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[email protected] Telephone: (237) 675184310, 697037417 Address: P.O. Box 17 OKU-Bui Division, North West Region, Cameroon CAMGEW’s authorisation number N° 000998/RDA/JO6/ BAPP Report prepared by WIRSIY EMMANUEL BINYUY (CAMGEW Director) with support from Ngum Jai Raymond (CAMGEW Project Officer) and Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki (CAMGEW Social Project Officer). 1 PREFACE Our world needs creative and innovative actions to make it a better place for all its occupants. The environment needs to be kept healthy for mankind to be healthy. Poverty, hunger and unemployment have stood as major challenges to mankind. The economic, environmental, political and social conditions are not making things better. We have talked about North-South partnership to make things better for the developing countries and we have also promoted south-south cooperation too but things are not changing positively as expected. Our continent- Africa has a lot of natural resources but these natural resources have not been able to help Africans get decent jobs, put food on their tables, meet other daily needs and invest in the future. There is much disparity between the rich and the poor, the able and the disable, the people in power and those being ruled, the land owners and those in need of land, etc. How do we develop an inclusive strategy that will make everyone belonging to the society? We just hope that as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been developed to replace the expired MDGs things will be getting better globally.