Pfiotectifs TARIFF!
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BEBFOBB INQUIRER. THE LAST OF WALKER. TO EARNEST DOUGLAS The Great dwindle. MEN. The Chicago Press and Tribune says the re- BEDFORD Can any one "name a tingle State in j port is INQUIRER. Tbe Douglas blowers and strikers ore circu- Wo have finally received the particulars of which uot true that Lincoln has hired Douglas the Breckinridge men are more numerous than to go round make speeches; county, that the closing scene in the career of this reoowr.- and but it is true lating the story all over the the the Douglas ruen in which the former that the State ed filibuster. He was forced to surrender on have Republican Committee could ex- Breckinridge ticket had been withdrawn and "fused," or allowed the latter so much as a pend a the 10th of Beptombcr, and was thrown, heavily little money to no better advantage than that was no other ticket in tbe fieid now, single Elector on their ticket 1 There is not to him there ironed, iuto the at Truxillo. He im- employ to stump the close and doubtful prison one from Maine to Oregon. In every Slavo Legislative than tbe straight Douglas ticket. mediately sent for the of the port, districts in Illinois. chaplain State the UreckinridgeM go for "the whole or The fact is just the ether way. It is tbe protested his faith as a Roman Catbolio, and cone." Who does not see, then, that for who aro the been withdrawn; the was seen thereafter almost constantly kneeling rJr'u.l*perfect f n enjoyment of Douglas ticket that has OF Douglas men to vote Fusion Tickets where tfity frequently have need to have recourse just at the feet of the priest io front of a small * °' Breckinridge ticket remains in tbe field, are strongest is simply putting the knife to IT,? disease. We are never altar; on whioh, by the dim light of the ta- tfce !isß4iiit!( ->r -ti. ins nominated at Reading. The demo- ! Douglass throat? Breckinridge has already that flesh is brfr to, as it was COUNTY Such an invigorator they BEDFORD pers, the image of Jesus was distinguished.? 12 in to may arc a reading people, and States the House Douglas's 2 ; and find in HObTETTEH'S a crats, however, not FRIENDS OF Among other things, ho said, "1 aui resigned BITTEKS? medi- this policy will give Breckinridge at least cine that cannot be taken regularly without most of them can be deceived with this die : uiy 100 vitality giving the to politioal career i concluded." votes to Douglas's 50, and elasticity to the system roppoairg N. York N. season, particularly, the At this lie. & On tlio lltb ult., at 7 o'clock P M., Walk- strongest"man is not proof new Lincoln Hamlin! Jersey, and Indiana could be carried for against the malaria, rn er was notified of his sentence of death, and certain sections of tho At tbe meeting of the Douglas State Com- Fusion tickets. No man can honestly say that country. In all cases of fever FOR ! : to thin startling message the only reply he and ague, the BIT mittee, when the proposition was made to adopt FREE TERRITORY FREEHEX Fusion gives Douglas the ghost of a chance, TEES is more potent than any amount of quinine" _____ niado was to ask at what hour it would be ex- while the most dangerous ticket, Mr. Doughterty moved to OS' A either with the People or in Congress. Do cases of billious fever' "BEDFORD, Pa. the Reading ecuted, and whether be had time to write. yield to its wonderful properties. Those who real Douglas men mean to be used to elect tried the have strike from that ticket the names of Geo. M. Oo the morning of the 12th, at 8 P. M. medicine will never use another, for any f Breckinridge? Pause end Y. cf the ailments Fridaj Morning, Sot. 2, IS6O. inarched to consider-!?JV. which the HOSTETTER BITTERS pro- Keiin, Frederick A. Server, John G. Brenner, iha culpit the place of execution, Tribune. fesses to subdue. To those who have PfiOTECTifS the old not made the TARIFF! iu dd Armas. He walked with experiment, Joel Lightoyr, John A. Ahl, H. N. Lee, Chas. Plaza we cordially recdmmend an early ap- OF .AN a crucifix iu his plication to the BITTERS, "EEAJiLESS AND FREE." hand, upou which be bent all A GOOD DISTRICT TO There is whenever they arc strick- Kelly, Oliver P. James and Wra. C. Patter- LIVE IN.? en diseases of the his regards, looking neither to the right nor to an election district in St. l>y digestive organs. "m.'oVEU-Editor and Proprietor. son, who have either refused to pledge them- Honest and Economical Administra- Liwreooe