Jurassic (170 - 199 Ma Time-Slice) Time

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Jurassic (170 - 199 Ma Time-Slice) Time Early Jurassic (170 - 199 Ma time-slice) Time ScaLe R Creator CHRONOS Cen Mesozoic Updated by James G. Ogg (Purdue University) and Gabi Ogg to: GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE 2004 (Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Smith, A.G., et al., 2004) and The CONCISE GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE (Ogg, J.G., Ogg, G., and Gradstein, F.M., 2008) Paleozoic Sponsored, in part, by: Precambrian ICS Based, in part, on: CENOZOIC-MESOZOIC BIOCHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY: JAN HARDENBOL, JACQUES THIERRY, MARTIN B. FARLEY, THIERRY JACQUIN, PIERRE-CHARLES DE GRACIANSKY, AND PETER R. VAIL,1998. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Chronostratigraphic Framework of European Basins in: De Graciansky, P.- C., Hardenbol, J., Jacquin, Th., Vail, P. R., and Farley, M. B., eds.; Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins, SEPM Special Publication 60. Standard Geo- Ammonites Sequences Ammonites Sequences Smaller Benthic Foraminifers Larger Benthic Foraminifers Calcareous Nannofossils Dinoflagellate Cysts Radiolarians Belemnites Brachiopods Ostracodes Charophytes Stage Age Chronostratigraphy magnetic North Atlantic Tethys Age Polarity Sequences Boreal Sequences T-R Major T-R Period Epoch Stage Substage Boreal Boreal T-R Cycles Tethyan Global, Tethyan Cycles Cycles Zones Tethyan markers Zones Zonal Markers Zonal Markers Zones Boreal Zonal Markers Other Boreal Nannofossils Zones Zonal Markers Other Dinocysts Tethyan Dinocysts Zones Zonal Markers NW Europe Boreal Tethyan Boreal Ostracodes Tethyan Ostracodes Markers Lt. Bajoc. Strenoceras niortense Teloceras banksi Strenoceras niortense Teloceras banksi DSJ14 Lithodinia valensii Belemnopsis Lissajouthyris Lissajouthyris [un-named] 169.8 Stephanolithion speciosum Mancodinium semitabulatum, 169.8 L. galeata mg P., speciosum Durotrigia daveyi, Phallocysta apiciconus matisconensis matisconensis Glyptocythere scitula Teloc. blagdeni Bj3 Telo. blagdeni Bj3 NJ10 Andromeda depressa, G. craneae Stephanoceras Stephanoceras eumekes, Nannoceratopsis Stephanoceras humphriesianum Stephanoceras humphriesianum L. polymorpha mg DSJ13 Cribroperidinium crispum, Wanaea acollaris, Tricolocapsa plicarum, 170 170 Stephanolithion speciosum gracilis (common), humphriesianum humphriesianum Callorbis minor Carinolithus superbus Valvaeodinium spinosum Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis Mesosaturnalis tetraspinus Pavirhynchia parvula Glyptocythere scitula Dorsetensia romani Dorsetensia romani P. Nannoceratopsis senex (common) Biscutum constans Biscutum constans Zartus dickinsoni Glyptocythere polita Dorsetensia hebridica Dorsetensia hebridica Scriniocassis priscus Sonninia propinquans 170.5 Sonninia propinquans Callorbis minor Morrisithyris phillipsiana C. pallas Emileia sauzei Bj2 170.6 Triscutum sullivani Glyptocythere polita Bajocian Emileia sauzei Bj2 Monsardithyris Monsardithyris Bajocian E. Bajoc. series Timidonella sarda, Gutnicella NJ9 N. ambioni, Nannoceratopsis S. Spain W. laeviuscula Ektyphocythere triangula, Witchellia laeviuscula cayeuxi triceras, Nannoceratopsis cortonensis M. cortonensis