MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY NAVY SYSTEM UPGRADES WASTEWATER PUMPING SYSTEMS BOCA CHICA KEY, SIGSBEE PARK, AND FLEMING KEY FKAA PROJECT # 4072-17 Date: April 26th, 2018 1. DATES, CONTRACT DURATION AND COMPLETION Bid Opening: May 4th, 2018, 2:00 pm Board Award: May 23th, 2018 NTP: July 2018 Contract Duration: 150 Calendar Days: Substantial Completion 180 Calendar Days: Final Completion 2. PROJECT PRINCIPAL PERSONNEL Project Manager: Justin Dacey
[email protected] Office: (305) 295-2151 Cell: (305) 240-3693 Construction Manager: Bubba Osterhoudt
[email protected] Office: (305) 809-2560 Cell: (305) 797-8240 Contract Field Representative: To be determined Mech. Supervisor Wastewater: Michael Pullis
[email protected] Office: (305) 809-2628 Cell: (305) 395-8292 3. SUMMARY OF WORK The location of the work is on various U.S. Navy properties on Boca Chica Key, Sigsbee Park, and Fleming Key in Monroe County, Florida. 1 | Page The work for this project consists of replacement of discharge piping, valves, and fittings as well as pipe supports, pump railing and chains, and pump base plates at four sewer lift stations with High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe and in-kind equipment, except where different specifications are provided by FKAA. The end of the replacement work will occur at the first appurtenance or fitting outside the discharge side of the lift station valve pits or after the bypass pumping tie-in point, whichever is the farthest downstream. The four lift stations are referred to as A-647 (Boca Chica Key), A-939 (Boca Chica Key), V-4155 (Sigsbee Park), and K-100 (Fleming Key).