Delayed Exhibit 175 EXHIBIT 175 PSC REF#:102215Schedule 2 Page 1 of 987 Part 2 of 10 Docket 6680-CE-170Public Service Commission of 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008

9/19/2008 (aff) KennethRECEIVED: 10/02/08, 4:20:32 PM C. Rineer

Schedule 2 ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 2 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/17/2007 3:52:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Shauna Cook Address: 1025 Havey Rd. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Now is the time for Wisconsin to invest in renewable energy solutions and to stop using old, dirty coal to power our future. No matter how much coal plants are "improved" or "scrubbed" - they still use dirty coal imported from outside Wisconsin. Let's be smart about meeting future energy needs and use renewable sources like wind and solar, and invest in efficiencies in homes and buildings. The thought of building another coal plant along the beautiful Mississippi River is just not necessary when cleaner alternatives are available.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Shauna Cook

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79075.htm10/2/2008 10:30:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 3 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/18/2007 6:25:33 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Meridith Mueller Address: 4472 N. Bartlett Avenue City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53211

Comment: It's 2007 - STOP USING OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY FOR MEETING WISCONSIN ENERGY NEEDS. Does Wisconsin want to be known as a state that not only relies on existing out-dated coal plants but plans on builing new out-dated- technology coal power plants? (Let's find the most out-of-date technology - only a few industries can get away with this and one them is clearly the energy industry). Does Wisconsin want to be known for increasing global warming? Does Wisconsin want to be known of dirty mercury-laden water? As a Wisconsite, I hope the answer to these questions are NO. If states like Texas are finally realizing coal plants are not the solution, Wisconsin should also realize this and proceed with the most up-to-date technology. It's time Wisconsin became a leader in innovative technology and energy conservation. Wisconsin can do better, IT MUST DO BETTER.

Please learn from past mistakes (i.e. approving the coal plant in Oak Creek) and embrace more forward thinking views about meeting energy needs.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Meridith Mueller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79126.htm10/2/2008 10:30:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 4 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/6/2007 9:31:47 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Bernhardt Address: 1807 4 Mile Rd City: Racine State:WI Zip:53402 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: There is no dirtier source of energy than coal and Wisconsin is overly dependent on it for its energy needs. When coal is burned as fuel, it gives off carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas that is linked with global warming. Burning coal also produces emissions, such as sulfur, nitrogen oxide (NOx), and mercury, that can pollute the air and water. Sulfur mixes with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide (SO2), a chemical that can affect trees and water when it combines with moisture to produce acid rain. Emissions of nitrogen oxide help create smog, and also contribute to acid rain. Mercury that is released into the air eventually settles in water. The mercury in the water can build up in fish and shellfish, and can be harmful to animals and people who eat them. The Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act require industries to reduce pollutants released into the air and the water.

Doesn't Wisconsin already set limits on the number of fish we can eat from our lakes because of the pollutants that are generated by coal plants? Are coal plants really working in the best interest for Wisconsin and it's economic development? It doesn't appear so.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Bernhardt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/79899.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 5 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/8/2007 8:16:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Scott Stollenwerk Address: 615 Jackson Ave City: La Crosse State:54601 Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This is outdated technology.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Scott Stollenwerk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/80117.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 6 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/8/2007 8:25:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company d.b. a. Alliant Energy for Authority to Construct a New Coal- fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson 6680-CE-170 Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mike Glick Address: 615 Jackson City: La Crosse State:Wi Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal produces far too much pollution and and it contributes to a warming Wisconsin.

I demand more renewable energy in Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mike Glick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/80118.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 7 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2007 1:34:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dan Kenron Address: 2217 University Ave, Apt #9 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53726

Comment: At least can you make it environmentally friendly (scrubbers, low-sulfer coal, ect.) and exceed air qualtiy standards?

That would be good for business and the planet.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Kenron

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/82868.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 8 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 10/28/2007 7:09:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lisa St George Address: 421 Cherry Ave W City: Plum City State:WI Zip:54761 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No, Alliant Energy should not be allowed to build another power plant. Every day, more and more species of every form are being lost due to human expansion and loss of habitat. Don't you realize that we are a species too and these are warning signs that we too can and will disappear if the blatant disregard for nature continues. Conservation is what needs to happen, not more power plants. WAKE UP!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lisa St George

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/84580.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 9 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 12/3/2007 5:09:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Warren Gaskill Address: 10405 Bell Rd. City: Black Earth State:WI Zip:53515 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We are customers of Alliant Energy, citizens of the State of Wisconsin and our world -- In 2007, given what we know today about the affect of burning fossil fuels, it is absurd that the state is considering permitting a new coal-fired power generating unit that sends its waste into the air we breathe. The new facility should NOT be approved. Wisconsin should be a leader in guiding a path to the future that our children and grandchildren will be able to appreciate.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Warren Gaskill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/86568.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 10 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 12/10/2007 11:32:13 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevin Propp Address: 143 North German Ave City: Jefferson State:wi Zip:53549 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Why are we wasting our money, time and resources for a coal burning plant when there is more eco-friendly options. Our concern needs to be how we address global warming and building for the future. There is so many alternatives from geothermal, wind farms, to using methane produced from landfills and cattle just to name a few possibilities. help preserve the future, be a part of the solution not the problem. Thank you, Kevin Propp

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevin Propp

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/86827.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 11 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 12/13/2007 10:05:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: lestrikeUselo Address: hi! City: hi! State:hi! Zip:hi! E-mail: [email protected] Phone: hi!

Comment: I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. lestrikeUselo

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/87144.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 12 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 12/29/2007 4:03:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jonathon Walter Address: 429 North Main Street City: Fort Atkinson State:WI Zip:53538 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (920) 650-2233

Comment: It is ridiculous that in this day and age, knowing what we know about the potentially catastrophic global effects of global warming pollution, that Alliant Energy would propose such an out-of-date, polluting power plant. The obstacles are not a lack of technology--the know-how exists to produce cleaner energy. The only problem is will. I do not support the building of this power plant and am telling all my friends and family (and state representatives) to do the same. I have relatives in Cassville and so I know that a power plant would briefly help the economy in that small town--but this idea to burn coal at a lower temperature, thus doubling the amount of greenhouse gas fumes in the air, is not the answer. Renewable energies MUST be implemented.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jonathon Walter

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/87829.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 13 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 1/16/2008 8:50:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karen Jorgensen Address: 161 14th St City: Fond du Lac State:WI Zip:54935 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: It is time the citizens of Wisconsin have a say in what they really want. We are more important than the profits of Alliant, that is what this is all about making more & more money. The citizens of Wisconsin deserve the best, most up-to- date technology available for meeting their power needs. There is no dirtier source of energy than coal and Wisconsin is overly dependent on it for its energy needs. Wind is free, compared to coal which is costly to mine and ship long distances. Whatever is happening with the climate as it relates to global warming, the pollution we’re putting into the atmosphere is making things worse, not better. Why use outdated technology that will contribute to global warming when other more efficient technologies exist? If the PSC allows Alliant to build the power plant as proposed - using an outdated technology - global warming pollution from the site will more than double to over 4 million tons per year. This represents a great economic development opportunity for Wisconsin to be a leader in innovative technology. The technological know-how exists for more efficient power production…the obstacles are not lack of technology.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karen Jorgensen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/88420.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 14 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 1/25/2008 4:58:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joel H. Goodman Address: PO BOX 14 City: Dodgeville State:WI Zip:53533 E-mail: [email protected]


It would not be a public service to approve any more polluting coal plants in Wisconsin, when renewable energy alternatives have not been comprehensively evaluated and presented to the public. Cost estimates indicate the approved Oak Creek coal plant units now being constructed south of Milwaukee are obsolete from a carbon dioxide emissions point of view. Alliant’s application for the Cassville, Wisconsin, new 300 MW coal-fired power plant, with 10 percent biomass fuel and low temperature coal burning would produce more greenhouse gases (GHG) and more fish mercury poisoning. Biomass prices to local farmers are likely to be higher for government subsidized biofuel feedstocks for transportation fuels. The costs of carbon capture for existing coal-fired plants “could easily be $800/kW” plus “retrofit power consumption penalty is around 30 percent”. A 300MW coal plant would be reduced to around a 210MW plant. Cost estimates for construction of carbon pipelines to outside the state could then be added. If permanent geologic carbon storage sequestration works, the place for coal burning, if needed, is near the carbon storage sites, and those sites are not in Wisconsin.

A comprehensive renewable energy and transmission study is needed that includes wind farms, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on roofs and other structures, ground-thermal systems,and solar power plants with reflectors and thermal storage. The maximum potential of wind farms in SW Wisconsin with a wind blade factory to manufacture the blades suitable for the areas wind speeds could be a study part.

PV (photovoltaic) solar electric and hot water panels on existing roof structures is another study part to determine how many solar panels could be installed on existing roof structures in Dodgeville, and other towns. There are several existing roof structures in Dodgeville that have good solar access.

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) makes steam at a tower receiver with clear sunlight reflected by mirrors called heliostats, and stored heat for electricity when there is not clear sunlight. CSP tower heliostat systems in southwest Nebraska with transmission could be comparatively evaluated.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/88828.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 An example could be set with solar collectors and other renewable energy Schedule 2 Page 15 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 technologies on the ’s mansion and grounds. October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer The suffering and misery, around the world, caused by global warming, will be increased by emitting more greenhouse gases (GHG), and those that knowingly specify and approve more GHG pollution should be held responsible for injury to the public welfare.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joel H. Goodman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/88828.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 16 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 1/29/2008 6:57:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kathleen A Trochlell Address: 144 S 80th Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53214 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414 771-5022

Comment: I think it's pretty obvious to everyone what a bad deal a coal plant would be. You'd have to be living in a vacuum to miss the fact that Global Warming is here and that the coal plants have such a huge negative affect on this planet. Still missing the point? Yes there are alternatives and we can make them work. If you don't or can't believe this than I can only guess that you must own stock in coal plants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kathleen A Trochlell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/88964.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 17 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 1/31/2008 8:45:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Becky Weber Address: 312 Skyland Way City: Deerfield State:WI Zip:53531

Comment: We need to take an honest look at our energy needs. We do not need the energy that will be generated by this plant. We need to be investing in renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Becky Weber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89147.htm10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 18 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/4/2008 1:15:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joel H. Goodman Address: P.O. Box 14 City: Dodgeville State:WI Zip:53533 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Forward with Biomass Feb. 4, 2008 Joel H. Goodman

If large centralized electric power plant development continues in Wisconsin, it is likely that big nuclear energy plants would be forced by centralized planners on an unwilling public, because of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide emission problems with coal. A coal-fired plant permit was recently denied in Kansas because of carbon dioxide emissions. Alliant’s PSC application for a new 300 MW electric power plant at Cassville, Wisconsin is reported to have around 90 percent coal burning and 10 percent biomass (switchgrass, corn stalks-stover, and wood) burning. Alliant says: “we have been working with area farmers and foresters to make sure the prices are fair and the markets are sustainable”. That is around 270 MW by coal, and around 30 MW from local biomass fuel. Going forward with only 100 percent local biomass fuel for a smaller power plant in the 30MW (more or less) plant size range could be an important step for a distributed generation pattern in Wisconsin. Co-generation plants that generate electricity and hot water steam are much more efficient than coal plants that only generate electricity and throw away the heat. A distributed generation pattern of small biomass co-generation plants could fit with the small towns of Wisconsin supplying electricity and hot water systems. This type of biomass heating with district hot water insulated piping systems could be an alternative to imported fossil fuels (natural gas, oil). Imported LNG is: nearly as polluting as burning coal, and a security issue. Installation of in- town insulated hot water piping systems could be local jobs. State-of-the-art design and engineering could be enhanced with development of the UW-Madison’s Charter Street electricity and steam hot water co- generation plant from coal to biomass fuel. Biomass (wood chips, sawdust, bark, waste paper) fired projects in the 30 MW size are being installed in Germany with Foster Wheeler boilers. Ten 30MW biomass cogeneration plants distributed near the towns in southwest Wisconsin could have: shorter biomass fuel hauling distances; hot water supply (for hospitals, schools, businesses, and houses); and construction jobs for a wider area. What is your guess/estimate for the size of a biomass cogeneration plant for Dodgeville: 5MW, 10MW, 30MW ? file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89237.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Go forward with the planning of a 30 MW (more or less) co-generation plant Schedule 2 Page 19 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 with 100 percent local biomass fuel for the Cassville area, without burning coal. October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joel H. Goodman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89237.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 20 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/4/2008 1:18:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joel H. Goodman Address: PO Box 14 City: Dodgeville State:WI Zip:53533 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If the southwest Wisconsin higher elevation land areas suitable for wind farms from Mt. Horeb to Mt. Hope is around 700 square miles, and if one MW of electricity from wind turbines takes around 60 acres, then there could be 3,733 of 2MW wind turbines (700sq mi x 640 acres per sq mi equals 448,000 acres; 448,000 acres divided by 60 acres per MW equals 7466 MW; 7466 MW divided by 2 MW per wind turbine equals 3,733 of 2 MW wind turbines).

If these numbers are in the ballpark 7,466 MW of wind farms could be compared to a 300 MW coal burning plant. At this time there is no realistic carbon capture and carbon storage sequestration possibility for Alliant’s proposed Cassville 300 MW coal burning unit. Furthermore, carbon capture and carbon storage are major health issues because concentrations of carbon dioxide are poisonous.

The new wind blade factory in Ft. Madison, Iowa is reported to make wind blades for 500 MW of wind capacity per year, 16 blades per week, 220 employees for 3 shifts per day, for 20-year blade life expectancy.

The 2 MW 3,733 turbines could require 11,199 blades every 20 years (3 blades per turbine times 3,733 turbines equals 11,199 blades). That may result in around 147 employees for 3 shifts per day, for as long as the wind blows, at a new wind blade factory in southwest Wisconsin for blades tailored to the local wind speeds. Maybe a few blades could be sold in Iowa. However, all these figures should be checked out.

What could builders in southwest Wisconsin do with used fiberglass wind blades around 140-foot-long?

If the PSC has this kind of study please send a copy to me at the above address.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89238.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 21 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Joel H. Goodman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89238.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:30:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 22 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/6/2008 8:12:20 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Fred Langbecker Address: 320 W. Edgewater St. City: Portage State:Wi Zip:5390-21201 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 609-742-4210

Comment: We already have two plants .which have been good neighbors!I feel that a new addition would be very good news for our area.There is a need for more electricty ,so lets get on with it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Fred Langbecker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89294.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 23 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/8/2008 9:30:09 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Bayley Address: 717 Chapman St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-238-0748

Comment: Dear Commissioners:

Please, please do not allow Alliant Energy to build the Allient Cassville coal plant! Such a huge step backwards! This makes no sense at all. We could do so much to improve energy conservation and build wind energy with that money.

I am personally devastated while witnessing the possible end of our planet in my life time. I have given up driving a car. I bicycle and bus. I am making a grand effort to upgrade the energy efficiency of our old house. We try to buy our food locally, etc.

If you build this coal plant you bury all my efforts times a atleast a thousand. Please don't let it happen!


John Bayley

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Bayley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89387.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 24 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/15/2008 1:54:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tom Ackerman Address: 414 West Amelia Street City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806

Comment: I'm in favor of Alliant Energy building the new Power Plant in Cassville. Not only will it benefit the town of Cassville and it's neighboring communities, it will lower it's SO2 emissions with the addition of the new scrubbers. I'm behind it 100%.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tom Ackerman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89694.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 25 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/15/2008 3:11:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: KEEVIN E. WILLIAMS Address: 502 WEST AMELIA STREET City: CASSVILLE State:WIS Zip:53806


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. KEEVIN E. WILLIAMS

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89718.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 26 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/15/2008 3:20:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Duane Fritz Address: 1410 south 18th Street City: Prairie du Chien State:Wi Zip:53821

Comment: I have worked in the Cassville community for 23 years. What a boost this would be for this small community and Southwest Wisconsin. And to reduce emmisions overall is also a huge plus. I am for the building of new business and this power plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Duane Fritz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89720.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 27 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/16/2008 7:29:33 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: George Cairns Address: 6975 Cty. Hwy. V V City: Cassville State:Wis. Zip:53806

Comment: I'm not from this area, which I continually get reminded of, but I moved here about 7 years ago. This is my home now.... I can honestly say that I truly believe this power plant is the BEST thing that could ever possibly happen to Cassville and this area. PLEASE proceed forward at a steady pace and get this plant built... Thankyou, George Cairns......

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. George Cairns

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89781.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 28 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/16/2008 12:50:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeremiah Donohue Address: 86 Woodland Ave City: Fond du Lac State:WI Zip:54935

Comment: I am writing to voice opposition of the strongest nature on behalf of myself and my family, to Alliant energy's plans to build new power plants in Cassville or Portage. Wisconsin needs to stop building coal-fired power plants, and direct its resources towards more environmentally friendly options. Please, deny Alliant Energy their request.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeremiah Donohue

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89788.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 29 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/18/2008 8:05:08 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bennett Ballweg Address: 415 Cedar Street. P.O. Box 644 City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806-0644 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-2330

Comment: I live and work in Cassville, I am also raising my family and sending them to both St. Charles school and the Cassville public high school which I am the president of the school board. This community needs the new unit both for the new jobs and economic growth. The schools have declining enrollments running in a deficet along with village having many progects put on hold because of lack of funds. The vast majority of local residents want the new unit. Thank you for your time, Ben

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bennett Ballweg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89790.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 30 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/18/2008 3:23:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve Becwar Address: 718 west front st City: Casssville State:Wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5843

Comment: The Village of Cassville has had 2 coal fired power plants operating for over 50 years, I think the community knows all the positive benefits of adding the new unit to the Alliant Energy Plant. Lets quit screwing around and start breaking ground.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve Becwar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89849.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 31 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/19/2008 9:25:48 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brian Everhart Address: 930 Hillcrest Circle City: Platteville State:Wi Zip:53818

Comment: I am for the construction of a new 300 megawatt base load unit at Nelson Dewey Generating Station. Wisconsin needs affordable and reliable generation of electricity. With the addition of scrubbers and a baghouse the pollution will be reduced by 50%, that's is with adding the 300 megawatts of new generation. Wisconsin's base load plants are aging, to increase reliability we have built gas plants. I don't think gas generation is affordable. Natural gas is not cheap and now I have to pay more for home heating because of higher demand. I am also for renewable power, green power, and conservation but at issue here is Wisconsin's base load needs. In closing, I'm asking you the Public Service Commission to approve this construction. Maintaining the AFFORDABILTY and RELIABILTY of Wisconsin's infastructure both for the citizens and business is very important to me.

Thank you, Brian Everhart

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brian Everhart

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89856.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 32 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/19/2008 6:25:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas J. Whyte Sr. Address: 502 E. Amelia St. City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: What a wonderful place Cassville, Wisconsin is! I have lived here my entire life and raised my family here as well. Unfortunately, that option for most young families is no longer a reality, because of the lack of industry in this small village and therefore they need to move on. But, this can all change with the new third unit for the Nelson Dewey Generating Station; it will bring jobs and boost our economy. The two existing power plants have existed here for many, many years with no negative impact and I see no future environmental impacts either. The emissions escaping to the environment will be considerably less if the new unit is built than what they are now due to added technologies to reduce all pollutants. We all want to stay warm in the cold winters; cool in the hot summers, and see the world around us - and we can do that by supporting what is truly needed - if you do not understand how a power plant works than you truly do not understand the true benefits! I only wish so many of the opponents of this project who all seem to live so far away would stop trying to tell us what is best for us and our community, our area, and our state. The other alternatives for green power generation are good, but are not viable answers for the base load needs of our state. I ask that the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin approve this project as I see it very important to all of us.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas J. Whyte Sr.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89897.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 33 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/21/2008 10:22:23 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe Zydowsky Address: 715 E. Amelia St. City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 725-5116 ext. 102

Comment: From the information that has been provided, I support this project. I think that this project will be beneficial to Cassville's school, community and surrounding area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe Zydowsky

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89970.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 34 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/21/2008 10:43:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Clayton Williams Address: 9785 Muscallounge Rd City: Glen Haven State:WI Zip:53810 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: The power plant should be built.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Clayton Williams

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89972.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 35 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/21/2008 10:48:56 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Allen Lee Address: 714 W Front St City: Cassville State:wi Zip:53808 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support the the construction of a new coal-fired plant. The state of Wisconsin needs additional power resources that support new economic development and provide affordable electric rates to our citizens. Their are significant positive impacts for the village of Cassville and Grant county related to additional tax revenues.

The biomass portion of the plant could provide significant agriculture economic development for local area farmers in addition to new business opportunities that provide biomass fuels. New jobs will be created that circulate additional revenues into the community.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Allen Lee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89973.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 36 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/21/2008 11:08:14 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: LOUIS OKEY Address: 601 W. FRONT City: CASSVILLE State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5960

Comment: It is extremely important for the economic viability of Cassville that the power plant expansion be approved. Not only will the 3-4 years of construction boost the local economy, but the new employees will have secure, good-paying jobs. Hopefully, their families will enroll children in our school system. Alliant has always been a good corporate citizen. They plan to use the latest technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and incorporate the use of biomass products. This use of biomass has the potential to create new businesses that will supply the needs of the plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. LOUIS OKEY

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89975.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 37 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/21/2008 11:18:29 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: AMY OKEY Address: 601 W. FRONT City: CASSVILLE State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5960

Comment: The expansion of the N.D. Generating Station in Cassville will provide an economic boost that is desperately needed in our small village. The years of construction will bring dollars to village and county businesses. After completion, Alliant will need additional employees. Hopefully those employees reside in Cassville, adding more support to our businesses and schools. Alliant is using the best available technologies to help keep greenhouse gases in check.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. AMY OKEY

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/89976.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 38 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/22/2008 2:39:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mike Casey Address: PO Box 54 City: Bloomington State:WI Zip:53804 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I fully support the construction of this new coal-fired electric generating unit in Cassville. Coal is one of America's most plentiful energy resources and I believe that it can be a clean unit. We need the economic stimulus in this corner of the state and we need another generating station. I work in Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mike Casey

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90081.htm10/2/2008 10:31:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 39 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/26/2008 8:58:06 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeannie Roberts Address: 1004 Yale Rd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin needs clean energy to protect the environment and the health of its citizens. There are currently more solutions that are safer and cheaper than the dirty coal plants being proposed. Why would we go down the path of outdated technology? Why would we further contribute to global warming? Wind for example, is almost free. Other states are thinking ahead and Wisconsin should too!!! Go green, not black!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeannie Roberts

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90259.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 40 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/26/2008 9:34:32 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Kiernan Address: 3301 Topping Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strongly oppose Alliant Energy's proposal to build a new coal-fired power plant in Cassville. This dirty, outdated technology will further contribute to global warming -- and for the future of my children, I refuse to allow our generation to continue down this dangerous path. Wisconsin needs to be a leader and an innovator in finding clean solutions to meet our future energy needs.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Kiernan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90267.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 41 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 2/27/2008 7:07:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Margie Pape Address: PO Box 337 City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: My comment is about project number 6680-CE-170. I am very much in faver of building your power plant in Cassville WI. I feel this would be good for us here in Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Margie Pape

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90421.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 42 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/3/2008 6:50:29 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David B. Wood Address: 10985 Garden Prairie Rd. City: Cassville State:Wi. Zip:53806-9766

Comment: I would like to voice my support for the building of the new power plant in cassville, I live in the area and work in cassville, this would be good for the community and surrounding area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David B. Wood

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90584.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 43 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/5/2008 7:47:22 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nilus Dalsing Address: 1250 Jack Oak Rd. City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Living and enjoying life here in Cassville , we know what a Power Plant does to and for a Community. With the energy situation we face in this Country and with being held up by O.P.E.C., I beleive that with our vast reserves of coal we must face reality and make use of them. We should strive to use the latest emission technolgy to be as environmentally sound as possible, including the flexibel fuel proposal, using local biomass. With this in mind I support the plant being considered here not only to help our local community with jobs etc., but to also help alleviate the shortage of Wisconsin produced electricity for us all.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nilus Dalsing

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90701.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 44 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/9/2008 11:26:53 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joseph W. Motacek Address: 228 Kann St. City: Stratford State:WI Zip:54484 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715 687 4911

Comment: Dear Commisioner,

Given the serious consequences of global warming, I strongly urge you find clean energy solutins to our future energy needs. Given the fact that 10 northeastern states have banded together to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and another five western states have also, we must recognize that there is a growing awareness and demand for clean energy solutions to our future energy needs. It is a grave mistake to build brand new polluting power plants, when we should be investing in clean technologies, such as geothermal, wind, or solar.

Sir, the fact is that solar technology is fast becoming competetive with coal in cost per KW. Please examine the Nanosolar technology, and the concentrated solar technology in depth. Very soon we could be investing in solar fields, near every community in our state.

We also should be quadrupling our installation of wind energy turbines, in our class 3 wind areas. Why spend millions on a dirty, polluting energy source, when we should be spending those dollars on clean sources. We should be amximizing the use of our clean energy solutions...... not installing dirty , old solutions.

The truth is...... we should be saying no, absolutely no, more coal plants, until the clean coal technologies are proven, and their costs added into the total cost of energy from coal. Then, we have a true comparison of the costs for clean energy. I am confident that solar and wind energy, with their improved efficiencies will be very favorable solutions.

Therefore, we should not act to install polluting technologies, until it can be proven that we can clean those technologies, and also factor in the costs.

Also, please examine the Dept. of Energies website for information on "Idaho's First Geothermal Power Plant is Now Online" (Jan 9, 2008) It is obvious that we should be installing a geothermal energy plant in Wisconsin, to evaluate it's true costs, and productivity in our State. This is a far more wise direction to file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90914.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 pursue, instead of going ahead with a dirty, coal technology. Schedule 2 Page 45 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Thank you. I appreciate your in depth examination of these alternatives, and I Kenneth C. Rineer also hope that you factor in a concern for your children, and grandchildren, (and mine also), in your decision. Jospeh W. Motacek

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joseph W. Motacek

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90914.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 46 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/9/2008 2:59:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tim Stelter Address: 537 State Rd 35 City: Osceola State:WI Zip:54020

Comment: A new power plant built in a responsile manner will be good for all Wisconsin residences.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tim Stelter

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/90929.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 47 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/12/2008 9:07:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Suzanne Stute Address: 122 Nygard St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713

Comment: Dear PSC,

Today we had an air quality alert in Madison. My eyes were red and itchy all day. Clearly we have a clean air problem in Wisconsin. Please no more Coal Fired Power Plants. We need to invest in Wind and Solar. Also, we are nearing the tipping point where there's no reversing the affects of Global Warming. A Coal Plant pushes us in the wrong direction. Please do not support a new plant - we need to be replacing our old plants as well and move away from coal. It is not the answer

Thank you for your time.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Suzanne Stute

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/91106.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 48 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/30/2008 8:32:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jay Janssen Address: 856 S. Adams City: lancaster State:wi Zip:53813

Comment: You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of getting my natural gas bill in the winter time and paying $250 to heat my home! Why is natural gas so expensive?? Could it be from all the demand that gas-fired power generating stations use? Sure it IS!

Today I filled up the family car for $3.42/gallon...... let me repeat that...... $3.42 PER GALLON!!! When will it stop? $4.00?? maybe $4.50 if we're lucky!!!!!!????

Let me guess...... go by a Hybrid vehicle...... one that runs off batteries...... stop to think about what it takes TO CHARGE THOSE BATTERIES! It's called ELECTRICITY! Sure, battery operated cars will be a major player in the future. But lets consider the demand, electricity-wise, they are going to cause.

I bet 90% can agree, we pay way too much for natural gas as it is right now! I don't want to pay $400.00 a month in the winter time to heat my house! Nor should I have to! More gas-fired plants will only cause this $400.00 a month bill to become a reality!

Let's build some NUCLEAR PLANTS and we can aleviate the worry of coal fired power plants and their pollution! Oh, you're afraid of that too?

Is wind energy is the answer? What about those hot summer days when it's 90* and there is no air moving? Those wind-mills do not turn by themselves. How many so-called environmentalists run an air-conditioner in the summer? I'm willing to guess more than half! And, when they come home for work every day, they NEVER give a 2nd thought to the lights turning on when they throw the switch!

Lets face it! Until we are willing to build A (yeah, just ONE) Nuclear operated power plant in this state, our best bet, as a consumer, for most affordable energy, is a coal fired power plant! Many people seem more concerned about the environment than their next door neighbor that can barely put food on the table for his/her family...... let alone pay their utility bills every month!

Wake up people! We need more base-load...... and as of today, our best bet is a coal-fired unit!

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/91850.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 49 of 987 BUILD THIS PROPOSED PLANT! Hats off to Alliant Energy to pursue this! Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jay Janssen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/91850.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 50 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 3/31/2008 1:26:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Wayne B. Peters Address: 4340 S. 68th St. City: Greenfield State:WI. Zip:53220-3428 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Thank you for allowing me to comment. I have been reading quite a bit about coal fired plants in Wisconsin. I think with all the improvements in coal gasification that this is the way to go on coal burning plants. According to the DOE, this process is quite efficient. Please check out the two websites I have listed, if you have not viewed them already.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wayne B. Peters

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/91876.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 51 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 4/9/2008 3:47:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Deanna L. Luedtke Address: W. 188 S. 6323 Gold Dr. City: Muskego State:WI Zip:53150 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strenuously object to raising the utility rates for any reason. A far better solution to your money problems would be to decrease the horrendous bonuses that you bestow upon the upper eschelon.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Deanna L. Luedtke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/92504.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 52 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 4/17/2008 1:00:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Daily Address: N8316 Dairyland Drive City: Sheboygan State:WI Zip:53083 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 9205653083

Comment: I am very much in favor of the building of this power plant. The energy will be critical to our future and the technologies that are going to be used are nature friendly. Also the use of renewable fuels is a plus.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Daily

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/92895.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 53 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 4/17/2008 4:06:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rick Irwin Address: 2488 Pinto Trail City: McFarland State:Wi Zip:53558 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-217-0720

Comment: I understand Alliant Energy is trying to build a coal power plant. I've heard all the negative comments on coal. We must realize that we all are using more electricity each day , take a close look into each of our lives and I challenge anyone to prove they are using less energy today then they did when Allaint built thier last coal plant. Alliant is also building a wind generating field, which I think is great but we must remember what happened in Texas this year when the wind stopped blowing. We have to look at base load generation with a mix of alternative energy. I believe if this is turned down not only will Alliant and thier customers lose out but all of Wisconsin will suffer with the lack of power in the state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rick Irwin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/92917.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 54 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 4/19/2008 10:25:43 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: William Thibodeau Address: 605 E. Amelia St. City: Cassville State:Wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 642-0788


The environmental cost is too great! Deep mines are dangerous and unhealthy. Open pit mines destroy vast areas, scaring the land and filing the streams. Coal trains are noisy and unsightly..they spread coal dust the length of the rail and stop traffic at crossings as mile-long trains rumble by. The operation of the plant will increase the amount of smoke stack pollution and acid rain, fish you can't eat, air that is unhealthy to breath and add to global warming. The cooling will comsume a great amount of ground water and some days will cause an artifical fog in the river valley.

The Cassville location is too close to the historic property of the first governor of Wisconsin, Nelson Dewey's home, and Stonefiend Village owned by the State Historic Society. The proposed rail yard borders on the State Park and no one is going to want to camp there with the noise it will generate. Not only engine and wheel noise, but the sound of coupling and the whistle will blow 3 times every time the switch trains passes the entrance to Village and another 3 times as it passes the barge company's road, all at the base of the State Park.

THE TIME FOR COAL IS OVER! Contrary to their claims, it is NOT GREEN, it is BLACK DEATH.

William Thibodeau

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William Thibodeau

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/93003.htm10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 55 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 4/23/2008 3:59:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dale R. Hammen Address: 173 Tower Dr. City: Kohler State:WI Zip:53044-1232 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-467-4761

Comment: I have been working at a coal fire plant in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, for 20 years. I have a deal of knowledge about the power industry as a whole. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Below are my thoughts about future electrical generation shortfalls:

1) Wind power is not cost effective to the customer. Wind turbines are a great concept initially, but the high maintenance cost in the near future should be shared with the public as the cost will be passed along to the customer.

2) Gas turbines have been a cheap fix to our generation shortfalls. These turbines are not cost effective (poor heat rates) and require a great deal of maintenance (high thermal stress).

3) President Carter was pressured to shutdown the creation of future nuclear power plants after TMI. This was a real tragedy to electrical customers and the environment. Our government needs to get of their butts and create legislation thats pro nuclear power.

4) In the mean time the best solution to our electrical generation shortfalls is the construction of base-fired coal plants. New technologies of today allow modern coal fire plants to burn much cleaner. Coal fire plants produce the cheapest power to the customer, offer fexible loading ramps (without impacting heat rate) /spinning reserve, and constant voltage support to the electrical grid 365 days a year. As we compete in a world market its important for USA businesses to keep their cost down and jobs in the USA. The PSC can do their part by permitting the construction of base-fired coal plants.


Dale R. Hammen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/93202.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 56 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Dale R. Hammen

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Submitted: 4/30/2008 9:47:44 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe McClurg Address: W8806 Hickory Dr City: Glenbeulah State:Wi Zip:53023 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-526-9257

Comment: I beleave building this plant is going to posativly affect our power system. If we build it with all the newest emmision controls we can acheive any limit we need to. I alos like the fact of the jobs its going to bring to Wisconsin not only to build it but operate. I am for the plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe McClurg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/93637.htm10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 58 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 5/9/2008 11:05:03 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barb LaVoy Address: 45 Fairway Meadows Court City: Oregon State:WI Zip:53575 Phone: 608 835 5794

Comment: To the PSC Commission,

I have been doing a lot of reading and research on this Cassville Power Plant. Alliant's messages all make it seem like it's the best thing since sliced bread. But in my reading and research I have come across the fact that this seems to be a lot of whitewashing. The Governor appears to be making an effort to reduce CO2 omissions in Wisconsin - putting a task force together to make recommendations. From what I have read this dirty coal burning plant would negate the result of most of these initiatives, while also increasing the likelihood of rates increasing.

It seems that in this day and age with the heightened awareness and alarm about global warming, that using dirty coal technology is not acceptable. And the fact that it is very expensive to boot doesn't make economic sense.

I would urge you to protect the Alliant rate payers and the citizens of Wisconsin from this pollution and vote NO on this power plant. I would be willing to have my rates increased in order to use new, renewable technology - but not to support this dirty coal technology.

Thank you.

Barb LaVoy

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barb LaVoy

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/94089.htm10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 59 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 5/14/2008 3:39:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Shauna Cook Address: 1025 Havey Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704

Comment: Please do not approve another dirty coal plant in Wisconsin. If Alliant were to invest the same amount of money that a new coal plant will cost, into renewable sources - it would be a great step in the right direction! If we continue to do what we've always done (coal), we'll continue to get what we've always received (more pollution and contributions to global warming). Wisconsin has many homegrown sources for electric generation (solar, wind, biomass - but no ethanol, please).

Thank you for considering my opinion. -Shauna Cook

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Shauna Cook

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/94313.htm10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 60 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 5/16/2008 2:30:23 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rosemary J. Stanek Address: 4209 Veith Ave. City: Madison State:Wisconsin Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 513-6681

Comment: Re. 6680-CE-170 I urge you to reject this application. The mercury level of Wisconsin's lakes are now toxic, limiting or prohibiting the intake of fish taken from their waters by the State's citizens and its tourists. There is an ever growing number of individuals, children and adults, suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases that research shows is related to our ever increasing polluted environment. Over the past ten to twenty years I've subjectively noted the health of our trees diminishing, and our skies becoming increasingly murky. Seldom is the day when the skies are crystal clear.

Alliant does not plan to build the most environmentally friendly energy plant possible. No, they only promise, if necessary, to seek out technology to improve the plant's pollution controls. The majority of Iowans are saying no to further coal plants. Since you are the "Public Service" Commission and not the "Industry Service" Commission, I am asking, I am telling you to say no. There are other means for generating electricity.

Rosemary Stanek

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rosemary J. Stanek

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/94408.htm10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 61 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 6/2/2008 4:18:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tony Bartels Address: N2128 Tri County Road City: Columbus State:WI Zip:53925 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.259.2400

Comment: As the Union Business Manager representing the workers that currently operate the existing Nelson Dewey Units' 1 and 2 in Cassville, we are in strong support of the construction of Nelson Dewey 3. The construction of this plant is vital to providing the future energy needs of the citizens of Wisconsin. Additionally, the construction of this plant includes significant investment in the use of renewable fuel sources as a part of the fuel mix in addition to the latest technology for efficient and clean burning of coal. This type of a commitment to developing new technologies and alternative fuels sources is a good mix of energy for all of us consumers and assures reliable and safe power into the future. Additionally, this type of project is a positive step in boosting the economy by providing real economic stimulus to the citizens of Wisconsin and in particular to the people who live and work in the Cassville area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tony Bartels

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/95276.htm10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 62 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 6/4/2008 3:37:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ila Leean White Address: PO Box 298, 729 Denniston Street City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5378

Comment: Please help us preserve the fresh air and beautiful landscape in this area of the state. DENY the Alliant Energy request to build a coal-fired power plant in this southwestern WI community.

The bluffs of the Mississippi River Valley area would support environmentally friendly wind energy. I offer my own land as a place to establish the first windmill.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ila Leean White

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/95350.htm10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 63 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 6/27/2008 7:56:39 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert G Cramer Address: 1 University Plaza City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-342-1226

Comment: June 26, 2008

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attention Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

RE: Docket 6680-CE-170, Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin.

Public Service Commissioners:

The University of Wisconsin – Platteville supports Alliant Energy’s application to build a coal-fired electric generating facility with a generating capacity of approximately 300 megawatts at the existing Nelson Dewey Generating Station (NED) in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin. Alliant Energy is designing the facility to burn a range of coal, pet coke and biomass blends, and to meet air emissions limits throughout the range of fuel blends if permitted.

Alliant Energy’s proposed use of biomass in the new facility is a critical step forward for Wisconsin and the Midwest. The region’s electricity supply is overly dependent on fossil fuels and imports via transmission lines. This facility will serve not only as an in-state source of electricity but as a demonstration and pilot of large-scale biomass fuel in commercial generation of electricity.

This demonstration and pilot is very important to the State of Wisconsin and the region. The large-scale use of biomass as a fuel for generating electricity poses a number of challenges that the new facility will help the state overcome. These include selecting and growing biomass crops, harvesting timing and methods, processing and transporting biomass, readying it for use as a fuel, and storing it until needed. A significant amount of research will be required to efficiently address these challenges while protecting the environment. Success will lead to the creation of efficient markets for biomass file:///C|/6680-CE-170/96769.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 with new companies providing the services required to take biomass from the Schedule 2 Page 64 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 farm through processing and to Nelson Dewey and future generating facilities October 2, 2008 powered by biomass. Kenneth C. Rineer

The University of Wisconsin-Platteville is committed to working with Alliant Energy and the region to find solutions to the challenges the state faces as we move forward with biomass as a source of energy. Our faculty and students have significant knowledge and insight in successful agricultural and business practices. Their experience with agricultural research and markets will help Alliant, the region, and the state develop the necessary processes and markets to ensure a supply of biomass for the Nelson Dewey facility and others.

The application by Alliant is consistent with Governor Doyle’s Clean Energy Wisconsin Plan, issued in Spring 2008. One of the goals of the plan is to “generate 25 percent of our electricity and 25 percent of our transportation fuel from renewable fuels by 2025. This goal will be accomplished through increasing production of renewable fuels and power, and improving the deployment of energy-efficient technologies.”

As noted in Governor Doyle’s plan “Clean Energy Wisconsin is a comprehensive strategy to strengthen Wisconsin’s energy future. The initiatives will provide a clear direction for the businesses, people, and communities that will help Wisconsin become the Saudi Arabia of renewable fuels.”

The location of the proposed plant is ideal for biomass as a fuel. The Clean Energy Wisconsin report identifies Grant, Iowa and Lafayette counties as each having biomass potential in excess of 500,000 tons. These counties, located near the Nelson Dewey Generating Station, will be able to supply the needed biomass fuel for the facility and assist in the development of the markets and supply chain needed to provide biomass ready for combustion.

The University of Wisconsin – Platteville supports Alliant Energy’s commitment to making the facility carbon neutral through additional wind capacity, increased energy efficiency, retiring the existing Edgewater unit 3, and doubling the commitment to biomass use. These additional steps further support renewable generation of electricity within Wisconsin and the Midwest.

This information has also been submitted via the Public Service Commission’s electronic filing system.


David J Markee Chancellor

Submitted by Robert Cramer Assistant Chancellor for Administrative Services

Hardcopy Sent June 26, 2008

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert G Cramer

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Submitted: 6/29/2008 12:20:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: George Meyer Address: 201 Randolph Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53717-1615 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-516-5545

Comment: Christine Swailes Docket Coordinator Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Re: PSC Docket number 6680-CE-170

Dear Ms. Swailes:

I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) related to the expansion of the Nelson Dewey Generating Station.

As the former Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources, I appreciate all of the hard work that has gone into this document. I personally understand the many hours and detailed analysis those of you working at the Public Service Commission, DNR, and in this case, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, spent preparing this DEIS.

I now serve as the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation. The Federation is made up of 161 organizations representing over 100,000 hunters, anglers, trappers and others that are actively engaged in the outdoors. We deeply appreciate Wisconsin’s wildlife and recognize the importance of protecting, managing and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat. We understand that the long term sustainability of wildlife populations depends upon clean water, clean air and healthy forests and grasslands. It is important that this voicew be actively heard in support of the important fish and wildlife benefits inherent in the Wisconsin Power and Light proposed facility.

The prime areas of conservation policy that we focus on are the protection of fish and wildlife habitat, the protection of public access to lands and water for outdoor recreation, assuring the right to hunt, fish and trap and the pursuit of other outdoor recreational activities and the furtherance of conservation education with an emphasis on youth education. We strongly believe that file:///C|/6680-CE-170/96939.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 conservation policies should be scientifically, professionally and factually Schedule 2 Page 66 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 based, not politically based. October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer The DEIS does devote some consideration to biomass, but I believe there is far more need of discussion and analysis of the benefits of the proposed biomass elements of this proposal. As one example, although wood is included as a fuel source, there is not much discussion on the increased benefits of markets for improved timber stand management that would result in increased forest health, improved wildlife habitat and improved water quality. These benefits would significantly improve wildlife habitat in Southwestern Wisconsin. In addition, the increased development and use of biomass sources such as switchgrass and native grasses. Once again increased restoration of this type of landcover would have tremendous benefical impact on upland species, game, non-game and endangered as well as providing significant water quality benefit.

I would strongly recommend that DNR foresters, wildlife managers and endangered resources ecologists be heavily consulted on the fish and wildlife benefits of these type of habitat restoration and management changes in the Driftless lands of Southwestern Wisconsin.

Creating a dedicated biomass market to the extent that WP&L has proposed, is unprecedented here in Wisconsin. The advantages this brings to our air, our land, and our water, and therefore our wildlife, should be further explained, in my view.

I believe we have a real opportunity to improve the environment with this plant, and to not fully consider the beneficial impacts would be short sighted.

I appreciate the opportunity to comment.


George Meyer, Executive Director Wisconsin Wildlife Federation

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. George Meyer

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Submitted: 7/7/2008 6:34:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joel H. Goodman Address: P.O. Box 14 City: Dodgeville State:Wisconsin Zip:53533


To save the climate eliminate coal and the demand for coal power because there is no economical viable way to clean coal says Ed Mazria AIA architect and founder of Architecture 2030.

The carbon dioxide capture test at the WE Energies Pleasant Prairie existing coal fired power plant near Milwaukee started in February 2008, to run for 12- 18 months, and after this test is completed the economic and emission collection data is to be evaluated by EPRI. It would be devious to approve any more coal plants in Wisconsin until the public has time to understand the results of this test by WE Energies.

MIT researchers report CO2 emissions metric tons per person per year is: world average (including USA) of 4 tons of CO2, and 20 tons CO2 emissions per USA person.

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on roofs can subtract from the electric utility meters. For example, around 1,500 sq ft of PV area could fit on the existing triangular part of the Dodgeville Library roof that inclines nicely for the summer sun. PV with 12 watts per sq ft would have around 18,000 watts peak or 18kW, enough for about 9 houses.

There are renewable energy base load possibilities with transmission grid improvements. One is heat storage of concentrated solar power (CSP) energy in the sunny southwest USA. A square, 95 miles per side, of CSP collectors could supply the total USA electricity, and an enlarged square, 124 miles per side, could also supply electricity for electric vehicles, are the calculations by Ausra Inc. Another is solar heating (200C/400F) compressed air energy storage (CAES) from wind farms for expander turbines.

More wind farms translates to more jobs. A recent agreement has been signed for fabrication of wind towers in Manitowoc, Wisconsin for North American wind farms. Small wind electric turbines are in the market for under $1000. And there are local installers of heating and cooling geothermal energy systems, and solar collectors for heating.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/97356.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 68 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Joel H. Goodman

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Submitted: 7/15/2008 9:12:44 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Cropp Address: 949 Johnson Ave City: Oregon State:WI Zip:53575 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-835-7159

Comment: I strongly support the approval and construction of the Nelson-Dewey 3 power plant at Cassville. I am pleased that 20 percent of the plant's BTU output will be from biofuels. A study by University of Wisconsin Department of Agricultural Economics estimates that the plant will have a $50 million annual economic impact on South West Wisconsin. The biofuel component will help to reduce soil erosion and improve water quality. Using forest producst as one source of biofuels has the potential of improving the quality of the regions forests. Wildlife and conservation groups are excited about the potential positive impacts of the plant using biofuels. The bottom line is that more electric energy needs to be generated to meet the growing needs in Wisconsin. The Nelson-Dewey 3 proposed plant is an environmental means of meeting this need.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Cropp

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Submitted: 7/20/2008 8:52:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Masters Address: 2782 County Farm Road City: Dodgeville State:WI Zip:53533 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 935 2453

Comment: RE: Alliant Application - Nelson Dewey Generating Station at Cassville.

I support the application made by Alliant Energy.

Wisconsin needs a reliable and dependable source of baseload electrical energy to meet the future needs of the State and region. Continued economical development in the region will definitely be accompanied and encouraged by increased electricity generation, either in the State or by importing from other sources. Coal is the best immediate source for near term generation of electricity at a resonable cost, using a resource of which the U.S. has a plentiful supply. The proposed biomass option certainly is a viable and correct way to begin gathering the knowledge needed as current surplus biomass resources will be utiltized rather than wasted. There can be effective utilization of already inventoried biomass surplus products. Later, it is probable that a new agriculture industry will emerge as it passes community and environment review.

This application gives the Biomass option a serious review with enough financial resources and a meaningful platform to effectively implement the plan on a large scale basis.

As a long time customer of Alliant and the former WPL Company, I have complete trust that Company resources will be wisely used along with the latest technology to generate electricity with as little harm to the environment as possible. It is my belief that Alliant will continue as a good partner and steward of natural resources as new generation capability is added. CO2 emission concerns will continue to haunt our national energy policy decision process for many years to come. I know that Alliant will carry their share of responsibilty in addressing the emission challenges as the nation continues to find ways to lesson the impact. They have shown that interest with the addtition of the biomass componet to the application.

Until other unknown baseline generation emerges with minimal CO2 emissions, we must allow electrical generators use of the best available technology to

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/97810.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 supply our electrical needs at a reasonable cost, and at the same time monitor Schedule 2 Page 71 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 enviroment challenges. October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer Alliant has been a progressive company supporting the communities it serves, and now is showing continued leadership with this application. Therefore I support Alliant and this application.

Thank you,

Mark Masters

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Masters

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Submitted: 7/21/2008 3:39:11 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dan Bartel Address: 2753 Brooks Ridge Dr City: Sun Prairie State:WI Zip:53590 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support Alliant Energy's proposal to construct a coal fired power plant at Cassville, WI. I believe the economy of Wisconsin NEEDS this resource. We need ALL forms of energy production and it is totally unrealistic to think that we can stop using the most plentiful fuel resource in the US. It really turns out that the sun does not shine 24 hours a day and the wind doesn't always blow AND there is no large storage available for large bulk power. We SHOULD use those resources as well, but we also need coal for larger growth demands and a firm backup when the alternative natural sources are not available. Using bio- fuel for the Cassville plant and preparing for CO2 removal when the technology becomes technically feasible is a most responsible approach.

So, I would urge you to approve this application and support Alliant in it's efforts to balance need with responsible supply.

Thank you!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Bartel

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Submitted: 7/25/2008 8:54:05 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Zack Sowieja Address: 405 Cottage Grove #4 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53716 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do not build another coal plant. There is cleaner, newer technology that would allow for power to be harvested in different ways. Wind power is free and environmentally safe while coal power is dirty and must be mined and shipped. Even nuclear power is a better option than coal power. Please, anything but coal power.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Zack Sowieja

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Submitted: 7/28/2008 4:01:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mesut Muslu Address: 410 Flower Ct. City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 Phone: 608-348-3615

Comment: I would like to comment about this project from two perspectives:

1. As a tax payer and resident of Grant County: I believe that this project is a great opportunity for the whole area. It will provide significant opportunities for the cities, townships, and communities around here economically (in terms of increasing their tax revenues) and in terms of jobs. It is not often that such opportunities come by in Southwest Wisconsin. Because of the commitment by Alliant that 10-20 % of the fuel will be from renewable sources (that will most likely grow in Southwest Wisconsin), the project will especially benefit farmers by creating alternative markets for their products. I feel that utilization of renewable energy sources is a direction that utilities need to move in order to address the world’s energy and environmental problems. I believe that Alliant Energy is showing leadership within the utilities by committing itself to use 10- 20% of the fuel from renewable sources.

Since 80-90 % of the fuel (for the power plant)will still be coal, I am a little concerned that the plant will continue emitting gasses and particulates that have negative environmental impact. I am happy to see that Alliant energy is committed to reducing these emissions by utilizing the latest technology in power plant design.

2. As an educator in energy/renewable area: I have been teaching courses in energy/renewable energy area at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville (UWP) for over 20 years. Last year, we have established a “Renewable Energy Minor” at UWP. This project would provide very significant opportunities for our faculty and students ranging from research on renewable sources to providing job opportunities in terms of cooperative education and summer internships for our students. If approved and implemented, I anticipate that a lot of students taking renewable energy courses will be involved in projects ranging from identifying which plants yield better energy output to how to pelletize/burn a certain plant to get maximum energy.

In summary, I believe that this project will provide significant benefits to one of the poorest areas of Wisconsin in terms of additional tax revenues and jobs. Also, UWP will benefit from this in terms of providing additional educational file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98097.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 experiences and opportunities for its students. I am strongly in favor of the Schedule 2 Page 75 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 projects and hope that the Commission members approve the request by October 2, 2008 Alliant Energy. Kenneth C. Rineer

Sincerely, Mesut Muslu

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mesut Muslu

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98097.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 76 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/29/2008 4:25:58 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: William Moore Address: 4260 So. Victoria Cir. City: New Berlin State:WI Zip:53151 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Global warming is a serious threat to the earth - to all living things - and us. We cannot simply do things as we have been. Even though these plants might pollute less than older coal-fired power plants (but still too much, increasing our state's output of pollution), the CO2 it emits will still be almost as much - more than 3,000,000 tons/year. Al Gore has challenged the country to wean ourselves off non-renewable energy within ten years; we must try. This is not the way. Please deny Alliant's application and tell them to put their money into renewable energy and conservation.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William Moore

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98119.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 77 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/30/2008 12:59:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brian Waspi Address: 434 Warren Street City: Lake Geneva State:WI Zip:53147 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: My comment is that the Commission should DENY Alliant Energy's application to build the coal plant. A plant of this type will emit over 3 millions tons of CO2 and other greenhouse gases EACH YEAR. We currently support Alliant Energy's "Earth Stewart" initiative and power our home with 100% renewable energy resources supplied to us by Alliant Energy. This is just one example of the many alternatives available. We a citizens rely on our public officials to sometimes create the motivation for businesses and public utilities to seek out these alternatives. Don't let us down. I urge you to DENY the application.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brian Waspi

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98172.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 78 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/30/2008 1:31:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Blume Address: 306 Worthington Ct. City: Waunakee State:WI Zip:53597

Comment: You must not pander to the special interest environmental groups. While I am all for a clean environment, their approach is badly flawed from many angles, including economic. Therefore I believe the Alliant Energy Cassville facility should be approved. I am not an Alliant employee and have no ties to Alliant. But I am interested in making sure we do not become California and need to start rationing electricity.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Blume

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98173.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 79 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/30/2008 2:23:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: leonard everett Address: 1314 woodvale dr City: madison State:wi Zip:53716

Comment: we in the state of wi need to be changing over to more enviormentaly safe energy than coal

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. leonard everett

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98188.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 80 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/30/2008 6:28:58 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Douglas A. Szper Address: N1811 Knorr Road City: Random Lake State:WI Zip:53075 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I urge you to deny the request by Alliant to build a 300 MW coal plant in Cassville. This is absolutely the WRONG direction to go at this critical time in humanity's history. An additional 300 million tons of carbon dioxide each year from this plant would simply exacerbate the climate change that we see occurring right before our eyes. Please "just say NO" to more coal plants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Douglas A. Szper

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98219.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 81 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/31/2008 12:13:41 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Wayne Stroessner Address: 39 East Shore Drive City: Random Lake State:WI Zip:53075-1608 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920 994-2471

Comment: I served on the DNR's Citizen's Advisory Committee on Mercury and we learned that burning coal should be reduced or eliminated. I served as President of the Wisconsin Interfaith Climate and Energy Campaign for two years. WICEC members have met with a PSC member and had discussions in which WICEC would like to eliminate burning of coal for health, ethical, cost and environmental reasons. There are many alternatives including: Conservation; Efficiency; Renewables (wind, solar, waves, tides, hydro, geothermal, slow moving water, algae, biomass, etc); Distributed Energy Production; Development of a Hydrogen Economy; and an alternative to nuclear power. Solar and wind provide intermittent energy. However, electrolyzing water to produce hydrogen can provide storage of the energy produced when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. The hydrogen can be piped anywhere in the country and used in fuel cells to produce electricity, heat and pure drinkable water where ever it is needed... With Zero Carbon Emissions! Since burning of fossil fuels is the most critical way of destroying the Earth by global warming, it must be eliminated and electricity should be produced via other methods for providing a base load... That would be to use Thorium as an alternative to dirty and unsafe Uranium/Plutonium. Please check into the possibilities of this far cleaner form of nuclear energy. (I am anxious to meet with any or all members of the PSC to discuss the benefits of Thorium)

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wayne Stroessner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98220.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 82 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/31/2008 10:30:14 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marie Trebec Address: 225 S. Hickory Street City: Fond du Lac State:WI Zip:54935

Comment: I would like to urge the PSC to DENY Alliant Energy's application to build a 300 MW coal plant that will emit over 3 million tons of global warming pollution per year in Grant County, WI. Wisconsin needs clean, renewable energy to protect out natural resources and economy - NOT MORE COAL!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marie Trebec

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98234.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 83 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/31/2008 12:14:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve Books Address: 211 S. 2nd St. City: Mount Horeb State:WI Zip:53572 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608)437-5478

Comment: To the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin:

Thank you for this opportunity to comment on Alliant Energy's proposal for the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, WI.

As a loan management consumer of electricity on a no-extra-cost Time of Day Rates billing program, I'm against the coal plant proposal for Cassville. Conservation, as just one segment of energy efficiency, the other two segements being load management and fuel switching, is not being substantially adddressed by our privately owned utilities in Wisconsin, and the word sustainable is not too prominent either. As far as conservation, the effort is only at the "tip of the iceburg." Utilities can do more than to just give out a few compact florescent bulbs. There are many additional reasons for being against the bad timing of Alliant Energy to be proposing a Model T generation coal plant.

Cassville's E.J. Stoneman Coal Plant, south of the Nelson Dewey Plant, is to be converted to burn 100 wood waste. This should serve to Alliant Energy that other options of electrical production other than coal are available, now. Yes, it's a good long range plan to have local farmers involved in the possible future biomass market for switchgrass and other bio-fuel products. But then, why can't Alliant Energy make the proposed Nelson Dewey Plant a 100 percent biomass/biofuel power plant?

According to Alliant's own analysis, the proposed plant would emit as much global warming pollution as 40 year old Wisconsin power plants fueled only by coal. So, even if the proposed plant has the newest technology for coal emissions, it will still be a polluting power plant no better than coal power plants in operation now. That's a mistake, and a poor example of environmental stewardship, not to mention Wisconsin citizenship.

I hope Wisconsinite's realize that base load electrical generating power plants operate as if a large brick is on the accelerator pedal, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. On-Peak, and OFF-Peak electricity cycles are not

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98243.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 discussed. I take advantage of the lower priced Off-Peak electricity cycle, and Schedule 2 Page 84 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 can average seventy-five percent of a usual two hundred kilowatt hour or less October 2, 2008 monthly bill to Off-Peak electricity. If I owned a Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Kenneth C. Rineer (PHEV), I would plug it in to the existing least used Off-Peak electricity that would not raise the need for addition generation. And, as far as emissions, if emissions are poor for one part of the operation, the emissions will likely be repeated many times over.

Decoupling, it sounds like a term used in railroad yards, a regulation that would allow utilities to make a profit by not being tied to how much electricity sold, needs to be in the discussion. Utilities can make money when their customers save money with this regulation. Wisconsin utilities need this option now in this twenty-first century.

A new power plant burning coal is an misnomer for Cassville, and Wisconsin. As the power plant is being constructed near Oak Creek along the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan that I call the Mistake on the Lake, let's not allow this Alliant Energy power plant to be built and be called The Mistake on the Mississippi.

Thank You!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve Books

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98243.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 85 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/31/2008 12:59:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Beth Grendahl Address: 10919W Place St City: Exeland State:WI Zip:54835

Comment: Coal-fired plants are not the answer to our energy needs and cannot be operated without adding to global warming. We need to put our money and effort into renewable sources of energy and to reducing energy consumption. Alliant Energy should become a leader in aiding consumers to conserve energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Beth Grendahl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98244.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 86 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/31/2008 2:20:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Laustrup Address: 15244W Circle Road City: Hayward State:WI Zip:54843 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-634-0842

Comment: Governor Doyle supports reducing mercury pollution by 90%. Coal fired power plants are the primary source of mercury contamination. Please don's shill for big coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Laustrup

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98260.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 87 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 7/31/2008 4:39:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Janet M. Hinkfuss Address: 846 9th street City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54304 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please deny Alliant Energy's application to build a new coal plant. Wisconsin should be taking a stronger lead and pursuing alternative renewable energies. Even the so-called "clean" coal power plants contribute a lot of pollution. We need to look long-term instead of for the cheap or convenient solution. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Janet M. Hinkfuss

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98283.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 88 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/1/2008 2:25:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mike Wehler-Wisconsin Pork Association Address: S9461 Hwy C City: Plain State:Wi Zip:53577 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-544033

Comment: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Pork Association we would like to support the Nelson-Dewey proposal to construct a 300MW facility at Cassville, Wisconsin. We believe the doubling of the biofuel requirement at Nelson-Dewey will help develop a market for biofuels that recieve their energy source from sources other than food grains and will not only add value for farmers but can also improve soil and water conservation efforts. Less reliance on fossil fuels will also make available more of those fuels for farmers to use in the production of food. Southwest Wisconsin would seem to be an ideal location for this facility.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mike Wehler-Wisconsin Pork Association

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98387.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 89 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/1/2008 2:59:11 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nancy Boynton Address: N12001 N Jahn Road City: Alma Center State:Wi Zip:54611

Comment: I urge you to DENY Alliant Energy's application to build a 300MW coal plant at the Nelson Dewey generating station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin. Wisconsin needs clean, renewable energy to protect our natural resources and economy. Not More Coal! Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nancy Boynton

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98390.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 90 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/2/2008 10:52:02 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maureen Sloan Address: 280 Kierstead Lane City: Oregon State:WI. Zip:53575-1556 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe allowing Alliant Energy to build another Coal plant is a terrible idea! Wisconsin needs clean renewable energy to protect our children, ourselves,our natural resources,and our economy.Fossil Fuels needs to be an energy of the past, not the future!! NO MORE COAL!! Deny Alliant Energy their application, for the love of everything that lives and breathes.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maureen Sloan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98412.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 91 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/3/2008 2:38:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ellen Comiskey Address: 1222 Highpoint Ln City: Waukesha State:WI Zip:53189-7738 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-650-1740

Comment: I urge you not approve this application! We need fewer coal-fired plants, not more. We need to strongly urge conservation of energy and efficiency instead of more production and more use. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ellen Comiskey

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98413.htm10/2/2008 10:31:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 92 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/3/2008 9:03:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Linda Schmidt Address: 9035 W. Mt. Vernon Ave. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53226

Comment: Dear Sir: We strongly urge the PSC to APPROVE the application. Wisconsin is in need of this electricity. In the USA we have large coal reserves over 500 years worth just waiting in the ground to be used, let's use it. Wisconsin will need more electrical energy as even the newer cars will be electric; as the government will not allow us to drill for more oil in this country. More and more electric power is used in the home and busniess and government we will readily use this power. The environment will be just fine as our air and water is cleaner now, then it has been in 75 years; also global warming is a fraud and should not worry us. Wheather goes in cycles and man's puny little pollution dose not make a dent in the world wide climate. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Schmidt

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Linda Schmidt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98414.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 93 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/3/2008 9:25:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Fran Schmidt Address: 256 N. 90th St. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53226

Comment: Dear Sir: I urge the PSC to APPROVE this power plant. A coal power plant would be a big help to Wisconsin as it provides cheap, constant and dependable power to our citizens. The so called CO2 concerns are nonsense as there is no global warming except in the mind of some confused people. Thank you

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Fran Schmidt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98416.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 94 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/3/2008 10:52:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Sigmann M.D. Address: 3732 Rocky shore Dr City: Sturgeon Bay State:WI Zip:54235 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I urge rejection of this application. The Midwest has more coal fired power plants than our air can tolerate. Both the Public's and the Environment's health would be adversely affected. Encourage the applicant to plan for clean and renewable energy production!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Sigmann M.D.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98417.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 95 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/4/2008 11:49:44 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Koeller Address: 931 S. Lafayette St. City: Shawano State:WI Zip:54166 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715 526-6952

Comment: Dear Sirs:

Please deny Alliant Energy's application to build a 300MW coal plant that would emit over 3 million tons of global warming pollution per year at the Nelson Dewey generating station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin. Wisconsin needs clean, renewable energy to protect our natural resources and economy, not the pollution that more coal would bring. Now is the time to shut down coal- burning plants, not build new ones!

