with the About 20 gu e^ attended. Second ClaaaaI Hail111 Hatter college and high school students, than Alexander the Great.” Philip Dooley on Woitrous Rd. Mr. they told us, is three million tons they started from scratch six Decorations were pink and blue CAMERA DEPAR’EMENT the supposed facts of economic defiance of federal court orders H m boacd e t finanoa votod tin- Mrs. James Klar are oo-hoats. years ago, this is a miracle in open hearth men I disclosed 'that 901 MAIN ST. — 643-6821 SUBSCRIPTION RATES streamed into, the downtown area On the voyage bade to England FOR SUMMER ^ steel a year. Very good; when I once had been a steelworker streamers and balloons. Sand­ _ _ Payable In Advance life. may lead to violence. He said Bolster Goal Mr. and Mrs. Club anlmoualy laat night to uppeem Couples are asked to bring 10 mys­ Would this target be achieved? ItseU. wiches, punch, coffee and cake One Year ...... moo for the 10th night In a row. Wealoy found he was in terrlNe June To After Labor Day tery slides for members to try to 'myself. Steelworkers in China, ix H eaths,...... U.00 And that, too, can be noted of those who defy such orders may fear during a storm, but he found tha requeot of the board of ed- This was one question they could Our travelling group encounter­ like poets, have considerable pres­ were served. fhree Hontba S.60 this present Kennedy recession be to blame if federal troops are Police had to block off several IdsnWy. Bomareo Is a purely so- ed this confusion between achieve­ One Honth ...... 1.85 downtown streets to traffic; A a band of McHaviane who sang Will End Season itoation for an appropriation of otal Hub, welcoming new members not or would not answer. When tige. At once, my status as the which didn't happen. There may used in Alabama a.s they were Of Integration hymna in complete trust in God. ment and future reality all over steelworker-poet became unassail­ in Mississippi. large crowd of white and Negro $11,400 to leajM thrM tmiler ekupa- at aU meatlngs. pressed,-they estimated the pres­ China. At a children’s palace in HEHBER OF have been a time when a good spectators gathered, and squads Moravians helped Wesley to find Shcdom Blum of Hartford will able. THE ASSOCIATED PRESkJ A sampling of sentiment of stu­ (Continued from Page One) a faith that oast out fear. As he rootiw, mibijeet to the approval of „ PTA. will m eet tonight in ent output of this particular plant Shanghai — Where midtUe school Tbe Aaaoclaled Press Is exclusively many statistics seemed to pro­ dents and faculty members at the of officers worked torf keep them apealc Sunday at 8:15 pm . at a the CD room of the aohool at 8 at one and a half million tons. children come after hours for the ’The description of. myself as a RUG and entitled to the use of republlcatlon of separated. , went albout England organizing the flf* marthal. The b o ^ voted p.m. former steelworker was perhaps all news dispatches credited to It or claim recession. But a decline in university campus at Tu.scaloo.sa lishment of a National Service Methodist societies, he was often meeting and installation of offi­ to inoltido the rental fee in the But that didn’t matter; what usual cultural and recreational not otherwise credited In this paper indicates that while white stu­ More wholesale arrests resulted cers of the Mr. and Mis. Club of counted was the three million of activities with a strong ideologi­ not • absolutely accurate but it the place to and also the local news published here. the cost of lii’lng never became When protesting students took Corps and said young presbyter- attacked by angry mobs who 1963-64 school opersAing budget. tomorrow. was near enough. And I felt no UPHOLSTERY All rights of republlcatlon of special— one of those statistics. dents may not like the idea, they lans might express their Christian­ threatened his life. He wrote in Temple Beth Sholom at the Tem­ Unleee the board of oduoatlon Maacliaator Bvenlng Herald Bol­ cal tinge, we asked if they were dispatches herein are also reserved. are willing to accept Negro class­ places in front of the S&W and ton correspondent, . M. OlemeweU There were six open hearth especially selected. twinge of conscience about it; one One hesitates t* proclaim that Mayfair cafeterias and the Caro­ ity by serving in it. his Journal, "It was my rule, con­ ple. His topic will be "Two TyUm&Djnit revereee tta decision to leoee tbe good gap between the ideal and mates peacefully. 5. Asked removal of restrictive firmed by long experience, always Strands, the Jewish FVunily and treller blaaerooma eo douMe see- Young, telephone 643-8081. steel furnaces but only Nos. 1 and Of course not, we were told: c a ll for Full service client of N. E. A. Serr- lina theater, targets of their dem- all children can come. Yet among the reality deserves another. CLEANING ce, Inc. such experience e.stablishes, be­ This would be in contrast tp on?tratlOT7’from''‘th r sUrt “ Fast' f discriminatory immigration to look a mob in the face.” the Jewish Comm'unity." He is as­ siens "will not be neoeesary next 6 were working. This was a rather Publishers R^resentatlvea The yond question, that we have now ; laws, regarding Asians, Africans low proportion of the steelmaking the hundreds there was not one Julius Hathews Special Agency—New the rioting which erupted almost One or his biographers said of sistant director of the Hm^ord CANDY year; the town will vote on the Island Mint First T o ^ Chicago. Detroit and Boston. entered a kind of economic era and seven years ago when Autherine ,, . and Ea.stem and Southern Euro- him, "It was not courage alone Jewish Community Center. appropriation at town meeting. capacity. One answer for this soon who did not wear the red neck Isle Taxi Goes Far TEL. Ml 9-1752 He HBER AUDIT BUREAU OF , ® coimcll met during; peans, and an Increase in admls- became apparent. The heavy rol­ scarf of the Pioneers, the young S3’stem in which things always go Lucy, a Negro, was admitted to that saved Wesley. .He was pre­ Mr. and Mrs. David Langford Increasee hi approprlatlona of or CIRCULATlONg the university under federal court afternoon. Negro leaders had ' gions to 150,000 annually, served by tranquil dignity, by cool, are in charge of a social time af­ more than $1,000 must have the ATHBNS—Elurope’s first mint ling mill, we were told, will pro­ Communist society. HAMILTON, Bermuda — ’Taxi up, and never down, with all in­ said they would hand the council | 6., Urged the U.S. government *ras established late in the Sev- duce rails, girders, plate, sheet There was no conscious decep­ Ml 3-5747 Tne Herald1 PrlnUngPrinting Company, Inc.. orders. She later was expelled for steady and courteous belMvior, by ter the program. This is the club's KITCHEN approval of the town. Finance ento or early in the Sixth Century driver Isaac Caesar has driven assumes— ___ —no financial■"----- respunslbmty for terruptions mere pauses and never making unproved statements ac­ a stetement of goals leading to- to be prepared to provide, on re­ the entire absence of maUoe or last meeting of the season. board member Richard Morra in­ and tubes. tion here. The Chinese really 440,000 miles in his 6-year-old typographical errors appearing In ad­ ward t^el desegregation. But quest, / medical and educational m a k e r s o f f i n e c a n d ie s B.C. on the hilly island of Aerina They are proud of their rolling money vertisements and other reading matter declines. This is the way most of cusing school officials of conspir­ dicated that $11,400 amouAte to wished to believe that the chil­ auto, a distance equal to about ing with the mob. David Schenck said no aid for adequate programs of about 12 miles south of Athens. mill but—it is not yet built. dren’s palace was open to all, the minute you want it m in The Hanchester Evening Herald. us, in private lives or in business, list of objectives was received. about one mill but that he would The coins of Aeglna bear the like­ 18 times around the earth. How­ Garner's On other fronts; family planning in underdeveloped Famottt for Old Today the main output is pig just as they wished to believe ever, all his dri-ving wa-s on Ber­ Display advertising closing houra: actually conduct our "“aiffairs—as There were these-other develop­ be very glad to pay It for a year ness of a turUe in high relief with iron from the three blast fur­ 8 GRISWOI.D ST. For Honday— p.m- Friday — The simmering Birmingham countries with soaring popula­ 0 0 that hie ohUd, and others, would head, legs, and tail extended. that every (jhinese citizen is free muda, whioh has only 117 miles Call Beneficial now! Ask for cash -fast for Spring For Tuesday—1 p.m. Honday. if things could indeed keep going racial situation remained quiet as ments on the state’s racial front: tions. Fashioned Goodnete naces and cast iron, largely In to choose his own work and to of roads. Wc Give Green Stomps For Wednemay—1 p.m. Tuesday. The Greensboro Board of Edu­ be able to go to school ail day expenses, left-over bills, for any good reason. The For Thursday—I p.m. Wednesday. up forever, and never come down. 3,000 federal troops stood by at 7. Suggested that church boards, next year, y For Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. Heaven knows how wildly expan­ military bases and more than cation adopted a resolution de­ agencies and local units examine 2 s t o r e s t o s e r v e v o u i folks at Beneficial Mite to say “Yes.” Call . . . now! For Saturday—1 p.m. Friday. 1,300 state, county and city law claring that all reasssignment of their contracts for goods and serv­ Three members of the school Classified deadline: 10:30 a.m. each sive and credit-blown we would pupils for the 1963-64 school year board were present, aa well aa day of publication except Saturday — enforcement officers kept watch ices to make sure funds are not MANCHESTER ^43-5171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAYS 9 a.m. get if we were told that sound eco­ over a 28-block area where rioting would be made ’’without regard used to support racially discrimi­ Supt. Philip C. tJguorl, to give " HARTFORD 1522-7201)- I 7 OAK ST., MANCHESTER nomic theory now backs up what I broke out May 12. to race.” natory or segregated Institutions. SHOPPING PARKADB more detaiBa on the trailers. School Wednesday, May 22 ’ board member Mrs. Agnes Kreyaig WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 E. CENTER ST. TEL. 649-7196 or 643-8606 BENEFICIAL we have hitherto known, even I — A hearing was scheduled dur- Other demonstrations have been 8. Called for close church at­ Ing the day in federal court on held, mostly against eating places tention to urban renewal projects ROUTE 6, BOLTON said that she thinks the aohool FINANCE SYSTEM The Summit July 5 while we succumbed to it, to be a ^ request for reinstatement of which admit only whites and e’ and planning, adding that Pro board ahould vote again on their Loans $20 to $600 — Loans life-insured at low eosL an illusion. more than 1,000 Negro pupils sus­ partment stores which hire only testants have in the past failed to OPEN EVERY SUN. propdaal. She aaid new flguiea The Russians and their Chinese pended or expelled from Birming­ white clerks, in Fayetteville, Wil- appreciate the city as a part of had been presented last night, end Baneflcial Finance Co. of Manchester cousins have, after months of ham schools for taking part in mington, Charlotte and Edenton. God’s world.” that thiee other board members, 806 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER sporadic and ill-tempered negotia­ Another Piece Of The Dream antisegregation demonstrations. who arigtnaily voted for the trail­ MItched 3-4156 • (Over So. New England Tel. Business Officii ers, would now vote against them. tion, settled upon date and place Gradually, we .are beginning to a loan of $100 costs $20.60 whan promptly repaid In lif the school board were to re­ tl U i l / l 3 W p . . 4fl. 12 consacutiva monthly Installmants of $10.05 each. for their summit. piece together a desigpi for living Skid Crash Rate High scind its motion at its meeting It will be held in Moscow, and which, if we can ever get it all next Moni^y, then the request CHICAGO — Skidding is involved It will begin on July 5. filled in and really pieced together in more than half the automobile to the board a t finance would hi niis gives all of us a nice long in practice as well as in imagina­ effect be canceled. THURSDAYS accidents on snowy or icy roads. It was felt by the finance boasd time in which to do our speculat­ tive theory, will give us an equiva­ Tires may lose on snow or ice all that this hi a m atter for the town ing. lent of the good old days, and the but 10 per cent of the grip they OF MANCHESTER have on dry pavement. Snow tires to decide, sinoe it oonceme t h ^ FRIDAYS But the best and most authori­ kind of value for the money which restore about 27 per cent of the eWldren, and that to delay would tative kind of speculation an.Vbody made them possible. lost friction, chains about 40. mean not meeting the June 12 deadline for a leasing agreement can po.ssibly make scorns the pos­ Only a few days ago, we com­ with the Fort Wayne Leasing Oo. sible .details and heads toward mented longingly on the develop­ If the company is notified any PIANO and ORGAN STUDIO THURSDAYS some generalization about sum­ later that this date, it wlU not 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER ment, way over in Greece, of a N«y«r S« Low Prifdt 643-5171 FRIDAYS mits as factors in the course of thing called the Farmobll, which M FosWooo^l guarantee delivery \»y the opening Sleep better a . pay less at Watkins history. of school in Septmber, the school looked to us like the first develop­ board said. And the safest, soundest gen­ ment of real transportation for It would cost $900 a month to eralization, the one proved most everyman since the days of the lease the trailers and they must be often by history itself, is one which horse and Henry Ford’s Model T. leased for 12 months, although says that no summit can change or The Farmobll is a kind of im- they would be removed In June cheat fundamental forces which 1964. The oompeny pdys for Instal­ adomed chassis which could never­ give 5 0 % more wear lation, transportation and building are already at work. theless carry everybody and every­ fllfl hisuranoe. Liguori said that about Anchor Twin Outfits Most of the time, diplomacy thing at moderate speeds, in mod­ $18 would buy the cement blocke ratifies events rather than causing erate comfort, with moderate gas a Iresi » «w U Ise w * eeU# the company would sot the trailers • ea me vO U ev Bwv s«e 'e s fie sr on; $600 was quoted for the can­ them. consumption, almost everywhere. e beeeirtiil M ^ s l Aede as b f Most of the time, diplomacy A eacLuve an thoM M opy to be used as protection for by Stearns & FoF'^r And with quantity production, it laWweaad irrafuUn I* w l *0 pu^ls changing classes between Is m IkM haK prko. TWy giv* comes second, the fact, the reality, was estimated, the cost of this camfartabta wpparf far varG • Lab'-tested the trailers and the school. The U M canditieni, yet era ‘ party. for the whole familyi the policy first. transportation could get down to trailers would be used for Junior When a Napoleon rose in Eu­ aa avarkoM. Tmy flews das 11 high classes, a period at a time, about $900, which would be some­ •Fact waar ar appcarasca. Siisi ' • Washable a: , so that no one class would stay in for Guest Rooms, Children's Rooms, rope, no mere sitting on a raft in thing comparable, under present mi ffsU t titaa. Sfratcli faat. om them for long. the middle of a stream with the Petal Beige or B uff A iftad ai. Bedrooms at the Summer Cottage day monetary values, to what our /CJm C^li mmmnmtnt iBm • Cushion insole, Llguori said again that they are Czar of Russia really had power grandfathers had to pay for a attractive, have excellent acous­ to keep Napoleon out of a Russian horse and buggy. *“Helanca is the registered TM molded arth A \ MEN'S. BOYS' LACE-TO-TOE tics, ventilation, heat and light. ...The celling;a are 'seven feet. There campaign. No sooner did we have the of the Heberleln Patent Corp.” < ■ -..a A a a ■ v \ \ V*: The real concern between Rus­ '’Are two d ^ rs, one at each end of Tw o Box Springs transportation angle of our de­ the trailer on one aide, and win­ Musical magic sia and China is not what the sign for living settled, in imagina­ OXFORD AND HI-TOP STYLES dows with screens and storm sash speeches say, a difference over the tion at least, than we ran into an Silong the opposite side. T w o Mattresses interpretation and implementation equally sensible proposition for an O J fd d o n As to’ the cost of the electric of Communist dogma, but an al­ forced hot air heating, Llguori at your fingertips even more basic phase of living— DRUG COMPANY Compares with the best, yet saves ssid that the representative from .all four pieces most inevitable measuring of fron­ that of the domicile Itself. 901 Main St.~M I S-5S21 the company who was in his office tier against frontier, population you more! Molded-sole; non-skid The house that would go with last week estimated about $260 mass against population mass, tread; basketball style; sponge per trailer per year. Llguori said The Hammond Organ is an unlimited source the Farmobil is being builit down in geopolitical pattern against pat­ he would suggest that the school Not just one, but TWO box-spring-and-mattress of mystical, magical, mu.sical sound. It is Guatemala, by an imaginative cushion molded arch; cushion in­ board budget $300, just In case, equipped with harmonic drawerbars, for dif­ tern. And these factors are not sole heel-to-toe; ventilator eyelets; and was still waiting to hear outfits for only $99. Don’t let another day go by likely to be eliminated from the young American who thought de- 1 ferent .tpne,„.cpmbination,.. varying.. instrii^ cent living conditions might do thick bumper toe guard; washable figures from the school in Platts- without replacing worn out guest room bedding relationship between Russia and burg, N. T„ that la now using the . . . bedding in your youngsters’ rooms . . . mental and organ tones and “touch-respbnse China by any summit meeting of more than rightist dictatorships to tough, long wear canvas upper. trailers. Ellectriclty would run percussion,” for a whole new world of fas­ chase Communism out of Latin A d r i a n ’s Story and at the summer cottage . . . with these leaders July 6. ~ about the same as a normal class­ ^ founded'S^ cinating percussion sounds. At jvOur finger­ 856 MAIN STREET room, estimated between $100 and Steams & Foster Outfits. You’ve never seen so A summit cannot resolve such America. The house he is selling tips is the type of music you like, the way to the Guatemalans is built of CORNER OF PARK $160 a year, he said! SEAT EDGES: Edge coils are much quality for so little! Only Steams & Foster’s conflicts. It can, conceivably, se­ EXTRA-DUTY CANVAS How much saving would ba real­ firmer than others and work tremendous production methods and our carload you like it, when you like it. The Hammond, lect weapons, whether of peace or concrete blocks with tile floors, the world’s largest selling organ, never needs has three rooms with kitchen and ATHLETIC SHOES: thick non-skid ised by not having doitole session straight up and down, permit­ purchasing makes this price possible. Order yours of war, with which they shall be buses was a question with a wide tomorrow . . . by phone if you wish . . . call tuning. See it at Watkins . . . play it. Spinets bath, paved streets, running water, WALK-IN Kinge a t answers. The question ting sitting on edge of mattress conducted. A summit can always molded sole; cushion arch, insole; without breakdown or per­ 648-5171. start at $1040, chord organs $985 delivered. buy a certain quantity of time. electricity and sanitation, and was raised by school board mem­ professional style. Men’s 6 ^ 1 1 ; ber Haroild PorchoroJi'i estimate manent distortion. That is the one standing recom­ fenced-in yards front and back. SERVICE The price tag on this house runs that the saving would be about mendation for summitry by any­ For all phases of beauty Boys’ 2 V2-6 , 11-2. $6,000. Supt. Llguori, in the dis­ INSULO CUSHIONS: Covered body; talk la better than violence; from $640 to $700—complete—not care. 5 stylists to serve you. cussion that ensued, used the fig­ pads of quilted cotton are used Park anywhere downtown..Free! Of course appointments as so long as life is tolerated, there the down payment. - | ure, $4,000. Mrs. Doris D'ltalia, as insulation over springs, re­ The down payment, in fact, is : always for those who prefer finance board chairman, estimated placing the usual, cheaper sisal. Park anywhere downtown free of charge. On all streets (no can be hope. Even Napoleon and this service. closed to $1,000 based on figures Alexander, if they had talked long­ $100, followed up by monthly pay- j QUILTED COTTON: Felted cot­ parking meters) . . and in the many handy parking lots . , . Yes. we do eyebrow arching, obtained from school board trans­ er, might have grovm old ^ d lazy. ments which average $16 over a portation chairman Mrs. Helen ton upholstery is quilted to keep Purnell Parking lot at our rear entrance; Town-owned Oak four year period. | wax method, also facials. There is one other thing to be Manicuring and scalp treat­ Meloiha. it flat and smooth at all times. Street and Birch Streo’t ).ot$. It's easier, and more tun than said for summits. Tliey have many TTils Guatemalan' hou.se is even i ments. this, they said, was not the issue. The question was whether ever, to shop downtown. lives; they can sprout up from more spectacular than the Greek ' WOMEN'S, GIRLS' OXFORD STYLE Visit our cosmetic and jew­ 'br not to lease the trailers for k their own failures. It is the violent | •^“’’mobil in taking the dollai* elry bar. one year In order to avoid double alternatives which scatter salt on ancient glory, sessions in Grades 5 and 7. Full line of home prepara­ Briefs earth and on Its cirtlization. and irony involved In such de- tions for your hair. Compares with the best for casual very often without any conclusive i velopments is obvious. The Farmo- -Cub Scout Pack 157 will meet wear, for sports, because WTG has Friday at 7:30 p.m. at United resolutlon of the original conflict ** designed and produced for Adrian’s Service By Sleep bigger ..sleep better Ui'JiJ I Appointment Only. given them extra styling, extra M ethi^lst Church. Den 1 wUl oon- either. the backward people of the world Tel. 643-6266 comfort. Triple cushion heel and duot the opening ceremony. It is better to have Russia and The Guatemalan house Is design­ Awards will be presented after in­ China talking than fighting. ed and produced to take people out molded arch; cloud-light sponge spection. Mrs. Frwin Davis of Den of the tropical slums. insole. In white. Sizes 4 to 9. 2 will put on a short skit follow­ on Holman-Baker^s ing the Cub theme for ^ y , "Cub Never A Drop? ' Tiiey are not supposed to be for Scout Circus.” Announcements will Americans. eVen though one can be made cancemlng .the father-son It is pleasant, but perhaps not easily picture the untold blessing plOnlc on May 28 at Gay City and '?fl?lTtSSUR6| scUrely accurate, to read that a \ thej’ would confer upon us here in SUPER WTO OXFORDS ; . . ' the Memorial Day parade. Extra long and Queen benediction has nmv been pro-1 the United States. They would Deluxe style, crepe type sole; Last weekend’s Boy Scout cam- nounced on the Supposed recession ! make it possible for Americans to molded cushion a r^ , heel and in­ poree was rained out. The boys of 1962, pronouncing it not a re- loft on Friday for the 4-H camp hi finance their ba.sic living costs on sole; extra-duty canvas upper. In Marlboro, Intending to stay until cecsiem after all, but merely "the what they earn, instead of having white, black. Sizes 4-9. size outfits w a l n u t recession that didn’t happen” or to live perpetually beyond their h^^UERIORiND INTERIOR^ "the great pause.” means. 'Ihls would again make it Part of this bmedlctlon includes possible for Americans to be a the theory of eocplanation, which self-respecting, financially digni­ suggests that we have come liito fied and solvent people, better ad­ N«wl Box Spring . something new in the way of re­ justed psychologically, and even, • U A R A N T i l D cessions which have everything ex­ perhaps, mentally and spiritually COMET! CHILDREN'S OXFORD STYLE and Mattress cept the big drop Itself. able to solve the problem of what TOUGH! In the 1962 picture, for instance, to do with their leisure time. .. two pieces there were all the component sta­ There are many odds against Buy an"=iBxtra pair for Summer tistics of a real recession—profits our ever getting it for ourselves, camp. Triple cushion heel, molded alipped. Inventories lost appetite, but there, in a Greek automobile W O R K or, regular full and PURABVEX new orders declined, the stock arch, healthy support. Blue, red, and in a G uatCmalan house one CLOTHElM twin size outfits market stumbled marply, the can see the first rough outlines of r white. Sizes 5-12, 12^ 3. number of Jobless increased, pro­ an American dream. That* afa tha famous top / m n e m m a m FOR Per SUPER WTO OXFORDS . . . k duction statistics dtolined, busi­ Month 9ualit)( Dickiat mada of ness spending for new plant and Deluxe style; cu^ion arch, heel, combad 2 x 2 long itapla squipmeiit slipped—and still de- insple. Blue, red. Sizes 5-12. cotton. You know thay'ra tha Seven different sizes of Posture-Firm bedding to choose of wood-concrete and metal prsssion itself never really mate- bait availabla to ba uncon­ from at the same low price! Twin size, Three-quarter size, 2-year lease on standard I96S jiaUzed. WANTED! Comej 2-Door. Lower rates for ditionally guaranteed. K-39-->l and Full size in regular length (74”), the same three sizes inside or outside Actually, this was not too novel low mileage users, MissBS* 8iz«s 12 to 3; rad. blut, Whit*. S . 3 9 Twin sisei in either regular in extra length (80”), or Queen size . . . 60 inches wide, 80 Clean, Late Mbdel WB CAN PIT VOUI or extra long lengths. TAKES REPEATED SCRUBBING •B experience. We had a similarly inches long! Each mattress is made with a BakPrflex inner- Incamplete and inconclusive type Includds Everything CMVMiiaiit Cra