and C. cortonensis Monsardithyris Progonocythere carinata Witchellia laeviuscula Shirbuirnia trigonalis Witchellia laeviuscula DSJ12 dictyambonis, Phallocysta Ellipsagelosphaera britannica Eocylindroteuthis gingensis cortonensis Euhoploceras ovalis Euhoploceras (F.) ovalis Ellipsagelosphaera britannica ( elongata (rare) Progonocythere carinata consistent) trautsholdi Triscutum tiziense Hyperlio. subsectum Hyperlioceras subsectum Moesiodinium raileanui (rare) Progonocythere reticulata, Progonocythere reticulata Hyperlioceras discites Hyperlioceras discites Durotrigia daveyi L. perovalis L. perovalis 171.6 171.6 171.6 Timidonella sarda + P. grassei Ektyphocythere triangula 171.6 Hyperlioceras walkeri Bj1 Hyperlioceras walkeri Bj1 Gutnicella cayeuxi Scriniocassis weberi Phallocysta elongata (common) Ellipsagelosphaera britannica ( Graphoceras formosum Graphoceras formosum rare) Conarothyris opima Conarothyris opima Graphoceras concavum Graphoceras concavum R. subangulata and C. R. subangulata and C. Lt. Aalen. Spectre d'orbignyi opima opima Graph. concavum Graph. concavum Timidonella sarda, Gutnicella Carpathodinium sp. A, cayeuxi Dissiliodinium giganteum Middle Bussonius prinsii Bussonius prinsii Kinkelinella gr. sermoisensis Brasilia gigantea Brasilia gigantea NJ8b Brasilia bradfordensis Brasilia bradfordensis Nodosaria C. margarelii Homaloteuthis Brasilia bradfordensis Brasilia bradfordensis regularis DSJ11 Stoudithyris pisolithica [un-named] 173.4 173.4 Pseudoconus enigma spinata Aa2 Aa2 Pseudoglossothyris Pseuodoglossothyris Ludw. murchinsonae Ludw. murchinsonae Crepidolithus impontus bebissoni & Aalenian M. Aalen. bebissoni Aalenian Monsardithyris trilineata Ludwigia murchinsonae Ludw. obtusiformis Ludwigia murchinsonae Triscutum sullivani Lotharingius contractus series Ludwigia haugi Ferrythyris elianae Ferrythyris elianae Ludwigia haugi Pareodinia ceratophora, S. Switzerland Sentusidinium spp. Carinolithus magharensis 174.9 174.9 Ovalicysta hiata, Susadinium Nannoceratopsis plegas, Leioceras bifidatum Aa1 Leioceras bifidatum Aa1 knertene, Reutlingia cardobarbata Moesiodinium raileanui ( Rhynchoneilloidea 175 175 Triscutum tiziense , Susadinium scrofoides, consistent) Brachybelus Leioceras opalinum Leioceras opalinum Parvocysta spp. (bullula, nasuta, ruthenensis & E. Aalen. Lotharingius contractus Axopodorhabdus atavus subaduncatus Leioceras opalinum Leioceras opalinum cracens) Globirhynchia prava Conarothyris conglobata 175.6 Nannoceratopsis plegas 175.6 NJ8a Cantulodinium protuberatum, Pleydellia lugdunensis Pleydellia fluitans Nannoceratopsis triangulata, 176.1 176.1 Valvaeodinium punctatum, Parvocysta spp. (LCO) Pleydellia aalensis Toa7 Pleydellia aalensis Toa7 Crepidolithus cavus Homoeorhynchia Pleydellia mactra Pleydellia mactra cynocephala and Nannoceratopsis triceras Acrocoelites Zeilleria (Z.) lycetti A. kuhni Spectre tenuistriata DSJ10 bobeti Dumortieria moorei Dumortieria pseudoradiosa Dumortieria pseudoradiosa Retecapsa incompta Retecapsa incompta Biscutum intermedium Stroudithyris Dumo. levesquei Dumor. levesquei infraoolitica and Watznaueria fossacincta C. cantaluppii Stroudithyris Dumortieria levesquei stephanoides Gruneria gruneri Stroudithyris Phlyseogrammoceras Phlyseogrammoceras Lt. Toarc. Axopodorhabdus depravatus unfraoolitica and dispansum 