aaasanssaa. Blt.UA.BP 90D- - rirrfirr n' rrari 1 1. C. ptV lain.! 0 HICAKAOVA, A0THta T0CAMr;!T lo D1EJJ. BAHVkV, K n i Jk CWinrJj9 THE BEUI SllMJI.bTOX ii bainrdty sequence of the intercut n;auirsleil by the li eite.on lrl!w i. -- ' if.'. 1301. BpringGoocls! 18fil. rAr3ia..v, city oa etxL A traveler ia Nicaragua,- while recently SSI W.VlCk,! '..'; j. " i . public In the contests which look place. In Hla fanerat will taV pis afternoon, at 3 Saib Bentotmt passing through the village of Pueblo Tr.aT Kani's Akctic Vovaue. Ths price cf New York Ci'y last the professors of lock, from the rrstdmro w " C. Ptudall, Kaq, ou PRATHER & General MiiaWau Jfir, BARGAINS Spring Goods! SIMRALL, discovered a lelio of ,ventll atrcrl, Kilnda uud af- admission ta tkia fplenlil cibibilioa Lit ibis S'.ieuce have deler mine d to hold an B Lamar, ae Ain.iioiu Miuister to that Hceaarv ret. trull i wHwl a't nd. rvniiiiB beem reduced to j ccnii for lie remaining annual nueiin?, to be t .lle I She National limit in it country, in ihe form of a poetical etIu;ion, - GENERAL INSURANCE HATtTET. ETJOSES A CO. three nights. Billiard Tourc&imtit Tha first of these Palmer's Vegetable Cosmetic JLo- AGENTS. . dedicated to the Wile of a j.utjJu the 11 about gin tioo. OAm-E- m aAda Third HuMt, ImnMil Msgoflia U tLe t tbe tik i iu thtitci'y thlu ia city, "Daughter if Mcj!vI" Some cf the I hai i : tiuuisii a tu&K'.ii nam lorth In Die PGot. ning of June, and will be cpen to ail BARGAINS hue, wma, m j Inda of Ui tfcoaunila that ar a ituilalod with lu biii Gait House. terets r"nii;. 1 occ cf T..m Moore : store, h, mzglSi proiuioeut player on this ronUucnt. It Ha, or h,v npirlmcfj It wonderful etllcicy lu i ' m tiljl;tlni!tf. IT. I F. Murlr, wbo Wis bound for Un.l to m. weeks, and will probably be euro of every klna ol dtsfa of tha akin whether fMT. uuruili. lv tin- Ijniiail-- will last two Uie en ETNA faro, hand, or olhf r pa:t of the tody It con INSURANCE COUTAH Y, .APRIL It. PMaeatCoIaV aaJ glory, w.s la&eu into custody Ai.J IrliJ uiir S Hall. The chief priie being OASU ASSKTg cf Hartfori. CaBB ld. t! rvm f Hi- - iin uiimi't", held in Irvirg found tha Doctors, nrpilM everybody, and reloleea tJ KUlUCK cur atm-- of yesterday afternoon by P.pulj Marshal Tlmll m in. nivK-i- i ihe contest rt of all thoM! Uij.1 suu lu need and will make NORTH AMERICAN 3J dlallluU'l i:t .I'Ml . fxptttid your CASH capital and uKPLt.s...."ZZza"gAJCxrirn of HartfortL Coaa. Jones on a chirg-- of obiiiuinj Lonse and O' HI lUf a I'l r COfoLi'l. ui of lis great vlrtuei. Have you I'lniulos ou will be the most exciiiag and interesting NT FT! PT A T - -- U4leXl Ilir aauttiU ol l;uo tliim with a ltuo clolh dampened ullli the rf)r PIPV TrrT buggy under false pretenses. place in Europe liquid, cash ' J s WSLfXSx. of US HuK l.rllliai.t Utlif mormi that has ever taken cither one or talce a Joy, and tl'ey wl'l quickly dlaap. IIH ihii. Nw Tort MEETINGAt - - I , - I ,r trl.On pfur. liuve you tetter your f A appll- - Mi AMERICAN The citizens of Paris, ou alulo EXCHANGE ruraTrr, . . A rumor lias obtained D. ul b or this oountry. Oil! nm vnn that Capt. lulil E 1 1 tatloo K ill ,iup tu kurulna ud Itching, which ta ao casii aiwki r, of Emw York COURT-HOUS- New York, Philadelphia, Oiueinuali, 2.18 C. was raising a company far service ilul lor 11.. i l lliri; II .lit, onneiit'iiK, auj lJ r.l commence heallnu lu II. Dn G1RARD LIFE STJRAN ANNuHyA lor r .l.l.l. Milwaukee, Montreal and Syracuse, will be ainrfl day. Smh la likwls 1U liappy effect lo the We have or the I AK.IK.-- and BEST ASSOKf . under the Federal Government. Of course i ii !. tli.-- all la uitlit, lnd a Mem iu t louu.l In II, e Uowda Oeeu e, - of evory kind of cutaneous dnu:aa. tliy. tur liave People Louis-Till- Tbt- Oauuiiir ol represented ly the following players: . purcliaaed lot 248 OASa A Keetiie of the of he is doing ndthing of tbt eor(; be is for and Price muw I'ALMKK. I'roiwletor, iiwrr. Phelan, Kavanagh, White, No. ! Wool r.Mirtb Ohio. with . wait in Messrs. Uerger, trH. I'W.clniiall. ia Requested at the lie born rcrilein Lonuviila by HAiUiiNU A TVLKH jrrnnaurrartf a Tiemann, Deering, hy niiti Determined to Sell Aoauadn to mkei and i Southern to tbe core Andrew Stark, Ljuch, briueiflu Rerieruiiy. .leo.lAwenw Them fud louultti? Au.l t'aw is ..Vr lull u.l .It 11. Seeriter, Le Brun, Bird, Victor Esiephe, FOUR COURT-HOUS- E, 1 m houu.ui.fc ! ili! younx Mi lli KENTUCmAKS, TO ! AT Pit ICES THAT WILL tilVK Wo. 248 lYIarkst Street, MJUICN DCILAHS! publish as a part of the news TIj ' l j'b ARHS " SuWe this rro l'.uht an ooa will Fox, Owen and Dion, besides others whese PBOMPTLf ADJUST BO AN Mu.luzs. I aniMNT I.ic'-j- ly lili Aijillliou hordes. PAID H1BB. 18th. at is uaun liter ol Uacou. Tbia rvwnitig. ThtU"dyf the cf the day. It aulhentio: names have not yet been received. aHeniptliig people. Satisfaction to No. 248 Market Street, Vliat. tbmvlt wi meet do more, to ut Jugate Uia Southern Our Customers! sc 1 Loinviix, Kr., ApiiilT, leei., tlH.utli soon we 'v has contributed so brolhrcu o! tu South yit'l Lee-- help to rep-- l the OPFIOl -- Ha. tut MAIN PHATaxn ux&ir Half-pa- st Mr. Phelan, who We all peraons BTRtrr. OTBB WJUOH all, Arnt. Seven 6'Clock, I ielegrapbed to tbe Al'.oruey General, T,,v fcirni will d:ii like lui.ra'.u llit. Invite in want of Gocdj In our Una to BETWEEN BROOK AND FLOYD! prBB. PlSdlytTM to theelevaiion of this game in the J. iJnjmin, requesting the .t largely Ttio wh wish to fiiikt for Rlhti and J. K. EilYiiT. rreaeat Ci3Ulon of I. lbt 8.uthn - W.T.LKWId. Colder the 1 amusements, offers a very handsome la form- - EXAMIN1- BETWEEN BROOK ! ! which hnve organized ahould le rank of Southern honor can Julu a resliueut which niw OUR STOCK! AND FLOYD MEDIOAIa. Otr Rational Attalrt, and Partic crilered South, to aid in the defence of (hone pre to the professional player vho shall J. R. EMMIT & CO. 's App'y Hall, Mar-- S.a'es, which may be iovawsd by air. viz: one of his at the rendezvous Concert between SIGN larlj the Botj or kentactf be considered victorious nd Jurternon MAMMOTH northern nivrraiioiis. In return I To Advertiteri. street. S. Barker & Co., yolLD ANX.lfNi g T TH MR EVERYBODY USIS IT! tables, valued r.ou, In to embark in the 90 la Ue Present (r'.sls. have the following answer from him. The Evening News, though recently com bevi finished carom billiard Ihe toiibiiy, who wUh th .. .h'li"".""1''are!l2"' '' ""rally.tual. e, will a t tress mo at this p.i'uu SIGN MAMMOTH ne not MoMoauai. Aprtt 17. at $1,100. Ihe other prizes will consist cf t bu, Pl menced, is an excellent medium to the AIXt:V, I.iuNvllle, Ky. 317 Fourth Street, ha .uonasraliun, aud :llopn EVERYBODY'S FRIEND Col. B. lu'scm : becreiarj cannot orl. r of JOHN money, in proportion to the merits the Tiie lu a fcw days. I.OlI'.VILl.r., KV. 13 G b at this moment, l'erhaps your public From its initial cumber its circu rrlinent will leave THS EXCISE GOV. LIXOJT. JAMES GwTHRIE, vcu u'h such aruoubls as the h s performers, and in On btst plan is to U.i gmf Goiertor of Louis. lation has been eeveral thousand copie-- HOOP SKIRT! Monday, Apiil 15th, wondr-r- per- II A 1.1. is a ui'UaU for Constable, lu PEHRY DAVIS' JTJDGE BTJLLOCK, 5ATHAN-IE- iana to offer you as one of the Louisiana The circulation of the Evening committee shall decide. The VEQgT.ABLX, daily. Ird W at the ensuing resilient fi'.st caiHd lor. lr you do not so recently by Moas. Berger, District, Fifth and Si th JNTo. News by the newsboys alone, at onue formed here y election. ap!7 dte TREMENDOUS Jd.t 02Q, 'WOLFE, choose to do this you will have to wait a gie I SJ-- K of Paris, wcijid lead the public to HOOP O.V P A it place am .ng the juurba's of the city. To W SKIRT! TITE EASTSTDEFO UR TH lilt I. M. M. LTJNCAX is a candidate for Constable In ;hs STREET, ILLER. Meeticg. 