•r >•- V'*.. ■ ■ . ‘i " V / ' V-," ■^. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1967 ri i-t ■V. Arfrage Daily Net Press Run PAGlfi Tid the Week Ended ' V \ ilianrliratifr lEwtiittgilimUi ■ . '\ . - The W i t h e r ■\ /-^Jone 1. 1857 Foreeaatr mt V . 8. Vfeether ! N The annual family picnic, apon- Hie Weslev and Reynolds Circles Ladies Will Hiear 12,584 Variable eloadlneea, Uttle liilMee sored by the Waddell School PTA, of the Souih'MethodiSt Church will tonight. Lew aroond 59. Wedwee AboutTown /•r /|n« food. . ..tOmemkor Ktd Cmier Member of the Audit will be held Wednesday from 6 to meet In a body tonight at 7:30 iat^ day fair, aemewhat cooler. High 7:30 p.m. on the achool grounds. the Holmes Funeral Home^to pay’ Noted Traveler Bureau of CirenUUon near 70. Mrs. John Fischer and Mrs. Hot dogs 0 d sods will be oh sale.’ tribute to Miss Esther Goi^on, a Manchester—!-^A City of'Village Charm ■ C. Frey o f 59 and 51 Bridge Coffee will be fumiahed w d each ni^mber of both circles. Mothera of the past three con­ cUvely. *ave a party Fri- school child will be given a free/ firmation ^aaes of Center Con­ bottle of soda. In case of rain, the' ’ The Army and Navy Club Aux­ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 208 iM in honor of tjjelr sis­ gregational Church have been in­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1957 ter, M(i>. uMn FtiilUps df Okano- picnic udll be held Thursday night iliary' will l\oid a kitchen socisl at tClaesifled Advertising on Page 14)- PRICE FiVE CENTS 8 vited to a coffee hour tomorrow gvt. Was B^who Is spendlny a the club Wednesday night at 8:30. month with thm. It U her first The Willing Workers Circle of Refreshments will be served. A at 7 p.m. In W oodm ff hall. visit to Man<^Mtw, although she the WaCS of the South MethodUt setback p,arty will be ^eld at the Tlte Rev. Clifford '6. Simpaon, RESTAURANT Students Stir Girls' Jias traviled «ctenslV^y. She made Church will meet W^edneadsy at 2 club tonight at 4:30. mlnlater, will meet with them to the trip by airplane 0 4 plans to p.m. in the ladies poiiob. Hostesses iscusa plana fob meetings of the and COCKTAIL LOUNGE The regular meeting of the Sal­ .And Police Force return more leisurely. will be Nonnle JHilding. Carolyn clMtee that are scheduled to start Lun^ Cancer Deaths routes HA and 6, bolton, cohh.^ teL Mltekelt^ 9--AM5 Clegg and Jennie Van Haverbeke. vation Army Home League-will be nexV^Ml. Flection of offledrs, 0 d selection held at 2 o'clock tomorrow after­ Thesexecutive committees of- the OPEN" TUESDAY thni SATUBDAY 4:00 P.M. to 1:00 AM. New Britain. June 4 i,p. Police j of delegates u d alternates to th Lady Roberts Lodge will. meet noon at the Citadel. Hostesses will three past classes have met .and SUNDAYS.US:00 NOON to 940 P.5I. (Cloaed Monday) I said about^25 male students at live j a n be Mrs. Minnie .Morrison, Mrs. u.s. . Department convention, will be orrow night et 7:30 at the approvedXrf atarting poat-Confir,- BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE . I State Teachers College here among the Items of business to be honibvOf Mrs. Clara Hemingway. Annie Nicklen and Mrs. Margaret mation atu<|y groups that will EDDY “Velvet Touch” BEED At the Plano Nightly ' launched a pre-dawn foray on the ' acted upon at the meeting of the 85 Surhimt St. Therrlen. . gather fob supper meetings ap- er for Smokers I girls dormitory to “stir the girls : American L

jje s ' ' i. . f V ) ■ .'/A*.- > xX -'-X -V .. I ' H - ■; • ’ 11i^' f . . ',K 71-. /. "V . . . •- • • . 1 :v^ ■" ‘ '1 X •H,. ^ .. '“-sX'p ■<’ .. "f" v; • f. .: ■NVi f v' i '■ . ' <■ ."• A” . \ I i''V ' - ■ A ' ; Xj 'ICANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN% TUESDAY, JtJNE 4,1967 . : ' P A G E i w O P A G E T H R E E V April end M ay total |91,5i0 In Coventiy esUntated ooets according to a re­ der the control or direction port o f P. Raymond BToga, sonlng House Weighing Bus Bill religious 'dtnomination. oro"/"In I Pembroke Group agent DwfelUng’ units to u l 883,- ^^.S. Told to Give Court About Town which any denominational tenet or RENT! 150; i^garages' and out-buildlngs, Sliiinwolii OIL '-doctrin> 18 taught, but the legis- Chooses 1&lficers Committee v Schedules 88.430. Miss Verlie .Morrison, 256 McKee I la tyre may provide for the trans- Permits w c k issued to: Albert South dealer St., and Mils Jean .Martin, 1 Mc­ G>nstitiitioiial Amendment pfi'rtation of children to and fixun BUY! DUMMY’S ACM ACTS 1 The Hartford Pembroke College J. Garrison, ranch house: Jose­ A S D B 06Y North-South TUlnsri Relevant Secret Files Cabe St.', are 'spendihg two weeks I school or institution of learning,” phine Stones, encloeed pordh; W il­ vacationing in Bermuda. Club held tta annual meeting ori ^licithming Class Registration By Alfred Sheiiiwold Hartford, June 4 (/f)—The State ' The opponents conteiujad such liam and Blgine Hotchkiss, luld HOKSK, \ When this hand was ptbired by * 9 A Waahington,''June 4 (F —The Su­ Hbuse of Reprcsenfatlves haa be­ service by.^'the state Sumiay, May 19 at the home o f' chimney, alter gitrage: ZoetJe C. V A K 6 Contents of a “ Shara Parcel” may lead to other'aenicea and Miss Mary Cushman. IS Sunset i Coventry, June 4 (Sp^lelV:— indicated an interest in taWng the my friend Milton Adler somewhat preme Court ruled ^yesterday the fore It a proposed constitutional Back Ribicoff, Vinton, add porch, alter roof: Rlch- 4 A J 8 ( 1 Ofiens Office from the All-India Ifillage Indus­ ...... » threat, to the principle of Terrace, West Hartford. ! Hospital Bcda HagM ntlon for swimming cleeeee lesaons which will aiso be open to arda A. Egner, addition; Lyle E. inore than 20 yeara ago, even the government must produce relevant summer resident children, provid­ oigxmeiTU hEul to compUment Mm ♦•52 tries Sales Center, Byculla, India, amendment Suthorizing Oonnectl-1 churchbatgte'separation,• t ^ -v The new officers for the 1957- W hed C hain this summer sponsored by the rec- and Rachel Gale, renovations; secret filee in criminal caaea or Vivien Warns GOP ing they enroll. on hia iOtratwd deceptive play. w g s t EAST will be another .-attraction'at the cut to give free bus rides to pupils I . Re^'. I Jencks, former union official. ing out the jack. West, rprisrned .^SOUTH . Coventry. Mrs. W. B. Menzel and General Assembly 1 (^ Wednesday. i against the bus bill. jilean parly is in full control of Coreo. Jr. social chairman, of man. has announced. The sessions entry Grammar School faculty. provements. Jencka was convicted in U.S. Sent t() the JJotise ' yesterday "W e must reach some under- the Legislature. (Jov. Ribicoff Also, William W. Lan*, im­ the jack c< hearts to..-^uiaEny'a ^ '4 A Q 10 8 4 S 1 Mrs. W. S. Keller, who jre In Hartford, and publicity chairman. will bo from. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tomorrow’s Events piatrict Court in El Paso, Texas, charge, state that/the collection In­ without rec()mnVlenctation one way standing as to what the const!- has forthrightly stated that he Mrs. Glendon E, MacFarlane of Mrs. Harry R. Ryan Jr. will be Tomorrow's activities include provements; Paul J. Nelson, shed; ace.'' -■ X ’ ' '474 .6n charges tl\at he falsely denied or Uie oUjer-Dyy thet House Commit- George A. Grabber, garage; t . 4 None cludes hand-woven bridge' and tuUonal intent is on keeping the \vishes the lock removed. U n ­ Manchester. Re-elected to another in charge at the Center and Mrs. baked ham and strawberry supper, A t this stags M ilt wss in the Communist party inembership in tee Qlx-CmiatituUonal Amendments, Camille Jean, garage; Leo L. ♦ ’A 10 *.I luncheon cloths, place mats, small J a aaii church------and------state------apart,” he------I said. {------fortunately,------many— ^ repre-sentativea ~F------tcrm' Arc Mi^. Paul Schor. treas- Arnold E. Carlson at the Church 5:30 p.m., Church Community dummy for Uie last time. He an affidavit filed with the National Coutu, addition; Ivan Robertson. Bo'uth 'West North Best |y!ANC4^ESTER trays, dolls and other novelties. tria^ proposal ia aimed at set$.Hnp: xhlsThis understanding, understanding, he he si^d. said, is is ^ , inin the the Legislature Le'gislatui'e fear they ran-can urer; Mrs. Ira Levin, program' HOLLYWOOD thought o f qariilng the ace of dia­ Ixbor Relations Board under the House. House: Mix Naaters 4-H. 7 p.m. 2-car garage: Mary and Kenneth any constitunonal question which necessary “ so that we won’t have'not be elected unless the voter is chairman: Miss Elizabeth de ,V^t. Registration fee will be $2 per to make friiit salad and have bual- monds, but'decide against it. He 1 4 Pau 3 4 Pats Dfixve •9^v^keAt>tf Taft-Hartley Labor Law. may arise from the bill pa.*sed continual fight.” ‘ forced to pull a party lever.” I membership chairman, an of West Doolittle. Cade Cod house; Russell Philip N. Treggor' Chester W, Obacbowald 3 4 pass 3 N T Pass Covenant Congregational Church ehild for the season. I f more than nes-s meeting, home Mrs. Albert could gidy discard hia fourth club Spilt 5-.t on Reports Soderburg, .summer cottage; Pat­ 4 4 Dbl. Pass Pass folks gave a housewmmlihg party 'Amending the constitution is a I Miss Kellems. a Republican, ran i Hartford; Miss Lois ,Vi Bromson one chlM from a family enrolls, F. Kalber: final session for con­ bn JH* see of diamonds'and hia The coint voted 7-1 to give rick J. Mdhan, Cape Cod house; Peas A'oi/rr 6 r^y '/'//I last evening to Miss l5ori.* R. Bolen 1 for govemor in 1954 as an inde- of Hai tford w W and . means WHOlaiAM the fee will be $2 for each firmation class, 4 p.m.. Kingsbury Named UConn Assistant Professors fo d i^ I 'Jencka a new trial,.but divided 5-3 midnight to on the proposed House passage merely would set i pendent. She got 1,423 votes, chali-man; M r«.R ichard Wagner Siegmar F. Blamberg Jr., addition; Opening lesd-^4 Q and Miss E3tzat>eth R. Robinson amendment. additional child up to a maximum House: choir Second Congrega­ Philip N. ^ e g g o r, 22 BoimeiNp> good. TOHK f HT a n d W E D . on the question of production of re­ ceneiBi .Asaein- |^p action on the measure by the | Ribicoff, a Democrat, won the of Stmsburv; regional fund chair- Burton C. Hansen, porch; Robert Instead o f making thia doubtful who recently mov'ed from Highland bly must sdjoui-n at that time. of ^ per family. tional Church, 7:30 p.m., sanctu­ Rd., and Chester W. Obuchowskl, Hartford. He is minister of irttoAc ports which had been submitted to J. Donnelly Jr., addition; George discard. M ilt led dummy's second St. TT)lcott Dr. The House committee spilt 77-7i(“ 'i 1 f J J a m " fhequlne vatud iroat Classes will be scheduled for ary,- Rotary Club, 6:45 p.m., ves­ at South Methodist Ghumh--’' response. You cannot afford bid the FBI by key witneasea against . 4u« i______1 I »nd House! in 1959. Should the j Lodge. 463.643 to 460,528. i of 'Kensington forum delegate. H.'Cour Jr., addition; P. D. Mc­ 17 Park St., have been appointed trump and flneased to Weat’s king. on the issue ye.stci'day befoi'e send- j rtar-whe«l t » two groups. One will meet Mon­ try First Congregational Church: Ginnis, 2-car garage; Vendetta F. Prominent as . a vocal Mloist, he the diamonds at the level of twro, Jencka. bin receive a lwo*t]iirda vdt« of | Mias Kellems said "The lock is/ to Jthe rank of assistant professor West returned a third heart and ing it to tile House for action. ] front-whctl day. Wednesday and Friday in aim ax Chapter. OBS, 7:45 pjn.. Burke, shed; Ronald E. Morrison, has appeared with the New York slnee this wotild show reel strangth. Jencka filed the required non- P'astor Erich Brandi of Con­ the -Aasemblv In 1959. then the a 2-edged sword” and ad(led: declarer ruffed. Speaker Nelson Brown. (-R-Grot- ptopcUiBjb Of half-hour classes: the other will Maaonic Hall, Merrow Board of addition; Edwin and Mary ElUsdn, at the University of Connecticut. Philharmonic OrcljeStra and the (Copyright 1987, General Features jSS-aSr Communist affidavit while an of­ cordia Lutheran Church and Bdsel 1 goes before the elector- "In 1958, Gov. Riblcofir„,wflh his to*all 5-in

- ; = i . . r 8 ^ ____ ■r- ' i- V-- ■1/' ^-,v- A: \ ' ■ ' :V, N - '• MANCHESTER ENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY. JUNE 4, lii57 v;T PAGE FOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. JUNE 4,1957 \ i . *_____ ( . PAGE FIVE Bolton G ood TrYg^^Anyivay v r x i m - M o w n c — 1080 T y Champ Skays Teachetf presents Hostess fJiairniun Nurse Missionary | HuSbands! VITWOS! Petersorr-^tiles Wedding neticists Claim Life v n w o — is « o Daily RaijUo fl'llA T — To Win «92,i>00 Pupils in . Rochjst:^ N. Y., June 4 iAn To Lecture Here Get pep, Vim; FeetYMMfer EMt«rn D«7tigbt Ttni* W PO P—u i n Dj>-^ Michael Cronmiller Tkoaiai^f of cnit»le« are'weak, wmn#-#e4. w o o o — i i w Education Board Eonttnues aSn’t .home w hen Di-. C harles - New York, June 4 <4^ - Chain-1 Charlotte R. Gray, local sop^^o Miss Mildred B ow ers^ former: vaiisier feew “ ivr!4o‘‘t^ ^ ^ ^ rtened hv Fallout olande called, hut 6-,vear-old Medical Missionai.v to China, \rill Coot»iiinf* for new nap, vtaj pi« •i«i— pion Hank Bloomgarden finally' and teacher of voice and piano, TOe foU«»wlng p ro g ram ached-: WHAY- Dodaere v». Cuba School Hot Lunch Program Janie# Robert answered the be the guest speaker at th'f June Ul«s are supplied by the radio WTIO—Night l.in* detfeated Challenger Jim Snod­ will present a group of her stu­ telephone' , meeting of the Ladies of St. James WDRO—Robert 6. I.ewia "o id from Page One) be eatablished in the viatio: Inati- "Could you lak* a message managements and arc subject to WPOP—Bishop Sheen grass last night in a rehiatch on' dents in recital Friday at 8. p.m. tufea of health. School Hall. Monda.v, June 10. "»M-«e the program haa be;^ under fire Event a Tomorrow lethal, While 1,5 to 20 J>ef^^ cent j po,#ed lo inodeiate nidjation "con- “ .lames Robert came back I OHS aspects of it .entered her work WKNB—r.M . WTIC -Mghl l.ine to six tie games and a standoff Crouse, Philip Dupont. David Fari- TEU MI 3-548$ WTIC—Rose Miller WDRO—Ruaa oieughinn for some time. The Girl'a aoftball team of' the I produce sterillt.y ' in^^^wte or both of an fh.slriioii# weakening of again: "I'm here," he said, land how it.led to her conversion- WORC—Oai Kolby WPOP—Boaton la. Ohlcego "battle of the bones" in previous! doni, Sahdra Foody, Brian Good­ ing, Judith Gray, Charles Heck, i Chopin by Starlight A report on^Krecent inve.stign- Elementary School will play the sexe*, and nearlv.*!! the r##t re­ the hodv'.# ie#i«tniK'p to the on.«et t "hut do yhii know whal ? " j In Catholicism. WPOP—Was Works ■|:4S— ■ weeks. "No.■' said Dr. I.x)lande. WHAY Dodgera ca. Cube Mar>' Ann Jesanis, Rayihond Mc­ k y tiofi of the program made >.orth Coventry Junior High team duce vitallly^^^He added^ j of infirmities and disease# of all T[he ppogram com m ittee feels „HAY-Belljr K unb^ WTlO—Night Line Last night Bloomgarden won out I T can't write, " said James Carthy, Barbara Morrison, Doro- Ravel: Bolero—RImskI Koikakov by the PTA was presented to me : lomoUW »<■ 3 p.m. at the local 'Less thjrCone 1h S-^hundred m u-. kind#, expic.ssing it.self in a shorl- j ft is focnnsle in obtaining Miss WCCC—RsoonI Review WDRO—Riiaa Nsiighlon when he correctly answered a ae­ la tio n s R obert. WKNB—P.M. WPOP—Boston va. Chicago th.y Morrison, Cheryl Muschko, C B p flU fl Capriccio' Espagnol,^et«. Board for which the member# ex- diamond. probably nearer one in a, ening of life, and al.#o in a long dc- I Bowefs who. besides *. -lectucing, ries of questions on Shakespeare, fid is definlt . W1'10>10SU Radio Lane 10:1)#— DonnjL Muschko, Neil Newman, prea.5cd much appreciation. T"be Senior CSioir of the Congre- iltely advan- layed prodiictlon of certain specif­ ; wof’^ks as a registered nurse and W D R C -}» Rolby H r Doclgera va. Cuba the American Revolution, political BEPOEE YOU BUY HI-FI :s TO MAGNA vin e so u s under e x i s11 i4i g condi- ; abnoi nialilles. poorly clotting.^.anesthetist #l Hartford Hospital. WPOP—Was WoTke —Operstlon FJnierlelnment leaders and quotations. SnodgrsAs Desha Pencheff and David Smigh. Mrs. Loiiia C. Dimock Jr., Mr#. C7i’"'<’>' wUl hold a rehear- ic disorders, such as leiikemia. " Ruas Naufhinn liorts, . Crow told the committee that blood and mental diseaiie j lost when he failed to name Kwame Vocal students to be presented Richard Olmsted and Mrs. J. A. I tomorrow at i :30 p.m. at the i C ^a /tf€ p L *'vfeAY—Betty Kiroball , w rO P -%Boalnn va Chicago church Mutations produced by radiation. persons now expo.sed to fallout In addition, he e.stimaled .that i u m WCCC—Record Review Nknmiah as the prime, minister of are: Norma Adams, Nell Case, Freddo front the PTA were ap­ Glass said, probably are miVh the fust generation would 'show WKNB—P.M . ^ WHAY Dodgers va. Cuba The Senior Choir of the United K/il>-r I'Miolo may be expected to produce two the new African nation of Ghana. Cynthia Coe, Barbara Cwikla. Pa­ pointed a committee lo work w'lb Mr#. Cliarle# S.^ ifllUKC worse than those which occiil\r srinie 2n,t)00 si ill births itnii infant WTIC—lueo Radio Ldna WTIO OpersHon Kntertslnrrient Board Chairman Howard P. Jen­ Melhodi.al Church will meet tomor­ billion chlldien and 80,000 of WDk U—Cal Kolby WDRO—Ruaa Niughtbn The rematch was scheduled after tricia Eddy., Jeanette Fraser. Ruth spontaneously fiom natural catisesA and childhood d eath s rlrfe To radia- ' Personal Notices WPOP—Wa* Works WPOP—Boston va.X.’hlcago ■V. sen and Mr#. Pearl Jewell, a Board row at 7 o'clock at the church. them, by cnide estimntes, will be s dispute arose over tre May' 20 Hanford, Marion Jesanis, Judith' Potterton’/ Recipe Cnllectlnn Set Mrs. House. Calling for representation of the^ lion a rale of one idiild in .100.000 10:11)— '' member, to m'ake a complete ic- b o rn w ith "som e gio.## m ental or *'wHAY—Record Rodeo WHAY Night Watch , show. That "night Snodgrass was Jackson. Linda Roberts, Karen »St.. will fwve as *liostess chairman viewpoint of geneticists on the plus 40,000 emhrVonic deaths, or PINE ISO CENTER ST. — CORN R OF CHURCH vi#iotvt)f the program for The 19.")7- The Woman's Society for Chris­ physical defect of genetic origin." WCCC—Record Review WTIC. Boston Pops Orchestra declared the loser in a question on Smith, . Dorothy Welles, Priscilla Atomic E nergy Commission i tw o per 100.000 embryos. j Card of Thanks WKNB—P M. WDRC—Ritas Nsughton 68 school yeai . tian Service of the United Method­ for fpr^ign visitors at the June He said 8.000 woilld be born in WPOP—Boaion va. Chicage the five groups of bonei In the W elles. ist Church will meet this evening (AECl. Glass said the AEC pro- "These, " Crow said, "aie fust PHARMACY WTlC-^>wa TTie coin/nmee will al»o inter­ C ortfeirm ’e of tlic .Servii'C B iueau the first genet ation. generation effgi Is; tha tnlal for wi.ih t-> (hank all <>f WPRO-N«wa 10:4S— spinal column. He was ruled out; ai 8 o'clock at the church. Mrs.,^ , , 8''*h' is unbalanced between eni-i "'This would be about ff'ur per (ri'-rd* And i»« . for tn^ 884 Cent«r St.---Tel. Ml 9-U9U WPOPwjtob and Ray__ WHAY—Night Walih .f^ giving the aopn form Instead of | view pei'.sonnel'^o, run the program Carlton Daley-will install the^W j for Women.# Oi ganizalions. | pbasis on physical aspects of atom - ' later gefieralions, or the efforts of n ia jiy o riji o f kindn^B.* AfL« .«ym p«thv ills— \ WTIC—Boston ~Pnpj—r •ince lt-4# imder«tbo!l the current million biilliB." he said, "as com- continued—radiation over manv Nhottn U)» m m»r WIUY—Record Rodeo WDRC—Ruaa Neughtr.n lh«, adjectival form of one of the , officers of thy society. j rrih—be—held al I^m'iis Schoolr ic energy arid its effects on living psred .••eseeseeeeee* , Mr.#. Mariotr Kites, in­ Wind.sor. .Iiini' 11 to 14, .Mr.#, Chase With. p erh ap s 50,000 fiom gorieratinn-s, would be piuch great- ^.^poi^'iAlly th an k Arfr !ho#F w h o jiom WCCC—Record Review WpQP Boston va. Chicago seta of bones. / I.aidies of the church ariKfemind- beings. i other cau.ses.' thA flon^'Yrtbmon And loAn<»rt PINE LENOX 'WKNB-P.M. 11 :e a - ^ tends to resign at the close of the bring 5 to 10 of iheir favorite Going W'oodhou.-e, diiectnr of the i ) Or. Also these do not include manv thF of WTIC—Rofa Miller WHAV\Nl«bt Welch Bloomgarden made a similar er­ Similarly, Muller urged that a The affected chlldien would be Evefybody’s. asking.for the present term. recipes lo tt/e me^H^ thi.s eveiriemiig . _ . , . , smaller or less tangible" effects.; WDRO—Cal Kolby WTIC— Muele ror but Was not called wrong at I bureau, announced today. ^radiation health institute with « hoin. CIro'w said, with such Irnpalr-^ collectively are probably Mr. William J. Wvli** PHARMACY WPOP—Bob and Ray WDRC--N^ the time. Th* -jietwork arranged a i Discontent with the program hai . inclusion in^ the (Quarry vllle Mrs. Hoxse lias rfcently beepj competent geneticists" I Mr And Mr« \VltU*m B. WPOP^Nee bread that's fresh baked with • centered ai-oiind criticism of Its ad­ appointed lo the advisory board ' a ments as feeble minds, physic ail I of sven greater Importance," ’ II Klopponb^ri: Ji^. S9« E. C en tar S t.— .MI >-M9< .. *’^VHAY—Bainf Easy U:IS— rematch to reaolvg the dispute. | Of*ok Boolp^hirh is now in the I WCCO—Record Review WHAY’—Night Welch butter added to taste better! ministration and apparent finan­ prodfeas^xJi publication, public of the Service Biiicaii. WKNB-P.M. w n c—Sporti Pinal, cial difficulty. It has been contend­ tnjwrtant that the recipes j The conference on the theme WTIC-IUSU Radio Lane WDRC—Ruaa Nsughton AAAA9 AA A^» - " WDRC—Cal Kolby WPOP—Modem Sounds ed the piogram, which employs be «'ritten^)ainly or typed and ' "Changing Patterns of Women's WPOP—Bob and Ray 11 :.t0— About Town I three people and recruit# two yi Very specific hv their inatriictions. ' Live# " will have an attendanie of • l4 ^ WHAY—Night Watch 1 unteered daily, is ovorslaffei The Rev. and Mrs. Daley are j m ore th an 20 visitors from other WHAY—Swtna Easy WTIC—Starlight Serenade WCCC—Record Review WDRC—Ruse Naughton D elta C hapter. No. 51. R o y a l; ('list (^iiestlnni^d ' working with the BeV’^Ron Publish-j counti'ies in addition to 600 (,'on- WKNB-P.M. WPOP—Modern Sounds Arch Masons, will confer the Roy- ■ Homelbwti TTie ncc c.asity oC.-fiiai ging .30 *'’ 8 "o the project, ^ e entire neclicul people. Tlie foreign wo­ 'V.. mn c c —11*0—11*0 Radio Lane 11:414— WDRO-Cal Kolby WHAV—Night Welch al Arch degree at its regular | cents pel' meal to'^keej) the pro- prof'eeds from the sale of tra r^ k men will be tliere to .sludv the WHAY—Dodgers ve RedlegS i l[R ? gram solvent '''when surrounding i book# i# to be applied to the ne.w cv'ork of w om en's o rg an izatio n s in WPOP—Newe-Muelo meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 W’TIC—Starlight Serenade towns appalently run .s'lK ce.saful ofK"n fund. , - . Ijie United Stales and to tall: with WHAY—Dateline _ ^ . WDRC—NlghT Owl in the Maaonic Temple. The nieel- ! B'Cee—Oood aivenlng Oood Husie ing will be followed by the usual I prograuTs on a chaige of 2.’i cent# _ ..**''* .AfHcrirau women active in such WKNB—Today in Sports sociat' hour And refreshments. | per, diieal ha.s al.so been a source loonthly card ppriy of the w ork. WTIO—News , BREftD of questionin'’ I-adie# Benevolent Society of the Mrs. Hocise invites people in this WDRC—News Reporter Reds Told of Five W rOP—News . .. Mrs. Phijllp Jobert, the former ‘ In oilier hu.sincss last night, the Church will be held area whq ii>e. Interested in com ­ •:1S— Irene Ruth Gibson of 269 W. Cen­ Board approved use of tlic school evening " 1 8 nclock in the munity work ajKt wonien’s aclivi- WH/iY—Dateline _ . „ ^ N-Blasts in April giound.s for the ha.scball and P'’r'''’b room of the church. Ues, and in ineetTftg; people Cix>m WCCC—Oood k.'vetitnc Oood Kuata ter St., and two children, Philitp - * — tv.1.. m eeting of . rairbanlu Photo archeiy piogram# of the Park De­ A regular monthly other counti'ies, to ralU'Uje Service WKNB—Mnaical. Echoes ^ and Donna, recently m otor^ to MRS. RICHARD WILLIAM PETERSON the Volunteer Fire D epartm ent WTIC—atrtotiv 8tic.ru (Oonttmibd tram Piage One) Seattle. Wash., arrlylng there Sun­ partment Permission was also Bureau for more informauon^nbo)it WDRC—Weather~ ani uid----- Zalman given foi storage of the public ad- will be held tomorrow st 8 p.m , a t, day... They will fly to Anchorage, the conferente. ' j WPOP—iMWrenea Walk dress systems at the school and *be fire house. | ^ •ii Tho filmed Interview was the Alaska, tomorrow to jotn Lt. Jo­ Miss Sally Kendall Stiles, daugh-# Carl N. Peterson of Middletown ------^------WHAY—Serraade . „ ^ moat wide open give and take be­ bert there. ter of Mrs. Margaret B. Stiles, 66 was. his brother's.best man. Ushers ble for Us own equipment. WCCC-OM Uvantna Good Uuale tween- a top Soviet leader and Foley St., and Ward E. Stiles.J were Richard Johnson of Portland T1)C Depaitment is lo he responsi Manchester Evening Herald cor- by wind. hail, ru.st and worms that 'Y-,, WKNB—Muateal EchoM reapondent. Mrs. lanils Diniork -Ir., they aren't worth harvesting WTIC—Let Oeorge Do It . American correapondenta to be air­ South W indsor, becam e th e bVide j and Frank Dengenis of Hartford, ble fo l it# own,'equipment. Hose Co., No. 2. MFD. will hold .Items pci taming to rules foi use telephone Mllchell 9-981.1. ("ollon and giain sorghum XTDRC—Muele a la Carts ed publicly in Moscow. And the its monthly meeting tomorrow of Richard William Peterson, A reception was held In the WPOP—Met AUen medium was an umisiiat one to Portland, son of Mr. and Mrs. C arl! church parlors following the cere- of the school biiilding. maintenance plantiug has been delayed by too n ig h t a t 8 o'clock at the flrehouae. much lain in north central Texa.s , HAY .T break news auch aa that of the nu • Refreshments will be served after Peterson, at 2 o'clock Saturday mony. ami principal's report were tabled and the Kdward.s plateau around t WCCC- Evening Oood Hutto clear explosions. Jthellh. meeting. The company !ifuwill, 1 A^rnoon i" u the Portland Meth-; Upon their return from a wed­ due to the length of the, meeting. WKNB 1 Echoes ding trip aouth the young couple _____ G st if, Resignations announced last Rain Damage High San Angelo. j WTKY-____ kixtra Some of the questions were m ost; hold Its annual outing June 23 a t' WDRC—Lpwi The Rev. Wilfred Hamilton, m in-, will be *t home at 124 Sprjng St., iervt it, enjoy it. week of .lolm Morris and Walter Elsewhere. planting of fall uniisoal fwe for Soviet listeners | th* Italian Amerlc'ark Social Oub In Drought Region crops--, replanting in some rases ' WPOP—Me«lleoT’uS 'lS tlat to hear. For sx^plr. l^nishchev | Rockville, later of the church, officiated. . Middletovvn. S" Yon’U love Home ; Daniels, members of the leaching if-- staff, were foiiually acrepted. has gone well. Effect of weekend I WHAY—Serenade . . was asked if the Soviet Union _ Given in marriage by her I The bride is a graduate ofElls- Toiim Bread. Makes great w exe—Good E-vmtna OoOd Hosle had no fears that Its satellites toast. Swell eandv’iehee. It’s freeh, An executive session was called (Continued from One) rain s in east 'iV.xa.s, w hich m issed | WKNB—Musical Echoes V would abandon communtiih If m orrowThe Aipina Socie'tv7 30 will meet to- '''"Kthi white hylon embroidered SmrihSouth wWindaor, Sor““«n^^‘^he and the ®hrWe'' bride- at 11:4.') p.m. lo ennaider item s — ; much of the earlier turbulent WTIC—Dick Burlel nlaht at at the Italian fragrant — delieioue. Yo'iyi know it 5 y . WDRC—Amos and Andy - Soviet' troops were pulled out. An- American aub. RefreshmenU trill! «nd * graduate, of Portland concerning personnel and some aatious matter. In man.v cases, weather and heavy downpours, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY the liitle wKite house on the red end of the wrapper. high school students. crops have been a total lass. has nPl-^en a.sscsscd, W POP-Fulton Lewis 'olher asked how long Khrushchev be served after the meeting. i front panels, short sleevs and High School. Both are employed $:1A- thought the Kadar regime would round neck. She carried a cas- at the General Motors Acceptance Town .Meeting Set TTie Texas Defense aPd Dis- Cattkefnen have not been so ■ e' WHAY—ffiifti Bsrenade-um w owT ' L The Boaid of .Selec'tnien voted aster Office and the Extension j WtXX'—Good EvsiiUui Good Musts last m ’H ungary witliput the Itus- The DAV Auxiliary last night daisies and stephan- Corp. In Hartford.