
Effect of a oceanic anoxic event on belemnite ecology and evolution

Clemens Vinzenz Ullmanna,1, Nicolas Thibaulta, Micha Ruhla,b, Stephen P. Hesselbob,2, and Christoph Kortea

aDepartment of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark; and bDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3AN, United Kingdom

Edited by James P. Kennett, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, and approved May 29, 2014 (received for review October 25, 2013) The oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE; ∼183 million y ago) is intruded organic-rich substrates (5) and biogenic methane from possibly the most extreme episode of widespread ocean oxygen ocean floor clathrates (7, 10). deficiency in the Phanerozoic, coinciding with rapid atmospheric Constraining the causes and magnitude of the observed p CO2 increase and significant loss of biodiversity in marine faunas. changes in the carbon cycle relies on analytical results from the The event is a unique past tipping point in the Earth system, where sedimentary record. Major obstacles for these reconstructions rapid and massive release of isotopically light carbon led to a major arise because the commonly analyzed bulk samples always rep- perturbation in the global carbon cycle as recorded in organic and resent mixtures of different phases, which may also have been inorganic C isotope records. Modern marine ecosystems are pro- affected by postdepositional alteration. Samples of macrofossil jected to experience major loss in biodiversity in response to calcite may occur only sparsely and are isotopically more het- enhanced ocean anoxia driven by anthropogenic release of green- erogeneous than bulk materials, and signals can be complicated house gases. Potential consequences of this anthropogenic forcing by habitat and vital effects. Macrofossil calcite can, however, be can be approximated by studying analog environmental perturba- assessed for its preservation state and carry significant in- tions in the past such as the T-OAE. Here we present to our knowl- formation about environmental change and the faunal response edge the first organic carbon isotope record derived from the to it. For the Jurassic and , the bullet-shaped - organic matrix in the calcite rostra of early Toarcian belemnites. ized remains (calcite rostra) of belemnites, extinct marine We combine both organic and calcite carbon isotope analyses of predatory , are one of the prime sources for marine individual specimens of these marine predators to obtain a refined paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The globally observed early reconstruction of the early Toarcian global exogenic carbon cycle Toarcian negative CIE, which is well known from bulk organic perturbation and belemnite paleoecology. The organic carbon iso- tope data combined with measurements of oxygen isotope values and carbonate carbon isotope records, is either small or absent in from the same specimens allow for a more robust interpretation of the calcite of the rostra (12, 13). This missing expression of the the interplay between the global carbon cycle perturbation, envi- negative CIE in belemnite calcite has led some researchers to ronmental change, and biotic response during the T-OAE. We infer question whether the T-OAE has been a climatic event of global that belemnites adapted to environmental change by shifting their extent (12, 13). habitat from cold bottom waters to warm surface waters in re- Isotopic investigations of belemnites have so far only focused – sponse to expanded seafloor anoxia. on the inorganic matrix of the rostra (12 14). The isotopic composition of the organic matrix, which is embedded in the calcite of the rostrum, has previously not been studied, even limatic and environmental change driven by anthropogenic Cgreenhouse gases is predicted to severely compromise though its presence has been known for several decades (15, 16). modern-day marine ecosystems through ocean anoxia and pos- sibly ocean acidification (1, 2). Expanded and intensified oxygen Significance minimum zones, accompanied by deposition of organic-rich ∼ EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, sediments, have occurred multiple times in the past and are The Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (OAE; 183 million y ago) is AND PLANETARY SCIENCES termed oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) (3). The marked by one of the largest carbon cycle perturbations in Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE) is among the best- Earth history, rapid climate change, widespread ocean oxygen deficiency, and strong changes in marine ecosystems. The studied of OAEs and represents an interval of global warming temporal links between increasing atmospheric pCO , changes (3), high continental weathering intensity (3, 4), and increased 2 in ocean oxygen availability, and marine biotic response during atmospheric pCO2 (5). This event is associated with an enhanced