3. P. BENJAMIN' there will be no cb inc for the Ameri- i v Ul And the the and trader its columns present that Heuoud ti.iui.L. of lu fhlrd aud H'ourU. ARE NOW KECEIVIViJ EX- - pobdo ko khla aaa other, will AdJre" telegraphed to the Governor of tnTchaat touiiiused lt'H IUIf.Y. PFR Between Market annva4 I have cans if the prince of cues should plaj; at the nsu'.ijr My elccllon. apis die and Jefferson. Louisiana, nuking hiui to cor my regiment, a fine medium through which to preseut dl.ect from tin imn'.rter-i- . new and Fanllr MeJlclnvv. wl3 fpeaV y but to far from this being the case, wr SACRIFICE !, of the Ute-- l alyi.. all ol wl,h-!- mii be.,.:.l ,u Iu the Hand lately .wcupied MrOfTHC IB E KOI Hades, w. mow aui raUD, Lovell Rousseau so, I at OLce give tiie ufces-ar- their goods and wares. Teira reasonable (..weal b . e d,,cs Ciu Analyzed by Chilton. ie price.. H e harp inmr a in hereltiey he prepared lo ..Her. ""'IU, lUrfa. Ar.le,r rKa.rwT vLTvT n(i understand it is the wish of the Tofes-sio- i..cu1 K.ejda, aaiheyaru pu. ad. Bbelbyrille on Saturday, the 20th. Tbe tuNia!ioa CTS rendfivous Apply at the clerk's desk at Lemocrat office tbat f Dm In ruiu thal. white oilier I've are Onioned tt ir.,m nral h.n.ia, ' aware that OF naciineiitly we avoid the extra p r cen-i- n uauy ere not ot ly jruprittirrs al i.irire.l by Democracy mast tarn eut in force. htrr. Geatleyj that Mens. Berger should be one emcaciooi thrir w, merchant and In rie rio the Confederate State Ilalr-Dy- laternrplea, w ikh warr iril. m to e!l at whole-ial- aa.a 20,Uk) tro.p from Citt Judge Johnston's docket contestants. It was the intetiticn of the C,ilatadoro,8 e r.cea. He luvlie the r,,-;.""; ""aai, t th? particular atteliti.iu of llle lo utjnja.iy a ut-- Dr. u examination of our at. a k. wtre called fer .i:y lew ajr uas rather sruU. McLaue who was charged a prize certiile.1 ly CHILTON, Ihe UI,UuKUi5h:d Chem. FOR CASH ONLY! . promoters of the tournumeul that H.KS: LACE ufXIDS; Affiir-$50,- 000 Appro- - Deneral Davis, can now ucuerutaud wiiy to be ; iCnnicipal Jru&kc≠s and disorderly conduct, 1KKK rltUM MAI Kill ALB, PAKIrl POl'LIN.-l- itDpa'.ieoee. The wiih should bo offered to amateurs, but rinding smwi. than th wtMlr rea.ed.auao-icltlfti.- i urged them to curb their . LAuNtlT,t.J MAM'iLI.Aa ariatsi for the City Intense provis A similar charge against 1. therefore, a ic.f ai It In I)r Chilton has AMI Gevernmont caanot be te was di'ohr.rged. that would be ditfiouH lo delermiue who H'lllPlPEIi, HoU" . epotd it been selected by eltv - 1Lt'" Jule t, UMk'B Couaoi last made an the of New York to analyie the ulNuli;.'-.NAI.Vt.e- , vr10- "C, he General u:tht 20,"00 moment's CH l.l IK- - lK GREAT I ion and supply ito?f lt Margaret Goli wfc ioclinued. Ann Kel!y, should be the without making it ClSOTdN BARGAINS contestants WATER, Ki; IAINF.-- h.'TTT Pain of $iO.000 for the defense of 1 am still convinced that the bast .. ftfronrUtien notice. charced with the same tfenie. was dis- - n of a pool, i rr .riouaced CP.IS'IADOKO'8 DYE a Inocu- ALLY DAMAOSD OY TUB RKCE.NT FIKB. l AKLtlust awua ur-- ivi .Bu"" Sl,r'" Kaioatk-u- tM and be calm. I shall a gambling operation by met hi rARTT u lo be sold be expended under the irctioa pUn is to keep cool ouaaa that water In lis purcil condition. Tmplln? Dress (.ooja n rruii'vUvri; the e?tT The chaigel. Albert Anderson and Ellen Coy, viii-ly ihat such an every Varlet)! tVe the regiment down as a whole. 'fl has teen d&trrmiued Sold icherc and apr lie.1 by all Cv"'UJC- - 11 VPr0Tti ct tL otner i. nnmemm ni5nt;cn-- !l to be I from y l t o,, li of the moaiect tie order is giv:n, will guarantee arresied frr tleiling a gold chain exhibition should cot uVeplae. Toiiii-f- t llilitlAiiJRO, Jiu.s A tor Uoue, N. Y. WITHOUT to COST price lo .uit th. v NEW GOODS! U powder in tbe KSa&RD ' '"' Mayor's puroha" no delay, trom any aurce whatever, Fdwar Mil 448 Miun Mrj. O. IJIW. F. that Edward O'BrUn, were held to bail in the however, those who were acxious to have ler. ttroet, ant 0'l0Ff.l.. ";a';i,r.k'l";r fcball i! Xlrhola. fei Konith ;;ret. Ascnts. ocT OR QUALITY, FROM THE LATE LARGE -m- r.r'Ti.L'S city, about $8,000 be citeritnce sum of and respectively, to ow 1 be aaiietfoiory to aa amateur perform incs, Mr. Thelin office cf ost tbat this will h, mv The ordiuanoe abolieb.ii the A it la our intention to clear our stock ant rely. MEHCIIANT eean lo ty geLtlciaen hare Un Jcrcd me their aid. appear for trinl before the Circuit Court out of his own pocket, offered a premium TAILOR! lec, tbe aui M tn .T.,"!,. Council, and i Mfnw'er n? Caif of Police pasted the waiting for orders, bj of bail. AUCTION SALES Weeyu M The regiment Is Itoth went to jai a i;f"U .Wun to amateurs in the shape of a beautifully TO Mf Call soon for GREAT CAROAIN3 at sow only await Ue signature of the the ScCictary of Wat, and, uu- - e'.'. ilijo (.mnuiil cf derlin Sieinmuler took the anat a,u oi inlaid billiard toble, value! at auihomtd te go by the Governor as Jnished t become law. allegiance to the U. S. LAPP & BROTHER'S, A.7k!1unrBr;'L . ou'w11 Tr$.msa b, wc mil $700. VVjNO dUI RETURN ID FROM KEW The Council meets again on this even- - one cf iORK " -- ndlD8 m II NEWYOEK! a liufc. e -- "wait f ,n Fmsokal The Mootgimery Confedera- A new planet of iht 303 .1, of man, and Another Planet. Fcmrth Street, ot Si. 1. P alnClored Dreea Pldr 'rVi-- haaSbirS tiJ rui ch' ttatvlao. Lip; zki. VVedncs ARMS!! "''xt-,,,- snaa, en, and 7S cant-- ; Plipoi tion "Mr. Bullock, of Kentucky, thirteenth niagnitu Js was discovered Market i' ale, VTiZi Wax and Rumon cf War. it will euaMeme to ba iu. "W"'"' - stjs: lirttveen aiidJciteron, Sploiiclia Dy time the companies could iT""1- nephew of Senator BreokinriJge, and Mr. day morning, at the observatory of Harvard apl7.1H,i!p KY. Stools. SORE aught boys town were the LWIfTTLIT, ... and 1 rer.ta; A2fD SORR ETE3 Last the about 9 1, Jiela.rakeW us. Of OP .Dardi M laneae Barejea, at K eenia; kept l bou 1 A -i IN CCN'CAN. lod I 'a0 Kentucky, and brother to Mrs. College, by Mr. H. P. Tuttle. The fo'lo NEW AND m LltH . the oft.lUrtlr. exercised ia regard to the expectel arrival VI tNT li la Tiaiu Tainartlne !Liraee. all '' ineoln, are nl?4 in city. The latter ing is the official report of its position ICO ml the steamer Lehigh, from St. Louis, upon There is eail to be about 35,000 0" TO REMOVAL. 