S 52 Br JT (Supplement) 1994; 72: 52-56

CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.72.3_Suppl.S52 on 1 September 1994. Downloaded from

Effects of ACE inhibitors on coronary haemodynamics and angina pectoris

M K Davies

Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor of in incidence of sudden death observed after both coronary and peripheral vasculature; it ACE inhibitors in may be due in increases , promotes part therefore to a beneficial effect on the myocardial hypertrophy, and possibly con- coronary circulation, atherogenesis, or the tributes to the process of atherosclerosis. In thrombotic process.20 Both the recent SOLVD addition, the renin- system and treatment'3 and SAVE2' studies have shown a the sympathetic nervous system are inter- reduction in the rate of recurrent infarction in dependent, each stimulating the activity of patients with heart failure or with impaired the other. Angiotensin II enhances the activity left ventricular function after myocardial of the sympathetic nervous system by infarction who have been treated with ACE facilitating the release of noradrenalinelA and inhibitors. Thus, indirect data are available to by interfering with its neuronal reuptake.5 6 suggest that ACE inhibitors have anti- Angiotensin II has important central and ischaemic effrects that could account for some peripheral vagolytic effects.7-'0 Vasodilatation of their beneficial therapeutic and prognostic and decreased fluid retention reduce preload, effects. , heart size, and left ventricular wall stress, thereby reducing myocardial oxygen demand. Similarly, reductions in the left Effects of ACE inhibitors in patients with ventricular hypertrophy associated with hyper- stable angina tension and heart failure and reductions in the The effects of ACE inhibitors on coronary positive inotropic effects of angiotensin II vascular tone was studied by Karsch et al in could contribute to reduced myocardial 12 patients with coronary heart disease and oxygen demand. A reduction in sympathetic exertional angina.22 Central haemodynamic and increase in parasympathetic tone at rest measurement and coronary angiography and on exercise, due to inhibition in activity of were carried out during control pacing and atrial pacing both the renin-angiotensin system and the during angina induced by rapid http://heart.bmj.com/ sympathetic nervous system by angiotensin before and after ACE inhibition with intra- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, will venous captopril. At rest and during ischaemia reduce , or the reflex captopril resulted in coronary vasodilatation at usually associated with peripheral vaso- the site of coronary atherosclerotic narrowing, dilatation, and thereby reduce the rate- increasing coronary artery diameter by 0 1 mm pressure (double) product. A concurrent at rest and by 0-2 mm during ischaemia. reduction in mediated by These changes were associated with a fall

angiotensin II at the coronary vascular bed in left ventricular end diastolic pressure on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. should result in coronary vasodilatation and an and peripheral vasodilatation. Despite these improvement in myocardial oxygen supply. favourable haemodynamic changes, however, Despite these diverse potential mechanisms only one patient experienced a significant affecting both myocardial oxygen demand and reduction in angina, captopril having no supply beneficially, a consistent and clinically significant effect on coronary artery diameter significant anti-ischaemic effect of ACE in the non-diseased segments. Ikram et al also inhibition has been difficult to show. used intravenous captopril and atrial pacing to ACE inhibitors improve prognosis in all examine the effects on angina threshold and grades of symptomatic heart failure, reducing systemic and coronary haemodynamics in 12 mortality from progressive heart failure and patients with documented coronary artery sudden death.1 1-14 Sudden death is often disease.23 Captopril resulted in an increased presumed to be arrhythmic in origin, but time to angina and increased paced heart rate most patients with heart failure have com- for the development of angina, with a trend plex ventricular ectopic activity on Holter towards increased coronary blood flow (229 to monitoring.'5 Although the presence of these 296 ml/min, P = 0-1 1) and decreased coronary Department of arrhythmias is related to prognosis in some (53 to 47 dyn s cm-5/1000, , studies, their predictive accuracy is generally P=0-11). Selly Oak Hospital, weak.'2 16-19 There are few large postmortem The clinical effects of ACE inhibitors in Birmingham M K Davies studies in heart failure, but the data available angina pectoris were investigated by Gibbs the associated with et al in 12 patients with chronic stable Correspondence to: suggest that arrhythmias Dr M K Davies, sudden death in these patients are often the angina.24 In a two week double blind placebo Department of Cardiology, or controlled the effects of oral on Selly Oak Hospital, manifestation of some intercurrent coronary study enalapril Birmingham B29 6JD. pulmonary thrombotic event.19 The reduction angina frequency and treadmill exercise Effects ofACE inhibitors on coronary haemodynamics and angina pectoris S 53

testing were determined. Enalapril reduced cantly fewer patients developed chest pain

