Hale's Will Give You W

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Hale's Will Give You W •r >•- V'*.. ■ ■ . ‘i " V / ' V-," ■^. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1967 ri i-t ■V. Arfrage Daily Net Press Run PAGlfi Tid the Week Ended ' V \ ilianrliratifr lEwtiittgilimUi ■ . '\ . - The W i t h e r ■\ /-^Jone 1. 1857 Foreeaatr mt V . 8. Vfeether ! N The annual family picnic, apon- Hie Weslev and Reynolds Circles Ladies Will Hiear 12,584 Variable eloadlneea, Uttle liilMee sored by the Waddell School PTA, of the Souih'MethodiSt Church will tonight. Lew aroond 59. Wedwee AboutTown /•r /|n« food. ..tOmemkor Ktd Cmier Member of the Audit will be held Wednesday from 6 to meet In a body tonight at 7:30 iat^ day fair, aemewhat cooler. High 7:30 p.m. on the achool grounds. the Holmes Funeral Home^to pay’ Noted Traveler Bureau of CirenUUon near 70. Mrs. John Fischer and Mrs. Hot dogs 0 d sods will be oh sale.’ tribute to Miss Esther Goi^on, a Manchester—!-^A City of'Village Charm ■ C. Frey o f 59 and 51 Bridge Coffee will be fumiahed w d each ni^mber of both circles. Mothera of the past three con­ cUvely. *ave a party Fri- school child will be given a free/ firmation ^aaes of Center Con­ bottle of soda. In case of rain, the' ’ The Army and Navy Club Aux­ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 208 iM in honor of tjjelr sis­ gregational Church have been in­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1957 ter, M(i>. uMn FtiilUps df Okano- picnic udll be held Thursday night iliary' will l\oid a kitchen socisl at tClaesifled Advertising on Page 14)- PRICE FiVE CENTS 8 vited to a coffee hour tomorrow gvt. Was B^who Is spendlny a the club Wednesday night at 8:30. month with thm. It U her first The Willing Workers Circle of Refreshments will be served. A at 7 p.m. In W oodm ff hall. visit to Man<^Mtw, although she the WaCS of the South MethodUt setback p,arty will be ^eld at the Tlte Rev. Clifford '6. Simpaon, RESTAURANT Students Stir Girls' Jias traviled «ctenslV^y. She made Church will meet W^edneadsy at 2 club tonight at 4:30. mlnlater, will meet with them to the trip by airplane 0 4 plans to p.m. in the ladies poiiob. Hostesses iscusa plana fob meetings of the and COCKTAIL LOUNGE The regular meeting of the Sal­ .And Police Force return more leisurely. will be Nonnle JHilding. Carolyn clMtee that are scheduled to start Lun^ Cancer Deaths routes HA and 6, bolton, cohh.^ teL Mltekelt^ 9--AM5 Clegg and Jennie Van Haverbeke. vation Army Home League-will be nexV^Ml. Flection of offledrs, 0 d selection held at 2 o'clock tomorrow after­ Thesexecutive committees of- the OPEN" TUESDAY thni SATUBDAY 4:00 P.M. to 1:00 AM. New Britain. June 4 i,p. Police j of delegates u d alternates to th Lady Roberts Lodge will. meet noon at the Citadel. Hostesses will three past classes have met .and SUNDAYS.US:00 NOON to 940 P.5I. (Cloaed Monday) I said about^25 male students at live j a n be Mrs. Minnie .Morrison, Mrs. u.s. Department convention, will be orrow night et 7:30 at the approvedXrf atarting poat-Confir,- BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE . I State Teachers College here among the Items of business to be honibvOf Mrs. Clara Hemingway. Annie Nicklen and Mrs. Margaret mation atu<|y groups that will EDDY “Velvet Touch” BEED At the Plano Nightly ' launched a pre-dawn foray on the ' acted upon at the meeting of the 85 Surhimt St. Therrlen. gather fob supper meetings ap- er for Smokers I girls dormitory to “stir the girls : American L<egion Auxiliary tomor­ f - V proxlnfately pn^^a month. ; up a bit.” I row at 5 p.m. in the Amei1 c0 Le­ The sewingsiprwup