7. I favdaCrapa Bareeea. an.nalinee. Vfry we understand, has visited this Apill lwtu, !h.39m., a. a . Can. bridge ti me 6 gentleman, 5 weetera which it is said is a quantity of arms from V ashiogfon. varda p!vn J l nel, Mozattt-li- l Ti. ii". ,'ai On, meat, rk troops in hiuuea, al i'l a; Newport city for the pu'poe of offering his eervices riBnrt'grlsht tc. II 4J: diii) the St. Louis arsenal, destine! for Noilli, - ' A ' - i Lareliai. al ami a. K.,i . . . .. cheerfully give the Confederate S.atep; .'. which, boys averred, EsrLAKAiios. We the President of tbe 10. biaxk Barracks, and the Observatory of Harvard A;nll lo, t i l. BreKe and Hack Crap brother-in-la- ak. columns. We old Abe is bis RFMOTUP Fr.'N Mt'.V STREET TO J they were goicg to eeiie. following a plaos in our and although RMS!! TUAVF. II. i) yarda'Pntiah and The new is the OCth now kno 219 Kill HTII STKKKT. 21 GOOD willing to asteroid Main wool.) A it. 0.1 aeaaon, I II yarda Freo.-- and kntliak TO TZIZ1 The ftret iatiaatioa. we had of the affair certainly understood Mr. Bruce to say as s is, notwithstanding, the more between ami Market sireeti, where I be lothe am prepare. to furut-- h gen uraadteti ?asvti to exist between the oit.its of Mars rbJ leuaed to reolv-- my old rrli'tida and customer. 1 am OOOD FOB TUB reported : own forces in a crutale against the prepiTea to iu inutactura lleiuen with outdta In the LAlt-t- t AND It yr.i Printea Lawn, at Ml and H STOMACH was that a deputation had gone te Governor we n our Hat heM taflactJu - . Jupiter. The Cl;h and t oth were Ji.tcvcre J lonyai.'n Is. use one of Capt. Messu tUurtT, A Co: Black Republican power. Patriotism is Ii. "idoiiaa" French Perraie. at to Magoffin for permission te t Marseilles, France, on the h aud lltl CINCINNATI MOST APPROVED FASHIONS! Evening News of l SEIZES SOUTH lo. 2m Tarda battery guns te brin g the vessel te, aud GtntUnun I find in tho ot at a discount in Kentucky." hew America Prima, al SUaa's of March lest. api limtoA JOHN I AVDER.-M- t, (bis afternoon the following paragraph, WORK IT. d piecea beat uakM Irlah rroan for GILT Unena, X that a crowd wae oa tie ievee waiting an "in- - discovery of a many '1 ,0mt which would imply a disposition on my part fjaThe neirsboj-- have become Mr. Tuttles successful ERM PROPERTY! la aU Its brauche a, and will keep c.nitantl; on tund worths Zr2 the eaaaoa and the aLearner, whioh was to CLOTHING! a M th. ajeat reputalioo of tin. aiuai,iZlJ'"LalVdnaT to a false impres- ltuuon in our city, iney are a general p.nmeta. some of which are well remembered CLOTHING! ia public speech, produce It. 50 .ie eent'4 - Prka, a cent- -, be breaght te ia ease ehe attempted to pass t RICHLV FRAMED , warranted Linen Bandkar- uat. x ,! si pr ,Tu necessity to the publio in the midst of ex- for brilliancy aud periodicity, pro u;ei-- ai e a pr .wr; ; sion, which I desire the privilege of your their SO. wj-j- up. CHEAP FOR C4SII. Co oien ladies Use. Handker- - tu. ej?i citing times. In less than one hour after cured for him, a few years tiuce, the clilna. at d is columns to correct : 21. i.erd.i: We proceeded te the levee, and found a the Insti Pier and Mantle Glasses bdoien ladieVCotloo ll tl 9) and A CoxiEADietioK. Mr. Eruce, at the he dispatches were received at this ofhoe, Lalande piize of astronomy from KENTUCKIANS, 2, 7U p'atea Jaconet doaen ef hacks and hackmen waiting fir-- ami Nalnook Mnsllns, kalf meeting at the Courthouse, oa Tuesday yesterday, they bad distributed eighteen lute of France. Hi has also been Ihe 1 PORTRAIT AND PICTURE j. r. mwm k to, ) dozen ml the mail boat landing, and the Telegraph aftercocn, Mated in Lis speech that at the city. The to make known the existence of man; woven Llnn Bhlrt Fronla all ' unJred copies through the loa Ilea; PRAISED eeming wharfboat. A in j; at Uliiabethtown, oa Monday, a I. !. aria Bleai hed BY ALL ' jaat ia te the half meet issued at glimmering nebuV; and WILL YOU STAND BACK? TwTo. ' .til- ia uvx X immediate Secession was voaing News will continue to be rekiote and faintly 237 and 12 , eula; VELXY TO gee film en, besides were en resolution for IV" eursslf, n from Ihe "" Ctm. ? an.1 1 (ate 1ta adopted without a dissentient voice. We he earliest possible moment after the recep-io- henowdciives additional hoacr 2u. Lnailan Kirca;. from tenia ure L,n- Purity hand, but the eaaaoa had not come. We MAJ1ST Together with a fil koi - .:.xl,, the niooa: are informed ry competent autnority tbat of our afternoon dispatches. Sub iecovery of the first planet ever dis STREET DouiealiLa, Pn(,t, kuy, Vtt cH, TV awhile town. CORlSriOES, &c. to alau' Waav. a. 13 waited and came np such was not the oase at all! A resolution supplied Between Second and Third, WriairafJe scribers in all portions of the city covered at Havard. afTh portion of our at.k U,htJy caniajej at the meantime a crowd had ailing on the Governor to convene the I am lail revising my new stock of re will be closed out very low. Ia the aeeerclkd of 15 cents ha of th 4 RK NOW OPFINIMI TIIE FINEST ANUM03T Canker and Legislature and arm the State was adopted." by prompt carriers at the rate The Crors. It is a grateful thing to urpffL-e- Lioculu. at HtrbJl Hml, on Salt Rheum tat Capt. Stone's arsenal, en First atreet, and sirwt, beiweei A w buy aal eD. ncluslvely I d.'l not say that a resolution far immr- - for every two weeks. oow that, amid the excitem jiit i of politics 1'tje limit"" gufii, t LieT.i- Win. Brll. Jr.. Juo. Gauit elcs!de4 a eaaaoa. Capt. Stone urged V C" iitlaT. JrtlU't lihrm In, or W. 1. Chlplr-y- , win ht iaie neceaaion at the meeting referred to r tys on Luiitl WAIL PAPER, simjiM Be La Juirs. We give the story of this the contentions of sections nr. J parlours i. j i 4!ia arm re ruin. to TBlCCiltOf them te desist. stated that thers was no had been aijp ei. 1 uid y, however, We can offer CANKSB. BALI BHSUV. BBT new The scene is laid the rumors of wax, and ihe lii .nial ptep UlSlLtfllcH. nor balls, but the crowd, incited a just from Elizabethtowa celebrated open. in Of very i low "Wiuiaiua CCTABBOtia ammaaitioa that rentiemtn ! the Intact !... urwhJ t vcr; floured UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS. aBUPTlONB. A;,b , me " ilia such a resolution had Constance, in 1411: Lrofotd, a prince of rations throughout tbe l'.u 1, Gj Mill con KENTUOKIANS iot cbD, ana win ie fcom ivij,, uf W4Bj- U- by several well knows gentlemen, wauld ad wfomei CLOTH H0M ING tux) Wlru TBB without dissenting voice, met listen te his advioe, and elected him been adopted a Empire, returning from the wars, is noes bountiful, and blesses us wku ever) built to CHAINS and RI.AVEHY 4.N- D- my deolarai ion with his expiana-natiu- ur ni: is itu arom in naud r Much Below our Usual Frlcea. J.R.EMM1T&C0 faa aiaat coupling Teime--.