ton Standard In 1866. Ha k mar- Keenan to Seek Martin, South Windsor; Miss Dor­ Tutjnbull Rd.; Clarence Johndrow, agent has been appointed by the rWjmd.tha father at six. othy Hoflfman, Wopplng; Roos 18 Cottage St., Rockville; Loo Kidne; Fallon U r f HEALTH CAPSULES Funerals While no other oandidatea have Hospital Notes Senatoii Vote state comptroller. Severe Setback Seen State News District Tax Post Staiger, 18 Frankkn St., RookvUle; RouUlard, 3 Kerry. St.; Rudoljfe ITie commission would also draw by Michael A. Pelli, M.D. made known thalr daalraa to sebk Gary Hart, 31 Fox Hill Dr„ Roent. blood prsaaiira and relto** UdMgr Roundup announosd hfe oandldaay for the ■ttou for onndtdaclee at the re- sstaet* they are 8 to d pjn., and St.; Mm. Alice Oaboon, 16 St. In Pope John’s Illness W EPICINES YOU A R E TA KIN G * nie Louise Eklwarda of 148 Haw­ 4usst of friends. guste August, East Hartford; The reform bUla wetre drafted failure has proved wmestofli in i. thorne St. were held yesterday oMos at tax doUsOtor in the 6:80 to 8 pun, and private rooms, John S t Ulyases Orduz, 113 Pine St.; Dar­ where they me 10 sun, 'to B pjn . AiDMITTBD TO D A Y: Joseph In Insurance by. . special committee appobijed Baylor UMvsntty atudka. KUkuy (Oontliinad trom P a f« One) afternoon at the Holmes BYinertd (OontbitMd from V m g » Oam Diatrlot, wMoh wtu be vacated by ren O'Brien, 98 Oakland St.; by Gov. John Dempeey when the hood are Mr*. Anthony G r y k, Home, 400 Main St. The Rev. Ray V M tm are reqneetod not to Aiibut, 26 Birch St; Mrs. Mazy M m Joaime ‘Tlemey and daugh­ fautire ks tba moat oanoMB oom- John Brown at the annual meeting smoke la patlent’e room. No more Palmer, im Bohooi St.; Mrs. Al­ (Conttnned from Page Om ) controversy over the investiga- pUcation at high btood ptmmma, d els aald they knew of no re­ neighborhood chairman, Mrs. A r­ C. Hollis Jr. of South Methodist because of the increasing oom- Grade 6 at Hale ter, 11 Division St.; Elizabeth tlonytes at its height. at the (Uatriot June ig. than two vlsttors at one time per bina Lewis, 57 SSro St. Perry, 211 Hollister St. the reaearcheni found. lapse. thur Schulze, Mrs. Arthur C. Eng­ Church officiated. Burial was in plexlty of state eootkwny. pnttent Laiter Tuesday the Vatican an­ land,'Mrs. Jolm Scheibenpflug and East Cemetery. Ih e amendment resolution oall- He la Allan Keenan a t 302 Hol- Entertains PTA BIRTHS TESSTBRDAY; A R-Groton, during Senate debate on alternates Mrs. Glenn Mirtl, Mrs. Uater S t, a project coordinator in nounced the pontiff would begin Bearers, all grandsons, were ed for regular short sessions Hm- Patlente Today: 349 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald the two reform bllla. a nine-day spiritual retreat—or Eldmund Tomezyk, Mrs. John Bo- Riehard Rlsley, Milton Risley, Itod to budgetary mattemi In enren- the enginewing department at Haberem, 197 Center St.; a GOP Committee 'The consensus at the oopttol ap- II- Hamilton Standard, Members of a Grade 6 glee club A0TCITTBD YBSTBHDAY: novena—on Ascension Day Thurs­ nino and Mrs. Benjamin Harry. William Edwards, Robert Ed­ numbered years. at Nathan Hale School entertained daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Justus peared to be that once the pubUc Brown yesterday announosd hs IMisa Juha Kidd, Besnmer, Ala.; day. ^ Southwest Neighborhood will be wards, John Hilding and Robert About 100 parenta and teachers Paul, Ivoryton; a son to Mr. and Meeting Tonight the FAIR* is changing its name ta would not be a oondldiite for re- Franola Rohlln, Wapiping; Mrs. found out how the insurance pa­ Vatican officials said the novena represented by Mrs. David Star- Eschmarm. Wants More Judges last night at a PTA meeting at Mrs, Peter Potamianos, 12 Strant rot. neighborhood chairman, Mrs. eleotion. He has been tax ooUector Theresa Santamore, 11 N. School St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. tronage ayrtem worked, there was Is in preparation for Pentecost Hartford (AP) — State CMef two years, the school. St.; Julie Sherman, RIFD 1; Alfred There will be ah orientation Sunday. June 2. But it was also Thomas Oppelt, Mrs. Spencer 3 . Rhey Bralthwalte Duane FoUansbee, Cbventry. nothing to do but abolish It. Cary, Mrs. Clarence Tracy and al­ Justice Raymond B. Baldwin re­ Dlatrlot Preoddent Phillip Bur­ The group sang “America,” Hennsqidn, Palm Beeoh, Fla.; Mrs. BIRTHS TO D AY: A son to Mr. meeting tonight of the Republicarf D & L said at the Vatican that the Flmeral services for J. Rhey Margaret Vennard, 18 Griswold Town Committee’s five district One of the reform bills would retreat would enable the Pope to ternates Mrs. Herbert Boehner, newed his campaign today to bol­ gess also announced he was with­ ■Joyful, Joyful," "Over the Mea­ and Mrs. Raymond Bidwell, 116 create a bipartisan seven-man Braithwaite of 52 Pearl St. will ster the number of judges on the drawing from distrlot government dows," “When I Was a Lad," and St.; James Brbedt, 4 N. Falrfleld study groups at 8 p.m. at Whlton The Fair has always been a D & L— Davidson fe Leven- have a complete rest. Mrs. Robert Smith, Miss Judy Hi- be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at St.; Miss Ann Morris, 256 Henry McKee St.; a daughter to Mr. and Memorial Library. commission to supervise state in- No rea.son was given for the linski. Miss Bonnie Wyman and undermanned superior court, because of buslnese pressure and “BatUe Hymn of the Republic.” Mrs. William Fetherston, 60 , A r- surazwe coverage. The other meas­ thal Store . , . we’re just changing the name to better Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main a recent Ulneaa; and Dbrector Har­ Sollsta were Raymond DeCobert, St.; Mrs. Elsa Wittman, Coventry; The study groups will gather cancellation of the audience today. Miss Jane Bayer. St. The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, A bill to odd seven new judges RusweU SuMette, 335 Burnham St.; cellia Dr.; a daughter to Mr. and information on district problems ure would permit the state to identify it as being a part of the D & L stores in West But it was clear that it was a North Neighborhood representa­ t h is is USUALLY A GOOP was initially recommended for old Burnett, also for business oom- Oatherine Albalr, David Froat, M rs . Kenneth Boud, Wapping. negotiate with Insurance com­ pastor of Center Congregational Richard S. Carpenter Oordon Fogg Atty. Paul R. Marte mltments, will quit his dlrector- Carolyn lAbbey, Wkpping; Paul for respective district leaders, who Hartford, New Britain and Manchester. W ell have the matter of the Pope's health. tives are Mrs. George Benache IPEA AN P m o s t POCTORS passage by the legislature's Judic­ Oharlea Baldasaarlo, John Shan­ DIBCHAIRGBD YESTERDAY: panies for the most favorable Church, will officiate. Burial will ahip that atUl has a year to go. non and David Mullen. Silverlieb, East Hartford; Henry will In turn take them to respon­ same quality merchandise, the same famous brands, t h e An unconfirmed report said that and Mrs. Francis Conti with alter­ W ILL CO OPERATE. KNOWING be in EM t Cemetery. iary committee, but it was recent­ Kuster, 211 Parker St.; Mrs. Elsie Milton Plouff Jr., 199 Autumn St.; sible town officials. rates possible. he might have suffered another nates Mrs. Thomas St. Laurent Keenan is a native of Bronx- A potluck waa served before the same personnel, the same management . . . THE NAMES CAN AVDIP CON­ Friends may call at the fimeral fire, the building committee car­ ly sent back to committee. Burke, Bast Hartford; John Hut­ Miss Julia Kidd, Bessmer, Ala.; In addition, the study groups will A t present the rates are stand­ setback Tuesday night or early and Mrs. Thomas Magnotta. From FUSION ANP PANGER LATER. vlUe, N , Y „ went to schools in program. Officers were Installed ard and negotiation Is prohibited. home tonight from 7 to 9 and ried out a number of recommenda­ Recommited hUls often — but Yonkers, and attended Fordham ton, 2i6 Benton St.; Mrs. PhylUs Efirl McGeown, 61 West St.; Paul seek ways of encouraging Republi­ today, and that his doctors ad­ Northwest Neighborhood will be helpful IwfeweHea tions of the fire marshal, Including at a busineee meeting. Messier, 205 Union St.; Sherwood canism In Manchester. The commission would ha've au­ EVERYTHING'S THE SAME... EXCEPT tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to Carpenter Named not always — languish in com­ Univeralty. He went to work for Gaura, 277 Spruce St.; Mrs. Mar­ vised him not to leave his apart­ Mrs. Elmer Swanson, neighbor­ • It it not intended to be offeiMOOMtkfienahim sprinkler additions in the Watkins Thomas L Mason, cub master garet Dely, 16 Hathaway Lane; Ferguson, 74 Horton Rd.; Mrs. Since the success of each study thority to have the state act as ment. 9 p.m. mittee until adjaumment, without Pratt A Whitney, dlvlalan of Unit­ of Pack 143, presented the Cub THE NAME! hood chairman, Mrs. Lawrence \ving and direct hookup of all e'ver being put to a vote In either Robert Morin, 42 Ditdley S t .; Ray­ Francis Moultrie, Glastonbury; group will depend on response a self-insurer In some instances. One source reported the Pope Dunn, Mrs. Fred Pemberton, Mrs. ed A hcndt m lese, served three Soout charter to Mrs. George John J. Callaghan alarm systems with fire headquar­ chember. years in the A ir Farce, worked mond Laurent, 141 Highland St.; Franklin Howe, Cider Mill Rd., from the community at large, all The commLsslon would also ap- recently has .suffered alternate pe­ Robert Kelley and alternates Mrs. ters. Lawrence, PTA president. Leonard Peny, Vernon Trailer Bolton; Raymond Bryan, Hazard- town committee members are in­ ■point the agent of record, thus re­ Neighhoi^s Prank The funeral of John J. Callaghan Hospital Trustee At a press conference this for Oxnmerdal Credit Ck>tp. for riods of good spirits and fatigue James Beckwith and Mrs. Thomas Elmore Watkins was honored on Mrs. Mellie Farr's Grade 6 won Court, Vernon; Miss igjlien Martin, ville; Mrs. Doris Caldwell, Wap­ vited to attend the orientation moving the agent’s connections and that regular blood transfu­ Zemke. of 75 Forest St. was held this morning, &ildwin said he still had eight yearn before going to ^ m il- an attendanoa banner. his 8(Mh birthday by the naming of hope the bill would come out. South Windsor; Mrs. ESIen D. ping; Miae Cherie Peterson, 27 meeting. with the party in power. The sions were needed to maintain his Northeast Neighborhood will be Mrs. Dominick F. Roto of morning from the Walter N. Leclerc Fhineral Home, 23 Main Two incorporators and a trustee were elected and officers the 1959 addition for him. Miss "I was assured by both chair­ strength. represented by Mrs. Robert Spil- 230 Hackmatack St. doesn’t Eva Johnson, assistant administra­ Valdbnl was one of the doctors lane, neighborhood chairman, Mrs. have extraordinary chicks af­ St., with a solemn high Mass of of the board of trustees were re-elected last night at the men,” he said, “that recommltal of requiem at St. James’ CJhurch. tor, was guest at a dinner cele­ the bill didn’t mean the legislation consulted when the Pope became Robert McComb, Mrs. Joseph ter all, but she does have a annual dinner and meeting of the Manchester Memorial Hos­ brating forty years at the hospital. ill in November. At that time the was dead.” Dawood, Mrs. Beldon Schaffer and neighbor with a sense of The Rev. Edward J. Reardon, pital’s Incorporators and Trustees, Her retirement some time in 1963 doctors ruled against surgery. alternates, Mrs. Stanley Wojeoski, humor, it- turns out. pastor o f St. Jame.s’ Church, was Richard S. Carpenter an Incor-:^ Is an event the board anticipates During the winter the Pope’s Mrs. Gerard DiManno and Mrs. When Mrs. Roto discovered celebrant. He was assisted by the porator, was made a trustee, and with deep regret, Miller said. Compromise Asked personal physician, Prof. Alberto Co., four years ahead of schedule Robert C. Young. eggs under her Blaster chick­ Rev. Joseph H. McCann, deacon, Gordon Fogg and Atty. Paul R. •Sale ends this Saturday! due to regular fundings and the re­ HARTFORD (A P )—Gov. John N. Gasbarrini of Milan denied the and the ^ v . Eugene F. Tofpey, The Women’s Auxiliary con­ Last 3 Days. ens, now five weeks o 1 d, Others attending who were in­ Marte were elected to the board of ceipt of several substantial be­ tributed approximately J18,000 to Dempsey summoned leaders of Pope had cancer. But when the vited by their Senior Planning poultry experts were skep­ suibdeacon. The Rev. Bernard J. re ^ rls revived two weeks ago, incorporators. quests. the hospital and just imder 17,000 both parties together today to Board are Mrs. Norman Larson, tical. Chickens don’t lay eggs Foster of St. Mary’s Church, Cov­ Carpenter is an executive field Repayment of the loan cleared draft a compromise on new high­ the doctor declined to comment. entry, was seated in the sanctuary, volunteer hours. first vice-president; Mrs. Robert at that age, they Insisted. underwriter of Phoenix Mutual the last obstacle in the way of way safety measures. Besides his stomach disorder, Paul (Jhetelat was organist and R was decided to participate Taylor, district chairman for this They were right. A neighbor Life Insurance Co. His office is at starting the next building program. in the United Fund instead of so­ the Pope is known to suffer from now confesses he put the soloist. Buirial was In St. James’ The Democratic chief executive a chronic prostate condition. area; Mrs. Leland Oarlsoh, mem- 63 E. Center St. Fogg is assistant Dr. Anthony J. Rourke was re­ liciting maintenance monies. issued the call, while at the same ber-at-large; and Mrt. Herman eggs in the nest as a gag. Cemetery. Father Torpey, aesi.sted controller at Travelers Insurance tained by the long range planning In his brief appearance at the by Father Foster, read the com­ T h o u ^ the goal was not reached time announcing that he was will­ Petersen, chairman public rela­ Co. He formerly served as a war­ committee to study expansion it was g r a tl^ n g to see how weJl ing to accept some GOP modifica­ window today, the Pope made tions and senior scouts. mittal service. den at St. Mary’s Episcopal problems, and authorization has only one reference to cancellation Strike Accord Reached tt did, reported Miller. The hos­ tions of his highway safety pro­ Part of the "Picture Your Home Bearers were Daniel CJarey, Church. now been given to seek an archi­ of his audience in the basilica. Dewey Post, Robert Damachi, pital luLs received )7,500 and ex­ gram. Frontier" exhibit showm at the HARTFORD, (A P )—A tentative Marte 1s associated with John tect and a fund raising organiza­ pects an ad level mediation con­ ley Girt Scout Council Monday at & Hale Department Store, 945 ference. 1 7 JIS 7:30 p.m. at the Enfield Congre­ Main St., ■ was accidently set off The strike lia? affected con­ to gational Church, Enfield. yesterday afternoon by a workman struction projects 'Within a 25-mile Business will be bylaw changes who was repairing the system. area. and election of delegates and al­ Town firemen from Companies S ternates to the National Council and 4 answered the alarm, which HITS STATES RIGHTISTS meeting in Miami, Fla., in October. l.s connected at the Co. 4 firehouse W ASH ING TO N (A P ) —^ Gov. on School St. George Romney of Michigan “You can get a personal loan Mrs. Joseph Santini of Vernon from regular open stock prices will sing and the flag presentation voiced vigorous opposition today will be given by the hostessing Zion Evangelical Lutheran to conservative-sponsored con­ Pinnacle District. Church will celebrate the Ascen­ stitutional amendment proposals RHAPSODY BLUE and GREEN sion of CSirist tomorrow at 7:30 he said would mutilate the fed­ D e 1 e g att e s from Manchester for any purpose!” p.m. in sermon and song. The eral government. Romney, a 85-piec* set lor 8 29.95 — lone 15.30 jusf wear a smile and a South District are Mrs. Anton La- Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, pastor, possible contender for the 1964 tawic, Mrs. Roscoe Easton and will speak on ‘The Old Testament Republican presidential nomina­ 93-pieoe set for 12 59.95 — save 33.30 Mrs. Robert Young, with alternates in the Psailms Tells of Christ’s tion, denounced those who, he Whether yen are a new friend or a 'valued OKtomer, your needs wfll aeoerve prompt on Complete Sets of a Sensational New, Mrs. Gerald Believeau and Mrs. Ascension FVMilled in the New said, are for states rights “ be­ Ambrose Diehl. Testament.’’ The Sunday School cause they want to keep things attention and personal consideration at The Coimecticitt Bank and Trust Company. Representing Central Neighbor­ ]fantzea staff will meet after the service. from happening.” If you need money for any purpoae, conae in and talc it over. W e’d be glad to help. 4i' Bone white, Engiish Dinnerware from Sfoke-on-Trent'. • • o that from our is making History in Canada and around the World because brand new collection! SLEEPY HOLLOW— green'and grey of its amazing resemblance to Costly Bone China and itr 45-pc. set for 8 34.95— save 19.45 ./I 93-pc. set for'12 69.95-5ove 40.75 ------Low, low Price—as little as $29.95 a Set!

Leave it to Michaels to bring you another great FIRST. Now at last, out of famous G R IN D LE Y P O T T E R S of S T O K E -O N -T R E N T , comes the warm glow of elegant patterns on a fantastic, bril­ Dreaming o f the liant, white bofiy— heretofore found only in fine bone china. Developed from a revolutionary mar­ warm sunshine? riage of 80% china clay and pure calcium, you’ll love the graceful shapes, rich patterns, costly look if money k your big probiem, stop of the fine gold or platinum trim. Elegant enough for your most formal tables, whether your home dreaming and start packing. A Per­ be traditional or contemporary, you’ll find a perfect pattern out of the wide selection of E IG H T sonal Lean can put you on the next Classic sheath in tar­ je t South. A Spring vacation can be that we are offering. Guaranteed open stock, too, for the best purchase yovk could possibly make. tan plaid cotton ging­ an exceiient investment and we make Order early to assure immediate delivery. ham. Handsome colors, many loans for this worthwhile DUCAL— platinum ond white GRECIAN— bl(xk ot^ orange nice lines aided by purpose. 45-pc. set for 8 29.95— save 18.45 45-pc. set for 8 34.95— save 19.45 Jantzen’s foam rubber 93-pc. set for 12 59.95— save 3825 93-pc. set for 12 69.95— ^sove 40.75 self bra. 10J15 '■kiu- I ■ c h o ic e c EIGHT BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS as

Illustrated Come see ' all the •... o"t h e r wonderful C 1 9 6 ) VOLKSWACCN o r AMCWICA. in c T Jantzen beaOhwear Now Mother has fashions now at The Fair. Is the small car going out of the picture? her own car! Can’t see the light? ARCAD IA —rose arxi green CORONET— gold arxi white Thanks to a low cost C B T auto loan If yon live in the oountzy, an «ncr- Emergency bills? 45-pc. set for 8 39.95— save 23.10 45-pc. set for 8 39.95— save 30.35 Mother can now enjoy the heedom 93-pc set for 12 79.95— save 4725 93-pc set for 12 79.95—sove 6155 gency dectric generator k m impor- If yon need mongr in a huny to pay Ofowlng Hie sew «ort much of money into o sensible amount of cor. and convenience of h a own car. At tant safety m e«im . V Ifae poMT forasaddencmeisency.tiiebaainess- M00«r Hits season. So prepare yourself: the 1963 Volks­ last, E)ad is relieved o f tiie shopping f s i) yon 4Egn pamp year wafer, a n anaaer k a Personal Loan.* You And io rtiink that only a year or two wagen is still exactly the same size. and taxi chores and k just as de­ the b u m and seftlgenlor and fee get kar bank tate^ oonvoiient pay­ ago, H was just the other w ay around. And it looks exoctly the some. lighted as Mom. Why put it off any power M restored. AH It takes k a ment terms and Hk jnsuiann k in­ For e> while there, you could buy a Volkswogen dealers still have parts to longer? We’ll take care of the til/?/ lok cost loan from The Connecticut cluded. Remember, a very important oor Htat you could actually park on the fit any V W ever made. financing. -HANDY MAIL ORDERS ------, first try. And that didn't need power this Bank and Trust. part o f our business is loaning money. And the people who bought 1962 968 kfain Street ond.power that to get around the block. Volkswogens don't feel as though they're MICHAELS JEWELERS Moaoheator, Oona. W e 're going to miss them. And we driving last year's model. EAIR t t d k o lot of other people wW, too.’ Maybe most small cars ore going out PUoM *and me local daUvary diargat prapoicb A DAVIDSON ft Beoowse we think there are people of Hie picture. But Hiere'i one small wtiO iM wont to put 0 sensible amount exception. ______l E T O r — A T $ . LEVENTHAL STORE THE CONNECTICUT BANK P A T m N N A M I PMO I USE MAIL ORDER COUPON OR ■ Di.—. O Po)rm*ntendoiad I ...... • ...... (add 3V4% .tata I PHONE YOUR ORDER IF YOU tax In Conn.) I TED TRUDON. Inc. Addreu ...... ' - v. I CAN’T COME IN □ Eaty payment* ■ TOLLAND TURNPIKE—TALCOTTVILLE (anall ccHrybig digJ i HARMONY—1^ orxl greert MONARCHY— gold and white OPEN WED., THURS., PRl.^10 A.M. to f P.Mw UQT ••••»«••••••••«••••••••••••• 9IQ99 ‘ . . I TEL. 643-2741 □ 3 M gy ageowd I 45-pc set for 8 39.95-sove 20.75 45-pc. set fot* 8 29.95—sove 21.85 MON.. TUES., SAT^ IO A.M. to 6 PJuL iM^AihMtbapeatoiaritiadBrtlalarfegnaiidni^ 8Mh - ; - , - -- - ^ SQ-pcaatiorU 3St95-fiaw42jOO Sd-^8Mfor l2 59.95—in«46Lt5 TwiatiVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESim COlQl^WRbNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 Section Two WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1962 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 buildings, ^hicludlng a blacksmith to take the milk from a bottle ln | [ of tha Kennodys’ vizit Qns Page$ 13 to 24 Hid Roach Studio shop. 12th Circuit Btand. Jacqti^ine Balks official' said Caroline had made RoaOh, the founder, teamed with Ward said he underotood the the trip ,> said..M that xthto ia not tow n. court. by Cknenl Mianzger lUciukrd Mar­ up to oerioin Timita; a bill now Miartin says that he explained pending In the state legislature the t ^ . ” Another case tried yesterday tin. at a director’s budget workshop tKKNNNKIMINMMtlMKHNMMKNlMINXttmmNttKItNKMKitaMMMI MMXKXMMNttttKKKMttMNHiiNXNMMNKKKMNIt would extend and clarify the ”We’v» , to deal with the that the $15,000 would only ca vef Persona! Notices was that of Joan Ann livltt, 17, ’The plan won two atrong re- llmlUF' to perm it Inatalling sewer proUema we KaVe said Man­ of Ellington, who pleaded innocent aiwnaea from the directota preaent half the costs, a fact which the lines further east. chester. ^ dtredtora apparently mls-sed. to a charge of running a red light. —Mayor FTancla Mahoney, Dr. In Memoriam She was found guilty and fined $9. Theodore PoweU, BVank Stamler, Although the town could pro-, ’Ttae.xBraotors oeemod to^ think ’The same half payment stipu­ that-l!)-law. Ivan The town’s odd to the district Martin ^ves the cost break- John Roche, 56, of 55 Main St., lower for fire protection and aewer Foulds Paper Board^^. ia plan- Granddaughters. Ann and Eilean ning a major expadidon. At prea­ would Involve, as envisioned by 300 PAIR Stafford, waa given a 15-day sus­ aervloe than In the town, then to propoae that the town beilp finance ent the paper Mmpaay usee much Martin, the oonstruction of a new pended sentence on a charge of in­ treatment plant near the Lydall toxication. eoapanaion o f the EHghth DIatriot water in ptooeosing materials, Raymond DeLisle, 36, of 25 Main would only permit the diatriot to w ater wW6h la dumped with in­ and Foulds plant —• a spot the WOMEN’S AND TEENS’ SHOES St., Talcottville, paid a $130 fine faJaely maintain low tax rataa by sufficient treatment into Lydall manager says is a reoraonably on a charge of operating a motor apreatUng Ma ooata over notk-dla- Brook for lack of. other faculties logical location for a third treat­ ^ handling sewage. ment plant in the town no matter F R O M O U R vehicle while his license is under trlvL m emhaCT...... If your, present suspension. ARE YOUR MARTINIS TOO STRONG? 3. On the other hand, if hflp To Reuse Water who diould run k. REGULAR STOCK 2 Pr, A nolle was entered On a clmrge from tha town ia neceaaary to-'m- The compcuiy plana to reuse ’The plant wouM he financed ON RACKS FOR of failure to drive to the right, oourage zeatdenUal develqp«nent in some of the water, reducing Its through a revenue bond; shout mower gives you If you like martinis extra dry but not extra-powerful. . . switch to 80 proof gin. dally outflow, but could also add half the cost could be paid through P o ir ^ 7 . 0 0 brought against Joseph Goetz. the nontheaat,' to petmR bzpanalon EASY SELECTION Paul R. Close, 16, of Ellington of induatry in that put of town, some sewage treatment facllltlea federal grants (30 per cent), oon- nothing but trouble... Ave., paid a $15 fine for failure If you like full gin flavor but don*t want too much alcohol. . . switch to 80 proof gin. and to aUow the ^iotrlot to concen­ at the plant. Alternately, the trihutlons from the developer and to drive in an established lane. trate iita improvementa within lita money used for this purpose could from Lydall and Foulds, although SMALL GROUP OF the paper plant’s management 2 SAVE MONEY! Leroy Howes, 20, of 32 Village If you like martinis but think you’re spending too much. • . switch to less expensive preaent bouikiariea to hooten the be spent to enliwge the plant’s St., was fined $40 on a charge propo0ed,.'redevelopment project (taxable) production facilities, would rather moke payments in THIS TIME GET A QUALITY "POLL PARROT" 80 proof Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin, the form of use charge. AND of speeding. there, then the town ahould feel thus also increasing employment. "VITALITY" Evelyn Ulltsch, 31, of Sandy obUgated to pay aome part o f han- If some other m etl^ for aewage Save on Installation AND Beach Rd., Ellington, was fined tfilhg aewerage. treatment were provided. The subdivision’s developers "SCAMPEROOS" $15 on a charge of receiving stol­ A t preaent a large aubdlvtolion In Again, the geographically log­ would be wflling to contribute ■■ en goods. FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT MARTINIS: $ZL39 the nontheaat and Lydall and ical hookup would bo with the some of the cost to the program because they would be saving on HAHN-ECLIPSE Richard Templeton, 28, of 45 J - QUART FVmlda Paper Oo, are conold- Eighth District aewera. "TRIM TRED . 0 0 to Uslns standard U sin g 90 Proof Using 80 Proof the Insiallaticn of two sewage Alton St., Manchester, was fined 36 Proof Dry Varmouth Dry Gin D ry Gin (or V o d ka ) erlng oonotruotlon work — work In making Ita plana, the Eighth Miss Johnson Given Civitan Citizenship Award $7.00 $40 for speeding. w hi^ would be aubotanUally al­ District thua hEui four alternatives handling means in each of the 3 — to —■ 1 (Traditional) 76.5 Proof homes they piem to build. "A grateful community wishes to acknowledge its sincere apprecdaition for a dedicated half cen- , “rhe case of Russell Johndrow, 69.0 Proof 8 0 8 5 tered if either of the two govern' to consider. tury of aervtoe and devotion,” is the wording on an award given to Miss Eva Johnson, aasletant kd- No ootdy Mnridng. 20” ROCKET charged with larceny, was referred 5 — to — 1 (Dry) 81.0 Proof 72.6 Proof U FIFTH toig unita can offer any aewerage This is because the town plcm- mlnistraltor ait M anchester M em orial H ospital by .the Civitan Clifb o f M anchester. The oSitizen- .00 WOMEN’S SEAMLESS ’The present fscUiUes for aew­ ning commission has required B i^ t 80 well, many of O ra u catchar, to family relations court and w h s 8 — to — 1 (Extra Dry) 84.0 Proof 75.1 Proof RMTvtoe. age treatment are now at capacity, ship award was presented yesterday by Nathan AgoStinelli, left, chairman of the award committee; the fifst ’'Rodfea" and continued to May 28; and the case Outlines Problem sanitary sewen in the area, a shorpaalng OFF NYLONS and will need enlargement to han­ and Cfiarenoe Mtuxm, club president. Miss Johnson has served Mancheater M ^orial Hospital for “Parichoaodl* .lua fdll enoctiKwit of 'Tyrone Martin, charged with (The "standard” proof for today’s bottled Martinis Is a moderate 67.S proofi) The problem developed, accord­ move it’s judged naoeaaary be­ dle new developments that ara ex­ nearly half a century. (Herald photo by Pinto). •> ' - , ia nto after 25 yean. optieari. Start at By PERSONALITY larceny, was continued to Jrme 4. ing to MiGirtln, In about the follow­ cause of soil oenditions not favor------■ > 1 - _ . - I ENTIRE STOCK FROM $10.00 pected over the next 20 yefira plus olhle to septic tanks. Completely tefe. Armemarie I. Goyette, 22, of ing manner: the proposed redevelopment proj­ All ,.9S Whitinsville, Mass., charged with Thus, LZilesa a sewer hook-up whether or not Jt would be legal Hemlock St. Host^fes were Mrs moving psm enclosed. 1 0 9 ' WHITES NOT INCLUDED In 19S7 the EXghith D istrjot g ot ect’s IncreEises. ’This basic step Thomas Oaste of Harwinton, a failure to obey a traffic signal, so PROOF . . . EXTRA DRY. . . Now mild 80 proof lets you get more o f is Immedistely provided for the for the town to build a treatment Patricia Kingman Finest lawn grooming. loiy BONE — BLUE — RED — BLACK legialaUve approval to extend ita would add about 1.4 mills to the plant for the district, which Town daughter of ,Mre. Duplin; Mrs. paid a $15 fine through the viola­ district’s present 2.6 miU rate homes when built, they will all Cats as clean and sharp Twau 1.00 Pr. tions bureau. “ BUT NOT EXTRA STRONG that flavor...in drier (not stronger) boundaries, but the eastern limit have to be supplied with both Counsel Irving Aronson will be Robert Kingman of South Wood- LEATHERS AND PATENTS wes only vaguely designated as a charged for both fire and sewer Feted at Showers ai a ghod adssott. Paul Hockla Jr., of Stafford 80 proof gin makes Martinis drier... Martinis. sewer lines and septic tanks, at asked to determine. stock, ^fss Kingman’s sister-in- Tills line "running northerly” from the services, and would Include addi­ law ; Mms Janet F laveil o f Mian- Springs, p€ild a $25 fine through tion of a secondary treatment oonsiderahle ooot. Unspoken but imiplied through Miss Patricia Kmgmian of 16 the violations bureau on a similar without making them stronger. Twenty 80 PROOF COSTS LESS intersection o f HI. M iddle ’Fpke. smd If the developerB can save on the qater, Mrs. Joseph Carier of SL Center St plant. the discussion at last night’s Hemlock St. was feted at four mis­ ■M d iarge. years ago, the 3-to-l Mertini was standard. Gins are taxed by the U.S. on their proof septic tanks, they are wlUdng to mesting was the possibility that jringfleld, N.J., and Miss Joanna ^ 5 9 Theaw ia now a large "gray Eirea” Alternately, the dlstrtot could oontrilbute toward the treatment cellaneous bridal showers recently. Valientine of Gales Ferry. " F i n iN G Today with the trend to drier- Martinis, 1^ town build the piant arid pro­ or alcohol content alone. The lower the in this area which may or may not enlarge to take in now residentlEd pOant vide the service without Eighth Mrs. Norman Lasher of 87 ..Miss Kingman, a daughter of Netcsprint Cut Again be eligilble for aervicee from the areM in the northeaet: O SHOES they’re made 6,7 , even 8-to-l. And as you proof—the lower the taxes —and the ’The foot that the aubdiviaion District partlolpation. Campfield Rd., aunt of the bride- iir. and Mrs. W. Leonard King- easy IS O U R district. Sewer lines already ex­ It could enlarge to include the must be included in the Eighth OSLO—The. Federatioji of Nor­ can see from the chart on this page, the The only flnan.cial ELssiatance man, will become the bride of Tmnii SAFI. Mower housing weU below • e iM A iN n lower the cost to you. When you buy ah tend beyond a line drawn due effluent from the paper plant; District sewer j>lans because of a the distrUk asks would result If elect, was hostess at a shower for dic Newsprint Producers has de­ north from the defining tntersec- Donald Paul Anderson, son of the catting level of bUde. Disdiatge BUSINESS" H modern Martini has climbed from a imported label, you just add the cost of It could presumably be enlaiged TFC ruling is one of the argu­ the district boundaries were ex­ 30 friends and relatives at her Rev. and Mrs. C. Henry Anderson, cided to cut newsprint output an- tton. to liandle both of these additional chute throws dippings and debzia smooth 76.5 proof to an overwhelming 84 ments the district dlreotora use tended eastward, according to Dis­ home. A decorated shower cake June 8, at Emanuel Lutheran other 25 per cent to cope with shipping and duties, which pushes the Recently a developer asked that dhores. for asking town help; since the straight out and down . . . not at trict Presidenit Burgess. was tt>e centerpiece for a buffet Church. a dangerous angle.' Baffled, sdf- overproduction. This will more proof! Solution? Mix with 80 proof gin. ’TFC is a town, hot a dlstrtot, func­ than double the cutback initiated price even higher, without giving you 80 Thla eKpaiision would require an XC the legislative biU ailowtng table. deaning mower housing. Sptcada addition of about 2.7 mills to the tion, the town Should oontribute AjMil 1. 1962. Gives you the same full, diy gin flavor, proof quality. , % eastward expaitoUm Is defeated at Mra. Arthur Tolf of 61 Teresa clippings evenly. Gtass catdte^ preaent 2.6 mill rate, more than to the prfiMem’s solution. Town di' the State Capitol, then some other Rd. was hostess at a miscellaneous blit returns the Martini to its original, mulcbet optiond. BUY OLD MR. BOSTON GIN, IT’S doubUng it to 5.2 mills, which the rectora do not see it that way. faculties must eventually be pro­ shower at Luther Hall, Emanuel more moderate proof. , it distriot dlreotora do not think the :11w remainder of the cost of the vided. Lutheran Church. She was assisted AMERICA*S FINEST taxpayers wHl look upon favor­ proposed treatment plant, about Spring Special 20* DELUXE DIM AMY SFRINGTIME Last .night the town directars, by Mrs. Ward Laking, Mrs. Paul CimiNO HtlOHT 80 PROOF BRINGS OUT F U a Old Mr. Boston Gin is vacuum distilled at' ably. $250,000, would be p ^ off by a apparently feeling awash In alter­ Erickson tind Mrs. Blarle Scott. RANCHES and CAPE CODS Fries Consequently, the Eighth Dis­ use tax charged to those hooked nate plans and costs, asked the Start el Simply him knob to adjust GIN FLAVOR an unusually low temperature in special About 75 members of women’s Painted For $ 4 9 . 0 0 -X trict has suggested that the town up to the plant. general manager to provide them circles of the church attended the $0.88 cutting halght of all 4 whwls SPECIALS lyxlall EUid Foulds, for example, from T H ” riirough 3 )$ *. Now you don’t have to sacrifice Martini glass-lined stills. Only at such a low “ INTELLIGENCE IN with a summary of the Eighth event. The mothers of the pros­ ON would pay an industrial rate of District’s engineering report of p ective bride smd bridegroom pre­ PLUS PAINT smoothness to get good gin flavor. temperature is It possible to capture the THE PURCHASE... MODERATION about $00,000 to $30,000 yearly. •osy alternative aewer requiremenits. sided at a buffet table. $H US FOR A OIMONSTtAYlON Alcohol itself has no flavor. The pleasant IN THE ENJOYMENT.” The sum required of the town and TRIM most delicate essence of the herbs. This ALUMINUM In early June a joint qtody will Mrs. C. Henry Anderson of 167 taste you like in gin comes entirely from for Ms Share of the plant would be made by the state and a busi­ SPECIAL PRICES ON Is one reason for Old Mr. Boston’ s flavor • D O O R S MANCHESTER thus eventually be pedd beck by Pitkin St. was hostess at a lunch­ ness association that will indicate eon shower for her son’s fiancee. LARGER HOMES 4 good reasons why the herbs with which it’s distilled. The distinction. It’s America’s first and • W IN D O W S the usera, and not the town’s tax­ fiow requirements for a new payers. Relatives from Worcester, M eiss., more gin in a Martini, the more gin taste. largest-selling 80 Proof Dry Gin! RUG GLEANING treatment plant. ALLSTATE PAINTERS BLISH HARDWARE CO. • A W N IN G S OompUoation With more facts to work with, attended. | x Del Knowlee, Prop. Coventry—Tel. 742-7668 Complicating the- proposal lathe the directors said they would feel The brlde-eleot’s attendants 793 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER • C A N O P IE S Some " were4iostesses at a shower at the Hartford—289-6988 so PROOF GIN DISTILLED FROM 100» GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. MR. BOSTON DISTILLER INC., BOSTON. MASS. fact that the Eighth Distriot Sewer m ore able to make a derision—« Free Eathnatea • E-Z reima Combination! users pay for the service in the tax decision which could put in mo- home of Mrs.'Harvey Duplin, 20 Sendee rate, while the town usera pay tion the first Steps toward a Stam ps througdt a uoe obaiga A apeolal ar­ treatment plant (preparing specifi­ mgh Quality rangement would have to be made cation for oonsrtucbion Mds) be­ Workmanship with users in the expanded district fore the end of the summer. for some forni of use tax, or re- PLYMOUTH SALES paym'ent of costs for the plant The forint replaced the pengo 643.0012 from the cHstrlot’s general fluid. In 1946 M the monetary unit of ARE 46% AHEAD There Is also some question Hungary. A r f Benson Sqys— / As olwayii ydii can depend on Marlow's for dll OF LAST YEAR! your fun In the sun outdoor furniture needs for potioi lawn or beach. "Finest quality at sensi­ Tt has com pletely restyled ble prices!" * OF to give it a cfisp, new look of action!

