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PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, VOL. 33, PART 4, NO. 20, PP. 475-487, 15TH MAY, 1963. INDEX TO VOLUME 33 Accounts, 1960, 34-5; 1901, 260-1. Ben Nevis Sandstone, molluscs, 100. Agate Point, 274 ff., 281; structures, Benches, ice-marginal, 367. 276-9, 281-2. Bevelled spurs, 154. Ahrensisporites sp., 435. Bifrons Zone, 383-4, 413-4; species Alatisporites pustulutus, 435. of Dactylioeeratidae and Hilda - Allenheads, Namurian strata, 235- ceras in, 414-5. 54, Pis. 16-7. Biller Howe channel, 378, Pi. 23. Alston Block, 2-4, 11 ff., 238, 346 ff., Binbrook, 154-6. 355 ff.; eastern margin, 11, 13. BISAT, W. S., 256, 257; presentation Alum Shale Series, and the Jet Rock of Sorby Medal, 258-9. Series, of the Yorkshire coast, Bituminous Shales, 383-4, 390-5, 381-422, Pis. 24-8. 405, 413. Anatase in White Sandstone, 62, Black Beds, 239. Pi. 5. Black Dyke Slack, 367-8, 376, PI. Andree Land, 89, 90, 107, Pi. 6. 23. Andreebreen Sandstone, 84, 102. Black Nab, 390, 393, PI. 28. Anhydrite, 222. Blackingstone Rock, 327-9. Animal dogger, 385-6. Blanket bogs, 458-9. Annelid tracks in Keuper, 212. Block fields, 326, 331. Annual report, 1900, 31-46; 1961, Blue granite, Dartmoor, 333. 255-71. Bluestone Heath, 153. Antiforms at Eyemouth, 281-2. Biyth [gravity] low, 7. Apieulatisporis spinosactosm, 437. Bockfjorden, 85, 87, 89; fossil list, Ashes quarry, 137-8, 141-2. 114. Askrigg Block, 345, 356. Bodmin Moor, 323-4. Assemblages of miospores—see mio• Bollandoceras hodderense, in Sykes spore assemblages. Anticline, 292-3.
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