— ------hard hit. althougli the extension la.sl nigltl to call a special town Service have hard figures for service estiiiiated 11.070 head of WKNB—Musical Echoes alan Arthy. preaented- an American flag to o tii^ WTIC—Dick Burtel ^ Khruahcnwv’a anaweri w ere meeting on June 12 to hear the agrioullural flood losses $27,289.- liveslock have drowned in a$di- WORC—Ames and Andy Cub Scout Pack, No. 78. sponsored' matron of honor. Mrsr C. WPOP—STPi Morsan stock SoYist ^epHea that Ruaaian by the Buckley Sohodl PTA, Louis 1 R«ymond Hoctor of Bolton, slater repoi t r>f the .School Site Com- 000. T hey re p o rted I..567.755 acres ■ Uon^t.o 10.000 frozen to d eath in readers are accilstomed to, biit Heard, cubmaster. The flag was the bride, wore a white nylon miltee. of farm and pasture land dam- j a north Texas blizzard in late WHAY—Polka Time M arch; w e r c —Good Evening Good Uuile they havd heard questions liks that accepted by William , Manning, dotted Swiss over pale aqua taf­ The call fo;' the meeting is ex- aged. j WKNB—Evening Serenade before only over the Voice of pack chairman. Flags were also feta gown, with aqua taffeta cum­ peeled to include provision for a This does not incUtd# "wet "Cattle are probably making w n c —News America. ^ ^ vole to authoiizr further negotia-j weather" losses othe,r than floods. ^ more gain per acie across' the I ’ ORC—Amos and Andy presented to six mothers; Mrs. merbund and back panel. She car­ w;POP—Gabriel Hesttcr The Soviet press gave the liitgr- Robert 'Tomossi, Mrs. William ried a cascade of white daisies. tinns foi purchase of the 10.5-arre| Oklahoma farm experts set no' state than ever before," said G. O t i view full propaganda.treatment to­ The brideamaids, Mrs. Robert Rose faini whiclc will be the .such hard figilres. but say floods Gib.son, director of the Extension t^ A Y —Wahnup TlmS Bingham; Mrs. John Greene, Mrs. day. The Communist party organ R. MacFarlane of Portland, sis­ Savings Gonvenience For You — recommenda.)ion of the Site Com-; "wiped out a lot of crops." -Service. .Some grass still is having WCCC—Good Evcnlnc Good Musts Chester Kenney, Mrs. Earl Wil­ WKNB^-Evenlng Serenads PraVda and- other Moscow news­ cox and' Mrs. Warren Tennant. ter of the bridegroom, and Mrs. mittee. I Not all of Texas Is suffering; difficulty recovering hecau.se of Chevy’s come up w ith the When you «ee a steep downhill WTIC—One Man’s Family papers published the, text of the Raymond Sanderson of Walling­ BjirlKH'iie N otes ' from too m uch rain. roots dsmage.d by the seven or WDRC^B._____ - ^~ Murrow " Present from the auxiliary were program along with photographs. Mrs. Elizabeth Caldwell, Mrs. ford. wore gowns of white, nylon Serving as waitre.'sses for the | In far west T e x a #. more more years of drought. stretch ahead, you set the selector W POP-Say It WR8 Music TTie newspaper accounts made new eit, BMeetestL sm oothest, g’.SS- Martha Miller, ^rt. Kay Miller, dotted Swiss over pink taffeta, barbecue sponsored b\ the Ladles moiXlure is needed. In much of the at “Gr” (Grade Retarder) and WHAY—Dodgers ve. Cubs no mention of U.S. State Depart­ Mrs. Cora Blow; Mrs. Gladys Shef­ made with cumiperbiinds and back Benevolent .Society of the'Congie- Panhandle and Smith Plains, rains . WCCC—Evening Music ment’s challenge that Khruahehev After Work — At Manchester autom atic driyje^T^irbogiide. field and Mrs. Inez Mahoney, gat'ional Chillch on June 8 at the have been just about right. In cen- WKNB—MuiiclU Echoea support his Interview statements panels of pink taffeta. Their flow­ Turboglide helps slow you down. WTIC—Great Gllderelaevs Americanism chairman. ers also were white daisies. Communlty Hall will he Andrea tral Texas, around Waqo where WDRC-Robert .Q, Lewie with positive action to solve the It’s the J fs t and only triples- Try Chevy's new, nothing-like-it WPOP—Treasury Agent disarmament question and other Paggioli, Linda Smith. Su.san ! some of Ihe'worsl earl.v flooding gilS— The weekly pieeting of the Cl^l Shearer, Marcia Jewell. Linda | occurred, harvest is going smooth- WHAY Dodgers vi. Cubs world iiwucs. Air Patrol (CAP) will be held at turhuTe transm ission! automatic drive. It’s optional at extra In Washington. Rep. Brooks .Paggioli. Dcna McDmoiigh. Linda ! ly. The same is tnie in portion# of Moms but ill WCCC—Eveidng Muele WKNB-Muelcfl Echoee. Hays (D-Arki laid today that if the American Legion Home at '7 r^w iToNW .'^'s Oimsteil, Su.san Johnson, Edith ! Ihe.Giilf Coast area, cost—and worth every cent of it. WTIC—Great Gtlderaleeve p.m., Wednesday. All members who Toomoy. Susan P' rrup, Phyllis I Iii the Wichita Falls section. WDRC- Robert Q. Lewie Russia should grant radlo-tels- ^ AIRMAIL — NOTCS ^ SAVINGS & LOAN have obtained subscriptions to the Converse. Barbara Clies.sey. Mari-[where a bumper small grairt Crop n W POP-Treasury Agent vislon lime to an American ^ LEADING BRA.VD8 ^ Turboglide is something really'pew l:tS— spokesman. President Eisenhower "Wing Dope" are asked to turn lyn Ro.se. G race T uttle, Beverly j harvest alreaCly is under way. WHAY'—Dodgers ve,. 4 E R A L United States. But if it were, he NYLON Rigid Frame' ^continued, "it would be Imporjsnt [ enough for the President to pre -1 M onday, Tuesday and Friday. Q U A X d V v S • .. CBevrolel W ith Turboglide! T V SERVICE * sent the American point of view." Daya M A E A Call Official reaction to Krushchev's 1 N ig h ts M s W PhiB Parts ; U.S. appearance included no hint! .TEL. MI g-M82 . that Russian air time would be ■ WADING POOLS asked. THOMPSON DAY CAMP We make it easy for the residents of Manchester and vicin-. A FUN-PACKBD PROGRA.M FOR BOYS ity to saye money. Saye in person ~ you will find if most con- TO SAVE M ONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 9-4 P.M. veWient. Sove by moil — it is o great time-saver. STARTING JUNE 24 YOUR FURS T r ip s Swimming , Cbokouts C ra fl.s E i p ^ r i i t E You edn depend on Savings and Loon to give you quick H ik e s _ Here's What We Do Movies _ Indian Ix)Te JYramatics teller service. For Only S3. $15.00 W EEKLY t TUTORING AVAILAILE I. Bunion's will replace TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED HrGHEST AVERAGE RATE DIVIDEND loops and buttons. SUMNER THOMPSON. D irM ter > IN MANCHESTER FOR OVER 65 YEARS 2 Burton'", will ;torr PHONE RUtUr 9.00U your fur coat in our 400 ROAD E.\ST.HARTFORD own air-conditioned % SAVE ANY AM OUNT — ANY TIME vaults 3 . . . RUT SAVE OFTEN ^ 3. Burton's will refresh­ n Latest Dividend 7 2 x 4 8 • • • $--• '4 • • Your sovinqs accounts a rt insured w ith tho Fodorol SovInRS and en your fur coat. Annual Pate Leon Insurance C orporation. • • • • • 4. Burton's will Insure iT r k i Have You An Event yc.. ' fur coal. $12.77 A lt COMDlTIONIN»-TiMFfRArutll MADE y O QtOIR>AT NEW LOW COST. GET A DiMONSTtATIONI meoih ofid loiiy.ln leWn or cevntry-th^ Rot Air Sport CoMpo with Sody by I Scheduled That Colls ROUND 10 Ft. X 2 R . DEEP .. 5. Burton X wMI check MOST CON VEN lENT o p e n M o n d a y , T u e s d a y . F r i d a y 9 a . m . f 5 f . m . for '■•■■eded f.'pair* For Food? a OPEN WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. to 12 NOON MADE OF HEAtir VINYL Only franchised Chevrolet dealers yCHEVROLET;^ display this famous trademark RAVINGS HOURS t h u « s d * y t a . m t . s p . M , . B *. ■' t o V. ' a i; f o r It may be a wedding, a banquet or just an informal LAST CALL. DISCONTINUED STYLES y o u :' -. r i- it. A CHOICE OF PUNS IS ESSENTIAL fet'togetber of a society, lodge oi; some friendly group. 1 ■ ) GINNY DOLLS _ V- . ■ * IN ORDER THAT YOU BUILD THE HOUSE W E A R E p r e p a r e d TO SERVE YO U $ O u o ( TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer BEST SUITED TO YOUR NEEDS.^ Our catering service is set up to be flexible enough to eMancIhsttf's Oldut FinarttUl InsHtuHm ai^dC LO |TH ES accommodate any m u gathering. Whv noi callous and CALL Mitchell Soe IIS for pkms. Instruct yoiir controetof to see us talk over the details? ■.j- 3-5177 ■ \ for iHoterlols from stort to fiitish.. ^ , .. \ that's all. Garden Groye avings ^ [REEDS, I n c e --\ \ ■ MANCiIeSTER LUMBER, INC. V 1 PHONES Ml 3-7344V t CARTER CHEVRULET I INC. ,2$^ C iN T ia ST. — PHONE M 3-EI44 ' M I 3 - 8 3 R 3 \ ManRliRstRr 'SaviRgR A Laaai Aisatiatiaa^lll? Mali Si 1229 M AIN STREET — MANCHESTER

A F,, „ r X . 'V:. v ^ " . ■ / •• ^' • X ' ' ■ \ Vv’', .,.•./■■.■ '-■(' ■-'.' ■ ,-• . ■•■:.'■•-■ '■.( , ■: : r _ ': ■ ■■ ' ■ .-■ ■ ■ ••-5" .' ' ' • • ■_ , , . ’ ■ / .' ■: . . ! ■ >>■ - • • . m l i - ■ 1


have boeii afrjjd, Pari* wouldn’t putting more big miles in the rec­ ^rntriiratpr^ TRAIN NOW FOR continue tough enough, and who ord book. But still no American. DroofUes Skytmteh Sclpedule have »hed innocent blood with the So; thanks, at' last, for bon Connecticut A GOOD JOB' {tipniiti) Ifpralii precise purpose of inflaming pas­ Bowden, who just went out "and '; By ReUBR PRICK POBUBH U D ^ rati^his mile last Saturday., after i O CTll.n PIUNT1J40 CO.. -INC. sions on both sides to the point Y a n k ee*• . WMlneaday, 5 , " U »£*«‘ where ho Compromise would he tiring himself out with exainina- Midnight—2 a.m. , ...... VoIiMteirA Noeded' ■. B y A . O. possible. tjq is during the day. Now that the j H. 2 a.m .---4 a.m,. • • ■. 'i;.. .Volunteem \eeded WJlLTW R FERGUSON 4 a.m .- 6 a.m...... Volunteers NheHed .J# PubUsnera On both sides of the struggle, jinx has been shattered, cither I Founded October 1. IWl One of the sarlient characteriatics 6 a.m.—8 a.m. . . , . . . Voliinleem Needed ■ . thfen, there are opposing factions, Americans of adequate ■ pace will 8 a.m;— 10 a.m. . .; .... Claire Pic^man ^ PabUabed Every Evenlns Except one in each set favoring more vio- come winging along. -Why was it | I of the 1957 session can be noted '....L o u is R. Call , -•urdays and HoUdaya Entered at the, , ., ^ .■ ,, , lb a.m.—Noon Peat Otrtce at Manebester Conn., aa Jent and bloody action Uian the Don Bowden? Well, just as it was | I even before it has adjourned. Noon—2-p .m .,...... Ixiuis R. Call Second Class Mail Matter. ' Barring any last minute btow-iip, 2 p.m.—4 i».m...... Roger Winter SUBSCRll^lON RATES other, with innocent people in the said io| Bannister when he first M P i O - Payable in Adyance middle paying with their lives as ] cracked the harrier. Bowden .seems ' it has been a sessjon which some- 4 p.bt,i;r-.0 p.m.' . • .. '..., Columbia DeCarll j how managed to avoid the only b p.mX-8 p.m...... Barbara MacGregor O isa^‘ear ...... fli.W I one faction or another struggles to , a rather cool qliaracter, not very i refil political 'excitement it could 8 p.m.—10 p.m .,...... Betty Fivozlnsky MCTHOMICS- Six_____ Moonthx *7.751 i excited before or after his feat; Three Months 3.9U1 Shape policy. have generated. In the absence of 1C p.m.—M ld n l^ t . . . ’. R. H. Thom as . One Month .. l.3U| Despite the presence of 500.000, Obviously, he managed In have; any Democratic parly large Skywatoh Post located on top of hlanchester Police Station. Vol- THMSIOM Week.}' ...... 50 enough to throw its weight around, unteera may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal Stnsie Copy .. .06 French troops, tills .situation is one : only the right thoughts as he ran. j Our "Liirn4y-Doin|" mithtd of anarchy, and of war by murder, | - j or to determine the outconiexhf/any Bulldingt- On Mt-nday, Wedqesday, or Friday from 1-5 p.m. priyaru y*u fir i hl|hly* w MEMBER OF L issue, the chanch of politipal excite­ THE ASSOCWTED PREbS on both sides. • skillid, will-piying futuri. T.'ie Associated Press la exclusively 'Mattress with Wimlow So Old ment iri th is sos.sion depended upon U Is the. whole picture in AI-. tidh-apparently played in the policy . Still one more way to character- enUtled to the use of republicalion of .Maid ( an laiok (Inder the Bed the po.ssibility of a sfdlt in the huge meetings of the top Republican | ize a dull' session is to say that a ! DAY COURSE all newe dUpate|ies credited lo it. or A Tlioii};lil for T«<«lay and unwieldy Ropuhlican majority. > 5oXotheVs^e‘* ‘3 y S lta in t^^^ UperjK cria. and not any single aUocity, Sponsored hy the .Manrhrstrr Wltlioul. Getting Vp’ brass, it had friendship and cooper­ session in which the politicians lie EliCntONICI TECHNICIAN and alpo th® local D«w» pttbiiBbed here. Uvhich should c o n rtm the ronyci- This Droodle is a reminder to Such a -split seemed very likely ation all down the line., A session down'too peacefully together can Adiuitmtnt, mointtnoftc®, ttrvicing of kU nebU of rapubUettion of *p(*claU cs. . u i.. rouncil of Churches at the start of the session, when sfandord tlKtroaic dtvic«i, TV and diflpatclic®'hsrein ar® also reserved . ; ehrr of civilisied men. K\'eiyhrKl^\ you that today is "OLD Maid's which opened with a. sharp contest be an unhealthy session, not merely r«di® rM «ivtrti c®ior TV» ctrtuitd. nl ouUoiuo, the Brennan-Zeller faction of the between two powerful factions has, because the political repo.-ters miss X uii servlcs clleol ef N. E. A Sere-1 van predict an e v e n l^ l Found Between the Pages of Day " but I hope my Cousin Clara party outwitted the BaJdwin-Al* j which. . . will. . include------.p at a t’’some so alalua in actual experience, been the most ^eir fun, but because the conspir­ EVENING couitu Billy Sunday's Bible ■May fioc.sn't see it. You see, Clara corn leadership in the choice of the regular of sessions. It has even acy of mutual accommodation, ElECTRONtCS ItCHNICIANWIIDE Ju^u»**Miwhews^p^ij'Aseno.v...... — -i D- . — New j of ipdependenee - ■ for .\lgei ia. Tlist . ''bill the Holy Spirit as my .May Is sort of touchy about the Hoii^e .Speaker and majority lead­ been more regular than sessions in drops a veil in front of itself,’ and In two ovonlnf t o wook w t con toi^cK you Rodio Eltclronicc TV tcrvlcing; ' lilijIBEU*** AUDIT* *bS r e a u " OF j "bil j-hmF when, somebody tires of j visited the temple of e.xpre.ssion, "Old Maid." She's al­ er, symbolizing organizational con­ the Republicans had a powerful j because legislators immersed in trol of the Hou.se. It seemed likely CIRCUUtTIONS. 1 miirdcr.niuracr. ; Christianity: most 63 years old and she still Democratic legislative contingentr CtiNN iN: t loneffKni X For H on d ay-l p.m. fYiday mony in the government's anti-were hung on the walls; wrote that since his Mule died he part of the same msjuf* that it Oldri* fi. .(rr.r..> . S.hool For Tueadav—1 o.m. Monday. tnigl case against, the connection I - i pa.ssed into the music room had gotten,^ mighty lone.some. Un- But no open clash between the which the political manage- had an unbelievably eas>'-arUcularly care corn has -been busy with his-new Claaained deadfine: 10:9u a m each national job, and, despite a few day of publ'catlon except Saturday — courts some seven .Veais ago. m- clod’s great mgan responded . about looks (lucky for Clara May) cvitably got lost in the jcgalilies m the harp of IJavid, the. sweet hut he s.sid he wanted a Wife who short appearances on^he Connecti­ ( a in. ^ ______cut scene, has not been able to re- involved, but' also inevitably singer of Israel; could cook and was strong and Tuesday, 'June ( natnrallv Clara i Conneclicnl footing in the ------I gathered an imiuession that the I entered the chamber of Kccle- May lost out. She never was any | rta.V;by-dav way which Poise A Secret Weapon? | relationship between the two in- slale.s, where the voice of .the• __ ,j , with ...,.u a . Skillet .>1. I means knowledge of legislation and : X , , preacher was heard; and into the "im a SKiiiei. We didn’t see the prograin,'. but !empires hsd ...... issijeS conservatory of Sharon, where the ’ them. from most reports the outsland-! *hd Intimate in s way whicli bene- m y (j- the Valley's sweel-s<-cnted ... . j m. T^T 1 m But even hafKAlcorn been on the Ing revelation Ijv Oic appearance ' both to the 00101111.11 injury of, apices ftiipci and perfumed my IJCUlllS LtUSl i V l t f f l l job. he might haVe siicciimhed. a.s of Khrushchev on "Facfe------the Na- - ■** record of the life; ~ easily as did evei ylibdy el.se, to the Uon" was that the Russian leader , dsAlings between the tw5 ..o,„- 1 entered the business office of By TIIK ASSOCl.ATKD PREtSS plea.sant, comfortnbleN|Ure of the : . V,,,—.n tutiow nhasessed of pAnies unfolded, it did not sreni Proverbs, and then into the oh- , .Miami. Fla. - Lt, Col. H arry kind of game which diJKjlevelop is a human being, po „ that anv competitor of du Pont, servatory room of the Prophets, A Austin ustin KKnox, n o x , 82,8Z. one of the within the v.ist RepublicanJ^ajor various human quaJlties, I’** ,, ..hance ' ^ ° ' earliest aiitoriiobile designers and ity and its leader.s a sense of humoE and a sense of , P • ' , ; sizes, poihted to far-off events, but builders, who designed snd • con- The rules of the game wore th ruthlessness. .The discovery that of selling to General Motors any-* all concentrated on the Bright and ^ 4-oyl'inder car in 1895, there w'ouUl be enough in this ses­ thing du Pont was prepared to Morning Star. . . | died Sunday. Russiana are feoP^* »''vsys sion for everybody, if everybody ...-ni.r 1 entered the audience room of ^ lived and let Ilve,*if nobody reached Shocking and refreshing, whenever PP y* . . . . the King of kings, and caught a' AsheviHe, N. C. Dr. Harold At that time, the case had been - Stonier, 67. retired executive vice for a shocking too much, if fac-; it is made. We need to make it, we tions were tolerant of each other's ! Americans, because we have drop­ brought by a New Deal adminis- point of Matthew, Mark. Luke, ! President of the American Bank- pet projects, if everybody was Our agency performs two iinjjortant types tratlon, and was frequently as- and John; passed Into the Acts husband of Mrs. cosy and quiet. of service the first precedes a loss''or cl,iim; ped a tremendous xurtaln of illu­ an instance of that ad- of the Apostles where the Holy , ^'*cille Stonier, well known artist. sion between ourselves and the sailed as Spirit wss doing his work in the «te.i the anti-lni.sl A,l the funeral of King Kdwaiii Tile youngster fell into a newly- VIT of England in 1910.. his wire ling- well in his backyanl May 16. • Brakr Scr\lrr that iVe arc dealing with a hum haired terrier took piecedence He was trapped 23'- hoiiis in the being rather Ilian some monster.. inllng seems non-uieologi- kings in the procession. . bottom of the;2(*foot pit. • Motor Tiinp-l'j> This is to the gootf; First, it is : o'. in accord with the facts • RiXly and Frndrr Mork INCORPORATEp good because tt tends to dispel M l‘f' »■’ 'hey woul.J have «p- soine of the nightmarishJears of:P*«>-ed to any prospective investor RF..4L ESTATE — INSUBAS’CE 963 M AIN ST., GROUND FLOOR — TEL. »U 9> things Russian under whicli we in ■ du Pont stock over the pa-st, Eddies "INSDRAlN’ S.MITHS SINCE 1914” haa*e been livlnjs. TVe have, during 40 years. much of the cold war, been think­ AUTO SERVICE U ing and acUng as If we were chil- j Teachers Wanted 367 ().\R L .\.M ) ST. dren under the spell of some fairy •MI 3-1208 tale villain. ! LkU’ Atomic Energy Commission Second, It is good because once ^ is going to sponsor a snenlific' Willimantic State Teachers College we recognize the Russians for mission to study the problem of Will Preparg College GnidiialeN to Teaeh in the Klenientnry what they art. we are likely lo be ! strontium from alimiic fall-out in .Schools in Conneetieiit Next September. more adult and intelligent and • the particular location of the Ama- . successful in our 'dealing laith rori jungle. Course Offered them. ’ There are several reasons why this is considered an excellent lo­ June 26 Through August 16 N Actually, of course, the- somt- tt'hat urbane,' the not unpolished, cation for such a study. , Teochers Needed . . . Good Soldries the very able Khrushchev is a ' The most impoj tant • reason is ' much more formidable opponent- that strohtiiim accumulates itself, Admission Now ■for us than the evil dragon of out in plant and anim al life and then ; 'i i fairy tale Imagination. Wa are enleiji man in the food he eats, H For (iirlher inrorination call the coordinator of the summer deahng with a leader, not with a i Among the primitive tribes of the program St the Wlllimanlle .Slate Teachers College . . II.Arrl- myth, " ’e are dealing with a hu- Amazon jungle, this process can be S«n 3-4581. Or. All niit and return the form below; man being who is rational within j observed as accurately as though , •‘O'nnon, ■ti-y It... ii:; the context of his ■way of life, as \ it were in a test tube, because Stale Teachers College ,N . . ive are rational within the con-' everything the people eat comes Wllliinantle, Conneetieiit. all ploy and no woi^l' text of our way pf life. He is more ! from the e.xact place in which they .-Vttenilon: Il’Cti Coordinator clever than he is fanatic, rijore a ’ live. In more rliulizcd (ountries, Please send me further details ahniil the summer program for realist than-a cru.sadof. .and he is : there is greater Iran.ipoi talion of college gradiiales. where he is not only because hg jjood, with people in New England, has ^en. clever and yuthlcas in (or inst^cc. heavy consumers of .Signed; . seizing power, but because he vegetables from California, .so that m akes 'some sense tn thp

