ARMS!! "''Xt-,,,- Snaa, En, and 7S Cant-- ; Plipoi Tion "Mr
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aaasanssaa. Blt.UA.BP 90D- - rirrfirr n' rrari 1 1. C. ptV lain.! 0 HICAKAOVA, A0THta T0CAMr;!T lo D1EJJ. BAHVkV, K n i Jk CWinrJj9 THE BEUI SllMJI.bTOX ii bainrdty sequence of the intercut n;auirsleil by the li eite.on lrl!w i. -- ' if.'. 1301. BpringGoocls! 18fil. rAr3ia..v, city oa etxL A traveler ia Nicaragua,- while recently SSI W.VlCk,! '..'; j. " i . public In the contests which look place. In Hla fanerat will taV pis afternoon, at 3 Saib Bentotmt passing through the village of Pueblo Tr.aT Kani's Akctic Vovaue. Ths price cf New York Ci'y last the professors of lock, from the rrstdmro w " C. Ptudall, Kaq, ou PRATHER & General MiiaWau Jfir, BARGAINS Spring Goods! SIMRALL, discovered a lelio of ,ventll atrcrl, Kilnda uud af- admission ta tkia fplenlil cibibilioa Lit ibis S'.ieuce have deler mine d to hold an B Lamar, ae Ain.iioiu Miuister to that Hceaarv ret. trull i wHwl a't nd. rvniiiiB beem reduced to j ccnii for lie remaining annual nueiin?, to be t .lle I She National limit in it country, in ihe form of a poetical etIu;ion, - GENERAL INSURANCE HATtTET. ETJOSES A CO. three nights. Billiard Tourc&imtit Tha first of these Palmer's Vegetable Cosmetic JLo- AGENTS. dedicated to the Wile of a j.utjJu the 11 about gin tioo. OAm-E- m aAda Third HuMt, ImnMil Msgoflia U tLe t tbe tik i iu thtitci'y thlu ia city, "Daughter if Mcj!vI" Some cf the I hai i : tiuuisii a tu&K'.ii nam lorth In Die PGot. ning of June, and will be cpen to ail BARGAINS hue, wma, m j Inda of Ui tfcoaunila that ar a ituilalod with lu biii Gait House. terets r"nii;. 1 occ cf T..m Moore : store, h, mzglSi proiuioeut player on this ronUucnt. It Ha, or h,v npirlmcfj It wonderful etllcicy lu i ' m tiljl;tlni!tf. IT. I F. Murlr, wbo Wis bound for Un.l to m. weeks, and will probably be euro of every klna ol dtsfa of tha akin whether fMT. uuruili. lv tin- Ijniiail-- will last two Uie en ETNA faro, hand, or olhf r pa:t of the tody It con INSURANCE COUTAH Y, .APRIL It. PMaeatCoIaV aaJ glory, w.s la&eu into custody Ai.J IrliJ uiir S Hall. The chief priie being OASU ASSKTg cf Hartfori. CaBB ld. t! rvm f Hi- - iin uiimi't", held in Irvirg found tha Doctors, nrpilM everybody, and reloleea tJ KUlUCK cur atm-- of yesterday afternoon by P.pulj Marshal Tlmll m in. nivK-i- i ihe contest rt of all thoM! Uij.1 suu lu need and will make NORTH AMERICAN 3J dlallluU'l i:t .I'Ml . fxptttid your CASH capital and uKPLt.s...."ZZza"gAJCxrirn of HartfortL Coaa. Jones on a chirg-- of obiiiuinj Lonse and O' HI lUf a I'l r COfoLi'l. ui of lis great vlrtuei. Have you I'lniulos ou will be the most exciiiag and interesting NT FT! PT A T - -- U4leXl Ilir aauttiU ol l;uo tliim with a ltuo clolh dampened ullli the rf)r PIPV TrrT buggy under false pretenses. place in Europe liquid, cash ' J s WSLfXSx. of US HuK l.rllliai.t Utlif mormi that has ever taken cither one or talce a Joy, and tl'ey wl'l quickly dlaap. IIH ihii. Nw Tort MEETINGAt - - I , - I ,r trl.On pfur. liuve you tetter your f A appll- - Mi AMERICAN The citizens of Paris, ou alulo EXCHANGE ruraTrr, . A rumor lias obtained D. ul b or this oountry. Oil! nm vnn that Capt. lulil E 1 1 tatloo K ill ,iup tu kurulna ud Itching, which ta ao casii aiwki r, of Emw York COURT-HOUS- New York, Philadelphia, Oiueinuali, 2.18 C. was raising a company far service ilul lor 11.. i l lliri; II .lit, onneiit'iiK, auj lJ r.l commence heallnu lu II. Dn G1RARD LIFE STJRAN ANNuHyA lor r .l.l.l. Milwaukee, Montreal and Syracuse, will be ainrfl day. Smh la likwls 1U liappy effect lo the We have or the I AK.IK.-- and BEST ASSOKf . under the Federal Government. Of course i ii !. tli.