178.3 dispansum 178.3 Nannoceratopsis dictyambonis, Stroudithyris Toa6 Hammatoceras insigne Toa6 Phallocysta elongata, Biscutum intermedium Susadinium scrofoides, Wallodinium cylindricum stephanoides D. gallemanica Parvocysta spp. (FCO), Trachycythere verrucosa Pseudogrammoceras Pseudogrammoceras Nannoceratopsis triangulata fallaciosum fallaciosum Salpingoteuthis Spectre d'orbignyi Acocoelites longisulcata Toarcian Esericeras fascigerum NJ7 acuarius Toarcian Grammoceras thouarsense 179.6 Grammoceras thouarsense 179.6 Grammoceras thouarsense Toa5 Grammoceras striatulum Toa5 Pseduogrammoceras DSJ9 180 180 bingmanni Haugia vitiosa Parvocysta spp., Scriniocassis series Brodieia alticarinatus priscus Toarcian Toarcian composite Haugia illustris Colina gemma Discorhabdus criotus Sphaeroidothyris vari E. vitilis, Otocythere callosa Haugia variabilis Haugia variabilis Haugia variabilis Lotharingius hauffii (acme) Lotharingius hauffii (acme) Acocoelites wrighti Sphaeroidothyris vari Hildoceras semipolitum and S. decipiens Ektyphocythere debilis crassum 181.0 181.0 Parvocysta nasuta, Phallocysta Nannoceratopsis spiculata, sphaeromorph acritarchs and S. decipiens S. perfida M. Toarc. Hildoceras bifrons Toa4 Hildoceras bifrons Hild. bifrons Toa4 Citharina spp., D. utriculata, L. eumekes, Scriniocassis priscus, Moesiodinium raileanui, E. (Praeschuleridea) NO PUBLISHED DATA IN Upper Peronoceras fibulatum pennensis mg L.M. S. scrofoides Parvocysta spp. pseudokinkelinella TOARCIAN to CALLOVIAN Toa3 Toa3 Discorhabdus criotus T. jauberti and H. 181.1 Hild. lusitanicum 181.1 Discorhabdus striatus Dactylioceras commune Spectre chicheryi meridionalis Hild. sublevisoni Biscutum striatum Orthogonoides hamiltoniae Orthogonoides hamiltoniae Harpoceras falciferum Palaeopontosphaera grande Acrocoelites Homoeorhynchia Harpoceras falciferum ilmentrensis meridionalis and K. gr. sermoisensis Harpoceras falciferum Harpoceras serpentinum Hildaites pseudoserpentinum Similiscutum finchii NJ6 DSJ8 S.bouchardi Biscutum finchii Telothyris jauberti E. Toarc. 182.3 182.3 Lenticulina Harp. exaratum Toa2 Toa2 obonensis mg P., K. gr. sermoisensis, Harpoceras strangewaysi Carinolithus superbus Carinolithus superbus Dactylioceras semicelatum L. aragonensis N. pymoea and K. Ektyphocythere intrepida K. gr. sermoisensis 182.7 Nannoceratopsis triceras ( Calcivascularis jansae Calcivascularis jansae Dacty. tenuicostatum Toa1 182.9 mg S. Lotharingius crucicentralis common) Liospiriferina falloti and bouchardi Dactylioceras tenuicostatum Dactylioceras tenuicostatum Dactylioceras semicelatum Toa1 Luehndea spinosa Nannoceratopsis triceras (FCO) Ektyphocythere intrepida, K. Ogmoconcha Ogmoconhella spp. 183.0 DSJ7 tenuicostata 183.0 Dacty. clevelandicum Lent. preobonensis Crucirhabdus primulus Aulacothyris iberica [un-named] O. ambo 183.1 Protogrammoceras paltus 183.1 Lotharingius sigillatus Crucirhabdus primulus sphaeromorph acritarchs Luehndea spinosa (consistent) Protogrammoceras paltus PI 8 PI 8 mg P. Involutina liassica, Maturodinium inornatum, Paleomayncina termieri, Valvaeodinium armatum Emaciaticeras emaciatum elisa Lent. sublaevis Lituosepta compressa, Passaloteuthis Pleuroceras hawskerense Orbitopsella praecursor Lotharingius sigillatus Quadratirhynchia
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