.'/■ VI . ’) J ' r'l I- .t EIGHT MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD. MANCI^^TER, CONN., TUESOM^^UNE 4.196T E V E N I N G h e r a l d . MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JUNE 4i 1957 PAGE Nm a South fPifiHtor II.S. l» JLet Japan^Try Ribicoff Vetoes Quinhy Elected Top Off icer State Ki^irt^ Bid to Expatid Shop .1 Higher Ceiling Of Future Farmers Chapter Unity tJr Denied hy Board of Appals School Plan GI Accused in Slaying Wins Favor, On Works pids Four local youths were honored J Assembly Board of Appealsvbly to encounjging our present last night at the annual-banquet of " denisd .permis- industries" the Glastonbury High School chap-1 OtherAJMmber representatives (Continurd fr®m F*C* One) on of a machine ?if>e Julia MsMle on Plftyhoiuo 99— (Contlned from Pag». Ond) ter of the Future Farmers of! (Contlned from Pnge One) told thr Board that the machine . Of Residents WHCT—CliannPi 13—Thurnday 9:80 p.m. an act it earned out on "duty." ijqry ComniiMioner America tFFAI. shop in i)>):uraj[v zone despite a plea • hg/rn ta Into its surroundings. In- if practicable, one with psyehiatiie South -.Windsor, June 4 (Spe­ That w:aa the controlling latue tion of effort, and loss of central­ Richard Qiiinby, 88 Tanner St'. | by represetuhtjVs of'the Chamber dihg th e ' Home of the Kurtz ised records which this bill will was elected to serve as president; experience. of Commerce' infavor of the bid. Bros., and does not create any cial)' — Residents attending a tn the Girard cate, and the de-j nuisance in the neighborhood. bring about could coat the stale for the year 1937-lh.t8. He is a Juri-1 The present boards of tniatbes In A split decisidin, the Board EkMird of Finance open meeting cision apparently hinged on the tor. at Glastonbury High School. ; Atty. John R. Mroeek preaented precise naturt of Girard's orders. many times the amount now re- at each of the institutions would be denied the application N^f^vurtz ft petition front 32 neighbors in last night generally agreed to a f quired— to maintain Pubhc Worksw-ji,. i Ralph Von Ecker, Salvatore Ven-! The U.S. officials agreed that cohUniied, but they would be iub- Broa,, Ihc., for pei mlsajpfi liKhuild | f,vor of granting tlie application." plan by the School Buihiirig Coti^ , Dept, scn’lc^.in the lyst a^ea be-i Rajnmnd Adamson re- lect-to the authority of the Board an addition on tts^ ol and dje | xhe four Kifrtz brothers, who mittee (SBC) to erect a 16-roofn Girard had orders from his pla­ M4vc4en '.$.V000 ilrtd. * 2 5 ^ 0 .” '* * ''* '' '‘P "'* "' " * " ’■'** I*’* of Mental Health. shop at 347 Keeneyot. Two of Ihe-^.e,-* present at the hearing, were elementary school rrl the Pleasant toon commander to guard a ma- Strong Oppbsitinn , i . j Members of the new board would Board’s f i v eXmembers voted by Chaigman Stuck whether Valley section. chinegun and^ther equipment in Ri'meoff said the bill received ^-cker evas selected as the- serve four yeaw without pay. The Board of Finai>ce Unex** strong SpposHion " from iKX^ti- ''hepters .star farmer for his out- against the^plication, re-sultlng they>had given any consideration the area. Ribicoff s^d that he considers the in itR .<)en^ under ZBA rulcR. ^ te rin g ,an indualrial rone pacledly came up.w l^’ an ftller- Dispute Scope of Duty zens AdvisoVy- Council on. Publtc standing work in agrfctilture and w^amson received tfis award for\ membership so important that he The B6ard al.so split on other i "whidh we have in thi., town," nate plhn based on construction of But they accepted the Japanese : Works, the Connecticut Chapter of will mak(i his ap^intments only decisjtfhs. two invdlvlng permls-; Second Rejection tw’o "low cost neighborhood contention that jSlrard's action in I the American Instittition qf Arch­ hW'- putstandlng centributlon to; farm safety, •' after consultation with Mrs. Fin­ sijjiT to allow exceptions on build KurtV Bros. was originally achool*," aatimatyd to cost about firing the shell case vi-as "outside itects, the Connecticut Chapter of ney. Beatty and others. i already complMed. Domenic *338,000'rather than the preaenl the scope of his gusu-d duty and For the'second time. Vendrillo granted, permission to c.stabli.sh its the As.soriated Cerieral Contract­ Ponticelll wa.s allowed to maintain .shop In the ru rarzonc in 1047. A plans which call for a achool coal­ was, therefore, not ‘done in the ors of America and the Hartford will represent Connecticut ss part a house built at an angle at 40-42 ing *760.000. performance of official duty'." County Cluapter of the Connecti­ of a .’-man poultry Judging team. similar application to expand was Elio St. over the opposition of denied a year ago. Board member Finance Boanj niembera distrib­ 'I he commanding general of cut .Society of Professional Engi­ This team will compete.ip the na-• - DoaraBoard v..nairinajiCuiatrman William v-v iiiia Stuck. uted a printed cost breakdown for Girard's ditisioi* certified that -the neer.'-. tiona'T poultry judging team ftisls Charles Towle joined .Stuck in U a ■ J * \ UawTence Auerbach waas refused voting against the repeated appli­ the two - "neighborhood" type action "w as done in the perform­ The.se gimips. said the (lovei- to be hcM. In Kansas City In the Ixcporled. } X l l <)WllVpermission- ...... to maintain...... an addi­ ^schools, which. It said, would re- ance of offloial duty." nor. ' liavc reinfon ed my own con­ summer. Riehnnl (fuinb.v cation last\ night. * ' tio xlon n to a house at 112 W Weaver Rd, During (be • diScu.s.sion on the suit in a saving of about 10 pep ■ But the Wifson-I^lles statement viction] ^that the state will suffer Vendrillo was'Uie second high­ Whefi 'Board member Edward M. cent. said the firing of empty shell cases greatly from thi.s bill " est individual point sporer in the fathers of the boys In the Gla.ston- Six unbfljwldd paraK^TU were Ponticelll application. Stuck told the cause Q#'^ case of parrotvfever Saari. joined Stuck in opposition. other Board lmember8,"Thcre Is no The Fina'nce Board member.* from the grenade launcher "was State in ponltrv judging-this year. bury chapter'of the FFA and peo­ 'At a meeting between the ZBA in a Miuvdnester woman now being reason to, grftnt if." claimed t\V> schools could be —^ot Vendrillo and Von E ck er will ple of the community who aided i and the To'wn Planning COmmia^ treateeffor the diseaiie: in the A je i^ o n ca.s?7 Slijek rg- erected al a co.*l of *977.120 It’S SMART The cabinet officers noted that grndua'te from Glastonbury High the working.*- of ' the vocational atom'two weeks'iigo, Stuek niain- C ar Brakes kail, calledled t)ie action 6' other Board— against *1..382.24p, for two .*< hools "others slated, but Girard denied, School this June and will enroll In agricultural' program. le woman caught the fever, 4ainqd,that “nine out of ten” vari­ Albert T. i^we'y rob^s c aft planned by the SBC. that empty shell cases were thrown the School of Agriculture at the Special guests-w>re Joseph Pero e seventh case in Connecticut so ance* requested should be denied memb^s on alflhe Pontlc-'lli case Bargains Not Wanted out to entice the Japanese to . , C a u s i n g A c c i d e n t far this year. from.parakeets, she which precede it, after they asked TO COOK COOL Albert T. Dewty of .34 Robert , P* ' University of Conhecticiit in the' and Wilbur Uttie who are me ^ If tha purpose of zoning rpgula- However, members of the .school Tills is the "keyboard octet ” that accoriipaiii'ed the Comniunity approach." fall. bers of the regional vocatlprfal- bought outside the State, accord­ tionz is tq. be upheld. “when stop Wpuld be put’^ to re­ aurvey committee and SBC couiu- Sing at tlie High Scliool. C. Albert Pearson direct.* the audi­ Rd. has been appointed a Supe- ' quests for exijient'ons after the The Japanese embassy hailed rior Court jury commissioner for; -* w-omcn whose car brakes Attending the banquet were the agrirultiiral counseling cofnjafutee ing to the State Department of Chverh Addition Approved ' ered that the town wa.* not look­ ence in a number. In tlie center is Mis.* Brenda Cole. Fred C. the new ruling and expressed be­ Health. ' deed had been dhne. Hartford County.'’ failed as she tried to stop at a One of two religious organiza­ ing for "bargains" ami ''curiale ■ Werner is in the right foreground. Other pianists, front tb rear, a n d f a s t lief "the unfortunate affair will Auerbach’s attorney, Jay'Rubl- Massed Pianos Accompany I Dewey, a retired banker, was i stop sign will face a reckless driv- One of her daughterii and the tions smking exceptions to zon­ prices" but a building that would are Robert C. Vater. Russell rotterton. James W, McKay, Mayor be amicably-settled" through It.' husband of another daughter may ing regulations was successful last now, told the Board that the build­ give the taxpavera their money's Harold A. Turkington. Mrs. Doris Cole Carpenter anti Philip named yesterday by. the Superior ^ourt. Anclovcfr ing had been atarled under the as­ Minister Takeso Shimoda said also be Infected, the health de­ night. m y ’a unanimoua de­ worth. Treggor. (Herald Photo by Pintoi "of course ■ Japanese 'authori ti cs Cojirl Jtidpes at their annual meet-- chrisUnc Parks, 34. of 284 sumption* that' there would be no Massed Community^ Voices WITH mg partment said. cision, th« Board granted the Sec­ Moreover, they said, tlie town will take the utmost care so that ' ■ OrSe'n Rd., was’arrested'this morn- difficulty in getring a building He replaces the late , Departmeiit officials warned ond Congregational Church per­ does not need two new .*( hool*. I the trial will be conducted with Eduard injt after her car failed to stop j/ermit. The permit was not grant New 3'oi k to sit lieside the .son In Begley of Wethersfield oh the that parrots and parakeets §( mission to\biilld a 1110,000 addi fttnee the school lliey i ec-ommend By HAL '^^ RKI^>" the disease, known sclen- Ittpn t\yo feet closer to the west allows for an sdilitional 10 pupil’* City Kalllor I walte/l patiently for the group ami Jap Presenfa Credentials member mmmission which has tjm struck the right-rear fender'of a An application fi-oai Mrs. Vir- mother. Mrs Olady.s Robln.son. yvlio final word in the selcrljon of tifically as ."psittacosis," can pass | property lin^ than regulations al per room above present require-^- greeted announcement of the nuni- came from for the o<.'casion Shortly 'after the Minister made low at 361 N. Main S't. I'*"*® f^'Plc.v for pormiasion to raise Kveiyohe was in good voice at C am p be l l Coiiiieil Jiirors for Haitford County. Beg- eu*ter. 69, of 32 .Strong St., travel- it on to human beings. ment*. ' be: with applause. They knew and sat a|wirl from them, said, his comments to newsmen the new The Salvation Army's ' request **'* Dachahiind pups in a resi- the Community Sing last night. ley died .this spring All Connecticut -residents were There are alxiul 200 resident.* ' they were going tb enjoy it. "This is a very sad day. " The par­ Japanese ambassador, Koichiro ing east on Green Rd. Set by Finance Board to build a iSpO.OOO addHlon with 2.3 Westfield St. waa Siviley S, Choman of 115 Hioad .Other members of the C’nm- asked to be sure that they buy in the Pleasant Valley section. By m;(^es.*ity rather Ilian i holce. I'ni.son singing and harmonizing ents, recently (iivorced. did not -Asakai. presented his credentials; permiasinn f^r three exceptions ' '^cn'cd. St. ha.« been elected grand knight mission are Raynmnd, rh- Calucn, ; only banded or checked parakeets. Corneliu* F. Nicholson. SBC the annual OutdiHU .Musii Fe.stival made up tlie rest of tlie progiaiu.' speak. to President Eisenhower, He said Andover, June 4 (Special) - The i The State Sanitary Code fbrbids to regulationd was referred to Permission was granted to and Hie audiem'-e joined in .sing­ of (’ampbell Council, N.o. .373, chairman, c onlcnded lh;st tlie town was stricken from the sidiedule Martin Biiith, ai-toi's agent, Jo'st he did not discuss the Girard m at­ nl'rio,"/- H'VAf"''d Countv .SU-! pg^ks ‘told police she h^d the Importation, sale and breeding Board meniber Daniel Hair- for ■ Winkler Auto Parts for an exten- ing some ol tlie new as well as tlie Knigfht* of Columbus. penoi Court, who seiWes chair- | -pump " the brakes Board of Finance set a ^ax rale of! would eventually save money he- the light of one eye wlien young ter with the President, but ex­ of unhanded parakeets. Jtudy. Some\ members of the sion of time to biifld a machine cau.se of the lesser maintenance Ihi.s year. 'I’he smg in the High old .songs There wa.s the tribute lir- Choman has been an active mem- pressed his own pleasure over the Bn'-'tnl 1 which were not in proper working 62 mills last night, believed to be i Robinson’s .sports car. in wliirh he The commissioners serve 1-ycai Obituai*y Board questionled whether 'the Sdop in a bi.'slnes.* zone eaat of 193 costs of the building proposed by ■Si hold auditorium i'ep1a<-ed the fes­ Molher. " “When P'ranei.* Dances ber of the Council for the pa.*t 15 decision.. order. one of the higheat in the state. | closeheas of the\ proposed addition , Middle Tpke. TlieiBonrri limited Will] .Me. " "Good Night .Swe/ t-, years. He ia the iiiopi ietni of Ill- was riding, struck four parked terras. his committee. tival. automobile.* last June 21. The Ambassador said it clears About .a half hour taler bus Only'Porofret, which also had| to residences id the rear would • the permission .to .March 1, 1958, The new .school, he told the heart," "Home on the Range," and'M aine Sea Food .Market in' Ro<-k- the way for discussion of other Superior Court jury ^roniniis- driver Edwin L. Prior, 44, of East 7 Bids Received ' It wa.s a pleasant evening for a rate of 62 mills in 1955, com-1 create a fire hazard' The Army: Variances tlriuil«"'"'■*”'* " ‘ 8 was a|so requested. i Helaine Rdl': Robert Barbeio. ft Girard, #nd old newsmen In an accident shortly after 4 Full Dollar luliic S( howl s mu.sio ilirecloi , 1 years in the inilsii department of MijCarthy. i-hanrellor; Di lean Onn't miss fun nt the beac'i. Other towns with high rales last | y Marcel and Carmen tonight for authority to buy one', the discussioit on the request j Carol Di-.; and Robert D. O'Con- Protect your akin •I any pleased that this matter \ I ” p in. yesterday. Ij Com Albert Rubin, In the diseiHsion period which SUulenI* Entertain , ioeal school.* this year, brought Louis Hebert, recording seeretaiy: N year were .New- Canaan - .35 8- ®''* *^^* -J’ltras. 22 Trumbull St., of seven organs ranging in’ price I, addition tq Kurtz B ros, ' hell. .35 Avond.ale Rd. • followed the general feeling, was Before you bifrn. has been settled before the arrtv-1 48. of J14 Piymouih Lane, opened from J4.2.30 to *5,990 for M anches-' hepresentattvrt of the Cha In additlon.-fteveral young artist* back a ' favorite jiart of hi.* pro- Chanle's .McCarthy, treasurer; Dewey, u’ho now scr\'es the town Granby, 55>sr and Thompson, 51 yealerday si Manchester Me- m- Ahna Cs.sperson of I13 .Main .m. that residents wanted the best pos­ Sun reaiMtant-water rej>ellent al of oor prime miniater." the door of hi.* car. parked on ter High. School. . ber of Commerce 1*ppeared * before w as ^ gi-apted n*'tPf»permission i e ti i n t to r-, enn- from Ibe High .Scliooi participated, gram in coorlusion. He asked for- -Ally. Johp J. O'Connor, sdvoeale; as a Development Commission uiillg, I morial Hospital shortly after be- sible edilK6t>"oal facilities for their- .p|.ip,.g Sure of Fair Trial i Hilliard St, into the path of an Bids received r yesterday at the ■ brg^ granting the tinue to have a free standing was Brenda Ann Cole, mer High Sehoed climr meinlier.* i John Stevens, warden: Roland Le- A State Department spokesman les between towns ‘"K a'ln’iUad. ehildven and fell that the proimsed BELA-RO-PEOL S e r i ';c u t \ A i s / '’r o " '' » -to ^ iven' by St'ephe'n Ss-dor/k" ’ nmuparing rat .She was born in Manchester manager's pfficq were turned over ' application, . . ground sign 10 feet from the street pianisl, who is srconip*{iist for in .the audiem-e lo ii.se and join in 'Page, inside guard: Mario Diana, aaid the department la satisfied Connecticut Trust Co. Mce P--” *-1.37_,_ o f 60 because ...... ‘df vary- - | Jj u n e 26. 19,36. to Edson !*l. Bailee principal of . B '**rrln g to effc^rts to attract line, new school offered full dollar many olof the school mu.su-aimusu-al | "'.ttl' ".‘>u Round Ts“l® iu ?"'8"'8 ouisinoutside guard; and out-going OINTMENT Girard will be given i a fair trial _____ 1 driving cast on Hilliard near .Maim ' *''8 property as-sesements. value. Ixmer Than Expected | Bemdes her parents, she leaves the High School, and G. . Albert j I? « Mianchester, Dr. I The Board refu.sed In reconsider' groupjr. And Cynthia 'Ibcggor, lal-j H'® .''Benediction. Nearly half of f-i-and knight .loseph J. Gravell in Japan. Frees officer Lincoln . , I ^ j had pulled to the right to ardiid an -No formal action was laken at enled violinist. ih.*played qei abil-' pre.sciu lose. The piogiam ,va.s (elected tin.stee for a 1-vear Available at If ton Co.. Inc. of New Haven, » witli his two younger aislers, Girard would be. provided witli A charge of rockier driving was recommended to the annual *5.208,7.3; Watkins Bros, of Hart- mendation wUl be pre.senleri at a a relaxful evening Of entertain- .Santa Monica, Califi. June 4 (.■Tl Lewiston. ; Micbelc and Andrec. for an encore. Sl F.dward G. Robinson .Ir., 24. .son U.S.-paid counsel '>sati8faclory to | was phared against John Villano. budget meeting held May 4, The funeral will he held froio 1 *-3.14«: Willimantlc Music Co. town meeting and re.sidents will ment, fun and song. him" and that an qjricial U.S. ob-: 23, of 246 Tyler .St , East Haven, Police Arrests Parents $ay Keeney School have ati opportunity to vote on 7’e.uson duct-led Ids Round T.*ble of the actor, ha* been sentenced to In addition to entting the town i the Leclerc rFu 'l.r neral' ....! ■ Home, 23 Williniantic, *4.7.30; and Erdin Singers ill one number. server would attend thq trial to i after the car he Was opeialihg .Co of East Hartford. *4.-2.30. the aniount they wish lo sjiend for Japan led the world in 19.35 spun, 60 days In jsii snd placed on tliree budget by approximately *5,000. Ma'in S t . at 9 am. „ tomorrow...... Eight pianist,* uas a f-iist at Uie report on fairness of the proceed- ; went out of contTol on the Wilbur ; , , I "We hope to have the organ in- a new school. rayon production with an output years' probation for misdemeanor THERE’S NO he in St, Jam es' Ceme- In Need of Improvements schotil. Pearson introduted each I stalled in the- High .School audi­ The repommeiidation of the of .330 nvlllion pounds, reports the ' drunk (li'ivihg. LECLERC ing. The statement promised Cro.ss Parkway yesterday aner-;„.*’h‘''P*''/j®f'°'2**'^"f57 Dri\'eK’BogrdofFinancetorc'fram from i.,rv that all evidence will be made | noon. | was an esled’ yesterday by Dog I torium for the graduation June Finance Board i.s not nece.ssarilv i®"'‘ l emi.uled the audience Japan Chemical Fiber Assn. | His father, who came here from . FUNERAL HOME available* to Girard and hl» attbr-| The arrc.st was inadp by State I-racchia on a rharffc : .. : R ’There will be no Calling hours. mill rate'Immediately following the 14,'' Martin said. A group of Keeney Street * should be acquired with the funds final and can he ove,-ridden b v ’ >'«' V®'® of Manches- Most wdmen prefer gas because it gives you perfect control ncy and that U.S. auUioritica! Policc.man Robert Gav who School parents have voiced .com- still , m the cousin voters at the town meeting if they te r* finest piam.sls. They were annual budget meeting, and to ruction account Mrs. Itoris Cole Carpenter. Miss ! would give them ‘‘every proper j peared upon the. .irene-of the acci-! If , ap|>car in Town Court plaints sbout conditions al that desire. FUNERAL saiurOn't. wail until it could be detei'mined includes .*u('h items as bookcases Cole, .lame.* W: McKay. Rii.s.sell of temperature on lop of the range, in the oven, in the broiler. assistance dent after Villano's car knocked how much additional revenue new schcMl and have asked that Siuilnr Xctivities But reaction among American Burton E Moore. ,25, of Goven- Hospital Notes and cupboards, s reading chart, a I’oUerton. Philip Treggor, -Mayor down. nine giiaixlrail posts, might be received from the Slate About Town money remaining im its bond ac­ blackboard easel and a counting Senior Week i* now in projri'e.ss SERVICE New gas burncr-with-a-brain gives the same automatic per* lawmakers rhade It clear the mat­ plunged down an embankment and try, is scheduled for arraignment count be used for repairs there. Haiold A. Turkington, R'otiert C. CONSULT US ON YOUR June 18 on a charge of passing a on the basis of pending legislative ADMITTED YE.STERDA Y: frame. at Ell.sworlh Memorial High Vat A and Fred (’. Werner. W alter N. ter is riot finished.. overturned. action. The complaints ftre contained in School, and aenmi* will allend a red light. He was arrested ves- Mrs. Lillian Newberry, 72 Village Mr. and Mrs, William B. Oitrin- The Keeney ,St. .School, which Tile group liad one reheai sal be­ I.eclerc forinance on lop burners .as you enjoy with your oven. No The accident m en i red between lerday, State ,\l(l Increased a letter which is (to be. presented ,.... j. . ., banquet tonight .it the .S inset BUILDING PROBLEMS Director the Slater and Burkland street St.. Rockville; Norman Diiliide. sky, 182 Biasell St., observed their to the Board of Directors tonight. Arnold fore the coneert and. with P ear-' range could be more automatic. And no o t^ r fuel offers ovemassns a« '-ViU = nn lax^al police arrested ■'-'.■’icii aimand miturned nrn . viimiiOhalrman iiibii Yeomgns.. said last Lynn^ Dr„ Vernon; .Mrs. Marii^ 40th wedding anniversary yester­ Restaurant in Haitford The ll-a- son direi'tirig. opened the program Our Honest, Expert Adft’ice Will Save You Money A copy of the [letter was spb- uTwn'r'hitte.-^i u ditional front slep.s ceremony will 23 Main Street. Manchester overpasses as Villano proceeded . over to Stafford aiithorUies George ' night that the Board' figured ad- Hicks. Cromwell: Robert Edwards, day. Thfiy have spent practically with 'Poet ftiid Peasant Overture," , milled to the fechool Building Hon .s( hool-construc- be held tomorro’v when junioir re­ instant higli heat, unlimited control plus no hangover-heat Hearings Set Viiiui.a n'o , I J ... .Amaral,. 24. of .16 Hale St. Ext , | ditionaf aid of about *9.000 coming 192 Hartford ,Rd.; Mrs. all their married life in Manches­ by Von Suppe j Call Ml 9-5869 Committee (S B C / la s t night, and ceive the privilege of u.sing the High St.; Carl ter. the chairman of that group, Rav ,u * “® ®°*'*-''o''*risy sli-nimed from Katlier .AeColiipuiiie* ' for cooler cooking. Widi gas, off Incans off. Go modem; go pievious $85,854 amount received i Wolfram; nS E. Middle ,Tpke.7 front stairs when en’._enng the Joseph Rossetto By Directors Go.slee, today pr^iniis'ed an investi- d .5. a group on the building.' Misft Treggoi was accompanied r I to some *94,854. This increase in Mrs. Mary Colleran. 34H Garden Mr. and Mrs. Thoma.s R. Humph­ Board of Directors that the si-hool CONSTRUCTION COMPANY gallon would be', made. -Senior pictures will be tmken by her father, who is minister of ( gas. Most women do! stale money is- reflecled in the Dr.; Walter Kelly, 104 Church St.; ries of 12 Lllley .St., i^ o left last woiilcf cost more than nece.ssary. Itefn on .^genda Tliursdfty and the Senior a.*»embl>‘ iTHi.*ic al South Methodist Church The Board of Directors will con­ lower mill rate set la.st night. Mrs. Edna' Cote, 333 W. Middle month for a trip to Eitroro, have 58 DEI..MONT STREET— MI 9-();UI8 v N e w duct a public hearing at 8 o'clock At their meeting tonight. the The fight became tthe single will tft-ke place. On Friday at 8 and on the staff at the University J , The 62 mill rate will be levied Tpke.; Thomas Glenn ey, been spending some time most important i.ssne in the 19.34 tonight on an appropriation of Lung Cancer Deaths Directors are scheduled to consid­ p.m , C3asa Night will be held in of Connecticut. .She played "Czar-' upon a Grand L ist of *3,013.810. South Rd.. Bolton; Karen and don and other parts , of Englaiu)! town election, and led lo the de­ das," by M onti,, In .April, she $22,551 for repairs and alterations er authorizing the closing of the the auditorium, with graduation Residential and Indu.strial Construction • Last year the tax mill rate waa Nancy Brisson, Mansfield: Bruce feat of the group opposing the ma'de a guest appearanpe with the at Barnard Junior High School. and are presently in Northern I r e -> i^ n e y Street .School' bond 'scheduled for Tuesoay. June 11. at 40 mills baaed on a Grand Ust of, Therr’ien, 11 West Rd.. Rockville land. I original plans for the si-hool At Springfield 5'oulh Orchestra, She ! The Board will njeet in the hear­ count, which still contains *81,- 8 p m. er for Smokers *2,836,063. . jan^t Dolson, 26 Fox Hill Dr., the height of the ronti'overs\-. L aw -. is studying with Bela Urban, ing room of the Municipal Build­ This year s rate reflects the ini­ 882.51 Of ■ an original, construction 4'uinlng Events ing. RocMille; Candace Johnson, ’ Oak Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zawlstow-, ■appropriattort of *450.(W0. This rence was fired ss the architect , J . J I chairman of the string department tial impact of the cost of the *1.- St.’, South Windsor;, Miss Catherine but he was rehlred after the elec­ The testimonial dinner anc dance ' , r xi,,.;,, u.,,’ A public hearing on the transfer (Continiied from Page Ony) ' ski, 33 Mather St., observed their balance would be used to meet the lai-ynx, mouth, tongue and back 950:oon Regional District 8 h ig h ,_____Close,_ 610 W. . .. Middle Tpke.t'Lor- . tion. of the W arping PTA will ik* held 1 $65 00 I of *7,000 to the Water Department of the throat, 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, principal and interest payments wi^h “open house" for relatives in the ftchool cafeteria at 6,:i0 > 11^^ ^ ^ Frenchman fo r maintenftoce and operation i8)64 times greater than among non-' Smokers and non-sniokeis had i flu'll.f®** *'>’■ students from Andover, He- 3^ ‘st‘: on the boqd .issue. NEW LOW All the poucf and perl'ormance ol also scheduled. ’ Oolln Davifts, 80 Greefi Manm- Rd. snii friends from this town and to,lay. Principal "‘8ht Kvho came to .Manchester a few hearing aidt fwtee Ms sire, ol mans 'fll-' . .I smokers. about equal death rates from acci- bron and Marlborough. The p aint's communication a-sks and four teachers will be honored An additional ADM ITTED TODAY: hTfs. Alice Shelton. Their wedding was the that the. money be used instead for nionlhs ago. His father is a native ing lor 4 t»nt(\ m '^r^e4* /*/«» ^Uptr This town's share-of the'Region­ Brewster, 29 Denslow Rd., Glaston­ Glaslonburv Evergreen-Wood Chapter. OES, ! SUMMER sensiiise Per ma phonet; Aftmoih-flow from the Capital Im p rov eS* rT I Ex-smokers, have less than half '‘‘k'dn'ev^'T al school blidget of *120,195.15 first to take place in St. John's repalig.'W the achool and improve- - —— ...... ■ ! of Manchester, hut was married bury. v.il meet tomorrow at 8 p .n, in |and reared his family in France. ,^Volume Control, noise-limilinp ano serve Fund for continued work at the lung cancer risk of those who i.'.,i.^^r '' ^ ainpiints to nearly ongthalf of the Polish '’National Catholic Church *n§*K5 ^ the grounds around it.' F~* J f J *■ 1 dired C»'e. / tn ttk 't the junior high school will be dis-i kept on smoking. ! ^ "‘"kemia ahd R lW fH S ’.Y EST ER D A Y : A spn the Masonic Temple Initiation , exacting and dif-.' PRICES -cancels of the rectum, colon and total town budget. i on Gqlway St. They have one throushout! Stt il today? j'-' cussed after the hearings. Pnmnarv h.a.-i How-ever. townspeople have beeflj-^S Mrs. Donald Rondeap. daughter. Sally, wife of John ceremonies be observed. Mr. , ..cam ival of. Venice. " Hi* BecteW by IQ-Oer Ah»««y-Be<4 Ciwwee. Coronarv heart attacks killed brain of%u'pmern'“‘ " ' " ■ teaeral Aid and Mrs. Francis Andross and Mr -Michele. 14. and Andree, Now in effect on 0»«*Teee W0fra«ry, hy-Yeof Ser'vxf uoecu **i*’i k' assured------^ that some relief ‘for f "”'.?^96 Chestnut St,; a son to Mr. and W hitham. who make their hetme in In addition, the letter recom­ Other m atters to be discussed im , 5-2*5“ ° ,V n the men in"Vhe siudv- Fifty-one men died of Stomach and -Ml'S. Carl Anderson are m ; jy have also made a derided hit • nH 1 ll u H ■ ew.^lrAy* i nra »• Aft i II fvH A'zr.H Via rl h. Storrr, and a sou, Edward;^ who is mends that the, 7-room achool, ^i^ty% oirr«^& T ^L^and 3,361 had smokatl dga'reUes ulcers'and each one had'bee'n'aj*''^;'® fx position will be^rth-{ " " . charge of refreshments. 'with their classmates. Jean ha* Bdard of Selectmen Baniev Peter i regularly al some lime. So there smoker. Eorty-six *ad smoked I '""""s ‘w.m .vr«r w nen on»y one ■ ■■ in grade school. ' - which waa opened last fall, be ex­ Available on m ^ h M T e S r ^ ^ ^ 1-338 more deaths among cig aiclles; two smoked pipes: j Principal and two irt^erest pay-1 Brooki panded to 13 rooms. The letter, TTiere will be a. meeting 'af the pej-foi-nipd al several school func- COAL QUINN'S nto Mr. and Mr. and Mrs,,jbavid S. McComb. South Windsor Garden Clirfc on ,1-tion.