David Koeller

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Koeller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98425.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 96 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/4/2008 12:36:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ronald Bass Address: 603 West North Street City: Dodgeville State:Wi Zip:53533

Comment: My name is Ron Bass and I support the construction of the Coal-Fired Generation Unit at Cassville. I would like to see other generation types used but right now there really aren't any that will supply the demand that the public is making. If Alliant Energy WP&L doesn't keep up with the demand the state will lose out to other states that are willing to build this type of generation so I would hope the Public Service Commission would support their proposal. Thank You, Ron Bass

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ronald Bass

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98427.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 97 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/4/2008 11:06:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Keyser Address: 2755 Elm lane City: Sturgeon Bay State:WI Zip:54235

Comment: I ardently oppose the application of WPL to build a new Coal plant. This should be denied. Instead of relying on old energy generating procedures, force the companies to use new, cleaner, renewable mans of generating poser.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Keyser

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98460.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 98 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/5/2008 11:50:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joanne Zipperer Address: 8320 Zander Road City: Maribel State:WI Zip:54227

Comment: The Wisconsin Public Service Commission should deny Alliant Energy's application to build a 300MWcoal plant in Cassville. Wisconsin needs clean, renewable energy to protect our natural resources and economy, not more coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joanne Zipperer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98491.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 99 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/6/2008 6:52:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: amy crofts Address: 605 e court City: viroqua State:wi Zip:54665 Phone: nurse

Comment: we should not be using more coal power with all it's global warming problems. we should use solar and wind energy [as in eastern grant county wind farm]. we should use energy sources which do not leave us with dangerous emissions; energy sources which are 'green' and sustainable. thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. amy crofts

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98595.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 100 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/7/2008 11:35:03 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: LOWELL SCHULTZ Address: N736 LAKE RD City: MERRILL State:WI Zip:54452


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. LOWELL SCHULTZ

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98612.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 101 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/8/2008 3:35:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dean Licht Address: 2643 Western Ave City: Eau Claire State:Wis. Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-831-6025

Comment: While I have heard many pros and cons to the construction of this new generating facility, I believe that there is a definite need to provide reliable energy for the people of Wisconsin. As we look at the infrastructure of our state and across the country we cannot deny our transportation system is in need of work, so is true of our power generating systems. They have served us well over the years, but there comes a time when we need to realize these systems need to be upgraded. Alliant Energy is proposing a plant that will use the latest in technology and will utilize alternative fuels that are friendly to the enviroment. I agree we should continue to expand on alternate sources of power, such as wind, solar and nuclear, but there is still a need for the base load plants to provide for our future needs. This project is a step in the right direction in providing safe and reliable power, plus stimulating the economy of south west Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dean Licht

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98747.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 102 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/8/2008 3:50:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maureen Brisbois Address: 108 Wildwood Ct City: Boscobel State:WI Zip:53805 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support the proposed expansion of the powerplant. We need the jobs and economic stimulus in this county. The K-12 schools in the area have been witnessing shrinking enrollment for many years and the only way to slow that is to create jobs and opportunities in the county. This project will not only help Cassville but also give farmers and lumber mills new opportunities to develop markets and make money from the products they grow and in some cases make revenue from products that currently have no market like corn stalks and wood shavings/saw dust. I am concerned about global warming but from what I have read, the power company's overall plan will reduce their carbon footprint, and this project is not only about Cassville and Grant County but the entire state and beyond.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maureen Brisbois

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98748.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 103 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/10/2008 9:13:41 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Beverly Hoppe Address: 283 Jenna Court City: River Falls State:WI Zip:54022

Comment: I would like to urge the Public Service Commission to DENY Alliant Energy's application to build this coal plant. I am sure it is no news that it would emit over 3 million tons of global warming pollution per year. I have been aware of global warming for probably 20 years, as I am 67 years old and remember how weather used to be. Thank God FINALLY people are waking up to the imminent danger of our very existence due to global warming. It will definitely change the way we and our children and grandchildren live, and not for the better. With this in mind it seems a "no-brainer" to deny the building of yet another coal-fired electric generation unit. We need to use other methods to generate energy -- how about solar power -- the government seems stuck in quicksand when it comes to approving tax breaks for this sensible source of energy. Perhaps with our new administration, some sense will be made as far as energy production. For too long we have relied on oil and coal. It is time and past time to break this habit. Please Public Service Commission of Wisconsin -- deny this application by Alliant.

Beverly Hoppe

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Beverly Hoppe

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98767.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 104 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/11/2008 9:57:51 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ron Brisbois Address: 1800 Bronson Blvd City: Fennimore State:WI Zip:53809 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I fully support the proposed expansion. We need the additional electricity generation now in order to vie for new projects and to retain our existing businesses, and these are projects that we are aware of. Why is General Motors meeting with 30 different power suppliers to discuss their new fleet of electric cars that will be hitting the showrooms in 2010? The demand for electricity is very real and we need to be prepared for the future and not just one year from now but rather decades. The existing power plant at Nelson Dewey was constructed in the late 50's and 60's, and it is time to upgrade the plant, and Alliant's plan addresses pollution and carbon. Expanding the plant from 200 MW to 500 MW and the upgrades in the transmission in Cassville will allow an additional 600 MWs to be "imported" into the state is vitally important to Grant County and our economic future as well as the state's. The jobs created by the power plant expansion are also critical. I am also excited about the economic development that area farmers will realize with the plant's use of biomass. Grant County knows coal-fired power plants, and the only viable option for base load electricity is from coal. The Stoneman power plant, which is the other coal-fired plant in Cassville, was evaluated in 2002 to be converted to Natural Gas, and the costs of natural gas at that time was considered too volatile, plus the natural gas main would need to be extended from Bloomington to Cassville to supply the natural gas. This expansion is much needed here.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ron Brisbois

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98783.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 105 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/12/2008 10:34:33 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe Ploessl Address: 601 Mulberry Drive City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5877


Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Re: Docket #6680-CE-170

August 12, 2008

My name is Joe Ploessl and I would like to encourage you to support Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company's proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

WPL is proposing to utilize 20 percent biomass at Nelson Dewey 3. The establishment of a sustainable, renewable biomass market in Wisconsin will mean additional sources of revenue to area farmers, foresters and agricultural operations. This biomass market also has the potential to encourage the growth of native grasses in southwest Wisconsin and better management of forest lands.

Not only that, WPL has pledged to continue its aggressive energy efficiency programs, increase its use of renewalbe energy, and shut down its oldest coal plant to more than offset the carbon emissions from the new plant.

Hundreds of new, family-supporting jobs will be created by this plant expansion before, during and after construction. Affordable and reliable energy is directly related to job creation and will serve as a strong economic base for the state of Wisconsin.

WPL's proposed project balances need, cost, and environmental responsibility. It is a positive step toward reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, while ensuring that businesses and families in Wisconsin will continue to have access to

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98955.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 affordable energy. Schedule 2 Page 106 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Affordable energy is absolutely necessary with the skyrocketing cost of home Kenneth C. Rineer heating fuels we are facing this winter and beyond.

I urge you to support WPL's Nelson Dewey 3 project.


Joe Ploessl 601 Mulberry Drive PO Box 448 Cassville WI 53806-0448

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe Ploessl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98955.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 107 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/12/2008 11:35:39 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Duane Fritz Address: 1410 South 18th Street City: Prairie du Chien State:wi Zip:53821 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-778-6332

Comment: I live in Prairie du Chien Wi and Understand what this new facility will do for all surrounding communities. Anyone from these communities will again we could use a boost in our job markets and economy. So I support the new plant in cassville! Knowing full well that Wisconsin Power and Light is doing everything that is being asked of them from an eviromental standpoint and more!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Duane Fritz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98964.htm10/2/2008 10:31:04 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 108 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/12/2008 12:46:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David J. Lambert, Commissioner, Grant County Highway Address: 1013 North Adams Street City: Lancaster State:WI Zip:53813 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-723-2595

Comment: The Grant County Highway Department supports Alliant's proposal to expand the coal-fired electric generation unit known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David J. Lambert, Commissioner, Grant County Highway

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98973.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 109 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/12/2008 3:20:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brent Straka Address: 7936 Cty A City: Lancaster State:WI Zip:53813 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am in favor of the Cassville power plan expansion. The initial construction phase, on-going biomass business and new employees will help all local businesses and municipalities. It is

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brent Straka

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98987.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 110 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/12/2008 3:21:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tammy Reynolds Address: 5673 Far Nuf Road City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806

Comment: I support Alliant Energy's proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project. The new facility will provide great economic benefits to the village of Cassville and it's surrounding communities.

Alliant plans to utilize 20 percent biomass at Nelson Dewey 3, a big step in the right direction toward a cleaner environment. People need to understand that the "greener future" they are seeking will take time to implement, and they should be supportive of an advancement like this. As the energy efficient programs develop and prosper, businesses and families still deserve access to affordable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tammy Reynolds

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/98988.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 111 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/13/2008 10:12:16 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dan Durley Address: 136 East St City: Potosi State:WI Zip:53820-9609 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Hello,

My name is Dan Durley and I would like to send a letter of support for Alliant Energy proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

I fully believe in the renewable biomass market in Wisconsin and that this will mean additional revenue sources for are farmers, foresters and agricultural operations. I also like the hundreds of jobs that will be brought into help build this facility as well as the other economic impact that this will provide our area communities.

I urge you to support the Alliant Energy proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

Thanks, Dan Durley Potosi

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Durley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99001.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 112 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/13/2008 12:33:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Uppena Address: Box 228 City: Dickeyville State:WI Zip:53808

Comment: As a former resident of Cassville and someone who will always consider it my home, I would like to encourage SUPPORT for Alliant's proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project there. Alot of of people would have you believe that a vote AGAINST this project is in the best interest of the community and the state of Wisconsin. However we can not ignore the fact that the power and ease of distribution created by this project is needed very badly in this portion of the country. As are the much needed jobs, increased commerce, influx of families and children in our schools that this expansion will bring. All of these reasons don't over-ride the importance of maintaining our environment. However protecting the environment has to involve a combination of all types of energy use . . each one using the best technology available to produce the least impact possible. I believe that this project will do that. This is a chance of a lifetime for the residents of Cassville and the surrounding area. Many communities would love to have an opportunity like this. Let's support it wholeheartily. GO CASSVILLE!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julie Uppena

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99006.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 113 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/13/2008 2:03:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Christine Russell Address: Jack Oak Rd City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 Phone: 608-725-5832

Comment: I am in favor of building the new coal-fired unit at the Nelson Dewey Generating Station. I work in Cassville and would like to keep the lights on.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Christine Russell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99010.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 114 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/13/2008 3:27:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laurie Vogt Address: 12391 County Road A City: Bagley State:WI Zip:53801 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Thank you for the opportunity to have my voice heard! Speaking on the proposed expansion to the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, WI, this opportunity would do many great things for the State and most of all the United States (our home).

First, we need to take a good look at Alliant Energy’s reputation. Are they a good neighbor, are they doing what’s required in order to meet the requirements to run a utility, and are they going above and beyond what is necessary to meet government regulations and rules? What is their track record in a community and do they maintain their properties accordingly? Do they meet our expectations when we want to turn on our lights, turn up the heat, and even consider buying that new hybrid car that requires electricity to manufacture? If we sit back and do a little bit of our own research, and not rely on the media or the environmental groups that we’ll find that this expansion will actually be a great thing for us. Did you know that Nelson Dewey and Alliant Energy are committed to keeping our environment and our communities clean and is continually doing so? Did you know that they have spent large sums of money to do so with the only payback being a good neighbor to all of our surrounding communities?

We all talk about the price of a gallon of gas but if we deny this expansion we may not meet the electrical needs of our communities or the country, and if this happens, the price of electricity will also be out of reach for most common folk. Who do you think will go without? It won’t be the people trying to tell us that we don’t need this plant! It will be you and me, John Q Public! It takes YEARS to plan, permit, and build a power plant, so if not today, but can see the need in years to come, ACT NOW. Yes, the price of a new unit and/or new plant construction has increased, but what hasn’t?

I just want everyone prior to commenting to please do some research, Alliant Energy will reduce the emissions, they are monitoring their emissions, and are well below the limits set, and yes, this expansion will enhance the ability to reduce emissions from the current 200 MWs produced at that facility. The cost to do this is almost the cost of the additional MWs. Let them spend their money wisely; let them add the 300 MWs.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99020.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 115 of 987 I encourage you to take a drive to this small community, if you have not been Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 there, and see the green hillsides, the Eagles, the Peregrine Falcons, and other Kenneth C. Rineer creatures that make it their home -- the beautiful landscape up and down the river and the river itself. After almost 60 years of what our environmentalists are calling “dirty old coal” we sure have a beautiful place to live, work and play! Alliant Energy is a good neighbor and I don’t think that they would do anything to damage this nor would they commit to spend this kind of money if it was not a necessary addition to the electric grid across the country. Where would we be if we didn’t have the strict guidelines? I say “hats off” to Alliant Energy! I think the benefits outweigh the negatives it would bring to our area.

Thank you, Laurie Vogt

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laurie Vogt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99020.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 116 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/13/2008 3:29:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joy Blum Address: 1034 E. Bluff St. City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I fully support the construction of a new coal-fired plant in Cassville, WI. It's about time this area (my home town) has a chance to grow economically.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joy Blum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99021.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 117 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/13/2008 8:11:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve & Sue Kirschbaum Address: 208 Denniston Street City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We are in favor of building the new coal-fired unit at the Nelson Dewey Generating Station. We live and work in Cassville; we feel it will help our community and the surrounding area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve & Sue Kirschbaum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99046.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 118 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/14/2008 9:02:33 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ambrose Mumm Address: 1110 Jack Oak Rd. City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806

Comment: I would like to comment in favor of building a power plant in our comunity. It is a known fact that we are going to continue to need more electricity in our country. Other alternatives such as wind power and nuclear sound good but have disturbing drawbacks. Wind power is costly to establish and very costly to maintain. Nuclear power sounds good but the danger of a malfunction is always present therefor I don't wish to see one of them erected within 100 miles of my home. I'm told this power plant proposed for Cassville will emit a minimum amount of toxic emitions and that leads me to feel safe in having it built in our community.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ambrose Mumm

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99048.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 119 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/14/2008 3:16:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lynn Verger, MD Address: 945 Saint James Circle City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the construction of a new coal-fired electric generation unit in Cassville, WI. As a physician and Grant County resident, I am concerned about air quality. Coal plants emit fine particulate matter that pollutes the air and negatively affects those with respiratory ailments. Coal plants also contribute to mercury in the environment. Mercury is especially harmful for developing fetuses in pregnant women and harmful for children. Please don't sacrifice the health of the residents of Grant County for electricity from a coal plant when cleaner alternatives are available. Thank you. Sincerely, Lynn Verger, MD

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lynn Verger, MD

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99071.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 120 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/15/2008 8:58:35 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Diane Cole c/o Badgerland Financial Address: 315 Broadway City: Baraboo State:WI Zip:53913 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 356-4903

Comment: I encourage you to support the Alliant Energy – Wisconsin Power and Light’s Nelson Dewey 3 project.

The proposed plant expansion will help support a vibrant rural economy by creating jobs, both during construction and on an ongoing basis, and by continuing to provide affordable and reliable energy needed for businesses and communities. The proposal to utilize 20% biomass at this plant will also mean additional revenues and enhanced economic vitality for the state’s $50+ billion agricultural industry.

This flexible fuel plant is a step in the right direction toward reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and is consistent with the state’s goal of leadership in biotechnologies. It is an environmentally and economically sound project that will benefit Wisconsin.

I urge you to support WPL’s proposal to construct Nelson Dewey 3.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Diane Cole c/o Badgerland Financial

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99077.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 121 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/15/2008 12:06:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: clarence fure Address: 406 w bluff st City: cassville State:wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5406

Comment: I live in cassville and I support this construction. I also think the people in this village who do not support the construction should turn off all power to there homes for the next year and see how much fun it is to be without.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. clarence fure

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99107.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 122 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/16/2008 9:38:32 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Arlene Degenhardt Address: 6220 Hwy. 133 City: Cassville State:WI. Zip:53806

Comment: I live and work in Cassville where the proposed new unit will be built and I support this construction very much.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Arlene Degenhardt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99171.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 123 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/19/2008 2:07:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Bartels Address: 345 East Walnut St City: Lancaster State:WI Zip:53813 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Thank you for the oppertunity to comment on this issue.

The increasing demand for electric power is growing at such a rapid pace, that simply saying that we can not build base load plants anymore and just rely on renewable energy sources is very narrow minded thinking and will create situations in the future where the electical supply will not be able to keep up with demand. With that in mind if we do not keep up with reliable proven energy prodution we will find that in the near future we will be in an energy crisis.

I fully agree that we need to look and explore ways to move towards renewable energy options. This will protect the enviroment and the health of the residents of Wisconsin now and in the future. But if you ever come to Cassville you would see first hand that the enviroment and baseload power plants can coexist. Cassville has had one or two power plants for around 50 years, and to this day the largest economic impact in this rural community are all the people that come here to hunt and fish, making it and outdoor lovers haven.

I feel if you weigh all the options and needs this is the best possible solution for the residents of Wisconsin, and would a real injustise to everyone if not approved.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Bartels

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99274.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 124 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/19/2008 5:21:24 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas Vondrum Address: 701 West Front Street City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I fully support Alliant Energy in their efforts to update and expand the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville. Rather than justifying my support with statistics that you already have at your disposal I will keep it simple with a few facts. Is there a need for more base load electricity? We are all aware of the issues that both coasts have experienced with outages and brown-outs. We are kidding ourselves if we think that our electricity needs are decreasing. The need is there and it is not going to come from a totally "green" source. Alliant has proposed a very responsible plan to increase electricity output while also addressing environmental issues by increasing the proposed biomas usage to 20%. The economic impact will be felt by a large area for a long time. Also, this expansion will make Wisconsin more attractive to businesses looking to locate here if we can provide them with a reliable source of electricity, and that benefits the whole state. A responsible plan requires a responsible decision -- APPROVE this proposal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas Vondrum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99285.htm10/2/2008 10:31:05 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 125 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/20/2008 8:10:38 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: sandy langdon Address: n483 county highway c City: de forest State:wi Zip:53532

Comment: I grew up in Cassville and approve of the construction of the new electric generation unit. The jobs this would create would be a HUGE asset to the area. We will always need electricity and think this is a perfect site for the unit. Since alot of the strcture is already in place, I think this would be the most feasibly acceptable place.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. sandy langdon

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99287.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 126 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/20/2008 11:43:21 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steven Malone Address: 220 S. VanBuren Street City: Benton State:WI Zip:53803 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 759-3600

Comment: Please note my support for the Alliant Energy, WP&L proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project. I am very pleased with the pledge from Alliant (WP&L) to continue its aggressive energy efficiency programs, increase its use of renewable energy, and shut down its oldest coal plant. This project assists in providing economic stimulus to our area, and represents a positive step toward reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

I sincerely hope that you will support the the WP&L Nelson Dewey Generating Station.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steven Malone

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99301.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 127 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/21/2008 8:58:09 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barb Shada Address: N5406 Langdon Rd City: Pardeeville State:WI Zip:53954 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I grew up in Cassville and support the new electric generation unit. This would be a great Economic Boost to the area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barb Shada

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99345.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 128 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/21/2008 4:14:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jennifer Boxrucker Address: 8422 County U City: Potosi State:WI Zip:53820 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support the expansion 100% to Cassville. This will help our community, bring individuals to our beautiful town and be very helpful for our economy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jennifer Boxrucker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99387.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 129 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/22/2008 8:12:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: BLANE TOM Address: 284 VINE STREET City: WEST BEND State:WI Zip:53095 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I encorage the approval of the Nelson Dewey Plant in Casseville. I am a Boilermaker from Wisconsin and I service the State of Wisconsin for maintenance and repair of Boilers and Pollution Controls. For 19 years I have listened to the public talk and ask for cleaner burning Boilers and the reduction of emittted pollutants but every time an Owner steps up to the plate to do what the public asks for they get turned down. Alliant Energy is offering some of the best sollutions to the State of Wisconsin in order to continue to supply the electrical needs to our residents. It is crazy to think that wind and nuclear generation will solve our problems. At this point and time you can not build nuclear facilities in this state nor can you erect enough wind generators to produce enough energy to make up what this Boiler will provide. You must understand that it takes years to erect these Boilers and that Wisconsin needs the power now. By slowing down the permitting process or fighting to reject it promotes the possibilities of electrical shortages, black outs, brown outs and increased rates to the rate payers for purchased power through other utilities Please allow Alliant Energy the opportunity to provide the services required to stabilize power in Wisconsin and to promote the cleanest pollution technology available for reducing emissions. This is a win win situation for all.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. BLANE TOM

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99407.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 130 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/22/2008 10:45:18 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gary McCrea Address: 92 W. Main Street City: Benton State:WI Zip:53803 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 759 3721

Comment: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

August 22, 2008

Dear Ms. Swailes:

My name is Gary McCrea, Village President of the Village of Benton, and I would like to encourage you to support Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

WPL is proposing to utilize 20 percent biomass at Nelson Dewey 3. The establishment of a sustainable, renewable biomass market in Wisconsin will mean additional sources of revenue to area farmers, foresters and agricultural operations. This biomass market also has the potential to encourage the growth of native grasses in southwest Wisconsin and better management of forest lands.

Not only that, WPL has pledged to continue its aggressive energy efficiency programs, increase its use of renewable energy, and shut down its oldest coal plant to more than offset the carbon emissions from the new plant.

Hundreds of new, family-supporting jobs will be created by this plant expansion before, during and after construction. Affordable and reliable energy is directly related to job creation and will serve as a strong economic base for the state of Wisconsin.

WPL’s proposed project balances need, cost, and environmental responsibility. It is a positive step toward reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, while ensuring that businesses and families in Wisconsin will continue to have access to affordable energy.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99427.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 I urge you to support WPL’s Nelson Dewey 3 project. Schedule 2 Page 131 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Sincerely, Kenneth C. Rineer

Gary McCrea Village President Village of Benton 244 Ridge Avenue Benton, WI 53803

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gary McCrea

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99427.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 132 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/22/2008 2:38:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sara Galle Address: 180 Anna Circle City: Columbus State:WI Zip:53925 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I feel that Alliant Energy is making great strides in trying to accomplish the "25 by 25". I feel that plants like this will only continue to open more doors for biomass and begin to start a trend. We need to start focusing on a better environment for our future and I pat Alliant Energy on the back for jumping ahead and making strides for a healthier environmental future!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sara Galle

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99468.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 133 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/24/2008 11:58:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kelly & Vince Simonini Address: 509 E Amelia St City: Cassville State:Wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5598

Comment: I would like to see the expansion go through in Cassville. If it will create a few jobs and add revenue to the community while the expansion is going on, then we need to make room for that to happen. We need to invest in our communities future and keep it growing in the right way. I think it will be closely watched and I think we will get a cleaner burn than we did years ago. Thank you Kelly

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kelly & Vince Simonini

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99479.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 134 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/25/2008 10:34:12 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Roger Packard Address: N7550 North Shore Rd City: Lake Mills State:WI Zip:53551 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-263-3967

Comment: Approving any new coal-fired power plant without provision to sequester all carbon emissions would be the height of irresponsibility. Even with carbon sequestration, building a new coal-fired facility will result in more mountain tops being blown off into waterways or more strip mining in western states, and more money leaving Wisconsin to pay for unsustainable energy supplies. The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin MUST adopt a policy that ALL new investment in energy infrastructure be directed SOLELY toward developing renewable, carbon-neutral, home-grown energy supplies. REJECT THIS APPLICATION!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Roger Packard

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99482.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 135 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/25/2008 11:10:12 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Linda Parrish Address: 850 Lincoln Avenue City: Fennimore State:WI Zip:53809 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-822-6462

Comment: My comments are IN Support of the Nelson Dewey Power Plant. The Nelson Dewey Power Plant would be a huge economic impact to Southwest Wisconsin. The project would bring many good paying jobs to the area both during construction and more than two dozen permanent jobs following construction. Workers in Southwest WI are hard working, dependable which will benefit all. The Nelson Dewey Power Plant would be a win-win project for eveyone.

Thank you for the opportuntiy to share my comments. I thank you in advance for your favoarble vote on this project.

Best Regards Linda Parrish

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Linda Parrish

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99486.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 136 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/28/2008 10:22:28 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Clayton Williams Address: 9785 Muscallounge rd City: Glen Haven State:WI Zip:53810 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As an employee of Alliant Energy I feel this plant should be built.I'm a member of the Cassville school board and have lived and worked here my whole life. This town needs this new plant.I'm a second generation employee at the current Nelson Dewey Plant so I have strong ties to this plant and the community.Build it!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Clayton Williams

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99670.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 137 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/29/2008 10:58:53 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Duane Merlin Ford Address: 655 Pyrite Rd City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-348-9937

Comment: Dear Sir/Madam:

I support the Nelson Dewey 3 Project proposed by Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company. Why? I am convinced that Wisconsin needs or will need the base load electrical generation capacity. I have learned that this project, plus other measures being taken by Alliant-WPL at their Sheybogan plant, will increase electrical generation capacity while simultaneously reducing carbon and other emissions. Finally, the new plant in Cassville will burn up to 20% biomass and Wisconsin needs projects such at this one to jump start a new biomass/bioenergy industry. Wisconsin has the climate, soils, terrain, history, and experience to support a very large biomass/bioenergy industry based on our forest and agricultural lands. But I do not believe we are ready to support 100% of our electrical generation needs through biomass and other renewables. I view the Nelson Dewey 3 project as a stepping stone. Projects such as this will allow us time and contribute to the impetus to make a full transition from fossil fuels to renewables.

Sincerely, Duane Merlin Ford

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Duane Merlin Ford

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99785.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 138 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 8/29/2008 2:45:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Pigusch Address: 575 Diagonal St City: Highland State:WI Zip:53543

Comment: I support the Building of a new Coal fired Plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Pigusch

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99830.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 139 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/1/2008 1:18:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Adam Ingwell Address: W5234 Windmill Ridge Road City: New Glarus State:WI Zip:53574 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6084381989


Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

August 31, 2008

My name is Adam Ingwell, Director of Commercial Land Management at EC3 Environmental Consulting Group, Inc. I would like to encourage you to support Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

WPL is proposing to utilize 20 percent biomass at Nelson Dewey 3. The establishment of a sustainable, renewable biomass market in Wisconsin will mean additional sources of revenue to area farmers, foresters and agricultural operations. This biomass market also has the potential to encourage the growth of native grasses in southwest Wisconsin and better management of forest lands. I have been a member of the native plant material production, restoration landscaping, and Environmental consulting industry for almost 14 years and am someone who is passionate about restoration ecology and all the benefits it provides to people, water quality, and wildlife.

Not only that, WPL has pledged to continue its aggressive energy efficiency programs, increase its use of renewable energy, and shut down its oldest coal plant to more than offset the carbon emissions from the new plant.

Hundreds of new, family-supporting jobs will be created by this plant expansion before, during and after construction. Affordable and reliable energy is directly related to job creation and will serve as a strong economic base for the state of Wisconsin. The opportunities for education of both adults and young people about the benefits of bio-fuels and renewable energy, and the natural history of the lands they live on I think are quite significant.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99840.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 WPL’s proposed project balances need, cost, and environmental responsibility.Schedule 2 Page 140 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 It is a positive step toward reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, while ensuring October 2, 2008 that businesses and families in Wisconsin will continue to have access to Kenneth C. Rineer affordable energy.

I urge you to support WPL’s Nelson Dewey 3 project.


Adam Ingwell Director of Commercial Land Management EC3 Environmental Consulting Group, Inc. P.O. Box 44281 Madison WI

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Adam Ingwell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99840.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 141 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/1/2008 7:43:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Becky Shefchik Address: 731 Ariel Lane City: Verona State:WI Zip:53593 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-845-2545

Comment: I think it is an absolutely wonderful plan! Frankly, it's about time! If more communities converted to this type of energy use, perhaps the planet would be in better shape. Great job!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Becky Shefchik

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99842.htm10/2/2008 10:31:06 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 142 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/2/2008 9:15:12 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Timothy M. Baye Address: 605 Schreiner Park Road City: Lancaster State:WI Zip:53813 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.778.1885

Comment: Dear PSC Commissioners:

I am writing to support WPL's application for the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville. I acknowledge that additional coal consumption for electrical generation is, at face value, not the ideal approach for addressing global greenhouse gas emission issues. However, the initiative that WPL's Nelson Dewey project represents is a critically important step in the right direction toward moving away from dependence on fossil fuels, across all energy sources. Let me explain my rationale.

I have been professionally involved in renewable energy projects since the mid- 1980s. I have been working with cellulosic fuel and conversion projects since the early 1990s. I was the principal researcher in a switchgrass production project in SW Wisconsin, with funding and support from WI-DATCP, US-DOE, Council of Great Lakes Govenors and various utilities during the 90's. I was the co-author, with Andy Olsen, for the CGLG RFP that sponsored the co-fire project at MGE's Blount Street facility. I even shipped switchgrass to ArkEnergy (California) in the 90's for early stage testing in acid hydrolysis process for ethanol production. During all this work and during the environment we faced, the lack of a true market for biofuels was the one singular major impediment for successful commercialization of any of these efforts.

I which to draw upon two historical lessons in the biomass industry: 1) Wood product and paper firms have long benefitted from the use of residuals as a source of process heat and electricity....because it made both environmental and economic sense; 2) Rural economies have benefitted tremendously from the development of alternative markets (e.g. ethanol) for their crops. However, in both these examples markets, logistics, business models, etc. already existed. Nothing really new had to be created in order for the systems to work effectively and efficiently. That is not the case with dedicated biomass supply and conversion sysytems. It is in this area that the Nelson Dewey project represents a major step forward!

Successful implementation of Nelson Dewey will provide land owners,

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99845.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 producers and all sorts of additional firms, most small and innovative, with a Schedule 2 Page 143 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 stable and financially secure market for the production of biomass fuels. A October 2, 2008 stable and identifiable market will provide an environment for the development Kenneth C. Rineer of contracts, metrics and relationships between the producer and the user that benefits sustainable development and production of Btu's!!!! This is the key issue and primary benefit of this project. Nearly all discussion of research, business models, economics and investment criteria for the production of biomass fuels concludes that sustainable yields and sound stewardship practices also produce the best economic results for the land owner.

We all know, that land use practices, when rewarded for responsible behavior lead to the most socially and environmentally beneficial results. Approving the Nelson Dewey project will provide Wisconsin, the Upper-Midwest and many other audiences worldwide a model that will greatly enhance sustainability and environmentallhy sound renewable energy production.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Timothy M. Baye

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99845.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 144 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/3/2008 9:22:06 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevin Koester Address: 210 N. Washington St. City: Lancaster State:WI Zip:53813

Comment: I believe that a revamped Nelson Dewey Generating Station should incorporate the highest of technology available at this moment. Once it is completed, with each passing day, the technology will become, day-by-day, obsolete. The initial investment will be substantial, even daunting, but consideration must be made of the long-term environmental benefits. Also, the use of renewable fuels like switchgrass and waste biomass products must be incorporated immediately, initially at a 25% level, matching Governor Doyle's initiative, with a measurable plan to increase to 50% in ten years.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevin Koester

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99892.htm10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 145 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/3/2008 10:19:30 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Philip Bernhardt Address: 505 Rupert Rd City: Waunakee State:WI Zip:53597 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I fully support the Nelson Dewey 3 project and I encourage your support. This addition will bring jobs to the area and help create a new market with bio mass production. All the facts have been presented and I believe that Alliant Energy has looked towards the future with this plant. This will be a cleaner operation than their oldest plants which they have said they will close. We have plenty of coal and along with the addition of bio mass we should use these recources while continuing to develop alternative solutions.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Philip Bernhardt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99893.htm10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 146 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/3/2008 3:29:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sandi Buschbom Address: P O BOX 15 City: Glen Haven State:WI Zip:53810-0015

Comment: I like that the new plant would burn 20% renewalble biomass, I would like to see that percent high though. This part of the State need employment and I think all in all it is a good place to put it. Maybe if it got built in Cassville the State would finish the State Road 133 that has been put off for at least 9 years. That road is a cow path and very dangerous.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sandi Buschbom

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99908.htm10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 147 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/4/2008 5:43:37 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James Sheppard Address: 232 N Palm St City: Janesville State:Wi Zip:53548

Comment: Instead of coal, why not wind?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James Sheppard

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/99918.htm10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 148 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/4/2008 3:09:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Atty Todd A. Infield Address: 5197 Dietrich Heights City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608)822-3767

Comment: I am writing to voice my support for the proposed Nelson Generating Station in Cassville, Wisconsin. As a municipal attorney, I have sat through many presentations both for and against the proposed plant while resolutions in favor of the plant were being considered by the city councils and village boards which I represent. I always leave those meetings with the same thoughts. The opposition wants Alliant to choose alternatives that don't involve coal but never offer any viable alternatives. The opposition also always wants to assert that this plant is going to cost too much and the increased cost will passed onto the consumer yet do not offer alternatives that would be cheaper. Finally, when responding to Alliant's proposal to produce 20% biomass, the opposition merely says that its irresponsible to believe that Alliant will actually keep its promise to burn 20% biomass.

It is a fact of life that Wisconsin is going to need more energy. It is going to have to be produced one way or another. In a perfect world, this could be done without coal and in such a way that would not cost the consumer more money. It is not, however, a perfect world. Right now, coal is the most cost efficient way to produce energy. Until a more economically and evironmentally friendly alternative can be discovered, the use of coal is here to stay. The proposed plant will decrease emissions. It will be safer than the one that currently exists. Alliant should be applauded for its efforts to actually help the environment. The use of 20% biomass is another positive step in helping the environment.

I have not even attempted to address the economic impact that this plant will have on the not only southwest Wisconsin but the entire state. I will leave the details of that impact to those better qualified to do so but suffice it to say that the impact will be incredible and provide much needed assistance to an area in definite need of all the help it can get.

Finally, I have lived in Cassville for most of my life. My family lives less than a mile from the current plant. I would not be in favor of anything that would put my family's health in jeopardy. I am in favor of this proposal because, based upon the information I have seen, this plant will only increase the safety of my family.

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I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Atty Todd A. Infield

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Submitted: 9/5/2008 12:04:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Daniel J Bowden Address: 413 S. Lincoln St. City: Cuba City State:WI Zip:53807 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: To whom it may concern: I run a small business in Lancaster WI, and live in Cuba City, WI. I am very much in favor of the new power plant in Cassville. I believe that it is the best proposal to meet our current and future electricity needs. Not only will there be a great economic benefit to the entire area during construction, but down the road there will continue to be one as well. I applaud their use of some biomass fuels for their power production. Please vote in favor of the project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Daniel J Bowden

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Submitted: 9/5/2008 4:33:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Mangan Address: 2457 S. 59th St. City: West Alllis State:WI Zip:53219 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-327-1080

Comment: Alliant's proposed Cassville coal fired power plant has gone beyond the economic "tipping point" costin nearly $4/watt for new generation. (300 megawatts for $1.2 billion). This installation cost does not begin to include the cost of ever more expensive coal and the huge indirect cost of pollution with all it's health care costs and CO2 climate change mitigation which could cost ratepayers $ billions more.

The only economic solution to this monstrosity is for coal generation to compete with far cheaper demand side reduction measure such as large scale energy conservation and efficiency. At $4/watt for new coal generation, 300 Mw's of DSM could be harvested at 50% the cost of new coal or $2/watt.

Currently massive DSM measures are not being implemented because conservation and efficiency are vastly undervalued by the marke as witnessed by the Focus on Energy "incentive" of 10 - 25 cents per Mw which continues to fail at "moving the market" into more aggressive DSM.

Given the right price signals and market incentives, I see a potential to harvest up to 3,000 Mw's over 10 years in Wisconsin but not under the current bureaucratically topheavy FOE model as it exists.

One day soon there will be a Demand Side Reduction consortium that will combine efforts to harvest these massive amounts of electrica energy (300 Mw) at far cheaper, cleaner, safer and quicker fashion than any new coal generation.

Mike Mangan, C.E.M., C.D.S.M., C.S.D.P., C.P.O. Emerald Energy, LLC

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100039.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:07 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 152 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Michael Mangan

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Submitted: 9/5/2008 4:48:11 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Ganzlin Address: 1510 Tripp Circle #306 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 651-783-6974

Comment: As a person who will have to pay the costs of the proposed coal plants in Cassville and Portage, I am strongly opposed to their building for several reasons. First, the cost of mining, transporting, and using old technology coal is unacceptably high and we will see rate increases as a result. Secondly, these plants will have no modern pollution control implemented, and burning coal is THE major source of greenhouse gases in the energy industry. I even wonder if the fish I like to catch out of Wisconsin's lakes and rivers will be safe to eat due to mercury pollution from these plants. The coal will be sitting uncovered very close to the banks of the Mississippi River and would be potential for vast water pollution. Overall, coal is NOT something we Wisconsinites want for the future of our state. We will be locked into the pollution and high costs of coal. Developing natural gas as well as renewable energy like wind and solar power IS the future and will provide lasting jobs in a growing industry. I hope you will consider these comments in your decision. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Ganzlin

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Submitted: 9/8/2008 7:44:38 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Terry L. Roe Address: P.O. Box 72 City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We here in Cassville have lived with two coal-fired generation plants for many years. With the state's continued growth, I can't imagine not allowing the increase in the amount of electric power generated, to supply the need for that growth? Cassville has the ideal location for the construction of the new Nelson Dewey generating Station. With the present slump in the jobless rate and economy, this new construction would be a boost to those deficits in our village and surrounding area. While at the same time providing the much needed electrical power to the state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Terry L. Roe

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Submitted: 9/8/2008 11:41:49 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gerald Koerner Address: 6300 Reed Rd City: Ridgeway State:WI Zip:53582 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-924-3091

Comment: Renewable Electric Energy Policy For Wisconsin

In order to encourage the production and use of renewable energy in Wisconsin the following policy should be implemented by Alliant Energy. We believe that the change is necessary because too much emphasis is currently placed on large centralized generating facilities, with little or no focus on individual homeowner production. This policy would:

· Significantly reduce the use of all types of non-renewable precious resources (e.g. oil, coal, natural gas). · Encourage individuals as well as corporations to produce electricity locally to supply their respective communities. · Reduce the amount of long distance transmission lines, thereby reducing the amount of transmission power loss. · Spread the costs of utilizing renewable energy to individual consumers in an equitable manner.

The simple policy statement is as follows: 1. Alliant Energy and its subsidiaries are required to buy electricity from residential producers regardless of production method (e.g. wind turbine, solar photovoltaic, methane generator, etc.) or equipment installation date. (Note: Older installations should receive the same premium as new ones. Incentives for new installations are already available through Focus on Energy and Federal tax credits.) 2. The total limit that can be produced by an individual will be set at a high level such as 1-megawatt hour per month. 3. The minimum buy-back rate (e.g. $ 0.25 per kilowatt hour), to be used by all Wisconsin utility companies will be determined annually by a government agency (such as Public Service Commission). 4. The premium cost for electricity produced from renewable resources will be passed on to all consumers of electricity, and that premium cost must be clearly specified (i.e. surcharge) on monthly bills. 5. Costs associated with metering, in addition to standard metering of electricity, will be included in Focus on Energy grants to residential producers.

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I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gerald Koerner

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Submitted: 9/8/2008 3:21:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company For Authority to Adjust Retail Electric and Natural Gas 6680-UR-116 Rates

Commentor Information: Name: Patricia Adams Address: 251 Tyvand Road City: Blanchardville State:WI Zip:53516-9404

Comment: Dear Public Service Commission, The last thing that our state needs is another coal-powered plant. Wisconsin is in the news recently for having bad pollution. I have been a lifelong resident of our state, and been proud of it. We have the reputation of being the Progressive state, but lately our legislators have been letting us down. We all enjoy the many lakes, streams, and rivers and the gorgeous countryside and vibrant cities. Please do not allow Alliant Energy to make the mistake of dirtying our wonderful planet. The technology for change and improvemement in energy is here. Let's use it -- for our future.

Thank you. Sincerely, Patricia Adams

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Patricia Adams

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Submitted: 9/8/2008 10:04:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tamer Ceylan Address: 150 Stonebridge Road City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818

Comment: I support the ND3 Project. The demand for electric power is increasing in the Alliant territory. Let us review the alternatives that can provide 300 MW of baseload generation.

Due to a 1984 moratorium, nuclear power is not an alternative in Wisconsin. Regardless of if you are for or against nuclear power, this is the current situation. Natural gas is not an attractive option either. Its price is very volatile, There is a growing consensus that we need this premium fuel to meet other needs.

In my view, we should do our best to whatever we feasibly can to increase wind and solar power generation, to purchase any excess power from citizens, and to conserve energy. However, even a combination of these options cannot meet the growing baseload energy generation need.

Relying on purchased power from other companies is not in our best financial interest. Risking reliability problems in the future is unwise. When you consider the alternatives, Alliant's proposal emerges as a responsible and viable option. Its biomass component makes it a stronger proposal. My understanding is that the majority in the Cassville area supports the project. To help Wisconsin's economy grow, approving the project with appropriate environmental safeguards is the way to go.

Thank you for considering my comments.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tamer Ceylan

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Submitted: 9/9/2008 9:17:53 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Martin Hillert Address: 401 East Lake Street City: Friendship State:WI Zip:53934 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-339-9871

Comment: September 9, 2008

Christine Swailes Docket Coordinator Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Re: PSC Docket Number 6680-CE-170

Dear Ms. Swailes:

On behalf of Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative, I am pleased to offer our support to Alliant Energy-WPL’s proposal to construct a new base load generating station known as Nelson Dewey 3 located in Cassville, Wisconsin.

According to the American Transmission Company (ATC), adding NED 3 will increase the transfer capability increased from 376 MW to 1001 MW, or an increase of 625 MW. Based on expert testimony provided in this case, the transfer capability will allow for the incremental transfer of low cost energy to Wisconsin customers. This is a significant benefit for all Wisconsin electric customers and a significant attribute of the plant.

Because Wisconsin borders the Great Lakes, increasing transmission import capability is not always easy to achieve, and achieving additional capacity without adding new high voltage transmission lines at a significant cost is nearly impossible.

As an energy provider, it is our mission to provide reliable, affordable energy to our 35,000 residential and business member-owners in the 12 central Wisconsin counties we serve. We believe the added base load coal/biomass capacity, the enhanced transmission import capability, and the reduced greenhouse gas production that accompanies WPL’s comprehensive proposal will aid ACEC in our quest to reach that goal, and believe it is the best generation expansion plan available. file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100207.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 160 of 987 Cooperatively yours, Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer Martin A. Hillert, Jr. Chief Executive Officer


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Martin Hillert

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Submitted: 9/9/2008 11:40:49 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jane Bernhardt Address: P.O. Box 397 City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 Phone: (608) 725-5110

Comment: I strongly support the construction of the new electric generator unit at the Nelson Dewey power plant in Cssville. The newest technologies that reduce emissions from burning coal is a major improvement over what old power plants produced, and with each passing year we should be able to do even more in that regard. Demands on power supplies are not going to decrease, and the Cassville plant is in an ideal location to provide it conviently to a large area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jane Bernhardt

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Submitted: 9/9/2008 2:36:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: THOMAS C. FECK Address: w6258 park dr City: burnett State:WI Zip:53922 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-219-2217

Comment: I am opposed to the proposed expansion of the Nelson Dewey power plant in Cassville, WI. Instead of planning for increasing demand, we need to plan for reducing demand. We need to move toward cleaner, sustainable energy systems. I would be in support of wind, solar and biomass projects instead. Even if these energy sources are more expensive to develop, it would be worth it in the long term. Coal has multiple negative impacts on society, and clearly is the wrong answer to meet our energy needs. Tom Feck

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS C. FECK

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Submitted: 9/9/2008 3:57:16 PM


docket title 6680--0

Commentor Information: Name: Carol Sommers Address: 317 W. River Rd City: Muscoda State:MN Zip:53573 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-739-3765

Comment: To the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC)

I am writing to ask you to take seriously the concerns of Grant County residents, as well as those of residents of counties and states that lie in the path of Midwest coal plants' pollutants, regarding those pollutants. I lived for four years in eastern Pennsylvania where the air was horrible. Every green thing trying to survive had a blighted look in comparison to the cleaner green of my surroundings in southwestern Wisconsin. We are spreading our toxins without serious concern for people, even if we claim that technology allows us not to suffer from these decisions. I cannot understand the blindness to our future that is reflected by the easy acceptance of the industrial interests' plans for their profit. The future is always with us, until it isn't.

Carol Sommers, Muscoda

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carol Sommers

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Submitted: 9/10/2008 10:33:16 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Carla Corwith Address: 1009 Menomonie Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Having just returned from China & having breathed the coal burning pollution, I am totally against constructing a new coal-fired electric generation unit. There are other more green ways for electric generation. The cost to our health (lung problems such as asthma & headaches from pollution) is major & something to consider seriously as our health care costs rise.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carla Corwith

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Submitted: 9/10/2008 2:03:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Linda Bernhardt Address: 125 High Point Circle City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-348-3567

Comment: As an Alliant customer, I'd like to see a little more transparency about the costs of the plant, the problems with the toxic emissions, the benefits to the communities, and what alternative energy exploration we might be able to support at the sam. The company could be more forthright in providing communtiy programs on energy conservation. Their website is not enough, nor are presentations to Industrial Commissions and community governments. We have an excellent TV service in Southwest Wisconsin and I haven't seen these presentations or public forum for debate. I have been trying all summer to get a speaker on this topic from Alliant, and I can't get through their website or even customer services to get the speaker. I believe in community education. They could avoid more of the negatives if they presented a coherent rationale for most citizen's need for more and more energy. If they could educate us about how much we now use, how Alliant might invest more in alternative fuels, work toward a cap on carbon usage and emissions, more people would understand conservation at the least and our porcine need for more fuel. As you can see, I am an educator and believe with information and facts, the public might even be supportive of this plant with more transparency and education.

Most importantly, I'd like to see a a committment to spend about 20% of Alliants total investment in the Cassville plant used to invest in alternative energy like wind and solar. There is no reason for taxpayers and Alliant customers to pay for more coal with a smidgen of bio fuel used as a token to placate the public on this plan; without a future benefit of investments in alternatives that will wean us off coal( a dirty fuel) and make us less dependent on foreign (I mean out-of-state and out-of-country) fuels. I am tired of paying the property tax of Wyoming citizens in my fuel bills, while I still end up paying Wisconsin property tax bills. This plant may have fewer mercury emissions, but it still will be polluting the air, water and soil we breath. What do I get in return since I am conserving my energy use? I'm getting toxins for my garden, water, and air. Let's be looking to the future and plan for a future when we no longer need to use dirty production for energy, but rather, cleaner forms and types. I don't think this is an unreasonable compromise that most of the public would file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100270.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 find livable and doable. Why isn't Alliant being more open about these issues? Schedule 2 Page 166 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 European countries are so far ahead of us, and we are just accepting a status October 2, 2008 quo coal plant. Where's the great thinkers and planners at Alliant? Perhaps Kenneth C. Rineer they need some new workers, if not in marketing, then in their planners and managment. "More of the same" isn't a mantra for progress and long-term thinking.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Linda Bernhardt

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Submitted: 9/10/2008 6:11:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kurt A. Roberts Address: N9877 Hwy 22 City: Pardeeville State:Wisconsin Zip:53954 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-429-2389

Comment: Coal is dirty and cheap, especially compared to the cleanest of the available fuels, natural gas. In a period where petroleum fuel prices have increased dramatically and contributed to cost increases in virtually every other market sector, the price of electricity has remained relatively stable. Electricity in this country is also extremely reliable. Other than after severe weather or other natural disaster, when you flip on a light switch you can almost always expect the light to come on. Reliability is the direct product of a well planned electric grid interconnecting large redundant power sources in a manner that allows some of the sources to be off for maintenance or because of problems while the rest of the system handles the load. These large power sources include coal plants (like the one I work in), hydro-electric dams, nuclear, natural gas fired plants, fuel oil fired plants, and wind turbines.

Pretty much all the sources of hydro-electric power in Wisconsin have been tapped. Indeed the Wisconsin River is called “The hardest worked river in the world” because of the number of dams it contains. We could convert all the coal fired plants to burn natural gas as has been done with some plants. This however, would eliminate much of the natural gas available for use in homes and businesses, making an already expensive fuel even more expensive if not completely unavailable. Also, while natural gas is cleaner and would require less pollution controls, i.e. soot and ash removal, it still contributes to climate change. The same is generally true with fuel oil and we already know about the price instability in the petroleum sector. Nuclear is an interesting option and may or may not be a good choice in the decades to come. It certainly does not contribute directly to climate change, but dealing with the waste issues will take research, creativity, resources, and a political will that has been lacking so far. Wind turbines seem to be the answer to all of the environmental concerns but the wind doesn’t always blow at the speed that the turbine designers would like. The best use of wind power is in conjunction with “base load” plants to allow the reduction of fuel burned when the wind speed is high enough to provide power.

Current coal fired plants in Alliant Energy’s Wisconsin Power & Light portfolio were built between thirty and sixty years ago. Climate change was hardly a file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100289.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 design consideration at that time. Soot and ash were however, and pollution Schedule 2 Page 168 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 controls were incorporated into the designs to remove them before they were October 2, 2008 discharged to the atmosphere. Another concern with the later plants built Kenneth C. Rineer during that period was acid rain. This was addressed by designing them to burn low sulfur coal from the western states of Wyoming and Montana. Since the plant I work at was built, changes have incorporated to allow more flexibility with coals used, reduction of nitrous oxide emissions, and improved efficiency and pollution monitoring through improved computer systems. We are anticipating further enhancements to our emission controls in the coming years.

My three decades of work in this industry has shown me that nothing remains the same. As technology, regulation, and public consciousness shift, improvements to our processes follow. As electric consumers increase the demand for electricity our industry has to respond to that demand or reduce the reliability of our service. We have seen on television that many places around the globe do not have electricity 24 hours in a day. Some only have it a couple hours a day if at all. If our economy is to remain strong and support the research and development that will tackle the problems of climate change, we must not allow our electrical energy system to become too expensive, unreliable, or both.

I have worked twenty-eight years in a coal fired power plant. My job was never to create pollution and force it out into the atmosphere. The union brothers and sisters that have toiled at my side live in the community that houses our plant. We and our families breathe the air, drink the water, hunt and fish and picnic and play in the areas surrounding the plant. We live there and many of us come from families that lived there for generations before the plant was built. I have seen the work my union brothers and sisters do. They work in 100 + degree temperatures on soot-blowers that clean the boiler so that it burns coal more efficiently, thereby reducing the amount of coal required to produce a megawatt of electricity. Less coal burned is less emissions going into the atmosphere. I have seen the knowledge and creativity of Instrument and Control Technicians put to the test troubleshooting the complex computer systems that control the myriad of systems including the control of fuel and air mixtures to the boiler, as well as maintaining the emission monitoring systems to the highest ethical standards. Our Operators remain diligent during twelve hour shifts watching the equipment and ensuring that it functions to maximize efficiency and reliability, making those adjustments as needed. All of my union brothers and sisters are part of the team that makes the electricity you use as clean and reliable as possible and I am proud to say that I work beside them.

Building that new coal fired power plant is the best choice for Wisconsin today and for the future. It will be interesting to see the improvements that will take place over the first thirty years of its existence as technology improves. Perhaps by then we will be able to capture all of the carbon from this plant and eliminate its contribution to climate change completely.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kurt A. Roberts

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Submitted: 9/11/2008 6:48:34 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gregg Bennett Address: 115 Antoine St City: Mineral Point State:Wi Zip:53565 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am in favor of the new plant. We need the plant in Wisconsin. It needs to be fueled by products we (U.S.) have. We can't depend on imported oil. I feel natural gas should not be used for electricity because we need it for our homes. It should use diversified fuels to keep costs down. It will help Wisconsin's economy. The people of Southwest Wisconsin want this. Also, the new generation of scrubbers will cut polution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gregg Bennett

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100290.htm10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 170 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/12/2008 11:57:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jessica Hauk Address: 318 W Amelia City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806

Comment: Cassville has basically no economy or good jobs currently. Any oppurtunity to add jobs to Cassville is critical. I do not understand why Madison is trying to block this build. By delaying the building, the cost continues to rise and our chance to create at least a little bit of energy from renewable resources declines. Energy costs are so high currently - I think we should take any possible oppurtunity to reduce that cost by using renewable energy. Unless the State of Wisconsin is planning on building enough wind turbines to supply the entire state with electricty, they need to stop putting off the power plant. The Village of Cassville needs all the help it can get with its economy and offering more jobs to its residents.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jessica Hauk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100384.htm10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 171 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/13/2008 9:34:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert T Dicke Address: 6205 Knollwood Dr City: Oregon State:WI Zip:53575 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 770-0228

Comment: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

September 15, 2008

My name is Robert T Dicke and I would like to encourage you to support Alliant Energy – Wisconsin Power & Light’s proposed Nelson Dewey project.

You will likely get much testimony that says we don’t want any new coal plants or that generation should just be done with clean natural gas. Both of these positions are short sighted and lack an energy framework. We need to stop importing Middle East oil in the next seven years, and we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. We need to show the rest of the world how it can be done.

We must stop importing Middle East oil. We are sending considerable wealth to nations that do not like us. The result is a war in Iraq where we not only are we spending considerable tax dollars to fight the war but also are spending considerable oil dollars to finance the other side of that war.

The quickest way to reduce Middle Eastern oil imports is to convert commuter transportation to electricity. But the technology isn’t ready for economical mass consumption. What we need is a bridge to the electric transportation future. That bridge is natural gas. Natural gas can be used to fuel existing internal combustion engines in vehicles we are all driving right now. We are squandering the clean burning, flexible properties of natural gas by burning too much of it in electricity power plants. We have done that because natural gas generates fewer pollutants and the plants are relatively inexpensive to build.

That was the easy way out. We now need to use natural gas in motor vehicles and use more difficult to control fuels in power plants. Coal and biomass boilers, and the associated pollution control equipment, are not suited for use file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100432.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 in the small quantities required for motor vehicles and residential heating. Schedule 2 Page 172 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 However, pollution equipment and retrofits to that equipment can cost October 2, 2008 effectively be installed on large scale power plants. Kenneth C. Rineer

We can reduce our carbon foot print by retiring old, inefficient, hard to retrofit plants, and by building new lower pollution plants that save the natural gas for heating and transportation. Natural gas will work in the internal combustion engines on the road today; WP&L proved that twenty-five years ago.

Nelson Dewey 3 fits into the energy framework of using difficult to control fuels in power plants and clean, flexible fuels for today’s transportation and heating. Nelson Dewey 3, and the elimination of an old coal plant, will provide energy and reduce total carbon emissions in Wisconsin.

The coal part of the plant keeps jobs and coal revenue in the US and the biomass part keeps jobs and biomass revenue in Wisconsin. Nelson Dewey 3 will teach us much about large scale biomass power plants. That knowledge will put Wisconsin in a world leadership role.

I urge you to support WP&L’s Nelson Dewey 3 project


Robert T Dicke, PE 6205 Knollwood Drive Oregon WI 53575

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert T Dicke

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Submitted: 9/14/2008 8:25:28 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jack Westman, M.D. Address: 1234 Dartmouth Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.238.0858

Comment: Alliant should not be permitted to build another coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin. Air pollution already threatens the health of our citizens. Rather than invest in more fossil fuel consuming facilities, we should be expanding our energy supply through renewable sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jack Westman, M.D.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100433.htm10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 174 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/15/2008 7:18:06 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Stephen C Gardner Address: 21361 Powerplant Rd. City: Ottumwa State:IA Zip:52501 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: September 15, 2008

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Docket #6680-CE-170 Alliant (WP&L) Request to Build Power Plant (Nelson Dewey-Cassville or Columbia-Portage)

Dear Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Board Members;

I am Stephen Gardner, President of Prairie Lands Bio-Products, Inc. in Iowa. I am representing both Prairie Lands Bio-Products and my farming interests. I live next to Alliant Energy’ Ottumwa Generating Station and I am an Alliant customer also.

Prairie Lands Bio-Products, Inc represents over 40 switchgrass growers who carried out the growing, harvesting, storing, delivery and processing functions for the US Department of Energy sponsored Chariton Valley Biomass Project which final close out documentation is just being completed.

The Chariton Valley Biomass Project was a cooperative effort between the US Department of Energy, Chariton Valley RC&D, Alliant Energy and Prairie Lands. The project design was to prove the technical feasibility of co-firing switchgrass with coal to produce electricity. We successfully completed the project in May 2006.

With the leadership of the Alliant Energy, their staff at the Ottumwa Generating Station and our Southern Iowa farmers we achieved the following: • More than 15,600 tons of locally-grown switchgrass were de-baled, pulverized and sent into the boiler at OGS, which has displaced some 12,000 tons of coal normally needed to provide electricity to southeast Iowa. • During nearly 1,700 hours of the long term test burn about 19,600 megawatts or enough electricity to power nearly 1,900 average-sized homes for a full year was produced. That’s a world record for energy produced from switchgrass. • In the process, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by about 51,000 tons file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100434.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:08 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 and, because the fossil fuel coal was replaced by switchgrass and the Schedule 2 Page 175 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 switchgrass had absorbed carbon dioxide as it grew, making the reductions October 2, 2008 even greater. Kenneth C. Rineer • While OGS already burns low-sulfur coal, the sulfur content of switchgrass is so low that sulfur emissions were decreased by an additional 62 tons during the test burn. These are significant achievements to our nation’s energy technology, improving our air and water quality, improving soil quality, enhancing wildlife habitat, boosting our rural economy and developing new agriculture production.

Alliant has continued to recognize the contributions Prairie Lands made to these activities by contracting our producer group to translate our lessons learned into evaluating fuel stock supplies. We, Prairie Lands, plan to develop a model for delivering biomass for the newly permitted Sutherland Generating Unit #4 hybrid electric generating facility near Marshalltown, Iowa. It is our anticipation the farmers of Prairie Lands will assist Alliant in aggregating biomass fuels around the Marshalltown area to supply up to 10% of the fuel supply needs from agriculture; thus reducing our energy dollars leaving in Iowa.

I speak with first hand experience; Alliant committed much to prove the technical feasibility of co-firing switchgrass with coal to produce electricity: Alliant recognizes the contributions farmers can make to producing electricity from biomass: Alliant will work with local farmers in the Cassville area to be successful: Local farmers will make production shifts to participate in this new agriculture economy because it makes environmental, social, conservation and economic sense.

I would ask the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to permit this state of the art facility which will put Alliant Energy in the forefront of producing electricity from agricultural biomass, enhance your rural economy, provide abundant, cleaner, dependable electric energy for Wisconsin citizens and keep Wisconsin in the forefront in renewable energy sources.


Stephen Gardner, President Prairie Lands Bio-Products, Inc.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Stephen C Gardner

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Submitted: 9/15/2008 7:18:23 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael A Myers Address: 987 Golfview Dr. City: Platteville State:Wi Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-348-7758-3222I am if favor of this project.

Comment: I am in favor of this project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael A Myers

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100435.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 177 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/15/2008 10:17:13 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gary Smith Address: POB 81 City: Rockton State:IL Zip:61072 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am an Economic Development professional in the SW Wisconsin area that this project will serve.

This project will provide a significant positive impact on the cash flow and economics of this region and is a necessary project from an immediate economic benefit perspective.

More importantly, this project positions the region as a player in the field of sustainable biomass energy. As a region, state, country we need projects that will further the growth and infrastructure around sustainable biomass (and alternate) energy sources.

Finally this project provides local governments (and schools) with a revenue sharing opportunity the will fund quality public services while minimizing the public tax burden.

This project is a must!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gary Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100441.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 178 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/15/2008 12:00:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve Severson Address: W1600 CTH A City: Mindoro State:Wi Zip:54644 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe It's time to build for the future. Not only will this be good for the consumers, but also an economic boost to the Cassville area. The jobs it creates will help both short and long term.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve Severson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100451.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 179 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/15/2008 2:46:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevan Bard Address: 840 W South St City: Stoughton State:WI Zip:53589 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Let's put things in perspective. I buy my residential power from a local utility and I have elected to pay $0.01 extra per kWH for electricity from 100% renewable sources, mostly wind. If we all bought renewable energy, it would likely cost the same amount extra or less (economies of scale). My point is that if all citizens knew the small incremental cost of doing the right thing (ie, no new coal, and phaseout of existing plants) I'm sure projects like this would never make it to the PSC. It is sad to see our great state using 75% coal power. We need more aggressive conservation efforts and a shift to renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevan Bard

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100486.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 180 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/16/2008 9:48:35 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bill Kehl Address: N 1260 20th Ln. City: Neshkoro State:WI Zip:54960 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do not grant Alliant Energy a permit to build a 300MW coal plant near Cassville, WI. The time had come for Wisconsin to take a much more proactive position with renewable resources including solar, wind, geothermal, etc. Burning coal is an outdated means to obtain energy for the future and the peripheral environmental consequences --- both from burning and mining --- can prove to be disastrous. Let us keep Wisconsin a leader in environmental awareness and future energy solutions! Sincerely, Bill Kehl

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bill Kehl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100539.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 181 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/17/2008 4:46:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Timothy Wilson Address: 280 Kierstead Lane City: Oregon State:Wi. Zip:53575

Comment: I am totally against Allient building another coal plant. We need clean power, not "old" fossil fuels.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Timothy Wilson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100670.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 182 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/17/2008 8:28:24 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: DAVE Address: E9843 WHITETAIL LANE City: REEDSBURG State:WI Zip:53959 E-mail: [email protected]



I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. DAVE

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100672.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 183 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/17/2008 11:35:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dan Lamanna Address: 12 Lathrop City: Madison State:MN Zip:53726 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 651-707-3650

Comment: Let's get with the times and utilize the alternative resources that we KNOW can help preserve our finite resources and maintain a clean environment for future generations. It would be a flagrant disregard of our rights as citizens of this great state to build a coal plant so extensively protested. We DO NOT want or need this ancient solution to our energy dependency. Let's lead the nation and the world by setting an example of utilizing alternative resources such as: biofuels, wind and solar power, etc. This is Wisconsin's opportunity to create more jobs, and preserve it's natural beauty. Please do not let this coal plant be built.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Lamanna

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100673.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 184 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/18/2008 11:10:55 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Roy Anderson Address: 9770 Otter Creek Road City: Fall Creek State:Wi Zip:54742 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715 877-2165

Comment: Dear Wisconsin Public Service Commission:

The construction of a huge new coal-fired power plant in Cassville, Wi is a step in the wrong direction in our efforts to reduce man-made emissions in the atmosphere. We must concentrate our energies on clean alternatives eg wind power , solar, biomass, geothermal and most importantly conservation. This power plant, if allowed to be built, will make us look more and more like China, where the usual condition is that one must wear a mask to even have a chance to protect ones health. Virtually every body of water in the state is contaminated with mercury and the largest source for this is wind-blown air from coal fired power plants. Wisconsin prides itself on its claim of having over 15,000 lakes as well as thousands of miles of rivers and streams. If all of the fishes in these waters are inedible due to mercury contamination what will this do to our recreation and tourism industries? Who wants to live in a world like this?

