Our Lady of l^otory Kotbcra oHUon tMd throughout the rtato. Undrt Chib and OortnepoiKan Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 at Town Flowering Trees to Be Put Mrs. Johnston In 1960 she wae u p p d lu t.i dann (3hd> o f Manchertar. the home of Mrs. George Nacs- o f women aft n youth oonfermoa Mr. and Mkv. Johnston Vve on Now Oponl ■rMiHifcini o t 11m atail of Ooa- kowski, 206 Hackmatack S t Mem­ Ht SUver LiUce, N.Y., nnd before Box ML Drive, Veenon. Ihrir bers are reminded to being articles son, Hooke Johnrten Jr„ hi mar­ LARRABirS '.lAittMTU and .Kmanuel Along E* Center St. Divider ResignsPost that she w«s a delegate to a na­ Vaoatlon Bible Schools for a wMte elephant table. tional conference on reHgloue edu­ ried and Uvea ^ Olartcnbuiy. lARBfR SHOP will meet tonlflit at 7:S0 at Oon* cation at PurdiM Unlveraity, La­ Speeken at the testimonial din­ 15 PCrUN 8XRB1IT oordia Church for an orientation S t James' Mothers Circle will The Chamber of Commerce, In^lOO dognwood treea in the median With Church fayette, Ind. ner w ill, be the Rev. Deane L. (Oloaed Wednesdagra) aeaslo(i. Teaching; materials will be meet tomorrow'at 8:15 pm . at the conjunction with the State High­ strip In 1947, in memory of 106 She conducted a weekly telei- Hodgef, aJMoclate superintendent distributed. D«()ortment . beoiiis home o f Mrs. Santo Slpala, 65 way Dept, will plant 70 five-foot Manchester men who died in World Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston, direc­ visicn program in 1968 called of piuietian Bducatkm o f t h e VOL. LXXXn, NO. 198 (TWBNTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SEClIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1963 will confer with teachers, and Walker S t Hosteaees will be Mrs. flowering crab-apple treea in the War n . Since then drought and "Your Child’s Faith," under the CkhnedUcut Conference o f Oengre- (daaalfted Adverttotaig aw Page St) PRICE SEVEN CENTS dataa for traiaing sessions win be IMward Socha, Mrs. EVlward Mol- median atrip adong E. Center St. naitural attrition has killed about tor of eduoaitlon at Center Con- gregaitional Church, has resigned aponsorship of the Greater Hart­ gatlonal Chrlrtfaui Churches: the set ley and Mrs. Pauljg’Nell. Dr. Charlee Jacoheon, chairman half of the trees. ford Council of Churches, and han Rev. RuaeeU Peery of Middletown, o f t h e Chamber’s Community The ciabapple is considered a from ttM port she has held for ten years. She ^ will be honored w%h given courses for the Greater formerly associate partor of Cenr FREE DELIVERY H m Golden Age Club win meet The Hathan Hale School PTA Beautification Committee, has ar­ hardier tree more likely to sur­ Hartford Council of Churches. She ter Church, and the Rev. Clifford n nin day at 2 p.m. at tbe Senior ranged to buy the trees for the vive along tbe heavily traveled a teotimonlal dinner Friday at will meet and install officers" to­ was a member of the State Pil­ O. Simpson, bastor of Omter 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Farmers Reject Wheat Platt; State N ew s CUisen headquarters at the for­ night A potluck will be served at highway department to Install late street. grim Fellowship, and has served Churc^ Atty. Donald Richter wlQ mer technical school. Flans will be 6:30 tn the school cafeteria. this Week. Horace F. Murphey, town su­ on the religious education com­ be towtmorter. ■ for summer trips. The median stripe wdll also be perintendent of parka, wdll work mittee of the Oflhnecticut Coun­ ARTHUR DRVfi cleaned, mowed and reseeded. with the highway department to licketa for the event may be Roundup The Mary Bu^inell Cheney Aux­ cil of Chunsbee, which la Wter- obtained at the church efftoe. “We are proud and pleased at locate trees so as not to block denominatlonal. Severe Setback Seen iliary win assemble Siuiday at 11 Stinging Defeat for Kennedy the cooperation we have received vision along E. Center St Reservuticna will close tomoROW a.m. between St. James S t and St. She ia a member of the Sotop- night. James’ Church to attend memorial fixam the highway department," Chamber President Eugene T. RUMMAGE services. They will assemble at the Dr. Jacobson says. "There have Kelly says of the project: "We are W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) the plan and 696,948 againat.Ato eliminate all wheat acreage Busiii^sgmen Want comer of Main St. Hartford been many unfavorable comments proud to take such an active part Wheat growers have voted The vote In favor was 47.8 per and marketing controls and to re­ on the condition of the median both to enhance the beauty of the cent of the total—far short of that duce price supports—now at |2— NHRR in Merger Rd. at 9 a.m. Memorial Day to strips on E. Center St. for a num­ strongly against stricter con- SALE participate in the parade. community, and to commemorate required. This was the first UiAe to about $1.26. But supports would ber of years. We are glad to be the town's citizen’s who gave l^ ls on their crops, capping in 18 referenda that a vriieat con­ be limited to m w ers making the Sponsored By TFW AmriUaiy able to do something about It." their lives for us during World the biggest campaign ever trol program had been rejected. 