this event are still poorly understood. Here we use isotopic ECOLOGY turnover of taxa, enhanced sedimentary organic matter accu- analyses of calcite and organic matter from belemnites, marine mulation, and perturbations in the geochemical cycles of essen- predators of that time, to address their response to bottom tial elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur and redox- water anoxia during the OAE. We infer that some belemnite sensitive elements such as molybdenum (3). Cyclostratigraphic taxa showed resilience to a strong reduction in ocean oxygen studies of the Toarcian sedimentary record suggest a short (<1 availability and occupied ecological niches in the Cleveland My) duration for the event and point to recurring, orbitally Basin (United Kingdom), enabling a strong evolutionary di- paced pulses of rapid environmental change (6–9). The exogenic versification after the event. carbon cycle was globally perturbed as evidenced by a large negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE), which is expressed in Author contributions: C.V.U. designed research; C.V.U. performed research; C.V.U., N.T., M.R., S.P.H., and C.K. participated in sample collection; C.V.U., N.T., and M.R. analyzed marine and terrestrial organic and inorganic carbon in the data; and C.V.U., N.T., M.R., S.P.H., and C.K. wrote the paper. northern and southern hemispheres (5, 10, 11). Various potential The authors declare no conflict of interest. triggers for the T-OAE have been identified. The event co- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. incided with the extensive volcanic activity of the Karoo-Ferrar 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. large igneous province (6–8). Changes in the global carbon cycle 2Present address: Camborne School of Mines, College of Engineering, Mathematics and through the T-OAE have been hypothesized to be forced by Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Penryn TR10 9FE, United Kingdom. rapid and massive venting of isotopically depleted carbon This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. through the production of thermogenic methane from sill- 1073/pnas.1320156111/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1320156111 PNAS | July 15, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 28 | 10073–10076 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 organic and inorganic carbon of individual belemnite rostra. The Arctic Sea rostra are derived from the Cleveland Basin (Yorkshire, United Kingdom), a subbasin of the epicontinental Laurasian Seaway Greenland with water depths of ∼100 m during the early Toarcian (17) (Fig. 1). Using our newly generated organic carbon isotope data in 50° N combination with isotopic data from the calcite of individual rostra, we reassess the paleoenvironmental significance of the isotopic composition of rostral calcite. We suggest a solution to the apparent paradox of the missing negative CIE in the calcite of the rostra by incorporating the ecological and evolutionary response of belemnites to bottom water anoxia into the in-

40° N Fenno-Scandian Shield elevation terpretation of the isotope data. m asl Results Cleveland 0 Basin -40 Combined analytical results from organic shell matrix and car- -80 bonate of well-preserved belemnites from the sedimentary suc- 30° N -120 cessions of the Cleveland Basin are presented (see Materials and -160 Methods and Supporting Information for methodology and pres- -200 – -400 ervation criteria and Tables S1 S3 for results). The C isotope δ13 -600 record of belemnite calcite ( Cbel-carb) through the ten- 1000 km Tethys Ocean -800 uicostatum ammonite biozone is derived from the genus Passa- loteuthis and shows an average value of +2.3 ± 1.4‰ (2 SD, n = Fig. 1. Paleogeography of the Laurasian Seaway (or Viking Corridor), 94). The Passaloteuthis record of the top semicelatum subzone modified from ref. 17. Sampling location is marked by a yellow star. lacks the clear representation of a strong negative carbon isotope shift (CIE) observed in coeval bulk organic carbon (12, 13) (Fig. 2). The following falciferum zone is characterized by the disap- The organic matter in belemnite rostra can provide comple- pearance of Passaloteuthis and the appearance of Acrocoelites in mentary information about the ’s habitat and mode of life. the Cleveland Basin (Fig. 2). Within the lower exaratum subzone, In this study we fill this gap by the analysis of the cogenetic a distinct negative CIE is observed in the belemnite calcite (Fig. 2).