Stop the construction of coal fired power plants.

Roy R. Anderson, Fall Creek, Wisconsin

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Roy Anderson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100693.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 185 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/18/2008 11:25:37 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Greg Blum Address: E1684 Nelson Rd City: Iola State:WI Zip:54945 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 71544452211

Comment: Christine Swailes Docket Coordinator Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Re: PSC Docket number 6680-CE-170

Dear Ms. Swailes:

On behalf of Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative I am pleased to offer our support to Alliant Energy-WPL’s proposal to construct a new baseload generating station known as Nelson Dewey 3 located in Cassville, WI.

According to the American Transmission Company (ATC), adding NED 3 will increase the transfer capability increased from 376 MW to 1001 MW, or an increase of 625 MW. Based on expert testimony provided in this case, the transfer capability will allow for the incremental transfer of low cost energy to Wisconsin customers. This is a significant benefit for all Wisconsin electric customers and a significant attribute of the plant.

Because Wisconsin borders Great Lakes, increasing transmission import capability is not always easy to achieve, and achieving additional capacity without adding new high voltage transmission lines at a significant cost is nearly impossible.

As an energy provider, it is our mission to provide reliable, affordable energy to homes and businesses across our state to help ensure that Wisconsin remains competitive in an increasingly global market. We believe the enhanced transmission import capability that accompanies WPL’s proposal will aid all Wisconsin utilities in their quest to reach that goal.


file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100724.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Greg W Blum Schedule 2 Page 186 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 President/CEO October 2, 2008 Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Greg Blum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100724.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 187 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/18/2008 12:31:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas K. Bowe Address: 5751 Vista Court City: Eau Claire State:WI Zip:54701 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-839-9584

Comment: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

September 17, 2008

My name is Tom Bowe and I would like to encourage you to support Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project. As the demand for electricity continues to increase please don't let the same thing happen again that crippled the eastern United States a few short years ago, in the form of a blackout. As construction continues in western Wisconsin and the midwestern United States It's extremely important to upgrade our aging infrastructure and electrical grid system and power plants.

WPL is proposing to utilize 20 percent biomass at Nelson Dewey 3. The establishment of a sustainable, renewable biomass market in Wisconsin will mean additional sources of revenue to area farmers, foresters and agricultural operations. This biomass market also has the potential to encourage the growth of native grasses in southwest Wisconsin and better management of forest lands.

Not only that, WPL has pledged to continue its aggressive energy efficiency programs, increase its use of renewable energy, and shut down its oldest coal plant to more than offset the carbon emissions from the new plant.

Hundreds of new, family-supporting jobs will be created by this plant expansion before, during and after construction. Affordable and reliable energy is directly related to job creation and will serve as a strong economic base for the state of Wisconsin.

WPL’s proposed project balances need, cost, and environmental responsibility. It is a positive step toward reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, while ensuring that businesses and families in Wisconsin will continue to have access to file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100737.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 affordable energy. Schedule 2 Page 188 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 I urge you to support WPL’s Nelson Dewey 3 project. Kenneth C. Rineer


Thomas K. Bowe 5751 Vista Court Eau Claire, WI 54701

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas K. Bowe

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Submitted: 9/18/2008 8:53:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Ann Paske Address: W11259 County Rd W City: Portage State:wi Zip:53901 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I would strongly recommend that the PSC grants the authority to Alliant Energy to construct a new generating station at Cassville. Alliant was indicated that they will be using biomassl material as part of the fuel to produce electricity. This demonstrates their commitment to a "greener environment" for this state. My husband and I farm in rural Portage and this would be a tremendous gain for Wisconsin agriculture. Not only would agriculture benefit from this project, but the entire economy of Wisconsin. Thank you for this opportunity to file my comments.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Ann Paske

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100769.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 190 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/18/2008 9:29:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kelly Lyke Address: 3911 Devereaux Dr. City: Janesville State:WI Zip:53546 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do not build a coal-fired electric generation unit.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kelly Lyke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100770.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 191 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/18/2008 9:59:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bridger Mann-Wood Address: 225 Bradley 1900 Willow Dr City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I do not support burning coal for energy. This is the number one cause of global warming, and it is much safer for both the environment and us to invest in solar and wind energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bridger Mann-Wood

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100771.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 192 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/18/2008 10:08:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mallory Cybulski Address: 1900 Willow Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 7083053452

Comment: I think building another coal plant would cause more harm than good. The already existing natural gas plants and coal plants are cheaper to begin with. Putting this coal plant up right now is like putting 650000 more cars on the road. With the rapid increase in technology, there should be more efficient methods available.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mallory Cybulski

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100772.htm10/2/2008 10:31:09 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 193 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 1:03:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew W Johnson Address: W2738 Whitetail Lane City: Montello State:WI Zip:53949

Comment: I would like to strongly encourage you to support Alliant Energy-WP&L's proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

It seems obvious to me. Alliant purchases a significant percentage of it's power from other sources. When it comes to the electric grid overall, we use a certain amount of electricity in any given day. Plants around the country only produce the amount that we need or use. They match demand in other words. Electricity is not a product that we can store up and save in tanks. Environmentally speaking, the Electric Grid is only as strong as its weakest link. By Alliant building a plant like this, it will allow them to produce more of the electricity in that grid and purchase less from less environmentally friendly sources. And the type of plant that Alliant is proposing is the type of plant that we want to produce our electricity! And to further illustrate that point, Alliant is shutting down their oldest least environmentally friendly unit as a part of this project and building even more wind powered generators to supplement the demand!

Alliant Energy is proposing to build the type of plant that is on the cutting edge of a new industry that will greatly reduce the environmental footprint that producing electricity leaves on our environment. Reducing environmental impact in an economical way is not easy. It is not magic and it doesn't happen overnight. It takes innovation and industry leadership. That is exactly what Alliant is trying to do. They are basically creating an idustry! This is a rare breakthrough! Again as far as the plant itself and whether or not that makes sense in this area, the answer seems obvious to me-Of course it does! In addition to it's many immediate benefits, I am truly excited to see what impact this could have on the industry as a whole in the future. We all know that even the longest journey begins with a single step and Alliant Energy is trying to take that first big step. Let's support them! Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this very important topic.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew W Johnson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100802.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 194 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 1:39:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Margaret Brennan Address: 409 W Gorham apt 710 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: The construction of a new coal plant would be a major setback in the steps that have been taken towards reducing carbon emissions. While many are working extensively and diligently to find clean energy sources and reduce the effects of global warming, Alliant Energy is putting effort into the approval and construction of a new coal plant. Something seems wrong with that. Coal emissions are harmful not only to our environment as a whole, but the methane released also causes more immediate health effects on individuals. Alliant cannot be allowed to backtrack after all of the progress we have made in efforts for a greener earth.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Margaret Brennan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100807.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 195 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 2:23:26 PM


docket title 0--0

Commentor Information: Name: Molly Ziegler Address: 4504 NE Cleveland City: Portland State:OR Zip:97211

Comment: I'm a frequent visitor to Wisconsin. I very much enjoy Wisconsins natural beauty. I'm disappointed to see you are considering harming the natural environment by uses outdated, polluting sources of energy like coal plants. I hope you reconsider.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Molly Ziegler

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100817.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 196 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 2:31:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jennifer Grandfield Address: 2245 Robincrest City: Glenview State:IL Zip:60025

Comment: You should not put the coal plant up for everyone's sake

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jennifer Grandfield

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100823.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 197 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 2:52:58 PM


docket title 0--0

Commentor Information: Name: Sheila Brennan Address: 340 W Diversey City: Chicago State:IL Zip:60657 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No new coal plants in Wisconsin! Thank you!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sheila Brennan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100825.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 198 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 3:35:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: kenny reid Address: 902 N. Cascade Ave. City: Colorado Springs State:Colorado Zip:80946

Comment: The last thing this planet needs is another coal plant. Multiply that times all the other cities trying to put up more coal plants...then think of the damage that will be done.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. kenny reid

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100838.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 199 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 4:00:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Shane Larson Address: 2815 Kennedy Rd City: Janesville State:WI Zip:53545

Comment: Ms. Christine Swailes Docket Cordinator Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Dear Ms. Swailes:

On behalf of the Board of Directors for Rock Energy Cooperative, I would like to officially pledge our cooperative’s support to Alliant Energy-WPL’s proposal to construct a new baseload generating station known as Nelson Dewey 3 (NED 3) located in Cassville, Wisconsin.

Rock Energy Cooperative (REC) is a not-for-profit cooperative with headquarters in Janesville, Wisconsin. REC has been serving members in Wisconsin and Illinois since 1936. For many of those years, REC has been an all-requirements wholesale customer of Alliant-WPL. As a growing cooperative, the need for reliable power supply, with competitive rates is critical for members. We believe the addition of NED 3 will be an important contribution to meet future capacity needs. Additionally, the technology proposed at NED 3 provides a viable option to keep energy costs competitive for the long-term.

A study by the American Transmission Company indicted that the addition of NED 3 will provide the opportunity to increase transfer capability into the state; allowing access to possibly lower energy costs for all of Wisconsin.

With NED 3 proposed to utilize 20 percent biomass, the impact to the local economy and the environment will be positive. With the instability of natural gas prices, NED 3 represents the best option at this time to provide reliable, competitively priced power well into the future.

Overall, we believe NED 3 is an environmentally and financially responsible project that will benefit REC members and all of Wisconsin.


Shane L. Larson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100845.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Chief Executive Officer Schedule 2 Page 200 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 Rock Energy Cooperative October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Shane Larson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100845.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 201 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 4:32:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lucy Moser Address: 603 Glendale Road City: Glenview State:Il Zip:60025 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 847-729-2137

Comment: I am not for lung cancer. Sorry.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lucy Moser

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100850.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 202 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/19/2008 9:18:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Aimee Carney Address: 1955 Larkdale City: Glenview State:IL Zip:60025 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal plants are bad, in various ways. A new coal plant should not be built, because of what it can do to the environment and the surroundings around the coal plant. it isn't necessary and is a bad idea.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Aimee Carney

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100860.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 203 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 7:35:30 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: WENDY SCHNEIDER Address: 201 MERRYTURN RD City: MADISON State:WI Zip:53714

Comment: Bad idea! NO MORE COAL

Approve projects that expand renewable energy, such as wind & solar, only.

Build factories that manufacture wind & solar power equioment. Keep the $ & jobs in Wisconsin.

Step up to our obligations as citizens of the world.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. WENDY SCHNEIDER

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100862.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 204 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 7:53:05 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kris Koenig Address: 3612 Glenn Ln City: Middleton State:WI Zip:53562

Comment: I am opposed to Alliant Energies proposed new coal power plant. The cost to build it and the cost to the environment is too great.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kris Koenig

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100863.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 205 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 8:41:54 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: George LaLonde Address: 5117 Lake Grove Rd City: Petoskey State:MI Zip:49770 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please stop building coal fired plants. We here in Michigan recieve all the fall- out from your mistake. It also adds to the the polution of our equally shared Lake Michigan - our best resource. Think past today and build for the future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. George LaLonde

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100864.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 206 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 11:17:34 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mr. Joseph W. Motacek Address: 228 Kann St. City: Stratford State:WI Zip:54484

Comment: Dear Sir, Given the facts of Global Warming, it is painfully obvious that we should prohibit the building of all new coal fired electrical plants. It just doesn't make sense. Please think of your children, and grandchildren, and act to give them energy from clean, renewable sources. Please, please, please, don't bow down to the greed of the coal industry, and instead invest heavily in clean sources of energy.

ATTENTION : Nanosolar, and others are making technological leaps in the solar field, bringing the cost of solar down tremendously ! Please, check them out extensively. THIS is where we should be investing our energy dollars, not in a polluting source. The near future will soon bring very competetive solar panels for solar fields, near every community, and also it will bring building integrated solar, in other words, a solar array on every roof. This is our future. Please, please, please, look into this. Nanosolar is gearing up their production levels, right now!

Also, please join the investment in wind power. It is entirely feasable to get a large supply of our electrical energy from wind turbines in the Great Lakes, or from neighboring, plains States. There are huge untapped resources, right next to us. It is irresponsible to get our energy from a source that INCREASES our carbon footprint. Please, please, please think of your children and grandchildren, and get our electricity from clean sources. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mr. Joseph W. Motacek

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100865.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 207 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 11:31:07 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Cogdill Address: 1305 Tompkins Drive, Unit F City: Madison State:WI Zip:53716

Comment: I am writing this urging for the denial of the proposal to build a new coal plant in Cassville. I am in full agreement that the need for new energy is important now and will continue to be due to our current energy crisis. I do however feel that building a new coal plant is going to amount to staying with more of the same out date ideas. There are so many inovative and cleaner alternatives to building another coal plant. Please consider putting the effort and money involved in this proposal into cleaner energy ideas. Thank you for your time.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Cogdill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100866.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 208 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 11:50:36 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sheryl Benning Address: 2414 Whitlock Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53719 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the construction of a new coal-fired electric generation plant for environmental reasons.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sheryl Benning

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100867.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 209 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 12:40:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bunge, Mary C. Address: 12418 Rosemary Drive City: New Berlin State:WI Zip: 53151-8264 Phone: 1 414 425 0629

Comment: I am very much against a coal operating energy producing plant in Cassville, WI for many reasons One of these reasons is the emission of carbon into the air. Anther is the use of coal. I grew up in West Virginia where mountain top removal of coal is permitted. All West Virginia has is scenic beauty in my opinin. It is terrible to think that is being decimated at this moment for coal. All re

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bunge, Mary C.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100868.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 210 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 2:48:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mathias Krueckeberg Address: 211 Langdon St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I like lights at night, and using a computer, and stereo systems and refrigerators. However, I believe that Wisconsin can do better than coal as far as our energy needs are concerned. I understand the need to expand our sources, and I realize that a coal plant would be a strong addition to our energy plan. But let's be cleaner! Let's be leaders, as a state that puts money into the renewable technology that must come to dominate the market. Please show Wisconsin that we are moving forward, and not pouring funds into a dying, dirty enterprise.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mathias Krueckeberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100869.htm10/2/2008 10:31:10 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 211 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 2:51:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Angelo Feldkamp Address: 1016 N. Broadway City: DePere State:WI Zip:54115-2697 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-337-4343

Comment: I stongly oppose the proposed new coal-fired electric generating unit at Cassville. My reasons are the ones you have heard before from many sources -- environmental, fiscal-responsibility, etc. I add another -- the moral responsibility of the human race to use RESPONSIBLY the gifts and rescources of nature. Any use which causes further deterioration of the environment and/ or harms the human family is morally wrong! Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Angelo Feldkamp

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100870.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 212 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 3:27:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Crystal M Address: p o box 207 City: Trevor State:WI Zip:53179 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: -please dont put up the coal plant -peace

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Crystal M

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100871.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 213 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 3:44:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Anne Pryor Address: 5317 Lighthouse Bay Dr City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-244-7099

Comment: Please do not allow Wisconsin Power and Light Company to build another coal plant in Wisconsin. Please restrict all new power plants to be based only on clean energy technologies. We are at a crisis moment in the life of the planet and need to take extraordinary measures to radically reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The proposed Cassville plant will increase them. Please be forward- thinking leaders and deny this application.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Anne Pryor

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100872.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 214 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 5:03:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Irv Berlin Address: Frels Rd City: Cable State:WI Zip:54821 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: A new coal plant is a step backward and the last thing we need here in Wisconsin is another dirty coal plant. They are a thing of the past and the money should not be wasted building a new one to pollute our air and water. A new coal plant is bad for both our environment and the economy. The money, about a billion dollars, could, and should be spent on renewable energy development.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Irv Berlin Cable, WI

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Irv Berlin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100873.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 215 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 5:21:24 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: mary ellen schmit Address: 1724 madison street City: madison State:wi Zip:53711

Comment: I would like to register my opposition to the Coal power plant at Cassville. My whole family has upper respiratory issues. I do not want more people in the state of Wisconsin to suffer ill health because we are slow to start real solutions to providing clean energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. mary ellen schmit

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100874.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 216 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 6:48:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marcus Gerber Address: Augustana College City: Rock Island State:IL Zip:61201

Comment: I have spent much of my life in Wisconsin and in Grant County. Not only would this proposed coal-plant be a terrible addition to a nice area, but it is also a symbol of a complete disregard for our enviroment. Coal has been a huge factor in producing greenhouse emissions since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Today we should be trying to wean our dependance off of these terrible source of pollution, and not creating more of them. There are better and more sustainable options than coal. This would be a waste of money for all involved, because it is likely that within a decade there will be legislation passed to close it down in favor of better sources of renewable energy. I suggest investors bite the bullet and choose a better source of energy, if it is required. Thanks for your time and consideration.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marcus Gerber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100875.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 217 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 7:22:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karin Kozie Address: 29580 County C City: Washburn State:WI Zip:54891 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-373-5916

Comment: I am writing to oppose Alliant Energy's proposal to build a 300 MW coal plant at either the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville WI or the Columbia Energy Center near Portage. If constructed, this plant will cost over a billion dollars, emit over 3 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air each year, and increase soot, smog, and mercury pollution. New coal plants are a bad idea for many reasons: Global warming regulations and the inevitable cost of carbon dioxide. All of the presidential candidates have a plan to regulate global warming pollution that will make coal the most expensive fuel to burn. Laws protecting our air and water by restricting soot, smog and mercury pollution. The Clean Air Act requires tighter regulations until all of our counties meet EPA’s health standards. The skyrocketing price of construction materials. The cost to build new coal plants has increased by more than 50 percent in recent years. The price of Alliant’s proposed Cassville plant continues to increase, rising from $700 million to over a billion dollars! The increasing price of coal. The cost of coal has doubled in recent years, and it is projected to triple in 2008.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karin Kozie

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100876.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 218 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 7:59:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Ambelang Address: 1411 Jennifer Ave City: Tomah State:WI Zip:54660 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 374 3423

Comment: The proposed coal plant seems to be a step backwards in a society that is beginning to wake up to its impact on climate change. Let's not do business as usual, but let us use the technology that we have to make it as clean a plant as possible.


john ambelang

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Ambelang

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100877.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 219 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 8:58:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James & Lynn Heindl Address: 2053 S 86 St City: West Allis State:Wi Zip:53227-1713 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414 327 5436

Comment: Since no one will build a clean air coal power plant due to high cost, we are opposed to any coal power plants. What happened to promoting conservation? It (conservation) happened when gasoline prices went high. We are in favor of alternative energy like wind, hydroelectric, solar, etc. We all have to live in our environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James & Lynn Heindl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100878.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 220 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 9:09:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: William & Betsy Tishler Address: 2999 Woods Edge Way City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: Our air is dirty enough withour adding more polluting coal-fired generating plants. I don't like to eat murcury in the fish I catch, to which coal-fired generating plants have become a major contributor.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William & Betsy Tishler

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100879.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 221 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/20/2008 11:17:33 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeffrey Schimpff Address: 2721 Kendall Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Building any more coal-fired generation plants in Wisconsin would constitute an economic harm to utility rate-payers and an undue health hazard to all citizens of Wisconsin and the upper Midwest.

Additional utility electric generation expenditures need to be made on clean, renewable energy, and energy conservation, which eliminate the concern over ever-rising coal prices.

Dane County is in violation of Clean Air Act standards, and air quality here already poses a health hazard to residents of all ages. Air pollutant emissions from a plant located either in Portage or Cassville (or nearly everywhere in the state, for that matter) will only add to the pollutant burden of Dane and other non-attainment counties, and will therefore make attainment even more difficult than it already will be without any new pollutant sources.

Further, allowing more air emissions of CO2 will contradict state policy and Governor's directives on both a state Renewable Energy Portfolio and on reducing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Renewable fuels proposed to help reduce the increase in CO2 will not be available in adequate volumes nor at at a competitive price. Transportation of the required volume or mass of renewable fuels will become ever more expensive, and land needed to produce such a large mass of switch grass or comparable fuels will not be available under our current commodity system and with predicted demand for growing crops for liquid fuels. This economic rality will make operation of such a plant cost prohibitive and violate PSC's charge to maintain reasonable costs for rate-payers.

For these reasons, PSC must deny any permissions for coal-fired generation plants.

Further, PSC must request that the governor issue a ban on all new coal-fired generation plants.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100880.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 222 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Jeffrey Schimpff

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100880.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 223 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 9:59:39 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Salud Garcia Address: 1549 Arizona Pass City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I'm writing in opposition to the proposed Cassville coal burning plant. I've been following the development and the misleading ads put out by Alliant, and it doesn't make any sense at all to have another coal burning plant in Wisconsin. I know this plant will have the capability of burning switch grass, but I don't believe that will happen. Burning switch grass doesn't have the same profit margins. AND, this plant won't generate any new permanent jobs, won't move Wisconsin toward energy independence, and the costs are rising even before we've broken ground. It's not a good idea for Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Salud Garcia

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100881.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 224 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 1:56:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joanne Hesselink Address: W2838 Eagle Rd City: Neshkoro State:WI Zip:54960-8256 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe that the proposed new Reliant Energy coal fired plant is a very bad idea for Wisconsin. First, too much coal is obtained by mountain top destruction-- ruining both the mountain and the area below-- the trash is pushed down into the valley, filling and contaminating streams and the entire area. Second, coal fired plants contaminate the area to a huge degree, hastening global climate change, and causing health problems for area residents. Third, there are now much better ways of producing electricity-- wind and solar being the main ones, and research is continually working on this problem. Last, energy use can be e reduces with conservation methods. Too much energy is wasted. Insulation and green building in homes, energy efficient vehicles, and person care and a little sacrifice can go far if people really try!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joanne Hesselink

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100882.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 225 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 4:51:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Corey E. Olsen Address: SW334S724 Cushing Park Rd. City: Delafield State:WI Zip:53018-2441 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-646-8647

Comment: I strongly urge you to stop Alliant Energy's plan to increase Wisconsin's dependence on dirty energy with their proposal to build a 300 MW coal plant at either the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville WI or the Columbia Energy Center near Portage. If constructed, this plant would cost over a billion dollars, emit over three million tons of carbon dioxide into the air each year, and increase soot, smog, and mercury pollution. This is bad for the environment and bad for the economy.

New coal plants are a bad idea for many reasons:

Global warming regulations and the inevitable cost of carbon dioxide. -- The presidential candidates have a plan to regulate global warming pollution that will make coal the most expensive fuel to burn.

Laws protecting the air and water by restricting soot, smog and mercury pollution. -- The Clean Air Act requires tighter regulations until all Wisconsin counties meet EPA’s health standards.

The skyrocketing price of construction. -- The cost to build new coal plants has increased by more than fifty percent in recent years. The price of Alliant’s proposed Cassville plant continues to increase, rising from $700 million to over a billion dollars.

The increasing price of coal. -- The cost of coal has doubled in recent years, and it is projected to triple in 2008.

I oppose the Alliant Energy plan for the environment and bad for the economy. We must move on into the sustainable and responsible future rather than support old dinosaur operations.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100883.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 226 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Corey E. Olsen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100883.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 227 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 6:39:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Gaines Address: 3720 E. Church Rd. City: Conover State:Wi. Zip:54519

Comment: We need "Clean Energy" solutions for our future,and our childrens future....and coal is NOT one of them.I am strongly opposed to this. Thank You, Julie Gaines

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julie Gaines

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100884.htm10/2/2008 10:31:11 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 228 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 7:10:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Trent Evans Address: 44 N. park st. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-279-3685

Comment: I couldn't possibly think of a worse way to meet Wisconsin's future energy needs. The projected power needs are grossly exaggerated and wind, solar, and conservation measures can easily fill any gap without the CO2 emissions and mercury pollution. If this helps Cassville's economy, imagine what jobs the implementation of clean energy could produce.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Trent Evans

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100885.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 229 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 8:35:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marc Drucker Address: 320 Bel Air Dr City: Glenview State:IL Zip:60025 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: sus-tain-able

1. capable of being sustained 2. of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged 3. of, or relating to, a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marc Drucker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100886.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 230 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/21/2008 9:48:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joel Creswell Address: 1338 Rutledge St. Apt. 1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 234-7414

Comment: I am writing to voice my opposition to Alliant's plan to build a new coal plant. This will be bad for both Alliant's ratepayers and for the state of Wisconsin. Coal is a dirty, inefficient, outdated, non-renewable energy source. Given the wide range of clean energy alternatives that are available, there is no excuse for building a new coal plant. The environmental costs of the plant would be huge, including soot, carbon dioxide emissions, and emissions of acid rain- causing sulfur oxides. It makes little sense, from a ratepayer's perspective, to build a new coal plant, as future environmental regulations on that plant are likely to vastly increase its cost of electricity generation beyond the point of being economical. Thus ratepayers will be expected to pay for the construction of the plant, then see their rates rise as the plant is brought in line with more stringent environmental standards. The PSC must not allow Alliant, or any power utility, to build a new coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joel Creswell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100888.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 231 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:25:33 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jonathan Kapke Address: 17480 Lisa Court City: Brookfield State:WI Zip:53045 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please work to move our state's dependence on unsustainable, unclean energy sources to renewable energy such as solar and wind. There is no reason that we should continue to build coal power plants, but instead we should work to expand our resources and understanding of renewable sources to both serve our energy needs and minimize our destruction of the precious wildlife abundant throughout our state, our nation and our entire world.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jonathan Kapke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100891.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 232 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:32:39 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rev. Don and Roberta Timmerman Address: N15878 Tamarack Rd. City: Park Falls State:WI Zip:54552 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-762-8239

Comment: We are opposed to the building of a coal plant in Cassville or anywhere in the State of Wisconsin. There are plenty of alternative energy sources available now in the State. Why should you pollute even more our beautiful lakes and cause more problems for the living when there is no need to do so? Right now we cannot eat many of the fish caught due to the high mercury levels in the lakes. This is due in large part to the use of coal as an energy source. Please consider using alternative forms of energy in the State rather than the building of an archaic, harmful source such as coal. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rev. Don and Roberta Timmerman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100892.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 233 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:28:34 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve Wittmann Address: 155 E. Wilson St. No. L3 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-4443181

Comment: My name is Steve Wittmann and I want to encourage the PSC of Wisconsin to support the Alliant, WP&L proposed Nelson Dewey Power Plant. We are in need of both additional electrical generation and distribution facilities to support continued economic growth. Even if Alliant had not proposed to burn bio mass in this power plant, I would support it. The addition of bio mass burning certainly is a bonus, but it should not be what is driving this project. I also support all of the wind projects that Alliant and others are developing, but if the wind doesn't blow...we still need base load generation! The proposed Nelson Dewey Power Plant is a sound step in assuring the residents of Wisconsin the electrical generation potential that we require

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve Wittmann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100896.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 234 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 11:02:54 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Chris Moore-Barbosa Address: 3401 Brighton Pl City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6082779597

Comment: Please, no more coal plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chris Moore-Barbosa

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100899.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 235 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 12:31:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Natalie Foster Address: 475 Stovall Street City: Atlanta State:GA Zip:30316 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 404-668-8665

Comment: This coal plant would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal.

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100905.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 236 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Natalie Foster

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100905.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 237 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 1:15:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gail Vaughn Address: 61033 County Road C City: Ferryville State:WI Zip:54628 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: They want this coal plant so they can hook up to the mega-power lines which they want to extend from MN, thru WI, and to points east, so they can SELL the electricity to them! We in southwest WI would get all the pollution, and all the environmental destruction wreaked by these huge power lines, and Alliant would get the $$, for SELLING the power to people who don't even live in Wisconsin! Right?

NO NO NO NO. Please no new coal plant in Cassville! Let's use the money for green technologies, like windmills, conservation measures, etc. Think about the FUTURE please, for crying out loud.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gail Vaughn

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100918.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 238 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 1:32:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jesse Danzig Address: 171 E 84 St City: New York State:NY Zip:10028 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am against this coal plant because Wisconsin needs to start investing in green energy like wind and solar.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jesse Danzig

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100922.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 239 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 1:43:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jack barker Address: 430 oak st City: madison State:wi Zip:53704 Phone: 608-242-8938

Comment: please look to other power, fuel sources other than coal. many options that burn cleaner than coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jack barker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100923.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 240 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 1:46:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kira Stewart Address: 380 W. Washington Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: WI needs renewable energy not a coal plant

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kira Stewart

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100924.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 241 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:07:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kelly Osborn Address: 6922 Coyle Rd. City: Lodi State:WI Zip:53555 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Hello-

I am writing to express my concern about the proposed Nelson -Dewey Generation Station. I feel strongly that alternative sources of electricity generation should be considered. Coal is too dirty and the coal industry does not practice the best labor standards.

Thank you -

Kelly Osborn

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kelly Osborn

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100927.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 242 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:09:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lauren Brathol Address: 309 W. Doty St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We need cleaner energy, not more of the same!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lauren Brathol

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100928.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 243 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:15:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matt Athanasiou Address: 212 Marion St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: Don't ruin our environment for greed. Why not think about us, the public, the middle class, for a change?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matt Athanasiou

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100929.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 244 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:16:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Stacy Monahan Address: 138 Division St #1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I do not support the construction of this coal plant! There has to be a better solution than another coal plant such as various forms of renewable energy. The pollution that this plant will put out into the environment will make it harder for everyone to breath including WI's children. Beyond our children's health we must take into consideration the health of our planet and the negative affects another coal plant would have on global warming. PLEASE reject this project for WI's health, safety and future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Stacy Monahan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100930.htm10/2/2008 10:31:12 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 245 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:18:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michaele A. Datsko Address: 1319 E. Randolph Court, #B City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53212 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do not construct any new energy producing plant, unless it will enhancement the environment and not be harmful to it. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michaele A. Datsko

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100931.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 246 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:18:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Allison Levine Address: 835 W. Dayton Street Apt #3329 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: Wisconsin needs cleaner renewable energy sources. Coal power is no longer an option.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Allison Levine

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100932.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 247 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:19:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Carolle Hurley Address: 400 sunnyslope Dr City: Hartland State:Wi Zip:53029 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: NO, NO, No Coal

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carolle Hurley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100933.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 248 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:20:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James Neeb Address: 6130 32nd Street South City: Wisconsin Rapids State:WI Zip:54494 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This message is sent to vehemently oppose the construction of a new coal- rired electric generation unit known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100934.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 249 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. James Neeb

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100934.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 250 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:21:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gabriella Ekman Address: 120 Jenifer Street #1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 646-229-8235

Comment: coal is dirty!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gabriella Ekman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100935.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 251 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:21:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gabriella Ekman Address: 120 Jenifer Street #1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 646-229-8235

Comment: coal is dirty!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gabriella Ekman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100936.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 252 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:23:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Anthony Redmond Address: 150 iota ct City: madison State:wi Zip:53703

Comment: Madison needs renewable energy and not harming coal fuels.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Anthony Redmond

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100937.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 253 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:24:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Foss Address: 544 Elmside Blvd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704

Comment: I'm opposed to the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville. It would: Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Foss

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100938.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 254 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:27:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Chris Weigert Address: 826 5th Ave. City: Grafton State:WI Zip:53024

Comment: The last thing Wisconsin needs is another high-polluting coal fired power plant built around outdated techology and resources. There are cheaper and cleaner options available, and rather than lock us into a dirty, inefficient plant for decades to come, we should be pushing for cleaner, less expensive power generation sources that can be powered with renewable energy, like bio-mass natural gas plants. I strongly oppose a new coal plant being built in this state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chris Weigert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100939.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 255 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:27:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jennifer A. Meyer Address: 1539 Lathrop Ave City: Racine State:WI Zip:53405 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

* Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come * Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution * Increase utility rates * Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

* Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. * Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

This new coal plant would be totally unacceptable, we need to forge ahead and lead the world in new technologys not stick billions into old ones that will devastate our planet for us, our children and the wildlife that lives here. This is the only planet we have, we need to take care of it now before its too late, thank you.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100940.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 256 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Jennifer A. Meyer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100940.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 257 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:29:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Theodore Ludwig Address: E6341 County Road D City: Colfax State:WI Zip:54730 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am against the construction of coal fired plants in Wisconsin. It is time for our regulators to consider all costs of energy when approving new construction. This includes the facility costs and the costs of obtaining the fuel especially the environment costs. I am willing to pay more if it means doing less damage to the small island in the universe we live on.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Theodore Ludwig

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100941.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 258 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:31:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: martha g phillips Address: w6732 hwy b City: rio State:wi Zip:53960 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-992-3757

Comment: Please do not expand coal burning plants in Wisconsin, and the Mississippi valley, as our air qualoity is already causing problems for people with asthma and other breathing issues; the presence opf particles and chemicals from coal burning planrs probably cuases may of these problesm, not just worsening them.

Long coal trains coming in from the west also create pollution, all along their route, interrupting highway traffic hor long periods at corssings (wasting gas there, too!)from the engines and the dust that blows off the cars. Ask anyone who was raised near a coal-burning plant if they ever hung wash out to dry!

We need to addrsess other ways of slowing energy usage, such as solar, wind, water power (yes, high efficeijncy turbines could be -placed below dams on the Mississippi and the Wisconsin.) as everything helps. Not everyone needs to use air conditioning here in the summer, nor do they need to use electric clothes dryers. We need to learn to conserve.

Credits can be given to those who use less, through solar, geothermal, or whatever is "green" and helps save energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. martha g phillips

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100942.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 259 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:33:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ruth C Uppena Address: 1760 Roaster Rd City: Montfort State:Wi Zip:53569 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 623 2645

Comment: Stop Alliant from going forward with another coal plant in Cassville, Wi!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ruth C Uppena

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100943.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 260 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:34:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ruth Torstenson LeMasters Address: W1182 Yaeger Valley Road City: Cochrane State:WI Zip:54622

Comment: I am opposed toAlliant's plan to build a new power plant in Wisconsin. It would lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come, spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution and ship more and more hard- earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. Please require Alliant to spend more time and energy (pardon the pun) seeking out healthier and more renewable sources of energy.

Thank you

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ruth Torstenson LeMasters

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100944.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 261 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:34:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Susan STark Address: 7433 Farmington Way City: Madison State:WI Zip:53717-1311 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: unlisted

Comment: We CANNOT have more coal in the U.S. There are far better, healthier energy choices out there. This would be a step...huge step...backwards.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Susan STark

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100945.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 262 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:35:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Peterson Address: 101 EdL Lane City: Ridgeway State:WI Zip:53582 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-924-3611

Comment: Please DO NOT invest in a new coal-burning plant. We need to put our energy dollars into new green technology, not just continue with the same old BAD habits that have gotten this country into such an economic (and environmental) mess.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Peterson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100946.htm10/2/2008 10:31:13 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 263 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:35:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Amy Holt Address: 2952 Ivanhoe Glen City: Fitchburg State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal power seems to be a thing of the past. I'm sure it will continue to be a part of our energy plan in Wisconsin, but renewables should be invested in, not more coal. Coal is polluting and dirty. We can do better for our beautiful state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Amy Holt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100947.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 264 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:36:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dan Wiese Address: 1049 E. Gorham St. #2 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would: - Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come - Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). - Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution - Increase utility rates - Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal: - Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. - If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. - Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Wiese

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100948.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 265 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:36:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maria Myers Address: 2011 White Wolf Lane City: Kaukauna State:WI Zip:54130 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I do not want a coal power plant in WI.

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maria Myers

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100949.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 266 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:37:41 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dante A Renzoni Address: W6821 Wester Ave City: Meddford State:WI Zip:54451 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-748-0148

Comment: Please don't allow any more coal fired Electric plants to be built in wisconsin. Our lakes already are high in mercury, our skys often smoggy and the carbon foot print of eachof us will increase even though we are trying to reduce our effects. This is counter intuitive. Let's go with natural gas and get very serious about solar, wind and other low impact alternatives even if they cost more up front. Please don't commit us to creating more polution and an outdated method of electric generation. We will pay now and again in the future.

Thanks Dan Renzoni

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dante A Renzoni

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100950.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 267 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:38:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Margaret J Welke Address: 410 Clemons Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.246.2159

Comment: There is nothing clean about coal and it is not the answer to Wisconsin's increasing energy needs. No matter what technologies are employed, new coal- fired power plants will contribute to global warming, air pollution, and environmental degradation from the mining and burning of coal. As the earth continues to warm, threatening our health and economy, the US needs to be reducing, not increasing, its greenhouse gas emissions.

I urge Alliant to invest in wind and other renewable energy technologies as a way of meeting growing consumer demand for energy. Energy efficiency technologies must also be funded and deployed. Only renewable energy and conservation will provide our country with energy security, reduce global warming, and create competitive jobs for years to come. I look forward to your response to my letter and direct action in this matter.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Margaret J Welke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100951.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 268 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:41:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Lee Address: 3320 W Kilbourn Ave City: Miwaukee State:WI Zip:53208 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do everything in your power to force Alliant to make use of better technology/energy source in their new plant. Please don't let them lock us into more pollution just at this moment when we must look for ways to cut back greenhouse gases.

Thank you for your attention,

Peter Lee

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Lee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100964.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 269 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:42:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Beth Beck Address: 8825 Timber wolf Trail City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53717

Comment: I do not wish for us to construct a new coal-fired electric generation unit in Grant County. This does not solve the issue of global warming. Instead, I believe we need to construct wind mills and whatever else that will be environmentally correct and cost effective for the future of our children and ourselves.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Beth Beck

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100965.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 270 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:42:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jim Loos Address: N6079 Eagles Way City: Porterfield State:Wi Zip:54159 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose new coal fired power plants the U.S. and especially in Wisconsin. I firmly believe that the emissions from these plants contribute to poor air quality and to global warming in general. I want to see a more aggressive effort in the use of renewal energy sources for the production of electricity in our state and country.

Jim Loos

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jim Loos

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100966.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 271 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:44:33 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andrea Parr Address: N5653 Quarterdeck Dr. City: Onalaska State:WI Zip:54650

Comment: Alliant's coal-fired plant application needs to be DENIED. Coal technologyis dirty and outdated. At a time when we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this new plant would spew over 3 million tons of global warming and soot pollution each year. We cannot afford this toxic pollution to our air and wate, especially when there are cheaper and cleaner options available. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Please listen to Wisconsin's people, and deny this application. Coal power is not the way to go. Our health, water, air, and pocketbooks cannot afford this.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrea Parr

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100967.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 272 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:45:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: don warnke Address: 224 n van ness st City: west salem State:WI Zip:54669

Comment: coal is dirty and old technology. Get with the future!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. don warnke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100968.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 273 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:46:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara J. Wright Address: 4833 Sheboygan Ave. #135 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-256-8804

Comment: Why not use the billions that are going to be spent on another coal fired plant that will only create more particulates in the air and cause more global warming, for wind energy. There are technologies available and it is now that the changes must be made. Don't deny our need to convert to sustainable energy production by building another coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara J. Wright

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100969.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 274 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:46:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brian Bohatkiewicz Address: 2838 Warner Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6082711181

Comment: I oppose any new coal-fired power plants in Wisconsin (unless and until they can be proven to sequester all related pollution including carbon dioxide).

This is was is killing us slowly.

Please, when the carbon caps come, let Wisconsin be on the right side.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brian Bohatkiewicz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100970.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 275 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:51:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brice Grunert Address: N81 W16060 Robinhood Dr City: Menomonee Falls State:WI Zip:53051

Comment: We need clean, renewable energy now. It's an energy of the future but the future is tomorrow. Coal not only increases CO2 emissions but also dirties our air and water with pollutants and toxic metals. Wind, geothermal, and solar energy offers free energy sources while benefiting us and the environment far more than any coal, natural gas, or pertroleum based fuel ever can.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brice Grunert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100971.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 276 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:54:44 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julia Richardson Address: W11521 Island View Court City: Lodi State:WI Zip:53555 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 592-4606

Comment: Stop the coal plants! Stop the pollution!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julia Richardson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100972.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 277 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 2:57:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Carrie Schudda Address: 510 Ash St. City: Oregon State:WI Zip:53575 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-835-6373

Comment: I oppose the construction of ANY new coal-fired plants in Wisconsin. We already have an unacceptable level of mercury pollution in our air. Moreover, coal plants are notoriously bad for the climate. We must begin to reverse the causes of air pollution and global warming IMMEDIATELY, before it is too late. The proposed new coal plant in Cassville would take us in exactly the opposite direction. No amount of green-washing by Alliant and its paid lobbyists can alter this fact. The proposal should therefore be rejected as contrary to the health of our state and our planet.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carrie Schudda

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100973.htm10/2/2008 10:31:14 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 278 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:02:24 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeffrey and Karen Mirate Address: 108 14th Street City: Prairie du Sac State:WI Zip:53578-1408 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-643-8873

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

The Public Service Commission needs to order Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure. Why not utilize natural gas from manure to demonstrate the contribution America's Dairyland can make to using innovative alternate energy.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100974.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 279 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Jeffrey and Karen Mirate

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100974.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 280 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:04:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Linda Weitzer Address: W161 N6298 Claremore Cir City: Menomonee Falls State:WI Zip:53051

Comment: To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed coal fired power plant by Alliant Energy. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal! *Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. *If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. *Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Please help Wisconsin move beyond coal to a cleaner, cheaper, safer, more renewable way to power our future! Thank you for listening.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Linda Weitzer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100975.htm10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 281 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:05:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Darral Faas Address: 2221 South 23rd Street City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: In a time of global warning, Wisconsin doesn't need more dirty polluting coal fire plants to generate electricity. What is needed is a broader greener approach. No matter how many scrubbers are added to clean the air, there will still be pollutants. In a country where we already have the ability to use clean technology, we in this state should immediately require all new plants be of the green nature and not of the past dirty polluting type. We need to clean up our environment, not add more pollution to it. We can start this by requiring electric companies to only replace the outdated ones with cleaner technology. If property owners put solar panels or roofing into action for their use, the need for plants would diminish significantly. If these new plants were say geothermal or of another cleaner type, I would not oppose construction. The days of dirty coal plants must end now.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Darral Faas

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100976.htm10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 282 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:06:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: mary hiebl Address: 20160 w. national ave City: new berlin State:wi Zip:53146-4909


PSC: Alliant Energy's plan to build a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin is bad for our economy and bad for our environment.

Please do not allow the building of another dirty coal plant for a variety of reasons:

1.Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

2. Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

3. Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

4. Increase utility rates

5. Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

1. I am aware that Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

2. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

3. Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100977.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 These are sound, substantive reasons to deny Alliant Energy's request to buildSchedule 2 Page 283 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 another coal-fired plant. October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. mary hiebl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100977.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 284 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:10:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joanne Wagner Address: 4601 Windigo Trail City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I would like to be on record opposing the Alliant Energy Cassville plant. Alliant has requested a coal-fired power plant for Cassville. A coal-fired power plant would do the following: * Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come * Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution * Increase utility rates * Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much better technologies available which would produce cheaper and cleaner energy for Wisconsin (assuming that this energy will actually be used in Wisconsin). Cleaner alternatives available include: * Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. * Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Thank you for considering my comments.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joanne Wagner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100978.htm10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 285 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:12:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Lex Address: 5639 Driftwood Lane City: Sheboygan State:WI Zip:53081 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please let's make choices for our future that are sustainable.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Let's move forward and be great instead of being lazy and sticking with the status quo.

Sincerely, Laura Lex file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100979.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 286 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Lex

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100979.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 287 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:14:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dylan Wilbur Address: 204 N. Pinckney St. Apt 404 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: In light of the global climate crisis affecting our planet right now, we need to be looking forward towards becoming energy independent and developing sustainable energy that does not damage our planet. A coal power plant is not a step forward, but a step backward towards more of the same. Wisconsin needs to send a message to the nation and be at the forefront of this campaign against more of the same dirty power. Lets stop building coal plants, and start investing into energy-saving, job-creating, sustainable energy generation. Just look at the facts: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

* Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come * Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution * Increase utility rates * Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

* Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. * Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

So lets reject this terrible step backwards proposed by Alliant and start looking to make Wisconsin the leader in bring about sustainable energy change.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100980.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 288 of 987 Thank you for your time, Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Dylan Wilbur Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dylan Wilbur

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100980.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 289 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:14:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katherine Powers Address: 4151 E, Cty. Rd. T City: Danbury State:WI Zip:54830 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-254-2777

Comment: If we decice to bring coal mines or plants back. There is a great danger to everyone health. Black Lung is still going on and people dying. For the love of God find another way we don't need more deaths.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katherine Powers

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100981.htm10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 290 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:15:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kenneth Miska Address: 6413 Mendota Ave City: Middleton State:WI Zip:53562

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kenneth Miska

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100982.htm10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 291 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:15:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Helen Reich Address: 3838 E. Martin Ave. City: Cudahy State:WI Zip:53110 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin needs a new super-polluting coal-fired power plant like it needs a hole in its head. Luckily, there are great alternatives. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. What could be better? Let's do the right thing, and make coal-fired plants a thing of the past.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Helen Reich

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100983.htm10/2/2008 10:31:15 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 292 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:19:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dawn R. Casper Address: 5709 Cedar Place City: Madiwon State:Wisconsin Zip:53705

Comment: To Whom it may concern,

I am opposed to the construction of a new Coal-Fired Electric Generation Plant in Grant County. As a matter of fact I'm opposed to the construction of any new coal plants in our country. I believe we should be seeking alternative more green energy options. If this plant is built we would be using out-dated dirty coal technology for years to come. I believe we should look at trying to make existing natural gas plants more efficient. I have also read that Wisconsin can make natural gas from manure that is right here in our own state. There has been great success with wind energy too. The Commission should take a stand and order utilities to invest in new cleaner, greener options for our state, for our country for our children's future.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dawn R. Casper

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100984.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 293 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:20:33 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dustin Frank Address: 5774 N Bel Aire Dr City: Glendale State:WI Zip:53209 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin does not need another coal fired plant especially one that doesn't use the latest in technology for emission reductions. Any money invested in additional electrical generation capacity should be invested in renewable or nuclear.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dustin Frank

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100985.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 294 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:25:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ruth Skaar Address: 514 Oneida Street City: Beaver Dam State:WI Zip:53916 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Hi, I have just received information that Alliant energy plans to build a coal- fired electric plant in Cassville, Wisconsin. It is my understanding that clean coal plant technolgy exists and is the only acceptable option for our state and our country. Several years ago there was an article in the paper which featured a coal plant which invested a large amount of money in improving the pollution problem of the plant and the health savings of that same area went down by five times the amount spent of the upgrade to the plant. This allows me to think that clean energy is possible even with coal and that it is the only way a coal plant should be built. Many citizens are directly affected healthwise from pollutution..please help us all to be healthier by building only a clean coal-fired plant. Thank you so very much.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ruth Skaar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100987.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 295 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:32:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Fiala Address: 225 E Lake Lawn Pl City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-443-7820

Comment: Coal power is ancient technology; we do NOT need new coal plants. Our environment needs care. Coal may be a plentiful resource but not a wise choice for our energy needs and certainly does not take into consideration smart future planning. Wisconsin can continue to be an innovator in environmentalism. Please don't build the coal plant in Cassville. Let's put our money into renewable energy instead!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Fiala

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100989.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 296 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:32:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sharon L Smith Address: P.O. Box 2 City: Lyons State:wi Zip:53148

Comment: I oppose the building of a new coal fired plant at Cassville, WI because it is outdated technology and because it uses coal as an energy source. We should not be implementing any new uses of fossile fuels, especially coal, the mining of which polutes our waterways and ruins our natural resources by stripping off mountains.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sharon L Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100990.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 297 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:42:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Mutch Address: 1027 cameron Ave. City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am very disappointed that you are even considering another coal -fired energy plant. There is an abundance of evidence that coal-fired plants are contributing heavily to pollution of the air se breathe, and to global warming. Please get with the program, give up coal and move on to clean, safe and healthy energy production NOW, before any more people have to suffer and die from dirty air. Thank You for listening and acting.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Mutch

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100991.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 298 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:43:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marliss Rogers Address: 1121 Crestview Dr. City: Port Washington State:WI Zip:53074 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: It appears that we have not taken the advice of environmentalists to heart when it comes to dirty coal, as we are still contemplating building more of these power plants, this one in Cassville. Since this will cause pollution that will only add to what we already have in the air, I object to Alliant Energy's proposal! We must have alternative energy resources, not new coal plants!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marliss Rogers

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100993.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 299 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:45:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Helen Lococo Address: 225 N. 90th St. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53226 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I just read about another air quality alert being issued for tomorrow (9/23/08). Isn't it time we take pollution seriously? There are better ways to produce energy - much cleaner ways - than coal. Say no to a new coal fired plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Helen Lococo

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100995.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 300 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:46:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Caitlyn Hacklander Address: 2996 Bluffs Drive City: Mound State:MN Zip:55364 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: My name is Caitlyn Hacklander and I am a student at the University of Wisconsin Madison. As a person who walks around the capitol daily, I need to voice my complete disapproval of the new coal plant plan of Alliant Energy. Using coal is far outdated process, and it would increase the global pollution by over 3 million tons each year. Not only does it hurt the overall environment, it will also ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

At a time in the country's history where global warming and environmental concerns are more important than ever, this coal plant would be a step backwards in our technology. DO NOT BUILD THIS PLANT! There are so many better options.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Caitlyn Hacklander

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100996.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 301 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:50:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Carvan Address: 3936 N. 78th Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53222 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am writing this letter as a concerned citizen to express my opposition to the construction of new coal-fired power plants in the State of Wisconsin, especially the new plant proposed by Alliant Energy. The plant as proposed will lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come; release over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 646,811 cars per year to the roads of Wisconsin; increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution; increase utility rates; and ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure and continuing its investment in clean wind power.

I am also a scientist that studies the biomedical implications of environmental mercury. Mercury is one of the most devastating industrial pollutants and the detrimental biomedical effects cost the US more than $8 BILLION per year in lost productivity. We cannot continue to trash our future for short-term gain. We must require energy companies to expand their clean energy capabilities and get rid of outdated coal technologies.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Carvan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100997.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 302 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:50:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andrew Camann Address: 1512 Adams St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Hello PSC - It was brought to my attention that you are soon deciding on whether or not to build another coal plant in Wisconsin. As a lifelong Wisconsin resident, I just wanted to drop a comment to officially voice my concerns. I oppose the construction of this coal plant. Now, I wouldn't consider myself a hippie or a tree hugger, but I do feel that being clean-energy-conscious is of immense importance at this time. As the citizens of Wisconsin are continually making a conscious effort to reduce our individual energy usage and become more efficient, building this plant seems like a large step in the wrong direction. Even if the startup costs may seem greater now, I believe that renewable energy sources will benefit Wisconsin in the long run - both financially, and in ways that we may not fully understand until the discoveries of future generations. I'm sure you're all too aware of all the facts and figures about increasing mercury levels in our lakes, the increasing costs of coal, and it's affects on global warming. I just ask that while discussing this decision, please hear the voices of Wisconsin and call upon the foresight that has thusfar made Wisconsin a clean and healthy home for innovation. Thank you for your time. -Andy Camann

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrew Camann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100998.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 303 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 3:56:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Judith Christianson Address: 2905 Morningside Dr. Apt. 6 City: Eau Claire State:WI Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-529-0114

Comment: It is time to take our heads out of the sand and do the right thing for our environment and future generations of Americans. It is time to recognize that coal of any sort is a temporary, non-renewable resource that pollutes our environment and continues to exasperate global warming. Clean coal energy is a myth. Let Wisconsin take the lead in choosing alternate forms of energy over non- renewable polluters. This will not happen if money is diverted to the coal industry. STOP this lunacy. Wake up and be a leader for your industry. It may not be the easiest choice, but it is the right thing to do. Say NO to the Nelson Dewey Generating Station. Most Wisconsinites and most Americans want clean, renewable energy to be our priority. Coal is not an option. Show some leadership on this issue. Judy Christianson

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Judith Christianson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/100999.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 304 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:09:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: J Noble Address: Personal City: Madison State:WI Zip:53716

Comment: We do NOT need another coal-fired plant in Wisconsin. Our air quality is already compromised because of the plants already in use here. Please reject this application. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. J Noble

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101002.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 305 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:13:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Melissa Flores Address: 307 Richardson Adams Hall 1520 Tripp Circle City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: Please don't build another outdated coal plant; there are many other ways to produce clean energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Melissa Flores

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101007.htm10/2/2008 10:31:16 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 306 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:15:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Paul Tabili Address: 5811 Greenleaf Blvd. City: Racine State:WI Zip:53406 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-634-8523

Comment: It's 2008 people! We do not need or want any more dirty coal-fired power plants in our state. There are so many alternatives (wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, CONSERVATION, upgrading inefficient appliances, insulating, etc.) that there is simply no excuse for building another old-tech, dirty, polluting power plant. WE WANT CLEAN ENERGY ALTERNATIVES!!!!! WHEN WILL YOU GET THE MESSAGE!!!!!?????

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Paul Tabili

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101008.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 307 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:16:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tyler Schwartz Address: 18879 64th Ave City: Chippewa Falls State:WI Zip:54729

Comment: I am adamantly opposed to any new coal fired power plants being constructed in Wisconsin and the United States as a whole.

Science has shown that global warming is one of the greatest threats to humanity that we face. Its important we truly realize and understand this fundamental fact. The future of our energy systems doesn't lie in more out- dated, dirty energy sources. Cheap as it may be, coal power plants are just not the solution. The environmental costs of building more coal fired plants far outweigh the short-term economic costs. The long term economic gains however, are far greater than these short term costs.

Allaint Energy has a unique opportunity to not only do the right thing for the environment, but also secure its place in the market for years to come by not investing in "old technology". Instead, I would like to see Alliant Energy (and all other energy companies for that matter) recognize that the future of this country's energy needs lies in clean, sustainable sources. Sure, it might not be profitable in the short term, but as more companies, like Alliant, invest in sustainable energy, the price of creating these new sustainable plants will be lowered. Consumers will begin to appreciate Allaint's committment to the environment, jobs will be created to research and build these new energy sources, and Wisconsin will become one of the area's that attracts new sustainable technologies.

One of the most important rules of business is the ability to adapt. Businesses that resist change and refuse to adapt to the different needs of its consumers will soon find themselves surpassed by new up-and-coming businesses or competitors that have recognized that the landscape is changing and have themselves changed to fit that landscape. I see way too many companies in this country that for some reason or another, resist change because it is more profitable to live in "today" instead of "tomorrow".

What Alliant Energy needs to ask itself is: "Are we a company that adapts, does the RIGHT thing, and embraces change? Or are we a company that only cares about what's important TODAY and not 20 years down the road?" I hope the answer is the earlier rather than the later. Do the right thing and invest in the future energy needs of the 21st century (wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear). Coal was yesterdays answer to yesterdays question. file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101009.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 308 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tyler Schwartz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101009.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 309 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:17:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Liz Whitlock Address: 3639 116th Street City: Pleasant Prairie State:WI Zip:53158 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-694-5699

Comment: I am against this.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Liz Whitlock

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101010.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 310 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:20:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Cory Otto Address: 702 Franciscan Way City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (715) 530-0568

Comment: This is completely outdated technology that causes absolutely unnecessary harm to the environment , not to mention increasing the utility rates of those affected. We in Wisconsin are already making our own energy through renewable resources like manure, and we don't need obsolete technology bringing us back in time. This cannot happen!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cory Otto

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101013.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 311 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:23:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: ruth kelsen Address: 921 N. 8th Pl. City: sturgeon bay State:WI Zip:54235

Comment: I really hope that there could be an option that wouldn't pollute the air that we need for breathing. I live in Door County and there are days that we are told to stay inside because of air quality. And that air is generated in Chicago and Milwaukee for the most part. It travels along the Lake Michigan coast line until it reaches my lungs. Couldn't we be a lot smarter than the Chinese????? The Chinese bad air transverses the Pacific Ocean in order to pollute California. The Chinese strive to poison their own with melamine in baby formula, lead paint, BPA, phthlates, heparin, ad infinitum. Couldn't we find a way to preserve life rather than end it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ruth kelsen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101014.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 312 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:28:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brooke Groskopf Address: 2104 Monroe St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: No coal please!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brooke Groskopf

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101015.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 313 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:29:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe Ackermann Address: 1020 W Monrovia Ave City: Glendale State:WI Zip:53217 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-332-0145

Comment: I am strongly opposed to the construction of a coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin. The proposed Nelson Dewey plant will use old technology and cause great harm to the environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe Ackermann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101016.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 314 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:32:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bill Hinton Address: 6605 Locksley Ln City: Cedarburg State:WI Zip:53012-9791 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: The era of coal fired power generation is over! It has never been cost effective if the pollution effects are factored in, but, apparently, killing the earth is free. Increasing the efficiency of existing natural gas plants would be a far better solution and cheaper.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bill Hinton

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101018.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 315 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:36:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Don Merlin Address: W18251 County Road N City: Blair State:WI Zip:54616 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am opposed to this plant. As we enter the 21st Century we need to be concentrating on clean, renewable energy, not another 20th century technology proved to increase pollution and greenhouse gases. Their are other solutions that need to be explored and implemented: including cleaner natural gas.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Don Merlin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101019.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 316 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:45:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sandra Sweeney Address: 2184 N. 52 St. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53208 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please don't lock us into outdated and polluting energy sources. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure. I urge you to not permit this coal- fired plant, and help bring about a cleaner, sustainable Wisconsin for the future of our children.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sandra Sweeney

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101020.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 317 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:46:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gregory Francis Bird Address: 2230 South Woodward Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53207 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414 737 6186

Comment: I am opposed to permitting 6680-CE-170 because it uses coal as a fuel and that will produce many pollutants, including mercury that will continue to cause lakes and rivers to have consumption warnings, the cost of which have not been calculated into cost/benefit analysis, and which I will personally suffer from, being downwind of the proposed site.

For instance, I participated in the permitting for the Elm Road Generating Station, and was disturbed to hear that, even with best practice mercury removal, it was estimated that sixty-six pounds of mercury would be introduced into the atmosphere each year, and, when I asked a DNR fisheries expert how long it would take to lift consumption advisories for Lake Michigan if no more mercury were introduced, the answer as probably fifty years. What is the economic loss of not having a healthy Lake Michigan fishery?

This site, very near a State Historical Site, the Nelson Dewey home, will profoundly and permanently disturb an area of Wisconsin and the Mississippi Valley, and an area where there are many wildlife refuges.

As I understand some of the alternatives Alliant can use to provide the energy needed, first is conservation and efficiency. Has there been a detailed survey of Alliant customers about what conservation and efficiency measures are possible, and have these measures been implemented? That, as I understand, is what is required by State law. Have current generating facilities been fully been brought up to their maximum efficiency? Have renewables been fully implemented?

The coal fuel cycle causes tremendous damage to the larger environment, such as mountain-top removal, ruining streams. Has this been fully accounted for in the cost/benefit analysis?

Have effects to water quality in the Mississippi, especially thermal effects, been fully accounted for? I recently read an historical description of the triple expansion steam engine that powered Milwaukee first water distribution pump, and it was described as not having a condensate release. I recently read on

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101021.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 CNET that up to 55% of heat from thermal generating plants is wasted. What Schedule 2 Page 318 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 designs is Alliant proposing to eliminate wasted energy from their thermal October 2, 2008 station? Kenneth C. Rineer

All these concerns cause me to oppose permitting 6680-CE-170.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gregory Francis Bird

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101021.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 319 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 4:50:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Edward W Peterson Address: 9000 226 CT 12A City: Salem State:WI Zip:53168 E-mail: [email protected] om

Comment: Please do not allow construction of a toxic coal fired power plant. This plant would undo years of air cleanup and it it's not even necessary. The alternative to update Alliant's gas fired plant is a far better option and it's cheaper.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Edward W Peterson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101022.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 320 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:01:33 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sue Chester Address: W5654 Sunset Ridge City: Walworth State:WI Zip:53184

Comment: I would rather see WI going in the right direction in helping preserve the planet for future generations and take an active part in stopping global warming. We could all use a cheaper, and cleaner solution.

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sue Chester

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101025.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 321 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:06:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steven Shea Address: 2124 S. 5th Pl. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53207 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We don't need another fossil fuel burning plant in Wisconsin. We need clean, renewable energy sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steven Shea

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101026.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 322 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:19:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alexandra Address: University St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I would love nothing more than to look out my window and see a giant mountain of black coal. Isn't our Earth pretty enough already?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alexandra

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101027.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 323 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:24:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Scheele Address: 1206 Frisch Rd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: Please do not allow more coal-fired power plants. Instead, make rules that encourage the expansion of "green". e.g., wind, solar & geothermal. Wisconsin should be a leader in environmental protection.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Scheele

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101028.htm10/2/2008 10:31:17 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 324 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:32:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tara Quan Address: w159n8368 apple valley drive City: menomonee falls State:wi Zip:53051 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tara Quan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101029.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 325 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:34:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jan Qualkinbush Address: 10674 Old Stage Rd City: Sister Bay State:WI Zip:54234

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would: • Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come • Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). • Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution • Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

Please investigate alternative sources of energy for the good of the environment and the economy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jan Qualkinbush

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101030.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 326 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 5:46:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tim Wong Address: 161 Jackson City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strongly oppose the construction of any new coal plants; instead, we should be shutting down existing ones. But I strongly oppose the increasing reliance on natural gas to make electricity. Using natural gas to feed Americans' and Wisconsinites' unconscionable electricity usage, such as by the incredible increase in the use of air conditioning in the past 20 years.

The PSC needs to require conservation; refigure rate structures so that people who use more pay more per kWh, so that I am not subsidizing my idiotic neighbors who insist on air conditioning their homes in a state where air conditioning really is NOT necessary.