10 per cent reduction In plantings. BOSTON The traf­ The Army-Navy Auxiliary well The American Legion planted War n ." fic (iirector of the Chase ’s Illness meet with other organizations at waged In the American farm­ A record outpouring of votes— But there was the possibility particularly In .-tlie non-commer­ Brass & Copper Co. of Water­ THURSDAY St. Jeunes' Church Sunday at 11:15 lands with a stinging defeat Congress would enact a new pro­ am . cial wheat arrias east of the Mis­ gram more satisfactory to farm­ bary, Conn., testified today MAY 2S— 9 A.M. for the Kennedy administra­ sissippi 7-^verwhelmed the favor­ ers. able . vbtes cast in a small portion that the production of that St. Joseph's Mothers Circle will Martin Issues Halt Order tion and its farm policies. The defeat carried many per­ The administration had thrown of the commercial wheat states of sonal and political impllcationa. It firm is absolutely dependent ORANGE HALL meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Great Plains and Pacific .upon continued railroad serv­ T op D octor the home of Mrs. Frank Fazzina, Ita prestige and strength behind gave credence to administration (Downstairs) Iw program in a battle against Northwest. 159 Birch St. On Use of Blacktop Patch critics that farmers want less fed­ ice. farm groups demanding less ra­ In only one region—the south­ eral interference rather than George R. Fraser said that last DOUBLE ther than more government In east—did the administration plan more. Freeman had staked his year the New Haven Railroad han­ Spent Night General Manager Richard Mar-^ At present, new work ia con­ agriculture. get a heavy majority. This region prestige on the contention that dled 60 million pounds of material tin has instructed the public works tracted out, and the quality ovef- WORLD GREEN Secretary of Agriculture Orville troduces relatively little wheat farmers were willing to accept from the firm. department to "discontinue use of L. Freeman had predicted that de­ but has become accustomed to more effective controls to halt seen by the town engineering de­ Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston Speaking’ before an Interstate Glass Cutto All Shapes blacktop material for repair of partment. feat of the plan would result In rigid controls on Its cotton, tobac­ over-production and stabilize Commerce Commission hearing on A t Bedside concrete walks or curbs,” and to “ chaotic" wheat market condl- co and peanut crops. prices. j the proposed merger of the Penn­ Samples of Installed concrete 6:30 pm. in Woodruff Hall, Cen­ STAMPS tl&ns. aad Sizes for Table Tops use cement for repairs as much are sometimes taken for analysis, ter Congregational Church. LENOX PHARMACY The national vote turnout among It could mean that President sylvania Railroad and the New as possible during the present fis­ The extent of the defeat In York Central, Fraser said he took VATICAN CITY (AP)— to make sure it meets towm stand­ In addition to her work at Cen­ 299 E. CENTER STREET— MI 9-0896 the farmers was lower than ex­ Kennedy will change his farm You eon do many things cal year. ards. ter Church, Mrs, Johnston has ALL WEEK Tuesday’s referendum was meas­ pected, but the total of more than policies and move now In the no position on that union, nor on Pope John XXIII was reliably Town directors have received been active In the relllgous edu- ured by the fact that the admlnls- 1.13 million was more than double direction of reducing govern­ whether the New Haven should be with gloss table and Woodhouse proposes to meet the tratlon proposal failed to muster reported today to have suf­ frequent complaints, according to problem by checking Manches­ it the number voting In any previous ment’s role in agriculture. Oppo­ included. fered a new and severe set­ Director Richard Woodhouse, a simple majority of the votes. wheat referendum. nents had campaigned on the con­ He said he asked only that rail desk tops and they ore ter’s specificaitiona for such work Approval by at least 66.7 per cent back in his illness.
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