9 is quality-engineered by Chrysler • Corporation to be tough and durable, Fashions j M^g^WS'fguwu-mmm Mmmm Plymouth's on the move and a turn * of ijig mheel will prove it to you! SAND CHAIRS Plymouth-Ford-Chevrolet league. in Electric CHAISES FOLDING CHAIRS A Plymouth prices actually are lower.* FOR THE BEACH BEACH and KOOK-OUT GRILLS Cookery • PLAGE: Mott's Super Market LAWN UMBRELLAS UMBREILA TABLES Play later 5 8 7 Middletown Turnpike East, Manchester 10 Upstairs Auditorium

REDWOOD TRANSISTOR REPUCEMENT whisk you away with a hft Hra ■diool..huA • DATE: Thursday, May 2 3 ,1 9 6 3 Who doesn’t think of sununer as a time for going places, doing things with a flourish? got out. li f t up to 426 hp and we need only mention our popular S40-hp T u rb o- PICNIC SETS PORTABLE RADIOS CHAISE MAHRESSES ^rtainly you do, or you wouldn’t be linger­ • TIME: 1 :0 0 to_ 2 :3 0 p.m.- . ^Cf/£VROL£T, Fire 409* in passing (which, incidentally, hi ing over that Chevrolet Impala Super Sport* where this oYie tbccels) to give you an idea. r C!onvertible, quite a flourish in itself. And think how much more fun your holi­ The Impala Super Sport’s summery spirit Daisy Brown reviews cooking on the electric range. She gives RAnANand OUTDOOR TkADE’N'TRAVEL day yould be in a Chevrolet as new- as the •Ozsed on Manufacturors' Suggozted Ratail Prices for currently available full-size models. extends from fresh styling outside to sump­ RCCKERSTHATFOLO seasoh! Your timing covildn’t be better; your tuous comfort inside. On the go, all Chev- TIME special attention to handy, inexpensiva, individual electric ap­ KEL CIRCLE CHAIRS COCKTAIL TABLES Chevrolet dealer is celebrating Trade 'N ' IFG4W* tnsat im tha men who sell Plym outhI rolets offer a wide choice of optional-at- pliances such as: Skillet, party grill, toaster oven, rotisserie. SKtra-eoot engines and tranBininnong that JffYOURCHEVROinDEAlBfS Travel Time right now. . p Each appliance is demonstrated with exciting, tasted-and-test- NO ASSEMILY PROILEMS HERB i|i YES, E-Z TERMS. TOO I ed recipes from the Home Service Division of The Hartford W E SET UF oMl DELIVER f No Extra C lM i^ ) MH«f HBIMr DEHS ON CHEVROLET, CHHflfl,^AJR AND COWEnE m OB 8TOBI! TBAT HAS BVEBniHINOr MANCHESTER PLYMOUTH, Inc. Electric Light Company. AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DBALEB I 'f - AU^l!*HORTZteAP CH EVRO liET DBAUBR AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DRAIEX lt*s No Long Walk To Shop IN WEST HARIFORO, CONN- ROUTE 82, TOLLAND TURNPIKE, TALCOTTVILLE . IN MANOHESTER b c o n n . IN EAST HARTFORD, CONN. Martow's Furniture Dept. CARTBR CHBVROLET CO.. INC. DWORIN CHEVROLET. INC. THE GRODY CHEVROLET CO. SAVE TOIB and STEPS—USB OUR REAR ENTRANCE AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEBI EE AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER FURNITURE DEPARTMENT FREE PARKING and Oome Right to Our Funiltsire Iloorl IN H ARTFORD, OOiNN. IN WINDSOR, CONN. HAIN ST. MANCHESTER— BASASIl IN NEW BRITAIN, CONN. THE HUTFORD EUCTMC LIGHT COMPAHY WILCOX-RAU CHBVROLET. INC. CAPITOL MOTORS. INC. ARDIRY CHiVROLir. MC. ....I*......

V V' ^ ^ ■ fAGB FOUBIBEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN* WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, lp68 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 PAGE FIITBEN niversary the -1861 military Koreans Report coup. f i Sitdn Ruling Shows Harlan man as president of the. Farm as soon m possible to try to find The C IA said five of the alleged South Windsor Wheat Plan Killed Bureau was strengthened. a new solution. Many Seek Data C^vertbrow Plot plotters were members cf the STATE Now that the referendum is Ifreeman withheld comment im- April Revolution Corps, one of the over, Intefest will turn to Con­ tll he had an opportunity to study On Free Parking f Disagreeing with Grandfather civilian groups which waged heat­ In Defeat for JFK SBOUL, K w ea (A P ) — South gress and the big question: Will the returns more fully and to con­ ed campaigns in March anlnst WELDING SERVICE Bennett Ploikin Earns Ph. D. It or will it not pass a new wheat fer with administration leaders. Korea’s military raglms reported 6dnc«' the removal o t the meters (Oonttmied tm m .JPm gt One) PaA’s plan to extend military (Oontinued from Page Ona progrtun? DRIVEWAYS Harlan 80 years ago: Can an en­ I b e defeat could become a big today a new plot to assassinate rule for another four years. Immediate Emergeaegr ■ervleat from Main St., the Chamber of terprise—run to make money off Before the referendum, the farm issue in next year's rfuiU H u lu i, who la a member the junta chief, Oen. Chung Hoe The sixth person arrested was On Teaching Machine Study on livestock, milk, poultry and the public, like a restaurant or Farm Bureau and some Republi­ presidential election, particularly Commerce has had many inquiries Free Estimates On: of the present court—disagreed Park, and overthrow his goveni- Park Ki-Tm g, 42, one of more crops not now subject to them. ^eater—discriminate against Ne­ ELECTRIC — GAS can lawmakers had sdid defeat of should the administration take no from other towns about the effec- with that majority ruling In 1883. m ent than 1,000 of the Shinjung (F r e A groes on its own without state Besuiebt H. Flobkln, oaeMant Leaders of the American Farm the administration plan would be steps to provide an alternative tiveneoB of Manchester’s free perk- He said, in effect, that rail­ flu-f propoeed under the old town meet­ The Central Intelligence Agen­ Politics) party headed by former A43-2408 . . . A4V-7B7t followed by new legislation. Ad­ program. Ing. BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVINO roads, restaurants, and places of UwT perintondmst of nohoole, Will be ing form of government and de­ Bureau Federation received the cy said six ciTdlians were arrest­ Prem ier Huh Chung. ministration leaders said there Joseph Garman, chairman of the amusement'are not really private Justice l^niliam 6. Douglas said feated. results with jubilation. This organ' ed 'shortly before they were to The government said the. chief Located In T ^ T h ARTFORD ROAD ENTERPRISES •warded hUi Doctor of PhUoeophy w u no chance o f this. Chamber’s Downtown Develop­ In the sense that a man’s home pretty much what Justice Harlan Strawberry Event Ization is particularly powerful • DRIVEWAYS g PARKING LOTS make an attempt e8 for full acceptance In the members of the W apping Com­ the defeated plan, said in a state­ employe ideas— and smart em­ parking meters.” Carman says. "I tion. This, he said in effect, H e has been a apodal education were a keen disappointment to American community. munity Church Women. Aprons, ment that the decision of the ployes learn to give them. think that this proves that we makes them public and not pri­ teaichar, teaching speech to Gradee leaders of such rival farm org;ani- TEL. 643-7691—WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER A few years later (1898) the handmade articles and plants wUl wheat farmers should be re­ have a forward looking commu­ vate and so they must serve all 1 through 8 in Norwich, and zatlons as the National Orange, the court majority—again with Har­ taught IBngUflh in the New London be on sale. National Parm ers Union, the Na­ spected. DOUBLE DUTY nity and are looking toward an lan disagreeing—went even fur­ people. He suggested that the adminis­ HANOVER, N. H. (NEA)—Bill urban renewal project in the But the present Justice Harlan high Khool. tional Farm Organization and the ther and said It was all right for Manchester Evening Herald tration and representatives of King Is scoring for Dartmouth in downtown area tlmt should prove was not in full agreement with Plotkln was a teaching principal National Wheat Growers Associa­ states to segregate Negroes so South Windsor correspondent, various farm organizations and lacrosse almost as high as his even more dynamic and aggres­ Douglas or the rest of the court In the Deerfield Sobeol, Windsor, tion. long as their treatmoit was equal Laura Katz, telephone 644-1753. The position of Charles B. Shu­ grain groups should get together passing percentage in football. sive.” to that given whites. m a j^ t y . At one point he said an Advertise in The Herald—It Pays This remained the law of the “ individual’s right to restrict use land imtil 1954 when tte modem of his property . . . lies beyond court, reversing the court of the reach of the 14th Amendment.” Pike Self Service Laundry 19th Century, ruled that separate This could be Interpreted as meant unequal and knocked out meaning that, where there. is no segregation in public schoola compulsion from state or local Now Brings You Self-Service Dry law, a private enterprise, like a Then this week the court ruled restaurant, has a right to refuse on a batch of cases in which a to serve Negroes. number of Negroes had been ar­ 'Cleaning To Help You If this is a correct interpreta­ YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT GRAND-WAY rested, mostly on trespass charg­ tion of his thinking, then he seems es, for sit-in dem on^ations at to disagree with his grandfather. lunch counters vdiere they were refused service along with white SPECIAL people. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES REDUCED A court majority threw out the Light Bulb Sale conviction. ’The reason: The store managers had been under pres­ Set by Jaycees 8 Lbi. of DRY CLEANING sure not to serve them. The pres­ sure, the court' said, came from state o r city laws or local offi­ The annual Jaycee Light Bulb cials. Sale will be Friday through Sun­ Thus the court went back to day, with 12 three-man teams sell­ that 1883 decision which said the ing bulbs from door to door, ac­ 14th Amendment prohibited states ceding to ’Ihomas Flanagan, from compelling discrimination chaiimao of the sale. B U D C n against Negroes. In short, this Fifty-six cartons of bulbs will Larsons Mark 50th Anniversary Bennett Plotkin meant for the future: be packed in bags by the Jaycees. NCr. and Mrs. Henry Larson o £ f The court was telling states Team captains are John Jef­ w b «M ha taught the Grade 6; and Tunnel Rd., Vernon, pose in a was pirinedipai of the S t o m Eile- with segregatlcHi laws not to sir- fers, EJdward Sewall, Robert Mur­ similar manner as they

WHEE! WATER’S 150 HEAVY WHITE T ~ U’HU tV'A n HOT-HOT,., ASD I? a T SHOR1* * 1 1 PAPER PLATES and TUMBLERS 1 Wash /wear oottonsi Book eloeH c model, 6 -12! Perfect for home, comping, & vacations! ' Heavy coating prevents aaturation I THERE’S A LOTI BOYS’ SHORT SLIEVS LARGE 12o k. GIFT BOXED f POLAROID ZIPPERED Now! F«r only 9%>!* a SPORT SHHITS INSULATED MUGS STATIONARY FOR 1 ^^FOR g Matched paper & Envelopen dislgni. 2 ' SUNGLASSES UTILITY BAG day f fomtty effete. Winsor & Newton Brief Cases and PortfoHot Artist SnppUes of e l kinds 'N SHAVING CREAM Artist Supplies, 30% Off Missals, Episeopal Prayer .. Children's Books Books. 30% Off Books, Masonic BIU m Desk Bletters, RepIcKO- ment Blotting Pcqper Rex. $1.25 Cherry Ames, Bobbsie Picket Slide Rides C iiess Men, Crlbboge Boards W E G IV E and Playing Cords Pester Becnd end Points Twins, Nancy Drew, Hardy Bobb GREEN STAMPS AMn Drafting SnppUes Tom S w ift Office supplies incindhig: G ift Wrappings. Ribbons Swift end Anderfep National Accomtlng Choice, now o n ly ...... f - G S d Beram eters ms and Regubu’ 89e Booka, now only . MORIARTY 73‘ BAN Poriier end Skoeffer Pw s >ediTia]»,l Ban. 29c Wonder Booka^ Crane's, Eaton end Boxes BOW only ...... f i g BROTHERS DEODORANT HoDmerk Stationery Typewriter Ribbons Anniversary Books Retmlar 59c Books, now only . .4 f g Rumpps end Biixton DupHeoting Fluids Telephone List Hnders Regular |1.00 Books, now only f f g Ml 3-S135 W allets MiniM StisueHs Zipperad Writing C o ^ Regular 50c Booka, now only . .fffg 301-315 CMter St. MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M.

■ C Read Herald Adys. v.v

T’ V

’ 1

2 - 1 5-1 2 -1 i n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. MAY 22, 1968 BOTBEN MANCHESTER EVENDIG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 PAGE 8BVEN1W« itHIHT I ' ' i|i . ‘ ‘ I '""j 34, 1000, with 100 membera. Five "Shepherd Fennel's Dance." It Coventry Fttsa Lodge Notes remaining charter members are Pianist, Tenor really is a very weak comporitlon John B. Johnson, Clarence W. in which the composer beUbors a '63rd Anniversary Johnson, John T. LeOnder, Fhnan- thematic idea out of all proportion KODAK PONY'll CAMERA ‘Penzance’ Set TV-Radio Tonight FR OM TH E ^ ^ Q U A L I T Y S T O ^ O N Q U A L I ' T Y s t R E i r 1 I ..... uel Peterson and Albert Anderson, Give G>ncert to ita si^lficance. In the hands of ^ S ohkU* liodg*, Order of Vami, now of Warren, P*a. a virtuoso it might astound for REG U LAR 039.95 ViU otietyrate its 63rd anniveraary The dinner ia scheduled for 7 technical dash, but Mr. Duffy was Oil Two Nights g j*i*«y with a. dinner and presen- p.m. at the Three Ja Restaurant in By JOHN GRUBER ' unable to supply such abandon. ^1^ With This Coupon Wtlon o < f MTVtce pina to long-tline Bolton. John O. Nellson will be John Duffy, blind composer- Following the intermlarion Mr. Television GiUbeit and SuUlvan’a "Pirotea toas[tma8ter. Service pins will be pianist whose "Brief Improvisa­ Duffy waa heard in two American 4:00 ( 8) Big 8 ^ e a te r (In progreee)9 ( ^13) C38 Reppria .C h ie f apeaknr at i the affair will presented by Nila E. BJorkman, a tion" was the opening selection on vvorka by John Adden Carpenter Of Pwxaanca" will be preaented by ( 8) Bis 3 Theater (In progreea) 8:00 (34) Japaneae Tilime WELDON DRUG COMPANY (8^10) Early Show (In progreul (131 Cloae-Up ha Arthur ' Anderaon, a former lodge me-'ber who was district a recent Manchester Civic Orches­ , and Leo Sowerby, respectively, CAM ERA d e p a r t m e n t the mualc departnMnt of CoventJTr (23), Movie „ at- i- (in progreea) (34) American Album y( 8) New*News XincAeater man who la now master in 1914 and 1916. tra concert, gave another of hia 'and closed the recital as ia hda 901 M A IN ST. — 648-5831 High Bohool ait 6 p.m. tomorrow ( 3) Conn. WbAt'a Ahead Swediah consul at Boston. Hia annual Hartford recitals last hight frequent custom, by improvlalng £ft**‘"* Noi** on riu»lc 8:80 ( 8-40-83) Going My Way Consul Anderson ia a frequent and Friday In the aohool auditor­ (88) Film ( 8-14) Oobie dlllU fptfO, Florence, ia one of seven speaker at Scandia Lodge events. i at the Avery Memorial Auditori­ at thO keyboard. / (18) Big Picture (34) Turn of the Century g * membera who will receive um. i Mr. Coderre retiUTned before the ium, under the dtreotlon of Mlae 6:08 (40) Victory at Sea 9:00 (10.23-30) P erry Como ((}) He was reared in Manchester and S'2? *.,5* News, Sporle, Weather (34) Phntougraphy year service pins. was graduated from Manchester He was assisted by Ftancols Ck>- i improvisations to sing another Roberta J. (Saratka, achool mtialc 6:80 (33) Club Houee direotor. ( 3-13) The Beverly HlllbiUlas ^O thers are Eldward J. Noren, High School before attending Tufts derre, tenor, in a program featur­ group which included Mr. DuNy’a (40) SheeiM 9:80 ( 8) Dick Van Dvfce eMiaa Olga U Carlson, Mrs. Alma ! setting of the poem, "Absent.” AU the membera o f the glee club ( 8) 87th Precinct (13) Biography CHARGE Undveraity, An engineering school ing works by British and Ameri­ (24) Probability ( 8-4o4!8) Our Man Hlgglna mm Olsaai, Oari G. Blrath, Mrs. Hukia buiMlng at Tufta ia dedicated in can composers. Mr. Duffy opzened I Again be sang in Eiigljsh, an and choir wUl take part. Leading (18) Bume and Allen (34) Deaegregatlon lulson and Mrs. Anna C. KJellson. hia name. the program with half a dozen < again he waa remarkaiUe^Fctf hd pirta wiU be carried by William 6:48 ( 3) Walter % ?ok lte 10:00 ( 840-88) Naked City , ACCOUNTS , ^ Twehty-flve-year pins will be clarity of diction. \ Hoffman, Richard Belekewicz, Jan . (10^-80) Huntlev-Brinkley (10-23-30) Eleventh Hour The 63rd anniversary celebration preludes by Abram Chaains, whose 7:00 (13-23-8040) New*: Sporta and ( 8-12) (jircle Tiiealer faeaeated to Nila G. Carlson and events were planned by a com­ style now seems quite dated and I Although the audience w a Blamherg, Mark TUton, Lawrence Weather (34) 46 yra. with Fitzpatrick |Ter Oartam. mittee headed by Mra. FUvira anachronistic, but whose music I smaU, it was evidently well pleased Zedgler, Mary Femold, Carol (34) llcrliaee 11 ;00 1. 34:10-&33-S04O«3) Newa. IN V ITED \ (18) . The lodge was chartered May I with what it heard, and Oiccorded ShlroheLo, Loulae Orowley, (jyn- lubecrlptlon TV — Weather Anderson, chairman of the lodge. Mias Jane O. Steiner Mias Sheila M. Graham was well adapted to the perform­ (10) Shannon 11:16 (fO) Tonight (C) er's temperament and technical i both performers a warm reception. thla DdMon, and Barbara Blck- ( 8) Probe (40) Steve Allen Show abilities. ' It was an interesting program, ' ford. _ (83) Film ( 8) Movie 7:80 (10-23-80) The Virginian (C) 11:30 (13) Movie Two Get V of H Puhlicatiofi Posts A group of songs by Mr. (3o- inasmuch as much of the music Mra. Diane Thompaon and Mra. (34) Our Neighbor the Moon -J. 11:30 (32-80) Tonight (C) Two Manchester students at th ' derre came next, in which he dem­ is seldom heairl. None of It waa Tereaaa Willdame are aoalating t 840-68) Wagon Train ( 8) N.Y. I^ t a va. Loa Angelea Undveraity of Hartford—'Mdss Jan-. Leadership CVxnference for two onstrated a pleasing lyric tenor, great, but it was enjoyalble, never­ M’iae Gartaka in preparing the SEE SATVKOAY’S t v WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTENU C. Steiner and Mias Shelia M. Gra .ars. A straighit-A student, rfte and exceptional diction. Every theless. P o r t a b le T V production. Miaa Roaemory Bel- ham— have been appointed to pub­ will receive an honor scroll at the word was easily imderstood, no lardino will be the acoonipnnlst. lication positions for the 19^-6r third annual regents honor awards small acconyilishment when ring­ ^t>ck Carvings Found A ll backatoge work will be done academic year- linner on June 4. ing Ekigllrii, and he sang with ar­ by the Dionyrian Dromattote Club She is a I960 honors graduate Radio Mias Steiner, daughter of Mi tistic feeling and good intonation. OSLO—Rock carvings estimat­ o f rile achooL "THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET' and Mrs. Stanley H. Steiner, V. of Manchester High School where Three English works came next, ed to be at least 3,000 years old Tiokete are avolable from otu- iXMa listing Inctades only ttacse news broodoasia of U or 15-mlnnrtr Fleming Bd., will edit "Primus.’ ehe was a membe" r f N p ‘ '"->'*I as played by Mr. Duffy. I can't say I have been uncovered by excavat- denita o f the muaic department. length. I^me stations carry other short newscasts). World's Largest Mias Graham, daughter of Mr. 8Lnd -ionor Society and editor of the I was at all impressed with the j ors on the site o f Oslo Univer­ There ia a Bearing capacity o f 260 Mrs. Earner W. Graham, 44 Bunc: yearbook in her senior year. last of this group, Gardiner’s WDBO-1849 7:26 Chet Huntley in Termite Control sity’s future Chemical Institute. for each evening. 8:00 Jim Neitleton 7:30 Newa of the World - Dr., will lead the Publicationr 8:00 Raynor Shtnea 7:48 Congreealonol Report Commission For the Women i :08 Newa Sign 8:10 Pop Concert S|«cWbl« Eulninlif W c a ll... Miss Steiner will be a junior in TTio .Cbventry ReoreaUon Oom- . W B A V ^ f 9:08 President'e N4wa Conference b TiraSit will aponaor a program for 8:00 Ntiwa 10:06 Nlghlbeat, ^ secondary education this fall, spe­ 8:18 Paul H ar’ ey»,-;L:J)r. Albert B 11:00 Newi / Take it neat, cializing in Ebiglish. She is a 1961 duriiig the aummer. Mrs. 11:18 8porta<8inal Ualey will be in charge. A ll Burka 11:80 Siarlfirht Serenade graduate of Manchester High 6:80 Alex Drier 1:00 and Sign Oft.. It Costs Less to Control Termites than to Ignore Them!.. FINANCES.. .FAMILY STYLE! S women Intereeted in joining6:40 are Sporta School. Literary editor of "Prim ­ 6:60 Slob ConaMlne ^ WPOP-18M’ It costa you nothing to find out If hidden tsmr.:tes (so-called "flying us” 'th is year, she has also been to be at Coventry High School at fifOO Joel Cnnh The matter of “family finances” has many as­ 7:00 Edward P Honaa 7:00 Bill Hughea keep it enta") are destroying your house foundetlons, woodwork, etc. a "University Callboard" reporter 6:30 pm . today and wear loose 7:18 ConnecUcui P IfT x 12:00 OIrand REGAL coo! PHONE or WRITE now for complete FREE inspection by a trained pects, in all of which an institution like ours can clothing. 7:30 Dlck’a Den for two years and was secretary 10:88 Mote at Angela WIMP—UM expert Over 485,000 homes serviced. Our work is GUARANTEED by of the 19M UofH Leadership Con­ be extremely helpful. Feel free to talk over Ffeada School Planners 6:(Xi Newa We.f’ Street (1) Bruca-Termlnix, (2 ) E. L. Bruce Co. This Guarantee Is INSURED by W nc—1888 6:18 ihowcaae ference. She has just completed a finances anytime with Manchester’s oldest finan­ Maioolm Ert> hae been elected 6:01 Newa, Sport, and Weathar 6:48 Ixiwell Thomaa has a American Employer's Insurance Co. term as treasurer of Delta Phi chairman of the school building 6:.i0 Financial Report 7:00 Showcaae cial institution. committee which will dbtain pre­ 6:36 Album of the Day 8:00 The World Tonight NEW LOW'COST PROTECTION AGAINST TERMITES Alpha social sorority. 6:46 Three Star ET^fra 8:18 Showcase liminary plana for a 10-room ad­ 7:08 Converaatlon' Piece 12:18 SIgnoff . . . for infostod and non-lnfastad housat — old homtt. new homas and Miss Graham, a junior psychol­ dition to Coventry Grammar message houtaa imdar construc^/on. Ask us for datalls about our $5,000 damage ogy major, is current editor of School. Mra. Ralph M. Bums will guarantaad protection on qualified buildings and contents — only small "Primus,” secretary of the Pub- ☆ -ft -ft will meet at 8 pm . BYtday at the for the annuel dinner to be held annual cost. EXPERT REPAIR OF HRMITE DAMARE., Descrlptlvt folder on rsqusst. be secretory and Mrs. John L. Idcationa Commission, president of Dinsmor^, osriatant secretary. CJhuroh Ckwnmunlty House. at 7 p.m. June 4 at the Cove Res­ Gamma Q ii Rho, honorary liberal Also serving on the seven- Briefs taurant. Mrs. Kenneth Donovan or for BRUCE-TERMWIX CO. OF NEW ENGLAND aita sorority, corresponding secre­ idi: SAVINGS member committee are George Ih e 4-H Town (Committee's two Mrs. Holman S. Fernald are tak­ 60S New Perk Avc., West Hartford 10, Conn. — phone 233-9878 tary of Phi sigma Chi social soror­ W. H. England Lumber Co., Authorized Local Representativej - phone 649-5201 a 7 t d Molchan, Joseph Motycka, Stan­ food sales Saturday will start at ing reservations. ity, and has participated in the llili LOAN 10 a.m. Mrs. Wlnthrop MerriaAi A. S ,S O C 1 ,\ T I O M ley Papanoe and George Ziinner. The boys baseball aimual. tag floater The committee chairman Will coll will be in general charge of the one day canvass will be conducted on — make yours '0 VfAfSS the next meeting. at Themblay’s store on Rt. 31 and a house-to-house basis Saturday. ^aSWeHlSTSS’S OtSSST riWAHClAL INSTITUTION In Puerto Rico Mrs. Maurice French of the one at It was postponed last Saturday CURRENT ANNUAL Mtas Jean Ann Bradfield, Miss Allen’s store on Rt. 44A. Proceeds because of the rain. friends The New World Of Mohawk Carpets DIVIDEND ON Sharon Macnell and Mrs. Donna will be for the annual 4-H camp INSURED SAVINGS Boynton, all of Coventry and jun­ scholarships. Manchester Evening Herald BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 31. COVENTRY iors at WUBmantlc State College, Friendly Circle members are to Coventry oorrespondenC F. Paoi- NORTHCOOL* will return Sunday from a 10-day make reservations by Saturday Ine Little, telephone 742-6281. TAILORED SAGNER trip to Puerto Rdoo. Some 68 MON..TUES.-FRI0AY etudenbs of the claas made the H n iir c ® trtp by jet from New York as Greatest stanmer (sooler ever invented. !■ A H Cl l1 V U I O imURSDAY 9 A.M. to 8 PM1 — WED. CLOSED AT NOON part o f the annual educational tour which includes participation Stay neat aijd refreshed without refrigerar in a teaching training program. Mies Caroi Mortlndale and Miss tion, without ice, without air ctm^ioning. Joyce Schnell, also juniors, will Asphalt Roofing return Thursday after spending Nofthcool Suits are e-o-o-l tailored by three days in New York on an AT THESE LOW. LOW educational trip in connection Eastern States Farmers Exchange Sagner (the coolness is built in ). W ear PARIS CURTAIN SHOP with their course at the college. PRICES YOU CAN TAKE Second Church News INCORPORATED it— day in, (Jay oat— you’re always a “well Second Congregational (3hurch TEL. 643-5123— BUCKLAND, CONN. confirmation claaaes will meet at iwressed” man. Yoor Northcool ia wash ’n YOUR TV SET WITH YOU 4:30 pjn. tomorrow at the Church Community House. No. 90 MINERAL SURFACE...... 3.18 wear or dry deanable. SAVE A T THIS SPEfelAl SALE A t 6:30 p.m. tomorrow the SELECT FROM OUR LARGE DISPLAY church echoed teachers and mem­ 12x36— No. 235 SH IN G LE...... per sq. 7.89 bers o f the regional education 12x36— No. 235 SHINGLE STICKDOWN " 8.85 NORTHCOOL SUIT $39a95 T H I S IS committee will leave from the Hoertor fane we proudly preM ^Ihe Blaiwr, fho LOCK TYPE No. 240 SHINGLE ...... " 8.58 church to attend a 7 p.m. meeting o li-n ^ Floater by Botes -^ih e some fine-fitting at the Congregational Church in EXTRA TROUSERS $9.95 ThrtEMPO P9510 S«riM-19** WdlUmaintlc. This will be a train­ These men apply Easrern States roofing: qualities — the some soft cushioned comfort — Slim portable with extr4-sen*itlve ing session on "Uae of the New JO HN HARRISON, Bueklond, Cohn. FREE ALTERATIONS tuner, top-tuning controls, 4* United Church Curriculum Mate­ some fine moteriajs, but now speaker. Telescoping antenna) rials." MICHAEL BISI & CO., Glastonbury, Conn. os tomorrow in styling. If this T H E E N D ! ! The church board of truoteee is your first Floater or one of REGAL'S YOUR many you'll enjoy wearing Hi It glL yoor 'round.