- FetWw bm4 mi ' Captain. At the date of this writing, 10 violently smitten with the beauty of Jtuehel, of abundant harvests. While the i d e and Arkansas aims, farra? a that the Governor bad been request uw ner riimta are counus lo'tce 1 loipart fiOQi FtJS of an edoea-a-- i 'dock, the crowd is still about the arsenal ed to convene the Legislature to call a augbter of Lazarus, Ihe Jew. To win her mes teem out u joint, aJ com mot a sioiip'- - tlii.,w ol our ho,e. dliet:t Kuiot FURNISHING GOODS aii Pkywclan, aad Ith men from lOOO ,.'n,cvl wna any ot li. ilt waiting for horeee aad ammunition and conrenti&n for that purpose. This infor affections, he pretends to be an Israelite, succeeding harmony, it is well lo know that W A r. DM REi'KlIT' WILL BR ITH F.VER BRolUIHT THIS AG ENTS XT out on u- mation 1 receive from Mr. vuntersmith of ia and that FURNianen - TJ CITY. XXIZZJL"? - balls, to take below Portland, to bring the and in the guise of a painter makes an easy Nature still obeJient to her laws, sinimi: ikkk citMius; French Window Glass TO SELL TICKV.T1 IS TUB that place. Vour reporter did not exactly I'itEiTON JONSTON onquest the maiden's Oocasianal tbe ploughshare and the pruning-hoo- are DR. WKAvKR'g Xehigh te an account. of heart. I'rlKSfO'. HIN4SKS, W FINE DRESS SUITS! apprehend my statement. hich I am aelilug at New York trices. "Library Association Company's OR CIITTSkSEIT, HlJ-p-at Ten 'clock Two guae have xersises of influence, bwver, in matters performing their great mission. Apr!! 1. laSl. if W. BkLc'E. SrKiTJO SUITS! down crowd here only the high coull have successfully MKKTlNtl ALL !SrERK3TtD I.N SiXIK GREAT DISTRIBUTION i BR S. just goas Jtfierson street, a ia 1 1S01 (f CHlZKa A T.AR;E ASSORTMKXT OF FIXE 0. RIC.HAR3SCS To Ams ! Atteuiion is Invited to the Pbedictions fob SOI. The year lollllileei L.uiiwnles, lo protect lliel attend aaee, bound, we understand, for a nterposed their authority, excite the TO EE DRAWN AT PADCUAH, KT advertisement of Captain D. L. 8tout for ill be a very eventful one to every EVART8, Wine point below Portland, te bring the Lehigh suspicions of Rachel, and she soon discovers BLU. I'AXTS. Shem Bitters. 6fty seen to as a borne guard for the in li Jen who gets married. Throughout the scuffixo's TAYfiny, tUCRTU DrBF.aT. r.M 1st, comes. We act that the Samuel (as he calls himself) Is none i 1861. 12. ia, in ease ehe did not learn n Jeiiernn ti between Hancock d Clay, THIS AColebrateil EnsJand Remedy Louisville Battery. The recruiting office whtle course of the year, whenever the Vt. H. JuH.WN. O. F. KIMBALL the We other than the Prince Leopold and the hus IliHT.THLi iliit. AfUlL H. IT1-- o clock. torn nAiiTUAL aN)nPATioN. jABNiicm, rw. who coms&anded force. learn that ipeake.-- will a Black and Faucy Vests. OXE TIIOUSAXD PRIZES IX MOXXT! is at the Hope Engine-hous- e. moon wanes the nights will grow uara sovvral addr the uieailu. VtBANDAGL Capt. toae was unaware of the band of the J'rinetu Eudoxia. Overcome B.SlC tKAL DBBU.ITY A.ID At. entire Whoever is in love this year will think his SHZB.T3, Tickets Limited to 5,000. DldBAiKS AiileiNii FxUMvA DiAdttliBjtdiD ith and indignation, ehe publicly SECOND IMPORTATION , SINGLE TlCtLETS OB SIX FOB. ACH. aX. transaction until he found the guns had nj3LA;tention is directed to the alver- - rg mistress an angel. Whoever gets married Turn Out, Men, BAir-noss- tl TICtm si LITBB OB BOWF Teim Aaewta TBey are uje.1 and recott, ti bean takes eut ef the arsenal. tiseinent calling for volunteers by Meeer. accuses him of his crime, and Ihe offense, la vm ldaoral. mended b. leavitrur PhyeKiaa will find out whether it be true. He tbat TIES, f lb cvuulry. aud ail what by it fronouute It lavak-bie- . Our Homes are in Danger of Invasion I.ViK TK'KkTS, BC11BMBS OB UNCI Ettj AD-- Eleven I'clock. The news from the seat P oo unisbaMe with death, is considered so Ail rest Johnson, Trea'cn Eogers, and Frank loses bis hair this year will go bald uroae or apty to IT. J.mea F, Leepera wrtt-- a fTom Navarea, aoia m - Qiiovaa, aV Btark w cinous that the Cardinal pronounces his BVtR rLKM KNTH, Otiw.'th HHteraare hHthly pri'el by tno-- e f war tb4Mavanmuamamm"MMr' bis wife will becoruo a widower ano'crlua f that loses Cr ai a dH Nu. Xii .ln. nam alie-- t, LouLeille. Ky. hi.!:aei.,n. , r..t ,ur cotnoiut " alediction and excommunication on the IJlt.WVlNttM lK 1'HK Davli, Feeuuact-- r at w aayav im wnY uniniipo . iil..m.p.Ml, tmu towarda West Louisville rAjioPTicos or Wau Sorts. If a young lady should happen to blush she they Teat I rruerT ded mi. is tub Shelby College Lottfry of Kentucky, IV 1e thaua h.a-.- culprits. Rachel, Lai&tut, and Leopold are face; she dreams of a JdllilDUil taken cold, be. .me aud .je lu appelua. tar a Fifth street, when Gen. Fuckner For neveral d.iys and nights the managers ill look red in the if WALKER'S EXCHANGE, It re. uw i ue. and I cu It wttk - as KKANCk. CO. . J. C. MAHDEViLLE & CO.'S, t aruM i placed under arrest to await execution in succession It. b Hana.era. ranee ila ujer.u." army of observation and it of Arctic Voyage have had busily en oung man three nights .v1?- J "- - vertook the ths CLASS lo, 1.H61. ap No. 2.1 MAIN HTR KfcT. THIRD ST., BET. MAIN AND MARkilT, U aowrmu. Ind'ana, write ti uring this brief period, L'udjjcia, the they are tee tr.oet a. .t.o medi. not damaged eeveral of our best ill be a sign of something. -- in. he baaUed. The Lehigh was te gaged, at Mozart Hall, 31 57 I :1U li aa i Ukam wn-- i ightful wife of Leopold, intercedes with titi 21 '20 10 witn wtma, and may be expect- machinists in producing a CLASS t Aptll 17. lstl. ieneraJ t"trc a.4etatoa ua ta aaHkrt aald any extent fortunately, aad rtists and scenic ATTRAfTIVE GOODS! BARGAINS vriht"'1 Rachel, and by exhibiting how unselfish is Rapid Book Marimo. The Boston edi t 3'i 13 I t 39 60 39 44 FRE1II GREAT Tavaaiauifcr., Kq rioontuvn, Benrv eawnry. day tome time. movlTig oi uv iJ 6i 49 .4 .. ed up te model liius.rauon mt CLASS 17, lar.l. Jrbiiaua wrttee a lena i.ur, ate'er date M May ber rightful love, induces her Jewish rival Mac&ulay's History was published He was rama ata. Twelve ' clock. Notwithstanding the om- - Chark-sion- . Among the scenes tion of 51 4 DAILT ALL DBLICACIES OP Till is. aanr. beea ed tor affair at ?6 04 77 20 17 3 3i 49 A4 14 JBCEIVB mree yearn wtm eraat aer.eia .i.i.ihit, i,ai.:iil.-.- ol to relent ia her hatred and to intercede for Crosby, Nicholas, Lee & A. D. Biecienoe of a local editor, we found it diffi presented, are a distant view of Charleston, on Saturday by Aitnt for R Prance A Co., toe heart of ue ui aevere and proetratiu tearacker; ao.iM alalu alreet, Loulavllie, Ky. afier utna: a iew bottle I re waupator naawrvt. the life of Leopold. This ehe do;s by pro received English copy by SHELL OYSTERS! fad am now rn emit get at all the particulars ia regard Moultrie, Sumpter, Fort Pickens, Co. They their NEW a&77D ClIOICH robuat bealth." U Fort Fori - p (tally. Capital I'r'in, ts oon eor w. hoMmin ear a wae with rtmav Bouncing her former statement a fabrica and the vol atL-- a.lrvd expedition to intercept the fleet European express on Tuesday, i.iwio. ruco teoi i:ieid 9l i0 CircUuiXi, will for tweoty year., la ad It rar uu. tii.uia, aaa te the military McCrea and Casile Tinckney, the Slid SPRINGDRYG OS hla tion of mere jealous frenzy, and devoid of up," stereotyped, printed. and parUcttan, nt Ire ol charge ny ad S31ixcl, the.!teof tad h to ye .eil.lba Xtehigh with eae eix pound ball and forty bound South, &.C , Ac. These views are uma wis "set relr H. 1THANCK A CO., rotomnoa..,..d btnBind h,..k pi ir,u.i,..L k aikena euecuDii toe cure, a neu aeval pn. veleiaau at The noble prisoner is at once ap'3 Ot teillle llle. k y. ten.iin h;m coukl .lo him aa eo.L li Mya,"iut truth. bound and in the market on Saturday of dr:-p- r. blank cartridges. We