-- all la uitlit, lnd a Mem iu t louu.l In II, e Uowda Oeeu e, - of evory kind of cutaneous dnu:aa. tliy. tur liave People Louis-Till- Tbt- Oauuiiir ol represented ly the following players: . purcliaaed lot 248 OASa A Keetiie of the of he is doing ndthing of tbt eor(; be is for and Price muw I'ALMKK. I'roiwletor, iiwrr. Phelan, Kavanagh, White, No. ! Wool r.Mirtb Ohio. with Kentucky. wait in Louisiana Messrs. Uerger, trH. I'W.clniiall. ia Requested at the lie born rcrilein Lonuviila by HAiUiiNU A TVLKH jrrnnaurrartf a Tiemann, Deering, hy niiti Determined to Sell Aoauadn to mkei and i Southern to tbe core Andrew Stark, Ljuch, briueiflu Rerieruiiy. .leo.lAwenw Them fud louultti? Au.l t'aw is ..Vr lull u.l .It 11. Seeriter, Le Brun, Bird, Victor Esiephe, FOUR COURT-HOUS- E, 1 m houu.ui.fc ! ili! younx Mi lli KENTUCmAKS, TO ! AT Pit ICES THAT WILL tilVK Wo. 248 lYIarkst Street, MJUICN DCILAHS! publish as a part of the news TIj ' l j'b ARHS " SuWe this rro l'.uht an ooa will Fox, Owen and Dion, besides others whese PBOMPTLf ADJUST BO AN Mu.luzs. I aniMNT I.ic'-j- ly lili Aijillliou hordes. PAID H1BB. 18th. at is uaun liter ol Uacou. Tbia rvwnitig. ThtU"dyf the cf the day. It aulhentio: names have not yet been received. aHeniptliig people. Satisfaction to No. 248 Market Street, Vliat. tbmvlt wi meet do more, to ut Jugate Uia Southern Our Customers! sc 1 Loinviix, Kr., ApiiilT, leei., tlH.utli soon we 'v has contributed so brolhrcu o! tu South yit'l Lee-- help to rep-- l the OPFIOl -- Ha. tut MAIN PHATaxn ux&ir Half-pa- st Mr. Phelan, who We all peraons BTRtrr. OTBB WJUOH all, Arnt. Seven 6'Clock, I ielegrapbed to tbe Al'.oruey General, T,,v fcirni will d:ii like lui.ra'.u llit. Invite in want of Gocdj In our Una to BETWEEN BROOK AND FLOYD! prBB. PlSdlytTM to theelevaiion of this game in the J. iJnjmin, requesting the .t largely Ttio wh wish to fiiikt for Rlhti and J. K. EilYiiT. rreaeat Ci3Ulon of I. lbt 8.uthn - W.T.LKWId. Colder the 1 amusements, offers a very handsome la form- - EXAMIN1- BETWEEN BROOK ! ! which hnve organized ahould le rank of Southern honor can Julu a resliueut which niw OUR STOCK! AND FLOYD MEDIOAIa. Otr Rational Attalrt, and Partic crilered South, to aid in the defence of (hone pre to the professional player vho shall J. R. EMMIT & CO. 's App'y Hall, Mar-- S.a'es, which may be iovawsd by air. viz: one of his at the rendezvous Concert between SIGN larlj the Botj or kentactf be considered victorious nd Jurternon MAMMOTH northern nivrraiioiis. In return I To Advertiteri. street. S. Barker & Co., yolLD ANX.lfNi g T TH MR EVERYBODY USIS IT! tables, valued r.ou, In to embark in the 90 la Ue Present (r'.sls. have the following answer from him. The Evening News, though recently com bevi finished carom billiard Ihe toiibiiy, who wUh th .. .h'li"".""1''are!l2"' '' ""rally.tual. e, will a t tress mo at this p.i'uu SIGN MAMMOTH ne not MoMoauai. Aprtt 17. at $1,100. Ihe other prizes will consist cf t bu, Pl menced, is an excellent medium to the AIXt:V, I.iuNvllle, Ky. 317 Fourth Street, ha .uonasraliun, aud :llopn EVERYBODY'S FRIEND Col. B. lu'scm : becreiarj cannot orl. r of JOHN money, in proportion to the merits the Tiie lu a fcw days. I.OlI'.VILl.r., KV. 13 G b at this moment, l'erhaps your public From its initial cumber its circu rrlinent will leave THS EXCISE GOV. LIXOJT. JAMES GwTHRIE, vcu u'h such aruoubls as the h s performers, and in On btst plan is to U.i gmf Goiertor of Louis. lation has been eeveral thousand copie-- HOOP SKIRT! Monday, Apiil 15th, wondr-r- per- II A 1.1. is a ui'UaU for Constable, lu PEHRY DAVIS' JTJDGE BTJLLOCK, 5ATHAN-IE- iana to offer you as one of the Louisiana The circulation of the Evening committee shall decide. The VEQgT.ABLX, daily. Ird W at the ensuing resilient fi'.st caiHd lor. lr you do not so recently by Moas. Berger, District, Fifth and Si th JNTo. News by the newsboys alone, at onue formed here y election. ap!7 dte TREMENDOUS Jd.t 02Q, 'WOLFE, choose to do this you will have to wait a gie I SJ-- K of Paris, wcijid lead the public to HOOP O.V P A it place am .ng the juurba's of the city. To W SKIRT! TITE EASTSTDEFO UR TH lilt I. M. M. LTJNCAX is a candidate for Constable In ;hs STREET, ILLER. Meeticg. 3. P. BENJAMIN' there will be no cb inc for the Ameri- i v Ul And the the and trader its columns present that Heuoud ti.iui.L. of lu fhlrd aud H'ourU. ARE NOW KECEIVIViJ EX- - pobdo ko khla aaa other, will AdJre" telegraphed to the Governor of tnTchaat touiiiused lt'H IUIf.Y. PFR Between Market annva4 I have cans if the prince of cues should plaj; at the nsu'.ijr My elccllon.