of Temple The Ladies Aid Society of the Hostesses 'for coffee hour Police arrest, f 15 of the men gion Home. Chapter, No. <3. OES, will meet Buckingham Congregational are Mrs. Gilbert C. Barnes and I .students, who did little more than Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at Church will hold its annual meet­ Mrs. Charles R. B a x ^ Jr. I rattle windows and doors, MMchester Lodge, No. 73 AF the home of Mfs. Robert Rich­ ing with election of officers Thnm»ji Studio Photo ‘rhpmoii Studio Photo ; Smoking Also j Police Sgt. Clifford J. Willis, who j Conatance M.NUoriarty , THERE'S SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN 0 d AM, will hold a special meet­ mond. 33 Liliey St. Wednesday. It will be preceded by Geraldine M, Rohan I led a squad of 10 policemen to the ing at the Masonic Temple to­ a politick supper at 6:30 p.m. AND HALE'S H A S IT! ' .school, said about 10 .students ! morrow night at 7:30. The Entered Manchester Emblem ClubNNo. / Graduate from Nursing Schbql Christine Piidvdti Boosts Fatal I escaped. He quoted one student as 251, will meet In Tinker H ill aa.vlng.the object of the raid was ■Apprentice degree will be conferred The June meeting of the Ladies MIm Geraldine1/Aln A ■ ^-1L4 Rohan and m i — - . ■ ■ Wednesday nigbt at S'*o'clock. A Guest at Show^ to stir up the gtrls. with Junior Warden Hayden L Aid Society of the Concordia Miss Conatanee M. Moriarty, ..dents In the Immaculate Ca Heart Attacks Griswold Jr. in charge of the de­ social hour "'iib refreshments will Lutheran Church will be held to- tlon Chijrch, after a week of He said the.v carried burlap bags. Fast Tax Cut be held after the meeting. daughter o f Mr. and Mr*. Charles gree work. A t the conclusion of the morrow.,^night at 7:30. The pastor, Rohan.' 38 Gardner St., and Mr. and cial aehlor activities, including Mias Christine Pudvah, 31 Lenox 1 ! containing fo.ir live chickens and Spurs Cry a number of live frogs. The atu- meeting there will be a social hour the R e ^ Erich O. Brandt, will Mra. Matthew Moriarty, 131 Park schpPl banquet, a day of recollec- was guest of honor Friday eve- By ALTON BLAKESLOgE I ! dents apparentl.y Intended to lq,t- Not Justified, aM refreshments. ' Mystic Re\iew. No. 2, Women's apeak on theLutheran World Fed­ St:, graduated yeaterday from St. tioh. and class day awarding of at a miscellaneous bridal - New York. June 4 (fP)— eration. A ssem :yj;_Jo_^ held in I the animals loo.se in the dormitory'. Benefit Assn., -will meet tomorrow Mary'a Hospital Sjhool of Nursing, black - banded graduate nurses’ j shpwcK given by Mrs. William T. Men who smoke cigarettes are_ at 7.30 p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall. Minneapolis this summer. The film, exercls* caps and scholastic and merit .J which liOused about 200 glrhr-------- Waterbury. ^aduation Davis and friends at the home 10 times more likel.v to die The frogs escaped but police Pf^4^e-rs-Told i Of Protest Mrs. Julia Rswson and Mrs. Grace “ Fruit of the Living'Word,'' will be a class of 49^ achievement honors. I Y'ere held JOr t of Mrs. Cdnratl Rothhammer, 61$ of lung cancer than non- j rounded up the chickens, and the,v GENERAL Howlsnd are .,co-chairmen of the shown. Moste.saes for the evening W. Middle Tpi^. refreshment committee. were locked in the padded cell at are:. Mrs. Michael Haberern. Mrs. The Immaculate Conception About 25;5 gtieguests w(vere present. smokers, the American Can-1 Washington. June 4 (JP)— Charles Haid. Mrs. Lillian Helm, The Stanley Circle of tbe South I the jail. The students occupied or- In Congress Mother* Qrcle will meet Wednes­ I Decorations were^nk, white