*. ^ of Health and Mrs Ella Quiah ^ *’’’°8ers than would be expected t"'o smoked cigars, and another • ^9,)0,000 bond iastie ■■ ' ®, ' which appeared over the signatii^e Monday at 12:30 p.m. at the Capri-’| . from Dobson Rd., 42 Elwood entertained friends of Frank Stam ler of 71() KCeney ^Sewer Costs Miss Cole played Chopin's 'Pol- and COKE the B^rd ”^«clmen" ftmoked both pipes and cigars | will be due. Three interest pay- Mr*^ Wilbur Ellison,- land Herb Farm, Covenlrv’. PHARMACY ______.1 This put the risk of fatal edro- Pipe smokers had a 12 per cent; payment, _ Sundavafternoon at their home in St„ a former Keeney Street School lonaise. " She has been heard many . nai'ies 70 per cent, higher among iugt'cr .death rale from all causes j *215,506.M. were deluded DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; honop-W Miss Jacquelyn L. Frank­ Glastonbury, June 4 i.* cigar smokers a 22 per cent ’P *"* achool s budget this Mrs. Ora Pekarovic. ’Willimantlc; lin. of Madison. Maine, fiancee of struction of new housing in the school unit.*. A confident artist, Columbia I Aa Ihe result of logi.slatlon pas.sed Mapping, South Windsor corre- Compared vv.ilh non-smokers, higher rate lhan hon-smokers. as *® Pald by the three Mrs. Joseph L>-nch. 117 Delm ont their eon, D. Bruce ttcCorhb. It she le.aves little lo be desired in j apnndnt M r*. G. W arren AVeat- coronarv death rates were 29 .per against 68 per cent for cigarette b"?*" ®'’*''®8* *i®hy Si.; Mrs. Florence D’Addario. 813 waft M in Franlclin'ft first viait to Srgtn't.‘ !‘ ” by . Congress last .year, there is a accompaniment. She is Pearson's brooU, telephone M itchell 9-4014. *Sw ap Shpp’ Set cent higher among 'men amokmg smokcia. . i membership lADMt. , -. Hilliard St.;'' Mrs'. Minnie Fogll! Mancheetai'. . However, It is"doubtful that the, 'Rood chance that the town will be. valued assistant. n g-, . .half a pack a dav;' 89 per cent Pipe amokers ' were reported! School Board Meets R FD 2, Andover Mrs. Naomi Mor,t- money remaining in' the school's eligible to receive a federal grant The Round Table rfndeied "D ry. FIN 0E UIECLE Bones." That number 'has become FOGARTY pTHERS K V LiO U D leS LilU D ■ higher among those smoking up somewhat more . susceptible to' Boanl of Education will locjk. 318 Lydall S t.: Richard The Ladies *4^ Society Jot the account — which waa authorizedri; t° offset the coat of the proposed • r ■ ' ito/ a pack dail.v; 115 . -per cent lung cancer than non-aniokers. , | meet at the elementary achool this Bragdon, ,Ha."tford: Miss Sandra Zion Lutherann ChuCJhurch a'lU meet at Richmond, Va.. June 3 lA’i — A No. 1 iu •tlic repertoire of- the for a 7-roqm school—could be used sew^r.>ayslem. top official of the ChrysleC Corn., .school vocafists. U is accompanied ! higher among one to two pack- Hammond and Horn said; *''®P'!18 “t 8 o clock. Spencer, 141 Branford St.: Leslie 7 ;36 tomorrow .night. for the construction of an addition. According to pdwin B. Burdick, F.. c ; 'Quifin. said here today ne by piano, siring bass and percus- Columbia, June 4 *.®P*c*al) ' janiokers, and 141 per cent higher tb *t of the 11,870 who died, 4,406 ' _ Meeting C h a fe d Stevenson, -45 Wadsworth St.; Mi­ Eight Copijilaints Jeff do H ighland Coal— Connecticut Coke The Tw'o-Toge^r'Club of the "lo­ n menen -ftmoftine-ftmoking two naekapacks or'1or'had had . araokedsmoked cigarettes reeularlv.regularly. _ Regional District Num^rNumper 8 chael- Locascio, Ea.ol Hartford;, Marine Pvt. Richard L. Adams, commission chairmnn. there are doesn’t believe the tail fins on ■*ion. the latter connecting the, The letter list.s'eight connplalnrs two foim j of fedei'pl aid to .stales, various bones .with strange tones cal C6ngregit|donal Church will ! niore dally. bV‘t not cigars or pipes. O niv ^oard of Education meeting' has Leonard DeCarll, 18 Grant St., 18. son'of Mr-, and Mrs. Albert about the school and, its grounds. autbmobllea will' get any larger. 319 BROAD ST. Ml 9^4539 hold a “ swap-shop' at thejr meet-i iJeaUileaUi Ratev—-AllRates—-All Causes 2.623z.ozo would havenave.died .died during(luring the'..... _. b?®" jb . ® ''8 f'l from tonight to Rockville. L. Adams, 32 Littlg St., recently T\Vo were previously one for engineering and thf other Aa an afterthought.he added, 'I i Dry Bones is lowered from hi.* *" ‘i*.' ®baPel of| declared death rates four, years if they had the .same 1 *’’® >1®' DISCHARGED, TODAY: Mrs. compjeted his advanced military don’t see how thev c a n ." • ' porch above the sjage at„ the end "a all oauses combined were 34 death- rate as non-smokers, the ®"A"''> *''’b^l Lorraine Bunker’ and son. Dobson- training at Camp Lejeune, N. C., ; P®' biBher among men snmk- statisticians said . Topu.rrow ville: Mrs. Ellen Reichert and son. iftnd after spending s short leave John Cragm will be chairmen for I inc hnlf a nark Hsllv sort 7 0 ^ r Among non-smokers at the An open hearing of the Zoning 226'; Woodbridge St : Miss Carrie with his parents reported to Ma­ the e v ^ in g s program I cent fiighei^ when Ihev smoked of the study in 1952. fe w e r ' "bjl Planning Commission vvill be Beebe. Wilde Convalescent Home, rine Corps Schools, Quahtico, Va. i"P to one pack daily.. The death fbaii one per:r cent later became , ®* “’® . ^^own . H^all . at 8 p.m.. , ; 63 Brooklyn------He has St., been Rockville; aa.signed Mrs, the m ilitary blo°wera"“ u ^ d "\ d \ tL ^ 'm e ‘'\ u d L feet 8 .u*””** Community Play-1 rates were 96 per cent higher regular cigardHe smokers, tomorrow to hear, the application ; Milton Hathaway. RFD 1. Rock-' occupational speciality of fo,od toriiim are so noisy that Ihcv have, . Prder to apply for the erant. t ti i t SPACE SAVING, AUTOMATIC ers held“ their^nual a a . election"rrnieii re- .^^.^en men smoked one to two v'lOf mosethose wnowho gave up cigarettes i' 'Kenneth Chadwick and Jo ^ . vilie; Richard Chokaa, 134 Birch tservicez and will'-attend cook and to he turned 6ff whenever the t first de- ..land we're getting a brand new car. Arnold S ih -; packs daily and 123 per cent higlH before 1952. 7.2 per c>nt had tak- ^ ' ' , ’*®" . ‘ “ ,.."5®^?^®. ® used' St. 7 Elizabeth. Kathleen and Violet ba)cer school. He was employed at auditorium is used. As a result, I . “® 8“ ahead with the .*ewaga 30'^ GLENWOOD GAS RANGE - Other 'Ofhceraler among those smoking two or en up the habit again a few years ! behind Kens ^®®*8* on ^ O'Reilly. French Rd., Bolton; John -De(fi’s Drtve-in before hla enlist- children and adults have to wear' plant and present full , HanJ-Fiwishd elected were Mrs. Eugene Dente, I -later ’ Alanrcut d'iiwn on MeWigh, 2.37 Spruce St. ment. coats when lliev attend programs' Plans The proposed’ If the family budget ednferenee .show.s all in favor of a shiny new ’57 (ilenwtKMi makes a complete line of matchleK.a, i Among m'?n who had quit light •'"dobing at the start of the study Pre.sent zoning regulations do and meetings there, according to t ■".'■at''"' has been roughly the letter. I eatuiiateil at *632,530. Under fed- auinmatic gas ranges for every need . . . from ^ b -ju m o k in g for, mbre than 10 veara, but about one-fourth were sm o k -| *be use of land for this model car, there’s one more aen.sible .step to take. That’s a visit t® either "b^o^Blns. treasurer,, rates were almost as '"8 regularly again when the P'^rpo**' I" that zone, ^resumably The other complaint voiced be- ®-‘®* ®‘‘*’ ”‘® t'e.-ilment plant, space, saving models tn dual purpose kitchen heat* such a'permit will be granted un­ fore maintains that noise travels' ^.“"'’’*"8 station snd force main, • *> V/a$hin/^thetime b’®'^*’*®* named ^ among non-smokers. ■ ended. of our offices for a low cost bank loan. ing ranges. f*ee lhem;now. M p« Those who had given up light Ught smokers gave up cigarettes less objections are presented by Rides Eliminate Manchester easily between cla.sarooms vla‘l,® '^'’h ®o'dd rfeCive nearly open spaces in claSaroom wall.* ♦'W.OOO^ Aniav rendio^r “"'“^ing 1 to 10'years earlier had of reduced their consumpUon'murh a majojrity of people at the hear­ Find out bo'w much clccoer and ing. near the ceiling. TTie letter aug- < las* Day Rile* Set $179 SS^ ilL rsb frf and “ '»®'5^ ®«le only 3« per cent high- more than heavy smokers % .d I brighter we can waih your car membership and Mrs. Carl Got- »r than non-smokers, compared Among regular impkers si the' little I.eague Tonight As Site for Superior Court gcsls this difficulty could be elinit- ' 'Class day will lie heki tomorrow with pur WcftTcr Automatic Car As little as I a, week ^ line. hospiUlity. with 61- per cent for those who ' lime .tlie study endeci. 28 per i-ent I i Tbe. Fireballs and the Andover nated to some extent by blocking morning by the .Senior class of Washer. Every car ia automaticaUv Maocheatcr' Evening Herald continued to smoke. I were’ using filter tips, I ®^l®®“’ will oppose each other pff the open ends of exposed j t-h® High School. Opening with the >rayed with fresh Water and aaild V ter small down payment Oe-lumbla rorrespondent. Mrs. The Manche.ster Town Court**' A tty. John D. . LaBelle, who ceiling girders; . ' | ceremony of ^presentation of the 3 Those who had given up smok­ The survey Was carried pul bv for the first time in this Little Frank Marchiaa; telephone A C a^ headed' a Manchester Bar Asan. Other -complaints Hated In the “ VY hy Class- President Robert etergeot, sOd thoroughly hand ,Frft« adjiifttnicnt ing a pack or motr a day at least 20,(X)0 volunteer Workers In nine League season at 6:30 p m at *’" * *’®®" ®'ln'‘n®l®'l as a po.ssible m y *-9060. committae' that sought to bring letter concern: . Jones to Junior (Tnas President V U' / sponged ahd diaowited. We never , service oh all ga* 10 years earlier had a death rate slates New York, New Jeisev. 'Vnghl's Field. ' i !j^® ^*^® bolding of Superior Superior Court sesaiona here, said Door* thrbughout the building I J°hn Kelley, thetc will be the oae Iwrah detergenta - that might appllanrea no mat­ Of 50 per rent higher than those iniure the finish.-..or dirty wash who never had imoked al all. But i.h'iiro'non “K-. Fisher's Gas Hou.se cm... today that Manchester's only which .-"won’t-open or close proper-! prore.ssiop of-grailiiHles, V a E * ter where (ir when 'Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and their anaual meeting yesterday, water left over from a prevfotu men who continued to smoke had t'alifomia. . Gang at 6:30 p m. Thur.sdav, also, ch a q ^ of getting the -court now ly".and "need fixing." 1 77'.!-* will lie followed liy the cus- ^'oii bought them. voted to hold session,* only in wmuld be by providing the facilittea. "Small under-stage doors in the h cet-emonie* of,.the class c a r ...o r ’ 'h it-or-m iti" asMmbly. BEER T W IN E S 1 doubts the death rale of those who Each visited 10 apparently at Wright s Meld, since' Bovs' hder-stage doors in the ^ court rooms, which are reserved auditorium that- will not atav prayer, jiy Judy Haa*e(t: presen- LIQUORS . 1 had never smoked. healthy white men age .30 to 70, Ba-seball officials believe that the spe(3ified7>y the judges. line naethods. The autooaatic op- Lamer In Rural uArpas school playfield i.s not suitable for exclusively, for the high court and The judges' decision also af­ closed. taliiin of iiwards Jiy i•lillcipal Ar­ eraiioo of the Washer^gets the job who filled .out questionnariea-on which have a basic law library. thur \V. Kalidti; iieadlng of the •*W« ddivtr" J The study found that lung dkn their am'oking habits ahd histories ball games at this time. fects Meriden , and" Anaonia. Su­ ‘Chips of tile missing from the C p M P ( A N Y done in Vi the tiaae noedod-for iJttle ,l;eagiie Scores The Manchester B ar Aaan. had perior Court aeaaipns have (been 'auditorium floor. iia.*a propliei}', w fitlen hv .Sharon maanal w a ^ n g . • y car d.eath rales weie nnciquarter < At regular Intervals the volunteers Ricker, Mary Nevin. Rotiert Rch- MEMBER FDIO lower' -in rural than urban areas, j checked and advised jOie American The Uttie l.,eague season opened hoped to have the Superior Court held in Meriden biit will now be Poor drainaga Tn the play area, officially with a dOuble-header on sit here. In. the Mancheater Town s)jftpended. Anaonia now has a bill which tha letter -says ahould. be martz, George Durham and Give yoatr car that ~likc new" l o ^ ' Dr. Hammond s$id this could be , Capeer Society of the status of Gerold .Muller; advice tol IM* ju n­ ' ^'OWNO THl due either-to better diagfioais in ! carh-one. ' Memorial Day. CourL which is considered pluah in tbs Legislature requesting aea- hardaurfaced. - today. Drive i« for tmt ^lea^y. Andover Lake tdok a game from by municipal Court standards. aions of the court there iors, bv Robert .Ion/*.*; xlediration clUea or the existence of ' some iVhen a man died, a copy or ab- ions Unsightly appearance' of tall - t. all-point wash job! ' ,Cprl8on’a Diggers - with a I run To this en«^ a bill waa passed Unkffected by the judges''deri- j^rasa surrounding achool. of Ihi'yearbiMik by Kalhl«ien Kess­ c^er-caufting agents beside.* siract of the death certifloate waa ler. ailitor-jn-rhlef, and presenta­ lead, with the final score, 6-5. b.v o.v theme 195,31955 General Assembly au- alon will be . several | towns , and Several wall cracks. those in cigarettes in cities. obtained. The laat ; check on the tion of the gavel by Robert Jones. a u M iW n e i IKAPBCN D eaths from lung dileaaaa Oth^r men waa begun in November 1955. Fisher's Gaa overcame the Fire- thprizing the fcourt tq h()ld aea- cities, such aa Milford and - tViit Probe Heating Plan * n MAIMAM m itr I* NOfm MAIN >1M(T M B& R U B F balla in their first match. 10-0. I pioba here when "suitable acconl- After the formal exercises,, the WET *ad advisor. Ad- than cancer; such as pneumonia The study was promoted by a New Britain, which have set aside (ioalee said that not all of these entire claiw will bhibark on an in- /MM' GUmA . MrXtaVMCA and influenza, were three, times steep ,rlae in lung can&r! deaths The season's schedule of games; modatioiis araprovided with no ex- apeciftl quarters for Su|>e^tar and -matters fall within the jurisdiction •Me «■ an prnhiMia Read- Will be announced as soon aa it is i pense to the couhty." ' • " fohiial picnic at iHlltoh'i ]% " HARTFORD COMPANY laga dally, 'tf-9. N* Mpolnt- higher among cigarettir smokers since the turn of the Century. The Pleas <7oi' is. o f^ is canim ittee. However, hie ««ld way, Mnodiia. WASH available. The jiidgea' d^inltion olt ''aiilt- ^ \ •ma* I Bfpeaaary. nS7 Mala thM non-.'•«*«%■■•a m I asBT* liuiHI > ruini 01 stemmed mainly’from h|tavy auto-1 the matter of tha claaarooin i*oiseu| Ratty MeNemera, l^pkeM MKd- NOBWIM0 9 TO l » j Pfana^elil. telephsoo PI t *$M. i cheater ToWn Court. aeddant UUcation. Th« oquipintnt, tiM l«tUr M yii f«HI I-nJM. • 1 " T rm .':V T. . V ) , '• V '4- -


X- ■a -. f i - . i l V- CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.; TUESDAY, JUNE 4,195T PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. JUNE 4.1957, PAGE ELBVBM McTaviah — Tis a fine lad ye Govemhtant report saye nation­ A waalthy Ulinoia manufactbr- Art Linkletter: "Can ahyona BUGS BUNNY ■N, have here. - A magnlficleiit h'eid al debt wai 111 per person sr bought six Gadillacs for him­ here talk in Indian?” Hebron must be on good terms with people class, with compensation of 63,880 Epiacopal Chitefih, the Rev. Doug­ of tfie community, and be ac-,- and features. Could you lend last year. Now wary man, wom­ self. and members .of 'his family, LitUe Boy: "I can!" yearly., The present acting post> las F. Pimm officiated. Interment MamakoS'Paziajaos W edding espted as reHablc citizens. master Is William H. Hills, who is waa In St.' P e te r’s Cem etery- iense and Nonsense me a coupU of dollars an ‘ and child'! share of the debt remarking that ybii "can't take it Art Linkletter: "Let's hsar you Postiiiasler Job Good hearing Is required but w'cll liked by the patrons. , RICH. DARK ^ M cIn tosh — 1 could not. TTla me is o n ly 11,640. B oy, are w e with you.” ' But if you could he'e say something." Shfc Was one of 10'-children of use of a hearing aid is- hot a factor. The previous postmaster. Mrs. wife's child by her flrst'husband. making progress! . prepared to traiuport. It in style. LitUe Boy: "Ugh!” , ^ Mr, wid Mrs. Alfred Schatz, leav­ The wedding of Miss Mary Anii j Aunt Hetty—Sake* alive! I jte, on one occasion, ot the Examination Open'A n y physical condition which w-ould Clarence E. Porter, served in that ing, besides her parents, tw^steters LOAM ^ Pazianos, daughter of Mr. and'j don't believe a woman could have stealing they do is' fro ^ the cus- cauae the applicant to be a haz­ capacity for 33 years. Hills took and seven brothers. ' tomets,- so what do I- bare ?” over following, her resignation. been so fat. BY GALBRAITH ll/irs. G eorge M. Pazianos. 33 G re e n : The closing dale for sending ap-, ard to hiaiaelf or others w-ould $10.00 rtou.* Uncle Hiram—What y' readln' CARNIVAL BY DIQK TURNER SIDE GLANCES Hill St., and Atty. Charles Peter; disqualify him. A rigid physical Frances Brenda Schatii DEUVEBBD A few days after a farmer had plications-for the office .of post-1 examination will be made by a Manchester Evening Herald He­ now. Hefty? Mamakbs, 58 Boston Av^, Somer-j Funeral services for Frances Phone MI 9-6474 Aunt Hetty—Why. thla paper sold a pig to a neighbor he master at Hebron Center will be j federal medical - officer ,or' by an­ Brenda .Schatz. 3-year-oId victim bron correspondent. Miss Susan ville, .MasSst son of Mis! Constan­ Jemes A. McCarjtbf tella about an Engliitiwoman that chanAd to see the neighbor's June ^ 25. App llcatlb ns should be other licensed physician. : of an auto accident Saturday, were Pendleton, telephone A C ad e m y loat two thousand pouhda. , ' place, where he saw their little tine Aibanabl and tHe late Peter sent to the Civil Service Commls-: The Hebron post office is third, held'today at lb a.m. in SL Peter's B-S48S, boy sitting on the edge of the D. M am akos, to o k plac-e a t 3 Sion, W ash ington , 25, D. C. A hunter in the deep piney pig-pen watchiijg its new. occu­ o'clock yesterday afternoon in St, woods stopped at a weathered pant. George Greek Orthodox Chiirchij Forms may be obtained at the i Hartford. Tlie Hev. Nichola.s Tere- house to ask <^irections. Finding Farmer-<-How d'ye .do, Johnny. \ local postoffice or from the U.S. | zakts of Hartford and Bishop Mark a woman • busily sweeping the How's your pig today? Civil Serv-lce Commission. They i 1. Lipa officiated, and Nicholas front porch With 'a crawling-slsed Johnny— Oh, pretty well, thank must bie received or poslmark?jl> © Stevens .was organist. Church baby on the floor nearby, he waa; you,. How's all your folks? not later than the Closing ^ te i decorations were white spring- amazed to see that the child was specified oh the front of, Urt an-1 flo'A’ers . and saUn ribbon pew ' nouncement sent to the acting, using a small raw potato for A doctor who bad taken up £s V »^-v niarket-s. teething purposes, and that a his speciality the treatment of postmaster. Given in marriage by her father, TRADE IN YOUR string waa tied at one end to the skin diseases. was ’ asked by Applicants will be required to NOW! the bride had a.s her maid of hon­ take a written test,/Which con­ baby's great toe. a friend- why he happened to select or her sister. Dr. Arteml.i G. Pazi- sists of two part^^questions on Hunter—Would you mind tell­ that particular branch of medicine. ahos of New York City. Brides­ ing me the reason- for that physician -r There were three verbal abilities .jcrtich as reading' maids were Miss Virginia C. Mor­ comprehension, and vocabulary, s trin g? perfectly good reasons. My pa­ ris and Mls.s M arcena Morri.s, both Extra High AUotvances and questlops on post office busi Woman-^Why, it's to save tients never get me out of bed at o f H a rtfo rd and cmi.sin.i o f the watching. if he gets choked on n igh t— they Tvever die— and th ey ness mapagement and arithmetic.; bride, Mi.ss P riscilla 0 ‘aleJsA of A teal:bboUlPt w-ill be proL'lded ex-1 the tater he'll kick and if he kicks never get well. Hartford end Mi.!.*; Po^ffeplione plaiplng post office management' he'll jerk the tater out. Kambas of'ManchesleT..' aim common problems In the Be to her virtues .yejw kind. .lohn Kambas. 59 Spruce St'., A certain celebrated New York Be to her faults a little' blind. godfather of the bfliJe, was be.st work. night club proprietor is, known , , ^or. r . man. and ushers .Were A lly , ClhVin- Ap))licante must have lived, for COME IN TODAY! for his laxness In the disciplining iU tic P. P e rd ik ^ Roxbury, Ma.ss. one year before the closing dale of his waiters On the point of hon­ Man is a make-believe aniVnal— —Atty. Wlllioin Hlghga.s, Woburn. for Shis esty. It is in effect an extension he is never so truly himself is yiaaV., CWirlcs Flaftell. George ilelivoiy of the po.st office where' of the tipping principle. Said when he is acting a part. M Wouralbrt and Nichola.s Gialreli.s. s . the vacancy exists or wUhIn the limds of the <-ity or village w-ithin *•» all of- Somfi-v’ille, Ma.vs., and R. Ge>»ff;e Pazianos of Manchcsler, wlrii-h the post office is located. blather of the bride. \ They niu.sl be citizens or owe al- OUT OUR WAY BY J. R, WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 'leglqnee to the United States, and The bride's gown of nylon tulle must’ have reached the age of 18 'and imported Chantilly lace- was on the tdosing date for acceptance f JOSTTKV rr~iT 'Vooc NeyJ cock: 'N' roll- fashioned with .strapless fitted of applications. VOLK HAIR 5 / bodice’and a full .skirt with a court eMwCTLVAS rr tSREAT CAESAR / number HAS COMe TO-OUB Persons over 70 may not he ap­ IS R D e W W *.' THE SCROOP Attention as a PossiaiLiTy/iF train, worn with a redingote of imported . hand clipped (jiantilly pointed as regular postmaster at fJECORDlNS CO. YOU WlLU,rONSiDER RECORDINGS fij-st. second m thu d class post of- i t-u lace. Queen Ann collrfr, long WANTS TO MAKB IT ON A CASH OR PERCENTAGE TJL UA PM. Of*. ficcs. Applicants must also be . /T xSWT e H T A N Y ^ <-*i sleeves, and full bouffant scalloped OfTHAT 01 a «, ' BASIS, may we H5AR from VOU AT ^ 1MT MM T M. MX. PM. W- pliysii-ally able to perfornf the du-^ A RECORDOPTHE «i 1*47 bp ma Oaaabto Im. skirt ending in a full court train w it h TM»STOe5L ' '3l)R earliest CONNENlENCEfcfy Ue.i of the position, must have good . DANCE TUME t Her silk illu.sion fingertip veil wa.s H orrenfs VKswEf WROTE POe THE "rm writing a ipaech aupportii^ th« high budgat, Pat! di.stant vision in one eye and he j ‘‘You might gat pretty far irt this game, grandpa, if Only , caught lb a crown of pleated ny­ ‘TAN6A^dTTE.'" able to read printed material the ' What art aoma of thoaa nirtj/^rguman'ta you you weren’t a sucker for a high fast balU” lon tulle trimmed with lily-of-lhc- .J giva ma tha firat of tha mdnidi?" 'size of typewu-itten. characters. valley. She carried a cascasle boii- - Jmiicp rh<-to Glssses are peiniilted. quet of ro.sc.s and stephanotis I MRS. CHAi/LKS I’KTKR .MA.MAKOS The maid of honor and Orides- Other requirements are that ap­ plicants must show experience and j PRISCILLA’S POP Perils Of Parenthood BY AL VERMEER maid.s were all attired in aqua taffeta gowns with matching lace w-fl.s poifuiutoi-y .vi'.stoi'tlny. n ie training of abdilv to maintain i simple records of ai-counts and I ME'S TMIS M ASaoNE TOO Kmpirc bodices. The maid of hon­ Hom e Passes only Hou.se member to .speak on knowledge of postal procedure; j WHATf, FAR, WA2EL.' n S n : ME or wore a tiara of -garnet rosebud.^ the mea.suie was it.s .sponsot-, .Mis, I'M S O W A N T S TD , and carried a cascade bouquet of ! Elizabeth T. .Shepard of Putnam, MB? A- r-^ garnet ' rose.s and stephanotis. R ailroad Bill EXCITED.' who comuiehled briefly. Pas,sage 1 RICHARD IS The bridesmaid.s carried casi-ade ' SpiNQ TOSIVE ' ( anie on a voi.ee vote w ithout any bouquets of pink roses and wore j The lull that w-ould deprive the audihle di.ssenl.s. ME A RING/ tiaras of pink ro.sebuds. New Haven K a llro H d of its Hait- The New- Haven claims it i-annnt ~F The mother of the bride c hose i ford-Pulnam paa.-enger frnnclu.se afford to lehidld the \Va.shed-out I lavender hire gown, .sequin | was pa.s.sed by the Uou.se of Repre- liridge and leslore the pas.sengcr trimmed, with half hat of lavender ' ■senlalive.s ye.steiday and sent to service over It because of the flowers and lily-of-the valley, the Senate. j. line'.s history as a money lo'ser. white acce.s.sories and a white ; rile bill is a general one, applv- 'The PUC has held six da.vs of orc hid coraage. The mot her of the . ing to any railroad failing to opci - i hearings since JanuHiy on the rall- bridegroom ,chose a beige lace ’ ate any regularly s. hedulcd pas- road's petition for permanent | C3lS e a r l i e s t gown with matc hing half hat. gold ' senger- or freight service for s alrandonment. Eastern Connecticut I CONNENiENCE H A P P E aecessories and a white orchid period of .?t) nioiith.s. | residents are opposing the petition, | MeROE» ARg MAPK -HOT BORSl To BS THIS MINUTE cor.sage. How ever, it is a direct outgrow th i claiming the passenger service is Immediately following the cere- i of the New Haven's refusal to re- | iinportanl to the development of nioiiy a dinnet- and, reception for ALLEY OOP Pla n Talk BY V. T. HAMLIN store- its Ea-stern Connectirut \ their area. .150 (Tuasla was held at Um I.A .M, ! passengei service, which was in- The! hearing la now in adjourn­ I FREEPARKIN6 . AMCtJT rrOUT, VMZER, ) ____ /WITH TH' WMX£ TK ARMY VW3NT CATCH 1 ...SOM E NIGHT IN TH' COTTON WOODS BY RAY GOTTO Lcxlge. Kast Hartford. Decorations terriipled when the August 195.5 ment until June 12. at which'lime 'IM AN' lO J KNOW (T^ DARK. StT.TH'StPEj ► NEXT TO POPt’L.4R 4 for 1957 NOFUNWOL' ^vMOOVIAN \\-ere white flowers. | flood Icnnc-ked out a railroad trestle New- Haven President George Al- O F \O U R B E D ... A , ABP NOW THE MT-OfiF \ \ STUFF/ fP THINK/ HVTNOTIZIN' \ AfiMY OJ T00...50 EVENTUALLY j '- ; PntH!.uSO HCKti mtBtE The bride's traveling costume in P-.ilnam. The . New Haven is peil and three of his top aides are ► i “ HIS TAIL? HE'LL COME SACK...