resting and exercise double product (each by during exercise: 74 given placebo v 42 given Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.72.3_Suppl.S52 on 1 September 1994. Downloaded from about 10%) by reducing systolic blood cilazapril, P = 0-03). In another study of 12 pressure at rest and on exercise without an patients cilazapril did not improve exercise effect on heart rate. In the group as a whole, time to angina. 29 Similarly, enalapril did not however, the frequency of angina and improve exercise time to development of consumption of glyceryl trinitrate was not angina in a group of 12 patients with stable improved with enalapril. On formal exercise angina after one week's treatment.30 testing enalapril increased exercise duration by Thus in chronic stable angina several 43 s (from 466 s to 509 s) and exercise studies, each of small numbers of patients, duration to ST segment depression (0 1 mV) have failed to show a convincing anti- by 42 s (from 345 s to 387 s). However, ischaemic effect with ACE inhibitors whether interpatient variability was considerable, with this is assessed by symptoms, exercise testing, four patients showing an increase in total or ambulatory ST segment monitoring. exercise time of more than 20% with enalapril Although beneficial systemic and coronary and two patients showing a marked reduction haemodynamic effects can occur, which might in exercise capacity and an increase in angina be expected to improve myocardial ischaemia, frequency. Thus, although ACE inhibitors individual patient responses are unpredictable seemed to reduce myocardial ischaemia in and the use of ACE inhibitors may cause a some patients, deterioration was evident in a deterioration in angina in some patients. large proportion. The effects of ACE inhibition on myo- cardial ischaemic episodes has also been Effects of ACE inhibitors on unstable examined using ambulatory ST segment angina monitoring over 24 hours. In a study of 11 In patients with cardiac normotensive patients with angiographically sympathetic activity is significantly increased proved coronary artery disease Thurmann et al compared with that in patients with stable showed that the number of angina attacks and angina. Tritiated noradrenaline infusions in ischaemic episodes was not significantly patients undergoing coronary angiography reduced after treatment with the ACE show that cardiac noradrenaline spillover and inhibitor benazepril.25 On formal exercise coronary sinus noradrenaline concentration testing these patients' exercise double product are increased in patients who have had and maximal exercise induced ST segment unstable angina within the preceding three depression were not improved. Interpatient months compared with those with stable variability was again considerable, with six angina.3' This suggests that the increase in patients improving (as assessed by maximal sympathetic activity may be sustained and ST segment depression) and three patients persist for several months after a period of manifesting worsening of ischaemia. In a unstable angina. A similar increase in cardiac similar study by Klein et al in 29 patients with sympathetic overactivity has been shown in chronic stable angina benazepril did not alter another study of unstable angina, but http://heart.bmj.com/ exercise time or improve exercise induced persistent abnormalities were not found as ischaemia.26 Although the number of episodes patients with inactive unstable angina (unstable of ST segment depression on ambulatory angina occurring 8-12 weeks previously but monitoring and the total ischaemic burden no angina for at least four weeks) had no was reduced from 1549 minutes in the placebo change in cardiac noradrenaline spillover group to 879 minutes in the benazepril group, compared with controls.32 In this study a

these changes were not significant. Benazepril correlation was found between the number of on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. did not reduce angina frequency or con- silent ischaemic episodes or the overall sumption of glyceryl trinitrate. In a more recent duration of ischaemia and noradrenaline spill- study on 34 patients with chronic stable over, suggesting that sympathetic overactivity angina benazepril again failed to improve total might be a determinant of ischaemia, though exercise duration or exercise time to ST a causal relation should not be assumed. A segment depression of 1 mm.27 On ambulatory single dose of captopril (25 mg by mouth) monitoring for 48 hours the number of attenuated sympathetically mediated increases episodes of ST segment depression (>1 mm) in coronary vascular resistance induced by the did not change significantly, and, although cold pressor test or the diving reflex in a study there were falls in total ischaemic burden and of nine patients with coronary artery disease.33 the number of episodes of silent ischaemia, The predominant anti-ischaemic effect of these changes were not significant. How- ACE inhibitors may reside in their ability to ever, benazepril treatment resulted in a sig- reduce sympathetic tone rather than the nificant reduction in the maximal depth of inhibition of the other diverse haemodynamic ST segment depression and significantly and neuroendocrine effects of angiotensin II. altered the circadian rhythm of myocardial ischaemia. The MERCATOR study assessed the Effects of ACE inhibitors in patients effects of cilazapril on the prevention of angio- with angina and graphic restenosis in 595 patients after percu- ACE inhibitors are effective antihypertensive taneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.28 agents that reduce and left Cilazapril did not improve any objective ventricular hypertrophy. The reduction in variable on exercise testing (although signifi- blood pressure is not associated with a reflex S 54 Davies

tachycardia and therefore reductions in rate- general systemic vascular resistance during

