Student Wins Truman Scholarship Skrfftv Features 3-Minute Segments of Top Stories Skifltv Has Premiered a New Edition to Its Web Site

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Student Wins Truman Scholarship Skrfftv Features 3-Minute Segments of Top Stories Skifltv Has Premiered a New Edition to Its Web Site IK Rt| • * FRIDAY TODAY MARCH 24, 2000 The TCU men's and 97th Year • Number 89 women's track and field teams are.set to begin High 86 their outdoor season Low 57 this weekend at the Louisiana State Univer- Partly sity Quadrangular meet cloudy Saturday at the Bernie Moore Track Stadium in TOMORROW High 73 Low 56 Baton Rouge, La. Sports, page 8 Fort Worth, Texas Serving Texas Christian University since 1902 PULSE BRIEFS Student wins Truman scholarship SkrffTV features 3-minute segments of top stories SkiflTV has premiered a new edition to its Web site. Evans receives $30,000; one Now, every day, students can get the top Skiff headlines and of 75 recipients nationwide top local and national news sto- By Rusty Simmons ries off of the Web. A SkiflTV STAFF REPORTER correspondent will anchor a lii high school. Marshawn Evans' three-minute news segment teachers told her she was not smart featuring the top stories. enough to take advanced courses, but Access to the new feature on she vowed not to succumb lo the low SkiflTV can be gained by log- expectations. ging onto the Skiff Web site at Evans, a junior political science ( major, was presented with a $30,000 Students in the radio/TV scholarship Thursday from the Many newswriting class taught by S. Truman Foundation. The Truman Suzanne Huffman, head of the scholarship was given lo 75 students broadcast journalism sequence nationwide lo assisi those who are Marshawn Evans, a junior political in the department of journal- seeking careers in the government or science major, discusses her feel- ism, will spearhead the effort. other public service arenas. Chancel ings about receiving the Harry S Students in the class will rotate lor Michael Ferrari said. Truman Foundation scholarship. reading the daily headlines to "I realize this is not a Nobel Prize," the campus. Evans said. "Bui il means a lol lo inc." don conferences she is,, member of "The addition to the Web site Carter Evans, Marshawn's father, is very exciting for the Skiffy said he was not surprised his daugh- Gov. George W. Hush's Advisory said Joaquin Herrera. editor in ter won ihe scholarship. Board and created America's Chil- dren vinoing Now chief. "Now, students eating in "Marshawn has a verj strong spii Frogbytes can log on, or stu- dual base." he said. America CAN! is ,i leadership de velopmenl program designed to teach dents who need a study break Her lather said the scholarship was in the computer labs can check jusi another blessing of the good and youth io recognize and capitalize it out." valuable things she does lor kids. upon their leadership potential in or Daily updates to the site will Marshawn Evans said. "I give all dei in deter criminal activity. Mar shawn Fvans said, She said the begin to continually appear Sarah Kinchbwtj'PHOTO EDITOR the praise and honor to Jesus Christ." April 3. but two inaugural seg- (From left to right) James Riddlesperger, a professor of political science, Kathryne McDorman, an associate She has traveled across the I intcd program concentrates on siv lx ments are already up on the professor of history and director of the Honors Program, Marshawn Evans, a junior political science major, States as a guesi speaker and presen- dcsne. drive, determination, dedica site. and Chancellor Michael Ferrari celebrate Evans' receipt of the Harry S. Truman Foundation scholarship. ter lor national youth crime preven- See EVANS. Page 5 Concerts Committee holds annual Battle of the Bands Nine bands, armed only with Programs address sexual abuse, rape prevention voices and instruments, will duel Saturday at the annual Battle of the Bands, sponsored Social work students' seminar teaches how Sexual abuse seminar Police hope enrollme nt in RAD classes by Programming Council's to look for warning signs, deal with emotions ■ Who: I I social work goes up. students' gu ards don't go down Concerts Committee. The win- majors By Kathryn Garcia tion of rape, according to the Fam- ner has a chance of playing in ■ What: No Excuse fot Sex- By Rusty Simmons lain Safety Directoi Glen Payton STAFF REPORTER ily and Intimate Violence Preven- STAFF REPORTER San Francisco and winning ual Abuse Seminar: Gel Aware said Eleven social work majors are tion Team's Web site. 