ANNOUNCING Medium and wide widths. Cactus, Cordovan, Olive 8 V YOUR MOHAWK CARPET STORE ___LTERATIONS L A S T 3 D A Y S Green. Also available in boot styles. I ^ A N E N T ■ ■ F O R THE BBIFE OF THE GARMENT Regal not only fits you periectly at the time of the sale but continues to beep the MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER AT garment fitting perfectly for aa long as you wear It. WALL-TO-WALL SPECIALISTS DOUBLE SAVINGS OPEN DAILY TO 6:80—THUBSDAY-FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. REGAL f 311 M AIN ST., OPP. STATE ARMORY— TEL. 643-6103 has the brand you know- COOL, CRISP, CAREFREE SLACKS i 2Vr(iS OVER 200 PAIRS IN vletMfhMWhlrtBMtCirtirMlilieair m / o o k fu FOR SHORELINE USE Across From EVERY SIZE AND ADVERTISED IN YOUR LAST OHANCE TO SAVE V H F O N LY Colonial Manor Apts. 176 SPRUCE STa PRICE RANGE ' '.4 , . ' r ~ . "I LATBOV 100% WASH.'N.WEAR NOW K i Air. DACRON BLENDS EVERYTHING Cenditienod DRY CLEAN AN VHF-UHF AMPLE 8-LB. LOAD FOR PORTS for A L L A R E A S PARKING Pleated and plain- fronts. Longs,

GOES TWficUiadcs I shorts, regulars. ^ 2

SAVE 75% OVER WOOL and DACRON TROPICALS 158 Sizes 28-.50. Many colors. Potterton’s are really, competitive and sets backed by REGULAR CLEANING Potterton s service are a best value at any time* BILLS

★ PLU S ★

For wootf, Mtuceo Green Stamps JL masonry houses GABARDINES, SUITINGS, SPRING FLANNELS “Lucite” Acrylic House Paint is an »12“ VALU E rattrely new product developed out T V S T A N D of years of Du Pont research In Whan you buy oHhsr sotl Special acrylic reaine— research that pro­ WEDNESDAY thru SUNDAT duced tile *liucite” finishes need on 2 f T » 1 0 the finest new automobllea. Dries O F F T H E TESXEIA ADJUSTED, GUARANTEED, SERVICED in half an hour to a beautiful fiat BY OUR OWN MECHANICS ABileliliWwied. IMtilVMMpMlOl finish of extraordinary durability. FINEST FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 DOUBLE y Easy to apply. Clean up with water. WASH-'N-WEAR SLACKS KPORK YOU PMMT-Come in and ORIGINAL DACRON/GOnON TROPICAL Pollriied cottona. SolidH,. plaids, cliecke, O P B N ^D A IL Y TO 5:30 — THURS. TO 9 P M ■§$t fuU information, color card for Oothca are- odor free. eords. Spikes, Continentals O ri A A CLOSED FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR THE SURWIER and regulars. omdabit a m "L u d U T Hoa$e Paint. Lerge sorting tables. FM SPORTCOATS fet 4 OaL musit. Convenient to eiTEEN STM #S ' FARAH OF TEXAS FINXST Lots Ow l It only half of If, whan 'jrov^waar Ihit iporf eoaf. PRICE Iha baltar half It fha way if looks all summer long, WASHABLE GABARDINES Get Double Savings at Paly Glaan from tfm firgf crack of d bat to the first forward poit. Slims and regulars. 28 to :44. H . 9 8 Potterton’s Coma in, tae tlw naw colon and pattams. An

MANCHESTER E V E I^G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 PAGE NINET£^£l I ...... 'iiia*'iiis OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Set For Outdoor Fun! Manchester Parkade Stores Lynn Poultry Farms < Knit Away Your Tcaaioa You know, they’re really "on the Yes, you can relax away your HERE'S *100 , M>y Bargains ball” , always constantly alert to DEAR-^VOOR SHARE Antwtr to Provioui Punt* cares, when you acquire an abaorb- . ^ 'J SAID— Instituting and putting Into effect Ing needlework hobby. "KNIT­ OP THE PRORTS X MADE IN MV t. THAT IS, Food Shopping easy mealtithfea for our benefit NEW v e n tu r e / INCIDENTALUV.l WON'T BB TER’S WORLD" Invitee yOu to ITS (alas, oh how they ihake us lazy). learn a new skill or perfect an ex­ SOINS TO FOOARTV'6 6 M0 KE SHOP FOR A RCALLY ACROS.S 8 Taxes Listed by Such tempting and delicious go­ WHILE /. BUP6 LAR6 HAVE BEEN ACTIVE IN THE isting one. Here are the idea books, « | 0 0 / y 1 ROMt leg of 9 Instrument to The Inquirer ings on In their cooking for taking the quality yams, both domestic NElGHBORHOOtS AND I W AS IN A ELIcSHT measure , out. The telephone of LYNN POUL­ SCUFFLE/ NO N EEO T O ALARM VOU WITH tHfc > 1 . "H walking range ' and Imported, plus qualified In­ [ g; v & up/ 5 Pood Muoning 10 Ardor TRY FARMS Is 649-8261. OPEN structions. See the hand-knit PHVSICIAN HAS B Green vegetable Monday, Tuesday and Saturday 10- samples on display and you’ll be r ORDERED A COMPLETE> 12 Gem ' 11 Vipers 13 Hodgepodge 18 Shops 6 and Wednesday, Thursday and inspired to begin a distinctive en­ BUGGS BUNNY 14 Meaiurej of 20 Gluts Friday 10-9. semble for yourself. The SUIT 22 Worn by lions KITS have arrived, containing cloth and horses Main Street Stores Tailored Charm Other Stores Around Town 15 Food ditpenier 24 Of the shoulder Summer Is Cook-nut Time yam for a sweater plus dyed-to- IF VA SEE i 17 Dibble match fabric for a skirt. Summer ANYTHIN'VA 18 English stream (ansL) step into Summer Faelilonably < Laughs at Rain or Rhine Enjoying the Fun of Picnicking ^ Dave’s Smoke Shop''''' From now on tlie weekends are 25 Wife of 35Weitern ahowi 40 Cry of First aigrui of summer are white Summer, 1963, outings will be an invitation to pack your basket Is for sunning and knitting! LIKES. LEMME < 9 IBOszle and 40 Father or bacchanals A deluxe and rugged REIDWOOD If you enjoy the pleasures of Harriet Tyndareus "Alrstep'' shoes that are cool and happy adventures, if you get the with picnic fare from GRAND KNOWJ 20 Canopiei mother 50 Periods of tlm« LOUNGE CHAIR, 524.96, from smoking, of reading, of keeping In Handy container for children’s 21 Large cupola 51 At that time OomftM’table at the GUSTAFSON'S supplies you need from the Bar­ touch with friends via Greeting WAY. Join the line of well-nour­ 23 Droop 28 Rimi 43 Jots WATKINS’ PA-nO SHOP etays clean socks is an' empty egg car­ 30 Notion 40 Get upi. 52 French verb “to SHOE STORE, 706 Main Street. becue Department of LENOX Cards, then DAVE’S SMOKE ished customers getting their -share 24 High mountain new-looking without special care. of Lobsters, and Chicken and ton placed in a dresser drawer. 31 Capital of 46 Italian city be" Slip into a pair. There are stunning Take in for the night if you wish PHARMACY, 299 Bast Center SHOP, 111 Oernter Street, merite 27 Demolish 47 Mountain 55 Short-napped Svrift’s ‘"^ROTFX" B E E ' , avail­ 29 Singing group Norway spectators, the classic favorites the thick, luxurious cushions Street. Have the fire going cheer­ your attention. TWs friendly shop 33 Climbing plants (comb, form) fabric fully in quick time with charcoal at the center has a refreshment able In Manchester only at GRAND Summer and the Living's Eaey 32 Barm, (or to complement your summer ward­ (orarige or green) but the RED­ Take to the water; take to the Instance ! T ~ r ] 7 r " W r r briquettes and charcoal lighters. counter, a full line of boxed choco­ WAY. This Is tenderized beef that 34 Fears grcitly 1 1 8 robe. "Alrsteps" aire cushioned for WOOD FURNITURE stays out in bakes, broils, panfries (aster and fairways, take to your garden ,or n heavenly comfort on steaming Equip yourself for outdoor fun lates, ice cream desserts and an 36 Counsm IS 14 all kinds of weather and comes up Is always juicy and delicious (even just take to the glorious outdoors 37 Evingellcal pavements. You'll find all sizes smiling. What a good feeling qual­ with needed PICNIC SUPPLIES: Imaginative LINE OF NOVEaTTY this summer. W. T. GRANT COM­ Insulated jugs and chests for OIF'l'S, suitable for June gradua­ the economy cuts). When you’re i 38 Precipitation i ? and widths, plus the heel height ity gives. The bolts are rust - re- PANY has the SPORTSWEAR, the 36 Raced 6 16 1 keeping foods appetizingly hot or tions and Father's Day. SMp Into Small too busy to cook, the Delicatessen you prefer. Alive with color and Bletant; the well-built 2" redwood Dept, offers tasty, energy-packed PLAYWEAR and the CASUAL 41 Chinese weight lA IT cold. Ward off the sun’s glare DAVE’S SMOKE SHOP. 42 Pasture 26 style are the fun shoes, open for stock Is precision constructed Medium salads, plus a full line of quality OUTFITS FOR THE WHOLE beauty and comfort: Sandals, wed- throughout. Matching SETTEE, with SUN GLASSES and with FAMILY. There are slacks, shorts, 44 .Sailing 23 gay visor CAPS. Shelves are amp­ Everything Good for Your Lawn Cold Cuts. Wander over to 40 Swagger r ~ gle, flats,., at GUSTAFSON'S 539.96., Relax at home on REID­ Large FASHION SQUARE at GRAND culottes, skirts with a terrific as­ 49 Harangue SHOE STORE. ly stocked with * protective LO- ___ And Garden sortment of pullovers, popovers, 24 26 20 3A ST s r WOOD furniture from WATKINS UTTLB Jk McKENNEY at DE­ WAY, headquarters for the coolest a WtA *«r T il No g t Ni owy 53 Tahitian god 'TIONS to give you a glorious tan jacket-blouse magic to wear 54 Inadvertent w r and enjoy the happiest summer POT SQUARE is open 7 days a wardrobe .stretchers ever. Here ALLY OOP S3 For Gradoiis Entertaining ever. with no blistering bum. A roomy they go to all lengths to plea.se you smartly' tucked In or out. Quality BY V. T. HAMLIN omission BEACH BAG will do active duty week for your convenience with a 50 Males BUENILUM la available In (shorts, Bermudas, Jamaicas, fabrics, nicely tailored inside' and 3T all summer. OPEN ALL DAY Me- complete line-up of products for out, thriftily priced, these are the YEH, AN' AS 57 Guenon monkey Mnnohestar only at WILTON'S Taking gelatin dally over a pe­ lawn and garden cape: Fertilizers, slacks). Be beautiful bv the sen in FAR AS I'M 58 Oracle GIFT SHOP, 964 Main Street. MORIAL DAY from 8 to 8. May Is a BATHING SUIT with built-in famous feature.^ of W. T. GRANT CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 56 Goddess 41 riod of time is sometimes helpful the time to fight moths and LEN­ seeds, fencing. You’ll find flower­ CONCERNED, The groat variety of BUENILUM In preventing split finger nails. power for a wonderful fitting. COMPANY. SNEAKERS, SO com­ HE NEVER 00 Coteries OX PHARMACY has a complete ing shrubs and EVEStOREENS fortable and cu.shinned are light­ 01 Domestic slave 42 44 serving pieces (casserole, bread One enjoyable way to take it is in with FIREE DE5LTVE5RY AVAIL­ GRAND WAY Invites you to relax WILL! line of "PARA" crystals and with a wide selection of SUMMER weight to put a spring Into your DOWN tray, relish dish, sugar and cream­ tomato juice. Sprinkle an envelope ABLE. The friendly, helpful pro­ 40 ?7 ’ 48 4i li IT er) stays bright without polishing. NUGGE3TS that destroy damaging 2671-H FURNITURE. Prepare tastv sum­ step. 1 MispUced of unflavored gelatin over a cup moth larvae and moth worms. prietors continue to serve their Enjoy the high lustre of sterling of the juice In a saucepan; stir mer meals with a NEW MODFV. 2 Three-handed 54 growling number of satiafled cus­ This sew-easy topper and hat If a wooden clothcsbasket shows armadillo without the constant upkeep care, over moderately low heat until the tomers who return season after GRILL, $15,97, complete with .shelf, 3 Maiculine 56 when you buy BtraiNILUM for A gradeless primary school pro­ set are fun to wear! Trim with hood, motor, table. From the signs of splintering, give It two 5? 54 gelatin dissolves. Pour Into a large gram is In effect In about 12 per season. Your patronage and ac­ nautical embroidery.' coats of white shellac. This will 4 ------of coffee yourself of for a June bride. cup Or mug and drink as you quaintance Is Invited. THE PET highly-poli.shed floors to the cheer­ 5 Drowse (dial.) 5i 6b dl cent of the nation's 85,000 public Pattern No. 2671-H has tissue ful overhead lights, vou’11 find double the life of the basket and 8 Brings into line BUENILUM from WILTON’S would any hot. beverage. This to O P is headquarters for healthy . a elementary schools, according to (sizes small, medium and large in­ shopping at the GRAND WAY a prevent clothing from being tom. 7 Brawn (Scot.) GIFT SHOP Is preferred by the makes a fine weight-watchers the National Education Associa­ birds, puppies, tropical fish. When clusive; hot-iron transfer; full di­ modem homemakers for beauty satisfying experience. lunch with cottage cheese and tion. This compares with 6 per school is out, perhaps your young­ rections. and utility. “Royal Holland" PEW­ melba toast. cent just five years ago. sters could benefit 1^ lavishing To order, send 35c In coins to: Before you chill commeal mush The Inquirer TER Is availaiWe at WILTON’S. care and attention on a thri'vlng Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ Solve Your Gift Problems pot. Bring the family to THE PET (for polenta) you may brush the OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS Chango Your Surroundings ning Herald, 1150 AVE. OF surface with melted butter or mar­ Count on a medium or large So many gift • occasions are Without Moving SHOP for a visit AMERICAS, NEW YORK 36, acorn squash yielding two serv­ packed tnto. June. After the rush garine to prevent a crust from ings. You don’t have to change your N. Y. forming. subsides, the gifts you selected at address to enjoy the thrill of Turn a worn-out mattress Into a For Ist-class mailing add 10c ZERAN JEWE3LEIRS, comer Main fresh new surroundings. Let MILL gym mat for children simply by for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ PRISCILLA'S POP Direct from Art Studios of Europe and Birch Streets, emerge to give FABRICS SALESROOM, 175 covering it with a piece of heavy dress with Zone and Pattern Num­ Planning an Outing Is Fun UNWANTED HAIR BY AL VERMEER To WATKINS ART GALLERY, cloth. lasting pleasure. For the graduat­ 8183 WITH THf NfW PINE STREET update your liv­ ber. Let DING’S ITALIAN KITCHEN Permanently re m o ve d - 15 Oaik Street, come original OIL (formerly Hob Nob Restaurant) ing Miss a CHARM BRACELET l2',i-26'/i PAH-O-KAMA ing room tastefully In your choice Just 60c for the new '63 Albumd latest Kree method IMAGINE COMPOSING PAINTINGS to add a cultured will bo "oohod" and "ashed" over. of fabric. For one price of 5145 May Is the Time to Put Away Many lovely designs! Directions prepare the king-size GRINDERS, SO MANY TUNES WITH museum atmosphere to your home. There Is a sterling or gold charm In new culottes and shirt com­ Winter Clothing for suit and afghan in knit; doily, generously filled with meat and Be Halrfree and Carefree , 1 HAVE GREAT bination that give the effect of you get the material, labor, the fixings and then oven-toasted to The oollectlon includes genuine to highlight the Important mile­ replacing of worn springs, web­ Parking is pure pleasure when edgings a^id slippers in crochet! RESPECT FOR I OIL PAINTINGS by professional stones of her life. What fun you’ll a well tailored classic. The blouse .you drive up to the door of CXNE bring out all the flavor. It’s ea.sy CALL TCHAIKOVSKY/ can-also be made sleeveless, pack­ bing etc. The skilled craftsmen to feed a crowd. It'.s ea.sy to wel­ artists from Prance, Italy, Swlt- have adding to It. A fine WATCH here In the UPHOLSTERY SHOP HOUR DRY OLEJANING, the zerlaind, Holland and priced a et is optional. “MARTINIZING” plant at 299 Take Advantage come unexnected company. Just 7 1 / will be a constant reminder of tvlll update and streamline your Of the END-OF-ROLL SAVINGS Claire Allardyce 7 ^ modest 569.96 to 5160.00 for size.s your good wishes. Silver is lavish No. 8183 with Patt-O-Rama is West Middle Tpke. There Is anoth­ drive to DING’S ITALIAN KITCH­ Hypertrichologist \ in sizes 12 >/2, 1 4 1 6 V4, 18Vi, furniture if you so specify. What at MANCHESTER CARPET CEN­ EN for PIZZAS, so zesty and ranging up to and Impressive but not extravagant at ZERAN fresh, bright SLIPCOVERS can do er plant at 20 East Center Street 30" X 54". All are handsomely 20V4, 22Mi, 24V6, 26V4. Bust 33 The dry cleaning service In these TER, 311 Main Street. You have at popular with everyone. Enjoy all Phone 649-5577 JEWELERS, considering the ever- to 47. Size 14 V4, 35 bust, cu­ for a room. The cost is only least 25 different choices as to the favorite Italian foods here at FRAMEID. There are nature after pleasures for the june bride. 539.95 for labor Involved in a 3- up-to-date establishments gets or 643-0301 scenes, seascapes, still life to en­ lottes, 3'V(i yards of 35-inch; blouse your suits, dresses and coats colors, textures, weaves, all FIRST DING'S or plan to TAKE GUT pc. set. Your home can appear QUALITY end-of-roll rug balances, hance the decorative setting of with sleeve, 2\i yards. thoroughly Clean. Not even one an­ GRDERS. "Thin" cream contains 18 to To order, send 40c In coins to degrees cooler during the sizzl­ at 26% DISCOUNT. It’s a substan­ your room, be It contemporaiy, 20 per cent butter fat, "heavy" noying spot remains to spoil your Sue Burnett, Manchester Evening ing months with cool, crisp SLIP­ satisfaction. The expert pressers tial saving you’ll agree. Sizes provincial or Early American. cream contains 36 to 40 per cent. COVERS enhancing your room range from 9’ 3” x 12’ up to 15’ x Whether you plan to buy or not, Herald, 1160 AVE. .OF AMERI­ put new, young lines and life into CAS, NEW YORK 36. N.Y. The DRAPERY SHOP will tailor- 18’. Take this opportunity to add do come to see and enjoy the The Address Is New your garments. It’s time to have For Ist-class- mailing add 10c to-order for 51.50 per panel (lined luxurious quiet and handsome good c rc3 genius of Europgfin artists. YOUR YARN SHOP Is now lo­ your BLANKETS CLEANE2> and ONCE A YEAR SPECIAL! for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ or imllned). MILL FABRICS stored away. Inquire about the looks to your stairways and halls 5-ia. cated on the second floor of Wat­ SALESROOM, 175 PINE with carpeting in unusual sizes (up T M, It. U S. rt* on. » mi t, wiA, w. Ever add a little tomato catchup dress with Zone Style No. and BOX STORAGE plan that unclut­ CARON COLOGNE kins. Come up the front stairs and Size. STREET, Is in full-bloom when ters your closets at home. They to 36" wide). The trained and ex­ to cheese sauce and serve over you’ll find yourself right in the you see the flower-fresh colors in perienced staff at MANCHESTER BELLODGIA — FLEUR de ROCAILLE — BONNIE baked beaiM for a luncheon dish? Our complete pattern book Is care for and clean your winter CHRISTMAS NIGHT BY JOE CAMPBELL center of YOUR YARN SHOP. just 50c, Send now for the spring by-the-yard cotton, ailk, shan­ garments and return them to you CARPET CENTER is most help­ Come to browse and you’ll find summer '63 edition. tung, for all your summer sew­ In the fall whenever you specify. ful in aiding you to a satisfying § 2 w ith This Coupon , OH, Get Out Your Hummer Shoes and needlework that will fascinate you, ing. Seek the help of the capable, selection. Your patronage is appre­ “What made me think I could put something over on Handbags Trust your finest garments to the HOW DOES'jbOR WESINIT and encourage you to accomplish qualified staff here. dependable DRY CLEANING ciated. you? Because till today I hadn’t, got pEu^t!" . When Memorial Day arrives, It’s When the Occosion Is ‘Formal* WELDON DRUG COMPANY d o g l i k e HIS NEW/ RI&HT professional results. Knit the love CARE of “MARTINIZING” where time To slip Into summer shoes. you feel toward the new bahy into r e g a l M to rs SHOP, 907 Snappy cuffs that will brush out 901 MAIN ST. — 643-6321 HOUSE .& HALE SHOE SER­ they are constantly thinking up Any Night Casserole a cuddly coverlet for crib or car­ Main Street, Is the name to re­ with ease may be had if you re­ ways to serve you better. pound beef, cut In 1-lnch h i— VICE Is equipped to repair shoes riage. Start a handsome, hand- member when the occasion speci­ place the stitches that tack down cubes end handbags. Here they can mod­ knit s w e a t e r for ' yourself, or fies FORMAL WEAR. Here they the cuffs on m en's. trousers with tablespoons butter or marga­ ernize your shoes with slim, trim have everything for weddings, metal snaps. If the Occasion Calls for BEN CASEY for the apple-of-your-eye teen­ Celebrating rine heels tb replace heavy, out-dated ager. Have some needlework han­ proms, formal events. Everything cup finely chopped carrots one.s. "Nick” at HOUSE & HALE Is right In stock. There Is no delay Jime brings Important mile­ % dy during the summer months. Always a Popular Dessert stones. There are graduations, % cup finely chopped celery SHOE SERVICE can stretch the because nothing has to be ordered. Family meals and company din­ 1 can (1% ounces) onion dry mileage In last season’s shoes. Have something "in the works” . It is a convenience, a time-saver, weddings, reunions, anniversaries. S6T OUT, MISS m a n n e r s ! Find relaxation and that reword­ ners can have a glorious finale FIANO’S REISTA'URANT a n d soup mix OPEN THURS. 1 WANT TO TALK TO MV Before storing away a good felt a peace-of-mlnd assurance that when you serve ROYAL ICE ing sense of accomplishment. everything fits just right. No COCKTAIL LOUNGE on Route 6 2% cups water HAT have it CLEANED AND CREAM from the plant on War­ 1 package (4% ounces) pre­ BLOCKED and mothproofed. Hub­ gueffl work, no depending on meas­ and 44 in Bolton can help you Slant a cake tester as you In­ ren Street, or from any of the make the event memorable. In an cooked rice and FRI. TILL by's summer PANAMA HAT will urements alone. You try on the fine stores that carry ROYAL ICE sert it in the center of a baked tuxedo, the cut-away, the WHITE aitmosphere of comfort each course Parmesan cheese be cleaned and refreshed like hew. CREIAM So many flavors and Chopped parsley Ye.s, HOUSE * HALE SHOE product for, testing, doneness. DINNE3R JACKET. Bring in your Is sery^ with skill and suavity. 5-21 best man, your ushers, your ring fancy shapes and festive molds are The long menu provides a tempt­ In skillet, brown beef In. butter. SERVICE helps you keep reward- available, there la a “just-right” Add carrots and celery; cook un­ Ingly well-groomed from head to Store Away Winter Garments bearer, the father of the bride. All ing choice of your favorite foods, toe. Protect your family’s apparel will be outfitted for the important ROYAL ICE CREAM for every prepared to your taste. You’ll til almost tender. Stir in soup SHORT RIBS occasion. Delicious, and nourishing. agree that "It couldn’t be nicer.” mix and water. Transfer to It^- BY FRANK O’NEa i. with GARMEINT BAGS available occasion to their complete satis­ at both FAIRWAYS. They are faction at REGAL MEN’S SHOP. ROYAL ICE CREAM is good to The BANQUET HALL makes a quart casserole. Bake at 350 de­ dust proof and moth proof. Dress eat, and good for you. charming and inviting setting. grees F. for lU hours or until HA'VENT 'toU HEARD? ' NO .STUPID, -mEV IDOK^ dp your closet with matching McIntosh Sandwich meat Is tender. Stir In rice. Cover. J FEEL KINO OF LAND O' FASHION HE 3UST GOT FIRED. I t AWAY FROM HIM/ SUIT BAGS and BLANKET 12 sllce.s enriched white sandwich Bake 15 minutes more. Serve with SOBRV for the 888 MAIN STREET BAGS. Here ypu’ll find SWEATER bread Name Your Beauty Ticket Read the 1862 Report cheese and parsley.' Makes 4 serv- COUPON SPECIALS! EJ^UTlONEP. For BAGS and dress covers for closet Mayonnaise or salad dressing Memorial Day officially starts COBURN ft MIDDLEBROOK, Ings. or travel. Avoid expensive moth Mustard summer activities and vacation 629 Main Street, invites you to BRIDE and BRIDESMAIDS come in for your copy of the 1962 Travel Light; Travel Safe 'WrtV? AND ACCESSORIES damage by taking a few minutes 12 1-ounce slices baked ham plans. 'Wherever you go, whatever now to use "Para Zene”, 6 lbs. for 36 to 48 thinly sliced rings you do, you’ll want to look your report on "GOVERNMENT EM­ Why risk the danger of expen­ THURSDAY ONLY AT BOTH STORES • Appointments Ayatlable s McIntosh apples unpeeled best with a minimum demand on PLOYES FINANCIAL CORPORA- sive loss. Get a supply of Travel- V: 51.99 that kills moths and larvae. ers’ Checks from THE CON­ MORTY MEEKLE (6 small apples) precious time. SCHULTZ BEIAU- ’nO N " stock. Or, call 643-1106. BY DICK CAVALLi 24 1-ounce slices process American TY SALON, 983 Main Street, with NECTICUT BANK AND TRUST cheese its staff of top-notch beauticians, Frozen fruits and vegetables COMPANY. Three Manchester of­ I WITH THIS COUPON ONLY Spread bread lightly with may- welcomes you cordially, hovers will lose color, flavor, texture and fices to serve you at 893 Main, 15 North Main and the Parkade. I o Q " - f I F/NAuy F\YBD •onnalse or salad dressing, then over you attentively, lavishes skill nutritive value If not properly han­ REG. 1.00 weVe Gorea/e rbal and know-how and then speeds you S'-fl 1 'vouR u m i M o m z i with mustard. Cover each slice dled after they are packaged. Re­ 0'V£AL ODDBALUd IN DRAPERY with 1 slice ham, 4 rings apple and on your way, an even more de­ search experts in the U.S. Depart­ To oven-fry fish fillets, dip , ESQUIRE THie NgICHBOCHOOD. 2 slices cheese. Arrange .sand­ lightful fair lewly tha.i before! A ment of agriculture advise: Check them in melted butter or marga­ BUZZ SAWYER rine and , sprinkle with paprika; SHOE COLORING BY ROY CRANE SHOP wiches on baking sheet. Broil until wealth of beauty products and temperatures of market food case. i j MAR-SAL cheese melts and Is slightly broWii. services await you In every field The iridicator insfde should reg­ place In a .shallow pan (on greased I - 24 COLORS J 997 MAIN STREET— TEL. 643-9295 Serve hot,, 2 slices per serving. of beauty culture. B(X)K YOUR ister 0 degree F. or below. The foil if you like) and bake without BEAUTY APPOINTMENT well case should be clean and the food turning in an -extremely hot (50 May Is Time for Spring Cleaning in advance of the occasion to avoid degrees) oven about 10 minutes I WITH THIS COUPON ONLY // stacked no higher than the fill — JOHNSON PAINT 00„ 723 disappointment. Telephone or until the fish flakes easily. line. Select only packages that are , 1963 PLASTIC. REA DUE TO THE GREAT RESPONSE TO OUR Main Street, has big and ' Ule 643-8951. clean and firm. Avoid misshapen 4 helpers to make all your HO^SE- In advance of the occasion to Investment Center packages (which may mean the Need investment advice or m o d e l c OUSANING ElASIEJR, faster and avoid disappointment. Telephone food was thawed and refrozen); ■ 89 ANNIVERSARY SALE WE ARE FEATURING more efficient. From floor to ceil­ 643-8951. speakers for your meetings? Call also those tom, crushed, p r juice- your Manchester Investment head­ ing there is a “just-right” cleaner, stained. Frozen food that is ex­ |CAR,S ,Io brush, sponge to do the Job of There are about 250 tribal quarters, SHEARSON, HAMMILL OUR SPECIAL FOR ANOTHER WEEK liifting grime and sodl with the groups In the Federation of Nige­ posed or poorly packaged dries ft COMPANY, 913 Main Street, a out and develops off-flavors quick­ member of the New York Stock eMAUA minimum of wear and tear on your ria which became independent in 5-22 precious energy. Here you’ll find 1960. ly. Exchange. Telephone 649-2821. ^ the window cleaners like "PPG” I WITH THIS COUPON ONLY with silicone that makes mirrors Happy Comings and Goings CAPTAIN EASY glisten. There are wax removers, Eve:y day is someone’s birthday I STRIPED BY LESLIE TURNER CUSTOM MADE and then a complete line of WAX or anniversary.. What a thoughtful AJfD POLISH to protect and pre- way to exte;id your good wishes BATH REG. sferve the beauty of your floors with a rememberance from YOUR MEVER T SWAP OUT OF ITI LEWI STOP HlWl HE '' TH' CREEP YOU CAN'T AFFORD HEARD O' \ FOUND OUK TAPE..ANP MAV PIN THAT and furniture. JOHNSON PAINT GIFT GALLERY " on the main jro W E L S , QOT AWAVl l«D . is the homemaker’s friend. floor of Watkins. This shop houses NOT I f '’ ®- ON UG - HBV, HERE'« the 0W! WE'D EETTER TO • Ml* Nids/ QEAR so milch beauty, so much that is FELLAi. To preserve the finish on chil­ lastingly lovely and useful, you’ll '"'JET . ^ 1 DRAPES dren’s toys, such as scooters, tri­ enjoy absorbing Ofe splendor and TO I WITH THIS COUPON ONLY YOUR CHOICE cycles or wagons, apply a layer 60 radiance of the Imported and do- of paste wax. This \rill help pro­ mestle Items of STAINLESS 16 DAYS I I POUND MOTH BALLS With tect them if left outside In Inclem­ STEEL, PE3WTEJR, G LA ^W AR E. OR . ent weather. The shop has been recently EIN- I LARGEID for a better-than-ever I MOTH FLAKES Practical way. to paint a stair­ display arrangement. Fbr friend­ UllFORNIA way that must remain In use be­ ship’s sake, for any gift occasion,, IIUTIvta lwt In CyFrof I__ REG. 35c fore the paint can dry is to paint for big and little guys a n ^ dolls, Alr-ncomo TOUR499 frtin f R E E L A B O R every other step. Then when those YO’UR GIFT GALLERY h& the GUAUANUID DiPAKTUm steps are dry,enough to walk on, merchandise to please all tastes at paint the others. prices to please your purse, too. DtFARTING WEEKLY-EVEKY SATURDAY Slorttng July 13 thru Oct. | " ^ I T H THIS COUPON ONLY Your choice of fabrics In florals, prints, solids, This SKYWAY-ENSIGN Touf that ovtr • OUARANTIID 0IPA»TU«I1 3000 touritti onleYad in 1962 It orrangtd r l**rv wMki *''8 to givo you ovtry follifoclion at tho lew- , FAMOUS stripes and.fibergla»*—lined or uniined. Prices stort ■cMainy JIT Jn.w sr.us •It pmiblo coit. It Includti round trip (oral *l« UnlUd Air Un4j •ir troniportotion, AIR CONDITIONED I WHITMAN TOY REG. DAVY JONES This Coupon Is Worth • flN Ilt HOm$; SoMtlor Twin- ROOMS at HILTON HAWAIIAN VILLAGE at $1.99 yard and up. . iMdrbd loonii wH" ^OTEl, 3 hoiKttet ond mtolt in flighty . I W ONDER 2.98 BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS « 1 . 0 0 • TIAHSFEK (umlihtd ol oil •Rpertenced eicort, etc. Incluilv* rote. • • ' M R . A b e r n a t h y I •II your planning it dene for you by BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWA)’ •Kperti who will give you the moil Ail you do is bring in your window measurements, TOw X r D t h e PITRCHASE OF :S r W ‘*.OHTS...NO •maxing vecolion you ever dreomed of. jC O LO R BAMJ VOU HAD TD Net only ere you receiving the UNIQUE _ _ J , MR. M TOO LATE, CLINT... • ortloSjAl 0ITUIN via loi EXTRA FEATURE of • "SPECIAL" ES­ RIDICULOUS, GET A CONSCIENCE, / eU/r/ IF 1 HADN'T pick out your choice of tabric, allow 3 to 4 weekSk AnatUi, lot v tso i or Son fABERNATFf/s OLGA... VOU COULD'VE CORTED TOUR, but yeu ore receiving the • COUPONS GOOD THIS THURS. ONLY % DOG 1 ISN'T IT? .SHOT VOU, VOU'D BRA, GIRDLE Frenciice , . ••me BIG SAVINGS thot chorter groupi SI CUT IN ON THE PROCEEDS HAVE GACRIFICED • SHARI Holtl Accommodotiont In induitry ore obtaining. Enjoy 9 doyt CERTAINLY FROM KERT'5 SECRET ‘ OVER 100 Lives Pick up your custom-made drapes. W o will bo open In .Woiltikta 3 doyt In Son Fronciice« 2 GAS,..YOU'RE FIRfb.' o ornONAL IXf A doyt In Lot Angelet. The rote Includet *»- We Give WORLD GREEN STAMPSI ADMIRES JUST TOGETKERTS Ooyii !• Mout-HowoU $IA ed- formula* Tronifen, SIghtieeInfa Hetelif many HIM! 9 to 9 WodiMsdoy, Thursday, Friday. Saturday to 6 or UNIFORM dilfonol •Iher oddltlonal.fcotureio •niMMIS M 0A0TOM 0 (Joti* I OPTIONAlr 3-doy Outer tifond fsteii* SHOP BOTH CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: $3.95 Up (kroosh »#|ir*mbor 14)—^ for this special only. $44.00 p t mtnta Is lien foMAUi-NAWAIi, IMO.OO ptui fei^. 075 MAIN STREET 705 MIDDLE TPKE. EAST GOOD FITTING AS USUAL to covor Jwflior (roiit-rotifl* Per detoiii and brochure Stf DOWNTOWN "TURNPIKE PLAZA" foro. MANCHESTER Next to Popular Market DRAPERY MANCHESTER MAR-SAL SHOP GLAZIER'S 997 MAIN STREET— TEL. 643-9295 631 MAIN STREET TRAVEL SERVICES 257 QREEN RD. — TEL. 649-4626 ^ 875-1539 FAIRWAY •\ .