pressure product result. This effect profile is of ACE inhibition; as the fall in coronary Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.72.3_Suppl.S52 on 1 September 1994. Downloaded from potential benefit in patients with hypertension pressure that is, blood pressure- and coronary artery disease, a common is greater than the fall in coronary resistance, association.34 Few studies have examined the coronary blood flow tends to fall. The reason effects of ACE inhibitors on coronary haemo- why coronary resistance falls less than in other dynamics in patients with hypertension and circulations is probably because of auto- coronary artery disease. Daly et al reported the regulation in response to reduced myocardial acute effects of oral captopril in a group of oxygen demand caused by reductions in heart eight patients." Captopril reduced the rate- rate, preload, and afterload. Thus, oral pressure product, coronary blood flow, and cilazapril given short term produced coronary myocardial oxygen consumption. Although vasodilatation with a fall in double product the only significant change was in the rate- and improved myocardial lactate metabolism pressure product, the changes in coronary but no change in coronary blood flow in blood flow and myocardial oxygen con- patients with heart failure due to ischaemic sumption tended to parallel the decrease in heart disease or congestive cardiomyopathy.40 double product. A decrease in coronary blood flow (by 13%) Akhras and Jackson compared the effects of after short term oral captopril in 11 patients captopril treatment and placebo in a single with heart failure was found in a study by blind study of 18 patients with hypertension Rouleau et al.4' This decrease was con- and angina due to coronary artery disease.36 siderably less than the decrease in double Captopril had a significant antihypertensive product (27%) and myocardial oxygen con- effect, increased the time to ST segment sumption (19%). Similarly, a decrease in depression (1 mm) from 188 s to 364 s, and coronary blood flow (17%, NS) was observed reduced the maximum ST segment depression by Halperin et al without a change in coronary from 2-5 mm to 1-2 mm. Exercise duration vascular resistance, but coronary arterio- was increased from 310 s to 461 s. In addition venous oxygen difference and myocardial to these objective criteria of myocardial oxygen consumption were unchanged, ischaemia, the number of angina attacks was presumably because of the concomitant reduced from 17-6 to 4 0. In another study reductions in preload and afterload.42 perindopril significantly improved exercise Measures of global coronary blood flow may induced ischaemia in a group of 51 patients be irrelevant to the problem of angina, in with ischaemic heart disease and hypertension which regional flow is far more important. and reduced angina frequency (from 6 to 2-3 Coronary arteriolar tone is usually low in per week).37 regions of myocardium subtended by a severe epicardial coronary stenosis and dilatation may not increase much after ACE inhibition. Effects of ACE inhibitors on coronary ACE inhibitors have the potential to reduce

haemodynamics in heart failure coronary vascular resistance in territories http://heart.bmj.com/ Intracoronary enalaprilat was used in a study supplied by normal epicardial coronary of 16 patients with to arteries, "stealing" blood away from ischaemic differentiate between direct coronary effects zones43 and worsening regional ischaemia. and effects secondary to systemic vaso- dilatation.38 After bilateral coronary infusion enalaprilat increased coronary blood flow by Effects of ACE inhibitors on angina in 19% and reduced coronary artery resistance patients with heart failure

by 18%. This was associated with an increase In a double blind placebo controlled crossover on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in coronary sinus oxygen content and study the effects of oral captopril on symptoms pressure. However, enalaprilat also caused a and exercise test results were determined in 18 fall in , , and the patients with chronic heart failure and ratio of end systolic stress to end systolic angina.43 Treatment resulted in a worsening of volume. Thus the coronary vasodilator and angina symptoms as assessed by visual negative inotropic effects were consistent, in analogue scores and use of glyceryl trinitrate. this study, with a reduction in angiotensin II Exercise performance tended to deteriorate mediated coronary vasoconstriction and with ACE inhibition, with an increase in the positive inotropic effect. The fall in ejection number of patients stopping exercise because fraction and other indices of cardiac function of developing angina. in this study are opposite to the effects observed in the heart failure trials, but in these instances the oral administration of the ACE Effects of ACE inhibitors on subsequent inhibitor results in simultaneous systemic ischaemic events in patients with vasodilatation, which offsets any direct adverse previous myocardial infarction, left myocardial effect. ventricular dysfunction, or heart failure A 20% increase in coronary blood flow Several clinical trials have shown that ACE associated with a fall in filling pressures and inhibitors have beneficial effects on recurrent double product occurred in a study of short ischaemic events in patients after myocardial term enalaprilat treatment in patients with infarction and in patients with chronic left severe congestive heart failure.39 Most studies ventricular systolic dysfunction with or with- have noted, however, that coronary vascular out heart failure. The results of these studies resistance declines somewhat less than the with respect to death and recurrent infarction Effects ofACE inhibitors on coronary haemodynamics and angina pectoris S 55

