ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 2 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C
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Delayed Exhibit 175 EXHIBIT 175 PSC REF#:102215Schedule 2 Page 1 of 987 Part 2 of 10 Docket 6680-CE-170Public Service Commission of Wisconsin 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 9/19/2008 (aff) KennethRECEIVED: 10/02/08, 4:20:32 PM C. Rineer Schedule 2 ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 2 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 7/17/2007 3:52:31 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Shauna Cook Address: 1025 Havey Rd. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected] Comment: Now is the time for Wisconsin to invest in renewable energy solutions and to stop using old, dirty coal to power our future. No matter how much coal plants are "improved" or "scrubbed" - they still use dirty coal imported from outside Wisconsin. Let's be smart about meeting future energy needs and use renewable sources like wind and solar, and invest in efficiencies in homes and buildings. The thought of building another coal plant along the beautiful Mississippi River is just not necessary when cleaner alternatives are available. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Shauna Cook file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79075.htm10/2/2008 10:30:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 3 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 7/18/2007 6:25:33 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Meridith Mueller Address: 4472 N. Bartlett Avenue City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53211 Comment: It's 2007 - STOP USING OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY FOR MEETING WISCONSIN ENERGY NEEDS. Does Wisconsin want to be known as a state that not only relies on existing out-dated coal plants but plans on builing new out-dated- technology coal power plants? (Let's find the most out-of-date technology - only a few industries can get away with this and one them is clearly the energy industry). Does Wisconsin want to be known for increasing global warming? Does Wisconsin want to be known of dirty mercury-laden water? As a Wisconsite, I hope the answer to these questions are NO. If states like Texas are finally realizing coal plants are not the solution, Wisconsin should also realize this and proceed with the most up-to-date technology. It's time Wisconsin became a leader in innovative technology and energy conservation. Wisconsin can do better, IT MUST DO BETTER. Please learn from past mistakes (i.e. approving the coal plant in Oak Creek) and embrace more forward thinking views about meeting energy needs. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Meridith Mueller file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79126.htm10/2/2008 10:30:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 4 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 8/6/2007 9:31:47 AM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Michael Bernhardt Address: 1807 4 Mile Rd City: Racine State:WI Zip:53402 E-mail: [email protected] Comment: There is no dirtier source of energy than coal and Wisconsin is overly dependent on it for its energy needs. When coal is burned as fuel, it gives off carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas that is linked with global warming. Burning coal also produces emissions, such as sulfur, nitrogen oxide (NOx), and mercury, that can pollute the air and water. Sulfur mixes with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide (SO2), a chemical that can affect trees and water when it combines with moisture to produce acid rain. Emissions of nitrogen oxide help create smog, and also contribute to acid rain. Mercury that is released into the air eventually settles in water. The mercury in the water can build up in fish and shellfish, and can be harmful to animals and people who eat them. The Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act require industries to reduce pollutants released into the air and the water. Doesn't Wisconsin already set limits on the number of fish we can eat from our lakes because of the pollutants that are generated by coal plants? Are coal plants really working in the best interest for Wisconsin and it's economic development? It doesn't appear so. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Bernhardt file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79899.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 5 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 8/8/2007 8:16:42 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Scott Stollenwerk Address: 615 Jackson Ave City: La Crosse State:54601 Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected] Comment: This is outdated technology. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Scott Stollenwerk file:///C|/6680-CE-170/80117.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 6 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 8/8/2007 8:25:26 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Mike Glick Address: 615 Jackson City: La Crosse State:Wi Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected] Comment: Coal produces far too much pollution and and it contributes to a warming Wisconsin. I demand more renewable energy in Wisconsin. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mike Glick file:///C|/6680-CE-170/80118.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 7 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 9/25/2007 1:34:08 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Dan Kenron Address: 2217 University Ave, Apt #9 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53726 Comment: At least can you make it environmentally friendly (scrubbers, low-sulfer coal, ect.) and exceed air qualtiy standards? That would be good for business and the planet. I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Kenron file:///C|/6680-CE-170/82868.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 8 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 10/28/2007 7:09:37 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Lisa St George Address: 421 Cherry Ave W City: Plum City State:WI Zip:54761 E-mail: [email protected] Comment: No, Alliant Energy should not be allowed to build another power plant. Every day, more and more species of every form are being lost due to human expansion and loss of habitat. Don't you realize that we are a species too and these are warning signs that we too can and will disappear if the blatant disregard for nature continues. Conservation is what needs to happen, not more power plants. WAKE UP!!!! I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lisa St George file:///C|/6680-CE-170/84580.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 9 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer Submitted: 12/3/2007 5:09:06 PM COMMENTS FILED ELECTRONICALLY IN Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin Commentor Information: Name: Warren Gaskill Address: 10405 Bell Rd.