So NO to coal power plants; NO to natural gas power plants; more windmills; more funding of alternative sources of energy. but mostly more CONSERVATION, and reward people for their conservation efforts.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tim Wong

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101031.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 327 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:00:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joseph Koeller Address: 334 S. Yellowstone Dr. #1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705

Comment: NO to more polluting foul coal burning plants! Alternative energy from now on.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joseph Koeller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101032.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 328 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:08:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joshua Tueting Address: 840 N. 17th St. Apt 207 City: Milwaukee State:Wi Zip:53233

Comment: There are more clean and more intelligent options for energy than coal. Let's look toward the future in order to keep our state clean and able to have proper energy resources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joshua Tueting

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101033.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 329 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:10:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Debbie Elholm Address: 3545 Nakoma Rd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: I do not support the coal plant that Alliant Energy is proposing to build. There is a better solution to our energy crisis and Alliant Energy should be building using clean, renewable energy. I find it interesting Alliant's own agree that they could save money by converting one of their existing gas plants to 60% more efficient - in other words saving money, rather than spending it on a dirty coal plant. By converting one of the existing gas plants they can create the same amount of energy that a coal plant would have.

Why build something that is going to cost us more in money? Why contribute to the pollution, when we need to cut back and start reversing our impact on our planet?

I want to keep Wisconsin beautiful! I love our state! Wont you help protect it?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Debbie Elholm

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101034.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 330 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:15:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Anneliese Thomason Address: 5207 Highwood Dr City: Racine State:wi Zip:53406 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: To Whom It May Concern: I am against the development of a new coal power plant in Wisconsin. Coal plants use outdated technology to create energy and have terrible side effects on the economy and the environment. I urge Alliant Energy to spend their money and staff resources on developing clean energy solutions. Another coal plant is not the answer for Wisconsin.

Thank you, Anneliese Thomason

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Anneliese Thomason

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101035.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 331 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:24:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brian Haynes Address: 822 Heather Dr City: Elkhorn State:WI Zip:53121

Comment: I oppose allowing Wisconsin Power & Light/Alliant Energy to build a new coal- fired power plant. A new coal-fired plant will emit more carbon dioxide into the air when Wisconsin, and the nation, are attempting to curb emissions. A new coal-fired plant will emit soot, when several Wisconsin counties are already in violation of EPA health standards for soot pollution. A new coal-fired plant with emit mercury, when Wisconsin is trying to limit mercury emissions.

I don't understand why Alliant Energy would want to build a new coal-fired plant when Alliant Energy's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of their existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient. Such an improved plant would also product a comparable amount of energy compared to the proposed coal-fired plant. I have also read that if Alliant Energy went this route, customers would save almost $1 billion over the life of the plant, and it would produce less soot, smog, mercury, and carbon dioxide. Additionally, we can make natural gas in Wisconsin from manure and decomposing trash in landfills.

Why would Alliant Energy want to build a new coal-fired power plant? Improving an existing natural gas power plant is obviously the better choice for everyone.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brian Haynes

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101036.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 332 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:26:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dawn Kirch Address: 4535 Windsor Rd. City: Windsor State:WI Zip:53598

Comment: We don't need any more pollution then we already have. CLEAN ENERGY! Sincerely, Dawn Kirch

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dawn Kirch

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101037.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 333 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:32:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jasmine Lorenz Address: 1747 Rose Street #38 City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54603

Comment: As a Wisconsin citizen, I am very concerned about the request by Alliant Energy to construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit (known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station) in Cassville, Grant County, WI. I feel that this request should NOT be granted as there can be many negative consequences resulting, it would:

* Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come * Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution * Increase utility rates * Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

* Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. * Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

In conclusion, I am requesting that Alliant not be allowed to construct the stated Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit. The construction of this unit has many negative consequences, which are unnecessarily acquired, as there are many better alternatives, as identified. Please take these comments into consideration while making this decision.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101038.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 334 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Jasmine Lorenz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101038.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 335 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:37:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara Becker Address: 9745 N. Lake Dr. City: Bayside State:WI Zip:53217 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-352-8843

Comment: I oppose granting Alliant Energy approval to build another large coal-fired power plant. The dangers of mercury poisoning and their link to burning massive amounts of coal is well established, and the effect of mercury on the human body, especially on young children's developing bodies, is well documented. Particle pollution is also known to be a serious health hazard. When cleaner natural gas-fired power plants are feasible, as they are here, there is no reason to expose the citizens of Wisconsin to the health risks from burning coal, particularly when this power plant proposed has the useful life of 40 years as projected by Alliant and the PSC.

Please do not permit this proposed plant to be built.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara Becker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101039.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 336 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:40:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Hannah Jeske Address: W73 N398 Greystone Dr City: Cedarburg State:WI Zip:53012

Comment: As a citizen living in Wisconsin, I do not believe building another coal plant in Wisconsin is a step in the righy direction, economically or environmentally. In fact, it is moving backwards. We need to concentrate our efforts on creating energy renewable resources. TIME IS RUNNING OUT!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hannah Jeske

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101040.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 337 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:47:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lynn Shoemaker Address: 172 N. Esterly Ave. City: Whitewater State:WI Zip:53190

Comment: The time to invest in alternative and sustainable energy sources is now. The technology is available. Wind and solar and energy efficiency are feasible. Coal is the wrong path, good only for short and foolish gains.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lynn Shoemaker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101041.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 338 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:51:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeffrey L Starr Address: 3300 N 77th St City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53222 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would: - Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come - Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). - Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution - Increase utility rates Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal: - Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. - If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. - Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Please take the above into consideration and say no to the coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeffrey L Starr

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101042.htm10/2/2008 10:31:18 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 339 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 6:58:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Briana Soroko Address: 402 Pray Sims City: Stevens State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This coal plant benefits no one. It degrades the environment, our health, and the wildlife. Please stop!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Briana Soroko

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101043.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 340 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:05:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bridget Palecek Address: 1665 Clairville Road City: Oshkosh State:WI Zip:54904 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If this coal fired electri generation unit known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Wisconsin goes into effect, it could very likely lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bridget Palecek

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101044.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 341 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:10:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Suzanne and Scott Lefevre Address: 2021 Larkspur Dr. City: Appleton State:WI Zip:54915

Comment: We are so opposed to any more coal plants ...why aren't you doing more alternative energy projects instead of Coal. It is dirty and causes more pollution and we don't want it. We have a global warming crisis going on here and you want to add to it. It just doesn't make any sense at all. It is time to get your head out of the sand and wake up.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Suzanne and Scott Lefevre

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101045.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 342 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:16:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brandon Smith Address: 7203 Midtown Road Unit 204 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53719

Comment: Please do not build another coal plant in Wisconsin. Even the cleanest coal plant will still emit carbon dioxide and be subjected to the rapidly increasing cost of coal. Burning coal will increase mercury emissions and represent a 19th century solution to a 21st century problem.

Please encourage conservation, wind, solar, and nuclear energy. Alliant is in the business of selling electricity and has no motivation to encourage conservation. I would be happy to see a windfarm near my house. Tax credit should be increased to encourage solar hot water heating. I would rather pay more for electricity if it was generated by means other than fossil fuels.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brandon Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101046.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 343 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:18:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura DeGolier Address: 114 S Main St. PMB 301 City: Fond du Lac State:WI Zip:54935 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920 921 4191

Comment: Coal plants are an outdated way of producing energy. Alliant should be looking to the new technology to provide the energy we need.

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

Under this cheaper, cleaner method customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I urge the Public Service Commission not to grant a permit to build another coal fired plant in WIl.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura DeGolier

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101047.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 344 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:22:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elizabeth Whipps Address: 120 Grand Avenue Apt402 City: Wausau State:WI Zip:54403 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-848-3796

Comment: Wisconsin does not need more coal-fired energy!!! Please tell Alliant Energy "NO". It is time to look for cleaner and safer ways to power our state!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elizabeth Whipps

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101048.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 345 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:25:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Lindell Address: 3008 S Superior St City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53207 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414 744-2808

Comment: Stop the creation of new coal plants. If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would: Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution Increase utility rates Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our ai

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Lindell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101049.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 346 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:25:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Arda Ishkhanian Address: 908 Talbot Ave City: De Pere State:WI Zip:54115

Comment: We do not want any more pollutants. There are better cheaper and ecological alternatives to coal, Please consider those. Thank you

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Arda Ishkhanian

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101050.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 347 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:36:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jesse Neumann Address: 709 Frederick St. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Fossil fuels are a way of the past, and with these supplies becoming depleted at greater rates I believe that Alliant Energy should look to an alternative energy that does not rely on short supply and contributes to global warming.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jesse Neumann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101051.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 348 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:38:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kiu Leung Address: 3303 Glacier Ridge Road City: Middleton State:WI Zip:53562 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Stop constructing new coal-fired electric generation unit as it contributes to global warming and pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kiu Leung

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101052.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 349 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:39:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Theune Address: 2225 Main Street City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: In this changing world there are many solutions to a few problems. The solution this Commission proposes is simply out-dated. We have the technology to create energy in other more productive and more efficient and environmentally friendly ways. That is why I stand in direct opposition to this proposal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Theune

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101053.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 350 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:41:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Maher Address: N42W5727 Maple Street City: Cedarburg State:WI Zip:53012 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We should not keep building coal plants, we should instead be investing in renewable energies.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Maher

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101054.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 351 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:51:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Cathy Felix Address: 6825 105th Avenue City: Kenosha State:WI Zip:53142 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution,

Increase utility rates, and

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cathy Felix

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101055.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 352 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:51:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rick Hancock Address: 3532 S 17th St City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53221 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: It is time to move past dirty energy. The fact that our own DNR publishes the following in the state fishing regulations should be enough to warrant the discontinuing of coal fired power plants since that is the source of the majority of the mercury in our waters:

Statewide mercury advisory: Mercury is found in almost all waters throughout the state. Wisconsin’s statewide advice for most of Wisconsin’s inland (non- Great Lakes) waters recommends that: Women of childbearing years, nursing mothers and all children under 15 may eat: •One meal per week of bluegill, sunfish, crappies, yellow perch, bullheads, inland trout; and •One meal per month of walleye, northern pike, bass, catfish, and all other species (The exception is muskies, which should not be eaten by this group of people because of the high mercury content in muskies).

Men, and women beyond their childbearing years may eat: •Unrestricted amounts of bluegill, sunfish, crappies, yellow perch, bullheads, inland trout; and •One meal per week of walleye, northern pike, bass, catfish, and all other species. •One meal per month of musky.

On certain waters, where data indicates higher mercury levels, more restrictive advice is needed. In addition, fish purchased from stores or restaurants may contain mercury. Consult the fish consumption advisory booklet for more specific advice.

I do not believe that this is acceptable.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rick Hancock

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101056.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 353 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:53:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elan Namath Address: 630 16th PL. City: Kenosha State:WI Zip:53140 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear Alliant Energy: As a Wisconsin state resident since 1998 I have first hand seen the environmental factors of having a coal-burning power plant. We need to invest in wind, water and solar energies at this time and not create more CO2 in our atmosphere. Global warming is a fact and we all need to act responsibly now. Think of the future generations and what type of planet we are leaving them. Coal plants NO!!!! Wind, water and Solar YES!!!!



I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elan Namath

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101057.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 354 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:54:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Amanda Lang Address: 1900 Willow City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I would not like a coal plant built in Cassville, Wisconsin. I think renewable energy sources should be considered. Coal plants should be decreasing in number, not increasing.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Amanda Lang

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101058.htm10/2/2008 10:31:19 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 355 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 7:57:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Annie Kahle Address: 308 Elsom Bradley 1900 Willow Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I am against the building of a coal plant because it is the main contributor to global warming and air pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Annie Kahle

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101059.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 356 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:02:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Corey ward Address: 1900 Willow Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: The coal plants are not efficient and are source of air pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Corey ward

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101061.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 357 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:06:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lou Maris Address: 4401 N. Sheffield Ave City: Shorewood, State:WI Zip:53211

Comment: Dear PSC,

Isn't time for more conservation?

How about HOV lanes for Wisconsin's highways?


Lou Maris

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lou Maris

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101062.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 358 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:09:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Letlebo Address: 321 Elsom Bradley 1900 Willow Dr. City: Madison State:Wisconsin Zip:53932

Comment: Coal plants are not for Wisconsin because they are going to raise our electric taxes. There are more efficient ways to get energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Letlebo

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101063.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 359 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:14:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sarah Fadness Address: 2738 South 49th Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53219

Comment: We know that Wisconsin has always been a very progressive state. It would be a shame to ignore progress now...we need to be looking at alternative sources of energy. We certainly have the wind and solar power available. Let's expand on that this year. Coal is an old, dirty, expensive, and harmful form of energy. We should not only FORBID the creating of new coal electric units, but begin to convert the existing ones into alternative, renewable forms of energy. Cassville is too beautiful for a about trying renewable energy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sarah Fadness

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101064.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 360 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:16:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joyce Frohn Address: 425 Congress Ave City: Oshkosh State:WI Zip:54901

Comment: We should not be expanding coal plants now in the time of global warming. We should be investing in conservation, solar and wind instead.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joyce Frohn

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101065.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 361 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:28:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nathan Hobbs Address: 1900 Willow Dr. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 847-602-0376

Comment: Coal plants are bad because they contribute to mercury poisoning and air pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nathan Hobbs

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101066.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 362 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:32:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nick Meier Address: 1900 Willow Dr. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608)-728-0014

Comment: I am against coal plants, and I support renewable energy because it is less damaging to the environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nick Meier

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101067.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 363 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:37:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Cuff Address: 1900 Willow Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: Stop thinking about the short term and consider the long term effects of this plant. Global warming is on the verge of doing serious damage to the ecosystem, and the last thing we need is another plant to hasten the process. Also, conservative estimates give us 50 years or so of fossil fuel usage before we run out. This plant, in some small way, is a losing proposition for not only Wisconsin residents, but for all humans worldwide.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Cuff

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101068.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 364 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:38:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Antoinette Schneeberg Address: 315 N. Dunlap Ave. City: Viroqua, State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6086376747

Comment: In addition to inevitable increased energy rates, another coal plant locks us into antiquated, outdated fossil fuels that burn dirty, toxic waste. It's bad for the environment, more expensive than other natural alternatives, and unhelathy for all living things, including people. Please consider making existing plants more energy efficient, rather than planning yet another dangerous and expensive coal plant in the state. Thank you for yor consideration. A. Schneeberg

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Antoinette Schneeberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101069.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 365 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:39:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Will Strinz Address: 1800 willow drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6128898190

Comment: I'm against coal plants because there are viable alternatives in nuclear power, wind, etc. More importantly, I'm against public tax dollars subsidizing it especially.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Will Strinz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101070.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 366 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:45:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Emily Hawley Address: 1700 Forest Ridge Rd City: St. Charles State:IL Zip:60174

Comment: I think that the Coal plant would be too detremental to the environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Emily Hawley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101071.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 367 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:45:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Debora Callesen Address: 2930 N Stowell Ave City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53211

Comment: We need to do what we can to stop global warming and clean up the environment. We need to stop using out dated dirty technology.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution Increase utility rates Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Debora Callesen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101072.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 368 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:53:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard M. Klotz Jr. Address: 6447 Lilly Lane City: Danbury State:WI Zip:54830 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715 656-4243

Comment: For the cost of a new coal fired plant we could provide every resident of Wisconsin with fluorescent bulbs to replace their incadecent bulbs and extend the life of our current plants, indefinitely. This would create jobs, conserve our coal resources, and freeze our carbon footprint and emissions.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Richard M. Klotz Jr.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101073.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 369 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:57:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Hartmann Address: 11901 W. Appleton Ave #11 City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53224 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: When are we going to get smart and invest more money in renewable energy thus saving the environment and creating more jobs? But no, let's build another polluting coal plant. No wonder companies and educated people leave this state to go to a progressive area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julie Hartmann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101074.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 370 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:59:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Caley I. Powell Address: 7185 Clark Point Road City: Winneconne State:WI Zip:54986 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920 836-3367

Comment: Coal is an outmoded solution---namely a 15th century solution to 20th century problems that we have done nothing to deal with despite the fact that this is the 21st century. TIME TO MOVE TO THE 21st Century!!!!!!!!!!! We need solar and wind power BIG TIME YESTERDAY> We have the techology--new storage has been proven possible and just needs to be implemented as soon as possible to boost the economy. No more generations of coal miners need suffer in the unsafe unhealthy mines. NO safe method of nuclear waste disposal has been found. Certainly brilliant scientists in this modern world have solutions for storing energy-- a much simpler problem to resolve than nuclear waste and destroying the planet that gives us life-- by depleting even further the fossil fuels. SOLAR< WIND, HYDROGEN CELLS, FUEL CELLS ARE ALL WITHIN OUR REACH WITH A LITTLE MORE INVESTMENT OF TIME, RESEARCH AND FINANCES RATHER THAN PUTTING those resources into 15 century energy.

PLEASE MOVE FORWARD FOR THE SAKE OF OUR ECONOMY AND AIR WE BREATHE and thus our HEALTH CARE. Prevent the lung diseases of the miners and millions of people who are sufering from pulmonary diseases--as a nurse I insist on paying some attention to prevention to stop the drain on our health care resources. We have no where near enough nurses to provide the respiratory care these patients need.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Caley I. Powell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101075.htm10/2/2008 10:31:20 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 371 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:59:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: sondra dunne Address: 1615 10th ave west City: ashland State:wi Zip:54806 E-mail: [email protected]


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. sondra dunne

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101076.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 372 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 8:59:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Campbell Address: 47225 State Hwy 171 City: Gays Mills State:WI Zip:54631 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-606-0239

Comment: I live in the area you intend to build the plant. I strongly object and ask you to stop harming the people and the enviornment in southwest Wisconsin. You have better options and must look to the new teachnologys that are now available. You owe it to all the children of today and tommorrow to put their welfare above all including short term cost or profit !!!

Please Listen and then Act

John Campbell

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Campbell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101077.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 373 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:03:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mariette Nowak Address: N9053 Swift Lake Dr City: East Troy State:WI Zip:53120 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As a citizen of Wisconsin, I'm opposed to the construction of a new coal-fired plant in our state. There are many sound reasons - both economic and environmental - against such a proposal.

Alliant's own experts say that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's natural gas plants 60% more efficient, while producing the same amount of energy as the proposed coal plant. Moreover, over the lifetime of that natural gas plant, we customers will save $1 billion, with the added health bonus of less soot, smog, and mercury and global warming. It makes no sense, with those figures, to construct a coal plant in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin also is making it own natural gas out of renewable resources, like manure.

Please don't put the interests of the coal industry over the interests of the citizens of Wisconsin. Please vote against the construction of a coal plant in Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mariette Nowak

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101078.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 374 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:09:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Eric Newberg Address: N1759 East Valley Park Road City: Linn State:WI Zip:53147 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-248-4644

Comment: Now is the time to move forward and not "backwards" to old, dirty energy. Stop this trend and adopt clean energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Eric Newberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101079.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 375 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:13:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jessica Cotter Address: 2124 N. Newhall St City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53202 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal-fired power plants are one of the leading causes of global warming pollution. We in Wisconsin are responsible for a large portion of global warming pollution as a result of these plants. We cannot have the rest of the states--or the world, for that matter--blaming us for doing nothing about global warming and acid rain. We must focus on making the plants we have more efficient (and cleaner, though I know coal can never truely be clean) while we transition into the use of cleaner energies, like solar energy. Thank for considering my comment! Have a good one.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jessica Cotter

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101080.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 376 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:13:44 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Carlson Address: 2776 Canyon Bluff Road City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54302 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-465-1306

Comment: I am opposed to the new coal plant because I think that Wisconsin should be using energy sources that do not add CO2, mercury and sulfur to the atmosphere.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Carlson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101081.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 377 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:13:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John and Martha Stoltenberg Address: N8362 State Highway 67 City: Elkhart Lake State:WI Zip:53020 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-876-2184

Comment: We are opposed to coal-fired power plants because of the enormous environmental damage associated with this form of electric power generation.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John and Martha Stoltenberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101082.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 378 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:22:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richasrd Wentzel Address: 1531 Cedar Hedge Rd. City: Edgar State:WI Zip:54426 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-687-4391

Comment: Please accept my comments in opposition to the Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin, Docket number 6680- CE-170.

At a time when our society is beginning the hard and challenging work of reducing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, it makes no sense to compound that difficulty with the addition of new pollution and sources of emssions Wisconsin's Global Warming Task Force has laid out critical objectives that hopefully will utimately reduce these sources. This project will increase soot, smog and mercury as well as the greenhouse gases. These pollutants in turn have a negative impact on human health and heath care costs as they contribute to asthma, respiratory problems, and other health problems.

When you look at the true costs that include damage to our lakes, fishing and outdoor related recreation and outdoor outfitter businesses, health care, consumer rate increases, increased infrastructure needs in the vicinity of the site, damage done by mining to supply the plant, increased rail traffic to transport the coal, the true costs of coal are far beyond that given by the permit applicants.

Given the alternatives of clean energy sources and increasing technology in florescent lights, LED lights, appliances, more efficient home and business construction, more efficient transmission line materials, this application should be denied as contrary to the interests of the consumers and citizens that would be impacted this project.

Thank you.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101083.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 379 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Richasrd Wentzel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101083.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 380 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:23:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Al Anding Address: 4921 Tonyawatha Trail City: Monona State:wi Zip:53716

Comment: As a life long resident of WI & a business man for the last 40 years & seeing all the problems that have been caused by not having enough clean asffordable energy, I urge you to support Allinat energy's new plant at Cassville, WI. We have all heard about the rolling blackouts in CA as well as several other examples that I am sure you are all aware of. We need affordable clean energy to continue to attact new business to WI that will create jobs to employ the citizens of our great state. If we do not have enough affordable energy we will have to import it from other state or lose out in having business locate here. Either way there will be new enegry needed. Why not have the jobs, taxes & etc benefit WI instead of another state? As we know WI has a very good set of laws & regulations governing the production of energy. If the energy is produced in another state, they might not have as strict a set of laws & regulations as WI. I believe Alliant Enery will make every effort to make the smallest impact on our enviornment. Again please support

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Al Anding

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101084.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 381 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:28:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Timothy Lechmaier Address: 5601 Mendota dr City: Middleton State:wi Zip:53562 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As a practicing specialist in Internal Medicine for 30 years and one keenly aware of the adverse health effects of coal powered energy production, I urge you to oppose this energy plant. Coal is an outdated method for energy production and needs to be phased out asap. It is polluting, harmful to the health of us all and economically foolish to pursue as a long term technology. Alliant has an economially feasible alternative, natual gas, which is a much better choice.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Timothy Lechmaier

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101085.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 382 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:40:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Paul Kaiser Address: 1523 Boulder Way City: Sun Prairie State:WI Zip:53590 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This is a step in the wrong direction. We must move towards renewable energy sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Paul Kaiser

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101086.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 383 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:45:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jackie Bartosh Address: 2244S Middle River Rd. City: South Range State:WI Zip:54874

Comment: I'm a firm believer in global warming, thus I find the idea of building a new coal plant outrageous. I also live in an off grid solar and wind powered home. I will never go back...... even if we do move, we'll install solar or wind at our new place. I don't understand why Alliant doesn't pursue solar or wind as they do coal. Instead of building an expensive coal plant, for the same money they could erect solar panels on resident's rooftops. Please reconsider this coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jackie Bartosh

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101087.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 384 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:47:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nathan Toupal Address: 2244S Middle River Rd. City: South Range State:WI Zip:54874

Comment: Isn't coal going backwards in technology? Shouldn't we be looking ahead? I don't agree with building a new coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nathan Toupal

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101088.htm10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 385 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 9:50:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Eduardo Lau Address: 1120 Greenway Terrace #5 City: Brookfield State:WI Zip:53005 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear Sirs,

Don't use out-dated coal plant technology in Wisconsin. That will emit enormous amounts of pollution and hazardous to our health. If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

1. Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come.

2. Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

3. Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution.

4, Increase utility rates.

5. Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

Nowadays, there are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

1. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

2. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

3. Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

The building of coal plants will bring us back to the technology of the 19th file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101089.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Century. Schedule 2 Page 386 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Best regard, Kenneth C. Rineer

Eduardo Lau, Ph.D.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Eduardo Lau

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101089.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:21 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 387 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:00:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Sigmann Address: 3732 Rocky shore Dr City: Sturgeon Bay State:WI Zip:54235 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920.824.5193

Comment: Please find and approve alternatives to coal generated electricity, because of adverse effects on public health and the environment. The proposal under consideration would hurt our environment, our climate and the health of our citizens downwind from Cassville.

Consider conservation, expanded load management, nuclear power, expanded wind and solar generation.

Peter Sigmann M.D.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Sigmann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101090.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 388 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:04:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Arnolds Lelis Address: 1600 Brawley St Apt 3 City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Wisconsin must reject any power plant project that involves using outdated, polluting technology.

Much better to work on reducing power use in the state than to supply extra power with a plant that takes us in the wrong direction in terms of clean energy and efficiency.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Arnolds Lelis

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101091.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 389 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:22:01 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevin Hill Address: 734 Sauk Ridge Trail, B City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 203-5870

Comment: I am writing to express my oposition to the proposed construction of a new coal-fired power plant. I would suggest renewable energy development like wind and solar as opposed to polluting our air more than has been done already.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevin Hill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101092.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 390 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:23:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: JoAnn Carlson Address: 2536 Peck St. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: I think it is time to move beyond coal operated plants and look for renewable energy. The action of using coal is more of the old and more of the same. It is time for WI to be in a leadership role and look for sources that do not pollute WI and surrounding states.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. JoAnn Carlson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101093.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 391 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:27:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Duncan Tam Address: 7203 Fortune Dr, #3 City: Middleton State:WI Zip:53562

Comment: Natural Gas is a safer and more viable option in long term savings and a cleaner environment than coal. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Duncan Tam

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101094.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 392 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:37:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevin McGettigan Address: 1825 Beld Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 256 4591

Comment: My family and I want cleaner renewable non coal and carbon spewing energy sources. We do not want this waste of money and polution adding Cassville Plant. More wind and solar should be put into place along with making existing plants not new plants more energy efficient. And when will those exisiting coal plants be made to run cleaner along with them being more efficiently running too as I stated. Years ago I worked for citizens for a better environment and learned then that stacks can be made to polute less. We also need less mercury in our air and waters that come from these coal plants. We say no way and thank you for counting this into the public comments to not allow this plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevin McGettigan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101095.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 393 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:45:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe Meyer Address: PO Box 337 City: Amery State:WI Zip:54001-0337 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-268-4743

Comment: What we need most is an update on the most "green" energy we can develop!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe Meyer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101096.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 394 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:47:01 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michelle Webb Address: 1315 Bowen Court City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: We really need to move past dirty energy and move towards renewable sources. A combination of wind, solar, and natural gas would be a place to start and more cost effective in the long run. I know natural gas is also a fossil fuel that will run out, but we could use it for a little bit while we figured out how to get adequate amounts of wind and solar energy. Also, a large amount of Wisconsin's mercury pollution comes from the current coal plants our state already has in store, why would we want to increase this? Why wouldn't we want to look into resources we already have here in Wisconsin instead of shipping coal in from other regions of the United States? This is ridiculous.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michelle Webb

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101097.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 395 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 10:57:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jesse Address: 125 High Point Circle City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-988-7099

Comment: No new coal plants in Wisconsin. Jump on the renewable energy movement. Its not easy, but we can do it!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jesse

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101098.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 396 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 11:05:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeannie Roberts Address: 1004 Yale Rd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: With all that we know, it would be totally reckless to think about a new coal- fired plant. We need to protect our planet and the inhabitants on it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeannie Roberts

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101099.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 397 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 11:29:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andrea Hobright Address: 1314 Wayridge Dr. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am against the construction of Coal-Fired Electrical Generation Plants. There are alternative ways of generating electrical energy than dirty plants that pollute the environment and contribute to the warming of the planet. I for one don't want to see us locked into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come that will negatively effect our planet and my children. Stop the construction and look at the less expensive alternatives that are already available instead of feeding some company's pocket at the expense of the people and the planet.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrea Hobright

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101100.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 398 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/22/2008 11:31:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Russell Novkov Address: 4817 Sheboygan Ave 508# City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-271-8943

Comment: Building the new coal plant will bring more pollution, which is bad for the environment.

Russell Novkov Madison

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Russell Novkov

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101101.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 399 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:04:31 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James & Lynn Heindl Address: 2053 S 86 St City: West Allis State:Wi Zip:53227-1713 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-327-5436

Comment: We need to have an energy supply that is much cleaner than coal or in the future it won't matter how much energy costs because the planet will become uninhabitable.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James & Lynn Heindl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101102.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 400 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:22:10 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard Phillips Address: 3493 Oakridge Road City: Neenah State:WI Zip:54956 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-836-2162

Comment: As a citizen of Wisconsin, and a graduate student planning on continuing work on a M.S. in Environmental Policy at UW-Green Bay, I am opposed to Alliant Energy's plan to construct a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin. This endeavor is bad both for our environment and economy, in that it would:

Lock Wisconsin into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come;

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year);

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal. First, Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. Second, if the Commission mandates that Alliant use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. Lastly, Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.


Richard Phillips

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101103.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 401 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Richard Phillips

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:56:39 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Diana Parker Address: 1936 Garden Drive City: Janesville State:WI Zip:53545

Comment: I oppose building a new coal plant in Wisconsin. Even if a 'whopping' 20% of its fuel would be "green."

This is the time to look to the future; not invest millions of dollars in old technology that will be completely outdated in 5-10 years.

Alliant Energy itself even admits it will be $800 MILLION dollars cheaper to make upgrades to an existing natural gas plant, and it would ALSO produce the same amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant while producing less pollution. So how is building a new coal plant, which will cost more, pollute more, and be outdated soon, even being considered? Is it because taxpayers and utility customers will ultimately foot the bill, so who cares?

Please rule against the new coal-fired plant, and chose to move Wisconsin into the future, with an eye to our children and grandchildren.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Diana Parker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101104.htm10/2/2008 10:31:22 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 403 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:52:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Diana Winer Address: E10421 Lombard Road City: Westby State:WI Zip:54667 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Diana Winer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101105.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 404 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:12:53 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Cynthia Michalak Address: 3320 S. 76th St. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53219 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I urge you to stop building and using coal plants in Wisconsin. I urge you to take steps for cleaner energy instead of spewing pollution into our atmosphere. Money spent on cleaner energy benefits us all, including our future generations! Enough of using out-dated technology!

Cynthia Michalak

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cynthia Michalak

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101107.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 405 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:47:25 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Walter Henry Address: 13675 Forest Grove Road City: Brookfield State:WI Zip:53005-6566 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin needs to use cleaner fuels than coal for electrical power generation. Walt

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Walter Henry

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101108.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 406 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:58:43 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard Spindler Address: 1003 E. Tyler Ave City: Eau Claire State:MN Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the construction of this coal power plant. If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would: * Use out-dated coal technology for a long time. * Spew much global warming pollution each year. * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution. This is increasingly being recognized as a real health problem. * Increase utility rates. * Ship Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper and cleaner alternatives: * It would be cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Richard Spindler

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101109.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 407 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:09:07 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Yuri H Keegstra Address: 1122 E Russell Ave City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53207-1858 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

* Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come. * Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution. * Increase utility rates. * Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

* Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. * Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Yuri H Keegstra

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101110.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 408 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:24:13 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Charles Address: N 5380 bear Ct City: De Pere State:wi Zip:54115 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: we need more ice nt power. We need to get a way from oil. We make other countries rich and hurts our economy. The most important thing is our kids future. no more oil no more coal usage

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Charles

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101111.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 409 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:25:04 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joyce Ellwanger Address: 1637 N 16th St City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53205 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 44-933-6157

Comment: As a state and as communities in WI we need to become as sustainable as possible. That means using what we have responsiblly and supporting local economies and keeping our dollars in the state. It means being concerned for the common good.

I OPPOSE building a new coal-fired plant because it violates these principles. A better alternative would be to expand an esisting gas-fired facility. We produce gas from waste materials here in WI. This is cleaner energy and would promote better health for our citizens. And it would be cheaper for consumers.

Please consider carefully from objective research what is in the best interest of Wisconsin citizens before you make this important decision.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joyce Ellwanger

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101112.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 410 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:26:35 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lindsey Baldewicz Address: 3871 E. Plankinton Ave. City: Cudahy State:WI Zip:53110 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lindsey Baldewicz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101113.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 411 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:29:05 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ruth Snedic Address: 9038 W Orchard St City: West Allis State:WI Zip:53214

Comment: We do not need another coal-fired plant in Wisconsin! Just when we are starting to make progress with our air quality we start building more coal plants. Wisconsin has wind, solar and other means for alternative energy and that is the direction we should be heading! Please, no more coal-fired plants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ruth Snedic

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101114.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 412 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:33:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Val Brice Address: 1141 Doty St. City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54301 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-465-1944

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates !!!!!!!!!

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101115.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 413 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Val Brice

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101115.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 414 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:47:41 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Carol Harder Address: N108W16173 Carriage Ave City: Germantown State:WI Zip:53022

Comment: WI does not need to build a new power plant with out-dated coal power. Coal pollutes more and will cost consumers more. It would be cheaper and cleaner to make the existing natural gas plants more efficient.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carol Harder

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101116.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 415 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:53:09 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Don Gietzen Address: 425 W. Willow Court#124 City: Fox Point State:WI Zip:53217 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come. The plants would spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,611 cars per year.) It would increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Don Gietzen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101117.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 416 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:01:41 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: J Calhoun Smith Address: 1016 E Green Tree Ct City: Appleton State:WI Zip:54915

Comment: We don't need any more dirty coal plants. Wisconsin's air quality has been severely compromised by the coal plants we already have. By updating one of the existing natural gas plants, Alliant can produce more clean energy at less cos and eliminate the need for a coal burning plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. J Calhoun Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101118.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 417 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:06:07 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Corde Rea Address: 322l S. Lake Drivae City: Milwaukee State:53235 Zip:Wisconsin E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear Friends....

Please - NO MORE coal-fired plants!!!!! BAD for the air, water, economy!!!!

Thank you!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Corde Rea

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101119.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 418 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:09:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: peter piaskoski Address: 2105 e. lake bluff blvd. City: shorewood State:wi Zip:53211-1641 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Members PSC, The saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." However, it it is broken, then we have an obligation to clean it up and fix it. Why would we want to continue down a path of polution and inefficiency? Please, no more coal plants. Sincerely, peter piaskoski.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. peter piaskoski

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101120.htm10/2/2008 10:31:23 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 419 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:24:08 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Drew Roenneburg Address: 302 S Midvale Blvd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705

Comment: To whom it may concern While I see the need for expanding Wisconsin's ability to meet the growing energy needs of residents, I dissagree with continuing to rely upon dirty energies such as coal. Many alternative energies are available and comparable in overall costs to construct facilities and generate electricity, such as wind, solar, methane capture, etc. Please deny the construction of the Nelson Dewey Generating Station and replace it with a facility that will not severely degrade ambient air quality, fowl our lakes, streams, and soil with mercury, or increase global warming. Thank you for your time. Drew Roenneburg

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Drew Roenneburg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101121.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 420 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:43:28 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sharon Gazzana Address: 4912-D South 19th Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53221 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-765-5107

Comment: Good morning. I would like to weigh in, as an average citizen of this beautiful state, on the proposed plan for Alliant Energy to construct a new coal plant. I am adamantly opposed to this proposal and hope that this will be seen by the PSC for what it is: a continuation of an out-dated, pollution-ridden and expensive means of providing energy.

When will we as a nation begin to sincerely focus on clean, renewable, non- polluting energy alternatives. The resources are out there. We simply must stop giving in to those who promote their self-interests.

Please very seriously consider this plan and ultimately decide on a sound, environmentally-safe alternative for our state.

Thank you for listening to my comments. I appreciate it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sharon Gazzana

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101123.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 421 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:56:27 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James Maurer Address: 3707 West Kilbourn Avenue City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53208-3112 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-933-4558

Comment: Please don't let Alliant Energy use 20th century dirty coal technology when so many more 21st century cleaner technologies exist. We are barraged daily with TV ads telling us that energy companies are using environmentally friendly and clean means of producing power while in reality they are using the same old dirty and polluting methods of energy production as this application for a coal fired power plant demonstrates. As you are the Public service Commission you are charged with acting in the best interest of the public and recommending this permit is not in the best interest of the public. In closing let me state emphatically that I am opposed to this permit but would gladly support the building of a power plant that uses the latest technology in order to provide clean and sustainable power to meet the current and future demand for energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James Maurer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101124.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 422 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:58:13 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Teresa Simspson Address: 833 Ferry St. City: Eau Claire State:WI Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-836-9188

Comment: I am writing to express my belief that we should NOT be building any more coal burning plants in WI. Coal burning power plants pollute our land, when just yesterday on NPR I heard of that air pollutants in southern WI were soo bad they are now issueing warnings over the radio. We cannot continue to contribute to the distruction of our environment. We really on the revenue that comes from tourism and hunting and other outdoor activities to contribute to our states economy.

Coal is not the way of the future. We need to be investing in natural gas and other less pollutant more progressive forms of energy. This coal plant would be a step back for our state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Teresa Simspson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101125.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 423 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:09:07 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Don Fago Address: 15601 Butts Corners Rd. City: Evansville State:WI Zip:53536

Comment: No new coal plants should be built until they can incorporate technology to burn coal without ANY air pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Don Fago

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101126.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 424 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:36:42 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Wendy Hill Address: N6147 Coffee Road City: Johnson Creek State:WI Zip:53038

Comment: Please do not allow another coal-fired electric plant in Wisconsin. There is no such thing as "clean coal". Just today there is a particulate alert in Southern WI... another coal plant is a BAD idea.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wendy Hill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101132.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 425 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:54:01 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jesse Bartmann Address: 3609 S Berryfield Lane City: Appleton State:WI Zip:54915

Comment: To Whom it may Concern,

It has recently come to my attention that Alliant Energy has applied to build a new coal fired power plant in Cassville, WI. I wish to voice my opinion against this proposal. Building a new coal fired plant in Wisconsin will increase pollution and further destroy our air and water quality.

Instead, I would like Alliant Energy to consider either upgrading an existing natural gas power plant to make it more efficient and run it with natural gas from landfills or bio mass, or use another source of clean renewable energy like solar or wind.

While building a new coal fired plant will be cheaper in the short run, how high are the costs going to be in the future? If Alliant Energy is allowed to build a new coal fired plant, there unquestionably will be increased costs for pollution clean up and health care. Please deny Alliant Energy's request to build a new coal fired plant in Wisconsin.


J. Bartmann

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jesse Bartmann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101133.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 426 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:19:53 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas Schmidt Address: N5137 Butternut Ct. City: Juneau State:WI Zip:53039 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 9203493149

Comment: I am a Nurse that works for the DOC in Waupun, Wisconsin. I feel that any new coal-fired electric generation unit will harm the earth and the people that live on it. There are other ways of producing electric power. Let us save the earth not destroy it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas Schmidt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101135.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 427 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:28:26 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Fischer-Guex Address: 127 Plummer ct. City: Neenah State:WI Zip:54956

Comment: This new plant will add to global warming.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Fischer-Guex

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101136.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 428 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:29:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Leah Solberg Woods Address: 5749 S 114th St City: Hales Corners State:WI Zip:53130 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Building this coal plant would spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year. There need to be better ways to obtain cheaper and cleaner energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Leah Solberg Woods

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101137.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 429 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:36:00 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Colleen Kiefer Address: 635 Franklin St City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dirty Coal is NOT the answer for Wisconsin! Coal Fired Power Plants without proper environmental standards are a way of the past. This is plant is an overwhelming amount of money to be spending of tax payers dollars for dinosaur technology.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Colleen Kiefer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101139.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 430 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:37:38 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katherine Kraemer Address: 2706 Center Ave #2 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]


I would like to ask you seriously reconsider putting another coal-fired plant in the state of Wisconsin. We have an alternative in natural gas, that will be cleaner and more cost efficient. I grew up in Chippewa Falls,WI and we always prided ourselves on having the cleanest water and that has since been polluted, to the shame of many residents. I am also the mother of a young child and would like to see a clean environment for him to grow and thrive in. In Wisconsin we have the chance to show other states how much better life can be with cleaner energy for ourselves and future generations. Please think of our children when you decide to use natural gas INSTEAD of coal. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Katherine Kraemer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katherine Kraemer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101140.htm10/2/2008 10:31:24 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 431 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:45:11 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: A Rubinstein Address: 926 College Court City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: Alliant Energy should not be allowed to build a new coal plant in Cassvile, or anywhere else for that matter. The last thing this state needs is another coal plant to produce more carbon dioxide, soot, and smog. Alliant's new coal plant is estimated to increase their carbon dioxide emissions by 40% by 2015, and our environment cannot take an increase in greenhouse gasses anymore. With the increasing signs and consequences of climate change, most states are developing plans to become more environmentally-friendly. This includes moving on from old, dirty energy like coal, and onto renewable energy and a natural gas combined cycle. A coal fired plant is very expensive to build with the rising costs of construction and of coal. The price of this plant, an estimated $950 million, is too much to spend on somthing that will do more damage than good, and could possibly be something that our laws prohibit in the near future with the increasing laws restricting emissions of pollutants. With both of the potential presidential candidates, coal will be the most expensive fuel, making building a new coal plant (with old technological methods) a very poor economic as well as environmental decision. This plant will be moving this state, nation, and world backwards in environmental and economic progress.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. A Rubinstein

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101141.htm10/2/2008 10:31:25 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 432 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:57:44 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sue Ewens Address: 2213 E. Kensington Blvd. City: Shorewood State:WI Zip:53211

Comment: Please, no more coal fired plants. We'll have to live with dirty coal then for decades to come. And spewing all that pollution into the air. As someone with bad asthma, I'm well aware of what happens with contaminates in the air. What's wrong with natural gas? And wind? And solar? Please act on behalf of all those who are very concerned about the health of our people and our earth.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sue Ewens

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101142.htm10/2/2008 10:31:25 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 433 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 10:59:26 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Glenn P. Wills Address: 2300 A College Ave City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I'm an environmentally conscious student who is very concerned about the future state of the world. Building this plant would not be a positive decision for the the health of Wisconsin. Though I'm sure you chose this coal plant based on affordability please choose a more environment friendly option. I am among those that are happy to pay higher taxes for a better future. Invest more wisely for our shared long term gains. Thank you very much for your time.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Glenn P. Wills

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101143.htm10/2/2008 10:31:25 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 434 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:03:50 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ben Vondra Address: 1587 Church St. Apt B City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No Coal. Tell Wisconsin to install energy efficient light bulbs, turn the thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer. Bam-problem solved.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ben Vondra

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101144.htm10/2/2008 10:31:25 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 435 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:06:43 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Hope Hanson Address: 4514 N. Marlborough Drive City: Shorewood State:WI Zip:53211-1304 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We are already in trouble with the air quality here and my grandchildren have asthma. (I never heard of asthma when I was young -- why is it so prevalent today?) We already have to have special gas that lowers mileage in the wintertime. Our planet is in trouble, creatures are dying. We must use more sensible sources of energy than coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hope Hanson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101145.htm10/2/2008 10:31:25 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 436 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:12:10 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Eric Godin Address: 375 n. harmony ln. 316 City: whitewater State:wi Zip:53190

Comment: The is nation is in trouble, and creating more powerplants using anything other than renewable resources is a waste of everyone's time and money. We need to move forward, not continue on the same, pointless direction. This forward direction is clean, renewable energy. This form of energy is what's next, and what needs to happen. The source of wind and solar energy is free, and is already in place. We cannot afford any other option. Heard of the Pickens plan? You should jump on that train.

Thank you for listening to my thoughts.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Eric Godin

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:13:02 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nathan Hoover Address: 1231 10th St. south City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 790-1234

Comment: I think we need to stop relying on dirty energy like coal to generate our electrical needs. Renewable energy has far more benefits to the people of wisconsin and its enviornment than coal ever has or ever could. The fact that the coal and oil industry has pumped 300 million dollars into the campaign for their resource against the renewable ones alone tell me about the short future of coal and oil. They're scared of renewable energy. Obviously we can't yet rely on renewable energy for all of our needs yet because it has barely got its foot in the door in many states' energy companies across the country, including Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nathan Hoover

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:16:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: kevin kapitan Address: 128 south hall City: stevens point State:wi Zip:54481

Comment: i oppose it because of the pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. kevin kapitan

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:20:01 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Puhl Address: 1316 Northpoint Dr. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I really think that constructing ANY coal plants in Wisconsin is a horrible idea. For the future of the state, and the nation, I believe it would be a much better idea to put the focus onto renewable sources of energy.

Thank You for your time.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Puhl

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:26:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jason Strangstalien Address: 4105 Stewart Ave City: Wausau State:WI Zip:54401

Comment: Energy from coal is an outdated and extremely dangerous way to power our state and nation. We need leadership to bring alternative energies to the forefront to lower emission levels and increase the quality of life for all Wisconsin residents.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jason Strangstalien

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:32:34 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Charles Paine Address: N8172 Firelane 13 City: Menasha State:WI Zip:54952-9650 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-739-1900

Comment: I oppose the building of additional coal burning plants because of their mercury, particulate, and green house gas emmissions.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Charles Paine

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:39:55 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michelle White Address: 3071/2 Logan St City: Merrill State:WI Zip:54452 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If they are going to build a plant- why can't they be more progressive? And why aren't you guys insuring that companies are progressive? We only have one earth to live in. And while the pollution that spills into the earth may not affect us and now, our children will have to contend with what we have done. I for one, do not want my child, and her children's legacies be full of pollution. Please don't allow the following to happen.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

Please work for the following- for the sake of us all- and our children!

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101154.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:25 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 resources like manure. Schedule 2 Page 443 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michelle White

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 11:42:11 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dane Paster Address: 1225 Portage St. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am a student at UWSP and am concerned and interested in environmental issues that relate to clean air and obtaining clean energy. Although coal is an abundant resource I feel that residents should choose to make small, simple changes in their everyday life- such as switching to flourescent light bulbs- and even spending a little more money to obtain those efficient and clean resources. The preservation of the environment is of utmost importance; doing the research to initiate the use of eco-friendly energy rather than traditional methods would be a better solution for our energy crisis.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dane Paster

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:02:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Justin Belant Address: 403 South Hall City: Stevens Pont State:Wi Zip:54481

Comment: I like having an advantage over the people of Beijing in that I can breathe CLEAN AIR! No more stinky coal mines!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Justin Belant

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:04:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alicia Felker Address: 1319 Freemont St. City: Stevens Point State:Wi Zip:54481

Comment: I like breathing clean air and I'm not a fan of killing the ozone layer!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alicia Felker

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:10:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Landon Gryczkowski Address: 753 Franklin St. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin does not need another dirty coal plant. This plant is a drain of taxpayers dollars that could be better spent improving the health and quality of our state with renewable energy sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Landon Gryczkowski

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:13:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Eric Krszjzaniek Address: 1909 B Church St City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: The people of Wisconsin, while in need of more electricity, are not in favor of that electricity coming at the cost of our air and water quality, which in turn would negatively affect the wildlife and forests which Wisconsin is renowned for - creating a drastic reduction in commerce and tourism that is incredibly needed in our 21st century economy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Eric Krszjzaniek

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:16:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jensen Anderson Address: 1640 Franklin St City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Wisconsin doesnt need another dirty polluting coal plant. Invest instead in renewable resources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jensen Anderson

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:19:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marissa Lundin Address: 2540 3rd Ave S #202 City: Minneapolis State:MN Zip:55404

Comment: Having lived in Wisconsin there is a beautiful environment to protect. This also goes for the rest of the country and the rest of the world. Please Take in consideration the miracles of the Earth and don't let it or us down!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marissa Lundin

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:21:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: AMY OKEY Address: 601 W. FRONT City: CASSVILLE State:WI Zip:53806

Comment: As we prepare for the PSC visit next Monday, 9/29, I am hopeful that you will witness the enthusiasm that is present throughout most of our community regarding the expansion of Alliant's Nelson Dewey Plant. I support this project and am confident that Alliant will continue to be the "good citizen" it has been here in Cassville. We look forward to being partners for greener energy, for more local jobs, and for economic opportunity throughout all of Grant County. Cassville really needs this opportunity, and I hope you will say "YES" to the project in Cassville!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. AMY OKEY

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:23:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Chad Haanen Address: 2040 College Ave City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54881 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-780-3476

Comment: Wisconsin can not rely on Federal action on renewable energy. We have to be the pioneers of this nation and expand renewable energy. Mother Earth man!!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chad Haanen

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:26:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lavern Anderson Address: 4530 Hamlet Pl City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53714 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I would rather see them put in a nuclear engery plant as long as there is water already there to cool the reactors. A coal power plant would spread all that ash, soot and mercury the whole WIDTH of the state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lavern Anderson

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:27:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: elizabeth Kelly Address: 2516 A Center Street City: Stevens Point State:wi Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin Does Not Need Another Coal Plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. elizabeth Kelly

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:35:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Melissa Yarrington Address: 1100 Northpoint Dr City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-829-1173

Comment: What happened to this dream of clean coal? It is time that we CHOOSE other energy sources to power American, and insted we can CHOOSE not to take a step backward!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Melissa Yarrington

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:39:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Kooiman Address: 2801 5th ave apt 9 City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481-2081 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I've heard the new plant is very expensive, yet not very clean. If the plant is going to be so expensive, I would think it should be state of the art with some kind of carbon sequestering like Germany is going for. I would strongly oppose any other proposal especially if it's going to be expensive.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Kooiman

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:42:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jillian Bjorklund Address: 214 Baldwin Hall City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin doesn't need a dirty coal plant! We need to make a change to better our environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jillian Bjorklund

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:44:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katie Address: 4 Chicory Ct. City: Appleton State:Wi Zip:54914

Comment: Wisconsin doesnt need a coal plant and they should really think more about renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katie

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:49:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard Address: Dubiel City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-341-2251

Comment: People: Be honest: There is no such thing as clean coal. We can't eat the fish we catch owing to mercury. And guess where that comes from?

Coal is a fossil fuel and belongs in the last century.

(Prof.) Rich Dubiel;

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Richard

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:53:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Luke Williamson Address: 338 Knutzen Hall - UWSP City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: We don't need another coal plant. It's time for change. Renewable energy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Luke Williamson

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:57:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Courtney Ryan Address: 1909 Church St. Apt B City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Wisconsin does not need dirty coal. Wisconsin, and especially my university, are trying to take progressive steps in creating clean energy and making our campus and our state sustainable. More money should be spent in renewable energy, and in determining how we can use it.

Thank you


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Courtney Ryan

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 12:59:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe Richards Address: 709 Frederick City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Clean coal if any!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe Richards

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:02:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jon Moravec Address: 1270 Northpoint Dr. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: We don't need another coal plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jon Moravec

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:03:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steven Landwehr Address: 2000 Porter Rd APT 8 City: Plover State:WI Zip:54467

Comment: Focus on renewable energy!!! what a waste of tax dollars!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steven Landwehr

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:05:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Louie Okey Address: 601 W. FRONT City: CASSVILLE State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I sincerely hope that the PSC will give Alliant a "thumbs up" for their proposed expansion in Cassville--for many reasons. 1. The urgency in creating dependable power for our state. 2. The chance to use biomass in striving for cleaner, greener energy. 3. The economic development potential that the use of biomass will have on our entire area. 4. The creation of good-paying jobs, and the positive economic impact the construction will bring to Cassville's businesses.

"PSC, please approve this project for Cassville! We welcome the opportunity to expand our relationship with Alliant Energy, and will do all we can as a community to see that it is a success!" Louie Okey, Cassville Village President

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Louie Okey

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:06:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Chelsea Murray Address: 933 Franklin St. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Why pollute our beautiful state with this disgusting emission from coal which is overrated and old school?? I vote renewable energy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chelsea Murray

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:09:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Schumacher Address: 16 Windswept Way City: Fitchburg State:WI Zip:53719 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Mercury pollution is always a negative, especially considering the current status of the Great Lakes and many lakes within the state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Schumacher

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:10:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Debbra Ream Address: 2326 Hall Rd City: Hartford State:WI Zip:53027 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262 673 7811

Comment: To Whom it may concern: Coal is dirty, it pollutes the environment. The reasons all households did away with coal heating many, many years ago! We need "clean" environmental energy. Solar, electric, etc. are all much better for our lakes, land, home, air....etc. Come on get with it!!! Do not build coal plants! That's all I have to say on this matter! Thankyou. Debbra M. Ream

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Debbra Ream

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101181.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 469 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:11:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jim Krogman Address: 626 Mulberry Driv City: CASSVILLE State:WI Zip:53806

Comment: I strongly support the proposed expansion of Alliant Energy's Nelson Dewey Generating Station, and urge the PSC to approve this project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jim Krogman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101182.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 470 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:11:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Justin Hall Address: N44W5994 Hamilton Rd City: Cedarburg State:Wi Zip:53012 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin does not need to invest in further dirty power sources. We need to come together and invest in renewable energy sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Justin Hall

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101183.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 471 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:17:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Yvonne Ellie Address: 990 1st Ave. S. City: Wiscosin Rapids State:WI Zip:54495 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: In this day and age, why in the world would we want to with this outdated technology that endangers our environment?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Yvonne Ellie

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101185.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 472 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:17:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katharine Odell Address: 1415 Vilas Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711-2225 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am writing to oppose Alliant Energy's plan to build a 300 MW coal plant at the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville,WI. If constructed, this plant will cost over a billion dollars and emit over 3 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air Each Year, and increase soot, smog, and mercury pollution. This coal plant is unnecessary now as energy consumption in WI has declined in the last two years. The plant will be unnecessary in the future, when alternative fuels can be used. The building of the plant precludes the development of more useful, sustainable, and green jobs. The plant will obviously be bad for our WI - and indeed, local midwest, environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katharine Odell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101186.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 473 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:29:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Knauf Address: reserve street smith hall uwsp City: stevens point State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6089579262

Comment: Coal is an excellent source of energy and should be utilized as much as possible but without the proper filtering and pollution control it would be better to depend on foreign oil. I will not support this incredibly expensive and poorly built plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Knauf

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101187.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 474 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:35:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andrew Kutchenriter Address: 6109 Tower Ridge Place City: Schofield State:WI Zip:54476 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: There absolutely must be a way to bring cleaner energy into Central Wisconsin, than to build a 'new' coal-fired electric unit. Wisconsin has long prided itself on its perception as a clean beautiful state. We have the Wisconsin Dells, hundreds of beautiful lakes, streams and rivers, and some of the finer campuses in the country. From what I have been told, your plant would not meet any of the more modern environmental standards that exist today. This does not sound like an idea that advances the clean, hometown, USA image that most Wisconsinites wish to portray. I would write more; however, there are others behind me in line that have opinions of their own. Please reconsider.

Very respectfully,

Andy Kutchenriter

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrew Kutchenriter

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101189.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 475 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:37:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bernie Sasse Address: 332 French Road City: Onalaska State:WI Zip:54650 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe in this project in that it will reduce the usage of coal and, most importantly, create much needed good paying jobs that will put money back into a lagging economy which will benefit everyone.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bernie Sasse

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101190.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 476 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:37:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gregory Hartman Address: 209 Isadore Street City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This world does not need any more coal power plants. What we need is clean renewable energy now, no more polluted power. Coal is a filthy power source, and we do not need it in the state of Wisconsin!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gregory Hartman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101191.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 477 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:42:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karen Radtke Address: 4135 N. Farwell Ave. City: Shorewood State:WI Zip:53211 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-332-8804

Comment: I completely oppose Alliant Energy's plan to build a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin. We do not need to invest in old dirty technology. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. In these scary economic times, I think building this new coal-fired power plant would be unconscionable.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karen Radtke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101192.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 478 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:43:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joanne Kaue Address: 1136 Sunset Lane City: Grafton State:WI Zip:53024 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 2623769085

Comment: Alliant Energy's plan to build a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin is bad for our economy and bad for our environment. Let's gop t cheaper, cleaner alternatives that we now know are possible. Coal puts too much global warming pollution into the air. It is not the direction we want to go. We can use natural gas. Plus let's develop wind power and solar!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joanne Kaue

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101193.htm10/2/2008 10:31:27 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 479 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:50:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matt Guidry Address: 2300A College City: Stevens Point State:Wi Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-239-7222

Comment: Wisconsin does not need any more dirty coal power plants polluting the air and waters of wisconsin. As an angler I would like to be able to eat the fish of wisconsins waters without fear of toxins. Have the next generation of children not suffer higher asthma rates. Please do NOT allow this plant to be built.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matt Guidry

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101196.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 480 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:51:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Liz Wiest Address: 10465 Cty Y City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I live and work in Cassville where the proposed new unit would be built and I support this construction.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Liz Wiest

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101197.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 481 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 1:53:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jonathan Janke Address: 2117 Clark Street City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Rethink the need for this. The loss created obviously outweighs the need for energy. We have other sources of energy like wind and solar. Even nuclear would be better than the radiation produced by coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jonathan Janke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101198.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 482 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:02:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Justin Spenner Address: 2316 Main St. City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: My home town of Port Washington had a coal plant for years, but we finally took it down about 4 years ago once we realized how much damage we were doing to both our air and our lake. We DO NOT need a coal power plant when there so many cleaner ways to provide energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Justin Spenner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101200.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 483 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:10:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Erika P Wardle Address: 1949 Church St #2 City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Please do not approve the Nelson-Dewey plan to build the coal-fired power plant next Tuesday. This plan is not only irresponsible economically (as the most expensive one in US history) but it is irresponsible environmentally. As the public service commission, I appreciate your taking time to get input from the public and I hope that you take our words into consideration. Thanks for your time and I appreciate you FAILING the Nelson-Dewey plan without SERIOUS revision.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Erika P Wardle

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101219.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 484 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:12:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jessica kavanagh Address: 1651 college ave City: stevens point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: Wisconsin needs renewable energy not coal plants!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jessica kavanagh

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101220.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 485 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:13:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bob Blair Address: 2910 Ashford Lane #5 City: madison State:WI Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I strongly disagree with the building of this plant and I want it stopped!

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101221.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 486 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Bob Blair

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:14:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andrew J. Smith Address: 1270 Wittmann Pk. La. #2 City: Menasha State:WI Zip:54952 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-268-8585

Comment: To Whom it May Concern,

As a citizen of the great state of Wisconsin, I am appalled by the prospect of another coal fired power plant in our state. I feel that with state of the economy, we need to be harnessing renewable resources that will create good paying jobs for the good people of Wisconsin. We have in this state sources of natural gas from manure as well as the gases that are just burned off from landfills across the state. I most strongly oppose the construction of the power plant under the conditions that Alliant Energies proposes. Sincerely, Andrew J. Smith

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrew J. Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101222.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 488 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:17:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maria Rasmussen Address: 1726 Laguna Ave. City: Schofield State:WI Zip:54476

Comment: Please reconsider the addition of a new coal-fired power plant to the state of Wisconsin. We already have better alternatives at our disposal -- alternatives that would provide cleaner air for our children to breathe, and a healthier environment for all of us to enjoy. You have an opportunity here to take a stand for something better, safer, and even more economical. Please, please help us to continue living in a state where we will feel comfortable raising our children, and generations to come. Thank you for your time.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maria Rasmussen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101224.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 489 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:34:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peggy J. Klopfer Address: N100W14529 Sunburst Trail City: Germantown State:WI Zip:53022

Comment: We do not need more coal plants. We need to put the money to clean, renewable resources such as solar and wind. Spend the money wisely and with stewardship. All of America needs people operating with integrity for the common good, not greed on wall street.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peggy J. Klopfer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101226.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 490 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 2:40:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert D. Hudson Address: 10958 State Road 133 City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I have lived in Cassville, WI for 35 years. Alliant Power plant is very important to this economy as well as providing necessary power to the area. We have a shortage of power plants in the USA, I believe mostly due to environmentalists blocking everything. I also noticed many of the opposing comments are from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Unfortunately, one professor with opposing views can use taxpayer money to influence students who should be getting and education instead of being steered into supporting his or her mission. This power plant expansion is very important to all of Wisconsin, not only Cassville. Alternative methods should be explored, but we can approve a plant now that will burn bio fuels such as corn stalks, wood chips, and switchgrass along with coal now and provide the much needed energy until a better method is found, and hopefully not opposed by environmentalists. I strongly support this application and hope it is approved. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert D. Hudson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101232.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 491 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 3:13:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sharon Gaskill Address: 10405 Bell Road City: Black Earth State:WI Zip:53515 E-mail: [email protected]


My move to Wisconsin in 1978 was propelled by the state's leadership role in environmental protection. I was proud that we were out ahead of the rest of the states. Now, I am aware that we have been left in the dust by other states who have managed to marshall the support and resources to move to other forms of energy. Even Texas has managed to stop a lot of new coal fired plants through innovative deals.

Yes, there are proposals in Wisconsin for enhanced wind and solar power. But all of our efforts have been overshadowed by the Oak Creek power plant expansion and this Cassville plant. At this point, we should be absolutely saying NO to more coal-fired plants. NO to the huge, inappropriate investment of customers' money (mine!). I pay extra to Alliant each month for their so- called clean energy, bought from Iowa wind farms. This Cassville proposal makes a mockery of my commitment. NO to more polluted air and global climate change and damage to our natural heritage. I am not fooled that Alliant claims they will outfit this to burn switchgrass or the like. This is clearly a huge, dirty energy plant, in a time when investment and public sentiment is moving toward other forms of energy production. I urge you, in the public interest, to reject this plant

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sharon Gaskill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101238.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 492 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:05:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katharine Brenner Address: 1900 Norhardt Drive City: Brookfield State:WI Zip:53045

Comment: To the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin,

I do not believe that a new coal-fired electric generation unit, or the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin is the direction I want to see the energy future of Wisconsin taking. I believe this is out-dated dirty coal technology that will spew out global warning pollutants and take our countrly backwards instead of forward. Let us look forward, and take on a leadership role in getting this country on a clean energy future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katharine Brenner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101246.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 493 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:28:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kathy Hochhausen Address: 1256 Jack Oak Rd City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am for construction of the new coal-fired Generating unit at Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville. Building this plant will lower bad emissions into the air. The old unit will be overhauled to make it more efficient. If this plant is not built, not only will it be detrimental to Cassville, it will be bad for other areas as well. Alliant is going to shut down the oldest of its units in this state then. This will help since the newer units are far more efficient. Again, please ok this being built. Cassville needs it. The state needs it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kathy Hochhausen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101247.htm10/2/2008 10:31:28 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 494 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:35:41 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Samantha Rose Gibb Address: 538 West Washington Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:54911 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-385-1285

Comment: Building another coal-fueled power plant in our state is exactly the opposite thing Wisconsin should be doing. It's because of factories like this that we are even facing the problems of global warming, but we have the technology to reduce the damage that we have done. Dirty power plants are the number one source of global warming pollution and it will make our air and waterways worse for the people who live here. We have a beautiful state, don't ruin it with this dirty power plant!! Please vote no to the coal-fueled power plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Samantha Rose Gibb

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101248.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 495 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:40:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Anne Kelley Address: 26827 Cty Hwy Z City: Wilton State:WI Zip:54670

Comment: Please halt plans to move forward with new coal-burning plants in Wisconsin. I believe our future and that of the planet we depend upon is in crisis, in part because of the results of burning fossil fuels, such as coal. I am aware there have been advances in technologies that remove or "scrub" a good deal of CO2 from emissions, but we must divest ourselves of as much of what has harmed our environment as is humanly possible, and concentrate all of our efforts at researching, developing, and implementing clean, healthy, renewable sources of energy, like wind, geothermal and solar power. There is a sizable body of scientific evidence to support this call for change.

