Delayed Exhibit 175 EXHIBIT 175 PSC REF#:102215Schedule 2 Page 1 of 987 Part 2 of 10 Docket 6680-CE-170Public Service Commission of Wisconsin 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 9/19/2008 (aff) KennethRECEIVED: 10/02/08, 4:20:32 PM C. Rineer Schedule 2 ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 2 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 7/17/2007 3:52:31 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Shauna Cook Address: 1025 Havey Rd. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail:
[email protected] Comment: Now is the time for Wisconsin to invest in renewable energy solutions and to stop using old, dirty coal to power our future. No matter how much coal plants are "improved" or "scrubbed" - they still use dirty coal imported from outside Wisconsin. Let's be smart about meeting future energy needs and use renewable sources like wind and solar, and invest in efficiencies in homes and buildings. The thought of building another coal plant along the beautiful Mississippi River is just not necessary when cleaner alternatives are available. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Shauna Cook file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79075.htm10/2/2008 10:30:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 3 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C.