m t T g f r I - t i GET AHEAD WITH A Toinage Road-E-0 RADIO, FOAM RUBBER SEAT, 2-TONE PAINT, LONG BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS HEATER SIGNAL LIGHTS WHITE WALL TIRES BUZ SAWYER # BY ROY CRANE Junior Golf Tournament V6KS I T S BEEN FILLED IN . AND IF ALEX IjOBBLES T H E ^ S O IP ! HERE'S AND HERE'S YOUR YOU BRING ME UICK,SAWVER..nC JUST CORNERED t ITS 46 IF UP, ME WOULD BE ONE OF THE / BUT IF A CHECK ON MY LEASE M S N E P THE, SOWAT OIL RIGHTS FOR A S O N C TH E Y 'R E BILL CLEAN-UP QjCKUCKtTSeLF W ITH CONCRETE!:: Ak!... MOST fW ERFUL FIGURES IN/SOMEONE FIARIS BANK FOR ANDSBASIP. my WORTH M IU IO N S ... YOU'D BETTER 60 EAT... F Pay leftovtr letfonal bill, m B n — 4no SO SHEIK THE MIDDLE EAST. ' _ j n , S S B0UfiHT • 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 CONiRATULATlOtlS, I'M NOT GOING OUT THIS EVENING... HAVE SOME and reduc. high monthly pay­ oosEpr ABOUlWAinS THE RIGHTS SIR, ON A FAf BUIS CORRESPONDENCE TO ATTEND TO. BE READY ment. with a prompt loan here. TO SELL HIS FROM UNDER PEAL TO RY BACK TO CYRENE EARLY TOMORROW. We lih^to .ay "Yej!" when you b i OILRIOHTS. HIS NOSE. atic for a,.loan. Phone for your OPEN EVERY loan. In one vi.it, or come in. NO PARKING T w o c m NIGHT TILL 9:00 METERS Loon. $21 Is Met tnLOAN! SigGsturs Ale we fiKSTcaieif . n« MAIN ST., 2nd n.. Over Weolworth’B, MANCHESTER BHtclMlI t-AlM • fito Isr the YCS MANsgtr Delivered To m w sito to OFB4 TNUISbAT'tVeNINGSJa t y v d UNTIl t FJA KEITH'S fmtHSFTA Imri iMoit It miWmH pI i R Im i i)./( A iMtool.flM-BMi Sli-M wkm pBBtooNr mmU b ^ 4 DOtrUMSOt 1 i t BBMMVHf* BMiliyf, 1h «RIIm MB S16.M GGch. V a r ie t y & N ew s Sho p Your Home


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CAPTAIN EASY In Tlje Key Shop BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS (FRIENDS Brave Men BY MERRILL BLOSSEft toNMN-lDWKMM. $ / now I KNOW Ht WAS A glG HURRY.. Is someone you love graduating this year? in OF C O U R itV EXACTLY! tUT HE HAD 10 WAir!/|T MAKES SENSE! DOMOWC, IM.! YIA * e r e « ! at THi u>CK*biTH'* RBMEMBERt WAUTEO OUR 4ie HAOTOgUSH AND WHEN HE OVERTOOK US, / BUT I THOUGHT Ba z o o 's a c o o l And PRBOC1S MO Bur iWR. " • Ue*S NOT AFKAiO JDB PROPPED WHILE HE. SIR ANdUS'KEf ME WAS STILL SO. ANNOYED THE MIRDERBR owe VAflTM THE AAAATSUR BTMER/ S T U M fU LEFT TWe MAJSTARO , O F VUOMCN AT A LL/ wmue MR.CA«>y*V^wkPf! we collar w o his HAD A KEY DUPLICATED BACK (EPORfi HE RAN US OFF THE BRiOdE'.J NEEDED THE KEY! 15 TWE MIV SALAAAI M AW .' K - ...... < HE WAKEb! CALOV WAG MOST/ i ? )rr - PLUG UP THE HOLES How Jhrilling it is to wotcti your boy or girl step up to receive a diploma. Graduation is V ' - -V IN YOUR INSURANCE a great day. A tender one, too. And ^ne that joins memories of the past for thoughts of

As a homeowner you want to be sOfre there the future. - ' ----- — ^------are no big holes in your insurance protection. The best .way to he sure- is to get one of our modern “ package” policies. •One policy can pro­ vide coverage for nearly" every major hazard Undoubtedly you're planning on giving your graduate son or daughter a very special threatening jfour home. gift. What finer gift is there for a graduate thar> a Savings Bank of Manchester Savings '

V I f you have any que.stions about insurance MORTY MEEKLG Too I.«te BY DICK CAVALLI THE STORY OF MAR'IHA WAYNE Too Busy? WILSON SCRUGGS. . . . if you are not sure yon have the best pro- Account. It means a start in life. — —- money in the bark for future ule, ind a positive WSU,MCi4 , ...MkV r ites K MARTHA. POYQU GET MY ^ t «ti6 n you can possibly buy . . , please call us EWS NOT. l s t tw to h , oooo/ I m just WING to today. Full informidLion_ cheerfully given and step towarc| jFinancial security. HASH OVER QXLSG6 QIVS wnu VOU. HOW without obligation. May we help you? ^ . ABOurosee; Your Savings. E^rn I { H O W John H. Lappen, Inc. S n S 9 f M ^ \ INSURORS— REM.TORS I Q A N & ^ . > Current Annual anchester Dividend Rate V ’ ' >\

■L . -V- ■

-U-v. -A -''-'/---Y.yj^ ' y- ■: \ 5 i l l 5 ' . f ■I ■■■■ /•i. "/ /,■. ■■"■'I X , .' ),• A ■' ■ V /\. a .--A \ ■ >}r MANCHESTER ^^VENING ^ERALDi'KANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, JUNE ^ 9 5 7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Ma'NCHESTER. CONNu TUESDAY, JUNE 4,1957 Pa g e t h i r t e e i i and Martin on Trading BJock LOCAL Sport Chatter Dodger, Giant Prexys Sun ner By Podres Dodgers’ No. 1 Stopper, EARL W. YOST iFfojd to Risk Stengel and Weiss Sports Editor . New Y o rk City Head Wins to Check Losing Streak BIG ED KOVIS led the Pratt A . may open- Ha season Wednesday Boxing Crown Whitney Aircraft bowling team night, June 12 at home againsi I < •- - .... - ■ - —■ . — — . during the 1956-57 season in the East Hartford, considered to be Anxious to Clear A ir Said to Be Feuding average department." The former the toughest foe in Zone IV-o. At New York New York June 4 (/P)-__•hind the nm place, and Idle. Cin->and eventually acored on a wild com­ Jnhnnv Pndres Brooklyn’s The Phils, who pitch. ______^ piled a fine 120.^5 per game mark. New York, June 4 —Walter O’Malley, president of the jonnny rrares, d f o o k ij n s, Tlie Pirate.s. awlnjftnir for ll hita Am-’rira n L eague ZG N E t w o In Legion play will A5IERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE New York, June' 4 UP)—Emil •tUDby SOUtnpHW, emergen as | eight in their aurpriaing aurge, [ off five pitchera, ran up a 3-0 ' Cleveland, June’ 4 (jP)—The have lost consist of entries from-East Hart­ Brooklyn Dodgers, and Horace Stoneham, head of the New A two-run home, in the ia*i of CTlie Giant Killer') Lenoe, an W L Pet. G.B. ♦ DANNY ML'LLE.N has called it the Dodgers’ N b . 1 “stopper I remained in aecond place, , 2*j lead in the'serond againat starter Chicago .... ^-'28 12 .TOO nine of their last games, they’ve been fined for playing ford, Danielson. Rockrille, Wllli- York Giants, w'ere expected today to clear the air regarding the sixth inning,by Barry Bennett avowed independent promoter, haa Manager:games abort. Rnbeni Gomez, then came back quits after serving for five years today, just when N#ji- York . . 24 18 ..571 5 mantic and Mandiester. Each team their purported move to the West Coast at a City Hall meet­ prorided .Manche.sler Optical with $175,000 for radio-TV righta and a Wnlf Alatnn h«H’ dpoirloH to The Plttab.urgh Pirates made it I with two in the third against loser night games in a plush saloon—and the panic button’s been as a volunteer Little'Leagrue base­ Clsvelami ... . 23 18 ..561 5 ij "will play a 12-game slate, meeting ing requested by Mayor RoberUi a close 10-9 w in over Fire i ’Police definite date. Monday July 29; for the {lushed. XroubJe is, it wasn’t the World Champions Who did ball umpire. . A change In work-, each rival three times, W ag n e i. B oston ...... 23 21 .523 7 ing conditions necessitated the ’•We'd like to know more about last night at Waddell Field.- The Floyd Pattersoft's first heavy­ tional League champions. The heaUng the Clanta 6-.1 last n j^t f the frame. ■------" the pushing. Tbe mayor, who already has victors had erected a 7-2 lead af­ Nelson King, who struck' out Detlroit ...... 22 22 ..500 8 move, Umplre-in-Chief Sam "Va- that," Peei-''said. weight title defense at the Poloi Brooks, wim had lost ,seven of n b)* only other game ajheduled Kansias City .. 1» 24 .442- 1 0 ', ; Word leaked out yesterday that OENB JOHNSON enjoyed an­ been quot^ as saying he didn't ter t-W’O frames b.il P & F fought' -G rounds. Willie Mays and Du.sty Rliodca to the club had fined Hank Bauer, canti reported. Mullen served as On Sunday, a Brooklyn jtollli- their last 12 games to fall into ^ ,u u,. B altim ore . 17 25 .405 12 other bi^ week with Danville in the intend to allow himself to be back to go ahead 9-8 with a pair Although Tommy (Hurricane) put down the Giants' cpnleljatk English Derby j Mickey Mantle, Ybgi Berra, Billy chief umpire for the International Class B Carolina League \yhen he "blackjacked'' into helping either clan. Hands Klein, charged that fourth place for the second Ume ‘ W ashington . 15 31 .326 16 U ttle League.' of tallies in the top half o' the Jackson, the challenger, told aews- this season, read a "No More Race , 1-0 shutout against Pittsburgh In third, won his first la relief of Martin and 31,000 bit safely 10 timeA in 23 dYflcill the Dodgers or Giants financially, O'Mailley had signed such a con­ Vcrn Law, but needed a^o p up T uesday’s Schedule sixth. Gcoige May had three hits 1 )iien he would like to fight for Tracks ” order from the skipper his last start; struck out nine and each, and Johnny Kucka 3500. for at bats for s .435 mark. He picked w-as seeking aryiwers lo several tract with Fox granting Skiatron relief Job fri/m KIroy ^-^e. It was N ew York. at Cleveland, 8 p.m. Run Tomorrow VOLUNTEER I;MP1RES are exclusive TV rights lo Dodger for the losers while Franluo Zie- I nothing "to make the world hap- t-«sterday after dropping four in walked ^ftfiir while dropping h|s that fracas in a New' York night­ up 30 points and his batting mark specific question*. barth poked out two bing.lea and i py,” his manager, Lippe Breid- a m a r A ls t o n fleured his champs to 2.05 Iasi' last King’* squeeze bupt^ . that scored —Sturdivant (3-3l vs. Dale.u (1-31. club early in the morning of May badly needed . for the Little A m ong th e th in g s he w-oiild like gsnies In Los Angeles. O’Malley “ ■ ...... a fte r . Washington at D etroit, 9:15 League baseball program. Un- now stands at s respectable .292. di-ove home four runs for the Op-1 hart, already had assured him of were chuijlps fof^the horses and,hi#ht, and salvaging the flnale r^ ^ Bpaom. KnKtshit- June 4 ((P) — 16. His home run output has fsllen off, to know' are: has refuaed to confirm or deny that p.m.- Clevenger 2-01 . v*. M aas The greatest of all sporting extrav­ leaa some more volunteers are re­ ticlans. 20 per cent. Patterson will get 46. weren’t paying enough attention tb;a four-game set in Philadelphia: ° ^ Tlie report was no sooner con­ in comparison to recent years, with 1. A definite...... ‘‘j-ea’’..... or__ ‘no’* ___ pay-TV entered into the picture (6 -2 ).. aganzas, the English D^by, will cruited there will be games in O ptical ...... 341 002 10 8 2 [ per cent for this rematch of a bSe^ll. The Dodgers, who had been.out-! ancinn^J^begins ts secon, firmed by the players, than up only one to his credit thi.s season. whether the Dodger* and Giant* A ’*t since those reports the ,Skla- Chicago, 9 p.m.-, be -cyn tomorrow; with an expected popped; which none or only ‘one arbiter P A F ...... 113 002 9 10 6 ' .Iiine ‘ 8, 1958 flg h L th a t he wron on Then along came Podr6i, snap-1 hit only once during the four-. ' o o"V How-ever, the baiting average is Intend -to remain In New York■' or Iron stocks have risen steadily. a .split dcci.sion. >big Brookhm’s losing skid with a ' game skid, smacked nine hiU ^ " hilr Mihyaukec Sullivan 12-4I) or Slsler (4-2) vs. half iMllion people packed Into E^- will be available. Sam Vacanti, They moved up point on the Ballenei: Bennett, Ziebarth (3) 1. \ report that. Bauer and up snd that:s w-hal counts the move, to IXM .Angele* and .San and Vills: McCann and Potter. I.s!ncp announced his deal w1t3i a. leaf three-hitter that quieted the including ^il Rodges' sixth hoine som Dowhs for the 3-year-old claa- w'ho has done a yeOman job in or-; F rancisco. American Stock Exchange yester­ ...... , Baltimore- at Kansaa_CLly,__10 Martin are on the trading block. ganizing and supervising 'the Lit­ m ost, televi.sion network (NBC) and_ alc flraf.raced In 1780. --- A report mat M anag^ Casey 2. H as O’M alley m ade an.v com ­ day to reach a high of -T-S. lFi spon.sor (General Motors) at a an Itwas Johnnv's fifth vie-1 to beat Don Cardwell, one of the • , ! pni.“ Loes (5-3) vs. Morgan (3- No 'annual single day . aporta tle League amps, would like to NATIONAL UTTLE LEAGUE .Stengel and General Manager Bl RR CARLSON, best known mittments to the Ix>* Angeles peo­ 1957 low is 3'». j press luncfleo'n yesterday and re­ Fined hy Yankees event outdrawa the Derby. hear from' at least 10 more men. ple about hrlnUIng hi* Dodger* to The Dodger-Gia'hts franchise de­ Moriarty Bro.s., 1 chind the iwo- vealed New York and a surround­ 4 . r j p . , ; . 2;! Mondu.v’s Results ■ are on the outs. for his ability to make baskets and Hank Bauer, right, and Mickey Mantles left, were two of six New Tlie top contenders for the' Shirts and caps are provided, phis C alifornia 7 bate was expected to be one of the hit pitching of Joey Pigott. dumped ing 75-mile area would be blacked jrrnodM r ^Uiinr ^ ^and walked but'two before giving' winning streak that hoisted No Games Scheduled. Bauer and Martin commented all equipment for working in bark a fine all around playei- w-ith the to a Dodger slump. _ ,vav to s pinch hitter in.thS sev- Ihem from fourth place i4', 1 York Yankee playera fined a loUl of 35,500 for their being ih'- 177th running of the race 'which It's great to be a Yankee, with S. Are the report* true or fal*« highlights of the Congressional in­ the M anchester A uto P a rts 5-1 la.«t out on TV. The last time the Brooks lost Wednesday Schedule gave horse racing' the word "Der­ of the plate. University of Connecticut and last ent'h ' games behind the then-leading volved in an incident in a New York night club May 15. in which Martin adding "I hope it 'doesn't season with the lopal Green Manor that O'.Malley ha* alread.v con­ vestigation on sports which is Set for Title Match night af Buckley Field Pigott had four in a Tow this,season, it was Boston at Chicago, 2:30 p.m. Bauer w-as accused of striking a patron. Fines were levied by" are and Doutelle. Had Four Sponaora Starts New Streak Braves) into the lead. happen. I’m afraid to think how Proa in the Central League, ex­ tracted trith Skiatron TV Inc., of slated to open before a Hou.*e Anti­ Heavyweight champion F'loyd Patterson, right, feels the bicep of a no-hitler going until the final in­ the 24-year-oId lefty who bailed Washington at Detroit, 2:30 June 1. Others fihed were Billy Martin, Yogi Berra/ Whlte.v Crepello appeara to be a super NICK JACKSTO.V, former ning when the Automen tallied Les Arrica. w.'ho handles the TV Hodges, \vhoseH^-game hitting,' Boston at Chicago it Would feel'to play against the pected to be narried head baseball New I’ork. to telecast ail Dodger trust Subcommittee in Washiriglon Tommy t Hurricane "Jackson in New- York June 3 after Jackson them oiit. pitching a aix-hit. 5-0 p.m. Ford and Johnny Kucks, who was fined only 3500. The othera . horse In the making. Doutelle is ' minor league ba.scball player, game* from Ixm Angela* via pa.v- on Ju n e 17. •their lone run. .,oey walked tw'o details, said he originally had four .streak wpif'ended Saturday night In the , the' Y ankees." coach at Rockville High, effective was named as challenger in bout for the lieavyw-eighl title at the daeision over the New York New York at Cleveland.' R p.m. were fined 31.000 each. (APPholoi owned by Queen Elizabeth and has , «... , again coached the East Hartford aa-yoii-*ee for an annual $2 mil­ sponsors who were interested but by Phils’' rookieslack Sanford, w as' Chicago White Sox slake their next season. Director of Athletics Rep. Emanuei Celler (D-NY), Polo Grounds .luly 29. Except for New- York City and an area batters and struck out 11. Roger Giants. May 12. - Baltimore at Kanaa.s Cit'’, 10 a fair chance of becoming the first menUoned ss High jayvee baseball team this lion fee 7^ had a problem getting-a networlc twq-for-three and' scored' ^hree five-game lead against tlie Bast, John Csnavari will pass up base­ who heads the committee, already 75 miles around the city, the bout w ill be televised roast to coast. Macione enjoyed another perfect p.m. Roval winner since won for bait since before spring Irain- spring. D espite the mayor's inaislSnce'; has declared he intends to look into night al the plate, collecting three with clear time on a Monday night. Tie for Third Place rubs. • He walked in the seventh opening...... against Boston tonight light. ball and coach Just basketball and The metropolitan area will be blacked out. lAP WIrephotoi. King Edwsrd VII in 1909. Ms^tin, particularly on the laying the facta on the i the proposed West Const shifts of hits NBC’s sports director, Tom Gal- With the victory over the Phil>>1uid finally came home on Don The’ second place New York Yan- Natirfniil l.a-ague sopcer next season. Canavarl cur­ ler\’. said the time became avail­ w P d , With 24 hour, to go before pbsl' 5IOE MOKHARDTp has been table, the so-called "showdown | the Dodgers and Giants, Moriarty's . . 203 OOx 5 6 0 Um . the Dodgers clim)>ed Intp/a i Zimmer's single. In the ninth,, he kees are at Cleveland, with Wash- 1. G.B. iiB IQ-.30 n rv. B'O'Pi broke up hi.s 29th birlhcla.v party . converted into a first baseman by rently handles all three sports, one able when a drama aerie# w ^it off 28 15 .651 .... Cheney Teeh Triumphs , time (9:,30 x;m. F-ST) odds on meeting" was not expected to, Another Congressman. Rep. Roo-, Anto Parts . . ,.^)00 001 1 2 3 thM place tie with the Idle'M il-1 followed Cimoli’s homer against i ington at Detroit and Baltimore at Cincinnati .. Billy the Kid and Mantle ars Coach Joe Christian at UConn. of a few men in the state w-itb this the air for the summer. 2.5 17 ..595 I Crepello were 9 .to 4. bring the situation to a head. Both ney (D-NY). was even more crltl-| Prot Nay Boycott National Opon Batteries: Pigott and Cohun; waukiM Braves, three gaides be:, | reliever Jim Hearn with a double i Kansas City. ‘’Philadelphia 2 'j pals, and rumor has it the Yankee The local player, a fine leadoff heavy load of coaching. Carlson is The TV people normally doo't 24 17 „58.5 3 Crepello. winner to the early O'Malley' and Stoneham are de-! cai of. O'Malley. i •McCurry and Halstead. rB rooklyn batter, has played leftfield and a member of the Rockville faculty. like to risk an outdoor show -but 24 season classic 2,000 Guineas over a ^fraad .Martin may manding new ball parka and the' "Let them '(the Dodgers) move M ilw aukee .. 17 ..58.5 3 —.1 . . ■ give Mantle some bad habits. centerfield for tiie College World they are taking a chance on' this X 1st. Louis ... 20 20 6 '., In Season Finale, 14-2 mile at iNewmarkel, is owned bv mayor is not in a position to sc- to Los Angeles If the alternative is ..500 Series bound Huskies before E A .S T E II N rO N N E C T IC U T i n t e r .n .a t i o n .m , l i t t l e one. In case of rain, 'Tuesday, July ,N'e\v York 18 26 .409 Sir V ictor Sas^snn. •AIho Fined Y ear .Ago • 1 0 '- shifting lo the infield. The UConfi.s Board of Approved Baseball Um- commodate them. ■Neither club^ to succumb to an arrogant demand Golf Group Criticized LEAOIE 30, Monday, August 5 and Tues- i ( Im ago .... n 26 .3.33 13 Sir Victor owned , the last It was reported yesleidai’ that owner feels the time is ripe now to spend the taxpayeis' money to will play in Omaha. .Neb, start- piics. which includes the Manches- The Ijiwyei-.s rci-iiaincd unbeaten da>’. August 6 have been reeerv^d. Doetdrs Book Lawyers Pitt.'hurgh ■14 28 ..333 1 3 '- roundiiiK two for 14 hits, including live doiddes, Biigltsh-hi ed, trained and rSced .Martin, .Mantle, Baue., Ford and for a definite statement. build a stadium for them In Brook- ing Satiirdav. .Morhai-dl is one Icr area, will hold its monthly w-ith a 10-6 conquest over An.saldi's in addition to the promotional Tiie-.da,v’s Schedule a triple and three home runs, the Cheney Tech liasetiall team hor.se to win the Derby m 1953. Mickey .McUerniutl had been fined "We have until October to make lyn. " he said, details. Lance rc\;ealed that two Since Pinza, with Sir Gordon of several fine sophomore.s in the oieeting tonight starting'at 7:36 last night in a wild and woolly Cincinnati at Philadelphia. S concluded its first season under" new Coach Ton.v D’Angona $250 each less than a yeai ago lor up our mind-s" toth have said. .Support for O'Mallev and Slone- On Qualifying Methods oldtimers. Jlmn>y Bronson and Richards up. look the Derby in atarting lineup. at the Weal Side Rec. game at Verplanck I'ield. The con- I p.m. I,.awrence (4-2) vs. Haddix rriissing a. tram in'lioston. Mr- ______A lthough the N atio n al L ea g u e, ),«.nt cam e from a n ' uneiA ected Ned Brown, would handle hi# In Softball Exhibition with a lop-sided 14-2 victory over outclassed Lyman -Memo­ Coronation year, winning horses — . — lest was marred by errors, with I I 3-3). rial Tech of Lebanon ye.sterday af-*- Dernipit since has been traded to ANNUAL KIWAMS State Golf j "'ben Rep Keating iR-NYl club's public relation# and public- have been’ the American, Never- ERNIE .lOHNSON. former 'pro­ the gi-een light to move to the I -Milwaukee at New York, R p.m. ternooi) at Ml. Nebo Field. Tlie Ka.nsns City. Another trade, na­ Tournament will be staged at the laid the blame on the possible M 'hilf l’laiii.5. N. Y., June 4 (iT*)— Jim m y Dem arel, One of i ^''**'‘*‘* committing ii snd the iiy •Say-Die. and two French horses. fessional ba.sketball star in kjan- West Coast, if and when they ■ Cl one 12-1 I vs. B arclay (2-4 1. /-'V;in wa-s the fo u rth stra ig lit for turally. could break iip the remain­ .Manchester Coimti'y Club Wednes­ tr«n.sfer shifts si tto d;o7"o?, the to]) pei'.sonalitic.a of pi-o,fe.s6ional golf/act-msed the L‘. S .! Jackson, a 4 to 1 underdog, Appointments have been ,made by Manchester’s Doctors L and . ing quartet: cheater, has been going great guns make the request, no action (-an I Cliic:ago at Brooklyn, 8 p.m. - the loi'als who ended with an over­ as a reliefer again this season day. Play starts at 10 a m, and all C ongress. 1 Golf As.sn. of ■ cheap practices today and said .some day thCi for the \.’inners. Bryan 9'Uzpat'rick talked like the favorite when he , to engage the 1/awyers in an exhibition softball game on I D roit (3-,5i vs. M aglie 12-1 I.- all 5-4' won ami lost record after Berra, a Ihiee-tinie winner of local players are urged to tee off be taken, under baseball law-, un­ dlECussed the fight. with the ^lilwaukee Bi-aves in the til October 1. T"'*' would not fare , pros may boycott the National Open. land Art storey each had two ■ J " Tuesday night, June 18 under the arc lights at Robertson. ■ St. Louis at P ittsb u rg h , 8:1.5 losing their first three starts hy the American i.aiague most valua­ N atio n al League. .lohnson is as early as possible. ^ , "VVc're not personal friends any ble player award, and Kucks ap- Neither O’Malley nor Stoneham poM ible io v of ttye G ianta a n d ; -it stupid, absolutely rid ic u ------— | safeties for the La.--yers, with-the i-ftOre." he said, re fe rrin g to a n The game is being sponsored by the Manchester Memoriar I p.m. .Schmidt i4-li vs. Friend one run. al.so the player reffiesentative for ledgers. he said, "if Congress lous, to make a great champion 1 former banging out Ivi.s aecond First baseman Dave Heyart, who paiently are newcomers to tns appeared to place mufh signifi­ Earlier friendship with Patterson. Hospital Auxiliafy. All proceeds ' I (3-.5I. Major League the Braves. Bl RT 4'.ARLS0N had an unusii- i had not Instated on aticklng its! yke Sam Snead qualify for the iRay Rii.sconi and Paql-' will enter the Auxiliary Fund I • finished the year with a tremcn- crowd. At tile time of the mghl- cance lo the special session, which "N o th in g 1 can see no-w b u t blood, Jacobsen. Tom Healey, Joe Barry, •Monday's KeMiltir al experience recently w-hile play- nose into ba.seball s operations ' j open. ' said the 47-year-oId three ment." he said. "•The way they: Q„ey *iso colle-:tcd two- hits ffir maintained for many dou-s .609 b a ttin g average, led the cliih fracas. Stonge] henened was scheduled lo start at 10:30 all the way from the beginning.” i s . Abe Platz, Frank Horton, NJeti I’itLshurgh 6, New York, 5 = ^ L e a d e r s = ANDY 5IANE<;GIA of Bolton, ing golf at the Manchester Coun- I Keating said in a statement the : time Masters w-inner from Ksitie- rut the rough in the Open and! tt,* oon,rgr|ors n e e ^ -p^ r oJ e; c t a . onslaught ag'ainst the visitors. Ijerra (who also was in-a hilling try Club course. Burt's golf ball j a.m. (ESTl. Asked if he thought ho could Marzialo and \Valt Schardt. 1 (N ig h t). ° " Amerhuin ' nifue former St. Thonina Seminary in­ 'Frankly,’’ O’Malley said yes­ tw’o N ational L eague-clubs are con- | *)ra Ijik c . N Y. "1 Just w onder how- narrow the fainvays. you can be: ...... 241 12x 1019 9 6 knock out the champion, the Hur­ Lihet^A^^fOT the tw:o contesting Heyart was a perfect 3-3 at the slump) for one game with the fielder and local Twi I.eague play­ became lodged in a tree near the ! penalized more for hitting a ball Tickets for this unusual at- i B rooklyn 4, Philadelphia 0 B a ttin g I B ased fm 100 a t b al.sl’ terday. "I'm not going to antici­ sldwlng a shift to the West Coast | much sillier they can get?" An.saldi’s ...... 000 402 , 6 8 11 ricane was deadly serious. "I ain't clubs have been announced. The plate, banging out a double and comment that "he oughts know eighth hole. He spotted the ball, 1 . traction arc now on aale at the i (N ig h t). WilUsnis. Boston, .107: Fox, er. has concluded another fine sea­ pate what w-ill happen in the may­ as ”a (Ilrect result. In part, of the ' Snead qualified for the June five feet off line than 100 feet off Batteries: W. .Storey and talking about it," he said. "Walt liZWyera.wlU diw two long home runs while knocking better " and_ added he didn't think moved the branch and dow-n drop- ! line. That’s stupid In itself. hospSt"' RUd at all doctor's and] Only Games .Scheduled. Chicago. ,.357; ^lantle. .Ne.w Yolk. son with WillimanUc Teachers or's office 1 haven't even the constant hammering over the head National Open along with a bevy Delaney; Sartor and' Qiiey. 