Four Losses in Five Games^ Winter Deals Look Bad THE ■ars Martello Brilliant as Rams C V e C ^ w n Changes Planned by Red Sox I With O J ■ EARL YOST Top Windsor Sports Editor Eagles Gain Revenge^ He was referring to the big up-#We just weren’t hittlnj him, Atlme record over the Sox to 11«B, BOSTON (AP)— Red Soxf DUSTY LEAGUE Manager Johnny Pesky, rising in which the Twins sent 10 'BiuMs on balls ruin< us.” wouiid up with an elght-Mttsr. He, 2-0 on One N EW YORK (A P )— Jim Maloney signed with Cincinnati men to the plate, got a triple, dou­ ’The big Minnesota inning came did surrender his only hctnsrs of Glance at the West Coast Giants Scoring at the beginning and the haunt^ by four losses in five the season when Lu Clinton (No. Defeating Northwest on April Fool’s Day, but he’s no joke to National League bat­ ble, four singles, two walks and a when Perry walked on a 3-2 pitch, Rest, seller in the National League todav accorrlincr tn end, Hi-Way Department defeat­ ters. games and the spectre of the wild pitch with 1710 Power, Rich then Zoilo Versallee s in g l e d . 4) and Dick Stuart (No. 8) hit Hit Showing ed Colonial Board 14-9 last night Rollins and winning pitcher Jim back-to-back drives kt the ^nirth the latest stanc^gs, is tlw San Francisco Giants* the defend- at Charter Oak Field for Its first Th« 22-year-old right - hander, winter deals, is considering Power tripled, Kllletorew singled. Gaining sornO more revenge, East Catholic upped its season chipped in with two doubles and Perry driving in two runs apiece. Bob Allison doubled and P e s k y Inning. Ing champion. Two baseball books, which should rate among victory of the season. Three big who admita “ I b abi^ my arm a single in support of Podres, now some changes. Continuing their winning too much” in his early days with But the only possibility he’ll Harmon Klllebrev singled for the called on Jack Lamare to replace Pesky didn’t discuss tbs off-sea­ the top sellers, both about the Giants, have been publShef innings accounted for all but one baseball record to 8-3 yesterday with a 7-0 triumph over 8-3. , other. streak— now 10 straight-:- of the winners’ wins. the Reds, tied the modem major ♦ • * discuss is that Roman Mejias, a Morehead (3-2). ’The 'Twins got son deals but the faoU weroidain Northwesft Catholic at the ECHS diamond. The two-hit vic­ "I had the coaches in here,” e n o u g h . Acquired righthanded Rockville blanked Windsor 2- Joe and Gordie Pongratz led' the league record of eight consecutive OIANT8-PHILS— righthanded hitter, may face three more off Lamare before the through the pages. tory ,by lefty Frank Kinel reversed an earlier defeat the strikeouts and fanned a total of southpaw Jim Kaat (2-4) of Min­ Pesky continued. "We talked inning ended, then collected an­ slugger Stuart, despite his eight My (kanta, 1^ Ruaa Hodgea and 0 yesterday at Rockville to Hl-Way nine with three hits each. Eagles suffered at the hands of the 16 in a 2-0 victory over Milwaukee The Giants scored all their runs nesota today. ’The Twins clobbered about a few things and are think­ other on Earl Baittey’s solo homer homers and 27 RBI, is hitting only Al Hirahbarg, la a gam. So la the asked Hodges at halfUme If he clinch at least a tie for the John Preston had three singles for same nine. Tuesday night. on homers with Jose Pagan’s shot Boston 8-2 last night scoring sev­ ing about something in the way in the fifth. .234 and has fanned 60 timee in Gianta of San Fronclaco by Art had ever broadcast before. Colonial. Kinel, who won his fifth game of in the eighth inning snapping a of a change. We’ll meet again "No elr,” Hodgee answered. 1963 championship of the Hl-Way ...... 460 014 k—14-14-3 Bigned for an estimated $75,000 en runs in the third inning. Gene 128 at bats. He has only two hits Rosetjbaum and Bob Stevena. The the sea-sdn against two defeats, 2-2 tie. Ed Bailey and Orlando Ce- later. I’m not going to tell you "X had good stuff.^’ rookie More- Central Valley Conference. The Colonial ...... 020 022 3— 0-13-2 bonus in 1959, Malcmey has had Conley (2-2) is down to oppose in his 22 tripe. latter haa been published by Cow- "Well,” the young collegian was Win, paired with Middletown’s loss limited Northwest to two singles. peda also connected lor solo shots what it is yet. head protested. He agreed he informed, "you have a good voice Morrlssette and Smith; Thibado, a slow rise to fame, but now Kaat. pitched carefully to Perry because Mejias’' no longer is a regular ard-McCann while the Doubleday to Plainvllle, upped the Rams’ He fanned five and walked only Off Ray Culp, who went the dis- Pesky held a 30-minute, closed- "We’ve lost a couple of games people published My Giants and you know that this g«me is McCormick (6 ) and Berk. two. stands along with 26-year-old Jim tanqe lor the Phillies and matched he knew he was a good hitter. and has a meager .143 average to lead to two full games, with two O’Toole as the aces of the Reds’ door meeting with his coaches last now, a tough one last night (Mon­ * « * all about. How about doing the left On the slate. five-hitters with O’Dell. The Phil­ night after the defeat which was day) and then got IxOTber to­ ‘T god behind that was all,” prove why. second half?” REO LEAOUEl The Eagles got off to a quick staff. Between them they have Sophomore Jim Martello went lea(^ when- a. walk to Mike Masiuk, lies had tied the game in the top charged to rookie righthander night- But we’re not going to be Morehead said. "I thought I got a Lamabe’e earned run average My Giants The rest is now history although TTiree runs in the final inning recorded 12 of Cincinnati’s 18 vic­ of the eighth on Don Demeter’s the route for the Rams, holding a stolen base and the first oX Bob tories and pulled the club up to Dave Morehead. panicked. curve over but the umpire didn’t. has skied to 4.71. Hodges didn’t become a success were just enough for Telephone AMERICAN LEAGUE ruh-scoring single. "If you can’t stay away from ’Then the next two hits were not ’The Red Sox elump has come Currently In hla ISUi aeaaon as overnight. Windsor to a single hit. his third Hurley's three singles accounted .800. "W e’re not scoring any runs Co. to edge Manchester Travel Power'sd by the slugging of for a nan in the first inning. An­ • • • those big innings, you’re going to and the pitching has not been that soUd. They came off the end of also because the remarkable pitch­ a broodoaater with the Olanta, The round-faced Hedges called one-hit effort of the season. He BOB JARVIS RICH MARSH Chuck May and Dave Cappa, Peck Things weren’t so good for Ma­ first the NeW York version and now haa a personal record of 7-1. Service,' 10-9, last night at Rob­ Cheney Tech ' Manchester other free pass (to Gary Sulliyan) CABDS-CUB8— take it on the chin,’’ Pesky said good against us with one or two the bat on slides. It was Just one ing of earlier days has slumped acUon on the baseball field for ertson Park. Lumber blanked Army & Navy, loney last year. When the Reds when he finally opened the office exceptions. Perry made some good of those irights.’f badly. Pesky is trying to find a then the San Francisco edition, Martello fanned 10 and didn’t .l-O, at Waddem^ield last night. a stolen base, an error and a wild broke spring camp, he found him­ Bill White drove in three runs ClnolnnsU In 1932 and the follow­ The losers took an 8-0 lead In pitch made it 2-0 in the second. door. pitches but wasn’t outstanding. Perry, who extended Ms Hfe- healthy solution. Hodgea haa lived and died with ing year, in pursuit of a higher edT walk anyone. May slammed tWKhomers, Cappa self farmed out ‘T babied my for the Cardinals with a two-run the team during this time, niere the first Inning but saw it dis­ Tech After Third Straight Win - homer and a single in the seventh ucation, he graduated from law After an opening day defeat by appear slowly as Telephone came one in a nine-hit attack on two The winners put it away for arm too much, and I learned,” have been triumpha and disap­ Ridmg the crest of a brief winning .streak, Cheney Tech keeps with five big scores in the says Maloney, “ that I couldn’t inning that brought home what school and euccesefully passed his Middletown, the Rams have topped fighting back. Bob McKinney of opposing pitchers. 'x pointments along the road but bar exams. all comers. They are entertaining played Prince Tech of Hartford this afternoon at 2 at the Che­ Dennis Woods and Gbcg Frea- fifth. Dave Viara opened the last nine innings Just by standing proved to be the decisive run in never a dull moment aa the tal­ the winners and Ron Carr of Now was the time for the big E. O. Smith this afternoon in a ney diamond. The Rangers have won their last two .starts after man split the hurling for-tnc win­ frame with a single and Kinel out there on the mound and hum­ a two-run rally started by winning ented and most Oompetent ex-Boa- TYavel Service were the game’s losing the first three game.s on the slate. ' pitcher Curt Simmons, now 6-1. decision. Hodges ohoeo the an­ non-league affair. top hitters. ners, allowing only two h it s drew a walk. The next two bat­ ming the fast ball.” ton sportewiiter, cleverly points Mamchester High, eager to get back in action, and into the ters went out but Tom Bavler Flood singled and scored the Birds Feast on Southpaws, nouncing business and has been a Yesterday’s runs were tainted, Telephone ___ 002 230 3-10-10-2 Frieman was especially effective Maloney i^parently learned out. win column after Monday’s heart-brealcing lo.ss at Willimantic, in relief. came through with a single that quickly. He finished the 1962 sea­ clincher on White’s hit. Larry big man tn his field for these but decisive. Whit Ferguson's tow­ T:avel Service 800 001 0— 9-10-2 plays ho.st to Conard tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 at Memorial Jackson, a former Card, took the AMERIOAN t£AGUE Giant fans of ytoterday, when many years. Kurth and McDowell; Barber Summary: >>Cored both ninners. Hurley fol­ son with the Reds, posting a 9-7 Look (4), Senators; Battey (7), the team played at the Polo ering fly to left was dropped for Field. low ^ with another one baser and loss. No one loved the Giants more a two-base error. Joe VanOuden- and Kelly, Calhoun (4). Peck’s 200 210- -5 9 1 record, and now is 6-1 with a * * • Twins; Clinton (4), Stuart (8), Grounds, will never forget Hodges’ ITie Rangers have been helped so far by the added experi­ Army & Navy 000 000—0 2 3 when\(be ball got by the outfield sparitling 2.25 earned average. He Mantle Unloads Two Homers than Hodges and his reaction and hove followed with a two-bagger ence of veterans like Bob Jarvis, Rich DelConte and Norm Ja- he went ' ■ • . _ . PIRATE8-COLT8— Red Sox; Slebem (4), ClntoU (1), cries in that now famous playofif observations during his time with CHURCH LEAGUE Woods, Freiman and Robb; Halt is third in the league in strikeouts Attiletioe; Mantle 2 (8), Maris (S), to right, another drive,that could qulth along with some promising newcomers. scores. Jim Pagllaronl hit a three-run game between the Giants and the the club are cleverly written In Close game at Mt. Nebo last Hagenow and Norton. with 67, two behind Los Angeles’ Norm Cash had a homer lor theOand a wild pitch. It paved Yankees; Gash (5), Tigers; Osliies Brooklyn Dodgera In 1951: “I have been handled with tighter 6^- .Manchester has plenty of new faces in its lineup too includ­ homer off Jim Ubricht, Colts re­ NEW YORK (AP)—It’s* the My Giants. night was decided in the final- in­ Joe A lubifeld reached on anoth­ Sandy Koufax and one behind the Tigers off winner Chuck Estrada, way for Minnesota's fifth victory (4); Orioles. don’t believe it—-I do not believe fensive play. That got one run in. ing Don Crowell, Rich March, Mark MoncLte and Bill McCarthy. liever making his third appear­ bound to be a bonanza season ■F ♦ m Pete Pagan I ripped a solid single ning when Civitan pushed over a Tomorrow's slate also shows East Catholic (8-3) at Hartford N.ATIO.V.AL LEAGI E er miscue withxHurley counting Dodgers’ Don Ih-yadale. now 3-1. in the last six games and made NATIONAL LEAGUE It.’.’ Exploding for eight runs in the the fourth nm the frame. The Dodgers got a five-hit pitch­ ance since recovering from can­ in the American League for * • White (S), Oardloals; Pagllaronl up the middle to score Van and run that nipped North Methodist, Public Jayvees and BlUngton (3-5) al Stafford. cer surgery, and put the Pirates It a breeze for right-hander Jim Hodges comments followed Bob­ West Coast Giants third inning, Green Manor had an Alubick; stole secortd and scored ing performance from Johnny Baltimore and New York—as YANKS-A’s— Perry. He evened his record at (3), Pirates; LUUs (1), Goes (5), that was it! 5-4. Al Klein scored the clincher, Podres, defeated the New Tork ahead to stay 5-4 in the sixth in­ by Thomson’s ninth Inning home The Giants of San Francisco reaching base on an error, then easy time trouncing the Medics, the final inn when Pete Cipolla long as the Orioles keep cash­ Mantle poled a three-run homer 2-2 with an elght-hitter. Pirates; BaUey (8), Cepeda (8), Summary: 11-4, at Buckley Field last night. .singled. \ Mets for their seventh straight ning. Bill Vlrdon’s infield single Managerial Restraint run — labled "The Shot Heard book is just that, although there is coming home on Buzz Keeney’s in the first inning against Orltmdo Earl Battey socked a homer for Pagan (2), Giants. Rockville ...... 002 000 x 2-3-0 Fd Pagani and Bob Zwiek irit victory 4-2 and remained one in the ninth, however, drove in ing in against left-handed ’Round the World” — with two mention of the team when its long double. The victory knocked Nortlnv^st the deciding run. Manager Billy Hitchcock of Baltimore (center) collars Pena, then struck the deciding the Twins, while back-to-back Windsor ...... 000 000 0 0-1-2 home runs to pace the winners’ game behind league-leading San pitchers and the Yankees blow for the Yanks In the fifth men on base wbldh gave the Giants quarters were near C o o g a n’s 'The Methodists scored three from tile ranks of the ur Jim Gentile as the big Oriole first baseman charges homers by Lu Clinton and Dick HONOLULU — Curtis Cokes, a come-from-beblnd 5-4 win and Bluff. Martello and VanOudenhove; Doubles Triumph 14-hit attack. after seven stranghl wins. Francisco. ’The Giants beat Phila­ keep getting rich against when 1 e connected with one on Stuart in the fourth accounted for Norieka and Mulcahy. times in the top of the fifth to delphia 3-2 as Billy O’Dell won his 145%, Dallas, outpointed Stan the right to play the Yankees In Date was Sept. 25, 1957 when Stan Roganis held the Medics Summary; toward Umpire Ed Range during last night’s game with their Kansas City cousins. off Diego Segul. New York got 11 the Boston runs. Harrington, 149, Honolulu, 10. take a 4-3 lead. But In the bot­ sixth without a loss. the IVorld Series. there was a riot at the Polo to five hits, one o.f them a double Ka»t (7) Detroit. Gentile slammed the baseball to the ground and The Orioles trimmed the Detroit of its 12 hits against Pena and tom of the frame George Green by Bob Budef. St. Louis edged Chicago’s Cubs Adheres^ to Rule. Segul In the first five innings When the Gianta packed up Grounds. President Horace Stone- got to first on an error and Ken­ nb r h po argued furiously after being ejected for something he Tigers 4-2 Tuesday night, with Summary: Masiuk, if , 1 1 0 0 5-4 and Pittsburgh nipped Houston Roger Maris also homered for the thetr bag and baggage and headed ham announced he was moving Spice Net Victory Luacli, rf .. lefty Mickey Lolich the pitching ney drove him in to tie It and Green Manor 008 12x -11 14 1 0 0 1 US in other games. said to Range as the Orioles took the field at the top his Giants to the West Coast. Loy- Sports Schedule Bavior 21) . • • • Gets Sore Arm victim in his first big league Yanks, and Elston Howard rapped West, the East — and New York set the .stage for the last-frame Medies 202 000— 4 5 2 1 1 1 of the fourth inning. (AP Photofax.) ^ Giant fans of a generation had Hiirloy. lb . 1 3 10 start. They’ve compiled an amaz­ three singles. — lost not only a major league thriller. Ahibickl, V. BEDS-BRAVES— Varsity Returns Intact just seen the team play for the (5); Wolf. Ha.ssett (4) and Hus- 1 0 6 BOS’TON (AP) — Boston ing 11-1 record against left-hand­ Jim Boutoi. won for the fifth ball club but a first class broad­ Wednesday, May 22 Civitan ...... 001 210 1 5-11-2 Sparked by a pair of victories in doubles competition, Man­ sett, B. Elli.son (41. iMpnila, j’f , 0 1 0 Maloney allowed (xily two hits ers so far this year and 13 time in six decisions although he caster. last time In New York flannels and Methodists ___ 010 030 0 . 4- 9-3 Sullivan. 3b O'O 2 in the 81-8 innings he worked. He Red Sox pitcher Ike Delock E. O. Smith of Rockville, 3:15 chester High defeated Maloney, 3-2, yesterday in a CCIL ten­ V’iara, f.s ... 2 1 1 says he has a sore arm and it straight southpaws have failed to was far from overpowering. He Hodges actually started h 1 a were tearing up the seats and fires Benevento and Leroy; Chappell Kinel. p ... 1 0 0 started his string of eight straight gave up six hits, including homers p.m. nis match at the Memorial Field courts. The match started INTERNATIONAL LE.AGl'E Is due to the new baseball rule finish against them. broadcasting career as a singer were started in a final desparing and Weir. Strong pitching by Ron Noske strikeouts with Eddie Mathews in Duckpin Qualifying by Norm Slebem and Glno Cfimoll, -4nd Twins on the Way protest. Prince Tech at Cheney Tech, 2 Tutnl.s; ...... 21 7 6 21 8 1 allowing only five warmup Mickey Mantle drove across and disc Jockey, but soon left Monday but was halted because of rain and rescheduled yes­ and two big rallies in the first the first inning and kept whiffing and five walks before being re­ The following April, San Fron- p.m. terday. NorthwcKt (0> Braves until Hank Aaron ground­ pitcher between Innings. five runs with a pair of well that phase of the businees and and fourth helped power Manches­ placed by Steve Hamilton In the ctsco had Its first look of a major Liberty vs. Center (3ongo, 6:15, On Monday the Indians were ab r h po a o ed out in the fourth inni^. He Delock said yesterday the tagged homers, powering the found that sportscastlng was right Piatek Mai def. N. Wise Man 3-6, ter Oil Dealers to a 15-2 victory H«‘a rn rf 2 0 10 0 0 sixth. BOSTON (AlP) — Minne­ Mt. Nebo. Fish Scores Third leading the number one singles R‘'han, r>-rf had fanned 15 in the first seven cold weather muikes It neces­ Yanks over Kansas City 7-4. That spring training by a wrenched down his alley. Mrs. Hodges, down league entry. At first the new fans 7-5, 6-2. over Pagani’s ait Veiplanck Field 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’The Yankees’ won-lost bulge sota’s Sam Mele feels the came to the temporary home seda­ Teachers vs. Barbers, 6:15, Rob­ event, tied in number two and Brakcn. rt .... 0 0 1 0 1 innings, and had a good chance to sary for a pitcher to have more At Holiday Lanes made the Bombers 3-for-3 against right knee. Also Rich Rollins, In Dayton, Tenn., wanted her Uttle Doubles — Lautenbach and last night. Mulludy c .... over the A’s In eight seasons plus ertson. 0 0 10 4 2 the A’s, a club they have man­ team "is on the way” now who suffered a fractured jaw boy to become a singer but it tely; they had been told, but they In Eastern Meet ahead in number three. But when Potter Man def. Howe and Pollan.s ('.ulliv’an, lb .. tie or surpass the single game warmup pitches than he is al­ now stands at 127-44. Clarke’s vs. Mai Tool, 6:15. Harry Jenkins of the winners 0 0 0 0 record of 18 held by Bob Feller lowed. handled outrageously since It that the Twins have been able when hit by a Paul Poytack wasn’t In the cards. wanted to see for themselves. But play resumed yesterday, onl:. Mai, 6-0, 6-0; N. Wise and Pear- was top slugger of the evening C'urran, rf-p .. 0 0 0 1 moved west from Philadelphia * * * to throw thcj, varsity into the pitch April 7, Is just begin­ beforet the sefison was over, a Charter Oak. Captain Mike Lautenbach, the Olynn. 3b .... 0 1 0 0 and Koufax. He managed only one Sox Manager Johnny Pesky W hile. residing in Danville, Ky., Only six points were compiled .son Man def. Berwick and West with a pair of single.s and a triple. Tbomp.^on If . 0 0 0 0 says Delock doesn’t have a sore Firing ’taint over yet on the bowling tournament trail in eight years ago. WHITE SOX-SENATORS— American League race. ning to be able to take solid mad and marvelously stormy ro­ Auto parts vs. Nassiff’s, 6:15 number one man, could come up Mai, 6-1, 6-4. Dt'bolla. a.s .... the rest* of the way, however. Hodges became a red-hot sports Buckley. by Manchester High trackmen in Noske held the losers to three 0 0 0 1 Maloney left after walking two arm, only “a slight twinge” and Manchester. The Orioles’ victory was their The White Sox built up a 4-0 Manager Mele from Quincy, foods through his wired jaw. mance between a city and a base­ yesterday’s Eastern Section­ with a win. hits. Poi’.iplltti. 2b .. 0 0 0 1 lead at Washington with the help fan and when Centra College be­ Sears vs. Police A Fire, 6:15, suggests Ike will be on the fir­ The annual Men’s and Women’s Town Duckpin Tourna­ seventh In the last eight games Maas., expressed the happy Killdbrew and Rollins now ball team had begun. The team had al Meet, held at University of But he then paired with Todd Total.9; ...... men in the ninth and running the of a three-run sixth inning, but came famous on the football field Waddell. Announce Slate Sumnaary: 22 0 2 18 4 6 coimt on Norm Laker to two balls ing line soon again. and kept them tied for the league sentiment last night after an are working on seven-game at the very least claimed their Connecticut. potter to take one doubles matcl Oilers 700 .503 -15 9 3 ...... 1 1 0 0 5 0 X--7 ments will be staged at the Holiday Lanes with qualifying barely outlasted the Senators. when the Praying ColoneU beat Lawyers vs. Norman’s, 6:16, SB: Ma.siuk. Bavirr. Sullivan. Viara and no strikes. Bill Henry took tests starting Friday night In both* lead with the Chicago White Sox, 8-2 victory over Boston consecutive hitting streak.s. loyalty* if hot their belief in total and the second duo of Neil Wise Pagani’s 000 200 - 2 3 7 Held to four hits Euid one run mighty Harvard, he was the wa­ Verplanck. Top finisher for the Tribe was NEW BRITAIN (AP)—A nine- 3. Kinel: BB; Klnrl 2. Behan 4, Curran over and finished up without any divisions. Paul Correnti, manager. who outlasted the Washington spelled the club’s fifth tri­ Harmon is 9-30 (.300) for the victory. They were, for better or and Doug Pearson also came 1: SO: Kinel 5. Brhan 6. Curran 3; Hits through eight innings, the Sena­ ter boy for the winners. Don Fish who took third in the game football schedule including No.--ke and Quaglia. Jenkins; trouble. Frank Robinson drove in said qualifying shifts will be Fri­ Each contestant will roll five Senators 4-3, umph in six games. During span with three homers and a for worse. Tlirsday, May 28 through and the Tribe had its off: Rohan 4 for 5 run.s In 4 2/3 innlnKP, tors made ,it a squeaker against Hodges did play sports, football javelin throw. Only other scorer six home dates has been an­ KravontUa, F’en-ante and McNa­ Curran 2 for 2 runs in 1 1/3 InnlnKs; both runs against Braves’ starter day night at 7 and 9:30 and Satur­ In the night’s other AL game, that span the Twins have double. Rollins is 11-24 (.458). Pennant fever struck In 1959 but Conard vs. Manchester, 3:30, fourth win in seven tries for the BASEBALL HEROES g a m ^ with the highest total pin- reliever Hoyt Wilhelm when Don in college at the University o t was Oo-Captain Jim Bracken who nounced for Central Connecticilt mara, Moore. WP. Rohan: PB: Mullaily 2: L: Behan. Bob Hendley with a first inning day at 4:30, 7 and 9:30 p.m. for fall prevailing in qualifying action. Minnesota’s surging Twins poured averag^ over seven runs per And shortstop ^ ilo Versalles the Loe Angeles Dodgers proved Memorial Field. season. In CCIL play they are now L«ck homered with one on in the contert. Kentucky, until he cracked an was fourth in the 440. State College by Athletic Director single and a third inning sacrifice both men and women. Cash awards will go to all final­ across seven runs in the third has a six game streak, 9-23 too strong and the Giants were Rham at Portland. Co-Captain Craig PhilUpa was 3-3. ' j. 1 NEW YORK—LutKcr (Sonny) fly. Pl'rCJdl-'f G—Jim Maluiuy, Rods, ninth and Ken Retzer singled—all Off to a poor start, Min­ (.391). ankle in the first game of his Coach Phil Hyde praised both Dr. William Moore. The schedule; FLOR.AL LEAGUE— Sweet Vio- 1941/^, Phoenix, Ariz., Competition will be open to all ists. inning and whacked Boston 8-2. with none out. But the knuckle- also-rans and It wasn’t until last Ellington at Stafford, fifth in the 880 and the relay * • • 1 struck out record-tying ei^ t eon- nesota is now just .007 i>oints Earl Battey’s solo homer, sophomore year. The "break” ac­ Cromwell at Coventry. doubles teams and the singles play Sept. 21—Kutztown, N. J. 28 — lets won the p e n i^ t. H ^t ^ o r e — j(,g (Shotgun) Shelton, Manchester residents only. Defend­ Finalists will roU head-to-head, ’The Red Sox and the A’s dropped bailer turned away the next three year that the Giants became of team of Bracken, Phillips, Larry Woivaster Tech. Oot. 5— At Mont­ DODGER8-METS— secuttve batters, fanned total of ing ohamplons, Sandy Niles and two games behind the league’s co­ behind seventh place Los An­ his third in the recent club tually was a turn of good luck for age and won out, defeating the East Catholic at Hartford JVs. of Potter who, he said, "played ex­ on final day was Dons Fmkt>e4n’3 \ i84Vi, Passaic, N. J., 8. roimd robin matches of three men, saving the ' victory for John geles. H o d ^ as It led directly to a job Dutiaime and Ned Cronin also was clair, N. J., State. 12—-At Bridge^ 450. Shutout by Galen Cisco for five 16 and allowed only two hits for Amy Pirkey, have been seeded leaders and a game behind the Buzhardt, now 4-1. push, has brought the Minne­ Dodgers in a playoff for the right Tennis — Manchester at Hall. fifth, only one place away from ceptionally weU in defeat.” 8