In this time when the nation and the world seem in peril from so many directions: A sunken economy, war in the middle east and the threat of terror at home, loss of jobs and the export of many overseas, higher prices for consumers, mortgage foreclosures, climbing tuition for familes, a burgeoning record-setting federal and state defecits, a broken health care system, and on, and on.. We must remember this: All these things - all the good, the bad, and in-between - ALL these things are predicated upon having a healthy environment that can sustain us, and sustain those generations we hope will come. It is imperative that we recognize this fact and take swift and deeply significant action immediately. I strongly urge us all to rethink the directions of our energy policy and adopt the changes necessary to avert catastrophe and keep alive the promise of life on earth. Yes, issues like these are truly that important. We must all act now.

Thank you,


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Anne Kelley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101249.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 496 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:44:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Samantha McKeough Address: 35 N. Park Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: DO NOT BUILD THIS POWER PLANT! If you cared about not only the environment, but the people living in Wisconsin, you will make the right decision in refusing to let the coal plant be built. Wisconsin, and especially Dane County cannot afford to have even more pollutants in the air.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Samantha McKeough

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 4:55:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dana Sitar Address: 633 Langdon St City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53703

Comment: No more coal! We need to move with the times and support renewable energy, energy-efficiency, and reduction in our use of the earth's resources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dana Sitar

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 5:09:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jenny Gibb Address: 538 West Washington Ave Apt 104 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No Coal!!! Do NOT build another power plant!!!!!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jenny Gibb

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 5:10:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Amanda Address: 265 Langdon St Apt 108 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We need to be replacing coal plants with renewable energy sources, not building new ones.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Amanda

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101253.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 500 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 5:11:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Regina Marie Maibusch Address: 2621 W Pierce St. Apt 228 City: m State:WI Zip:53204 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-389-1211

Comment: Global warming is a reality even some continue to deny its existence. Please do not add to the world disaster we are fast creating by polluting our air.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Regina Marie Maibusch

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101254.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 501 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:15:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brian Pierce Address: 3115 Brook Park Dr. City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54311 Phone: 920-469-1675

Comment: Alliant Energy's plan to build a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin is bad for our economy and bad for our environment:

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

-Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

-Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

-Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

-Increase utility rates

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

-Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

-Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

-If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

-Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Very concerned, Brian Pierce file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101263.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 502 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brian Pierce

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101263.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 503 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:29:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nathan Fleming Address: 908 Michigan Ave. Apt B City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: As a concerned citizen of the state of Wisconsin I am writing to say that I disapprove of Alliant Energy's plan to construct a coal burning power plant in Portage, WI. There are many other ways that we as a state can go about planning for our energy future. Investing in progressive renewable energy technologies and energy conservation programs are positive ways in which we can work toward a sustainable future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nathan Fleming

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101266.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 504 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:29:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nathan Fleming Address: 908 Michigan Ave. Apt B City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: As a concerned citizen of the state of Wisconsin I am writing to say that I disapprove of Alliant Energy's plan to construct a coal burning power plant in Portage, WI. There are many other ways that we as a state can go about planning for our energy future. Investing in progressive renewable energy technologies and energy conservation programs are positive ways in which we can work toward a sustainable future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nathan Fleming

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101267.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 505 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:33:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tracy Fishnick Address: 409 E Dewey Street City: Cassville State:wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am all for the plant to expand in Cassville Wisconsin. This will benefit the community and several communties around us. I'm PRO power plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tracy Fishnick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101268.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 506 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:37:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Forrest Netzel Address: 16555 LaVela Circle Lower City: Brookfield State:WI Zip:53005

Comment: Enough with the push for coal fired plants. We need to eliminate these pollution emitting dinosuars and replace them with wind turbine farms like the one south of Fon du lac.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Forrest Netzel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101269.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 507 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:45:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steven Uppena Address: 145 North Ave City: Dickeyville State:WI Zip:53808 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 - 568 -3715

Comment: I grew up in Cassville, and lived there for 27 years. I presently work for a company that provides solutions to Utilities throughout the United States in regards to enviromental issues that come with the use of Western Coal. My main customer has been Alliant Energy Facilities in Iowa, and I have found them to make the best possible decisions when it comes to concerns for the enviroment. Please approve this addition to the Nelson Dewey Plant to prevent brown-outs, and to provide the much needed economic boost to the community. Thank You.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steven Uppena

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101270.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 508 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:45:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Larry Reiter Address: 6520 Aspen City: Sobieski State:Wi Zip:54171 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No more coal plants....please. We need a change. Now about wind?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Larry Reiter

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101271.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 509 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:45:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joe Kottwitz Address: 805 Prentice Street City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481

Comment: I believe there are more socially responsible ways to produce our power in mid- central Wisconsin then a new coal burning power plant. Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel available to us for electricity generation and I hope that we are smart enough people to realize that it's the fuel of the past. We should be looking at either renewable ways to produce electricity or methods to reduce our need for more electricity.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joe Kottwitz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101272.htm10/2/2008 10:31:29 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 510 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:57:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Linda Schmit Address: N5151 Twin Creek Road City: Ladysmith State:Wis. Zip:54848

Comment: Why are we talking about adding these? What happened to focusing on CONSERVATION? If we focus on CONSERVING, then we don't need these awful things! We can't afford these, we don't need them, we don't need the pollution and health issues they'll cause. Linda

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Linda Schmit

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101273.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 511 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:59:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Grant J. Verhulst Address: 11346 Willies Drive City: Arbor Vitae State:WI Zip:54568 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-356-9744

Comment: I have spent six years on the Vilas County Board of Supervisors where we have been made aware of the need for more energy. We worked to get the north line thru our county. We have worked to prorect the environmental intrest while serving the needs of our community.

This proposal makes sence. it should not just move forward, but, be expanded to other areas of the state.

I am completely in favor of this project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Grant J. Verhulst

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101274.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 512 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 6:59:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Grant J. Verhulst Address: 11346 Willies Drive City: Arbor Vitae State:WI Zip:54568 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-356-9744

Comment: I have spent six years on the Vilas County Board of Supervisors where we have been made aware of the need for more energy. We worked to get the north line thru our county. We have worked to prorect the environmental intrest while serving the needs of our community.

This proposal makes sence. it should not just move forward, but, be expanded to other areas of the state.

I am completely in favor of this project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Grant J. Verhulst

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101275.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 513 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:09:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Allen Lee Address: 714 W Front St City: Cassville State:Wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I have lived in Cassville, WI for 35 years. Alliant Power plant is very important to this economy as well as providing necessary power to the area. We have a shortage of power plants in the USA, I believe mostly due to environmentalists blocking everything. I also noticed many of the opposing comments are from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Unfortunately, one professor with opposing views can use taxpayer money to influence students who should be getting and education instead of being steered into supporting his or her mission. This power plant expansion is very important to all of Wisconsin, not only Cassville. Alternative methods should be explored, but we can approve a plant now that will burn bio fuels such as corn stalks, wood chips, and switchgrass along with coal now and provide the much needed energy until a better method is found, and hopefully not opposed by environmentalists. I strongly support this application and hope it is approved.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Allen Lee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101276.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 514 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:10:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard A Brown Address: 42656 Valley View Rd City: Boscobel State:WI Zip:53805 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-375-5645

Comment: We are interested in lowering harmful carbon emissions and lessen their effects on the enviroment, this plant will be a necessary first step in this process. Like any innovative technology, the process involved in bringing alternative fuels to market have to be tested. This project will do just that by creating the market infastructure necessary to produce and deliver tons of biomass to fuel up to 20% of the energy generated by the plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Richard A Brown

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101277.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 515 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:32:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Candace Zeinert Address: 1924 Briggs Street City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54881

Comment: I feel that the current outlook of the world has no room for coal. We need to be looking for alternative sources of fuel that won't damage the world that we live in. Sustainability is the way to go, for a longer, better life for all!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Candace Zeinert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101278.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 516 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:35:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Caitlin Scherer Address: 522 South Mills Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (920) 277-4784

Comment: What are we doing?

Amidst all the talk in recent years of "moving forward" and "getting closer" to improving our environment through new energy initiatives (i.e. solar power, wind power), here is just a slap in the face. Creating yet another coal plant that will create equal, if not more, pollution than traditional coal plants is not only working backwards, but also denying anyone who has every cared for the future of our environment ease of mind. This coal plant may aid in the short- term, either for cost efficiency or profit, but how intelligent will it be by the year 2050 when our waters are tainted, our air ridden with debris, and our overall quality of living diminished? How intelligent will it be then when we will be forced, possibly when it's too late, to finally build what should have been built in the first place?

Please do our environment, the state of Wisconsin, and our nation a favor and support the change that is necessary and inevitable. Please do not go against the wishes of those who will have to be around for the effects of your coal plant.

Please stop this coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Caitlin Scherer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101279.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 517 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:35:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: josh wied Address: 16560 willow ridge ln City: brookfield State:wi Zip:53005

Comment: renewables are awesom

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. josh wied

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:36:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jolie Lizotte Address: 327 Campbell Chadbourne 420 North Park Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: This coal plant is not healthy for the environment and surrounding communities. It will increase the amount of CO2 that is put in our atmosphere so I'm asking you to stop the building of this coal plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jolie Lizotte

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101281.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 519 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:40:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara Flom Address: N7198 190th St. City: Knapp State:WI Zip:54749 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-665-2229

Comment: Hello,

Please protect our Wisconsin waters and wildlife habitat by denying Alliant Energy the right to build a coal plant! As a volunteer DNR Angler Education Instructor, I have taught hundreds of kids about our precious fisheries and wetlands. They are rapidly becoming unusable due to past polluting practices, but we have renewable energy sources that can reverse this trend. Please invest in solar power and wind power instead of fossil fuels!

Barb Flom

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara Flom

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101282.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 520 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 7:46:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Melissa Tapper Address: 424 43rd St. E City: Duluth State:MN Zip:55804

Comment: I opposed this new coal plant because we need to find cleaner and better way to fuel the economy. A new coal plant would also endanger the health of the people in the area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Melissa Tapper

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101283.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 521 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:22:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Patrick Spiedel Address: 1208 E Johnson St. City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: My most memorable years have been in this beautiful state. I enjoy the environment and the good things it provides. However, if coal plants continue to deteriorate our state, people will no longer look at Wisconsin as a beautiful state, but rather a squalid, clouded industrial zone. Coal fueled the Industrial Revolution and it aided in many great accomplishments. BUT THE TIME FOR COAL IS OVER. To reduce and rid ourselves of such a filthy power would be a step--no--a leap for the world. How about we start here, in our home. As an onlooker, I would ask you to not build this plant, but as long-time resident of Wisconsin, I DEMAND YOU TO RESCIND YOUR DECISION TO BUILD THIS PLANT!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Patrick Spiedel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101284.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 522 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 8:41:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gerard Schubert Address: W398 County Road XX City: Berlin State:WI Zip:54923

Comment: No, to coal burning generators.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gerard Schubert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101285.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 523 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:02:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Margaret Ruf Address: 390 W Adams Street City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As it stands, I am opposed to the current Alliant Energy plan for expansion in Cassville, WI. It's a tough argument here in Grant County, especially for the people of Cassville who have been shown the carrot--$700,000 in revenue sharing for the city and $500,000 for the county; 26 new permanent jobs; up to 1000 workers in the area for 4-5 years during construction; energy supply great enough to lure new businesses to be established in the area. People are thinking in the short-term here for understandable reasons. They do not see the future because to them the economy is suppressed by current limitations in available energy. They do not feel the dangers of inviting more pollution into our air, land, and water. It's appalling that Alliant Energy can't prove itself to be a pioneer in the surge forward, into investing in use of renewable energy sources. I guess Alliant Energy can't see its own imminent demise--would rather ignore impending disaster... What a wonderful thing it would be if Alliant Energy would put efforts into 100% renewable energy mechanisms for the Cassville station expansion project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Margaret Ruf

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101286.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 524 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:04:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Allie Tempus Address: 312 Campbell Chadbourne, 420 N. Park St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:54166

Comment: Alliant's proposed coal plant promises to produce a more destructive carbon footprint than coal plants built 40 years ago in Wisconsin. This is clearly not a sign of progress. Although there are those who support the jobs the new plant will provide, these jobs are unstable in an economy that is rapidly shifting to renewable and sustainable energies. In addition, workers exposed to coal daily in such a plant are at higher risks for diseases such as cancer. A smarter way to move ahead is with a multilateral approach to producing energy with renewable sources, such as wind and solar power. These initiatives will provide safer, healthier jobs for Wisconsin workers and will not wreak havoc on an environment already suffering from global warming. Please consider the devastating effects of constructing such a costly coal plant: more toxins in the air and on the water, dangerous coal plant jobs, higher risk of cancer in local populations, higher risk of asthma in children due to coal-produced airborne toxins, an astronomically large carbon footprint and a damaging effect on the state's economy. Wisconsin's motto is "Forward" and that is the direction we should be headed in with renewable energy sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Allie Tempus

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101287.htm10/2/2008 10:31:30 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 525 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:09:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dave Rasmussen Address: W362S2224 Lisa Lane City: Dousman State:WI Zip:53118 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-244-1058

Comment: Plerase do NOT approve the new coal fired plant.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101288.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 526 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Dave Rasmussen

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:17:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bart P. Nies Address: 270 Flower Court City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818

Comment: I fully support the proposed coal-fired electric generation unit by Alliant Energy to be located in Cassville, WI. The electric generation unit would provide dependable energy for the State of Wisconsin; would allow the use of biomass and new emerging technologies; and would provide a crutial and stable economic boost for all of southwest Wisconsin (and beyond) during construction and post-construction. Alliant Energy has proven to be a reliable and helpful neighbor of the Village of Cassville in the past: during flooding events, storm events, and for necessary infrastructure improvement projects; all of which allowed the Village of Cassville to continue to provide safe, clean, and reliable water to its residents and businesses through its public water system.

Bart Nies, P.E. Engineer - Village of Cassville

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bart P. Nies

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:20:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: George Perkins Address: 442 Toepfer Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-442-5558

Comment: I strongly urge the PSC to disapprove more coal pollution. Don't allow WP&L to build the coal-fired power plant at Cassville. Building another coal-fired power generation facility at Cassville would make it theoretically impossible to meet Governor Doyle's written goals regarding a renewable energy portfolio and reductions in global warming pollutants. Further, the fine particulate pollution from this new plant, and other sources of air pollution, will make a problem worse by bringing more days of non-attainment according to EPA standards for these types of air pollutants. I have a personal interest because my stepchildren all have asthma and are directly affected by the air pollution now being considered for expansion at Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. George Perkins

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:23:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Caryn Chuah Address: 530 West Johnson St., Apt 208 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: No more coal!! What we need is renewable energy, not something that will emit global warming pollution. Save our environment, save our planet, and save the trees for future generation.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Caryn Chuah

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101291.htm10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 530 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:32:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Holly Smith Address: 902 1/2 S 7th Ave, City: Wausau State:Wisconsin Zip:54401 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Enough with the polluting fuels, all it does is kills the earth and all of us on it. We have the technology to be smarter about our energy choices. Don't let Wisconsin be the stupid state--Say NO to Coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Holly Smith

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Submitted: 9/23/2008 9:34:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sue Meyer Address: 1712 E. Blodgett St. City: Marshfield State:wI Zip:54449 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: To build a new coal based power plant is to defy the scientific evidence that resulting emissions causes human health and environmental harm. Mercury is a known neurotoxin and is especially harmful to fetuses and small children. We know that fish in WI waterways are contaminated with mercury related to coal power pollution. It is time to seriously consider localization of power sources which are renewable ie solar, wind, geothermal, biomass. Instead of using out of state/country sources of fossil fuel, investing in local, clean sources, conservation is a better solution for future generations and protection of natural resources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sue Meyer

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 12:23:45 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Heidi Braunreiter Address: 121 W. Gilman St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: Do not build this power plant, we don't need anymore coal plants in Wisconsin!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Heidi Braunreiter

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101295.htm10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 533 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 6:46:56 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: C.A.Konkol Address: P.O.Box 23 City: Sullivan State:WI Zip:53178

Comment: I am totally against any new coal plants being built anywhere in Wisconsin. We do not need to spend millions on anything that produces more toxic waste. Our country is sufferinig enough and we need to start doing the 'right thing'. Do not fall into the "well, that's the way it's always been done". Our future needs solutions and new alternative CLEAN energy sources.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C.A.Konkol

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101296.htm10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 534 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:25:19 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: david rand Address: n4933 pine lane City: shawano State:wi Zip:54166 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I understand that Alliant Energy is applying for a permit to build another coal- fired power plant in Wisconsin. As Wisconsin now has some of the dirtiest air in the nation as it relates to energy production, we do not need more of the same. Further, with all the talk about alternative renewable energy this would be the perfect time to, as the old saying goes, "put our money where our mouth is." It is also my understanding that the proposed power plant is going to be designed without the latest technology to keep it's exhaust much cleaner than what Alliant Energy plans to use. With all of today's talk about cleaning the environment, alternative energy and energy independence, this is not the time for same old "solutions" to our energy problems. Thank you. David Rand

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. david rand

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101298.htm10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 535 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:35:10 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joseph Wiesner Address: 2005 N. Commerce St City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53212 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Alliant Coal Plant proposed for Cassville.

A new coal plant is completely nonsensical. Why would a progressive state like Wisconsin lock in a dated, dirty technology for power generation for decades when much cleaner alternatives are available? Why would we be okay with spewing over 3 million tons of global warming pollution into the atmosphere each year? Milwaukee is currently under an "unhealthy air advisory" - and it's late September. This is occurring more and more often, and the Alliant project is obviously not going to help.

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure. Let's show some imagination! And equally importantly, lets show some respect for the children that are going to grow up breathing whatever it is we put into the air.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joseph Wiesner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101299.htm10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 536 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:49:24 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elise Griffin Address: 2587 Stanbrook St. City: Fitchburg State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: I am against Alliant Energy's plan to build a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin. Coal plants seem to be a poor energy choice when there are better options to pursue like expanding the existing natural gas plants. As a resident of Wisconsink I hope that this plant coal-fired is not built. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elise Griffin

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:50:30 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Hayley Blum Address: 210 N. Charter St. Apt 601 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: No more coal!! Don't build this power plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hayley Blum

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:51:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: william arentz Address: w689 hyw 33 City: rockland State:wi Zip:54653 E-mail: rokonhil @ Phone: 608 486 1510

Comment: I,m for building the dewey-nelson 3 power plant at cssville wi. its a good start to using alternative fuels, also all the good jobs it will create thank you bill arentz

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. william arentz

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:34:30 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Pamela J. LaBine Address: 200 East Madison St. City: Crandon State:wi Zip:54520 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-478-1387

Comment: Coal is a reliable energy source and technology to burn this fuel cleanly, exists today. We are no longer so wealthy we can only choose the highest road. Allow this generation unit to go forward.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Pamela J. LaBine

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101305.htm10/2/2008 10:31:31 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 540 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:36:58 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michelle Austin Address: 607 Jacobus Rd City: Edgerton State:WI Zip:53534

Comment: For a company to chose an outdated method for energy that has been shown to be unhealthy and unsafe for our environment and families proves that the company is not progressing forward and remains solely concerned about it's own profits and not about it's consumers.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michelle Austin

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:51:08 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sue Violet Moynihan Address: 110 Notre Dame Street City: Mount Calvary State:WI Zip:53057 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-753-2131

Comment: Wisconsin does not need any more dirty air when there are many other options open. Please do not support Alliant's move to build another dirty coal plant.

Thank you,

Suzanne MOynihan, SSND SUNSEED Education Coordinator

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sue Violet Moynihan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101308.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 542 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 9:16:06 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter Meyer Address: 1516 N WOOD AVE City: MARSHFIELD State:WI Zip:54449 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-384-8518

Comment: On environmental grounds, Cynthia and Peter Meyer are opposed to new coal fired plants in Wisconsin.

Thank You,

Pete Meyer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter Meyer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101311.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 543 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 10:18:56 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Delores F. Hambley Address: 139 W. Wilson St. #303 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I am writing to to request you deny Alliant Energy's application to build a 300MW coal plant at their Nelson Dewey generating station in Cassville, Grant Co, WI. I want my children, grand-children and great grand-children to have healthful life to persue their dreams. It is time USA energy producers to develope and use new, less life threating technologies., rather dependingon older technologies proven to shorten life spans and the quality of life.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Delores F. Hambley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101313.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 544 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 10:25:57 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michelle Ibsen Address: 2982 Gemini Rd. Apt. 11 City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54311

Comment: I strongly oppose Alliant's plan to build a new coal-fired power plant in Wisconsin! We need to be leaders and take steps toward CLEAN, RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION, rather than be followers of the same old, out-of-date, out-of touch with reality techniques that were used in the past.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come.

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates.

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.


Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Thank you for taking the time to read my comments. It is greatly appreaciated that you take my opinions regarding this matter into consideration.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101314.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 545 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Michelle Ibsen

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 10:57:31 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bill Johnson Address: N6775 Jonathan Dr. City: Pardeeville State:WI Zip:53954 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strongly support development of the hybrid power plant in Cassville. Alliant Energy is taking an environmantally responsible approach to providing power for Wisconsin. The proposed emission controls, use of biofuels and Alliant's promise to decommission an older coal plant, increase their investment in energy conservation and wind energy are a responsible and logical approach to providing electricty for the states growing demand for energy.

Benefits of the proposed plant will extend to the states forests and farm fields by providing a market for low value biomass while improving wildlife habitat and the quality of hard wood forests and cold water streams. Highly erodible farmland will be able to produce grass crops as fuel for the plant rather than support erosion prone crops like corn and soybeans. The biofuel industry that will be created in SW WI can have a transforming effect on the local economy by providing jobs that keep young people in their communities and at the same improve the quality of life and the surrounding landscape.

The PSCW should recognize there is no perfect solution for providing power in an environmentally and economically responsible way. Alliant Energy should be applauded for their efforts to lead the electrical industry in the right direction for land, air, water and economic stewardship.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bill Johnson

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Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:07:25 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jacalyn Schultz Address: 5585 Rankin Cir City: Waunakee State:WI Zip:53597 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-849-7828

Comment: To the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin: Just say No to Alliant! My understanding of the duties of the PSC is to protect the public. Please protect us by prohibiting Alliant Energy from building a pollution producing outdated dinosaur of a coal plant. We need to clean up and protect the air we breathe. We already have air quality problems in Wisconsin and must not make it worse. We have a reputation to maintain – visitors to rural and western Wisconsin comment on the fresh smell of our clean air and the wonderful green farming communities. And it is embarrassing to tell visiting fisherman friends not to eat our mercury contaminated fish.

As suggested in the article below it would make more sense and cost less money to update & expand the Neenah power plant. I also understand that there are other low emissions none polluting coal plants being built in other parts of the country. And why put good money into bad practices. It is going to increase the cost to the consumer, so if we have to pay more I’d rather put my money into a clean energy.

As to cost I reference an article by Ryan Schryver at article.cfm?articleID=901 ‘It certainly isn’t because this technology is cheap. When Alliant first went public with its intentions, the estimated cost of the project was around $650 million. In just more than a year, the price tag for the plant has increased almost 100 percent to $1.26 billion. Alliant’s own estimates are that the cost of this coal plant will raise electric bills 5-6 percent every year for the next 50 years. And those cost estimates will likely increase. It certainly isn’t because this technology is cheap. When Alliant first went public with its intentions, the estimated cost of the project was around $650 million. In just more than a year, the price tag for the plant has increased almost 100 percent to $1.26 billion.”

Article: Alternative to Alliant's Coal Plant Proposal Would Produce Cleaner Energy at Lower Cost Making Existing Power Plant More Efficient Would Save Ratepayers Nearly a

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101325.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Billion Dollars Schedule 2 Page 548 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 Madison, Wis. Source: The Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin & Clean October 2, 2008 Wisconsin website Kenneth C. Rineer — Alliant Energy could save its customers nearly a billion dollars and significantly reduce global warming pollution by converting a company-owned natural gas power plant in Neenah to a more efficient design instead of constructing another coal-fired power plant in Cassville, according to expert testimony filed before the Public Service Commission this week.

"The Public Service Commission should not allow Alliant to build the most expensive coal plant in the country at a time when Wisconsin residents already struggle to keep up with rising energy costs," said Charlie Higley, executive director of the Citizens Utility Board. "Even Alliant's experts agree that the alternative of upgrading the Neenah plant will help keep electricity bills more affordable in Wisconsin."

Alliant purchased the Neenah power plant in April of this year which can run on traditional natural gas or substitute natural gas, a renewable resource currently produced from manure on Wisconsin farms. By converting to a more efficient technology, the plant would use waste heat that otherwise escapes through smokestacks to produce additional clean and inexpensive electricity.

"Compared to Alliant's dirty coal plant proposal, this alternative would reduce global warming pollution by 65 percent, significantly lower soot, smog and mercury pollution, and keep hard-earned money in the pockets of Alliant's customers," said Katie Nekola, energy program director at Clean Wisconsin.

Alliant would save customers as much as $956 million over the life of the plant by scrapping plans to build an inefficient coal-fired power plant in Cassville and instead making the Neenah power plant more efficient, according to the company's own testimony. Additional analysis by PSC staff, Clean Wisconsin and Citizens Utility Board confirm these results. In fact, customer savings could be expected even if natural gas prices increase above projections.

"Alliant already owns a cheaper and cleaner alternative to the Cassville coal plant," said Nekola. "The Public Service Commission should reject Alliant's dirty, expensive coal plant."

Thank You for your concern on this issue. Jacalyn Schultz

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jacalyn Schultz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101325.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 549 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:08:40 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Darcy Ploessl Address: 112 west bluff City: Cassville State:Wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strongly support the proposed expansion of Alliant Energy in Cassville, WI and highly urge the PSC to approve the progect!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Darcy Ploessl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101328.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 550 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:19:23 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Carroll Address: 532 1/2 S. Jackson City: Little Chute State:WI Zip:54140 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-687-1359

Comment: We do not ned anymore greenhouse gas producing, air & water polluting plants constructed. We should be moving to clean, renewable energies.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Carroll

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101341.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 551 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:33:45 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Annette Klein Address: 613 W. Bluff City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Annette Klein

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101350.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 552 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 12:09:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ariel DeBroux Address: 108 Breese Ter #3 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53726

Comment: Coal is the completely wrong direction for Wisconsin to be heading in! With coal being the single most polluting source of energy and contributes most to global warming, approving any new coal plant at a time like this is irresponsible and doing a dis-service to the people of Wisconsin. Emissions from the plants are bad for our health, and more emissions sources will increase the amount Wisconsin spends on the health of its residents. This plant uses old technology, and is trying to put a spin the old by saying they can burn other fuels, but this amount will be insignificant, and this action will still add millions of tons of global warming pollution to the atmosphere. Not only is coal bad for our health and the environment, but it is bad for Wisconsin's economy. With the next president only months away, a carbon tax or cap is almost inevitable, as both candidates support cap and trade. The cost of coal will be increasing, and it is likely there will be a cost to emitting CO2 also, so a coal plant is a bad deal for Wisconsin taxpayers. The right decision for our economy is to start investing in renewable energy sources and efficiency measures, not investing million in coal, which is a FOSSIL fuel, a fuel of the past. Let's move Wisconsin forward towards a clean energy economy, and not backwards to the most polluting source of energy we have. Take a stand against coal and set Wisconsin in the right direction! Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ariel DeBroux

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101352.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 553 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 12:10:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Patricia White Address: 8782 Cty V City: Glen Haven State:Wi Zip:53810

Comment: Constructing a new Coal-fired Electri Generation Unit in Cassville, Wi would be a boon to the economy in this area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Patricia White

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101353.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 554 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 12:29:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Neil Jackson Address: 832 Perlman Sellery B, 821 W. Johnson ST City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We do not need any more coal power plants in Wisconsin. We should be focusing our energy, time, funds, and resources to alternative energy research. I understand the economic benefits of a coal power plant, but the disadvantages far outweigth the advantages and we can reap the same economic benefit by supporting alternative energy jobs.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Neil Jackson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101355.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 555 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 12:50:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: kyle zander Address: 418 chippewa st City: eau claire wi State:wi Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin doesn't need another dirty coal plant. There are cleaner, safer, less expensive alternatives. Please deny Alliant's request to build another outdated, dirty coal plant in Cassville, WI.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. kyle zander

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101357.htm10/2/2008 10:31:32 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 556 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 12:54:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jai Kellum Address: 19370 Cty Rd G City: Mineral Point State:WI Zip:53565 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I do not agree that building a coal plant in this day and age is progress. There are many technologies available with less pollution and lower toxicity levels. Our state has been on the cutting edge in so many ways for protecting our air, water, and soil quality. I think that these important life sustaining items are worth protecting. We do need energy sustainability and there are ways to go forward. But a COAL PLANT?! Cassville is close to where we live. The air quality alerts we have recieved through our weather radio are VERY alarming. Each year, there are more air quality alerts for the past 4 years. Are we going to sacrifice our already fragile air quality? Why is this even on the table?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jai Kellum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101360.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 557 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:00:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard Smith Address: 27200 145th St City: New Auburn State:WI Zip:54757 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715 967-2164

Comment: Coal should not be used as the fuel source for this new power plant. Introducing a new coal plant now will lock us into this old technology for another generation. We don't have another generation to wait to begin to stop adding to the climate change problem. Alternate technology exists, and without PSC requiring it, the utility has no incentive to use it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Richard Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101361.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 558 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:01:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Cindy Strathman Address: 1001 Fairway Dr. City: Racine State:WI Zip:53405

Comment: Please come to your senses -- NO MORE DIRTY COAL PLANTS. There are plenty of other options to generate CLEAN, RENEWABLE energy now -- not 50 years from now. And as long as you keep enabling the old ways, you give the utilities no incentive to make the responsible decision. If government doesn't begin to serve the people instead of greedy corporate interests, government will have to bear the consequences (see headlines reading "Lack of regulation & oversight of corporate greed brings US to brink of the next Great Depression").

Please consider the name of your organization, emphasis on the Public and the Service, and deny this permit. If you don't it will appaer that you are on the take. If you don't care what I think, ask your grandchildren how they feel about you making it possible for other people to poison the air they breathe.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cindy Strathman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101362.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 559 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:06:11 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: peter holm, m.d. Address: 707 W. Columbia St. City: Chippewa Falls State:WI Zip:54729

Comment: Please do not allow the building of Alliant's coal plant in Cassville. It is a return to the past and we need to move foward with clean energy, and the taxpayer should not have to pay for even a portion of this old technology. Thank you for you time. Peter Holm, M.D.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. peter holm, m.d.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101363.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 560 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:08:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maria Sundaram Address: 501 N. Henry St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I am against the building of Alliant Energy's coal plant in Cassville. I want the money I spend on energy be used to create a power plant that is cleaner and greener. Take the funds for the coal plant and put them towards a green power plant that Wisconsin residents can be proud of.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maria Sundaram

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101365.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 561 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:13:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mitchell Hochhausen Address: 4070 Oak Rd City: Potosi State:WI Zip:53820 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 763-2897

Comment: This area of the state is often overlooked for economic development, and has suffered from a steady loss of young workers over the years, as there isn't alot to keep them in the area. Cassville, in particular, has lost population and jobs over the last 30 years, and needs this project as a means of revitalizing the village and surrounding area. Keeping more young people here, with good paying jobs, is so important to the communities, and benefits all existing businesses, schools, churches, etc.

I'm originally from Cassville, and could not stay there for the reasons I stated, though I'm not far away, because the area is so beautiful, and a great place for raising a family. But I've seen Cassville shift over the years from a thriving, self-sustaining community, to a "retirement" community. Retail stores and small businesses have been replaced with tourist shops, as the folks still there are doing whatever they can to maintain a local economy. But it's just not the same. I don't have statistics, but the median age there has to have gone up alot in the last 30-40 years.

There have been many good young people that left town for Madison, Milwaukee, and the like over that timeframe. If you ask any of them, most would have stayed in Cassville had there been an opportunity. The Nelson Dewey Generating Station presents a great opportunity, and should be approved for Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mitchell Hochhausen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101367.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 562 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:15:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Victoria Billings Address: 5424 Greenview Lane City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, please do whatever you can to deny Alliant Energy their application to build a coal-fired plant in Cassville. There is no way that Wisconsin needs to support out-dated technology at a horrendous price tag! Let us support clean technology to generate needed eletricity. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Victoria Billings

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101368.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 563 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:19:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Patrick Meyer, MD Address: 5040 N. Knollwood Dr. City: Janesville State:WI Zip:53545

Comment: Please deny the application for the new coal fired generation unit. I am a pediatrician and have great concerns for the long term health of children.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Patrick Meyer, MD

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101369.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 564 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:29:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Harrington Address: 11011 Granville Rd City: Mequon State:WI Zip:53097

Comment: I do not support Alliant Energy's application to build a coal-fired electrical generation plant in Cassville. I do support holding Wisconsin's energy utilities to a higher environmental standard.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Harrington

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101370.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 565 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:41:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sally Heuer Address: 13114 W Forest Drive City: New Berlin State:WI Zip:53151-2622 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-786-8731

Comment: We do NOT need another dirty coal plant in Wisconsin. Alliant's request to build another coal plant should be denied. Let's instead have more wind farms and conservation and help stop global warming.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sally Heuer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101371.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 566 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:46:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kathryn Winz Address: 309 Mary St. City: Beaver Dam State:WI Zip:53916 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: The proposed Cassville plant should not be built. Its technology is obsolete, and it will generate enormous amounts of greenhouse gases. I am now retired, but I taught at UW-Platteville for many years. One of the courses that I taught was Environmental Law. I learned from teaching that course that there are many options available for generating electricity in the 21st century, and more on the horizon. I hope the PSC will not take the short-sighted route of approving the plant as proposed. Make Alliant go back to the drawing board!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kathryn Winz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101372.htm10/2/2008 10:31:33 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 567 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:50:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Patrick Hauer Address: 971 Park Ridge Ave City: Oshkosh State:WI Zip:54901

Comment: Please deny this application, there has to be a better, cleaner option than approving this

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Patrick Hauer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101374.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 568 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:54:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Voelker Address: 661 Laverne Dr. City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54311 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I have heard that Alliant Energy continues to press for the rights to build an especially dirty coal-powered plant in Cassville.

As a Wisconsin resident, citizen, and taxpayer, I urge you to reject this proposal. We cannot afford to have such a plant built.

In my region (around Green Bay), we are already dealing with air pollution levels that are unhealthy and that don't meet national standards.

Please don't allow another dirty coal plant to be built in this state -- if you do, it will be polluting our air for decades!


David Voelker Green Bay

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Voelker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101376.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 569 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 1:54:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Harry Read Address: 2545 Van Hise Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear PSC -

I am opposed to construction of the coal burning power plant in Cassville.

First, Dane County is currently not in compliance with Federal Clean Air standards for particulate pollution, and the Cassville Plant will exacerbate this situation. My son suffers from a mild form of asthma and periodically needs to use an inhaler to breath properly - but neither myself, nor my wife nor anyone else of my generation in my family suffers from asthma. I suspect this is due to higher levels of air pollution that he has been exposed to as a youngster.

Second, Wisconsin is already too reliant on coal for electricity generation. I believe that we need to move away from fossil fuels and cut our contribution to greenhouse gases, and the Governor Doyle's task force on climate change has concluded that the state needs to reduce its reliance on coal - so it makes no sense to build new coal-fired plants. Alliant's plan for burning 20% biofuel has not been backed up by efforts to establish sources for the biomass, and is in my opinion too low a percentage in any case.

Third, coal mining damages the environment. I don't know where the coal for the Cassville plant will come from, but coal mining in the eastern United States is increasingly carried out by "mountaintop removal", which by any measure lays waste to the land. Even if Alliant doesn't currently plan to get its coal from mines utilizing this technique, I doubt there is any guarantee they won't do so in the future.

Fourth, I am not convinced of the need for this plant. Conservation can stem the rise in demand and development of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar can meet the increase. It's time to change the way we generate energy, and the Alliant plan is going in the wrong direction.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101378.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 570 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Harry Read

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101378.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 571 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:01:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Ann Srnka Address: 110 Notre Dame Street City: Mount Calvary State:WI Zip:53057

Comment: I believe the technology proposed for this project is outdated. No new coal fired generation units should be built unless they use the very best technology. The real cost to our state and our global environment is too great to proceed with this plan. Please do not approve this plan. Thank you, Mary Ann Srnka

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Ann Srnka

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101380.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 572 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:06:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Hopkins Address: N4489 Nelson Road City: Princeton State:WI Zip:54968 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-313-7747

Comment: A coal fired plant is a bad idea. This money should be directed toward developing renewable energy sources. This money could be used to provide every residence and business location in Wisconsin with solar panels which could be tied back into the grid. This would generate as much or more power as the proposed plant, lower infrastructure costs, and reduce the cost of electricity to every Wisconsin citizen - all without contributing to pollution or global warming. Additionally, solar panels do not require coal (or any other fossil fuel) on an ongoing basis to continue operating and producing electricity. Let's start thinking about what's best for America, Wisconsin, and our children.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Hopkins

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101381.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 573 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:14:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert L. Fizzell Address: 622 Harrison City: Beloit State:WI Zip:53511

Comment: Please reject the application of Alliant Energy to build and operate a coal fired generation plant using out-dated technology that will cause excessive pollution and contribute to global warming. The technology is available to build clean generation based on renewable sources. That is clearly the direction that Wisconsin should be going.

Reject any claim that time is of the essence or that costs are prohibitive. A sound campaign to promote3 conservation could easily tide us over and provide for cost reduction to the consumer.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert L. Fizzell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101382.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 574 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:17:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara Weber Address: 2207 Van Buren City: New Holstein State:WI Zip:53061 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 9208985614

Comment: With both candidates stating they support clean renewable energy it would be foolish for Wisconsin to invest now in dirty energy. You should wait until after the election to see if federal funds become available to build a clean power plant. The Public Service commission should be looking for clean alternatives right now so that with the new administration you are ready to lobby for federal funds and work with the adminstration to keep Wisconsin clean!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara Weber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101383.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 575 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:19:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Schueller Address: 409 9TH STREET, APT. 6 City: MOSINEE State:WI Zip:54455 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear Public Service Commission,

I strongly object to Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/b/a Alliant Energy building the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin or anywhere on this planet.

If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come. It would Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). It would increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution. It would increase utility rates and ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Sincerly, David j. Schueller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101384.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 576 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. David Schueller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101384.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 577 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:51:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas Lyke Address: 3911 Devereaux Dr City: Janesville State:Wi Zip:53546 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-754-8930

Comment: I feel this is a really bad idea. There is much more efficient ways of producing power. Alliant has gouged consumers enough.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas Lyke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101387.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 578 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:52:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bill Horton Address: 1101 W 8th Street City: Marshfield State:WI Zip:54449 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am opposed the construction of a new coal fired power plant in our state. I believe coal is a dirty, old generation fuel that will damage our citizens' health and will be more expensive than cleaner alternatives. Please do not allow this new plant. Bill Horton

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bill Horton

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101388.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 579 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:54:36 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sarah Folz Address: N1749 Rauwerdink Rd City: Oostburg State:WI Zip:53070 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Let's live up to our state motto of Forward! There are good alternatives to backward-thinking coal-fired power in Wisconsin. Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant.

If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air.

Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

Coal is dirty, expensive, unsustainable and a step backward. Let's live up to our state motto of Forward!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sarah Folz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101389.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 580 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 2:55:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andrew M. Campbell, RN Address: W7995 Drake Road City: Poynette State:WI Zip:53955 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please deny the request of Alliant energy to build a coal plant near Cassville. We do not need another plant using this filthy technology to provide our citizens with energy while polluting our planet. I am 47 and remember the clarity of our Wisconsin skies in my youth, a clarity that is mocked by the hazy skies we inveritably see even on the clearest of days in 2008. While there are certainly other villains contributing to our polluted skies, coal-fired plants are a major culprit. Also, as a Registered Nurse, I am alarmed by the huge increases in airway diseases such as asthma and emphysema that we are seeing in the general population--which worsens by the year! We need to stop using outdated technology such as coal-fired plants to provide our energy and start using more modern, renewable sources that don't further poison our planet and sicken our citizens! Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andrew M. Campbell, RN

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101390.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 581 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:02:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Christel Holcomb Address: E9811 Harrison Road City: Readstown State:WI Zip:54652 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We need solar-wind-hydro. Not more coal plants. We need power with unlimited potential as we'll just run into the same problem with coal as oil.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Christel Holcomb

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101392.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 582 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:03:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lawrence Domine Address: 3616 N. 82nd Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53222 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: The proposed coal plant in Cassville should not be built. The resulting long term effects due to the out dated technologies being proposed are not in line with any of Wisconsin's economic or environmental goals.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lawrence Domine

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101393.htm10/2/2008 10:31:34 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 583 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:05:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Russell Novkov Address: 4817 Sheboygan Ave 508# City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-271-8943

Comment: No Coal Plant please!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Russell Novkov

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101394.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 584 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:11:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bruce Krawisz Address: 1600 north hills City: marshfield State:WI Zip:54449 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-221-6115

Comment: Please deny the request for a new coal-fired power plant from Alliant Energy. Wisconsin needs clean, renewable energy, not harmful coal-burning which produces global warming carbon dioxide and releases poisonous mercury. The money should be used for solar power or wind power electrical production. Already many states have large wind-powered energy plants. Why can't Wisconsin do the same.

Carbon dioxide and mercury from coal burning hurt all Wisconsin citizens.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bruce Krawisz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101398.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 585 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:12:58 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Vincent Kotnik Address: 4829 W.Washington Blvd. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53208 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414 453-1306

Comment: Gentlemen:

Regarding Alliant Energy's proposed new generating plant at Cassville.

I understand that coal is what we have a lot of, and that it will be the cheapest alternative for some time yet.

What I don't understand is why Alliant Energy should be allowed to continue to build such gross polluters. I understand that the proposed plant is even less environment-friendly than plants built 40 years ago! The technology exists to make the burning of coal much less harmful to the environment, so why continue building old-style plants? I can't think of any reason other than profit. Unfortunately, we can't drink or breathe profit.

These new plants are going to be around for a long time, so their effects on our environment will be huge. Make them do it right, or don't let them do it at all! Please deny Alliant's application.


Vince Kotnik

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Vincent Kotnik

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101399.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 586 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:21:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Kiernan Address: 3301 Topping Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-238-7408

Comment: Please say NO to Alliant Energy's request to build a new coal-fired power plant in Cassville. It is bad for Wisconsin, bad for the environment, and bad for our children!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Kiernan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101401.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 587 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:25:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Monica McCarthy Address: 137 Langdon St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 847-477-6986

Comment: Please deny Alliant's request to build another outdated, dirty coal plant. IN this day and age we should be building more renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and others. It's rediculous that this prposed plant would emit more greenhouse gases than other built 40 years ago.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Monica McCarthy

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101402.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 588 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:30:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elise Mann Address: 10 B Gerry Court City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No more coal!! Don't build this power plant! Lets find alternate energy sources!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elise Mann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101403.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 589 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:32:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Patrick Address: Downing City: 256 Tyvand Rd State:WI Zip:53516 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear PSC, It sure looks like this is just another dirty coal plant. Don't be fooled by the bio fuels claims. Turn this down & make them present clean technology plans. Regards, PD Dane County Supervisor, District 30

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Patrick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101404.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 590 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:41:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Craig Spies Address: 29298 Spies Rd. City: Dakota State:MN Zip:55925 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 507-643-6218

Comment: This is just what we need now, a chance for alternative fuels that we have...... In a time when this Country needs this more then ever. Also the work this project would create, In a time when jobs are needed so much, this country is in a mess, We need to create JOBS and ALTERNATIVE ENERGY and we need them NOW. I am a retired Laborer, who lives in MN, but worked 35 years in Local 140, the average person who retired, has now have to go back to work, at retirement age. This not what this country had in mind, for the people did it???? Or should I say the policymakers???? Please concern that this is a country that needs help and this is a start, passing Case 6680-CE-170. Thank You.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Craig Spies

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101405.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 591 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 3:47:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Spencer Address: 917 W Dayton City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: Coal is bad!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Spencer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101406.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 592 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 4:00:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara Le Duc Address: S6180 Lincoln Dr. City: Fall Creek State:WI Zip:54742 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed coal powered plant in Cassville. It is time we moved away from the dirty coal burning energy of the past to new clean technologies of the future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara Le Duc

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101407.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 593 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 4:08:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Terry Heinig Address: 673 Laureate Ct. City: Pewaukee State:WI. Zip:53072

Comment: My opion is that it is not good policy to build a coal plant. The plant proposed is the worst of all worlds. Wisconsin king of coal. Try setting a rate structure that benifits people who use less energy and penalize the energy pigs.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Terry Heinig

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101411.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 594 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 4:17:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sandra M. Stokes Address: 2213 Lakeside Place City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54302 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (920) 391-1188

Comment: Please do not let Alliant Energy to construct a new coal-fired electric generation unit. I do not want any of my taxpayer money being used for that purpose.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sandra M. Stokes

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101412.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 595 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 4:19:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Arthur J Schmitz Address: 9 South Broad Street City: ELKHORN State:wI Zip:53121 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-741-5129

Comment: My name is Arthur J Schmitz and I am the Director of the Electric Utility for the City of Elkhorn. Elkhorn Wisconsin. We serve nearly 5000 electric customers in South Eastern Wisconsin. In my position I have concerns about the rising costs of electricity for our customers, many of whom are elderly and rely on air conditioning for their well being. They also rely on natural gas to heat their homes and because of the completion for that fuel to generate electricity they have to make tough decisions as to whether or not they can afford the independence of staying in their own homes. When they need electrical energy the most it is always at its highest price, unlike oil or liquid petroleum (LP) which can be stored and can be purchased during the off season I also represent the Municipal Wholesale Power Group of Wisconsin, (MWPG) as President. MWPG supports Wisconsin Power & Light's proposal to build NED III. We believe that this plant will have a leveling effect on price of energy particularly during the peak months of the heating & cooling season. We believe that due to the current constraints on moving power into Wisconsin, WPL and other utilities in the state are paying a premium for purchased power due to transmission congestion. NED is located at a major transmission constraint point between Iowa and Wisconsin. With the addition of 300 MW through the construction of NED 3, that constraint is lessened, which allows an increased import of up to 625 MW of electricity to be delivered into Wisconsin. That creates a substantial economic value for NED3 and at least partially addresses a major current transmission problem for Wisconsin utilities.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Arthur J Schmitz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101413.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 596 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 4:34:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ruth Carlson Address: 3018 86th St. #104 City: Kenosha State:WI Zip:53142-5135

Comment: I am strongly opposed to bldg. another coal fired power plant. We need environmentally friendly energy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ruth Carlson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101414.htm10/2/2008 10:31:35 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 597 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 4:48:11 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ryan Schryver Address: 2910 McKinley St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-949-6436

Comment: I encourage the Public Service Commission to REJECT Alliant Energy's application to build another coal plant at the Nelson Dewey or Columbia locations. We have to begin reducing global warming emissions today if we are going to get the reductions that the scientific community has told us are necessary to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. Alliant's mitigation plan is misleading and does not achieve reductions in global warming pollution. In fact, the CFB technology is so inneficient that even if they were to follow through on their empty promises to use small percentages of biomass and carry out the other actions in their plans they would still be showing a net increase in global warming emissions. The CFB design would be acceptable if it were guaranteed to burn 100% biomass, but we can not continue to build coal plants that contribute to global warming, mercury pollution and diminish the quality of our air.

I also disagree with Alliant's "Need" claim. The modeling done for the global warming task force (which Alliant endorsed when they voted for the package of Task Force recommendations) showed that even with a buisiness as usual approach we don't need to build a coal plant in WI until at least 2024. In the meantime if we increase the RPS and implemment the global warming task force recommendations on energy efficiency we can actually start shutting down existing coal units. When we look at that modeling it doesn't make any sense to waste ratepayer money on this billion dollar mistake.

My grandfather worked for Wisconsin Power and Light for most of his life and my family still owns stock in Alliant. Good companies make bad decisions all the time, and this is a terrible financial decision when we look at the costs of future global warming regulations. State, regional or federal cap and trade programs will reward renewable energy production and drive up the price of producing energy from coal plants like this that have especially high rates of global warming pollution.

Please reject this coal plant on to avoid an unnecessary increase in electricity rates and help us start reducing global wamring pollution.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101416.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 598 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Ryan Schryver

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101416.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 599 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 5:15:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Catherine Ann Carlson Address: 160 Stonebridge Road #311 City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear Members of the Public Service Commission,

I wish to register my opposition to the building of a new coal-fired electric generation plant in my county (Grant) and my state (Wisconsin) by the company who supplies my electrical energy (Alliant.) The technology for this proposed plant is dated and dirty. If the plant is built, it will degrade the environment and pose a health threat to members of the community. The plant will contribute to global warning. AND - it is unbelievably expensive - a cost that I and the other citizens of the state will bear if the unit is build. It will be outdated before it is completed.

I strongly urge you to vote against authorizing the building of this plant -

Catherine Ann Carlson Platteville, Wisconsin

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Catherine Ann Carlson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101417.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 600 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 5:15:24 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Darlene Jakusz Address: 8380 Ambrose Lane City: Amherst Jct. State:WI Zip:54407

Comment: My husband & I are completely against your wanting to build a new dirty coal power plant in our state or any other state for that matter. I will increase soot, smog and mercury that will further impair the air quality. Since your company has taken over WI Power & Light, our electric bills have consistantly gone up and up every six months! WE DO NOT WANT ANOTHER DIRTY COAL PLANT IN OUR STATE!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Darlene Jakusz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101418.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 601 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 5:44:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Terrance M. Bullock Address: 6698 ST.Hwy.56 City: WI State:54665 Zip:Viroqua E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6086373525

Comment: This is a win win project for now and the future of SW Wisc. I urge your commison to start as soon as possible, the project has been on the board for such a long time, I as a member of a local union Laborers 140 we have seen the delays and cost that the project has gone threw in the last 7 years, lock in the price and GO! The enviormental effect will be worth the cost, I'm a Vernon Co. resident that is in the midst of a awful cost to upgrade the Genoa site. The county is against the ideas of scrubbers, and dump site. The hope that the Dewey Nelson 3 might help us out so much into the future, the thought that it could eliminate alot of the demand and bring Genoa into the retooling mode to natural gas, we all win and help the area grow again, plus the great issue of the eviorment is BETTER. Lets move forward NOW!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Terrance M. Bullock

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101422.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 602 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 6:06:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Colleen Remley Address: 2153 Butternut Dr City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54313

Comment: I cannot support building a "dirty coal" plant when cleaner technologies are available--- Wisconsin citizens deserve better!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Colleen Remley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101423.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 603 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 6:31:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John and Martha Stoltenberg Address: N8362 State Highway 67 City: Elkhart Lake State:WI Zip:53020-0596 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-876-2184

Comment: No new environmemtally destructive coal-fired power plants!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John and Martha Stoltenberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101424.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 604 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 6:44:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mike Cundiff Address: 921 22nd Ave NE Apt 302 City: Menomonie State:WI Zip:54751 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I urge you to not approve the request for a coal-fired power facility in Wisconsin. There is no such thing as clean coal. There are much better ways to generate electricity, such as safe nuclear power, wind, etc. While we can't say "no" to every idea for generating electricity in a country with ever-increasing power requirements, we must get away from carbon-producing power plants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mike Cundiff

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101425.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 605 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 6:49:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lillian J. Nordin Address: N8851 Wm. Severson Rd City: Holmen State:WI Zip:54636 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am very concerned about constructing a new coal-fired electric generation unit. This seems to be a step backward in the fight to limit global warming. I heard representatives from Alliant and Clean Wisconsin discuss this issue on WPR today. They were both articulate and presented their sides very well. My sentiments remain--Deny the request and let's get serious about solar, wind and other alternative energies. Alliant's plans to give token attention to these other modalities are not enough to justify the generation unit.

Thank you.

Lillian J. Nordin

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lillian J. Nordin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101426.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 606 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:04:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sara Denoto-Kniesly Address: 1708 Tiffany Dr City: Racine State:WI Zip:53402 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 2626392952

Comment: Please don't let us down again. The expansion of the Oak Creek coal plant was enough ( and shouldn't even have happened). Please dont even start to think about allowing a new one to be built. Do you have any idea what its like to live with asthma and constant breathing problems because of the air quality in this state???

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sara Denoto-Kniesly

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101427.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 607 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 7:21:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brad Brockmeier Address: 225 Marjorie Lane, Apt 6 City: Medford State:Wisconsin Zip:54451 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We need to focus on implementing renewable and greener energy sources such as solar and wind energy, not remain dependent on harmful sources of energy such as coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brad Brockmeier

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101428.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 608 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:02:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kent Borden Address: 1910 N. 58th St. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53208

Comment: I vehemently oppose the approval to build this coal-fired electric power plant. Wisconsin's lakes, rivers and fish are already polluted with mercury from power plants such as this one. We do NOT need more pollution in Wisconsin. We do NOT need more dirty-power in Wisconsin. This money would be much better spent on programs to reduce consumption by Wisconsin's home-owners and businesses. Efficiency first, new, renewable power generation second.

Please do not vote in favor of building this power plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kent Borden

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101430.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 609 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:10:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Theresa Lowder Address: 9240 N. Bethanne Drive City: Brown Deer State:WI Zip:53223

Comment: I strongly object to Alliant Energy building a coal plant in Cassville. Consider the following statement from the website "Over 2000 scientists from 150 countries have reached consensus that global warming is real and that it is caused by human activities. They agree that if we do not cut our emissions of carbon dioxide 80% or more by 2050, runway climate change will have devastating consequences for the ecology of the whole planet."

For the sake of our children, please deny Alliant Energy's request to build a coal plant that will emit even more carbon dioxide contributing to an increase in global warming. I want my money spent on renewable energy.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Theresa Lowder

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101431.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 610 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:28:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Daryl Wood Address: 1804 Cameron Ave. City: LaCrosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do not build a coal fired plant in Cassville. We do not need additional polution in the Mississippi River Area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Daryl Wood

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101433.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 611 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 8:28:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sara Shutkin Address: 5255 N. Hollywood Ave. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53217

Comment: To Whom this May Concern:

Please deny Alliant's request to build another outdated, dirty coal plant. They have chosen to use a technology that emits more global warming and air pollution than coal plants built in Wisconsin over 40 years ago. How about spending the $1,260,000,000 cost on clean, efficient sources of energy such as solar and wind instead.

I'm asking not just for myself,but for my child and my future grandchildren who deserve clean air to breath.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Sara Shutkin

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sara Shutkin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101434.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 612 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 9:14:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Meridith Mueller Address: 4472 N. Bartlett Avenue City: Shorewood State:WI Zip:53211 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: DENY ALLIANT COAL PLANT - States across the country are looking to cleaner sources of energy and denying the request to build coal power plants. Wisconsin must be a leader in supplying alternative energy that is safer and cleaner. Wisconsin energy should built on the technologies of the 21st century - not rely on outdated, polluting coal power plants. Alliant Energy's proposed coal plant is a BAD INVESTMENT for Wisconsin's economy and environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Meridith Mueller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101435.htm10/2/2008 10:31:36 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 613 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 9:19:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sue Marshall Address: 101 W. Dunwood Rd. City: Fox Point State:WI Zip:53217 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please stop Alliant from constructing the Cassville coal plant. We know there is a better way, so why are we turning to outmoded and damaging methods?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sue Marshall

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101436.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 614 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 9:41:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nancy Turyk Address: 6813 Madley Rd City: Amherst State:wi Zip:54406 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Wisconsin does not need to invest in carbon based older technologies. We need to spend all of the money, time, and effort moving us towards cleaner, renewable energy. Please deny the request by Alliant Energy for a new coal powered electric generation unit in Cassville, Wisconsin. Encourage them to look to our future and help us improve air quality and reduce mercury in our lakes! Thank you for your time and consideration and making healthy decisions for future generations.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nancy Turyk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101437.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 615 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 9:48:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nancy Collentine Address: 1298 Mayer Street City: Menasha State:WI Zip:54952

Comment: It is time t o care about the well-being of the citizens of this state. It is time to find renewable and healthful resources for energy production. I am willing to make sacrifices to do so, such as walking or riding my bike more, not running the AC on even very hot days, hanging clothes out on the line, foregoing some trips and so on. However, I am tired of sacrificing my and others' health due to the poor and easy decisions made by many companies basically for the benefit of the overpaid top officials of these companies. They are the people we entrust to think of clean ways to reduce the use of and produce engery. They need to think creatively, use the science that is being developed and work 60 to 65 hours a week like many of us to come up with some quality solutions. It does not seem that the Nelson Dewey Station is the answer. Please do not grant Alliant Engery the license to construct this. The top officials need to be forced to go back to the drawing board and figure out a better solution. I am sure there are some alternatives. They need to take the time to find them and the people who can help them through the process, which is very likely some of their own employees.

Thank you, Nancy Collentine

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nancy Collentine

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101438.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 616 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 9:57:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: muriel gilbert Address: e2750 bluebird dr City: lone rock State:wi Zip:53556 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I would like you to deny Alliant's request to build another outdated, dirty coal plant. We need more clean energy and more effort should be put into developing alternatives to coal. I would gladly pay higher utility bills in order to have clean energy available. We have installed a geothermal system in our new home and would consider installing a solar panel if a rebate were offered and if our excess energy produced would be purchased by the utility company.

Wi. has the opportunity to be a leader in the country in the area of clean energy. I hope you won't allow that opportunity to pass us by.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. muriel gilbert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101439.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 617 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 10:33:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Frederick Ellsworth Address: 4621 N.Murray Avenue City: Whitefish Bay State:WI Zip:53211

Comment: The Alliant Energy proposed coal plant should be rejected. Alliant's own experts admit that for 800 million dollars an existing natural gas plant could be made 60% more efficient , utilizing less fuel to make more energy in an amount equivalent to the proposed coal plant. That would also reduce soot, carbon dioxide, and toxic mercury pollution. It would also save one billion dollars over the life of the proposed coal plant. Just say no to dirty coal!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Frederick Ellsworth

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101453.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 618 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:00:58 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Justin and Victoria Johnson Address: 215 w carroll st City: portage State:wi Zip:53901 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We need to invest in cleaner renewable resources. We want to have children but the way the world is going we are reconsidering that thought! Please stop the coal-fired power plant. Make the existing plants more efficient. Work on more wind, water or solar powered energy ideas.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Justin and Victoria Johnson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101454.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 619 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:28:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joseph Heindl Address: N172W20693 Westfield Dr. City: Jackson State:Wi Zip:53037

Comment: I do not believe that the proposed power plant in Cassville is in the best interests of the State of Wisconsin. The old technology it will use is too harmful to all living creatures. I believe it is way past time for the people of this state to demand that we use the greenest form of energy generation. If fossil fuels are to be used in energy generation then it should be done with new technology and if that technology does not exist the power companies should create it. (It's called R and D in the business world). PSC-- you need to become leaders of the future-- not rubber stamps for the past. Sincerely, Joseph and April Heindl

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joseph Heindl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101455.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 620 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:33:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Cowgill Address: 44 n. park st. City: madison State:wi Zip:53715

Comment: Coal is a poor choice for wisconsin. With all of our citizen's conservation efforts and the rise of alternative energies like solar and wind, the need for a coal plant is just not there. A coal plant is awful for the health of the state, producing mercury and other toxins that inevitably work their way into our water supply and air. DOWN WITH COAL!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Cowgill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101456.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 621 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/24/2008 11:46:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dr. David L. Smith Address: 4242 Janick Circle North City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481-2511 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (715) 341-2756

Comment: Greetings, We do not need another coal fired plant to generate electricity which will add to the problem of global warming for our world. There are other sources of energy that must be used. Conservation is a must in our new world.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dr. David L. Smith

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101457.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 622 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 12:00:01 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Pamela Swensen Address: 1201 Forestedge Drive City: Kaukauna State:WI Zip:54130 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-766-0288

Comment: We don't need a dirty coal-fired power plant. We need to use cleaner renewable energy. Please don't go ahead with the coal fired plant. Mining itself is destructive and burning the coal is dirty no matter how you try to scrub the air!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Pamela Swensen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101458.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 623 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 2:01:30 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark DuRussel Address: 21 N Harwood Cir City: Madison State:WI Zip:53717 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-833-4211

Comment: Due to the grave threats already posed by global climate change, we simply cannot afford to build any additional coal-fired power plants. Instead we should be taking our existing coal-fired plants off-line and replacing them with non- polluting sources of energy such as wind turbines and solar panels. This is a most urgent matter that cannot be ignored, so I thank you for giving your most careful consideration to these comments.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark DuRussel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101459.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 624 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 4:42:00 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: luke ploessl Address: 112 west bluff City: cassville State:wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 725-2373

Comment: I believe the best option is to build the new propsed plant. It will provide much needed jobs and stimulation to the economy in wisconsin in a very desperate time. It is a great oppurtunity for both the stae and the village of Cassville. Alliant has made the commitment to go green and has proved this in the past as well is with their new proposal, it is impossible to do this overnight and the new proposed plant gives us the best altenative to strive toward a greener future. Anyone who believes the plant should not be built should go out and find a 800 million dollar project to boost the economy and then turn their power off until every coal plant is illiminated, we all know that won't happen because most of these people beliefs only apply when it's convenient

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. luke ploessl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101460.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 625 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:32:48 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lynn Martin Address: 726 Dawes Ct City: Mauston State:WI Zip:53948

Comment: Our air quality in Wisconsin needs to be improved! Please do not build this new coal fired plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lynn Martin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101461.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 626 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:41:21 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Cardona Address: 4209 Bagley Parkway City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the building of this overwhelmingly coal-burning plant. It will increase pollution in Dane County and elsewhere and use expensive, old technology. Less expensive, more air-friendly solutions are at hand. I am very dismayed that Alliant is pushing this plant on television with reputable names and completely misleading the public about the nature of this plant. The PSC is in the position to examine the facts. The public depends on you to do so and make a judgement in the best interest of residents of the State. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Cardona

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101462.htm10/2/2008 10:31:37 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 627 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:51:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kale Uerbach Address: 6319 Locust City: Milwuakee State:WI Zip:53210

Comment: Please do not create another dirty coal fired generation unit. Wisconsin has been a leader in cleaning up its beaches and waterways. Please don't send us back in time and give Wisconsin/Milwaukee another dirty name. Thank you, Kale

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kale Uerbach

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101463.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 628 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:56:58 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brandon Tracy Address: 4326 Clover Court City: Madison State:wi Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-442-1234

Comment: I do NOT support the building of the currently proposed energy production plant. I do not believe the current plans are not as efficient as they could be. It seems that there is a better (Cheaper/cleaner) style of creating energy, nearly $800,000,000 cheaper. Natural gas can play a large part of this sollution.