δ13C ‰ PDB Δ13C ‰ meters carb carb-org -1 1 3 5 24 26 28 30 32 34 45 comm. bifrons 40

35 Acrocoelites vulgaris

falciferum 30

surface water signal signal water surface bottom water signal water bottom signal water bottom

25 falciferum Parapassalotheutis polita

20 Simpsonibelus dorsalis Youngibelus tubularis Youngibelus

exara- tum 15 Passalotheutis bisulcata Passalotheutis milleri

10 Acrocoelites subtenuis semice- latum

5 single anal. bel. avg.

bulk C Acrocoelites trisulculosus tenuicostatum

pa. cl. te. org 0 -33 -31 -29 -27 -25 -7-5-3-11 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 +5 13 18 cumulative benthic FOs - LOs δ Corg ‰ PDB δ O ‰ PDB

13 18 Fig. 2. Chemostratigraphy of the early Toarcian. Bulk organic carbon data are from refs. 4, 7, and 27. δ Cbel-carb and δ Obel-carb are bounded by curves tentatively showing the signatures of belemnite calcite formed in surface water and bottom water in the Cleveland Basin. Δ13C values are computed as the 13 13 isotopic difference between average δ Cbel-carb and δ Cbel-org values of individual rostra. The cumulated number of first occurrences (FOs) and last occur- rences (LOs) of benthic species throughout the section starting with zero at the 0-m level are computed from species ranges of bivalves, brachiopods, crinoids, gastropods, and serpulids published in ref. 20. Belemnite species ranges are taken from refs. 19 and 20. Ammonite zones in chronological order: Dactylioceras tenuicostatum, Harpoceras falciferum, and bifrons; ammonite subzones in chronological order: Protogrammoceras paltum, Dactylioceras cleve- landicum, Dactylioceras tenuicostatum, Dactylioceras semicelatum, Eleganticeras exaratum, Harpoceras falciferum,andDactylioceras commune.

10074 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1320156111 Ullmann et al. Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 Minimum values of −0.3‰ are recorded in the stratigraphic Acrocoelites diverse post-event interval where the negative carbon isotope excursion in bulk or- belemnites 13 ganic carbon (δ Cbulk-org) is at its peak (specimen Haws_NT_3). 18 Isotopically light oxygen isotope values (δ Obel-carb) in the rostra of Acrocoelites are associated with this CIE (Fig. 2). This oxygen isotope spike coincides with widespread anoxia during the event, as evidenced, e.g., by positive molybdenum isotope values, en- hanced redox-sensitive trace element concentrations, increased Passaloteuthis total organic carbon preservation, and benthic extinctions (3, 8, 13 anoxia 18–20). The δ Cbel-carb values in the following falciferum sub- zone, which are mainly derived from Acrocoelites, are distinctly more variable (+1‰ to +5‰) compared with values found in Passaloteuthis of the tenuicostatum zone (+1‰ to +3‰) (Fig. 3 tenuicostatum zone falciferum zone bifrons z 13 and Table S1). Belemnite organic carbon isotope values (δ Cbel-org) time follow the same overall trend as bulk organic carbon ratios but are ∼1‰ lighter in the tenuicostatum zone and ∼1‰ heavier in the Fig. 4. Tentative model for the habitat changes of belemnites in the Cleveland Basin over the T-OAE. Passaloteuthis disappears with the onset of falciferum zone (Fig. 2). δ18 δ13 anoxia and is succeeded by Acrocoelites that occupies the surface waters. The O and Cbel-carb values of belemnite rostra before With intermittently returning oxic bottom water conditions, belemnites di- and during the T-OAE define well-separated fields (Fig. 3). Data versify and occupy a wider range of habitats. from belemnites postdating the most negative carbon isotope 13 values in the bulk organic material show a range in δ Cbel-carb about 1/3 larger than before and during the CIE (Figs. 2 and 3). the event and is characterized by a strong negative shift of ∼4‰ The range of δ18O values of belemnites during the return to in belemnite δ18O. Such a strong negative shift theoretically background carbon isotope values is twice as large as that of the translates into a temperature increase of ∼16 °C (14), which two other groups (Figs. 2 and 3). These belemnite data span appears unreasonably large because the Cleveland Basin at that a field that partly overlaps with pre-OAE belemnites and is offset time was located at subtropical latitudes (17). It is also in strong 13 – from the peak OAE belemnites toward heavier δ Cbel-carb values contrast to a model-based, less extreme prediction of 3 5°C (Figs. 2 and 3). temperature increase during the event (21). Changes in water circulation and salinity of the Laurasian seaway may account for Discussion part of the observed signal in oxygen isotopes (17). However, The discovery of a negative carbon isotope excursion with a mag- neither of these processes can simultaneously explain why the nitude of 2.5‰ in the organic matrix of belemnite rostra, co- negative CIE in belemnite calcite is so subdued in comparison inciding with the negative CIEs in bulk organic carbon and with the well-defined and abrupt excursions in the bulk carbo- carbonate (Fig. 2), counters the principal objection to the global nates of, for example, the Paris and Lusitanian basins (9, 10, 22, 18 nature of the T-OAE. It remains to be explained, however, why 23). The strong decrease in δ Obel-carb in the exaratum subzone a corresponding CIE in the calcite of the rostra is suppressed instead suggests a combination of an overall raised water column compared with other substrates. temperature and a change of belemnite habitat, with Acrocoelites δ18 Relatively heavy and uniform O values in Passaloteuthis being adapted to warmer, oxygenated surface waters (Fig. 4). rostra preceding the T-OAE suggest a bottom water habitat in 13 This interpretation makes it possible to reconcile the δ Cbel-carb the Cleveland Basin where temperatures were low and seasonally data across the CIE. stable (Figs. 2 and 4). The first appearance and dominance of Surface waters are generally more enriched in 13C than bottom Acrocoelites in belemnite assemblages after the disappearance of waters because of removal of 12C by photosynthesis in the photic Passaloteuthis coincides with widespread ocean anoxia during 13 zone and oxidation of C-depleted organic matter in deeper EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, 13 AND PLANETARY SCIENCES waters. Our δ Cbel-carb record can thus be interpreted as follows: the adaptation of Acrocoelites to 13C-enriched surface water shifts 13 0 pre-event phase δ Cbel-carb to relatively more positive values and dampens the ex- belemnites live in pression of the early Toarcian negative CIE. We attribute the in- cold bottom waters δ13 -1 creased isotopic variability and negative correlation of Cbel-carb δ18 and Obel-carb in Acrocoelites after the early Toarcian negative CIE ECOLOGY recovery phase to belemnite diversification with taxa adapted to surface water -2 occupation of multiple habitats environments and returning to periodically reoxygenated bottom