Andy Bathgate Golf Standout AMERICAN LEAGUE Pittsburgh___ 18 .486 You can’t make a better deal GLEN HAVEN W L Pet. GB Milwaukee . . . . 10 .476 Philadelphia ..17 .447 't o p <5n t o (AP)—Hockey is a<|,that on the golf course hs haa be­ Baltimore ...... 28 15 .606 — to save your life! gapie where you soon learn to Chicago ...... 23 16 .605 — Houston ...... 18 .489 FOR come no worse than a Then See Our GLENN HAVEN BOYS* DAY CAMP PONTIAC ■RIDE and DEMONSTRATION by FIAT Selecrion Of ?• ’3 — — MANCHESTER. CONN. SEATBELTS 5.95 COMPANY REPRESENTATI HARTFORD GENERAL For P ew nal Appointment Call Camp Secretary ABOVE FACrrORY gPECIFICATlONgl ' ESTBUi^!, , Hartford 528-0922 or Mr. Mitchell 677-0895 Scranton Motors, Inc. Avnllabie AtTKrause Florist, Greeq Pharmacy. ?fassUf Arms Company and Patio Drivq-bk OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 • EASY BANK TERMS TIRE CO. 166 UNION S’T .-R O C K V E jLE Servie* StofB "F or A Deal H ia f■ On The Level, Come To H ie Top o t The HUI and Save!" 876-2521 643-0216 GOOD/r^EAR 7U B&la B t, Maneheatar 155 CENTER STREET — TEL. 649-2828