county, N. Sold by druggists and generally, ' the left, but listening piously to the psalms Y., (Silas dealers, every- their hostil- tion of the Government ! Wright's old home,) wuiob is 'en where. selves for, or have openly avowed which the priest reoited in his ear. He en- miles long and two miles DT7~See FOR TKESIDENT, tered wide. The whole advertisement in another column. ity to, Stephen A. Douglas and Hersobcl V. REMEMBEH the hollow square formed by the soldiery number of votes given for in 1858 Oct. 19, 1860. LINCOLN, (he Governor ABRAHAM Johnston, the only regular nominees of tho TUESDAY NEXT! in piaco of execution, and there, full of was 160. Morgan had 150, Burrows 6, Park- OF ILLINOIS. rtsiguafion, he prououueed the v.ords, Democratic for President and ice Pres- following er 4. All of the Burrows men a'e now Lin- MARRIED. PRESIDENT, party TO THE POLLS, "1 am a Rom an The FOR VICE GO Catholic. war which 1 coln men ; two of the Parker men experienced ident. made upon Honduras, in with HAMLIN, AXD DO A FREEMAXS DUTY i accordance the religion last winter, and one of tbem a short At Blythedale, Mo., on I uesdav, HANNIBAL This.motioo was rejected, and the committee suggestions of some Kuatinoes, was September unjust.? time ago said that he had always been a Demo- the litb iust., hy the Rev. Wm. OF MAINE. one-half AND Those who accompanied not to Wallace, thus resolved to adopt a ticket of tue are blame. crat, but since his conversion, he uow looked | George D. Hall, Esq., of St. Louis, and Miss which is composed of Breckinridge men, known I alone am guiliy. I ask pardon of the peo- at these things very At the Louisa Augusta, daughter of ELECTORS. receive differently. Edward Miller, Geo. M. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, ple. 1 death with resignation?would present time thefr is not a mau in the district Esq., formerly of nON. JAMES POLLOCK. to be soch. The head of the tieket, that Philadelphia, Pa. it might bo for tli good of society."? with sufficient assurance to declare himself for HON. THOMAS M. HOWE. is an open and avowed Breckinridge AND On the of the 11th Keiru, ( Tb£se were his last words. Teu sharp rifle, cither the or Southern evening nit., at the I Edward C. Knight, iIS F. B. Pcuniinan. that N. Northern Democracy. incidence of the bride's in 'J Robert P. 114 Ulysses Mercur, man, and the Pittsburg Gazette says cracks followed, ar.d William Walker was no , father, Union Tp., King, - by Abrui. H. Mr. X Henry Bumru, jls George Bressler, P. FettermaD, the elector for that district, is HANNIBAL HAMLIN, more ! His dying w'sh was a prophecy as well THE MURDERED METHODIST MINISTER.? Hull, Esq., Joseph ickes, to Brady Sharpe, Miss Susanna Weyandt, 4 Robert M. Foust, 16 A. Will be chosen to the highest offices in ?a prophecy that was fulfilled within the Rev. Mr. Bewly, who was hung in Texas by a all of Bedford Go. Hilies, 17 Daniel O. Gelir, also a Breckinridge man. And yet these men fill 6 Nathan ! next few moments. His ts pro-slavery time suspicion 6 John M. Broomall, 18 Samuel Calvin, are to be palmed off upon credulous democrats the Government! death "for the mob a short since, on Io Uarrisburg, on the 4th u!t., by the liev. 7 James Fuller, 19 Edgar Cowan, good of society." There cau be no donbt of of abolitionism, the Albany Journal says will Sam'l Yingling, Mr. li. W. as Douglas men and nothing else ! Solomon Mumma, to 8 David E. Stout, 20 William M'Kennau, SS-Do not be with sun- \ that. be remembered by many whe atteuded the Miss Anna A., daughter of Dr. Vanderlise, 9 Francis W. Christ, 21 J. M. Kirkpatrick, It makes no difference, however. The satisfied Walker's plucky conduct aod his dying cou- General Conference at liufLlo last May. He both of East Hauovor James Kerr, ply electing them, but do your part Township, Dauphfi Uo. 10 David Muiuraa, Jr., 22 Reading ticket cannot poll the vote given to fessiou may do something, perhaps, to modify represented the Arkansas Conference, and was 11 David Taggart, 23 Richard P. Roberts, Ou tue 11th ult., by the same, Mr. towards giving them a the expressions of the joy that is felt at his recognized as a peaceful, humble, and devoted Geo. H. 12 Thomas K. Hull, !24 Henry Souther, Foster. There are hundreds of men in this Stiffler, to Mary Ann John Greer. "taking off," but they will not remove it.? evangelist His views of Slavery were of Fetter, both of Bidford 2-5 State who voted for Foster, who willscorn to MAJORITY OF THE WHOLE VOTE OF the Township.