'll! I get there. I just .can't get force from the fdHowIng: Irv I home seven runs. The veteran it was right "for those -fellas to ped tw-o balls. lawyer's offices. Ducats .will al.sq] Wednesday’s Schedule .343; Mauch. Bo.stori, .326; Bertoia. College. Andy pitched several slightest idea w hat may come out professional baseball has re-I of ranking professionals at the "I don't think there'll be s solu- Uiere fast enough." Bayer, Dick Law, Herb- Phelon, Teeh star, who still has another keep a young fella i Kucks I out —.----- ' be available at the gate. ! Milwaukee at New York. 1 :.30 games, played several infield po­ of the rrieeting. All I know is that ; ceived from some members of Con-' Knollwood and Metropolis Country Uon until the pros band together REt; LE.VGUE Charlie O oekett. Harold Gdytity. year to go, also topped the Tech- DetroiL_J)2fc_____ Dial late." NO R E SU LTS of Ia.st n ig h t's ! Jack.*on saltLbe didn’t fight his Runs Mantle.-iNew Yoik, 34; sitions and was one of Coach Mayor Wagner has asked me to ' Scess ” | CTlubs here yesterday with a score and demand a say in the conduct Haul Grbert, Jules Karp, Da' Meanwliilc. both teams will bold: men- this spring with a total of Kucks, admitting he "dlls' fined Alumni League baseball game Sotting a npw sea.son's-scoring fight a year ago. "I help^ Tilm, " Cincinnati at Philadelphia, 8 Fran. Geiiisler's best hitlers. dro'p in to see him. 'Hiat I'm going ' O'Malley haa .said all along he is! of 141 beat for the district of the Open with the threat of j^scyeral sccict prarfire. sessions,: 19 n in s b atted in. Fox, Cflxirago, 31; Jenaen. Boston $.)(K), at first was thought to be leached the desk for publication . . . C* r> I *K __Itl > . ... . record,' Grea> Enatern racked up he said, "tyhen I had him practi- Keith, John LaBelle. Art LeClair, p.m. to do.-' ' ready to sperui from $5 to $6 mill- [ Forced to Prove Right boycott.'' Fhul Marte, Jay Rubinow, Bob Nb''j1ngef8 will be allowed or ap- ^ Burly Russ Cowles also enjoyed' and Sieviers, W ashington. 29: Wil- among the $1,000 suffereis, prompt­ today. its second straight win last night cally out of his feet, I backed up. St. I.xiui.s at Pitlsburgh, 8:15. $$ ES K E S H I. E K. promising Stoneham had even leas to sav ' * new park once the city Dcmaret. second leading money - ■ ------Gordon, John and Fran Shea, pearanBs..^nds will be forfeited. a perfect day at bat, collectlng/a liama and Piei'.sall. Boston. 27. ing Stengel to observe ' that poor under the lights al Ftobertsoii Fbirk. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. p.m. ' Runs Batted In Sievei’s, Wash­ young righthanded pitrhei with' sTavnivr., , when asked whether he thought , ^"Ihers acquire adequate acreage winner of the year^jalso was foixed I just did." Herman Yules and Irv Aronson. I single, double and triple and/his boy oughn't to be fined the same Mancheater High's baseball team ha'sphiii trouncirig Ho.ie Co. No, tq_ !he., Chicago vs Brooklyn, 8 p.m. ington. 36; .len.sen, Boston, 30: as the i-kh players. ' anything of importance mav t ome : suitable surroundings for the to prove his right to plav in the 4L ||rc H la v The’ Hurricane claimed he ’war Groobfrt, Phelon and Gordon arc MONMOI ’I'M-MEETING three .stolen baaes brought his during the pastlast season,sanenn hash.. beenK--. baseball leagues m Manchester ' ■ cieation of a modern plant. tournament at the Inverness CTub I iiassill.** tune of 2^-7. Bill ilozzer nparked 1 At Jersev O Ivi. Sflnoso, Chicago. 29: I-ollar. Chi­ Ku'eks' salary is estimated at Will be published if same is for- "'Hh the mayor. | burned up because Patterson had all former college baseball stars Oesanport, N. J. (NEAl, Mon sna.son's to tal to 11. ^ hampered by a sore arm and may I » I • *"> ! triumph with five hits and JaslowskI Gets Will cago. \5'ertz. Cleveland and Man­ $15,000. Berra hauls in $H0,.'>ou warded b^' the league publicist.* ; Wagner has asked me , in Toledo, Ohio. He sh o t'’142. "told quite a few people he and much is expected of them in mouth Park begin., its l3tb thor- Waisled Second, / not be able to pitch this summer "Making .Snead play 36 holes to 111 A liiin n i i.o n te .sl I Playcr-Coach Rcrnie August the batting department. Tbii'd. baseman Hank' Ja.slowski tle, New Y olk. 27. .Mantle $60,00(1, I< ord $35,000, B auer and scorers. to see him ," he said, "w-hy not stroked a three-run hormer for the knocked me out when we boxed at . . . . oughbred m eeting Ju n e 11. It cop- There's liot a second he-sita- w-ith the Legion .Juniors, Coach qualify for tlie Open is as insane , —------made his first start on the mound Hfts- Gardner. Baltimore. Wfl- $27,500 and .Mai tin $21,000. w-ait until then 7" A lum ni Farm Loop winners in the .seventh inning. training camp. He didn’t knock me I tinues for .50 days through Aug. f,' tibn when the veteran trainer. D.WK HEYART Ronnie Daigle reports. F'eshler and PONTlr-Fl l i-ox- Xberl^7'usin* tnc-lude the po.*sibiI- John Lucas. Pitching choice will Starhford 4. Stratford 1 Oomwell, John Crie. .Jerry Giar- argued bitterly. ‘.9uppoae he had teammate Rich Jaconetti chipped, right in the end." the second proved more than nament held at the Brooklawn nial, Kansas City and Sievers, ing recoi’d into the Army with him be between Steve Me Adam nr OFFERED C lass B I*cn> -Any F riction din, and Bob Brennan. F'or the the stomach ache or sonlelhlng in with three hits. A fast double-' A few minutes earlier he had enough to win but th» host club Country Club in Fairfield. Ttie In- Washington, 10; Jensen. Boston. next .Sunday, thanks lo s big assist CThris McNeil with Bill Kuhljnan Southington 1, North Haven 0 Rlt HEST ’tllA sE fitengel and Weiss denied any ’ Red Sox --- Bob K ing. Je ff M or- happened lo him on the day he plav in the. fourth inning cut short h^ard Cus D’ aay, "Before scored three limes in the...... _ ihird ...... smi diaiis.scored 342 points to trail Win- Bolling,' Detroit and Skizas, Kan- from second Johnny Sullo. doing the (^ajjehing. Farmington 4, Lilian Hall 2 i i friction between them, with Weiss I hardt, Jim Curry. Ed Borgida, had lo qualify. What a tragedy a potential big rally for the War­ the race is run, he iFloyd) will N’osv Y ork • i N’ENEA A i - The sixth frames anil dented the plate ■ ner Stamford which eonefuded with ,sas C ity, 7. Little Johnny, an expert "cut ": ”' ’7 '" ! ™ NaaaifftfiTvvho w-ill be looking for >*6dy to •r«ct $499»00:SSL'S!**” Housatonic Regional 6. Itomng- I'nited Hunts will again offer a pointing to "The, lesults of our i record in-! "O■'O'Malley 'M ailev la oon record aa hav. j Bill Greed, Ted . Choaka. Dave it would be if a great player like riors, go down In history as the greatest' ton 0 . ^ foin* tim es in the fo u rth to Arcount 326 tallies. Other schools ahead of Stolen Bases Laiidis, Chicago, man. did s marvelous job in' eluding 11 khor'konts. , " , their first w1n>, will have lefty .$.">0,000 pur.se for the 34th running 9; Franoona, Baltimore, Piersall, eight years' association" and . . ing told the mayor he d like to Haskell, Jim Harvey. Bill Hanson, Sarn were,dented the right to play North Methodist 352 002 2-14-13-8 fighter that ever lived." C lass C for the rout. the locals were Andiew Warde 332, staunching the flow of blood from Mike Reardon on^the mound with of the Temple Gwathmey Steeple- Boston and Aparicio and MinpSo, terming the report "deliberately a deep, wide cut over Redl’.* right P 11..U* '?7i”7 ’ 7^ National ; keep the Dodgers in Brooklyn. The ■ George McKay. .Stan Marchul, in the Open" Wn a I rI rlU io I N r s ...... 400'm u 303OVi> 0-10-10-3U*$U’ 1 *J**> *»«,*.Although the fight (ia 55 days ■ Guilford 7. Griswold n 1 (hrne> Trch 14) Fairfield Prep 335 and F"arminfi:ton Robin Oalg handling the ratrh- > ha.se at Belmont Park. Oct. 16. It I 1 ft t h pn a r :rt.i Chipago, 6. m alicio u s" eye when it seemed almost, certain month’. filfe I mayor certainly wanU them lo re- ' Paul Marlin, Dan Tarca, Dave Perforinanee IJst Batteries: Chappell and Bon-1 dff, the drums already a re b eal- ejahton 6, Valley Regional 0 338. inft- is the richest 'chasing stak e in ^ IncAtl^^llA. 3l» 1 D t< D It t‘> .0 "Pitching I Based on five rfe- Stengel said "N ever had amy that Referee Al Berl would have Aniiv *tter the main. But he's got to know where Loomis. Tom Ryan. Don Golas. and "It'a perfectly all right to make ham: Burton and Webb. | ihg. C heshire ,4, E llsw orth 1 Austin.. .Ih , . 1 1 1 2 2 1 ] Individual honors went to Fair- the w orld. j Dilhcri \ . 1 0 D (» 0 (1 0 cisions) Truck.s. Kansas Oily, 5- trouble with Wei.ss. He iwan't ln..t to stop Stefan's television bout ^en hi wTu "h"* 7 »'* ‘he two team* are Ed Fischer. ! the unproven golfers win their Dour»*U* . 2h .1 1 1 2 (t (1 1 field-Prep's Cleni Miner who card- 0, lOOO: S haniz, New Y ork, 5-1, a gani^ this season. The trighlclub With Fratikie Ippolito )ast night at active ArmV rileiv^ PlAced in the , committed lo move to the West The league will play all gatjte.* way into the louriiament." he said. Scoring in every Innings ext'ept I SulliVAn. RR .- SPARTAN REtORD 1 (1 0 0 0 2 0 ■ ed a 37“ 3ft"“ 75 to edpe out Mike .8^3: .Pierce. Chicago, 8-2. ,800; thing happened three weeks ago. the St. Nicholas Arena. IPDOhlo w-ho G’M'lley md Stpne- at Nebo on Tuesday and Thursday "but tfiere should be a performance the fifth. SI. Mary’s walloped the in a winning cause. Charlie McEall j Zln.^Rr-r. 2 2 ' 1 ..0 1 0 2 Ballo of Stamford who shot a 76. J arIowrUi. p. 4 3 2 0 4 2 3 Harshman and , ITliicago. Everybody's Iryiri' to make a Sullo worked wonders in the R ellA 1451 foiieh7*f*'^ !h° i ‘"'ham are dead set about leaving evenings with Walker Briggs In list not money„ winnings neces- Ea.*t l.,an.*ing, Mich i.NEA) Church of tlie Nazaren'e 16-8 Iasi clouted a homer and two singles KanitnRki. r 3 2 1 n 1 0 rt ' T\Vo stro k ea behind the leader-w ith Naiieski, Cleveland snd Bunning, .scandal out of it. t It's becau.se 'hen we might as wefi charge. Umpires will donate their a a n ly to determ ine who ahould M ichigan S ta te hold.* the Big Ten night at Robertson Park. Once for the losers and Will Ellison also H^^ynrt. lb . 7 corner and Redl. a^ Hungarian- 3 1 7 0 0 77s were .John Carella of Hall and Detroit, 4-1. .800. we're the Yankees. born German now living in Pasaaic, ^ pick up our marblcn and go hbme. services and the two calling them in. ' I record for the longest football again it was Charlie Robinson who hit a home run for the Nazarene. Another Norge Special! CowlfR. If ... •T 3 .T rt 0 ft. ft Xorwalk’a Ralph Rizzo. Parker, rf .. .1 0 1 rt 0 0* t> j —Pierce, Chicago, 57; While the club has neither N.J., rallied to gain a split deius-, ^ I said the mayor was tonight will be Norm Hohenthal Depiaret said the U..S.G.A. alan | conference snd non-conference spearheaded the .9aints' attack, St. Mary's ...336 301 x-16-20-0 HolniRR. rf ,. 4 0 1 0 A 0 ft Coach ^ Lan Perry s' squad, 11^’j'nn. Ceveland and Bunning. De-j denied not Ion in 10 rounds over Ippolito, s CW^WADY OI..1CKED i rumui»r reports that O'Mal- and-Danny Renn, both who played makes a mistake in doctoring up' game winning atreak with .28 going a perfect 5-5 at the plate. N a z a r e n e ...... !000 042 2- 8 13 0 Topper, rf .. D 0 0 n ,0 confirm ed the* fines, 0 ft w hich tted for seventh >place troit 53; Maas, Detrolj, 45; Moore, Bauer was among the first to a'd- 22-year old New Yorker. ! ------j ley^Rlreadvlhad signed a contract varsity toll for the high .school the Open Courae*. ^ | throughout the period from 19^ Both Nell I*iwrenre and .Ilm Mar-. Batteries: O’Dell and Maron; ' ' C^ARzar. rf . 0 0 0 rt 0 ■ n a r,r- honors last aprinp. were led by Baltimore. 43. mil he had been docked. All six .Stemmed the Flow ' Detroit (NFIA)-A* a Detroit »'tth Matttow Fox, head of Skia- this past seaison. There is still need ■The Open haa had more'fluke; to ’53. 'ff' shall chipped in with three bingles Franklin and McFall. Total.R 29 M 14 21 Bob Reyno]d5f u ho fired an 83. Cap­ had been told they would )>e fined TTie• * * X- ^g ezi* ash li w *>*1 aso llll4IYLCr*linflicted earlyvA4l* Inlil rookie, ^ 4l*'A1fA* Howatd Cassady. Ohio Iron TV -rihat would bring ” the for a couple more men to help .Meirtorial . tain Joe Segal trailed with an 84 N atio n al I.______*___*W- a _ a ^ a . 1 . MorriRon. rf . and-teariimntes Roger Barrett and I Balling (Based on JOO atj baUi ing with i-o-owner Dan Topping in from the cut through the fifth National Football League aa the for 10 years for the rights to tele terested should contact Briggs. McCifll. 2b Lions' .second leading grround-gain-, cast the games from Lo* Angeles Adm**iiuki. rf Bob BallaiM turned in scores of 86 t—Fondy, Pittsburgh, .367; Musial, i Stengel's office May 23. But none round. ^ y the .si.xth Sullo had ^ Thursday night the Dodgers will fnsi^'’on Brand Nam« quality in FnstHr. rf .... ■ and 89. respectively. Sophomore St. Lours, .359: Robin.son, Q ncin-; found out how much they would stemmed the flow. Dr. Alexander *'■■ ‘ on a pay-as-you-see basis. !face the Bt«vea. Chalifoux. nati, .3,54: G roat, P ittsb u rg h , .3.52; lose until they' opened th eir bi­ Matnne. r Rod .Snuih shot a.creditable 83 in Schlff examined the cut four limes materials and workmonihip. Insist Keeney, r.r ... the individual competition. ; esmoli. Brooklyn, .346 monthly checks Sunday. but permitted the strong, well Malon#'. rf ... Only o th er CXJIL school to com ­ I . Runs- Temple and Robinson, Bauer-, said he was sorry about conditioned Redl to-oontinue. ;■ on U. S. Oarages and t>e sure/ B^rry. n .... WANT THE BEST IN A DEPENDABLE CAR? pete in the 22-t«a.m field was Mert- Cincinnati and Aaron, Milwaukee Uie.mea.s, adding "The less you Judges Harold Bames (7-2-1) XrIIU. p .d... o -0 AniRnault. tt> den and the Red Raiderl woundup ;.35: Blasingame. St. Louis, 33f ; keep my name in the headlirfea'the and Tony Castellano (6-4) voted I3th with their. 360. point total. Mays. New Y»'-’ki le Heykrl lo Kaminski: 1': Blonstelir. 'Bol.rtiic: Scorer: Bofi Jo-' Musial. St. Louis, 60; . Aaron, Mil-1 hia body smashes, said the' cut REVERSIBLE ROOM COOLER LOB: Vheney 6. I.yman 7. BB: .faslow- lie; T)me: 2:0a second round .on and the blood Track-CCIL Field Dav, 2:30- 11 and heater. 170 heater, fluid drive. dynaflow. ' 1 0 ^ 3 Schoendienst and Mays. New New Britain. - ' . ritfi Window* Mo DOWN PAYM0IT V York. 4; Seven playera tied with 3. Elks vs Nsairtffs. 8;]5-Chartef, 2$'i to 34'i. raST MYMOir IN NOVIMtBt Home Runs—Aaron, Milwaukee, O ak P ark . Casements Too! *4 9 .9 5 12;^ Moon, 3t. Louis, 10: Snider, I Finasts 135 vs Lutherans, 6:30- 1949 PONTIAC 1951 PLYMOUTH 1953 DODGE V-8 AS u m i AS $2.35 ^ ' BT-ookly'n, Robinson, 'C ro w e ' and LIST I Robertson Park. REBUILT Club Coupe. $ 1 0 C 4-Dopri Radio heater, 2-boor. Radio, S T O S Bailey, Cincinnati and Musial, St. . Marines vs Temple Beth, 6;.30. •Four Point *3 9 5 f YlAKS ID RAY Louis, 9. ■. Radio and heater. ’ ■ ^ O heater, overdrive.______- jCharter Qzh Park. Suspension K Stolen-Bases—May#r-New- York, GENERATORS -Vibration Free Yours For Only 50 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM OR 17; Gilliam,- Brooklyn. Temple, 16 :f 6^add^l''Rel*d'* 1953 C h e v r o l e t Cincinnati and Bruton, Milwaukee, • Green Manor vs Medic* a-i 5 1949 MERCURY 1952 HUDSON BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS 7; Fondy, Pittsburgh and Blasin- Bui^ley Field. . .15- MW.) Na. f-<7C Safety Grill 4-Door. Hornet Convertible. Ra- f ? . 210 2-Door. ^ 7 9 l 5 game. St. Louis. 5. . ■ NDrma.p’s vs Aceto A Sylvester ' STARTERS Protects Prying Pitching i Based on five de­ :15-Verplanck Field. ■ 188 Radio and heater. J L w D dio, heater, hydramatic. D cisions)-:-Acker, Cincinnati and Fingers of Norge De Luxe Refrigerator Wedneeday, June 8 (Exchangw) OfNTUMINi wn Sanford. Philadelphia. 6-1. .857; . Children 1953 tORD y-8 VhHthtdfiplty room OUlOATION Gross, Cincinnati,. Buhl, Milwau­ Caterers vs Rainbow. 8:80- 1950 DeSOTO 1952 CHEVROLET and SM full size (a* O Hmm m f » BM yMK nee ow*t. eMkM | • « LBS. FROZEN kee and Schmidt, St. Louis, 4-1, Robertson Pai'k. V'ictoria. Radio, - $ 1 0 0 ^ 5 »s and alt avail- FOOD STORAGE .800. ^ Center Congos vs ■ Community If w* do not liavt your Ihatalls in 4-Door. Radio, $ O O C De lAixe 4-Door. Ra- $ A O R heater, FordomStic. I W O a models. Open • • 9.2 CD. ET. TOTAL StrlkeouUt— Arroyo, Pittsburgh, Baptist, 6:3O-R6berts0a Park Seconds heater, fluid drive. J m w D dio, heater, power glide. O Y w $1 7 0 .9S Eirrf - NitlrniaV v,*M .l Tool. moko in stock, our $2.00 wm Hold adMy and Sun^, STORAGE SPACE 48: -Koufax, Brooklyn. .47; Drott. Cools in 6;15-Charter Oak Park. Clilcago, Roberts, Cardwell and skop nidn con robulld ' Minutes on Layaway 1954 MERCURY Thivid«ytoSi30P.M. : • FCLL WIDTH Sanford, Philadelphia, 46. ' Thursday, June 6 - CRISPER it for you. (Must i»o 1950 BUICK 1955 PONTIAC Monterey Hardtop L-'V Xlty. Trust VB Firit National, 8; 15- ; = . J Name Your Own Termii Charter Oak Park., off tho cor). 4-Door, Radio, 4,-Door. Radio. S l A O R . Qadio, heater, Last Night^s Fights Motor SaleAva P A P 6-ia. Reverdible Window Fan $12«88 I Portable Fan heater, dynaflow. *2 9 5 heater, hydramatic. I.W Jr v Mercomatic. *1595 Waddell Field ' .88 New (York -Stefan Redl. 146>4, List S39.95. -ist $44.95. Medics Vi Auto Parts, 8;15. *T7 Paasaic, N; J., butpointed Frankie ! Buckiey'pteld. U.S. G A R A G E S Ippolito, jl40OPEN EVENINGS PARTS Wisconsin, was reppriedfy signed Laz VegAs—JiMk Msderas, IM. ed. In aU 11 United SUtaa O ptu nMoWKMsn fw_|lM,(W-not tncluttog s^ary--and is to offieiblly Join th« ttovwna. oMtpoinud Bob Salter- j Hnce W'orld W ar n and he ll to m 4 ^ 1 tm m on Juni( I4tiu i(AP wW ip J r^ p h k o “ io )^ \ fleld, IM, Chicago, 10. this ytor’a tM t at Ihverneas. A J A- r -'V: % ¥ ''I r-/; '.'i ■■ . AI" ' ' - I 't ■■X ■ '}/■ ; ' i x : X '1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* ‘MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY,, 4.19B7 '■""i»AGB'Wrtaat i - : - CON^., TUfiSDAY, JUNiE >, 1 ^ PAGE pdp ^9aiji€id--Mal< 36 Artielt# tor Sal* 45 Bonsohold Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 Ho u m for Sale 72 ;Hou8i^ For Sale 72 Sabarbin for Slal» 75 Wanted Rgal B jt o f ' -v>!r n SHIPIPXRg and HecStvtog. 40-hour SMALL CAR-TOP WAT. , $15. ROPER Gaa Stove with alkomatlc Idp Wanted— ^Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 39 PLEA8A;NT Cleaa Room for one MAN(3HE8TER.~ Six room Cape SIX-ROOM CAPE, two unflnlsh*. BOLTON — Near Onter. Five- ARE YOO OOMUOXIUIIO \ Automobiles for Sale 4 Automobiles for Sale 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW ! BY FAiGALY and SHORTEN weak, insurance and p e M ^ plan. New 6‘ picnic tab)*, 8$2.S0. Robert Umer and separate tram. Ehccel- gentleman at Canter with parking, Ood. Over-sized garage, full rear Fireplace in living room. Hot room (Jape Cod, large dormer, SELUNO YOUR PKOPERTYf Opportunity fbr advancement Splesa, 8 Eastland Drive, phone lent eohdlUon. $190/ One dining bath and shower. 29 Hazel St. doi'iner> fireplace, .conveniently water oil heat. Aluminum storma 1957, BLACK Two-door Mercury, TOllNG LADY Wanted for general DRTVER^ALESMEN Apply 125 McKee St., East basement garage, hot water heat W* will sppralM jnxir p n p u t y 1951 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Excet- MI 3-8293. room set. MI %8574. ,AaS-7083. located, sensiblepriced...... at $15,800...... and screens, awnings. Largs Extra large lot. Phone Owner, Classifn lent condition. OHginal owlier. radio and heater, standard shift, office work, liking for figures'de' fprd, Mr. Chappell. A.*^. IWl free and without any oulgitlait / WELL.IP iTW N ’T ^ „ n b a h ! w hat IN THE PINK, airable. Small office, paid holi­ For newly established wholesale d Oo., Realtor, MI kitchenette. In. quiet West End MI 9-3493, . ' We also buy ptopariy tor caA. Ml 9-3453. ,82,900. Cal] MI 9-2312. T K M E s p r u c e t r e e s , 8-10 f«et GENERAL IM-J^DCrRIC R efrigen- ROOM "With kItchOn privileges. 94649, MI District Nice for children. No llAST WINTERYMEN CRlNGECf 1CBNOBLN r WHBRE' OlO VOU PQyjggT IN THE p in k : BOt days, ' vacation and insurance. routes. Five-day week, salary and L e a d i n g l i f e insurance com­ . htrii>about.6 feet diameter, about tor, large 6tu. Three-piece wal­ SeU^ or huylaa caataet VVOO BEEN KHEPIN' , OET BACK FmMJ THE WORLD IS SURE Centrally located. 14 Arch St.' agents. Call MI 9-9685. BOLTON-iCoventry line. New Adverti$emenl 1949 PACKARD .FOur-Door* 1950 DODGE ConverUble. See It dUSr GOT O V ^ A SIEGE WITH Blue Croas Plan available. Apply commission. Health, welfare and pany haa opening in area for 6% yoarapld. Must bo sold. $75. nut bearaom set. Small Bar for Mrs. Dorsey. SIX-ROOM r a X c h B o u s e — boi- STANLEY BRAY. Raattor I vour self?'« o'I7e :j FLORIDA? njeATlN’ YOU Cap*;^(Jod, four down, two unfin­ X|nalnal owner, mileage. ''tlSO. first, m ake' an offer. Call. MI AN TEN T AND FELT Manchester -Autp Parts, Inc., 270 pension plan. Paid holidays. Must agent. Salary to $600 monthly. 420 Lake. 8t>^ rscrei^tbn room. MI 34345. ton-Manchester line. Ideal loca- BRAE.BURN RJBALTY ' CLASSIFIED ADVT. LOOKIN’ ei?£ AT be high school graduate. Apply NEW Five-rooin Ranch, basement ished up. Ceramic Ule bath, large Ml. 84278. 11 MI 9-444< 9-8978, after 5 p.m. X BroM Bt., on Mondays, Wednes­ Call Hartford JAckaon 2-6257 and FURNISHED Itoom for one-or tiiro tioh. Oil steam heat, large porch, garage, cc^per plumbing, oil heat, days and Fridays. Wednesday and . Saturday morn­ WiUTiij Automatic Electric Stove, lot, $14,800. R. F. DImock * with bath, complete light house- Rttsco windows. Approximately city water and sewers. 914,000. MI 9-5245, M l'9-^18.______LISTIN(3B WANTEI>-glagto. 1948 PLYMOUTH Cfub Cbupe,. good 1947 PONTIAC. Radio and heater. *8 ings. Other days afternoons after BABY CARRIAGE, W sood condi­ dOep well. Good condlUon, six kggplng facUl^es. Ml 9-4776. 200 ft. frontage,.artesian well, ex­ Standard transmission, new bat­ experienced iVaUress Wanted. E K E Realty, MI 94297, M l famUy, three • family, buebteia 8:15 A. M, to 4:30 P. M. condition^ Phone MI 9 -5 ^ aRer 2'p.m . WANTED—Part time help nights Uon. M i 8-8780. X w ara old. $75.- SO Foxcreft cellent drainage. Basement- gh» $-4460. HEBRON — 6A, nkar ColumpiX, tery, fuel pump and generator. 5-1.. Good irages^ *PPly *0 P**'" ^ and Sundays. Service station ■ I , , . — property. Have many cash buy* son. o)ak r GriU, 30 Oak St. rage. Tel. Owner, MI 3-4894. modem one bedroom home, ro o m era. Mortgages arraagsd. Fteaaa G o^ mechanical condition. ITO., WONDER BREAD ■■ work. Insurance company em' Apartments-«FIat»~- Ma n CJHBSTER — Magnificent new for expansion, garage, oil fiimace, m P Y CLOSING TIME 1951 FORt) VICTORU. Radio Call MI 3-8904. -Boats and Aceeaaoriea. IS­ call George L. drazladio. Realtor. ployes preferred. Write to Box A M —You In LrO-V-E Teneniehts 63 MANCHESTER.—Comfortable Six- Split Level. Rockledgs section. pleasant groupda. Owner, ACted- heater. QoodNsondiUon. Qall PART TIME Office Worker Want- z . cc/o /o Herald, stating qualifica­ -You getting married room Cajte on quiet street. Hot Ml 9-S878 109 Henry Street. .„ roll CLASSIFIED ADVT. ed. Bookkeeping and typing re­ BAKERY ' 1,600 square feet of living area. emy 8-3442. 3-4422. 1948 CHEVROLET — Two-tone tions. going housekeeping FOR RENT — S^-Room furnished water oil heat. Storms and quired. Phone MI 9-2206. DN DISPLAY AT 3% baths, two-car garage. , For MON. THRU FRI Good running condltion7 plus snoW 521 CONN. BOULEVARD' spare only . or unfurnished, working couple. Bcrsens. To assume present 1 % % tires. $195. Call MI 9-7972. further information or appoint­ 10:30 A. DeCORMIER M( PART TIME Help Wanted from 8- $25 $25$25 $36 $25 New Bolton Rd. Phone MI S-63N. m o r tr a e Requires $6,000 cash or Wsnted—Real Estate 77 Legal Notice aJCRK TYPIST—Married or sin­ EAST HARTFORD. CONN. | 2 for land clearing and landscap­ McIn t o s h b o a t g o . ment to see call T h e R. F.. Dlm- TWENTYIRtyE DOLLARS new financing may be arranged. ock Co., MI 9-5345 or MI 9-6818. SATURDAY 9 A. M. ^ .^ S A Y S : 1955 CHEVROLET Convertible. gle. Four hours dally, Saturday ing. Call Wft 94275. $28 $26 $ 2 6 ^ S ^ * $25 $25 THREE AND four room apart­ Goob condition. Private owner. not required. Steady work, con­ DUNFHY IMPERIAL ROBALO 30-day occupancy. Price $13,900. LI6TINOS WANTED, single and Bride and Groom '^>qve Neat’ ments. Heat, electricity, range, two-family houses. Mdmber of Call MI 9-0127. genial Atmosphere. Arrange hours SHORT ORDER COOKS WANTED. 14’ DE LUXE RUNABOUT Madeline Smith, Realtor, MI MANCJHESTEJl —' New Six-Room DISTRICT o r ANDO^R roni'cooPEittATioN w nx GA'V.WHSR^E VOU NEAH'VOU LOOK 3 COMPLETE RcSoMfi. OF refrigerator, disposal. Adults ozuy. 9-1642. Ranch home in Rockledge Sec­ MLS. Howard R. HaaUngs, Real­ •'THESE CAREFULLY SELECT- ' BEEN? LOCKED UP IN RUN-tX3WN!WHV to suit. Salary <^en.* Call MI Howard Johnson's, MI 9-6220. Help Wanted— ' Completely equipped. Also BRAND NEW Ito pets. Three room, $1Q0, four tor, MI 9-U07,. any Ume. TOV. BE APPBECIATED S.USED CAR SPECIALS 3-5856 before 6 p.m. tion. 1% baths, ceramic Ule June i _ ED CARS - ARE 5URE TO IbOKW .WHEN Hfe JUST GOT A aOSBTTVOU OUGHTA OON'CMA DO SOME Male or Female 37 the revolutuman ’WesUnghouse" Electric Re^. room, $125. 88 Elm St., Rockville, $11,900—Blx room home, Urge cabi­ kitchen uL^buntera. Attached ga­ XeUte of HAUOS Ll WOOMAIUV- GET OUT IN THE SUN, THING FO R TH A T TAILOR—Manufacturer haa- (gen­ MOLDED FmERGLAS ' SELLINd, Buying, Trading? L.M.