' ^ MANCHESTER EVENING! HERALD, MANCHESTER, CO^N., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1968 ^AGOS TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER. EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN> WEDNESDAY, MAY J2, 1968 PAG E t w e n t y -i h b h Business Locations Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 HonsM For Sate 72 Lots For Sale 73 Business. Se^cea Offered 18 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FA6ALY and SHORTEN HooMhoM CioodB 51 Room* Without Boyd 59 For Rent 64 *OOLONZAL—LARGE Uviqg room, $9,600 FULL PRICE tor modem 4 MANCHESTER — Non-develop­ WYLLY8 ST. — ExtrabrdlnatY Millions Cheer for Cooper ONE STOP — 137 Spruce Street. PARTY MOVING — Wishing to ATTRACTTVB ROOM In prtvata •!4’riK E 10 ROOMCS ground floor. dlnlDjr room, den. modern kitch­ room year ’round ranch overlook­ ment. 9-year-old custom Cape, 4 single lo t, 240 foot frontage. ) One call — 649-8079. F or your dlspoM of mahogany Duncan home, parking, gentleman pre­ Ideal for any offtce or coinmer- en. 8 bedrooms, IMi baths, gar ing Coventry Lake, mtetaen buUt- bedroonu, formal dining room, 648-7444. CLASSIFIED every printing requirement. Wed­ lU lO Rr JUST UiOK HOW M S? Phyfs dining room set conaisUng ferred. 649-1973. ^ AtraUablo, l«49oaped ^rd loic6U. 1ns, B el A ir R eal E state, 648-9882. living room with fireplace, over­ In NYC Ticker Tape Parade ding accessories—rubber stamps. SOEROSAS I8A LW A V B 474 Main B t n e n ty o t parking, Owner transfem-Jerred' Immedlata size cabinet kitchen, full base­ BURNHAM ST. — 166 foot front- Schieldge Printing Co. ..HKLPIHS- AflOlMO nHC, o f 3 arm ehilra, 4 side ch a in Just 648-6380, 0-6. WEST SIDE. Cape, 6 rooms, oloee qUICR.TO 8BB racovared, plus china' cabinet to ment with hatchway, large shaded age by 412 deepi rural residential (Oontlnned from Page One) ANOOWCUBRIO ^ Houger w*w c w t r o o m , CENTRALLY located, to bus, tree shaded lot, $14,900. zone, $8^200. 643-8779, after 6 p.m . Americans are playing their great match. Alao Krocller davenport LARGE BARN type- building for SSSS!%.SB£" *■ lot. Near Parkway, $17,900. Wil­ Linden St, 649-6963. PhUbrick A gency, 649-8464. liam A. Curtin ft C o., 527-6107, ro le .” ADVERTISING HIMI alaaping bed, like new; two lease, Buokland seotlcn, tone B-l, VERNON—Nearly new 6% room at City. Hall to present a medal Household Services OPAOCXID wiental nigs, one 9x12 the other eve. 67S-8672. to Cooper. Cooper, a man of few worito, 288 CHARTER OAK ST. — Small Thomas J. Haokett, P.O. Box 106. ranch, basement garage, atorma, CIRCA 1800 — C olonial, beautlfuUy Land For Rent 73-A Offered 13-A H J 6 8 M 4 0 - 11x16; one ^een Ann sofa with room suitable for working gentle- Buoklimd. 640-8458. I restored, 2% baths, 9 rooms, 8 The 36-year-old major from was true to form. “I didn’t really clean, near Circle. Tongren MANOHEISTEH — St. James have much to say,” drawled the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPl’. HOURS sUp cover. CaU 648-4017, 8:80 '^man. Private entrance. $8 weekly. Agency 643-0821. flreplaoee, hot water heat, garage, APPROXIMATELY 20 acres tobac­ Shawnee, Okla., told his welcom- FURNITLTIE REFINISHBD - a.m. ' 6;S0 p.ra. 400 SQUARE F E E T garage space School district. QuaUty 6 room Oklahoman, “and after ail that, 8 A.M. to S P.M. Scratches, bums removed, color 649-1746.______acreage. Carlton W. Hutchins, Cape Cod, 4 bedrooms, garage, co-potato land for lease. Thomas ers at the airport: ■ultable for tradesman, central. 649-6182. all I can say te it certainly te a Changed. Manchester Refinishing OLENWQOD GAS stove, yellow, terrace, beautiful grounds. Priced J. Hackett, P.O. Box 106, Buck- “ Small-town boys know you are great honor to be Invited here and ., Co., 643-9283. FURNISHED ROOMS, complete R easonable, OaU 048-8768. land. 649-8458. good cemdiUen. Best offer. light housekeeping faolllUea. Cen­ VERNON — Just over Manchester under $16,000. Charles Burke Co., Indeed a success when you’re in­ to be presented this award and COPY C L O ^G TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT 649-9386. 288-4488 or 528-4172. vited to a parade in New York REWEAVINO of bums, moth holss. trally located. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 MANCHESTER — Quiet offtce >tenchester line. Like new 6% ranch, 1% to thank you all very much.” MONDAY Thra FKIDAY 1 0 « 0 AJtL—SATURDAY • AJA 100% location, inoludee Janitor’s baths, buUt-ln kitchen with City. It is a great honor and I Zippers repaired Window Shadee COTTAGE ELBICTRIC stove, good Arch Street, Manchester.______• Resort Property For Sale 74 tha^ you all very much. Then, Joined by Vice President mode to measure; sU slsed Vene­ servloe and parking. 460 bq. ft. dinette, fireplace. Hayes Agency, Johnson and Sen. Clinton Ander­ condlUon, 4 burnen, white. Call PLEASANT FURNISHED room for $80 month.^ek for M ax 6 tom. SPARKLING RANCH 648-4808. "Now, I want to Introduce my PLEASE READ YOUR AD tian blinds Keys made adUle you , after 6, 743-7997. wife, Trudy, on my left, and my son, D-N.M., cludrman of tha \.8lt Tape Recorders for rent, gentleman. Inquire 4 Pearl St., m an, 048-7176. BOLTON AND VICINITY Senate-House Space Committee, ^Oleeellled or *VWMt A d s" ore taken over the phone m o oon- Apt. 8, Mrs. Demute. Beautifully maintained modem MANCHESTER—Older Cape, A- ASHFORD LAKE mother, Mrs. Hattie Cpopor, on weieeoh. Tbo odverOaor ohonld read his ad the FIRST DAY IT M arlow’s, 867 Main, 649-5231. f HOW ABOUT iHAfT? GLUCOSE I ^WrtWt-WHERE-NO, m y righ t.” Cooper rode in the White House ^ TAKING O FF FO R A PISMINO'^ hom o, a fireplace In the 12x24 zone, asking $13,300. 6 rooms, 8 parade limousine at the head of APPRAR8 and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Initer- S utw hehmis riOONTSEEfAN’/ ^ , FOUR-BURNER Roper gM stove, CENTRALLY LOCATED room living room, 8 large bedrooms, Older Homes with Acreage He also Introduced his daughters CUSTOM RBUPHOLSTEHtING >TBlPANOMI6WimS Houses For Rent 65 bedrooms. ’Tongren Agency, 643- 26 miles east of Manchester, a motorcade up Pennsytvaia *7 **^ Harold is raspoMiUe for only ONE Incorrect or omitted IDEA0FA600D ^ "~*T80mEBMEr good con^Uon. 649-3555, anytime. with parking, attractively furnish­ ceramic tile bath, walnut cab­ 632a. and expressed pleasure it was and slipcovers made to order. In WIFE PUTS ON A JM Unitt HIM? SEE ^ B u s v r ofl Route 44. Shore Front Lots Avenue to the Capitol. kBy Odvartlsement and taen only to the extent of a business since 1930, three genera­ ed, very clean and quiet, reason­ MANCHESTER Now 0 room ranch, inets and stainless steel sink “such a beautiful sunshiny day.” PERFORMANCE. LOOK! An Albert Super Duper Special MIDDLE TURNPIKB West—Real $18,000—6 room older hom e, 11 —Other choice sites. It was one, long, tremendous ||*BO«e good** taHerthMi. Errors which do not lessen the vahie ot tions of quality workmanship. All $60 FREE GROCERIES able. 643-1888. one year lease $200 monthly. Wol- In kitchen, full basement, nicoi Earns Grant Vice President Johnson com­ ovation. Police estimated the Hta advai liseiuuil win oot be eorreotad by **make yood” Insertldi^ SHESUDDENLV vorton Agency, 649-2818. ly landscaped lot, $19,900. neat cape. FuU six rooms plus acres, bam, farm pond. Easy Term s mented : work guaranteed in writing for OOESCTONE $50 FREE CLOTHINa basement with big reo room and James T. Leavitt, son of Mr. crowd at 250,000 despite early 10 years. Sam’s Upholstering, $60 FREE JEW ELRY “This is his day and we all do morning rain that' let up Just In b u n d - Apaitmentsi—Ptat»— bath with shower. Fenced in yard, and Mrs. James L. Leavitt of 207 him honor. It is wonderful that all 522-4205. $50 FREE OASOUNE NEW 8 BEDROOM 6 room ranch. $22,900—L arge 6% room older ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Glenwood St., recently w as SMrard- time. YOUR COOPERATION WlLXi |^| A I A ELEGANT 6-ROOM SPLIT trees galore. Excellent value for you good people of New York are with purchase of any 8 room outfit Tenements 63 648-4018. only $16,000. T . J . Crockett, R eal­ home, 1% baths, built-in 648-5440 — 649-6938 ed an $800 scholarship from the Cooper said he te constantly RE APPRECIATED UIAL 04J-A# I I during our great pre-summer sale. kitchen, fireplace, excel­ giving this outpouring from your amazed at the public’s response Building—Contracting 14 118 MAIN — THREE rooms, heat, Beautiful quaUty buUt custom tor, 648-1577. Hartford Machine Screw Ce., '’1- hearts in this tribute.” You get your merchandise at the CENTRALLY LOCA’TED — 4 bed­ lent condition, new 2-car vialon of Standard Screw Oo., to the space program. He sud tt ^fLuikcicr storey of your choice. Yes! Take hot water, stove, refrigerator, home with 8 large bedrooms, 8 garage, 6 acres. The red carpet extended about shows America’s confidence that CARP ENTRY — Remodeling, re­ room EngUsh Cape, $175 per baths, spacious living room BOLTON LINE - 8 bedroom W indsor. 60 feet from the airplane to the BMMeNr WBBB your choice of $50 free groceries, 649-5229, 9-6. month. Extras included, July 1 ranch, fuU dry basement, beauti­ the country “can conduct peace* pair work, roofing. Telephone Ed OAKLAND, clothing. Jewelry or gasoline. with fireplace, delighiftil 11x18 Suburban For Sale 75 Scholarships are availalble to lead automobile of a 20-car motor­ ful research programs; that we Stasiak, Andover. occupancy. Paul Flano Agency, foot dining area, buUt-ln birch ful. 1% acre plot, big rear porch, $25,600—Large 9 room older home, cade. CAUF, ^ x tL - $10 DOWN DELIVERS 648-0458. affords a maximum of privacy. male employes and sons of em­ can conduct them openly, honest­ TROUBLE REAGHINO OUR ADVERTISER? TWO ROOM apartment, 149 Oak­ kitchen, tUe shower, 24x28 rec 6 fireplaces, bam, out- THREE ROOM house— Bath, sun- ployes of the Hartford company Cooper sat in the r ^ o f thC' QUALITY CARPENTRY—Rooms, 8 COMPLETE AU the extras. R eal buy at $14,- - building, good condition, 8 ly and under the surveillance ot , ROOMS OF BRAND land Street. 649-5329, 9-6. SIX ROOM brick ranch, 8 bed­ room , 2-car garage and 100x196 porchr full basement, lake privi­ on a competitive basis. lead car as the motorcade set out basements reflnlshed. buUt-ina, tree shaded lot. $27,900. 500 with 10% down. T . J. C rock­ acres. every man, woman and child In NEW FURNITURE rooms, dining room, large living leges, p rice $6,000. Phone 742-7648. for the city. He was accompanied the entire world." formica, tile, general repair. No FIVE ROOM DtH*LEX, partly fur­ ett, R ealtor, 648-1677. Leavitt is a senior at Manches­ by Johnson and Patterson. M-Hoar Answering Service Job too small. Call William Rob­ AND APPLIANCES nished or unfurnished, good loca­ room with fireplace. Basement In­ ter High School, a member of its Bonds—Stocks— Help Wanted—Male 36 cludes recreation room, laundry, MANCHESTER — Beautiful 4 $27,500—7 room older hom e, 2 fire­ newspaper staff and played intra­ Security police occupied the sec­ bins Carpentry Service, 649-3446. Articles For Sale 45 tion. Write Box V, Herald. Wanted—-Real Estate 77 ond car. The astronaut’s wife and Mortgages 31 The “Economy” utUity, lavatory and garage. Out­ J. D. REALTY room ranch, mint condition, places, 2-car garage, mural sports. He is a member of Free to Herald Readers CALL ME on your formica needs, CONCRETE FLOOR Finishers 24 FOOT ALUMINUM extension Free $60 Merchandise FIVE ROOM newly decorated side patio, garage and picnic nestled in a nice wooded piece of bam s, farm pond, 18 mother were in the third auto­ Twist Ruled Out needed with good experience. Cali 8 ROOMS ...... $188 618 Center Street REAL ESTATE tOatlnga wanted. the CYO. mobile and the daughters in a bars, counters, kitchen cabinets, BESET BY BILLS? Let Ua help ladder, clean up-psiint up special, apartment, all conveniences, cen­ area. Com plete privacy. $176 per terra firms. Excellent buy at $11,- acres. He has been socepted at Boston H^at laftmnalloa on ooe of our classified advertlseinfiiits f Na 643-1870 after 6 p.m . The “Honeymoon” Free estimates of value. Law­ fourth. vanltory units, table-tope and you to a fresh start by consolnaoll- $21.97. Other sizes equally low tral location, no children under 13 month. Immediate occupancy. a4t-6139 700. CaU the BUsworth Mitten rence F . F laiio, R ealtor, 648-2766. OoU^e OS a pre-dental student. At Charity Fair ■Bswea at tta tsfaplioBe llstedr Simp^ eaB the dating the many debta that de Free $50 Merchandise A gency, R ealtor, 648-6880 or Cooper came here fresh from island stands. 649-8936. riced. Sherwin-Williams, 981 years. Tel. 648-4664, 9-5. Phone 640-1488 or 649-6017 after 4 $81,500—Old T room hom e, 2 fire­ mand your attention into one Stain St. S ROOMS ...... $260 p.m . 648-2826. WANTED — By private party, 6-6 the cheers of thousands of persons ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, ga­ easily paid monthly obligation. EXPERIENCED Painter wanted. The “Charm House” BEAUTIFUL YEAR OLD 4 room places, garage, bam. ovt- in Washington, the praise of Pres­ OLD WESTBURY, N.T. (AP)— Call 643-1420. bulldlngs, 55 beautiful room older single home or 2 Patrons who visit the Waldemar MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE rages, dormers, all types of $2,000 requires only $44.50 per PICNIC TABLES — Extra sturdy, Free $60 Merchandise apartment. Has everything need­ VERNON—Only $18,990. New famUy flat. Phone 649-4988. ident Kennedy and thunderous ap­ carpentry. No Job too small. Call month including repayment. If all bolted construction, 6 foot 8 ROOMS ...... $394 ed tor convenient living. Must be TANNER STREET — Bowen 8% room Ranch, ready for oc­ acres, ample roaii iront- plause from a Joint session of Charity Fair in this exclusive sec­ DONUT BAKER, full-time, nights, Subnrban For Rent 66 tion of Long Island next weekend 6 4 9 ^ 5 0 0 Nelson Higgins, 644-1700. you have property equity, con­ $19.96, 8 foot $22.95, 10 foot The “Hollywood” seen. $130. CaU 648-4121, after 6 School area. 7 room Colonial, 8 cupancy June 1, built-in range, age, large state stocked Congress. married, over 25. Apply before 8 twin steed bK^raonu, garaige, brook flows through prop­ will have to walk the straight and tact Frank Burke, Connecticut a.m. or at 1 p.m. Bess Eaton Do­ $25.95 and others. Assem bled, de­ BTIEE $50 Merchandise p.m . 643-7774. ANDOVER LAKE waterfront — 6 natural woodwork, many extras. Legal Notices Cooper concluded his eight-min­ HOME REPAIR and maintenance Mortgage Exchange, 15 Lewis livered. W. Zinker, 875-7148. S ROOMS ...... $488 room Cape Cod, oU hot water 4H % m ortgage, only $16,900. For appointment call Mrs. erty, view. ute address to the Joint meeting narrow. The twist has been and leave your meaeage. YotTIl hear from ear advesHaer la M remodeling, roofing and altera­ nuts, 150 Center Street, Manches­ Springr • Hatchett bainned. time wMioat speadlng all evening at the tdepbooe. St., H artford 248-8897. ter. The “Boulevard” FDUR ROOM apartment for rent heat, Uvlng room with fireplace, Hayes A gency, 648-4808. Klambt, Romar Realty, Inc., 648- AT A COURT OF PROBATE held at of the Senate and House Tuesday tions Call Russ Atkins, Builder. F ree $60 M erchandise 64 Birch Street. Call 643-6200 after large glassed in porch, $125 2844, 644-0800. Coventry, within and for the District of Miss Carole Jean Hatcttett, with a prayer he composed on his “They're crazy In that town,’’ 643-0411. DARK, RICH, stone free loam, fill, 8 ROOMS ...... $697 5. FOUR BBIDROOM 8 room Dutch Coventry, on the 20th day of May, 17th orbit, spinning high over the said Mrs. Leonard Steibal o t CARPENTERS wanted for all gravel, sand, stone. Call 643-8808. monthly. Fully furnished, $186. Colonial, centrally located, LAWRENCE F. FIANO 1363. granddaujilttei' o t Mr. and Mrs. Business Opportunities 32 around work. Work in Manches The “Aristocrat” One year leaae required two HOLLISTER STREET — Immacu­ Present Hon. Elmors Tutklnston, Indian Ocean, and recited into a nearby Sands Point ’Tuesday. Lost and Found Automobiles For Sale 4 ALL KINDS OP carpentry and MODERN FIRST 'floor, 8-room $17,500. P hllbrlok Agency late 6 room Colcmtel Bimgalow, R ealtor 643-2766 Judge. Marius Mortlnsein of Columbia, tape recorder. Mrs. Stelbel, chairman of the painting, roof and gutter work, ter-Glastonbury area. Only first- COMPLETE SPEED graphic cam­ F ree $60 M erchandise months in advance. Lawrence F, 649-8464. ' class men need apply. Everett W. S ROOMS ...... $679 apartment. Immediate occupancy. large airy rooms, natural wood­ Estate of Franklin B. Forbes, late at and Jobn A. Spring Jr., son of It was a prayer of thanks for fair which is sponsored by the NOTICE Is hereby given that Paiss 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2- kitchen and bathroom remodeling, era outfit, like new condition, coat J. D. Realty, 648-5189. Flano, R ealtor, 648-2766. Charles Nicholson 742-6864 Coventry, in said District, deceased. Van Dyne, 246-4781. work, fireplace, new furnace. Bel The Administrator having exhibited Mr. and Mrs. J^n Spring Sr. of “all these startling and wonder­ Waldemar Cancer Research Book No. 93991 Issued by The Sav­ door hardtop, standard transmis­ dormers and hatchways. J. Oiar- new over $300. Call 649-2087 after MANCHESTER — T room split A ir R eal Estate, 643-6382, MOODUS, CONN. 5 p.m. The price Includes free delivery, level, 1% baths, rec room, gar­ his administration account with said New Bri'tain, were mamed Sat­ ful thingrs that you have created,” Foundation, said she received a ings Bank of Manchester has been sion, 4 barrel carburetor, recent est, 649-0722. WANTED — OIL burner service free set up, free service and free estate to this Court for allowance, it is THREE ROOM duplex, $70 month­ Summer Homes For Rent 67 age covered patio half acre ot urday at 11 sun. in St. Francis of and a prayer for help "that we telegram from file village attor­ lost and application has been paint and body job, whitewalls, mechanic. Full time. Good propo­ storage till needed. Appliances not MANCHESTER — 6 room Cape on o r d e r e d : That the 3M day of Assisi Church of New Britain. may shape oiir lives to be much ney warning that the police would made to said bank for payment of sharp looking. $650. 151 School ly. Call 643-6778. parklike grounds. Hayes Agency, a iiicelv ahmbbed and landscaped SOUTH WINDSOR — Avery June, 1963 at 10:30 o'clock, forenoon, Special Services 15 sition for right man. Apply in per­ FOUR ALUMINUM cellar win­ included with Economy or Honey­ GARDNER LAKE — Northwest 648-4808. at the Probate Office in the Munidixu Gladioli and pompons decorated better Christians” and "that we make arrests if a proposed twist the amount of deposit. Street, 643-6460. Few minutes drive to new pro­ son. Williams Oil Service, 341 moon outfits. lot with sturdy shade trees, full Heights. 6 room Ranch, recently BuUdlng In said Coventry, be and the- posed atomic plant and old dows, 31x13. 649-4181. THREE LARGE pleasant rooms, Shorefront. Modern Housekeeping. the altar. may show the world that a dem­ dance and contest were held. TREE CU’TTINO and removal, lots Broad Street. SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT MANCHESTER ■— 8 room modem dormer, hardwood floors through­ decorated, full basement^, car­ s ^ e is assigned for a hearing on the ocracy really can compete nd LOST —^ SIAMESE cat, male, vi­ 1969 BONNEVILLE Convertible, opera house. Summer resort heat, hot water, stove, refrigera­ $58 weekly up. Visit weekends. out, plaster walls, aluminum allowance of said admlnlsti-atlon ac­ The bride, given in masarlage by Mrs. Steibel said the fair woUld cleared, insured, Joe Pelletier, Phone Samuel Albert, Hartford Free colored pictures, brochure. home, 4 bedrooms, family room, port, comer lot. Owner transfer­ count with said estate, and this Court still is able to do things in a big go on- without the twist, but she cinity Church and Linden Sts., Dresden blue, white top, radio, with 10 units, 2 acres of land, tor, centrally located, reasonable. storms and screens, 2-car garage. red. Possession in 80 days. $15,- her grandfather, wore a satin Reward. Call 643-2866. heater, automatic transmissiem 742-7668. LARGE SAFE, $100. Call 643-8726. 247-0358 fo r an A lbert Courtesy 649-8404, between 12 noon—6 p.m . Arrowhead Grove, Colchester 4, attached garage, 166' frontage, directs that notice of the time and way. . . disputed the 'village’s contention 1,000 foot frontage in addition Auto. We will caU for you at your Exceptional care and quaUty 900. 644-0417. place assigned for said hearing be giv­ gown trimmed with lace and de­ whitewalls, good condition. $1,- to an excellent 8 room Colonial Conn. Norwich 887-4696; Hartford trees $16,500. C ^ t e n W. Hutch­ en to aU persons known to be Interested signed with a chapel train. A Cooper’s first stop 'was at the that the contest would attract un­ home, bring you back home again. MODERN 4V4 ROOM duplex In 342-9278. ins, 040-6182. m ake this a fine buy at $16,900. White House, where Kennedy 295. 643-6204, 6-9 p.m . with 2 full ceramic tiled baUis, NO LAY-OFF IN SELLING Robert Wolverton Agency, Real­ HERE’S LOCA’nON, value and therein to^ appear and be heard there- pearl crown held her flngertiip desirable elem ents. ‘ T die the RooDng— Siding 16 Positively No Obligation or use quiet residential neighborhood, on by Uing on or before Hay 25, pinned on his lapel the Distin­ twist,’’ she eald. Personals new heatihg .system, modem REEL TYPE power lawnmower. your own auto and we will give you CAPE COD, Dennieport — 8 and 8 FOUR BEDROOM Ranoh, 28x62’ tor, 649-2818, 648-0809. quaUty In one package. 6 room 1963, ' Mrtlfied maU, a copy of tbls BYench illusion veil. 'White Glad­ 1955 FORD 2-door, automatic, A. A. DION, INC. Roofing siding, plumbing and wiring, easily nicely shaded fenced yard, living Colonial Cape with garage, fire­ order _PrankUn” "Br’Forbesr jr..~68 ioli topped the 'White Missal she guished Service Medal of the Na­ Good salesmen are always in Call after 6, 643-7302. 6 gallons gas free even If no pur­ room, 2 bedroms, large family bedroom cottages, aU oonvenl- foundation, two full cenuonlo tional Aeronautics and Space Ad­ ELEICntOLOX Salea and Servloe, radio, heater, excellent condition, painting. Carpentry. A uctions converted to two 4-room apart­ MANCHESTER Vicinity — Trim, place, 1% baths, very large Strickland Street, Manchester, Conn.: ccuTied. $165. 643-7977. demand, earnings are high on chase Is made. room type kitchen, tile bath, $126. onces. 648-0108. baths, fire alarm, large kitchen, tidy, 6 room ranch, with its own Mrs. EUeen Forbes Dimes, 6165 Blan­ ministration. banded repreaentative. Alfred and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ ments. Also a 20x45 swimming percentage basis, full training 100x200’ lot, $17,600. FhUbriek rooms, plaster waUs, attractive ton Drive. Laa Vegas. Nevada. Mrs. Charies Jones o t N ew B rit­ pool, poured concrete, from 3*4 GAS HOT Available June 1. Call 649-0049 or trout brook, full cellar, oil heat, Then Kennedy noted that Coop­ Am ell, 306 Henry St. 643-0460. 1957 FORD PAIRLANE 2-door ship guaranteed. 399 Autumn St. program, opportunities for ad­ water heater. CaU NEW HARBOR, Maine 8 room A gency, 049-8464. lot with many trees. Inspect this ELMORE TURtONGTON. Judge ain, the bridegroom’s sister, was PubKc Records 643-4860. foot to 6 foot depth with filter 643-0646. A—L—B—E—R—r —S 649-3695 between 2-7 p.m . week­ aluminum combinations, 8 bed­ unusual home now. Mid-twenties. er’s space voyage came within a haiTdtop, ne changed with Intoxioation. stove moring specialty. Feeding $149.00 High-back Wing Chair, ing. Electric refrigerator and gas SCHOOL 8TRB3ET — 6 ft 0 duplex TANNER STREET—Six room Super 88, autom atic, power chairs fo r rent. 646-0753. wants to make good money in afternoons and evenings. Cash­ Street. Choman Housewreckinsr on the comer of Spmee and is directed to jrive public notice to the State trooper Gedl Smith who brakes, power steering, electric E-Z LERN his own business. Until 6 p.m. iers, service clerks, delicatessen, 649-2392. cutback arms, fosim cushion, box stove furnished. Call 649-7787 from Apartment BuOdings Cape, breezetway, overateed ga­ BOWERS SCHOOL — 6 room Cape creditors o f said estate to bring in their School. Separate heatliiig systems. rage, walking distance to Bow­ claims within said time allowed, by tnvestlgated the accident said rear window, excellent condition THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO. 289-1561, after 6 p.m . 643-2381. produce, or grocery clerks. B5x- pleat, blue colonial medallion 6-7 p.m . For Sale 69 plus recreation room offers Mono was driving west on Hunt Driving School Fair condition. ’Two car. garage, ers Elementary School, new B- posting a copy of this order uiMn a throughout, 44,000 m iles. 649-3406. Moving, pacl^ , otorage, looal perienced, over 18 years of age. BETTER BUYS AT print, $89. privacy, convenience. Fenced public sign-post nearest to the place Rd. when he drove his qar off SIX RXX>M duplex avaUalble Im- HARTFORD — Four apartment p rice has been dropped to $19,000. Ung Junior Hig:h and Manchester where the deceased last dwelt, within Connecticut’s largest, and long distance. Agents for Apply Mott’s Super Market, Man­ NATIONAL yard, new knotty pine kitchen, the left side of the road for 145 1955 CHEVROLET 4-door Station auto­ chester, Mr. FHiller. $27.60 Aluminum and Redwood medlaitely, two blocks from cen­ frame building with eaccellent in­ for a quick sale. T. J. Crockett, High, exceptionally priced at walking distance to schools, shop­ the same Town, and by publishing this matlc and standard shift. Wheaton Van Lines, lac., world­ R ealtor, 643-1677. order in a newspaper having a circula­ feet, turned to the right and pro­ Wagon. 8, automatic. Best offer. Split Rail Fencing Club Chair, reversible plastic cov­ ter of town. Call 64S-860S after come, reaaonwly priced. J. D. $17,400. CaU Mrs. Klamiht, ping, bus. Redecorated. Occupan­ tion In said District all within thirty 649-3222 after 6. free pick-up service, teen-age wide movers. FYee estimates. Help Wanted—Female 35 ered foam cushions, $14.96 ,6 p.m. Realty, 648-5120. ceeded for 70 feet off the right 643-5187. $2.99 P er Section BEFORE YOU BUT In 8 a VUnd- Romar Realty, Inc., 643-2844, cy as desired. $14,600. 649-2200. days from date, and return make to classroom, older and nervous Situations Wanted— 644-0800. this Court of the notice given.. side o f the i>oad, toen up an em ­ 1959 FORD, C o u n try S q u ire , 9 students our specialty, 115 BABYSITTER, two children, moth­ Ping-Pong Tables Bor, see tbls 8 bedroom ranch. Certified from Record, bankment where the oar flipped Male 39 $11.96 Each Dining room, fireplace, oU hot VERNON—Older partly restored Helen A Htet. clerk passenger station wagon, stand­ Center St., ■ Manchester. Call er works, preferably live in. WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. Furnished Apartments 63-A Land For Sale 71 ESPECIALLY appealing about this 8 room'Cape. Large lot. A large over. Mono owns a cottage fo r free booklet, 643-8652. Painting—Papering 21 644-1147. Ceiling Tile water heat, garage. Reduced to ard shift, radio, heater, $976. Call WANTED — LAWN cutting and/or - .09 Sq. Ft. 986 MAIN STREET custom built brick ranch te Ita family special. Tongren Agrency, opposite the sKe, poUce said. 649-4100. FOUR ROOM furnished apart­ COVENTRY — 0% acres on Brew­ $17,600. R ay H olcom be, R ealtor, functional layout for easy con­ Both men were admitted to Pa i n i n g an d . popatbanglng. WOMAN — General housework, general yard work for summer Windows - Complete ster Street, sign on premteee. Call 644-1288. 643-6321. workmanship at na- Call 649-4838. From $9.96 Each ment, ladies preferred, utUlties, venient living. 3 bedrooms, family Windham Community Memorial child care, 8-3:30 pzn., MOMday- linens, etc., centrally located, M adeline Smith, Realtor^ 040-1048. room , dining room , kitchen sind Hocqiilbai where M ono te reported LEARN TO DRIVE — Special at­ sooablfc Yates. 80 years In Man­ Friday, in Manchester. Call 246- Handspllt Barn Shakes BOWERS SCHOOL --- 6 room 1968 CADILLAC Convertible, fair tention to nervous and, elderly. private entrance. Inquire 9 U lley flreplaced Uvlng room, 1% baths, to have possible fr^tured rilw,' condition, $200. Phone 649-0404. chester Raym ond Flske. 849-9237. 5553, 1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. , $11.96 P er Sq. Cape, one unfinished, possible 4 Local Stocks Classroom for teen-ager. Pickup Dogrs—Birds—Pete 41 Knotty Pine Paneling CRIB AND mattreea; alao, baby Houses For Sale 72 bedrooms, veiy neat and oleap, 2-car garagq, tree studded lot, on So. 'Windsor a concussion, outs on his nose 1969 TAN CHEVROLET Parkwood service. Day or evening lessons. CLERK-TYPIST, permanent part- ,18'A Sq. Ft. oarrlage, $15 each Call 644-0849, irmanent slduig, $18,000. Hayes attraenve street location. House and contusions of the chest B eg^ Reasonable rates. Manchester HOUSES" PAINTED — Reason­ POODLE, AKC registered, small NEWLY DECORATED S room te brick for. minimum mainten­ has cuts on bis right hand end station wagon, 4 door, 6 pas­ time position, diversified duties. Prehung Doors apartment, all new ‘ furniture, FOREST STREET—Delightful 10 icy, 648-4808. Quotattone Furnished hy senger, well maintained, one own­ Driving Academ y. 742-7249. able Phone 649-7816. white miniature. Paper trained, From $17.00 Each ’ THREE STRAIGHT chairs with room former Cheney reeftlence In ance. Mid twenties. Eve. call FORCED TO SELL possible toaotured ribs. Experienced typist with an apti­ upholstered seats; rug 3%x5’, heat and hot waiter, parking. In­ Oobnm Mlddlebrook. Ina er, call 649-8494 anytime. tude for figures essential. Salaiy colorbred, 649-5998. Prefinished Paneling patfe-Uke setting. 6 bedrooms, 4% EIGirr ROOM Cape. 4 bedrooms, Conrad Rueter, 643-0309. W olver­ EXTERIOR AND Interior painting. I very reasonable. 649-2765. quire 80 Garden Street, second dining room, family room, attach­ ton Agency, R ealtor, 649-2818. Bonk Stocks Business Services Offered 13 Wallpaper books. Papeinanging. commensurate with ability. T^e EREE—FIVE puppies, 8 weeks From $6.00 P er Sheet floor bell. oatha, exoellent ocodittea. Owner We offer sparkling new 8 room Bid A sked 1958 BUICK Roadm aster, 4 door 648-7444. ed garage, 76x160’ lot, shade Ceilings. F loors. BMUy Insiured resume to Box D, Herald. old, looking for good home, will MANCHESTER — Clean, conveni­ Colonial, 2 baths, DuUt-ins, rear Conn. Bonk and Trust hardtop, black, A-l condition. Call SHARPENING Servlca- Saws, Cash ‘N Carry trees, $17,600. PhUbrick Agency, Bundeck, attached garage, acre 643-0461, after 4:30 p.m. workmanship guaranteed. Leo be large dogs, part Labrador and Musical Instruments 53 ent, compact, no problem with C o...... 72% 76% BOY SCOUT knives, axes, shears, aka^ PeUetler, MI 9-6328 If no answer, TYPIST FOR mail order adver­ KITCHEN CABINETS — MANCHESTER — Extra large 6% 649-8464. tree shaded lot. WUl accept rotary blades. Quick service. Capl- German Shepherd. Call after 6, TRUSSES — Business Locatioiis room ranch on a one acre land- maintenance, cheaper than rent­ Hartford National ca ll 648-6048. tising department, part-time, ex­ 649-8710. FOR SALE — Very small studio trades or help with financing. 1953 MERCURY 2-door club sedan, t(ri Equipment Oo., S3 M »i« i t perienced in a^ertlsing pre­ WALL PANELS For Rent 64 ■c^ped and tM ehaded lot. 8^ DOLL HOUSE — Monohester. Cute ing, 4 room Cape, fuU cellar, Bank and'Trust Oo. 67% 69% ?Hote8 and News very clean, good running condl. piano, full keyboard, reflnlshed In 4-room ranob, Sroplace, recrea- aluminuhi combinations, 2 bed­ Priced in low twenties. Fire Insnrance Companies M anchester. Hours daUy 7-5 PACN'l'iNG andI waUpapsrliig,wallp waU- ferred. Apply Manager, Pilgrim NOBODY — BUT NOBODY — walnut, top condition, $260. ear garage, full cellar with reo tion. Call 649-6752 after 6. Thursday 7-9. Saturday 7-4. tlon room, patio, ouCslde fireplace, rooms, walk-up expandable attic, Hartford Fire ...... 68% 72% paper removed,1. Wallpaper books Mills, Cheney Hall, Hartford Rd. GOOD HOMES wanted for UNDERSELLS NATIONAL 742-7176. 245 NORTH room, 8 (wdrooma, eeramlo bath, Ellington Road new 6 room 643-7958.■ m a i n — Store. e living room with fim loco, beautlfuUy landsoaped, |£l,200. $12,000, Wolverton Agency, Real­ NaUonal Fire ...... 121 129 The Biadkiedge Dlstriot of Char- op request. Ceilings."Mlings. Free____ ssti- housebroken kittens. 649-9780. 649-6229, 9-6. tor, 649-2818. brick front L-shaped ranch, Oak Council, Boy Scouts of Don't soy m ates. Call R oger 643-0923. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—Part- NATIONAL LUMBER, INC., at 1064, 128,000. R obert W ^ r - Carlton W. HutcUns, 6te-6183. Tappan buUt-ins, 2 baths, fire­ Phoenix Fire ...... 124 132 1961 CORVAIR MONZA 4-door se­ TKEE REMOVAL, pruning, and time position supervising and sell­ Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. America, held its camporee last dan, one owner. CaU 643-4823. . 381 State Street, Office add Store too. R ealtor, 040^2818, 648-4048. BOL’TON — CUSTOM 6 ^ room place, city water, large lot lot, clearing. Frank C. Noble. EXTERIOR AND Interior paint­ ing in a local shop. This position E va. Conrad R ueter, 648-0809. SIX ROOM immaoulate borne Aetna Casualty .... 99 107 weekend on State Forest and 4-«writer Service, 479 E. Mid- TOWN OFFICE TANNER STREET — This raneb AGENCY PAINTING — Five room ranches reply in writing to Box G, Herald. pedigreed papers. 648-8870 after 5 reo room in baiOiment with fire­ Pub.Uo U tllitlea them on their hiking and oamplng long— even in July and August I It at T.N.T. Atlantic on- Route 83 old Hoar, 649-4034. and Capes' for $50. Trim and Jew eliy 48 dle I^ k e ., M anchester. 649-8477. BUILDING COMMITTEE must be sold. Five fun liveable }9 HOLLISTER — 4 bedrooms, abilities. Vernon. p.m . place, mgage, landscaped lot, possible 5th. Close to all schools, 648-0458 Conn. Light Power .. 34 36 padnt extra. Also scraping. YOU ARE a wonderful person. INVITATION TO $21,000. Warren E, Howland, Real­ rooms, three cf them could be Although the patrols were on First, you need good plants. Ours have husky LAWNS — RAKING rolling and 742-8101. WATCH AND Jewelry repairing at bedrooms. Full basement with ga­ bus and stores. Large living room, Htfd. Electric Light 1962 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, mowing by dependable adults. YOU deserve a car of your own, Wanted—^To Buy SUBMIT BIDS tor-Trader, 648-1108. formal dining room, built-in cedar new ...... 42% 45% their own without adult help, lead­ roots, healthy canes itching to grow. new clothes and the many Articles For 9tek 45 reasonable prices prompt serv­ 58 rage, walk-up attic. ExceUent ers were there from other areas in fully automatic, like new, take 649-2425 Or 649-6963. . PAINTING — Interior and exteri­ ice 2 watchmakers^ Manches­ Sealed bids, for the construction closet, fuUy partitioned cellar, ex­ Hartford Gas Co. ... 38 41 over paym ents. 649-8128. EXTRAS that make life more F^tANK is buying and selling good EIOHr ROOM Garrlaan Onlnnlal, residential locatlcn. Were asking MANOHElSTER—*169 OAK case of emergency. Next, rose leaves need protection from insecte or. free estimates, reasonable pleasant. If a limited budget FOR SALE — Flat stone for walls, ter’s oldest established Jeweler. ® J?®'^ Town Offtce BuUdlng for large ttvlng room, dining room, In the hteh 17’a . . . now open to cellent heating system, front and Street 2 famUy 6-6, good condi­ Southern New England MOWING LAWNS — Hedge trim­ prices. 742-7285. F. E . Bray, 787 Main S t., State nuniture and antiques at 420 the Town of Andover rfiall be re- rear-porch, aluminum storm win­ 'T e le ^ o n e ...... 51% 54% Leaders of Troop 47 of South 1956 BUICK CENTURY, 2. door ming, odd Jobs. Ray Hardy, makes all this only a dream, let fireplace, veneer, and patios. Call Deke Bt. CaU and see what w e've kttmMn, enidy and lavM oty, 4 offers. T. J. Oroekett, Realtor, tion, hugq attic room, lot 55k350, Methodist Church cooked for the and disease. And 'THAT no longer means 643-5541. ■ AVON show YOU how Just a few 649-0617. Theater Building. BuUdlng Commlttes badroon# end bath on seoand 648-1677. dows, 1 car garage, ameslte walk 'to school, bus; cfturch, shop- Manufacturing Companies hardtop, green ||nd white, radio, got. Open Sundaye. 64941580. June 6, 1963 until 8:00 D.m.. in drive. Owner 049-6118. Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 60 64 other teaders and Judges. hours o f messy work. Scotts has developed ft heater, new rebuilt automatic Electrteal Services 22 hours a day can help make it Root. Reoreatteo room with ftre- ping. $4,400 assumes mortgage. Top Patrols from the 56 oompst- new kind of protector—^HAZE(R) and ft transmisitton, new lacquer paint, ALL KINDS OF clocks repaired come true. Call today for appoint SCREENED LOAM for the best in WE BUY. SELL or trade antloii^ the ^dover Town Hall, plaea la booemant. Attached Save closing cost $18,600.Ar^ Associated Spring ..16 18 lawns from our screening plant Garden— Farm—Dairy ROLLING PARK Cape — 6 room s, Bristol Brass ...... 10% 11% tng are as follows: A-7 Fanuer quick, neat way to apply it. The ZEPHYR (R ) no rust, new plastic seat covers, and cleaned, antiques included. FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt serv­ ment in your home at your con and ueed furniture, cMwb . i. — **** double garage. Aluminum sl( n icely situated, $15,900. M apie Oo., 389-8288. Patrol of Troop 27, first place with excellent condition, $250. Call Work guaranteed. CaU 649-1962 be­ venience. 289-4922. Andover - Columbia. George Grif- Prodnete 50 •Uver._ _, — picture Miseaea,^ —"ig lliy *^5!.*’* J ’ W aldron, at Central loca tion , $29,000. M anchester Dunham Bush ...... 6% 7% applicator scientifically protects two dozen ice oo all types ot electrical wir­ fing, Inc., 742-7886.' shaded 6 room ranch, buUt-ms, N. B. Machine .... 24 26% 898 points; A-5 Buffailo Patrol of 649-8088 between 6-7 p.m . only. tween 9-12 noon and after 4 p.m . ing. Licensed and insured. Wilson coma,«s«>taa, oM dpUsdoUs anoUdnins guns hobbyhnhiw _ , vr F? _ Cards —"uua Millsmiua Road n o o a In m b rick A gm cy, eeO-8464. CARTER ST., BOLTON—6 room Troop 47, second place with 887 bushes in 5 minutes, (And there’s n oth ^ g to FARM IX)AM — Top quality, big Coli^bl®, ConnecUcut, on or after bus line, $16,900. Colonial — dis­ North and Judd .... 16 18 E le ctrica l Co.. Manchester, WOMAN WANTED to care for coUeotlaas, dttlc contents or whole tinctive charm. Bowers area, Cape, S-car cinder block garage, points; A-20 Apa0828 after 6 p.m . TalcottvUle, Ocem, Tel. 648-7449. W OF^Cll is large Uvlng room -formel. dlatiig '‘SM BeaL Estate. 6«-J832. _____ Veeder-Root ...... 47 51 649-4533 for free pickup and de­ and service. Capitol Equipment, “ 6lWEer,-64»6181.------pohito;. A-I2 Woodsman Fiatrpl of Finally, roses need a special forti^ed diet. % and windows. Must sell. Full price refundable to those rettimlne room, otAmat kitchen, 9 bad- and be proud of ttl Tbte » ' This aboVe' quotations ore 'not to livery. Prompt service. Quantity Floor Finishing: 24 COSMETICIAN full and part time, 38 Main Street, M anchester. APPLES — Macs. At the farm plana in good condition. nom a, raoreatloa room land- Troop 120, fourth pitaoe with 867 $366.00. See R at T.N.T. AtlanUc, 643-7958. Rooms Without Board 69 old 6 ft 6 duplex features mi MANCHESTER — West Slda. 6 ba oonatrued aa actual markets. podnts and P-6 WcOt Patrol of oup o f Scotts DAWN(R) around each buifi Route 88 Vernon. discounts. good opportunity in air condititxi- price. Bunce Farm, 629 W. Cen­ Kds shall be submitted in ac- aoaped yard- Marlon B . Robert- FLOOR SANDING and refinishing ed store. Blue Cross and other ter St. 643-8116. ' room, kitchen, lovely living room Colonial, 8 bedrooms, 3% L ots For Salt 7S Ttoop 25, fifth ptans 'with 861 once a month works wonders. WALLPAPER — Factory over- f u r n i s h e d ROOM for genUe- cord ^ e with the dlrectlvee of the non. Realtor, 048-0008, room, a bedrooma, esremlo tile baUis, fo r a g e . Owner 648-6846. IMS CHEVROLET IMPALA Con­ BITUMINOUS concrete driveway (speciaUzing in (Mder floors). store benefits available. Apply Ar­ speciftcatlons. points. and Jenite J-18 sealer. Free esti­ Painting. Ceilings. PapMhanging. -stock, 160 patterhs of fine quality maa, heat, Ught#. private en- bath, aluminum comMnatlona, - First {dace wtamsr from the 15 Sounds too simple after all you’ve been vertible, V-8, runs good. 1955 thur Drug, 942 Main St., M r. Hart. twmee, parking. Evenings m i -t.. Theodore C. Wright 19,900-6% ROOM ranoh, WADDHILL SCHOOL — 8 bedroom THREE BUILDING lots, prime Girl’s Poem Wins . m ates. W. G. Schwarz Co., Inc No Job too smaU. John Verfallle. papers, 67c single roll. Sherwin- 2-car garage, large lot, nrtvaoy large treed lot, city water ft sendxir crew s w as Sienior C r ^ o f through? IT WORKS. Guaranteed by Scotte. Chevrolet station wagon, very Hoosehold Goods 51 3-2815; D ays P I 2-6864 First Selectman ranch, comer lot, plenty of trees, location, AA sane, PhUbrick clean . 640-8982. W escott’ s Auto 875-2042. 649-5750. t r a i n e e s f o r leather color W illiam s, 981 Main St. Carlton w . Hutemns, Realtor, sewers In desirable residential Agency, 649-8464. Second in Test Troqp 120 from St. James’ Church. BEDROOM SET — Blonde oak, 8 area and one block from bus trem endous buy at $15,700. T. J. Sales, Parker Street. matching and sorting. Apply'Man ROOM FOR LADY or gentleman, M ultiple Dtetlng, 640-6183. Crockett, R ealtor, 643-1677. Come in and see these new rose developments. CELLARS, ATTICS and yards Chester Modes, Inc., Pine St. , SUPER-CEDED ROTARY and piece, good condition, reasonable. line. By appointment only. Call INDUSTRIAL lot for sale, railroad cleaned. Also, trash hauled to Private Instructions 28 reel Toro mowers at special quiet. Inquire 224 Charter Oak Your roses can be the envy of the neighbor­ 1956 THUNDERBIRD Convertible, 136 Summer Street after 6 p.m . Street, 643-8368, 246-4738. BPUT LEVEL-0 rooms, recrea­ Hunter at 649-8696, 649-6806. MANCHESTER — 6 room Cape, aiding, SpO feet frontage, depth of Miss Helen Magoon, daughter influx Not Stemmed continental kit, good condition, dump reasonable. Call 649-1865. LEARN SERVICING on Satur­ RELIAiBLE LADY for housework p ricesi:S a v e up to $20. M arlow’ s, tion room, garage, very loloan, your choice. CaU 649-SS91. of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Magoon, hood this year! 867 Main S tre e t.' HOTPOINT FULLY .automatic oxceUent condition, carport, one- full price $1,876. Please call Rudy, days, practical one-year courses and ironing Saturday afternoons PLEASANT futnlahed room with SEPTIC TANKS 116,900. 4^1% mortaaf*. ^ W78 half acre, many extras, a beauty 104 Greenwood Dr., won second OEMEVA,—Obe Swtes Federal U G H T r a u C K I N G - Attics cel- electric stove, 8 burneris and deep AND starting June 16. E fficien t place­ for approxiniately 6 hours. 843- FOR SALE i— Clean fill, deliyersd, coeddng faculties and electric re­ y. Carlton yf. Hutchlna, —616,900. Alao, 6 bedroom ranch, B-ZONB LOT FOR flALB, iq>- {dace in the annual la F. Pike Bureau of Industries xoportA that, lata, garages, yards cleaned.’ CaU ment services. New Ei^land 534«. weU. 649-176T. BARROWS A WALLACE poetry writing awards oompetl- YOUR QUMIWEP SCOTTl M A iM 649-4678. reasonable, Cariaon’s Express, .96 frigerator, ladles only. 64ft6S88. 8, Multqde Uating. phu faifiily room, 3 baths, attadh- pnadmataly half aa acre, all fa­ deepMa sbepa tokan to prsveht the 1$H NASH, I DOOR hardtop, auto- Tech., 56 Union Place, Hartford, culties, tatchidtaig sidewalk. CaU tton oonduoted at Saint JoMph H illiard St., M anchester. 649-4666. FOR SALE — Frlfldaire PLU86ED SEWERS 66 B. Center St, ed S-oar garaga Call on thte coo. inflow, the number qf m atte, 176. Call 66S-0779 after 6:80 626-8406. f u r n i s h e d r o o m near bath for 4H%-fB8S0 MONTBLT. Attrao* 6496I8L College, West Hartford, during p.m . freoMr, quiet, good running, 9 en. ttiw 8-bedrbom raneh, aluminum Have aevanl 4 and 6 room -woricers in awltzerland ln< ODD JOBS wanted — Lawns mow­ Help Wantetf^i-Blale 38 SPECIAL BALE — Picnic tables 'Ionian. Parking. 54 High Manchester, Conn. ranebas in the $11,000 class: CaU ItercA n d AprU. ft.. $86. ie i. Mathtaa OlaaeiA storm s, oeUm^, am eatte drive, Mtea Magoon, a senior, won $10 \xy nearly 100,000 in the year ended' CHRYSLER, 1066, 4-door "N ew ed, etc. Call 742-7686. Bonds—Stocks^ extra sturdy 2” lumber, 6 foot the BUsworth Mitten Agency, BOLTON CENTER — Approod- a u t o UPHOLSTERY MAN with $12.96, 1 foot $14.60. D elivered. W. tr e e a O n ly $18,000. Carlton W. metely 5 acre site with large for her Impressicmistlc piece en- last July. BLISH Yorker” , power steering, power HOTPOINT refrigerator, 10 cu. ft.. R ealtor, 648-6980 o r 648-2825. LARSEN LAWN MOWERS, sharpened and Mortgages 31 some experience. Turnpike Auto Zinker, 875-7143. WOMEN ONLY — ITurnlahed room HutcfalnaTRealtor. 649-8188. pond. Ideal homesite. T. J. Crock­ tiUed “The Hill." brakes, excellent mechanically. -V Ideal for cot^jq, reasonable. terprooflng Done. repaired, sales and service, rental Seat Cover, 648-6366. for rent, complete housekeeping STONBFRONT ■ 6 room ranch, TWO-YEAR-OLD, 8 bedroom ett, R ealtor, 648-1677. The poem, together with "first A “tycoon” originally was a HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE CO. Sllriit body rot. Priced to sell im- s e c o n d mortgages — Unlimlti^ 649-0979* fhclUtles, between Center and MANCHESTER - New 6 room equipment. L ft M Equipment funds available for oecond mort- SPRINCtCHANGBOVER special— buUt-lns, 8 bedrooms, fireplace, ranch, fuU basement, 2 full baths, and third place winners, will, be great lord or prince, from the Jap­ MANCHESTER MANCHESTER . m ediately. $$48. WUl sell to priv- C »rp., Route 8$, Vernon, 876-7609. APPLICATIONS needed for full­ 2M extra S ft H stamps with cU M em orial Hospital. 648-6639. brick ranch, biiUt-lna, 14x30 Ui anese word "tal-kun.” It is now • t e j i u ^ l ^ t f a $10 down, 113 per ragea, payments to suit your time emplovAent, days. Apply OAK DINING ROOM eet, round room with flreplaoiL naif acre recreation room and wash room, buUt-tna in Utohan, attariwil ga- BOLTON — 4 BUHDINQ teto. not submitted to naticmal magazines F roa IteMw y M I 646-6$74 ^ ch eater sxchange, Enteiprtee change. Atlantic or Quaker State table, 6 chain, china eloiiat buf^ McKinney bnos. too le d hot, but prioea sure. low. and arts nawigapawi to r publloa- adapted to naaon a iaige-scate hi- sarvtoa. / . D . » U ota l a r g e ROOM next to shower, reasonably nrtoed. Bayea Aganogr, la m lot only 6 houaae In atrote. ^ Cote’s AUaatte. W. Ota- < < 0 6 . 6-yeor4)ld Flowpaa S w w w itiq E Pen iE w n eftec s p-aa. d M & W tet Mnatten etove, $16. 616 TiW. 180-188 Pearl -M l 8-6808 g • V ^ '-y / hr 'f/- >,*; t