learn, at the latest. all taken from au'hentic drswiogs, and the DRESS GOODS! T TJ t. mi ,i,nl, ki.ite-- Rachel is again condemned to AT OREX3IJ SEA KTLB, or drupay. It t aoavliie, certu ren.ely Aud banished, but week! Expeditious as this may La one of the eannons did proceed from relative position of the forts in Charleston the same RAM AWAY, Crabs. Caultaower, Cncuiuban, and Tomatoe. u h trie newa irom all paruof he eoantre. It laaui.l by death with her father for conspiring against seem, will appear more worthy of not TUB 17r IJSTAST. FROM Tllg Fjuiiilei supplied. aMaal daauai. la medic Ik. PrtiaTACaat street te the scene of action, and that given. it ON livii-- J.1US CAWEI1 a CO. Per bottis. Fifth harbor will be properly m th 1'ort'aTid aveoae. a NOW Ol'ENINOI fell eff the he life of the man whom by this fiction she when it is mentioned that the storm of NKiiit.d WOMAV. ..itiinI a or id rears A. 8c J. HtBRMAVfvK. M the gua started two men Old. Urfllt "kir. :oa,o or her Starr Bvo rrorietjAr fee S. u aaal Vat, vlnrinnau. Ok Iront teeth, I'liEl'ASEFuS SUMMER! SAVE ICE' To whot.i all Eksolleb Militia, Attkntioh. We re had just saved. Lazarut, whose sturdy Wednesday dolayel the paper a whole day ; a ta I, s! oban. rliul on, Wlleu tiM ieli YlO audra or.lem. the tender te the g noveltixs N. B. r,ie n Sie la liie property of Willi, latest in tr Talnable mel1ctne eokd fer those interested, to the advertisement faith and hatred of ths Christians have an index of seventy-fiv- e was No. 236 MARHET STUSST, wholeaale au.l retail by Clwarl W M?r, lUyajund a wae not stopped to pick up the and that pga Tvier, aie! A tVjlee, By The train ay a liberal retard If returned to nie or place, !rrl.. Loi,avi., ; J. t. of Stone, of the military eleotion to be supported him throughout, cares nothing I BI.TWKKM BKOOS AND FLOVD. Mill. Prankiort. ky eeceders. The other gon was Col also made. mat et her. J. H. BLAK K. 8c XVXatililla E. MACDONALD, Nruu Lufiruai. I, hiooupping I.e. A;,r,l 17, IS! Mul(l ,ur Sliawls W. hell on Saturday, April -- 1st, for officers in for dying, but determines to be revenged on LOUISVlCIaK, KENTUCKY. Drnioeiue, Taau o. Ul Bart, New the arsenal. We are not sure to Europe from r.vN.n.l, te ComruiBsioueM wUOLEJAI.K MAI IN A MANTFACTli Lid., and all otauAin deaeara Ait, mentioned, not elected the Cardinal, who not only has pronounced s.The ia KA Vt 1.-- lp personally he eeveral districts and ! Vf. IN VITK THK CPECI AL ATTENTION lit CAM! it wae Gen. Buckner healed tbe Southern Confederacy Judge Hoot V that the but is the head of the Fine Kentucky Jeans STOCK) buyer to our lurrfe and W.I) .elected Hoik ol at the recent election, lie trusts that his fate, Church which V OALVA1MIZED off the expedition, but hi orders to retreat Wm. L. Yancey arrived at Havana April H A I NO RECON8TKUCTED people of tbe designated districts will make he hates. In a narrative he relates that the ry .Mm, ai d a.ldi d uew macliln- - startainly did, aad when the guns were 3, on tbe steamihip Havana, and, with their j ior uiaaing uno BLACK SILK MANTLES! nominations and elect officers to fill the va daughter who has just suffered death is noA GOODS! IBOXBEFlHGEBATOliS back one man remarked, "Dam lega'ion suite, took rooms at Mrs. Brewer KENTUCKY JEANS DRY rtrd as ia his duty to continue the bis own, but one by adoption, plucked from IN AI L Whit h we are mw r.'reMr.g dalle from Eaatern arel np the horses. caocies, it has bis wife NEW KYLE."; of Oea. Buckner." and started Hotel, Cuhano. Judge Boot irk thlchlanow( belnTworn r.oroiean markeu. We luvlte the ipc:al attention the vacancies are all filled the burning ruins of the Cardinart palaoe Ibe ladi-- ICE CHESTS of the two elect ioos till being his Pri J'jiii """veiy lu tbe ., an I Hejt) The result was the spilling artil and son with him the latter . u jw Our stock consnts In part --AND- and these elections ere expensive to tbe at Rome, during a catastrophe there, and it, prepare! to lumisn an ALBONIS ABR&G01VESE; above mennoaea vate Secretary. Mr. Walker Fearn is the -u ieristo Slate. child. I will arrant RICH DRESS Q00D3, WATER-COOLER- the Car dinaF t own The Com L Balf putt Out 'dock, A. Jf. We base aU Secretary of the Commission. FKEE FROM OEASE and made Ot BASQUES, GOODS, v PALILOTS. SACKS, Etc. DOMESTIC BEPORB TAE1NJ TUB AITEU TABINfl THB 4ery ef of Franee,ete Ev. J. J. D. D At a meeting missioners sought and received the oourte a wuul. So. 49 Fourth Street, lr.The following are the names of the A eoo l iiiWilmvn"ii II03IERY, CI.ITIK ELIIK. Twelfth of the congregation of tbe Franklin-stre- et Conbul hau l. Ipi3dz-k- i i. oi,.,lv A BETWEEN MAIN AND THE RIVER, The artltlery was erertaken about assistant speakers in the several counties of sies and attentions of Ihe British i..liii'ii i LARul ASSOBTMENT OP ZIvIBROIDERV, dec. Preebvterian Church, Baltimore, held on Dr. WRIGHT'S e camp of the Inspector Crawford, Esq , instead le LOUiHTllIf, Ej. "et by aa the Danville Congressional District : Oeneral, Joseph T. A.. (J. B Vie are alo prepared frr Ihe Wholes Trade, CELEBRATED whtcl Monday of last week, the Rev. Dr. Bu'lock Consul MRS. M TAYLOR aud Country MrriLau'e via.lli u oiu tlly amiH Hod It ACTION ALB'S IMPKfVl BFP lilBBATOR - summoned jto surrender, of the proffered services of the a puicnaa-tn- aeral, aad Boyle County T. P. Young, R. J. Wag (LATE MS. x. BLACK STELLA AND SPRING to tbelr a l.auL-ii.-- lo raauilne our n Dettre of Lexington, call to J. COONNOH) elaewh.-re- . tue arUUerists did. Accordingly they received a unanimous gener, Wellington Harlan General of the who remains Rejuvenating: Elixir! the pulpit of made by CUr: A. STARR & BROTHERS, returned up town, and etopped at Pargny fiat church, vacant Adair County T. T. Alexander, P. C at his post nntil his successor arrives. B and removal Bev. N Hardin, W'm. Stewart. No. MARKET Famphin Seed. whence the squad eecotied the resignation of the a Union man ! 236 STREET, 19 A te drink, frcm Chatles J. Helm, is 1 AITvGP!THr. HIV XKDirfV. TMI agent Lincoln County T. P. Hill, J. C. Cooper, SHAWLS ap7 If anlavtlle, Hv. Tm of nwrwm J t th bUa back to Capt. Stote's arsenal. C. Burt. Dr. Bulloek is now the of singul t) ctlsd and snlc- by 'rn rs.tb the eannon W. O. Hansford. and that may possibly explain their fr D. B'JNDL BANT, VERY J. kl 1:,.a (.a,, W of the history of the Danville (Kv.) Seminary. He will most C. M M3IRATE PRICES. mrl7 Matn atreet re.ritith. Bo ends the first chapter Cumberland County T. Winfrey, course. GRENADINE SHAWLS, riit-'--t ur ttecrtmpii'ii ,(.' to IM TwtriM. lit. the calL MARBLE WORKS, well krvtiirsT Itte fa ftnn prwtKtl uimi t:f Kentucky. probably accept II Owsley, J. H. C. Sandige. French Embrold.rbad Drew Trimming ktAV the revelation ia The Sew York of Bank Notice. tiwi4. fc.t t hm I'ltT omc tn Uti Utimr Casey County Hiram Thomas, F Porn atios Mini 5tkkh HOMEIHINO NEW. MlK 0 I gt Crowds of people go to Elrod's Gal Woolfurd, Mel). Fogle. Chronioie gives some interesting items res Wo. 119 JEFFERSON STREET, Lnnlavtl.e. April 2d. 9vmm om (thT.t;'f voice, n? livco to UvwvT viwt of Arms and Provision! at STOCKBoLD-- it. pvrttH-- bvim Brnii KHtr im A LAIWB ASSORTJIEXT OF PDE ANNTJATi MEBTlNrt OP TUB wot-- hi hm felrnre lery every day, some to see finest full Clinton County W. A. Uoskins, II. S copulation of YLS". fUok , wboM DhvOcavJ ma triu rtvei. Cincinnati. the Decline tbe late census. The eraot ihla Bank .11 be held at tbe n Band when avil riM k' a Ui triatantaawa LOUISVILLE, KT. r.n MONDAY the othr iiMk ar- - Taylor, J. A. Brent and tnii d'v, MtKNIN, ' " have tiietl In raio. from Cincinnati length pietarea in the Slate, others go for the States is estimated at ol, 000,000, Strict mctual 10 r aaeeat oupti bn yr t When the mtilbuat Russell County W. M. Green, Nathan tailed Execution xt,at ..'clock, wheu an ei.ctloi Ditft4 lii Tstr srtt toti, svn.i nil itrsfrriAmimm drvmrm ! tvi) tne euauuej year, will lake Uot avavt Im on Voart to glean Su-- h - 1 of by adrsini TRAVELING FABRICS 8- ScLLSN. MUoa, si.v iHt to tor night, we went pictures. as are now made by Elrod aad the number ef evanr!