Corporate Profile 2020 2021 Message from the CEO
Corporate Profile 2020 2021 Message from the CEO 01 Corporate Profile From a Company Making Things, to a Company Making People Smile More than just a company that makes cars, aircraft, and related technologies, Subaru aims to be a company that makes our customers smile. In every era, our goal is to be a trusted partner for our customers and engage sincerely with them through attractive and distinctive products and services that deliver Enjoyment and Peace of Mind. In this once-in-a-century period of profound transformation, the automobile in- dustry is required to respond to the new domains of CASE (connected, autono- mous, shared & services, and electric) not conventionally associated with car-making. At the same time, the global pandemic of COVID-19 is changing the way we live through its impact on every aspect of our daily lives. Subaru is by no means a large player in the automobile industry, and it would be difficult for us to develop everything we need on our own. Our business model aims to differentiate Subaru from our competitors by selecting and con- centrating on areas where we can enhance our strengths and distinctive fea- tures, and focusing our limited resources on such fields in pursuit of the added value that our customers seek. In other areas, we respond appropriately and ef- ficiently by collaborating with Toyota Motor Corporation and a range of other business partners. Specifically, based on our mid-term management vision for 2025, “STEP,” we are placing both our automotive and aerospace businesses on a strong footing for steady, sustainable growth by further accelerating our efforts to address three key themes: corporate culture reforms, quality enhancement, and the “Subaru-zukuri” (make-a-Subaru) initiative.
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