•i TWENTY-FOUR WEDNESDAY, MAY 82, M68 • J Avarag* Daily Nat Praia Ran Tha Weatiiar jfllanrljfpBbpr lEtt^ttfttg H^rallt Vsv «ha Wask Badad April ho, 1MB rotasoaC of V. IL WmOmr mam O Membem of the Ladiea Auxiliary Reservations for the annual din­ cancy — will try to explain for- IMioiit Town of World War I Veto will attend ner meeting of the adult member­ CRPA Has Month to Decide ther what each plan means and 1 3 ,9 7 4 m u warning taalght. dsn% tnemoilal services Sunday at 11:30 ship of Lutz Junic>r Museum will Botind out community feelings as and cold, low 28 to SO. Friday fair a.m. at St. James’ Church, and will close tomorrow and may be made a g ^ d e tor their votes. movie* wUl be Aown at afOia. Audit and mador. High In the (Wo. toniatit at a meetinir of Frank meet at 11 in front of the church. by calling the museum. The din­ Among Alternative Plans 'rae inibUo is invited to attend 1 o f .Ofostdattm T. Manafleld Detachment, Marine Membem who wish to participate ner- will be held Monday at 8:30 5 the meeting tomorrow night Manchester^A City of Village Charm Oocpe UMifM, at_____ Its ______Parker____ S t In the Memorial Day parade will p.m. at CaVey's Restaurant. ^ibhouae. ^ e films u « "Ihe John assemble at 9 a.m.. Main S t and The khape of the Caplfol Region^altamate plans of development fen* Hartford Rd. Oienn Storji" and “Marines Visit The Guard Club of the Womeir^ In twenty years will be discussed the region. Since then, oontriibU' YOU tiLXXII, Ma IR9 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1968 (CUorilfed Advartlriag on Hsgs M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS WBtlaad.” Benefit Association will meet Fri­ ting studies have indicated some Boy Rides Bike <- Mark Kiistoff of Bcho Dr., day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. by members iof the regional plan­ K C BINGO of the implications of development Tile Rockville Bmhlem dub will Vernon, a Manchester teacher, Irene LaPalme, 155 Walker St. ning agency and as many as 600 under ea<^ of these plans. Into Truck’s Path Every Friday Night At 8 hold a Ibod sale Friday starting was recently elected -vice president Mrs. Charles>Vincek, will be co­ town offlcdals, invited to a special To guide growth In a fairly or­ o f the Connecticut Beta Chapter, hostess. at 4 p,m. at Hartmann's Super CRPA meeting at the Connectlcnit derly pattern during the rest of Robert E. Harrington Jr., six- KNI8HTS OF COLUMBUS HOME Pope John State News Mufcet, Rockville Membera may Phi Delta Kappa, a national pro­ the 1900s, the agency will now year-old 'son of the Robert Har­ Boy’s Attached fessional sociiety for men in educxi- 'General Life Insurance Co. In M ae food donations to Mm. Rose The VPW Post Is planning a Bloomfield at 8 p.m. tomorrow. have to pick one of these plans — rington of 29 Nike Circle, yester­ 138 MAIN STREET - - MANCHESTER Baluaal, 171 Summit S t, Manches­ tion. membership drive. A new ellg^iblli- the 56 regional representatives Officials Invited from Manches­ day afternoon was treated at Man­ ter, Friday unta 2 pm. ty list has been published and will from the 26 active member towns chester Memorial Hospital for a C o n d itio n Roundup Staff Sgt. Donald Anderson, his ter include the town directors, the be available at the Post Home. will each cast one vote for their head laceration and bruises of his Negro Pupils Return; . Hie Women’s Auxiliary Penny wife and two sons, are visiting his Those interested in joining may general manager, and members of choice on June 20. In Medical Marvel parents, Mr. ^ and Mrs. Harold the town planning oommlsslon, left leg following a bicycle-oar ac­ Saver Oommittee of Mancheater call George C. Edwards, 293 Park­ However, since the plan cannot cident near his home. Memorial Hoopdtal Is asking for Chambers, 86 Dudley 8t. He is er St., or Edwin Edwards at tlje development commission and re- Said Better be imposed on any town — the The youth was injured when he more volunteer help from Ms mem- staticmed at Eglin AFB. Florida, Post Home. develojirnent agency. CRPA has only an advisory func­ By JAMES CALOOERO ♦major role In the operations, East Windsor hera If anyone is able to give and plans to spend a month In The invi'tatlon Is more than a tion — it will be up to local offi­ rode his blcyole into the front end BOSTON (AP) — Young Manchester. He will serve as best of a northbound pickup- t r u c k , ! OPEN SATURDAY! VATICAN CITY (AP)— A time on Satunlays particularly, as John Mather Chapter, Order of matter, of courtesy. The CRPA cials to accept and Implement the Everett Knowles extended "Although It is still too early to as any days during- July and man at the wedding of his brother, repre-sentatives m-ust choose an final plan. owned and operate by Herbert C. make predictions about the ulti­ vigorous looking Pope John Bank Robbery DeMolay, will sponsor a car wa.sh 10A.M.fo1 P.M. hjg right arm and shook Agust, the 'nirlift Shop virtll be able Robert, to Miss Georgianna Torza Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in overall plan of development for To inform them of the alterna­ Hutchinson, 61, building contrac­ mate extent of recovery, there are XXin, strengthened by a re­ to stay open during foese periods. on June 1. The family will have a the region on June 20; since the tor from Bolton, police reported. hands with a visitor this hopeful signB. Many months of Moderate Heads City tives, the present CRPA chairman, reimlon picnic Memorial Day at his the parking lot of the N. Main St. ALSO THURBDAY EVENINGS 7 to 9 ported major blood transfu­ Volunteem are asked to call Mm. branch of the Connecticut Bank plan can only be put into effect Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson of Man­ Hutchinson told police that he week. observaUon and treatment are EAST WINDSOR (AP)— parent’s home. had observed two boys on bikes sion and a full night’s rest, Howard Baldwin, 156 Warenoke and Trust Co. Proceeds will be by town officials, the agency con­ chester, and the three past chair­ It waa more than a gesture still In prospect.” A dapper bandit held up a Rd. divided among chaHties supported siders it imperative that local men, will join the agency staff to­ approaching him, one on either Four impoHant operaUons were stood in his studio window for branch of the First National Ascension Day Services will be by the chapter. policy makers find out as much morrow night in describing pre­ side of the street, when the youth SHEARSON, HAMMILL & CO. of friendliness. Involved Including the connecting about three minutes today held at Concordia Lutheran Church ___ ■ \ Bank of Windsor Locks today about the five alternate plans for dicted growth under each of the on his right suddenly out in front Members New York Stock Exchange It was medical history com­ of veins, arteries and the four and blessed a crowd of 15,000 tomorrow with Holy Communion of him. He stopped his truck, and main nerve cables, os well as skin and fled with about $2,200. Am ericans Ruling Puts at . 10 a.m. and Vesper services at “ Dimensions of Prayer” will be the region, and instruct thedr rep­ altemaUves, EstabUshed 190* ___ ing alive. in'St. Peter’s Square. discussed by a ladies study class of resentatives to vote for the one Between tomorrow night and the boy and bike hit the front end. 918 BIAIN STREET M* 9-»8»I and flesh grafts. state poHoe said the bandit 7:30 p.m. A year ago today the iS-year-old He looked vastly improved and North Methodist Church tomorrow they think most suitable to their June 20, each community’s repre­ The youth was taken to the hos­ youngster was wheeled into a hos­ Khowles told the reporter at the walked to a teller’s oage and de­ at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. commiailty and the region. sentatives — Manchester Is allow­ pital by ambulance. Patrolman Knowles home In suburban Somer­ a high Vatican sourej^ said that he manded of Mrs. Madelyn John­ BAKE SALE St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters pital operating room with his was, that the blood transfusion C ross T o p Boutwell In of. Isabella, will sponsor a bake Jonathan Law, 19 Baldwin Rd. In 1961 the CRi^A prepared five ed three, but now has one va­ Albion Whipple is investigating. right arm gone from about three ville that he’d rather be playing son that she take the money A baseball than recounting the ac­ had been “ a real tonic.” This in­ from a cash drawer and place It Sponaoied By S t BtargareVa sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. at W. T. In^es below the ehoulder. formant said the Pope appeared His arm was carried in separ­ cident. in a black bag he shoved toward Ohele 28d Grant’s store at the Manchester rallying welUfrom his most recent Parkade. ately In a bucket of crushed Ice. "Red,” as his friends call him, her. Of Everest Connor Out DAUGHTERS of ISABELLA was a Little League pitcher be­ relapse. The amount at money taken Befwe that day of May 28, 1962 He is' suffering from anemia Advertleement— was to and, doctors at Boston’s fore he fell under the wheel of a first was reported to be about KATMANDU, Nepal (AP)—Two freight train that passes near his and a stomach disorder,. believed Thun,, May 23.10 A.M. Massachusetts General hospital $9,500. But a reoheck showed that American teams scaled Mt. Ev­ BIRMINGHAM, A^a. (AF) house. to be an ulcer or cancer. u total of $2,198 was the total Travel llgbt—travel aafe,' why re-attached the boy’s arm to Ms The appearance at the window erest from different sides today, A federal court ordfor sent a AT risk the danger of expensive loss ? body for a slgnlhcant medical Now, he said, he plays sonie loot. first base. Because he must favor was his second since Tuesday, missed each other at the exact thousand Negro children back Get a supply of Travelem checks breakthrough. when he reportedly suffered the State police said the bandit fled W. T. GRANT frcan the Conn. Bank A Trust Co. Doctors say they know of no his right aim, he added, he in a car that bore New York peak but staged a dramatic meet­ to school today and a state catches the ball In his gloved left setback. court ruling gave this racially m o p p i n g p a r k a d e Three Manchester offices to- serve other successful re-implantation of The Pope was scheduled to start license plates. ing at the slightly lower south you at 893 Main St. 16 No, Main a limb. hand, quickly drops the glove and Mrs. Johnson, after putting the beleaguered city a new gov­ throws with the same hand. on this holiday a nine-day splritu- summit. St. and the Parkade. Today, young Knowles’ aim Is ri retreat, or novena, to prepare money in the beg, was forced to It was the first such encounter ernment. a pulsating, living part of his So Instead of playing baseball for Pentecost Sunday June 2. But lie on the floor with another in history and the first time any The Negro pupils, ousted for body, sensitive to the touch and one day this week, "Red” Knowles Vatican officials announced, after teller, Mrs. Ireta Nelson. nation had fotir of Its citizens atop antiseg^regation marches, returned temperature changes. retraced his steps of a year the Pope’s appearance that the This was the second time a the mountain on any one day. to classes under an appellate When an Associated Press re­ earlier, talking as he went along: retreat would start PYiday. branch bank of the First National Expedition leader Norman R. judge’s ruling that reversed a porter called on him, the red- "I was going home from school Vatican officials hope the re­ Bank of Windsor Locks has been Dyhrenfurth, Santa Monica, Calif., Birmingham district court Judge. haired, freckled-faced youngster with a bunch of fellows and one treat will allow the Pope to re­ held up. Last month, the Enfield said Barry C. Bishop, Washington, Fast-breaking legal develop­ gaily shook hands, gingerly mov­ of them said, ’Let’s hop a freight gain his physical energies. He St. branch of the bank was robbed D.C.; and Luther G. Jerstad, Eu­ ments then produced an Alabama ing the arm that had been lopped when it goes imder the bridge.’ may remain In his apartment. It of some $5,000. gene, Ore., got to the top via the Supreme Court decision which put off by the wheel of a freight train. I had never hopped a freight. is fitted with all medical equip­ traditional south col. newly elected Mayor Albert Bmit- DON'T And Just for the heck of it, he I guess I wanted to do It just The East Windsor bandit, ac­ ment needed for his treatments. cording to Mrs. Johnson, was dark- He said they looked for William well, a comparative moderate, w ^ le d his right fingers. once. As the train passed under F. Unsoeld, Corvallis, Ore., and and nine councilmen in charge of Dr. Ronald Malt, who had a the bridge I was knocked off by complexioned, about 5 feet, 10 (Oontlnned on Page Ten) Inches, wearing a black suit with Thomas F. Hornbeln, San Diego, William F. Unsoeld, left, of OorvalUs, Ore., and Thomas F. Hom­ the city’s government. a concrete upright. Calif., who were struggling up matching tie and wore thick, dark bein of San Diego, Oalif., conquered Mt. Everest yesterday by the The state tribunal upheld a low­ “ When the train was gone, I the hitherto unconquered west er court and said a change-of- sunglasses. hitherto unsealed west ridge. GROW picked myself up. I walked across ridge of the 29,028-foot mountain. government special election super­ Kennedy Says the empty lot, up the hill and esbyterians The "small black bag” was de­ \^en they didn’t see them at seded any title to office by vet­ across the street. I was holding scribed by Mrs. Johnson as the once, they started down the way eran Police Commissioner Eugene my right arm in the stoeve wlf' type men use for bowling balls. they had come. Then, Dyhren­ Connor, an archsegregaticxilst, Farmers M ay my left hand. '4ir Ask Qoser Tie Both Francis Taravella and Nor- furth said, they discovered that and two other commissioners. “ I didn’t know where F was mand Prior, officials of the main Unsoeld and Hombein had made School Supt. Theo Wright said WEEDS! ^Ing. I was Just gol^,^^waIking branch in Windsor Locks, were it to the top and also started down the 1,081 pupUs were being rein­ Change Minds Of Christians at the holdup scene five minutes the southern route. stated immediately in compliance “ I was passing toSHandy Card after the bandit fled. They waited for the other two with the decLsion rendered * K/LL THEM FAST WASHINGTON (AP)—President and had their reunion at the south Wednesday night by chief Judge _ ^ , . . the loading platform hollered to By GEORGE W. CORNELL Kennedy says the naUon’s wheat „,e . -Hey" kia, where’re you summit before going on down to­ Elbert P. Tuttle of the 8th U.S. AP Religion Writer GOP Switches Stand ’ Circuit Court of Appeals. farmers who voted down his crop ] going? Qome here, your arm’s all gether. J WITH... DES MOINES, Iowa (A P I - HARTFORD (AP) — House Unsoeld and Hornbeln had. ORTHO blood; School board attorney Reid control program will have small­ United Presbyterians were em­ Republicans have agreed to sup­ thereby, made the first traverse Barnes said he would press for a er incomes and bigger surpluses. % grabbed me and made me barked today on a new year’s port a bill tljat would stiffen of Everest in history. down on the loading platform. new hearing on Tuttle’s decision. He believes they may change their work with strengthened mandates state laws barring discrimination The four, said Dyhrenfurth, The Atlanta, Ga., judge said minds and approve controls n e ^ I told him I was hit by a car. for achieving racial Integration— in housing. bivouaced outdoors because they I was too scared to tell anyone the children were illegally arrest­ year. and with guidelines for contacts The action by the GOP caucus could not find Camp 6 in the dark. ed. He ruled that the City Schotd WEEDBGON "I think we could have/fhade I was hopping a freight. with Roman Catholics. yesterday reversed an ea rlier They were without sleeping bags, “ By this time my arm fell near' Board could not prevent the pu­ Important progress with our wheat The church’s 176th General As- caucus decision to take no action tents and probably without pils from completing this term. Kills Roots and All! siirolus if we had b^en success­ -embly._ which, closed ..here on dvU rights measures this ses­ oxygen. Seven days remain in the school ful,’’ Kennedy told ahtyva confer­ Inside the plant for help. Wednesday sounded a call for sion. “ We are all very proud,” sold term. ence Wednei^y^xlt may be that "Mrs. Alice Chmlelewskl came closer working ties between Prot­ The earlier decision raised an U.S. Ambassador Henry Endicott Tuttle overturned a decision by Won't Harm Grass with the expMtonce we are going running out of the < factory with estantism, Eastern Orthodoxy and outcry from civil rights advocates Stebblns. Expedition leader Nor­ U.S. Dist. Judge Clarence W. All­ to have-nqaC the farmers may rags put against my shoulder Roman G^thoUclsm. And In its fi­ that forced reconsideration. man R. Dyhrenforth, Santa Moni­ good of Birminghaiju-Within eight agree wttn that next year.” to stop the bleeding. nal hour, it offered prayers for The bUl winning caucus support ca, Calif., said the traverse exploit hours alter Allgoo|9*4lfused to re­ V/htOttv farmers' get the chance “Then a police cruiser cams the health of Pope John XXIU, would ban discrimination In the had been the “ dream of moun­ instate the 1,081 <^pils expelled BUSH HARDWARE CO. to ydto on production controls and paid tribute to his contribu­ sale or rental of all housing ex­ taineers for decades.” a t suspended Monday. 798 MAIN ST. n>n year depends on whether (Continued on Page EUx) tions to all Christendom. cept owner-ocouipded two-family There was wild cheering at the Tuttle said the school board’s MANOHESTBB ongress passes any new wheat dwellings. American Embassy as the radio reason for its action was a policy T. M. SM . M.S. SAT. OST.l WUb.B.OOM legislation before next June. The representatives of 3% ‘"lil- llon Presbyterians expressed The moaBure would also exempt reports reached here. of suspending or expelling any The President said Wednesday There had been little hope Un­ pupil arrested for any cause. He a new bill isn’t likely to be en­ “ thanks to Almighty God for the from the law the rental of a room Houston Slates life and witness of this great' ecu­ or rooms in a single dwelling .oc­ soeld nd -Hombein would sue? ruled,... hpweyeL. ..tiiat the pi^ihL acted and admlnist'raiibh....farm ceed after they lost much of their Harry C. Bishop, lerft, o f Wasfhiington, D. C., and Luther G. Jeir- “ were engaging in legally perinli- leaders In Congress backed him menical Pope, and for the ‘ new cupied by the owner or members and more Christian relationships of his family. rtaxl, of Eugene, Ore., made the top by the south ridge. (AP sible activities” and were “ illegal up. But Republicans took steps to Fifth Parade (Contlnaed on Page Ten) .Fhotofax). ly arrested for exercising this con­ continue the i>resent voluntary that have recently been develop­ The existing housing law bans ing amongst all Christians, due in discrimination in sale or rental stitutional right.” controls. In granting a temporary Injunc­ The administration plan turned such large part to his Influence. of housing in three or more con- For Spaceman “ We ask all United Presbyter­ tigiovus unl'ts under single owner­ tion against ouster of the pupils, down in a national referendum Tuttle said in an accompanying Tuesday would have provided ians to show sympathy to their ship. Farewell Rally HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — Astro­ Roman Catholic neighbors at this JFK Pledges Troops opinion “ it appears shocking that tighter controls and higher price a board of ^ucation should thus supports. By rejecting the pro­ naut Gordon Cooper was returning time and to pray for them, the home today and Houston readied Roman Catholic Church and for Squabbling on Probe For Cuba Boss in effect destroy the value of one gram the wheat farmers chose HARTTFORD (A P )—The Re­ term of schooling for so many low supports for those who volun­ a ticker tape parade to welcome Pope John XXITT.” America’s newest space hero. ’The action came after the as­ publican -controlled House Insur­ children.” tarily cut production and none for To Back Enrollment News of Tuttle’s decision set those who reject any acreage con­ Cooper’, his wife Trudy and sembly learned of a relapse In the ance Committee, Its members dl- One of Biggest daughters Camala, 14, and Janita, Pope’s Illness. ■vlded over whether Its task is off wild celebrations at a mass trols. meeting and integration leader Dr. On the heels of the program’s IS, were due to reach Houston’s Earlier in the week-long meet­ done, meets today to decide the MOSCOW (AP)—Soviet Premier fate of Its investigation into the By FRANK CORMIER ♦ In his news conference that Martin Luther King Jr. said his rejection: International Airport at 2:80 p.m. ing the United Presbyterians took Khrushchev, addressing a huge (Central Standard Time). a firm stand to keep religion out WASHINGTON (AP)—President ranged from flights to space to his position had been vindicated. In Chicago, prices of wheat'for farewell meeting for Cuban Prime Kennedy has made It clear he will trip to Rome, Kennedy also dis­ School board members held a future delivery dropped as much Mayor Lewis Cutrer wUl^greet of the government arena. (Oontlnned on Page Ten) Your family will more than enjoy these U. S. Choice Cooper at the airport. Mrs. Cutrer The closing session re-elected Minister Fidel Castro, warned to­ use U.S. troops and marshals if cussed another facet of the civil night meeting but made no Im­ as 9 cents a bushel on the Chicago needed next month to crack racial rights problem: The recent out­ mediate comment. and specially selected Premium Steaks . . . they Board of Trade. They rallied later will present flowers to Mrs. Coop­ the Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson day that the situation In the Car­ er. Then police will escort 'the Blake, of Philadelphia, to a new ibbean carries possibilities of be­ barriers at the University of Ala­ breaks of racial -violence at Bir­ The legal developments un­ are tender and properly trimmed. . . .With however, and closed unchanged to bama. mingham, Ala. folded as President Kennedy an­ 1% cents a bushel lower. party to Sam Houston Coliseum, five-year' term as the denomina­ coming worse than last October. where the parade will begin. tion’s chief administrator, the In a speech of more than an But he voiced hope at his news The President said he will de­ nounced in a Washington news New l^ rk Sirloins at 89c lb., all other sirloins 99c. In Canada, a cloud of uncertain­ News Tidbits conference Wednesday that Ala­ cide In the next few days whether ty appeared over the future, of Vice President Lyndon B. John­ stat^'. clerk. hour, Khrushchev, in shirt sleeves Porterhouse with.large tenderloins only 1.09 lb. . . son, Gov. John Connally and mem- A leader In the world ecumenl and bareheaded In a brollihg sun, bama’s seg;regationist Gov. George to propose additional civil rights (Continued on Page Ten) grain farming In that country. from the AP Wires C. Wallace would back away from, legislation. He did not go into de­ steak will fit just about any budget without any Farm organisations In western bers of the Texas ocmgressional, cal movement, Dr. Blake, 66, Is a declared: . . former president of the National the threatened federal-state colli­ tails, but a Justice Department stretching. ’ Canada foresaw posslUe depres­ delegation were Invite to take “ If the U.S. government does part in the parade, the fifth for Council of Churches, a member not show necessary common sense sion by heeding court orders to spokesman said any additional sion of world wheat prices and re­ U.S, Secretary of State Dean Integrate the school. . . proposals would be in the fields duction of Canadian growers’ In­ Cooper since he completed his 84- of Its general board, and of the and understanding of the situation hotu* space flight last Thursday. policy - making central committee Rusk warns ministers of North and permits itself to be drawn A federal court at Birmingham, of education and public accommo­ Knehurst Luncheon Special . . . Morrell's creamed dried come. Atlantic Treaty Organization that told the university Tuesday It must dations. B ulletins Farm stats GOP legislators Johnson sent word he would be of the World Council of Churches. into a dangerous path, a situation beef on to a st. . .. Regular 39c pkgs. on sale at 29c. present calm In East-West rela­ admit two Negroes June 10—one The Birmingham situation greeted the program’s defeat Jubll- unable to attend. He will speak He has been his denomination’s even more formidable than that Culled from AP Wires at the President’s birthday party chief executive since 1951. tions may come to an’ end some of last October might arise in the at the main campus at Tuscaloosa, prompted Kennedy on May 12 to or­ suitly and suggested that the use­ the other at the Huntsville branch. der 3,000 troops into Alabama mil­ fulness of Secretary of AgriclUtUre In New York City tonight. The Rev. Dr, Samuel Shane, day . . . U.S. Ambassador Ray­ world. < ,■ ROYAL BUFFET BACON ...... |b. 59e mond L. Thurston being recalled Wallace has declared -that he itary bases — so they would be Orville L. Freeman had CQme to Cooper rode up Broadway also of Philadelphia, was re-elect­ ”If such a situatiem is created from Port au Prince for consul­ personally "will be present to baur nearby should they be needed to TO PREVENT DUMPING an end—a p Cultural and scientific recommended to edderly. Hungar­ favor of the Socialist camp,” Cas­ In'defying federal court he says 16th this year. liance’s military commander. everything is new. But within a knowledge must be taught, but ians with rheumatism . . . Citoan tro declared. his resistance is ’’legal’’ but he For example; In Paper 79c U.S. Secretary of State I)ean' very few years there appears a education must also develop the Prime Minister BTd-er Castro port- “ Cuba has buried the ol^ capi­ hasn’t cited any law to Justify It. At his news conference Wednes­ UN CRISIS SEEN Rude planned to put before the generation to 'whom the new and desired working-clsiss outlook, and pones visit to Algeria amid indica­ talist Society forever as a corpse If Alabamians tried this locally day President Kennedy was asked UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. other foreign ministers of the 15- revolutionary is the old and some time must be devoted to tions from Premier Ahmed Ben which will never come to life — defying their own state court if he plaimed to use .marshals or (AP) — Adlal E. Stevenson da- SUITS — SPORT COATS — RAIN COATS — TOPCOATS — TROUSERS — SHIRTS — SWCATEK — natlon Alliance his assessment of familiar. productive labor. Bella that relations are oooUng be- again.” orders which they didn't like and troops to back up the district cland today the Soviet Union’s R & R CHICKEN can 79c the Cuban situation, East-West re­ We tourista visited the mtodle tween two leadens. The victory of the revolution In sulking other state courts for or­ court order if Wallace defies it boycott of Items In the regular Every student spends 3 to < by trying to keep the Negroes out KAMCMD 1S^». CANS UBUALLT 1A9 BA. UMIT 2'GANS FOOTWEAR - WOOLENS — NKKWEAR — SPORT SHIRTS — PAJAMAS — DOBBS and LEE HATS lations, the Soviet-Red Chinese school at Ming Hung, a new In­ hours a week either cultivating Cuba, which he said lies only 90 ders they wsmted—Wsdlsuie would U.N. budget confronted tha . . . -BO 'THAT MORE WHXi HAVE THE CHANCE TO dispute, and the stalemated nu­ dustrial and-residential area — a the school fields, 'working in the miles from the biggest center of have his hands full keeping peace. of the school.' ' world orgaplsation with IM Kennedy said: . ■AVB60OOAN. ^ CATALINA SWIMWEAR clear test ban talks. satellite town — outside Shuigfaai. ahopa, or on domestic duties — Imperialism, also proved anothei’ Alabama is the only state in the gravest crisis sliiee “Korea ant Rusk was expected to stress Ttie children now entering the cleaning or in the kltchAn. We $6 Million Estate Marx - Leninist principle: That union with no desegregation in Its “ The courts have made a final Judgment bn the matter. I. am the troika.” Informed soureeS that Cuba still la an unsolved school, at 12 or IS, were bom 'Visited the woricahops. A line of the Imperialists ine'vitably dig a public school system. The 43-year- said Ihe U.8, ohie(. delegahl obliged . t o carry out the court or­ OOTT SODA IN CANS ...... fifo r 87c problem and thus at least of In­ since the Red revolution. None of 14 trucks waa' drawn up In the Mrs!- Eknily Biasedl Swin­ grave for themselves, he added. old Wallace, who took office this mode the statement at a private the pupils con have any real re­ yard, engines and chassis only. dells of Rockville,, who died a In pledging again to cOme to the year, vowed during hla campsdgn: der. That 14 part of our constitu­ direct concern to NATO. tional system. There is no choice meeting of tntin-AinerlGaa dl|^ CASES OP 24, STRAIGHT OR ASSORTED , . . .‘. .$2.00 U.S. sources said they expected collection of the old order. Qlris and boys were cutting up year ago, left an estaite total­ aid of Cuba, Khrushchev sjald: “ Segregation forever.” iMnats. Only Cuba was aol smooth going In the discussion on It is an old-established school, steel angles and rtieet for build­ ing $6.4 miUUm, acborcUng- to “ If the U.S. government does On Tuesday, Federal District in the matter. Laws which we do not like must be carried out, and pros eat. The Infonaaats ooli the second day of the ministers’ built In 1866. The principal, Mr. ing the bodies.) Productive labor the Inventory of the estate. not strictly observe the agn^eement Judge H. H. Grooms told the Uni­ 1- Shop Thursday From 9 A.M. till 9 P.M. ENTIRE STOCK AT 1/2 PRICE .... OR LESS! versity of Alabama it must admit laws which wa Ilka” StoveMon aptwalad for suppofl that has been reached and aggra­ spring meeting. But there was a Y ^, was mora dsiermlned t\xta la sternly practical. . Down the Pull dOtaile on the bequests to in a mnvo to'prevsat (bs MrvteS most ChlnMe wa mat to impress read from the w o rk u p s we area resldenta and public In- vates the situAtion, we shall have two Negroes June 10. The Board Wallace, knbwlii^ Kennedy Baad Our Ad In Thursday’s Herald poisdbUlty that some of the smaller had to, la Ualoa from •BE SURE TO CA li. FOR ALL OARMENTS LEFT FOR TAILORING BEFORE SATURDAY AT 6 PJd. mlglit iraiaa certain us with tbs oorrsetnsas qf hla found the school piggerlea, and otltutlcfie are Indludad In Ttia to dloeharga our fotornaljonal o t naiirteea agreed to thla. Not would uoe troiqpa Ideology.IdeoIogT. BBetori the “ Ubarattaii." Heiald’s Story by JudHti A. WaUace.' He said ho woul^delY ea Pag* Cwo) (Ooatlaneil ea Page Twe) ‘ ba w , all Iha studi pte '(OeotlBMd ea Faga FMwteeiO MlaaKawii, found on Faga 10. (OoBtlaiied m Faga Stoae) tha eourt order. ^ « ■I

t \ .