- unulctsrs rtetrordera Mr. Tuvlor. Merchant. DRESS apldtd - IL KilTlr uv lived last McClure, J. C. Bolin. corinttnK tnelr oM-- torfra. Tayw. .dl oiw the to nfrerinc hnmiiity tbe omih IhUim men W arompt.y and accural-- aieoutect. Marble ihml csui cur th tVCwiiia. itw-- a'is-i- f : aome information as to the seiures at. present prices, sell like het oahes. Wayne County J. S. Van Winkle, J. ths land is stated al 81,338, which is prob AJ.D L. Monuments, Oiruer a'ourtli andrtjtooatiat .V PRICkD DRE.J.S UijoDd In great variety VTe wervnformed see. din IT Buster. 4rtulwlir.,.., 9 IN KRAI DEBILITY. MKNTVL AND PHYSICAL tinned ia the Tnlt'r ably below the faoL In 1932, when the ul Ancle,.t iMiortruent ol AilPRCSION. IVBKCIUTT. DKritaaiUf ATli! . Pulaaau County Win. that at no yeeter. sjS-T:- Advertiser says TstJZ. and cription Store OF TO CVNFC.-E- Vy a reUable geailemaa letroi that Merrew, fi.X. Van Winkle. ptifatioii 'oh Tjlsa. jsj. Marble Drnir rrei BiXD TU8 HI AD. 10CAA ffi, n. Tablets, GKMKKAL was uo 4starbanee,ecer-o- d T. iward v. aase, ef Ann Arbor, who has re 68 etangelieal ministers, or oat to every Attention, lirolled Militia: NOW LOCATFU u.-- Tn a eaju i naoaai HYiTKRll, lKK!T.iaiUTT. 4 iay there ' Oreea County James Carlisle, J. T J ABU. PL A . AN:- . 14 Street, wuii f' 3. fr wWch of Slrael and Slaleenlh lb AND tiLfiKFLJ.SIvSd AT I1BT, the eteamer oeaily bee removed by the new adinixti- s- G aider, D. W. Towles 1,437 of the population. Eleven years after, foi about Jhlo and DBOQUET MAi.smm b ABdXNCI 01 Ml'dLTLAR KFfflClKNCf . lARid K9 !fcon Taylor County E. Barbee, II. Chand- areheiebv uoilneii ta.c'tbe tlffl. Marble Head & 1 11 toot nno;; tratioa from clerkship in Pension J. 1843, with a population of 18,708,822, for IiiMtlj, Footstones IRLIC GCER4ta Aa'PtTiTK. DYdPkFdY, EMACIAX!01. LOW tbeCinHBmJ ia a the in the Company trutlutie,) beioir. person SflK " -- ro BltOCUE ILLV.MINF ' 4 . lot Iron the tendale, ler, J. R. Robinson. b. loHKiuK to ihe btat.iird la emltle I to run lot well DlAfiuiASlaUTU,-- , OF T Ult ,aas aaher Bureau at Washington, was arrested at h there were 17,073 ministers, or one to 1 ,093. CoBipaoy, in, OKa.A3 rslhlt.iiou Hounded aa ORESSAILLFS; LWAKS ON 11 A.Nil MALB TO OKLLU IT CMftAT10H, ).N OF TUB the f On tho n.irtb. t s Iw ol Hie creek; tiienca FUlTATl UtA&f nrcriT residence on Fri lay afternoon, charged g"Tfce statement that Mr. Clay, of population was 25,953,-00- :li tLW with In 1851, when the eaet to Vtenzel s'reetlnce ...u;n to Main street; PONTIELE, Etc.; Aad. t Ifcct, j wni sumi iuu ot a av c,,7. ws un"I-(pr-'- Kentucky, has to KARIg K r. of ,he an attempt to defraud the government. H who been appointed Minister ministers, or one to thence M:lienre with at reel nOI RE, PHYSICIANS, I4M f tit sVMa. i. there were 21,252 to city limits; east bvt limns; auotli by Fraukiort GRF.MdDl.VR3, a d4H n bet V ud Hecoud. Minl av to Russia, has advertised his estate for by llan- lu-- aiairlmeat; i. .t rt railiol; west etreet. Votlne; place, l offense consists in abstracting a large num IbGO, with 21,000,000 population, AS m sale, is a mistake. His real property, 988. In corner ol flay ..llirket utreet. J. H. U.vla BLACK GRENADINE BAREUK; A TTCL ATT, It dlflrttnt tr i4covW!e th ber of affidavits aim John M.iore, .luier Ijham Ijielelte, I'lerk: J. TpajAUOhiw. It ot U VV I to rTMlinM 1st tVA.f fc9r, supporting applications for amounting to about twenty-tw- o hundred are 31,338 ministers, or one to 986 OtHtllaiaya tal laWTX tUniaBlK-- BtrtVlUaviV m, .ti0B7tc'; ,r" there Downlnif, Stierlii. FotuaOove Cjiupauv, one First BUCK GRENADINE, for tulta; SOUTHERN HANK Drugs and II It I NOTES Medicine?, ie,iBCUltU, Ut fclli ttJaltwU sUt MO bounty land warrants. acres of rplendid firming land, in Madison Between 1832 and 18'0 the population has and one recond leuuaii.. be elected. it aVwU.Ml Second Company, tjcMilia'tailoii Bounded aa fol- PLAIN BLACK FOL' LARD; brwsBit:. county, Kentucky, is entailed, aud he could lows .le.leraon t north, Floyd atreet on the l VIZ : Wrilch I hav aeiaeaaat with eaw,tn ataw of aternf a a nMALi mkuicii m. n t xxtf 22C cent., while the evangeli - , mw gSff" Wants, hou-- e not increased per U Cbe- tuui p l oinh; K cnttie an.l pneet aati.tik.:iK.u lo mv ol.t and nunicroia cttcttvt rMn.r-- th u,Hmn thxitwo? a, to rent and for scla. sell it if he would. The truth is that he atrel r.l street on tbe LUPIN 3 BLACK CUALL1K. mm u to n oi Lai- 328 Place. South urollua, cnaioniers In. aa well aa oul of, lb city. 1 v..nt.iw iti;. V we and has advertised and farming cal minis'eri have incres9?d per cent I Walkiu-'Vk- wit h care, UiK tb t(ak-- oirk mtui f.k.b tarVftOam. sniiu.1 all advertuteinenU of a similar charac-tert.- et his furniture J. t. Ueerall: ti in,' H. LL'PIN'5 BLACK BOMBAZINE?; aeicrud reat v 'o!t give the Nortti pICOf tVv.r(.Da iVTVitTMlUK IH CMMfU hW : VcT ft : , utenMlg, aud nne stock of cattle for aalv, an encouraging showing. abveC'Huy.oue Captain id one Carolina, oecur.vinv o,.r eiv n . . This is Lie' fy V'XM fgosnm.vm, Iktvey Arc (tufa Ua about t ova laat'MiM the lln. out the dur. LUPIN S BLACK DELAINES. A Fine and Largs Stock ot rfT'.rticaj tll. ojy rerarwier lnttl. e ihe vw of renting estate lourih Company. Srcoodttalloi. Bounded aa fol. fieorgla, . of buioaU Uswrvui ot U.e .cvrtiii. nrQisMLMin d Evtiiog Sews at 2 j for the big aosenc-- HI v, alt&wiv?theT. attack the steamboat Lehigh, first lug in Lurope. s rws? roil the nortu: i mreet on the east; We the i.irir. M t from Sl flay Arrange meet have bean concluded etrvet on the aaortment cl Alabama, Sv I KHAU Tt. Wrrh tnhAsH to tU insertion and 121 cents for New York Tlmtf. aoiithnir.l atreet tn the weet WXXME3 AND LIQUORS tti provVksriUvfiavi wl Leuis, which was each tubsequent olliur place. I'aul'. carpe i.l.op. JjdKci, T. MIK - hanrtet on th no miner expected to arrive, or for opening the "Great Middle Route" to aLouliilai:a, U ici tnt icsenioa Thjse who want The Times omits to state one faot that ,1 u i Ciuinilnc-i- C!. T. Vauve hum. Sherlll, FOB, MED1TT5AI whaiteYtiT nu th cr)rAPh.nnt tana 04 t bf paae, here with cott MOURNING GOODS i bts Klh,-w- p,i wtuu irmi oa board. If the New York via AUentojra, Pennsylvania, for Jonts. For the abov.tuoany, on. Capuiu ami MIoBourl, MotB Is hVutvir!'