event (?) -3 4 water habitats (Figs. 3 and 4). Vital effects and diagenetic alteration TemperatureCH rise are unlikely to have generated the observed trends, because both would have resulted in positive correlations of δ13Candδ18O(24, O ‰ PDB -4 18 25) and partly very depleted values in the case of diagenesis (25). δ Although the postulated change of habitat obscures the negative -5 13 13 CIE in δ Cbel-carb, the synchronous positive shifts in δ Cbulk-org, 18 - 41 m 13 13 δ Cbel-org,andδ Cbel-carb after the event (Fig. 2) clearly show the -6 CIE Temperature drawdown decrease 15 - 18 m recovery of early Toarcian exogenic carbon pools from the strong belemnites forced to CO 2 13 warm surface waters 1 - 12 m C depletion. -7 The change in offset of δ13C between belemnite and bulk -10123456 organic matter through the OAE—from lighter (Passaloteuthis) 13 δ C ‰ PDB to heavier values (Acrocoelites)—may reflect different feeding 13 18 behaviors in the two genera. Although Acrocoelites may have Fig. 3. Crossplot of δ Cbel-carb and δ Obel-carb values split into groups for the pre-CIE phase (1–12 m), main CIE (15–18 m), and recovery and postevent relied on food sources with a heavier carbon isotope signature phase (18–41 m). Height in meters corresponds to the values given in Fig. 2. than those accessible to Passaloteuthis, it also cannot be excluded