is dealt with at greater length by Hall and Ball disease. The main anti-ischaemic effects may in this supplement,44 but I will examine the be indirect and related to reductions in left results of these trials to identify possible effects ventricular pressure, cavity size, and wall Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.72.3_Suppl.S52 on 1 September 1994. Downloaded from of treatment on the occurrence of angina. stress and to concomitant reductions in The SMILE study (survival of myocardial sympathetic tone rather than overriding direct infarction long-term evaluation) examined the primary effects on coronary haemodynamics. effects of the ACE inhibitor zofenopril on The observed responses are often weak and subsequent cardiac events in 204 patients after unpredictable. Coronary steal phenomena myocardial infarction.45 There was a small might be important in negating the benefits of (non-significant) reduction in mortality at one ACE inhibition and explain why some patients year and the number of fatal reinfarctions deteriorate in terms of developing ischaemia or was not reduced, though the incidence was angina symptoms. low in each group (two patients in zofenopril A clear distinction must be made between group, two in control group). However, the the short term effects of ACE inhibitors on incidence of early and late recurrence of ischaemia and angina and their potential for angina were both reduced in the ACE modifying the natural history of atheromatous inhibitor group (8-9% v 27K1% and 9-8% v disease, a much more long term process. 217% respectively). In the SOLVD pre- vention trial in patients with asymptomatic left 1 Zimmerman BG, Whitmore L. Effect of angiotensin and ventricular dysfunction enalapril reduced the phenoxybenzamine on release of noradrenaline in vessels during sympathetic nerve stimulation. International relative risk of subsequent unstable angina by 3rournal of Neuropharmacology 1967;6:27-38. 140/o.46 47 In the SOLVD treatment trial in 2 Zimmerman BG, Gisslen J. Pattern of renal vaso- constriction and transmitter release during sympathetic patients with mild to moderate heart failure stimulation in the presence of angiotensin and cocaine. similar results were seen, the relative risk of I Pharmacol Exp Ther 1968;163:320-9. 3 Zimmerman BG. Actions of angiotensin on adrenergic developing unstable angina being reduced by nerve endings. Fed Proc 1978;37:199-202. 27%.13 47 4 Hughes J, Roth RH. Evidence that angiotensin enhances transmitter release during sympathetic nerve stimulation. Further objective evidence of a reduction BrJ3 Pharmacol 1971;41:239-55. in subsequent ischaemia after myocardial 5 Palaic D, Khairallah PA. Inhibition of noradrenaline uptake by angiotensin. _J Pharm Pharmacol 1967;19:396-7. infarction was obtained in a recent study by 6 Peach MJ, Bumpus FM, Khairallah PA. Inhibition of Sogaard et al in 64 patients followed up for six noradrenaline uptake in by angiotensin II and analogs. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1969;167:291-9. months.48 Captopril resulted in a reduction in 7 Scroop GC, Lowe RD. Efferent pathways of the cardio- ST segment depression on ambulatory moni- vascular response to vertebral artery infusions of angio- tensin in the dog. Clin Sci 1969;37:605-19. toring and on exercise testing. The effects on 8 Lumbers ER, McCloskey DI, Potter EK. Inhibition by ischaemic indices gradually increased over angiotensin II of baroreceptor-evoked activity in cardiac vagal efferent nerves in the dog. J Physiol (Lond) the follow up period. A similar effect was 1979;294:69-80. observed in other ACE inhibitor studies-that 9 Potter EK. Angiotensin inhibits action of vagus nerve at the heart. BrJ_ Pharmacol 1982;75:9-1 1. is, SAVE and SOLVD prevention-in which 10 Goldsmith SR, Hasking GJ. Effect of a pressor infusion of the coronary event rates diverged little until angiotensin II on sympathetic activity and heart rate in normal humans. Circ Res 1991;68:263-8. 12-18 months. 11 CONSENSUS Trial Study Group. Effects of enalapril on Not all studies have shown these beneficial mortality in severe congestive heart failure. N Engl3 Med http://heart.bmj.com/ 1987;316: 1429-35. effects, however. In the Nordic enalapril 12 Cohn JN, Johnson G, Ziesche S, et al. A comparison of exercise trial (a subtrial of CONSENSUS II) enalapril with hydralazine-isosorbide dinitrate in the treatment of chronic congestive heart failure. N Engl J exercise testing at one and six months after Med 1991;325:303-10. myocardial infarction in 327 patients did not 13 SOLVD Investigators. Effect of enalapril on survival in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fractions show any benefit from ACE inhibition with and congestive heart failure. N Engl J Med 1991;325: respect to the frequency of ST segment 293-302. depression or angina as the limiting 14 Fonarow GC, Chelimsky-Fallick C, Stevenson LW, et al.

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