. knowns have f jr rent or enle Mr. Clay, abolitionist as he is, advertises lie I'l.ird Ideuteiunt. It tha pcl.ilc cannot be d with mv It rui bw bea m4Aa!U . ta coaui&wUaUy b C(.uir wA hns will Ihe b.iel. .a 30 eystematic or symmetrical tai passenger travel on Monday, May Filth C.)ii,p.ii, Second tta Ion B ounded as fot- - lo mriher. mertury. it Evening Sews be will out bis "colored 6th. eeer to ih: city. TrnnrsNfr, reapeillully . an excellent medium. thit hire servants' Dwa: J. Ilr- lieel ou Klr- brousht aolltiled. to tfte kVbt!i;t5 !. T, MrUtit wwnlj , be laid - tborlh; elre.t on tn" WANTED EXCUANGB )R , A. PBBTJUB. vast not to our fault. The fact is, at the same time and place. There will be two trains daily, between ith, Third t ou the Ie f dtiilp iWtvr tV)tir. No n !f r yt KID 0 LOVE 3, UuUhtlit Top; - we have been so Tbb Wab We went. Kvar .bop. Judi;e., no tuitrr hot vtraw, J n A'r- ui tkM tia long in the habit of ending give up alnuet our Pittsburg and New Yoak, without change of K. lmr.ii aud .1. com uuay iiav bwvfiv - i m I HuKhet. c UANDKEItCIIIEIS AND Dry Goods & Clothing. CHEAP FOR CASni urt.- tsAl'f the telegraphic dispatches entire ttt a'le tM morning to the war Onto in thkCbisii. Veet'.nj uf the Pern B. K.iiloe. l or the abo. il.UHl u.i v.j'i t., it.K:in: i ila. t tai bi that a logical news cars. The trains will leave New York at 9 Carpets lurtfclnt. Floor UlMIotni and KtJ(j KNAll v.i !.. ai.i voq ril .t ocralir Mate Ventral Vumnuttee The Demo (Second -- UuOP SklRTs; aARVixcr, bei.x, &. co. tuw Hlf:,- U,e tm sequence of ideas in the o.' by telegrspii and mail. In Ihe excited state a. m. and 7:30 m., ttal'nn Bounded as ' vor:f i. vf to narration events f. and at that city dtf Furnhhlns n m,t,i A ivraiwOtai oratic State Central Cummittee is hereby n Pirat at reel on the a larire nt toodit )yur tihe tout.4 mini wutUaj of public feeling is of the ,u-tktu; DOMESTIC, a..rtun M the bun.!) UnlV. l next te aa impossibility. We are for. it mote iutceeet than notified to meet at 9 a. i., and 8:30 p. m , Thl'd atreet on tne VERY CHEAP FOR CASII l, el-- . at Columbus on Friday, being one and a JiulKee, O IK- aught U hall have daily ailla'a ol I.. FK.'iM M K er ruined for a hittorUu, we fear! Jtith iust , for I ho purpose of half hours by one I J Cicrt. Iua; flieillt. CO. Wet i.oTjisvrir,x,TC lf Mil THIS TI FORWtKU. tiKl.t counseling train and two fours by oe.. Cuiuiianv oii l,li.l Lleuteualit. The A together on the alarming condition l.l t I KUI1-- . ,11. facte are, a near as we can learn, P.iLioiors revival at Owensboro, of the the other, less than lhv. Him una led aa 11.111, CUll'lis by any other route. .1. It. alreet dj NEW SPRUNG GOODS! II.1U .til) it il.a. u t.m M A Nu, a ul a country. l.'aioth; J'lilto a'reet on the miSA RESTAIRAM, ie(ri.'unv... k :ia in Fi hy that the Lehigh baa on Ky , in the BjpMst Church, is Cti nlie-t- it, south: atrort on Ilia ol Tab.e Linen., T .acta. Na th vrrrretori, j. Wkl JHT A CO board twelve in progress I lllih " - 21 t sincerely trust that all members of the wet 1'olln at M ashlu'toicIuKlile-bloii.-e- Ju life, ,; ' e.ano to. era, and lil a, .k, Jl f'. t. Hotd ,1,,A T". bases ef muskets belonging with twenty conversions aud ac- - Oenebal Asxf.mbmes or Watkiua aud V. Addl. : II. Slierlrt. LouuvliU tr k Vi' l m T a te the State eleven committee will be present, to advise lsil. The lime f. J. JOHNSON ic KIM I ALL, .Ca:l li lTLj t if and . Fol the ale. Vel'jli.anv, one Ural Lieutenant. andet rr)iinitt4e ; tU Uiej L It Lat. 4 'tUl Kentucky, which were sucu a line of and place of Coin pan MARSHALL A MCklNS N. sent to 8f. Loaie to ctssitns. aaopi policy as they may meeting of the various First v. Vmliiatt ui B ejnded ai follow.: OF No t o at H.eHhluy be; Ii: .,.,rih real. 'Ol mo IXMUIiy or OUT UOV thence with bheli.f line be modernized and made serviceable, and General Assemblies of the Presbyterian t r'lovu'a Fotk, to t;i.uu i'a: thence itb the The Crisis Oar Workin?-men- . eminent. JetTersou Streets. No. 3 JO Street, - were Fahervl l rec;ncl lie In lliilam B uuiley'a; thence Fourtli aud Tblrd JEFFERSCHYiLLE te be landed at Louisvil.e. bodies are as follows: Old School, Hi ll tl.ebheloy m... t. Iu Poll, ot df. RAILROAD!! Eut , I'biialel oiule Ulielil. lo at aplt MA IN IC TKMPLH. West side, between Market and Joll'oraoa. the fiery Meajr Hia.-irr- IIiohek a Co : Chairman of the llcuioc B moil pree nct. T C(.n a.l k.U. Tailor. Jcdk-ea-: M. heart of a few Secessionist phia. Pa., May lti; New School, - warm. ..I iil.i., Syracuse. C. Vn, Clerk; J. T Coll. t ollli. For the above Colli- 'I'llK JIANAOKB UilCI.K K !PKC1 Ft' I.LY Eithange ami Banklnji: OiTiee, Otntlemtit: IVrmit me, through Cl l, at eim-n- .. 4 "p.. They forcibly seixed upon two this me liiltLt. Hamilton County, April IS. N. Y., May 1C; Cumberland, Klie L.leul;iit. lioOJee tu the ol Loulavi le an I. e puh lc gnus St. Louis, Mo., I IVmifatiT. elfttn iialloii Boumled as followa: (euerally be bij Jo.1 opened a uew au couuio- - dium, to urge upon our gallant WHuai thai 33a w cape. S'ons's working Democratic papers will please notice. May Hi; United Synod, Richmond, Uiaieej theuie ivlih axARnxiT street, .otui, battery, and Va e to ihe llir .; turn, men, who are ianlir.e; (rue to l.loi pi thence wiin aald GREAT BARGAINS Dining Hall anil Restaurant, Olinuso Bet. Third aad Poarth, zwith aide. S door, Poaewk etarUa for West Louisville to Kentucky, Ohio will decltre against coercion, and May 10; United Presbyterian, oa to Mra. Utt.riee: to llawi' Mills; of Tlmo. abm b.isg the Monmouth, iu a direct liue l Plilip tu II V.1I.L the necessity of llituk'a: and thence be ihanltful lo levlv. a ber .bar 'I'RAtNS LBJVB dBFBBSONVU.LB, Or-- 1 LoriaVll.LB.AI Lahigh a complete and immediate we rejoice lilt or beirtPD ue. I'o: !. A M.lla Where hi Wotld J WW I U a landing if ehe cam but to know that the have been III., May 10; Reforuiad to at Funk'. public patlouaee. at iXT.rreit moeie. ..nwht at . ! e.x alonr. Presbyterian, New ol the ww oa aam;U.-- l military organization for : j nwairw Gea. tbe protection called F OPKN DAY AND NlOHi i y to Buckner intercepted them, surrounded cf together York City, May 15. CI. rk; Ben. Eluilt, Baerl. Jr tba abova Uouipauy, all iti a. r. m., and i j j r tienitt the city frcm invasion. The Keiralar BoaMlu aud LodKin. etopped the crisis long Filth Couipany. Fifth lallnl'on Boundct aa lollo' attached. T. LOCtB AND CINCINNATI BXPHB-I- march of the hostile lerioi. F. WORK Nw Bill ol Faie dallv, wnb prl.e. at SeMoour ai n. luir Flti-v- t'ounecla tlneeuL.a. PmLic On Tuesday a "Jeffer-sonian,- Couim at the ore. hot Hue on a order k an. locked for is upon us; and while we splendid &Tbe Charlottesville " lod Hreak laat aud Supper cooke.l lo lrHt nl, r.e The whole thing was hxve (Va.) J, ,1.11 Itiil lan.l iita no .,1,1 r , kork to to J r doeal. Cairo, sl Loula. eph. ano: all in Gwynn's Prepared Glue! a faree ludicrous ,,! liluuer from Uo'cia. W- and a l..r .ula. resolved to remain neuiral in the meeting was held at Lebanon, which was of Ttiurslay, aunounoes theot lliain coiiiuy unetheiA-- wllh Oil haul coun ANNOUNCE THAT, Tj,!, ou J. D. KOBlMQN. Manage the Nortn.i, ow aeugn te make approach tbe death. k .1, ne tins wllb local train or all imIbi la zVeiJeL I a hypochondriac laugh. addressed pncitir. hue thence tu the SOHETHIWa FOR EVERYBODY ing war between Ihe sections, by Hon. John Young Brown, Ex- - in that town, on tie previous day, leraotitoali huelun, to the bounoimi II - or we should of George rw .. AND Amaos- e,tat fellows with two cannon on Fluvd'a Fork. Polls .1 Ml.i:..i Wanted. t:3ll. B LMIirNlNU Iirttrt" FAST Dally (m. THIS Ot.l'R. wAPK INVIa(TD DY J occur an Governor W'ickliffe and Tucker, well suiaU and Frv I.anrrencc L. Clerk; coaneokiiHl of Lom-- He. I. Mt'ltHi- ailtTkr'P y armed neutrality, as most likely Helm known to the country as a Ju.le P. Siuisou. EXCHANOB OLD WHItkY FOB ONE dava r.uiour win iraio. aik.1 th. a baa aad lieuiy r;h. rn WILL On 10 aud Mla.ia.ipol Bailroa.1 rrr Ciocln.iaU. Hk.iT ot the k l UiaiiO'a. lure I aiul fty cartridges going li, the above Couipany, oue Vtoib Mule, .m iniuimliate aoolKa-tlo- on the brakaea to command respect politician, lawyer, historian t Third Dry Goods at Cost! U'E od, h ttoatoli, Phuadelohka. BienUlna China. ... etc , i ff the cf Ihe maddened and biographer. B. M.rlLAIN B SON. tor, -. te etop a steamer brinrinv ia b Coninanv. Htl la'lM JtHN and all Baetern Ctlleat and at lu 'lanpoia. lent. U..111- a,i. vn aatre. Mectiho at Bkamdcsbcro. On Monday ol more t host now lie died of old age, having Cloiuiueiiclmt at the Twu a portion of which will be ottered at a treat BelleloDlaln Un lor Ckaeelan.!. Piltabore, 4v'im aargvi armi: preparing for aa interminable entered his And ere.t with k next, Circuit Court day, Hon. the Hardaiua-- pike; add pike to ihe K. of uiv entire alo. k ol Carriage. Philadelphia. Balllllior., led all the principal elllea John Young -- lie aii'Klili thulua hildren'ii . aa eoaSiot. If there are to be eighty sixth year as asojourner upon earth. ilt tnenca wun sam 4y Itin,inla to Oiinian'f precinct lirv tlmxia and t rueta. I Di'i oiler the Greateal Bar ViiyiiPEN CABi, BI19 AND CH AIBS; th ttaet: with Train. tk Terr ttaut your sanguinary urown e: i.,,i In q - lor Chic Bo.k laland, 0. H. S BV.Take marke. baket to Web will address tho people at Branden lueuce a uu iirviuit line to tlieOllini gaina tbat have ever been ouered Ihla cite. 7S Willow Cat- -, plain at. Loin. 'ft 3TRATT05 fields, let He retained his line; Cxi bronie. St. Joaepb. aiel a.1 tk Mkaw them be chosen beyond the limits mental faculties lo tbe last thence wllh alt county line to tba MORK. a au.l Heart' .; ep iratel dual recelrea Uulnrav Hannihad, ever' gallery end get burg. lite- t. Alao Whee ana North STORE, it filled with pictures of W i.n.iowu precinct Uieuce milb Mld.lleto ? aide, the'vVoodenwe-- Brflom re end f ir Ml low by cltle In tu Wat wa. CAPITOL DKIfl the land of our homes. e did moment. He t No., and Market atreet, aotiih at and et nothing possessed remarkable power line to l.lduan auii,iuct line; Ihence wllh Uie lil ween Floyd aud Piestoa. XPh,l Pailv (FaroriaT, CfTKT f ThlrN. tv1 Oroet utmia, ir1 at rtai) tJI wnue tney are cbaap. Too may to nue i ne ap!7 dim bet lt0A not eat inaugurate this sta'e of things, and we of physical precinci to the neulnula. P.dla te be al at .uioUr Hal. J o. h ia rakawy iar4 sivr lb um .uj. True Delta calls the endurance through Ihe several Raorvat them, but they look good should wash our bauds of the whole Ve h tlhlo and enough te eat. affair. Associated Tress ard Cleik; Hsrriaoo Ar.erouru, s'ue.ilt For U.e cm at lu.tiupoii with th BeU.H,iai the "Joint 8tock Lying stages of his useful life. He had but aoove couipany. ail Attention, Kenticky Rangers. Intern Baiealo, T It ia not to the interest of Ihe re .inciri. Wasbboarda. I for ToleJo, Nw .ik, to he CTd AT - me twenty-eev- en and Company," and bell?, Tt'F.pDAY. April V,"OU ABB IIF.REEV NOTTTIED TO ASSEMBLE ztno wasiiboabds Jrsr bb- Phiia ielphia, Baltimore, and aU point la th BflbThe millionaire Etew- - mechanics of Ibis abuses the dispatches. cently from a visit 13bl. 1 mzrs State that the war returned to Mobile, Ala. ilicera ai to n elected by the peon;, A t le Pol ill, ou riplay uietlllnir, a. inn cel.ed and for aale kw by l.ioe wllh the Cinalnnalt an I Cukro FOR alllocioca HHI and tlDAUTT SJLE!BVM-- AT should be nry oudce w:i: ae UUrd. - full, equipped. r,t; Lafayette Baiiroao Cf KITf TzlB art, of Kew Tork has crier from 8ou:h Carolina k.ach meniher must armed and Terre Haute and Klchuioud and Bat KCH Cl.BtiTTCIM OOAi. el te loan the . bet. Third and Fourth. bk. L--l ttd all B eataark-t nrlc. Alas. to Kentucky. - Byordcro. Ihe Captain. hlr o. Pi Paul. rt. J or While sectional r.assion ism gtaTCapt. L. II. Rousseau will Tbakks. Thanks to Adams Eipress ;d- olM Milint. Jeffei .rl . ataea aw rate, bj Government $l,&Xt.0OO. address A polnta ui the a eat aaa V. BUKHKI.S Fl.l KR CO 'S N Aateal. J. KtLLiKiS. rampant, let us aeain p'rdge one Company CLINT J'lHNJOf. v, I other effort the people of Shelbyville on Friday for Eastern papers in advance of WIIN III BAR.VHIM'BCFLKBBATCDCOHN and bolted Corn Meal lu alora and tor pa as? dtf aaar -i Mara to after- Vy AH.1VXS ! TO ABiXvXS! .team dried apl A. a bo Davis May ihe evil hands of those whs know Dili 01 nauu au.l K aale t ' TO tat'inia Guards, Capt. noon two tbe mails. Frequent of the same ,f. D. BON A XT. oa VI LLK BATTERY, 417 Mart at. jThe Andereoa, ot what ther do, and Wh.r for Ihe trinmr l. at o'clock. favors PUR ANTED-r- TUB L til'IS ?U W. H. BtlBBIIARIvr. TVTARTI OL SOWZTS, ,pls No. 4W aln and IK Unth Mreet. y ,me Guard Dried Fruit. left oa the Peytona last evening' Vlcke-bur- kind will be I- for of the Union ticket to the Border Slave State duly appreciated. , on Flnit ATIimi SMITH S PBP.V- A T.ABOB IaITOP DBIBD 113 ISyA line of steamers between BCrtH. IIUNDAHIAN apply rqU are me TVH nVB 0HANt 413 lala Strwt en route Convention. Ireland en Jederaon and Cr. en. None need a? 'm HATa, .pink atvle. leaoum naia v rea- - kea, uo for Peasacola. But above all, let uu, by a r I I No. paaieu NOW STORB THB B T and France crop, received lor nele low to .ult tl.t ofthe aeaauit, ami can only be bed at UK Main received a .uiiw.,lol of Oak.i-a- Mich a TAVB IN A'SRTBB is projected. lS"TLe Lagrange (Ala. ) Reporter urges . .e.tveni..chaah. p havell.U lare to KtSta ia complete military organization, command li HONIIUKAMT. STOVf. f, Wine, Butter. Soda, Lauaoa aad IFeaaea Craaaera; t f ACV IN. TI'L Miln Mreet, near hum. CapUbi ta.uliviile Battery. Mil, b porta .1 u.6far ta. mom P.esideat Las issued the peace in Kentucky, and prepare Ihe Hob. A. H. Stephens for Presidency, CAP PKA TH Rlt A b a tow tHr letters cf for the the Kentucky State Guaid. T H ATS AND - .uy Batter, la nr hi ii e cifcun.atan.ea alii ol a. Ika defease of Nor Majob AstniiBsoii's keepeouatanl ,y on nano,"-.- . v. 4 reoeleUMI freea Tab. to privateers.. the city of our homes. Foiri Fort the Atlanta, 1j eMITtl atvitotn DOWNS, marjm Gtorgia papers also press bis recelred and file low 1, ILOW, EHHK Ct) PAJEK8 ASSOBTED KINDS, of ihe loweal lra1e ot eoo. la. aa well M th Sueai In r v JfAAX 4U Mala , Surspter, ir f T) hjxpa a oN,B)s rvTvk aame as the BONDI'R.ltT. bT Aawnca. al.Na.JS Main sUKt. rejonstructign eandiate. twin t; bear SUta. apiO Saw1' FITKIS, WIABD CO,