Using the money proposed to sponsor the new plant, $1.? billion, to offset or support WI citizen's cost of installing a bank of solar pannels on our houses. The money could be applied for and used to make "energy wise" improvements such as insullation improvements, water-barrel upgrades, solar-pannel banks, etc.

Once again, I do NOT support the building of the currently proposed energy production plant. I feel there is a better alternative.

Thank you for letting me share my opinion!


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brandon Tracy

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101464.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 629 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:57:51 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jennifer jackson Address: 3285 124th street City: pleasant prairie State:wi Zip:53158 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-697-0497

Comment: Dear PSC members, Please do not do it. Do not put that area of the state in an air quality attainment area. Do not permit Alliant Energy another coal fired plant. Grant County is a pristeen beauty where a ton of our food is generated. My husband fishes for trout there. It is proven that mercury is a bi-product of coal fired plants which is soluable in water. Plants like water so do fish. How much mercury can humans take? We are on the verge of a alternative fuel revolution. Make them turn to new technology now. We will NEVER meet the Governors demand for the reduction of mercury by building yet another production plant of it. Please deny this permit request. Respectfully, Kenosha County Board Supervisor Jennifer Jackson

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jennifer jackson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101465.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 630 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:58:50 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Diane Banner Address: 424 E. Terhune St. City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6086372451

Comment: Please explore alternative energy projects that are less polluting and less expensive. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Diane Banner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101466.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 631 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:04:04 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Daniel Abel Address: 410 New Age Circle Unit 320 City: Verona State:WI Zip:53593

Comment: The Cassville coal plant should not be built. It will be wasteful and it will pollute. It's just that simple.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Daniel Abel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101467.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 632 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:13:07 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: donna collingwood Address: 2337 E. Johnson City: madison State:wi Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: It is my understanding that the proposed plant will be more harmful to air quality than existing plants. I'm opposed to this going forward. We need new, cleaner technology along with conservation efforts. Our air quality is already suffering.

I strongly oppose Alliant's proposed plan.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. donna collingwood

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101468.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 633 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:15:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas Schneider Address: 602 7th Street City: Waunakee State:WI Zip:53597

Comment: I request that the Public Service Commission deny the application by Alliant Energy to construct a new coal-fired electric generation station in Cassville. Wisconsin needs to work toward obtaining its energy from cleaner and more cost effective sources rather than investing in plants of this type.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas Schneider

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101469.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 634 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:27:44 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: terry r.giese Address: 4515 Lakeview av. City: Mcfarland State:wi. Zip:53558

Comment: Please reconsider the use of coal as a fuel for the new power plant. Alliant Energy has said they can use other fuel products for this plant. If not, stop the building completly ! We don't need more pollution of our air and water. TR

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. terry r.giese

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101471.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 635 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:35:23 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lisa Wiedenfeld Address: S9253 Cty Rd G City: Plain State:WI Zip:53577 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe that this will be a great project to bring jobs and alternative fuel uses to our area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lisa Wiedenfeld

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101472.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 636 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:36:47 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dan Wiedenfeld Address: S9253 Cty RD G City: Plain State:WI Zip:53577 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This project will help our community by bringing jobs and an alternative energy use to our area.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dan Wiedenfeld

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101473.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 637 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:54:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Uppena Address: 145 North Ave City: Dickeyville State:WI Zip:53808 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I have lived in Southwest Wisconsin all my life and as a former Cassville resident, I have followed the progress of Alliant's proposal to construct a new electric generating station there. This expansion makes sense on so many levels . .

- increasing output at a reduced levels of emissions compared to the current plant - the option of burning alternative bio fuels - giving all of Wisconsin a greater source for our power needs - economic boost to an area of the state that is so often neglected by our leaders in Madison/Milwaukee

Though I consider myself to be an environmentalist, I support this project. We need to explore and refine alternative sources for power, however at this time we cannot abandon coal burning as a source of power for a nation that is in dire need of more power to retool and revive our manufacturing and commerce systems. This plant is an example of finding ways to make the burning of coal more cleaner and more efficient.

Please give your support to this project!

Sincerely, Julie Uppena

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julie Uppena

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101478.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 638 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:04:01 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Paul & Audrae Kulas Address: 6472 High Lake Road City: Land O Lakes State:WI Zip:54540 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: There are many ways to save energy which could eliminate the need for coal burning plants. Over the years, we have known people who kept every light in the house, basement, & garage burning for hours even though no one was making use of them. We have always had a living room arrangement that enables us to use one lamp between our chairs for evening reading, etc. When it was first brought to our attention in 1992, we have subscribed to the Time of Use plan for Wisconsin Public Service & have not only saved money, but feel we're helping save energy, as well. Why doesn't the PSC work on educating citizens on ways to use power more efficiently?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Paul & Audrae Kulas

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101479.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 639 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:16:32 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Schmidli Address: 1340 E Dayton St, Apt 1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As a Dane County resident, I am concerned that this power plant may negatively affect the air quality where I live. This power plant does not only affect those in Cassville or Portage.

I am also concerned that Alliant claims biofuel use will be a part of this plant, yet has not provided adequate planning for biofuel use. Alernative energy sources need to be employed in WI's future energy production. Coal in combination with biofuels will still add to air pollution in WI.

I urge you to not approve the construction of this power plant. Stress to Alliant that Wisconsinites care about their environment and their health. Together we need to support alternatives to this costly coal-fired plant.

Thank you, Laura

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Schmidli

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101481.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 640 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:17:11 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gina Timm Address: N1450 State Highway 73 City: Lublin State:WI Zip:54447 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-669-5278

Comment: We don't want anymore coal-fired plants in Wisconsin or any other state. Invest in clean renewable energy for our future. I don't want my kids to suffer anymore from allergies that are aggrevated by pollution. I want clear days, not warnings to stay inside. Please think about the future of our planet, our children, and the environment we live in.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gina Timm

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101482.htm10/2/2008 10:31:38 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 641 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:30:40 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sarah Kimball Address: 2822 N. Downer Avenue City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53211 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (414) 964-9792

Comment: I do NOT support approval of the Cassville coal-fired electric generation unit.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sarah Kimball

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101483.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 642 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:01:53 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ralph Baeten Address: 32349 whittier dr City: green bay State:wi Zip:54311 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920 499 2408



I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ralph Baeten

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101484.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 643 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:03:50 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Miller Address: 8424 W. Beacon Hill Dr. City: Franklin State:WI Zip:53132 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-427-3931

Comment: I find it hard to believe that at a time when global warming and other environmental issues are becoming major concerns we would consider building another coal fired energy plant. Both presidential candidates say something needs to be done about global warming. People in Wisconsin will be forced to pay for an expensive coal fired plant. Then people in Wisconsin will be forced to pay for reducing the global warming from this plant. Coal should be avoided until we find out how the federal government plans to deal with global warming.

Thank you,

Bob Miller

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Miller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101485.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 644 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:08:25 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gordon sailer Address: 1658 Curtis ln City: West Bend State:Wi Zip:53090 E-mail: gtsailer2CHARTER.COM Phone: 2623381358

Comment: Re: Casville

Please support the expansion of the Cassville power plant at the Nelson Dewey unit.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gordon sailer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101487.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 645 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:10:38 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary & Peter Ruys Address: 316 W. Maes Ave. City: Kimberly State:wi Zip:54136 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please support Alliant Energy's plan to expand the Cassville Power Plant at Nelson Dewey.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary & Peter Ruys

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101488.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 646 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:11:56 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Arnold & Marlene Koeser Address: W2904 Playbird Road City: sHEBOYGAN fALLS State:wi Zip:53085 Phone: 9204673802


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Arnold & Marlene Koeser

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101489.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 647 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:13:49 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jOSETTE& dON cOYLE Address: 1628 N. Golf Glen Unite E City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704

Comment: Please Support passage of the Nelson Dewy plantr expansion in Cassville, WI.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jOSETTE& dON cOYLE

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101490.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 648 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:15:38 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rose M. Allen Address: P.O. bOX 241 City: mARION State:wi Zip:54950


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rose M. Allen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101491.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 649 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:17:10 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: wILLIAM d. Allen Address: P.O. Box 241 City: Marion State:WI Zip:54950

Comment: Please support Alliant's plan to expand the Nelson Dewey Power Plant at Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. wILLIAM d. Allen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101492.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 650 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:18:15 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rogene Halpop Address: 812 NE 5th Street City: Marion State:WI Zip:54950

Comment: Please approve the Casville power plant expansion.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rogene Halpop

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101494.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 651 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:19:49 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: William & Patricia Bodart Address: 241 Roselawn Blvd City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54301

Comment: Please support Alliant's expansion of Cassville Power plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William & Patricia Bodart

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101495.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 652 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:20:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tom Walker Address: 1331 Bellevue St. City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54302

Comment: Please support the Cassville power plantr expansion.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tom Walker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101496.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 653 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:22:45 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara & Richard Krueger Address: 1624 St. Christopher Ct. City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54304

Comment: Please vote to expand the Nelson Dewey power plant at Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara & Richard Krueger

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101497.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 654 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:41:36 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert R. Burke Address: 2909 Post Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I want to indicate my support for the Nelson Dewey 3 project under consideration by the Commission. The new plant would balance environmental, reliability, and cost concerns, and the new generation capacity is needed.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert R. Burke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101498.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 655 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:45:46 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Philip and Belle Ann Freund Address: N53W11458 Aberdeen Drive City: Menomonee Falls State:WI Zip:53051 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-783-7373

Comment: As shareowners we support the Nelson Dewey 3 project underconsideration at the commission. The new generation is needed to continue to supply reliable energy to WP&L customers in the future. The proposal also balances environmental and cost concerns.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Philip and Belle Ann Freund

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101499.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 656 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:48:14 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gordon Tellock Address: 2390 Gall Creek Ln City: Oshkosh State:WI Zip:54904 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: The Cassville plant has to be built if the future energy needs of Wisconsin are to be met.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gordon Tellock

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101500.htm10/2/2008 10:31:39 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 657 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:50:19 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Henry J Drechsler Address: 408 E 9th St City: Kaukauna State:WI Zip:54130

Comment: I would favor the expansion of the Cassville Plant

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Henry J Drechsler

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101503.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 658 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:53:27 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Edward Pamperin Address: 1116 Aspen Ct City: Kohler State:WI Zip:53044

Comment: As a retired employee of Alliant Energy I am strongly in favor of the Alliant Energy Cassville Plant. As a customer and a shareholder, I also favor the project

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Edward Pamperin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101504.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 659 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:58:25 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Deb Bartels Address: 722 E Amelia Street City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I have lived in Cassville since my father transfered here in 1959. He worked for Wisconsin Power & Light Co for over 40 years before retiring in 1993. The company has been a huge influence in my family life and community life. It is a HUGE part of the Village of Cassville and it's residents. I own stock in Alliant Energy and hope to continue my relationship with them. Please vote for Cassville to build Unit 3. Our village depends on the few job resources that we have and it will be immensely welcomed for the new jobs that it will create. My husband and I will attend the meeting on Sept. 29 to show our support for this project. Deb Bartels

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Deb Bartels

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101508.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 660 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:58:25 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ed Swanson Address: 800 Prairie Run City: Sun Prairie State:WI Zip:53590

Comment: It is necessary to maintain the baseload necessary for the state's infrastructure including the farms factories, small businesses as well as our own homes. While all of the companies are involved in increasing alternative fuel sources, a dependable baseload is absolutely necessary while the alterante fuels continue to be developed.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ed Swanson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101509.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 661 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:01:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bob Radtke Address: S2923 Maple Ln City: Marshfield State:WI Zip:54449

Comment: To keep up with the demands of ecology, I think bio-fuels are necessary. If the state is so concerned about mercury pollution, they should grant this with open arms. I strongly support the project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bob Radtke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101510.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 662 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:05:18 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tom Heft Address: 1752 N. Lawe St. City: Appleton State:WI Zip:54911

Comment: We are moving deeper into the 21st Century. We can do way better to fill energy needs than to construct yet another old paradigm facility. Use your resources to benefit the future with new technologies and new cultural expectations. That is your job. Do not construct another coal-fired electrical generation plant. Thank You.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tom Heft

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101511.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 663 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:08:01 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Wilfred Gries Address: 1702 S 18th St City: Manitowoc State:wi Zip:54220

Comment: I am in favor of the Cassville Plant expansion.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wilfred Gries

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101513.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 664 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:11:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kristyn Armstrong Address: 16 E. Gorham, Apt. #16 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: Reject Alliant Energy's proposed coal plant. No coal for Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kristyn Armstrong

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101514.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 665 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:17:27 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Jenner Address: 1000 E. Harris Avenue City: Greenville State:IL Zip:62246 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

September 25, 2008

My name is Mark Jenner and I would like to encourage you to support Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

I am a biomass energy consultant. I have a PhD in agricultural economics and have been working for 30 years at developing new markets for biomass products in food, fiber and fuel.

I have been following the developments of WPL at Nelson Dewey 3, and I can not believe there is any resistance to this tremendous project. This project achieves many environmental, economic and energy objectives at the same time. The plan to utilize 20 percent biomass in a commercial power plant will integrate as much or more biomass than the standard biomass power plants do. The scale will create new demands for biomass and create new revenue streams for farmers and foresters.

It will also benefit from blending biomass with coal. It has been shown in virtually every fuel: coal and biomass, gasoline and ethanol, diesel and biodiesel; that blends achieve the low cost energy benefits of the traditional fossil fuels, while reaping most of the reduced emission benefits of using pure biomass-derived fuels.

In addition, building a commercial scale plant will provide the lowest cost energy and provide hundreds of jobs.

I am an avid, lifelong supporter of green, sustainable industries. As an economic practitioner, I am excited to see bold innovation taken to the commercial reality in a project like the Nelson Dewey 3 project. file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101515.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 666 of 987 It is a win for the environment, energy and the local economy. I urge you to Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 support WPL’s Nelson Dewey 3 project. Kenneth C. Rineer


Mark Jenner, PhD Biomass Rules, LLC 1000 E. Harris Greenville, Illinois, 62246

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Jenner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101515.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 667 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:18:47 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Becky Weber Address: 312 Skyland Way City: Deerfield State:WI Zip:53531

Comment: I ask that you reject Alliant's proposed coal plant in Cassville (or Portage). Experts agree that Wisconsin doesn't need a new coal plant. Further, this plant doesn't utilize the best available technology and the cost of both the construction of an unnecessary coal plant AND the future cost of operating this unnecessary plant (health costs, cleaning up the plant, etc.) will also be passed on to me, as an Alliant customer. As a mother of two small children, I am very concerned about the decisions that we are making today and the impacts they will have the next generation.

Please reject Alliant's proposed coal plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Becky Weber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101516.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 668 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:26:29 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bernadine Hoeft Address: 1029 N Jackson St City: Milwaukee State:Wi Zip:53202

Comment: Don't go backwards with coal. Move into the green future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bernadine Hoeft

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101517.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 669 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:31:20 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Christopher Dunham Address: W5993 US Hwy. 12 City: Whitewater State:WI Zip:53190

Comment: I would prefer that something other than a coal plant be built. We don't even make coal here.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Christopher Dunham

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101518.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 670 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:31:27 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Glen Jenkins Address: 2642 Hackberry Lane City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6087825727

Comment: Please! NO MORE COAL!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Glen Jenkins

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101519.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 671 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:45:58 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tony Kerhin Address: 1041 South 86th Street City: West Allis State:WI Zip:53214

Comment: I support the Nelson Dewey 3 Project being considered by the commission. The new plant will provide needed power for WP&L customers, and will balance environmental and cost concerns.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tony Kerhin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101529.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 672 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:48:49 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kathleen Luty Address: 8866 West Bottsford Avenue City: Greenfield State:WI Zip:53228

Comment: No solution is going to be perfect, but this project seems the best choice for meeting the needs of customers and interested groups. I support the Nelson Dewey 3 project for that reason.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kathleen Luty

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101530.htm10/2/2008 10:31:40 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 673 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:51:16 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Charlotte R. Arentz Address: 4325 South 86th Street City: Greenfield State:WI Zip:53228 Phone: 414-543-7513

Comment: We need additional power to meet future demands. The Nelson Dewey 3 project will meet demand, reliability, and cost concerns.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Charlotte R. Arentz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101531.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 674 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:53:45 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: George Krukowski Address: 3681 South 34th Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53221 Phone: 414-672-6703

Comment: I support the Nelson Dewey 3 project proposed by WP&L. The plant will provide needed generation for Wisconsin customers and meet cost and environmental concerns.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. George Krukowski

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101532.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 675 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:56:04 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert and Arlene Logan Address: 5512 Lory Drive City: Greendale State:WI Zip:53129 Phone: 414-423-0725

Comment: We believe the plant should be built, because it is int he best interest of the people of the state of Wisconsin. Alliant Energy is constructing it in the environmentally responsible manner. We believe it should be built as soon as possible!


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert and Arlene Logan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101533.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 676 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:58:50 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Bob Hernke Address: 6915 County Road M City: Winneconne State:WI Zip:54986 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Time is money. We need the Nelson Dewey plant now. The emissions from the plant will be well managed and will improve with the technology as it is developed.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bob Hernke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101534.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 677 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 12:02:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: C. W. Fay Address: 1685 Horns Corner Road City: Cedarburg State:WI Zip:53012

Comment: The Nelson Dewey plant will be a demonstration for how a conventional plant will use a significant amount of biofuel. The plant is designed to use biofuel and I support the Nelson Dewey 3 project.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. W. Fay

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101535.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 678 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 12:23:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Quach Address: 1909 University Avenue City: Madison State:Wisconsin Zip:53726 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: STOP Alliant Energy from building coal plant. As a student from University of Wisconsin-Madison, I would not want my fellow students to experience symptoms such as coughing and wheezing caused from the particle pollution. Due to the unsafe level of the air quality, numerous people are suffering from the consequences such as the elderly and small children. And the obvious cause is from the coal plants being build around Wisconsin. With this terrifying news that the air quality is in the unsafe level, and people being constrained from doing strenuous activities, I don’t understand why Alliant Energy would want to build another coal plant. The advantage of building a coal plant is only minimal such as temporary construction job, however the disadvantage is much larger. An example would be the Cassville coal plant, which would emit more than 3 million tons of CO2, per year. That is not the only disadvantage but by burning coal, it will release soot, smog and mercury, which are all terrible things to have in our environment.

Once again STOP Alliant Energy from building a coal plant if we want to keep our earth protected.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Quach

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101537.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 679 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 12:31:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Charlene Jarabek Address: 3189 Dans Drive City: Stevens Point State:WI Zip:54481 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please reconsider the effects of another coal burning plant!

Please DENY Alliant Energy's request to build a new coal burning plant, which will by costly and will continue to detroy our envionment!! CJ

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Charlene Jarabek

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101538.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 680 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 12:39:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: L McCandless Address: 4601 Stein Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714

Comment: Wisconsin has the opportunity to reject this out-dated, super-polluting source of energy and choose INSTEAD to take great leaps into renewable, non- polluting energy. Wisconsin could lead the nation, and could build economic power out of being a clean, wilderness-conscious state. Coal power plants pollute, causing asthma and other illnesses, included early death for thousands of people around the country. Wisconsin also bears the impact of this choice, economically. Again, we must turn our backs to old, outdated technology like this, not support it. We must move to use renewable, non-polluting energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. L McCandless

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101539.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 681 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 1:11:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Beverly Buhr Address: 1922 E Dayton St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I used to love to fish in many of Wisconsin's lakes, and I would eat what I caught. Today you have to read carefully, limit how much your family eats fish due to contamination like the proposed coal plant will bring to our lakes and streams. I find this a sad state of affairs. Coal plants like the one Alliant energy is proposing will continue to destroy our environment in Wisconsin for many years. We need all future coal plants in Wisconsin to be built with clean coal technology. This is the only direction to go forward. We need to be stewards of this land to protect it for future generations. Please do not allow this project to go forward as planned.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Beverly Buhr

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101542.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 682 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 1:12:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: iiIonald Mueller Address: 3123 N 9th St City: Sheboygan State:WI Zip:53083

Comment: As a Utility Investor and customer I support the contruction of the Power plant at Cassville WI It is necessary for energy stabliity to have a base load plant to support the aging fleet of Wisconsin's generating units. It will bring many good paying jobs to Wisconsin citizens. The fact that it will use a variety of fuels will add to the income of Wisconsin agriculture. I urge you to approve the application and let the construction begin before costs go even higher. Thank you for your consideration..

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. iiIonald Mueller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101543.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 683 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 2:13:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Wisconsin Cares, Inc. Address: 1234 Dartmouth Road City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705-2214 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.238.0858

Comment: Wisconsin Cares, Inc., urges the Public Service Commission to deny the construction of new coal-fired electrical generation units in our state, including the proposed unit in Cassville. Law suits will be forthcoming because of the immediate threats to the health of our people and our global climate from air pollution. The interests of the public would be better served by investing in reducing and eliminating air pollution from existing coal-fired plants, promoting energy efficiency, and renewable sources of energy. These investments would benefit the Wisconsin economy through job creation from the production of renewable energy equipment and facilities and from making new and existing buildings energy efficient.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wisconsin Cares, Inc.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101548.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 684 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 2:27:41 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve Cramer Address: Mercury Marine W6250 Pioneer Road PO box 1939 City: Fond du Lac State:WI Zip:54936

Comment: Christine Swailes Docket Coordinator Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Re: PSC Docket number 6680-CE-170

Dear Ms. Swailes:

On behalf of Mercury Marine, I am pleased to offer our support to Alliant Energy-WPL’s proposal to construct a new base load generating plant, the Nelson Dewey 3, located in Cassville, WI.

Reliable and affordable power is critical to our business success. We are encouraged that the proposed Nelson Dewey expansion will utilize coal and biomass. We believe this provides a more affordable option to us by utilizing low cost coal, as well as, environmentally friendly bio-fuels.

It is imperative that new electric energy sources avoid the use of natural gas as our business relies heavily on the adequate supply and stable pricing of power. Natural gas has shown to be a highly volatile energy source. Any additions of new large natural gas consumers would potentially disrupt the fragile natural gas market and potentially harm our economic feasibility.

As an energy consumer, the need for low cost energy to our business is key to helping ensure that we, here in Wisconsin, remain competitive in an increasingly global market. We believe WPL’s proposal of a hybrid coal plant is the best option in meeting that goal.



file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101549.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 685 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer ______Stephen M. Cramer Vice President & CFO Mercury Marine W6250 Pioneer Road P.O. Box 1939 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-1939 USA

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve Cramer

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Submitted: 9/25/2008 3:53:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Grace Ricardson Address: 7220 Fortune Dr. City: Middleton State:Wi. Zip:53562

Comment: Why do we continue to build coal plants? It must be because it is cheap. Clean air should be our first prioty.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Grace Ricardson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101556.htm10/2/2008 10:31:41 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 687 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 4:33:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karen Rader Address: 410 West Main Street City: Waterford State:WI Zip:53185 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose Alliant Energy's plan to construct a coal-fired electric plant. I understand they can produce the same amount of electricity at a lower cost by improving the efficiency of their existing natural gas plants, which would be much more cost-effective for their customers and much less harmful to the environment. Furthermore, with global warming approaching a critical turning point, humankind needs to do everything in their power to reduce harmful polution and move towards clean energy generation, such as wind, solar and geothermal energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karen Rader

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101562.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 688 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 5:34:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Darlene Jakusz Address: 8380 Ambrose Lane City: Amherst Jct. State:WI Zip:54407

Comment: We do not want another DIRTY COAL power plant in Wisconsin or any other state. Our air and water is contaminated with dirty particles and mercury all in the name of greed. Alliant is not in step with our need to clean up our environment. STOP the building of this dirty coal power plant!!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Darlene Jakusz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101566.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 689 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 5:50:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elizabeth Edelstein Address: 621 North Henry Street, A City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-327-9060

Comment: I am against building this plant because of its negative effect on my surroundings. I do not support this proposal and urge the PSC to deny the request. Wisconsin cannot afford the damaging air and water pollution from a dirty coal plant. I hope my state will move away from old technology and become a leader in energy efficiency!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elizabeth Edelstein

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101567.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 690 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 5:56:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karla J Larrabee Address: 3764 Larrabee Ln City: Conover State:WI Zip:54519 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 576-8847

Comment: I am in support of this bill, we need alternative energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karla J Larrabee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101568.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 691 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:51:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Michetti Address: 605 Sheila St City: Mount Horeb State:WI Zip:53572 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: There is no excuse for Wepco dba Alliant to apply to construct a new coal-fired electric generation unit in Cassville. We are under a time of unprecedented global warming. The carbon displacement into the atmosphere from such a planned unit will cause more problems that may threaten the survival of the human race or at least life as we know it. There is no excuse to remain stuck on out-dated technology. The clean energy of wind and solar are cost-effective without the negative pollution impact. Enough people have already spoken out against Cassville having a new coal-fired station. It is time to start planning for eliminating carbon not adding it to the atmosphere. It is time to address the mercury fallout of coal, too, as well as the destruction of the mountains in Appalachia and other beautiful places with a non-sustainable wages for the workforce of coal production. It is time to give union jobs and union wages to wind power generation. It is time to start using solar.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Michetti

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101570.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 692 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:56:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Hayley Blum Address: 210 N. Charter St. Apt 601 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: No more coal plants! We need clean air. Global warming is a pressing issue, and adding a new coal plant will not help one bit.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hayley Blum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101571.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 693 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:58:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeremy Blomberg Address: 37 N Brooks City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe in clean renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeremy Blomberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101572.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 694 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:59:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Theresa Feiner Address: 5590 Reeve Rd. City: Mazomanie State:WI Zip:53560 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.577.8992

Comment: As a citizen of Wisconsin, I do not support the Coal Plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Theresa Feiner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101573.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 695 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:59:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Rice Address: 35 N Mill st City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I do not want to see Wisconsin constructing anymore coal plants. I support clean energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Rice

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101574.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 696 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:59:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Cailin Cullen Address: 21 N. Mills St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I do not support Alliant Energy's proposed coal plant. I would like this money to be invested in clean, renewable energy which will not harm the earth or humans and create a better future for the coming generations. Please do not say yes to coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cailin Cullen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101575.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 697 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:59:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Hannah Vakili Address: 9 Prairie Hill Ct. City: madison State:WI Zip:53719 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-843-2394

Comment: NO MORE COAL!!!!!!!!!!!1

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hannah Vakili

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101576.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 698 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:59:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brenna Finley Address: 621 N Henry St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I do not support the building of another coal plant in Wisconsin. I believe there are alternative methods that should be taken that would be both more cost efficient and environmentally friendly!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brenna Finley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101577.htm10/2/2008 10:31:42 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 699 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 7:59:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rebecca Lahey Address: 56 N Park Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: I would like to oppose the coal plant that Alliant proposes to build in Cassville, WI. Instead, I hope that we will invest in clean, renewable energy to begin improving the environment here in Wisconsin and the world overall. I feel very strongly about this issue and hope that positive changes will be made as soon as possible to help our environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rebecca Lahey

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101578.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 700 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:00:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew Donoghue Address: 1900 Willow Rd. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I am strongly opposed to this coal plant. The short term energy benefits would be easily outweighed by the everlasting effect on the environment. The air will become more polluted, further affecting our health as citizens of this state. It is a HORRIBLE idea to build this polluting machine when alternative energies are available and should be used.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew Donoghue

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101579.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 701 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:00:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jennifer Silkowitz Address: 111 N Bassett St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I am against the coal plant for numerous reasons. With all the information that has been gather on global warming, it is absurd to be opening up a new coal plant. We need to change our cycling of destroying the environment and opening up a coal plant is the opposite of what needs to be done. We need to protect our future and coal plants produce astronomical amounts of unnecessary pollution that will destroy our environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jennifer Silkowitz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101580.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 702 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:00:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alex Cramer Address: 143 N Hancock Apt. 2 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 612-709-9821

Comment: Coal is an irresponsible way of producing energy given what we know about how it affects the environment and subsequently, people. There are ways of obtaining the needed energy that are better in every way and should be the focus for Wisconsin's energy future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alex Cramer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101581.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 703 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:00:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lucy Xue Address: 777 University Ave. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I don't want coal to be the future energy source of the state of Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lucy Xue

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101582.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 704 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:02:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Goldberg Address: 1650 Kronshage Dr. 105 Gilman House City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 708-979-9367

Comment: The last thing Wisconsin needs is another coal plant! We need to be promoting clean and renewable energy sources. Coal is far from clean or renewable. Not only is this plant going to hurt our environment it is also extremely costly. I feel very strongly that Wisconsin should be a leader in cleaning our environment. I AM STRONGLY AGAINST THIS ENVIONMENT-HARMING PLANT!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Goldberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101583.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 705 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:03:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Aly Fergus Address: 56 N. Park St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 630-862-4583

Comment: I oppose the proposed coal plant. We should be investing in clean, renewable, energy instead. I sincerely hope positive changes can be made in order to help our environment. I am 20 years old. The people of my generation and the generations to come are the ones who will have to deal with these decisions. We are the ones who will have to fix these mistakes but I'm afraid by then it will be too late. Please, please start the changes now.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Aly Fergus

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101584.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 706 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:04:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lizzi Address: Slivinski City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-850-3352

Comment: I'm extremely opposed to this coal plant. I feel that relying on old technology is a major step backwards in time when it is extremely important for us to be progressive.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lizzi

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101585.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 707 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:06:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Madeline Rock Address: 615 W. Johnson Street 612 Patton Witte A City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-571-3896

Comment: I am strongly opposed to the proposed coal plant in Cassville, Wisconsin. This is a horrible decision for Wisconsin's economy and environment. I feel that we should be leading the movement to begin using clean energy instead of taking a huge step backward. I feel very strongly about this issue and I would be very dissapointed in Wisconsin and the public service commission if this coal plant gets approved. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Madeline Rock

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101586.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 708 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:19:01 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Walter Fountain Address: 1241 Dover Lane City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54313 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-499-4408

Comment: The Nelson Dewey project is a well-engineered, cost effective solution to our increasing energy needs. I strongly urge the granting of approval for Alliant Energy to begin construction on this generation unit.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Walter Fountain

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101587.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 709 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:20:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Suzanne Stute Address: 122 Nygard St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 250 2374

Comment: I strongly oppose the coal plant in Cassville proposed by the Alliant Energy Center. Everything I've read indicates that it's dirty technology and way too expensive. There are cheaper, cleaner alternatives. Alliant needs to do better. Our environment depends on it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Suzanne Stute

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101588.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 710 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 8:43:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: L. Cottrell Address: 11400 W. Bluemound road City: Wauwatosa State:WI Zip:53218

Comment: I am strongly opposed to any increase in coal use in Wisconsin. I oppose building a new coal-fired power plant. Such use of coal will: Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come

Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year).

Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution

Increase utility rates

Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water. There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. Cottrell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101589.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 711 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:11:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lon Wergin Address: 4965 S. Rolling Meadow Dr. City: New Berlin State:WI Zip:53146-4008

Comment: I am very much AGAINST this proposal, if what Rebecca Weber of Clean Wisconsin states is true:

"For nearly two years, Alliant Energy has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to convince the public and the Public Service Commission to support their proposed dirty coal plant in Cassville. They have chosen to use a technology that emits more global warming and air pollution than coal plants built in Wisconsin over 40 years ago. What's worse, the cost to build this nearly $1,260,000,000 (yep, the price tag is over 1 billion dollars) coal plant will be passed on to you, Wisconsin energy users!"

More wind power. More solar power. Now, not tomorrrow.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lon Wergin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101590.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 712 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:39:02 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Weber Address: 1746 N. Warren Ave Apt. B City: MIlwaukee State:WI Zip:53202

Comment: The construction of the new coal power plant would not only be very bad for the environment it is very disturbing that the cost of the plant is entirely passed on to the consumer. I feel it is a terrible idea to build this over-priced, out of date plant. Please listen to reason and not your wallets.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Weber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101593.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 713 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 9:59:22 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jennifer DeNetz Address: N2559 Woodland Circle City: Waupaca State:WI Zip:54981 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-256-3389

Comment: To Whom It May Concern;

I am writing to ask that you deny Alliant's request to build another dirty coal plants. There are cleaner, safer, less expensive alternatives. Wisconsin needs to move in the direction of energy sources that do not pollute our beautiful state.


Jennifer DeNetz

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jennifer DeNetz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101596.htm10/2/2008 10:31:43 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 714 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:29:01 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ann Weber Address: 2207 Van Buren St City: New Holstein State:WI Zip:53061

Comment: You must refuse Alliant's proposed power plant. Wisconsin does not need another dirty power plant. Invest in clean and modern sources of energy instead!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ann Weber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101597.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 715 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 10:37:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: JIM gEBHARD Address: 416 Bluebird Lane City: Burlington State:WI Zip:53105 E-mail: [email protected]


We need to start somewhere to take a stand for our environment. The Cassville coal plant ought to be such a stance - no more allowance for old technology that hurts our world. Please have this be an instance of such a turning point, and deny this project. Thank you, Jim Gebhard

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. JIM gEBHARD

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101598.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 716 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/25/2008 11:19:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara Byrne Address: 801 Main St Apt 219 City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601

Comment: Dear Sirs,

Coal plants are no longer a viable option in the 21st century. I am sure you are all familiar with the research and the term 'clean coal' is bandied about to make it more palatable. But clean coal is an oxymoron and we can't afford to bear the cost of this moronic idea.

Thank you for listening.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara Byrne

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101599.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 717 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 8:13:29 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Peter J. Taglia Address: 718 W. Brittingham Place City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: I urge the PSC to reject Alliant's proposed coal plant because this plant will be an extremely expensive and inefficient new source of environmental pollution and will be outdated from day one if it is built. At a time when even the largest coal burning utilities in the country, including American Electric Power and Duke Energy, recognize the need to control carbon emissions, Alliant has proposed the worst possible technology from a climate perspective. The data in the record shows that even at the unsubstantiated 20% biomass input proposed by Alliant, this plant would have higher greenhouse gas emissions per megawatthour than other coal plants in the state burning 100% coal. This plant will never be capable of addressing the enormous climate liabilities it will saddle the ratepayers and citizens of Wisconsin during each minute that it operates. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Peter J. Taglia

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101600.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 718 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 8:45:51 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lori Markovic Address: 1226 Cleveland Ave. City: Racine State:WI Zip:53405 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please don't add more pollution to our state and beautiful lake. Give us a source that is the envy of the nation, not an embarassment. Your kids and grandkids are watching you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lori Markovic

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101601.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 719 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 9:08:18 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Michael Wood Address: 729 Bergen St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714

Comment: We've got a global warming task force, yet we're building a coal burning plant in Casseville? Not only that, but one that is more expensive than a more ecological/renewable and less toxic option? Is this what your children want?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Michael Wood

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101603.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 720 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 9:27:55 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jean hess Address: 426 winnebago dr City: janesville State:wi Zip:53545

Comment: please deny application for nelson dewey generating st if it can not be made clean enuf to be environmentally friendly, within environ. regulations. insist that it be.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jean hess

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101604.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 721 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 10:26:26 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Melissa Malott Address: 529 Spruce St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: I am writing to urge the PSC to reject Alliant Energy's application for authority to construct the new Nelson Dewey coal plant in Cassville. We cannot continue building coal plants if we are serious about addressing global warming. Wisconsin has the resources to power our state without coal.

I've heard that Alliant is proposing to use biofuels, and have also heard that their proposal is unrealistic given the technology they have. Either way, this is nevertheless a coal plant, and should be rejected. We can do better.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Melissa Malott

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101608.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 722 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 10:29:46 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marvin Cartwright Address: 1657 Lenwood Street #1 City: Green Bay State:Wi Zip:54303 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-366-7267

Comment: I would like to preface this comment by stateing that I am A Business Representative for Boilermakers Local 107. As a Union that builds boilers we obviously have a vested interest in the outcome of the decision that will be made by the PSC. My concerns however go deeper than that. You have already been bombarded with stats so I will not bore you with more. The recent completion of Weston 4 and the ongoing construction of two units in Oak Creek see the first coal fired boilers built in the state of Wisconsin since the early 1980s. Since that time no less than 11 coal fired boilers at various Wisconsin Utilities have either been razed or decommisioned. At least 4 Paper Mills have also closed during that time. All the Utilities in the state have worked vigorously to comply with new clean air standards. Most utilities have installed or are in the process of installing Over Fired Air Systems on their units. Many have invested alot of money into backend work i.e. Baghouses-scubbers- precipetators, to help clean the air. These capitol projects are extremely costly and get no financial return for money spent. What we HAVE seen in the last 25 years are gas fired units galore. These in my opinion were nothing more than gas guzzling band-aids. I believe that the future of power should certainly include alternative fuels and all efforts should have clean air as a priority. I believe that Alliant energy has met and exceeded efforts to do both. As a tax payer and user of electricity I wonder when does the bleeding stop for the utilities? Wind and solar energy are great. (I must say that in my travels the wind mills in Wisconsin are not only a real eyesore but they are slowly taking away the natural beauty of this GREAT STATE). And while they are a good souce of alternative energy we need to have a solid BASELOAD plan in mind also. Alliant has spent untold dollars to try to have a Envirnmentally friendly unit built in Cassville. This site was selected for several reasons. It's on a site that has an existing coal fired unit and a site most cost effective to supply to the grid systems. All costs incured during the permit process will eventually fall on the backs of the users. Why then is it such a difficult decision to make? Baseload energy is a must and that's why I stand in support of the Alliant Energy proposal for the Cassville Project. Marvin Cartwright

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101609.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 723 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Marvin Cartwright

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101609.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 724 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 10:30:51 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Daniel Sherman Address: W233 N6955 Salem Dr. City: Sussex State:Wi Zip:53089 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-218-1160

Comment: As the Business Manager of the largest IBEW local in the state of Wi. that represents 4700 people most of which work directly for or within the electric utility industry I would like to register in favor of the construction of the Nelson Dewey Generating Station for the folllowing reasons; The demand for base load electricity in the Alliant Energy service territory is projected to increase at a rate of two to three percent per year. Due to global warming issues the emphasis in Wisconsin and rightly so, is to focus on new generation that is significantly more environmentally freindly. In fact Alliant Energy has committed to a $1 billion dollar investment in new wind generation to add to its portfolio which currently is 41 wind turbines that generate 68 megawatts of power. Wind generation is an excellent mix to meet a utilities overall generating capacity. However from a reliability standpoint wind cannot be relied on as base load generation. When the wind isn't blowing the generators aren't producing. The Alliant proposal ensures a reliable base load capacity portfolio and also takes into account environmental concerns by including as 20% of its fuel mix such bio fuels as switchgrass, corn stover and wood.They also proposed the reduction of Nox by 55%, SO2 by 90% and mercury by 75% at the site with the use of new technology and emission controls. The Alliant proposal also takes into account costs to its customers. Coal is the least cost of the fuels available in Wisconsin for Base load generation which ultimatelly is to the benefit of Alliants rate payers. Gas as we see how volitile its cost is is not an option. The Alliant proposal is fiscall and environmentally responsible and is the best approach to meeting future base load demands of its customers at the most reasonable cost. I urge the Commissioners to approve this proposal.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101610.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 725 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Daniel Sherman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101610.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 726 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 10:40:05 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Hubert Heller Address: 421 E Hill Pkwy City: Madison State:WI Zip:53718-3364 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I think this is a great project for energy alternatives and it will create hundreds of jobs in this sagging economy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hubert Heller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101611.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 727 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 11:38:43 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Judy Ranney Address: 5829 Woodcreek Lane City: Middleton State:WI Zip:53562

Comment: I would like to register my strong opposition to the construction of a new coal fired power plant in Cassville. As an avid bicyclist I am very concerned out the air quality in the state of Wisconsin. Coal-fired plants are a major contributor to air pollution and we must look harder for alternatives to burning coal. Continuing to pollute for the generations to come is unacceptable.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Judy Ranney

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101618.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 728 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 12:01:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew De Mars Address: 5801 Crabapple Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: Please do not approve the construction of this or any new coal burning plants in Wisconsin. At a time when we are trying to stave off global warming with its enormous environmental and economic consequences to the world, it seems unbelievable that anyone can seriously be considering building more of these types of plants. Building this plant would be immoral and a crime against humanity. We know how to make wind farms and solar panels. We're trusting you as custodians of this piece of our planet to do the responsible and sensible thing. Thank you for your consideration.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew De Mars

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101620.htm10/2/2008 10:31:44 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 729 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 12:16:33 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Carol Wergin Address: 1016 N 40 St City: Manitowoc State:WI Zip:54220 Phone: 920-682-8768

Comment: I am very opposed to the construction of a new coal fired electric generation unit in Cassville, WI. This is the time to build new, clean sources of energy, not outdated, dirty coal plants. Global warming and poor air quality are two very serious consequences of such a poor decision. I, personally, am unable to go outdoors as a result of poor air quality days. There was a time that we, as Americans, prided ourselves on our clean air. I'd like to be able to go outdoors any day I'd like and I'd like to be proud, again, of our clean air. Please build an alternative energy plant. In Umea, Sweden, their power plant burns solid waste at an unheard of efficiency rate of 95.5., not to mention the ultimate outcome of also disposing of their solid waste. Think outside the box, don't build another coal plant.

Carol Wergin

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carol Wergin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101621.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 730 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 12:49:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dianne Molvig Address: 5515 Belin St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I urge caution on this application for a coal-fired plant, given the uncertainty of the validity of so-called "clean coal." We can, instead, put these resources into renewable energy sources that we KNOW are clean, safe and sustainable.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dianne Molvig

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101622.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 731 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 1:02:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jaime Dant Address: 6114 Creamery Ct City: McFarland State:WI Zip:53558 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-838-7812

Comment: Greetings fellow citizens of Wisconsin, I wish to express my opposition to building the proposed coal-fired electric power plant at Cassville WI (Nelson Dewey Station) for two reasons. First, the argument for the necessity of another power plant has not been convincing. Second, in a time when evidence of cost, health and environmental concerns are at the height of peoples minds it is just not a good idea to proceed with this kind of technology any further. We need to work on conservation of energy use as a primary goal in the short term and "clean" alternative sources of energy production for the future. Building another coal burning plant, no matter how they market it as being so called "green", is a big, expensive step in the wrong direction. It will push us another step towards economic, environmental and health problems that will be too overwhelming to deal with in the coming decades. For these reasons Wisconsin needs to be a bold leader and not just another lemming embracing a troubled, outdated source of energy production.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jaime Dant

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101623.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 732 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 1:06:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Claus Moberg Address: 4018 Paunack Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 294 5673

Comment: I am strongly opposed to the construction of any power plant using coal combustion as its main generation technology. Coal is currently being unfairly subsidized because companies are not forced to pay for their carbon emissions. We are very likely to have a carbon tax and/or cap and trade system in place in the next five years. When such a system is implemented, it will be very difficult for coal combustion technologies to compete with other generation techniques that emit less carbon dioxide per unit of power produced. Please do not saddle our state's economy with higher energy costs for the next 50 years, just because Alliant cant see past the next two or three.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Claus Moberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101624.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 733 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 1:53:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Judi Huige Address: N6W30768 Cherokee Trail City: Waukesha State:WI Zip:53188

Comment: We do not need anymore outdated coal plants in Wisconsin...Deny Alliant's request for an outdated coal plant..We need to take back our enviornment..and protect it...Hopefully enough of us can make a difference....

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Judi Huige

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101632.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 734 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 1:55:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John L. Wagner II Address: 1726 NorthPort Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704

Comment: Be healthy and stop polluting.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John L. Wagner II

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101633.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 735 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:00:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julia Mimier Address: 302 W Wilson St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: It's environmentally irresponsible.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julia Mimier

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101635.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 736 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:00:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andy Smaglick Address: 15205 Fieldstone Dr. City: Brookfield State:WI Zip:53005

Comment: Boo Coal! Yay Earth!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andy Smaglick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101636.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 737 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:02:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Meshoulam Address: 1523 Chandler Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No coal please! We have so many better, cleaner, and wiser options. Let's think of the future, for once.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Meshoulam

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101637.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 738 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:05:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: marta Gomez Address: 1711 summit ave. City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53726

Comment: I will support the alternative way of elecdtricirty over coal

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. marta Gomez

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101638.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 739 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:07:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alex Hitch Address: 940 S. Madison St. City: Green Bay State:WI Zip:54301

Comment: When is this country going to realize that the best option economically is not the best option environmentally and politically?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alex Hitch

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101639.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 740 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:19:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: stephanie kowalczyk Address: 630 west wilson City: madison State:wi Zip:53703

Comment: mining for coal will prove detrimental to the expansion of alternative energy sources. The money put into the constructiion of the plant could be more useful and responsible if spent on new renewable forms of energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. stephanie kowalczyk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101641.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 741 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:21:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: maria ontiveros Address: 777 university ave City: madison State:wi Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: coal sucks dick. in this progressive wisconsin we should be promoting alternatine energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. maria ontiveros

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101644.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 742 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:23:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Emily Gruca Address: 35 N. Park Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: my dad died of coal complications.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Emily Gruca

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101645.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 743 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:26:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew Ivan Scott Address: 2101 Illinois Road City: Northbrook State:IL Zip:60062 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 847-275-2114

Comment: I support renewable energy and NOT this coal plant!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew Ivan Scott

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101646.htm10/2/2008 10:31:45 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 744 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:29:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: amy kozerskWIi Address: 215 n. Frances st. 405A City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal is never the best option, there are sustainable clean and cheap sources of energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. amy kozerskWIi

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101647.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 745 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:31:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rachel Mahoney Address: 4268 Burns Smith 35 N Park St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: ions.,

Comment: The State of Wisconsin has always been progressive. Governor has consistantly supported the promotion of alternative energy solutions. Wisconsin does not need any more coal plants being established in Wisconsin. That would be against what Wisconsin stands for and against what your constituents want!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rachel Mahoney

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101648.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 746 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:36:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew Dannenberg Address: 138 Lathrop Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53726 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal power is dangerous to Wisconsin's ecosystems, wildlife, and the people that inhabit the land.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew Dannenberg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101649.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 747 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:38:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elizabeth Morell Address: 777 University Ave. Apt 723 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Don't put up the Coal Plant in Cassville, WI!!! DON'T DO IT!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elizabeth Morell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101650.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 748 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:38:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kristin Charipar Address: 5 S. Midvale Blvd. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As a graduate student at UW in the Nelson Institute, I have been fortunate enough to follow the NED-3 proposal in depth and understand the negative impacts it will have on the environment. Also, as a law student, I am aware that carbon regulations are on the way - creating additional costs to the plant. Lastly, as an avid runner and triathlete, I am greatly concerned at the health implications additional upwind pollution will have on my respiratory problems. This power plant will not be good for the environment, economy or public health. For these reasons, and the following, I do not support construction of NED-3.

Alliant had the audacity to parade around Madison with truckloads of biomass to foster public support for NED-3. I find this as a complete lack of business ethics; misinforming the public about its complete dependency on COAL, the air emission impacts, the extreme costs of construction, etc. Let's be honest here: Alliant cares about its shareholders and profits, not what is best for the public's future.

This decision should be based on the facts, not on misinformed public sentiment created by Alliant advertising OR political ties. NED-3 is not the least cost option. NED-3 will have more GHG emissions than a typical coal plant. NED-3 will contribute to Dane county air pollution, which is already in nonattainment with PM2.5 NED-3 is not guaranteed to burn 20% biomass (let alone 10%). NED-3 will burn Coal, subjecting itself to higher costs with upcoming carbon regulations. NED-3 is not the answer to meeting future demand- there are alternatives to meet this demand such as building a 100% biomass plant with CCS or converting the Neenah facility to CC Natural gas plant. NED-3 is not a step in the right direction for the environment, economy, or public health.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101651.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 749 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Kristin Charipar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101651.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 750 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:42:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Xin Wei Address: 4723 Sheboygan Ave. Apt 201 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705

Comment: Reduce the use of coal is of great help for the environment

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Xin Wei

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101652.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 751 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:47:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Allie Pflughoeft Address: 625 Elm Dr. City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53706

Comment: Go Renewable resources!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Allie Pflughoeft

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101653.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 752 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:49:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kelly Zimmerman Address: 401 13th Avenue City: Racine State:Wi Zip:53403 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Renewable energy is the right step for every community. By establishing a coal plant this is setting our society backwards enviromentally with its detrimental effects.

Sincerely, Kelly Zimmerman

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kelly Zimmerman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101656.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 753 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:51:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dorinda Hopkins Address: 1900 Willow Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: There are way too many negative side effects to building a coal plant. We should be working on renewable resources and not building a new coal plant that hurts the environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dorinda Hopkins

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101657.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 754 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:53:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew Huston Address: 625 Elm Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: The coal plants cause more problems than solutions in relation to energy and evironmental examples. There are many better sources of energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew Huston

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101658.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 755 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 2:54:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jon Arbuckle Address: 123 Arbuckle Parkway City: Neenah State:WI Zip:54956 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: n/a

Comment: No more blood for oil! I am behind you 100%. thANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICES

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jon Arbuckle

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101659.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 756 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:00:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Benjamin Holzer Address: 1922 East Assman Road City: Mishicot State:WI Zip:54228 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: How dare you propose the construction of a coal-fired electric generation unit. Don't you know that even just mere proposals for utility contstruction is bad for the environment? Plus plant construction will help alleviate unemployment, and thus is absolutely unacceptable.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Benjamin Holzer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101660.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 757 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:04:06 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sara Moneta Address: 1200 Observatory Dr City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 8088965831

Comment: To me, "clean coal" is an oxymoron. And why would we need to build a new "clean" coal plant, when we could build something really clean. like wind energy! solar!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sara Moneta

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101662.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 758 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:07:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jeff herscott Address: 502 n frances street City: madison State:wi Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 617549 5018

Comment: the excessive building of coal plants nationwide only contributes to the seemingly inevitable destruction of our earth's ozone layer which directly affects our bodies, our children's bodies and generations that follow them. New cancers and new diseases form every year, each one more deadly than the previous. The simple lives that global citizens enjoyed hundreds of years ago cannot be reached if we are continuosley destroying our atmosphere......

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jeff herscott

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101665.htm10/2/2008 10:31:46 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 759 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:08:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mckenzie Toellner Address: 1007 s barstow st City: eau claire State:wi Zip:54701

Comment: STOP the coal... this is not right. we already have 3 why do we need another????? bad idea

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mckenzie Toellner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101666.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 760 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:10:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kimberly Gressick Address: 224 Shelley Lane City: de Pere State:wi Zip:54115

Comment: I have asthma and do not want more nitrogen oxides omitted by coal plants to affect my asthma in a harmful wayn by adding more coal plants to wiconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kimberly Gressick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101667.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 761 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:11:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Catherine Hall Address: 1331 Mound St., Apt. 1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: I am interested in energy considerations to include environmental considerations in their understanding of efficiency (not just hard costs).

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Catherine Hall

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101668.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 762 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:12:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lauren Nickel Address: 330 S. Yellowstone Dr. #3 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705

Comment: Please do not build another coal plant - coal is dirty and we want to keep Wisconsin's air clean for everyone!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lauren Nickel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101669.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 763 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:17:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Martina Skalova Address: 518 W. Main Street Apt. A City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: It is worrisome that with all of the energy alternatives like solar and wind, we are still using the outdated technologyhanks of coal. The solar windmills in central Wisconsin are a testament to what clean energy can be, and an air field of wind turbines would be much better than a smoky, ugly coal plant.

Thank you for considering the will of the people to clean up the environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Martina Skalova

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101671.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 764 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 3:49:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marcella Kearns Address: 4573 S. Lake Drive, Apt. 3 City: Cudahy State:WI Zip:53110

Comment: To Whom It May Concern: And it concerns EVERYONE.

I strongly oppose the construction of a new coal-fired power plant in Grant County. We should be pursuing alternative energies more and not relying on an energy source which increases pollution. Coal technology is toxic. According to a recent publication by the Sierra Club, in fact, I understand that "Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant." Why don't they consider a cheaper, cleaner, healthier solution? Please do not allow this to move forward.

We all have to breathe.

Sincerely, Marcella Kearns

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marcella Kearns

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101675.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 765 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 4:28:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas A. Heppe Address: 3608 N. Morris Blvd. City: Shorewood State:Wi. Zip:53211 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: since I am unable to make the public hearings on this project, I would like to express my disapproval of it. In these critical times of concern over the environment and the health of the general public, we do not need to spew more greenhouse gases into our air. This project also would not fall in line with the goals of the Governor's Global Warming Task Force. I believe your commission has even said that a coal plant is not the least expensive option. The name of the game must be alternative energy sources that are friendly to the environment as well as friendly to us citizens breathing the air in Wisconsin and to other fellow human beings whereever the toxic soot, smog, and mercury from a coal plant would be carried to by the wind. Sincerely, Thomas A. Heppe

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas A. Heppe

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101681.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 766 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 4:41:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kristine Dempze Address: 1121 16th St N City: Wis Rapids State:WI Zip:54494 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No No No! Please do not build this black spot in our state! This is NOT the answer! Try again.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kristine Dempze

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101682.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 767 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 6:43:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nicole Dowland Address: 2022 Rusk St., Apt. A City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please reject Alliant Energy's proposal for the new coal plant in Cassville. We don't need it right now, and we don't need the pollution. Alliant Energy should be spending that money on renewable energy solutions and rejecting this new coal plant will certainly send that message.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nicole Dowland

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101683.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 768 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 8:48:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katie Miller Address: 906 Fairmont Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714

Comment: I am opposed to the coal plant being proposed in Cassville and Portage locations if they are going to significantly increase pollution and decrease our air quality. The public should be assured that the plant, regardless of where it is built, is using technology that will emit the least amount of harmful pollutants. If the following is a true fact then their proposal is incredulous:

"What makes Alliant's Cassville proposal so dirty? First and foremost, it's a coal plant, and burning coal is the dirtiest, most environmentally harmful way to produce electricity. But even for a coal plant, this project is bad. Alliant has chosen to use Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) technology to burn the coal. CFBs burn the coal at a lower temperature than most coal plants and are even less efficient than other coal plants under construction in Wisconsin. Burning the coal at a lower temperature with lower efficiency means that the plant emits higher rates of global warming pollution than any other coal technology available to Alliant.

The CFB technology creates large amounts of nitrous oxides (N2O), a greenhouse gas almost 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2). If built, the new coal plant would emit 10 % more global warming pollution per unit of energy than the current facility which was built nearly 50 years ago!"

Source: faq.html#02. Accessed 9/26/2008

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katie Miller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101685.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 769 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/26/2008 9:17:41 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nichole Ebel-Bailey Address: 1200 River Road Lot #121 City: Sparta State:WI Zip:54656 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6084874637

Comment: Let's protect the environment!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nichole Ebel-Bailey

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101686.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 770 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 3:25:13 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Melanie Ariens Address: 4932 N. Newhall Street City: Whitefish Bay State:WI Zip:53217

Comment: Please come up with a cleaner energy option for Wisconsin than another coal plant! It would be a disservice to out health and the environment and, ashame to have former Governor Nelson's name associated with such a plant.

Thank you for your consideration.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Melanie Ariens

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101687.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 771 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 9:44:10 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas Fehring Address: 4765 North Woodburn Street City: Whitefish Bay State:WI Zip:53211-1127

Comment: I believe the proposed addition to the Nelson Dewey plant in Cassville Wisconsin is a reasonable proposal that appropriately addresses the capacity and energy needs of Alliant Energy's electric utility customers, while minimizing environmental impacts. The proposal to use a substantial amount of alternative fuels is innovative and should have a beneficial impact on the area. As a long time shareholder of Alliant, I believe the plant will be a good investment and should be given approval by the Commission.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas Fehring

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101688.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 772 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 10:37:30 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jim Neumann Address: 4537 Buss Rd City: Cottage Grove State:Wi Zip:53527

Comment: If its true this powerplant will also burn switchgrass, than it should be built.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jim Neumann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101689.htm10/2/2008 10:31:47 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 773 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 11:54:55 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Shana Greane Address: 5009 Knox Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-246-0522

Comment: I'm writing to comment that I do not want another coal plant.

Please explore alternatives, such as deriving natural gas from manure, making existing power plants more efficient, public education to reduce energy consumption, replacing incandescents with compact fluorescents/LED light bulbs, and renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal). Please work on writing grants that will bring money into our state so businesses and residences can financially afford installation of solar panel/systems and other energy-saving technologies.

Sincerely, Shana Greane

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Shana Greane

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101690.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 774 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 12:25:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Frances Tsukano Address: 1315 Bowen Ct City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-579-5780

Comment: REJECT Alliant Energy's proposed coal plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Frances Tsukano

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101692.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 775 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 12:32:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Millar Address: 2233 Rowley Ave City: Madiso State:WI Zip:53726 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am writing to strongly request that you do not support the Allian Energy coal plant in Cassville, and that you do everything you can to utilize clean energy sources.

Thank you, Susan Millar

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Millar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101693.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 776 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 12:35:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Russell Novkov Address: 4817 Sheboygan Ave 508 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705-2917 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-271-8943I

Comment: I am opposed to the proposed coal plant and I would like to see renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Russell Novkov

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101694.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 777 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 12:43:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: elaine Weidemann Address: 1459 e. Maine St. #217 City: Madison State:WI. Zip:53703

Comment: I firm;y believe Building coal plants in Wisconsin is counter-productive to All that I and my family believe about our presence and future on this earth of planet We need a need way of creatine jobs and renewing our economy. Let's get together and do it with common sense and justice for people and all life!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. elaine Weidemann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101695.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 778 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 12:48:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jamie Annear-Feyrer Address: 3748 Sargent St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Although I do not live close to the area where the proposed Alliant Coal Plant would be built, I still believe it affects all of Wisconsin. We cannot afford to rely on dirty, outdated forms of energy. While the possibility of having a plant that is run by biomass is intriguing and encouraging, I do not want it packaged with coal that emits global warming pollution and releases mercury into the air and into our water. Biomass is a great idea but not when it comes with burning coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jamie Annear-Feyrer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101696.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 779 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 12:57:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lucas Boyle Address: 1200 Observatory Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: I am currently a college student and am about to inherent this world from the past generation. I do not support the installation of the coal plant because it would be increasing the problem of Global Climate Change and continue to destroy our environment. Instead I believe it would be better to build more alternative energy plants. Please do not make this disastrous mistake.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lucas Boyle

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101697.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 780 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 1:00:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jeffery williams Address: 6769 schreoder rd apt 2 City: madison State:wi Zip:53711 E-mail: janman92581@yahoo .com Phone: 608284759

Comment: renewable resources are the way to go

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jeffery williams

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101698.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 781 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 3:49:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Madeline Fisher Address: 638 Frederick Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: I'm writing to voice my opposition to the proposed coal power plant to be built in Cassville. Southern Wisconsin is already one of the largest emitters of carbon dioxide in the country, and I can't believe in this day and age that there aren't better alternatives to burning more coal and releasing more CO2. My husband and I pay extra for our elecricity to be part of MG&E's green power program. If Alliant would seek alternatives to burning more coal, I think you'd find many people behind you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Madeline Fisher

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101699.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 782 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 4:23:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Megan Czarnyszka Address: 2913 Nicholson AVe City: south milwaukee State:wi Zip:53172 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 414-737-3669

Comment: Wisconsin, and Wisconsin Companies alike, I need to be using their money and Wisconsin ratepayers to develop cleaner more efficient energy. We do not need any more dirty coal plants in the state of Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Megan Czarnyszka

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101700.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 783 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/27/2008 6:55:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Amy Esser Address: 418 Weber Pkwy City: Lancaster State:WI Zip:53813 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Do we really need any more pollution? What about Wind Mills in that area like they have in Montfort? Was that ever address. I am sue there could be another way or another place. It always seems people/places want more more more. WE need to stop and slow down. Find a way so we don't need to use all of the enery. The world and people need to stop and take a look at that.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Amy Esser

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101701.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 784 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 4:21:43 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Luke Groser Address: 3838 N. Oakland Ave. City: Shorewood State:Wi Zip:53211 E-mail: thegrosers"

Comment: Dear Commissioners: The future needs clean energy - fossil fuels are creating too much damage in the commons compared to its benefits to its individual users.

I say no to coal fired power plants !