- 1953 'Ruick sguper Riviera 'Hard : A T W VrtFEKS* GENERAL Office Worker. Perma­ ing for man with knowledge of or^EmeriidK’ ’" TiiQevtt Set T R j^S505 ftom 9-5, Evenlnga TO net kRcheh; aluminum storms, rage, amesite drive, fujly land­ of in Mid DtetiicL/An PLEASE YOU. BANK RATES I VACATION FULL OF VITAMINS' MORE.CRiNOElVJ BASTV COMPLEXION? COUNTER HELP and Waitress, Choice—3 Different Bedroom copper plumbing, oil burner, dou­ M.L. (which means Llvo; Modem ble person. DtalMf3-512r Top. X ^dlo, heater, dynaflow, nent position. S-day week, free ladies’ coats and suits. Excellent full time nights. ' Apply in per- Unexcelled for performance, scaped lot. $21,000. Cali The The Con»*iy«t>r on said estato bar* OF COURSE." AND VINEGAR ~ .Suites ble fw age, amesite drive. Carlton R. F. DImock C o., MI 94245 or '—MulUple List)—all your real es­ Ins lubmltted hi* annual ooeount. witll power Di<^es, whitewallSj $895. insurance plan, comfortable new opportunity for advancement. A$^ aon. Patio Drive-In, Broad and strength and ease of maintenance. DEISIliMID 2%-Room Apartment tate the modem way. The Ells­ 1951 M ercunv powder blue, four- air-conditioned office: Good start­ ply Manchester Modes, InC., Pine Choice—3 Different Living Room W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. MulUple MI 9-6818. »»Id *(Uit« to this Court for allowSM, W. Middle Tpke. Suites for rent m--quiet, restricted neigh- Listing Member. ------^ ------worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, It 1* hereby ordered that the Uth dev door. RadioXheate'r, overdrive ing salary with oeriodical In­ St., Manchester. ' Alumacraft — Yellow Jacket — borhood. Suitable for one or two of June. 1M7. at l:(» o'eloek ' Cruiflbrs, Ind. Choice—3 Dlfferant Dinette Seta < 47 THOMAS DR. — Six-room Cape, MI 34930. Lost and Found very clean, $491 creases. CaU Ml 9-4528, Ml WANTED — Experienced man or people. AH utUlUes furnished, afternoon, at the Probate Office _ 1955 RAMBLER 9-6285. , Johnaob Outboard Motors 'De luxe” Range carf be had In­ completely finished and nestled dover. In cold District, be and ( t l CROSS COUNTRY STATION woman for fountain luncheonette, including ' automatid'^asher and VERNON MULTIPLE LISTING offers Uie by 1*. eaalsned tor a hesrins upoa tho LOST — Holster at Center Park. 1951 Mercury, gray, Yqur-door. Ra­ Marine Paint—Hardware—Supplies stead of Refrigerator 6r Television on park-like lot. Two full baths, WAGON. A very sharp one own­ dio, heater, Merc-o«matlc. Priced nights and weekends. Apply in Set If you prefer. dryer, stove and refrigerator. Beautiful four room ranch with combined services nf .25 realtors, acceptance and allowance « sold acv Return to Army, and Navy Club CAPABLE Woman for housework, person. Pine PharmAcy, 664 garage, close to school, bus and count with aald eatate, and It la fur* er cal'. Overdrive, too. Unsur­ to sell for $395. Open daily 9-9 — SaL, 9-6 E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G Rent. $20 weekly. Call RSskyille, rarage. One acre of land, nicely shopping. July occupancy. Elva 60 salesmen to help sell your or Mr*. Mansfield. 95 Center St. full or part time or liVe In, at ATTENTION Center St. ther^ ordered that all neraona (star* passed economy here. The Whole "Love Nest" TR 5-6915. fandscaped. Including storm win­ Tyler, Realtor, MI 9-4469. house. For InforinaUon please call eited in aald e*tate be cited to SMwer M l 3-7765. 1951 Nash Rambler station Wagon, Bolton Lake. Must furnish own McIn t o s h b o a t g o . dows and doors $13,900. (Jarlton W. JHiitchlns, MI 94182. at *aid time and place by caiMtnX a Only $395.00 Down transportation. JA 3-970^. PSYCHIATRIC AIDES and Dining "Albert’s” Low Price Only copy of thlg order to be punllihed one*, maroon and white. Radio, hHt- 52 OAK ST. n e w 'THREE-ROOM Furnished ST HARTFO R D ^ Beven-room -- er, overdrive 1495. MEN 5 3 - 1 0 4 0 1 - Room Supervlaorii at Mansfield $555.65 e e d e d in some newspaper bavins a clfeolL _Apartmisfit— hr" Rock'viUe. “TTT ^ . ROGKVILLE ape in choice lociUon. Three LriS’iiN tja N for airt^s FOUND—Tire. vicinity of Wesf State Training School and Hospi­ MANCHESTER BOAT CO., 10 Es­ Price In January was $796.95 6-7830. of homes, capes, ranches, colo- tton in aald Dlttrlct and posted on lb* 1951 Oldsmobile Super ."88" Club Busin property — $lx room bedrooms, knotty pine den, fire- public »lsn poet in the Town of itolton. Middle Tpke. Phdhe.Ml 9-2628 1955 CHEVROLET WAITRESS WANTED. Apply Aca­ If you’re looking for a tal. Maintenance at nominal cost. sex St. ’.Daily 12 noon-9 p.m . Long, Easy, Convenient Terms! nlMS, 2, 8, or 4-family. Cali all at least five days before said Ump 4-DOOR SEDAN. -Immaculate Coupe. Radio, heater, hydra- dia Restaurant, 103 Tolland Tpke. FREE Storage tmtll wanted re­ house s o car garage and place, garage. Beautiful lot, 204 astlrned. steady Job with anndal Starting salary: $2940-$3900: Ap­ Saturday 9 a.m.-9 p.nq- Scott SIX-ROOM Home, duplex and ga­ grocery 8tpre>-Jii A-l (Jlessynski-Felber Agency, MI FOUNDt-A small amount of mon­ throughout. 6-cyllnder. Original matic, whitewalls, $495. Atwater-Ana Boats. gardless of time. FREE Delivery rage. Big yard. For information condition. feet deep with lota of trees. Elva CHARLES H. rflCUOLSON. ey. Manchester Memorial Hos­ raiaSs, liberal vacations, ply to Dr. Dayton, Superintend­ Priced for quick Sale. (Owner retlf- 3-1409 or MI 9-4291. Judg*. 21,000 miles on this car. WANTED — Woman to work in ent, Mansfield Depot, oi* to 'State anywhere in Connecticut. If you Call MI 9-0582 between 4 and 8 Tyler, Realtor, MI 9-4469. pital grounds. TR 5-7313. 1951 Buick Special Club Coupe. Ra- laundry and dry cleaning, some and other employe benefits, - dio, heater, dynaflow, $495. Perabnnel Director, State Office 30%-50% SAVINGS on our Marine have ito means of transportation p.m. Adults only. Only $395.00 Down Business Services Offered 13 Building— Contracting 14 Painting^Papering 21 shirts. Will train if necessary. then -fecom e a Guard at Insurance Policy. Broadest possi­ we wlU send our private "Courtesy J. D. REALtYv MANCHESTER—Tanner St. Colo­ 40-FOOT Extension Ladder. I»*t, BuUdJng, Hartford. nial, eight spacious rooms, fire­ 1950 Chevrolet, power glide, $295. Full or part time. Towne Clean­ the Connecticut State Pris­ ble coverage. Stock Company. Auto” for you. No obligation. THREE-ROOM Apartment, unfur­ John DeQuattro, Broke!’ Rockville loaned or misplayed. C. Y. Paul, CLEAN AND palqt those gutters FOR GARAGE and shed dormers, PAINTING and Decorating. W. ers, 348 Main St. MI O-BOSt! STATE OF CONNECTICUT—Open Very favorable rates. Call Bill SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT nished. Heat and light. Central­ MI S-S163 MI 9-8078 place, Bunporch, garage. Bowers TR 5-7313. 1953 FORD 1950 Pontiac, hydramalic, $295. now. Avoid CoatlyNrepalrs later roofing and siding, gutter work. D. Holland Jr., Glastonbury. on. The starting salary is School, convenient to bus and VICTORIA HARD TOP. V-8. Competitive Examination Notice. Rood at Crockett Insurance Agen­ ONLY DAY OR EVENING ly located. Rent $75. Call MI Residence after 5, MI 9-3640 1949 Ford, $195. MI. 3-1883. Also, all types of interior work. MEdford 3-7932, GIRL WANTED for checking in $3660 cy, MI 3-1677. 3-4524. bhppplng, $17,900. Elsie Meyer, FOUND — Black Poodle on East Ford's most popular model. With Senior Physician (T.B.), closing FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE For 'best in price and workman­ dry cleaning and counter' work; MR. ALBERT. HARTFORD Reiltor. Member MLS, MI 9-5524. Jaycees Elect Perzanowski Center St., Saturday. Owner can all the fixings. Sharp- Real 1949 Chevrolet, $195. FLOOR SERVICE. Flpors sanded PATNTING—Evenings and week­ The Maximum date June 26, 1957. No. 2866. Resi­ EVA '6RIVE — Three * bedroom ship, call Manchester Roofing and High school education req,uired. dence w a iv ^ . $7,320-$10,200 per 12-FT. SPEEDBOAT and 16-ft. CH 7-0368 have same by paying for this ad Sharp!, and refinished. TR. 6-2071 or .TR. ends, reasonable rates. Free Apply fn person. .Maple , Dry Ranch, l^-ac(;e lot. Knotty pine MODERN '■^our yiear, aix-room 1949 Ppntlac, $145. Siding Co., Inc. • MI 9-89^ for $4560 annum. (Appointment may be Trailer. 25 h.p.-Evinrude, remote AFTER 7 P. M. CH 6-4690 t h r e e Large Furnished Rooms and calling PI 2-6249. Only $295.00 Down 6-1060. free estimate. Proprietor .Joe estimates. Call TR 5-9164, MI Cleaners and Launderers 72 Ma- controls, electric starter. PI With heat. Call TR 5-2244. kitchen, ceramic Ule bath, fire­ Ranch. L^ 9^160. Attached ga­ As Leader for Coming Year 1949 Oldsmobile. $146. Get an application for ' made at above the minimum A—L - B —E —R—T—’—S Girardin. M l 9-4782. ■pie St. ■ 2-6405. 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD place, full ceUar. Phone Owner, rage, screened porch, modem LOST—Pass Book No. 2985, Sav­ CHUCK'S RADIO and T.V. Service, PRISON GUARD at tha rate). Administrative-Fiscal-Man­ MI 8-4822. fireplace. Beautiful floor to cell­ 1950 Pontiac Convertible,* Radio, Open Any Eye. By Appointment NEW APARTMENT In older home ings Department of the Manches­ 1954 CUSTOM DUTCH 151 North Main St. &n. $-6517, GARAGES, cottages, breezeways, NEW FIRM locating in Manches­ Office of the State Person­ agement Officer, GrXde II (Ac­ on (2) acre lot irt" Manchester. ing picture window lii' large liv­ ftocktrille, June 4 'Special)—The^onUily meeting at tha bom* of ter Trust Company. Application heater, hydramatic, run* very residence MI. 3-8960. counting-Auditor). Closing date BOLTON LAKE FRONT — Three- DARRIN SPORTSCAR' good. $345. porches. 12 X 20 garage. $960 Bondsr—Stbeks Mortgagies 31 ter wants a clerical supervisor, nel Director, Room 405, 12-FOOT ROWBOAT with oars. TWO RANGES, reasonable, com' New kitchen, bathroom, ll'vlng ing room. Only five mliuite walk Junior ettamber o f Commerce Harold Schelbe, at 8 pjn. made for payment. . ^ "complete. 20 x 20 two car, $1,460. five typists, one file clerk. Apply June 19. 1957. No. 2864. Residence Just painted. $25. MI 3-8078! room winterized cottage, $7,000. to new school, buses and stores. 'A classic showpiece. Like new. PLOWING LAWNS and gardens State Office Building. Hart­ blnatlon oil and electric and one room and (2) bedroom*. Newly elected Joseph Perzanowrid Jr. as Brownle’a OooneU Ftr* No money down, five years to Conn. State Employment Service, required. $4,020-$5,460 per annum. ingtalled hot water baseboard Columbia Lake, three-bedroom Many' extras for the wise buyer, FOUND—Light brown male Cocker Priced to sell! Many, many others priced to sell with rotary plow. Call PI 2-7669 HOME OWNERS! Oombine nag­ gas. Can be seen at 12 Westfield its- president for the coming Year Five Vernon Brownie iVoop* pay. Free estimates. Ellison Con­ ging bills into an easy-to-pay sec 808 Main St., Manchester. A Pub­ ford, or your nearest Con­ Administrative - Fiscal - Manage heat. Electric stove, refrigera­ winterized cottage. $11,900. (Jarl- such- as wall to wall carpeUng, . Call Lee Fracchia, Dog fast. Down payment no problem. after 4 p.m. ment-Officer. Grade II (Bank Ex held their first Council Fir* ro- - .Only $59.5.00 Down We finance cars. No red tape, no struction Co., AD,2-2462. ond mortgage loan'costing only a lic Service, no fee charged. necticut State Employment Building Materials 47 tor furnished. Aluminum storm ton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132 MulU- draperies in all rooms, and many at a meeting lost night Warden, MI 3-8594. aminer). (Jlo.sing date June 19, pie. Listing Member. cently at th* American Legion loiuiB. You can take your busi­ REFRIGERATION aides and serv­ penny a- month for each dollar Service. ONE Sewing., Machine . refrigera­ window* and screens throughout. others. Buyer can get 4% mort­ Ferzaixywski succeeds ..Robert Field. The CouncU Fir* replaced CARPENTRY - - Repairs, altera­ A CAREER WITH AVON. Join •A 1957. No. 2863, Residence re USED l u m b e r tor, double bed, rocking i^air, gage. Must be seen to be appre­ FOUND—Female mongrel, brown, 1953 WILLYS ness here. ice. Commercial, residential, air you owe. Call Frank Burke at qulred. $4,020-'$5,460 per annum. Largo porch. . One child and no $11,300—Cute two-bedroom Ranch, Fitzgerald in the office. ; the annual Mother and D ai^ter I tions, tile ceilings, etc. Good 6-8897 (Eves. JA 9-5553). Con the thousands of women w,ho are kitchen chairs, studio couch. - MI pets. Available June 8. Rent ciated. Call Owner. MI 9-6053. white and black. Call Life Frac- i-C Y V . STA-nON WAGON. Ra­ conditioners, freezers. A. and W. cai Apply Office of the State Person­ FOR SALE aluminum storms, pla*tered waUa, Others elected were Donald Banquet. eWa, Dog Warden, Ml 8-8594. work. No Job too small. TR necticut Mortgage Exchange, ] enjoyi^ a profitable part-time DO IT NOW! 9-2961. $100 a month — $100 escrow re­ dio, heater. Low mileage. A Refrigeration Co. Ml 9-1237, MI 5-5759. business serving regular Avon nel Director, Room 405, State Of cellar, large shade, fenced yard,' PACKARD ST. — Just listed, love­ Berger, vice prealdent; .Samuel Mr*. Margaret KloUr, chairman BROWN-JACKSON 9-2050, MI 9-0055. Lewis St. (cor. Gold), Hartford. 3x3's, 2x4's, 3x5's, 2x6*8, 2x7’s. quired. Write Box AB, c/o Her­ real workhorse—economical, too. cqstomers in exclusive territory. flee Building. Hartford, or any INTElUNA'nONAL garden, centrally located. CJarlton ly six-room (Jolonlal suitable for Blonsteln, treasurer; apd 'Williari of tho event introduced Mas M ^ MOTOR SALES Sheathing, windows, insiw,'. outside ald. W. Hutchins. MI 9-6132. MulUple Smith, secretary. Jorie Stephens who led th* Brown­ Call MI 3-6195. Connecticut State Employment Freezer. 20 ft. Like new. .PI jO.______real large family as attic and cel-, Personals ^ Only $295.00 Down doors, radiators, pipes, oil biiiners, LisUng Member. The Jaycees whose purpose Js to ies and their mothers in ringing 333 MAIN ST. MI 9-5732 Aluminum StpnbB and' Service Office. Glendon A. Sco- oil tanks, fum'aces, sinks; toilets. 2- 6917. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY—Five lar are also finished. Garage, MORTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA Business Opportunities 32 W ANriiD — Genera], Houseworker. promote aipUvlUes among^ young many of their favorite Brawnte SHOE REPAIRING of the better television service. Ml. 9-4641 CLERK for hardware and. variety boria. State Personne"! Director. BX cables, soil pipe. rooms, heat, hot water and elec­ extra large lot with 100 ft. front. Scrpeifs 14-A Driver's license helpful. No heavy S g HT p a i r Nylon Curtains, 65" people, plan to start a recruiting songs- 'n ie OounoU Fir* waa then Mnd for over 40 years. Sam -1953 DODGE LOOK AT THESE SACRIFI(?E! Prosperous Radio-TV store. Excellent opportunity for tricity furnished. $25 a week. MANCHESTER Goodchild Realty (Jo., MI 3-7925, •Yulyea, 23 Oak St., at Purnell STATION WAGON. 6-cylinder. LOW—LOW PRICES! LAI^N MOWERS sharpened arid a l u m in u m w in d o w s , doors Sales and Service. Building may cleaning or heavy laundry Coun- experienced person capable of as­ CHOMAN Icm^, seVml y^rds mauve dra­ MI 9-4545. MI 3-4348, BU 9^39. Member of drive for new members. Piosmt lighted, with one girt from •ach Situations Wanted— pery matyTsdr^Keasonabl'e. Ml AND VICINITY Parking Lot. Radio, heater, overdrive, tinted repaired. Call MI 9-1702, MI 9-4868, Jalousies, porches, awnings. Free be purchased or leased. All re­ tr>'. $150 per month. Write and : suming a responsible position in MLS. membership totals 18, and anyone troop placing a lifted taper on - glass. Very nice all around. 1950 G.M.C. 113 Wells Street. estimates. Call N. B. Chase Co., plies conUdentlal. Wrile P. O. give references. Bov V, c /o Her-1 a rapidly expanding retail store. Female 38 { HOUSEWRECKING 3- 5825. SUB-UteT Four-room Apartment, $5900 — (Joventry — Four - room between the ages of 31 and 36 is the fire. Mr*. Emily Mason read WANTED-^Riders from M.^ches 2-TON — 9-FOOT STAKE BODY /M I 9-0233 or Rockville TR 5-1200. Box 441, aid. Cali Mr. Kaufman, MI 9-8844. M I 9-2392 completely screened, cefitrally lo­ Ranch. Lake privUeges. OAKI«AND ST.—Best buy in town. eligible to belong. the poem, "The Sacrament of Fir*,’* ter to Hartford Center of vicinity Only $295.00 Down MOVirfc to Florida. Must sell Good TireS--Good Motor^Just SEWING MACHINES—home and cated. June 20 to'Labor Day. Two-famlly, 4-4, extra large lot, Smith pointed out today, that the and . the BroWntes sang "Each railroad station', 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m commercial types bought, sold and YOUNG WOMAN Part time, al- : TRUCK MECHANIC. Must b« able TYPING or Bookkeeping to do in house full of fumitiire, within two MI 9-9422. $9500-^ebron. Five-room Home, 175 ft. front, (jould be zoned for Junior (Jhamber ia in no way con­ Osmpfire lights Anew.’’ Painted. • TEXACO ternate nighla. Drug atori. ■ Ap- No. 1 Painted Prime weeks. Everything going at low CaU MI 9-4168, ' repaired. Ralph Aldrich, Ml Roofing— Siding 16 to take charge of repairs on a my home. MI 9-1602. ' 10 acres of land. 8 miles from business. Close In. Both apart­ nected' with the RockvUle Area Mna Connie He**,; ohaiman of 1950 CADILLAC PRICED FOR A QUICK SALE 9-8487.. plv in person only, 459 Hartford fleet of ti-ucks a,s well as super­ Shakes ...... per sq. $12.00 prices. M l 9-6821. 4 - DOOR SEDAN. Fleetwood Modern Three Ray Manchester Center. ments vacant. Excellent Income, (Jhamber of Commerce, despite the the Vernon Scouts Executive C ota- ANN: Mother knows best. You ROOFING, SIDING, palnUng. Car­ Rd. vise repairs on machinery. Good Business Locations Hurry fast on this bUy at $14,600. body. Typical Cadillac equip­ $745 - - - - ■ _ ------1x12 T&G Sheathing— ’ ■ SERVEL Refrigerator, good condf- similarity in names. However, the mittee, welcomed the mothOr* and can’t go-wrong vrith Mystic Foam ATTICS, cellars, yanhi and ga­ pentry. Alterations and additions. salary, paid vacation* ard holi­ Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 $12,850 — Andover, near Bolton Goodchild Realty Co. MI 3-7925. ment and then some. Porcelain Enamel BURROUGHS Posting Machine 5,000' Minimum per'M BiJN) Uon, left hand door, $50. MI L,' for Rent 64 two organiaattons do cooperate on presented Troop 7 for It’a i^ 4Ip upholstery and rug cleaner. I Only $245 Down > rages cleaned. Rubbish promptly Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ days, Insurance plan t 'r em ­ •| MI 3-4848, CU »-(W3il. Mel nber of removed. Cali MI 9-9245. Operator—in—modam- East Hart­ MANCHESTER Pet Center" for all 9-94(9. some projects. CCTemony and Inveetlture'______havg used R ~tor 20 years and al- Only $295-00 Down j $4(>.04 Month ?' teed. A. A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn ploye and family Call h»'W6fn Windows—Complete— SMA£L;BT0RE on Pumeli Place, baseboard heat. Ceramic bath. MLS. waya get it at J. W; Hale Coq>. SERVICE STATION ford office. Good starting salary. 8-5, MI 9-4623.’ your pets and pet's supplies. Full cellar. Many extras'.'- ITie Jaycees voted to change Girl Scouts. Mrs. John StanJtovic*, THIS TRUCK IS LIKE NEW! FLOORS Wqshed, Waxed, Polished St. MI. 3-4860,, Free delivery within city ilmits. (set-up)—all sizes .. .from 10.80 near Main St. Apply Marlow’s, leader <»f TVoepi T. conducted th* Love, Mother. Apply S. Vogel Sons, 191 Park 867 Main Bt, EAST HARTFORD — Off Oak St. their meeting night to TVesdays and Buffed. Modern Floor Pol­ MI '9-4273, Open Monday-Satur- N0R(3E Gas Sto've, veiy good con­ ceremony, aaplstad by Mrs. Joan" 1953 CHEVROLET FOE THE best In shingle and built FOR LEASE Ave. (rear),' East Hartford, Conn. MAN FOR LAUNDRY and Dry (Jlear Pine Jambs .. .per set 8.00 $15,600—Bolton. New 5!4-R6om Six-room (Jape (Jod. five finished. and future meetini^ will be held on WANTED—Ride to Travelers. 8-4. 1950 BUICK RIVIERA ...$389 ishing Co. Call Ml 3-1334. Cleaning Route. ' Hartford area. day. 9-6^.m. Thursday, 9-9 p.m. dition. OOl MI 9-6476. Falconer, Mr*. FTederidc Sw-ehs- 84-TON PICK-UP. A clean, solid 1951 BUICK 2-DOOR .. up roofing, gutters, leaders, chim­ TWO-ROOM office kulte, $8 EHm Ranch. Buyer has choice of col­ Near school and bus. (Jombtna- the first and third Tuesday* a t from North End. MI 9-0890, af- ______...$389 For right man. Call Mr. Davis at OFFICE CLERK—Must be depend­ Call Ml 9-7753, after 7 p.m. call Gutters—Special—- ors. 2 aorea of land and -many each month. ton and itrm . Mona Polrter. l^-r-— truck...... RELAX This Summer. For a ney and roof repairs call Coughlin. The Texas Company to discuss able. will train if necessary. 37'j- BIRD, cat and dog suppllesfiirhole- St.. Rockville.- JluitaUe for pro­ Uon jvlndows, wall to wall carpet, ■‘'W '8':so...... Ml. 3-7707. JA 9-6588. (as is) ...... per ft. fessional or bulness. fiiquire extras. amesite drive. Cali between 3-7 ' United Fund Considered Attendance star* w*r* preaented Only $295.00 Down 1953 FORD VICTORIA small fee let us assume your lawn terms. hour week, vacation, free life in­ sale and retail. Dally 9 t o '5 p.m. STUDIO COUCH FOR SALE. Call to (he girls of the foUdwlng troops: MI 9-9289. RockvUle, TRemont 6-2505 - p.m. Immediate occupancy. Own­ The United Fund committee of $988 mowing headaches. Call MI RAY’S ROOFING CO., ahlngle and surance and pension plan. See ATTENDANT - - Service Station. Tuesday, Thursday, FYiday nights Novelty Siding, %x6, per ft. $16.000—Hebron. 7-Room Older Troop 2, led by 'Mi*. Florenca ^dtomobiles tor Sale 4 9-9503. BU 9-3481 Office Manager. J. X. Bergren 7 to 9. Porterfield's Route 5 and er, BU 94757. the (Jhamber of (Jornmerce held built up roofs, gutter and con­ Steady Job, good pay, some ex; PERMAGLAS Gas Hot Water THREE ROOMS suitable for office ' Honie. Four fireplaces. New hot Horton end Mr*. Evelyn Davte; FOR YEARS NOW IT S BEEN 1953 BUICK RIVIERA Dairy Farms, ,1100 Burnside Ave., perieiice preferred. Also, part Chapel, South Windsor. JA 8-SS91. Casing ...... per ft. .06 water heating system. 9 acres of its'first meeting yesterday to con­ BiTORE YOU BUY a UMd ear LAWNS AND TREES to be cut. ductor work, roof, chimney re­ Evenings: Heater. ReasonSble. Call MI or business, 470 Main St. MI. WHY DON’T YOU . . . Tro(q> 1 led by Mr*. Ge(biige Pool* East Hartford, Conn. time nights and weekends. Man­ 9-6228 or Ml 8-7444. land. B.mUes from Manchester sider the eAablishment of a united see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick $845 All kinds of work. Rubbish of all pairs. Ray Hagenow, Ml. 9-22J4. BOXER PUPS, certified pedigreed. Flush Mahogany Doors—- 9-2767, after'5:80 p.m. "LiST WITH I./.PPKN" and assisted by Mr*. Emily Mason; Ray Jackson, hu.- 3-5325. Thompsonville RI 9-3567 chester Esso Seryicenter. Windsor Center. ' fund drive for the community, ' Sales and Service, 285 Main kinds removed. , Paper, rags WE HAVE a Small Congenial Of- Four male and three female. AH Sizes to 2’ 6" ...... 6.20 Troop 8, under the leadership'of St. at Parkway. (Buckiand), MI GENERAL ELECTRIC. Double 8,000 SQUARE FEET of Industrial We need 5 listings of one and 2- (Jommlttee members viewed and StreeL ML 9-4571. Open evenlnga. DeCORMIER’S 1953 V-8 FORD taken away free. MI 9-0142. Available any time. Call after $3,500 Down — Mkncheater — Near Mrs. Lytebelle Dougaa, assisted by , , I't'* *"d We are willing to train a 9-8198. Western Framing— Door Refrigerator, Governor Wln- area to rent or lease. Woodland famUy homes' In Manchester. By discussed material- presented by STATION WAGON Help anted—-Female 3 d ] good dependable applicant. Re- 8-p.m., TR 5-7749. ■ Mrs. Toni Shea; and Troop 4, led Roofing and Chimneys I6-A loads only ...... throp secretary,. Duncan Phyfe St., Manchester. MI 9-5043. East (Jenter St. 6-Beom Cape, 5 having fewer lisUngs, we can con­ Nat Schwedel and suppUed hy the He e d a c a r ? short on a down FOR REAL NICE CARS $898 - FLOOR SANDING and refinishing. ------;;;— ------^------ply stating experience and salary per M 112.00 finished. Full shed doriher. Many ^ Mrs. Margsret Kloter, aaslarted payment or had your credit turned Specializing in old floors. MI DESIGNERS table, four rush bottom ladder- centrate our efforts and advertis­ Cc^munity Chest and OounclU of by Mr*. Mona Poirier and J / ln .' ROOFING — Specializing in repair­ HOUSEWIVES We have an op-1 expected to Box Y, c /o Herald, THREE-ROOM Office Suite, 17 extras. F.H.A. commitmeitt, Amertc* ^c., and the Allegheny down? Don't give up! For f good 24 MAPLE ST. 9-5750. . portunity for you to earn from! BEAGLE PUPPIES, six weeks old. Mahogany Paneling ..per M 179.00 back chairs, low poster bed with ing; resulting in a more prompt Jeanne Hunt - MANCHESTER , 1953 PACKARD SEDAN ing roofs of all kinds. Also new Experienced men required for Market St., RockvUle, Suitable County UnitM" Funds, of Pennsyl­ deal—not thru a-.small loan com­ $30-$50 a week in your spare time WOMAN to Work Full Time. Also, MI 3-4624, box spring and foam mattress, $17,500 — Bolton — Custom BuUt sale of your home. It's only To close the evening;’* oeremon- roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys layout and development of elec­ Oak Flooring from per M 159.00 professional or business. Inquire vania. pany—see "H arry" at 333 Main $ 10.00 Radio, Heater, Overdrive without interfering with your fam ­ must have own transportation. Mr. and Mrs. double dresser, ma­ Stone Ranch. Glassed porch and "com m on sense," Isn’t 'it? It's lea, Mlaa Stephen* led everyone in cleaned, repaired, 26 years' ex­ tronic equipment. Business ma­ Rock-viHe, TR 6-2505; Member* will atudy the material St (Formerly Douglas Motors). $677 Household Services ily duties. Car necessary. Calf Xn 3-4148. BAY Saddle Horse, bridle, saddle 'We Deliver Throughout hogany. Occasional lamps and bullt-tn garage. 