Ullmann et al. PNAS | July 15, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 28 | 10075 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 that the contrasting carbon isotope offset is due to differences in extreme environmental change ultimately led to the successful the biosynthesis of the organic matrix between the two genera. occupation of a wider range of habitats. The concentration of dissolved CO2 in seawater partly dictates the isotopic fractionation of carbon in the organic matter of Materials and Methods photosynthetic marine primary producers, resulting in enhanced Belemnite rostra were collected from sections at Hawsker Bottoms (54°27’24” N, 0°32′20″ W) and Saltwick Bay (54°29′21″ N, 0°35′18″ W), fractionation under higher pCO2, whose isotopic signature is then imprinted throughout the entire food web (26). The iso- Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios as well as Mg/Ca, topic difference between coeval marine organic carbon and Sr/Ca, and Mn/Ca ratios were measured at the University of Oxford and the University of Copenhagen from calcite drilled out of the rostra. In Copenhagen, carbonate carbon through a sedimentary sequence can thus be ∼0.5 mg of calcite was processed using an IsoPrime mass spectrometer for δ13C related to changes in atmospheric CO2. Such records can, how- and δ18O measurements and an Optima 7000 DV inductively coupled plasma ever, only reliably represent atmospheric CO2 if the mode of optical emission spectrometer for subsequent analysis of reacted remains for formation of both the organic and the carbonate carbon remains element ratios. Reproducibility (2 SD) of isotope ratios is better than 0.2‰ and the same over time. This assumption may allow for reliable in- better than 3% for Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca. Reproducibility (2 SD) for Mn/Ca ratios is 13 better than 3 μmol/mol in the range of accepted Mn/Ca ratios. In Oxford, car- terpretation of Δ C records (as proxy for changing pCO2) in the individual tenuicostatum and falciferum subzones. However, the bon and oxygen isotope analyses were performed on ∼50 μg of calcite powder changing offset in δ13C between bulk and belemnite organic using a Delta V mass spectrometer coupled with a Kiel IV device. Reproducibility (2 SD) is better than 0.1‰. Element ratios were determined on ∼80 μgcalcite carbon at the transition from Passaloteuthis to Acrocoelites (Fig. Δ13 powder using an Element XR inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer 2) precludes unambiguous interpretation of the belemnite C with reproducibility better than 1.5% (2 SD). Only results from translucent record over the early Toarcian OAE. calcite showing good preservation of shell structure (Figs. S1–S4)andwith Taking a shift in life habits of belemnites into account can Mn/Ca ratios of <0.10 mmol/mol and Sr/Ca ratio > 1.2 mmol/mol are explain why the negative CIE of the T-OAE is subdued in bel- interpreted here. emnite calcite and further strengthens the notion that the Organic carbon was extracted from 270 to 1,370 mg of calcite. For organic T-OAE is an event of global significance. A change in belemnite carbon extraction, the rostra were broken, and surfaces and visibly altered habitats is also in good agreement with benthic turnover during parts were ground away. The clean fragments were dissolved in 6 M HCl at the widespread bottom water anoxia (19) (Fig. 2) and allows for room temperature, and insoluble organic matter from the shell matrix was extracted by 5× centrifugation at Rmax of 1,300 × g and disposal of the a more realistic assessment of the geochemical signatures of ∼ μ ’ supernatant. The remaining residue was dried at 60 °C, and 90 g was rostra through the early Toarcian. Today s environmental threat transferred into a tin capsule for isotopic analyses. The δ13C measurements to marine organisms and ecosystems through potential hyper- were done using an IsoPrime mass spectrometer coupled with an elemental thermia and anoxia is severe and could lead to a dramatic loss in analyzer at the University of Copenhagen. Reproducibility is better than biodiversity (2). This is evident from the early Toarcian and 0.2‰ (2 SD). other OAEs, when benthic species were strongly affected and marine organisms showed a large turnover in species while ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We acknowledge the editor and two anonymous adjusting to new habitats and available niches (19). In some reviewers for their valuable comments that helped to significantly improve the clarity and quality of the manuscript. This project was funded by the instances, however, as is the case here for belemnites, the evo- Danish Council for Independent Research–Natural Sciences (Project 09- lutionary capabilities of past marine predators responding to 072715) and by the Carlsberg Foundation (Project 2011-01-0737).

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