'A $10,000. ami Care With the one-year anniversary ol "The hole dynamics of ihe class organizing a free seminar focus- Four workshops, two of which the lasl sexual assault on campus ap- change when a lol ol people are Food will be available, and ■ When: 8:43 to 11:45 a.m. ing on sexual abuse from 8:45 to can be chosen by participants, will proaching. TCU Police Set. John the Rickel Building staff will Saturday there," lie said. "I ,isi nine we had 25 I 1 a.m. Saturday in Moudy Build- be offered at the seminar. Pachecko said he is worried people provide volleyballs, Frisbees ■ Where: Moudv Building people, and n was a really good ses ing North. The workshops include. T.du have let their guard down. sum" and Twister for students to use. North The seminar is titled "No Ex- eating Educators." "Being a During the height of .is Ihe newly scheduled classes will CDs, T-shirts and records will ■ Cost: lice be given away. cuse for Sexual Abuse: Get Aware Friend." "Where was God?" and saults around the campus between he three hours a day in the I rog I il At least one TCU student is and Care." "Breaking the Silence." January and April. 1998, the TCI' room of the Rickel Building Payton in each band, and their music "We want everyone to under- At the "Educating Educators" Rape Aggression Police commenced a three-pan plan said the first two hours ol class are styles vary from alternative to stand that sexual abuse is a very workshop. Alan Dellaff from Defense program to counteract the danger. The TCU devoted to a lecture on risk avoid folk, said Jason Kinney Con- serious issue, and that there is no Child Protective Services will Police increased patrol on streets ad- .nice, which will leach women how Who: TCU Police certs Committee member. excuse for it." said Christen Grim- teach about sexual abuse and how ■ jacent lo campus, where man} of the lo become aware ol possibly danger- ■ What: Rape Aggression The first group takes the sley, a junior social work major educators can recognize il in stu- assaults occurred, campus escort ous situations and how io prevent Defense program stage at 11:45 a.m. in front of and one of the organizers of the dents, Grinuley said. scrv fees were expanded and the Rape them from occurring. I he ncvi seven ■ When: April 17 through 14 Frog Fountain, and the event seminar. "This workshop is especially Aggression Defense program began. hours are used to teach sell defense Where: Frog lit room of will end around 4 p.m. About 27 percent of college good for education majors, hut il ■ But almost a lull school year has tactics ami techniques, he said the Rickel Building "I hope this will bring stu- women reported having a sexual would benefit anyone interested in come and gone without anv sexual "The women actually gel i>> fighl ■ Cost: Free dents together so they can hear experience that met the legal def- the Fort Worth community," she assaults, and only eight women with an instructoi foi ihe last three Women interested in partici- the talent of local TCU stu- inition of rape or attempted rape said. signed up to take Ihe latest RAD hours oi ihe class," Payton said " I he pating in the RAD course can dents." Kinney said. since the age of 14. Monica Kintigh. a licensed pro- classes. The classes, originally instructoi wears those pads thai About 7 percent of college men fessional counselor at the Counseling contact Assistant Safely Direc- scheduled lor Saturday and April I. everyone has seen thai makes him tor Glen Pavton ai 257-7220. Application for Republican, reported perpetuating aggressive have been moved lo April 17 through See RAD, Page 7 Democratic intern extended behavior that met the legal defini- See WORKSHOP, Page 5 19 lo gain more participants, Assis- The deadline to apply for the two-week study/internship at either the Republican or De- mocratic national conventions has been extended by The Housekeepers plan fund-raiser for Kindle Washington Center. said Tommy Thomason, chairman Car wash donations to go toward expenses for graduate's transplants Benefit car wash of the journalism department. stage." McTaggart said. "Everything can give a donation al that time. ward Kindles transplant. Ihe house- The new deadline will be By Jeff Anderson ■ Who If! housekeepers STAFF REPORTER was dark except a brighl light on Allen Frederic, a senior speech keepers hope lo raise al least SI.(MX) April 15, unless the program ■ What Cai wash TCU housekeepers will wash cars Rohbyn. I woke up and decided I communication major, said Ihe car m donations from ihe car wash, she completely fills before then, he ■ When I lo 5 p in S.iiui Saturday and Sunday to raise money wanted lo do something." wash idea is great said. said. The Washington Center day and Sunday • for TCU graduate Robhyn Kindlc's Kindle is currently at the Nebraska "For all the hard work Ihe house- Julie Graver, service assistant lor accepts applications from ■ Where Between Colby transplant fund, housekeeping super- Medical Center in Omaha awaiting a keepers do and the lack of recogni- Residential Services, said the stall is across the country, he said.
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