1% baths, l^acre "corftmpn sense" to "List With rin^big, "The Gtdden Sun,” perience. Free estimates. CaU chines or limilar experience help- and blanket. Gentle with chii- Lappen,"'’tQo, so call MI 9-5261 an'd and meet In about a month to Down and good credit will buy any Offered 13-A MI 3-8375. ■ SbuUtem New England. tables, Italian chest. Gan be STORE—Choice location at. the lot, beautiful aetting, many ex- "Brai#nieOoodniglit'’, and ’Thi)*." . NO MONEY DOWN one of these select used cars. tiowley. ,Mancbeater-ML 3-5361. -. WANTED Babysitter.----- Hourr f ui.. Excellent opportunity lor th« Oren. $350. -T e l; PI 24042..... seen-af-SS (Mlver Rd-. put us to wori(<----- taUs AlrUier on Um —project. A 1954 FORD RANCH right men. N A T IW A L LUMBER, INC. Center on M^ar St;, approximate­ ‘ tras; ' ,; .,...... —:------; w nSai^ FURNITURE repairing and reflr.- BOOKKEEPER 2:3d-l'2;30. Cali- mornings, MI 381 STATE STREET ly 1800 sq. f t WIH remodel to suit United FVnd Drive haa been sug­ 1953 Buick Sedan, fully equipped. WAGON— Automatic AKC Registered English Springer JOHN H. LAirt'EN. INC. JVUllam T. Banks, who** daugh- 1951 DODGE CLUB COUPE - tshing; antiques restored. Furiii- Accounts Payable 9-8823 NORTH HA'VEN, CONN. ANTIQUES and nearly new house­ tenant Call MI 94808 or MI Other Listings Available. gested for the aren several Ume*. 1952 Chevrolet*Sedan, $1198 Heating and Plumbing 17 GRAY MANUFACTURING Pup. 3H months old. Reason­ t*r i* Mr*. Alfred Gordon of Tol­ 1952 DODGE SEDAN ture Repair Servlca, Talcottvllle. IBM TEL. CHeatnut 8-2147 hold articles, fufniture and cloth­ 94781. 164 EAst O nter St. Manchester and the committee has been aet 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN fully equipped. Ml. 8-7449. POLICY WRITER and experienced , 16 ARBOR STREET able. Call JA 8-7764. ing, ,a.t 599 North Main St. June 'LA W R E N C E F. FIANO up to study the possibility of such land Ave., Tolland, died at a oon- S. WATSON, PLUMBING and heat- Girl with some 026 keypunch ex­ HARTFORD. CONN. BROKER Members of 1951 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1953 Chevrolet Tudor Bel Air, FITZGERALD MOTORS general office worker. Write P. i- 5, 9:30 a.m.-e p.m. a drive. o valescent home in ColOhestor Sun­ FLAT FINISH Holland window 'Ing contractor. New installations, perience preferred. ; "A GOOD PUtCE TO WORK * FIVE Beautiful Black Cocker AO 9-5910 MulUple LisUng Service 1951 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1953 Nash Rambler Station Wagon. FORMERLY BRUNNERS O. Box 288. Manchester. • Diamonds— Watches— OFFICE FOR rent, 501 Hartford Committee members are Wil­ day. Ho sraa bom Fob. 25. 1886 la shades, made to meaaure. All alteration work and repair work. Spsolel Puppies. AK(j registered. 19* CHEVROLET FORDOR 1953 Pontiac Sedan, fully equipped. Rd. (JaU after 5 p.m. MI 9-0969. liam' ■CplUnene, John Mason, Ralph Brewster, N, T;. a son of the lata ' ROCKVILLE ROAD metal 'Venetian blinds at a new MI. 9-3808. ■ CLERK WAITRESS and Counter Help, I YOUNG MAN -Full time, for roun- $25. CaU MI 3-4495. Jewelry- 48 Mnchinery and Tools 52 “LISTED WITH LAPPEN” 1949 CHEVROLET FORDOR 1952 Chrysler Sedan; For General Office Work BOLTON — Attractive Six-room LipmatC'Mjrs. MyrUe Pierre, Atty. Thomas E. and Susan Mead Banka . .fully equipped. TALCO’TTVILLE low price. Keys made while you nights. Apply In person. Patio ' ter work. Apply in person, Lynn OFFK3E FOR RENT, West Middle 1951 FORD SEDAN LLOYD’S PLUMBING Service as­ Apply In Person , Poultry Store, Manchester Park- LEONARD w. YOST. Jeweler, re- Ranch. Full basement. Oversized BOLTON LAKE — Water front, Lro B. Fiiherty Jr., Seymour and lived in Oahbury before mov­ I960 STUDERaKER CLUB COUPE 1954 Packard Sedan. TELEPHONE MI 3-5191 wait. Marlow’a. ' - Drive-In, Broad and West Middle WE RENT , Tpke., near Parkade. CaU MI sures satisfaction, prompt service. ; ade. PEDIGREED French Poodles, patrs, adjuata watches expertly. garage. Storms and screens. Lot year 'round, home of 5 rooms Lavitt. and ScnWttdel. ing to Hartford more thyu 60 1960 PONTIAC SEDAN OPEN EVENINGS — SUNDAYS CH 7-6124, MI 9-5485. Tpke. 94205,9 4 ^ , after 1:30. and closed-in porch, combination year* ago. FURMICA counters, ceramic wall GAER BROS. eight weeks old. MI 9-1929.. Reasonable prices. Open dally. Small Oment and Mortar Mixers, 108 X 250. Madeline Smith, Real­ Union Sexton Retires TTiese cars are all in good condi These cars are ail in good condi­ Thursday evenlags. 129 Spruer tor, MI 9-1642. windows, recqnUy redecorated. Be waa a fonn*r coachman In tion and are state inspected. and floor tile. Let us modernize 69 Leggett Street Power Trowels, Electric Ham­ OFFICE SPACE in pleasant cen­ Max- Helmerdinger, Sexton of tlon and are state inspected; your bathroom and kitchen For East Hartford, Conn. .- nc WANTED — Two Carpenters, full Street. Ml. 9-4887. This is truly a "buy" — priced Hartford and- later worked for a Trailers 6-A Millinery Dressmaking 19 Help Wanted— Male Articles For Sale 45 mers. Water Pumpz, BuUding trally located office building. MANCJHESTER—*New 5% room Union Congregational Church,'has McCLURE PONTIAC free estimates call Ml. 9-2655, The time. MI 9-3697. Jacks, Chain.Hoists, Air Compres­ Good <^poitunlty for someone to under $15,000! Good financing retired after 15 years service. He is plumbing concern in that city. He McCLURE PONTIAC SALESLADY for-part time work, 1 — ranch. Attached garage, ceramic available. To inspect, call 40 8'T. 19,52 TRAILER, two bed­ Tile Shop, Buckiand. ALTERATIONS on wh'men’s and sors,' Lime Spreaders, Rotary Till­ share ofiice for part; Ume, prefer­ Bucceieded by Arthur M. Bateman, also leaves a son. Bertram W. 878 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 373 Main St. JIanchester including Saturdays and Sundays. W'AREHOUSEMAN ■ I ROUTE M AN 'for local sales route. LOAM—$3 per yard, truck load Garden— Farm— Dairy tile bath, full basement, H block Banka of East Hartford and an­ rooms. Phone MI 9-1585 after 6 children's dresses, coats. suits, lots. Gravel. Stabilized crushed ers, Trailers, Misceilsneoua Tools. ably evenings. Rfeferences- re­ to bus. $18,2flD, R. F. Dimock Co.. a long-Ume member of the church. Open Evenings Tel. MI 9-4545 p.m. RUGS CLEANED and shampooed, Also, woman for night work. Ap­ Must be married, neat, have car , Products SO JOHN H. LAPPfiN, INC. other siste^ Mrs. Edward iVblto Open Evenings skirts, etc. Call MI 9-6636, 9-5. 1-10 P. M. Some truck driving ex­ and be able to meet public. $95 stone. Hot mix asphalt. Nussdorf, quired. Box 8, c /o Herald. MI 9-5245, AM 94M8. Bateman retired last October as a "Our care, means longer wear." ply Swtss Pastry Shop, 183 No. perience preferred. 164 East Center St. ManchesteV of 'Hartford;'three grandchUdren, Tel. MI 9-4545 Free pickup and delivery. Smith’s Main St MI 9-2660. weekly guaranteed, plus car ex­ Ml 9-7408. NATIVE ASPARAGUS now in sea letter carrier and is now serving ..CADILLAC, 1948, good condition, A & P ECiUIPMENT ATTRACTTIVE-^ Four-room Cape ■* Members of M. L. S. and three great-gvendchlldren. - UpholXterv Shop. MI 9-4663, eve­ Apply In Person. penses. Phone A'Dams 3-6321. son, for canning or freezing, cut a Vernon representative to the Funeral services wfid b e held very clean. $396. C^l PI 2-7211. Auto Driving School 7-A Moving— Thicking BALE — S3 1-3% off on 1956-1957 Summer Homes for R e ii i^ Ccid in exceUent residential area nings MI 3-7267. WANTED—Experienced shirt op­ fresh daily, 23c bunch, five 945 (JENTER STREET . General Assembly. morrow at 2:30 p.m. ia Hartford. ------Storage 20 erator. Apply in person, Fisher , ’ GAER BROS. ! YOUNG Ma n to team heat and waUpaper. Green Paint and Wall­ bunches ■for $1.00. $8.76 a crate on North Elm St. ' Expandable Food Sale ahd Bazaar LARSON'S DRIVING School. paper at the Green. Open dally 9-9 FOR RENT •Water Froht <3ott Burial will be in North Cbmete^, Jt'$ Summer Playtime w e a v i n g of bunlS; moth holes Dry Cleansers. 89 Leggett Street 1 sheet metal trade. Manchester of 2'i bunches. Farmers Market, , MANCHESTER at Columbia Lake,lake, one we^.w for two- good rooms on Second Lots for Sile 73 A food sale and white elephant Manchester's only trained and AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. local . p.m. floor. Living room with fire­ Tolland. Friend* may edll. at th * ' ctgrUfled Instructor. For your safe­ and tom clothing, hosiery nine,’ East Hartford. (Jonn. Sheet Metal Works, 14 High St. 811 East Middle Tpke. MI 94474. Jane 30, $85. Write Box U, c /o bazaar will be held tomorrow from Dillion Funeral Rome, 53 Main A 'Quick-Made* Set! handbags repaired zipper re­ and long dlstsuice moving pack­ WOMEN—For sorting and inspect­ j. PHONE 9-2052 place. c h e e r ^ kitchen, Ule bath, BOLTON,. (Joventry and Wethers­ ty We are trained to teach proper­ ing. storage. Call- Ml. 3-5187. Hart­ ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ Free pony rides for the children Herald. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Northeast St,;, Hartford, today from 7 -to 9 placement, umbrellas repaired, ing. Dry cleaning department. Saturday and Sunday afternoons, two bedrooms. ' Full basement, field building lots. Various ioca- ly. MI 9-6075. ford CH. 7-1423. able and standard typewrltars. Open Evenings and Weekends School by Grades 8. p.m. men’s shirt collars reversed and Apply in person. New Modfl 3 p .m .4 p. m. LAKE FRONT, fouf-roiom cottage hot water oil heat, copper pli(mb- Uons.' $500 and up. Terms. Call Committee chairmen are as fol Laundry, 73 Summit St. AU makes of adding machtnea, Ing, wall to wail carpeUiw .In liv­ Lawrence P,- Flano, Broker. MI- MORTLOCK’S—Manchester's lead­ replaced. - Marlow’* - Uttla' Mend­ for rent. Month of August Tel. lows; Carol Weber, games: Valerie MAflCHESTER Package Delivery. sold or rented. Repaira on all ing room, an d' haUs. Beautiful 9-6910. Vernon and TaloottvfUe nevra ing Driving School offers the most ing Shop. Light ttucking and package deliv­ ASPARAGUS by the Pound. Or­ PI 2-7303. Karaky, goods; Dmna West, or WANTED—Saleslady for Thursday makes. Marlow’s. ders taken for freezing Fern Musical InstrumenlB 53. yard. Immediate occupancy. items are hsmdled taroogh the in driver education. Thousands of er} - Relrigerators, washers and REUPHOLSTERING, slip covers and Saturday work. - Please ap­ Gardens, 179 Fern St. MI $-7278. CarroU * Driggs, Realtors. JA BEAUTIFULLY Situated Lot on ganlzaUon; Joanne Mattern. pos­ Herald’s RockvUle BareMi. 7 IP. satisfied students. 200,000 miles stove moving specialty. Folding ply Jn person. Burton's, Inc., MUSIC in8tnimen^l^ 'fentai. Com- Box Mountain Drive near Lake St. ters. Mrs. Ann Oopnofs and Joseph accident free instructions, MI and drapes. Large selecUon of Wanted To Rent 68 8-4i64. . Evenings, Mr. Stevens, Main St, tetephene TRemont choirs for rent. Ml. 94752. 841 Main St. KNAPP SHOES. Harry Mahoney, STRAWBERRIES—Pick ypur own, plete' line of Instrumenta. Rental Over an acre. A' bargain at Novak, are faculty advlsmrs for the 54136. 9-7398. fabrics. Quality - workmanship, 3$8 Main SL Phone MI 34327. applied to j>ofChase M ce. Repre­ JA 8-1727, Mr. Lyalk, JA 84144. free estimates • given in your CLERK TYPIST 25c a quart. Bring own contain­ WESTINGHQUSE Engineer re­ $3,000. Telephone MI 3-5556 or sale. MANCHESTER — Movmg and senting <3lda, Selmer. Pad MI 3-1188. miliarn Rubinow MANCHESTER Driving Academy home. Smith's Upholstery Shop. trucking Co. .Ml. S-6563. Owned FOR SALE — l(S4Ial. Drums, in ers, no childrth in lot. Joetph quires four-six unfurnished rooms. $ld,S&0 — Five-room House,. awn- Driver Aireoted Glode, 49 Gkde Lane, off Tolland ler and Bundy. Metter's Mutle 2 small children. Phone MI 9-3276. ings, double garage, workshop, Agency, Stanley Narkawicz, 16, Crystal guarantees results. Ehepert Instruc- MI 9-4663, evenings MI 3-7267. and operated by Walteii B. Per- rood condiUon. $2,50 each.. For' Studio. 177 McKee. Ml. A-7500. timbina- (xmdhuoiLiB h 6 i water,)r. pentleman drive, finished Is'wn.' Priced''it BOLTON—Coventry line. New five EventH Tonight June 8. ■ wecUona. / , ' ■ yard o f S5-inch; bonnet,^ y-ard. I Uori oil and gas stove with con- CHAMBERS FU R N tniR B SATjew preferred. MI 9-7189. $X7,9()Q. This house tipUlea our SEVEN-ROOM SIN(ILE or a two- room ranch, ceram ic tUe bath, Sherwood Alan ’Treadwell. VWl For this pattern, send 35c In RUBBISH AND MnOa rem oved. $ 17,900 $18,200. ToUand County A rt Assn., wlU Bend 28c in COINS, your name, General cleaqlng, callara, attica .starting the n^w school ■x.'vertef for co'al or wood. Kiein’s, ■ At 17m Green "F o r the t s it best in family, four o i th i^ , two baths, knotty pine kitchen, welk-out hold a work meeting at 8 p.m. in RlvSr, Mass., uid Nsney EOsn coints, ^your name, address,., size •1 • r comfortable Room for a gen* adM as and the PATTERN NUM- and yarda. Reaaonable *atn. M. ' ST. LAWRENCE STREET ^ .leionter 8L MI 9-7266. . ' , Open homes call the R. F. Dtfoodc Oo." extra lot, hear school, Parkade. baaement Larg* lot $18,600. Maeauley, 28 Ando; Rd., Juha M, desired,' and the pattern number HOLLU^CEB 8TBEET 10 a.m.4 p.nu 7:10 p.m.-9 p.m. Ueman. Private ehtrance, patk- Maple St school. Stapt tp ANNE CABOT THE A M. Rubblab Ramoval. Ml. year next Sept, Please MI 94246, MI 9-6818. Steam heat,, copper plumbing, city F. Dimock 0>., MI 94348, MI- ■VFHiV AuxiUary will hold n gro­ South MeUiodist carareh. , to SUE BURNETT, m : MAN­ ONE 45 FT. extension double pul­ , tag. CaU MI $4905. ' 9-6818. - .- MANCHESTER EVENING HER­ •'•W7. water, treea. $14,500. . Tel BU cery Siocial at the home o f Miaa Fetsr Paul Fultz, 184 BqUard CHESTER EVENING HERALD, write^ or call Supt. of ley ladder, one pair trestles, three NINE-PIECE Dining Room TWO FAMILY DUPLEX. 4-4. ]Oo 9-0564 or MI 941U. St..'aAd Bsvwrly Jsan Waltais, 14t A LD . .IIU .AVR. .AMERICAS, IIM AVE.------, iron ladder bricketa. 90 £. Gsh- Spinet type desk. Cheap. R IR IN ^ Biislpees Woman with vsBlent location, fenced In yar BOLTON — Water front Third Benilce Blotnlakl, -224 W. Main HBtv YORK ii, H. y. NEWf^jiicRCTE WORK-Floora. Utm/. Autumn SL, Jun* $. Osotsf Oon- YORK $6. N. porchea, patios, etc. Ehcpeniy \ ter St. Q-2172. boot oqqsHIaiv DUPLEX. 84. central Iccatlon, Lake. FunUahed ‘winterized cot­ S t. At 7:30 p.m. I tt'a rmdjr! Hik 1957 Needlework Basic Fashion^ Spring A Sum- Schools, phone MI.8>1597. ia in! tage. Suitable fpr small family. The (Jhureh Oouncit of .First gvagatlonal Cbnrch- done. CaU PI 2-6633. able caah required, $14,900. C|idl new loll burner, copper tubing, Robsrt Rtohardson. 2011 ; AXjBUM-—fUty-4U colorful fner '57 will d ht you with l|a • THE |L F. rooip to wlneali or A. R. WOkle ant) Oo.. Raaltors, novelqr siding, good monthly in- Immediate occupancy. ; Priced Bvangellcnl Luthersn Church wUl lehewteg auuiy\ pnRy dealgns; Wealth o f aim ,' aaay to sew and Ji»l what you may _ jUZE CRIB and MaUreas,] IQERATOR, good BeSenaees com s, $UJ)00. CsU M I 9-$878 riik t. $5,000. Phan* 1 0 A-78M, m w t a t 7 :8 0 P-Ki- At th* chuTch, St. and M ari^ FMito. •$ : DICX’S' nfEATHERETtUP ' ■■'■I- iTEL. MI IM245 \ ' MI •4849,^ MI S48M. Msmlter #iee dlrectiem fhr nuking 3 ern- styles; apedal ti .turfa; gift jiat- p m , doora and windows. cuWan ‘gaby's ear M . MIOMSMw I O, a/e• B fu ia a . MuiclMMer MLB: - Altar 8 p.m . I A g e n t' . , to ^ foUowed hr th* rsgular SL. Jana 18^ luiYA'avaiiai^ie. . After Hours Phon^RlCHARD DDfOCK MI 9-4093 oY JOSEPH A W F O ^ IU 9^18 \ X' . a^ qnUtTvabr » c tem printed Inside the hook, h^.^gnarantaad^ Call ML iS p L Hi for ft now—Just cfntst. ' afUr 8 p.m.

' ' • • ' —_____i_ -+■ 4 - ' 4 l W ^ ■{■% * ^*. .. ’ *f'. i‘ ', • r ■ ' r' 5 , .'*,: . : ■ • . •■ - 'f ' ', ' ; >;•■ , ■■ * •, ;< •* ------„ ■" r-( 1 - J •' -t .';. ■ '• ;.-* ■' i ' •*,• ,• " '”'■ ^ «' ‘ wm-. - '.V /.' 'V'^. »» : r., - •••' ;.• ■' ft. , /‘ «s r . • » ' ... i ; ■:'. ; ' . " . - i ^ * 5 . ’V . ; ^ . f V -.;. . .-i . . • , • • '1 I., r >’•. ,1. • 1 . - K, • - . 1 V . , ■ ' \ , 't - V*. . ■ , ■ ■ ■■■ r j ,■^■ A -TUESDAY, AJNE 4,19B7 PAGE SIXTEEN ' Average Daily Net tress Run ' ' » ■ ‘ ^ MmxiyvAh lEtottlttQ IS^ralh .j For the W’eek Ended 71m Weather ------\---- »— /; June 1, li57 •f U. S. Weather I r ^ouUi Deerfield, Msss., the Rev. Partly Woody, eool. a g a ^ •»- John H. Oogolakl of Union. Qty, ‘ 12,1584 Might. Dow areond M. ‘nuraday, AboiitTown 47 Confirmed Conn., the Rev.. Stanley Pod- 8th District j Russell Stover cloudy, ohaaee o f acatterad allow- gomy of .Lawrence, Mass., the Member e f the Addit era la afternoon or crventaif. High T b « monthly HMUnjr of t|>e, Rev. 'Valentine Grabek of Lynn. CANDIES Bureau of Circulatioa In mid 70s. BritUh American Club will be held The wedding of hysa Gwendolyn^ At St. John’s Mass.,, the Rev. Augustine Krauze Sleeting Set Mancheiter-—‘A City of Village Charm tonitrU at 8 o’clock. The annual Margaret Glenney, Coventry,; of Hartford,, the Rev. Francis Ka- $ 1 . 3 5 Lb. Ajkl Up club OTting will b ' held June 30 at da;ughter. o f Mrs. Christopher: The Most Rfv. Joseph Soltyslsk. mlnsld of Ndrthamp-won, Mass., the The annual meeting of the the Garden Grove, Glenney and the late Mr. Glenney, Bishop of Manchester, N. H., con­ Rev. ^addeus Korieja of Lowell, Eighth Utilities District will be i yOL. LXXVI, NO. 209 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE B, 1957 (Olaaalflad AdrartWag aa Page M ) firmed a class of 47 Sunday at St. Exclm ive in ?• PRICE PIVB CENTS and James. Parker Keller, son of| Mass.,' the 'Rey. Walter Hyszko of held on June 22 at the Hollister ' Mlaa Joeephihe A. Handley, Capt. (retired) and Mrs. Walter; John’8 National Catholic (Jhurch, Fall River, Maas., the. Rey. Francis Itfunchester at daughter of Mr. and Mra, Joeeph S. Keller, U.SJf., (Coventry, waai making his first pastoral v im to Szczesny of New Bedford, Mass.; Street School according to Leon | L. Handley, 385 S. Main St., la a held at 4 o’clock Sati/rday after-, the local church. and the Rev. • Donald"-Kent of Thorp," president. ’Thorp h*s set no | candidate lor the aaaoclate in arts noon' In the South Methbdlat He was aa>e' of s / Tohn’s *^rish^°wa«'^ m»«f or Carnations by Jocal florists. As I PACKA6E STORE t t y an American soldier on homicide charges brought on a rontiitiie the state gasoline tax at' Gloria Holbrook. bride, was matron of honor; rhomoJir, I the moment of conflrmaUon ap- 6 cents a gallon until July 1, 1959. Bridesmaid vcere Mrs. Francis R. Senate iiiveBtigation today along with promise of more to It waa due to drop to 4 cents July Membera of the -Town and Coun­ C^tallo, WolIas'tbn,-Masa„ college The ch^?ge to the Confirmation i ? o X m e d T to o rb e ? o rV l'il"y ,S , n' i come. Chairman Ervin (D-NC) summoned the Defense I, 1958. try Group of the Unlveraity of lass was given by the Rev. Albert I Bishop, j OPEN EVERYUY classmate; Misa I^m ela J. Glcn- .‘krka of Westfield, Mass, The j *’> sponsors. Henry i Dept. counsel^_ Robert-Dechert, be­ The measure passed the Senate Connecticut Extenalon Service are ney, Coventry, niece Of the bride; fore a closed fneeting Of an Armed ■only after it barely got through .purged to,, attend the meeting to­ ■conflrm4Ads were presentod to the" F*^*^,** ^ *^0*1** i DEVELOPING 8A.Mc9PJi. and Miss Prudence-A. Wood. Vern­ Bishop pastor ofaf St. John’s | * , ^Tayer. ai.St. jonnsJohn s acmorSenior | Services subcommittee to deter- the House of Representatives by a night at 8 o’clock at the home of on, cousin of the bride. ‘Flpwer mine “ If the fat-t.s justified the ac-1 vote of 99 to 96. Mrs. Shirley Nackowski. 206 Church, the'-eltev. Stephen S. 1 directed by Mra. Clara girls wepe Miss Kristine Gleniley, Sttyjcwskl. DuBali I Pl*nty of Cold Boor tion taken.” ' , 1 A fter the Senate pas.sed it unani-1 Ribicoff Upset Hackmatack St. The subject of Coventry, and Mias Janet Glenney, Pays Tribute to Pastor As the Diocesan spiritusl leader , AT ALL nME.S ' And Sen. Flanders (R-Vtk-; his ; mously and -without debate. Gov. the meeting will be program plan­ Detroit, Mich,, nieces of the bride. was led from the church by tlie I colleague on the 2-meipber sub-! Abraham A. Ribicoff, a Demo-! Bulganin Says Reds ning a a* 1V I G 11 regular meeting tomorrow night Ensign Robert M. Keller of Coven­ Specialist 3.C. William C. Girard, the bill’s opponents-on the State ! -R- J, Jl C Cl a 111 S J L l l l l at 8 o’clock at the VFW Home. service a t'th e local chiircli. amd ®h«J‘6 0hjEut, daughter of Mr,and Highway Dept, and its oommis-, Set for Arms Accord try, brother of the bridegroom; praised the organizations of StTi „r®- Walter Obzut, 16 Phelps \fUpAJ Snapakii A A kap of Ottowa-LaSaile, 111., faces a Robert Vlsny, Coventry; the Rev. sioner, Newman Argraves. The de- _ , , ir j Mary C. Keeney Tynt, No. 14, John's and (he parish as a whole - " ’h<* presented him witli a Japanese trial on a charge of kill­ partment favored continuing the o ta le LapitOl, rlartioru, Hldward White of New York City, ing a Japanese woman, Mrs. Naka DUVOW, will meet this evening at for their splendid cooperation with bouquet of red and white carna- | ^ e tn u fs w e a iqot tax. June 5 (4*>— The House, dis- and Seth Newt'on, 'also of New their pastor. Father Stryjewski in tions and - recited a suitable verse j Bakai, 46, last Jan. 30. Girard waa Geneva, Switzerland, June 5 (/P)— Soviet Premier'Nikolai 8 o’clock with Mrs. Maude Shearer, York a ty . DonaMson i.«ads .\ttack regarding the recommenda- 161 North Main St. turn voiced his appreciation, ‘ he n am e^f the Confirmation charged with ahooting her while Bulganin said today the Soviet Union is prepiarH to conclude ^ The bride was attired In a floor- thanking the Bishop and the'clergy Class. ■ | Uuinn’s attempting ■ to chase scavengers | J, ?;’ ‘I’' le.dar- “a general agreement on tlie whole problem of disarmament^*^'" length white sUk tissue taffeta Mrs. and Mrs. Charle.* Buckley for their presence, their devotion ' Mrs. Rosalie Grzyb and. Mrs. I away from an Array firing range. i contended the tax was unnecessary 1 ship, voted todaj b.\ the nar- i as well as on any of the sefmrate aspects of this prohlem. of Ridgewood, N. J„ formerly of gown, fashioned^wlth fitted bodice, and consideration. He also thanked Mary Kaezmareyk donated hand ; The decision to .let- Japanese because, they said, the Highway rowest possible margin to neckline edged/in heirloom lace Pharm aiy In an unprecedented personal message read on thQ opening this town were weekend .guests of the lay people for the time antf ef-1 made, articles for use during divine j eourls try, Sirsrd was announced j Dept. wa-V operating under a sm- S' from the bridegroom’s mother’s override Gov. Ribicoff veto day of the annual confereitce of the International I adot O r­ Mrs. and Mrs. Charles J. Strick­ fort gi-ven to their church. i services, and Chester Grabowski F t l . M C - y j n z i Jointly yesterday by Secretary of family, bouffant skirt.' chapel train Also present in the sanctuary i planted evergreen shnibbery be- of a hill he said would vfreaken ganization. Bulganin repeated previous Rusaian demands for land, 168 Main St. 1-- n V State Dulles and Secretaiy of De­ was 850 million. ,v. r- 1 and long aleeves. She wore the were: The Rev; Joseph Allen of fore the church. fense Wilson. , Proponents replied that the d e-] ‘ he firea rm a laws, “peaceful rollalmration and friehdly relations’.’ amoiig ^ na­ Illusion veil with embroidered de- j Approved by Ike partment had a cash balance and The roll call on the measure was Mrs. Edward S. Dik. 137 Henry tail at the corners w’hich was . . . ll.r, 1J4 tions. ' 8t., and Mrs. Allan S. TaylOr, 56 I ■ White HSiise press secretary not a surplus. They said the money , worn by her mother at her wed­ Fred T. James C. Hagerty said 4hat "cer­ in the department was already: The bill still could be killed.'If Henry St, attended the reunion of ding. Her headpiece u-as of pearls . their class at M t Holyoke College Baker tainly” President Eisenhower had committed to certain projects. j the Senate votes to sustain the ^ ^ ’'Rshington, June 5 (/P)— President-Eisenhpwer said today and heirloom lace, and she carried veto. the past weekend. About appi-oved of the decision. To drop the 2 cents from the he ivoiridfavor a complete ban on testing of atomic weapons a-Bible rvith rose corsage and In addition to the 2-man Senate tax in 1958. they said, would mean- ' Alajority leader Frederick stresmera. — if there"oould be total and complete disarmament. This Bubcommittee, the House Foreign the department would have to ■Jr. (R-Fairfie!dl and chairman The Brotherhood of Emanuel 'The matron of honor and brides­ Ei8enho\ver"said he would like to allay world wide anxiety liitheran Church will hold its. an­ Question Affairs Committee set a June 13 postpone or drop completely some Robert August (R-Avoni of the maids woire pink tgffeta floor- ‘ * .and Mmii, bring bona some i General I.rfiw Committee both ar-« over fallout radiatwii. * ' ------of Ita highway projects. This, how­ nual ladies’ night program, Fri­ lengthe gowns, mode ‘with fitted | meeting to look into the Girard But Eisenhower went op.yo say _ _ ^ day errdning, June 7. ., My neighbor sa.\'.s , he case. And a Senate Constitutional ever, would not have included the gued that the bill is a good one, bodices, full skirts with panels'of but they iald the veto should b* at a news conference that>..the i 1 1^ a A ipea l-tx'k-rbA deeper ptnk in back, and cummer­ woukin’t think of taking a Rights subcommittee under Sen. WTLUAM C. GIRARD (Continued on Fage Keven) sustained, nevertheless. United States never could Join IiK