and cer Society reported today. ' TV SERVICE Regina D'ltalia Society will hold Methodist Chtirch will hold its I dinary. cellsi . j There is still '"zip" in the na­ Mrs. Pearl Helm and Mrs. Fn«d day night at 8 o ’clock at the home i green. The bHde-H«ct ^received It finds the lung cancer death Days M A C A O an its monthly meeting this evening June meeting in th^fbrm of a pot- tion's economy—ljut not suf­ Hope. of Mrs. Bert Gay, 138 Parker St. I many gifts. Refreshments were rate 1.000 per cent higher in smok­ Mights # 2 s9 9 Phis Parts at 7:30 at the Italian American luck lupper at 6:35 tomorrow night ficient to warrant hastv in- Washington, June 4 (fP)— at the home of Mr*. Mildred VVal­ I served by the hostesses, the cen- er* than among non-smokers. TEL. MI S-5tn Club. This will be the final mejet- The meeting of Orford Parish : terpiece a cake made In the form , Smoking also bcosts the chances come ta.\ vecluction. | The United States surren­ Ing until September. A social time ley, 20 Academy St. Our Lady of the Most Holy Dave Beck Jr. This was the virtiiallv unani­ Chapter, DAR, scheduled for Rosary Mothera Circle will meet : of a doll. of fatal heart attacks by 70 per dered to Japanese pressure with refreshments will follow the mous opinion of e-«jnoniist.s and , Thursday at the summer home of y ' ' ’ ' at the home of Mra. Francis Char- Miss Pudvah will be married to cent, the soc.ety said. today and agreed to turn over business session. Mrs. William Thresher, Lord's Member* df Sunset Council. No. bu.sines.smen whose te.slirr.ony yen- j tier. 59 Winter St., at 8 p.m.
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    ATRAYU (IRE) Bay gelding Foaled 2013 (SIRE) JEREMY ....................Danehill Dancer (Ire) ...... Danehill (USA).............by Danzig ................. Mira Adonde...............by Sharpen Up................ Glint in Her Eye............... Arazi ............................... by Blushing Groom ......... Wind in Her Hair............. by Alzao (USA)................ (DAM) FEIS CEOIL.................. Key of Luck.................... Chief's Crown ................. by Danzig ...................... 2007 Balbonella....................... by Gay Mecene ............... Street Opera .................Sadler's Wells ................. by Northern Dancer ........ One Way Street.............. by Habitat ....................... JEREMY (USA) (Bay or Brown 2003-Stud 2008). 4 wins-1 at 2-from 6f to 1m, Sandown Mile S., Gr.2. Sire of 238 rnrs, 122 wnrs, inc. SW Kool Kompany (Curragh Railway S., Gr.2), Baino Hope, Yellow Rosebud, Success Days, Queen Blossom, Jeremiah, Pearl of Africa, SP Jeremy's Legacy, Princess Sinead, Rioca, Cristal Fashion, Pentagram, Vijay Viraaj, Freedom Reigns and of Jeremys Joy, Who Dares Wins, Dragon Fei, Gabrial's Kaka, Goodwood Mirage, etc. 1st Dam FEIS CEOIL, by Key of Luck. Winner at 7f, 3d Curragh Keadeen Hotel S. Halfsister to STRETAREZ, STREET SHAANA, Street Kendra (dam of SILAS MARNER). Dam of 1 named foal, 1 to race- Atrayu (g by Jeremy) See below. 2nd Dam STREET OPERA, by Sadler's Wells. Winner at 1¾m. Half-sister to GRAPE TREE ROAD, RED ROUTE, WINDSOR CASTLE, Good Surprise, Souffle, Olympic Way (dam of ARIKANA), Ombrie (dam of WATAR). Dam of 13 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, inc:- STRETAREZ (c Saumarez) 8 wins from 2400m to 3100m, £144,957, Longchamp Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Gr.2, Chester Ormonde S., Gr.3, Longchamp Prix de Barbeville, Gr.3, Saint-Cloud Prix Right Royal, L, Grand Prix de la Ville de Nantes, L, Deauville Prix Vulcain, L.
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