Luke Groser

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Luke Groser

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101702.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 785 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 5:57:41 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Address: Gaines City: Conover State:Wi Zip:54519

Comment: I am against this plant opening.The risks to our environment are far to great. Coal is dirty!The pollution that would come from this plant is unacceptable. Thank You,Julie Gaines

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julie

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101703.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 786 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 6:49:47 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Pamela Maher Address: W2888 Mitchell RD City: Rau Claire State:WI Zip:54701 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-514-1355

Comment: Please do not approve the new coal-fired power plant at Cassville. Demand that Alliant Energy improve the efficientcy of there exsisting plants and find ways to reduce the demand for electricity. The cost per kilowatt needs to increase as the usage of electricity increases. This includes large commerial customers now getting big discounts. Commerial cutomers need to pay the same rate per kilowatt as homeowners. The rate should increase drastically once you use a minimal amount of electricity.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Pamela Maher

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101704.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 787 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 9:35:20 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Libby Stupak Address: 2228 Windsong Ct. City: Eau Claire State:WI Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-833-1941

Comment: Wissconsin must begin to think about the future, and this future is not coal. We must begin to fund and support clean energy -- clean, renewable, and efficient. No matter how it is done, coal is dirty and creates terrible air pollution, which also destroys our waterways. Please do not approve this new plant. Please think to the future, for us and for our children.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Libby Stupak

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101705.htm10/2/2008 10:31:48 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 788 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 12:07:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marjorie Gries Address: 1702 S. 18th St. City: Manitowoc State:WI Zip:54220 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 9206520581

Comment: I am in favor of the Nelson Dewey Generating Station expansion.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marjorie Gries

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101706.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 789 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 12:16:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Susan Stark Address: 7433 Farmington Way City: Madison State:WI Zip:53717 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-833-4681

Comment: PLEASE!!!!!! NO MORE COAL IN WISCONSIN'S ENERGY FUTURE!!!!!!!! Please think of me...... I am an asthmatic.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Susan Stark

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101707.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 790 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 1:28:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeffrey Vinokur Address: 1650 Kronshage Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 201 962 5205

Comment: In this day and age coal plants should not be constructed. Coal is a poor alternative that pollutes out air and adds to global warming. Wisconsin is one of the leading states in alternative energy with the government receltly giving UW-Madison a 100Million dollar grant for alternative energy research. We are on the forefront in the push for alternative fuels and building a coal plant will turn us in the wrong direnction. We are currently leaders in the field...lets keep it that way

In addition, I have asthma and a polluting coal plant would make it significantly worse. Lets perserve out air quiality in Wisconsin and not have Wisconsin turn into Beijing, China where people have to wear masks when visitng certain areas.

Please feel free to contact me. I am very passionate about this issue.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeffrey Vinokur

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101708.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 791 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 1:52:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Heather Halvorson Address: 834 Jupiter Dr #206 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53718

Comment: I don't believe a new coal plant is in the best interest of the State, its wildlife, natural resources, or citizens. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Heather Halvorson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101709.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 792 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 2:44:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kraig Brownell Address: 763 22nd St. N. City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601

Comment: Please stop investing in nonrenewable and polluting technologies for generating electricity. From now on, please only invest in wind, solar, etc. for generating electricity here in Wisconsin and the states surrounding us.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kraig Brownell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101710.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 793 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 3:17:01 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Darlene Foat Address: W295S10921 Honeywell Rd City: Mukwonago, State:WI Zip:53149-9501 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do not build another outdated dirty coal plant. Look into wind power. Visit T. Boone Picken's web site. Learn how to do things that are not only good for the environment, but, something our children and grandchildren will benefit from.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Darlene Foat

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101711.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 794 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 3:51:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: lisa rosenblum Address: 821 west johnson street City: madison State:wi Zip:53706

Comment: We need to do something about our climate crisis!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. lisa rosenblum

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101712.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 795 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 5:21:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joy Rifkin Address: 612 Howard Place Apt G City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal is not in Wisconsin's future. It is a terrible idea to build another coal plant

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joy Rifkin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101713.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 796 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 7:19:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lou Anna Domann Address: 2306 Stumptown Rd. City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818

Comment: I am truly worried about global warming and the amount of carbon that we continue to put into our atmosphere. It is sad that our businesses and energy providers do not care more about the future of their children and grandchildren than they do money. If so, they would not want to continue on the same path of destruction that we have been on for many years. LET US SEE THE LIGHT, let us begin to use more wind, solar and investigate thermal energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lou Anna Domann

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101714.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 797 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 8:04:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joy Schmitz Address: 102 W. Barrett St. Apt. 3 City: St. Cloud State:WI Zip:53079 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please reject Alliant's proposed coal plant. Wisconsin doesn't need another dirty coal plant. Let's keep this state beautiful! We need to move in a forward direction not backwards!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joy Schmitz

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101715.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 798 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 8:39:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Edge Address: 2 Darien Circle City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53717 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608)831-8875

Comment: The Alliant Energy Cassville coal plant will be an environmental & health damaging plant. Please stand up for cleaner energy technologies. The limited biofuels capability of this plant will not offset the negative effect of carbon dioxide emissions which will be as bad as adding several hundred thousand vehicles to our roads. The particulate emissions will damage the respiratory health of many people with asthma and severe allergies. Mercury from this plant will also damage our inland waters and make locally caught fish unsafe to eat. This plant will saddle us with the technology for years to come and is not a satisfactory bridge to better technologies. The Cassville energy plant could be designed with an environmentally better fuel and engineered to protect our environment and health.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Edge

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101716.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 799 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 9:19:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Holly Bottoms Address: 5588 Stable View Lane City: Fitchburg State:WI Zip:53575 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Dear PSC, Please, no new coal power plants. They're polluting, increasing global warming, and unnecessary. Please consider alternative energy instead -more wind, solar, biomass, even nuclear if absolutely necessary - but no more fossil fuels. Sincerely, Holly Bottoms

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Holly Bottoms

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101717.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 800 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 9:22:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Roger Borchardt Address: 433 Briody Street City: Burlington State:WI Zip:53105 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-763-3316

Comment: I'll make my request short and to the point. We do NOT need another coal plant in this state. Please conider the high cost and the contamination that will be falling on all of our heads. Thank you Roger Borchardt

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Roger Borchardt

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101718.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 801 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 10:04:41 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Address: 310 Ellen St City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818-3617 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I believe that building the proposed coal power plant in Cassville is a mistake. They are proposing using old technology. Better alternatives are available. Selling out for short term gain of some jobs in the area is understandable in an area with few employment options available, but it's doing long-term damage to health in the region and to the environment (local and global).

This is not the right move for Grant County, for Wisconsin, for the USA, or for the Earth. Please push Alliant to come up with a better plan.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101719.htm10/2/2008 10:31:49 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 802 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 10:10:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Dana Address: 303 Linden St. City: Fond du Lac State:WI Zip:54935 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-318-9361

Comment: Please reject Alliant's proposed coal plant. Wisconsin doesn't need another dirty coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Dana

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101720.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 803 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 11:26:24 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tim Donovan Address: 35 Alden City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-348-5642

Comment: September 29, 2008


My name is Tim Donovan, from Platteville, and I am against a coal burning plant. Recently our city council made a mistake in voting 4-3 in favor of this proposal. I’d like to point out that 4-3 is not a landslide, and means that 43% of the council voted against it. That is by no means a clear mandate, and I think that Alliant, who serves many customers, and yet did not seek its customers’ endorsements on this proposal, should develop a plan that has a much broader support of the public.

In designing this power plant to be all things, to burn several fuels, it will not burn any one fuel very well. This inefficiency will be very expensive in the long run, and create more pollution than a plant designed to burn one fuel very efficiently. The customers will bear these expensive costs, and all of us will have to live with the pollution for a long time into the future. More pollution in general will make it hard to attract companies to our area.

Particularly, mercury will be a huge problem. Mercury pollutes our waters. All of Wisconsin’s waterways are under a DNR advisory for mercury. I am a teacher, and I take my students out to several local streams to monitor them for water quality. One of the things we monitor is the variety of aquatic insects and other small critters in the stream. We don’t often find any of the critters that indicate a high quality stream. The kids ask why. I can’t say that it’s mercury, but if this plant is built as proposed, the stream quality will suffer even further, due to mercury. This plant will put out more mercury, and it will end up in our streams and rivers. It will end up in our fish. It will end up in us. I don’t know why we don’t find high quality critters, but it will be harder still to explain to children why our streams are polluted with mercury and that we let it get that way.

Residents of Southwest Wisconsin in particular will suffer if we build a new coal plant: the prevailing winds will blow the pollutants from the plant right to us.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101721.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 My family’s health will be threatened, especially my asthmatic son’s. Schedule 2 Page 804 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Alliant needs to have the approval of the public. Again, a 4-3 vote is a slim Kenneth C. Rineer margin, hardly overwhelming approval. You’re the ones Alliant needs approval from. You’re the experts. You need to make them come up with a better plan. I am proud to live in Wisconsin, but embarrassed that we are the only state constructing three coal plants. We need to be more forward-thinking with our energy priorities, as Wisconsin state law suggests.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tim Donovan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101721.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 805 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/28/2008 11:41:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James and June Puhl Address: 1252 Jack Oak Road City: Cassville State:Wi WI Zip:53806

Comment: We need this new generating station for many reasons. The growth of our village would also be helped and much more.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James and June Puhl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101722.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 806 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:28:23 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Eric P. Godfrey Address: P. O. Box 75 City: Ripon State:WI Zip:54971-0075 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920.748.6789

Comment: I oppose the construction of a new coal-fired power plant in Cassville. I have several reasons. First, coal is a dirty fuel, and environmentally destructive in its mining (I know because I grew up in West Virginia, where mining has done incalculable damage to both the environment and the people who mine coal). Second, the tourist economy is very important to Wisconsin. You can bet a coal fired plant will not attract more tourists! (obviously quite the contrary) Third, the location of the plant in a beautiful area of the Mississippi River Valley, one of Wisconsin's most important natural assets, is highly inappropriate. Although Alliant Energy supplies my electricity, I still oppose the plant.

I oppose it for another final reason. Its construction will have an adverse effect on my electric power rates. I currently pay a surcharge to get 100% of my electric power from renewable sources, through an Alliant Energy program called "Second Nature." Nevertheless in the past rate increases have been approved to help purchase conventional power or build new facilities for conventional power. So not only am I voluntarily paying more for a cleaner environment, I am ALSO subsidizing the people who buy dirty environmentally- damaging power for less. This is a very unfair rate structure and ought to be changed, though nobody seems interested in doing so.

Therefore if this plant is approved, I ask that the PSC mandate that its construction and associated costs must not in any way be passed on to Alliant customers who participate in Alliant's Second Nature renewable energy program.

Thank you for considering my views.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Eric P. Godfrey

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101723.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 807 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 7:22:15 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sherry Meurer Address: S.37 W.22200 Crestview Dr. City: Waukesha State:WI Zip:53189 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: For the long term benefit of our citizens please do not allow Alliant to build the coal power plant. Coal power plants are short sited in todays race to renewables. The opportunity for clean power is available to us if we just make the decision to utilize it. Think about the long term well being of our citizens not just short term quick solutions to a single problem.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sherry Meurer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101724.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 808 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 7:41:51 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Leigh Weaver Address: 714 Clark Court City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715

Comment: I can't believe that we are still talking about coal plants here in Wisconsin. It's time to get out of the past. As higher fuel prices have driven down demand we can see how energy conservation is the biggest benefit to meeting our power needs, and the future of energy production is not in coal. Please invest the money that would be spent on this enormous power plant towrd conservation and energy efficiency measures and financing to get solar and wind systems (among other renewable energy sources) up and running. Every big industrial and commercial flat roof building could be generating significant electricity with technology available today. No more mountaintop removal, no more poisons in the water supply, no more particulate matter in the air. No to coal fired power plants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Leigh Weaver

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101725.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 809 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:07:02 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Ingham Address: 5758 Mill Road City: Dodgeville State:WI Zip:53533 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal-fired power plants are helping to kill the planet. Please deny WPL's request to build new coal-fired plants or expand existing ones.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Ingham

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101726.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 810 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:23:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Keith Sexton Address: 5005 Rimrock Court City: Mount Pleasant State:WI Zip:53403 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 970-987-3790

Comment: Dear Public Service Commission,

My name is Keith Sexton and I just moved to the Racine area last month from Colorado. After being away from Wisconsin for over 25 years, I find that the air quality rated by the federal government to be poor or extremely poor. This is a direct cause from COAL buring power plants and you have an application for Cassville county in front of you that will emit more pollutants into the air than older plants built 10 years ago. I am into alternative power resourses and ask that you research MIT's finding on technology for coal burning power and find better ways to use coal than older technology that harms both humans and our planet. You are the representatives for the people of Wisconsin and today is the day that you all must look at everything available and finds ways of using new technology to produce electricity. I know that today we need coal buring power plants but this plant is out of date as well as a major polluntant to the people of Wisconsin. You must take time to investigate other coal burning power plants across this nation as well MIT's web site on cola burning power.

Thank you for reading this and I hope that you will be part of the clean tach revolution that is spreading across this nation of ours and change the way we produce power in the U.S.!!


Keith Sexton

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Keith Sexton

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101727.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 811 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:46:31 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert J. Snyder Address: 25 Maple Drive City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818-2312

Comment: I oppose the application of Alliant Energy for authority to contruct a new coal- fired electric generation unit in Cassville, WI, for a number of reasons.

Coal stinks.

According to a report in Mother Jones Magazine, filthy coal provides 48-percent of the U.S. power supply. Globally, the utilities industry is responsible for producing nearly 25-percent of the world’s greenhouse gases.

The Sierra Club reports that, thanks to White House policy, the highly destructive practice of mountaintop removal coal mining has been legalized. Mountaintop removal mining destroys the physical beauty of wilderness areas and regional water ways.

Coal is not cheap. Figures from the National Mining Association show that a ton of coal cost $24.28 per ton in 2000. In 2007, that same ton cost $33.

I am a Christian who values the sanctity and dignity of all human life. FIgures from the NMA show that 267 miners have lost their lives since 2000, while over 39,328 have sustained injuries. The coal industry has a horrific history of treating its workers, dating at least as far back as the Irish immigrants, the so- called Molly Maguires, in the Pennsylvania coal fields during the 1870s.

Coal is not the future. The United States can remain a world leader in technology by investing in renewable energy sources. THis proposed plant is a step backwards, not forward.

We can, and must, do better.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert J. Snyder

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101730.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 812 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 9:20:00 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: THomas Endejan Address: 374 Ellis Street City: Fiond du Lac State:Wi Zip:54935 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-924-5205

Comment: Is it true that we are using technology in this plant that is over 40 years old? Can you tell me what efforts are being made to minimize the impact on the air and water quality from emissions? Thank you for your time.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. THomas Endejan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101750.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 813 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 9:37:42 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Vin Mickelson Address: 2166 Keyes Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: I am opposed to ANY coal fired generating plants in Wisconsin or elsewhere. If the plant has the capability to use partial plant based energy, why not all plant based fuel? Vin

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Vin Mickelson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101762.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 814 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:22:03 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tina McDonald Address: 5581 Millbranch Lane City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5335

Comment: We fully support the construction and expansion of the Nelson Dewey Plant in Cassville. We hope PSC makes the right choice by choosing Cassville.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tina McDonald

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101764.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 815 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:25:50 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Brent MCDonald Address: 5581 Millbranch Lane City: Cassville State:WI Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-725-5335

Comment: As Chief of Police for the Village of Cassville I support the construct and addition to the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, WI.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Brent MCDonald

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101767.htm10/2/2008 10:31:50 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 816 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:54:48 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew Gehri Address: 1610 Hazelwood Drive City: Sobieski State:WI Zip:54171 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As an commom sense environmentalist I fully support this project. I have been doing some research and reading on this project and here is my opinion:

A mix of coal and biomass keeps renewable energy costs under control. Further, develpment of a market for biomass has many positive environmental and economic consequences for this region, our state, and potentially our nation. These include, but are not limited to, improvement in wildlife habitat, improvement in forest quality, a decrease in erosion, improvement in cold water stream quality, and the creation of a market for agriculture based biomass.

I further believe that when this project is successful, it will set the standard for common sense integration of renewable energy sources into our existing infrastructure.

Finally, from what I have been able to glean, this project will have a significant increase in KW generation capacity, while simultaneously reducing the overall emissions significanlty from the Cassville plant. 250% more energy with significantly reduced emissions, WHY NOT DO THIS?! It sure makes sense to me.

Thank you for the opportunity to file my comments.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew Gehri

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101780.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 817 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:58:54 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kendal Nichols Address: 631 Highway I City: Wisconsin Dells State:WI Zip:53965 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-586-4243

Comment: September 29, 2008

Christine Swailes Docket Coordinator Public Service Commission P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854

Re: PSC Docket number 6680-CE-170

Dear Ms. Swailes:

On behalf of Badger Electric Cooperatives, I am pleased to offer our support to Alliant Energy-WPL’s proposal to construct a new base load generating station known as Nelson Dewey 3 located in Cassville, WI.

Four Wisconsin Electric Cooperatives have banded together to secure wholesale power supply contracts as we are not members of Dairyland Power Cooperative or any other G&T. The four Wisconsin members of Badger serve more than 78,000 member-owners.

The vast majority of the Badger members purchase power from Alliant Energy/ Wisconsin Power & Light. It is our belief that Alliant is overly reliant on natural gas energy sources, either directly or indirectly through their system purchases. This overreliance has meant we have seen dramatic volatility in our power costs reflecting the volatility of natural gas prices the past several years. There have been many factors that have pushed many utilities to depend more heavily on natural gas for generation and this is placing reliable, affordable electricity at increasing risk.

We acknowledge the concern that carbon emissions and future carbon legislation might mean for our environment and economy. However, we believe a well balanced power supply portfolio is the best course to pursue, both from a utility generation perspective as well as from the natural gas supply perspective which has far reaching effects on everyone using natural gas for file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101781.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 home heating. We don’t believe the negligible carbon emissions gain that Schedule 2 Page 818 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 might be garnered by replacing the hybrid plant with a natural gas combined October 2, 2008 cycle plant outweighs the disadvantage of overreliance on natural gas for Kenneth C. Rineer electric generation.

We believe Nelson Dewey 3’s added base load coal/biomass capacity, the enhanced transmission import capability afforded by this location, and the reduced greenhouse gas production that accompanies WPL’s proposal is the best course Alliant Energy could pursue at this time.


Kendal Nichols Chairman of the Board Badger Electric Cooperatives

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kendal Nichols

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101781.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 819 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 11:39:17 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marie L. Seckar Address: 1007 Edgewood Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: I am very concerned about the plan to build a new coal-fred energy plant at the Cassville location. From the research I have dome I would make the following points as to why I oppose this plan: 1. The plant Alliant proposes to build is expensive and inefficient having higher rates of global warming pollution than coal plants built 40 years ago. 2. This is not the time to be making risky investments in dirty coal when the cosst of coal is rising. 3. Governeor Doyle has receently made a pledge: "no more coal." 4. Coal fired pplants are the nation's most dangerous pollutors, spewing forth soot anad mercy that affects the health of many. I spend part of my time in southwest Wisconsin, the are most affected by such health hazards. But these hazards are also far reaching. This pollution will incease asthma problems across the state and beyond. Increasing mercury pollution in our lakes and rivers doesn't make for a sound policy for anyone and the environment. 5. Other power companies are shutting down coal-fired plants. Why are people supporting another coal-fired plant rather more clean and efficient technology? 6. I am concerned about increased energy costs that will come out of my budget when the economy is already making it difficult to make ends meet. 7. Wisconsin should be a clean energy leader with renewable energy programs that create jobd. Why are we creating jobs that will only add to more pollution in the end? We have clean energy solutions right here in Wisconsin. WHY is Alliant working to develop these instead of more pollution with this proposed plant? 8. I saw the Alliant ad in the WSJ for Sunday. I am perplexed to see the number of organizations, etc. supporting this new plant project. Where is their thinking being misled by Alliant's proposal? 9. Expanding energy efficiency and renewable energy programs with new clean technology should be the focus of the Public Service Commision of Wisconsin and all of our state agencies, not condoning old and polluting out-dated technology.

I repeat: for the above reason, I am opposed to granting Alliant the authority to construct this out dated and polluting plant at Cassville. WI. I would like to hear from the PSC of Wi on the action it intends to take on this matter.

Marie L. Seckar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101785.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 820 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marie L. Seckar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101785.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 821 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 11:49:59 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Lou Herman Address: 2666 E. Johnson St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704

Comment: There are cheaper, cleaner alternatives to this proposal. It will pollute the environment & not allow us to reach our goal for alleviating global warming. I strongly urge you to deny the application.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Lou Herman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101790.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 822 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:07:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Allison Herriot Address: 349 E Campus Mall City: Madison State:WI Zip:53713

Comment: With so many cleaner forms of energy, Wisconsin must actively participate in finding other sources of energy other than coal use. Cleaner environment for the future!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Allison Herriot

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101797.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 823 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:12:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: sarah lee Address: 18 dewey ct City: northampton State:ma Zip:01060 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 413-687-4265

Comment: no coal

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. sarah lee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101798.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 824 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:33:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jean Murphy Address: 15706 Riley Rd City: Boscobel State:WI Zip:53805

Comment: We do not need nor want nor can afford to build a NEW DIRTY coal plant. I am offended by your blatant greenwashing attempts to get buy-in from the people who live here.

Where is the big money spent to help people learn how to better conserve energy? Don't you believe in global climate change?

You do NOT have my vote on this.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jean Murphy

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101800.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 825 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:34:32 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robin Russo Address: 1246 Jenifer St. #2 City: Madison State:NC Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: To our Public Service Comissioners,

Wisconsin needs clean energy, not coal. I say this as a graduate student with asthma, who has come here and enjoyed some amount of relief from symptoms I experienced in North Carolina. I love it here, and want to stay here. Please keep it clean!

Best, Robin Russo

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robin Russo

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101801.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 826 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:38:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rashi Mangalick Address: 121 W. Gilman Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (612) 730- 8614

Comment: Building a new coal plant is one of the most backwards ideas in today's society. The green movement has become such an important part of our world and such an important piece to get involved in, that continuing to use coal as a fuel source is horrible. We know the harmful effects it has and the negative things it does to the environment, so why are egging on this process?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rashi Mangalick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101802.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 827 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:46:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Aleks Olszewski Address: 420 W Gorham St, Apt 112 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: Wisconsin needs clean energy. Coal is outdated and dirty.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Aleks Olszewski

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101803.htm10/2/2008 10:31:51 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 828 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 12:59:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dustin Schallert Address: 14 Lambeth Circle City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-252-2393

Comment: Wisconsin needs cleaner, renewable resources and it makes no sense to continue using outdated energy technology. This plant has not only outrageous initial cost to build but will prove more costly to the consumer, especially as cap-and-trade legislation kicks in.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dustin Schallert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101805.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 829 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:05:16 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alyssa Beinhaker Address: 501 N. Henry st. Apt. 303 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal is dirty energy. Please don't build this coal plant in Madison. Thanks.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alyssa Beinhaker

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Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:11:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Eve Emshwiller Address: 1122 Pauline Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We need to invest in clean renewable energy. NOT COAL!!! I pay a bit extra for wind power now, I do not want to have to pay for dirty coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Eve Emshwiller

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101807.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 831 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:16:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Connie Cullen Address: 11126 S. Leamington Ave. City: Alsip State:IL Zip:60803

Comment: I do not support Alliant Energy's proposed coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Connie Cullen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101808.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 832 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:17:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: joel heiman Address: 217 division st City: madison State:wi Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: wind power!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. joel heiman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101809.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 833 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:24:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dyani Reynolds-White Hawk Address: 924 Eagle Heights F City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support clean and renewable energy. Please no more coal mines in Wisconsin. Please think about the futures of our environment and our children. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dyani Reynolds-White Hawk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101810.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 834 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:34:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jennifer reece Address: 201 S Bassett City: Madsion State:wi Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: There really should be a better way to go about this that it thinking forward... like our state is known to do

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jennifer reece

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101813.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 835 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:42:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Leah Address: 630 N Frances City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 7735179042

Comment: I support renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Leah

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101816.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 836 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:44:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lael Grigg Address: 1037 Williamson Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: We need to invest in renewable energy resources. Coal is a temporary and unhelpful measure that contributes air pollutants and negatively impacts our environment. These monies should be used to develop wind turbines, solar energy fields and other renewable sources of energy. Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lael Grigg

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101817.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 837 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:44:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Angus Cieslik-Miskimen Address: 635 Elm Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53207 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Angus Cieslik-Miskimen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101818.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 838 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:45:59 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: jackie hustad Address: 515 west washington ave City: madison State:wi Zip:53703

Comment: coal is not good for the environment we dont need to put any more pollution into the air

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. jackie hustad

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101819.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 839 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:49:48 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steven Carlson Address: 118 W. Johnson St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6128650327

Comment: I support renewable energy.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steven Carlson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101820.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 840 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:52:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maggie Galloway Address: 107 Lathrop St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53726 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 502.938.1266

Comment: Coal Sucks. We need to be looking towards renewable energy!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maggie Galloway

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101821.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 841 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:52:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Thomas Mitchell Address: 4322 Keating Terrace City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: Coal is a dirty option. Please support renewable energy options.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas Mitchell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101822.htm10/2/2008 10:31:52 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 842 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:52:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Becky and Brandon Becker Address: 575 11th St. City: Fennimore State:WI Zip:53809 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Many times I hear people say "We need more job opportunities in Grant County and the surrounding area". How is any business going to relocate to our area if we do not have the adequate power supply for them to operate? They're not going to come to our area....they are going to seek out a different location - one that has the power available! Wind mills, electric vehicles?.... where will the electricity come from for the manufacturing plant that will be needed to build the parts to construct the wind mills? Where will the electricity come from for the vehicles to be plugged in and charged? If we do not do something about our energy needs now, what will the future hold? Where will the needed supply come from? How will Grant County grow and, in turn, create more job opportunities for our residents and generations to come? Supporting the expansion of the Nelson Dewey Power Plant is very important for our future growth. Think about our future generations - what if they want to work in this area and remain close to home? Will their be jobs available for them? Will those future jobs require an adequate power supply? These are just a few topics that people need to think about and take into consideration. We, Brandon and Becky Becker, residents of Grant County fully support the expansion of the Nelson Dewey Power Plant in Cassville, WI.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Becky and Brandon Becker

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101823.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 843 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 1:53:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Taylor Candee Address: 2 Langdon st 2A City: madison State:wi Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I do not support this plan. Not a good idea

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Taylor Candee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101825.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 844 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:00:46 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevin Mack Address: 111J N. Sherman Ave. City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:55222

Comment: No more coal!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevin Mack

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101827.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 845 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:02:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Sheinin Address: 1505 Wood Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: No coal

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Sheinin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101828.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 846 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:10:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Fenchel Address: 1900 Arlington Place City: Madison State:WI Zip:53726

Comment: Let's make Wisconsin a leader in the coming GREEN energy movement. Now is NOT the time to build coal plants with lip service being given to alternative fuels. We will pay dearly for this mistake in the future financially and by increased pollutants further contributing to environmental problems.

Wisconsin should and can be a state that LEADS on clean energy production; this plant is the wrong technology at the wrong time cynically disguised by it's "ability" to burn 20% cleaner, alternative fuels.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Fenchel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101830.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 847 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:10:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: alex Evans Address: 1113 Williamson st City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6083336534

Comment: we do not need more energy, thanks. We have enough as it is and pursuit of developing more is damaging our world and society.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. alex Evans

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101831.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 848 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:10:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: hristine Kemen Address: 2128-26th Street City: Kenosha State:WI Zip:53140

Comment: I would like to see Wisconsin focus on alternative energies. Living so close to Chicago, we already have excess pollution coming our way. Coal is dirty and Wisconsin should not add more

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. hristine Kemen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101832.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 849 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:13:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Walter Scott Address: 1023 S. Sunnyvale Lane City: Madison State:wi Zip:53713 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Clean coal may be an option, but it seems that it may be a better idea to either put in more research in other kinds of power, or to simply upgrade one of the existing coal plants to use clean coal technology.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Walter Scott

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101833.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 850 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:17:42 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Diamond Address: 120 W. Bryn Mawr Ave City: Itasca State:IL Zip:60143 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (630) 688-3742

Comment: Coal is not the answer!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Diamond

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101834.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 851 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:17:58 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jill Ekar Address: 1240 9th ave City: Baldwin State:Wi Zip:54002 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-203-0100

Comment: I just wanted to leave a note to voice my concern about the proposed coal plant. As a mother with small children, I want to leave Wisconsin a better state for them- This coal plant is step in the wrong direction. Wisconsin is a beautiful state and I plead with you to make decisions that will preserve it, while considering other options that will help create a clean and sustainable present and future.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jill Ekar

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101835.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 852 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:18:31 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Emily Jefko Address: 1332 Jenifer Street City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53703

Comment: Coal blows.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Emily Jefko

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101836.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 853 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:33:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Stephanie Dirks Address: 9206 Union Road City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818

Comment: I am against the project due to the potential environmental impact.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Stephanie Dirks

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101843.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 854 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:50:34 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Danielle D'Agostino Address: 21 N. Mills #1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 551-201-2116

Comment: Coal Sucks. Don't create new coal plants. Invest in wind energy. The wind doesn't cost money. I love wind!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Danielle D'Agostino

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101844.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 855 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:57:55 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jeff Breitbach Address: 2982 Bryn Wood Drive City: Fitchburg State:Wi Zip:53711

Comment: NO MORE COAL!! With cleaner, safer and cheaper energy options available, there is NO reason to go backwards with the outdated and dirty coal option. None! Our generation and future generations deserve a cleaner , healthier environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jeff Breitbach

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101845.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 856 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 2:58:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Erin Fisk Address: 301 S. Livingston St. #104 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I strongly oppose construction of this coal plant. I believe that today's knowledge regarding global warming and the other harmful effects of burning coal make this not just an economic but a moral issue. Why would we make this type of investment when we currently have the ability to create jobs and meet our energy needs using renewable energy options?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Erin Fisk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101846.htm10/2/2008 10:31:53 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 857 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 3:16:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Hokanson Address: 3150 S. Clement Ave City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53207

Comment: I don't think we need another coal plant in Wisconsin. They very harmful to our fragile enviroment. You/we should be looking at other options. Wind & Solar power are the way to go these days. Thank you.


Concerned Wisconsin Citizen

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Hokanson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101862.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 858 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 3:23:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Mickelson Address: 2166 Keyes Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the building of another coal fired power plant in Wisconsin. We must reduce CO2 emissions , and the argument that they will close one small but dirty plant in exchange for the new one is a non-argument. They should close the old plant and replace it with solar or wind generated electricity. Let Wisconsin be a leader in slowing climate change! Thanks for reading this!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Mickelson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101866.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 859 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 3:40:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Megan DiVall Address: 1386 Hwy 18 City: Fennimore State:WI Zip:53809

Comment: As a state, we need to be thinking ahead and investing ourselves in progressive and sustainable technologies or we may be left behind. While newer coal plants are cleaner than the pollution-spewing relics of old, they are still outdated, irresponsible technology and a step in the wrong direction. I very strongly feel that the construction of this coal plant would be a mistake that would bring harm to our local environment and prevent this part of the state from moving forward into our new, more environmentally responsible times.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Megan DiVall

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101868.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 860 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 3:53:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karen Kvool Address: 208 Hazel Lane City: Hartland State:WI Zip:53029 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-367-2238

Comment: Please deny Alliant Energy's request to build another hazardous and dirty coal fired power plant. Thank you. Karen Kvool

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karen Kvool

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101871.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 861 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 4:15:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joseph Schroepfer Address: 333 Melcher Hall, 50 S. College Dr. City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818

Comment: I think that we should stop building coal fired plants and start building Nuclear power plants. They are much more efficient, much less polluting, much cheaper, and can be made perfectly safe. Currently a coal fired plant is much more economical than an oil burning plant because the oil companies are ripping us off. Nuclear power is still the best option though.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joseph Schroepfer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101874.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 862 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 4:21:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kayla Torgerson Address: 420 West Gorham #410 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: NO MORE COAL!!!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kayla Torgerson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101876.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 863 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 4:24:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: thomas kozlovsky Address: 1139 pauline ave City: madison State:wi Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-238-3475

Comment: i urge the commission to oppose the construction of the cassville coal operating plant. the plant will add an enormous amount of carbon pollution in wisconsin and the cities which have already pollution alerts. the cost to the rate payers and the taxpayers to build the plant is much higher , than a gas fired plant, and the cost of operation is higher. the amount of agriculture byproducts the plant will burn will be small, and will not be online for years. it is environmentally unsafe, as the plant will produce more pollution as it get older. waste form burned coal will also contaminate the soil. it will cause serious health problems for citizens living near the plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. thomas kozlovsky

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101878.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 864 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 4:37:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James Hamilton Address: 180 Bayley Ave City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 348 7316

Comment: It is not OK to build a coal plant with old technology and without efficient scrubbers.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James Hamilton

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101880.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 865 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 5:00:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lucille Dreifuerst Address: 214 east Railroad Ave City: ST, Cloud State:WI Zip:53079

Comment: Please reject the proposed plan for coal plants

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lucille Dreifuerst

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101889.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 866 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 5:58:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Address: 2120 West Greenview Drive City: Middleton State:WI Zip:53562 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.836.3587 x321

Comment: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

September 29, 2008

I would like to encourage the support of Alliant Energy-Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

My company and I have been involved in the development of bioenergy technologies in Wisconsin. My company, C5-6 Technologies is a scientific partner on the Great Lakes Bioenergy Reasearch Center and a winner of one of the Wisconsin Energy Independence Grants. WPL's proposed utilization of 20 percent biomass at Nelson Dewey 3. would be a huge benefit to the formation of a biomass market and industry in the state and in the commercialization of cellulosic fuel technologies. The establishment of a sustainable, renewable biomass market in Wisconsin will mean additional sources of revenue to area farmers, foresters and agricultural operations. This biomass market also has the potential to encourage the growth of native grasses in southwest Wisconsin and better management of forest lands.

In my view, WPL is offering a balanced program of energy efficiency programs, increased use of renewable energy, and elimination of an aging coal plant. These programs should offset the carbon emissions from the proposed new plant.

Wisconsin is well positioned to be a leader in alternative energy and biofuels. Key projects, such as Nelson Dewey, with its pioneering of biomass to energy utilization will help move Wisconsin forward in this area and help create new, family-supporting jobs and, indeed, entirely new industry segments. Affordable and reliable energy is directly, job creation and leadership in alternative energy will all serve as a strong economic base for the state of Wisconsin.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101891.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 867 of 987 Through my work in alternative energy I have become acutely aware that Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 there is no perfect energy solution. We move forward toward better and better Kenneth C. Rineer solutions but we do so in graduated steps. WPL’s proposed project strikes a good balance among need, cost, and environmental responsibility. It is not a perfect energy solution but is a positive step toward reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, while ensuring that businesses and families in Wisconsin will continue to have access to affordable energy.

I urge you to support WPL’s Nelson Dewey 3 project.

Sincerely, John Biondi President, C5-6 Technologies 2120 West Greenview Drive Middleton, WI 53562

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101891.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 868 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 6:41:39 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tim Zauche Address: 6737 North Elm City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-342-1678

Comment: Dear Commission, I am writing in support of the Nelson-Dewey Plant proposed by Alliant Energy. I am a chemistry professor and a consultant in the renewable energy sector. (I have not however, worked for Alliant Energy.) I realize that this plant is not the ideal, but IT IS a step in the right direction. Alliant energy has been trying to determine if a business will be started in SW Wisconsin to supply the biomass needed for the proposed plant. I believe that they have come the realization that they will initially need to start their own supply chain to meet the 20% biomass needs. This supply chain will however, serve as a model for people to follow and start their own business when other power plants start to use biomass throughout Wisconsin to supplement their coal. Alliant energy is doing a lot with renewable energy with the number of windmills in Iowa and Wisconsin. They will continue to do more in this area of energy and I look forward to watching their progress.

Sincerely, Tim Zauche, Ph. D.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tim Zauche

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101892.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 869 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:07:50 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tony Uhl Address: 1525 Adams St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711

Comment: Coal is absolutely the wrong way to go for out state! We need a combination of clean energies in this state if we are going to meet the governor's reports. Besides the federal government will most likely be passing laws regarding global warming causing pollution. How is WI going to lead, if we continue to build more coal plants. REJECT THIS PLANT! SUPPORT CLEAN ENERGY!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tony Uhl

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101895.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 870 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:08:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Evan Hurley Address: 27 North Brooks St Apartment 222 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Do not support coal power plants the future of wisconsin is in clean energy, which does not involve coal.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Evan Hurley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101896.htm10/2/2008 10:31:54 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 871 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:09:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Clarence Cameron Address: 633 Cedar Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715-2117

Comment: The Alliant Energy coal-fired plant proposal seems to be take Dane County and the country back to the 19th century instead of moving toward a more pollution-free environment. Where is the logic in that?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Clarence Cameron

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101897.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 872 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:13:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Maryann Samreth Address: 420 north park street City: madison State:Wi Zip:63706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6303906248

Comment: Cole is bad!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Maryann Samreth

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101898.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 873 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:13:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert W. Lockhart Address: 633 Cedar Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715-2117

Comment: How will we ever convince the Chinese that pollution from coal-fired power plants is detrimental to life if Alliant Energy is allowed to build a coal-fired plant here in Dane County? If scrubbers that cleaned 100% of the pollution were involved, I would be for it, since coal is readily available. Let them develop the scrubbers first, then build what they want.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert W. Lockhart

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101899.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 874 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:14:27 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sarah Gill Address: 2130 University Ave City: Madison State:WI Zip:53593

Comment: no more coal!! more green energy!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sarah Gill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101900.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 875 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:16:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Monica White Address: 2110 University ave apartment 311 City: madison State:WI Zip:53726

Comment: Please don't place a coal plant. Green energy would be way better!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Monica White

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101901.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 876 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:17:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ashley Buell Address: #901 420 N. Park St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-844-8117

Comment: It is time for Wisconsin to start becoming green. We can't afford to move backwards in our progress. Coal plants are bad.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ashley Buell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101902.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 877 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:19:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Nicole Bettinger Address: 3650 Breckenridge Court #18 City: Fitchburg State:WI Zip:53713

Comment: No more coal! Yeah green energy!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nicole Bettinger

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101903.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 878 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:19:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Liz Straley Address: 314 Sullivan, 635 Elm Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I'm opposing this coal plant

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Liz Straley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101904.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 879 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:21:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kate Hagerty Address: 215 Juaire Witte, 615 W Johnson St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706

Comment: No more coal!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kate Hagerty

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101905.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 880 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:25:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kimberly Johnson Address: 1950 willow dr 304 Friedrick City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-207-6028

Comment: Don't use coal to power the plant. It is not environmentally friendly. Don't you care about your future grandchildren?

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kimberly Johnson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101906.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 881 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:26:54 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marc Lonergan Address: 1900 Willow Dr. 229 Cool Bradley City: Madison State:WI Zip:53706 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920-540-5944

Comment: When planning for the future for ideas such as energy, one must take into account our children and our children's children. Institutionalizing a Coal Power Plant in Wisconsin, or anywhere for that matter, will cast a shadow apon future generations and thus will deface the future of this planet. Please do not build the coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marc Lonergan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101907.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 882 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:46:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: carl abing Address: 9318 hwy 133 City: cassville State:wi Zip:53806 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I support the additional power plant at Cassville.We farm 6 miles south of Cassville and would like to supply switchgrass for the plant.We will also need low cost electrical energy.

thanks, Carl Abing

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. carl abing

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101908.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 883 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 8:56:38 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Beki Parham Address: 143 N Hancock Apt 2 City: Madison State:MN Zip:53703

Comment: Coal is stupid!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Beki Parham

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101909.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 884 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 9:23:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: James Littiebrant Address: 143 N Hancock Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: Establishing a new coal power plant is only cementing Wisconsin's status as a regressive backwoods state in the union. From our inability to adequately care for our small farmers, to the problems with drunkenness, to the deep racial divides that split our largest city, we now add the raping of our beautiful environment. We only slide further from our progressive past into the septic present of myopic solutions and weakness in the face of complex problems. Instead, we should be establishing ourselves as a clean state, a leading state, an intelligent state, a thoughtful state, a forward state.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James Littiebrant

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101910.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 885 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 9:53:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: sue kastensen Address: 209 west ave n City: westby State:wi Zip:54667

Comment: We would like to go to solar and wind. Please do not build any more coal-fired electric plants.

Thank you. take care...of yourself and of our neighborhood, ~ sue

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. sue kastensen

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101911.htm10/2/2008 10:31:55 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 886 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:05:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tania Banak Address: 2028 Westbrook Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 Phone: 608/278-1093

Comment: Please, no coal at Cassville. We need to stop the pollution caused by burning of coal. Especially the mercury. It's time to move forward with alternatives that are more positive for the environment, for people's health, and for our future. Thank you for listening. (I'm tired of worrying about the fish I love to eat).

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tania Banak

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101912.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 887 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:20:09 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ronna Swift Address: 230 W. Seymour St. City: Appleton State:WI Zip:549`5 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: NO more coal burning plants. No to Cassville plant. Why aren't you talking about conservation of energy, offering energy rebates, etc. Ronna Swift recently retired teacher

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ronna Swift

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101913.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 888 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:40:19 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Wandel Address: 710 N. Meadow Lane City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-345-6337


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Wandel

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101914.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 889 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 10:47:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lon Ponschock Address: 2425 N. Mason Street #207 City: Appleton State:WI Zip:54914-2175 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the new coal plant destined for Cassville Wisconsin. Many organizations

throughout our state want decentralized power generation much less dependent on a sole source provider and able to produce power through renewable means.

This is not a new idea. During the Oil Embargo of the 70's many writers came forward with answers to how the energy grid got a stranglehold on local municipalities in the first place.

At that time (the early 80's) European countries such as Sweden heeded the warning about how fragile dependence on foreign energy sources was.

We in America did not learn this lesson. It is time we did.

Investing and building with the available alternate technologies will speed the process of making the energy we need in a way that we have control of ourselves.

Repeating, I am against the construction of any new coal plants when other means which can be implemented more easily and quickly exist right now.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lon Ponschock

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101915.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 890 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 11:39:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kerry Read Address: 515 University Avenue City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703

Comment: I feel you should reject Alliant Energy's plan for the new coal plant. Although the proposed plant may be run on new, clean coal technology, I believe we should continue to try our hardest as an economy, society, and nation to invest in renewable energy sources to ween us off our addiction to all fossil fuels, not just foreign oil, so that the environment will be a much cleaner place for all of us to live in.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kerry Read

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101916.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 891 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/29/2008 11:58:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Wade Britzius Address: 20716 W. Gale Ave. City: Galesville State:WI Zip:54630 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 6008-582-4521

Comment: Dear Friends, I feel alarmed and saddened when I think about building a new coal-fired electric generating plant in Wisconsin. Our world-wide environment is at great risk, this is a scientific fact that very few will dispute. It is imperative that we enact a shift in our consciousness as a species, that we see what we are doing and find new and sustainable ways to provide the energy we all need for the support of our lives. We need to do this to support our continued existence, to support our movement into a harmonious and prosperous, happy and comfortabale future. For your children and mine, for the sake of all sentient beings. Coal-fired plants were an effective way to produce energy - in the past. Please allow Wisconsin to be part of the awakening to the abundance of possibilities that are all around us, the technologies and economic motivations are present - please take that step so that we can all prosper. Move to new, sustainable, "alternative" energy sources. Don't waste another penny or another minute thinking in old ways. Lead us to a brighter future -

Thank you, Wade Britzius

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wade Britzius

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101917.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 892 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:37:13 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Stephen Kastner Address: 3395 Shady Lane City: Fish Creek State:WI Zip:54212 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920.839.9639

Comment: Wisconsin does not need another coal-fired power plant contributing to global warming, producing toxic ash, emitting dangerous mercury and spewing out air pollution. It is a technology that is out of date, like an 8-track recording or the typewriter. Its time is over! Now we need to invest in clean technology - solar and wind.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Stephen Kastner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101918.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 893 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 7:26:08 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ellen Roney Address: 13 E Spyglass Ct City: Madison State:WI Zip:53717 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Building a coal burning plant is a move backward at a time that we need to move forward to clean energy sources. we need new innovative thinking into the future, not the same old polluting plans. do not build a new coal burning plant. Ellen Roney

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ellen Roney

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101919.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 894 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 8:24:22 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steven James Address: 415 W Franklin St City: Portage State:Wi Zip:52901 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-742-8054

Comment: I feel that Portage is the better location for your new power plant. The reason I say this is because of the existing plant that is here in Portage. You obviously know how well this plant has worked in many different aspects throughout the years. The reliable workforce you have had at this plant along with the jobs a new plant would create would be and has been a big part of our community here in Portage. As a employee of Canadian Pacific Railway here in Portage I can say without a doubt the excellent service you will receive on the delivery of coal to you new facility here in Portage. Simply, it is a good fit for this new coal-fired generation plant to be located here in Portage for all those concerned.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steven James

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101922.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 895 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 8:27:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: linda goodwin Address: 220 17th St. S City: La Crosse State:Wi Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: My husband and I are very opposed to the building of a coal fired plant on the Mississippi River in Cassville, Wi., or for that matter, anywhere in Wisconsin. Isn't this the time to be building plants that use clean, safe and efficient energy? It most definitely is.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. linda goodwin

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101923.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 896 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 8:49:31 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: William Motlong Address: S7860 Fodness Road City: Readstown State:WI Zip:54652-8019 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.629.5561

Comment: I strongly oppose the Alliant Energy coal-fired plant currently proposed for Cassville, WI.

1. Coal plants of this sort are not the answer for the future of energy production, or for reducing carbon emissions. 2. Wisconsin is already far too heavily dependent on coal-fired plants for its electricity. 3. Because this plant will be able to burn high sulfur content coal, it will create extremely large amounts of toxic waste ash, simply exacerbating the problem of disposal into the ground, thereby creating a groundwater contamination threat.

I urge you to do the right thing for the future of energy in Wisconsin and deny this application.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William Motlong

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101925.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 897 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 9:59:37 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Katharine E Blumenthal Address: 205 N Whitney Way City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-218-9101

Comment: I am strongly opposed to the construction of a new coal-fired plant to generate electricity (Nelson Dewey) in Cassville.

From a ratepayer's standpoint, there are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal. Just one of many examples - Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make an existing natural gas plant 60% more efficient and produce a comparable amount of energy as the coal proposal. We can do more with less, using gas more responsibly, instead of building new coal. Better yet, Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

From a health standpoint, as one who suffers from asthma, Dane County already violates EPA air standards, and Grant County is very close to violating as well. We simply can’t afford to build a plant that will pollute our air for decades to come.

From an economic standpoint, Alliant's proposal will use financing that could be used to invest in new technologies that will produce better, long-term jobs in Wisconsin.

There is, very simply, no good reason to go forward with this proposal.

Thank you for considering my comments.

Katharine E Blumenthal

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Katharine E Blumenthal

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101932.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 898 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 10:02:03 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alan Jungwirth Address: 2516 Commonwealth Avenue City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53711

Comment: I want to express my opposition to Alliant Energy's proposed coal-fired power plant. We need to switch to cleaner sources of power that don't contaminate our environment with mercury and air pollutants and which lead to global warming.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alan Jungwirth

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101933.htm10/2/2008 10:31:56 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 899 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 10:22:58 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Ruth Lahmayer Chipps Address: PO box 249 City: Black River Falls State:WI Zip:54615

Comment: I urge you to NOT approve the new Cassville coal fired plant. This would mean dangerous health costs to our region, with only financial benefit to the utilities. We must move towards local, renewable energy versus large, dirty coal plants, which are a highly risky investment. The building of this plant would hold us back on the future of energy ---coal is the old paradigm. Please DO NOT approve this plant!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ruth Lahmayer Chipps

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101935.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 900 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 10:39:58 AM


docket title 6680-CE-0

Commentor Information: Name: Randy Woodruff Address: 11571 Hwy 124 City: Chippewa Falls State:WI Zip:54729

Comment: September 29, 2008

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Attn: Christine Swailes, Case Coordinator PO BOX 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 USA Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

To: Public Service of Wisconsin Commissioners

The Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA) would like to comment on Wisconsin Power and Light Company’s proposed Nelson Dewey 3 project.

In their proposal, Alliant Energy plans to derive 20% of the energy for the plant by burning biomass. Biomass will include switchgrass, corn stover, and waste wood.

The WCGA is fully supportive of this effort to bring biomass power to a reality here in our state.

Alliant Energy is working right now with Wisconsin based companies to develop the biomass supply chain. The WCGA stands ready to work with Alliant to assure that the agricultural community is able to provide the land and product to fill the needs of this project.

The biomass supply market is expected to be drawn from a region within a radius of 50-70 miles from the plant. Alliant Energy expects biomass to come from 22,000 acres of forest and 24,000 acres of farm land.

Wisconsin’s corn farmers can provide corn stover and do it in an environmentally conscientious manner. Farmers are required to develop and adhere to a nutrient management plan to maintain water quality and minimize soil erosion.

Wisconsin agriculture can become a leader to help the state and nation become more energy independent.

The establishment of a sustainable, renewable biomass market in Wisconsin will mean additional sources of revenue to area farmers, foresters and agricultural operations – and this means jobs in the rural economy. This biomass market also has the potential to encourage the growth of native grasses in southwest Wisconsin and better management of forest lands. file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101937.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 901 of 987 Alliant Energy’s biomass proposal is a positive step toward reducing our Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 reliance on fossil fuels, while ensuring that businesses and families in Kenneth C. Rineer Wisconsin will continue to have access to affordable energy.

We are excited to support this opportunity.


Randy Woodruff, President Wisconsin Corn Growers Association

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Randy Woodruff

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101937.htm (2 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 902 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 10:42:31 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Judy Miner Address: 136 Talmadge St City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704

Comment: no coal plant in Cassbille - the air is dirty - and I'd rather use less electricity than have another coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Judy Miner

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101938.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 903 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:07:47 AM


docket title 6680--0

Commentor Information: Name: Charles Kvool Address: 208 Hazel Lane City: Hartland State:WI Zip:53029 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose Alliant Energy's new coal-fired electric power plant in Cassville. If built, it will result in more and more toxic heavy metals in the air, land and water which is hazardous to the environment and human health.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Charles Kvool

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101939.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 904 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:08:58 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Matthew Urch Address: E5866 Weber Road City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608)675-3766

Comment: Dear PSC,

We don't need more conventional, polluting coal-fired power plants in Wisconsin. The potential catastrophe of human caused global warming is breathing down our necks and Alliant wants to build a huge new plant to contribute even more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? This is wrong.

Wisconsin could become a leader in alternative forms of energy such as solar, wind, geothermal heating, and numerous others. If we must use coal, we should be putting our resources into being a pioneer in carbon sequestration. Let's return some of our lost manufacturing jobs and protect our environment by bringing the green economy home to Wisconsin.

Vernon County, where our family farm is located, is already being seriously impacted by plans by Dairyland Power to dump thousands of tons of toxic coal ash waste into a landfill atop fragile Karst topography. Our air has been polluted by Dairlyand's dirty Genoa coal plant for years and now they want to threaten our groundwater.

Where will Alliant place their coal ash waste?

Thank you for your time,

Matt Urch

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew Urch

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101940.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 905 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:12:24 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Barbara Olson Address: 221 Glacier Drive City: Madison State:WI Zip:57305 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: There is no such thing as "clean coal" in an age of global warming. From strip mining to shipping to processing to burning it is all a bad idea and the technolody of the past. As our country seems about to implode, we need to spend our precious resources on developing renewable, non-polluting, non- carbon sources of energy. Do not approve this plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Barbara Olson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101941.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 906 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:16:29 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Regina Pauly Address: 235 N. Elm St. City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-348-4436

Comment: I am concerned about building this because we know coal is not clean burning. Pollution and global warming are a worry for me. I have asthma so air quality does make a difference in my life. I hope that we invest more in wind, solar, and these alternative forms that don't hurt the environment. That is where we should be heading with our future power needs. Thanks for listening to our concerns.

Regina Pauly

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Regina Pauly

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101943.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 907 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:23:47 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Rowley Address: 755 Lancaster St City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608.348.5757

Comment: I am very much opposed to the construction of a new coal-fired electricity plant in Cassville.

This is 20th century technology and 19th century thinking, when we should be looking forward to renewable energy source.

Alliant Energy should focus on greater efficiency plus wind and solar power.

Please don't let this plant be built.

David Rowley

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Rowley

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101945.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 908 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:33:48 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Edward Kuharski Address: 405 Sidney Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-410-8126

Comment: Dear Commissioners:

This project is the complete opposite of what we must be doing to transition to a CO2-free energy infrastructure. Given what we now know about the consequences of human-caused climate change, this is a completely irresponsible and harmful project, and should not be approved under any circumstances. Other utilities are demonstrating that clean generation options are feasible, in demand and a wise investment in their future as well as all of ours. Alliant is being an embarrassment to our state with its strong traditions of environmental & social leadership.

Thank you for your time & attention.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Edward Kuharski

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101946.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 909 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:37:20 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Richard Rundell Address: 1270 Perry Dr City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-348-5583

Comment: I wish to express my opposition to the proposal for construction of the Cassville power plant. I waited 2 hours for the opportunity to speak at the PSC hearing in Cassville last night but was not able to wait long enough to have the chance to speak. I submitted my written comments but wanted to add a brief statement about my major concerns.

We at a point in time when we are derermining where our future source of energy will be coming from. In this case we would making a 50 year commitment to a source of energy that that is probably the least efficient and most polluting. To commit ourselves and future generations to a plant that will put into our environment high levels of CO2, mercury, nitrous and sulfurous oxides is immoral. The devastating effect on the environment and my childrens health is unacceptable. We will be condemming our children to suffer the consequences our actions today.

We need more foresight. We need a better choice of less destructive alternatives for our source of energy. This proposal is in opposition to the guidelines presented in the Governor's Taskforce on Global Warming. We need an option that will help meet those recommendations. This proposed plant will have the opposite effect.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Richard Rundell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101947.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 910 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:43:38 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: KJ Jakobson Address: 209 South Washington City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please do NOT approve the proposal from Alliant Energy to create a new coal plant in Cassville. Public interest and policy must urgently support and fund CLEAN, renewable sources of energy along with significant (NOT TOKEN) conservation efforts and must PREVENT investment in energy sources that will add to the region's air, land and water pollution load and greenhouse gas emissions. PSC MUST provide leadership in the right direction towards clean renewable domestic energy and cannot do so if the majority of investment remains in the domain of fossil fuels. Myself, my neighbors, everyone I talk to wants US energy policy to move QUICKLY in the direction of more and more renewable sources and less and LESS fossil fuels. Please listen to the public on this issue, the voices of those who earn their livelihood from coal are not advocating in the public interest, only in their own self interest.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. KJ Jakobson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101948.htm10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 911 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:54:56 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Phillips Address: 4435 Jewell Lane City: Platteville State:WI Zip:53818 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Hi: I would like to comment on my concerns on the construction of a new coal fired power plant in Cassville, WI. I am very concerned about the impact of this plant on the area that I live and work and raise my children. It seems very politically motivated to continue to construct a plant that would continue to pollute our environment, instead of considering other alternatives. The inclusion of biomass within the proposal is minimal, and can not be considered a real alternative. Instead the coal plant proposed is considered one of the worst types for pollution, which will impact the health and welfare of my family, neighbors and community.

I hope that in your review you will take a more long term, global look at the alternatives and select a type of power generation that is less harmful to our environment and health. We could be possible leaders in fields such as wind generation or combination of several alternative fuel sources. This would positively impact our communities in so many ways. This is the future, not coal. We want to draw jobs and resources to our communities that are part of the future not the past. Please, don't stick your head in the sand and say that this is the most effective alternative. It may be in the very short term, but we need to look ahead, and see how this will impact our health and welfare in the communities surrounding this proposed coal plant.

As noted in the following material, we expect that we will see significant legislative changes to strenghten the position of alternative energies. Let's help move in that direction, rather than continue to dig ourselves into a bigger hole. "The American Wind Energy Association today welcomed the campaign launched by T. Boone Pickens to strengthen U.S. economic and energy security by boosting wind power production and confirmed that ramping up wind power quickly on a large scale is feasible if the government enacts the correct policies, starting with renewal of the production tax credit".

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101950.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:31:57 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 912 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer and belief. Julie Phillips

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 11:59:35 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Steve Campbell Address: E7602 E. Smith Rd. City: Westby State:WI Zip:54667 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: This 'new' coal burning plant is a bad idea. It is old technology that needs to be reconsidered. The amount of pollution that will be a by-product of this plant is irresponsible and should be rethought. Why not consider alternative energy? Why do we want to scrub all these toxins out of the air only to dump them on the land? There has to be a better way. In a few short years there may be a multitude of different recycling options for this fly-ash. Why push to do this now when all we will be doing is ruining hundreds or possible thousands of acres of Wisconsin farm land. And possibly ruining the drinking water of thousands of people. It is irresponsible.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Steve Campbell

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:00:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jon Hain Address: 1340 E. Wilson St. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please deny this application. Support, instead, energy efficiency and alternative sources of electricity. The risk to our climate and our environment and health is too high to continue to build coal powered plants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jon Hain

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101952.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 915 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:00:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lillia Langreck, SSND Address: 3837 N. 84th Street City: Milwaukee State:WI Zip:53222-2807 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please no Alliant Energy Dirty Coal Plant for Wisconsin

We want clean, safe and affordable renewable energy now.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lillia Langreck, SSND

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101953.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 916 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:07:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rev. Don and Roberta Timmerman Address: n15878 Tamarack Rd. City: Park Falls State:WI Zip:54552 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-762-8239

Comment: We oppose the coal power plant for Cassville and other places because: 1) It will emit up to 3 million tons of pollution to the air and water of Wisconsin. 2) This new plant will add to the cost of the consumers who already have a difficult time paying for utilities. 3) It will produce ashes that cannot be recycled and will add to the waste we already have in Wisconsin. 4) The plant will cost $1.4 billion and very possibly more than that estimation. Already the taxpayers are being taxes beyond their limits. 5) It will increase the mercury pollution in the Mississippi river and other bodies of water in Wisconsin. As a result less fish will be edible in the future. 6) There must be a use of alternative forms of energy if we are to sustain our current level of energy consumption. If not, there will be more pollution and more waste in the future. We the people must learn to conserve energy, not produce more of it. We need to live more simply, not more lavishly. We need to use the intellect God gave us to develop alternative forms of energy that will not pollute and create harmful waste products. Already the alternatives are there. All we have to do us invest in them.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rev. Don and Roberta Timmerman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101954.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 917 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:10:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: bob bultman Address: 7697 chapel lane City: baileys harbor State:wi Zip:54202 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please deny the construction of the Cassville coal plant. Proper energy stewardship must come FIRST from serious energy conservation and then from sustainable, renewable sources. My first child is on the way and the levels of mercury in Wisconsin's air and waters are already inexcusably high. NO COAL PLANT IN CASSVILLE!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. bob bultman

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:17:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Beth Schlagheck Address: 4596 Golf Drive City: Windsor State:WI Zip:53598

Comment: Please look for clean ways in which to supply energy as opposed to the proposed coal-fired power plant. With the support of people like myself I know you can do it so long as you apply the creativity at hand needed for a clean and sustainable project. We will all be better off in the longrun and set an outstanding example to others faced with these same tough choices. How much more proud of Wisconsin we will all be if we work towards these ends.

Thank you,

Mary Beth Schlagheck

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Beth Schlagheck

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101956.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 919 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:18:01 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Drew Mueske Address: 457 Mt. Vernon St. #2 City: Oshkosh State:WI Zip:54901 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 920 292-0386

Comment: I strongly oppose construction of this plant. There are many effective options available for load-barring plants that would generate far less pollution. Construction of this plant would literally be a black spot on Wisconsin's energy future. NO MORE COAL!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Drew Mueske

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101957.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 920 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:18:26 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rachel Breitbach Address: 2982 Bryn Wood Drive City: Fitchburg State:Wi Zip:53711

Comment: I strongly oppose opening a outdated coal plant with extremely harmful environmental effects. We have the technology and resources to effect our environment in a much more positive way. Let's use these cleaner alternatives NOW! NO MORE COAL PLANTS!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rachel Breitbach

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101958.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 921 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:26:35 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Daniel D Frey Address: N7451 Hwy A City: Johnson Creek State:WI Zip:53038

Comment: I am opposed to a coal fired plant in Cassville as my family is in a direct path of the prevailing westerly winds. My daughter has asthma. There is already enough contaminants in the air as it is. Besides, I would rather pay a little more for my energy if it were a clean alternative than a little more for a dirty outdated fossil fuel. Keep Wisconsin clean and progressive. Thanks Dan Frey

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Daniel D Frey

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101959.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 922 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:27:23 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Susan Johnson Address: S3566 County S City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665

Comment: I am concerned that coal waste generated at the Cassville power plant will eventually come to Dairyland Power's proposed coal waste dump to be located somewhere in Vernon County. I don't want that additional waste product coming into my County.

Building such a dump ruins our valuable farm land for food production forever, threatens our ground water, and requires energy for truck transport on our county roads as long as the plant is in operation. I believe this is short sighted plan for energy production, and oppose the construction of another coal fired plant. As a consumer of electricity, I don't buy that this is the best solution to our energy needs.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Susan Johnson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101960.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 923 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:32:14 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Sue Nelson Address: 2424 Andre Avenue City: Janesville State:WI Zip:53545

Comment: Alliant's coal plant is a dreadful idea. It should be stopped. The Alliant proposal is too expensive in dollar costs and too expensive for our environment. We would likely not make the federal air quality standards. Renewable energy like wind or solar is a much safer way and costs less. I am a customer of Alliant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sue Nelson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101961.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 924 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:42:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Robert Fick Address: w7918 Jonathan dr City: Pardeeville State:Wisconsin Zip:53954 Phone: 608-745-1413

Comment: I am in favor of the proposal by WP&L to build the coal/biofuels plant in Cassville. The economic opportunity this offers to agriculture and the region are huge. The support shown by community groups agree with this. This project will be the first step in moving toward the use of biofuels as a replacement of fossil fuels. It will also do this in a manner that is economically acceptable to the public. This project can provide Wisconsin with the needed power at reasonable prices while protecting the environment.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Robert Fick

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101962.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 925 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:47:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Randall F. Atkinson Address: 11450 Liberty Ridge Road City: Stitzer State:WI Zip:53825 E-mail: Biointerlink Phone: 715-778-1131

Comment: I am opposed to the coal-biofuel power plant as proposed as the technology used in the design and operation does not address the state of technology that could limit stack pollution emissions. Have the effects on air quality for Grant County and southwestern Wisconsin been addressed when it already carries the burden or air quality alerts originating in the Madison metro area?

In addition, the current need and push for renewable energy alternatives to meet our energy needs of the future would not be addressed by this power plant design. Using biofuel as a percentage of the fuel needed to operate the plant will not reduce the U.S. burden on fossil fuel as the cost to produce and transport it to the plant will still require a great deal of it.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Randall F. Atkinson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101963.htm10/2/2008 10:31:58 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 926 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:55:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Darren Blankenship Address: 5511 McGann Ln - Unit 209 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 274-1173

Comment: I am very much against the proposal to build a new coal plant in Cassville or Portage. It is too polluting and will cause major health problems to citizens. I am willing to pay more for cleaner energy and to breathe cleaner air. Alliant Energy should seek cleaner and more efficient alternatives. With global warming only getting worse, this is the worst possible time to construct a dirty coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Darren Blankenship

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101964.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 927 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 12:57:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joan Blankenship Address: 5511 McGann Ln - Unit 209 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 274-1173

Comment: I am very much against the proposal to build a new coal plant in Cassville or Portage. It is too polluting and will cause major health problems to citizens. I am willing to pay more for cleaner energy and to breathe cleaner air. Alliant Energy should seek cleaner and more efficient alternatives. With global warming only getting worse, this is the worst possible time to construct a dirty coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joan Blankenship

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101965.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 928 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:08:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: John Stupak Address: 2228 Windsong Ct City: Eau Claire State:WI Zip:54703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-833-1941

Comment: I would like to offer you my urging to NOT ALLOW this new coal-fired plant to be built in the Mississippi Valley in Cassville, WI. It is time for Wisconsin, and our country, to stop pretending that this antiquated technology will take us in to the future. The damage to be done to the environment by this plant affects not only us, but will affect our children and grandchildren for years to come.

Perhaps if the plant is disallowed, progress can be made toward clean, sustainable methods of generating electrical power. I urge you to think of the future and how we may lead the way to better ways of doing things in order to protect the welfare of all of us.

Thank you, John Stupak

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Stupak

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101966.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 929 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:08:45 PM


docket title 6680--0

Commentor Information: Name: Idelle Fauske Address: 5025 Turner Avenue City: Madison State:Wi Zip:53716 Phone: 608-222-4048

Comment: I am against the coal powered plant at Cassville. Alliant has not sufficiently answered questions about disposal of waste. Also, I am concerned that Alliant has not comprehensively addressed concerns about soil. water, and air contamination from this plant. While federal and state interests have made some controls for smokestack waste, the disposal of this smokestack waste creates pollution problems for soil and water. Alliant neds to address al three, soil, water, and air.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Idelle Fauske

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101967.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 930 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:09:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Carl Volden Address: S.4899 Volden lane City: Genoa State:Wi Zip:54632 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-689-2602

Comment: I am opposed to the permitting of the construction of a new coal fired electric generation unit at Cassville for several reasons. 1. The amount of CO2 created by a coal fired plant operation is immense. 40% of the green house gases produced in this country are created by coal burning power plants. 2. The resulting waste stream created by the plant. What does Alliant plan to do with the waste. Are they willing to commit to recycling or safe beneficial re- use of the waste? If you put all of the coal waste created in this country and placed it in railroad cars the train would stretch over 12,000 miles. Landfilling of this wastes places a great environmental risk on future generations. If we have alternatives, and we do, then we must not ignore them. 3.Landuse. We already lose 33,000 acres of farmland annually in Wisconsin and over one million nationwide to all types of developement, we cannot afford to take one acre for a coal ash landfill. We can amd must make better choices.

Providing distributive energy production through investments in local small scale renewable power generation and promoting energy conservation are much better solutuions. Wisconsing can be a leader in our new energy world and should develope a plan to end our dependence on pulverised coal fired power plant. We can and must do better, our children and grandchildren are counting on us!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Carl Volden

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101968.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 931 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:16:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Judy Bessinger Address: S3502B Asbury Road City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-634-4275

Comment: From Biblical times to the present mankind has been admonished to be good stewards of the earth. Leave a place better than you found it. A coal ash landfill is NOT a good thing for the earth and particularly not earth with a karst type geology. There are concerns of leakage that no matter how "safe" it is built there is the possibility of ground water contamination. Raising young children in such an environment is risky and not worth exposing our future generations to potential health hazards.

It's time to look forward to developing new technologies such as green brick, wind power, solar. Why pour money into soon to be obsolete systems. Keep in mind our Wisconsin motto "Forward" and let's be a leader in the energy field.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Judy Bessinger

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101969.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 932 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:21:45 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jane Furchgott Address: S10093 Bear Valley Rd. City: Lone Rock State:WI Zip:53556

Comment: Please stop the costruction of the Alliant Energy Cassville coal-fired Electric Plant , This plant would cause more pollution than the previous plants, and prevent Wisconsin from meeting clean air standards and containing global warming, among other faults. Please deny the permits for this plant, and sponsor a cleaner method of electricity production.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jane Furchgott

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101971.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 933 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:22:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jesse Bennett Address: 13761 Cty X City: Bagley State:WI Zip:53801 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-996-2202

Comment: I'm a life long resident of NW Grant county, a small business owner/employer, and local landowner (Glen Haven and Wyalusing Twp). I oppose the proposed Alliant Energy development. While I understand that new generating facilities will be required to meet growing demand, I do not support this, largely coal- based proposal. For the benefit of Earth's (our) life support system, and to create renewable markets, it is time to completely wean ourselves off fossil fuels. Public interest projects of this sort have great potential to do just this. We can do much better than the current project! Sincerely, Jesse Bennett Bagley, WI

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jesse Bennett

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101972.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 934 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:28:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: nial bessinger Address: S3502B Asbury Road City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Top of the line NEW designed "coal-fired" generation plants are OK in themselves. It is the leftovers from the burning that causes the problem With SOIL,WATER,AIR contaminants. USES MUST BE FOUND FOR THE REMAINS !! Landfill/landcovers/landstacks are not the answer to the material. ALL must be recycled and used . Switching to SOLAR and WIND leaves no waste and FARMS ARE LEFT MOSTLY UNTOUCHED. Thank you,

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. nial bessinger

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101975.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 935 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:32:30 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mira Bakken Address: 1425C Wheeler Ct. City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704-1472 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: If Alliant builds a coal plant, it would:

These is the information I have pondered and wonder why this would not make sense to you. Madison Gas and Electric, my energy supplier, has wisely made the choice to use cleaner energy sources. Listen to the people of Wisconsin.

* Lock us into out-dated, dirty coal technology for decades to come * Spew over 3 million tons of global warming pollution each year, or the equivalent of adding of 1,772 cars per day to the roads of Wisconsin (or 646,811 cars per year). * Increase soot pollution even as health advisories are on the rise and some Wisconsin counties already violate EPA health standards for soot pollution * Increase utility rates * Ship more and more hard-earned Wisconsin dollars out of the state to bring coal and its toxic pollution home to our air and water.

There are much cheaper, cleaner alternatives to Alliant's proposal:

* Alliant's own experts agree that it would be $800 million cheaper to make one of the company's existing natural gas plants 60% more efficient - doing more with less fuel - while producing a comparable amount of energy as the proposed new coal plant. * If the Commission orders Alliant to use this cheaper, cleaner option, customer savings will total almost $1 billion over the life of the plant and less soot, smog, mercury, and global warming pollution will be pumped into Wisconsin's air. * Wisconsin is already making natural gas right here at home from renewable resources like manure.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mira Bakken

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101976.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 936 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:36:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Chetna Narayan Address: 510 Western Avenue City: Platteville State:WI Zip:Platteville

Comment: I am very concerned about building the coal power plant in Cassville - it is a totally "ungreen" approach! There are healthier alternatives, so building a coal power plant that will spew toxins and coal dust into the air makes no sense at all, and especially not as a greener alternative. Please keep the environment and air quality clean, if you really care!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chetna Narayan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101977.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 937 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:39:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mandy Mitchell Address: 652 Monroe Street City: Oshkosh State:WI Zip:54901 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: n/a

Comment: To Whom It May Be A Concern,

I am not happy with the idea of another coal power plant. Please put money towards wind or solar energy units. I am a stong advocate for clean, renewable energy. Please do not put in another coal power plant that dirties our air, raises carbon emmissions, and fouls the environment around it. Create healthier jobs for men and women with Green energy such as wind or solar. My home was recently weatherized with very energy efficient appliances. My problem with the change of my appliances is that they are still feeding off of energy from coal power plants. It angers me that my dollars are not going towards clean, renewable, green energy sources. I want my dollars that I earn to pay for green energy, and jobs that support my demand. Please do not put in any more coal power plants - I hate nuclear power plants, too. We have the knowledge to do the right things for our environment, health, and future - why not take the right steps for the best life attainable?

Thank you for your time,

Mandy Mitchell

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mandy Mitchell

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101978.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 938 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:42:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elizabeth Wheeler Address: 37 Sherman Terrace, Unit 6 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53704 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strongly oppose the proposed coal plant in Cassville, WI. Despite Alliant's claim that the plant will burn up to 20% biomass (which so far as I can tell is completely unsubstantiated), the plant is still an old technology coal plant. I am concerned that the rising price of coal coupled with impending global warming legislation and renewable energy requirements that this plant is moving the State of Wisconsin in the wrong direction. Wisconsin needs to be focusing on getting electricity from clean and renewable resources such as wind, solar, and 100% biomass facilities. It's time for this state to create a comprehensive plan for meeting electricity needs through implementing broad energy efficiency plans and developing new renewable energy resources. Alliant's proposed plant is not economically viable, fails to address important concerns about global warming pollution and is a bad choice for Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elizabeth Wheeler

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101979.htm10/2/2008 10:31:59 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 939 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:42:53 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Jean Verber Address: 718 Lake Ave` City: Racine State:WI Zip:53403 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: We have written to the Governor and will re-iterate our very strong opposition to the building of a coal plant in Cassville. We are convinced from all we have read and studied that there is NO SUCH THING AS CLEAN COAL.

We just got the Great Lakes Compact passed. We must continue to preserve our environment. Coal emits huge amounts of carbon...... a polluting disaster! There are better alternatives; please use them!


Jean Verber, Judene Walsh, Rosalie Lauer All Wisconsin voting residents

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jean Verber

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101980.htm10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 940 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:51:17 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Clint Freund Address: 2116 E Main St. City: Madison State:wi Zip:53704

Comment: No more fucking COAL PLANTS!!!!!!!!! PLEASE. If this were an actual democracy and consensus based, I'd block the vote for the plant and ask people to use less energy to the point of a near-no-energy usage and encourage negative growth of the economy for our environment's sake

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Clint Freund

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101981.htm10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 941 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 1:57:21 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Joey P Kay Address: 1203 Heritage Court City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601

Comment: Wisconsin doesn’t need another coal-fired power plant contributing to global warming, producing toxic ash, emitting dangerous mercury and spewing out air pollution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joey P Kay

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101984.htm10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 942 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 2:03:11 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dennis Brault Address: E8569 County Y City: VIROQUA State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 634-2146

Comment: I request that the PSC deny the Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin. I base this request on the fact that Alliant energy has not submitted a re-use plan for the tremendous volume of coal waste it will be producing at this new plant. Removing pollutants from the air only to bury them in the ground should be the last option. The first should be turning the coal wast into a product.

The following Re-use options are available:


•A technology process that agglomerates fly-ash. •Developed many years ago when fly-ash was a major problem in the Netherlands. The Netherlands don’t have “big back yards.” •Over 15 years the Aardelite pellets have proven to be a perfect substitute for natural gravel. •Cold process, requiring no energy input •Immobilizes toxic elements •Aardelite pellets can be widely applied in the building industry as masonry (building) blocks, ready mix concrete, prefabricated concrete elements, concrete piles, bitumen bonded asphalt for road construction and pavement stones.

Universal Aggregate •Developed in 2000 •A "zero waste" technology •No combustion source required •Primary reuse option is masonry bricks

Greenest Brick •100% Fly Ash Brick is the nation's "Greenest Brick" because . . . •It is made of pure fly ash (without having to add cement, sand, aggregates, file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101988.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 clay or binder). Schedule 2 Page 943 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 •it's kiln-free manufacturing process is emission free, in contrast to the October 2, 2008 pollutants emitted by manufacturing clay bricks and cement Kenneth C. Rineer


•Process melts the sludge which creates an inert, environmentally friendly glass product. •High process temperatures destroy organic contaminants in the sludge. •Rapid quenching of molten glass in water physically sequesters heavy metals within the glass matrix, resulting in low leaching potential. •Glass aggregate handles and stores similar to conventional quarried aggregates.

•Proven commercial applications include Hot mix asphalt, Utility trench fill, Pozzolan (cement) substitute, Construction backfill, Roadbed construction, Blasting media, Roofing shingle granules and Ceramic floor tiles.

The history of landfilling coal waste across the country is one of disaster and cancer. In fact, according to an EPA report the odds of contracting cancer when living next to a coal waste dump is 100-1.

Our land is a respected part of our community and should not be abused and destroyed forever.

Please deny this application.

Dennis Brault

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dennis Brault

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 2:20:18 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kathleen Crittenden Address: E8022 Bakkom Road City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Due to global warning and other environmental constraints, it is clear that we must wean ourselves from coal in generating electricity. It will take awhile to do so, but a good first step is to stop building new coal plants. The plant would generate unacceptable levels of CO2, and there is not a satisfactory means of capturing and sequestering CO2. Second, coal is dirty; there is no such thing as "clean" coal. The scrubber will permit Alliant to burn coal with varying (high) amounts of SO2, but using it with high-sulfur Midwestern coal will generate huge quantities of caustic coal waste. Such waste will contain heavy metals and other carcinogens that, in a caustic environment, will remain in suspension, ready to remobilized by surface water. This material cannot be safely landfilled in southwest Wisconsin, a region characterized by karst geology. The instability of the underlying dolomite threatens the structural integrity of the landfill and liner, and threatens the aquifer that provides drinking water a huge population in three states. When we discover mercury in our water, it will be too late.

Coal has always been a cheap fuel, but the global demand for it and transportation costs will greatly increase its cost. Wisconsin must move toward replacing coal through a combination of conservation, efficiency measures, and distributed generation of clean, renewable energies such as wind and solar. We must look to the future. Building a "dinosaur" coal plant is a step backward, not forward!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kathleen Crittenden

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101998.htm10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 945 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 2:20:37 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Heather Mullee Address: 2302 Manor Green Dr. City: madison State:WI Zip:53711 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I am absolutely against the building of the coal plant in Cassville. I've lived in Wisconsin almost all of my life and I will not advocate for the construction of something in this state that would be just as bad as plants built here decades ago! And the promise of "bio-mass" means very little to me as it is a very small proportion of what will actually be burned there, it's just a tricky way of making people think that this is going to be a "greener" way of creating energy.

Please listen to and try and appease my cause for concern.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Heather Mullee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/101999.htm10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 946 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 2:23:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Beau Dobson Address: 10-N Gerry Ct. City: Madison State:WI. Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 523-4119

Comment: My name is Beau Dobson and I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I live across the street from the coal plant that powers the university. Trains frequently deliver loads of coal that is neither sustainable or energy efficient. I find a sad irony that the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a university with strong environmental ties, stands for obsolete technology and relies on an energy system that has been sited by the EPA. Dane county exceeds and continues to violate emissions standards set by the EPA by producing unnecessary smog and soot from the coal plant. The fine particle pollution that is released is a serious health problem and depletes the wellness of our planet for all of mankind. With that said, I strongly oppose the construction and use of another coal plant in Wisconsin.

With much of the world relying on coal as a fuel, it makes no sense to continue to compete for a limiting resources especially because it is not the most economically or environmental friendly option. The projected costs for building a new plant continue and recent estimates exceed over $1 billion. Coal emissions may soon carry a monetary amount due to a Cap and Trade Program and recent economic trends further reduce the practicality of making another coal plant in Wisconsin. In Illinois coal prices have doubled since 2006 and coal prices are projected to increase. With three new additions to the Alliant Energy fuel base, it has been suggested that there is no absolute need for a new plant, especially with all of the alternatives that are available. Upon completion, the new coal plant is suppose to also implement a co-burn of a renewable energy source within five years. However, there is no enforceable mechanism! We should learn from the new Iowa coal plant that there is a fallacy with promising to implement co-burns.

The evidence is ongoing but futile. It is ultimately the choice to pass the construction and operation of a destructive coal plant that truly matters. I am one of the thousands who wish to see immediate change in both economics and environmental problems that we all face. Denying the coal plant is a fresh start because after all we inalienable rights to breath clean air. Please do not allow the coal plant to be passed.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102000.htm (1 of 2)10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 947 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Kenneth C. Rineer I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Beau Dobson

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 2:54:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Marlys Larson Address: S3161A Larson Lane City: Viroqua, State:WI Zip:54665

Comment: Do not want another power plant. Ash is toxic Emissions are toxic No place for a landfill. Would rather conserve than use more.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Marlys Larson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102010.htm10/2/2008 10:32:00 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 949 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:04:47 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Warren Lang Address: 314 11th St. City: Menomonie State:WI Zip:54751 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Coal-fired power plants are known to be one of the worst global warming polluters. This plant will not only produce 3 million tons of global warming pollution annually, but will also produce many times the amount of unrecyclable ash than other coal plants. Of course, coal plants also produce mercury, polluting our waterways and making fish in those waterways uneatable. Coal is an unsound way to provide for our energy needs. I urge the PSC to turn down Alliant's application for this unsustainable power plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Warren Lang

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:19:04 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Scott Thompson Address: 20 N Orchard City: Madison State:WI Zip:53715 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 4142413827

Comment: As a leader in the University of Wisconsin's chapter of the Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG) I know beyond any doubt the majority of the youth in the state of Wisconsin is vehemently opposed to not only this coal plant but to coal power in general. Alliant's proposed coal plant is a slap in the face to any progress that our state has made in the fight against global warming. Not only that, but the cost of this plant is too high for the future members of Wisconsin's work force - the current college population - to bear. I hope the public service commission sees the need for alternative and green energy in our state and will turn away from the dirty coal power that our state has become dependent on.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Scott Thompson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102013.htm10/2/2008 10:32:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 951 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:21:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Elizabeth B. Wing Address: 134 South 17th Place City: La Crosse State:Wl Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I oppose the Wisconsin Power and Light Company application for a new coal- fired electric plant in Cassville. We should be moving toward renewable energy, not investing vast sums in coal which the proponents admit will create a vast amount of toxic ash, among other pollutants hazardous to our health.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Elizabeth B. Wing

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:24:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Cheryl Lee Address: 531 County A City: Rewey State:WI Zip:53580

Comment: I am not in favor of this new plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cheryl Lee

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102015.htm10/2/2008 10:32:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 953 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:31:05 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dorothy Lenard Address: 1925 Main Street City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Please deny this application

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dorothy Lenard

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:35:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired 6680-CE-170 Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rev. David Steffenson, Ph.D. Address: 344 W. Dayton St., #401 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-285-5201

Comment: Re: Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin or near Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin. 6680-CE-170

Commentator: The Rev. Dave Steffenson, Ph.D. 344 W. Dayton St., #401 Madison, WI 53703 Phone: 608-285-5201 E-Mail: [email protected]


Commentator’s Qualifications: I have a Ph.D. in Ecological Social Ethics (UI&U) and an STM in Political Social Ethics (Yale); and I taught related college courses as an adjunct instructor at UW-Green Bay, Cardinal Stritch University, and the Wyoming University, 1967-2003. I taught undergraduate senior level business ethics courses at Cardinal Stritch. I have studied and published on environmental and energy ethics from 1967 to the present. I spent the first 13 years of my life in, on, and near the Mississippi River in the Quad Cities, IL region, so I have a great interest in the quality of that river and the impact of the Cassville plant. I was the founding Director of the Wisconsin Interfaith Climate & Energy Campaign, Inc. (WICEC) (1999-2007, now retired), and my remarks reflect the general policy positions of that statewide, faith-based organization, though I am speaking only for myself.

As I looked through both the original proposal and the EIS for this project -- and my remarks relate to either proposed site -- I noticed that the two most important stakeholders in this project were not even mentioned let alone addressed. The first stakeholder is the human species itself, and the second is the planet that, except for the sun, is the source of all our life and sustenance. The sustainability of both the human race and the planet are at stake here.

Representing both of those interests, as well as a long tradition of ethics, faith-based or otherwise, I wish to address mainly the moral and ethical dimensions of this project.

I begin with these basic socio-ethical assertions addressed specifically to the WI Public Service Commission as you all are the designated and responsible public stewards in this case, and you will be held accountable for your decisions.

1. What is legal is not necessarily moral! Neither is what’s legal necessarily prudent or wise. It is not the role of the PSC to simply determine if the proposal meets all current legal requirements and then go no farther. Current legal limits are always shifting depending on political and economic considerations. The decision as to legality is for regulatory bodies such as the DNR or Congress/ EPA. The decision facing the PUC must go farther to ask whether these proposals are fully accurate, honest and meet larger ethical requirements, as well as future requirements. Your ultimate concern is whether the overall best interests of the planet, the nation, Wisconsin, and the people residing therein are being served. You are also required morally to decide if this proposal is wise, prudent, and builds-up the sustainability and viability of our planet as a whole as well as for the citizens and economy of Wisconsin. 2. As stated by many before me, over a dozen coal utility plants nationwide have recently been cancelled because of their contributions to Global Warming and toxic air pollution threatening our planet’s continued existence and the health of our neighbors and nature itself. Now, we have the Wisconsin Governor’s Global Warming Commission Report calling for a steady and rapid reduction of CO2 emissions in all sectors, and this proposal being considered goes flatly against both the spirit and letter of those guidelines. It is morally reprehensible that WP&L is cynically rushing to get this obsolete plant built before those guidelines are implemented into law! The PSC has the moral responsibility to halt going forward on this proposal until it can be rewritten to comply with rational and ethical standards of sustainability. As admitted in the WP&L proposal, this plant will be spewing CO2 into the atmosphere in stupendous amounts for up to 60 years, whereas the consensus of science is that we must eliminate at least 80% of all CO2 emissions within 41 years. You are the state governmental body that must address this dichotomy and halt this excessively expensive project that is not needed. 3. It is morally and scientifically unacceptable to not address the problem of Carbon Microsoot Particulate Matter emissions and the impact on human health. The proposals do address such emissions above the level of PM10, but that is irrelevant. The most important threats lie below PM2.5, and science agrees that below PM10 any attempts to control microsoot particles tends to drop off logarithmically, and that it is currently impossible to filter out this micro-particulate matter emitted from burning carbon, i.e. coal. (Please see the four Exhibits attached below at the end of this document.) Microsoot emissions below PM2.5 are now implicated as major causes in the current epidemic of childhood and elder asthma. Furthermore, they are implicated in the causes of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, myocardial infarction, damaged arteries, lung inflammation, fatal blood clots, and strokes. In my informed opinion, it file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102019.htm (1 of 3)10/2/2008 10:32:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 would be immoral to allow even one more coal-utility facility to be built in Wisconsin given the current state of the Scheduletechnology 2 Page. It 955 of 987 would be especially immoral to build this obsolete last-century plant, and no amount of “greenwashing” by touting its biowasteDocket 6680-CE-170 capacities makes it better. That truly is putting lipstick on a pig! Everyone involved in approving or building this plant is guilty Octoberof 2, 2008 killing, maiming and hastening the death of people, especially our children, elderly and the sick, period! No minimal death rateKenneth can C. Rineer be accepted nor should it be. Wisconsin’s Electric Utilities are killing people daily now with their coal emissions. They should not be allowed to expand coal use and must be required to phase out existing plants ASAP. Human life cannot be factored into a cost- benefit ratio. This cost is absolute and unacceptable. To say or imply that there is an acceptable level of death and morbidity is a morally absurd statement! 4. The economic and energy demand projections on which this proposal and its supporting documents are based are grossly incomplete and inadequate because they are based only on extrapolations from past experience without any consideration for the future. The proposal mentions several times that they relied on projections by ACT (American Transmission Corp.). At one of ACT’s recent public meetings in Madison, I spoke directly with the ACT official responsible for making their projections, and he admitted that they use a set of standard formulas and projections from various sources that do not take into account alternate futures – particularly future decline scenarios. In the extreme, they do not factor in the possible partial or total collapse of the economy and the political order in which it functions due to rapid environmental change (e.g., global warming). As we speak, electrical demand projections are being downsized as demand shrinks, and we move to mostly non-carbon energy production. Special attention should be paid to the “Stern Review Report” on the impact of environmental factors on world economics issued by the Treasury of the United Kingdom (available at stern_review_report.cfm). That report renders WP&L’s claims of an urgent need for more capacity by 2012 obsolete and moot. If we have any energy production growth, it will have to be from non-carbon sources, and the threat in the near-term future of a global economic meltdown and depression must be taken seriously right now!

I could say much more but I will close with this question to you, the PSC: Will your grandchildren curse you or bless you, and all of us, for what you and we do in relation to this proposal? I hope you will sleep on this question before you make your decision!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

The Rev. David C. Steffenson, Ph.D. (End of statement) ______

See Four Exhibits or Attachments below (Emphasis Added in each case)

Exhibit 1

Los Angeles Times April 8, 2003 By Gary Polakovic, Times Staff Writer

A team of Southern California researchers has discovered that microscopic airborne particles can disrupt the inner mechanics of cells, offering a possible explanation of how air pollutants common in urban haze can harm the human body. The new study, led by scientists at UCLA and USC, links the most minuscule particles found in dust and smoke to injuries. The particles are so small -- about 1,000 could fit inside the period at the end of this sentence -- that they easily bypass the body's defense mechanisms. The findings also are the first to show that very tiny particles travel beyond the lungs and bloodstream to penetrate deep inside cells. The pollutant accumulates within a critical component that powers the cell and maintains its function. Damage to that cellular component is known to lead to an assortment of diseases. The study is scheduled to be published this week in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, a publication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and is currently available on the journal's Internet home page. Researchers have long known that haze over major cities causes a wide range of health problems. Numerous studies worldwide have linked particle pollution to school absences, hospital admissions, shortened life spans, reduced lung function, heart disease and cancer. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established rigorous standards for curbing particle pollution in 1997. The agency estimates that those rules will prevent 15,000 premature deaths, 350,000 cases of asthma and 1 million cases of lung problems in children by the year 2020. But researchers have been unsure what types of particles were to blame for the health effects. "We have had no idea of the biological potency of different size particles in the air," said UCLA researcher Andre Nel, a physician and lead author of the study. The new research "may be a mechanism to explain how the smallest particles cause adverse health effects," he said. Particulate matter turns the sky gray with gauzy haze, limiting visibility. It consists of microscopic bits, ranging from pulverized tire fragments to diesel soot to acid droplets, and is measured in microns, a unit equivalent to a millionth of a meter. A human hair is about 50 microns across. Currently, environmental regulations try to limit particles that are 10 microns in diameter and smaller particles in the 2.5-micron range. But the particles that caused the most damage in the new study are one-tenth of a micron across. Dust and smoke are made of particles of about 10 microns. The smallest particles come mainly from burning fossil fuels. Those tiny particles float in the air longer, travel farther and are more easily inhaled than larger ones. The Los Angeles Basin ranks as one of the worst places in the nation for particle pollution. The highest concentrations typically occur in western Riverside County. But the Los Angeles-Long Beach area has more of the tiny particles emitted by vehicle exhaust. Using the region as a laboratory, the EPA established one of five national particle-pollution research centers at UCLA, which produced the latest study. In their study, the team of 10 scientists collected particles in various sizes from air above Claremont and the USC campus near downtown Los Angeles between November 2001 and March 2002. The pollution was concentrated, put into solution and added to two types of cells. One group of cells included macrophages taken from mice. A macrophage is a type of cell that scavenges and destroys foreign matter in the lung and other organs. The other cells were taken from the lining deep inside a human lung. The scientists then measured chemical reactions in the tissues and examined the cells with an electron microscope. The researchers found that when the particles come in contact with the cells, they trigger a reaction that causes inflammation. That may help explain how particle pollution exacerbates asthma, an inflammation of the airways, Nel explained. Deeper inside the cells, researchers found that the one-tenth-of-a-micron particles accumulated inside cell structures called mitochondria. Oblong in shape, mitochondria are the workhorses of cells. They combine sugar and oxygen to produce the fuel that file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102019.htm (2 of 3)10/2/2008 10:32:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 keeps cells running. Schedule 2 Page 956 of 987 The study shows that the pollution damaged the shape of mitochondria, causing them to stop producing the cellular fuel andDocket start 6680-CE-170 producing other chemicals, which lead to more inflammation and cell damage. October 2, 2008 Melanie Marty, chief of air toxicology and epidemiology at the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Kennethsaid the C. Rineer findings highlight the danger of the smallest particles, which have not been the focus of regulations of air pollution. She did not work on the research, but is familiar with the paper. "The mitochondria of a cell is like a cell's battery. Once you damage the mitochondria, you're going to kill the cell," Marty said. "This shows the ultra-fine particles are better at causing damage, and we should be paying more attention to ultra-fine particles because of their toxicity and ability to produce this stress in the cell." The study comes with some limitations. Scientists examined pollutants at just two locations in the Los Angeles region. Particle pollution varies by concentration and type across cities. Also, the pollution that the cells were exposed to in the study is more concentrated than what is typically found in ambient air. The researchers cautioned that their observations come from the laboratory and that more studies are needed to see if similar results occur in people or animals exposed to less-concentrated pollution. Fernando Scaglia, a professor in the department of molecular and human genetics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston who has read the paper, said damage to mitochondria in cells can lead to various diseases, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, as well as strokes and other neurological impairment. Damage to mitochondria, he said, can increase over time as cells divide, leading to a breakdown of cell function and early onset of disease.

Exhibit 2

Exposure To Fine Particle Air Pollution Linked With Risk Of Respiratory And Cardiovascular Diseases Science Daily — Being exposed to fine particle matter air pollution increases a person's risk for hospital admission for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, according to a study in the March 8 issue of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). Numerous studies have shown associations of chronic exposure to airborne particles and increased health risks. Recent evidence on adverse effects of particulate air pollution on public health has motivated the development of more stringent standards for levels of particulate matter in outdoor air in the United States and in other countries, according to background information in the article. In 1997, the standard for airborne particulate matter was revised, maintaining the previous indicator of particulate matter of less than or equal to 10 µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) and creating a new indicator for fine particulate matter of less than or equal to 2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5). Particles in this size range have a much greater probability of reaching the small airways and the alveoli (air sacs) of the lung than do larger particles. Evidence is limited on the health risks of this size range of particulate matter.

Exhibit 3

An article published in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis looks specifically at airborne particulate matter resulting mainly from the combustion of fuel, including coal and also from forest fires. Evidence shows that both short- and long-term exposure to these particulates is associated with death from cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses, and more specifically from myocardial infarction. Additionally, this research, based on a previous study, reveals that those patients with damaged arteries are most at risk to suffer from lung inflammation and fatal blood clots. Each year, 1.1 million people experience myocardial infarction, which results from the obstruction of a diseased coronary artery.

Exhibit 4

WASHINGTON (Reuters): One of the world's top scientists on global warming called for the United States to stop building coal-fired power plants and eventually bulldoze older generators that do not capture and bury greenhouse gases. But 159 coal-fired power plants are scheduled to be built in the next decade or so, generating enough power for about 96 million homes, according to a study last month by the U.S. Department of Energy. Burning coal is one of the major sources of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas causing global warming. In prepared remarks to be delivered at the National Press Club Monday, NASA scientist James Hansen, who has been one of the earliest top researcher to warn the world about global warming, will call for a moratorium on building new coal-fired power plants. Hansen's call dovetails with an edict by the private equity group buying TXU, a massive Texas-based utility. The equity group, led by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Texas Pacific Group, agreed to stop plans to build eight new coal-fired power plants, not to propose new coal-fired plants outside Texas and to support mandatory national caps on emissions linked to global warming. Hansen said all coal-fired power plants that do not capture and bury carbon dioxide "must eventually be bulldozed (before mid- century)." The director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who was speaking as a private citizen, said Congress should adopt these coal cuts and if not "citizens must accomplish this." He said increased efficiency can make up for the cutbacks in coal. Coal provides about half of the United States' electricity, according to the Department of Energy. Hansen's call "ought to be vetted by those who have an understanding of the energy demands placed on the U.S. economy," said National Mining Association spokesman Luke Popovich. "When seen in light of those demands, then statements like that will appear unreasonable to put it charitably."

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rev. David Steffenson, Ph.D.

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:57:49 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Dianne Henke Address: W283N3366 Lakeside Rd. City: Pewaukee State:WI Zip:53072 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262-695-9000

Comment: Dear Policy Maker, It is now time to live in a sustainable relationship with our earth. This will mean living simpler lives so that the earth can recover from our polluting. Please do not add to the problems our environment has by allowing another coal plant to be built. We are a creative species and can find much healthier ways of providing for our energy needs. First of all, we all need to reduce the amount of energy we use and to encourage this we can begin by refusing to build polluting coal plants. Peace.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dianne Henke

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 3:58:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Frank Van den Bosch Address: 1883 County Highway Q City: MONTFORT State:WI Zip:53569 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Commissioners,

Coal fired power plants are a filthy solution to our energy problems. Our air, soil. and water is already contaminated with heavy metals and other carcinogens tied directly to this dirty industry.

Please DENY this application. We can do better.

Thank you, Frank Van den Bosch

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Frank Van den Bosch

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:04:51 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: S. Evan Jones Address: PO Box 41 City: Viola State:WI Zip:54664 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 606-5494

Comment: I believe the Public Service Commission should deny the application made by Alliant Energy to build a coal-fired power plant in Cassville. Allowing this plant to be built is short-sighted, as the consequences of using coal are not worth the benefit. I live in Vernon County, where we are very aware of the problem of getting rid of the toxic ash that coal plants create. Because our area has karst geology, our watershed is vulnerable, and coal ash landfills are too risky. We do not want these landfills here (or anywhere). We must protect our water supply; without safe water our state will suffer. Burning coal also puts our air quality at risk. I don't believe that building this plant will be cheaper in the grand scheme of things; the financial cost will be as great as the environmental cost. The mining and transport of coal in this country contributes to pollution problems and is expensive. Coal fired power plants are not the solution to our need for affordable, safe electricity. I beg you to deny this application and to ask Alliant Energy to find a better solution.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. Evan Jones

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102025.htm10/2/2008 10:32:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 960 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:07:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Russell Novkov Address: 4817 Sheboygan Ave 508# City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-271-8943

Comment: I am opposed to Alliant Energy's building the new coal plant in Cassville, because it will pollute our air.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Russell Novkov

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102027.htm10/2/2008 10:32:01 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 961 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:07:20 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Andy Weidert Address: 126 Buckingham Ln City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (608) 770-8414

Comment: I urge you to deny Alliant Energy's application to construct a coal plant in Cassville or Portage Wisconsin. I am concerned about impacts of climate change in our state, and feel strongly that the over one billion dollars estimated to build this plant could be better invested in renewable energy, efficiency and conservation. This is certainly the wrong time to be building a plant that will emit over 3 million tons of the greenhouse gas pollution, carbon dioxide, into the air. Building this plant will also increase mercury, soot, and smog pollution. Our state already has too many days with air quality advisories.

I am a regular subscriber of organic produce from Harmony Valley Farm in western Wisconsin. With Dairyland Power's toxic coal ash dump that threatens to contaminate prime organic farm land in Vernon County, I am also concerned that a new coal plant will generate hundreds of thousands of pounds of toxic ash that could potentially end up landfilled in this area.

I understand that economic strains have pressured many local citizens to approve this project. However, I think the Public Service Commission should deny this application, in favor of projects that produce green jobs. These positions can not be outsourced, and they offer a stable source of employment for Wisconsin's economic future. Investing in renewable energy will also provide ratepayers with a much more stable source of energy for the future, as the cost of fossil fuels continues to increase.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Andy Weidert

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102028.htm10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 962 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:23:43 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karen Drydyk Address: 147 N. Fraternity Ln. Apt. 9 City: Whitewater State:WI Zip:53197

Comment: I believe that building another coal plant is counterproductive to our goals of clean energy. As a state with a great wealth of preserved forests and beauty... we should progress to better technologies. Please use this money for investing in putting a solar panel on every person's home... or building a wind farm... anything but this.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karen Drydyk

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102034.htm10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 963 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:25:03 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mark Redsten Address: 1022 Shorewood Blvd City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705

Comment: Dear Commissioners,

As the father of two, I think often about how I can make the lives of my children better, and feel it is my role to try to leave this world a better place for them. I work hard every day to do that. My wife and I teach our son and daughter the values of honesty, integrity and hard work, while urging them to make good decisions based on facts and respectfully listening to those with different opinions.

After much hard work and careful consideration of the views of engineers, scientists, politicians and energy experts, it is my opinion that the Cassville power plant under consideration is harmful to both present and future generations. A small group may benefit economically from this proposal, but it will undoubtedly weigh heavily on our children and future generations.

We have so many GOOD energy choices; options that meet our needs AND improve the environment. Specifically, we have good biomass projects. Utilities in our state are proposing 50MW plants that will reduce our reliance on dirty coal and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike Alliant's proposal, these projects will not waste precious biomass resources.

I sincerely hope that you will not allow Alliant to strap future generations with much greater global warming and air pollution, and much higher energy costs. This power plant is not in the best interest of our children, residents of Wisconsin, or the customers of Alliant.

You have so much power to chart a good course. I hope you vote no to the Cassville coal plant.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Redsten

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:25:08 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kristi Hart Address: 5755 West Road City: Potosi State:WI Zip:53820

Comment: I read today that a well-known political figure advised young people that, if they valued their future, they should consider civil disobedience in the case of a coal-fired plant that did not include carbon storage. I agree with him. Our failure to do everything possible to halt global warming is a terrible condemnation of our children and grandchildren. Building coal-fired plants is a part of this failure. It is the wrong thing to do. Change is difficult, but the future environmental disaster we continue to create will be much worse.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kristi Hart

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:52:28 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Mary Pat Hill Address: 4305 Fireclay Court, #36 City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601

Comment: Public Service Commissioners,

I strongly urge you to NOT approve Alliant's planned coal-fired power plant contributing to global warming, producing toxic ash, emitting dangerous mercury and spewing out air pollution.

What Wisconsin and our world needs is for concentrated effort and resources directed towards clean, safe, and affordable alternative energy. Such an investment will pay off in the long run, for those living today and for future generations.

Please vote NO! Thank you.

Mary Pat Hill

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Pat Hill

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102042.htm10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 966 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:54:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Karen Etter Hale - Wisconsin Audubon Council Address: 222 S. Hamilton St., Suite 1 City: Madison State:WI Zip:53703 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608-255-2473

Comment: To: Public Service Commission of Wisconsin

From: Wisconsin Audubon Council

Date: 30 September 2008

Re: Docket # 6680-CE-170

The Wisconsin Audubon Council represents 13 chapters and 10,000 members throughout Wisconsin. Our mission is to promote, foster and encourage the conservation, preservation and study of all wildlife, plants, soil, water, air and other natural resources for the benefit of nature and society.

The Wisconsin Audubon Council asks that the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin reject the proposal by Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WP&L) to build a 300 MW coal-fired power plant (Nelson Dewey 3) at Cassville, Wisconsin, on the Mississippi River. We are concerned about increased emissions that will contribute to global warming; the impact that construction and operation will have on habitat and many species, especially birds, but also rare snails, mussels, and more; the impact of additional transmission lines in a world-class migratory bird flyway; and an increase in air pollution, including mercury.

In a position statement released May 5, 2008, the National Audubon Society stated, "In order to minimize the impact of global warming, Audubon strongly opposes the use of new conventional coal-fired power plants and other coal dependent facilities as well as the use of liquid fuels derived from coal. In addition, Audubon supports reducing global warming pollution and other harmful emissions from existing coal-fired facilities. While promising technologies may one day greatly reduce pollution emissions from coal-fired facilities, these technologies are not currently viable." Audubon goes on to say, "Climate change associated with global warming threatens a large number of the Earth’s bird species by altering the ecological conditions that the birds depend upon" and that "Globally, coal-fired power is responsible for 40 percent of all warming emissions related to energy production. In the United States, file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102043.htm (1 of 3)10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 coal-fired power emits nearly one-third of all U.S. CO2 emissions. Within the U.Schedule 2 Page 967 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 S. electricity sector, coal-fired power plants are responsible for an October 2, 2008 overwhelming 82 percent of all CO2 emissions. " Kenneth C. Rineer

Air emissions from WP&L's proposed coal plant will contribute to global warming, which has serious implications for birds and all wildlife. Northern areas are becoming warmer, with potentially detrimental changes to important wildlife habitat. More than 3 million tons of global warming pollution is expected to be emitted every year for the 50-year lifespan of the plant, which will only exacerbate the effects of climate change and make it difficult for Wisconsin to meet its global warming reduction goals. In contrast, two other Wisconsin utilities, Xcel Energy and Madison Gas and Electric, have plans to decrease CO2 emissions 22% from 2005 levels by 2020 and 8% from 2005 to 2015, respectively. This plant, even at the unsubstantiated 20% biomass advertised by Alliant, would still have higher global warming emissions per unit of energy than other, more efficient coal plants in the state burning 100% coal. Another, and better, strategy would be to invest in energy efficiency and conservation, which could eliminate the growth in energy demand.

Construction of this plant and related roads, barge facilities, and other infrastructure would fragment and decrease the amount of floodplain forest – habitat that is important for many state special concern bird species and at least one threatened species. This incremental loss of habitat is not insignificant, but cumulative, and can contribute to declining numbers of many bird species such as the Prothonotary Warbler, a bird of the floodplain forest. Six of the 54 species found during the breeding season - in a single, limited survey done by WP&L - are not protected under the federal or state endangered species laws, but could become candidates for listing because of declining numbers, if conservation actions are not taken.

Of particular concern is the loss of habitat for the Bald Eagle, which was delisted from the federal threatened and endangered species list, but which is still protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act and remains a Wisconsin special concern species. This section of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is especially important for wintering eagles. Total counts ranged from 20 to 132 eagles during the survey period (in a different survey, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reported that 481 eagles have been sighted in the surrounding area). Most of the 20 to 132 eagles were perched in trees along the Wisconsin side of the river from the WP&L boat ramp south to Cassville. According to the FEIS, the winter eagle roost here would be destroyed, at a time when preventing the loss of wintering habitat through shoreline development in the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers is important in sustaining healthy eagle populations. In addition to wintering eagles, there are at least two active Bald Eagle nests within 1 mile from the proposed plant.

Red-shouldered Hawks also nest in the area and could be impacted during construction of the expanded railway. Construction of the new coal barge facility for the plant would destroy habitat and take federally-listed endangered mussels. And road construction would more than likely impact rare snails that inhabit the bluffs. It should also be mentioned that wetlands along the Mississippi River are under consideration for designation as a RAMSAR site or Wetland of International Importance.

Another concern is the plan to build a transmission line, especially if it's to be built on the bluff. New (and existing) transmission lines create an obstacle for migratory birds along this migratory flyway corridor, which is one of the most important in North America. Transmission lines can also be a hazard to local birds, including eagles, that move back and forth between the uplands and floodplain. The proposal to install diverters to help prevent collisions is of limited help as most bird migration takes place at night when the diverters

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102043.htm (2 of 3)10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 would be difficult to detect. Schedule 2 Page 968 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Beyond impacts from on-site and related construction, the proposed plant will Kenneth C. Rineer continue to harm bird populations through its air emissions. The burning of coal releases hazardous air pollutants that are harmful to wildlife. Mercury, for example, causes reproductive problems for fish-eating birds such as eagles and Great Blue Herons.

The Wisconsin Audubon Council asks that the Public Service Commission carefully consider the effects that construction of the 300 MW coal-fired power plant (Nelson Dewey 3) at Cassville would have on the natural habitat and wildlife in the vitally important Mississippi River corridor. This coal plant would contribute to global warming, fragment and decrease wildlife habitat through its construction and operation, impact migratory and local birds with the construction of new transmission lines, and diminish air quality – harming wildlife for generations to come.


Karen Etter Hale 2nd Vice President Wisconsin Audubon Council 222 S. Hamilton St., Suite 1 Madison, WI 53703

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Karen Etter Hale - Wisconsin Audubon Council

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 4:57:57 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Leah Hart Address: 409 Palomino Ln, Apt 1S City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705

Comment: Dear PSC,

I grew up in Potosi, WI. I attended college at UW-Madison. I graduated in 2005 with a degree in Spanish and environmental studies. I had several courses regarding energy use and its affect on the environment while I was a student. Even if one does not consider oneself an "environmentalist", it is hard to argue that negative impact on the environment does not involve adverse impact on humans, as well.

I am writing to express my discontent with the plans to build a coal-powered plant in Casseville, WI. It would be a costly (both monetarily and environmentally) endeavor, neither of which we can afford at this particular time, with the state of the economy and rising concern for climate change.

I hope the public's dissent will be duly noted and considered.

Thank you.

Leah Hart

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Leah Hart

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102044.htm10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 970 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 5:12:52 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Breanna Hanson Address: 2910 McKinley Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53705 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: I strongly oppose the building of a new coal plant in Cassville, WI. As a resident of Dane County living with asthma, I am against the pollution such a facility would impose on me and others.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Breanna Hanson

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 5:23:13 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Rachel Hart-Brinson Address: 3414 Dawes ST City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714

Comment: I grew up in Potosi, Wisconsin so even though I now live in Madison, I feel I have even more interest than the average citizen who would write a comment about the proposed coal fired plant in Cassville, WI. I am saddened by the proposal for a coal fired plant. We know that coal emits CO2 and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. We know that the current administration spent considerable energy discrediting scientists who warned that global warming is real and is caused by humans--in part, coal fired power plants. Any creditable scientist would tell you that global warming is real. There are a few who still say that it might not be caused by humans, but the vast majority of science points to the fact that CO2 in the air increases the effects of global warming. As a part of the state that saw unprecedented flooding this spring, I don't think we can deny that global warming is affecting the land around Cassville.

While it is true that we have a need for electricity, it is also true that more and more technologies are being developed to reduce the amount of CO2 spewed into the atmosphere. In fact, I just heard of a plant up north that is converting from coal to biomass fuels. I don't understand why we are proposing a plant that will burn a fuel we know to be extremely detrimental to the environment. I know it's probably related to the amount of money the initial plant will cost. Unfortunately, we cannot continue to think short term. We need to consider the long term implications of a new coal powered plant.

Please reconsider building a new coal powered plant in Cassville. We need to build something for the future, not be stuck with the technologies of the past.

Best regards, Rachel Hart Brinson

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rachel Hart-Brinson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102046.htm10/2/2008 10:32:02 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 972 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 5:46:56 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Alexandra Wardwell Address: 2139 Park Ave. City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Hello,

I would just like to state my ardent opposition to this proposed Coal-Fired Power Plant. I am a student at UW-La Crosse and I would hate to see this happen to this pristine area. Simply, these plants are not good for the environment or people who are near who have to breathe the air. I believe that this plant is unnecessary and would harm more then it would do good. I am a tax payer as well as a voter.

Thank you for considering my opinion,

Alexandra Wardwell

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Alexandra Wardwell

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 6:03:10 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: David Fallow Address: 102 Leon Street City: Madison State:WI Zip:53714


I oppose this application. Given concerns over global warming/climate change, it is irresponsible to construct new coal-fired powerplants.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. David Fallow

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 6:11:07 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tony "T.J." Morice Address: 2200 Lupine Road City: Wausau State:WI Zip:54401 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: As a player in the biomass market in the Midwest for the last decade in the thermal energy industry for space heating with wood pellet fuels, I realize the challenges of logistics, supply chain commitment and difficulty in explaining the benefits of renewable, sustainable fuels that at times conflict with economics. Therefore, WPL’s commitment to converting biomass to power is admirable. There are many skeptics but we are at a pivotal time in America, and although I'm not a proponent of biomass soley for electric or liquid fuel generation since thermal heat is more efficient, biomass electric such as the Cassville is going to be part of the solution in our energy puzzle for the future. The challenge and opportunity is to use this project as catalyst to create a model for the next step in large, stable and transparent markets for biomass from renewable energy sources managed in our fields and forests. Nelson Dewey will create a large, stable and financially sound demand for producers of biomass to target, grow and learn that will be an example for the rest of the country and establish long term jobs and markets for the benefit of Wisconsin.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tony "T.J." Morice

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 6:13:15 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Gregory J. Furtman Address: 27426 County Rd H City: Webster State:WI Zip:54893 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 715-635-7928

Comment: I write this to you in firm opposition to the Nelson Dewey Generation Station for the following reasons.

1. With global warming and climate change occuring we don't need any more coal plants adding to this serious problem.

2. This plant will produce huge amounts of toxic ash, more than other coal fired plants. And there is no environmentally safe plan for dealing with all this ash.

3. Because of it's huge cost it will increase electrical costs to consumers.

4. This plant will release large amounts of toxic mercury to our air & water, contaminating our lakes and streams and the fish in them making these fish unsafe to eat.

5. Coal fired plants also release large amounts of radioactivity that poison the environment. Recent data shows that coal fired plants are one of the largest sources of radioactivity in our country.

For the above reasons I oppose this plant. The amount of money it would cost could pay for quite a few large scale wind generators. It is time to start dealing with our energy needs with technologies that do not damage and pollute our air, land, and water.

Thank you.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Gregory J. Furtman

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Submitted: 9/30/2008 6:16:12 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Tom Wilson Address: Ste 201 500 East Jefferson St City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 608 637-3356


Northern Thunder 405 S. Farwell Street, Suite 23 Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-833-1140

Testimony before the Public Service Commission regarding Alliant Energy's proposed 300 megawatt coal-burning power plant in Cassville Wisconsin September 30, 2008 For Northern Thunder Tom Wilson Suite 201 Landmark Center 500 Jefferson Street Viroqua, WI 54665 608 637-3356 [email protected]

I am here speaking for Northern Thunder, a grass roots environmental and social justice organization formed in 1970. For nearly 40 years, Northern Thunder has stood for clean environment and sound energy policy in western Wisconsin. Recently, the media has been inundating us with dire predictions from the utility industry, describing rapidly increasing demand and insufficient capacity to meet this demand. The industry raised the same specter in the early eighties, in part to manipulate the licensing of several new nuclear power plants. One of Northern Thunder’s first major contributions, accomplished with several allies, was the cancellation of the Tyrone Nuclear Power Plant, proposed for siting on the Chippewa River. The ill-planned project was scrapped when NSP (now Xcel Energy) failed to demonstrate the project’s necessity; it could not be supported by the needs of Wisconsin’s electric consumers. Now this stretch of the Chippewa provides a much-used bike trail, a designated wildlife corridor and a popular canoe route. History has also

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102052.htm (1 of 4)10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 proven our case with regard to energy policy: least-cost planning and Schedule 2 Page 977 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 moderate application of efficiency technologies superceded the demand for October 2, 2008 new power generation. And importantly, we were spared the economic burdens Kenneth C. Rineer which come with overcapacity—conditions that so heavily taxed the ratepayers in Illinois, the Northeast and elsewhere that bought heavily into the promise of nuclear power generation.

Reduced demand in Wisconsin did not occur by accident. Concurrently with the cancellation of Tyrone, those who regulate Wisconsin’s utility industry pursued a thoughtful review of our overall energy policy. The Badger Safe Energy Alliance, now merged with Northern Thunder, had the foresight to invite the widely respected Amory B. Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute to address the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC). Least-Cost Electricity Strategies for Wisconsin, Practical Opportunities to Save Over a Billion Dollars a Year [ Lovins, Amory B. Least-Cost Electricity Strategies for Wisconsin, Practical Opportunities to Save Over a Billion Dollars a Year, sponsored by the Badger Safe Energy Alliance, Sept 24, 1984] proved to be the seminal document which governed our state’s energy regulatory strategy for the next 10 or 12 years. This policy demanded not only reliability and environmental prudence, but also that the choice among alternatives for any major utility project was to be predicated on the least-cost option for meeting our State’s energy needs—from the perspective of the ratepayer and the Wisconsin economy as a whole.

The net result of this enlightened policy was an extended period of • high levels of economic growth in the state • no new demands for additional generation or distribution capacity • unprecedented return on investment for the utility industry • unmatched reliability of the system • minimal degradation of the environment from our choices, and • virtually level energy prices for consumers—even without adjusting for inflation.

We have fallen a long way since then. There is not time her to go into all the details, but it is clear that Wisconsin’s experience with radical utility deregulation has been a gross failure. Utilities are stumbling all over themselves to build new generation facilities or build new pipelines or transmission systems. The crudely designed Public Benefits Program—Focus on Energy has been mismanaged to a degree that neither the utilities nor the State Government is even measuring realized energy savings but is, rather, relying on flawed and unproven computer modeling programs to determine the success or failure of the system.

And perhaps the worst of all, some legislators, regulators and industry lobbying groups are telling us either because of or despite the irrefutable threat of global climate change, we need to abandon our state’s nuclear moratorium AND build new polluting coal-burning power plants.

Back in 2006 we were forced to squelch the 2005 Assembly Bill 1053 relating to the removal of existing statutory protections required for approval of the construction of new nuclear power plants in Wisconsin. According to the Legislative Reference Bureau, existing legislation mandates that the Public Service Commission (PSC) may not approve the construction of a new nuclear power plant unless the PSC makes two findings.

1. that a facility inside or outside the United States is available for adequate disposal of all high-level nuclear waste from all nuclear power plants operating in this state, including the proposed plant.

2. that the proposed plant, in comparison with feasible alternatives, is economically advantageous to ratepayers.

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102052.htm (2 of 4)10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 To the ordinary citizen, this makes perfect sense Yet, the proponents of this Schedule 2 Page 978 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 amendment claimed they were just “leveling the playing field” to make nuclear October 2, 2008 compete under the same standards as any other energy source in Wisconsin. Kenneth C. Rineer Although we vehemently disagreed with the actual legislation, we are whole- heartedly in support of their goal: the level the playing field;

We must make the same demands on any proposed power plant:

1. There must be a facility for adequate disposal of all high-level wastes

2. The proposed plant, in comparison with feasible alternatives, must be economically advantageous to ratepayers.

There is no doubt that the proposed Cassville coal plant fails on both counts. Coal is a dieing technology. The impacts on our global climate are far too great to allow their continued operation for any reasonable length of time. The State has declared it is phasing out existing coal plants and the Federal Government will undoubtedly place far greater environmental restrictions on their operation. Given these unknowns, how could Alliant Energy even consider building a new plant? How can they justifying investing ratepayer’s money of a multi-million dollar technology that is being phased out elsewhere.

Those of us living in Vernon County are particularly concerned with the hazardous waste component of this plant. We are presently being threatened by the Dairyland Power Cooperative that is being forced to upgrade one of its multi-fuel/coal power plants to meet EPA air quality guidelines. Like Alliant Energy, Dairyland likes the freedom of burning both cheap high sulfur coal from Illinois and the less-polluting, but more expensive low sulfur coal from Wyoming. To burn the cheaper coal, however, more stringent air quality scrubbing technology must be used and the resulting fly ash, so we are told by Dairyland, is too toxic to be recycled and must be landfilled somewhere within our county despite the highly vulnerable karst geology of our area. Beyond the loss of farmland and threats to our ground and surface waters, the incontrovertible epidemiological evidence of health threats to those along the trucking routes and near such fly ash dumps makes this an unacceptable alternative for Dairyland’s waste.

Given the geographical proximity of the proposed Cassville plant to our community and the lack of assurance from Dairyland that their proposed dump would be restricted to their own waste material, we were naturally curious as to Alliant’s intentions on these matters.

On Wednesday, September 24, 2008, this issue was discussed on Larry Meiller’s show on Wisconsin Public Radio with guests Barbara Swan, President of Alliant Energy's Wisconsin Power and Light Company and Peter Taglia of Clean Wisconsin. I called in to the show and specifically asked Ms Swan two questions:

1) Do they plan on burning high sulfur coal from Illinois or low sulfur coal from out west? and 2) Where do they plan on landfilling their fly ash?

She ducked both questions talking mostly about cleaning up the air and biofuels and not recognizing that they are likely to have to landfill fly ash from high sulfur coal. Fortunately, Mr. Taglia caught her on these attempts at obfuscation and highlighted her attempt at whitewashing this critical concern. The implication is, however, that Alliant Energy is either being deceptive about specifics of their proposed project or they simply have not done the research to answer these most basic requirements for a new massive investment.

Fortunately the Public Service Commission has the authority to demand from

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102052.htm (3 of 4)10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Alliant the answers to these most basic questions: Schedule 2 Page 979 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 1. Is there a facility for adequate disposal of all high-level wastes? Kenneth C. Rineer

2. Is proposed plant, in comparison with feasible alternatives, economically advantageous to ratepayers?

Don’t let Alliant duck these questions again. If their proposal does not meet these most basic requirements, it is your duty to deny this permit.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Tom Wilson

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102052.htm (4 of 4)10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 980 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 6:26:25 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: kathy doerfer Address: 535 e. south st. City: viroqua State:wi Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: do not approve the permit that will allow alliant energy to construct a new coal- fired electric power plant for the following reasons... the plant will: Emit nearly 3 million tons of global warming pollution annually – that’s the equivalent of adding nearly 650,000 cars to Wisconsin’s roads. Produce more global warming pollution than coal plants built in Wisconsin 40 years ago! Create 2 – 9 times more toxic ash than other coal plants. The ash will not be able to be recycled or reused in a beneficial way. Alliant examined Vernon County as a potential site to store their waste ash. Raise electricity bills for Wisconsin energy users 5 – 6 % a year for the foreseeable future. Cost over 1.2 BILLION dollars Make it extremely difficult for Wisconsin to meet federal air quality standards, making it difficult for children, the elderly and asthmatics to breath. Contaminate our lakes, rivers and streams with mercury pollution that makes fish from our waters unsafe to eat. Prevent us from reaching our goals to reduce global warming pollution 80% by 2050

please deny the permit. kathy doerfer

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. kathy doerfer

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102056.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 981 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 6:52:00 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Laura Coglan Address: 18284 Doyle Road City: Blue River State:WI Zip:53518

Comment: Dear Public Service Commissioners:

Please reject the application for the coal-fired plant in Cassville. Please don't allow this plant to deteriorate Wisconsin's air and water quality, and our quality of life. The short-term gain for a handful of people to the detriment of an entire generation of millions of people and our beautiful land is stunningly short- sighted.

In a few years as this country transitions away from fossil fueled plants, the people of Wisconsin and Cassville will be grateful they are not burdoned with an expensive white elephant.

Thank you

Laura Coglan

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Laura Coglan

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102057.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 982 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 10/1/2008 12:14:52 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kevin Fanshaw Address: 1622 Pine Street City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601

Comment: I understand the apparent need for a plant like this, but if we are thinking of the future instead of just ourselves, the thought of it is foolish. In an age that is fighting to make up for it's past environmental mistakes in order to look out for our future and that of our children, is it really worth it to fight against a mindset that is clearly looking out for the better of us all? Does it make sense to build a plant that emits almost the equivalent to 650,000 more cars on the roads? Does it make sense to build a something that upholds all of the ideals that our society is hoping to abolish as soon as possible? I am not normally a very vocal person about issues around me, but I could not understand why someone would choose to be the bad guy in such an important fight. It will obviously be necessary to make big sacrifices to make big changes; somebody has to do them. It is the mindset that this plant is proposed with that will ultimately be our downfall; no one is willing to make the sacrifices. I truly hope you hear me and do not allow this plant to be built.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kevin Fanshaw

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102058.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 983 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 10/1/2008 6:54:49 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Margaret Hall Address: S3947 CTY RD S City: Viroqua State:WI Zip:54665 E-mail: [email protected]

Comment: Our kids need to breathe clean air, more than we need to produce more energy.


Our waters need to be protected so we may drink, not poison the water with your wastes.


Our fish need to stay healthy so we may eat them. They provide us with a sustainable food source.


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Margaret Hall

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102059.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 984 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 10/1/2008 9:36:10 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Lyrea Crawford Address: 18918 County Highway D City: Hillsboro State:WI Zip:54634

Comment: I urge you to provide us with clean, safe and renewable energy. The proposed coal-fired power plant, with its multi-faceted and devasting effects on the environment should not be built. Our soil, air and water are precious resources, and this plant is poised to further contaminate them all. The construction of this plant ultimately has a negative effect on the health and well-being of every person and animal in our area and the world. Please take the time to find other clean options. Coal and nuclear fuels are not clean, safe and renewable!

If you will not listen to me or other adults on this, perhaps you would like to hear what one teen-ager recently told the UN. She noted that we don't really know how to fix the mess we continue to create, and urged us to "quit breaking what you can't fix." It's a very remarkable speech, which you can view at

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Lyrea Crawford

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102068.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 985 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 10/1/2008 9:49:22 AM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: don warnke Address: 224 n vann ness st City: west salem State:WI Zip:54669


I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. don warnke

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102071.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 986 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 7:01:40 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Julie Cuccia-Watts Address: P.O.Box 555 City: Watertown State:WI Zip:53094-0555

Comment: Because Wisconsin doesn't need this:

3 million tons of global warming pollution annually - that's the equivalent of adding nearly 650,000 cars to Wisconsin's roads. To produce more global warming pollution than coal plants built in Wisconsin 40 years ago! 2 - 9 times more toxic ash than other coal plants. The ash will not be able to be recycled or reused in a beneficial way. Alliant examined Vernon County as a potential site to store their waste ash. Higher electricity bills for Wisconsin energy users 5 - 6 % a year for the foreseeable future. To pay over 1.2 BILLION dollars To make it more difficult for Wisconsin to meet federal air quality standards, making it difficult for children, the elderly and asthmatics to breath. To contaminate our lakes, rivers and streams with mercury pollution that makes fish from our waters unsafe to eat. To impede our goals to reduce global warming pollution 80% by 2050

Do not constrict th Nelson Dewey Generating Station!!!

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Julie Cuccia-Watts

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102091.htm10/2/2008 10:32:03 AM ERF - Public Comments Delayed Exhibit 175 Schedule 2 Page 987 of 987 Docket 6680-CE-170 October 2, 2008 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Kenneth C. Rineer

Submitted: 9/30/2008 8:02:29 PM


Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company, d/ b/a Alliant Energy, for Authority to Construct a New Coal-Fired Electric Generation Unit Known as the 6680-CE-170 Nelson Dewey Generating Station in Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin

Commentor Information: Name: Kara Leffelman Address: 1316 State Street City: La Crosse State:WI Zip:54601 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 262 705 1808

Comment: Alliant Energy's coal plant proposal in Cassville Wisconsin is one of the worst proposals I've ever heard. Not only is this plant going to cost over 1.2 Billion Dollars there is even a bigger cost to the environment. The main fact is that this coal plant is estimated to emit nearly 3 million tons of global warming pollution annually. That is like adding 650,000 cars to our (Wisconsin alone!) roads. To me that is the most outrageous idea ever. This plant cannot be built. We need to start moving towards a more sustainable future and by building this plant we are doing the exact opposite. We must think about every action we take and taking a step forward with this coal plant is a action in the wrong direction. Please think about what you are actually doing.

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kara Leffelman

file:///C|/6680-CE-170/102092.htm10/2/2008 10:32:04 AM